#let them be chaos gremlins together
chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Angel: Soooo… We may have gotten into a bit of trouble back in the city.
Vaggie, regretting letting them all go without supervision: Well, that was entirely predictable.
Husk: One of us blew up a building.
Vaggie: Cherri?
Angel: Nah, Niffty, actually.
Vaggie: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
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clarafell · 4 days
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text starters / accepting / @s-talking
💫 for a late night text.
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[ 4 Text Messages from HOMURA. ]
Text: A little bird told me that the children have been misbehaving a lot lately— Don't get me started on what they have done this time... They are already a handful, but it seems like they are even worse at nighttime—
Text: Would you mind giving them a lesson for me?
Text: They aren't fragile, as you already know, so feel free to go all out on them. They might try to dress you up by force, so I thought I would warn you about that. I hate to bother you, but I hope you wouldn't mind handling them... I would handle them myself, but things have been... stressful. I promise I'll talk to you soon.
Text: I promise I'll make sure to bring you something nice to make up for all of this. Did you have anything you would like?
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spacedace · 1 year
It was the final hour. Doomsday at their door, with only hours left before the world was consumed entirely and every last living thing was devoured right along with it.
Summoning the High King of the Infinite Realms was the only option left, and even then felt more like choosing a firing squad rather than a noose at the end of the day. Pariah Dark might - might - accept the task of destroying the foe they faced, but tmit would come at a cost that was near equal to doing nothing at all. Provided the tyrannical ruler simply didn't let them all die, an entire planet dead was an entire planet to add to his endless armies.
They had to try. Stupid and suicidal as it was.
Zantanna and John worked in silence as they created the summoning circle, hands shaking and stomachs cramping as they worked under the apprehensive eyes of the rest of the League. They all understood that no matter what happened, they would all likely end up dead by the end of it. That the best case scenario meant that death was only the beginning of their problems.
Candles were lit. Insense burned. Blood spilled. Words spoken.
It failed, not so much as a flicker of magic. Which was impossible, they'd checked and confirmed a dozen times that they had the right ritual, that they were following the steps, they had done everything right way wasn't it working? What had they done wr-
"Ugh, gross is that blood?"
Elle Phantom, fifteen minuted late to the site of the ritual with both the boys Super, the most murderous Robin and a sugary abomination of an iced coffee from Starbucks, scrunched her nose in disgust as she looked at the summoning circle.
"This ritual is so out of date, where did you even find it? Wait is that Latin? Who tries to summon someone from the Ghost Zone in Latin?"
John had burned through every drop of alcohol and cigarette he owned hours ago while trying to find this bloody damn ritual and was very much not in the mood for the little hellspawn's color commentary on the process.
"I don't bloody well seeing you providing with any alternatives for summoning the Ghost King." He swore, turning away from the gremlin to tear through the ancient book he and Zantanna had discovered with the ritual inside.
There was a loud slurping noise as the undead hero sucked the last remnants of her drink through the straw. John's brow twitched, even Zantanna - who usually seemed endeared by the chaos goblin - looked at the end of her rope.
Then - "Oh, is that who you wanted to summon? Why didn't you say so?" She drifted over, handing her empty drink off to a disgruntled looking Batman, and began rummaging through the unused magival supplies left over from the - failed - summoning circle. "Here, give me like, five minutes."
John was fairly certain his head was about to explode.
"You know how to summon the Ghost King? You?"
Phantom rolled her eyes at him. "Duh, obviously."
"Obviously." Zantanna repeated, looking like she was half a moment away from having a breakdown. She didn't try to stop the ghostly girl, though, and to be fair neither was John. They were already fucked, might as well let the gremlin try her hand at it.
It took less than the five minutes Phantom had claimed she needed.
When she was done there was a significantly smaller circle on the ground. At the cardinal directions of the circle, written clockwise she'd drawn not any magical runes but instead what appeared to be the Roman Numerals for one, then two, then something akin to a sideways T with an additional mark rising upward from the long horizontal bar, then the letter L.
It had to have some kind of ancient magical significance John didn't know as Shazam made a noise like a dying goose and squeaked out the word Loss like it was a question. Phantom gave the Champion of Magic a sharp toothed grin before adding some words in a language John didn't know before she finally allowed gravity to pull her back to earth and plant her feet on the ground.
She wiped her hands together a bit dramatically, looking pleased with herself, but at that point John didn't care. He could feel the building magic, heavy and oppressive as she had begun her task. Unlike the circle he and Zantanna had attempted, this one was working.
He couldn't help thr nervous swallow he gave as Phantom then declared, with a strange amount of seriousness. "All that’s left are the words."
She took a deep breath, eyes closing for a moment, and the world went utterly silent around them. This, John could feel, this was the real deal. Fuck him sideways the hellspawn was actually doing it.
Phantom's eyes opened, glowing with that bright eerie green light of her power. Another deep breath and then -
"You are my dad! You're my dad!" He watched, any scraps of hope she'd instilled in him dying an undignified death as she gave a terrible little wiggle dance while she sang(?) Off key, "Boogie woogie woogie!"
Every last person on Earth was going to die and one of John's last moments was going to be spent watching the little undead shit do the Macarena. Well fuck him, he guessed.
Then there was the sound of the veil between the world's tearing in two and the fucking Ghost King was standing in Phantom's summoning circle screaming in a screeching falsetto:
"When will you learn? When will you learn that your actions have consequences!"
You know what actually at this point John would rather the apocalypse kill him.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
It’s me, hi I’m the problem is me (dead tired)
The world was ending.
That was the thing Tim had come to accept. Somehow, all of the big bads had made friends and decided to work together to take over the universe and split it amongst themselves. Darkseid, Trigun, Barbatos, they had all gotten together to conquer the universe. Raven was completely drained, The supers three were in the infirmary, and the Lanterns Corp were barely holding them back, losing every second. Hell, even the Justice League Dark were down for the count.
“What are we doing to do?” Nightwing murmured, watching as the Lanterns slowly lost momentum.
“I-I don’t know,” Bruce whispered. Tim’s adoptive father had ripped of his cowl, his hair stood mussed from continuously running his fingers through his hair in stress. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman stood over all of the contingencies Bruce had ever collected on the three big bads.
Robin stared at the screen that showed the devastation, a frown prominent on his face. “So this is it? We just give up?”
“No,” Red Hood said walking into the room with Arsenal and Starfire in tow. Behind the three stood a young man. He had Lazarus green eyes, snow white hair, slightly blue skin, and pointed ears. His body adorned in black armor, a blue crown floated above his head and a large cape hung from his body with galaxies swirling around. He looked to be Tim’s age, maybe just a little older than him, somewhere between his and Jason’s age.
“Who’s this?”
The being stepped forward, jewelry that hung from his ears tinkled slightly when he did and jeez, he was beautiful.
“My name is Phantom,” the being said with a serene smile. He was otherworldly, unlike anything Tim had ever seen in his life. “I am High King of the Infinite Realms. Jason asked me to come and assist with an issue you are dealing with,” he said, his eyes flicked to the large monitor curiously, tilting his head to the side, the silver that hng from his ears clangled once more. “Ah, those three, how fun.”
“How do you uh, how do you know Jason?” Tim asked, stepping towards the king.
At this, Phantom had an amused smile on his face as he looked back at Jason. “You never told them?”
Jason let out a groan of annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did. “When I died, Phantom found me in the ghost zone, I never actually moved one when I died. For those six months I just hung out in the ghost zone and became friends with Phantom. Before I came back, he declared me as one of his Fright Knights. And last years he ran into me during one of my missions and brought back my memories from when I died and fixed the pit rage.”
Phantom nodded, a wide grin on his face. “Jason made a lousy ghost. Now, how about I go fix this issue for you all real quick?” He said before he disappeared. Tim went to ask Jason about Phantom only for his father to beat him to the punch.
“Is this why we haven’t been able to get in contact with you?” Bruce asked, furrowing his brow. Jason shrugged.
“Couldn’t find the sword he left me that lets me summon him. Turns out I left it on Kori’s ship so she had to travel to come get me. From there it took a bit for me to remember how to summon him, I’ve never actually done it before so it took a few tries to get it right. And of course Phantom thought it was a social call and he loves to talk so it took a little bit to explain. And on top of that, time works different in the Realms. And Klarion was there so it just took a little longet than I wanted it to but he’s here and he’ll take care of the issue super quick.”
“Yeah he’s dating Phantom’s clone, he hates their relationship like a lot but it’s like two little chaos gremlins,” Jason said with a chuckle.
“How old is Phantom?” Tim blurted out.
Jason gave the nineteen year old a confused look but chuckled nonetheless. “He’s twenty.”
“Twenty and he is already a king?” Aquaman said, looking more and more interested in Phantom.
