#.celery-juice asks.
rotten-vivs · 2 months
youve gotta do etho slab
character ship tierlist game
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this guy could have so many bitches if he wanted
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Starting a funny numbers bingo sheet ✍
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
We've seen a lot of sibling behavior but what about Bruce's only child behavior
He celebrates his half birthday
None of the kids have had celery since moving in because Bruce hates it
He never learned how to share and when Harley asked to borrow his microwave in med school he started hiding it out of view
He plays table tennis against the wall and the wall always wins
He was voted Most Socially Unaware in the yearbook
In kindergarten, he tried to introduce himself to a new student by biting them like a T-Rex
He didn't know that video games could be multiplayer until Dick moved in and thought the second controller was for in case the first one stopped working
Besides the whole empathy thing, Bruce adopted kids so he can blame the broken vase on someone else for once
He thinks having siblings is the same as office coworkers or Justice League teammates
So the first time he saw his kids wrestling over Oreos he freaked out and called an emergency session with Dinah
Then he lectured Cass for taking Duke's jacket
And told Tim off for hiding the remote from everyone
He always thought inheritance was doled out to family members automatically until he saw Dick, Jason, and Damian fighting over who gets his wristwatch collection and realized he should probably call his lawyer to sort it out
Sometimes when he does laundry he forgets to ask the others if they need anything cleaned and only loads the washer with his own clothes
He also drinks straight from the communal orange juice
And takes unlabeled leftovers without asking
He thinks out loud because he's used to no one overhearing, so that's how the kids find out when, where, and how he planned to propose to Selina
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starryeyeesworld · 3 months
Veggies mealspø moodboard 🥦✨️
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(As per the results from the poll I made 💚 I'm not sure this turned out the way I wanted it but it's cute so here you go)
1) Just having plain uncooked veggies as snack is so nice (especially crunchy vegetables). Even if you add a simple dip it doesn't add too many c@ls!
Recipe for tztziki
You add in a bowl low fat greek yoghurt, grated cucumber, diced dill, diced garlic, a bit of olive oil and salt and you mix it (you can add mint too)
(A recipe for hummus is a bit harder but if you want it dm me and I'll try my best to explain)
2) Cucumbers or tomatoes on a rice cake with a little bit of light cream cheese 😋
3) vegetable soup
Veggie soup is actually pretty easy to make. Just cut veggies of your choice (carrots, onions, broccoli, celery, green beans). Lightly soute the veggies in a little bit of oil (its good to add them one by one starting from the one that needs to cook for longer to othe once that need less cooking). Then add some veggie broth (if possible low sodium one) and boil until ready.
4) Salad
Literally so easy but delicious and so filling. I usually just put a little bit of olive oil, salt, and lemon juice and it's soo good. Leafy greens, tomato, cucumber, and raw onion 😋 (you can add a few cubes of low fat feta cheese as well)
5) boiled or souted veggies (Brocoli, carrots) on top of rice is so nice as well, and so quick to prepare and easy to meal prep!
I hope this is somewhat helpful to at least one person~ 💚
I'm not sure how this post turned out but I tried my best~
If something in my explanation is unclear, you could always dm me or ask in the comments!!
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buckys-little-belle · 5 months
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Chapter Three - Raindrops and Goodbyes
. ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . 
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW. 
Warnings - Talks about past (bad) Caregivers, talks about fear of abandonment, some heavy negative feelings, comparing oneself to others, fluff but ends in some angst, Bub eats, food mentioned, Bub cries 
Word Count - 1751
Note - Sorry this took so long to get out! Things got hectic, and crappy, and I haven't been able to edit, or format, or really write lately! Luckily things are going well and I won't start school till the 16th so I'm hoping to get some stuff out in the next week or so! Part four will be posted tomorrow! I can't leave us on a sad note for too long! I just can't!!
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Y/n always hated wearing her yellow raincoat, the material feeling odd against her skin, and the crinkle of the fabric was never music to her ears. But on days like this, grey skies and heavy raindrops falling to the ground, she had no choice but to suit up. Her matching rain boots on, allowing her to splash in any puddle she felt needed to be played in. 
As she neared the Cafe she got excited, Bucky said they would go to the park today, and although it’s running she has hopes that he’ll let them go anyways, her umbrella overhead creating enough of a dry patch to maybe, at the least, run around in the mud without catching a nasty cold. 
“Mr!” She cheered as she walked in, something she did every time she saw him sat at his usual table, early as always. “I has something for you!” She smiled big as she unzipped the front pocket of her backpack “Here.” Her smile grew as Bucky’s mirrored hers, the small baggie with flowers printed on it full of chocolate chip cookies her pride and joy. 
“You made these?” 
“Yes!” Y/n says still standing, ready to leave for the park wherever Bucky is ready. Shifting her weight from one foot to another, growing impatient. “All on my own!” She cheered, proud of her baked goods. “Park now?” Bub asked, her smile still huge, both hands grasping the straps of her bag, now back on her back. 
“It’s raining, Bub.” Bucky frowned, causing Bub to mirror his expression. “But we’ll go next time, okay?” He asked, his hands immediately helping Y/n out of her raincoat, the buttons soon undone. 
“But you promised?” Y/n frowned, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “I wanted to go to d’park.” Y/n held back her tears, though she wished to stomp her foot and throw a small fit, she didn’t know Bucky well enough to truly let him see her little side completely. So instead she fixed her clothing after her coat had been taken off and sat in her usual seat. 
“I know I promised, Bub.” She smiled at the nickname. “But I brought us a fun game to play today.” He was quickly making her forget about the park trip altogether, now excited to see whatever game he had brought. She hoped it wasn’t UNO, she sucked at that. “Here.” He said as he placed a game on the table, the pink and blue of Candyland making Y/n let out a small squeal. 
“I love Candyland!” She grabbed the box and bounced in her seat. “Can we play now?” She asked, her eyes turning to Bucky, him already looking at her. “Please?” She added on for good measure. 
The moment he nodded his head she opened the box, pulling all the pieces out. “Why don’t you set it up, and I get us some snacks?” Bucky asked, Y/n didn’t even look up at him, but nodded her head. Too busy pulling out the different characters. 
