#yandere female deuce
merakiui · 10 months
overblot! Riddle nonconning you in front of Ace and Deuce while going on about how this is the only thing a magicless nobody is good for 👍🏼
Omg yes,,,,,,,,
(cw: yandere, gender neutral, nsfw, non-con, humiliation/degradation, public sex)
Amidst a ruined, debris-ridden rose maze, a monster looms. No one dares stray close, lest they find themselves maimed and sent to the grave, and so they can only watch helplessly from the safety of overturned chairs, tables, and uprooted rose trees. The scene was once serene, an almost-perfect Unbirthday. Now it is desolate and bleak, a nightmarish reality that leaves thick, discomforting silence blanketing the grounds.
Riddle casts a grotesquely bone-chilling shadow, and his appearance mirrors that of a creature torn from the pages of a classic horror; that's the only way to describe him: cruel and cold, all sharp, vicious edges and thorns, dripping blot. He's on the verge of a supernova, toeing the line of life and death, a monstrous mage who has reached the consequences of a culmination of excessive magic, spilled over into bitter negativity. The aura that clings to him is, in a word, utterly terrifying.
And you're right there in his shadow, a fragile, caged thing bent down on your hands and knees. Your fingers curl into the grass, tearing clumps. No one dares to speak up, to demand he release you, to fight for your safety and dignity. Hopelessly collared, Ace and Deuce, your closest companions in all of this mess, look on in horror even though they don't mean to.
It's like a tragedy spun right before their eyes. They want to look away, but they can't. It's morbidly ensorcelling.
"Observe!" Riddle's voice booms, commanding absolute obedience and attention. His pallid hips press against your ass while clawed hands dig into your hips, holding you perfectly still. Blood is drawn; it seeps beneath his sharpened nails, leaving painful indents. You feel filthy and fearful, cut down to something small and insignificant and weak. Droplets of blot speckle your backside each time he shifts. It's warm like candle wax, but it doesn't burn.
The betrayal does, though—stains through to your very soul.
You grit your teeth, squeezing your eyes shut in hopes of drifting off elsewhere. Anywhere that isn't here, speared on his cock for all to see, forced into the grass like you're bowing apologetically before the Queen and her card soldiers.
"You lack the key capabilities all mages must possess, and yet you thought it wise to challenge my rules? Here? When my word is law?" He barks out a laugh, sickly amused. Scarlet eyes narrow with disdain. "Perhaps you're as slovenly as you are disobedient. As expected of a disrespectful, magic-less fool who knows nothing! Absolutely nothing of the order I so carefully uphold!"
He pulls back, seething through grit teeth, and snaps his hips forwards. You collapse on shaky arms, gasping in pain.
It hurts more than heartbreak, more than a bruise, more than a slap. Tears spot your lash line, threatening to fall with one more well-aimed, brutal thrust. Spidery fingers dance along your waist, tracing a line towards your neck. He grips your chin and forces you to look upon a crowd of terrified faces, all ogling with bated breath. Ace is watching and so is Deuce, albeit through the cracks in his hands.
"What did you hope to achieve—to prove—by defying me?" he demands, his grip a deadly vise. "That I could be in the wrong? That all I've worked tirelessly for, all that I've done, is wrong?"
"Riddle..." You wince in your futile attempt to pull away. "Riddle, please... I... I'm sorry, but please... You're hurting me..."
He turns your head towards him, eyes ablaze with a furious tempest, and he leans closer, pinning you with startling ease. His cock presses up against your insides, enveloped tightly in your walls, and you shudder through the discomfort and the agony. A single claw traces dangerously close to your jugular.
"Speak up if you have something to say!"
"It hurts!" You gasp again, outright sobbing now. "It hurts! Please..."
"It's a punishment," he sneers, glaring disapprovingly. "It's meant to impart a lesson—one learned through pain. If you understand this, stop sniveling and respond appropriately."
You're not sure which is worse: humiliation at the hands of someone you considered a friendly acquaintance or the fact that, no matter how villainous he may be, you only wish for him to return to himself. You'd never wish this fate on anyone, but maybe it's your too-big heart that makes it impossible to hate him. You don't hate him. You can't.
And perhaps that's the worst part of all this.
You hang your head, defeated and devoid of hope. "Yes, Dorm Leader..."
And so he teaches you and all those who witness the devastating spectacle a lesson neither will ever forget.
Red is passionate and fiery, a reflection of roses and redamancy. But it is not a pleasant color. Not anymore. Not in the aftermath.
Red is the color of Riddle and Heartslabyul and blood and pain and anger. And every time you spy the slowly healing marks from that day, you feel it all over you. Red everywhere, inside and out. Externally, you may heal with all matter of magical cures, but internally it's not an easy fix.
So red is no longer a comfortable color. You wish you could look upon it and admire it for what it is: a color. But that proves impossible, for a color that is so highly revered as pretty does not evoke pretty feelings for you.
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sagethegaywitch · 2 months
Yandere Heartslabyul Headcanons
GN reader
TW: yandere behavior, killing mentioned, drugging mentioned, stalking
Genre: yandere
This is based on my own opinion and my knowledge of the game. I'm still stuck on Riddle's overblot and I just can't seem to beat him. :(
Riddle Rosehearts:
Will use his power as Housewarden to create obstacles that prevent you from leaving the Heartslabyul dorm
Will enforce his strict dorm rules on you and will punish you accordingly if needed, but might offer you compromises like staying overnight or having tea with him instead of using his unique magic on you.
He might even go as far as creating a few new rules just for you, just so you can get in trouble and he has an excuse to offer you a deal.
If you try to leave him to either hang out with your friends or go back to your dorm, he will create little accidents to make you stay.
Oops, his foot slipped and accidentally released all the flamingos from their enclosure.  Now you need to help him rally them all up and return them to their pen safely.
Are you getting sleepy?  It’s totally not because he might have spiked your tea.  Maybe you should stay over tonight, you’re in no state to walk back to your dorm.
Similar to Trey, he’s quick to come up with methods to get you to stay.  But, he has some faith in you, and will let you leave his dorm occasionally.
While he does prefer you by his side, he understands that there are rules that prevent you from being close to him 24/7.
Curfew, you needing to go to your classes, and you needing to take care of Grim are some examples of reasons that will allow you to leave him for a while.
He also has his duties as Housewarden to uphold, so he doesn’t often have a lot of time to spend with you anyways, and he would rather you be doing something useful and educational than waiting for him.
While he may be manipulative, he can treat you right.  Your words will always be treasured and you will be granted your every wish.  He might even bend some of the dorm rules for you if he feels like spoiling you.
You want a specific dessert at a private tea party with him?  He’s already asking Trey to make 10 of them.
You want to have a chestnut tart at an unbirthday party?  Even though it goes against the rules, he might make an expectation.  He’ll come up with a condition like, “Chestnut tarts are allowed at a unbirthday party only on Fridays” to appease you and still technically follow the rules.
Overall Riddle can be a very loving yandere, as long as you follow his rules and stay on his good side.  He has a Danger Level of 7/10.  He won’t go as far as hurting or killing rivals, the most he’d probably do is use his unique magic against someone.  He’ll definitely use his dorm rules to ensure that they stay in line and might keep their magic sealed forever.
Trey Clover:
Will also use his power as Vice-Housewarden to keep you beside him most, if not all, of the time.
Will often come up with excuses like needing to bake an unbirthday tart or needing to find a unique ingredient to force you to help him out.
If you try to leave or make up an excuse, he will offer to help you with whatever you need.
Need to check on Grim?  Let him come with you, maybe he can take you out to a cafe to get a snack after.
It’s getting late, you should probably get to bed soon.  But, darling, his bed is always available to you.  His conscience would never let you walk back to your dorm alone in the dark.
He has an answer prepared for every excuse you could possibly think of, so don’t even think you can worm your way out of his sight.
Will only tolerate his close friends like Riddle and Che’nya to hang out with you (mostly because Riddle is his Housewarden and because Che’nya cannot be stopped half the time).
Might allow Cater, Deuce, and Ace to talk with you, but never more than a few minutes because then he starts to get jealous.
Often puts on a tight smile when he’s jealous and will drag you away from whatever you were doing or whoever you were talking to.
While he can be possessive and wants you by his side 24/7, he does have his benefits.
You will never be lacking sweets because he has a new dessert baked for you everyday.  Ranging from tarts, cakes, breads, cookies, and more, he’ll note what you enjoy and make them as frequently as he can.
You have some power over the Heartslabyul dorm members mostly because you can do no wrong in Trey’s eyes and he will use his power to threaten those that question you.
Overall, not the worst yandere to have if you don’t have many friends to begin with.  He has a Danger Level of 8/10, only really lashing out when people try to take you away from him.  He might have to slip them a tart that he made with some extra love…and maybe some poison.
Cater Diamond:
As a Magicam user, you can expect to be in every post that Cater makes.  He might even draw little hearts around you two before posting the cute selfie you two took.
What?  He put in the caption that your his partner?  No, no, he just means that in a “platonic” sense.  You’re both just really good friends…for now.
Almost never posts pictures that don’t have you in them because he believes they won’t perform well or go viral…or at least that’s what he tells you.
Will keep you close to him, ready to take a new picture when the opportunity presents itself.  Only will complain when you leave him for extended periods of time because you’re missing out on all of his best pictures.
He understands that you have your stuff you need to do, and he will usually let you go off to do your own things with minimal whining.
He only gives you your freedoms because he knows that keeping you trapped to him will only push you further away from him and his end goal of making you his partner.
Also, he prefers watching you from a distance and getting some nice pictures of you from different perspectives when you aren’t looking.
Loves taking pictures of you when you aren’t looking, but he never posts them.  These are for his private personal collection that he keeps in a locked folder on his phone.
Will stalk you when taking these pictures, hiding comically behind trees and bushes.  But he is very stealthy and you’ll never know he was there watching you.
Sure you smile when you take selfies with him, but he thinks your natural smile shines so much brighter.
His phone storage is often full because the sheer amount of his private photos of you outnumber the amount of his photos for Magicam.
Might even have some more personal pictures of you, like you stepping out of the shower with only a towel around you or you sleeping peacefully with Grim in the dead of night.
With his power as an influencer, he will make you a viral icon, but he can also get rid of competition as well.  He’s easily jealous, even if someone was just asking for the notes from class that day.
Oh, a classmate pestered you during class?  Suddenly they're getting cyberbullied.
He needs to get rid of some of your potential suitors or annoying friends?  He’s posting rumors about them cheating on their past partners, illegally drinking and smoking, and other scary crimes to get you to avoid them and stay with him.
Overall, Cater is very attentive and will always provide you with what you need.  He’s definitely more lenient and will let you wander off, but he’s always watching you from a distance to keep you safe.  He has a Danger Level of 9/10 mostly because he’s easily jealous when you talk to others and he’s quick and willing to ruin someone’s reputation.  He prefers not to get his hand dirty, but if murder is needed, he’s not against the idea.
Deuce Spade:
Let this poor boy love you, he’s so desperate to prove to you that he’s the best boyfriend you could ever have.
While he may act like a tsundere, he’s really just a big softy.  After he realizes he likes you, he stops acting all cold and tough, and becomes a stuttering mess when he’s around you.
Is a perfect and ideal yandere.  He gives you all the attention and affection you want, but he’s willing to be separated from you when you go off to do your own thing.
He is really trying to prove himself to you and will follow you around like a lost puppy.  He will often listen to your requests as a way to show that he is not clingy and will give you your rights.
He only gets really clingy when he gets jealous, like you’re hanging out with Ace too much or you’re too focused on your studies.
Will pull the cliché “I don’t understand this topic” to get you to study with him and hang out with him longer.
Will give you gifts almost everyday, whether they be small treats or a small knick-knack, he will work hard to make them himself before resorting to premade items.
Loves to make them himself because he believes they will mean more to you since he took time out of his day to make them with all of his love.  He will place a kiss on each item, squeezing it in his hands as he silently prays that you will like it and tell him he did good.
Might break some of Riddle’s rules for you, which gets him in trouble every so often.  But he’s never too upset about the collar around his neck because he made you happy.
He is one of the least dangerous yanderes because he doesn’t want to scare you off with his delinquent side that he left buried in his past.
Will only resort to violence and beating someone up if they committed a crime against you, something like hurting you physically or mentally.
Will not commit murder, but his victims might be in the hospital wing for a few months.
Overall, a very sweet boy, maybe too sweet, that may appear nonthreatening.  Your words are golden and he listens to you above all, even if it might get him in trouble with Riddle later.  His Danger Level is at a 2/10, only because he has the ability to totally floor someone if really pushed to it.
Ace Trappola:
After all the time you’ve spent with him and all the adventures you’ve enjoyed with him, he’s under the impression that you must like him.  Why else would you hang out with him everyday and spend the most time with him than any other student?