“Been king since he was fourteen,” Jason said, sucking at his teeth before he looked at the monitor and started snickering. Tim followed his gaze and smiled when he saw Phantom grow a third arm and grabbed all three beings by their ears, shrinking them down to his size before he dragged them away from the Lanterns before they disappeared.
Soon after the four reappeared in front of Bruce, Diana and Arthur who all looked on curiously.
“Kneel,” Phantom ordered. The three beings fell harshly to their knees. “I am beyond disappointed in the three of you. Are your realms not enough? What makes you think that you have the right to take over dimensions that do not belong to you?”
“But-” Trigon started.
“No buts from you, Trigon. The only reason you’re even still the ruler of your world is because none of your children want the position,” Phantom said. “Due to your crimes against this realm I hearby sentence you all to a millenia in the Fright Zone. Jason,” he instructed.
Jason grinned and pulled his sword from its sheath and stepped forward. With a quick swipe, all three disappeared from view.
Phantom stepped towards the three heroes and dipped his head in a polite bow. “They should not cause anymore issues. I apologize that I could not get here sooner. While I may be ll power, I am not all seeing and Kronos does not always deem it fit to tell me when my underlings are causing issues,” he said with a polite smile. “Does anyone have any paper or something to write on?”
“I uh, I have a tablet, I can just pull up something,” Tim stammered, stepping forward. Phantom smiled in thanks, taking the tablet from Tim. He drew out a complicated sigil and set it on the large table.
“This is my official line. Next time you are in a situation such as this, please do not hesitate to summon me,” he said before he looked at Tim and looked him up and down, a single fang peeked from under his lip. “As for you, Handsome, feel free to get my personal sigil from your brother and call me anytime.”
Before Tim could say another word, the High King disappeared and Tim immediately turned towards his brother with wide eyes. “ Jason ,” he hissed.
“He’s my fucking friend! I don’t want you dating him,” Jason shouted, running out of the room with Tim following close behind.
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nose-nippin-fun · 3 months
Comic idea (assuming Stolitz ends up together):
Ozzie, Husk, and Vaggie are welcoming Stolas to the canon ship club, and then Husk gestures at their partners like “should we do something about them?”
*pans to Fizz and Charlie throwing Blitz up in excitement while Angel fires guns like a chaos gremlin*
*cuts back to the calm partners*
Vaggie: “eh, let them have this.”
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emo-batboy · 1 year
thoughts on battinson with his like seven kids and they have to suffer through everyone wanting to fuck him cause have you seen him??
Alright so this response kinda works in a competely separate realm of canon than what I usually post. I’m gonna preface that right now, but BOY do I have thoughts :D
So when I think of Battinson and his (non)accidental orphan acquisition, I see Battinson as being on a much more even playing field emotionally than most other iterations. He’s not really as stoic and put-together, so having kids (especially multiple) would cause a LOT more chaos and drama. So in this case, I like to think that it happens at a very rapid rate. (Again, I’m saying this because this require straying from the film’s canon to a much larger degree than I usually do.) SO by the time he’s 32, he has an 11yo Dick, a 9yo Jason, and an 8yo Tim. And they probably grow with him much like teen parents do with their kids. He’s not as authoritative as most parents. Instead, he starts out as like half older brother, half dad, then graduates to the roll of batdad after his whole vengeance era.
Dick, older brother and the leader of the “Save Dad and Our Childhood Innocence” brigade teaches the three everything there is to know. He is the most experienced with these awful public events like galas and charity auctions, so he is in control.
And it is SO much easier to get the creepy suitors to back off when they work as a team
Dick talks everyone’s ears off. He’s the golden boy (getting perfect grades and gold medals in his school’s gymnastics team) so he EASILY gets away with distracting people
Dick will insert himself into adult conversations all the time, and Bruce always lets him, which allows Jason and Tim to wreak havoc on whatever target they chose.
Whenever it isn’t too obvious or it’s late enough in the night, Jason will fake a cold or a headache sometimes (he’s prone to falling sick) and Bruce will insist that he take his kid home and tuck him into bed himself, very fatherly
Tim uses his Youngest Child points to woo the nicer ones and direct them away from Bruce, but it doesn’t usually works on the gold diggers (and thank god because Tim HATES acting cute) so he’ll use it on Bruce instead
When those three plans don’t work, the three gremlins start getting Creative TM
Jason, taking a swig from some wine glass and proceeding to spray it all over Vicky Vale’s white dress: “This isn’t grape juice!”
Tim, resident iPad kid and (despite popular belief) The Most Evil of the Three, sees some lady touching his batdad so he finds her phone number on an online directory and prank calls her every time she gets too close
Suitor: “Your father is very handsome.” Dick: “My father’s dead :(” “…” “Oh wait, you mean Bruce! Yeah, he’s nice.”
One lady starts hanging off of Bruce, but he needs to run off to say hello to an investor. Jason appears from nowhere in his dapper little tux and the lady just says, “So uhh, you like the Wiggles, right?” Jason: “Nope! Have you ever read Crime and Punishment? :)”
Dick “accidentally” slaps some obnoxious guests with his wild hand gestures “Oh no! I’m so sorry :(( Let me get you an ice pack” and pulls them away while the other two hide their laughter
One of the ladies who is WAY too comfortable and forward when flirting with Bruce is forced to sit down with Tim and he goes in head first “what are you doing with my dad?” “oh you know what adults do, honey. Messing around, having fun” and he’s like “well My dad doesn’t look interested” “of course he is! who knows? Maybe we’ll hit it off and make another one of you one day” which gives Tim intense psychic damage, but he’s a horrible little brat so he doesn’t give up. He hits her with the innocent doe eyes and asks in the cutest fucking voice “Where do babies come from?” she BOOKS IT (they never see her again)
Anyway, to answer your question: they are little terrors. and Bruce knows they’re little terrors, but he doesn’t care because he hates the creepy attention even more than they do, but this way it comes with a show :D
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gffa · 1 year
I am ready to make my BATFAMILY problem everyone else’s problem again, I have just woken up and I am choosing violence. And by violence, I mean that a whole bunch of these fics made me laugh or wriggle around in pure love for these chaos gremlins or just straight up cried my way through like 30k+ of fic in one night and I want everyone else to experience that same gamut of emotion. Especially because I have a Dick Grayson Problem and I’m going to make you all deal with that, but in return, you all get to make me deal with your Jason Problem, your Tim Problem, your Damian Problem, etc., because now those problems are my problems, too. So you may have to scroll a bit to find what you’re looking for, but I hope there will be some fun stuff for almost every Bat character here, and I’m tearing my way through as much fic as I can as fast as I can, but if you want to make more fic my problem in return, please feel free. What else is fandom for, if not for trying to make each other cry four times in a 10k fic? BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I’M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ terrible sting, terrible storm by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce & harvey, 3.2k      Bruce takes in a five-year-old Dick Grayson, and Harvey offers his two cents. ✦ Telescopes and Ladders by RenaRoo, dick & bruce, 5.3k      Alfred leaves for England on business and leaves the Manor to Bruce and a young Dick for a week. Bruce realizes he doesn’t know how to Adult for a child on his own. ✦ When the Bough Breaks by SKH, dick & bruce & alfred, 6.2k      Dick’s first year at Wayne Manor ✦ Training Wheels by kuonji, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.6k      Alfred finds himself in turns bemused, horrified, and exasperated, as their temporary houseguest to Wayne Manor becomes so much more. ✦ Cling-On by Bjurnberg, dick & bruce & justice league, 1.8k      Robin is clinging onto Batman’s leg, refusing to let go - and Batman is hiding him under the cape during a Justice League meeting. ✦ Beam Me Up (I don’t want to be alone anymore) by laydowntoearth, dick & bruce & justice league, 3.9k      Dick didn’t like this silence. Not at all. But Bruce was at a meeting at the Watchtower. And he couldn’t just break into the Watchtower. Right? ✦ sunshowers by emavee, dick & bruce, 3.7k      Bruce learns how to show physical affection to the kid in his care. There’s a bit of a learning curve, but he and Dick are in it together. ✦ Without a Mask by CamsthiSky, dick & bruce, 2.3k      In which Dick is kidnapped for the very first time and Bruce swears he’s going to have a heart attack. ✦ Hello Fadduh by lurkinglurkerwholurks, dick & bruce, 2.2k      Camp had seemed like a good idea at the time. So