#james x barty x regulus
honeybcj · 2 months
jartylus microfic
— james & barty have a plan, but they just need regulus on board. it shouldn’t take much, but they are willing to go above and beyond. or, the body shots au (mild nsfw, not explicit, but implied sexual content, body shots, mentions of weed) 1.7k
this one goes out to the anon ask about james & barty doing body shots off of regulus, so here we go <3 i told @stagpdf it would be a thing…………
One thing is for sure, when James has a plan to make something happen, he’s more than determined. Thankfully, his brewing idea is easily and quickly embraced by Barty. Even if it means keeping both their mouths shut, not uttering a single word to Regulus about their plans.
It started as James and Barty butting heads. A little playful rivalry that always teetered into the realms of austentacious flirting. Without fail, every single time, it would make Regulus hot in the cheeks, shaking his head fondly from afar.
His reactions turned into casual, yeah, I’d let him fuck me and just imagine me watching as you two got each other off. Had this been any other person, James would have let the jealousy unfurl in the pit of his belly. Go all gnashing teeth and clawing fingernails. But no, this is different.
There’s that part of James that can’t deny the palpable tension between him and Barty, fueled even more by endless bickering and the occasional playful shove. And it’s Barty. Someone Regulus has been friends with for years, so no it doesn’t surprise James in the slightest that there’s some special third thing that describes the relationship between Regulus and Barty.
So no, again, it really doesn’t come as any surprise when Barty said yes, sporting a wolfish grin. The kind of look in his eyes that screams trouble, or let’s play.
After a couple weeks of deliberation, the answer is planted right in their hands.
The apartment is a hazy blur of smoke and the smell of alcohol permeates the air. Somewhere, someone cranks up the music. Each note courses through James’ veins. He feels alive. And Regulus? He looks good enough to eat.
Decked out in pants that hug him in all the right spots and a silk, charcoal gray button up that has somehow become two buttons undone. It makes James’ mouth water, his pants tightening because not a single soul should ever look that good. It’s heartbreaking.
Pandora’s apartment is vast. The kitchen houses an expansive island, littered with half empty bottles, lime wedges, and green plastic cups. People mill about, talking and laughing, sharing drinks and getting high. The lights are dim, but plentiful enough for James to make out every move people are making.
From across the kitchen, Barty meets his gaze, raising his brow in a challenging manner. There’s that signature James Potter grin that appears on his face, nodding once at Barty who looks utterly thrilled by James’ response.
“I say it’s time for body shots!” Barty shouts, gaining the attention of nearly everyone in the room.
There’s a chorus of cheers as James turns to find Regulus watching him with heavy eyes, a little blood shot from the joint he had been sharing with Evan and Dorcas.
Everyone gathers in the kitchen quickly, Pandora shuffling bottles around to clear a space on the center island.
Arms slink around James waist, familiar. He relaxes against the touch, a chin resting gently on his shoulder.
“Wanna go first, baby?” James asks softly, voice like honey.
Regulus hums, releasing James from his grasp. He circles the man, cocking his brow. His voice comes out all smoky and warm, “Let’s give them a show.”
And a show it would be.
If only Regulus knew what he had up his sleeve.
Regulus shucks off the silk material from his shoulders, shoving it into James’ hands. Keeping his eyes locked with James, he climbs onto the counter and lays down. It makes James’ heart hammer inside his chest.
With careful hands, he trails his fingers along the smooth granite countertop before procuring a bottle of tequila. He pours a generous amount into the dip of Regulus’ collarbone, mouth watering with sheer desire and want.
Teasingly, James cocks his head to the side, gaze meeting Regulus’. With all the saccharine he can muster, he says, “Crouch, would you like to do the honors?”
Regulus’ eyes go wide, his mouth about to open in protest, but James hushes him by shoving a lime wedge between his lips. A soft hmph passes Regulus’ lips. His eyes are wild, going back and forth between James and Barty, who is now hovering over Regulus with a satisfied grin on his mouth.
