#marvel crackship
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Crackship gifs : Krysten Ritter and Sebastian Stan (Jessica Jones and Bucky Barnes)
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his-sun-his-moon · 2 years
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manicpixiemeatboy · 1 year
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For the sake of preservation, I DO have to post this here, too.
Miguel has this ultrasound pic in his wallet xxx
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radiance1 · 11 months
The League tried to interrupt a summoning of a powerful being from the Infinite Realms. From the information they collected, the being isn't of the status of a royalty, but they still had to be careful as the being the summoners tried to call forth was still of noble status.
They failed.
The head cultist finished the ritual, the last words to finish the summoning left their tongue and the room was suddenly doused in heat, as black flame came to life from within the circle, twisting and turning, back and forth until a pair of red eyes suddenly flashed from inside the twisting pillar of flame and just as suddenly as the eyes appeared, was the pillar broken apart.
What was left behind was the figure of a giant phoenix, wings spread as embers black as night gently fell down to the floor below and suddenly disappearing, as if they were never there in the first place.
"Who dares to disturb-" The being started, eyes scanning the crowd below before stilling, extremely and worryingly quiet. One of them quietly cursed. "Constantine..." The creature's voice was low, dangerously low, no doubt anger in its voice as it called out the Warlock's name.
Everyone tensed, expecting something dangerous, except for the cultists, and the Head, who turned his head towards them and smiled, obviously expecting them to be reduced to not even ash.
"100 years. One. Hundred. Years." The being spoke, and confusion wormed its way into the hearts of all those present. "100 years I have waited for you, and when we finally meet once again it's not even you summoned me but these-" The creature waved a wing at the cultist below. "-These fatuous and vacuous little things."
"And what is this? You surrounded yourself with those not even of human birth before you have even thought about me?" The noble's eyes narrowed. "Did our relationship mean nothing to you?
Someone, probably not Constantine, choked.
"Well then, after all of this time you can at least make yourself useful." In a flash of black fire, Constantine was brought from within the ranks of heroes and in front of the beast, a man who seemed to be trying to-and unsuccessfully- lighting a smoke. "Ah, why do that when you have me?" The being purred, bending down to apparently light a smoke before freezing, as if remembering what exactly it was doing, but the action was already done, and Constantine was killing his lungs away.
The phoenix snapped back up to standing above everyone else, clearing its throat as if what happened decidedly didn't happen.
"What exactly did you want me to be useful for, love?" Constantine asked, expelling the smoke from his lungs and deciding that this might as well be happening. The noble huffed, folding its wings at its sides as it stared down at its apparent lover. "Take care of our son for once in your sad, pathetic life."
This time, not only did Constantine choke, but a good chunk of people there did as well. Constantine ran a hand through his hair, looking up at the phoenix incredulously. "Aren't we both men?"
The phoenix looked at his lover as if he were stupid. "Your point?"
"I-" Constantine sighed, took a breath, held, then expelled more smoke from his lungs. Apparently, he decided not to question anything anymore. "You know what? Sure, where is the little bugger?"
Over the next few moments, both the Justice League and Cultists were treated to the noble transforming into a human (still having wings) and handing over their apparent child-who looked nothing like them by being a dragon, but who were they to question the apparent reproduction of a being from the Infinite Realms- and being lectured about what not to do and what to do and how he should be cared for.
Also, a warning for his many powers.
Then the Duke stole a kiss (One that he claimed was long overdue) and left.
The room was silent, only the sounds of breathing occupying the room as the temperature was brought back down to normal levels.
A moment later, Batman walked up to the nearby cultist and punched him across the face and knocking him out cold, suddenly reminding everyone what exactly they were here for.
A while later, in the meeting room, everyone looked at Constantine. Who had a baby eastern dragon wrapped around one arm (who was apparently his child) and rubbing his temple with the other.
"I can't explain this."
Danny was actually not Constantine kid, neither was he Vlad's. Biologically, at the very least, however. Vlad did adopt both him and Jasmine a while back after their whole parent fiasco.