maybe sleepaway hadn’t been a part of Bruce’s childhood, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be part of Dick’s. ✦ A Close One by blizzard, dick & bruce & alfred, 3.2k      Twenty-three year old Bruce is new at being a dad and is learning how to balance parenting and being a billionaire philanthropist playboy. He ends up taking his six year old to a cocktail party despite Alfred’s protests, and runs into some trouble. Naturally. ✦ night terrors by glassofwater, dick & bruce & alfred, 3.5k      Bruce doesn’t know what to do. How do you help someone when you haven’t helped yourself? More to the point, how can he even begin to think of helping someone so small? BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ Chirp by SpaceWall, dick & bruce & batfam, 3.2k      When Dick’s siblings learn he was never actually adopted by Bruce they attempt the most logical option. A parent sibling trap. ✦ The Game by myrina-lux, dick & bruce & cast, 17.3k wip      After a long night patrolling, Dick returns home to find an unwelcome message. The young hero decides to view it as a challenge, however, and begins a sly game with his mentor. ✦ Trade Your Heroes for Ghosts by CaramelMachete, dick & bruce, 1k      The day after Nightwing’s shooting, Batman sits by his bedside and waits. ✦ Plan B by Fleur_de_Violette, dick & bruce & cast, 2.9k      Dick was sure no part of the perfect plan Batman and Red Robin had set involved Nightwing clinging to a raft in the middle of an angry Gotham sea. But, well. Things didn’t always go according to the plan did they? ✦ like brothers on a hotel bed by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, 7.9k      Dick and Bruce have been on shaky terms for a while, but they realize that none of that matters when they’re both captured on an impromptu team-up. To make matters worse, one of their captors has a grudge against Dick, who already isn’t at the top of his game due to injuries. Separated, Bruce can only watch and hope that someone finds them before it’s too late. ✦ Smile by glassofwater, dick & bruce, ~1k      Sometimes, Bruce can’t help but miss his son’s old smiles. ✦ cut down by Squishychickies, dick & bruce & jason & alfred & damian, 4.1k      Maybe I am sad, he thinks, if only because it’s smart to go down that avenue before discounting it entirely. Scientists are open to all possible conclusions. Perhaps Dick is, in fact, sad. Dick is depressed. He has Bruce’s support. ✦ After the Wake by nighhtwing (divineauthor), dick & bruce & alfred & jason & cast, 1.6k      Fathers should not bury their children. Or: When Jason dies, Dick comes home, and Bruce muses on being a parent. BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ When Destiny Doesn’t Care by withthekeyisking, dick & bruce & damian & jason & cast, read the tags, 9.9k      Breeches are opening all across the world, admitting people randomly from other Earths. One such person is Dick Grayson. Or, as he’s better known on Earth-2950, Deathstroke. ✦ When it Rains by sElkieNight60, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & cassandra, 7.7k      “What about yourself, Richard?” asks the reporter, widening her own insincere smile to match as she turns her torso half an inch towards him. “As the eldest I am sure you are simply overjoyed to have your brother back but, might I ask: why is it, do you think, that you are the only one of Mister Wayne’s children that he hasn’t formally adopted?” ✦ I broke free on a Saturday morning by daringyounggrayson, dick & roy & bruce & cast, 10k      Spring break is coming up, but between a canceled family vacation and an ongoing fight with Bruce, Dick’s not exactly looking forward to it. He decides that the only way to get through the two-week break with his sanity intact is by taking an unauthorized road trip to California. He convinces Roy to come with him, conveniently leaving out the fact that Dick doesn’t have permission from Bruce to go. Everything goes well up until it doesn’t. ✦ One More Day by EagleInFlight, dick & damian & john/mary & jason & tim & alfred, 12.6k      Damian saves a dog—who was a goddess of the dead in disguise. She offers him a gift: the chance to spend a week with a deceased loved one. Damian decides to give his gift to someone else. /OR/ Dick Grayson reunites with his parents. ✦ Skating is something you don’t do in Gotham by glassofwater, dick & bruce & damian & cast, 4.6k     Winter in Gotham isn’t always pleasant, and trying to wait out a drug deal in below freezing temperatures makes it all the more unbearable. It would have been tolerable, at least somewhat, if he had seen the ice. ✦ starlight raining over me by charcoal_moon, dick & hal & wally & barry & jinx & cast, 23.6k      The Flying Graysons fall in Coast City instead of Gotham, and Dick Grayson’s path to heroism involves a hell of a lot more faith, trust, and alien tech than anyone ever expected. ✦ i want to wake up (i hate this dream) by CamsthiSky, dick & alfred, 2.3k      Sometimes, Dick feels like a zombie. Like he’s the walking dead. Like nothing will ever be good again. Sometimes, he takes too much weight onto his shoulders, and he never puts it down. There’s a point where he crumbles to dust underneath all that weight, and there’s nothing for him to do but ride the breakdown and wait until he can bear the weight and start the whole process over again. ✦ if you just call me by BeatriceEagle, dick & donna & cast, 9.1k      Dick and Donna, after the action, through the years. BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I’M GONNA THROW HIM AT DICK BECAUSE IT’S FUNNY (AND MAYBE SOME OF HIS OTHER SIBLINGS TOO): ✦ Where Dick and Jason Argue Because They Love Each Other by CamsthiSky, dick & jason, 2k      Dick gets hurt and both him and Jason make “Your Face” jokes, because sometimes you gotta distract yourself from dying with dumb sibling bickering. ✦ hot wheels by envysparkler, dick & jason & bruce, 4.1k      Jason tries his luck stealing tires in Bludhaven. It doesn’t go any better. BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK AND DAMIAN WERE THE BEST BATMAN & ROBIN, I’M NOT HEARING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THAT EITHER: ✦ Tidied by BrickSheep, dick & damian & bruce, 1.1k      Damian doesn’t complain when Dick fusses over his clothing. Bruce doesn’t know what to think of it. It’s nothing like the uncompliant son he knew. ✦ When You’re The One Who’s Loved by fishfingersandjellybabies, dick & damian & tim, 1.9k      Damian doesn’t understand why Dick is so upset. Tim does, though. ✦ bedtime passed by renecdote, dick & damian, 1.2k      Dick returns from patrol and finds his Robin waiting up for him. He carries Dami to bed and things get fluffy. ✦ Wheel and Blade by Kieron_ODuibhir, dick & damian, 2.4k      Damian was waiting in the penthouse when Dick got there, all expectant expression and confrontational stance. Dick closed the door behind him and let himself be confronted. “You didn’t get expelled,” he announced. This was, unsurprisingly, not greeted with relief. (In our house there are many legacies.) ✦ what life without you’s like by dizarys, dick & damian & alfred & bruce, 1.3k      Dick threw the door open, leaping over the hood of the Batmobile and wrenching open the passenger door. His cowl was already down, letting Alfred see the undiluted fear on his face as he reached into the car. “He only stopped screaming a few minutes ago. I think he made himself pass out.” Alfred’s gut twisted when Dick straightened, Robin cradled in his arms. ✦ Just a Little TLC by fishfingersandjellybabies, dick & damian, 1.7k      Dick was not sick. Really. He was fine. Fine! ✦ When Dick Met Dick by pupeez4eva, dick & damian, time travel, 1k      Rebellious, teenage, Nightwing!Dick travels to the future and meets doting, overprotective, Batman!Dick. Time-travel fic. BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY’RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ The Return by silverwhittlingknife, dick & tim & cast, 10.8k      “Tim? Can you open your eyes for me?“ It takes a bit, but Tim must be at least sort of coherent, because he blinks obediently. Dark, dark eyes, dilated. Concussion, almost for sure. Both pupils are equally large, so they’ve avoided a worse injury. But his eyes aren’t tracking or focusing, lost in space. “Tim, do you know where you are?” Tim’s forehead is all tense, like he’s thinking hard. “I,” he hazards after a long moment, “I fell?” Red Robin 11 and 12, from Dick’s POV. Tim comes home. ✦ you are somebody’s baby; some mother held you near by nosecoffee, bruce & dick & jason & tim & cast, 11.9k      “Oh my god,” Nightwing whispers, echoing through their comms like a twig snapping underfoot when you’re trying to be silent. He and Batgirl go stiff and silent, barely daring to breathe. “B, oh my god. How many…?” The tone in his voice — he sounds like he’s about to cry. There were six kids on our radar, Jason thinks, erratically. Six. “I don’t know, Nightwing.” ✦ and the shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light by popsunner, tim & damian (& dick), 5.4k      Damian is around a lot more since Dick died, hovering like he’s looking for something that isn’t here anymore. It’s alright. Tim is used to playing the part of ghosts. Or: Dick is dead. Things change ✦ utter my love by dizarys, tim & bruce & dick & jason & damian & tim/bernard, 5.6k      “Dick!” Bernard greeted him with a smile. A heartbeat later, it melted away. Bernard’s knuckles went white around the edge of the door. “What happened?” Dick didn’t know what he’d done to give it away but there was no point in beating around the bush. “Tim’s