Even if you deny your feelings for him, he’ll just believe that you’re too embarrassed to confess and are trying to brush it off.  But he knows deep down that you love him, he just needs to break you out of your shell.
Is not the usual jealous type, in fact, he loves to show you off and wrap his arm around your waist when you are hanging out with the rest of the first year gang.
If people take your attention away from him, he won’t drag you away.  Rather, he’d drape himself over your shoulder, coil his arms around you, and continue to glare at the person you’re talking to as the conversation continues.  He won’t say anything, just stare with a darkened expression.
Will leave little gifts for you, but he’ll put them in the weirdest places.
How did this little cookie basket make its way onto your bedroom desk?  Maybe it was a gift from Malleus as a thank you for walking with him so late at night.
When did this nice lotion get in your bathroom?  You don’t remember buying it,. Maybe the ghosts are trying to play a prank on you.  Perhaps it's safer to throw it away than risk the outcome of a rude prank.
Will get all upset that you’re not accepting his gifts.  He thinks it's perfectly acceptable to leave gifts in your dorm because you two are clearly dating, but you just don’t know it yet.
While he may have the extent of your relationship mixed up, he can be very loving.
You have scary dog privileges when walking at night because Ace will hold you close and scowl at any "sketchy" people walking by.
You get endless gifts (even though you may not know they are from him) ranging from expensive products to little trinkets that he spent his own time and money to get you.
You will always have a study buddy if needed, and he’s more than willing to have you stay over at his dorm or stay over at your dorm if it means he gets to spend more time with you.
If anyone were to try and take you away from Ace, he’d probably be more willing to kill someone.
He might even employ Deuce to help him scare the person first and warn them from taking your attention away from him, but if the person persists, he’ll resort to other methods.
Would probably kill someone in a flashy way, like cutting them where they touched you and letting them bleed out in a public area to be found later by students or staff.
Overall, Ace is a more traditional yandere, giving him a Danger Level of 9/10.  He’s easily jealous, but he’s good at masking his emotions around you, which never allows you to know his true feelings.  Definitely has the wit and strength to eliminate someone if they rubbed him the wrong way or did something to you, and would make a big message out of it to warn others from doing the same.
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rnakamura22 · 1 year
First Years X Reader (MC, Yuu, Prefect) in a  Polyamorous  Relationship When you try to go back to your own world
Prefect is female! Yandere!!
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Even though you happily enjoyed the relationship with the first years as boyfriend and girlfriend, you still missed your own world. Who wouldn’t be, with the state you were in as having no money or a decent guardian who would protect you. (I’m looking at you headmaster) So, in secret to your boyfriends, you started to look for a way back home by yourself.  Little did you know, your five boyfriends already found it out.
And boy, you better be good at running away and hiding your true intentions, because they are all PISSED in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, no exceptions.
At the same time, they felt betrayed. You accepted all of their feelings. They treated you like a princess. You are their princess, their treasure, their Alice, their Snow White, their Sleeping Beauty.  But you’re planning to throw it all away? NUH-UH. NOT HAPPENING.  It’s time you saw a little bit of the truth because even though you don’t think about it often, you went to a school of VILLANS. Not to mention you’re dating five of them. If you wanted a VILLAN side of themselves, well get ready because they are showing you a TRUE happy ending made by five VILLANS. 
It was after class, where you went to the library once more to look for the book you found a few days ago keeping it a secret from Grim because you might never know when he would spill the beans.  The book was old, and dusty, yet it wrote about your country, your home country. In an instant, you flipped the pages, wanting to know more. And to your delight, there it was. The way back home.  At the stroke of midnight on a full moon day, if you truly wished for a way, the biggest mirror in the far corner of the academy, it would take you where you want to go.
The far corner must mean the Ramshackle Dorm, since it was at the very edge of NRC. Come to think of it, there was a big mirror in the east room of the second floor, which you avoided because it seemed so eerie. The full moon was to come in 13 days, but you anticipated the day, preparing for the day when you could get home, meet your friends and family. But this marked the start of your boyfriends acting well... peculiar. 
On the first and second day, all of them, especially Ace and Deuce followed you everywhere. Literally everywhere, and there was not a moment when their hands (pr tail) would be wrapped somewhere around your body, so “you wouldn’t get lost”. (Yeah, right) Third and fourth day?  Sleepovers and intimate sessions were squeezed into your schedule, and you caught them almost sneaking into the second floor. (Please ignore the magical pens and the brass knuckles) (Epel and Deuce averting your gaze) But from your overly freaked out attitude, it seems like they hit a jackpot. That mirror is the key to go back to your world. Well, after the little fiasco, please expect lots and lots of biting, hickeys, and marks on your nape. 
As the days went on, all of your boyfriends said things that stated that you have a future with them in Twisted Wonderland. “You’ll watch me become a police officer, you said so in the star gaze event, right Yu?” 
“Let’s go to my family’s farm again next holiday, OK? Granny loves you and I’m sure she will understand our relationship.” 
“Human!! Which color do you like? Emerald Green or Gold? No reason, but we need to consult which color looks best on you for our plans together!!!” 
“I’ll always look after you perfect, since we met together on our first day, I love you and you’re ours. Mine. Forever.”
“...If it’s not much, do you want to go to the land of pyroxene this summer? My little brother and sister will definitely like you; I know it. Especially mom.” 
Plus, they all had an unnerving look in their eyes. It scared you even more. 
“Why do you want to go back? Aren’t we enough for you?”
“One little Human won’t be a bother for us to help you through and through.”
“We love you, we’ll always support you. You won’t let us go, right?”
“Didn’t you promise me to look at me becoming a policeman? Was that a lie?”
“We don’t want to let you go...please make the right decision.”
It was driving you insane.  But your decision was made up. On the thirteenth night, Grim was sound asleep since you fed him a lot.  
You stood in the front of mirror, the big clock ticking and ticking as the time went on. It was 5 seconds until the midnight. The second the clock hit midnight, the mirror started to glow. You wished out aloud. “ I wish... that I could go back home!” The mirror started to glow brighter and brighter. Just then. “AS IF.” five voices echoed through the room as with the sound of a huge explosion, the mirror shattered into bits. 
There stood your five boyfriends, all carrying their magical pens in their hands. And the look on their faces? Talk about TERRIFYING in all capital letters.  they truly had face of villains. 
“No...no...why....why...” you wailed as you lost your will to stand up and slumped to the ground. 
“Why? What do you think? We only wanted you to not let us go, and what did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO!” Deuce with tears in his eyes, yelled.
“OI, Deuce! Stop yelling! Your attitude will make Yu terrified more than she already is!” Ace tried to calm him down as he knelt down and hugged you and patted you on your back, a dangerous grin on his face.  Deuce followed him, with an identical grin. “You’re so innocent and cute, prefect. Did you really think we would let you go?” Ace said in a nonchalant voice.  
“There, there, Yu. Everything will be alright. You can forget about everything, ... no, you WILL forget everything that happened here and about your world. We’ll all have our happily ever after.” Epel in a sickeningly sweet voice whispered in your ear and kissed you, tongue entering your mouth lightly.
“I know it seems a little shocking and we had to go rough...but please. We all love you and want you to stay.” Jack in a sincere voice said as he also hugged you and wrapped his tail around you, whether or not to comfort you or stop you from going anywhere else.
“This is for your own good, human. You betrayed all five of us. We will forgive, but we do NOT forget. EVER.”
Sebek in his most stern voice scolded you while hugging you too. 
You were mortified and terrified. Was this all your fault? These five men who loved you so much that it drove them insane. Maybe you WERE the reason that drove them mad. Maybe living with them isn’t such a bad idea. After all, they loved you so much.  Unknown to you, Epel had a special sleeping potion mixed, a potion that erases the memory of the past week. As you began to feel drowsiness, you faintly looked at your boyfriends, who were all GRINNING, an evil sadistic grin, fit for a villain. 
“We love you... don’t let us go,... if you do, we will take you back, natural right?”
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hoshinoyozora · 2 years
The Lady and Her Musketeer
🖤 Pairing: Yandere! Deuce Spade x Female! Reader
💛 Word Count: 1,4k+
❤ Warnings: -
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission. Also, don’t ask for a sequel unless I like the story enough to write one. Please reblog so other people can see my stories!
Deuce’s masquerade clothes reminds me of a musketeer ngl, so sorry if there’s some mistake! I’ve never written a musketeer before, but this idea is too good to pass up.
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It was a one-time mistake.
A moment of negligence, fooled by the darkness that you thought would cover you well from the dangers lurking nearby. It wasn’t a baseless assumption, for you’d gone home from waitressing every night without any harm so far. But Lady Luck couldn’t favor one person eternally, and under the silent yet pitying shine of the moon, a thug intercepted you in an alleyway.
Panic set your mind to a frenzy, and you feared he’d use the momentary opportunity to cut you with his knife if you screamed. Yet Lady Luck wasn’t entirely heartless, it seemed, for a sword suddenly stabbed his stomach from behind. The thug coughed and choked, dribbling blood from his chapped lips. He soon collapsed the moment the sword withdrew and lay in a pool of crimson.
Looking up, you saw your savior was an average-height man with fierce cyan eyes and navy hair as dark as the sky above. He wore a black and blue musketeer uniform trimmed with gold. His chest was checkered, while his hat was decorated with a playing cards pattern. His sword, once a cold hard silver, now angry wet red. He was a picture of chivalry and justice, until he met your eyes and was reduced to an earnest yet a bashful boy.
“A-are you alright?”
The sudden transformation warmed your chest that once hammered from alarm, and you found yourself smiling half bemused half grateful.
“Yes, thank you. You’re my hero.”
The title flushed his cheeks, and he immediately turned his head and coughed.
“It’s nothing. I was merely doing my duty to protect the kingdom and its people.”
“And you’ve done well.” said you. “May I know the name of my hero?”
“I-It’s Deuce. Deuce Spade.”
“That’s a nice name.”
His cheeks glowed brighter.
“What about you?”
“[Name] [Last Name].”
“It’s… it’s a beautiful name too!”
You beamed at the compliment, while Deuce coughed again. He extended his hand.
“So, shall I accompany you to your house?”
You stepped forward and interlinked your arm with his.
“You shall.”
Perhaps it was due to you being older, you couldn’t help but consider Deuce as the younger brother you never had. Every day he visited the restaurant you worked on, and on days where he was particularly busy, he’d still come either late at night or early in the morning and left a tip bigger than you usually received. His kindness even extended to him always accompanying you home, and while you appreciated it, you worried about whether he overexerted himself when it came to you. But Deuce dismissed it with a careless statement of him liking to help you. This favoritism didn’t go unnoticed by your coworkers and boss, most of whom teased you relentlessly. Your boss – a quiet, perceptive old man – excluded himself from the banter and warned you.
“Ensure that you assert your boundaries, [Name], or else he might just assume you need his help and protection even in the safest places.”
As foretold, Deuce started to encounter you outside of your workplace. On the streets, in the market, and even in the public park. Your worry for his well-being now redirected its course to you, who eventually stopped him when he appeared in your house uninvited with a bouquet one day.
“But why?” he asked. “I thought you appreciate my help.”
“I do, but this is going too far. You’re not my personal knight, Deuce. There’s no need for you to care so much about me.”
“But you are precious to me!”
Deuce panted from his passionate declaration, while you were left stunned. It was when you realized this confrontation was still happening on your doorstep, and fearing unwanted attention, you quickly ushered him inside.
“Since when have you been harboring feelings for me?”
With that musketeer uniform, Deuce stood like a sore thumb in your humble house. Still, his attitude around you very much resembled any shy kid around your neighborhood.
“I’m so sorry for shocking you! I was planning to confess to you today but–”
“Deuce, answer my question.”
He sighed, “Truthfully, I don’t know when or how. Ever since I saved you in that alleyway, I began to fear for your safety. What if someone harms you when I’m away? What if you die without my knowledge? So, perhaps that concern eventually bloomed into… love.”
Blushing, Deuce bowed his head. You followed his gaze to the rose bouquet in his hands, and your mind unhelpfully deduced its romantic meaning.
“Forgive me, Deuce, but I don’t see you in that way.”
His gloved hand stopped fiddling with the red petals.
“… Why? Is it because you’re older than me?”
Your eyes widened. How did he know that? Did your coworkers tell him about your age? Maybe they didn’t. He was a musketeer, after all, and you didn’t doubt his vast network of information.
“I know you might equate ‘young’ to ‘immaturity’, but I’m far from it. I swear! My mother can attest to that. At least, I hope she sees me that way.”
You didn’t hear his muttering on the last part and were more focused on how to convince him to stop pursuing you and leave your house for good.
“I’m so sorry, Deuce. Truly. But nothing can change my mind. We can still be friends, if you’d like.”
