#but wow its so nice to plan a trip its so nice to do something
cntarella · 8 months
have a trip planned for this summer and I'm so so excited and I'm anxious too about everything but wow I've been living for so long just going through the motions that days seemed to pass through me until they'd trickled down to weeks and then months since I got too sick to live on my own and now it feels like the wait is so long I really was meant to travel I wish I had the money to do it more
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
Jason is a hopeless romantic 100%
it just doesnt show
But everyone goes to him whn its time to plan dates
Dick: Hey, can I ask you something?
Jason, reading: No.
Dick: You see, Wally and I have our weekly date night coming up, but we've been to pretty much every place there is. You got any ideas for how to shake things up?
Jason: *scribbles coordinates and tosses him the Bat-plane keys*
Wally: Wow, I've never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Dick: I'm glad you like it.
Dick: *texts Jason a thumbs up*
Jason: *read at 8:55 PM*
Tim: Jason, glad you're here! I totally forgot it's me and Bernard's six-month anniversary. Help me out, man.
Jason, clipping his toenails: Fine. You better write this down 'cause I'm only saying it once.
Tim: *nods*
Jason: Go to Home Depot. You're gonna need some rope, a tarp, hammer and nails, a hatchet, matches, and fuel. After that...
Tim: *furiously takes notes*
Bernard: A camping trip was a great idea. It's nice to get away from it all. And I can't believe you set this all up yourself.
Tim, chuckling nervously: What's a boyfriend for if not to build a tent and chop down a tree?
Duke: So the school dance is coming up.
Jason, working: Theme?
Duke: Under the sea.
Jason: Ugh, how cliché. Anyway, Armand's Tailoring has a blue suit that'll match whatever your girlfriend's wearing. Tell him I sent you. After that, call Patricia's Bistro and make a reservation with the code word "surreptitious." Alfred can take you in the limo if you give him a 24-hour heads-up to clean it. Once you're there, remind the DJ he owes me a favor to get your song requests bumped up. And remember, a slow dance is basically moving your feet in a square but otherwise go with the flow.
Duke: Sweet, thanks!
Cass: Steph is sad.
Jason, cooking: *sighs*
Jason: *takes out a tub of ice cream*
Jason: *scoops a hole in the middle*
Jason: *fills it with candy*
Jason: Here.
Cass: Thanks!
*phone rings*
Jason, waking up from a nap: What?
Kory: Sorry if I woke you. Barbara's coming over for breakfast in half an hour but I burned it with my powers. It was supposed to be eggs benedict.
Jason: Order takeout and put it on fancy plates.
Kory: You're a lifesaver—
Jason: *already hung up and went back to sleep*
Kate: It's Renee's birthday tomorrow. I have a gift, but I'm not sure if it's good enough.
Jason, polishing his gun: If it's from you, it will be.
Bruce: *walks in*
Bruce: Hey, son. Selina's not talking to me after our argument. How do I tell her how much she means to me?
Jason, reciting Shakespeare: I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say, "I love you."
Bruce: You're right. I'm just gonna tell it to her straight. Thank you.
Bruce: *leaves*
Jason: *takes off his headphones and turns around*
Jason: Did someone say something?
Damian: Todd, what is love supposed to feel like?
Jason: Why do you want to know?
Damian: None of your concern. Now tell me.
Jason: *shoots a training dummy*
Jason: It's when they're lodged in your head like a bullet. Except without the excruciating pain and messy red stuff.
Damian, nodding: Tell me more.
Roy: *takes down a villain*
Jason, sitting on a roof: *wolf whistles*
Roy: The hell?
Jason: I know hot when I see it.
Roy: What are you doing here?
Jason: I brought Arrowdogs.
Roy: You hate Arrowdogs.
Jason: But you don't.
Roy: Aw, how sweet—EYES UP HERE, TODD!
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Best Friend Vacation
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Best friends Harry and Y/N have been the best of friends for nearly a decade. They’re such close friends they take an annual vacation together, just the two of them. This trip, however, may just be the one that changes things.
Contents: Explicit depictions of sex, fluff
6.6k words
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“Oh, my goodness. Harry! This is so nice!”