They're dead, sadly unable to become ghosts, or perhaps not so sadly.
Of course, they unfortunately outlived Jasmine, which was to be expected, but Vlad and Danny did grow close enough that they no longer viewed each other as enemies.
However, who could have expected that Danny, finally ascending to his princely status, would turn him back into a literal child because he was, for all intents and purposes, one by Dragon standards.
Utter malarkey, he would say.
Taking care of that boy was the worst few memories he has ever had. He was constantly being kept from his sleep, his work being interrupted constantly, and the child managed to find a way to leave his sight at each and every turn.
But there were some sweet moments, he would say.
It's only reasonable, however, that his lover (who he hasn't seen for an entire century might he add) share the workload.
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honeycreeperz · 25 days
Something something uhhh red hood and deadpool trying to kiss but they forgot that they had masks on
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claypotz · 2 months
watching this movie felt like reading a 100k fanfic- my letterboxd review of deadpool and wolverine
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worlds-worst-ships · 2 months
Do you ship it? (Stretchy edition)
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I don't usually do Marvel posts because Marvel fans make me want to load one nut into each cylinder of a double barrel shotgun and pull the trigger so I never bring life into a world where my spawn would have to share a planet with them, but this was too funny not to post.
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v-is-for-vore · 2 months
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You ever wear sweaters with your Honda buddy?
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nightclops and their siblings(kids) in a zoom meeting! i wonder what they are talking about!!(world domination)
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kiliklarsmeyrin · 5 months
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Tom Holland & Finn Cole
Les gifs de Tom & Finn sont la propriété de leurs créateurs, que je remercie d'avoir mis en libre-service !
Commande de @lionheart-ress ♥
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Crackship gifs : Kat Dennings and Paul Rudd
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marvelcrackships · 2 months
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his-sun-his-moon · 2 years
WALK OF SHAME (Scott Lang/Jake Lockley Drabble)
Scott woke before Jake did. Usually, Scott didn’t sleep well as it was, so this wasn’t unnatural for him to wake before most people. The faint smell of whiskey and cheap cologne filled Scott’s senses. Scott was pinned beneath his friend, Jake’s arm draped heavily over his form. He would lie if he said he didn’t enjoy it, though he’d never vocalize that. Scott put his palms behind him and pushed himself up slowly, letting Jake’s arm fall to his waist.
His friend stirred in his sleep, which made Scott freeze. Jake’s sleeping form gripped Scott’s bare waist pulling him in slightly, and this made Scott feel...Good? Jesus, he should not like this. Everything in his head was telling him this was wrong. He should not have put himself out there. Not because he didn’t want whatever this was but because he knew Jake didn’t.
But here he was.
Entangled in his friend.
Yet he couldn’t help but look down at Jake, taking a moment to admire his sleeping form.  His usually tense features were now fully relaxed. The small strings of light casting a beautiful glow on hi-
Stop it.
Scott couldn’t let himself get roped up in whatever last night was because he knew Jake was just being nice. But Scott knew that if Jake woke up at that moment and asked Scott to stay, there would have been no question. He was hooked.
But this was Jake.
And Jake didn’t do attachments because attachments were stupid.
Scott had to accept the night for what it was, a brief, fleeting moment, and as intimate as it was, it was just that. Nothing more, and Scott needed to stop holding on...
But that’s who he was.
Scott has always been a hopeless romantic. He lived for giving people everything and anything they wanted, yet at this moment, he wanted so deeply to be selfish. He wanted for once to do something for himself without worry or wondering if he was doing the right thing or how people would view him.
Though Scott knew he couldn’t. It wasn’t in his blood.
So, they’d just continue to be.
And Scott would have to keep the moment because that is all it was. A moment.
Scott let out a small sigh when he realized he was staring, internally rolling his eyes at himself for how stupid he felt. Jake made it clear that attachments were stupid. He glanced around the room, trying to find his shirt. Though if he was being honest he was trying to find an excuse to stay in this moment a little longer. Taking another moment to look at his friend, he bit his bottom lip; part of him thought that things could have been different if he had gone for it. Laid it all out on the table.
