#tim drake x mcu
canthandlethishit · 6 months
i love how there’s this subtle jab at technological advancement between universes in mcu x dc fics
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arbiterlexultionis · 3 months
Prompt: An Idea I Can Not Get Rid Of,
So it’s y’all’s problem now too.
[Eraserhead, Batman, Tony Stark, Jazz Fenton, Sam Manson, whoever your favorite Tired Adult is] walks into room: Please. For the love of God, and sake of my Sanity. Tell me that that is not a bomb.
[Danny Fenton, Peter Parker, Tim Drake, Robin!Jason Todd, Izuku Midoriya or any other Feral Gremlin Child that you can think of] Innocent Sunshine Child Smile: Ok, this is not a bomb!
Tired Adult: *Pinches bridge of noise, deep breath in* Very Audible Internal Screaming!
Which gremlin most definitely does not have a bomb? Which Tired Adult is stuck dealing with the gremlins nonsense? Is this a crossover? Is Danny about to tell Bruce that the moons haunted and like most other problems in the world the answer is C4? Is Jason getting ready to go revoke Overhauls knee cap privileges? Is Peter gonna slip on some ecto-brass knuckles and Captain Crunch the Fruitloop’s bone?
You Decide!
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clovrtree · 7 months
I just read the 3 chapters of your newest peter in gotham fic, and I loved it.
I read time flies by(bye) and loved it, I loved that peter finally decided to be selfish.
I can't wait too see which way you take this fic, and I can't wait to see the batfam becoming something of a family to peter.
Yooo thank you for the support! "Time flies by (bye)" is such an incredible fic and is definitely one that sort of inspired me to write DDfT :) Have a doodle for your support!
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fanfics4thefanatics · 2 months
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lizardboiii · 4 months
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
┃Last Updated: 06/03/24
┃Total Works: 1
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Central City
Barry Allen
┃At The Tone
Wally West
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Gotham City
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Hal Jordan
Guy Gardner
John Stewart
Kyle Rayner
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Star City
Oliver Queen
Roy Harper
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Garfield Logan
J'onn J'onzz
Victor Stone
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
⤷Refer to MASTERLIST for introduction and rules.
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justldk · 3 days
Tony accidentally running over Red Robin after stealing the Batmobile:
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57960997/chapters/147548608
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cablecar-s · 6 months
to love and self loath
Description :
With the death of her lover too much to bear, she makes the decision to run away from her life as Spider Woman, finding solace in the most crime ridden place in the U.S: Gotham City.
Hello! I'm currently just testing the waters of Tumblr at the moment, so bear with me because I have no idea what I'm doing. Constructive criticism is welcomed, just remember to not be mean >:/ Enjoy the first chapter!!
part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
Prepare For Trouble
"You're Spider-Woman, right?" He looked at her with a knowing yet amused smile on his face, all the while the woman who stood before him could only stare at him with slight bafflement. Eyes wide, lips slightly parted, she blinked at him, beginning to stammer.
"I.. What? How could you..? What kind of crazy.." She let out a small mix of what seemed to be a huff and laughter in trying to play off his not-so-false statement.
Her crush could only give her a look that read all too clearly as 'Really?' which led her to promptly give up, a sigh of defeat leaving her lips.
"I.. Yeah, you got me. I'm.. I'm Spider-Woman." She looked at him with a defeated smile. "How'd you know though? I thought I was pretty secretive!" She raised her hands up in defense, making him laugh.
"Well, with how much you sometimes ditch me last minute every time I hear sirens going off or how you always disappear out of thin air when something big or small happens, it was pretty easy to deduce the reasons why." He chuckled softly.
"You are also talking to the most smartest person in his entire school." He quickly added.
The female vigilante could only slightly scoff at this, looking around, as if someone else could hear the ridiculousness that was coming out from his mouth.
"Really now?" She questioned, almost mockingly.
Slowly, the two teenagers inched closer to one another while continuing to bicker, a teasing smile on both of their faces until finally they were mere inches away from one another.
"I hope you're not waiting for something." The teenaged boy said teasingly, a smile on his lips.
"No, not at all." The girl hummed, smiling back.
With the night air nipping at their skin, the warmth of their breaths could be felt on one another. And as they leaned in for a kiss, the floor beneath them fell in an instant, and they were soon falling down the clock tower.
With her spider suit on, breathing now heavy, adrenaline pumping into her veins, she watched as the boy she loved since high school began falling, watching as her single web was shot down towards him.
It was silent in that moment, everything having gone in slow motion, her web slowly reaching out to him, but was only seconds too late. The web, sticking itself to the man at the last second, his head still hitting the cold, hard floor, killing him in an instant.
The sound of her cries echoed in the now broken clock tower; grief, guilt, and anger consuming her body, until...
In an instant the woman woke up, covered in her sweat, her heart pounding against her chest. Her fight and flight instincts having kicked in, her eyes darted around her new apartment, her brain slowly catching up as to where she was. 
The muffled sound of cars honking from outside her window was heard, the slight musty smell that her apartment had, and the multiple of unpacked boxes laying around in her small bedroom had slowly calmed her down.
Memories from a few days ago came back to her again, making her sigh while simultaneously burying her face into her hands, that night continuing to haunt her time and time again no matter how many times she had tried to forget. 