Y/n didn’t know how long it took Bucky to get snacks, but by the time he got back to the table she had created a whole plot amongst the characters and their kingdoms. “Here, Bub.” Bucky said as he placed a plate on the table. It was more than the usual cake pop he got her, though one still sat on the plate. This time he got vegetables and dip, some goldfish, and a cup of juice. 
“Thank you, Mr.” Y/n smiled up at him, grabbing a celery stick and dipping it. “Can I be the ice cream cone?” She asked, showing him the character she had in her hand. Bucky nodded but stayed sitting. “You need’a pick a lil guy.” She pointed to the characters situated around the board. 
“Right.” He said, his expression growing serious as he looked each one over. “I’ll pick this one, he looks tough.” Y/n broke out into a fit of giggles, the marshmallow definitely not a ‘tough guy’. 
. ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . 
They got to playing the game, Y/n winning two times in a row. She wasn’t surprised, while she knew it was all down to luck, she had played the game a ton of times so clearly the Candyland gods liked her more than Bucky. “Are you cold bub?” Bucky asked her, making her realise she was shivering slightly.
She knew not bringing a sweater might be a bad idea, but she thought they were going to the park. “Um, yeah.” She nodded then shrugged her shoulders. She hoped he wouldn’t make her go back home and get one, she only had so much time in a day to spend at the cafe. “Bu’ I’m all good, can we play again?” She asked, moving their pieces back to the star. 
“Yeah we can play again, just wait a second.” Bucky stood up, she wondered where he was going, but instead of leaving to grab something or go to the bathroom he stood at the side of her booth with a black sweater in hand. “Hands up, Bub.” He said, holding the sweater out. 
“I don’ need your sweater, wha’ if yous get cold?” She asked, not sure if her being so comfortable around Bucky her little side couldn’t help but come out now was a good thing or a bad thing. While she was 100% sure Bucky was a safe guy to be around, she didn’t want to get too attached to him just in case. 
“I won’t get cold.” He answered in a softer voice. She knew he was special, that’s what everyone in the newspapers said, that he’s indestructible. But she’d hate to be the person who gave a super soldier a cold because she took his sweater. “Bub.” His voice drew her out of her worrying. He was now crouched down so they were eye level. “I won’t get cold, but you’re shivering.” He didn’t wait for her to put her arms up, instead just putting it over her head and waiting for her to put her arms through on her own.
“Tanks.” Bub murmured, looking at Bucky with a small smile. She was thankful for the sweater, now warm, but she still worried that she was too much to handle. He had given her a lot, crayons, colouring pages, so much of his time, and now his sweater. She hadn’t given him anything but cookies that she hoped tasted okay. 
“Why don’t we play again?” Bucky asked as he settled back into his seat. “I can feel it, I’m going to win this one.” He teased, she shook her head, he had no clue that the Candyland gods were on her side, and she hoped he would never know. 
. ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . ✪ . ★ .  ✪ . ★ . 
Y/n frowned as she saw Bucky pacing around outside. It had stopped raining but he said that they should wait till a sunny day to go out, because ‘everything would be slippery’. Buck’s phone had rung five hours ago, well maybe two minutes ago, but it felt like forever as she just watched him pace with an unhappy look on his face. 
She grabbed the last few goldfish and got back to her colouring, when she had won for a third time Bucky had to quit, saying his ego couldn’t handle anymore. Y/n giggled at the memory. 
The doorbell rang out and she quickly turned, though her smile turned back into a frown when she saw Bucky’s sad expression. “I’m sorry, I have to go, Bub.” He said, his sad words said in a kind tone. 
“Oh, otay.” Y/n answered, watching him pack up his things. “Will you be back tomorrow?” She asked, her crayons laid on the table instead of in her hands. 
Bucky sighed, then sat down, his hands clasped on the table. “I’m going to be gone until next wednesday.” Y/n’s back straightened up, he’d be gone for nine days. That was a lot of time to be gone, and a lot of time for him to think and change his mind about her. 
“Oh, do you, do you wan’ your sweater back?” She asked, wiggling her hands out of the sleeves before Bucky got to her. His hands covering hers, a painful smile on his face. 
“You can keep it, I’ll get it back when I come back okay?” Y/n nodded. “I’ll put my phone number in your phone, and I’ll text you if I’m going to be back later than wednesday, okay?” She nodded her head, at least he wasn’t just up and leaving, he was giving her a point of contact if needed. She handed him her phone, watching as he took forever to type out his name and number. It was a little silly to watch. “I won’t be able to text or call you while I’m away.” He admitted. “But you can text me all you want and I’ll read them when I’m back.” Bucky offered, though she knew she wouldn’t do that, she wouldn’t bother him while he was away, she knew people hated that. 
She just nodded her head, watching him as he put his coat and backpack on. “Stay safe.” She whispered as he stood in front of her, ready to leave. 
“And you be good, Bub.” Bucky whispered back, and then he was gone. She watched him get into his jeep and drive away. She knew her mind was being silly when she couldn’t help but think he wouldn’t come back, but it didn’t mean it stopped that train of thought. 
She knew deep down that he had to leave, he didn’t want to, but he had to. She knew he wasn’t like the other people who became her friends and then left and never came back, she knew that, somewhere in her mind she knew that. But she still couldn’t help it as a few tears slipped down her cheeks as she cleaned up. She couldn’t help but let out a small sad noise as she put on her coat, and she couldn’t help but sob the moment she got home and into bed. 
“He had to go save people, he was needed by the world because he's a good guy, that’s why he left.” She whispered to herself all night, but she still felt as though he had left because of something she did.
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dreamersbcll · 6 months
let love grow
(the core four friendsgiving we all deserve)
“Do you even know how to cook a turkey?”
Sam paused her search for the basting pan -she could’ve sworn she had one- to sigh and roll her eyes. Tara had been second-guessing her decisions since they decided to throw this “Friendsgiving feast” that the twins thought of.
New York was a year ago. They were far away, in a new city, with all their friends nearby. It seemed like a good idea to host a family get-together.
Up until Tara’s sudden culinary degree kicked in.
Her sister frowned. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you know how to cook.”
Snagging the basting dish, Sam pulled back, slamming the counter door shut. “Tara, go get the vegetables out.”
Tara saluted Sam, heading to the fridge. “Sure thing, Chef Ramsey.”
