#jack x raven
smolandweirdwriter · 1 year
‘He loves me!’
oh honey that’s great. but would he live in a castle or the trees? would it not matter, as long as you’re with him? are you his home??. 😭
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doyelikehaggis · 1 year
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Paper Rowboats: Jack x Raven Holloway (Lies Like Poison by Chelsea Pitcher)
"I need you now. But, Raven?" A pause, as Jack's gaze evaded his. "Did it change anything, what I told you? Did it make you love me less?"
Raven leaned in, brushing his lips across Jack's forehead. His nose. His chin. Before his lips found Jack's, and he lost himself in a kiss that he would remember for the rest of his life, he whispered into Jack's mouth, "More."
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bones4thecats · 6 months
When Their S/O Meets Their Sibling(s)
Type of Writing: Random Idea Name: When Their S/O Meets Their Sibling(s) Characters: Trey Clover, Jack Howl, Jamil Viper, and Rook Hunt Idea-Giver: Random Ideas
A/N: I named Rook's siblings after the pieces of a chess-game as a headcanon! (btw they’re french names)
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🧁 Trey loves his family so much, and he really wanted you to love them just as much as he did, as they’re basically his whole world
🧁 So, when he received a message from his mother stating that they would be dropping by for a couple days for a small break from the family business, much to both his joy and nervousness
🧁 He was nervous that maybe his family wouldn’t like you or you wouldn’t like his family. And if it was the latter, he really didn’t want to break your heart…
🧁 You stood beside him outside of Heartslabyul as he put his phone away, he had read a message from his father saying they had just arrived and were coming to his dorm
🧁 Gripping his hand tightly, your smile made him sigh and kiss the hand holding his with such care and devotion. You really were perfect. How could they not like you?
🧁 As he spoke to his parents as you played with his younger siblings, his sister smiling as you gave her a small rose-spun flower crown as his brother messed around with a little set of toy vehicles you had gotten for Grim to mess with while Yuu busied himself
" I must admit, Trey. I’m surprised how amazing your S/O is handling those two. " " I agree with your mother. They seem so… content with them around. Unlike their last babysitter. I’ve never seen someone so happy to leave. "
🧁 Trey stared at you with his parents and smiled gently, he even had to admit, it was surprising how good you were holding them together. Normally the person watching them would be on the couch rethinking their life-choices, but not you…
🧁 And before his family left after the two days of vacation with their son, hearing his siblings ramble about how amazing you were as they held tiny gifts you had made them, he knew you were the one
🧁 He can’t wait to see your reaction after graduation day
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🐺 He really wanted you to meet his family. To a beastman of his kind, family is everything. They raised you and gave you a chance at life for crying out loud!
🐺 His family and his are very close, and that is shown multiple times throughout your relationship. The way he would smile gently when looking at the photos on his camera roll that contained his grandparents, parents, and younger siblings made your heart swoon
🐺 Because of how close he was with you and how close he was with his family, he was very happy when the ‘Family Day’ was announced to happen
🐺 He immediately had sent an email to his parents with the note that he wanted them to meet you, who was his new S/O, and hopefully his only one
🐺 When they had arrived, their tails all wagged as they hugged, you just smiled as your family walked away to speak to another one of your close friend’s parents, who were visiting him for the next few days to help with P.E. classes while Vargas was away
🐺 His siblings had gotten bored and pulled you away from their older family members, asking you if you had anything fun to do, much to your enjoyment
" Y/N! Lookie what I made! It’s a drawing of you, grandma, grandpa, papa, mama, and big brother! " " Oh, that looks so cute, sweetie. "
🐺 Jack smiled as you gently held the drawings that his younger sister and brother made of you and his family, and once his mother and grandmother caught a glace, they couldn’t stop complimenting how good you looked alongside their son, much to his embarrassment
" You know, your son did a good job picking an S/O. " " I know. Honestly, I figured he’d go for a meat-head. Oh, how wrong was I? "
🐺 His tail wagged slightly as he overheard his grandfather and father speaking to one another, they really liked you? Now he knew for certain that you were a keeper
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🐍 Jamil did not want to deal with his sister coming to Night Raven College, since she was known to be quite hard for him to handle, especially with Kalim there
🐍 When his sister did shoot him a text saying that she was just a couple minutes from school grounds and was planning on coming over after the day was over to see her brother, he groaned and asked her not too
🐍 Unfortunately, she was very stubborn, much like her brother. Not that he admits it
🐍 She did send him a small message saying that she wanted to meet his supposed S/O as well, but he had gotten busy keeping Kalim from jumping from his balcony and onto his magic carpet, so he had no chance to actually read the message
" Y/N! It’s so good to finally meet you. Let me just say my brother doesn’t stop talking about you over summer, it’s gotten annoying. "
🐍 Jamil watched with wide eyes and flushed cheeks as his sister and Kalim began discussing how much Jamil talked about you after your first year’s summer, revealing just how much he admired you back then until current day
" Okay! Let’s not keep this going, it seems that Jamil is flustered~ " " Shut up… "
🐍 Najma smiled and pat her brother’s shoulder with a laugh as she grabbed your hand and dragged you around Scarabia as Jamil followed you, her, and Kalim
🐍 He watched as you would smile and try keeping the two energetic people calmer than usual, thank goodness you had just as much patience as him when it comes to this kind of thing
" My older brother always raves about your eyes, saying they looked like the night and day’s sky, comparing the sun to the sparkles your eyes contain. He’s so cheesy! " " Right? I heard him talk about their selflessness with so much happiness that I thought he was another person! " " Alrighty then! Let’s calm ourselves, I don’t want Jamil erupting like a volcano… " " Aw! They care so much about you, brother! How sweet. "
🐍 The blush on his cheeks erupted at how calm you acted with him, you cared about him that much? Normally whoever discusses with his sister just agree that he’s an oddball
🐍 You really are an amazing person, huh?
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🏹 Rook adores his siblings, both older and younger, very much
🏹 They are fairly similar to him when it comes to personalities, but they are quite different in their own unique ways, his oldest sibling, Leroy (King), for example loves to take photos instead of watch for a while like Rook
🏹 When he received a letter from one of his oldest younger sibling, Chevalier (Knight), saying that they were going to come by and visit him, he smiled and told you immediately, asking if you would care to meet his family
🏹 You just smiled and nodded at his enthusiasm, you knew he cared for his siblings and you very much, so you understood why he wanted you guys to meet badly
🏹 Hugging you from behind as he pressed his hat on your head to protect you from the sun’s strong rays, Rook’s signature smile seemingly was twice as large as he awaited the arrival of his multiple family members
" Rook! "
🏹 Turning around from the bench, Rook laughed with a booming sound as his three younger siblings, Chevalier, Évêque (Bishop), and Pionne (Pawn), jumped into his arms as his older ones, Leroy and Reine (Queen), stood and chuckled
🏹 Reine looked at you and pushed her hair behind her ear as he embraced you. This didn't surprise you, you predicted that all of the Hunt siblings were very affectionate and bold with their actions
" It is a delight to meet you, Y/N! Our brother sends us letters about you constantly! I must admit, it’s sweet to read how kind you are with our unique brother. "
🏹 Hearing that made your heart swoon as Rook nodded and smiled sweetly at his younger siblings, patting their heads as they showed him photos of things they had either caught or had made during the past few days
🏹 He is unique like they say, but he’s your kind of unique, and you wouldn’t change him for the world… despite Grim’s many protests while Yuu holds him back…
🏹 That cat was gonna be the death of you…
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ravensmadreads · 1 year
Unhinged totally unasked for thots about Riding Pedro Boys
Authors Note: So this came from me chugging entirely too many energy drinks and then projectile vomiting in Taylors inbox. I'd like to warn you that: English isn't my first language, I have never written smut before, I'm not a real writer, and also I'm trash goblin levels of unhinged about this. That being said; Enjoy and uhh. Forgive me Fandom
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Javier Pena doesn't let you do it.