Finally turning the alarm on her phone off, she got herself out of bed and went to her bathroom to freshen up, her morning not doing so well with that dream of hers. 
Pulling her hair back from her face, the woman left her bathroom and started to continue where she had left off from yesterday with unpacking her stuff. Putting her playlist on shuffle, she began digging through all of the boxes that held her belongings, putting them in their respective places.
The female vigilante was glad to have gotten away from New York, it gave her time to take a break from playing Spider-Woman—and to hopefully heal. Though it's obvious someone from above thought it would be funny that she would be transferred in the most highest crime rated city: Gotham City.
There goes her vacation.
Though Gotham City should be fine without the help of Spider-Woman shouldn't it? They have all the other vigilantes that kept Gotham fairly safe.
From Batman and Robin to Nightwing, Orphan, Spoiler, hell they even have someone to protect Gotham in the morning, which would be Signal. Of course there was also Red Hood, though she still wasn't so sure if he was to be counted since he did run a few drug cartels.
Wasn't really her business though, as long as she didn't have to do any fighting in the mean time of her slight vacation. 
Boy was she wrong.
"I need you to take some photos of our vigilantes." Her new boss ordered.
"I'm sorry?" The woman furrowed her brows, staring at the woman who was busy typing away on her computer.
"You heard me. Pictures. Vigilantes. Stat." Her voice was monotone, yet it had a slight intimidation to it. 
The vacationing vigilante did her best in holding back her frustration, moving her arms a bit to exaggerate her words just a bit. 
"But Gotham is a lot more crime ridden at night. Can't you have one of the men do it? I'm sure they'd be less likely to get mugged unlike me." She couldn't help but huff, nothing but familiar with this attitude this older woman had.
She was very much the same as Jameson back at the Daily Bugle.
It wasn't long until the woman peeled her eyes off from her computer screen to stare at the vigilante with sharp eyes.
"Listen sweetheart, the reason why you were even transferred here was because of the crystal clear pictures you had taken of Spider Woman over back from where you're from." Opening a file cabinet from her desk, she flipped through a few divided folders before pulling one out in particular and opening it up, slightly tossing it in the middle of her desk.
Photos that she had taken slid itself out from its place in the divider, all of them of which were in good quality and all had good angles to them, only because she was quite literally taking pictures of herself in order to even obtain a job as a photojournalist.
"So it's either you take photos as nice as these of our vigilantes or we can throw you back to New York, your choice." Quite literally, Jameson's female doppelganger looked back up at her new transferee before going back to typing.
Letting out a small sigh, a muttered "Yes ma'am" left her lips before leaving her new demon boss' office. She really can't catch a break can she? 
Well it's not like she wasn't a night person in the first place right? Being able to do whatever she wanted during the day, and once the sun had disappeared and the darkness and rain had taken over Gotham was when it was her time to go out and do her job.
The only downside was how incredibly freezing cold it was in Gotham once night had hit. She could stand the cold to some degree, as a New Yorker she was quite used to the cold, but Gotham was a whole other story.
She should probably install thermos into her suit. As much as she didn't want to think about vigilantism, she knew deep down she would end up doing it, only reason she had brought her suit, which was buried in the deepest parts of her closets.
As her uncle had said time and time again: With great power comes great responsibility.
Being way too busy being deep in her thoughts while slightly, not really, looking as to where any of Gotham's vigilantes may be swinging by, the hair's on her body shot up, the familiar feeling of a tingling sensation in the back of her head appearing.
With swiftness, she side stepped a hand that had tried to take hold of the back of her neck. Turning around, she found herself eyeing three men, all having sinister smiles on their faces.
Just what exactly was her luck today?
"Come on boys, don't you think three of you is a bit much for a single woman like me?" She questioned, a nervous chuckle leaving her lips.
Every step back she had taken, they had taken two steps forward. They had glanced amongst each other, snickers leaving their mouths.
"Not with a lady as pretty as you." One of them commented.
Slowly, they had backed her into a closed off alleyway, all three of them laughing once her back had hit the brick wall.
Her eyes darted around, checking every crevice, every shadow, trying to see if any of Gotham's vigilantes will swoop down to rescue her, and save her the trouble of having to take care of these men herself. 
But there was no one, not even the slightest of movements, not a glint of lenses shining in the dim lighting. Welp, looks like she's on her own for tonight. 
"You guys, really don't want to do this." She warned them, but they only laughed more. They always laugh. Who wouldn't though? A helpless woman who you've backed into a corner telling you they're gonna regret what they're gonna do?
Good thing she wasn't just any ordinary woman though.
"We're gonna have so much fun with you pretty lady." One of them cackled.
"Ugh, how gross..." She muttered.
Glancing around one last time, this time, making sure there would be no bystanders to witness as to what was going to happen.
Pulling up the hood to her winter coat, she let out a sigh, raising one of her arms, pointing it towards one of the men.
"You asked for it." 
In the blink of an eye, her webs shot out from her wrist, a long string going straight for the one in the middle, before he was heaved straight towards the woman before making a harsh impact with a trash can lid.
"Ooh, you'll be feeling that tomorrow." She winced.
Grunts of surprise came from the other two men, but no matter how odd it was for webs to shoot out from a woman's hand, they proceeded to run at the female. With ease, she dodged their attempted charged attacks.