“Alright there, Reggie?” Barty teases, everyone around them murmuring softly amongst themselves, watching with eager eyes.
Per usual, Regulus rolls his eyes, which is enough of a response for Barty to swoop down and lap up the burning liquid from Regulus’ neck.
Right then and there, James thinks he might combust. Barty’s pink tongue is vicious, lapping greedily until he’s gotten his fill. And if James feels his cock twitch in his pants when Barty takes the lime wedge from between Regulus’ lips, it’s nobody’s business but his own.
Cheers erupt around them, and both Barty and James share a look. James, eyes dark and needy, while Barty looks two seconds from ravishing Regulus right then and there on the table. And James would let him; let all their friends watch Barty fuck Regulus with reckless abandon.
Far and few times does Regulus get lost for words. Or astonished by anything, truthfully, but in this moment, Regulus lays atop the counter, chest rising and falling rapidly. Like he enjoyed what just happened. Molten lava pools in James’ belly.
“James, babe,” Barty liberally uses the term of endearment, fluttering his eyelashes all pretty-like. “I have an idea.”
“Huh, that so?” James breathes out, already prepared for what’s to happen.
“Barty, what are you—” Regulus begins, but cuts off when Barty haphazardly pours more tequila down Regulus’ chest, all the way down to his bellybutton.
James licks his lips. They’ve won.
The room goes silent, nobody aware of what is about to happen. But James and Barty know. They’ve planned this.
Regulus’ pale skin glistens with tequila, little droplets of the liquid dripping down his chest. Oh, James wants to eat.
Barty beckons James forward with a finger, a salacious grin on his mouth. “Can’t back out now, Potter.”
“Don’t plan on it,” James throws back, trailing a finger down Regulus’ flank. He shivers beneath the touch, abdomen clenching.
It’s unspoken, but it happens. One second, there’s a heated stare down happening between James and Barty and the next, both of them mouths are attached to Regulus’ torso, devouring the man’s skin. Licking and sucking until the taste of tequila on their tongues is replaced by skin. The sweetest taste—James favorite taste.
Regulus gasps, loud. It’s sharp and piercing, ringing in James’ ears. Goosebumps pop up along Regulus’ skin, hands pressing hard into the countertops. Both James and Barty know what’s happening. They can feel it.
That warmth in James’ belly intensifies when he locks eyes with Barty, James slowly trailing his tongue up Regulus’ torso from his belly button and Barty licking avidly down Regulus’ sternum.
And they meet.
It’s even more than James ever thought. The feeling of another mouth on his. Hot and wet, the lingering traces of tequila coating his tongue. They don’t keep it chaste, no. It’s all tongue and spit. Selfish teeth digging into lower lip, and James outright moans unabashedly at the feeling of Barty’s canines piercing his skin.
You could hear a pin drop in the room. It was that silent. The only noise being emitted was the hum the the music from the other room and the crude sounds of James and Barty’s mouths dueling it out.
James has had his fair share of kisses, but this one? It’s unlike anything he’s experienced before. Needy and heavy. Hot and desperate. Fueled solely on mutual hatred and pent up frustration.
He doesn’t know how long it goes on for, completely lost in the moment, but when it does end, both Barty and him stare at each other, eyes glassy and mouths kiss-swollen. He’s sure they both probably look insane.
Nobody speaks, just watching with slack jaws until someone lets out a loud whoop, whoop! And everyone is clapping and shouting a mix of what the fuck and hell yeah!
Finally, by some miracle, James pulls his focus away from Barty who is now leaning up against the counter acting like he just won the damn lottery. All smug and nonchalant and definitely more composed than James is feeling at the moment.
But what breaks James the most is the look on Regulus’ face. He’s pushed up onto his elbows, undoubtedly having had the best seat in the show for what just happened. His eyes are wide, jaw practically on the floor, pink dusting his cheeks in the most beautiful of ways.
