#army quotes
bloggingforu · 2 years
Indian Army Day 2023: Date, images, Facts, Quotes, History.
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If you want to know about Indian army day, then you have come to the right place, we will give you all the information about Indian army day and you will know a lot of things about Indian army day so let’s start.
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History Of Indian Army Day
Indian Army Day has been every year on the 15th day of January since 1949 , in order to honor general K.M. Cariappa for being the initial Indian chief in the Indian Arm. Prior to the time, Cariappa was the British was the commander-in-chief in the Indian Army.
General Cariappa was named the first Indian chief of staff on the 15th of January 1949 by the the Governor General at that time of India, Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari, succeeding General Sir Francis Butcher, the last British chief of staff in India.
It was a significant occasion in the development of an independent India and was a crucial move towards the transfer of authority to British rule to British into the Indian government. It also was a signal of India’s rising independence and the strength of its military.
Since the year 2000, Army Day is celebrated to commemorate the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in defense of the nation. It is also a time to celebrate the achievements achieved by Army, which is the Indian Army, and to recognize the sacrifices and contributions of soldiers currently serving.
The day is marked by parades and displays of the military across the nation. A wreath-laying ceremony is conducted to commemorate the tombs of fallen soldiers. The President and Prime Minister also wish the best to the soldiers of their Indian Army on this day.
How India Celebrates Indian Army Day?
Indian Army Day is celebrated across cities and towns across India every year on the 15th January of every year. The biggest celebrations take place in Delhi, the capital of India of New Delhi, where an elaborate parade is held in the Cariappa Parade Ground in the central city.
The parade includes an exhibition of military equipment and equipment as well as the parade of soldiers from different regiments of the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force. The President of India and the chief participant at the event will oversee the parade and award the soldiers medals, awards and decorations in recognition of their extraordinary service.
In other cities in India parades are held in the cities of each city and cantonments for military personnel with troops and military bands who participate at the event. The celebrations take place at war memorials and military graveyards across the country where wreaths are placed on the graves of fallen soldiers.
It’s also the day that many schools and colleges are staffed by military personnel who teach students about how important the military is and its contributions for the national cause. Many families with soldiers visit their homes to show their gratitude to them for their work.
Happy Indian Army Quotes
“Yeh Dil Mangey More” — Capt. Vikram Batra
2. “If a man says he’s not afraid of dying, he’s either lying or he’s a Gurkha” — Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw
3. “Some goals are so worthy its glorious even to fail” — Capt. Manoj Kumar Pandey
4. “I shall not withdraw an inch but will fight to our last man and our last round” — Major Somnath Sharma
5. “We fight to win and win with a knockout because there are no runners-up in war” -General JJ Singh
6. “Only best of the friends and worst of the enemies visit us”
7. “There will be no withdrawal without written orders and these orders shall never be issued” — Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw
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8. “Either I will come back after hoisting the Tricolour, or I will come back wrapped in it, but I will be back for sure” — Captain Vikram Batra
9. ” Some goals are so worthy, it’s glorious even to fail”– Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey
10. “No real change in history has ever been achieved by discussions” — Subhas Chandra Bose
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galaxymagitech · 4 months
Bruce: Congratulations, Jason! You’re the first of my kids to graduate college!
Dick: Yeah, first and only one for all eternity!
Bruce: *Ignoring Dick by sheer willpower* Anyway, what are you planning to do next?
Jason: I think I’m going to continue my education in English Lit.
Bruce: *nervously* Great. You’ll get a Master’s Degree, right?
Jason: …
Bruce: …right?
Jason: Actually, I’m going for a PhD.
Bruce: This is a terrible joke. You’re over the supervillainy, right, Jay?
Jason: Look, my application to GothamU’s PhD program was accepted!
Bruce: No child! Of mine! Will get! A PhD!!!
Jason: I’m hoping to be a literature professor at GothamU, if I survive long enough.
Bruce: *screams incoherently*
Dick: I think you broke him.
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deeeaahh · 4 months
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techfan450 · 8 months
Mace Windu: Some jedi have grown attachments towards the clone troopers...
Obi Wan, married to Cody: *gasp* How scandalous!
Plo Koon, on the process of legally adopting the Clone Army: Preposterous!
Anakin, who fools around with the 501st like they were all children: How could that reckless, handsome jedi do that??
Yoda: For an idiot, you all take me.
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Fox after reading his nth xenophobic death threat: Civvies are getting lazy with their death threats just bland 'You'll never find the body meat droid' is such a boring threat. A better threat would be "You'll never stop finding the body"
Thorn, equally bored: Or just say "They'll be finding parts of you for at least four months...and you'll still be alive for three of them"
Fox: Now that's a threat!