The hopeful gleam vanished from his eyes, and what replaced it was fleeting darkness that sent chills down your spine. Then, he blinked and his eyes returned to their normal piercing cyan.
“O-of course, I understand.”
Deuce excused himself, bringing along the vibrant bouquet that contrasted with his sadness. You lamented his tacit rejection of your friendship offer and shook your head, opting to rest for now.
It was better this way, you thought, for Deuce deserved a woman who would love him out of sincerity rather than pity.
There was a chill in the air; the kind that forebode danger.
Your hair bristled, and you cursed yourself for neglecting to wear a coat this morning. The streets seemed deserted at night, and although the job paid you well, you began to dislike how late you went home every day. For once, Deuce didn’t come to the restaurant and your coworkers instantly crowded around you for an interrogation. Still, you persisted in your lie that you didn’t know where he was. They were skeptical, of course, but your boss came to the rescue and ordered them to return to work. You thanked him, and it only occurred to you how unsafe you felt without Deuce’s security once you stepped out of the restaurant.
Regardless, you persevered for you hated to depend on him too much. What if he mistook it as you conceded to his constant surveillance? It was enough that you dismissed your boss’s warning once. You didn’t want a repeat and suffer a worse scenario.
Yet, the worse just had to happen.
A large, gloved hand clamped your mouth from behind and dragged you to a nearby alleyway. Your scream was muffled, but you heard the perpetrator talking to another person. Two men, and you, a woman without a single fighting skill, were overpowered. Your tearful eyes stared longingly at the shining exit ahead of you, so far yet so near, hoping for anyone to save you.
You thought it didn’t matter if Deuce were to rescue you again, but a blunt force hit you on the head before you could pray for his arrival and knocked you unconscious.
For a split second, you expected to wake up in a dark and dingy place. Perhaps a shack in the middle of the woods, or a storage room. And dark and dingy it was, yet the pool on your feet was certainly out of your prediction. The stench was metallic, and when you looked up, you could make out the silhouette of a hand lying on the floor.
A severed hand.
Was this a torture room? Were you about to be tortured? For information, or pure sadism?
“I’m sorry…” Someone whispered behind you, and you felt them untie the ropes on your wrists. “… was about to save you… but too late…”
Your body slumped forward, still too dazed to react.
“… Saw them drag you away… I followed…”
A pair of arms propped you up to a heaving, warm body.
“… Got angry and… all died…”
You glanced up. Piercing cyan eyes greeted you.
“I’m sorry. I can’t stay away from you.”
You succumbed to another dreamless sleep, and this time, you woke up somewhere worse than that dark and dingy room.
For Deuce’s bedroom was comparable to a torture room, indeed. Silk bounded your wrists to the bedposts, and his treatment, although lacking in harshness typical of kidnappers, still retained the ignorance of his vice.
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twistedgardens · 2 years
Kinktober #5
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I'm so sorry that this is late. I honestly forgot that yesterday was Monday. I'm currently prepping to go to the last Ren Faire of the year near my hometown, so I'm working on a last minute costume idea.
Anyways, I present the usual disclaimers:
Ace & Deuce are aged up because I said so. I do not write for or about teenagers in this kind of setting. Don't like? Don't read.
Content: non-con touching and fingering, non-consensual threesome, praise, oral (giving)/blowjob, cockholding (if you squint)
Warning: yandere content ahead and all it might entail. Readers are warned that the content contains but not limited to heavily implied drugging, kidnapping, non-con (non-consent) and dub con (dubious consent, but not on Reader's part)
Original yandere prompt found here by drxwsyni (iris). Not mine.
You woke up in a damp, dark place. One minute, you're eating at the Ramshackle house after your last class, and the next you find yourself laying on some kind of bed. The room was pitch black except for a sliver of light coming out from beneath the door. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding you, you began to make out shapes. There was the foot of the bed, of course, as well as a desk or table, a stool, and a bookshelf. You tried to get up, only to find out that your hands are tied above your head. You laid in the dark for some time before footsteps plodded down the corridor.
The door creaked open. Your eyes blinked at the bright orange light of a lantern blaring into the room. A familiar face with red hair and a heart-shaped mark appeared in the lantern's glow as he held it aloft.
"Ace? What? What's going on? Where am I?" You asked.
Ace set the lantern on the desk not far from the bed. You prodded him with more questions which remained unanswered as he undressed. Your heart sank deeper and deeper into your stomach. Ace removed his tie, jacket, socks, and shoes before climbing onto the bed. He barely touched you, and instead wrapped his arms around your middle and held your back close to his chest. Ace smelled your hair, inhaling its scent as if to memorize it.
"You smell so good, Y/N. Even if you haven't had a bath in a couple days. You still smell so nice," said Ace while cuddling you.
"What the fuck?" You tried to wriggle away from him but it served no purpose. The knots of rope tying you down held good. You were like a fish caught in a net, no mode of escape. "You did this?"
"It was for your own good. All by your lonesome at an all guys university? You got shitheads peddling illegal alcohol and drugs on campus right under the headmaster's nose. You've got no magic or family to rely on to bust you out of trouble. You're lucky it was me and my partner in crime and not one of those other creeps," said Ace.
"And you think you're not a creep?" You shouted.
Ace smiled against the crook of your neck. "I know I am. I know that I'm a creep, but I really can't help myself, especially when it comes you. Just let it happen, okay? I promise it'll be a lot easier."
You couldn't move much. You couldn't stop him from kissing the back of your neck and shoulders. The cold air nipped at your flesh. With horror, you realized that you wore nothing but a thin nightgown that came down to just above your knees. No underwear either. You were practically naked. A shudder rolled through you.
"You're shivering. Feeling frisky already?"
"Fuck you!"
"Gladly." Ace chuckled.
Ace sat up and for a moment you thought that he was getting up to leave you alone. Unfortunately, that was never the case. Ace sat up to untie your hands and sit with his back against the headboard. You wrestled with him to get out of bed and book it for the door. Ace proved to be the stronger of you two. He hauled you into his lap where his arm wrapped around your waist so tight you thought it turned into an anaconda. He held you firmly to him while his other hand snaked between your legs.
"You can try to close your legs, but that won't be enough to stop me. I've been thinking about this for a long time. So be a good girl and let me make you feel good," Ace husked next to your ear.
Ace's long fingers dipped between your thighs. You clamped your legs together, but as he said it didn't stop him. His hand found its way to the apex of your thighs and played with your clit. You jumped in his arms as Ace rubbed infinite circles on your clit, rubbing faster and faster. Against your will, your legs opened little by little, relaxing. Your body might have accepted, but in your mind you wanted to get away, fast.
"Do you hear that? You're getting wet. Your pretty little pussy is getting all worked up because of me. Go ahead, look. Look at how well you're taking my fingers. I'm so lucky to have picked you up myself. I know everyone on campus wishes they could worship such a pretty pussy like yours."
The tips of your ears and your cheeks burned as if hot to the touch. Heat rushed to your face. Ace's words were filthy, positively filthy. You couldn't help but look down to see his fingers plunge into your wet heat as his thumb grazed and teased your clit. Fighting it, the feeling burning inside your belly and tingling down your spine, was pointless. You cum on Ace's fingers with cry. Your legs tremble harder than ever had before.
"That's a good girl. See? That wasn't so bad was it?" Said Ace.
Footsteps approached the room. Your heart raced at the sound. Someone was coming; someone was going to rescue you.
Deuce appeared in the doorway, red in the face.
"Deuce!" You shouted. "You've got to get me out of here! Ace's gone crazy. Please, you have to get help."
He didn't move. His face turned the color of beets as he stared back at you.
"D-Deuce?" You murmured.
"Who do you think my 'partner in crime is?' I couldn't pull it off without him," said Ace.
A lead weight dropped in your stomach. You stared at Deuce in disbelief as he turned to shut and lock the door. The door was washed in shadows again save for the lantern Ace set down earlier.
"C'mon. I was just getting her prepped. Why don't you lose the jacket and relax a little?" Said Ace.
"You promised we wouldn't go all the way," said Deuce.
Ace spread your cunt open for Deuce to see the clear juices still leaking out of you.
"Doesn't she look so nice, though? She was begging for it a minute ago," said Ace.
Before you could object, Ace clapped his hand over your mouth.
"You've been waiting for this for as long as I have. Don't you want to know how she feels?"
Deuce swallowed hard. Slowly, reluctantly, he shed pieces of his uniform. He moved his way onto the bed. It barely fit two people, three bodies was too much. Deuce's red face approached closer and kissed you on the forehead. All the while, his hands unfastened his belt. His trousers and boxers were pushed aside. You watched Deuce stroke himself just to the point of getting hard.
"C'mon, Deucey, show her how much you love her. Make her feel good with your cock stretching that cute little pussy of hers." Ace egged him on.
"A-Are you sure?" Deuce asked Ace, barely glancing at you.
"Don't be such a fucking virgin!"
Deuce sat on his knees with your legs straddling his hips. He brought the tip of his cock towards your cunt which Ace kept spread open. Deuce sank slowly into your cunt. He shut his eyes tight and his hands handled your hips with a bruising grip.
"All the way," Ace continued to taunt him. "All the way to the hilt. Let's see how deep she can take it."
Ace's hand muffled your cries and protests. Deuce pushed himself deeper inside your body until his cock was fully sheathed.
"Now, move your hips back and forth. Don't pull out all the way unless you want to slam it back inside," Ace instructed him. He turned to you, "See, it isn't so bad. Just relax, okay?"
Deuce's hands left marks on your hips with his fingerprints all over them. He moved his hips as Ace told him. His thrusts were slow and unsure before he got into a smooth rhythm. Deuce panted above you. He kissed your neck and chest. His sweat coated you like a thin second skin. As Deuce's pace increased, he screwed his eyes tighter. His hips faltered and stuttered towards the end and his body froze. Your eyes widened as his cum filled your lower belly to the brim. Deuce pulled out and finally opened his eyes.
His brows furrowed when he saw your face. He looked down and away.
"Don't get softhearted now. You enjoyed yourself just now, so don't get squeamish on me. Maybe you should hit the showers," said Ace.
Deuce glared at him. "If you hurt her while I'm gone..."
"Why don't you go back to the dorm? I'm sure Riddle will be looking for us. You should make our excuses and cover for me. I'll make sure our precious little girlfriend doesn't run off."
Deuce dressed himself. He didn't bother to look over his shoulder at you before shutting the door behind him. Ace turned you on your stomach. He struggled to pull his clothes out of the way and chucked his pants and boxers into a corner of the room. He grabbed your hand and forced you to stroke him.
"I'm letting you off easy tonight. Why don't you show me how that pretty mouth sucks cock? Can you do that? Can you use that mouth to please me?"
"You're a fucking monster," you snarled.
"And? I don't care. As long as I have you, that's all that matters. I even included Deucey in this for shits and giggles. It could be a lot worse for the both of you. So, why don't you do yourself a favor and put that mouth of yours to work? Unless, of course, you'd rather I fuck you into unconsciousness?"
Ace snickered as you lowered your mouth onto him.
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bluessmutifyplaylist · 6 months
Can I req an Overblot Riddle fingering and arousing his pure female s/o in the rose mazes maybe? He's very sexually frustrated- (It can be a fic or hc.)
This is smut, so yeah.
Warnings: Fingering (obvi), degrading, corruption, pre-established relationship, reader is a 2nd year (and not Yuu), Yandere(?), non/dubcon turned consensual, edging
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Riddle Rosehearts
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“Y/N, my rose, where are you?” Usually, those words would have you searching your lover out, but with the dual-tone voice, you could tell that the ink was infecting him.
You stayed very quiet, hidden in the labyrinth. You were praying to any being that was listening that someone would come to your aid. However, you were probably being left on read by every single one of those beings.
It was only a matter of moments where your boyfriend took hold of your wrist, pulling you up from where you were curled up on the ground. Tears were running down your face as he dragged you to the center of the maze, making sure that you were isolated.
Then, he turned to you.
“Usually, I would like to stick to the rules. However, maybe indulgence is necessary sometimes…” And then he kissed you rather passionately. You tried pushing him off, struggling against him, but his grip remained firm.
Once you broke apart, tears were still streaming down your face as you continued to wiggle and squirm, trying to break away.
“Riddle, please! I don’t want this!!” You exclaimed, desperate to try and reason with him.
“Oh, but you do, dear rose,” He turned you around so that your back was against his chest, and his hands snuck lower and lower, lifting your skirt as he started rubbing circles into your clit through your panties.
“Please, don’t do this…” Your resolve was disappearing the more and more he rubbed, and you sounded so broken already that he knew he was not going to stop.
“You needn’t worry, darling~ I am not going to deflower you quite yet. However, I need to remind you that you’re mine. I didn’t like how you clung to Ace and Deuce for protection of all people. Your body seems to know, though, as you’re so wet for me.”