Her hands, opposite of the two men, shot out webs and took hold of the back of their heads before she pulled at the connected webs, causing the two men to bash their skulls together.
"You'll definitely feel that tomorrow." She chuckled. 
Taking a few steps back, she hesitated for a moment and stared at them before quickly rearranging the positions of their bodies.
"Just in case..." She muttered. With their backs all facing each others', she bundled them up in her webs, a precaution if they ended up gaining back consciousness before the morning
Dusting off her hands, she let out a satisfied hum before securing her hood once more before quickly jogging off, not wanting to be found at the scene of the crime. That would only cause herself more trouble. 
"Lets just call it a night, I'm freezing my ass off here." She muttered to herself, trying to bring her coat as close to her body as possible, not wanting to lose what bit of warmth her body was keeping.
Unknowingly to the spider though, a mysterious figure with their infamous red helmet had stumbled upon her small clean up, the two barely missing each other.
He stared at the scene in front of him, his helmet quickly getting to work in scanning the mysterious webs. With his boots softly kicking at the small puddles on the ground, he crouched down, taking a closer look at the webs.
His helmet broke down the composition of the webs, seeing how it was made with a few chemicals. Reaching out his hand, he began to touch the webs a bit, trying to rip at it for a sample.
It clung to his leather glove, and it took a bit of force until it got unstuck, it almost took his glove with it with how hard he was pulling.
"The hell..?" He muttered to himself.
He rubbed his fingers together, some of stickiness staying on his gloved fingers. He took out his knife from one of his secret pockets instead and cut a bit of the web off, making it cling to his blade.
"This shit better come off..." He grumbled before putting his knife away. 
Standing up, he took out his grapple from his utility belt before disappearing into the night. 
The spider quickly shot up from her bed, her breathing irregular and covered in her sweat again, tortured once again by that never ending nightmare. Her eyes darting around her bedroom once more, she takes slow deep breaths before covering her eyes with her hands, the palm of her hands pressing into her eyelids.
Letting out a deep sigh, she got out of her bed, doing her morning routine once more. Scrolling through her phone, she looks at the news of Gotham City, most of them mainly about the many crimes of the city, some of politicians, and others of Bruce Wayne. 
Before putting her phone down though, a message popped from the top of her screen, it was from her new boss.
"I better have those photos by the end of this week!!!!" It had read.
The woman only rolled her eyes, turning off her phone so she could dump her face in water. 
Leaving her bathroom, she rubbed her moisturizer onto her face while making her way to her living room that also shared her kitchen. Starting up her coffee machine, she made herself a quick PB&J in the meantime. 
Leaning against the counter as she slowly ate her sandwich, the smell of coffee beginning to waft in the air, the vacationing vigilante took a good look at her small apartment. 
It was.. 
A bit bland to put it nicely. 
Guess she was going shopping today. Quickly downing her coffee without trying to burn her tongue, she quickly got dressed and headed out to do a bit of shopping, to make her apartment just a bit more welcoming for the time that she was staying in Gotham. 
Though she had a bit of a tight budget, she managed to buy a few things well within it that there was a little left over that she could buy herself dinner.
By the time she was done shopping though, the sun was beginning to set, meaning that it was nearly time for the criminals of Gotham to come crawling out of their hiding spots to cause some trouble.
"Shit..." She muttered under her breath, holding onto her plastic bags tightly, her shoes tapping against the cement as she quickly tries to make it back to her apartment before she got mugged.
Her senses have heightened a bit as a sense of panic and wariness began to settle in her stomach. Her eyes flitted about, cautious of every corner, every shadow, every alley, the last light sunset disappearing over the horizon.
Cursing under her breath, her steps quickened, and then there she saw it. A blur of bright red, green, and yellow flying in the air; it was Robin.
Her boss's text from this morning came back to her, which only made her curse more. Of course she didn't bring her camera. The handles of the bags hanging from one of her arms, she quickly fishes out her phone from her back pocket, turning the flash on to take a quick picture of Robin before he disappeared off into the night.
She cursed at his nimbleness, taking a small step back as he flies above her, but just as she was about to take the picture, she had bumped into something sturdy. 
Blinking, she slowly turned around, only to come face to face with someone's chest, Batman's symbol on a black shirt, but instead it was in red.
Slowly, she looked up, only to find herself face to face with the Red Hood.
The flash to her phone went off as she took a picture of him.
next chapter ->
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nobody-zero3000 · 3 months
Sneak Peak of DC X Marvel Fanfiction OC Fanfic Story
Beep. Beep.Beep.
"ha, Ha Ha HAHAHAHAHA!!!".......... "hurts more? A or B?"...........a boy, in his mid-teens, wearing a costume tied up, being beaten.............by a crowbar...........pain......hurt........anger.......sadness.....
more pain..............screaming, and green water............a man in a red helmet holding a gun to a clown's head?!
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GIF by batboyzloverz
but this clown looks and feels............dangerous, insane, terrifying, sadistic.......evil. "IT'S HIM OR ME! You Have to Decide!......Him or ME! Decide!"
.............................another boy strapped down, struggling to get out..... chemicals, lab tools, pills, cigarettes, and other various stuff that she cannot or does not want to even think about how they are used on his poor defenseless boy....................it the clown..pushes the lever............... electricity running wild.................the boy screaming........................laughter.....she felt insanity. Still, she was more concerned about the pain, fear, and hopelessness. The boy is on his knees, laughing before crying............................
