#slytherin james potter
soopsiedaisies · 9 months
bonjour soopsie ♡
Today I'm here to ask you about your Slytherin James. [ or a Slytherin James mentality in general ]
guten tag, sadi 🥰 I love Slytherin James, you have come to the right place. This got very long because I wanted to explain why I think a Slytherin!James can work based on canon before I even got to the ‘Slytherin!James’ part lol. I hope you enjoy reading it 😅
So, first of all: I’d like to start by saying that I kind of resent the idea that children (eleven year old children, to be specific) belong to one House in particular—that children like Harry and Hermione, fitting in multiple Houses, are outliers. The sorting is of course based on the traits you value most, not the trait that’s most powerful within you, but a child who is still developing can value, say, bravery and ambition equally. I’m of the opinion that limiting your personality to one House is not very productive for your growth as a person.
That being said, I don’t think eleven-year-old Harry got his Slytherin traits from a stranger.
James and becoming a Slytherin
For someone who’s muggleborn and doesn’t have any familial pressure to be in any particular house (except her friendly loyalty to Severus), Lily got sorted into Gryffindor remarkably quickly. It’s somewhat reminiscent of how quickly Draco got sorted:
He watched his mother walk forward on trembling legs and sit down upon the rickety stool. Professor McGonagall dropped the Sorting Hat onto her head, and barely a second after it had touched the dark red hair, the hat cried, “Gryffindor!” (Deathly Hallows; The Prince’s Tale)
Malfoy swaggered forward when his name was called and got his wish at once: the hat had barely touched his head when it screamed, “SLYTHERIN!” (Philosopher’s Stone; The Sorting Hat)
Draco is put down as being very ‘quintessentially’ Slytherin. He’s ambitious and determined about climbing up the ranks in Slytherin House, he’s quite clever (proficient in at least Potions), and he’s resourceful (the broken Vanishing Cabinets). He’s also a prick, which is a state of being that’s quite common with the canon Slytherin characters. Draco is one or The Characters who embody Slytherin, most likely because of the values his parents instilled in him and the way they shaped his personality.
I’ve interpreted this parallel as a way for She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to establish that Lily’s very ‘quintessentially’ Gryffindor. It’s a way to show that she’s brave, daring, and chivalrous without having to develop her personality a whole lot. JKR can sprinkle in some hints in the flashbacks and lets Lily’s house (and sorting) do the rest of the work. The hat spots the Gryffindor-ish traits and values within Lily in less than a second, sorts her without offering her a chance at rebuttal, and she’s happy to go—funny, when her only friend is so certain about Slytherin, and one of the two annoying boys on the train has already been sorted into Gryffindor.
So who does Harry get his Slytherin traits from, if Lily’s so wholly and fully Gryffindor? I’d say it’s partially caused by his upbringing (the need to prove himself worthy in a home that doesn’t see him as such is ambition, the way he needs to adapt to not stand out is resourcefulness, etc.), but I also think a part comes from James, who is not only physically almost Harry’s (louder and prouder) twin.
We don’t get to really see James’ sorting; though it’s in Snape’s memory, Harry sort of skips over it by noting that James (and Remus and Peter) join Lily and Sirius (whose sorting we also don’t witness) at the Gryffindor table. This tells me that James’ sorting was neither very long nor very quick and likely took about 30 seconds maximum (depending on how distracted Harry was whilst watching Lily or Severus or any of the Professors): long enough to discuss his placement with the Hat (which could mean there were multiple options), and short enough to imply that James and the Hat wouldn’t have been arguing about where James would go.
And James, too, is very obviously Gryffindor based on what we know of him: he’s brave in spite of fear (standing up to Voldemort without a wand is not very cowardly, even if it’s a big Parental moment. Any parent worth their salt would die for their kid), he’s very loyal (the Marauders, the Order), and he’s bold (the very public bullying of Snape and his quick rebuttals; asking Lily out in front of a crowd whilst likely knowing full-well he’s gonna get shot down).