Quinlan sitting up: Do you guys need therapy
Fox: Just another day as a Corrie guard
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evellynssocbrainrot · 5 months
Kaz to the reader: Take that, you motherfucker, you thought reading my P.O.V would give away the plan? Well, sike! Cause my brain is 24/7 Inej, Inej, and Inej and nothing else. You're welcome.
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cornyforjk · 6 days
Drive me crazy | Day 1 | jjk
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SUMMARY In which you are stuck living with an arrogant rookie racer who thinks of you as an obstacle, ready to ruin your glory, but things get heated when he has a pervy smile hidden under that pretentious attitude. Emotions that are complicated. You could never fall for your enemy! He's sabotaging you.
Pairing: racer!jk × racer!oc
Genre: angst and pure filth smut
Warnings: trash language only for now.
A/note: HI I'M SCARED BUT HI ALL THE BEST HAVE FUN . First chapter out and I am already head over heels for this Jungkook. I'd say to keep your hobi water ready anytime cause the spice never ends.
"You'd be better off as a pornstar, why not start an only fans page."
The guy beside me whispered as I clenched my fist, a helmet covering his face. Well he was lucky the helmet was there to protect him, or else by now, his limbs would've fallen apart, bit by bit until he was screeching for mercy.
"Stay out of my way." My helmet was a barrier to the fiery glare I was sending his side. I heard him emit an audible but distressed sigh as his tongue clicked in disappointment.
I scanned him from head to toe, not as if I knew him, but my desire to call him a "gay stripper" grew stronger with each tap on the floor.
I close my eyes, collecting my thoughts that were scattered around an endless black hole. Echoes of heels clicking against the floor catching my attention, ear perking up I fix my posture, shoulders rolling back, clearing my parched throat.
A woman with huge circular glasses resting on the bridge of her nosewalked in. Her pencil skirt accentuated her broad hips, her blue eyes fixed on the notepad wrapped around her arm, and the silver metallic pen held her elegant hairstyle together.
She was the definition of what I call 'classy'.
I suddenly felt my shoulders slouch down when her blue icy eyes scanned me, her orbs slowly widening in astonishment. I raise my hand giving a small wave with a crooked smile.
Maybe that was a bit too crooked. Screw it! She can't see me.
"Ahh..." I suddenly squealed under her intense gaze that was scanning me over and over again, pushing the glasses that adorned her button nose back. She cleared her throat grazing over her notepad one last time.
"Lady, you know I am still here, right? Maybe you can do this goo-goo eyes after I'm checked in." The guy beside me commented, earning an eye roll which he couldn't witness. I stomp over his boots, almost throwing my whole weight on his foot.
"OUCH!" He grunts, turning my way, maybe or maybe not glaring like Donald Trump after he found out his steak was cooked medium rare and not brought alive.
"Fight me you ceramic bitch!" He shrieks, ready to throw hands. I hide behind the elegant woman for protection who just watched us bicker.
She cleared her throat again, catching me off guard. She turns my way. "Jungkook and Y/n?" She pursed her lips, narrowed cat-like eyes waiting for our nods.
"Jungkook...more like junk looks," I coughed out, wheezing at that lame pun, perhaps no one has the sense of humour of a five-year-old. The world is turning tables pretty quick.
"Ms Y/n, you aren't supposed to be here?" She waits for my reaction as I freeze on spot.
"What do you mean I am not supposed to be here?" My voice slightly rising, "I checked in myself as the new rookie in racing." I practically throw air quotes at her statement, panic wavering in my
The so-called guy 'Jungkook' choked, his broad chest heaving up and down as he laughed.
Did I say something funny?
"You are at the wrong location, I think there was an error in our system while registering you, we may have added your name to the wrong list." She ran her index finger across her crisp notepad, eyes moving back and forth like a hawk.
"No, no, no, no-no." I gasped, "do you know how long it took me to persuade my sponsor?! This is my only chance to race; if I don't enter, all of my years of preparation will be in vain."
She looked at me with sympathy. "Can't you make any changes to send me there?"
"I'm sorry...you won't be able to reach in time and we cannot let you go until the board takes a look at this major mistake and have you safely enter your designated place."
She tapped her foot on the marble floor.
Suddenly my head dropped, audibly sighing as my fingers tapped against my thighs. Just one opportunity is given...and it will all wash over like golden sand at the seashore.
"Okay, sad. Moving on, I'd like the Keys to my quarters." Jungkook arrogantly demanded, pushing his hand in front of the woman. She looked at him with no emotion, rolling her eyes, once again checking the name list.