Meanwhile, Sam got lost in her prep haze. She had to clean the turkey, season it, and cut the vegetables. Tara would need to mash the potatoes and make the biscuits from a can. It all had to be done within the next six hours.
Humming, Sam set up the cutting board and grabbed her favorite knife. She almost didn’t notice that Tara had sidled up next to her.
She turned to face Tara, knife in one hand, a head of celery in the other. “What’s up, baby?”
Her little sister shrugged, her eyes fixated on the cutting board. “Can you show me?” she asked in the quietest, most timid voice.
Sam couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. She would do anything for that sweet little girl she knew and loved so well.
Nodding, Sam lined up the vegetables, making room for Tara to stand next to her. “Okay, first, we line 'em all up like this…”
Before the two knew it, it was already time for the rest of the group to come. First, Gale arrived, already buzzed, holding bags of chips.
“You really wanted me to cook?” she snarkily said, throwing the chips at a disgruntled Tara.
Sidney came later on, holding a couple of homemade pies. Tara’s eyes lit up with joy at the sight. She was always smitten with a good apple pie. Sam should’ve made one.
Eventually, the twins arrived thirty minutes late, both kids gripping heaping food containers and several bottles of wine. Sam grinned wide at the sight, reaching out to grasp the precarious bottle that dangled in Chad’s hand…
…Only for it to slip and spill all over Sam’s shirt.
The room went silent, the laughter dying out. Everybody froze at the sight of the wine-stained shirt, Sam’s wine-stained shirt.
Without thinking, Sam turned and bolted for the bathroom, Tara following suit.
“Stupid. So fucking stupid,” Sam hissed, dabbing at the wine splotches on her shirt.
It took everything in her not to taste the wine-stained fabric.
Fuck. Her mouth was watering, and her head was cloudy. Did wine always smell that good? Was that Chardonnay? She loved Chardonnay. Maybe just a taste. One lick. She’s done worse for a hit.
But she knows. Oh god, does she know what one dab, line, and drink could do. Down the rabbit hole into the darkness, she barely crawled out alive the last time.
That had just survived New York. She couldn’t do this to the group— especially not her little girl. It would tear them apart. Sam couldn’t survive being the reason that breaks her family.
All over a stupid bottle of spilled wine, all over her shirt.
Once an addict, always an addict.
“It’s just alcohol. Just fruit juice. For adults. It’s not a big deal. Fucking snap out of it, Sam,” she cussed.
But it wouldn’t go away.
“Stop it. Stop fucking thinking of that. Grow up. Grow fucking up!”
Shit. Tara.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m almost done here—just a spill. Be out in a minute,” Sam called, trying to suppress the anxiety rising within her.
“Let me in.”
That wasn’t a question. It was a command. Without thinking, Sam unlocked the door and let her sister in.
Tara walked in slowly, surveying the bathroom. One look at Sam, and she could tell that Tara knew. Sam’s frantic hair, her wild eyes, her shaking hands— all pointed to an alcoholic freaking out over a spilled drink.
Without saying anything, Tara held out a hand, asking for the wine-soaked rag in Sam’s hand. Sam handed it to her without thinking, afraid of the stoic look on Tara’s face.
As Tara took it, pursing her lips, Sam needed to back down. She was too much. Too raw. She had to reel it in. “It’s fine, it’s just-”
“Let me help you,” Tara said, cutting Sam off before she could continue babbling.
Sam snapped her mouth shut. “Okay.”
Tara hummed, turning on the tap to wet the rag. The two watched the faucet run, the noise of the water filling the buzzing in Sam’s head.
Her little sister started to wash the shirt, her lips in a tight line. “I understand, you know. I told them to keep it away from you. Don’t worry. I’ve got you, too,” Tara whispered.
Bowing her head, Sam conceded. Of course, her little sister knew. She always knew. How could Sam ever forget?
“Thank you, my love.”
Tara paused from wiping off Sam’s shirt, and before Sam could react, she darted forward, kissing Sam’s cheek. Before Sam could say anything, Tara was out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Sam turned back to the mirror, noticing the fresh shirt and bra left on the countertop, neatly folded. Next to it was a garbage bag, the message clear.
Trash the shirt. We can replace it. We can’t replace you.
Who was Sam to argue with her little sister?
Once Sam finally exited the bathroom, she found everybody sitting at the dinner table, anxiously awaiting her arrival. Steaming food was strewn across the tabletop, napkins folded neatly on each plate. Soft murmurs of conversation stopped once Sam got to the table, the only sound being the flickering of candles Tara had lit.
Upon seeing Sam’s new outfit, Chad winced, his mouth open comically wide. Apparent panic and remorse were reflected in his eyes, and everyone else around the table looked somber.
He stood up, his hands up in surrender. “Shit, Sam, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking-”
Sam waved him off, calming him down with a small smile. “It’s okay. Let’s just sit down and eat, yeah?”
Chad smiled gratefully, mouthing thank you. Sam just nodded and sat at the head of the table, surveying the people around her. Sidney was at her left, Mindy at her right. Across from her was Tara, looking at Sam with such soft and gentle concern that it made her heart ache.
I love you, she mouthed.
Tara smiled at her, eyes shining. I love you, too.
With her heart now full and her stomach empty, Sam clapped her hands, suddenly excited to eat. “Well, what do healthy families do at dinner?”
“Say grace?” Mindy suggested, clasping her hands together.
Chad nodded enthusiastically while Gale shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt,” the woman remarked, taking another swig of her drink.
Sam nodded. “Yeah, alright. Who wants to do it?”
The group all looked at one another, raising eyebrows and silently asking someone to step up.
“I will,” Tara said, looking at Sam pointedly.
That’s her girl. That’s her Tara.
“Okay, baby. Go ahead,” she softly said, smiling at her girl.
Tara smiled at the name, her dimples popping. Sidney held out a hand for Tara to take, the rest of the group reaching out and clasping hands together. Sam watched her little sister bow her head, everyone else following suit. Only when she saw her little sister close her eyes did Sam also bow her head.
“Well, after all we’ve been through, I’m not sure if there’s a God,” Tara began, pausing for the giggles and murmurs to die down.