So, James acts upon his Gryffindor traits a lot. He also seems to just value the traits in general: the way he looks up to his (at that point nameless) dad who was a Gryffindor tells the reader that James, in a Draco-ish way, wishes to embody the daring and the chivalry of Godric like his father is implied to do. But some of James’ traits — his exceptional cleverness, his suggested ambition and determination to help Remus (figuring out in their second year they can become animagi to be with Remus during the full moons and nailing the transformation three years later—and thus cementing him, Sirius, and probably Peter as transfiguration prodigies), and the resourcefulness of creating a self-updating map to help their shenanigans by using his Invisibility Cloak… well, those are a tad Slytherin, aren’t they? It all depends on how much he values these traits, and how important he considers any underlying reasons for achieving those feats.
With how little we know about James (we sure don’t know him as intimately as Harry, who would’ve made as great of a Slytherin as he did a Gryffindor) it’s very easy to headcanon that James’ Slytherin-like actions and decisions happen out of a Slytherin-like ambition. He could’ve decided to become an animagus solely out of his love and loyalty for Remus; he also could’ve done it for that reason in addition to doing it because he wanted to prove how intelligent and talented he is to himself and to his friends. An elevation in status, so to speak. I could see James deciding to become an underage, possibly illegal animagus without the need and urge to keep Remus company during the full moon too (and Sirius as well, to be honest).
We get hints that James enjoys being seen as clever and superior. He wants to be looked at, and ideally also revered. He’ll show off his reflexes and tries to stay casual about it, lest someone notice how excited he is to be looked up to; he antagonises Severus to show everybody, but especially girls, how much better he is than Severus, how much more talented. He doesn’t speak in hushed tones how easy he found their DADA exam, he says it out loud and for all to hear. He feels the need to be seen as superior to most of his peers and does so through being loud and obvious about his many talents — that he practiced at length, no doubt — and keeps going even after he gets shot down. That’s ambition, that’s determination, that’s quick-thinking intelligence. Purposeful ambition and determination, mind.
James at fifteen strongly reminds Harry of Draco: the arrogance and confidence, the urge to be the centre of attention at all times, the showing off. But James is both shown and said to be very talented (he’s almost right in his arrogance, and his confidence is not unfounded), whilst Draco’s talents get a little less screen time. The books do vaguely suggest that these actions are quite Slytherin-like in behaviour (if not in the talent, like with Riddle, then the ambition-based confidence of being able to do anything).
James is the perfect Gryffindor (faults and all), but he would’ve made a great Slytherin as well.
James in Slytherin
So. You’ve got your James Potter in Slytherin. How did that even happen?
The most sensible way that I think James would end up getting sorted into Slytherin is if Sirius, with he and James having bonded very strongly on the train, was sorted into Slytherin too.
The fanon-based hatred James has for Slytherins specifically isn’t canon. James dislikes bigots; I think he would’ve hexed a Hufflepuff, a Ravenclaw, or another Gryffindor for being a bigot just as hard as he would’ve hexed a Slytherin for being a bigot. Lily says in SWM that he hexes anyone he doesn’t like; she doesn’t specify which House, which is, imo, enough of a confirmation that James’ hexing wasn’t house-based. Still, James getting sorted into Slytherin is unlikely without him having a link to Slytherin House: he very, very much wants to be “just like [his] dad”, and Mr Potter wasn’t a Slytherin, so he wouldn’t go there if nothing before that changes.
HOWEVER. If Sirius got sorted into Slytherin, I do think James could argue at least a little bit with the Hat to be sorted there as well… and he might win that argument, if he plays his cards right.
There is a Black in the Potter family, canonically. A Black who did not get disowned by Walburga or Arcturus or Pollux or whomever, despite Dorea Black Potter being Walburga’s actual, literal auntie and despite the Potters allegedly being blood-traitors because they supported muggles and muggleborns during WW1. The Black who married a Weasley got burnt off; the Blacks who married a Potter and a Longbottom did not. What does that tell us? Were the Potters and the Longbottoms worthy pureblood families, in spite of their Gryffindor-inclination? Do or did houses even matter as much back then as fanon believes?
(Why would fanon claim that O&W were so bothered by Sirius sorting Gryffindor and becoming friends with James, if the Longbottoms and Potters were fine marriage prospects? I think they weren’t that bothered, but that’s a post for another day)
James could’ve been sorted into Slytherin and his parents probably wouldn’t have really minded that one bit. It’s only a house in secondary school, and as long as he’s true to himself, they probably believe he’ll be fine. Especially if he tells them that he forced the Hat’s hand (?), because he saw the boy he met on the train briefly look so devastatingly forlorn. That’s the instant loyalty, isn’t it? Something to be proud of for their kid to portray.