That man does not have the time, or the patience, or the good sense (the sense is at the other end) to let you ride. He needs the control okay? And sometimes it's not even about the control ! It's the frustration. It piles and piles and piles until he snaps. He needs to do. He will bend you over and work his frustration away until he has had enough and you let him because he needs it. (And lets be real he makes it worth your while every single time)
BUT. When he finally fucking retires, and gets a ranch, and breaths air not tinged with the smells of death, cigarettes and guns for the first time in however many years, and maybe drinks some fucking water, he takes you out on a date. He fumbles through the entire thing, panics because he thinks he blew it, still manages to get you home, gets ridden for the first time in like 6 years, and can't walk straight for an entire day and stammers every time someone asks him why.
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Javi G loves it. He loves watching you. Gets all puppy dog wide eyed (remember the pool scene face??? Thats it.) and you have to really focus because his look of straight up wonder and awe and bright eyed eagerness makes you want to cry. He's panting like he's running a marathon, running his big hands EVERYWHERE he can reach. He makes you feel worshipped and adored and so very very loved. Thanks you after. For being so amazing, and so wonderful to him, and thanks the universe that he found you. Cause he's sap. You definitely cry after.
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(Watch me be controversial again) Joel is fucking tired okay? He has old man bones and creaky joints and his back is achy. Patrol was agony, Jesse wouldn't shut up the entire time, and Tommy was giving him shit, and he has no energy to drill anyone into the mattress (as much as we all want him to). He's just plain tired. He likes you on top. Likes it slow (like a roast chicken on a sunday slow). Enjoys the gradual build up, likes to lean back, watch with half open eyes as you take your time. Wants to indulge in something beautiful at the end of the world, and that something is you. He makes sexy grunting noises, mutters a whole lot of praise ~and filth~ and just y'know. Savours it. 🫠🫠🫠 savours you. 🫠
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Dieter is a maniac. (Leave him alone he has adhd!!) He can't still still for the life of him so you best believe he changes positions 6 times and the only way you're getting to ride is if you're also putting some weight elsewhere. To hold him down! You squeeze his neck once and he MELTS. INSTANTLY. Loses all sense. Starts babbling and whimpering and making extremely pathetic noises. Will definitely buck up and whine. PRAISES YOU. BEGGING. LOUD NOISES.
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Max is a heathen. He just likes watching you bounce. That's it. That's the post :p
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Marcus P is a romantic. He will be doing the whole "lean forward and try to get kisses in between" while also "moaning and maintaining eye contact" and he's holding you so tight , squeezing your sides and also muttering declarations of love. About how he wants a life with you, and a family, and a home, and a future. How he's going to "make you so happy baby, I promise I will, I swear to you". Doesn't let you off for from on top of him for atleast a half hour after; kissing all over your face and rubbing your back and petting your hair "I meant all of it sweetheart. I want all of you." shsbzgwgsvsg ilovehimsomuch and I've only ever seen gifsets of this man what is wrong with me
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Marcus M is A MENACE. He wears his stupid glasses, and has his stupid shirt off, while he does stupid taxes/meeting plans in bed. You keep throwing side glances and getting increasingly wound up and he just has this gentle smirk but he's mostly ignoring you. You sidle up to him and maybe start kissing his jaw, laying gentle pecks down his neck, and he's still fukcungh working "Baby. I need to finish this. I'm sorry, you need to wait." But that smirk is still there and it's driving you crazy and maybe you keep kissing until you reach his *coughs* and then you're working on getting him interested. You can still hear the fucking pen scratching though and so you go deeper, and he raises an eyebrow. "be good now honey" You're settling in his lap and he has you sitting there until he has finished his paperwork with you whimpering and trying not to squirm because you want to be good you really do and you know he'll make it so much better but he feels so good and when he's finally finally done you get to move but you're so wound up you can't pull yourself together enough to find a rhythm and you're nearly in tears and he has to grip your sides and murmur instructions in your ear and help you until you're satisfied and just when you think he's done, and about to flip you over, he adjusts his grip and starts moving from underneath you until you're crying and he's finished ~which doesnt happen until you've come 2 more times~
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Dave. Oh my gosh Dave. Dave is a strict dom if ever there was one. With him it's a punishment. He'll tell you to hold off until he's done which is freaking impossible with how deep he gets, and how he likes to warm up his hands on your butt while you're trying desperately to hold onto that last thread of control. He is muttering absolute filth, holding your arms behind your back with one hand while the other is either laying smack after smack or rubbing you furiously all the while he's got the smuggest look. "Don't you dare baby. Be a good girl now. Listen and obey for once". But you can't because he's not fair and he knows it. And when you do finally fall apart he's clenching his teeth trying to hold back himself and his hands are holding you up as you gasp his name like it's the only word you know. He's running his hands down your back and kissing you softly and helping you catch your breath and when you finally get your heart to stop pounding and look up at him, he's watching you with this dangerously soft smile and he goes "oh you're in for it now aren't you honey?" and kisses your forehead while you try not to whimper.
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Frankie is a soft boy. He loves it. Craves it. He loves giving up control. Wants you to tie him up and have your way until he has no thoughts left in that pretty little head. He is swearing like an absolute sailor the entire time, calling you ma'am, begging to be released so he can kiss you and touch you, absolutely nearly breaks the head board once he was so desperate. Wants to be edged but also is the biggest WIMP about it. Will pout and swear and beg and plead but then want you to deny him again. Will definitely be mumbling absolute nonsense once you're done. Needs all the aftercare. Blushes pink when he gets it. Wraps himself around you like a HUGE koala bear after. ~and returns the edging favour 3 times over when he gets in his Captain Francisco Morales Mood~
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BONUS TWO I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT and tumblr won't let me put gifs for:
Jack makes every single cowboy joke known to man. You have to put your hand on his mouth to get him to shut the hell up. His eyes get all glassy when you do. He puts his hat on top of your head and busies himself in your neck (dual benefits: A. He shuts up and B. HICKIES) will definitely drag you on top of him in his Bronco (he likes to show off) will pull up on the side of the road almost 70% of the times you drive together. Bites you over your clothes. Loves the way you grab desperately at this leather jacket. Definitely makes you bend over and 'clean up the mess sugar' before driving like the hounds of hell are after him all the way back home and doing it all over again because "we gotta make you a mama now love"
Pero got married after he came back and retired as a sell sword. His wife is a soft but sassy thing who's a little (read: not at all, she returns his snark twice over) intimidated by him but also thinks he's a good man because he saved her village from raiders. She has seen him grumble and snark at but then also share his food with the orphans who works at the village inn. She's inexperienced (let me live my victorian life) and he doesn't really think he deserves her but also he's not so much an idiot to say no to someone like her. She's the village "healer" and he met her when he got stabbed by one of the raiders (arm wound: not serious.) He has to teach her. She gets shy and flustered, which is a total 180 from her sassy self, and Pero loves it. She makes the most amazing sounds that have him thinking that maybe he did something right in his life to end up in her arms. She wants to please her new husband and asks her married friends for advice and they tell her about this new position. So she asks him, stuttering and tripping over words, if she could try something she heard about? From a friend? She straddles him and Pero loses his mind. He's closing his eyes and clenching his jaw so hard and she's whimpering in the most DELICIOUS way and he's trying so hard to hold back and let her take her pace and she's so worried "am I not doing it right?" Pero has to take 3 deep breaths before he's centred enough to answer and then he helps her. Puts his hands on her hips to guide her. Puts one of her hands on his shoulder "steady now pequenita" and puts the other low on her belly and presses in so she can feel him. Loves the way she cries out. Bends forward to leave little marks everywhere he can reach. She's scrambling at his chest, leaving nail marks he loves, and finally grabbing his hair and pulling until he groans. And when they're both done and sated and sweaty he kisses her, looks her in the eye and winks. "I'm going to have to go thank your friend now, mi esposa."