“But I do believe in family. And the people around me are the best family I’ve ever known. I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for them. I love them all, and I would do nothing,”
“That being said, I want to say how thankful I am for my big sister. Sam is the strongest person I’ve ever known, and I believe in her like one would in God. She is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.”
“Uh, amen?” Chad said.
The group broke apart, giggling and sniffling. Chad reached over to dig into the roast while Mindy started handing out napkins, Sidney and Gale topping off their drinks.
While the table was alive with conversation and movement, all Sam could do was take in the girl across from her in all her glory. Her little girl was something to behold. Such a powerful and beautiful girl she was, with potential that would surely leave a mark on the world in a good way- unlike the Loomis blood that tainted Sam’s reputation.
She wonders if Tara knows how much she loves her and how she would move heaven and earth to make her smile. She would kill again for her little sister.
Instead of moving to dish up food, Tara was doing the same thing, just watching her big sister.
Tara and Sam just watched each other, thousands of words left unsaid in the air.
It didn’t matter. They had each other. That was all that needed to be said.
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colebabey888 · 4 days
15 Day Green Juice Detox | IT GIRL DIARIES ✨
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Hello my pretty pink diva's !!! 🩷
- Recently, I've been noticing a downward shift in my energy, mental state and overall health. I know the reason behind it, in all honesty, I have not been taking care of myself in the past few weeks. Previously, in order to break myself out of this negative cycle, I implemented a number of strategies in my lifestyle ( listed here ) , but the main step I will always remember, that helped my overall health, was my green juice detox. I had done it for 30 days previously but because I haven't hit rock bottom this time fortunately, 15 days should be enough to put me on track again.
- This time, I want to share my journey and ask that you pretty pink diva's join me ! Keep in mind, that this is not just a green juice detox, but a cleansing, for our body and mind, with that being said, I will be journaling all my thought processes and breaking into my sub consciousness, learning more on where specific thoughts stem from. This is a journey I'm taking, not only to cleanse my body, but my mind aswell. Throughout this 15 days, I will recording what I did and how I feel at the end of the day and I would enjoy hearing the thoughts and feelings from those who will be joining me on the journey so send me a message or hit the Q&A 🎀🩷
Ingredients I add in my green juice 🎀 🩷
- Celery, Kale, Spanich, Carrots, Green Apple, Ginger and Lemon
( you can choose the measurements on your own, everyday I put in a little more or less of specific ingredients eg, if i want my green juice a bit more sweet rather than sour, I put in more apple and less lemon, alter it to your tastebuds )
This green juice is something that I began drinking last year during my transformation and it became like my morning coffee and it could do the same for you. It provided me with so much benefits like clearing my gut and helping my acne 🎀
Happy Green Juicing Ladies 🩷🎀
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
Drabble prompt you say? I got three?
1. Eddie being so protective and doting for a pregnant Steve (fem Steve, mpreg, or omega Steve it's your pick)
2. Eddie sneaking cute notes into Steve's locker
3. Steddie with ftm Steve and cis Eddie being big brothers/father figures to mtf Max
Okay I know me and I know there is no actual way I could do the last one in 500 words or less so I may have to put a pin in that for another day. I'm putting the other two under the cut because this post will be longer with 2 ❤️
1. Eddie being so protective and doting for a pregnant Steve (fem Steve, mpreg, or omega Steve it's your pick)
"My ankles are swollen. This is the ugliest I've ever been. I'm hungry but the second I look at food, I want to puke, which was supposed to be done in the first trimester. And my hair is so frizzy even though I haven't done anything different!"
Steve was whining. He knew he was whining and he knew it was annoying, but he couldn't stop.
This was the worst pregnancy ever.
Their first two babies were great, almost picture perfect, even.
This one was going to be their last at the rate Steve was suffering.
"I know, sweetheart. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Yeah, you can cut your dick off. I no longer need it."
It would be funny if Steve wasn't completely serious.
"Anything that won't kill me, maybe?" Eddie hesitated to ask.
Steve's moods had been all over the place. It's how he first figured out he was pregnant way before the morning sickness even kicked in.
"Foot rub." Then Steve sat up. "No, actually, don't touch my feet. I want strawberries and peanut butter and celery."
Eddie stood up to head to the kitchen, hoping like hell that they actually had all of those items in the kitchen.
"Wait. Scratch the celery. I can already taste how terrible it is. Maybe some carrot juice?"
Eddie nodded.
This was how it had been for almost a month. The doctor said it's actually normal, that he'd just been the lucky the first two times, but Eddie knew Steve didn't like being like this.
He searched the kitchen quickly, startling when Steve called his name from the couch.
"Yes, my love?"
"No on the peanut butter. It sounds greasy."
"Greasy?" Eddie whispered to himself. "Okay! Coming!" He said louder.
He scrambled to get everything together quickly, but paused when he saw the picture they'd hung on the fridge of the two of them, Jamie, and Melody at the doctor's visit that told them they were having a boy.
All this was annoying, but he knew Steve felt worse, and he knew it would be worth it very soon.
2. Eddie sneaking cute notes into Steve's locker
Steve was never going to know it was him, he was so careful.
He'd been getting away with it for two years, always rushing to put the notes in his locker during classes that he knew Steve couldn't leave.
Wish you could hear the song I wrote for you. It's loud, you'd probably hate it. But I think you'd like that someone sees you. - E
It was his riskiest one yet, never having put an initial or something that could give him away like the fact that he'd written a song about him.
Steve would probably start narrowing it down pretty quickly, though he'd probably not assume it's a guy, at least.
Third period was the best time to slip notes into his locker; He had Ms. Sanderson, who was known for never letting kids leave class, even for the bathroom.
Eddie ran to his locker, shoved the note inside, and turned to see Steve standing at the end of the row.
"You know, last year, Tommy was convinced it was Nancy fucking with me," he said, arms crossed across his chest as he leaned against the lockers. "And this year, I just kind of figured it was someone who was just shy. Maybe had a crush on who I was and didn't know how to stop once I wasn't that person anymore."
Eddie remained silent.
Steve started walking closer.
"But then, a good friend suggested that I may just have an unconventional secret admirer. Someone who would be scared to come forward for other reasons."
Steve stopped right in front of Eddie.
"And now I think I get it. But you know what?"