James can’t help but envision that same pink dusting Regulus’ cheeks when he’s being bent over and fucked by Barty. It stirs the pot of rampant want inside his chest.
Regulus doesn’t say anything, just watches. Eyes flit between James and Barty, torso covered in the remnants of tequila and dried spit.
“Jamie,” Regulus fucking whimpers.
James knows everyone is trying their best to keep their focus elsewhere. Come on, it’s not that difficult to read the fucking room. Especially after what just happened. And Regulus’ pathetic whimper really and truly doesn’t help anything.
Barty leans forward, ducking down to whisper something into Regulus’ ear. By the way Regulus’ cheeks heat up even more, turning an ungodly red, James knows something filthy left Barty’s mouth, meant only for Regulus’ ears.
“We’re going,” is all Regulus says as he pushes himself off the counter.
Regulus practically storms out of the room, desperately trying to shrug his shirt back on, fingers fumbling helplessly with the buttons.
God, how they’ve really won this one.
A low voice fills his eyes, mirth dancing in its tone, “I’d say that was a success.”
James nods, agreeing, “Oh absol—” James stops, choking on his own breath when Barty slaps his ass. Hard.
“Come on, Potter,” Barty chuckles, “we’ve got places to be.”
With a shaky inhale, James nods again, turning his head over his shoulder to get one last look at Barty. Not humble about it in the slightest, Barty laughs, something wicked.
The plan may have succeeded, but James had no idea how he would make it out of this night alive.
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kishfish · 18 days
James, Regulus and Barty except they’re the “Three tickets to Challengers, please” meme
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samynnad102687 · 7 days
Locker Room
May 17 Prompt: Locker Room | James/Regulus/Barty | 1773 words
TW: NSFW, RAPE, CON-NONCON, Happy Ending, I swear
Minors Do Not Read!!!
"And Marlene McKinnon caught the snitch, Gryffindor wins 230 - 150!"
James sighed in relief before he descended to the ground to engulf Marlene in a hug. It had been a gruelling match against Ravenclaw. James should have expected as much since they wiped the floor with them last time. Sometimes, he would forget how competitive Ravenclaws could be.
After the congratulating handshakes and everything, James headed off the the locker rooms to shower. He was dirty and wanted nothing more than to get clean and ready for the victory party at Gryffindor Tower tonight. Everyone was invited of course, except Slytherin. Well, there were a couple of Slytherins invited but James wasn't sure if they would be willing to come tonight.
James took a long shower. As much as he loved the attention after bringing his team to another victory, he really just wanted to relax before he had to deal with anybody. James waited to get out until he was sure that everybody else had left the locker room. Only then did he shut off the water and grab his towel before loosely wrapping it around his waist.
However, James stopped short when he realised that he wasn't alone in the locker room like he thought. No, two Slytherins were standing there and smirking at him. Great, that's just what he needed right now. It was bad enough that he almost lost his match, now he had to deal with these two.
"Is there a reason you two are in the Gryffindor locker room?" James asked casually as he walked over to his locker to grab his clothes.
"Whatever do you mean?" Crouch replied as he leaned up against the lockers next to James.
"Aside from the fact that Slytherin didn't play today and would have no reason to be in the locker rooms, this is the Gryffindor locker room," James reiterated before he glanced at Blalck who had taken it upon himself to take a seat on the bench and lean back casually like it was a normal occurrence for him to be in this particular locker room.
"Oh, we were just looking for my brother," Black responded with a wave of his hand. "You haven't seen him, have you, Potter?"
"Not since the match," James shrugged, keeping his eyes on the inside of his locker as he pulled his shirt over his head.
"Is that so? I'd have expected you two to shower together if I'm perfectly honest," Crouch remarked as he took a step closer. "You do seem awfully close."
"That's gonna happen considering he's my best friend. The closeness, not the showering together. We're not that close."
"Hmm, are you sure about that?" Black replied airily.
