Hyperfixating not in a quirky way, but in more of an “I’m hyperfixated on old man yaoi and even thinking about them makes me wanna slam my head into a wall” way
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eli-life-updates · 2 days
rocking forward and backward in the fetal position because I will never find half as much dopamine in real life as I do from my eldritch horror podcasts.
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can adhd ruin your memory?. so basically I have a really bad memory, i can remember last year at all, I know it happenned but I cant remember it, I can only recally one location from 2021, and I cant remember anything before that except one location. I know what happenned, but I cant recall anything other than a picture in my brain sometimes. I know who i am, but it feels like my whole life before today is just information, that happened because I know it happened, but icant recall it happening. is this normal, its been like this my whole life. another example is faces, I can remember details of the face (brown hair, tan skin, etc) but I cant remember the face visually. is this normal?
Hi there,
ADHD can affect short term and long term memory. Here’s an info graph and article from Neurodivergent Insights:
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Here are some other articles that might help:
I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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fencecollapsed · 20 hours
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ADHD Steph + her hair
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goblingrotto · 3 days
Mental Health words you need to stop using wrong or at all
• Narcissist- describes someone with NPD or Narcissistic traits. Your asshole ex was probably not a narcissist and diagnosing others when you don’t treat them in a clinical setting, is not something you should be doing.
• Narcissistic abuse- this doesn’t exist. Your abuse was valid and we support you speaking up against your abuser but you don’t need to demonize an entire disorder to do that. We are trauma survivors too.
• Antisocial- describes someone with ASPD or antisocial traits. You being introverted or a homebody is not the same as having a lack of prosocial emotions and disregard for social customs.
• OCD- I see this one everywhere. You are not “so OCD” for wanting things to be organized. OCD is a disorder that consists of obsessions and compulsions. It also has intrusive thoughts (talked about next). You can have OCD and be unorganized or messy. Organizing can also be a compulsion but it’s not simply that. Compulsions are something you feel like you HAVE to do or something bad will happen. It is not mild discomfort. It is deeply upsetting and dictates your every thought without proper treatment.
•intrusive thoughts- everyone seems to be mixing up intrusive and impulsive thoughts. Impulsive thoughts are something that you suddenly get the urge to do, typically without regard for the consequences. This is something that you WANT to do. This can be something like dying your hair in the middle of the night, getting a tattoo you might regret later, etc. Intrusive thoughts are not at all that. Intrusive thoughts are things that go completely against your moral code. They are a part of OCD. They are horrifying thoughts to have. Intrusive thoughts can be things like thoughts of hurting those closest to you, thoughts of hurting children, or graphic images that won’t go away. Giving in to impulsive thoughts is usually irresponsible. Giving in to intrusive thoughts could be catastrophic. No one is giving in to intrusive thoughts. The whole point is that they are things you would NEVER DO.
• ADD- this is mostly targeted at my mother. Attention Deficit Disorder no longer exists. ADD is now under the umbrella disorder of ADHD. There are three subtypes of ADHD: inattentive, classic, and combined. Predominantly Inattentive ADHD is when a person presents with the inability to focus, stay on track, and remember things like a neurotypical but doesn’t really present with hyperactivity. Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive is basically the other end of the spectrum. Someone may present with hyperactivity and impulsivity but not so much inattentiveness. Predominantly combined is when a person presents with all of those symptoms.
Feel free to add things I missed in reblogs!
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salembehindbars · 2 days
I kinda want to be someone else right now.
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coldgoldlazarus · 10 hours
I just wish I could split myself into ten of me to do more shit in parallel but in practice it would probably amount to ten of me laying around with executive dysfunction same as my singular self.
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yellow-dress-basil · 12 hours
Hey can someone with POTS explain what its like?
I’ve always dealt with dizziness on standing. Its usually manageable, almost like a little vision shift, but sometimes its BAD. Like I’ve fallen into walls when I get out of bed in the morning or had my vision black out most of the way. I kinda thought that just like, happened to people? But I recently have had it brought to my attention that it maybe doesn’t?
I’ve never passed out, but I think I’ve gotten close. Like blacked out vision, weak knees, etc.
I can often feel my heart pounding against my chest and can almost always hear it or feel it somewhere in my body.
Is any of that normal person stuff? Or should I book an appointment with my doctor?
(If it helps I have a lot of thus far unexplained digestive issues, chronic fatigue, ADHD, and Autism)
Please know I’m just trying to figure out whats wring with me and not make any assumptions about POTS.
Thanks everyone!
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beardedmrbean · 21 hours
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In today's episode of ADHD:
Too tired to sleep.
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scretladyspider · 22 hours
how did I forget to ask here for help???? anyway —
Please god don’t scroll.
There’s $1,780 needed for me to stay housed and 9 and a half days to get there. Funds are needed by September 30th at the latest.
To say I’m overwhelmed would be an understatement.
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There’s been very little progress.. $10 today. I’m disabled and my body can’t do homelessness again. My health is barely starting to edge towards functional. The stress of losing everything… I’ll lose any of that. I don’t know, genuinely, if that’s something that will completely shut my body down. My body just does that now during intense stress after so much of it, it’s this involuntary stress response.
If I lose housing… I lose so much progress on health, I lose my home… I lose everything.
Please. I need to stay housed. please, help me stay housed. Anything helps. please reblog.
CashApp - $secretladyspider
venmo - secretladyspider
PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/ellerosecunningham Or [email protected]
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newwavesylviaplath · 2 days
number one most heartbreaking part of having crippling adhd. u guys i hate to admit when the hyperfixations over. i still haven't officially changed it.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 22 hours
Life Moments with ADHD
Me: rest, take a break, relax, and don't do any sewing. My ADHD: Muahahahahahaha! You are BORED and will not sit still until you are DOING something. You need something NEW. You need something FRESH. MAKE THE THING!
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jewpolls · 23 hours
Poll idea
are you neurodivergent?
Options :
Jewish and yes, autism or adhd, official diagnosis
Jewish and yes, autism or adhd self diagnosed
Jewish and yes, another kind of neurodivergence official diagnosis
Jewish and yes, another kind of neurodivergence self diagnosed
Jewish, Unsure
Jewish, No
Not Jewish and yes, autism or adhd, official diagnosis
Not Jewish and yes, autism or adhd self diagnosed
Not Jewish and yes, another kind of neurodivergence official diagnosis
Not Jewish and yes, another kind of neurodivergence self diagnosed
Not Jewish, unsure
Not Jewish, No
See results if there's room for it
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Yesterday, I messaged one of my friend in my year to say that I probably have ADHD and I just wanted them to know, and I mentioned that I texted them in my RSP lesson today. I know for a fact thatshe saw my message, though she actually has not responded and said in the lesson that she had something she wanted to say in response, but that they had kind of forgotten. I am so confused.
@this-machine-runs-on-coffee, @bluggluglfgh, @france-unofficial, @dandelionflowery and @kianf1sh, what exactly do I do now?
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letsventstuff · 2 days
I assure you. If they want to, they would. Simple, clear, and precise as that.
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