"What?" Eddie breathed out.
"There was no reason to be worried. I'm kind of into unconventional."
Steve's lips were on Eddie's before he could process the word.
He pulled away after a couple seconds, frantically looking around the halls to make sure no one saw.
"It's okay, I checked first. You alright?" Steve's concern was a lot.
"Bathroom. I wanna kiss you for real. Not out here."
Steve blushed and tugged on his hand to get him to follow him, both of them giggling as they made their way down the hall to the bathroom.
They spent the rest of the period there, and some of the next one.
And long after they both graduated, long after they survived things they shouldn't have, their initials were still carved on the back of the stall door in a heart.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Catch and Release
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: AU where Jason doesn't die in the explosion and he and Tim end up attending the same high school months later.
Chapters: 10/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Sebastian Ives, Jack Drake, Janet Drake
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tag: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd-centric, POV Jason Todd, POV First Person, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Jason Todd is Not Robin (Anymore), Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Stalker Tim Drake, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unlikely Friends, Injury Recovery, Emotional Baggage, Rage, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating
Chapter Ten: Snow Day
I made dinner for Tim and me at the beginning of March. It was snowing out, so we skipped school that day, and Tim’s nanny bought groceries. Real food. Celery, carrots, lamb cutlets, potatoes. All the fixings for Irish stew. Tim sat in the kitchen with his laptop, offering me the occasional glance of gratitude. Tim didn’t say much that afternoon. “This isn’t a pity meal… I’m making this because it’s freezing out, and I’m going to commit fratricide if I have to eat another greasy pizza,” I half-joked. Tim grinned.
“Jason, you’ve been here for a few weeks-.” We heard the front door open.
“Tim! Tim?” Janet shouted. She sounded excited, but Tim and I were petrified. We didn’t know how his parents would react to me living in their house. Tim shut his laptop and stared at me.
I nodded. “In the kitchen, Mom!” Tim called.
“Hey, something smells good-.” Mr. Drake looked at me and then Tim.
“Jason’s making dinner, Dad,” Tim explained. Janet rushed into the room and embraced Tim. It was a while before she noticed I was there. “Mom… Hi… Jason made dinner. He’s living with us now.”
His mom’s smile faded, and she ran a hand through her hair. “Jason, is something going on at home?” Janet asked.
“My-. Bruce and I had a falling out,” I answered.
“How long have you been-? Sorry, I don’t mean to interrogate you,” Janet whispered.
“Does he know you’re here?” Mr. Drake questioned. I nodded.
“I’ve been here for a little over a month-.”
“Jason’s a great influence,” Tim commended, “He helped me raise my grades and made dinner.” Tim’s parents seemed concerned with my presence and that Bruce hadn’t asked me to come home.
They didn’t say anything else about it, though. I made everyone a bowl of stew, and Tim poured drinks. His parents had wine, and we had sparkling grape juice. We quietly ate before Janet leaned over, kissed Tim's head, and whispered something. Tim smiled. "Okay," Tim replied.
"Bruce Wayne?" Mr. Drake questioned.
I nodded. "Hey Tim, how's your part of the group project going?" Jason questioned.
"Almost done," Tim replied, "Stew's good…"
"Thanks,” I smiled.
Dinner was mostly quiet. Janet sent us upstairs afterward so she could talk to Mr. Drake. Tim could hear them arguing. “Tim, I’m sorry-.”
“It’s okay. Mom and Dad always fight like this. You just happen to be the subject of tonight’s civilized disagreement,” Tim replied.
“What are they saying?” I asked.
“It’s not like he brought home a stray puppy or kitten from the snow,” Tim mimicked his father.
“He’s having problems at home… And he’s a good influence on Tim. It’s not normal for a boy Tim’s age to spend so much time alone,” Tim replied in Janet’s voice.
“Your dad doesn’t want me here,” I mumbled.
“It doesn’t matter what Dad wants. Mom told me during dinner that you can stay as long as you want,” Tim replied, “Dad’s more worried about the legal stuff… He thinks Bruce might sue him or something for harboring a runaway.” He rolled over and bumped into me.
I playfully pushed him over, and we lay on his bedroom floor, hoping things would work out. “Come with me when I get my cast off tomorrow?” I asked. Tim nodded.
He patted me on the chest. “Hey, it’s coming around… My dad told my mom that whatever happens is on her from here on out. He’s upset, but he’ll get over it. Mom’s gonna make him come up here… Let you know you can stay here,” Tim explained, “Five… Four… Three… Two-.” Janet knocked on the door.
Tim jumped up and answered. “Mom-.”
“Your room is spotless,” Janet whispered. “Look… That’s not why I’m in here. Jason, does Mr. Wayne know you’re here?”
I nodded. “I told my-. I told Bruce I didn’t want to come home and that I was safe here with Tim,” I whispered, “He doesn’t like it, but he won’t fight you on it. As long as I’m safe and in school, he won’t bother you or Mr. Drake.” Janet pulled up a chair, sitting in front of us.
“How old are you, Jason?” Janet questioned.
“Sixteen… I’ll be seventeen in the summertime,” I answered.
“You’re sixteen… My son is fourteen… And I see how your influence on him has been nothing but positive. We’re so happy to have you here, but I still think my husband is right about one thing. We need to talk to Mr. Wayne about this,” Janet suggested, “Can you call him for me?”
“Right now?” I asked.
Janet nodded, and I pulled out my phone and reluctantly dialed his number. He answered before the first ring finished. “Jason, what’s wrong? Do you need me to come-?”
“No, I don’t need anything… I’m fine. My friend’s mother would like to speak to you about my staying here,” I explained, “You might have to speak to both his mother and father-.”
“Why can’t you come home so we can talk-?”
“Please be an adult about this, Bruce. I don’t think I should come home right now,” I replied.
“You want me to be an adult about this, but you won’t listen to anything I say. I’m the parent, Jason-.”
“And I’m tired of listening to you telling me how you’re the parent when I’m shouldering all this by myself,” I interrupted, “Now, do me a favor and talk to Janet Drake, please.”
“Fine… I’m sorry… You can hand the phone over to Mrs. Drake now,” Bruce replied.