Your head fell back into his shoulder, and he placed kisses all over your neck. His hand started going faster, and you let out moans that got louder and louder as you were about to climax, only for him to pull away. Your eyes snapped open as you looked at him to see him smirking.
“Say you’re mine,” He demanded, “And I will make you release all over my fingers.”
“I’m yours, Riddle. Please please please…” A gasp made its way out of your mouth as his hand actually reached into your panties and he started actually fingering you. Luckily, he caught you when your legs gave out.
“My sweet, delicate rose… You’re going dumb just on my fingers alone! No matter, I will do your thinking for you,” He wasn’t that incorrect. This was the first time you were being touched so intimately, and he was making sure that it was a pleasurable experience. Your eyes were rolling in the back of your head and you moaned so loudly that he had to cover your mouth so that you wouldn’t be discovered.
After all… he is the only one who will ever be able to see you so vulnerable.
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Hi there! Big fan of your writing, can I request Yandere 1st, 2nd and 3rd Years with a Female Yoriichi Reader who’s the creator of Sun Breathing and the other Breathing Forms, known as the Strongest Demon Slayer to ever exist (She has access to the Transparent World and can use the Selfless State)
Reader always has a solemn expression, but is in fact very kind and compassionate but despite her incredible feats, skills and abilities she’s very humble, seeing herself as just another regular human and not even special, despite her extraordinary skills and explains that she sees herself as nothing but a ‘worthless failure’ because she couldn’t kill Muzan and how her older brother turned into a Demon (As she says her life is completely worthless and wouldn’t mind to be forgotten)
Thank you so much!
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Yoriichi Tsugikuni Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You’re a lot more mature than the rest of them. As expected you’re physically stronger and you're usually stone-faced, making your pursuers eager to break that. When you do finally open up about your past it puts everything into perspective, making them more eager to stop you from going home:
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Jack Howl
“You’re no failure! You are strong and it isn’t over yet there is always the option to move forward!”
If he’s able to kindle your spirit he’ll make it so that you will return 
But not without him
Your his mate, and whoever's in the way needs to die move
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Sebek Zigvolt
“DO NOT MAKE SUCH A FACE. You’re on the level of Malleus-sama I see no reason to denounce your achievements!”
No doubt is very vocal about your beauty and strength
He loves all of you
He’s irritated you can not see that
Thus he refuses to allow your return
But until he’s able to take you head on
So he’ll use more underhanded methods 
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Ace Trappola
“Yeah? Well, I guess it's best you ended up here then!”
He hates that you’re moping about anyone other than him
So he’ll do what it takes to keep you happy here
Even if it means twisting his words 
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Deuce Spade
“No way! You’re the best! I lov–I mean w-w–e’re the best of friends…so don’t think about them, okay.”
Who cares about the monsters there when there are plenty here
You can slice at them
It doesn't have to be a demon right
If you’re really needing to slay a demon he’s more than happy to make some
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Epel Felmier
“Its not your fault! Those jerks are the ones who are at fault they’re the monsters you just tried to help.”
He so mad that some nameless nobodies are what’s making you upset
As far as he concerns he’s not letting you go back
You might beat him when it comes to strength but until he gets there
He’s winning the only way he can
And if that means putting you to sleep while he destroys your only source home
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haru-natsuka · 4 months
Welcome, readers, to the grand gallery of history. Everything in this collection is a record of all that has written, both factual and fantastical. Discover the truth of the world, the fiction of legends, and the possibilities of the future!
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Second Male Leads Are all Yanderes but I Won't Rest Until I Win My Love Back [Ongoing Series]
The one that should raise to the throne not him. The one who should be the empress not her. The fate laid in front of them should be different but they lived in that kind of fate where a new hope should be blessed...
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The fate (Anastacius x Female Reader x Claude) [Ongoing Series]
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Ahh... My dear esteemed benefactor, a lovely and noble flower of evil. Truly, you are the fairest one of all. Those who are guided by the dark mirror, reveal to you the visage you seek, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror. Join us in the realm of villainy, and allow us to show you the true path to a happy ending.
Slipped (Ace Trappola x Crush Reader), Angst
Consolation (Riddle Rosehearts x Wife Reader), Romance
Left with father (Riddle Rosehearts x Your Child), Family
Left with father (Trey Clover x Your Child), Family
The Unending Daze Part 1 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 2 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 3 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Extra (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
Rejection (Deuce Spade x Female Reader), Angst
Changing fate (Trey Clover x Female Reader), Romance
Forgotten (Trey Clover x Wife? Reader), Romance
Complicated feelings (Ace Trappola x Reader), Romance
Only mine (Cater Diamond x Female Reader), Slight yandere
First night interview (All Heartslabyul)
First step (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Last step Part 1 (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Last step part 2 (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Stolen (Ruggie Bucchi x Female Reader), Romance, fluff
Fetish (Jack Howl x Soulmate Reader), Romance
Consultation (Azul Ashengrotto x Female Reader), Romance, fluff
Interest (Floyd Leech x Female Reader), Romance
The Visit (Jade Leech x Female Reader), Romance
Not funny (Floyd Leech x Female Reader), Romance
Secrets (Kalim al-Asim x Crush Reader), Romance
Confusion Part 1 (Kalim Al Asim x Wife? Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance, poly, kids
Confusion Part 2 (Kalim Al Asim x Wife? Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance, poly, kids
Fascinated (Jamil Viper x Wife Reader), Romance
Kiss-o-meter (Kalim Al Asim x Female Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance
Naive (Kalim Al Asim x Wife Reader), Romance
First night interview (All Scarabia)
Painful Growth (Malleus Draconia x Crush Reader), Angst
The Past (Lilia Vanrouge x Wife Reader), Romance, Angst
Technology (Sebek Zigvolt x Female Reader), Romance
The Rhyme (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader), Fluff
Left with father (Malleus Draconia x Child), Fluff
The Unending Daze Part 1 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 2 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 3 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Extra (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
My Love (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader), Angst
Time (Silver x Wife Reader), Romance
Never Again (Tanjiro x Demon Reader), Angst
Memory of fireworks (Akaza x Female Reader), Angst
Kikufuku (Gojo Satoru x Female Reader), Angst
By his side (Yushiro x Female Reader), Slight angst
Week 1: Twisted Wonderland x Female Reader
Week 2: Second Male Leads are All Yandere but I Won't Rest Until I Win My Love Back (OCS x Female Reader)
Week 3: The Fate (Anastacius x Female Reader x Claude)
Week 4: Resting time >.<
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y2ashlee · 5 months
Smut Masterlist~
A list of the smut I have written and posted and there will be more to come. Eventually.
Requests/Suggestions open!!
At the moment I’ll only be writing for Twisted Wonderland as I’m only getting back into writing. Also, I will only write for Female readers for now as like I said I’m only getting back into writing and male readers are hard to write as I am female.
I will do all characters from NRC except the staff and Ortho for obvious reasons. I’ll probably change my mind eventually except for Ortho and probs won’t be doing the Birdman.
Notes and rules:
-Every Reader will be the Mc
-I don’t write for oc’s as I try to make it so the reader can imagine themself as the Mc or as their Mc
-I only write Female she/her (Vagina) or Male He/Him (Penis) I don't write gender neutral as that's hard to write without accidentally putting in something femine or masculine and whatnot. I also don't write for a trans reader as I don't want to offend and get something wrong and whatnot.
-I will never write a Mummy or Daddy kink, so please don't ask.
-I don't do piss play (I think that's what it's called)
-I don’t do yandere (It's overated) Possesive I will do for the character not the reader. (Dom readers I like to write)
-I also don’t write the Reader as a Brat.
-If you ask for something that's not on this list as long as it's not weird then I'll probably write it all you have to do is ask.
And that’s it thanks for reading hope you like my garbage.
Obey me! Smuts-
Lucifer x Virign! Female! Reader
Wolf! In Heat! Lucifer x Female! Reader
Mammon x Female! Reader
Mammon x Female! Reader 2
Leviathan x Female! Reader
Leviathan x Female! Reader again
Asmodeus x Female! Reader
Beelzebub X Female! Reader Custard Tart
Beelzebub x Female! Reader
Horny? Belphie x Female! Reader
Belphie x Female! Reader
In Heat/Sex Deprived/Horny/Pissed? Satan x Female! Reader
Satan x Female! Reader
Solomon x Female! Reader
Simeon x Female! Reader
Another Simeon x Female! Reader
Barbatos x Female! Reader
Another Barbatos x Female! Reader
Lord/Prince Diavolo x Female! Reader
Diavolo x Chubby/Fat! Female! Reader
Asmodeus x Female! Reader x Solomon
Twisted Wonderland Smuts-
Riddle Rosehearts:
Riddle Rosehearts x Female! Reader
Trey Clover:
Trey Clover x Female! Reader
Cater Diamond:
Cater Diamond x Female! Reader
Deuce Spade:
Deuce Spade x Chuby/Fat! Female! Reader
Ace Trappola:
Ace Trappola x Female! Reader
Leona Kingscholar:
Leona Kingscholar x Female! Reader
Ruggie Bucchi:
Azul Ashengrotto:
Jade Leech:
Floyd Leech:
Kalim Al-Asim:
Jamil Viper:
Vil Schoenheit:
Rook Hunt:
Epel Felmier:
Idia Shroud:
Malleus Draconia:
Lillia Vanrouge:
Sebek Zigvolt:
Random Oneshot/drabbles/lists-
Obey Me:
Which Spoon are they Obey Me!
Twisted Wonderland:
Which Spoon are they Twisted Wonderland
Twisted Wonderland: Confessions
Twisted Wonderland: Tops or Bottoms
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the-broken-truth · 5 months
Primal Hunt - [Yandere] [Werewolf Jamil Viper] [Female Yuu]
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Summary: It's Halloween in Night Raven College, and everyone is celebrating with parties and festivities. However, Yuu Arisugawa is preoccupied with finding a way to activate the Dark Mirror and return to her world. Unfortunately, she has become the target of a predator who not only wants to prey on her but also has something darker in mind for the magicless female. Will Yuu survive the Night of the Blood Moon, or will she be devoured?
Broken: Welcome to my First Yandere Jamil Viper One-Shot. I know it's not Halloween, but who seriously cares?
[Halloween Night - Ramshackle]
Soft sapphire eyes looked at the pages of the book resting on the desk before the window where the light of the Blood Red Full Moon shined through the rather foggy window. With an exhausted yawn, Yuu ran her hair through her short black hair before using her hand to close the tome before her and pushed it away from her before resting her elbows on the desk and placing her face in the palms of her hands, completely exhausted by the countless hours of searching through countless tomes and writing down information for the one question she's had since arriving in Twisted Wonderland: A way to return to her original world.
Yuu Arisugawa is the Prefect of Ramshackle and is widely known to be the strongest person on campus, even though she has no magical powers. However, she possesses a power that nobody can understand, which makes her equally feared whether she is angry or having a normal day. Yuu commands respect through her actions, not because of her magical abilities or family status, unlike many other students on campus. Despite the Headmaster's duties, she still manages to excel in her studies while assisting students of all dorms and years with their issues. Additionally, she handles all the Overblots, from Riddle Rosehearts to Malleus Draconia and everyone in between. Everyone knows not to anger the Prefect because of her impressive abilities.
No one would say it around Dire Crowley since Yuu asked them not to, but all the other students considered Yuu as the True Headmaster of Night Raven College and would call her that when the Old Crow was not around; Yuu would never admit it, but she liked it when the others called her that. It made her feel like her efforts were being appreciated.
However, the only thing the students didn't like about Yuu was her current mission: Returning from whence she came. Not a single person at Night Raven wanted Yuu to return to her original world; the teachers, the students, the Dorm Wardens and Vice Dorm Wardens, and even Crowley (I'm sure we all know why) wanted Yuu to remain with them, however, the Arisugawa Female was too set on returning home and there was nothing anyone could change her mind; no amount of gifts and pleads would make her stay in Twisted Wonderland.
Tonight was no different.
T'was Halloween Night and all the dorms were celebrating in style, it was more special since the Blood Moon was high in the sky; making everything better for the atmosphere of the parties. Every dorm invited Yuu to their personal events but the Prefect refused since she was going to use the peace and quiet to look through the tomes she had about the Dark Mirror in hopes of triggering it to bring her back home. Grim asked her if it would be okay to go with Ace and Deuce on their Halloween adventures and Yuu agreed; the fact Grim asked her made her laugh since he always called her his 'henchman'. Due to the Blood Moon, The Ghosts of Ramshackle were in some kind of hibernation; Yuu was completely alone in the silent walls of Ramshackle.
Yuu pushed herself away from the desk and rose from her seat before leaving her room to head down the stairs to make herself something small to eat and maybe a cup of tea; all that reading and still the dots were not connecting for her, at least not at the moment.