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GIF by prissnukem
.......................another boy, wait it's not a boy, it's a man.....................he looked devasted, scared, alone, vulnerable, ............."my fault"......"I failed you."...........tears running down his face..............a woman is suddenly on top of him...........running her hands over him............."don't touch me"............"poisonous, numb.".............pain, betrayal, defeated, numb.................she won't stop even if he saying, pleading..............fighting monsters......... gets stabbed in the stomach....... then there's pain..............and insanity..............it's like he lost a big part of himself..............and something else entered him...
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GIF by timohtydrake
........................a boy...... around the age of his late teens,........................ he is fighting a man......... he has strength and is doing well......until a girl with blonde hair throws a boulder his way......................... anger...pain... anger...but betrayal... sad.........the man is beating him up.........................
it's the young boy again, but much older........................ lasers come out of the creature's eyes............. zig-zagging....................... He steps in its path....................protecting another individual..................it hits him................extreme pain! being burned alive..............he yells out in pain..........................
AAAAAaaaaaahhhhhAAAaahhhhhhh!!! She screams out in agony, watery eyes widen (glowing white), and she is shaking, hands out in front of her, glowing.
Someone is running behind her, by her side, calling and yelling her name. But to her, it's like she's underwater, unable to hear a sound. It sounds like not one but many other voices calling out to her.
The voices are getting louder.
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wildglitch · 6 months
What if Zombies!Spidey x DCU LETS GOOOOOOOOO-
O K-
So, This is the (Probably not the last, don't worry) post with ideas for my What If Zombies!Peter In the DCU AU. This is the post that (Finally) Focuses on the DC side of things. This post Is also going to be mainly focused on Peter and what he's up to cause he's the focus of this AU, but I’m probably gonna make another post with info on the other heroes, so If your interested in that, don't worry cause I am thinking about them (Bucky & Loki = Brainwashed bros)
Its also part 1 of Idk since this post kinda got away from me with its length (oops)
Anyways, without further adieu, let's start :D 
-So! starting this off with something fun and not that serious that I just found out. this should have probably gone in the first post but I didn't know this until now so here, a +1 info on “facts about the zombie apocalypse” tm. 
Ok, so at this point you know I like to play around with the timeline right? Ok so, I’m researching the dates and events things take place in right? Turns out, the snap happened in either May or June, and one source even said that it happened on May 31. Now, with this in mind and the fact that I said the apocalypse lasted between 7-8 months, what happens if you subtract 8 months from May? You get October. And if you add the date to it? Guys…I accidentally made it that the zombie apocalypse starts on Halloween! That's just insane!
The official timeline now is 8 months of the zombie apocalypse, no more no less, sorry, I don't make the rules :^ (omg I made Antman & the Wasp a halloween movie lmao. It fits)
-Alright so, Peter, Head Scott/w the cloke and T’challa are on a plane on their way to Wakanda when all of a sudden, well, how many of you seen the Young Justice Episode s1e19 Misplaced? (Btw have I talked about how much I love Billy batson? I will one of these days ok, and that's a threat) well anyways
Airplane squad: *”peacefully” traumatized on a plane to Wakanda
Airplane squad: *the people on the plane fucking fazes out of reality leaving him alone to fly the plane*
Peter: *Panik*
Peter: *feels a pull wanting to take him but fighting it off as he tries to fly a fucking plane*
Peter: *also fades out of reality but much later the other and is now falling to certain doom in the middle of the ocean*
Peter: “Oh What the F-”
Ya that-
I mixed aspects of the snap and scene from misplaced as their way of splitting up. And, they did split up. A high speed plane plus the time it took them to disappear firmly separates Peter from the rest of the heros. And thus the adventure commences
-unlike Billy who can fly, Peter falls head first at top speeds and a thousand meters high into the ocean.  This can happen a few different ways
1) Peter is stranded, and is found by Young Justice or any superhero team that was passing through the ocean and thinks “Oh shoot, that's a child”. And this is how he ends up with the league. This one is kinda fast and there wouldn't be any identity reveal since at this point this Peter has no concept of such a thing. But a good way to work around this is memory loss. Not really my cup of tea but I can very much see this happening considering how hard he hit his head
2) …So Peter fucking dies-
Listen! I somehow started off with my 2 most opposite extremes of ideas, but hear me out. The fall? It kills him. But lets say that some cult or the league of assassins or some shit find his body, realize he’s a “meta” and decide “Yeah, this is a good revival candidate” And they revive the poor sucker. He is held captive HYDRA style and they try to turn him into a weapon. Obviously, he escapes, set free onto the world with a few months of trauma and a stolen one way ticket anywhere. And that anywhere just so happens to be Gotham. I’ll let your mind take it from there
3) This is the last version of events I’m gonna mention and I think this one is the one I'm sticking with, purely for the comedic potential I can see coming out of this. So Peter fought back the spell right? Well unlike the snap where he was fighting a force of nature were he would not have won, Peter was fighting Loki off, which,
Yeah, so since Loki had to focus on getting that idiot spider child to cooperate, he loses track of everyone else, and all of a sudden, the fuzzy mental image he had of everyone dissipates, and Peters becomes the full focus. This lets him save the kid from the crash, but he now doesn't know where all of the others are, including his brother, and now he can't really get to any of them.