“Yeah, I think this is the nicest one yet.” Harry set the luggage just inside the door of the cabin you rented for the week. It had been a long drive, but it was still early afternoon—plenty of time to relax and enjoy the day.
You couldn’t say anymore who’s idea it was, but for the last five or six years you and Harry have taken a friends vacation together. One year, you invited some mutual friends, and it wasn’t as fun or relaxing, so you stuck to just the two of you. Things were so much better this way.
After nearly nine years of friendship, you two were super close. You two hung out most weekends and recently had spent many weeks planning this trip to a forested mountainous town close enough to the coast that you could smell the salty ocean air.
“Which room do you want, Harry?”
“I wake up earlier than you, so I want the one with the view. I want my morning tea with a view.”
“I can enjoy the same view when I wake at noon.”
“I’m calling it, Y/N,” he smiled at you and picked up your bags, setting them into the other room – the one without a view, apparently. “Look! Yours has an en suite with a big bathtub.”
You walked further into the room and saw there was a large claw foot tub. “Wow, I don’t remember this on the listing.”
“Me either. Maybe its new and they just haven’t updated the listing yet?”
He turned around to face you, but you only shrugged.
“Let’s put the groceries away, and we’ll figure out what to see first. Maybe we just hang out here and jump in the jacuzzi?”
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“Are you hungry?” Harry asked as you entered the house. You’d spent the afternoon in the jacuzzi with a bottle of Moscato. When the bottle was empty you and Harry decided it was time to go inside.
“Getting there.”
“Let’s get cleaned up then I’ll make dinner?”
“Sounds good.”
When you got out of the shower you heard the sound of chopping coming from the kitchen.
“Hey.” Harry greeted you while chopping heirloom tomatoes. “I thought we could have something light. We have burrata and pesto so I’m making a nice tomato salad. I’ve got some garlic bread in the oven.
“That sounds lovely. What can I do?” You took the towel from your hair and draped it over a chair at the kitchen counter.
“Nothing. Go pick a movie.” He smiled as he mixed the tomatoes in with the pesto then seasoned it with salt and pepper.
“What do you feel like watching?” You walked to the living room and turned on the giant television.
“Whatever. What about that movie you were telling me about on the drive up?”
Harry put the burrata in the center of a serving plate and the tomatoes around it. Harry always had a knack when it came to making food look as good as it tasted. On another plate he piled the garlic bread then took it out to the living room where you sat on the couch, remote control in hand.
“Can you grab us some drinks?” Harry asked as the plates on the coffee table. He looked up and saw that you had on a very tiny pair of pajama shorts.
“Of course. Beer okay?”
“Y/N, didn’t you pack any pants? You’re not even wearing socks!”
“I was hot after my shower!”
“Yeah, but as soon as you sit down, you’re gonna get cold. And what are you gonna do? You’re going to tuck your cold ass feet under me!”
“But you’re always so warm!”
“Y/N...get socks at least.” Harry was behind you in the kitchen now grabbing two small plates and utensils.
“Yes, dad.” You smirked, knowing you were annoying him.
“Fine, don’t listen. But you can’t tuck your cold feet under me and I’m not letting you warm up your fingers on me either.”
“Just grab me a blanket if you’re so worried, damn.”
Harry smacked your ass then called you a brat under his breath.
“Bastard! I almost dropped the bottles!” Harry only turned around and winked at you in response.
Harry sat on the couch. When you sat down, he handed you a plate then served you.
“This was a good idea, Har. Something nice and light after all that crap we ate for lunch.”
“Actually, I wanted something lighter because I want ice cream with all the toppings later.”
You rolled your eyes and pressed play on the movie.
The two of you ate in a comfortable silence.
“Pause it for me please? I’m going to put the leftovers away.”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks. And get some socks! It still gets chilly at night.” He smacked your ass again as you got up from the couch.
“Are you going to bitch at me every night? We are never taking a vacation in the Spring again. Summer only.”
“Then I’ll just bitch at you about staying hydrated in the heat.” He smiled up at you as he laid down on the couch.
“You’re insufferable.”
“I’m your best friend. You know you love me! Hurry up, the plot was just getting good.”
You put the leftovers away then went to your room to grab socks out of your luggage. When you returned to the living room you sat down by Harry’s head and made a big show of putting on your socks.