Slytherin encourages different traits than Gryffindor, but I’d say there’s still a fair bit of courage attached to ambition. Doing/working towards something in spite of hesitance and fear, and pushing the latter two emotions away: that’s true for both traits. Cleverly using situations to your advantage vs being chivalrous regardless can overlap as well; boldness and resourcefulness often go hand in hand. The main difference between the two is, I’d say, the value of honesty, but it’s not like James can’t lie to save his and his friend’s sorry arses (see illegal animagus thing).
I also think both James and Sirius would be quite adept at navigating Slytherin, especially because they’re both the pureblooded heirs of important-ish families. A Potter would be slightly less welcome than a Black, but I do believe James would easily climb the ranks and settle in comfortably somewhere at the top of the pecking order together with Sirius. He’d have a harder time being as ‘progressive’ (if you could call it that) as he would’ve been in Gryffindor, but I’m going to guess he would’ve learnt how to subtly speak up against the use of slurs and the rampant bigotry that permeates the dungeons.
There’s a possibility he would’ve gotten along far better with Snape as well, despite their crushes on Lily (though I doubt James was crushing hard prior to his fourth or fifth year). I’ve mentioned this before, but the Snape we know and love/despise is quite similar to Sirius and therefore perhaps also James: he’s fiercely intelligent and very snarky, just significantly less outgoing and purposefully impressive. The intellectual rivalry between Snape and James (and Sirius) wouldn’t present in bullying, but more a mutual teasing and antagonism that could easily and quickly morph into friendship. James is implied to have a tendency to pick up strays who can keep up with him; Severus fits that description perfectly. I think Severus also wouldn’t have betrayed James or Lily, or would’ve even become a DE in the first place: he’s not alone, he’s among protective Big Boys who he can verbally spar with and who encourage his inventiveness because they’re inventive themselves as well. He’d be a lot more comfortable I think. Still a massive prick, but James (and Sirius) are canonically pricks as well so that doesn’t really matter.
(I also like to think that Slytherin!James would’ve given Prefect/Head Boy Lucius Malfoy many, many, many horrible headaches, which is honestly already enough for me to be sold on the whole Slytherin!James idea. James would also still be a Head Boy, and still, with Sirius, be a favourite of McGonagall—even if he belongs to Horace. He’s just so charming and clever. She can’t help it)
And as to whether Slytherin!James joins the Order… well, I’m not too sure of that. It’s certainly a way for him to show how talented he is and it may help him in getting a job he really wants (with Dumbledore’s backing), but it’s also very, very dangerous. Then again, tons of Slytherins became DE’s (equally as dangerous as being a member of the Order) so who’s to say 🤷
Either way, I’m 100% of the belief that Slytherin!James can work canonically. Especially since the Peverell brothers sprouted two families who were very stereotypical reps of Gryffindor and Slytherin, but also because… everybody can fit anywhere, in any house. Elevating values James is already suggested to have makes it very easy to stuff him wherever you like. And I also think a Slytherin!James is very, very funny (and interesting) in the context of orphaned BWL Harry, who knows his Good dad was a Slytherin. That’s fun fic material, I think hehe
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me, reading my own incomplete writing : *gasp* and then what happened?
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del-stars · 3 months
we do not make enough of the COMEDY it is that james is a fucking deer. like sirius being a dog and peter being a rat are obv tied to their characters but a deer is SO random. and i do not see it in fics enough. take the padfoot tropes and give them to prongs. students baffled because there was a deer walking around the dungeons? remus walking into the dorm and nearly shitting himself because there’s a deer sitting upright in james’ bed. whenever james is in a sticky situation he just goes deer mode and prances away
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norry-yippee · 2 months
Sometimes I forget that people in the marauders fandom aren’t just silly teenage girls, like wdym your husband proof read this fic for you?!?!?!?!?
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rosieevan · 5 months
At Jily's wedding:
Church: If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Evan: LILY.