Think Y/n! Think!
I felt my heart clench, the corner of my eyes collided with the water. My craving to have wind tangled in my locks while the engine roared at the starting line with determined racers kept increasing.
That desire in my heart burning stronger than any fuel.
"I can race here!" I exclaimed, earning a groan from the tall man beside me. The woman blinked her eyes, glasses almost falling off her snatched nose.
"Excuse me?"
"Well, I can race on this track here in California, till then your board can sort out all their work." Adrenaline rushed in my veins like hope, secretly fist-pumping the air. Finally, this could work out.
"Listen up kiddo, this is California. Here racers make history. They don't sit on the track to have some pink princess tea party, so you can take that bag of yours and move your ass out of this place because you don't belong here." His words were foul, a snarl creeping on.
He was filled with bitterness, swiftly peeling off the helmet on his face. His action left me speechless.
His ethereal beauty was hidden behind the helmet; his soft, glowing skin was the centre of attention; his doe-like eyes were pools of overflowing emotions; his soft lips, the bottom one a little fuller, a mole on his cheek and one under his lip.
I would've stumbled on my face gazingat such charm if only he wasn't being a jerk.
"It's because women aren't usually seen racing here, in fact for the last 50 years no women had the guts to continue on this track." The woman abruptly spoke. I felt the uncertainty in her voice. She was trying to cover up for that jerk.
"but there is no rule against women racing here." I protested back.
"Yes there isn't but-" "Then I race here."
Jungkook's intense stare had my knees go weak. I could feel the sharpness and cold wrath all at once. An unspoken cold blooded war was rising between us.
"What do you think you are doing?" Jungkook exclaimed, his warm hand skimming on my shoulder, the grip crushing my meek corpse.
His jaw clenched and eyes obscuring, he glowered behind the lustrous locks covering his orbs that bled out of outrage.
Staring into his eyes my body shook violently, I harshly pushed him away, disgusted by the warmth his hands held. "Don't touch me." My eyes were bloodshot red, wrapping my hands around my torso.
"I won't be outmanoeuvred by a jerk. Especially you, Jungkook."
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Wylan: And thus, by slowly taking larger and larger amounts of these small doses, our bodies will become used to the poisons, eventually making us immune to even lethal amounts.
Jesper: I thought we were just doing drugs together.
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moonage-daydreamy · 3 months
watching taehyung de-twinkified from the military and so buff in his sdt uniform and looking so fatal did something to me. like, sir, you were literally a fruit? also makes me fear what I will witness as jeonghan goes into the military. bros an immovable object against the unstoppable force.
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
Neville: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water? Ron: Y-You were putting it in cold water? Ginny: Neville. Answer the question Neville. Neville: Yeah? I thought for like 5 years that people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process, didn’t realize there was an actual reason. You think I have the patience to boil water? Ginny: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes? Ron: Why are you, putting it in the microwave to boil it?! Ginny: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove? Ron: It 👏🏻 TAKES👏🏻 LESS THAN A 👏🏻 MINUTE Ginny: Bestie is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun?? Ron: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove? Ginny: Like seven minutes Ron: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like two minutes… less than that is you use a saucepan… Ginny: [crying] You’re putting the whole mug on the stove?? On medium heat?? Your stove is enchanted Hermione: Every single person here is a fucking lunatic. Harry: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.
Babe Ruth
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cumulo-ghoulll · 3 months
Incorrect Ghost Quotes‼️
(pt. 84)
Swiss: What’s your biggest fear?
Rain: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Mountain: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back.
Aether: Zombies.
Rain: ...
Mountain: ...
Aether: BUT they can open doors.
Swiss: Aeth, you're a big guy, you could fight them off easily!
Aether: they. can. open. doors.
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You get your ass on the beach. I'll be there waiting for you and I'll tell you what to do. There ain't anything in this plan that is going to go right.
- Colonel Paul R. Goode, in a pre-attack briefing to the 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Omaha Beach, Normandy D-Day June 1944
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geasthewritingrat · 3 months
Cirrus: youre so gay Swiss: yeah its almost as if i have sex with men
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httpsbobateablog · 3 months
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𝖩𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺𝗌 𝖧𝗈𝗐𝗅 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗐𝗅'𝗌 𝗆𝗈𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗅𝖾.
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Cody: If Quinlan is a pain in the shebs why are you in a relationship?
Fox: He is a great provider
Cody: And what does he provide you with exactly?
Fox watches a microwave blow up in Quinlan's face after he stuck a bowl of noodles with a fork in it: Amusement mostly.
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