Harry smiled and gave your thigh a light squeeze. “Thank you.”
The movie was pretty good, not what you had expected, but it was enjoyable. When it was over you stood up and stretched, looking down at Harry.
“I think I’m going to bed. You want me to get you some ice cream before I go?”
“Nah, I don’t really feel like it anymore. I think I’ll go read my book. Thanks.” Harry stretched before standing up, too.
“Alright. Good night, Har.”
“Night. Sleep well.” He kissed you on the top of your head and squeezed your shoulder before walking to his room.
When you reached your room, you took your time washing up then climbed in bed. You scrolled your phone for a bit, but you couldn’t quite relax. Thankfully, you brought your toy with you.
You got out of bed and looked for it in your luggage. Quickly, you realized it wasn’t in that particular bag, so you searched your other bag, but had no luck. In frustration you flipped on the bedside light and dumped both bags onto the bed.
A few minutes later you were folding your clothes and putting them back in your luggage, defeated. A knock on your door startled you.
“Come in.”
“Everything okay? I got up and saw your light was on.” Harry was dressed in sleeping pants with a matching unbuttoned shirt. He had obviously just thrown it on just to leave his bedroom.
“I forgot my vibrator,” you sighed.
Harry chuckled. “Oh, no. A sexually frustrated Y/N is no fun at all.”
You rolled your eyes. “Go to bed, Harry.”
He sat down on the bed, watching you put your things back into your bag. “Oh, come on. Don’t get all bent out of shape. You still have hands.”
You stopped what you were doing just to smack Harry in the arm. “You think if that worked for me, I’d be upset right now?”
“What? So it won’t feel as nice. It’ll still take the edge off.”
You put your bags away and flopped on the bed next to Harry. “No, like, I can’t get there at all without help. Trying just makes me more frustrated.”
After a moment of silence, you reached over to turn off the lamp on the bedside table. “You staying or going? I’m just going to go to sleep.” You didn’t wait for an answer before you settled under the covers again and prepared to sleep.
“Would you like my help?”
With a hearty laugh you swiped your hand down Harry’s face. “Close your eyes and go to sleep Harry.”
“No, I’m serious. Thinking about your toy got me all worked up, too.” You didn’t respond so he continued. “My hand isn’t as fun either. Why don’t we help each other out?”
Is he for real?
“Harry, did the heat from the jacuzzi get to your head?” You chuckled and reached out for his hand and closed your eyes again.
“No, but all my blood is rushing south. Maybe that’s it.”
You opened your eyes again and looked down at his pants. The room was dark, but you could still see he wasn’t lying. He was sporting a bit of a hard on and you let out a breathy laugh. “You’re ridiculous sometimes, you know that?”
“Mmm. Night, Y/N.”
Harry said good night but made no move to go back to his bed. You two had slept together on who knows how many occasions. It was never a big deal, but tonight felt different. You had never fallen asleep next to him while he had a hard on. Or at least not that you knew of.
The two of you laid together quietly before you spoke up. “Okay. Let’s help each other out. I’m not gonna sleep in this state. You can’t be too comfortable either.”
“Oh, come on. You make the suggestion then get shy on me? Besides, we’ve seen each other naked before.”
“You’ve seen me because you never knock anymore, but I don’t recall ever seeing you,” he said with a laugh.
“Wow, Harry. Thanks. Good to know it was memorable.”
“I’m serious! I don’t remember. When?”
You turned your body to face him, and he did the same.
“You’ve seen my breasts I don’t know how many times!”
“Breasts don’t count! You’ve seen mine too.” Harry laughed again.
“We really lack boundaries, don’t we?” You giggled.
“Nah, I think we’re just comfortable with each other.”
“Maybe,” you laughed, “but breasts count.”
“Breasts do not count,” Harry countered.
“Okay, well, this is your chance to see the rest of me. Are up for it?”
Harry sat in silence for a moment. “I’m game. My situation hasn’t gone away yet.”
You laughed, “I can’t believe we’re gonna do this. We’re so stupid.”
“We’ve been stupider,” Harry answers, causing both of you to laugh harder.
Harry cleared his throat in an attempt to stop his laughter. “So, we’re serious about this?”