When James turned around to face him, he was standing right behind him. James' breath hitched with how close he was and he couldn't miss the smirk on Crouch's face even if he tried.
"Positive," James replied as he tried to keep his tone level.
Crouch took one look at Black and laughed, full-bodied as he threw his head back. James gritted his teeth as he pursed his lips into a thin line.
"You know, Reggie," Crouch mused, "I don't think Potter wants to play with us today."
"Hmm," Black looked James up and down with a hunger that he hadn't seen on him before. "That's a shame. I was looking forward to bending him over this bench and taking him for a ride."
James couldn't help it when his jaw dropped. What?! There was no way he just said that.
"Who said we needed his permission to have a little fun?" Crouch smiled devilishly.
"What?" James choked out when the words processed in his mind.
Apparently, it took him too long though because the next thing James knew, he was on his knees and bent over the bench with his hands tied to the legs of it. James tried to pull on the ropes but it was no use and he wasn't that great a wandless or wordless magic yet. He tried to look around from where he was but he couldn't see anything and that made his heart race even more than being tied to the bench. He hadn't even had time to put his pants on and they seemed to have also taken the towel, leaving him in just his shirt.
There was the slam of the door and a click of the lock. James frantically looked around again before he felt the thrum of a silencing charm being put up around the locker room. Even if he tried to scream, nobody would hear him. James sagged against the bench. What were they planning on doing to him?
"Doesn't he look so pretty all tied up like that," Crouch mused and James snapped his head around to see him over by the door.
"He really does," Black replied as he ran his hand up James' thigh and gripped at his ass.
"What do you want? Just let me go and I won't tell anybody about this," James pleaded as he jutted forward into the bench as a finger circled his rim.
"Oh, I have no doubts that you won't be telling anybody about this," Black laughed before he dropped his hand down on James' ass with a loud crack.
"Please, please just let me go. I don't know what you want," James begged as he tried to look behind him but there was a grip in his hair that forced his head down so that he was looking at everything upside down.
"Mouthy little shit, isn't he?" Crouch asked before yanking James' head up so he was staring at him. "We know how to take care of that, don't we Reggie?"
"Hmm," Black hummed noncommittally before a green and silver tie moved past James' eyes and balled up before it was forced into his mouth.
James grumbled around it and Crouch took his own to force it into James' mouth as well, holding the other one in place and tying it behind James' head.
"Much better," Crouch laughed as he patted James on the cheek before dropping his head altogether.
James whined as he tried to pull on the ropes again but it was no use. He had never seen ropes tied so expertly. He sagged on the bench again until he realised it was quiet. He tried to look around but saw nothing. He did however feel something. A wand poked at his entrance and a preparation spell was being performed. It was then that he realised that they intended on raping him. James tried to fight again, only for one of them to smack his ass so hard that he was sure he wouldn't be able to sit down for at least a few hours if not the rest of the night.
"You know, I love it when they fight," Crouch laughed. "It's more fun that way. Honestly, I didn't think Potter had it in him to fight anything."
James mumbled around the tie in his mouth as he tried to argue but it just came out in a garbled mess of sounds. Crouch and Black laughed before one of them gripped his ass and shoved their dick inside him until he screamed around the gag. They were thrusting in and out at a punishing pace as James tried to get away from them. There was a hand in his hair that yanked his head up and bent back until James was looking into Black's grey eyes. They were similar to his brother's but not as gentle.
"Stop fighting bitch. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not so you might as well relax as much as you can," Black growled before he threw James' head back down.
"How is he, Reg?"
"Fucking tight as hell. Merlin, and so fucking wet. You would think that he was enjoying this," Black laughed hollowly.
Crouch grabbed James' hair again and gripped it until James winced from the pain. "Are you enjoying this, Potter? Do you like it when we take advantage of you?"
James tried to shake his head but was cut off by the moan that escaped when Black thrust hard and brushed his dick against that bundle of nerves that had James' cock twitch where it hung heavy beneath him.