Peter: Fighting off that staticy feeling that's trying to take him
Loki: *Genuinely struggling to get this non magic kid to corporate with him*
Loki: Damnit CHILD! I'm trying to save your worthless life!
Peter: *Legit almost wins and gets left by himself in the zombieland* 
Loki: …What did they feed you?
-Peter is saved with a spell that's basically the bubble from steven universe but Loki style. He can breathe just fine, but he can't get out or call for hell. He spends many Hours like this.
-Ok so, Loki is a god. We have established this, I keep mentioning it (sorry) he himself brings this up multiple times. What is something gods tend to have sometimes? Avatars, people who act out their will on Earth. You see where I'm going with this? Since Peter is the only mortal from his world he has access to, and because he is stuck on the watchtower, he decides to make a deal with Peter to make him his Avatar and have him look for the others (Thor). Peter, after having most of the situation explained to him, accepts his offer, with a few conditions here and there that prevent Loki from taking full advantage of him. But at the end of the day, they are both desperate and accept the others' offers and conditions with little fuss.
-Deals and conditions for the avatar contract between Peter and Loki
Loki’s Mission: Find the other mortals and spread chaos as his agent Loki’s Offer: Slight magical aid, “ability boost”, Protection from other magical entities, Godly guide and knowledge and Loki wont force Peter into doing anything too grotesque Loki’s conditions for Peter: He will be able to access anything Peter is seeing and be able to take control of any situation if he sees it fit, he must go on the missions he sends him on, And if the situation ever truly demands it, he will listen to everything Loki tells him to do Peter’s Mission: Finding his friends and finding a cure to his world in this new one as Loki’s Agent. He must also make good impressions on other Magical being in this world as to not shame the god he’s representing Peter Offer: His loyalty and tentative trust, he won't argue too much and will do his absolut best to find Thor. he will Listen to Loki and do what he says Peter’s Conditions for Loki: Will become his Avatar as long as he gets to keep being a hero and doesn't have to hurt or kill people. He will only do a mission once a month, and he will not advertise the Avatar bit. Peter gets free will, He can refuse to do something as long as he isn't demanded of it.
With this, a hand shake, and some blood, The deal is made in the bubble in the middle of the ocean.
-Peter is now Loki’s Avatar, Moonknight style, Yay! They don't really like each other that much due to circumstance but it's fineeeeeee. I did this because 1) I thought of a scenario that didn't really make sense unless Peter was somehow talking to him 2) It’s a little nod to the fact most of the fics have the snapped souls with Peter on his adventure. I thought that this way he can still have his voice in his head , it's not that crowded because it's only one voice, and it's not that Intrusive because Loki isn't going to be with Peter 24/7 only when he needs him, he's using some of his powers, or when he can sense distress or danger coming from Peter- Other than that he's stuck at the watchtower trying to plan his next moves. And 3) Cause the thought came to me and i thought it was fucking Holirouse.
-With Some trickery, Peter sneaks onto a boat and spends his time hidden under the deck pretending and hides like a corner spider the whole trip
-Peter in his, Hasn't been around actual living breathing humans for such a long time, self, breaks down and cries at the docks. Coincidentally, The bats are doing a drug bust there and a wearhouse not 10 feet away from him blows up. 
-Peter in his typical fashion, Puts on his mask and runs into the building looking for survivors.
-The bats, not knowing what happened, see’s this costume stranger helping the thugs get away and immediately clocks him as a villain. Opps
-They fight, misunderstandings happen and now, The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Is on the front page as gothams hottest new Rogue. Well shit
-Peter being the smart guy he is, squats at an unoccupied apartment and claims it as his. Then Loki shows up after weeks of radio silence, takes one look at the place and says, hell nah, and fixes the place up with magic making the place more than livable. With some (probably magical) persuasion, the guy renting out the place actually puts him on the lease with 50 bucks of monthly rent. Does Peter feel guilty…well? Gotta roll with the punches man. Plus, this place looks nice, ignoring his 20 something neighbor that has enough blood on him to turn his white hair dye red that had sent his spider sense. This is fine.
-With some help from the voice in his head and walking through dark alleys at night, he finds a guy that works for immigration and was selling sketchy (But legit) identities. Not really trusting the guy but in desperate need and ID for the lease he was about to sign, He coughs up all the savings he had, took a Photo, and Ben P. Riley was born. He said he didn't trust the guy.
-Peter has decided to go by an alias for a few reasons, like not knowing if there was already another Peter Parker in this reality and not really wanting to risk it or the plain fact that he didn't really trust anyone in this new reality with it  (Loki and his magical guidance, he has firmly decided to never give out his name so freely ever again). His name is one of the last things from his past life that he can call his own, And if his “Villainous” identity was revealed as Peter Parker, he didn't know if he could handle it. The most simple reason was that he just missed his family and wanted something in this new life he was making for himself to remind himself of them. Ofcourse, he still added that P in there middle so as to not completely erase himself.
-Peter spends a full month just trying to get used to living in a society again, This causes some problems and misunderstandings.