Upon reaching the kitchen and putting the kettle on to the tea, Yuu placed a frozen pizza in her toaster oven and turned the timer; that was when her phone, a gift from Professor Crewel (Dad Crewel!), binged with a message. She pulled it out of her pocket and opened the message - it was from Ace in the group chat she had with Ace and Deuce.
Ace Trappola❤: Hey, Yuu! Sorry to bother you but we have a problem here.
Yuu: What is the problem, Ace?
Ace Trappola❤: We lost Grim.
Yuu: What do you mean you lost Grim? What happened?
Ace Trappola❤: We were invited to Scarabia Dorm for their party and everything was going good, but when the food came, we noticed that Grim wasn't anywhere around and we both know he loves food. Did he come back to Ramshackle by any chance?
Yuu: No, I am here alone. When was the last time you saw him?
Ace Trappola❤: Last time I saw him, he was talking to Jamil.
Yuu: Jamil? Jamil isn't that fond of Grim. what could they have been talking about?
Just then, a new text appeared from Deuce Spade.
Deuce Spade♠: I found Grim! He was locked in a broom closet and he was passed out!
Yuu: What do you mean? Is he awake now?
Deuce Spade♠: Yeah, but that's not important right now! Yuu, you need to leave Ramshackle right now! Grim wasn't just knocked out, he was Snake Whispered!
That text caused Yuu's eyes to widen in shock: The Snake Whisper was the Unique Magic of Jamil Viper, Scarabia's Vice Dorm Warden who overblotted while attempting to stage a coup but was stopped by Yuu.
Ever since that night, Jamil's attitude and relationship with Kalim and his dorm mates have been better, he integrated himself into Yuu's Friendship Circle, however, he was never really interested in speaking to the others in the group: He only wanted to speak and interact with Yuu. In fact, he seemed as if he wanted to be more to Yuu than 'just a friend', at least, that is what his actions spoke:
During meal times, he would bring food for Yuu along with his own and Kalim's. He always made sure to sit next to her and if there was anyone else occupying the seats next to Yuu, he would demand that they give up their seat for him. During one such occasion, Jamil forcibly removed Ace from his seat when he refused to give it up willingly to the Viper.
Whenever Yuu expressed a need for something, no matter how small it was, Jamil always brought it to her. He brought her school materials and even odd things like newer versions of items. Yuu suspected that Jamil was following her because she had mentioned a Triple Layered Cheesecake with strawberries on top that her mother used to make for her on her birthday. She had kept a copy of the recipe card in her room at Ramshackle. However, on the day of her 17th Birthday Party, Jamil surprised her with the exact same cake, which tasted just like her mother's recipe. Yuu was grateful for the cake, but couldn't understand how Jamil knew the recipe when the recipe card was in her room and no one had access to it. It made her wonder if Jamil had been in her room without her knowledge. The very thought scared her but she refused to show it.
Jamil always found ways to be near Yuu. He would volunteer to work with her on paired projects and assist her with finding books. However, Yuu noticed that whenever she was looking for books related to the Dark Mirror, they were difficult to find when Jamil was around. When she searched without him, she found them easily. Whenever Yuu invited her friends to her place to relax, Jamil would bring ingredients to make delicious desserts for himself, Yuu, and Kalim. However, he would only give cookies to the others so Yuu wouldn't get mad at him.
The most troubling thing about Jamil in Yuu's opinion was that he was very possessive and insistent that Yuu spend time with him; he would grab her forearm and bring her closer to him whenever they were walking with their friends or glare at other students who spoke to her for too long, the longest he lasted before scaring someone off was 2 minutes.
Now, Grim was Snake Whispered and locked in a broom closet in Scarabia? What the hell is going on and why would Jamil do something like this?
That was when the lights went out and Yuu was now standing in utter darkness just as the timer on the Toaster Over went off and the Kettle started steaming. Yuu slightly jumped when the lights went out but soon calmed herself down as she shook her phone to trigger the flashlight before walking out of the kitchen and looking down the hallway; every single light in Ramshackle was out but this was confusing. The weather was perfect for Halloween and Yuu recently got the old wiring in the power box replaced to make sure there were no fires or blackouts.
'Was someone trying to play a trick on me? It was Halloween after all.' Yuu thought as she walked to the front door, opened it, and went out and around Ramshackle to look for the power box, only to find something shocking: The Power Box was damaged...by some kind of creature. 3 large and deep claw marks slashed through the wires and circuit boards, causing the blackout; something or someone did this on purpose...and it was most likely that it was still around.
Yuu turned on her heel and ran back into Ramshackle, slamming the door behind her and locking the door before calming down and heading up the stairs to return to her room, and closed the door behind her before turning to face it with her back to the window. She closed her eyes while taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She had to calm down and think; all she had to do was...
Yuu's eyes widened at the sound of tapping on the glass behind her but she was too frozen to move, that's when she noticed something else; the shadow that consumed hers. There was something watching her and it was large.
"My, my, Prefect. All alone on this Halloween night? Why don't you let me in and I shall hold you tight." The voice said. Wait. That voice.
Yuu pushed through her fear and turned around and came face to face with none other than Jamil Viper, but it would seem that the Viper was hiding more than his hatred for Kalim during the Coup.
Jamil was no longer completely human, Yuu could tell that from the large wolf-like ears and the long bushy tail waving side to side slowly with excitement. Red markings rest upon Jamil's cheeks like whispers and a very decorated marking on his forehead. He was dressed in a rather nice outfit like he was at the party, but she knew that was no costume; by the look of his canine-like feet wrapped in black bandages and the claws wrapped in the same material up to his forearms. Yuu could see the obvious: Jamil Viper was a Werewolf.
"Trying to stay calm, Prefect? That is utterly adorable, however, that is not going to fool me. I can hear your heart pounding against your chest. I can see your pupils jumping in those lovely pools of sapphire you call eyes. Also..." Jamil takes a deep inhale before exhaling with a smile on his face as he places his wrapped clawed hands on the surface of the glass, "I can smell your fear, Prefect, and it's delicious; utterly intoxicating."
"You used your Unique Magic on Grim and locked him in a broom closet in Scarabia's Dormitory during the party. Why?" Yuu asked while keeping her distance from the window, the only barrier she had between herself and the Werewolf Vice Warden before her.
Said werewolf chuckling as his tail waved from side to side like a slow-paced pendulum.
"Still trying to act tough? Oh, Prefect, you're too damn cute for your own good; it makes me want to devour you even more now. As for that blasted chimera, I was not going to let him get in my way and ruin the plans I have spent months putting into place." Jamil's silver eyes - which were as black as coal the last time she saw him - seemed to glow with unknown intentions.
"Plans? What plans?" Yuu asked. Jamil's smile grew, displaying his large canines, as his right index finger started tapping the surface of the glass once again. Yuu's body moved on its own and took a few steps back.
"Let me in and I'll explain everything that's gonna happen before this night is over, Prefect." Jamil purred at the girl, who shook her head at him, making his smile grow even wider. "Prefect..."
He reeled his clawed hand back.
"That wasn't a suggestion."
Jamil's hand shot forward and shattered the glass all over the floor and desk of Ramshackle, making Yuu over her face to keep any and all glass from hitting her face. When the sound of large footsteps hit her room floor and the sound of glass shards hitting each other hit her ears, she removed her hands and looked at the tall werewolf standing before her with a wild grin on his face as he stared down at the 5'3 Girl.
"What is wrong with you, Jamil?" Yuu asked. The large male tilted his head at her with his smile still resting on his face.
"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this, Prefect: The moment I would have you alone and I would take what is rightfully mine." His tongue ran along the surface of his teeth, "Your skin... It shines so deliciously in this crimson lunar light. I can't wait to see how divine you taste, My Dear."
Jamil had taken one step closer to Yuu and the Prefect's Body immediately went into Fight, Flight, or Freeze Mode. She knew that Jamil was stronger than her, so fighting was not an option at the moment. Freezing was also not a good idea as it would have made her an easy prey for a Werewolf Vice Dorm Warden. As much as she hated the idea, she knew she had to run. She quickly gripped her phone and threw it towards Jamil with all her might. The phone hit him directly in the center of his forehead, catching him off guard and causing him to snarl in pain. Jamil took a step back and held his forehead, giving Yuu just enough time to open her room door and run out down the hall. Luckily, she managed to reach the stairs just when Scarabia's Vice Dorm Warden was recovering with a smile on his face.
"Oh... Sweet Prefect. You know exactly what I want and exactly when I want it." Jamil purred before bolting out of the bedroom and chasing after Yuu, who managed to make it down the stairs and to the front door; she swung the door open and started running down the stairs just as Jamil appeared standing in the doorway of Ramshackle.
Yuu made it to the gate and ran out before heading down the path that led to the Hall of Mirrors, but that trip was cut short as Jamil landed in the middle of the path in a perfect crouch; his claws lightly scraping the ground as he looked at Yuu's horrified face.
"Prefect... You know that you are not getting away from me. Just be a good girl for me and let me feast." Jamil purred but Yuu wasn't going for that, she turned to the right and attempted to get into the forest but Jamil lunged at her and grabbed her upper arm in his grip; his claws digging into her skin, making a mark on her body and making her flinch in pain. "Stop fighting me, Prefect; just submit and everything can be less painful for you."
Yuu wasn't having it and punched the werewolf in his chest with her free hand, shocking him and causing him to release his grip on Yuu, he tried to grab her gain but all he managed to do was grab her sleeve and it tore off, leaving a piece of her shirt in Jamil's hand has she disappeared into the forest surrounding Ramshackle. Jamil looked at the piece of cloth in his caws before bringing it to his nose and deeply inhaling the scent soaked in the cloth; a pleasuring moaning exhale escaped his mouth as he placed the cloth in his pocket and chased after the Prefect of Ramshackle.
The Hunt was On.
Yuu ran for what seemed to be at least 20 Minutes, the wound on her arm was slowly bleeding and she knew she needed to deal with that or Jamil was going to sniff her out faster than ever. She went to hide behind a large tree, ripped off some of her pants leg, and tied it around the wound to absorb the blood. She was trying to catch her breath when she heard more footsteps coming, she remained as still as she possibly could and attempted to calm her racing heart as Jamil entered the area, his silver eyes scanning the area before he lifted his head and took a deep inhale of the air around him.
"Oh, Prefect... The fact that you think you can escape me fills me with so much joy; you're making me excited. Once I find you, you're going to take responsibility for this. Keep running. Keep hiding. Make me earn you. Make me worthy of you, Prefect. Please..." Jamil purred and whimpered at the same time before running off in a random direction; allowing Yuu to peek her head out and look in the direction Jamil ran. She knew he was playing with her, he was like a predator and she was the prey he was seeking.
She needed a plan to distract him long enough for her to get to the Hall of Mirrors and to one of the other dorms to seek aid. She thought for a while before she made her move; she needed to do this now and right or she was going to be devoured by a wolf with venom.
The hunt was fun and Jamil loved the rush he was feeling, the thrill of hunting the ultimate prey and ultimate reward made him purr in his throat; he loved working for what he wanted, and claiming his reward at the end made everything worth it, Yuu was giving him the hunt he wanted and she was the reward he was going to claim. He looked up at the crimson moon in the sky - it was lighter than before. The night was ending and he needed to find his prey. He needed to do what he planned before it was too late.
Jamil sniffed around and Yuu's scent hit him hard; she was nearby and she was moving fast. He darted in that direction with wide feral eyes, he was going to capture her and devour her slowly before claiming his ultimate reward. She was right in front of him and he lunged out of the bushes and pounced on the source of Yuu's scent but he was filled with shock and disappointment when he realized that he didn't have Yuu in his grasp, but a small rabbit.
The rabbit was trembling in fear as Jamil looked down at its small body, his eyes locking with the piece of cloth wrapped around the rabbit's body. He yanked it off and looked at it after releasing the small creature; it was a piece of Yuu's Pants Leg, soaked in her blood! She fooled him! She threw him off her real scent!
Her scent hit him again and he was shocked at how far away she was, he turned in that direction and bolted in that direction; he was not going to let her get away. She belonged to him! She needed to realize that.
Yuu's heart was pounding once again as she ran through the forest, her vision blurring as she stopped in a clearing where the moon's light shined. Her lungs were on fire. Her vision was shifting. Something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong. Yuu could feel it in her blood as the wound on her arm burned.
'What's... What's happening?' Yuu thought as she tried to take another step but she was walking like a drunk person; it was like she was under the influence when she never had alcohol before. She tried to shake the dizzy feeling out of her head when she was suddenly tackled to the ground and held down by her arms; her vision focused once again to see the smirking face of Jamil Viper above her. She attempted to struggle and push him off but it was as if the strength in her body was fading.
"Looks like you're all out of energy, Little Rabbit...and all out of strength; not that you need it, I'll take care of you from now on, My Sweet Prefect." Jamil purred before leaning down and burying his nose in her neck before inhaling her scent once again, "You have no idea what your scent does to me; being this close to you... it's not like smelling your sheets and clothes."