"Oh, he does," Crouch chuckled before he dipped low to whisper in James' ear. "Then you'll really love this."
Before James could figure out what he was talking about, Crouch removed the ties from his mouth and replaced them with his hard cock instead. He trusted it as far back as possible until James gagged on it and pushed it farther still. It took all of two seconds before Crouch was meeting Black's pace and thrusting into his mouth while Balck thrust into his ass. James clenched his hands as he tried not to be aroused by them forcing themselves on him.
It didn't help when Black grabbed James' dick and started stroking it with the same intensity as he and Crouch were thrusting into him. James resigned himself to being used because there was no way he was getting out of this.
A while later, could have been minutes or hours, James wasn't sure but he felt Crouch stutter to a stop as he gripped James' hair, thrust his dick deep into James' throat and came down it. Black did the same as he gripped one of his hips and drove himself as deep as he could go before coming in James' ass and stroked James until he shouted around Crouch's dick when he also came.
They both pulled out and James slumped onto the bench as his knees gave out. He was breathing hard and not all there at the moment. When he came down from his orgasm, it was to gentle fingers in his hair and his hands untied before he was pulled into somebody's lap. James looked up to see Regulus smiling down at him.
"How was that baby?"
"Fucking fantastic," James laughed lightly as he looked for Barty.
Barty came over as soon as James reached for him and kissed him on the forehead before he started to rub a healing cream into his wrists.
"Thank you," James said once he was fully back to reality.
"Anything for you, mon soleil," Regulus smiled before he dipped down to capture James' lips in a sweet chaste kiss.
"I love you guys," James replied sleepily.
"I love you too, Jamie," Barty and Regulus said at the same time and James closed his eyes as he snuggled closer to his boyfriends.
Also posted on Ao3: Double-Teamed
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addsalwayssick · 3 months
Remus opened his letter, surprised when it appeared to be a howler. The last time he’d heard one was the day before Sirius got disowned back in 5th year.
He was in the dining hall for breakfast, sitting at the staff table. He watched as Harry and Hermione plotted, looking anxious. He blew it off, as it seemed Harry was always weary.
“A howler,” Snape sneered from beside him.
“Astute observation, Severus.” Remus told him, nodding at him.
Remus disregarded Snape, and focused on the howler. There was no name on it, so it was possible it was from a student playing a prank. In good nature, for the prankingnostalgia, Remus opened it.
There was silence for a moment before a loud, booming voice started to yell. “DARLINGGGGG, GUESS WHOS BACK FROM JAIL” And it was his Sirius Black. And he knew they would find each other again.
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daddiesdrarryy · 5 months
Barty: You slept with Potter?
Regulus: I didn’t know what else to do! He had those big, sad eyes. I couldn’t help it!
Evan: …sure, sounds like you had no other choice
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aludraslytherin · 29 days
Lily: Does anyone know why James and Regulus are sitting back to back holding hands?
Barty: They got in a pretty bad fight, Reg is mad at Potter.
Lily: Okay but why the hand holding then?
Remus: James got scared that Regulus doesn't love him anymore, so that's their solution until they calm down.
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the-original-gays · 1 month
Regulus: I got 1% Indian on an ancestry DNA test.
Barty: 1% Indian? How could that have happened with your family?
Regulus: Well, it was a mouth swab test.
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not-rab · 25 days
Pandora: The floor's lava!
James: *helping Regulus onto the table*
Barty: *kicks Evan off the sofa*
Dorcas: There are two types of boyfriends
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regulusblock · 19 days
teen Regulus: what's an orgasm?
teen Barty: when you fold paper to make birds and shit
also teen Evan: that's oregano, bitch
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nixnight1 · 6 months
Regulus high with Barty at the Potter's
Sirius: Can I get in here? I need the- Oh my god!!
Regulus using Sirius' clothes and makeup: It's like looking on a mirror!!