Din and you dont have time. The razor crest is finally in hyperspace, you got shot at for the 50th time in 2 weeks, (because Murphys Law seems to be the only law Mando never breaks), you're exhausted, sweaty, and the giggly green monster of chaos only made you chase him down from the top of a weapons cabinet twice before he finally decided to take a nap. You're frustrated, and in desperate need of a shower, and a nap, but also you can't get the image of Mando fighting out of your head. Before you know it, the hormones have taken over and you're attacking him in the pilot seat. The bucket is off (I refuse to look at my own reflection in the tin cans helmet while we do the do), he's got you arching into him, your shirt is half torn from the top because Din refuses to wait for "so many fucking buttons Meshla" the gloved hand is squeezing the back of your neck, his mouth is on your chest, his other hand (you only managed to get one glove off) is splayed out on your back. You're riding him like you're trying to break him and his thigh holster? thing (do i look like i can figure out what they're called?) is digging marks into your skin but you're too turned on to care. It's frantic, it's messy, you're PRAYING the tiny green menace stays asleep as you do your best to muffle your sounds. The refresher isn't big enough for a round two, (you still do your best), and your legs feel like jelly, when you finally pass out; curled up on top of the human space heater while he hums Mando'a in your ear.
TAGGING: @chronically-ghosted (you are a menace but ily)
@fuckyeahdindjarin (here I go trying that writing thing again, stop me pls)
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Something I’ve noticed across collecting different cards is that Twisted Wonderland seems to have a bit of a skew in which characters get character x player ship bait. Between events and card lines, some characters look like they are getting neglected in the ship teasing category. Is there some kind of popularity bias behind this? Like maximizing profit or game popularity by targeting certain groups of fans among the fandom?
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Mmm… I haven’t noticed a skew, personally. If there is one at all, I’d wager it isn’t significant and it’ll probably depend a lot on what point in time you’re evaluating at. Since TWST is consistently releasing new content, the voice lines are sure to “even out” eventually if given enough of a waiting period. For example, you could say that the GloMasq boys have “more” bait lines… until Playful Land boys were released the year after, thus leveling the playing field.
All cards have character x player ship bait to some degree. Most of them will have at least 1-2 lines which involves complimenting you/your look (and if not in the card lines, then directly in the event, especially when Yuu has changed into a new outfit), Yuu touching them in some way (or being invited to), or asking Yuu to hang out or to do an activity with them. Everyone gets these lines because there are fans of every character that have spending power; it doesn't make sense to intentionally devote more lines to one while leaving the others starving for content when there are big spenders for all characters (which will vary widely anyway depending on the server too, so there are very few consistent "favorites"). Devoting time and energy to every character is what makes the most profit in the long run, as you risk losing the fans (and money) of "less popular" characters if they don't get new food too. It doesn’t matter that the high spenders for like… Azul stay because they’d still be losing the revenue coming in from Jack stans who dropped the game due to content drought.
I would say that what is and is not categorized as a "shipping bait" line depends a lot on other factors, the strongest of them all being individual perception. For example, if you ship yourself/your Yuusona with the character, you may be more likely to perceive any line spoken by your favorites as "more romantic" than other characters. This feeds into your preexisting expectations, and is therefore a form of confirmation bias. Meanwhile, if you ship two canon characters with one another, there are many more potential combinations so it's less likely that the particular ship you're into will get "bait". Additionally, some people are more liberal with what they perceive to be romantic or not. For example, Ace inviting you out to do something can be seen as both platonic or romantic, based on who is judging the line because there isn’t anything inherently romantic in spending time together. This is also the case in the main story or events; some players see Yuu giving Malleus the VDC/SDC ticket in book 5 as "a date" while others do not. This brings me to another point: character relationships within the main story and their personalities will also have a drastic impact on what is perceived as romantic or not. Rook, for example, speaks in a very flowery manner. Because of this, a majority of his lines could be seen as "bait". Characters that are gruffer (Jack) or "loner" types (Idia) would naturally have fewer inviting lines due to their characters. And again, with Ace, since he is presented as one of Yuu's closest friends in the main story, it's easy to perceive him as a platonic bestie when reading his lines since your friendship is already established.
Lastly, I think it's worthwhile to consider that there are also nuances that are lost in translation between JP and EN, which may alter which lines are seen as "bait" and which aren't. A really popular one I see floating around is Malleus's vignette level up line, which is translated in EN as "You aren’t afraid of me. But I’m starting to become afraid… of losing you.” Many fans perceive this as romantic and often joke that “Malleus missed the meeting about TWST not being a dating sim!” However, this line has a different context in JP which reads as more platonic.
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The original Japanese line is お前は僕を恐れない。そんなお前を失うことが僕は恐ろしくなり始めている。This roughly has the same meaning, but the wording Malleus uses seems to specify that he is afraid of losing the Yuu that is not afraid of him. EN omits the そんな (son na) part, which would refer to a type or kind of person (as in, “son na hito”). In this case, Malleus is afraid of losing “the kind of Yuu that is not afraid of him”. So really, the original meaning of the line is that he is expressing a fear of what would happen if his true identity comes to light (as Yuu is the one person who doesn’t know), not that he is afraid of losing Yuu as a whole.
To summarize: it’s up to individual perception and, given enough time, every boy will get their fair share of fanservice for the player.
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yyokkki · 2 months
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Leona Kingscholar
A lion beastman who’s usually laying around somewhere in the forest or in his house, sleeping.
As it turns out he only really walks around town starting from 7PM up to ungodly hours (cue a lot of passing out right in front of him cuz you couldn’t find him right up to 2).
Plays rugby with Ruggie and Epel every sunny Sunday.
He was actually born into an affluent family as the second son. He’d spent his whole life training to take over the company despite everyone from his parents to the housekeepers looking down on him and constantly comparing him to his older brother.
In the end his brother took over the company and after his nephew, Cheka, was born he left the city and moved to the quiet town of Night Raven. (Well, it was quiet before all the crazy residents started moving in…)
Loved Gifts: Meat/Meat Dishes (Except Bug Meat), Universal Loves
“Heh, not bad Herbivore.”
Hated Gifts: All Vegetables, Universal Hates
“Oi, do I look like a garbage can?”
Ruggie Bucchi
A hyena beastman who grew up in the slums of the city with his grandma and the kids he took care of.
When they hadn’t moved yet Leona would often hire him to run the occasional errand but before he moved he asked him to follow him and be his full time attendant for a ludicrous salary.
Immediately accepted and regularly sends money back to his grandma.
He takes part time jobs at Sam’s General Store and the town saloon as well.
Sometimes steals random veggies from your garden, the scarecrows aren’t just for the crow.
Is often found in the forests foraging or tending to a little vegetable garden that only he eats the harvest from. 
Doesn’t blink an eye if he sees you rummaging through the garbage. If anything, he joins you.
Loved Gifts: Dandelions, Donuts, Gold, All Foragables, Universal Loves
“Really?! Shishishi, well don’t mind if I do! Here, have this~”
Hated Gifts: Sap, Anything Rotten, Universal Hates
“...Do I look that desperate?”