-After many series of misunderstandings and mishaps, everyone thinking he's evil, Peter decides, YK what's, If I can't beat them, join them. Peter starts going out as the “Villain Spider-Man” doing sketchy shit (normal teenage shit) and causing a commotion in Gotham. Peter counts this as his act of mischief and Loki agrees when he sees the kid sell his own photos to the newspaper. Peter isn't actually doing anything evil, it's just his presence that brings fear. The fact that the bats have caught him breaking into multiple high security facilities doesn't really help his case
-Peter spends his months looking through files and files of info searching for the others, but has just about no luck on anything.
-Peter, forced by a mission, goes undercover in Gotham prep to follow one of Loki’s leads. He doesn't really know what he's doing here, but this Tim guy is pretty nice
-Cause of the amazing pictures he keeps selling to the paper, the company hires him full time as their photographer for special events and even lets him write a few articles when they see the notes he puts next to his pictures that provide contexts and stuff like that. This job opens Peter to search to a whole new horizon.
-With Peter's new job, hes sent to many different cities which introduces him to many different people
-He meets Jimmy Olson on a trip to Metropolis and hits it off pretty well with the older man. Jimmy introduces him to his friends and coworkers Lois and Clark, both of whom are just a delegate. Though that Clark guy as not stopped setting of his spider sense since he met him
-The next place he went to was a city called Fawcett, where he was sent to help with a story with one of the local reporters who was apparently his age.
Boss guy: Ben, meet Billy. You two will be working together on the report for this years summer festival
The two sniff each other out as godly “employees” and exchange numbers. And thus, a friendship was born as Billy decided to keep an eye out for any other reality travelers, and Peter is put as one of his emergency contacts to help him get out of shit since he was “technically 20 according to his ID”
Peter: *Looks at Billy*
Billy: *Looks at ‘Ben’*
*Insert that one Spider-Man meme*
-Peter is also sent to Gothams sister city Bludhaven. Peter,ends up meeting a weird police officer that keeps expecting him to take pictures of the guy. But he's nice enough and bought him a hotdog and a cinnamon roll(even though he now thinks he's allergic to them), so the weird outweighs the good.
-On his trip to Bludhaven, Peter decides to go out as spider-man. Not to cause trouble, but to go sightseeing and swinging without the interference of a bat. He ends up sitting upside down on an old building (like that one Atsv scene)  working on some leads he has when all of a sudden, Nightwing appeared right behind him dangling off the side of the building like a mad man giving him a heart attack. Nightwing is about to confront the spider after his sneak attack was caught, but before he does, Peter holds out the cinnamon roll towards the vigilante as a peace offering rushing out the words “Please don't hit me!” and Nightwing just stares. He stares long and hard looking between the treat and the Spider mask. Peter was about to run from them when Nightwing sort of just…sits. Or sits at the best of his abilities with no gravity defying powers. He actually does a pretty good job at it. Nightwing takes to offering with a nod and the 2 just sort of sit there in silence. It's awkward and weird, and quiet but for some reason he doesn't feel as uncomfortable as he thinks he should. Even less when he feels the ringing of his spider senses slowly die down as the minutes pass until it's just a constant hum at the back of his head
-They don't talk after that but from here is a turning point as to how the Bat clan view the spider.
More? Nay I say! (There will be a part 2 to this specific post, but it has gotten too long and I need to go to bed. So hopefully this will do for now :^) Plus this feels like agood stoping point since I feel like that ending would mark the ending to an arc
Please let me know what you think of this AU. I love seeing other people's ideas and thoughts. It fuels me lo
And make sure to keep an eye out for Part 2 of this post.
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cookiejarwrites · 17 days
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key: ☻ fluff, ☹ angst, ◎ smut, ☠︎︎ death
a/n: Request are opened and encouraged! <3 Platonic or Romantic
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Tim Drake ⁀➷
Fake Date ☻☹◎ part one, part two , part three
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nothing yet…
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nothing yet…
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book-place · 2 years
Most Wonderful Time
Warnings: mentions of character death, weapons, and fighting, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x daughter reader, Vision x daughter reader, Batfamily x reader platonic <crossover>
Request: I was thinking maybe a batfam x Wanda's daughter! Reader who got reincarnated into the mcu universe after she died in the DC universe. She still has memories of her past life so she asks wanda about it so she shows her the dark hold and how it works. So when wanda is asleep, she uses the dark hold without permission and travels to the DC universe. When she got there she immediately went to the nearest store to buy them presents. It was Christmas day so you decided it would be a nice thing to do. After you did that you immediately went to the manor to greet them after a full year of being dead (in that universe)
Request by: @ladyagagaslefttoe
*not my gif*
Summary: An idea came to you suddenly about the flashbacks you had been having of your past life
A/N: Welcome to day 9 of Book Places 12 Days of Christmas Celebration
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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You frowned, staring up at your ceiling in the dark with your hands laced together and gently laying on your chest.
So lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t even heard your mother come in, only snapping out of your trance when she flicked the flights on.
“What are you doing?” Wanda asked in amusement, strolling over and sitting at the foot of your bed.
You sighed, sitting up and leaning against the headboard and pulling your knees to your chest before resting your chin on the top, “Just thinking,” You admitted.
“Well don’t think too much longer,” She teased, leaning over and planting a kiss on the crown of your head, “It’s Christmas Eve and we’re going to have a great day tomorrow.”
It’s true, the two of you, along with your father, Vision, had been invited to go over Tony’s for the day tomorrow to hang out with the rest of the Avengers.
When you gave her a small smile in return, she left you to your thoughts, flicking off the lights on her way out so you could return to your previous activity.