"W...What?" Yuu asked in a weak voice.
"Surely you have noticed little things about Ramshackle, Prefect. Things not quite as you left them? A small wrinkle in your sheets that wasn't there? A new food item you don't remember putting in your fridge? Your soft sweaters being moved around? That was me. All of it was me. I would want you but I could not get close enough to you, so I had to settle by inhaling your scent in Ramshackle while you were away, but I couldn't take it anymore, Prefect. I needed more. I wanted more. I wanted you. I needed you. Now? I have you but you are still not mine...not yet." Jamil smiled as a clear substance coated his fangs; it wasn't saliva... Saliva wasn't that cloudy looking.
"I'll never be yours, Viper... I'll stay away from you until I find a way home." Yuu tried to defy him but all he did was lick his lips.
"I know. That's why I never approached you like this until I had everything worked out. I knew you were going to leave me and I can't have that. I am going to make you mine, Prefect, you won't be able to survive without me once I am done with you... And I will start... By severing your connection to your original world." Jamil's words made Yuu freeze as he used his claws to tear away another piece of Yuu's shirt, the area covering her neck and collarbone.
Yuu watched in horror as Jamil opened his mouth while his pupils shined red as if he was using his Unique Magic before he lunged forward and sunk his teeth into Yuu's exposed flesh; the Prefect's screams echoed throughout the forest.
Jamil kept his grip on Yuu's neck until she calmed down and her screams died down, he smiled against her flesh as he felt her body getting warmer; the venom in his fangs was doing its job. Yuu soon fell victim to the pain and venom, causing her to pass out in Jamil's grasp before he removed his fangs from her flesh and licked the blood from his lips as he looked down at the passed-out Prefect of Ramshackle.
He looked at her bleeding wound before leaning down once again and ran his tongue along the wound, cleaning the blood and closing the wound with his saliva. Once the wound was closed and the blood was gone, he pulled away after placing a small kiss on her neck before placing another one on her forehead before looking at her sleeping face while caressing her cheek.
"I know you are going to be confused and afraid when you wake up, but I am going to be there to guide you through your new life just as you have been there to guide me. We - the underappreciated souls of Night Raven -are meant to be together; you might not understand what that means now but I will make you understand, Yuu. Tonight was your last night alone. When you wake up, you shall have a new life....with a mate that truly loves and understands you." Jamil gathered the unconscious girl in his arms before standing up, "Come along, My Diamond. Let's go home."
With that, Jamil turned on his heel and started walking through the forest with his unconscious mate slumbering in his arms as he headed back to Ramshackle; it's only natural for a newly wedded couple to spend time alone after making a lifetime commitment.
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merakiui · 5 months
never-ending noctuary; love forevermore.
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yandere!malleus draconia x (female) reader cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, somnophilia, non-con, overblot!malleus, obsession, breeding, baby-trapping, malleus is written to have two dicks, spoilers for part two of book seven note - and sitting powerful on his throne of thorns, omniscience at his fingertips, the lord of malevolence takes a bride.
An eerie, all-consuming quiet has fallen over Sage’s Island.
It is frigid and unfriendly like winter. Harsh and oppressive like silence. Painful and abrasive like brambles. Time has come to a swift halt here, and with it the people fall into never-ending euneirophrenia. Delights so dreamy shall inhabit the minds of all who sleep, the grandest gift granted to those unwilling. Like fate itself, wound around every living soul, it is inescapable. Inevitable like death—unfair and unforgettable.
But then it is also peaceful and secure. Quaint and warm like a blanket. Fluffy and floral like spring’s first kiss. Solace is far sweeter when spent in oneiric solitude, and so it will seem for one-thousand years. Forevermore, stretched taut into the future, the dream persists.
Is that not the best blessing? To those who wish to savor a fleeting moment just a second more, is this not a wish granted generously tenfold? Rather than immortalizing the past with photographs, it shall never come to pass. There is no need for bittersweet recollections or tearful farewells. The present will persevere, lived out in endless dreams.
Surely this is the correct course. Not just for Malleus, for he is a gentle, kind creature who recognizes the mutual desire for interminable merriment, but for the entirety of the island. Although in hoping for love forevermore, he has shackled himself to selfish, Epicurean pleasures. The type which normally lasts as long as a vision spent on cloud nine.
Currently, sitting proud and alone on a cold throne, Malleus knows of no greater joy.
The party may have fallen still as the grave, bodies slumbering in stiff propinquity, but it hasn’t finished. The food may have congealed, inedible and decaying, but it is there. A testament to spirits kept aloft, if only to ensure no one ever knows the desolation of endings.
Paradise is what you make of it. Thus, should you hope for it, you can walk on the clouds in your mind and never know of Icarus’s plights. You can shed insecurities and anxieties and taste delectable metamorphosis. You can be anyone and anything. You can be strong and wealthy. You can be fearless and heroic. You can be an impossible ideal.
You can be loved.
Malleus watches your seemingly lifeless form splayed on the sofa, limbs draped over that of Ace and Deuce. It’s a tranquil sight, a marionette freed from the strings of somber, suffocating life.
Under a roof of thorns, you are reborn.
Paradise is wondrous for Malleus, albeit a touch silent. He wonders what you might say if you were to stand at his side and observe this eternal slumber party. Would it fill you with awe? With appreciation? With abject terror?
Perhaps there is no use in theorizing. He doesn’t need to know, for you will love him even in sleep.
He rises, taking each step at a time. Thorny branches and roots part to make way for him, a groom traversing the aisle in search of his bride. You lie still, secrets sealed behind pretty, plush lips, and if he was not the cause for your current state he might assume you were late.
But there is no death here. It cannot reach. It will never reach because Paradise knows not of death or suffering.
Paradise is the garden before the infestation. Paradise is the body before bacterial devastation. Paradise is love before departed lamentation.
Malleus gazes at your restful face, leaning down to trace a clawed, blot-tainted finger along your cheek. There are no tears; you are a doll incapable of such sorrow, sculpted to portray perfect neutrality. He is most pleased with this development, his chest rumbling with a triumphant chuckle. Now you shall never know an ending ever again. Now you shall remain here, safe and stagnant in his arms, far from the mirror that may allow you to return home.
Gathering your body in his arms, he lifts you from the cushions. You crumble in his grasp, head lolling and arms noodling at your sides. Sagging dead weight, but he places his ear to your chest to listen to the melodic thrum of your heart. You’re alive, frailty shielded from the horrors of the world. Here, in thorny idyll, you will live forevermore.
Historically, all rulers must have someone to call their own. Whether it be by way of arrangement or convenience, strung together for the sake of conjoined power or out of obligation, this is an irrefutable fact. Historically, all rulers must bear an heir—someone to carry on the glory of an ever-present lineage.
Malleus refuses to bring a child into the world unless they are given the blessing of the one thing he was deprived of since birth.
A mother.
You fit in his embrace, a puppet tugged into a one-sided waltz. He steps over fallen bodies as he holds you against his chest, following the routine even though you aren’t awake to reciprocate.
Historically, a married pair must share the first dance. Or that’s what he’s read in fairy tales.
There are no rings here; promises are left unspoken. He won’t entertain rejection because there is no room for it in Paradise. Every unsavory, horrid thing—pestilence and pain, death and destruction, and sadness and sin—is packed away in Pandora’s box and shelved. Malleus won’t risk opening it to release the tiny shred of hope desperately clawing for escape. It’s not worth it.
He will foster his own hope if he must, and she exists in his arms—beautifully motionless.
The steps are executed with care, up the stairs and towards a lonesome chair. He attempts a twirl, lowering you into a dip. Your arms hang limply, eyes shut in permanence. Brimming with fondness, Malleus tugs you back up to press his lips to your forehead.
“Dearest one,” he mumbles, “may you know many fruitful fantasies in the arms of Morpheus.”
He reclaims his seat and situates you to face him while perched on his lap. You slump against him, near-boneless. He smiles at you, imagining the ruckus that would certainly come about from such a daring gesture. Sebek would squawk at you to have more respect and dignity. Silver would tut and shake his head. Lilia would look on in amusement.
These are small pleasantries, little wishes he hopes to witness someday.
Historically, a married pair must consummate their bond.
Malleus’s fingertips flit across your figure, feeling fabric beneath his palms. He tries to exercise restraint and take it slow—everything in moderation, Lilia would remind him—but he can’t contain his nympholepsy. Your clothes are discarded at once, shredded to scraps in his haste. He moves clumsily, following the searchlight of intrinsic ardor. You’re softer when bare, he observes, peeling your bra from your skin. A pallid hand presses down onto your breast, the pudge of which caves beneath his fingers. He withdraws and it bounces back to its shape.
Fascinating, he marvels with wide, enchanted eyes.
Claws tweak at your hardened nipples next. He’s careful because you’re notably weaker. Even in sleep, he must mind his hedonism. Too much and you will break. Too little and he’ll be left unsatisfied. Malleus watches your expression. It was mostly neutral, but now your eyebrows are twitching in response to his touch.
In sleep, you are the most vulnerable.
He knows this because he’s peered in from afar, admiring you through a glass barrier while you slept unaware in Ramshackle. He would never do anything without invitation. Though it may not be in writing, your body is oh-so-inviting. And he indulges because he’s only known this fervor in the deepest, darkest dreams.
Curiously, in his pursuit of passion, Malleus happens upon the special space between your legs. Delicate like a flower, it’s the prettiest part of your anatomy. If he wishes to connect with you, to tie himself to you in unholy communion, he must acquaint himself with this sliver of seventh heaven. He’s never seen one up close; the sight is foreign but very welcome. He drinks it in, burning your form into his retinas. Two fingers trace your labia, stroking along flowery folds in V-shaped strokes. You twitch in his arms, an unconscious, knee-jerk reaction.
At some point, in the middle of his experimental exploration, Malleus begins to hum. It’s a soft, genial lilt. Low and soothing, the lullaby fills the silent halls of Diasomnia’s common room like poison gas.
He contemplates whether this is enough. Can you feel these sensations even when you’re so deep in your dreams? Perhaps so, for when he brushes back the hood protecting your clit to rub at it you soak his fingers. Lubricious, your wetness shimmers on his fingertips when he pulls them away to admire the very essence of you. Without hesitation, he places his fingers on the pad of his tongue to clean both. It’s a divine taste, proof of pleasure.
You cannot speak, so instead your body does so for you. A most bewitching behavior.
Malleus’s hand slithers back towards home, his fingers sliding in with surprising ease. Gummy walls cling to slender digits, embracing the intrusion as if it’s meant to be. With each pump of his fingers, your body warms. The sinful squelch of scissoring fingers joins his humming in a salacious song. Every now and then, you spasm in his arms, your lips parting ever so slightly to release a sigh or a breathy moan. It’s musical, a whimsy he’s only just discovered.
“My beautiful bride,” Malleus croons, “you will know love in my arms. Love forevermore, here in this sanctuary. Fear not, for I have done away with all that may terrify and traumatize.”
Pressure is straining beneath the belt, an itch that must be promptly dealt with. Removing his fingers, he shifts you on his lap so that he may free his cocks from confinement. Twin monstrosities curve towards his stomach; perhaps you’d have been frightened if you were awake to behold them. His hand settles on the small of your back, steadying you as he lines one of them up with your body. The tip just reaches past your navel. For a moment, Malleus ponders whether he might break you.
Careful now, he can hear Lilia’s chiding. Impatience will lead to injury.
He heeds the unspoken warning, lifting you with both hands until the head of his cock is kissing your pussy. And then, slowly, he lowers you down onto him. Your pussy stretches around him, a snug squeeze that only grows tighter with every inch swallowed. Malleus pulls you flush against his chest when he’s halfway slotted, his breathing staggered. Your body quivers, walls fluttering around him, while his other unsheathed cock presses against your navel. Pre-cum smears on your stomach.
He’s determined to cherish you, thrusting all the way to the hilt after a few determined tries. It’s a firm fit, but it’s still bliss. Hissing through his teeth, brows knitted in concentration, Malleus wraps his arms around you and fucks. Mindless, mostly, but with the intent to reach the only acceptable end here: orgasmic ecstasy. He makes up for the lack of motion on your part by moving his hips to meet yours as he rocks you up and down. Whimpers slip past your lips; he shushes you with song, humming through groans and grunts.
This is love.
Malleus thinks so when he positions your hands over his other untouched cock. The illusion doesn’t last long because your hands are quick to fall away. Instead, he grasps your hand, guides it back to his shaft, and pumps himself using your precious palm for friction.