Jack Howl
The local botanist! His shop is a greenhouse and he specialises in ornamental plants like cactus, succulents and flowers! Most of the flower seeds are sold from him as well as fertilisers and pots.
Genuinely loves his job but prefers being more physically active.
Goes on runs with Deuce every sunny Wednesday but runs at 6AM every other day.
A wolf beastman who lives with his parents and his two younger siblings.
Is often found tending to his shop or working out outside. 
Loved Gifts: Cactus Fruit, Pear Compote, Universal Loves
“...! Thanks farmer. Wh- My tail is NOT wagging!”
Hated Gifts: Spring Onion, Horseradish, Leek, Universal Hates
“!!! Ugh, excuse me…”
TWST x SDV Masterlist
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tswhiisftteedr · 8 months
Good Pup ☆ One Shot
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☆Mean!Sciences Proffesor!Divus Crewel x College Freshman!Fem!Reader:
After seeing you excel in his class, Professor Crewel interest had peeked. You were not from this world, and your academic knowledge was far too different from what was taught here, too different for it to be considered fair for you to study such material at the college level, a lost cause, he thought at first. And yet, he couldn't help but feel proud as you quickly rose to become one of the top students in his class. One day after potionology you had forgotten your textbook behind, and being the great teacher that Divus Crewel is, he ought to give back to you. After looking around for a bit, then spotting in a hallway talking with your friends, he happens to overhear about your secret thoughts on him…
Based on this ask and poll.
Warnings: Mature Content, Swearing/Explicit Language, Spanking(of ass, thigh, and pussy, by hand and pointer), Choking(on dick lol), degrading names, pet play ig?(just names like pup, dog and mutt but not anything else in that area). READER IS A COLLEGE FRESHMAN AS NCR IS ONE IN THIS FIC SO THEY ARE AT LEAST 18, CREWEL IS CANONICALLY 32 SO KEEP THAT IN MIND BEFORE ENGAGING.
Note: This is sort of a remake of ‘Personal Training’ but instead of Professor Vargas, it’s our dear sadistic Divus Crewel. Like a different Au, so the encounter between reader and professor Vargas didn’t happen here. Also why are all the proffesror mean you may ask, well the answer is quite simple… I like to bullied by authority figures/people in charge and those fics self indulgence 🤪✌️. Also for future request, if not precise what type of behaviour you want for the love interest, i will default to writing mean!dom!character or pervy!dom!character cuz that’s i like lol.
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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Ever since starting classes at NCR Wonderland, you felt off about begin your academic journey as a college Freshman. Sure you were the right age for it, but wasn’t it a bit to much of an ask to start with college courses, especially with most of the mediums being different from your world? But at last you had no choice but sucking it up, working harder than any other student in your year to keep up. Though you did enjoy some of the classes, just because they had familiar concept. Magic analysis was like any other analysis class you had taken before the topic was just different, you also had music which was the same as back home, and of course there was Potionology…
That class was your beacon of hope each week. You genuinely enjoyed it, not only because it resembled chemistry, making the 'laboratory process' easier to grasp, but it was also the only class where you could actually use magic! The mixtures you created could do things you could only dream of in your world. Moreover, making such complex and potent elixirs made you feel useful. You felt competent with this world's materials because of it, even if Crowley didn't find a way for you to return home, you possibly could get around. Of course, there was another tiny reason why you loved the class so much, actually it was a pretty significant one. Even in your own thoughts, you couldn't deny that you were practically drooling at your professor each time you entered his classroom.
But how could you resist? That man was incredibly hot, smoking even. And his voice, god! It was undeniably sexy. Plus, the way he addressed you was so appealing: Generally, he would call you a 'pup', 'good girl' or 'good dog' when you did something right or answered a question correctly. He'd say 'bad dog' or 'bad girl' if you made a mistake.
He would also refer to himself as your trainer, at some point asking of you and Grim to address him as "O Great Crewel" or "Master/Master Crewel" instead of "Professor Crewel", as a form of discipline.
And fuck was that hot, honestly that was the primary reason you worked so diligently in his class. Hearing his praise and being able to call him "Master" only served to fuel your fantasies.
You wondered how he could discipline you in a more 'physical' way. Would he use his pointer or his hands on your thighs and ass when spanking you? Would he continue to use the usual nicknames, or would he resort to degrading names like 'slut', 'whore', ‘needy bitch in heady’ or perhaps 'greedy pup'? The curiosity from it was driving you mad, to the point where you even considered pulling your panties to the side and touch yourself at the sound of his voice, as taught class unbeknownst to it all.
Naturally, you wouldn't actually do it. After all, even if your noises didn't give you away, the smell certainly would. (You were certain the beastman in your class would detect something like that.) However, there was a certain allure in to the scenario.
Perhaps a classmate would inform your professor, leading to a public reprimand. You picture your professor criticizing your behavior while you stand in an embarrassing position for all to see. Your skirt would lifted and he would be abusing your behind, probably edge you during the spend of the whole lesson. Then right before the bell rang, he would touch your sweet spot one last time, and right around his fingers you would squir-
Oh, right, the bell. Class had just ended. You snapped back to reality and turn to your friends. From their expressions, it's clear they've been trying to get your attention for a while.
Hastily gathering your things, stuff them into your backpack, and follow your friends out of the classroom. Unbeknownst to you, the potionology textbook you need for tonight's homework is left behind on your desk.
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You soon reach the hallway where you and your friends usually sat at a break. It's lunchtime, and as per your routine, you start your daily rant about your professor to Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, and Sebek. Grim is also there, but as always, he is so focused on his food that he isn't paying attention.
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Meanwhile, Divus was getting ready to head to the teachers' lounge to enjoy his lunch when he noticed the Potionology textbook on your desk.
Even if he didn't know where you sat during class time, he could tell that it belonged to you by the fact that it had small pawprint stickers surrounding your name on the book’s bridge. The memory of you telling him that customizing the book that way was the best resurfaced. After all you were a "good pup, so why not add the paw prints to match the statement.”, you had told him when he inquired about the decorations.
That comment made him chuckle, which brought a bright grin to your face. While it's true that he would refer to his students by such names, at no point in his career did a student use the term to address themselves. To be honest, he finds it cute that you adore the name that most of your peers detested. You simply smile and giggle anytime he uses it to compliment you, and you pout like a real puppy when he corrects you. ‘Truly adorable.’
He actually liked you. Regardless of how your entourage behaved, you were an excellent student who did not cause any problems. You paid attention in class and worked really hard to achieve the highest grades not only in his class but in others, but it appeared to him that you were more interested in the course that he taught compared to the rest. In non-magical courses, you received an average of 70-80, and your sciences marks were in the 90s, slightly higher grades.
Divus also liked how, despite the restricted male uniform, you had altered the uniform to be more fashionable with the consent of the headmaster. Instead of the dull pants that came with it, you wore a skirt that was little longer than mid-thigh but did not reach the knee. It was elegantly embroidered with a swirly thorn pattern, and you wore stockings to match it. A work of art in the man's eyes, which made you even more favourable to him; he adored when someone had a true sense of fashion.
Despite your puppy-like demeanour when he spoke to you, there was a gleam in your eyes, a lustful one at that. You looked at him as if you wanted him to bend you over your desk that very instant, practically eye fucking him throughout the lecture. You may not realize that he noticed, but as a desirable man, he was highly aware of such things. He observed as you unconsciously rub your thighs together, while he chewed you up for a small error; he 'was expecting better from such a bright girl like yourself, this was extremely disappointing'.