been shot.” The aftermath of Tim’s injury in Batman #125 ✦ long distance by unchosenone, dick & tim, 1.6k      Six months—months—radio silence, and Tim is calling him. Dick doesn’t even know where Tim is. He scrambles for the phone. ✦ A Smile Safecrackers Understand by chapstickaddict, clark/bruce/diana & dick & jason & tim & duke & cast, 44.6k wip      Seven times a Justice League member helped out a BatFam kid, making a reluctant friend for life in Bruce Wayne. And one time he thanked them for it. ✦ We’ve Taken Different Paths, Traveled Different Roads by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & tim, 2.2k      Dick is suddenly very awake. He bolts upright, staring at the dimly lit figure. “Tim?” “Hi, Dick,” Tim whispers. He isn’t in uniform for once, instead wearing a pair of sweats and a shirt that Dick recognizes as one of Bruce’s. Dick was wondering where that went. “Jesus, kid,” Dick exhales, an uncertain mixture of disbelief and bafflement. “What are you doing here?” Tim and Dick are still in a fight of sorts, or are they? Have they made up yet, or is the terrain still cracked? Dick wants so badly to ask, but just having Tim in the same room as him is already more than Dick could have hoped he’d get. ✦ Subject Hostile, Proceed with Caution by emiv, bruce/selina & dick & jason & tim, 1.1k      Bruce preps the boys for an upcoming mission. (Post-TLYS) ✦ Shock the Monkey by TheResurrectionist, hal & jason & damian & batkids & background clark/bruce, 5.9k      Hal Jordan babysits the Batfamily for a day. It goes about as well as expected. BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE’S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ Your Horoscope For Today by anthologia, tim/kon, NSFW, ~1k      Kon develops the ability to heal people with his dick. No, really. ✦ Non-Public Displays of Affection by irrelevant, tim/kon, NSFW, 4.7k      It’s all about the shirt. No, really. ✦ To Touch and Be Touched by Merelymine, tim/kon, NSFW, 2.5k      He has to—he needs to get away, and it would be funny if he wasn’t so turned on. ✦ Under Pressure by orphan_account, tim/kon, NSFW, fuck or die, 5.4k      Tim is poisoned by aliens who want to see see how humans mate. Kon is the only one in the cell with him and they both struggle with their emotions as they try to work out what to do. ✦ A Night In by Musafir, tim/kon & bruce & dick & jason & damian, 5.9k      In which Tim attends a remote meeting with the BatClan and inadvertently learns that they have all given his husband the Bat version of The Talk. ✦ time flies by by Laroyena, tim/kon & clark & lex & jon, 6.5k      Jon Kent is Superboy. Tim’s gut instinct tells him that’s wrong. (Timkon fix-it where reboot!Tim misses Kon like a phantom limb. And then he gets him back.) ✦ good for you by Anonymous, tim/kon, NSFW, 3k      Tim can sometimes be a little shit, but Kon has gotten pretty good at reading his moods. Besides, they both kind of like it. ✦ Boss Me Around by egg_thief, tim/kon, NSFW, transmasc!tim, dom/sub elements, 2k      Tim suddenly pulls away. “I didn’t tell you to move,” he muses, his voice dangerously low. “I need you to be a good boy, ok?” Kon swallows, his mouth having gone dry at Tim’s words. When and where did he learn all of-? Never mind. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the way that his words make Kon’s dick jump, his heart quickening in pace. ✦ Top Shelf Goods by JpegDotJpeg, tim/kon & cassie & bart, 4k      Or, Tim pretends to be Conner’s boyfriend, just to help him avoid unwanted attention. Because that’s what friends do. Pretend to be romantically involved even though they are definitely not interested in each other in that way and it would totally never happen. Definitely. ✦ Take My Word for It by rotasha, tim/kon, NSFW, 8.6k      Tim has been hiding his mental health problems from Kon. Kon can tell something is wrong when it starts affecting their relationship. He may be out of his depth, but he’ll do whatever he can to make his boyfriend happy. BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT’S WHAT I’M HERE FOR: ✦ Spill of the War by 2012bookworm, dick & jason & tim & cast, read the tags at the end of the fic, 64.2k      It takes a second, but the realization Jason comes to is horrifying. “You dosed yourself. With Joker venom.” Tim nods, still smiling, still shivering. At least the laughter has tapered off, not that that really makes this better, not that anything could make this better. ✦ the primacy of personal conscience by birdsofthesoul, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce & cast, 26.5k      Or: Dick, his family, and the moral morass of a wishing well. ✦ The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & alfred & cast, 52.5k      What the comics neglected to cover after Bruce returns from being lost in time. ✦ Whumptober 2021 by dizarys, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & barbara & cass & steph & alfred, 42k      Jason tried to tighten his hold but blood made Dick’s gauntlet too slick. His hand slipped free. A wordless, desperate sound clawed its way out of Jason’s throat as Dick tumbled towards the murky water. Without hesitation Jason let go, plummeting after him. ✦ When it Rains by vellaphoria, dick & tim & cass, read the tags, 5.7k      After Cass and Tim return from Paris, something seems… wrong. Dick tries to find out what it is.
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muertawrites · 2 years
Cheaper by the Dozen (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Summary: idk just Eddie being a dad to his adoptive child Dustin
Author’s Note: i adore the idea of eddie and reader being surrogate siblings / parents to dustin and the other geeks. i don’t want kids but i’ll be real bummed if i don’t get to be the cool aunt at some point in my life. eddie and reader are aged up because i’m 26 and need a man with a fully developed frontal lobe. (unrelated side note: i’m a redhead and i would literally melt into a puddle if eddie regularly called me “red” like he did max. muerta.exe has stopped working.)
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Dustin was a good kid. A great kid. Spending time with him, watching him grow up from the little boy you used to babysit on weeknights into the snarky, slightly larger boy he now was made you happier than you'd ever let him know (his ego was already huge and you didn't want to inflate it).
There were just days when you wished he'd leave you the hell alone.
Your closeness with Dustin wasn't helped by the fact that he was also super close with your boyfriend, Eddie. Ever since joining the Dungeons and Dragons club for teens Eddie ran as a volunteer at the Hawkins Library ("See, you're not as scary as you look. You're soft and gooey on the inside." "Shut up. I'm metal as fuck." "You're so cute when you're grumpy." "Babe, please. Let me have this."), Dustin was attached at his hip, adopting him as a surrogate brother the way he'd done you as a sister. It was nice getting to hang with both of them, joking with Eddie about already having a kid together and who would get custody if you were to ever break up, but Dustin sometimes had a hard time with boundaries.
Like this morning, when he stormed into Eddie's bedroom, rudely waking you both from a peaceful slumber.
"What are you guys still doing in bed?" he demanded, pulling up the blinds to let in the morning sunlight. "We've gotta get going!"
Eddie groaned, reaching for the blanket and pulling it over your heads. Dustin ripped it back down, to which Eddie responded with a string of curses.
"Dustin, you should really stop walking in on us," you grumbled. You opened your eyes just enough to look at him, squinting through the haze of your grogginess. "We have sex in here. Is Eddie's bare ass really something you want burned in your memory?"
"You never complain about it," Eddie mumbled. You pinched the softness of his stomach, to which he grinned, eyes still shut.
"This is important," Dustin argued. "It's Hellfire's Six Flags day! Mike and Lucas are waiting outside."
Eddie raised his wrist to check his watch, squashing you between his arm and chest. He sighed.
"It's seven in the morning, dude. We don't leave until eleven."
"We've gotta talk strategy. Which coasters we ride and what order we ride them in could make or break our experience."
"He's got a point," you yawned into Eddie's t-shirt. "If you don't plan your meals right, he'll puke."
Eddie ignored your advice, opting instead to hug you closer, his arms wrapping around you in a protective cocoon to block out the light and noise Dustin wreaked upon you.
"Mommy and daddy are sleeping," he dismissed. "Go play outside."
Dustin scoffed.
"Can we at least hang out inside while we wait, or are you gonna be gross back here?"
"Nah, we don't need any more kids," Eddie deadpanned. "You guys can come in. Just shut up and don't touch my stuff."
Dustin sprinted from the room, rattling the floor as he went. A few moments later, the chaos of three teenage boys rumbled through the trailer, making it impossible for you to fall back asleep. Eddie growled in frustration, stubbornly pulling the blankets up around you once again.
"We remembered to get condoms, yeah?" he asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Because I'll be damned if I ever spawn a little gremlin like that."
You giggled, pressing a kiss to his chin and savoring the scratch of his stubble against your lips.
"I dunno," you teased. "I kind of like the idea of calling you 'daddy'."
Eddie hummed, a devilish grin curling across his handsomely round cheeks. He kissed you, playfully pulling your lower lip between his teeth. 
