#sentient Gotham
brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
semi sapient absolutely sentient eldritch gotham gets tetchy and sulky whenever tim leaves gotham because what if this is the time their little birdy doesn't come back? what if this is the time some other city sinks their claws into her birdy like that hussy central city threatens sometimes? they already nearly lost their Nightwing, their first Robin, to Bludhaven, and the League keeps trying to take their sweet Jason! And Gotham knows in some deep part of herself that if Tim left her for good, she couldn't blame him, but she'd miss him! she'd miss her little starlight who kept her from destroying herself, her little birdy who saved her son, her Bat, she'd miss the little birdy that loved her even when she was at her worst and she doesn't want him to go!
Gotham goes NUTS when she realizes that Ra's is being creepy about her birdy and almost, almost forces a boon on Tim so she can keep him close and keep Ra's away from her birdy
Kon has similar issues with Metropolis who has thoroughly claimed Superman and Metropolis noticed negative vibe Superman displayed towards Kon and the dehumanizing sort of attitude from its other chosen, Lex, and so Metropolis isn't too welcoming to Kon either
Bart didn't have a boon, Central, Keystone, and any other city in his future that could have offered him one were all either destroyed or twisted so that boons were a bad idea and Bart doesn't really want to be tied to any single place now either, just in case
Cassie may or may not have been offered a boon from Themyscira but she asked Tim how to politely decline
I particularly like the angle with Bart. Not only does he not trust it due to his experiences in the future, but he also doesn't want to be tied down. Bart is constantly on the go and traveling. A boon makes it difficult for him to leave for extended times (especially if YJ does space missions).
I also love sentient city beef. Let them bicker and hate each other (maybe some actually like each other). Regardless, they are all stuck to their city limits. They can't leave, but they can ask their favored to mess with other cities.
I'm kind of curious about the association of boons with heroes. I don't think GLs would have boons, but what about the rest? What if not having boons is another reason "Just Us" was formed and relied on each other? What if that was a trait ALL YJ members shared?
Perhaps Gotham is special in her boons and behaviors/responses, and the other cities are much more subtle in their boons/favor. Lots of possibilities
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theghostkingisdead · 6 months
dpxdc - Neglected Child AU
As one of his first acts as Ghost King, Danny basically created ghost CPS. Mostly they help new spirits come to terms with the fact that they're dead, but situations like Danny's are a lot more common than the Observants had lead him to believe. People who come back from the dead or are exposed to large quantities of unstable ectoplasm often lead sad, short second lives. Either because they are unable to obtain the nutrients their new forms require, or because their communities turn against them in fear. This is a story about Jason Todd.
There was a lot Jazz loved about her job. She loved helping young ghosts find acceptance. She loved matching cases with foster Fraids. She loved meeting new people. She loved the rare excuse to travel dimensions. But some days, Jazz was intimately reminded of why this program was formed in the first place.
Knock, knock, knock.
Jazz looked up from her laptop. “Come in!”
Apple – the ghost of a dryad whose tree was chopped down two summers ago – poked her head in.
“Uh, Lady- I mean, Ms. Phan-, no,” Apple took a shuddering breath. Jazz smiled encouragingly. The girl had only been working here for a season, and already she was making excellent progress. “Ms. Jasmine, there’s a city spirit here to see you, uh, on behalf of a uh, potential client.”
“Thank you, Apple, you can send them in.” Jazz said.
Apple flushed green, closing the door with a sigh. Jazz guessed she had about two minutes before the impromptu meeting began. She used the time to sweep some papers off her desk and into a drawer. It had been some time since she’d had a walk-in like this. Jazz had a strict open doors policy when it came to her office, despite the technical fact that her door was often closed; it was just easier to focus that way! She had no idea why most ghosts preferred to submit claims by mail, really it was much better for them to speak with an officer in person.
Thirty years ago, Jazz would’ve had trouble describing the spirit that walked through the doors. Fifty years ago, even looking at it would’ve been painful. But Jasmine Duchess Phantom had been living in the Infinite Realms for almost eighty years now, and liminal senses reached out subconsciously, cataloging scents and colors that her mortal mind would have balked at.