Even though he kept it to himself, attempting to maintain professionalism, him still being your teacher and all. Maybe you weren't as horny as he believed, just slightly flustered by the charming way he addressed you, especially coming from a handsome man like himself. However, no matter how sweet you were, you couldn't fulfill his desires. He craved someone he could dominate and control, someone who to basically bully into submission. You were far too innocent and gentle for that. He assumed that if you did have any sexual thoughts about him, your fantasies would be quite vanilla in nature.
‘And oh, boy, was he wrong!’ That was his thoughts when he overheard the conversation between you and your friends, having finally reach the hallway you usually frequented, your potionology textbook book in hand.
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A bit earlier,
You and your friends had started eating and you were babbling;
“Okay, lisent, like hear me out-“ you begin,
“I am not hearing, YOU out. You’ve already said enough.” Sebek quickly retorts.
“Valid point, but, but think about it. Hot mean teacher disciplines you with a spanking while degrading you.” You suggest,
“NO!” Sebek tells you horrified.
"Come on, Sebek, don't be so ip tight. I may not be into that kinda of stuff, but Y/N has a point. I don't get the appeal, but Professor Crewel does fit her type.” Ace tells the distress crocodile.
“But he's a teacher, OUR teacher. I don't understand how people can have crushes on their teachers, but openly lusting for them should be prohibited! Also, not discussed like any other normal subject!” Sebek tells the card soldier.
“I agree with Sebek, you should keep such intimate thoughts to yourself.” Jack adds on,
“Ya say that but chur tail be waggin' like an exited puppy. It’s obvious ya like hearin' bout the naughty stuff from missy over there!” Epel comments.
“That’s not-“ Jack begins, but cuts himself off, like Epel said his tail was wagging crazy so he couldn’t deny anything. So “whatever!” was all he said, followed by a huff and a frustrated growl.
"Look, I'm not saying people should go out of their way to fuck their teachers; it's just that the man who potentially would fulfills all of my desires and fantasies happens to be my teacher. And, honestly, he must be aware that his nicknames and actions would turn some students.” You say to the group,
“What? How’s that?” Deuce questions.
“Come on, it's not like you can't go to NCR if you're into things like pet play or bdsm. He must have known that each year would have some students who fit that description. Don't tell me you thought he was completely clueless towards that?” You explain,
“Well when you put it like that, I guess Professor Crewel probably knows about it.” Deuce sorta agrees.
“He’s probably just ignoring it, pushing it to the back of his mind and pretending that it’s not real.” Ace comments,
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too. But at the end of day, the fact that he’s aware doesn’t change much, I still won’t get him to bend me over his desk” you say with a dramatic sigh, making both Epel and Ace laugh.
“Honestly even if there was some stellar chance that he could be into me, he’s probably in a relationship already. If he isn't married, he is most likely casually dating someone.” You add on.
“Yeah, too bad for ya!” Epel says with a snicker.
Unknown to you and your friend group, the same professor you were discussing was right around the corner, listening in on you thirsting over him.
And truthfully this was a shock to him. Sure he might have found you attractive, but also he had convinced himself that you couldn’t fulfill his desires. Now turns out both of your fantasies aligned, and he was going to make good use of that knowledge.
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Now heading towards your group the clacking sounds of Divus’s heels made all of you turn around. Some of their expression where terror, some confusion but Ace and Epel looked like they were holding in a laugh.
Clearing his voice, “Miss.L/n, just the person I was looking for. You had forgotten your potionology textbook in my class, so I went looking for youu in to hand it back, you wouldn’t want to miss tonight’s homework, now would you?” He told, as passed you the book.
“Oh, um, thanks professor Crewel!” You exclaimed a bit distraught, ‘did he hear what I’ve been saying or what?’
“Try again. You know that’s not the appropriate way to address me, now is it.” He states making you rethink your words,
“Right, sorry, Master Crewel...” You spoke out.
“That’s much better. Now come along pup.” He said as he turn around and started walking,
“What- why?” you ask confused. And he turns his head to gaze at you.
“Well isn’t it obvious, you and I got much to discuss. Do not question me anymore today, or any day for that matter. Stand up and follow me right now, otherwise you will suffer greater repercussions than I originally planned to make you endure.”
“Oh, okay.” You squeak out and grab your belongs, now trailing right behind your dear professor Crewel, ‘oh, right, O Great Crewel.’
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You returned to your classroom, Divus locked the doors behind you. He had been sitting at his laptop for the past 10 minutes. You were sitting on a chair, on the opposite side of your desk.
"I have magi-mailed your other professors, they have cleared your itinerary for the afternoon. Lucky for us, today was the one I had spares in the afternoon as well." He informs you.
"But if this talk was going to take a while, I could have just come back after class," you say.
"No, I must have a chat with you right this instant.” Divus replies.
You only nod, turning to gaze out of the window to ease your nerves. Of course he noticed, so he turned his lamp desk on, it was bright, then magically closed all the blinds. He moved from his seat to your side of the desk, resting on it as he looked down at you.
“Now, let’s start this talk. Do you know why I brought you here?” He inquires.
“I’m sorry sir I don’t know.” Honestly you weren’t sure maybe he overheard you or maybe this was about something else.
“Not don’t play coy pup.” He told you sternly,
“Perhaps my grades sir…” you croak out, barely above a whisper.
“I guess you decide to persevere in your bad dog act, stand up.” He tells you, sounding exasperated.
“Don’t make me repeat myself mutt!”
Without a word you did as you were, the suddenly felt a had push on your back, not protesting anymore you just expect your fate as you were now folded upon the wooden desk.
“Looks like your not completely hopeless, but that one time show of obedience won’t exempt you from your punishment.” He said, you felt a somewhat thin metallic object glide up your right leg, you guessed it was his pointer. “Spread” was all you heard before the words were followed by a swift whip of the pointer.
You were dazed by the feeling, not completely registering the given order. This seem to irritate Divus, as another strike came down, but this time you react right on impact, now having your legs nicely spread out. ‘Your head was slightly dizzy, was this going the way you thought it was?’
But before you could linger on that thought, you felt Divus's hands remove your panties from your hips, letting them drop to your ankles. Your ass and cunt were now exposed to him. You heard a little shuffling, then his soft breath was in your ear. "Listen, since I'm not going to say it twice. I overheard you being a little slut, talking to your friends about how much you want me to hurt you. So that's exactly what I'm going to do, I'm going to discipline you to never forget how to address me, to never talk so lewdly in front of another man, and to make you incapable of living a functional life without me in it. Now, if you understand, say, ‘Yes, sir.’”
"Good. Now I'm going to spank you, and you must count after each hit and thank me for it, you may only address me as Sir or Master, if anything other than what I've instructed comes out of your mouth or you mess up the count, we'll start over and add 10 more strikes for you to go over. Also, you aren’t to touch me unless instructed otherwise.”
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By the time he reached strike 29, your bottom was a of deeper color than your regular skin tone, covered in marks and bruises. Your thighs were quivering from the constant impact of his hand on your sensitive areas. "Twenty-eight... Thank you, sir..." You panted heavily, biting down on your lower lip to suppress any further sounds of discomfort.
Crewel stopped suddenly, taking a moment to admire his work. He ran his fingers gently over your bruised ass cheeks, leaving trails of coolness where they brushed against your heated skin. "That’s wrong," he spoke out, a spank from his hand came down your ass this time. "You already said 28, this means we have to start over. But this time, we’re going up to 40."
You whimpered softly, your eyes widening in terror as you realized what this meant for your already sore ass. "N-No! Please, I apologize, sir! I'll count better!" Your pleas fell on deaf ears as Crewel resumed his merciless assault on your sensitive flesh. Each strike landed harder than before, leaving deep marks that would surely become bruises soon.
