#mentalhealth advice
frivolousfuckery · 1 year
I received a 24 hour notice to vacate from the police today as part of the eviction process.
The roommates already left and my husband left me as well so it is me, my animals, and my belongings. We have nowhere to go and I have $4.89 in my bank account. Shelters in my area are at capacity.
I have already found temporary placement for some of my animals, and potentially a new apartment, but the office there is closed until Monday. Please help me survive until then. I'm hoping to get a hotel so I can continue to be clean for work, anything donated will be put towards that, moving costs, and food.
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study-diaries · 5 months
People who tell you to respect their boundaries and they don't respect yours are toxic.
People who constantly remind you about their favours are toxic
People who take up for someone but won't take up for you even if the situation is same are toxic
People who want respect but don't give respect are toxic
People who are nice can be toxic
People who expect you to cross oceans for them but they won't cross a puddle for you are toxic
People from your own family can be toxic
People from your friend group can be toxic
People who frustrate you purposely to irritate you are toxic
People who stress you out just for fun are toxic
People who blame you for expressing emotions are toxic
People who misuse your kindness are toxic.
People who call you "dramatic" and dismiss your emotions are toxic
People who take more than they give are toxic
People who don't want to adjust with you but expect you to are toxic
People who violate your peace of mind continuously are toxic
People who make you apologize for something that isn't your fault are toxic
People who make you seem like the bad guy are toxic.
People who never apologize for their faults are toxic
People who never acknowledge that they're wrong are toxic
People can be toxic. People can be toxic even if they're your family, friends, collogues, classmates, spouses. Remember. That.
It is better to be aware than to be ignorant. Don't let anyone treat you badly. You deserve all the respect you get.
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fhealync · 20 days
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Trust yourself. You can do this. 🌟 Believe in your abilities and take that leap of faith.
What's something you've been hesitant to try? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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elliotgraysstuff · 9 months
Need advice from my fellow autistic/ adhd peeps.
I'm starting work again after years of being unemployed. It's in the recovery work field and I am excited. However, due to my autism/adhd I'm finding it a bit overwhelming with all the intense information load. I'm going to be a trainee recovery worker and I have let my team leaders know I am autistic and adhd. However I'm really struggling with intense anxiety about starting this new job. I take longer to process information and especially when im anxious I can't concentrate on what's being said or reading information. I tend to panic and not understand instructions properly and often need assistance.
Can I ask, what do you do in your line of work to make sure you feel calm and not overstimulated and overwhelmed?
I said in the requirements I may need more time to process things and people to repeat themselves.
I'm sure its all going to be fine, however I do have some trauma with my last job where I was slower and catching onto thing and I was treated differently and somewhat bullied for it.
Any advice would be so appreciated because I am so unbelievably nervous.
Thank you in advance
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deepage · 4 months
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Keep moving forward, always. Embrace your flaws, they're perfection. Sow tranquility, reap abundant serenity. Peacefulness nurtures resilient spirits.
Discover joy, Tap here now.
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championinghappy-blog · 6 months
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You're creating problems in your head again. Stop that.
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perfect24hoursblog · 1 year
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melatonin-discord · 9 months
How to look after yourself this winter season-- ੈ✩‧₊˚
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With winter already upon us, here's some tips for mental, physical and emotional health you can follow this season to make sure the dark days can feel a little lighter!
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➻ Hot chocolate! Treat yourself to some sweet hot chocolate and add any toppings you like! Marshmallows, sprinkles, sugar or cookies. Guilt is never an ingredient - you deserve it.
➻ Spend time with family and friends! Organise hangout and bake cookies together, watch movies or built a pillow fort! Start a reading club with friends, online or real time, stay up late at sleepovers and remember to check up on your loved ones!
➻ Make sure to keep warm! Fluffy socks and layers can make the difference. Considering wearing undershirts with your outfits, double up socks, wear gloves and find a nice scarf. Second hand or chair shops can have winter wear at great and affordable prices for anyone out there needing a hand.