You’re bounced up and down in a parody of consensual copulation. Malleus dwells in imagination, picturing you in a wedding gown. He considers what you might say, the vows you would undoubtedly swear, and the sweet nothings you’d exchange late into the evening. He’d twirl you across an elegant ballroom while everyone looks on with tender adoration and reverence. He’d show you the stars hanging just within reach, and when you’re swept up in riveting romance the sky is tangible and dreams are spun from sugar.
He’d place you on his bed, stripping you of your dress, hands trailing up to tug the frilly garter from your thigh, and you’d smile at him, open your arms and welcome him with mutual affection. You’d bloom for him like a moonflower, your heart beating in sync with his, as he fulfills the final promise—one so bodily imperative. An oath to disturb desolate halls with noise. To hear the pitter-patter of tiny footfalls upon stone floors—he can’t imagine anything more harmonious.
You would soften throughout the months, bright with that foretold pregnancy glow. He would press his hands to your rounded belly and feel squirming within, restless kicks and nudges. You’d discuss potential names over breakfast, and he would hover even though he knows you’re plenty capable. But he worries because you’re so fragile and fleeting. So pretty. So round with child. He wouldn’t leave you alone for a moment; you’re far too enchanting. Perhaps, in some distant future, he’ll lower to the height of your stomach and sing to the baby.
A smile would tug at your lips and you’d reach down to pat his head, running your fingers over his horns. And then— 
Malleus cracks his eyes open, his breath hot against your face. His chest heaves as he comes down from the high of domestic daydreams to find your stomach spattered with cum. Swallowing thickly, he peers between your bodies at your pussy stretched around his other cock.
Oh, he came inside.
Unexpectedly. Or perhaps not, for this was his intention. But once is not nearly enough, and he must fill you until you’re fit to burst—until it’s biologically certain you’re pregnant.
An emotion flickers on your face. Malleus mistakes it for jubilation, the type which calls forth a sunshower on your cheeks. He kisses the tears trailing down your face, ending at your lips for a chaste peck.
This is not the finale. It is simply the beginning.
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angelgarden-posts · 2 years
Hi! I hope you having a lovely day~ as requested are open can i request headcanon for yandere Leona where he is obsessed with y/n but later found out y/n is girl. Like y/n is unaware that someone know her secret now. ( You can make changes in this as you feel)
Hi, I’m having a great day and I hope you are/did as well!! I kind of went overboard and turned these headcanons into a mini-oneshot/drabble, so skip to the end to get to the more possessive behavior~ (also, I don’t feel like I made it yandere enough, so if you want to request this again, please feel free to!!) Actually I might already have ideas on redoing this if I have the motivation in the future!
Yandere Leona Finding Out Y/N is Female
TW/CW: possessive behavior, mentions of violence, slight suggestiveness (I think??? Leona finds y/n’s bra and steals it), more possessive than obsessive tbh, sorry 😭😭
Leona is surprised, tries playing it cool.
However, now that he knows that you’re a girl, it becomes hard for him to control his emotions and behavior.
Because lions are territorial and do not usually interact with other males if they are in packs, he felt it was more taboo and suspicious if he hung around you often when he thought you were both male.
At that time however, he still couldn’t help but be drawn to you, as you were the school’s anomaly and couldn’t stop getting into trouble because of Ace and Deuce. He initiated contact with you to keep you from hanging around those buffoons from the Heartslabyul dorm. He didn’t want to see you around anyone other than him.
You two had quickly grown close, as you continually tried motivating him to do work while straining to keep your own motivation high, and ended up taking on Ruggie’s job in the process.
One day, you were back at Ramshackle because you had to check in periodically to make sure that your living quarters were pristine, and Leona just so happened to stalk follow you there.
As he entered the place, he made sure not to draw attention to himself as you were busy berating Grim, and slipped into your room.
Leona looked around, and an article of clothing caught his attention.
A bra laid on your unkempt bed, and his eyes widened until they were as big as saucers.
Just then, his ears swiveled to the door as your footsteps approached the room.
His momentary panic sent him scrambling underneath your bed, as the windows were shut and his only other exit was blocked by you.
There was a thud and the mattress above his head bounced.
You muttered something under your breath and after a couple, long, moments, your breathing had slowed.
Deciding that it was probably safe to emerge, Leona cautiously crept out from under your bed and bolted out of Ramshackle dorm as quietly and quickly as he could. Definitely not holding a new piece of clothing in his hands.
After that incident, his possessiveness flares even at the slightest contact he witnesses between you and the other students.
He’s constantly making up excuses for you to spend your time with him at the botanical garden and the Savannaclaw dorm.
If you choose to ignore him for someone else, that person will end up in the infirmary one way or another, either with him enjoying torturing the poor fellow, or Ruggie dishing out the dirty work for his boss.
You seemed the same as ever, but now that he knows the truth, he can’t see you in the same light.
When he sleeps near you, he always subconsciously grabs a hold of you and his muscle mass really doesn’t make it possible for you to escape his grasp until he wakes up hours later.
Leona frequently rubs his head and neck on yours, as he considers you his territory and one of his females, so he deems it important to never let you out of his sight.
Be prepared to always have to be at his beck and call, especially because his frustration due to his brother’s privileges makes him think that if there’s anything in the world he deserves now, it’s you.
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shinjisdone · 1 year
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𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖨 𝖺𝗆 𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾: 𝗊𝗎𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗏
𝚄𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗: 05/14/𝟸𝟶𝟸4
ᵀᵃᵍ ˡᶤˢᵗ
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𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
'When You Have A Secret Admirer - And It's Not Them' series:
[Form of headcanons + small scenarios in between. Each part follows a loose plot chronologically] Tagged under #Secret Admirer
1; Heartslabyul
2; Savanaclaw
3; Octavinelle
4; Scarabia
5; Pomefiore
6; Ignihyde
7; Diasomnia
Extra: 'When You Have A Secret Admirer - And Doubt Them' (All students)
'When You Have A Secret Admirer - And Everybody Thinks It's Them' series:
[Form of headcanons. A small 'spin off' series of the one above where each characters thoughts and feelings are shown when people are starting to think/believe/gossip that they are the secret admirer - even though they are indeed not. Will follow each dorm.]
2; Savanaclaw
3; Octavinelle
𝖢𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗈𝗈𝗇...𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗈 𝖶𝗈𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽...
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𝒯𝒲𝒮𝒯 ℬ𝓇𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓇𝑜𝓉:
Female!MC and Friends - Deuce Spade
Female!MC and Friends - Malleus Draconia
How I Imagine TWST Could Be If There Was A Female!MC - Staff Edition
How I Imagine TWST Could Be If There Was A Female!MC
Female!MC and Friends - Riddle Rosehearts
Female!MC and Friends - Ace Trappola
Female!MC and Friends - Rook Hunt
who broke it (secret admirer)
Ace just really likes Yuu (headcanon)
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𝑉𝜄𝜋𝑙𝛼𝜋𝜕 𝑆𝛼𝑔𝛼
'To Soften A Warrior's Heart' series (Thorfinn Karlsefni; Prologue, Season 1, Anime Only)
[Scenarios of crawling your way into Thorfinn's heart in the form of headcanons. Slow burn. Each part follows an chronological order and will loosely follow the plot of season 1] Tagged under #TSAWH
Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ ₁ ﹙Wᴀʀ Aʀᴄ﹚﹕
Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ ₂ ﹙Sʟᴀᴠᴇ Aʀᴄ﹚﹕
𝖢𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗈𝗈𝗇...𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗎𝗌 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝖵𝗂𝗇𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽...
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Extra: Sweet Things Thorfinn would do for you on your period (all female reader, headcanons + period tw)
Extra: Yandere!S1!Thorfinn with a Female!Reader who becomes uncomfortable around him (Request)
Extra: Thorkell taking you hostage instead of Askeladd; How Thorfinn saves you (many female examples)
Extra: Askeladd and Canute's opinion on You (Male and Female vers. - TSAWH)
Yandere!Thorfinn and the things he'd do for you
Slave Arc! Thorfinn cannot remember much because his brain is trying to protect him
Cut Content: You slowly appearing in S1!Thorfinn’s Vinland dreams
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𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓟
'Ticking Springs'
[A Yandere Pinocchio x fem!Reader fic; Geppetto's niece finds herself as his apprentice as well as the new caretaker and host of his beloved, lost son. Memories of the past plague one alongside the Puppet Frenzy.] Tagged under #Ticking Springs
Pɑɾt 1; Sluɱbeɾ
Pɑɾt 2; Awɑƙeƞiƞƍ
𝖢𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗈𝗈𝗇...𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀...
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𝘙𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵
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Yandere! Glitchy Red AI (based on character.ai)
Yandere Alphabet ♡ Glitchy Red
Fic brainrot idea - Jujutsu Kaisen
Becoming The Golden Guard's/Hunter's human friend - TOH⁽ᴾᵃʳᵗ ¹)
Becoming The Golden Guard's/Hunter's human friend - TOH (Part 2)
Platonic!Lucifer x Angel!Reader (who seems evil but they becomes besties) - Hazbin Hotel
Random Alucard thoughts (Yandere, Part 1)
Alucard thought (Part 2)
Character.ai - Yandere Alucard
Yandere! Levi x reader - Fear and Hunger: Termina
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hoshinoyozora · 2 years
Tale of the Timeless Couple
🖤 Pairing: Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Female! Reader
💛 Word Count: 1,1k+
❤ Warnings: -
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission. Also, don’t ask for a sequel unless I like the story enough to write one. Please reblog so other people can see my stories!
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Youths were known for their naivety, and just like many others, it was the cause of your downfall too.
Beguiled by the promise of happily ever after, as shown in those romantic movies and books, you’d mindlessly agreed to eternal life with your soon-to-be husband, Malleus Draconia. It was especially enforced by the bitter knowledge that Crowley had never intended for you to return, and that you’d have no means of funding yourself after graduation due to the lack of necessary documents. It was either you marry a rich man and become slightly more ‘recognized’ as the proper citizen of Twisted Wonderland, or doomed to work as a maid in someone else’s house. Malleus, of course, saw no error in your judgment, despite the seeming shallowness of it, and swiftly carried out your transformation.
Due to your relationship with him, you’d always been a part of his little family. But only now did you fully integrate into it, into their lifestyle. The Draconia Family. The Royal Family.
It was blissful in the first few years, as many marriages were, burdened only by the new responsibility of being a ruler to both humans and dark creatures. Malleus and Lilia helped you with the Royal affairs, while Silver and Sebek familiarized you with the Draconia knighthood system. Sometimes, Malleus’s grandmother would visit and chat with you, offering either piece of valuable advice or rumors that would aid you in some way. You weren’t really allowed to go anywhere anymore, and definitely not without tight security. But Malleus permitted you to attend your friends’ weddings, just as how he permitted them to attend yours; a visit that excited nearly the guests in there due to it being a Royal one, and thus, exclusive.
Their occasional letters were probably the highlight of your day, and you thanked Malleus for having the bigger heart not to get jealous and cut off the only connection to your past and humanity. Your heart warmed when you saw pictures of their babies, noting all the resemblances in their features, and mused about what kind of face your child would have.
It was serene.
Until it wasn’t anymore.
Perhaps it began when you received Deuce’s letter containing a photo of him and Ace in an overdue reunion at a restaurant. Your eyes, sharper from the transformation, noticed all signs of aging on their faces. Instinctively, you touched yours and felt only the youthful smoothness of the skin. You rushed to the mirror, and your stomach sank once you realized the signs would never appear in you. For some, it might be a blessing. But for you, it only served to remind you of what you lost.
Your humanity, in all its glory. Ugliness and beauty. The smoothness and the wrinkles.
And then, several years went by, until Jack passed away peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by his big family. You mourned in your office whilst clutching the letter Ace sent to you, unable to attend the funeral without messing with everyone’s schedules.
Black was the color of the Draconia family, but that day, it took on a special meaning.
Ace followed, still a mischievous man to his old age with a more tamed pride. Deuce remained as a policeman until a particularly nasty magic incident occurred, leaving Epel as your only living friend. No longer fixated on the idea of a ‘manly man’, he confessed to you that he was actually lonely. His wife had long died, and his children had all grown up and moved out of the house. You wished you could’ve visited and comforted him, but once again, duty was your obstacle.
Until you belatedly found out that Epel had suffered a heart attack after helping with his family’s farm.
“What are you thinking about, my love?”
A pair of arms hugged your swollen stomach from behind, but you remained motionless as you gazed through the window. Malleus rested his chin on your shoulder and stared at your profile.
“Nothing much.”
“You know better than to lie to me, my love.” said he, twirling a lock of your hair with his left finger. “If you have a problem, you can talk to me and we shall find a solution together.”
Malleus wouldn’t understand that the problem you had was beyond repair, and you feared his response should you reveal the truth.
“All of my friends died, Malleus. Except Sebek, but he’s just a guard to me now.”
“Humans have always had short lifespans.”
You flinched, and you wondered why you reacted that way when you were basically near immortal now. Perhaps some human instincts hadn’t fully disappeared yet.