"One... Two... Three... Four..." Eventually, you reached number 40. The last blow sent waves of agony coursing through your entire body, and you let out a strangled cry. Tears trickled down your cheeks, streaming down your face as you struggled to catch your breath. "Thank you, sir..." You managed to choke out between heavy breaths.
After giving you a moment to recover, Crewel noticed the wetness between your legs and smirked cruelly. "You enjoyed that didn't you, filthy slut?" he growled, his voice lower than usual, almost seductive.
Grabbing hold of your waist and lifting you slightly before slapping your sensitive folds forcefully. The sudden contact caused a sharp gasp to escape your lips, followed by a moan of mixed pain and pleasure.
"What did you just say, mutt?" he demanded, his voice dripping with malice. "No, don't answer," he continued before continuing his barrage on your sensitive areas, alternating between your lips and clit, ensuring that you wouldn't forget this lesson anytime soon.
After several minutes of relentless punishment, he finally stop the smacking of your privates. Following it by cupping your dripping folds in his hand, rubbing them roughly, spreading your juices over your sensitive flesh.
Than bringing his fingers in view for you to see, sticky liquids all over them."You see how much you enjoy this, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.
Your body had shook after every blow, your moans had turned into sobs as you struggled to maintain composure. Through tears and gasps for air, you managed to choke out between breaths, "Y-Yes, sir... I love it!" your tone was desperate, pleading for more even though your body ached in pain. You couldn't deny the intense pleasure mixed with the agony.
“That’s it," he praised, his voice dripping with false approval. Reaching between your spread legs once more, he inserted one finger into your tight entrance, stretching you further than you could with your own. Despite the pain, a soft moan escaped your lips involuntarily.
"Now, beg me to cum, you needy bitch in heat," he commanded gruffly, his tone harsh yet somehow erotic. Your mind was a mess of conflicting emotions; part of you begged for release, while another part of you wanted to defy him and deny him what he sought.
You forced yourself to focus on the burning sensation of his finger probing deeper into your sensitive core, trying hard not to move or squirm too Your your body ached everywhere from the brutal punishment you had endured thus far. "P-Please... sir... I need you to..." your voice trailed off as he thrust another finger inside you, stretching your even further.
"More, please!" you managed to croak out between gasps for air. Your hips involuntarily bucked against him, seeking more contact, more stimulation. Despite the pain, the combination of humiliation and arousal was becoming too much for you to handle.
Crewel chuckled darkly, enjoying the sight of you squirming and begging for more. Slowly, he began to move his fingers in and out of your tight entrance, teasing your sensitive spots with precise strokes. "Good," he praised again, his voice laced with malice. "Now, beg me for your orgasm properly."
Ultimately, survival instinct kicked in, and you forced out a broken plea, "Please, sir... I need to cum... Please..." your voice cracked on the last word, betraying both your desperation and submission.
His pace picked up slightly, thrusting faster and harder into your tight passageway. Your moans turned into high-pitched cries of pleasure as you neared the edge of ecstasy. Just when you thought you couldn't take any more, he stopped abruptly, leaving you hanging on the brink of orgasm.
"Not yet, don’t tell me you thought you would get what you want that easily, did you?" he growled, his voice cold and commanding. "You haven't earned it yet." With a final taunt, he pulled out both fingers, leaving your dripping. "Clean yourself up, mutt," he ordered harshly, before turning away from your exposed body.
You were a mess, your body trembling in pre-orgasmic bliss and frustration. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you begged him through sobs, "P-Please, sir... I'll do anything... Just let me cum!"
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Divus turned back to you, grabbing you by your hair and making you drop to your knees in front of him. Reaching down, he unfastened his pants and slid them down, revealing his massive cock, hard and throbbing with desire through his boxer. It flapped against his stomach as pulled his garment down, it was veined and pulsing with need. "Much better," he said coldly. "Now, show me how much you want it."
Swallowing thickly, you raised your head and tentatively wrapped your lips around the tip of his member, taking as much of it into your mouth as you could without gagging. Your tongue flicked out, tracing the head of his cock, seeking more sensation. You began to suck greedily, your throat stretching around his thickness.
Divus groaned, his hands grasping your hair tightly as he began to thrust his hips forward, forcing more of his cock into your willing mouth. Your gagging and choking sounds only fueled his desire further. "That's a good mutt," he praised between heavy breaths. "You take my cock so well, you filthy dog."
You struggled to breathe as he continued his brutal assault on your throat, your eyes watering from the burn in your nose and throat. Despite the pain, you relish the feeling of being completely owned by him, your body becoming nothing more than a vessel for his pleasure. You moaned around his cock, hardly able to form coherent words between the constant thrusts.
As he continued to pound into your throat, your body shook with each powerful thrust. your hands reached up, grasping at his thighs for support as you struggled to keep him in your mouth. The combination of pain and pleasure was overwhelming, causing your mind to spiral into a hazy fog of desire.
Eventually, Divus slowed down, pulling out just enough for you to catch a brief moment of air before plunging back in deeper than before. "Are you ready for your reward, whore?" he growled, his voice low and menacing yet laced with promise.
Without waiting for a response, he unloaded his seed into your waiting mouth, filling it to the brim with hot, sticky semen. You gagged violently, struggling to swallow every drop, your eyes watering from the intensity of the sensation.
He held your head in place until his orgasm subsided, then pulled out, leaving your filled with his essence.
Your vision spun as you coughed and gagged, your body still trembling from the intense asphyxiation. Slowly, you felt your body being raised, finding yourself laying on Divus's desk, your legs folded and spread wide open, exposing your wet and swollen folds to his hungry mouth. Before you good connect 1 and 2 together, he was already between your legs, his tongue darting out to trace along your dripping entrance.
"Oh sevens..." you whimpered, arching your hips upwards, begging for more contact. Pulling away slightly, he teased your sensitive flesh with light touches before finally plunging his tongue deep inside your core, sucking and lapping at your juices voraciously. His fingers found your clit, pinching and rubbing it harshly, eliciting another moan of pleasure mixed with pain.
Your body trembled on the verge of orgasm once more, as he continued to torture your sensitive spots. Your nails scratched at the desk to avoid grabbing his head, you were sure you would get reprimanded for it, the wood was left with white lines shaky lines on it. "P-Please, sir... I need you to—!" you managed to choke out between gasps for air before you was cut off by a powerful moan.
Divus pulled away from your dripping folds, his face covered in your juices. "Mhm is that so," he growled, his voice dark and menacing. "Sadly for you, I don’t feel like letting you climax quite yet, you greedy pup." He teased.
Your body shook with frustration and need, your entire being aching for release. "P-Please... sir..." you begged pathetically, your voice barely more than a whimper. Hips bucking upwards, seeking more contact, more stimulation.
For what felt like a millennium, he continued to tease your sensitive spots, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy only to pull away just when you thought you could bear no more. Sweat trickled down your back, staining the cool surface of his desk beneath you.
Finally, feeling that it was enough, Divus thrust two fingers back inside your dripping entrance, simultaneously rubbing your swollen clit with his thumb. “Now cum.”
The combination of sensations was too much for you to handle, and you cried out in pure bliss as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over your. Your pussy contracted tightly around his fingers, cumming so hard to be able to see stars.
Smiling down at you, he gave your cunt a small peck. Crewel smirked cruelly yet something sweet behind his eyes. "Seems like you’re beginning to learn your place well, pup," he said before moving closer again, his lips brushing against yours roughly. His tongue forced its way into her mouth, claiming ownership over your mouth once more, as well as your mind. He tongues wrestled violently, your saliva mixing together in a sickening dance, tasting each other on the other’s tongue.