But he didn’t. 
So, Scott grabbed Jake’s hand that softly gripped his waist, holding it for a brief moment before gently removing it. Tossing the blankets to the side, Scott threw his legs over the side of the bed, slowly standing to his full height. A feeling of insecurity washed over him. Scott quietly made his way over to his shirt, grabbing it and throwing it on. Before exiting the room, he glanced at Jake one more time. Making his way to the couch to collect his shoes, he quickly wrote a note to Jake with the pad and pen on the counter, seemingly left by Steven.
It took Scott a moment to figure out what to write. Whenever he thought of something, he mentally scribbled it out and started over.
‘Left early. Thanks again. – Scott’
Scott took a deep breath tapping the pen on the counter before settling on this note. He silently nodded to himself before setting the pen down slowly and exiting the apartment. He made his way down the street feeling ashamed and a little guilty.
“Jesus, this feels like a walk of shame.” He muttered to himself before letting out a small embarrassed laugh.
Jake was right. Attachments are stupid.
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thecrackshipdiaries · 3 months
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Dakota Johnson and Karl Urban
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magnetothemagnificent · 11 months
D'you think Captain America and Wolverine ever explored each other's bodies during WW2?
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cozy-earthbaby · 1 year
Crack Fic - 3 of a Soul
Part 1
(A/N - silly little fic start that I don’t know if I’ll keep writing but I think it’s funny! Crossover fic from DC Marvel and Danny Phantom lol. Also my friend’s oc cuz why not? Enjoy)
For Peter, it was a knife in Doctor Strange's bag.
For Danny, it was an old camera floating in the zone.
For Ro, it was a book in an abandoned bunker.
Next thing any of them knew, the three where floating in a void. Souls connected. Memories shared. A new world awaiting them...
A new cafe had popped up on the edge of Crime alley. That in itself wasn't strange.
What was strange was that in the month that it was there, nothing had happened to it.
No robbery, no villain attack, no cross-gun fire, no gangs trying to claim it. Nothing.
And it was making the Bats itch.
Tim had done a background check on the place. It was clean. Weird, but clean. It was under the name of three college students. All going to Gotham Tech.
First was the main down payment, done by one Peter Parker. Hier to a Tech company in New York, double majoring in Biology and Enginering, clearly brilliant. A real hometown sweetheart, much like 'Brucie'. Peter Parker was the prince of New York, and his father Tony Stark was the king. Clearly not hurting in the money department due to his father, government weapons contracts did pay well.
Next was a Midwestern boy named Danny Fenton. From 'small town USA', the kids nothing records aside from his school grades and bare bone medical info made him basically a ghost. Only his sister's local Clinic and filed complaints about his parents driving. They're both were freelance engineers, explaining his own choice in majors. Scholarship money with his perfect entrance scores.
Lastly, Aurora 'Ro' Jasimen. Bounced around the country in foster care, online schooling, birth certificate. If Danny was a ghost, Ro didn't exist. In general studies, having a scholarship as well.
Now the question was, how did these three meet, and why did they open a cafe together?
The first to check the place out was Tim.
Jason had been not so subtlety dropping hints that the cafe rubbed him the wrong way, and it was getting on his nerves. Their relationship is a lot better than it was at the start, but Jay was a born instigator through and through. Tim decided that he wasn't going to die on this hill and caved pretty early. The background check was weird, but nothing too crazy, but Jay kept pushing. Even Bruce was paying attention now, so that's how Tim wound up standing in front of the infamous cafe.
It was cute shop-townhouse combo, apparently the three lived here as well. The sign out front was simple yet elegant, reading 'Wha Chai Doin?' as the name of the place. The pun made Tim snort. 'Dick would love this place.'
As he entered the shop, the bell on the door announcing his arrival, Tim was hit with the comforting smell of coffee. He was almost taken aback from how homey and cozy the inside was, despite being empty at the moment. It was strange in a city like Gotham.