“Yeah, why not. We’ve been stupider right?” You smiled at your best friend.
“Like that time we got lost in Rome after letting our cell phones die?” Harry sat up and put his hand on your knee.
“God, that was so dumb. I still don’t know how we managed to find our way back to the hotel.”
The two of you broke out into a fit of laughter again.
“So. Any hard boundaries? Things that you like?”
“Harry, I’m not discussing my kinks with you. We’re just going to scratch this itch and go to bed.”
“Okay, okay. You afraid I’ll judge you if I find out you like your hair pulled?”
You were a little surprised. “How did you know that?”
Harry shrugged. “Lucky guess.”
“Ugh, you know me too well.” You got comfortable on the bed and Harry moved to stand on his knees between your legs. He rested his hands on your knees.
“That I do, but I still don’t know where you draw the line.”
“Uhhh. I like dirty talk, but nothing degrading. Nothing rough. I don’t like pain.”
“I could have guessed that,” Harry chuckled.
“What about you? Any no-goes?”
“No, I’ve always really enjoyed wherever the act takes me,” he laughed.
“You’re such a man,” you joked.
Harry shrugged out of his unbuttoned shirt. “Do you…want me to play with you?”
“That feels a bit too intimate, don’t you think?”
“More intimate than sex? Not really. And unless you want to start this with no warmup all dr—”
“Okay. Uh, you could…you could touch me?”
“Sure.” He kissed your forehead and moved from between your legs to lay down beside you. He looked in your eyes as he rested his head on your pillow. He rubbed your stomach, just below your navel. When he moved his hand in gentle circles, his fingers grazing the waistband of your shorts.
“Wanna take these off?” His voice was soft and quiet.
“Yeah.” You looked down at your waist where Harry’s hands still laid. You lifted your hips to take off your shorts and underwear.
Harry groaned and looked back up at your face. “Can I go lower?”
You nodded, not saying a word. He slid his hands lower, barely grazing over your clit on his way to run his fingers between your folds. Your mouth fell open with a sharp intake of breath. His face mirrored yours, clearly drunk on your pleasure.
He played with you for a bit as both of you watched his fingers dip low to gather your arousal and bring it to your clit. He felt amazing. You closed your eyes and focused on your growing pleasure.
“Yes?” You opened your eyes and focused on his face. You could see his arm flexing out of the corner of your eye and it was driving you mad.
“It’s getting painful.” He chuckled uncomfortably.
“Fuck! Sorry!” You got up on your knees, forcing Harry to pull his hand away. “Lie back.”
Harry laid on his back and tucked an arm under his head, watching you.
“Can I take these off?” You kneeled between his legs with both hands on his pants.
“’Course.” He lifted his hips to help you take off his pajama pants. You tugged his pants all the way off of his legs. When you looked back up at him, he had his fingers pressed to his face. “You smell really good.”
You shuddered. It was always such a turn on when a partner enjoyed the smell of you. Without taking his eyes away from you he licked his fingers.
You let out a moan. “Really?”
“It’s a huge turn on for me.” Harry had a broad grin on his face.
“Me too. Never thought we’d know that about each other.”
Harry laughed, prompting you to laugh, too. When you felt a throbbing in your core you decided to get serious.
“Spit.” You held your hand out to his mouth. Harry furrowed his brows. “I mean, unless you like it dry.”
Without taking his eyes away from yours he sat up and spit in your hand. Jesus, that was hot. You brought your hand to the tip off his penis and began to rub him. Your other hand went between your legs to rub yourself. Harry’s eyes fluttered closed and his head fell back on the pillow. When he began to feel dry again you switched hands, bringing the hand covered in your arousal up to his dick.
Harry groaned loudly. “That is the hottest thing anyone’s ever done for me in bed.”
You smiled and hung your head. The feel of Harry’s dick in your hands was such a turn on and you could feel yourself getting closer to your release. You loved it when your partner moaned in bed, it was probably the sexiest thing a man could do in bed. Every sound that fell from Harry’s lips spurred you on.
“Ah—sh—it’s getting dry again.” Harry sat up on his elbows.
You nodded without a word and switched hands again, covering him in more of yourself.