*Regulus and Dorcas trying to hold Evan back while Barty is laughing*
Lily: For the last time, Evan, I understand you want to be called Evan Evans. But that is not a valid reason to interrupt my wedding!!!
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not-rab · 5 months
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this with jily BUT james ends up falling in love with the therapist (*cough* regulus)
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
Regulus: I’ll kill you
James: You want to fuck me sooo bad
Regulus:*pulls out a knife*
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pxrty-crxsher · 3 months
Sirius: So how did you guys get together?
Barty: He was watching me, like a stalker.
Evan: Everyday, for a straight month.
Barty: Gay month you mean?
Remus: …
Sirius: Anyways.. what I mean is, what happened that made you think, ‘oh I want him as my boyfriend’ ?
Barty: He was stalking me and I thought it was hot.
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 5 months
im a multishipper until you try to touch my babies ok.
james and lily? absolutely. lily and mary? adorable. james and regulus? grumpyxsunshine GOLD. regulus and barty? our favorite psychos. barty and evan? you know it's growing on me
but other ships instead of wolfstar????? like??? they're the only ones for each other argue w the goddamn wall
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regulusblock · 4 months
teen Regulus: what's an orgasm?
teen Barty: when you fold paper to make birds and shit
also teen Evan: that's oregano, bitch
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macaulaytwins · 1 year
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part 2
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wolvesandshine · 5 months
Barty: I’m going to kill my dad
Evan: Sure we can kill my dad too my house is on the way
Regulus: I volunteer killing my parents as a trial run
Everyone else:
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isabel-lillah · 5 months
"Pandora is my Sirius," Regulus confessed one night in the astronomy tower.
"What do you mean, love?" James asked, not stopping threading Reg's hair.
"She is my best friend, a sibling I never had... my ride or die, my platonic soulmate. The one person who always saw right through me."
Regulus took only a second before he continued: "I would kill, die, and live for her. Sirius is your person. Pandora is mine."
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reggieblackdiary · 6 months
Growing up I always hoped I’d be as cheerful as James, as smart as Remus and as confident as Sirius.
I ended up with the mental health of Regulus Black.
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remuslupinlovebot · 6 months
marauders era p links (18+)
all links lead to p0rn !! watch at your own risk and do not watch in public
part 2 out now!
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regulus fingering you in his dorm
regulus bouncing you on his cock
riding james when he visits you for summer break
james celebrating a quidditch win
james absolutely devouring you as if you were his last meal on earth (this is the hottest video)
james teasing you while you’re wearing his hoodie
james stuffing you full and showing how much you mean to him
james eating his pretty girl out
sirius making his girl feel good
showing sirius what a good girl you are
69’ing with sirius
sirius using his long fingers to make you cum
morning fucks with sirius
sirius fucking you at your house
remus fucking your face
remus fucking you in the bathroom before a full moon
riding professor lupin
getting extra credit with professor lupin
bouncing on bartys cock
barty fucking the LIFE out of you
marlene riding the life out of you
marlene making you look in the mirror as she destroys you
marlene fingering you till you’re shaking
making a sex tape with marlene
marlene eating you out
making out with marlene
fucking lily with a d!ldo
intimate but intense foreplay with lily
fucking lily in the common room
sucking mommy’s tits like a good girl
roommate lily helping you out
car sex with lily
thanking lily for date night by eating her out
lily sitting on your face <3
using mommy’s tits to cum
mary bringing you to heaven with her fingers
mary sending you a video while you’re on a work trip
home alone with mary
fucking mary after coming home to her all dolled up
making mary cum
eating mary out by the pool
eating dorcas out till she’s whimpering
(doesn’t really look like dorcas but it’s hot so whatever) devouring dorcas on the kitchen counter
giving dorcas special treatment after a night out
dorcas riding you
marlene eating lily out to give her a break from studying
pansy parkinson riding the genuine life out of you
pandora, dorcas and barty having fun when the dorms are empty
foreplay with lily and nb partner (not RLLY p0rṉ)
find part 2: here
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moutainrusing · 3 months
Dorcas: Don’t you just love it when girls…?
Regulus: When girls?
Regulus: When girls what?
Dorcas: Huh? Did you ask me something?
Regulus, shaking his head: Personally. I do not love it when girls.
Regulus: I love it when boys.
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