“You think if we’re loud enough they’ll fuck off?” he wonders wantonly, hands roving up and down your body. You laugh. 
“Not in front of the kids, Eddie.” 
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🌹💀get your eddie fix💀🌹
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whackk-kermitt · 1 month
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Dealing w/ Your Gremlin Behavior
Genre: Platonic Headconnons
Warnings: None
Request: What if Y/n was another God, who was basically a little chaotic gremlin; they see you as their child/sibling.
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
You give him a headache.
He will not hesitate to tell you to shut up.
You ramble about stupid things so often that sometimes he believes his ears will bleed.
Kratos has to hold you back by the collar when he sees that dangerous glint in your eyes.
The one that lets him know you want to try and make friends with the creature that wants to make you it's dinner.
That one that tells him that you're going to do something stupidly dangerous while claiming that you're helping.
You're not helping. You're just giving him one more thing to worry about.
When I say he's worried, I mean worried.
Atreus has done some dumb things, but you were wild and almost feral sometimes.
He's extra hard on you and even more strict with how he trains you.
Congrats, he'll drag you out for hunting and training more often than Atreus.
He's absolutely terrified that if he takes his eyes off you for even a moment, you'll piss off a troll or a soul eater.
Can't take you anywhere.
But he'd kill for you.
So I guess you can stay.
Just please stop trying to bite everything that's trying to kill you.
Atreus thinks you're hilarious.
Bonus points when Kratos is yelling at you, not him.
But most of the time you've roped him into your shenanigans and he's taking heat too.
Half the time he watches and cheers you on, the other half he's right there with you.
Mostly because things have gone horribly wrong and he's trying to help fix it before Kratos comes along and catches you two.
He can't do much more then tell you off if you to something stupid.
So, that being said, gremlin has free rain.
Until he tells Kratos to be his hands and smack you around some.
Then you better start acting straight, cause Kray don't play.
You are never allowed to carry him.
Never again.
Not after last time!
Sometimes though, its just good fun to watch you be wild.
Makes him miss being young.
And, you know. . . his body.
She has no patience for it.
Behave yourself, at least around her.
When you go gallivanting and come back with scraps or bruises, she'll scold you endlessly while tending to them.
"I'm speechless." While proceeding to talk for hours about how reckless and stupid that was.
She was horrified when she watched you insult a draugr's 'dead mama' while slashing it in half and doing a victory dance over its corpse.
What has she gotten herself into?
Yet despite your feral behavior, she enjoys being motherly again.
She has no problem cleaning you up and making food for you.
She just wishes you'd be more careful.
She's so afraid of overstepping and becoming too protective of you.
But she's not afraid to curse you for a day, a simple binding spell, to keep you in the house when you've gone too far.
You're grounded!
You leave the house all clean and spiffy.
Always returning covered in dirt and mud, leaves on your clothes and in your hair.
He'll always frown and point to the bath he prepares for you when you leave.
You make his eye twitch every time.
You'd just grin and get to it.
Arguments over cleanliness while you're staying with him.
He knows you can't help the trouble you always find yourself in, but he knows you won't avoid it.
He knows you thrive on chaos.
He hates that about you, but he cares too much to let you go off with nowhere to go if something bad happens.
So his door is always open for you.
Even if it means you're dripping blood and dirt on his clean floors.
He just makes you clean it.
He's a gremlin.
So he loves that you are as well.
You two get into so much shit together it's hard to think you're both still alive.
Sindri is over it.
Absolutely not a fan of it.
Don't even start with him.
And for the love of god, stop trying to sneak up and bite him.
It was amusing for a while, but it's getting old.
He always has to hold you back when he see's you're about to do something stupid.
He will absolutely pretend to not have a clue who you are if you get caught doing something you're not supposed to be doing.
Lots of scolding and 'don't do anything I wouldn't do's.
If you were literally anyone else he would've fed you to Gulltoppr by now.
He loves the chaos.
You keep him on his toes and his head on a swivel.
You are a challenge to put up with but damn you're fun!
Nobody makes him laugh quit like you when you're poking the bare.
Please stop. What the actually fuck are you doing?
He actually 'died' jumping in when that dead bear wasn't really dead and decided it didn't like you poking it.
But hey, he's got a new rug and a fun story so yippee!
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
NOT PROOF-READ Might come back to this one and fix it up some more. It feels kinda empty right now; I'm off my game.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
The Sheep King and his Demon AU
Aka Bsd except Chuuya doesn't join the Port Mafia.
Chuuya loves his friends, he really does. He loves his idiotic boyfriend, he really does.
However, Chuuya absolutely regrets ever letting them meet. They're chaos gremlins together, and have decided to band together to make his life miserable.
And no Chuuya is not being dramatic. Granted its always harmless (apart from the time they burned his hat to ashes, he's still salty about that.)
And Chuuya finds himself more often than not amused by their antics, even joining in. Though he pretends they roped him into it.
But than you have cases like today where Chuuya watches Dazai, Yuan and Shirase sip hot chocolate out of bowls while all the mugs they own are scattered aside.
And Chuuya thinks all sanity has left him.
Dazai: Sooo Chuuya~ the weather's pretty-
Chuuya: rests his head on the table Don't you dare!
Dazai: sits beside him, running a hand through his hair Someone's grumpy this morning.
Chuuya: I can't have my coffee because you assholes took all the mugs.
Shirase: Oh would you look at that slides a mug of coffee to Chuuya.
Chuuya: lights up
Dazai: melts Aww Chuuya we'd never get between you and your caffeine.
Yuan: Yeah we don't want to die.
Chuuya: I'm not that bad.
Yuan: Tell that to the hole in the storage room.
Chuuya:... Okay so maybe a little.
Shirase: Wow you actually admitted it.
Chuuya: huffs drinks his coffee Go pick up the damn mugs.
Shirase: salutes Sir yes sir!
Chuuya: rolls his eyes, trying and failing not to laugh
Dazai: Yup you heard the man, gotta get those mugs and build a damn.
Yuan: Woah it rhymed so it must be true.
Chuuya: snorts Idiots.
Yeah Chuuya loved them a lot
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agaypanic · 1 year
Omg I’m obsessed w ur writing! I’m back on my Francis brainrot lol
Could u do a Francis Wilkerson x reader smut where she’s the baby sitter who he’s secretly dating and they let her stay for dinner and then after they have sex?
Keep Your Voice Down (Francis Wilkerson X Reader Smut)
Request Something!
Summary: You’re the Wilkerson’s go-to babysitter, able to handle any of the chaos the boys throw at you. But you’re Francis’ favorite for other reasons.
A/N: i <3 Francis brainrot. Warning for unprotected sex, wrap it before you tap it. AU where Piama doesn’t exist. As usual, bc it’s smut i’d love some feedback, no matter how much of it i write it doesn’t get easier lol
CW: p in v intercourse, slight praise kink, begging, thigh riding, dirty talk, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), semi rough sex
You had been the Wilkerson’s favorite, and sometimes only, babysitter since you were 15. It had happened by complete accident. You had become friends with Francis before he got shipped off to military school. He had invited you over one day, and in a rush to get to work, Lois put you and Francis in charge of looking after his brothers. When she and Hal got home that night, you were serving dinner to the boys and somehow convinced them to take baths afterward and go to bed at a reasonable time.
The rest was history.
When Francis got sent away, you started babysitting more to help the Wilkersons out. They usually couldn’t pay you much, but you didn’t care because you got to hang out with boys that were basically gremlins, got free dinner, and when staying overnight, you’d always call Francis.
But the best days were when he was home for a weekend or holiday. It was hard because he was always away, but your friendship developed into a relationship when he came home for spring break one year. It was a little surprising that you’ve been together for so long since you rarely got to see each other, but you made it work. It was significantly easier when he got a job at the Grotto because a lot of his good pay went towards visiting his family, and secretly you. Secretly, because his family didn’t know you were dating.
“Mom, I like Y/n and all. But I don’t understand why we still need a babysitter.” Reese followed his mother around the house while she prepared for dinner.
“You do know I can hear you, right?” You laughed as you sat at the kitchen table he stood beside. 
“No offense, but I’m sixteen. Having a babysitter is ruining my rep.”
“Reese, when you show enough responsibility to prove to me that you don’t need a babysitter, Y/n will stop being your babysitter.” Lois groaned, clearly done with this conversation.
“Mom, if we did that, Y/n would be my babysitter until I die.” You laughed at his seriousness. 
“What’s so funny?” You leaped out of your seat from the voice. Francis stood on the step bordering the kitchen, grinning at the three of you.
“Francis!” You squealed, running around the table to launch yourself into his arms. Working at the ranch must have been a real workout for him because he caught you with ease, not stumbling an inch from your force. “What are you doing here?”
