#feminine mindset
feminineenergylife · 4 months
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janedelrey11 · 1 year
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succulentsiren · 5 months
Things women should never feel ashamed of:
• Orgasms
• Receiving money
• Receiving compliments
• Pretty privilege
• Being smart
• Dressing up
• Menstrual cycles
• Emotions and being sensitive
• Expressing our sexuality
• Resting and relaxation
• Asserting our sexual needs
• Maintaining our standards
• Saying No
• Wanting or having children
• Choosing to be childfree
• Our body count
• Our nude body
• Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup
• Having boundaries and protecting ourselves
• Our spiritual practices
• Using witchcraft
• Being ambitious
• Going to college
• Being a housewife or stay at home mom
• Loving who and what we love
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lasaidso · 7 months
I NEED women to get comfortable telling folks “You’re not doing enough for me” and “I need more than what you’re capable or willing to provide.” I need my ladies to say it, mean it, and STAND on it, because that’s where your best life and best LOVE resides. It’s not selfish, it’s self preservation. Too many times, people come into our lives, leave with more than what they had, when they came, and we are left depleted and broken when they’re gone.
Dead it. ♥️
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foreverrryourssss · 7 months
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becomingthatgirl111 · 8 months
what to invest in to look and feel good this 2024
nutritionist or books on healthy and balanced nutrition
dental treatments
endocrinologist, if you need to know and take care of the functioning of your hormones
treatments for the care of your skin and hair, such as hairdressing, good products for hair and face, facial cleansing, treatments that your skin needs, go to a dermatologist if you need it, know what type of skin you have and know what are the right products to take care of it.
gym, a sports activity or time to do some exercise on your own, such as training at home. this not only helps your body look good, but also improves your physical and mental health.
psychological therapy, there are still people who believe that the psychologist is only necessary for people with serious problems, but that is not so, a therapist can guide us and help us to improve in the areas of our life that we want.
energy therapies, which would be complementary to psychological therapy, such as reiki, energy cleansing, access bars, among others.
quality time with yourself, do the things you enjoy, your hobbies and also time with people who make you feel good and from whom you can both enrich each other.
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and if you have more ideas about this, share them in the comments, it can be of great help to other people ✨
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victori4nflower · 10 months
Reminder that whatever is stressing your mind right now you're gonna find a solution. You always did, you succeed in the past and you're gonna do it again and again and again. You're the living testimony of how resilience and strength looks like, I'm proud of you!
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"How to Life" Masterlist
Cleaning and Tidying
Make your bed in the morning. It takes seconds, and it's worth it.
Reset to zero each morning.
Use the UFYH 20/10 system for clearing your shit.
Have a 'drop-zone' box where you dump anything and everything. At the beginning/end of the day, clear it out and put that shit away.
Automate your chores. Have a cleaning schedule and assign 15mins daily to do whatever cleaning tasks are set for that day. Set a timer and do it once the timer is up, finish the task you're on and leave it for the day.
Fold your clothes straight out of the tumble dryer (if you use one), whilst they're still warm. This minimises creases and eliminates the need for ironing.
Clean your footwear regularly and you'll feel like a champ.
Organisation and Productivity
Learn from Eisenhower's Importance/Urgency matrix.
Try out the two-minute rule and the Pomodoro technique.
Use. A. Planner. (Or Google Calendar, if that's more your thing.)
Try bullet journalling.
Keep a notebook/journal/commonplace book to dump your brain contents in on the regular.
Set morning alarms at two-minute intervals rather than five, and stick your alarm on the other side of the room. It's brutal, but it works.
Set three main goals each day, with one of them being your #1 priority. Don't overload your to-do list or you'll hit overload paralysis and procrastinate.
If you're in a slump, however, don't be afraid to put things like "shower" on your to do list - that may be a big enough goal in itself, and that's okay.
Have a physical inbox - a tray, a folder, whatever. If you get a piece of paper, stick it in there and sort through it at the end of the week.
Consider utilising the GTD System, or a variation of it.
Try timeboxing.
Have a morning routine, and guard that quiet time ferociously.
Have a folder for all your important documents and letters, organised by topic (e.g. medical, bank, university, work, identification). At the front of this folder, have a sheet of paper with all the key information written on it, such as your GP's details, your passport details, driving licence details, bank account number, insurance number(s), and so on.
Schedule working time and down time alike, in the balance that works for you.
Have. A. God. Damn. Budget.
Use a money tracker like toshl, mint, or splitwise. Enter all expenses asap! (You will forget, otherwise.)
Have a 'money date' each week, where you sort through your finances from the past seven days and then add it to a spreadsheet. This will help you identify your spending patterns and whether your budget is actually working or not.
Pack your own frickin' lunch like a grown-up and stop buying so many takeaway coffees. Keep snacks in your bag.