➻ Keep yourself and your skin hydrated! Make sure to use hand cream since your skin will dry out easy in the cold, use moisturiser and use sunscreen even when going out during the winter months! The sun works all the same. Chapstick may also be essential for your lips, and it’s a good time to not shy away from eyedrops!
➻ Many people will suffer from seasonal depression during this time. Make sure to check in on your family and friends as well as your own feelings, journaling or doing activities you love may help, rest regularly and make sure to drink and eat plenty. Spending time with pets or even on online calls can help in feelings on loneliness, so indulge in games with friends if possible!
These are just a few tips. Please do whatever makes you happy and comfortable and stay safe and positive this winter season. I love you.
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frivolousfuckery · 11 months
Hey so my job absolutely fucked me over and gave me less than $20 on my paycheck for 41 hours, and Im living in a hotel paying my room on a daily basis since I haven't had enough at a time to pay a full week. It's cheaper to pay the room a week at a time and if I could do that then that would help me get ahead and relieve a lot of stress, since paying every day is leaving me no money for food or essentials and not allowing me to save to get out of the hotel. Anything at all would be greatly appreciated. I also have content for sale and an onlyfans if you would like to support me that way.
Room is $74 a day after tax, or $500 a week
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themoodybearquotes · 2 years
“Did you know we are more space than we are matter? We’re mostly empty. Maybe that’s why I feel empty”
“No, you’re not empty. You have a fountain of wealth within you that is overflowing. There’s mountains and rivers and music, a whole another universe that occupies the vast space that is you. Some are just blind, or maybe there are threatened by it. You must pity them. How brittle and deserted must their inner world be that they cannot acknowledge and witness the inner world that opens up in the vast space that is YOU. How spiritually deserted they must be to not value you. To dehumanise you”
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scorpiogaze777 · 2 years
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🕊 Divider Sources: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more @sligheach-sidhe 🕊
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fhealync · 15 days
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We choose different paths, and we will bloom in our own time. 🌼 Embrace your unique journey and celebrate your personal growth.
What path are you currently on? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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Hii palak,how are you?good?
Uhm may i join your oracle advice game pls?i think i really need it right now,cause I'm feeling so blue .my initials is i , Capricorn
Thank you.have a nice day!💕
Hello 🤗
I am good, thanks for asking. Hope you are faring well too 🤍
You surely may, hope the advice helps you!
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Cards: New Moon Eclipse, Void-of-course Moon.
I feel like, you might go through some sudden realisation about some situations which you have been facing lately. The card literally says, "Expect powerful change." A big change is coming into your life soon. I seriously feel this big change is actually a bug realisation about some situation you have been going through. Which is crucial to you.
The card is saying, "Nothing will come of this situation." So, whatever the situation is, nothing will come of it. It's better to let go of this. This will not be worth it. The chances are diminishing. Better things are just round the corner. Even though I have said all this, situations outcomes can be changed by changing their behaviour and beliefs. So, do what you think will actually be worth it in the long run to you. Take care.
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Hope you resonate with advices~
Thanks for participating in the game 🥰
Please give a feedback in my ask box if it matches 🩷
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run2yamama · 1 year
I’ve been gone so long, I don’t really know how to start this post. I’m now a mother… didn’t think I would ever be saying that! I have a little girl, who is nearly 5 months and has forever changed me but I am sure you can imagine the feelings that came up for me if you have followed my posts on here. I was coming to terms with my situation with my own mother and working through a lot of repressed feelings, let me tell you I had no idea the new feelings I would have towards us after becoming a mother myself.
This is something I definitely want to write about, I want to keep having these conversations.
Being a mum, when you’ve had an absent mum? My head is spun truly.
I’m not sure when I will get this post out but in the mean time if you want to follow me on insta please go ahead :) https://instagram.com/roh___o?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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championinghappy-blog · 8 months
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