“Otto gave me the week off, said I deserved it for all the work I’ve been doing. So I decided to come up to visit.” He pecked your cheek before setting you down, which seemed to be in a friendly manner. But you knew better. You stepped away so the rest of his family could say hello to him, even though you wished you could have him all to yourself right now.
“Are you on the clock?” He asked when everyone gave him space. You shook your head.
“Not really. Your mom’s here, but I’m keeping an eye on the boys every now and then. I’m staying for dinner, though.” Francis nodded as he listened, and then smirked. He leaned in to whisper in your ear, a hand on your hip.
“Maybe after dinner, we can have some dessert?” You felt your cheeks heat up. Although he whispered so no one else could hear, his tone was bold and seductive. You cleared your throat, trying to regain composure.
“I think I’ll need some convincing.” You responded before walking away, out of his hold, to help Lois with dinner.
You didn’t need any convincing. With how long it’s been since the last time you saw Francis, it took everything in you not to drag him to the bathroom for some quick relief. But you knew that if you held out on him long enough, the end result would be amazingly worth it.
He made sure to sit next to you during dinner. He did nothing at first, putting food on your plate like a good friend would. Casually making conversation with everyone while you ate. Part of you thought he forgot about your little exchange. 
But then, in the middle of dinner, he put his hand on your thigh. It was so surprising you almost choked on your water. Thank God there was a tablecloth to cover his actions. Above the table, he wasn’t even paying attention to you, too engrossed in a conversation with his father about something ranch related. You would’ve been hanging onto every word. You loved listening to Francis talk passionately about anything. But below the table, his hand was reaching the apex of your thigh, gripping it deliciously hard.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” Dewey asked from his place across from you. You cleared your throat, a hand discreetly moving to Francis’.
“Yeah, Dew-Dew. My drink went down the wrong tube.” You grabbed Francis’ wrist, and before you could pry it off you, even though you wanted to do the complete opposite, he brushed his finger against your clothed core. He smirked, drawing his hand away while you took a deep inhale. “Now, keep telling me about that piano competition.”
You insisted to Lois that you help her with the dishes after everyone had finished eating. Surprising to her, Francis offered to help you, saying he wanted to catch up more with you. You talked about everything and nothing, washing and drying slowly to prolong your conversations. 
As everyone started trailing to their beds, you bid them all good night. You made sure to smother Jamie in kisses before he was taken off. Being a baby, he barely gave you trouble and was, therefore, your favorite Wilkerson to babysit.
You waited for the click of Malcolm closing the door to the boys’ bedroom. When you heard it, you finished the last dish and handed it to Francis. 
“I can’t believe you did that.” You dried your hands off and looked at him. He had a stupid smirk on his handsome face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He dried the plate and set it down before turning to you, leaning against the counter with crossed arms. Francis stared you up and down, lip caught between his teeth.
“Oh, please.” You laughed, moving to the living room. He followed behind you. “You knew what you were doing.”
“Just missed you, that’s all.” His hands were on your waist, turning you around to face him in his hold. He leaned in closely, nose bumping yours. A hand slid down to squeeze your ass. “Is that such a crime?”
Francis’ words always had such an effect on you. You’d be flustered one minute, not knowing what to do with yourself. The next, it was like you had become feral, grasping and clawing for any piece of him. He kissed you with such vigor that your knees went weak. Francis led you backward, not stopping until you were pinned between him and the wall. He nipped at your lip and your breath hitched, the pain feeling so good.
“Francis, your whole family’s here.” You whispered while your boyfriend trailed kisses down your neck.
“Then I guess you’ll have to be quiet, won’t you?” He asked, pulling back to look you in the eye. You could barely meet his gaze, eyelids heavy with lust. A hand set against your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him. “You can do that for me, right baby?” You nodded, but he clicked his tongue. “Words, Y/n.”
“I’ll be quiet.” You whispered. Francis grinned.
“Good girl.” He kissed you again, the hand on your jaw creeping to the back of your neck. Francis’ words of praise made you wetter than his actions. You squeezed your thighs together, searching for some kind of relief. You couldn’t take the waiting anymore. “Need some help, baby?”
“Please, Francis.” You whined. He made quick work of unbuttoning your pants, yanking them down to pool around your ankles so you could step out of them. He dragged his hands up your bare thighs, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You kept begging and pleading, making sure your voice was low.
And then he brushed his fingers right against your most sensitive spot. You clamped a hand against your mouth to muffle the moan that escaped you.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of you.” Despite all the time apart, he found your clit easily, playing with it like a button, begging to be pushed. He pushed his knee forward to separate your legs, bringing you down to grind on his thigh. You gasped, rutting your hips against him with Francis’ help. He pulled you back and forth, continuously teasing your clit.
“God, Francis, please.”
“What do you want?” He locked eyes with you again, refusing to let you get shy with him. “Come on, baby, what do you need? Just say it, and I’ll give it to you.”
“Your…” A particularly rough thrust against Francis cut you off. He smirked down at you.
“How can I give you what you want if you don’t tell me?” Francis knew exactly what you wanted. He just liked to be an asshole. Probably payback for you not giving in to him earlier. 
“Your cock.” You whimpered. “Need your cock, Francis.” He grinned.
“See, was that so hard?” He asked condescendingly. Before you could roll your eyes at the tone, Francis grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you up. You wrapped your limbs around him tightly to not fall and to keep him close to you. Keeping you up against the wall with one hand, Francis used his other to unbuckle his belt, tugging his pants down just enough to pull himself out of his boxers. He was hard against your thigh, so close to where you needed him most. 
Francis pulled your panties to the side, showing off your pussy to him. He almost groaned at the sight, a sight he missed so much. He grabbed hold of himself, rubbing himself up and down, too agonizingly slow for your liking.
“Francis. Need you so bad.” You ground your hips down, and he got the message. After rubbing his tip through your folds a few times to gather your wetness, he buried his cock in you. You dug your nails into his back at the sensation. He filled you to the brim; the pain of him stretching you felt so good.
Francis didn’t take any mercy on you. He immediately started fucking into you, your head falling onto his shoulder as he turned your bones to jelly. You began to moan at the feeling, but he brought a hand to your mouth to stop you.
“Gotta be a good girl for me.” He panted. “Gotta be quiet. Fuck.” It took everything in you to follow his commands. Francis pistoned in and out of you hard; you don’t know how you contained yourself. “Jesus, you feel so good, Y/n.”
“Fuck, Francis.” You whined against his hand, throwing your head back against the wall while arching your back. He took his hand away to rub your clit, continuing to pound in and out of you.
Francis could tell you were getting close. You were practically squeezing the life out of him, clawing at his back and shoulders, gnawing at your lip to keep quiet because you wanted to be good for him.
“You wanna come, baby? I bet you do.” He teased.
“Please, lemme come, Francis.” You begged, gasping as all his attention on you brought you closer to the edge. “Please, I need to come so bad.”
“Okay, okay.” He shushed you, furthering his assault on your clit while leaning forward to suck at your neck. “You wanna come? Come. Do it.” His words pushed you over harshly. He had to keep you against the wall with his body, the hand previously holding you up now silencing you while the other helped you ride out your high. His thrusts started to become sloppy. “Oh, fuck.” 
Francis reached his peak as well, coating your insides. His thrusts slowed to a stop as you both caught your breath. You gained enough energy to grab his face, bringing him to your lips.
“I missed you.” You whispered after a deep breath. Francis grinned, kissing you again.
“I missed you too, honey.”
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dotster001 · 2 years
A Sagittarius Chaos Throuple
Summary: Rook x Idia x FEM! Reader. What a polyamorous relationship looks like for NRC's hottest Sagittarius'. Requested by @stygianoir
CW: Fem Reader.
A/N: If people like this, I can do the other signs, (I'm Libra in case you're wondering 😂) and I can make a gender neutral version. Just let me know!
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer-coming soon
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How it happens.
It all starts with Rook. We all know he's been trying to "get to know" Idia for a while. (let's be real. He already knows Idia. He just wants an excuse for an in that won't scare him)
When you come around, and he falls for you, it diverts him from Idia for a while. Obviously, Rook makes the first move. After he learns everything about you, that is. Now that he's got his beautiful girlfriend, you'd think he'd be satisfied, right? Nope.
In most cases, the reader proposes the Poly relationship. But this time is different. Roi de Ta Chambre is too alluring for poor Rook! If only his beautiful Mademoiselle Trickster could see it too!
He pushes you in the right direction, getting you into the games Idia is into, so that he will let you in. Then he joins on the escapades, as your boyfriend, thereby getting Idia comfortable with him as well.  After a while, he sits you both down and proposes a poly relationship. The trick to pulling it off is comparing it to an anime Idia has been really into lately, so that he isn't overwhelmed by the idea. 