“I miss them.”
Malleus fell quiet, and your heartbeat slowly picked up with each second passed in silence.
“It is a normal reaction,” he drawled as though empathy was something unfamiliar to him. “and you’ll get over it in due time.”
You wetted your lips, preparing yourself to ask the question that had been haunting you.
“What would you do… if I were to go home?”
“You don’t think I’d allow you to do it, do you?”
You stiffened in his embrace.
“… What?”
“Crowley had always been very slow when it comes to finding your way home, but he hadn’t completely stopped until I ordered him otherwise.”
Your stomach dropped.
“Luckily, you learned that it was futile to place any hope on him, so I wouldn’t have to inform you anything.”
“Why? Because we were meant to be together, of course. The moment you agreed to be my lover is the moment you agreed to be mine forever.” Malleus sighed blissfully, tightening his hold on you. “And it doesn’t really matter whether you accepted my proposal or not, although it does make everything a whole lot easier. I don’t wish to hurt you, after all.”
You were mistaken. You were horribly mistaken. There was no happily ever after in marrying him. Financially, yes, but mentally? Literally?
“What about my friends?”
“I told you, they’re humans. They have terribly shorter lifespans than ours. Therefore, I don’t need to worry about them so much. Not when they’ll die sooner or later.” Malleus hummed, swaying your body in an invisible yet haunting tune. “Although, of course, I still have to supervise all of your correspondence.”
It was understandable, and you should’ve expected it. Some letters might contain threats, however unlikely it was, and Malleus was merely ensuring the safety of everyone involved. But the knowledge that he read everything that you wrote to them – intimate things that you were more comfortable sharing with your friends than your husband – unnerved you.
Maybe it was why he spent more time with you when you complained to Deuce about him being busier nowadays.
“Now, don’t overthink about the past. You’ll upset our baby.”
He caressed the bulge in your stomach, where the long-awaited child resided.
A shame that you couldn’t share baby pictures with your friends, not even the news of your pregnancy.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 6 months
Hi, there 🌼! :D
I saw your recent event of Songs from the heart! So I want to take the opportunity to place my order (I hope I do it right):
Fandom: Twst
Character: Silver and Deuce (normal no Yanderes)
Type: Romantic, fluff (or just fluff I leave it to your preference)
Song: Meteor Shower bye Cavetown
Reader: Female but neutral it's okay 👍
Take your time and no pressure, thank you 💐🌠✨
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.·:🎼¨༺ Songs from the heart ༻¨🎼:·. | Meteor Shower
Characters: Silver and Deuce
Song: Meteor Shower by Cavetown
Warnings: None
A/U: Self aware Twisted wonderland AU
a/n: I only do male or gender neutral reader so reader is gender neutral, but pronouns aren't used (only you/your)
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Deuce was very happy that you picked him for his lessons, wanting to level up his various cards. He noticed a habit you had, however, listening to music while you played the game. It put a smile on his face as he heard you humming the tune. The lessons would mostly go over Deuce’s head because he was more focused on the song you were playing. He couldn’t help but blush deeply as he felt that this song was directed at him. 
“I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones. 'Cause blue is your favourite colour”
That one lyric did something to his heartstrings. Deuce’s eyes were gleaming, deep in his heart and his mind he hoped that you directed that at him. Sure, his favorite color might not have been blue, but it seemingly meant that you would do anything to make him smile. The god over Twisted Wonderland wanted to make him happy. He started to kick his legs under the desk, feeling an overwhelming feeling of joy. This meant you loved him, even if it was a little bit.
Deuce was trying too hard to conceptualize your feelings, reading a bit too much into the song. All his thoughts were trying to rationalize that one lyric. His eyes were spinning to represent what was going on inside him. He felt his heart beat even faster the more his mind was stuck on that one song lyric. Nothing around him, except you, could pull him out of his lovesick spiraling mind. 
It took him a while to stop the swarming ideas and focus back on you. Deuce just stared at you as you were exiting the lessons. He wished you stayed a little longer, even if he was on your main screen, so he could tell you his thoughts. Deuce’s lips curled into a huge smile, one that kind of hurt his cheeks. He pledged to himself after the last lesson ended, as a compromise, bringing a hand to his heart.
“I’ll try my best to make you happy too, oh great creator!”
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Silver was very prideful the moment you picked one of his cards to use for the exams. It meant that he got to fight for you, and he was used to fighting for others. He is a knight in training, after all, so could you really blame him for wanting to be your knight? During the exams, there were times where your team got close to losing, but only because you kept getting distracted by the music you were listening too. Silver had heard the music, but this one song, along with one particular lyric, had caught his attention.
“But don't go outside, it's dangerous tonight. Without me right here by your side”
Silver paused in the middle of his attack, which wasn’t a good idea, but he couldn’t help it. That one lyric caught him off guard. And it came out of your lips as you sang along. It must have meant something. A sign from you, the overseeing creator of this world, as you looked at him.
Silver tried his best not to worry too much about it, focusing so much on the fight. But that lyric buzzed around in his head, over and over again. It was on repeat, as if it were a mantra or a holy prayer to you. He wondered if you would say this to anyone else, or if it was just reserved to him. Silver tried to keep his composure and keep his focus on his attacks on the battle.
As the final exam finished up, he felt proud he won all five of them, but also feeling so prideful about that one lyric. It didn’t leave Silver’s mind as he stared at you through the victory screen. He saw your bright smile, further confirming that the lyric you muttered was directed at him. Silver had so much love and joy in his heart as you closed the victory screen. He still watched you on the main screen, hoping you heard his promise. 
“I will protect you too, and I’m honored you wish to protect me.”
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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Star-Star-Fall-inlove's NOTE
Dark content ahead
Yandere theme, blood, violence, sexual acts, r@pe , Female reader, Gore
Demon au
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☆ Summary: You were brought to the orphanage when you were just a toddler by your mother. You can't exactly remember what life was with her and you do not wish to know. All you know is that you've lived in the orphanage for the longest time. You enjoyed your time here, yeah at the beginning it wasn't so great. You were as rebellious as they can get! But that's over and done now. You were passing by an alley way on your way home when you caught the smell of blood coming from it. You stopped and stared at the alley for a while before stepping forward and walking down the alley The Father of a church you go to a lot has always warned you to never follow the smell of blood at night. But you felt as though you had to, what if that person was hurt? No, you're going to help them no matter what! But why was your hands shaking so much?
When you got closer to the smell what you saw horrified you to no end.
— — — — ☆ — — — —
Okay! Character background time!
Age: 20
Race: Human
She was brought to a orphanage as a toddler and lived there ever since. She likes to cook and bake. She comes of as innocent and naive which is not true She knows about this world and the things they do, she prays that everything will get better everyday.
"When is my salvation going to come, lord?"
Riddle Rosehearts
Age: 239
Race: Noble Devil of wrath
A demon who values rules and order. He has a bit of temper and lashes out anything or anyone in his way. Cruel to the eye but broken in the heart.
"You went against a simple rule. Do you not understand the situation your in?"
Trey Clover
Age: 254
Race: Demon
A demon with human traits it's easy to be fooled by him, that's why he's dangerous. He'll sweeten you up and get close to you before he takes what he wants.
"You should have known that dear, you are in this house aren't you?"
Cater Diamond
Age: 248
Race: Incubus
Cater is incubus that doesn't seem like one! You would have thought they were Nothing but flirty beast who tries to get in your pants. Which is not wrong at all. He just doesn't talk about it as much. Anyway Cater is a manipulator so be careful because it doesn't mean he wouldn't try anything with you
"Why don't you stay a little longer~ it won't be that bad"
Ace Trappola
Age: 166
Race: Demon fox
A smart mouth demon who absolutely hates when people disrespect him. And you seem to love to do that the most.
"Didn't I tell you already to stop praying? Its annoying!"
Deuce Spade
Age: 166
Race: Grim reaper
A entity that leads the souls to the place they belong in heaven or hell. He likes to go to the human world and look around.
"Life is a beautiful thing..."
Leona Kingscholar
Age: 320
Race: Noble Devil Beast of Sloth
The Devil of Sloth, as the names says he a very lazy person who likes to sleep a lot. He doesn't care who he hurts as Long as he gets what he wants. If you wake him up from his nap you'll most definitely regret it
"Herbivore you got some nerve...I like it"
Ruggie Bucchi
Age: 247
Race: Demon Beast
A demon beast kinda like what Ace is except Ace gets his own title. Anyway he seems to always be by Leona's side. There were a few occasions where he wasn't. He's a little mischievous, He especially enjoys messing with you
"You smell delicious...you wouldn't mind if I had a bite right?"
Jack Howl
Age: 171
Race: Demon Beast
He's the eyes and nose of the group there is nothing he can't find. He has strong sense of justice and u find it weird since he's a demon and all- He's like the demon Hound except he's a wolf. It's really hard for him control himself around you. You always have this feeling like someone or something is watching you...how uncomfortable.
"Don't worry you'll be safe with me"
Azul Ashengrotto
Age: 289
Race: Noble Devil of Greed
He wants it all. He want your body heart and soul so give it to him. You belong to him and he'll make sure you understand that. Other then that he's usually plotting not kidding. He also likes to give information to the others for money and if it's for free that means he's up to something. He wants nothing more than to see you trapped and stripped of all rights. Nothing but a doll....
"You've done this to yourself don't blame me"
Jade Leech
Age: 289
Race: Water spirit
He also likes to see you uncomfortable like no cap he would most definitely feed you weird mushrooms for sure. You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared of him. He's always smiling at you ..yeah no
"Hello Y/N good afternoon"
Floyd Leech
Age: 289
Race: Water spirit
He's weird...and his emotions always change, one moment he's nice and the next he's mean. It scares you, he would also hug you to tightly practically leaving bruises on your skin
"Aw..Are you done already?"
Kalim Al Asim
Age: 257
Race: Noble Devil of Gluttony
He's oddly nice to you? He makes you nervous but comfortable it's weird. But you got to comfortable around and started to spell things. You thought you could trust him...oh how you were wrong...
"I'm only doing this for your own good Y/N! Don't be at me...please.."
Jamil Viper
Age: 258
Race: Snake Demon
You don't trust him...He's always smiling around you but you know there is more to him, you were right. One day he just snapped, he broke you in many places. He's not like Kalim, he's much more cruel
"Shh shh it hurts me as much as it hurts you, now stay still"
Vil Schoenheit
Age: 321
Race: Noble Incubus of Lust
He is famous for his looks, very popular among females. He seems to have this obsession with dressing you up and doing your make up and hair. Pretty much he wants to control your life and make you perfect.
"You look absolutely beautiful...so stop crying your going to ruin your makeup"
Rook Hunt
Age: 321
Race: Grim Reaper
He's literally watching you, he can hear you and knows things about you too. So it's impossible to escape on his watch at this point. But he enjoys give you hope and then taking it at the last minute
"Manquer, it's futile to escape us"
Epel Felmier
Age: 165
Race: Demon
How could such a small beautiful boy be so foul mouthed? You would have mistaken him for an angel. You may have mistaken him for a lady once...yeah not a good thing
"Shut up! Ughh I can't stand your yapping!"
Idia Shroud
Age: 333
Race: Noble Fire Devil of Envy
He's always alone and he seems so sad. Even tho he's a demon you decided to talk to him...what a mistake
"Your the only one who cares for me....Your mine"
Ortho Shroud
He's a lot nicer to you then he's brother. But make sure you don't say any ill things around him about Idia, it won't be pretty if you did
"I'm sorry"
Malleus Draconia
Race: Noble Dragon Demon of Pride
Why is so overwhelming sweet with you? And he's awfully clingy now don't get me wrong at first we was cold with you. But he eventually got use to you and now he's attached to you...hm you may be able to use him to escape...we'll have to see
"I love you Y/N, Please say the same to me"
Lilia Vanrouge
Age: ???
Race: Bat Demon(Vampire)
He's the man who got you in this situation.. you should have never trusted him from the beginning..But he was so pitiful..Hahaha foolish little Y/N
"Your absolutely perfect, he'd enjoy you as much as I do"
Age: 226
Race: Fallen Angel
He was different.. he didn't treat you horrible in fact he didn't talk to you at all. He was mostly sleep tbh but when you guys did talk he would give you advice, you really should listen
"Don't go in that room, it's not something you would like to see"
Sebek Zigvolt
Age: 199
Race: Lightning Demon
He was horrible, there was never a day he would miss to curse the hell out of you. Mf would call you names at every second and yell at you at the tinest of things you did wrong def needs to take a chill pill. I'm not joking this guy hates you!! Like he can't understand why your so weak and have the guts to talk back???
"Shut up you weak filthy human! You know not a thing!!"
I've actually been working on this since last year- but like i stopped and now I'm back at it lol (>v<)
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