The shape of a steel-colored skeleton peered out at her from a billowing cloud of grey smoke, which curled around its feet and seeped across the floor. Jazz tasted gunmetal and sugar, smelled stale urine and burned bread, felt desperation-fear-hunger-love crash violently against her. Like a cliff to a wave, Jazz stood her ground, letting herself be tested. This spirit was old and afraid; when it spoke, it spoke in a million overlapping voices.
“My apologies for barging in unannounced, Your Grace. I come before you with an issue of great import. One I have reason to believe our King may have a personal interest in.”
Jazz nodded, “My doors are always open, City Spirit. I’m always happy to help. But before I hear your petition, may I know who I am addressing?”
The skeleton did not move that she could see, but Jazz heard windchimes like chittering laughter.
“I am Gotham, Your Grace. My apologies for my rudeness. I have little reason to travel these days and am unaccustomed to necessary introductions.”
Jazz nodded, committing the name and its taste to memory. “No need to apologize, Gotham. Your situation is not unique amongst your kind. Have a seat,” Jazz gestured at the plush couch across from her desk. “What troubles you so, to bring you so far from home?”
There was more windchime tittering, and Jazz wondered if the spirit was laughing or just readjusting itself on a plane she could not see. A nervous tick, perhaps? Maybe she could send Apple for something to make Gotham feel more at ease. Bullet casings or chocolate chip cookies would be equally soothing to this entity, Jazz guessed.
Gotham folded into itself, form blurring slightly before reforming on the couch, leaned forward with elbows on knees. “Many years ago, a mortal man pledged himself to my service. I accepted him as a City Guard, my mortal Champion. This man has many children who have likewise pledged themselves to my protection.”
Jazz smothered the urge to interrupt. She loathed the idea of child Guards; the fact that this City Spirit was here now asking for help meant that this instance had gone just as well as it usually did.
Unaware of her internal judgement, Gotham continued. “The second child died and revived some seven years ago, I…” This time, the rattling sound emanating from Gotham shook the room with the force of a thunderclap. “You have to understand, I don’t claim kids as champions, so technically he was never even under my protection. And when he came back, he ran! I don’t have power outside the city, you know, so even if, well, it’s not like there was anything I could have done differently,”
Jazz was aware that she was frowning. She could only guess what her aura felt like to Gotham, whose smoky aura was rapidly thickening. A bird puffing itself up to look bigger. A cheap trick. If Jazz were in a more compassionate mood, she might have felt embarrassed at such a juvenile display from a spirit decades older than herself.
“You neglected a child, or-” she cut off Gotham before it could protest, “allowed a child to be neglected. For seven years. What changed? Why petition him now and not then?”
Gotham chittered, “Well, you see, he came back to me just over a year ago, retook his pledge and everything. And, well, things were rough, I thought the fraid was just readjusting itself, but, er-”
“Tell me.”
“Well, the problem is I don’t exactly know what the boy is anymore, but he’s more ghostly than not, and his fraid’s fully human. If this infighting between my Guards goes on for any longer, it’ll tear me apart. I figured The King might want to step in, considering this boy might be a halfa, maybe he could help him and the fraid get back to normal.”
Jazz grinned. “Rest assured, Gotham, The Crown will indeed be taking special interest in your case.” Words dripped from her lips, caustic even to her own ears. “Now, why don’t you go outside and give Apple the rest of the details. I have some visits to make.”
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smallandangry24 · 8 months
Headcanon that Gotham accepted the Waynes as a blood sacrifice for the rise of The Batman when Bruce vowed to be the hand of Justice in the city over his parents bodies.
That Gotham is sentient and chose a rain and red soaked little boy kneeling on cracked pavement and grief in supplication as its Champion against The Curse that plagues her waters.
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goddessofbees · 1 month
Tumblr media
Lady Gotham and her champion Tim
So I read a prompt? Somewhere where the drakes made deals with Gotham for luxury or travel or some other things, and in return she got their kid, so now here's motherly Gotham with her child Tim
If someone finds the prompt I would be ecstatic!
I've finally found the prompt!
@brucewaynehater101 I made this awhile ago and have been looking for the post, cause I forgot to save it!
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
I am pondering cryptid batfam but like. Eldritch. Starts out human but Gotham (or something Else) slowly changes them over the years as they search for an learn unspeakable information, as their minds expand more than a mere human could.