What these three Sagittarius' get up to.
All three of you stay off the radar. But one day Rook is telling you about all the juicy things he hears when he hides in vents and trees, and now all three of you are doing it. Idia has created a smoke bomb, so that when you three gremlins get caught, you can make a hasty retreat.  While Rook is a little disappointed that his street cred as being undetectable is going out the window, getting gossip with his beloveds is definitely worth it.
Study sessions? Study sessions. All three of you work hard on your homework and study together, and sometimes, after that, you start studying up on one of your hyperfixations. Idia's new video game? You're all researching cheat codes, lore, and secrets for hours. Rook's new target? You're studying the school layouts and plotting how he's going to get them. 
Romance among Sagittarius is very affectionate, and it's no different here. It takes a bit for Idia to get past his insecurities, but once he does, he always wants a kiss from both of you for everything.  
Top kiss request quotes,
"Loves, I just killed that boss. Praise me."
"Rook, you forgot to give me a goodnight kiss yesterday, so now you owe me."
"If I don't have a lover kissing each of my cheeks in ten seconds, I'm going to hack your phones."
Meanwhile, Rook makes sure that you all get cuddle time at least once a week. He likes watching his partners fall asleep with his arms around them. 
He also sends you both off with a heated kiss before every class. Vil is this close to giving Rook another talk about PDA.
Rook teaches you both archery. When he realizes his throuple is made up solely of Sagittarius, he realizes you all need to be hunters. Under his guidance, the three of you become a menace to society.
Communication is great amongst you three. If something's upsetting someone, it's out in the open immediately. All three of you are very blunt about your feelings, but also very understanding. So resolutions are arrived at quickly.
Dates tend to be in Idia's room. You and Rook pretend it's for his comfort, but the reality is that none of you want to spend a lot of money on a date that you can go to in VR for free.  
Overall, it's a surprisingly happy trio (for everyone but Vil, who does not enjoy you and Idia enabling Rook's bad habits) You all work together to make sure the throuple stays happy and mentally stimulated, and cause some chaos together. What more could you ask for?
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amethystfairy1 · 5 months
What's next for ttsbc? Any snippets or world building you want to share?
(This is your time to share literally whatever you want about the series! /nf ofc)
Ok ok ok
Lemme see.
We're gonna be getting some more Desert Duo very soon, I have big plans for them but I was holding off on writing further into their time together till I had figured some plot stuff out. Now it is all sorted out, so the superhero duo will return soon!
Zed and Tango are gonna have a really interesting arc together that I am very very very excited to share!
More Nature Wives will also be coming soon, hopefully!
SO MUCH MORE FLOWER HUSBANDS. They are my favorites I can't help it, so I hope you like them because they will also be getting many more pieces of the AU dedicated to them!
I've got plans for more childhood era fics, both with the Pesky Birds as well as with another family we've yet to meet. I think it'll be fun, so I'll toss it out there.
Get ready to meet an overworked single father and his four chaos gremlin children, brought together by the Anarchy and maybe accidentally joining the mob at some point...😆
Oh that's another thing I'd love to share!
The Anarchy is what I'm calling the period of time after the Directors death when there was a massive power vacuum in the under-city, and it only truly ended once Doc had taken control of the Labs...but that's also a vague timeline, the chaos and all-out turf war started to decline as Doc and Etho worked to restructure the labs alongside their allies, but it was still there. In the present day of the AU, these sorts of conflicts still exist but they never boil over thanks to the teamwork between Etho taking care of the mob connections and Doc maintaining order as the new Director.
I'm thinking of making a timeline of what I have so far in terms of solid year-by-year events, would anyone be interested in seeing that? Let me know!
And last thing! My Febuwhump prompts are working up great! There are gonna be several taking place in TTSBC, so please look forward to those!
Thank you for the excuse to ramble! 💖
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theresattrpgforthat · 5 months
Hello! Do you have any fairytale/disney-esque ttrpgs you could recommend?
Theme: Fairytale Games
Hello there friend! I sure do! We've got a really nice selection here to look at - and don't forget to check out the previously recommended!
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I’ll Be Taking That, by porchlightdusk.
You are a goblin, and you are what you hold close: discarded trinkets, unloved baubles, desperate comrades. These precious bits of flotsam give you courage enough to rummage through the treacherous alleys and howling wastes of this world. Venture out from whatever miserable hovel you sprouted and seek the shiny things of the world, oh little chaos beast!
I'll Be Taking That is a tabletop roleplaying game in which a narrator and several players tell the stories of rambunctious goblins in a harsh world. Play is rooted in narrative choices and collective, chaotic joy, supported mechanically by a lightweight inventory-as-skills action resolution system and overflowing random generation tables. IBTT is built on Caltrop Core by Titanomachy RPG and draws heavily on the philosophies of Powered by the Apocalypse systems, among others.
This is a game that situates you into the fiction very well in just the first few pages. Chaotic nonsense is definitely encouraged in this game, and I can feel the undercurrent of mischief sprinkled throughout the book. Trinkets are a core tenet of this game - you will accumulate them as you adventure, and risk breaking them on your worst failures. Your attachment to these trinkets will also rise and fade. If you want a game that lets you embrace your inner gremlin, you might want to check out this game, although be aware - it’s still in development!
Witchblood: Pulp Fantasy Fairy Tales, by Rose on Mars.
The Woods… …are dark and deep, but they are not lovely. Inch by inch, they close in on the villages of humanity. And in those encroaching wilds dwell the witches. Ancient, primeval, creatures from before the First Eve and still potent today.
In this world, where life is brutish and short, you stand tall. You are a witch's grandchild, or a disinherited noble, or a scion of the good folk. You are part of humanity, but also apart from it, by your own choice or otherwise. You are caught between the expectations of your birth and your own needs and desires. Run from your past, or chase it. Love freely, or not at all. Stand between the hearth and the wilds. They may not call you a hero, but your name will live on ever after.
Witchblood is a roleplaying game about who you were, who you are, and who you will become. Take on the role of a self-determined, tough-as-you-want pulp fantasy protagonist wandering a world of bloody -- but not always grim -- fairy tales. Wield the powers of birthright and destiny. Explore the darks of the forest and brace yourself against the bite of the wind. Do what’s right, or just what’s right for now.
These are the woods through which Little Red voyaged through; this is a fantasy world that might remind you of The Black Cauldron, or the brambles summoned by the witch in Sleeping Beauty. Character creation involves choosing options that look like classes, as well as pairing together identity tags that can be rated from 0-5, as well as pairing opposing Qualities, also rated from 0-5. You will roll d10s according to your Identities and Qualities.
This is a game where combat and conflict are expected, and stories can be expected to turn darker before becoming lighter. If you like traditional fantasy alongside fairytales of witches and darkness and danger, Witchblood might be for you.
Nexalis, by Cezar Capacle.
We invite you to step aboard your enchanted vessel and set sail on the ethereal ocean known as the Nectar. Nexalis calls you on an awe-inspiring journey across a universe filled with countless uncharted islands, each teeming with unique cultures, mysteries, and magical phenomena.
Nexalis is an otherworldly realm where islands drift amidst an endless cosmic ocean of magical plasma, the Nectar. The Nectar, pulsing with vibrant, ever-shifting colors, mirrors the celestial patterns that guide adventurers on their thrilling journeys. At the heart of this sea lies the Celestial Nexus, an entrancing vortex of astral energy that births islands and renews the world in a constant cycle of creation.
As you journey through the Starbound Isles and the shimmering Nectar ocean, you will encounter vibrant cultures, awe-inspiring landscapes, ancient relics, and enigmatic secrets. Guided by celestial constellations, you will brave untold challenges, learn valuable lessons, and forge lasting bonds with the people and places you encounter.
Nexalis is a bright fantasy game, a genre that focuses on themes of wonder, exploration, and camaraderie. It showcases a vibrant and diverse setting, filled with colorful landscapes and imaginative creatures. Stories in Nexalis tend to be character-driven, often revolving around personal growth, discovery, and the building of relationships.
If you liked movies such as Treasure Planet or Atlantis, this might be the game for you. The magic of this place feels ancient and yet unlike traditional fantasy. The gameplay is guided, meaning that you’ll cycle between two different modes, depending on whether you are in a high energy scene or moments of reflection and role-play.
On the Way to Chrysopoeia, by NessunDove.
On the Way to Chrysopoeia is an epistolary roleplaying game written by Morgane Reynier and illustrated by Marion Bulot. Together with a partner you will be writing a four-handed adventure, first by inventing its two protagonists and then by leading them on a legendary journey. It’s a different way to make up a story in your head: you’ll be reinventing objects and places you see every day, turning them into crucial ingredients for a Great Work of alchemy. 