Perhaps it was the fact that you were born to the most powerful witch alive that you had the abilities that you had, to see into your past life.
You didn’t exactly have a normal life in that one, not that you did now. You were born in a separate universe, with your father and brothers, as well as yourself, all being vigilantes for your home city, Gotham.
Recently, you have been getting more and more flashbacks than normal about the life you had led as Bruce Wayne’s daughter.
About times with your brothers, sneaking cookies from the kitchen, pillow fights, real fights with thugs out on the streets. And, of course, your death.
It had happened one night while you were on patrol, trying to take down a gang in a warehouse. You had gotten separated from your brothers and someone had snuck up behind you and caught you by surprise.
For obvious reasons, you couldn’t remember what came next, but you knew that it wasn’t pretty.
All of a sudden, an idea sparked through your head and you sat straight up.
It wasn’t impossible, but it wouldn’t be easy, especially since your mother clearly wouldn’t approve.
You gnawed on your bottom lip for a moment as you contemplated what to do before slowly swinging your legs over the side of your bed and hesitantly putting your feet on the ground.
Before fully planting your feet on the ground to stand up, you listened for the sound of your parents steady breathing to let you know that they were in fact asleep.
As quickly and quietly as you could, you slipped out of your room and crept into the spare room that your family had specifically designated for the Darkhold.
Your mother had taught you a while ago how to use it, stressing the importance that it was only to be used as a last case scenario in emergencies.
True, this wasn’t a life or death situation, but you had been given a second chance at life. You were forced to leave behind a family that never got closure for what had happened to you.
Of course, you loved your family in this universe and the avengers more than anything, and you knew and felt nothing for your past family other than what memories gave you. But somewhere deep down, you felt like you owed this to them.
Tossing aside the thoughts of how furious your parents would be when they found out, you took the Book of the Damned into your hands and flipped through the pages until you found what you were looking for.
You closed your eyes and murmured the spell that was inscribed upon the pages, and when you opened them again, you stood on the middle of a sidewalk in a city that you had only seen in your dreams. Gotham.
The city bustled with midday rush, informing you of your suspicions that time moved differently in this universe. If that was the case, then you would have been dead for exactly a year here.
With that fact in mind, you quickly brought your hood over your head and closed the Darkhold, tucking it safely under your arm as you began moving with your head down through the city.
Somehow, you knew exactly where you were going without really thinking about it. As if you knew this foreign city like the back of your hand.
When you arrived at the store you had unknowingly been traveling to, you finally paused for the first time in hesitation.
Your brilliant plan suddenly didn’t seem as great as it had sounded in your head.
You had wanted to use your mothers book to travel to the universe that you had died in and surprise your used-to-be family with gifts and tell them about how you remember, and how you were sorry for what had happened to them.
But what if they didn’t take it that way? What if this was just a slap in the face to them about the sister and daughter they had lost?
Because you weren’t her, not really, but you had thought that maybe- just maybe- they would see it as a way of finally gaining the closure they never had.
Was it selfish that some part of you also wanted to meet them? To see what they were really like? Yes, and you knew it.
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, knowing that it was too late to go back now, you took a step farther into the store and began to look for what you came for.
In the end, you had some coffee mugs, bags of candy, and other little trinkets you were able to find that reminded you of the memories that you had been having.
With that, you made your way back outside and flagged down a cab, ignoring the weird look you got when you told the driver to take you to Wayne manor.
“Hey,” He said gruffly, eyes narrowing slightly at you, “You look familiar…”
“I’ve probably taken your cab before.” You lied coolly with a small shrug.
He grunted and turned back to begin driving, “Yeah, probably.”
Nothing could’ve prepared you for the wave of nerves that hit you like a train as the large home came into view.
After taking only a deep breath to steady yourself, you paid and thanked the driver before stepping out and warily eyed the intimidating building.
Picking up the bags of gifts you had gotten for them, you hesitantly made your way up the front steps and rang the doorbell once, stepping back to wait.
The two moments it took for someone to answer the door were the longest of your life. You were rocking back and forth on your heels and nervously glancing around in a way that no doubt made you look suspicious.
The door was opened by a man you knew to be Alfred Pennyworth, and the moment his gaze landed on you, he froze, hand falling from the doorknob as he sucked in a sharp breath.
“Who is it Al?” Dicks contagious laugh reached your ears before he was within sight. But when he was, he stopped dead in his tracks as well.
“No…” Your eyes snapped behind him to where Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Damain all stood, eyes wide and faces pale.
A silence broke out then and there, no one wanting- or daring enough- to break it as you all stared at one another. You in curiosity, while some of them held mixed expressions of horror, sadness, and disbelief.
“Hi, guys,” You finally greeted softly, “It’s nice to meet you all.”
That was your first mistake.
Automatically, all of their softened faces hardened and each of them reached for a concealed weapon within their pockets and got into a fighting stance.
“Who are you, and what do you want?” Bruce asked coldly, his tone sending shivers down your spine.
Out of all the flashbacks you had, he had never once spoken to you like that.
You flinched slightly, “Listen, I know this is a lot to take in-“
“Who are you?” Damian hissed, eyes narrow and fists clenched at his sides. The sight of his older sister clearly messing with his head.
You went to take a step forward, but Jason put a finger up to stop you, “Not another step.” He warned.