After breaking the kiss, he stood up straight, looking down at you battered form with satisfaction. "Now, go home and get yourself cleaned up. We're finished for today." With that command, he help her up and walk her out of the school building, trying to avoid anything prying eyes. At her professor was kind enough to accompany her out, but she was on her when it came to walking home.
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“See you on Saturday in my classroom, Miss. Y/n” was all he said as he turned and left for school once more. Leaving you alone to recover from the brutal punishment she had endured.
You only replied by a weak “See you sir”, but only when arrive at your door front did it click ‘Wait we don’t have class on the weekends, does that mean—‘
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Thanks anon for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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redmedic · 3 months
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Do y'all remember those character colour wheel challenges? These ended up being quite popular on my Instagram last year.
Patreon | Instagram | Redbubble
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simple-dark-eyes · 1 year
*This takes place some time after Vil's overblot. Mexican!Yuu after somehow getting roped into the other first years' bullshit*
Yuu: Oyes eres un pendejo.
Ace: A what?
Yuu: Un pendejo.
Ace: *turns to Grim* Grim, you're un pendejo.
Grim: Un what?
Ace: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: Pendejo.
Ace: *turns back to Grim* Un pendejo.
Grim: *turns to Deuce* Deuce, you're un pendejo.
Deuce: Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: *kinda reaching their limit* Un pendejo.
Ace: *turns to Grim* Un pendejo.
Grim: *turns to Deuce* Un pendejo.
Deuce: *turns to Jack* Jack, you're un pendejo.
Jack: *slightly appalled* Un what?
Deuce: *turns back to Grim* Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace:: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: *getting frustrated and talking with their hands* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Ace: *turns to Grim copying Yuu* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Grim: *turns to Jack copying Ace* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Deuce: *turns to Jack Copying Grim* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Jack: *angrily turns to Epel* EPEL, YOU'RE UN PENDEJO!
Epel: *very much offened* UN WHAT?!
Jack: *turns back to Deuce* Un what?
Deuce: *turns back to Grim* Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace: *turns back to yuu with a nod waiting for them to respond*
Yuu: *has reached their limit and ennuciating each syllable* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Ace: *turns to Grim copying yuu* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Grim: *turns to Deuce copying Ace* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Deuce: *turns to Jack copying Grim* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Jack: *turns to Epel copying Deuce* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Epel: *turns to Yuu* YUU, YOU'RE UN PENDEJO!
Yuu: *very much done with this long game of Telephone and waves him off* ¡PUES CHINGA SU MADRE!
I had to rewrite this cause when I first posted this tumblr got rid of pretty much more than half of the dialogue leaving only yhe names. I wanted to cry.
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smolandweirdwriter · 8 months
it’s my third reread of lies like poison and im noticing so many inconsistencies which is sad because it’s my comfort book tbh. on p30 belle calls poppy jack when he’s still going by poppy at this point in the book. also why did evelyn drink the tea after lily threatened her??
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tiyoin · 2 months
❣︎ 1.7 k follower event ❣︎
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at last! the long awaited follower event! woho!!
what is the event?
send in requests and i will write drabbles/ ‘snippets’ of your desires 💞
event time line
submission time line : july 21st - august 1st
(requests will close on the first at 12:00 pm est)
when i will start writing : july 24th - august 1st
are there any rules to follow?
so glad you asked!
please be polite when requesting.
please specify the scenario you want (please add as much details as you can.) BUT, if you want me to ‘free style it,’ then you must also state that.
i have the right to decline any requests i deem unfit for this event
i will also be answering previous asks during this event, but it won’t effect the event.
you CAN ask for drabbles/ snippets of scenes in series i’ve written (all tagged.) or even a scenario you liked that you want more content/ context on
who can i request?
twisted wonderland :
romantically: everyone BUT ortho. (including staff & chen’ya)
platonically : everyone BUT fellow…
blue lock:
romantically : blue lock 12*, kaiser, ness, saw, hiori, world 6, professionals
platonically : everyone
bllk 12 = nagi, reo, kunigami, baro, isagi, shidou, rin, bachira, chigiri, kenyu, otoya, karasu,
what content can i request?
anything really, just nothing weird
* there will be a limited number of nsfw just because i’m new to writing nsfw
*NO ortho nsfw, characters will automatically be 18+ and stories will be altered accordingly.
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Hi, hope I'm not late to requests.
Could I request Jack, Jade, Trey, and Malleus with a s/o who likes textile design?
What If Their S/O Liked Textile Design?
Type of Writing: Request Name: What If Their S/O Liked Textile Design? Characters: Jack Howl, Jade Leech, Trey Clover, and Malleus Draconia Requester: Anonymous
A/N: The reader in this piece is stationed in Pomefiore, since I think it fit well with the prompt.
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🐺 Textile design? This is something that Jack has never heard of before, but he is willing to learn about
🐺 When you had first invited Jack to your dorm in Pomefiore so that you could show him the ropes of how this 'textile design' worked, he smiled and showed up right on time
🐺 He was pulled inside the room by you as you asked him what was one pattern that he loved or that reminded him of his home, in which he just said the snowy mountains was one thing he liked and reminded him of home
🐺 You smiled and sat down at your desk, using your pen to pull up another chair for your boyfriend to sit down on so he could observe without his legs hurting
🐺 Jack watched as you pulled up a drawing of mountains with snow on top of them in a cartoon-ish style and he chuckled as you nervously rubbed your neck, telling him that you had drawn this one night when you couldn't sleep
🐺 You then began the process of printing the design onto a blanket that you had found woven -and cheap- at Sam's and you adjusted your device above the fabric and began to code in the printing's location
🐺 Watching with his ears stiffly up and his tail slightly swaying with every decoration added by the machine, Jack would be lying if he said that he wasn't amused or enamored with how the machine printed such a pretty design on the thick material
🐺 When you said it was done and you held it up for him to see it, your boyfriend smiled as his tail swayed faster with each step closer you took. And you knew why that was happening; he knew you were gonna give it to him
" I hope you like your new blanket, Jacky. " " Thank you very much, my soulmate. "
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🍄 Jade knows about a lot more things than other merpeople when it comes to the surface. But when you mentioned textile design, Jade had drawn a blank
🍄 He had turned around from the mushroom terrarium and asked you to repeat what you had said before, and since he normally listens very well, you kinda chuckled at his reaction
🍄 You had brought him back to your dorm when Azul had closed Mostro Lounge for the day, due to some personal issues surfacing and how he would be busy that day. And let's be honest, who trusts Jade and Floyd with the Lounge?