I wanted to be kind… But I couldn’t force myself to forget. I handed the phone over to Janet. “Hello, Mr. Wayne. Can I call you Bruce?” Janet asked. “Cool… Hi, I’m Janet… The resident mom. Jason’s a wonderful kid, and it’s not a problem keeping him here. I wanna know if he can stay here until he’s ready to go home… Uh-huh… Yeah… No, I get that. I understand… No, Jason’s a sweetheart. That’s no problem.”
Tim threw a footbag at my head, and I caught it without looking. “Sick,” Tim whispered.
“You’ve gotta be a lot faster than that,” I grinned as I tossed the bag to him. I hoped Bruce would let me stay. I always wanted a brother to joke around with and laugh with, but Dick and I never had that chance. I don’t blame Dick because of how things started out.
With Tim, it was different. It felt like we’d been brothers my whole life. I almost forgot his mom was talking to Bruce. “Think we can take the stew to lunch?” Tim asked.
“Mr. Ames might let us use the microwave if I promise to check in with the counselor,” I replied. We lay on the floor next to each other, staring at the ceiling. “I kinda like the counselor.”
“Like a crush?” Tim questioned.
“No, not like that… Mr. Finney’s just-. Mr. Finney’s nice. I’ve only been there once, but I like talking to him,” I explained. Janet returned my phone.
“Bruce said okay, but only as long as you keep all your appointments and behave yourself… I don’t think that’ll be an issue. I’m leaving you alone, but don’t stay up too late. It’s a school night,” Janet warned.
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goth-oatmilk-latte · 3 months
have to prep my omads for fri - sun and idk what to do.
i already did a greens salad (kale, green onion, avocado, cucumber, celery, and green apple with lemon juice [~230cal/serv]) and then some little fruit bowls, a little coconut milk yogurt pot, and a little brothy soup.
im trying to keep it fruit & veg forward and under 500 cal.
im at a loss tho. i was thinking maybe a spaghetti squash bowl with a few tablespoons of marinara and maybe some little fruit bowls again (maybe orange slices, apple slices, and a few blueberries)
or maybe a romaine & carrot salad with a tablespoon of ginger dressing, a mushroom miso soup, and some little fruit bowls. idk.
its hard bc.....i dont want anything, actually....but im tired of my coworkers asking where my lunch is or bringing me random ass pastries or candy.
idk what soups or salads or low cal meals should i make??😭😭😭
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lokisgoodgirl · 5 months
After our conversation the other day about (ahem) anon creative writing, I wrote you a little love poem! (To the "tune" of Shakespeare's Shall I compare thee...)
Shall I compare thee to a rosy red apple? Shiny and bright, crisp and sweet (perhaps a little tart!)
Or should I compare you to a succulent orange? Tough on the outside, tender in the middle (and I bet if I bit you, I’d get sticky fingers and juice all over my face!)
Are you more like the noble celery stick? You are not ribbed, nor leafy; but you stand tall, and proud (and if I stuck your feet in food colouring, I hope your hair would turn the most beautiful colours)
Perhaps you are more like a Big Mac; a staple, a family favourite, a taste like no other and full of secret sauce (and surely your buns are just as delectable).
In any case - thy eternal Tumblr shall not fade, so long as thirsty whores can breathe,
So long lives us, and (I hope) we give life to thee!!
(PS - I also have a pandemic-inspired Ode to Toilet Paper, if you're hungry for more.)
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This is the best start to my humble Tuesday I could ask for 😍😆 I don't think I've been gratuitously compared to so many foodstuffs in such quick succession in such a complementary fashion in my puff 😂
Considering the context of this piece, I appreciate it all the more. 🤭 What a talent you are. Truly magnificent. I particularly enjoyed the imagery of dyeing my hair via my feet. If only!!! It would certainly stop the bathroom looking like a murder scene every time I do it 😂❤️
Also @superficialdomina obviously we want the toilet paper poem... 😆😆
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definegodliness · 9 months
Experimental cooking: an example
We had leftover oyster mushrooms. This is where it escalated. We had had potatoes, pasta, rice, and couscous, and, because I love to change things up, now I wanted noodles. Quinoa had been fine too, but we had leftover oyster mushrooms... so...
First I baked some sesame seeds. Then I made a spice-mix: pepper, salt, chili powder, paprika powder, five spice. Quantities to taste… some in moderation; five spice is potent. That, I added to some ground beef with an egg, and bread-crumbs till moist yet malleable.
Meanwhile the sesame seed skillet was still hot, so I tossed some vine tomatoes in and let them dry fry. I would've used the oven but I was too busy darting to and fro in the kitchen.
Experimental cooking is chaotic.
After I kneaded the ground beef into sausages, I seared them in a casserole, and when they were done all round I took them out of the pot. To rest, so they say.
Then, in those spice and meat infused juices I tossed a chopped onion, one minced clove of garlic, and shredded oyster mushrooms to soak up the flavours.
Oh! Meanwhile the Haricot Verts were cooking with two stalks of chopped celery I had lying around (celery takes too much time to cook until softened, stir frying, if you'd ask me... I cheated on that, because I was already frying garlic and mushrooms when I found out I had them).
So while that was boiling, I added two pointed peppers, chopped — or rather, sliced in all kinds of different sizes, for different textures — and added those to the mix in the (stir) frying pot.
Took the hari's and celery out after 10 minutes, while the rest had fried in the other pan, dumped the greens in a bowl to prevent them from cooking further.
Then, the magic happened with a teaspoon of Sambal Ulek, a glug of soy sauce, a big teaspoon of miso paste, and a tablespoon of Tahini. By this point I was dancing. Whistling songs. A splash of honey. And after some dashing and stir-frying, a last minute thumb-sized piece of ginger, grated.
Then, I reintroduced the beef sausages, along with the hari's and celery. Put the lid on the top and reduced the temperature to retaining / regaining heat.
I cooked the noodles with 3/4th of a beef stock cube I had lying around. 4 minutes. This was my cigarette break after darting around for the time, cooking. The kitchen was an utter mess.
Then, I threw it all together, except for the tomatoes (used as garnishing (umami bombs)).
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aesethewitch · 17 hours
Obviously, I want to ask the food ones!
🍪 Favourite baked goods?
🍯 Honey or jam?
🥧 Apple, pumpkin, or cherry pie?