Food and Cooking
Know how to cook the basics: a starch, a protein, a vegetable, and a sauce.
Simple, one-pot meals ("a grain, a green, and a bean") are a godsend.
Batch cook and freeze. Make your own 'microwave meals'.
Buy dried goods to save money - rice and beans are a pittance.
Consider Meatless Mondays; it's healthier, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly.
Learn which fruits and vegetables are cheapest at your store, and build a standard weekly menu around those. (Also remember that frozen vegetables are cheap and healthy.)
Learn seasoning combinations. Different seasoning, even with the exact same ingredients, can make a dish seem completely new.
Have a stock email-writing format.
Want to start running, but find it boring? Try Zombies, Run!.
Keep a goddamn first aid kit and learn how to use it.
Update your CV regularly.
Keep a selection of stamps and standard envelopes for unexpected posting needs. (It happens more regularly than you would think!)
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bloomzone · 2 months
self care is . . .
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Reading a book: Engaging with literature to relax, learn, and escape from daily stress.
Meditation: Practicing mindfulness to calm the mind and reduce stress.
Eating a balanced diet: Consuming a variety of nutrients to maintain overall health.
Exercising regularly: Keeping the body active to improve physical and mental health.
Getting enough sleep: Ensuring sufficient rest to allow the body to recover and function optimally.
Listening to music: Enjoying music to boost mood and reduce anxiety.
Stress management: Implementing techniques to control and reduce stress levels.
Setting boundaries: Establishing limits to protect personal time and energy.
Being creative: Engaging in creative activities to express oneself and relax.
Time management: Organizing time effectively to balance responsibilities and leisure.
Taking regular breaks: Resting periodically to maintain productivity and prevent burnout.
Stretching: Keeping the body flexible and reducing muscle tension.
Practicing gratitude: Focusing on positive aspects of life to boost happiness.
Looking after your skin: Maintaining skincare routines to promote skin health.
Effective communication: Clearly expressing thoughts and feelings to foster healthy relationships.
Saying no: Declining unnecessary obligations to prioritize personal well-being.
Challenging your mind: Engaging in activities that stimulate cognitive growth and learning.
Learning new things: Continuously seeking knowledge to enhance personal development.
Regular medical checkups: Attending routine health screenings to prevent and detect illnesses early.
Hanging out with friends: Socializing to build strong support networks and enjoy companionship.
Spending time with family: Connecting with loved ones to strengthen family bonds.
Me time: Dedicating time solely to oneself for relaxation and self-reflection.
Self-reflection: Evaluating personal thoughts, actions, and experiences to gain insight.
Asking for help: Seeking support when needed to manage challenges effectively.
Setting goals: Defining personal objectives to provide direction and motivation.
Developing healthy habits: Establishing routines that promote long-term well-being.
Using your voice: Speaking up for oneself to ensure needs and desires are met.
© bloomzone
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theereina · 4 months
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chichiscloset · 7 months
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She’s a lady
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succulentsiren · 4 months
Get over the fear of being seen.
Stop caring about how you’re gonna be perceived. Stop doubting yourself. Stop aiming to be perfect. Stop ruminating.
Accept who you are. Hype yourself. Invest in yourself. Be audacious. Trust in the greater outcome. Allow yourself to be seen as you are.
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fr0gc4t · 1 year
she’s an angel. she’s clean and she smells good. she always dresses cute and her lips r always glossy. she radiates angelic energy and attracts only lovely things. she has long, pampering morning and night routines. she works out everyday, eats healthy, and always makes sure she gets enough sleep. she does her skincare every morning and night. she’s sweet and charming and shows respect to everyone, while at the same time only allowing a sacred few to bask in her heavenly vibes. she is witty and intellectual, and always learning. she sees the good in everything. she stands up for what she believes in. her number one goal is to become the best version of herself. and of course, she knows that she is destined for happiness and success. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
pretty and well educated⋆.ೃ࿔*:・📄
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its important that even if ur not going to school currently to continue learning and educating urself about the world in which u live. think of ur brain like a muscle that needs to be exercised everyday. or a plant that needs to be watered daily.
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read subreddits and newspaper articles in ur target language everyday. that way u can learn about news in different countries while also practicing ur target language.
specifically nonfiction but nonfiction doesn't always have to be boring. read entertaining nonfiction. some fun topics to research books for include
stock market and economics
industry of ur choice (i like fashion)
whatever ur curious about, RESEARCH. thats the funnest way to learn in my opinion. make a list of things that u are curious about or find interesting and when u have the time research them and educate urself about them.
write down what piques ur interest
daily mind stimulation is good for ur well being in general. read books fictional or nonfictional, do some writing, do word searches and puzzles etc. for funsies and to keep ur mind sharp.
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