🍄 When you practically shoved him into a chair of yours, Jade smiled and chuckled at your actions that were filled with excitement
" My, my, Y/N~ You really seem excited to show me this 'textile design' of yours. "
🍄 You had held out three different pieces of paper for him to chose, in which he lifted up a print of mushrooms in the woods and you pushed it onto a a piece of white fabric
🍄 Holding a small fragment of magic stones, you dropped them into the 'printer' and activated it, smiling as you sat down and held your boyfriend's arm as he chuckled and watched unwavering at the device's work
🍄 Once it let out a small beep, you jumped up and grabbed the fabric, holding it for the eel-mer to see. And he smiled, enjoying the observing picture of the mushrooms
" Wait- look at the back! "
🍄 When you turned the blanket around, Jade's eyes slightly widened, there was a small drawing of a mushroom with expertly labeled spots
" Aw, my dear~ You really do love me~ "
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🧁 Unlike most of the men at Night Raven College, Trey does know some patterns when it comes to clothing. It comes with the benefits of working with his parents and having a little sister (his brothers don't care enough about clothes)
🧁 When you and him were spending a lot of time speaking about things such as your likes and dislikes, he had caught you speaking of clothing patterns
🧁 While he wasn't shocked, as many Pomefiore members love learning about these kinds of stuff, he was slightly shocked at the amount of knowledge about textile design you had kept in your brain
🧁 He had asked if you could show him a piece you had made, in which you smiled and reached into your bag to pull out a small fabric keychain that had a tiny clover on a tray
🧁 As a man who loves puns himself, he laughed at the joke. His name was Trey, hence the tray, and his surname was Clover, hence the four-leaved plant on the rectangle of metal
🧁 Trey held the fabric item in his hands and looked at it with love as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, giving you a strong side-hug as you chuckled and flushed at his form of affection. He normally wasn't too fond of PDA himself
" I love this, Honey. Thank you for such a lovely gift. I'm sure this will stumble my sibling's minds when they see it. "
🧁 Laying your head on his shoulder as he placed the chain onto his bag, you smiled and replied with a 'no problem', making him rub his hand on your head, messing up your hair slightly
🧁 He was such a dork with you
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🐉 Malleus, as a royal, has studied many different things over his many years of life. Including types of fabric so that someone would not be able to trick him into wearing something damageable to himself
🐉 But, as we all should know, this poor guy does not understand technology in any kind of way. So he does not know what textile design is very well
🐉 So, when you had been taking a small walk with him one day and mentioned textile design, he had no idea what you were talking about. And, like Jack, Malleus is welcoming to the idea of learning how this stuff is made
🐉 Much to your enjoyment
🐉 You had mentioned your offer to show Yuu how people in Twisted Wonderland made the fabric design with magic, and that made Malleus smile and ask if he could observe as well
🐉 You just smiled and agreed for your boyfriend to watch alongside your shared friend, and when he arrived and watched alongside Yuu how you took a crystal and mixed it inside a tiny vial for it to work with the technology so the fabric could be made faster, he was meticulously astounded
🐉 Yuu was as well, but watching a powerful dragon fae's eyes just widen with sparkles at you working on something so simple for him to do was something that could make anyone chuckle
🐉 You had made two items, one being a small grim keychain and the other being a tiny version of a photograph of Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and you during your last vacation from school
🐉 Yuu thanked you and left, dragging Grim behind him as the cat groaned and whined about going to meet with Ace and Deuce, as your boyfriend stared at the item and smiled gently, his eyes being filled with adoration and love
" Thank you so much for this, love. You have no idea how much this means to me. I knew I made no mistake choosing you as mine. "
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thewokemachine · 2 months
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Gonna go back to going on randomass blogs here's some nenzo
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ghostmaldo · 7 months
˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆ Jack Howl xGN!Reader —> Early mornings ˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆
I kiiinda made this up as I went along if you cant tell oof. Ask box is open ^^ Enjoy. Theres probably spelling and grammar errors *Shrugs*
Slight warning: Mention of scars from a natural accident in childhood . Yes this actually happened to me. I have two little ones on my upper arm-
Ask box it always opened^^
Playlist listened to during writing process: https://youtu.be/Yl8QnLRUDfE?si=MZZmCvgKiTy8_4zj
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Golden rays of light begin to peek out from the dark crevices of savanna claw’s wheat colored fields. A soft comfortable breeze shifting through the reddened dirt piles. One white haired wolf stood in a little work out area of his own, just aways from his dorm room. He was drenched in sweat, panting heavily as he finished some of his final cool down sets. His gaze wavered a bit when he caught movement out of the corner of his similarly golden eyes. Presuming it was Ruggie come to complain to him about one of Leona’s antics. He was pleasantly surprised to find the familiar face of the Ramshackle Prefect walking towards him. Jack’s tail began to excitingly propel back and forth despite his face remaining in a neutral state.
(Y/N) waved excitedly, beaming a wide smile at him. Their cheeks were a little flush from the heat already beating down on them… and probably from their ever beating heart. They clutched the lunch bento close to them as they approached Jack’s small domain. They considered each other good enough friends after all they’ve been through together… Though to everyone’s else’s dismay the two were constantly and knowingly dancing around their painfully obvious feelings for the other. Ah well… what was someone to go beside watch in amusement until someone cracked.
“Good morning Jack.” They greeted sweetly. Jack nodded, a bit too eagerly at first but he realized the motion too late. A polite, “Morning,” came in response. He gingerly placed his weights onto the dirt, moving to have a seat near the base of tree providing plenty of shade. Jack motioned for them to come sit beside them, which they gladly took the invitation. Now cozy next to Jack, (Y/N) offered the bento box to him, holding it out in front of them for him to take. He peered at it blankly for a moment, his head tilting to the side in question.
“For you. Your probably hungry after all that running around.” They said with the same glee filled smile. He didnt say anything at first, but the eager wag of his tail told them everything they needed to know. And that was enough. He carefully reached out for the bento box, warmth radiating from the bottom of the box. Still warm and fresh… They must have gotten up early to make this… He thought to himself. If one were to take an x-ray of his heart, they’d find it melting eternally by such a caring gesture. Jack spent the next few minutes thanking them, then he opened the bento. Where he found an array of his favorite foods prepared nicely for him.
Jack devoured the meal in record time. Each bite was a refreshing wave to his exhausted belly. The pair engage in light conversation about things going on in their lives. Such as school work and spell drive games scheduled for the upcoming weeks. It was nice to catch up with him.
A moment of comfortable silence fell between them. Before too long, (Y/N) sensed Jack's bright eyes attentively staring at them… and they were correct in their assumptions. They meet the eyes of a concentrated Jack Howl. His eyes glued to somewhere they weren’t able to pinpoint by sight.
He blinked, realizing he’d been starring Jack quickly averted his eyes. A slight blush formed on his cheeks. “Something wrong?” (Y/N) probed further. A bit of concern washing over their body posture. Jack abruptly shook his head, setting the bento box next to him and whipping his hands along his jeans as he cleared his throats. “Sorry, sorry, I was just… you… you have a scar on your hand-”
It was (Y/N) to blink twice raising one of their hands to the scar Jack was referring to. A thin line of discoloration along their knuckles. As soon as their hand was suspended in the air. Jack enveloped it with his own, examining the scar with keen eyes. It took everything for (Y/N) not to swoon directly into his arms.
“Its alright Jack, I fell in a rose bush when I was a kid. Lucky me I walked away almost unscaved. That’s the only scar I have from the incident.” They explained calmly. Enjoying every minute of Jack holding their palm.
“I see.” He hummed warmly, a curious expression over taking him seemed to memorize the size, shape, everything about the small infliction. His tail casually wavering back and forth behind him. “It… must have hurt.” He finally stated. It was hard to have such a crush on a man who was so adorable… and not even on purpose!
“Only for a moment.” The replied simply.
Jack gave a final grunt of acknowledgement. Untangling his fingers from their hand. He reached over to his water bottle. Had his face become redder? Or was that from the work out? (Y/N) pondered silently, already missing the warmth of Jack's touch. They pressed their hands over their chest, fawning over the moment. Another comfortable silence fell between them. Basking in the peacefulness of quiet morning.
Eventually, the pair did have to journey back to the dorms. Giving Jack enough time to take a well earned shower and walk (Y/N) to their first class. As a thank you for breakfast. Nothing more! Or so he says as his tail swooshes happily behind him.
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Pride month edits for my favorite queer and trans mutants.
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mall-0-ry · 2 years
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