🧺 What's in your picnic basket?
From this ask game!
🍪 Favourite baked goods?
Contrary to the amount of cookies and cupcakes and such that I bake, I don't really like sweets very much! I'm a fan of cinnamon muffins that go light on the sugar and gingersnaps.
🍯 Honey or jam?
🥧 Apple, pumpkin, or cherry pie?
I don't love pie, but I'll take apple over pumpkin or cherry. It's all about the crust, tbh. If the crust sucks, count me out.
🧺 What's in your picnic basket?
Egg salad sandwiches on homemade pumpernickel bread, apple slices tossed in lemon juice and cinnamon, grapes, cheeses and pepperoni and crackers, celery stuffed with olive spread (cream cheese with chopped olives and olive brine), watermelon salad, gingersnap cookies, and a big jug of lemonade.
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Sorry for the incredibly dumbass question...a virgin bloody Mary is just tomato juice, right? Like a virgin mimosa or screwdriver is just orange juice in different glasses?
"It has a few more ingredients than just tomato juice. It also has:
Lemon juice,
Pickle juice or olive juice,
Worcestershire sauce,
Hot sauce,
Celery seeds,
& Cayenne,"
"Or at least the version I make. Which makes it closer to V8 than just tomato juice. It's not a dumb question though. So please don't be hard on yourself. Asks are open for a reason..."
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deada55 · 8 months
A Night In
for kloktober day 6: comedy or tragedy
synopsis: Dethklok, the #8 economic power in the world and the most decorated all-female death metal band the world could imagine, has a night in.
fun stuff: some slight nickles, less ambiguous skwisface.
tws: lots of puke.
When Pickles sawed off the top half off of the chip bag,  she left the greasy silver ring on the countertop. 
“Hey, you know those, those uh,”
Hopefully, the res on her fingers wouldn’t have a taste, but she interrupted herself to lick barbeque chip cheetle off of them like she wished it would. She bit underneath her nub-nails to get every last sticky-salty bit.
“Those neck traction things you and Stina keep talkin’ about?”
“The what?” Natalie could barely hear over her own chewing, arms full of freshly-washed celery. Munchies and being on a fitness kick didn’t mix, but it was working out pretty well. Her teeth were like a whale’s, like a striped cornfield of celery strings trapping themselves in her teeth. 
“The neck traction sling. Around your head? With the… the door?- Hey, wanna take a shot with me?” Pickles poured two shots of Everclear without waiting for an answer, leaving cloudy streaks on the outside of the bottle. Natalie was always good for it, and Pickles poured without expecting an answer.
“Neck traction thing?” She sucked celery juice back into her mouth through her teeth. Real cute, Nat.
“Yeah. What if we got two of ‘em and you used ‘em like a bra?”
“Pickles, that’s fucking brutal. That’s fucking great.”
“Yeah! Like for an album cover?”
“Yeah- Oh my god, I love celery-”
Natalie’s eyes were agate pink and she was put away celery like she worked at Walmart. “Even if it makes my tongue numb.”
“Dude, your what?”
“My tongue hurts when I eat it but it’s so good. Allergy or something.”
Pickles shook her head. Natalie wasn’t the type of person you oughta talk your feelings to, even if they were good. She took things a little far, she was selfish, she was haughty, and Pickles loved being her friend. Even without saying it, Pickles liked to believe Natalie thought the same way. She couldn’t ask, but she could watch them scarf celery in the same sweaty clothes she’d worn at the bar, with stringy hair and mascara raccoon-eyes. 
“Here.” She put the glass into Natalie’s hand. “Ready? Three, two, one-” Dink it and sink it, without even a choke. 
“Aw, shit, we shoulda tried the arm thing. Where you… you link arms?”
In the other room, Murderface shouted above the sound of The Bachelorette, “Jesus fucking Christ! Trana!” Like it was a recording, there was a response in perfect time, hysterical, mucus-y and loaded with “more” yet to come:
“Stops yellings at m-me!” 
“Trana, Trana… sits up, come ons, sits up,” The lilt in Stina’s voice was martini-high and impatient but way better than Wilma’s furious monologue of grievances to no one in particular, describing how Trana was fine one minute and covered in puke the next. Trana leaned over and deposited some more on the floor in front of her. It wasn’t uncommon. The running theory was that Trana just couldn’t hold on to that much liquid at once. Compared to the rest of the band, Trana had a tendency to be messy, but her tolerance was fine compared to any other girl her size.
Pickles and Natalie did some eyebrow lifting until Natalie cracked up. Natalie closed the distance and got all up in Pickles business, speaking low through giggles: “Hey, Pickles. Pickles. What if we go watch The Little Mermaid in your room?”
Natalie swallowed the lingering plant mass in her numb mouth and dropped her shoulders when Trana started to cry and Murderface started telling her to “clean this bullshit up!” 
“Shit, we gotta check on her, don’t we?” She’d already stepped towards the sound.
In the living room, Stina was trying to tie up what dry hair Trana had while she was trying to move forward and slump to the floor. “Shh, Trana, stays right here where you are, don’ts move, stops-” 
Through sobs and belches, Trana started to mumble, “Ok, I cleans it up, I can dos it, I need…” still spitting up mouthfuls. 
Natalie grabbed her from behind by the armpits to scoot her back onto the couch. Luckily, Trana didn’t fight this time. Pickles put a stray trash can in Trana’s hands and rested a hand on her wet forearm, which was a horrible mistake, but taking her hand away wouldn’t make it smell less like Trana-puke. It didn’t scare her: when Natalie moved Trana back, Stina moved back to sit fully on the couch, providing space for Pickles to perch on the coffee table right in front of Trana with her boots sitting in the puddle of pink, wet flakes.
“Hey, don’t worry about it dude, relax... Wilma’s full of shit.”
“I’m what?! Are you seriousch?”
Pickles whipped her head to the side to talk to Wilma directly. “Yeah, I sure am fuckin serious! Dooya really think she can do that right now? Jesus Chriest!” 
“Look at this schit!”
“Dood, we pay people to clean it up!”
“Oh, yeah… Wait, not until the morning!”
“And?! Get a fuckin’ towel to cover it like we always do and keep your fuckin’ shoes on!”