Reality itself and your daily life will bleed into your characters’ fictional journey. What if your favorite museum was the headquarters for a league of mad scientists? What if the path you’re strolling along lead to an unknown city…? The journey is narrated through the exchange of letters between two characters: the Master and the Disciple. They walk the way of the Athanor— the alchemical Crucible, the pot where explorers melt their research and experiences. Each one is the keeper and judge of their partner’s progress. 
This is a great option if you don’t have a large play group but you have someone with whom you’d like to play with who lives in a different time zone. One of you plays a Master, the other a Disciple. The Disciple is on a quest. The Master is stuck at home, due to age or infirmity. The goal: to find Chrysopoeia, a mythic city full of hope and magic - although the specifics are up to you. This is a largely interpretive game, so if you like writing and world building, this is a game for you.
The creator of this game has also created a game called Chrysopoeia & All Around for group play at a table, borrowing from Lasers & Feelings!
Stormwild Islands, by Gizogin.
Welcome to [Stormwild Islands], a tabletop role-playing game. Set in the Stormwild Islands, a cluster of islands in the middle of a perpetual, continent-sized storm, this game explores the aftermath of a generations-long war and the magical damage done to the world as a result.
In terms of genre, [Stormwild Islands] fits most closely with “gaslamp fantasy”, an early industrial setting with a great deal of magic. Spellcasters are commonplace, and they work alongside new innovations like steam engines to create a world that changes very quickly. Golems - humanoid constructs with minds and wills of their own - have been instrumental in bringing about this new wave of industry, but their use in the war and their newfound push for independence might be even more significant. Alongside all of this is a world of spirits, otherworldly creatures who think and act according to completely different rules, and mixing spirits with humans or golems tends to cause all kinds of clashes.
This is a game for the folks who like moving little guys around on a map, especially if you’re familiar with games like D&D or Lancer and you don’t want to stray too far from the familiar. The cycle of play will fluctuate between combat and narrative moments, so expect your characters to be all about fighting their way towards victory. If you like combat and kicking butt, this looks like the game for you.
The player’s guide as linked above is free to download, but if you want the Gamemaster’s Guide, you’ll have to buy it.
The Fae Team, by Almost Bedtime Theatre.
Two years ago, a crack squad of the Sun Guard’s Human Intervention Division was sent to prison by the Faerie Court for a crime they didn’t commit. These woodland creatures promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Faerie Realm underground. 
Today, still wanted by the Sun Guard, they survive as freelancers. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire… The Fae Team.
The Fae Team is a role-playing game inspired by The A-Team television show, but puts the players in the roles of skunks, weasels, frogs, etc. and gives them magical powers before sending them through a gargoyle-generated portal into the human world to solve problems. As one does.
The rules of this game depend on a two-stat dichotomy, similar to Lasers and Feelings. You choose a number between 2 to 5, with a higher number indicating that you are good at calm and precise actions, while a low number means you are better at wild and physical actions. There’s also plenty of bits and pieces to make your character unique, such as your faerie gift, and the item that your characters carry around.
A session of this game can be fairly episodic, with an NPC contacting the group for help and giving them a mission that requires entering the human world. While the mission (and its complications) are expected to be generated by the Story Guide, the players are encouraged to describe the world around them and create elements that they get excited about. If you want a game that is lighthearted and magical, check out The Fae Team!
Sunderwald, by Long Tail Games.
In the center of the kingdom of Realm, there exists a dark and unsettling forest. It is known as the Sunderwald. 
This is a game about how the woods change us, and how we change the woods. It features a complete, stand-alone game with character creation, enemies, advancement, the whole deal. It is also a legacy tabletop roleplaying game. During play, you will physically and permanently modify this book. Do not be afraid. Scar. The. Book. 
The fact that this book is meant to be manipulated and modified makes it feel somewhat akin to a wizard’s grimoire, or a magical artifact. This is a book that asks you to make your own pieces of the world, and might also feel like a kind of achievement system by doing specific things with the game.
While most tasks appear to be resolved with a d6, playing the game involves so much more than rolling dice. Your characters have descriptive skills, might take upon themselves physical and mental scars and consequences, and will grapple with their inventory, wound threshold, background and magic. If you like unfolding a mystery together, if you like manipulating physical objects, and if you like fairy stories or tales like Alice in Wonderland, you might like this game.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Hearts & Ravens, by Martian Machinery.
We’re All Mad Here, by Shanna Germain.
Wanderhome, by Possum Creek Games
Jack Kills Giants, by Andrew White.
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adainesfroggieboggy · 6 months
just in general i love coming up with random game changer ideas that will never happen but i will share these below the cut because i’m thoroughly pleased with them and i think they’re so fun to come up with. sam reich hire me
game changer episode with siobhan emily and brennan where he just fully joins the chaos because he loves it too and siobhan and emily fuck the whole game. rules? no. emily axford and siobhan thompson will absolutely make sam eat the rules and just go along for the ride. when they’re allowed to be gremlins together they fucking kill. absolute beautiful chaos. it does not matter what game you give them so long as they don’t know the rules because the second you tell them no they fight it. i know they follow order when they feel like it but just sow the seed and emily will carry a bit through the whole game. just let the three of them have a good ass time. you can lock them in a room and they’ll be entertaining without the escape room. but siobhan will never come back bc she agreed to game changer twice and was locked in a room both times.
oh or they have aabria brennan and murph and make them roll initiative for their podium spots and they have to roll for things and slowly reveal their character sheets that sam has hidden. brennan has negative scores on half his shit and aabria and murph just have well-balanced characters. brennan is gilear and murph and aabria are full characters with abilities.
“okay, brennan roll your attack.”
“you have a minus three to that, so a twelve does not hit. aabria, would you like to attack?”
“add three to that, and a thirteen hits! murph!”
“you have a plus ten! you hit!”
just murph needs a stacked character because his dice are cursed sometimes
i just think “oops! all dms” is so funny. for game changer, for a campaign, for anything. oops! all people who are professionally familiar with dnd play dnd together!
especially when that’s gamified and taken in a way that gives these people who are extremely talented at what they do an element of mystery around the game they play literally for their jobs.
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demonictumble · 3 months
would i be friends with the crows?
kaz brekkar, 2/10 possibility of us being friends. i’d hate his attitude and i could not get close to him. on paper he’s a great complex character but i don’t vibe with that in rl. hes also really secretive and i could not like that. the points are added bc id have fun with nina making fun of hair and also he’d totally bring chaos into my life with his schemes (that would get annoying easily tho)
inej ghafa, 8/10 possibility of us being friends. i love have girl friends and she would totally be so great. also id totally rope her into doing my hair bc she seems to know how to braid and i would enjoy that. i dock two points bc i would be like him??? about kaz and we would both have a small fight about her low standards bc im still warming up to that man. and also bc i would tire of her sneaking up on me all the time.
nina zenik, 9.5/10 possibility of us being friends. nina seems like such a girls girl and i love her for that. i love girls girls and also she’s a queer icon like me fr. and idk we’re kinda similar and i like people im similar too. i’d love to team up with her on stuff like laser tag and we’d have a blast making fun of kaz together. .5 points deducted bc i feel she’s competitive if we ever played a board game and i too am competitive.
matthias hevlar, 4/10 possibility of us being friends. okay we’d vibe in certain situations when we both exchange glances and are like “stupid dumbassez, love them tho” . but there are bits that kinda make me shy away from being friends with him. the religiousness, like if it was like how it was in the beginning of the duology, would definitely be a sign to not associate with him bc i hage had too situations where people use religion as an excuse for being hateful. also he feels like he’s too much of a rule-follower when he’s not with nina. like c’mon, let’s go! also he seems sporty and i don’t really like sporty people which is an internal bias of mine that i’m working on okay.
jesper fahey, 7/10 possibility of us being friends. he’s so fun!! but also i hate guns so idk we’d butt heads over that sometimes but prolly not a lot. also gambling habits, i hate seeing people being self-destructive and it would make me sad to see that bc id try to help but id get frustrated quickly. he has a great personality tho i would be kinda weirded out by the flirting at first but he’d either tone it down or id return the energy. the points deducted are mainly bc of his gambling habits that he’ll get rid of but if i was there during it that’s why.
wylan van eck, 9/10 possibility of us being friends. he’d be a blast to have in a chemistry class bc you know class is gonna end with a fire alarm being set off bc he’s tired of being in class. he’s such a gremlin and i am too and i think we’d cause great chaos together. 1 point deducted bc he’s a gremlin but nobody would believe it bc he has that innocent type face (but i know your secrets van eck) and id try to convince people he pranked me and they’d be like him?! no way!! while he grins deviously. i’d shake my fist in anger but that’s all i could do.
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