Pretty much becomes not exactly city spirits but Aspects of sorts if I am making any sense. And usually people can tell something is... sort of off, but it's easily dismissible, like a cold spot in a room that you can ignore if you aren't standing in it.
I honestly might draw the ideas for designs I have but idk.
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Gotham as a sentient entity is so fucking funny to me. She sees this traumatized rich boy running around in kevlar punching bad guys and is like "yep, that's my champion".
I especially love sentient gotham looking at a slightly feral red hood and going, “yep, that’s my baby.”
I just love sentient Gotham in general it’s so fun.
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soonamisapphire · 3 months
Yo 😁 Fans of BatFam
Im looking for more/new bat fics about chirping language to hyperfixate on
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elithemiar-blog · 2 years
Sentient Gotham, buuuuut...she had been originally Queen of the Infinite Realms.
When Pariah took the throne, Gotham had been banished to the mortal realm and without fresh ectoplasm, she continues to deteriorate. Only being able to survive on the city's emotional turmoil, but it's not enough.
[How much of a stretch can I connect crossovers? Pretty freaking far.]
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insomnisnack · 1 year
“Take these.” He tossed the pair of keys as the kid turned around and was not surprised when the kid snatched them out of the air, hiding a wince that Jace only caught because of his training. “One’s a copy. Don’t lose ‘em. There ain’t more.”
“Also; the laundry room is in the basement. Two dollars for the Washer and same for the dryer. See ya kid.”
And with that he turned and walked to the elevator, blasted stairs; he wasn’t out of shape, that was a death wish in Crime Alley but still, he had a fucking elevator for a reason damnit.
Once he was back in his office, he opened the bottom drawer of his desk and pulled out a burner cell, flipping it open he sent a text to his boss about his new interesting tenant.
About an hour and half later the kid was knocking on his door again, he called out and the door opened.
Seems the runaway took full advantage of the shower, he was cleaner now with fresh clothes, his skin was less dark and more tan now that he wasn’t caked in dirt and whatever else. Hair still black as night but had more of a fluffy shine to it.
Definitely too skinny arms reached into the pockets and pulled out a wad of rolled up cash and handed it to him.
When he counted it was all there and Jace couldn’t help but feel a bit of relief that Daniel had ended up here instead of some other shady slum lord.
“Thanks, go sleep kid. Ya look dead on yur feet.” And he did, the shower obviously helped but now the kid looked seconds away from crashing and the way the T-shirt hung off his frame he could see what looked like some sort of bandage across the boy's chest. That explained the pained looks and winces on the stairs.
Mirth filled the teen's eyes as he nodded and left, closing the door behind him.
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batfam-fanfics · 5 months
Echoes by 1RainbowFlute
1 Chapter - 7211 words
No one said it was a good idea to leave an eight year old home alone, unsupervised.
It’s not Tim Drake’s fault he found a weird, sometimes-glowing bracelet! Or that said bracelet seems to have caused him to get weird dreams. Or weird sensations that lead him to vigilantes. Or hearing voices. Honestly, as far as he’s aware, all of these facts are completely unrelated. Correlation does not equal causation, right?
He just wanted to play Architect. Like his parents.
(AKA 7k words of How Baby Tim Drake Becomes A Cryptid By Accident)
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
No Man's Land was eldritch Gotham's attempt on the Joker's life and she's still extremely pissed that after all that she still missed
Joker made some deal with a demon or something for immortality after he lost his boon and is actually constantly dying absolutely looney tunes deaths, lots of pianos dropped on his head and falling into the sewers and such, but coming back and Gotham is NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT
Post being referenced
Ooh!! It would be rad as fucking hell if there was a reason for why Joker just doesn't fucking croak.
In the AU you mentioned, Gotham isn't "good" because she isn't human. She doesn't really abide by human standards of "good" or "bad." She gives out boons to denizen that she favors.
Joker had a boon until he killed Gotham's favorite: Jason.
A boon being ripped away is a horrible experience and Gotham wrecked Joker's mind. Add that onto Joker continually dying by Gotham's hand?? Yikes. He deserves it, though.
I am curious about the escalation, though. Gotham is pissed at Joker, but that's why she took the boon. What does Joker do that tips her into murderous rage?