“Stops,” said the metal trash can sitting on Trana’s knees. Pickles turned her attention back for a moment to shush her, putting one hand on the trash can to keep it from spilling on her if Trana suddenly stopped holding herself up. Wilma sucked her teeth.
“Sure, sure, I’ll keep my damn shoesthchs on when you shtop talking about my ‘crusty cliffhangersh’-”
“AYE. DOHN’T. DOO. THAT! Get it right! Fuck! Fucking listen to who talks to you, are you deaf?-”
 Stina uncrossed her legs and let her hand fall from Trana’s shoulder to her the small of her back, and looked over her shoulder at Wilma, interrupting Pickles.“Look, Murderface, I’m stop talking about yous fucking toes when theys am look normal-”
Trana moaned and heaved up a short splatter. “Aw, sees what they dos to Trana, look at hers!” Stina started to rub her back again until Trana leaned towards her… 
Natalie came back into the room like the smell of toast at the start of an aneurysm, and there was an awkward silence save for Trana sighing and coughing until Natalie cleared her throat.
“ ‘Sup?”
She froze up looking at the coffee table with eyes so thickly glazed they may as well have been strawberry-flavored donettes.
“Whats, Natalies?” 
“What’s whats? Which whats?”
“I said whats Natalie! You am not makings any sense, ‘ ‘sup, fuckings’...”
“Hey…” Trana interrupted, taking her head out of the trash can. The wet front sections of her hair were stuck to the inside of its metal walls, and she grew fidgety. “I’m… I think I wansts go to bed, please.”
Pickles reached forward towards Trana. “Ahlright, Wilma, can you-”
“Oh fuck no! You can’t just dump her on me this time.”
Pickles could have smacked her, if it wouldn’t send her ice skating in sick. “Jesus fuck, Murderface! Shit! I just wanted to ask you to take the damn trayshcan, that’s all.”
“I’ll help her get inside of hers room. I need to change clothes anyway.” Stina got up and Natalie took her place beside Trana, pulling all of her brown hair back, committing herself to dirty hands. With the trash can placed gently on the ground, Natalie held Trana up with an arm around her back, which seemed to be the only dry part of her. Trana was better on her feet than Natalie expected, and they walked up the stairs together.
To avoid breathing too deeply through her nose, Natalie scratched around in her mind for some small talk. Trana reeked of chunky, pink pineapple juice and cheese. Something wet and bready squished under Natalie’s fingers as she led Trana around by her waist. “Trana, you hear me?”
“You have to stop drinking like this. At least give us a fucking warning, ok? We-”
“Natalies, I fucked up with the wines, ok? I knows what I’m doins-”
“Yeah seriouslies! Only serious, total confidensk, I’m, I’m so smart Natalies, you have nos ideas how much. You…”
“Trana, you are smart, ok?”
“Yeah, I ams! I’ve.. am so smart!”
“Pick up your feet.”
Stina didn’t want to hang around Trana’s mess and went off to her room, followed by Murderface. Higher than the motherfucking night sky, Pickles kept watching the Bachelorette from the floor in front of the coffee table. 
“Stina, is it really that bad?”
“What’s really that bads?” She always looked phenomenal, laid up in an old bra and a pair of plaid cotton pajama shorts. She changed just in case any lingering traces of Trana were stuck to her. Wilma struggled to keep her eyes up in Stina’s hair. They kept falling into the gap of Stina’s cup and thinking about how warm her breasts might be…
It made the topic at-hand more embarrassing, but she’d think about it for weeks if she didn’t bring it up. Fuck, she’d probably obsess about whatever Stina said anyway. Trana was always kissing Stina’s feet, but Wilma definitely was a victim to the appeal.
“Uh, my toes.”
Stina moved the guitar off her lap and looked off towards the corner of her throw.
“No, it amns’t horrible. You just need diffterent sandals.”
“That’s what’s ams cliffhangers. When your toes am over the fronts.”
“You’re just jealous since you rolled your ankle-”
“Ams no one jealous of fuckings… platform flip flops. Eugh.”
Wilma laid on the foot of the bed on her back, flipping through the contacts on her dethphone while Stina practiced until she noticed the sound getting less crisp and less regular… Stina’s head drifted back before her fingers stopped moving, and she fell asleep with her mouth open.
Wilma slid off the bed slowly, but not softly enough to keep Stina from snapping back to life and twitching her fingers over the strings again. “Where yous going?”
“To bed.” Wilma���s chest got as tight as a shrunk grow-a-dino sponge with a sudden awareness of the size and shape of her shadow across Stina’s bedroom floor.
“-If you wants to. You can stays here, too.”
Wilma laid down where Stina patted the bed, closer than she expected. She slept alongside her, fluttering with validation and buzzing with fantasy.
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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My Personal Goal Progress and Steps to Achieving Them: Part 2, Fat Loss
Hello there. For today’s article, I decided to talk about what my personal goals are and how I plan to go about reaching them.
I’ve realised that I’ve made a lot of content on creating goals, but I haven’t shown how it works for me with real life examples. Maybe showing this little insight in my life will help you manage your own goals better.
My Goals for 2022-end
* Read 6 books
* Lose 5 inches off my lower waist
* Get rid of acne scars
* 20 Medium articles by the end of the year
* Go back to playing tennis
* Be able to read the language I’m studying fluently
Losing 5 Inches of my Lower Waist
I have a skinny-fat body where the rest of me is lean except for this weird fat ring I have around my belly (I call it my Saturn ring LOL). I know it’s fat and not a medical issue because I’ve gotten it checked out. My gynaecologist had asked me to lose 5 kg for my health.
Here’s what I’m doing to reduce the waist line:
* 2L water everyday
* 10K steps everyday or a yoga workout on days when it’s too hot to be outside
* Eating mainly protein and low carb
* Calorie deficit (1800 calories - this is NOT for long term, only for two weeks and it’s adequate for my height)
* Green juice once a day (spinach, peach, celery, blueberries)
* No alcohol or processed foods or unnatural sugar
* Only one slice of bread in a day
* Lots of vegetables - sweet potatoes, carrots, beans, aubergine, zucchini, peppers, broccoli - often as a stir fry with some sort of protein - boiled eggs, tofu
* Dessert, if I’m craving, are grapes or yogurt
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