Sirius: No it isn’t, Regulus >:(
Regulus: Who's Regulus?
Barty: I already can't tell who is who
Sirius: Take that stuff off
Regulus: Moony! Get in here and settle this!
Sirius: Don't call my boyfriend "Moony"
Remus: What? OH woah-hey Hey, travel size Pads! Awww
Sirius: Moonyyyy, you're encouraging him
James: I need the bathroom... Oh wow this is confusing
Sirius: No, it's not!
Regulus: You're my family and I love you all, but I'm cooler than all of you!
Sirius: I don't say that
James: Well that's all you say
Remus and Barty: Yeah
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adharastarlight · 7 months
Reg sneaking into his dorm at 2am, uniform a little dishevelled
Barty, turning the light on and stroking a cat like a bond villain: why hello, you're out awfully late
Reg: ...uhm-
Evan, appearing in the shadows next to Barty: it's dreadfully strange how the light affects the colours of ties
Reg: merde
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isabel-lillah · 2 months
when James and Reggie got together and James met Reg's friends he took one look at Barty and Evan and he just went god damn it not again
because the flashbacks to pre-relationship Sirius and Remus are hard and he does not want to go through that again
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rhetorical-conscience · 7 months
Barty: Wait, I thought you guys were dating.
Regulus: What? No. Why would you think that?
Dorcas: To be fair, I also thought you two were dating.
Evan: Raise your hand if you thought James and Regulus were dating.
Everyone: *raises their hand*
Regulus: James, put your hand down.
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a-great-tragedy · 13 days
We always talk about how James thinks he is too much and Regulus thinks he’s not enough, but may I propose the opposite? James, who is constantly living for others, afraid that he isn’t good enough for them so he burns himself out trying to be energetic and positive, while there’s Regulus, who is afraid that talking about his emotions and feelings too much will scare people away and will make them realize how different he really is from the rest of them, so he shuts himself out.
Regulus has a fear of being too much, that’s why he is so closed off. James is afraid of not being enough, that’s why he puts himself out there
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groupielove21 · 2 years
The Black Brothers trying to explain his trauma to people
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remuslupinlovebot · 2 months
marauders era p links (18+)
all links lead to p0rn !! watch at your own risk and do not watch in public
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regulus fingering you in his dorm
regulus bouncing you on his cock
riding james when he visits you for summer break
james celebrating a quidditch win
james absolutely devouring you as if you were his last meal on earth (this is the hottest video)
james teasing you while you’re wearing his hoodie
james stuffing you full and showing how much you mean to him
james eating his pretty girl out
sirius making his girl feel good
showing sirius what a good girl you are
69’ing with sirius
sirius using his long fingers to make you cum
morning fucks with sirius
sirius fucking you at your house
remus fucking your face
remus fucking you in the bathroom before a full moon
riding professor lupin
getting extra credit with professor lupin
bouncing on bartys cock
barty fucking the LIFE out of you
marlene riding the life out of you
marlene making you look in the mirror as she destroys you
marlene fingering you till you’re shaking
making a sex tape with marlene
marlene eating you out
making out with marlene
fucking lily with a d!ldo
intimate but intense foreplay with lily
fucking lily in the common room
sucking mommy’s tits like a good girl
roommate lily helping you out
car sex with lily
thanking lily for date night by eating her out
lily sitting on your face <3
using mommy’s tits to cum
mary bringing you to heaven with her fingers
mary sending you a video while you’re on a work trip
home alone with mary
fucking mary after coming home to her all dolled up
making mary cum
eating mary out by the pool
eating dorcas out till she’s whimpering
(doesn’t really look like dorcas but it’s hot so whatever) devouring dorcas on the kitchen counter
giving dorcas special treatment after a night out
dorcas riding you
marlene eating lily out to give her a break from studying
pansy parkinson riding the genuine life out of you
pandora, dorcas and barty having fun when the dorms are empty
foreplay with lily and nb partner (not RLLY p0rṉ)
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