I believe Joker paralyzing Barbara is after Jason dies, but I don't know if that would permanently make Gotham vengeful? Maybe she'd be vicious for a bit
I'm just curious about Gotham's thought processes/feelings. She isn't human and won't follow a human baseline. Her favored ones have hurt and presumably killed each other in the past. That hasn't led to boons being taken away (since Joker [and maybe Tim] are the only "known" instances in a long while). Jason dying is what changes things...
I'm intrigued by what she considers acceptable and unacceptable behavior or consequences
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Just realized i didnt leave you any bones yesterday! Its deer hunting season i can probably find a skeleton somewhere hope a full deer will last me a few asks lol. Might not be dry yet tho
So this one. Danny gets caught also but instead of havign to flee, the police actually get involved. Jazz gets danny out and taken to a hospital and on account of him being Very Much Alive jazz easily claims that hes just severely ecto-contaminated and the parents kind of dig their own graves by being so convinced he is a ghost they wont even try to claim innocence.
Danny is hospitalized in intensive surgery- his heart has stopped AT LEAST 12 times which has to be a record and is very scary- and cant leave the hospital for months- a lot longer than he should be on account of my hc of his injuries being tied to his emotions. Once hes "better" (ie healed enough to be Up And Moving) he regularly visits his parents in jail despite it literally making his injuries worse. Jazz never visits them.
(Also this is. Not the focus on the au believe it or not. If someone wants to run wild with that specific portion tho. Be my guest)
For the most part the ghost issues sort themselves out (realizing that danny almost permanently joined them was a wake up call for some of the more serious offenders and some of his more powerful allies had taken up the duty to protect amity for him so anyone else knows theyre Not going to be able to fight like. Clockwork showed up once nobody forgets that)
Jazz and danny (or just danny if jazz has college somewhere else) decide they need a change of scenery, so where do they go?
one thing I wish to add onto this:
Sentient Gotham City being protective of Danny.
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zeestarfishalien · 1 year
Cursed DC x DP thought
TW: cannibalism
What if Gotham has so much ambient ectoplasm and so few/no ghosts bc Sentient!Gotham either passes the ghosts into the zone or eats them (extra cursed vers: she eats all of them).
Could be there's a mirror gotham city in GZ like in Change in Management (by voidwriting on AO3) or could just be that she tosses newformed ghosts in GZ to land where they may.
There's an eerie feel to the night air when Gotham stalks the streets looking for her ghostly prey.
Jason gets a pass bc he's not full ghost + he was Robin and still works as her protector as Red Hood (or perhaps it's only because he doesn't have a ghost form or has yet to transform).
Liminals are safe since they count as living beings, but half dead or more and you're potentially on the dinner menu, especially if you are in your ghost form.
As long as Danny remains in his human form, he's relatively safe, but shed that and he may come face to face with the shadowy monster that eats her own kind and he will have to either strike a bargain or fight her for his right to continue existing.
[Inspirations for this are Change in Management (linked above) Love Me, Normally by bewildered_soop
dp x dc ghost cannibalism post
Tumblr kinda ghost cannibalism fic
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fangedbats · 11 months
something that i need to write more and honestly it’s one of my favorite tropes is gotham being a sentient city. it being alive in its own way.
• gotham burning with rage and mourning after jason todd dies, because while the bat may be from gotham, the second robin was a gothamite through and through, more so than the other vigilantes that protect its people.
•a city whose alleys and rooftops seem to shift to aid vigilantes in their pursuits
•similarly moving to befuddle the vigilantes if they do something she doesn’t like
•a city that brings up dead ends to help defend tired vigilantes from being hurt, because it cannot go through what happened to jason todd again
•the city plays tricks on them on quiet nights, playfully ruffling hair and capes with wind
just gotham being alive tbh
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snakenoodlesoup · 3 months
I am this close 👌 to making a short-ish sentient Gotham fic and their ties and relationship to the Batfam, specifically Bruce.
Might include a bonus chapter if it does well, we'll see
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peerlesshamster · 4 months
If I were a Gotham citizen I'd fit right in like, I'd probably start a cult like society of believers of Gotham's sentient nature (I have mild hallucinations every once in a while). At some point the bats would keep an eye on me until they realize oh no, just a mentally unstable citizen not hiding it much nothing more.
I'd also feed onto the "Gotham has chosen Batman as her knight and she whispers of approval for he does not take from her but gives, her shadows aid him and follow him for he's dear to her".
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