“Do you think she…” Dick trailed off, not having to finish his sentence for the others to know that he was asking if you had come back from the grave like Jason had.
Tim shook his head, “She couldn’t have.” His tone indicated that he was trying to convince himself just as much as the other, “We tried that already and it didn’t work.”
Your heart broke at the sight of them. These strangers, but not, so confused and upset by your appearance, that for the first time, you really began to regret coming to see them.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered out, eyes pooling with tears as you slowly bent down and placed the shopping bags before them, “I knew coming here was a bad idea.”
As you turned to leave, one voice made you freeze.
“Y/n?” It was Dick, “Y/n, is that really you?”
Your eyes squeezed shut as you turned around to face them once more.
“Kind of,” You whispered, “I’m from a different universe.”
They all exchanged a glance at your words before slowly relaxing their tense stances, surprising you a bit.
“This isn’t the first time we’ve heard something like that”. Tim said.
You took that as your cue to talk once more, and you dove into the explanation as to why you were there.
You told them about the flashbacks you were having from your past life. The way time moves differently. Your universe. How you had just wanted to bring them some gifts for Christmas and hopefully meet them in person.
By the end of your story, the silence had returned, and you were looking back and forth between all of them in anticipation, half expecting them to reach for their weapons once more.
“Would…” Bruce's voice broke slightly before he swallowed thickly, “Would you like to come in?”
So in you went, allowing each and every one of them to give you a hug, even if you weren’t really the girl they lost and passed out their gifts to them. But in so many ways, you were similar. Living in a different universe just made you slightly different.
For hours, you talked and talked. Sharing stories and laughs as you enjoyed Christmas together.
By the time the sun had begun to set, you knew it was time for you to leave, so you hugged each of them once more before stepping out the door.
“Wait, Y/n!” Jason called, causing you to turn to him with slightly raised eyebrows, “Will you- I mean can you-“ He stuttered out.
“Are you able to come back to visit?” Tim filled in the blank for him.
You smiled softly at the request and nodded your head once. Though you still weren’t from that universe anymore, it felt as right as being in your own.
Using the Darkhold once more, you disappeared just in time to see them all waving at you before you returned back to your home once more.
Your parents were still asleep by the time you got back, so you snuck back into your room and got under the covers of your bed.
You had given others and yourself a second chance that day. And no Christmas gift could ever outdo that.
The Superior Robin ❤️- @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @i-writes-things
We Are Groot 🤎- @lovanitu @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @irethepotato @femalemarvelself @mukbee @its-hell @ip747 @i-writes-things @popfishjr @mitsuki-murakami
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canthandlethishit · 6 months
prompt: spiderman x batfam au
peter has been residing in gotham for a while now, he managed to gather up materials to make a spidersuit and started his vigilantism a couple months ago. for 3 reasons: 1. the bats try their best but with Gotham’s insane amount of crime happening at all times they’d need the aid, 2. peter missed this, he missed the drops and swings, the bubbly feeling inside every time he’d managed to help someone, 3. peter could use the extra cash from selling spiderman’s pictures to the Daily Bungle
he’d started attending Gotham’s university and got recruited into the photography club, met Tim Drake, started hanging out and discussing the angles and lighting, the art of taking action shots, the morality and legality of vigilantism—huh
Tim found out peter was the one photographing Spiderman, he thought he finally found someone like him, someone who’s invested in vigilantes and photographing (stalking) them, he’s over the moon for it, they share photography (stalking, on Tim’s part) tips
Peter thought his friend was really passionated (obsessed) with vigilantes, a fanboy, he teases Tim about it, and sputtered when Tim retaliated with his Spiderman obsession. Tim’s a Gothamite, its normal to be obsessed with the Bats.
[space for you to go with & or / with their relationship]
*the reveal*
Peter: I’m sorry I kept it from you I—
Peter: I— wait…what?
Peter: yk I thought you’d be more hung up on me being a vigilante than the pictures
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littleinkling64 · 2 years
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this is how the next chapter of Dark Matter is gonna go, right? @mysterycyclone
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minda0627 · 11 months
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some peter parker x tim drake chibis I made a while ago that I forgot to post here. 🫠 I love this crossover ship a lot and wish there was more content for them 🫶💕
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bonus ✨
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fanfics4thefanatics · 29 days
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splosh-crime · 5 months
Bruce Banner is Tim Drake’s Uncle
In the comics, Bruce Banner is canonically taken in by his aunt Susan Drake after his father’s jailed for mariticide.
Let’s say Susan Drake was Janet’s mother and that Bruce Banner was raised alongside her.
When he goes to college and becomes a scientist he’s still in contact with them but being on the run from the government tends to put a dampener on communications so Bruce Banner has never met Janet’s spouse or child.
When Tim lies about his uncle having custody of him, he didn’t make up a new uncle. Thus, SHIELD was alerted when Bruce B’s name suddenly appeared in new legal custody records.
They’d been meaning to investigate Gotham for awhile anyway but the locals had been less than cooperative and SHIELD is a bit swamped with aliens and mutants nowadays to chase shadows.
With a gothamite in the custody of an Avenger and sharing a living space with a few more, SHIELD’s chances of getting new intel on Gotham are at a record high so they alert Bruce Banner of Tim’s orphan status and help him gain custody.
Let it be said that one should never bet against a bat.
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