"Danny! Can you get that for me?" A feminine voice called from somewhere, causing Tim to tense.
'Danny' came out from the back with a lethargic grace Tim couldn't take his eyes off as he approached the counter. 'Danny' was pale, almost sickly, a tad shorter than Tim, with impossibly dark hair and, despite the eye bags, the brightest blue eyes Tim had ever seen. His presence both demanded attention and demanded for one to look away. Tim felt himself freeze as their eyes met, he recognized the look immediately, those where the eyes of a predator. 'Danny' defiantly noticed the hesitation. A lazy grin and a cocked brow rested on his face.
"Hey. How can I help ya?" His voice held mischief, despite the friendly midwestern drawl.
Tim's brain finally caught up. "Hi. Sorry. I'll... Uh, I'll take a medium Death Wish please."
'Danny' looked him over for a moment, lazy grin growing to match the mischief in his voice. "Ya got it," He said as he punched in the order, " Name?"
"T-Tim." The eye contact was making his skin crawl, but he refused to look away. This only seeded to amuse 'Danny' more, the boy sending Tim a wink as he continued.
"Alrighty-Roo! One medium order of Death Wish 'or Tim comin' right up!" 'Danny' announced, rather loudly, to the back, then turned back to Tim without taking his eyes off him. "$4.75, card or cash?"
"Cash." How in the world was Tim going to stake out this place with those terrifying eyes on him. His plan was to get some coffee and work on his computer, he could hang around for an hour or two. But now he wasn't so sure.
"M`kay." His toothy grin was getting dangerous. Teeth almost looking sharp. Fear was growing within him. He had to get out of there. He had to. He--
Not another moment later after Tim got his change, his coffee there ready. Deliverd by an angel. Both He and Danny startled.
A handsome young man with chestnut hair and sweet honey doe eyes brought it out. He was more built than either of them, slightly taller too. His face and eyes were warm and open, a contrast to 'Danny', and his smile friendly. The tension melted away. 'This must be Peter. I can see how he'd charm all of New York. Bet he's a lot like Dick.'
"Here you are! Sorry about Danny, we just got him to stop biting people." His New York accent was strong and playful. The friendly tease caused a snort from Tim and a Dramatic gasp from Danny.
"Petey! 'Att's so unfair! I was just helpin' Ro out!" Danny whined out, flopping onto the other man. "I wasn' doin anything! Swear!" Danny couldn't seem to hold in his own laugh, Peter joined right after. The intimidating aura that was coming from him all but vanished, breaking the illusion of whatever that was. Now Danny just was some attractive, tired, goofy guy, not Tim's newest nightmare.
The lovely laughing that came from Peter and Danny made Tim feel warm. "Right, 'cuz freaking out the customers is 'helping out'. I could Feel the tension from the back. At least he was able to order before you started being weird." Peter flicked Danny's head, earning a groan. Tim couldn't help his smile, the two of them were strangely charming how they acted off each other. An apologetic smile was sent Tim's way. "Sorry again about that. Name's Peter."
"Tim. And don't worry about it. I've lived in Gotham all my life. I don't mind weird." In truth Tim was embarrassed that Danny got to him. He was Red Robin! He worked with Batman for crying out loud.
"Yeah, Sorry. Ya knows what they say about old habits!" Danny smirked to himself as if he told a great joke. Peter just sighed.
"Yes, yes. You're a master of comedy." Peter drily delivered, "come on. Leave the man to his coffee we gotta work."
Danny's protest went unhear as Peter returned to the back.
After a moment, Danny turned back to Tim. "I really am sorry, man. wasn' trin'a freak ya out."
"It's ok. This Is Gotham after all." Tim offered a smile. Danny smiled back a bit tired.
" 'Preciate 'att. Hollar if ya need anything!" And with that, Danny followed after Peter, sending Tim a wink and a smirk before disappearing as well. Tim's face was as hot as his coffee.
Tim got a whole day's work done after that. maybe the place was weird, but it was charming. Even after everything blows over, he thinks that he might just keep coming to the cute cafe at the edge of the Ally.
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