“Y/N, are you still taking the pill?”
Both of your hands stopped moving. “Huh?”
“You’re still on the pill, right?”
“Yes. Yeah.” Your brain was too fuzzy with pleasure to figure out why he was asking.
“So, let’s like, actually do it.”
“Do you want to?” Your heart was still pounding in your chest. You could have come just like this, but you couldn’t turn down intertwining your bodies, feeling full.
“I think that’s pretty obviously a yes. You can feel how hard I am right now.”
You laughed and took your shirt off, just remembering it was still on when the fabric painfully rubbed against your nipples. Harry moaned at the sight of your bare breasts.
“Shit. You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you, Y/N?”
“At least you’ll remember seeing me naked now,” you laughed.
“I never forgot! I just said breasts don’t count.” He ran both hands down your sides. “You haven’t answered me yet.”
You laughed remembering all the times he had to remind you to take your pills in the past. That was so long ago now; you had gotten much better at taking them regularly and on time. “Yes.”
“So, what’s stopping us then?” Harry sat up and wrapped his arms around your waist.
Harry smiled before pressing his lips to yours. He guided you down on to your back and climbed between your legs again. His kisses trailed from your lips, down your neck, then to your chest. You relished the feeling of his lips on you and running your fingers through his hair. Damn, was he good in bed.
“I wanna try something.” Harry was breathing heavily.
Harry wasted no time bringing his lips to his to your nipple causing you to cry out. He propped himself up on one arm and brought his hand between your legs. His fingers slid into you and his thumb rubbed your clit.
“Ah! Harry, that feels really good.”
“Good.” He pressed another kiss to your chest.
All too soon you felt that familiar tension building then spilling over. You had one of the best orgasms you’ve had in who knows how long.
Harry pulled his fingers from between your legs and brought them to his lips. Once he had sucked his fingers clean, he brought himself to your entrance. “You’re still okay with this?”
“Yes,” you moaned.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought his body flush against your chest. He easily slid into you, filling you up. Harry pumped his hips, pulling in and out of you slowly while moaning. His breath on your neck was heavenly.
“Y/N, what’s your favorite position? What will make you come again?”
“I don’t know. A partner has never given me two in one go,” you answered.
“Jesus, Y/N. What kind of losers do you sleep with?”
You laughed but before you could even respond Harry had pulled out of you and was flipping you on to your stomach. He pulled your hips up just a bit so he could slide back in. He placed a hand on your ass and pushed you back down flat against the bed. His hand ran from your ass to your shoulder, massaging as he kissed the nape of your neck. With one last kiss he laid his body flat over yours.
“Cross your legs at the ankle and squeeze your legs together.”
You did as you were asked and thought you were going to come again. Your core was so tight he could barely move himself inside you. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, he slipped a hand between you and the bed to rub your clit. He continued to press soft kisses to your back as he slowly thrust in and out of you. You could feel how wet you were.
“Y/N, I’m close.”
“Harry, yes. Just use me.”
“No—ah, I need to see my girl’s face when I come. It’s kind of my thing.”
“Lie down,” you commanded.
Harry traded places with you then you grabbed his dick again and lined it up with your center. You sank down on him slowly, enjoying the sight of him coming unraveled.
He held on to your thighs until you placed both your hands over his and brought them to your breasts. “Keep touching me.”
Something about watching your chest rise and fall while you rocked your hips had Harry needing more. He grabbed you by the small of your back and pulled you close to him. He sat up and leveraged the headboard to thrust up into you, his hands back on your hips.
Eventually he felt the need to hold you even closer. He wrapped his arms around your torso and buried his face in your neck. When that wasn’t enough, he placed one hand on your ass helping you to grind into him. He brought his other hand up your spine and grasped the back of your neck.
“Y/N, quick—do I need to pull out?”
He sounded out of breath, and all wound up.
“No, Harry, just come.”
With that something in him snapped. He grabbed your head in both his hands, roughly dragging his thumbs over your lips. “Y/N, look at me.”
You grabbed his face too and held his stare as you felt his warm release spill inside you. He continued thrusting until he was spent, never letting go of your face. When he stilled, he rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes.
He was the first to break the silence. “Well, that was quite something, huh?”
You laughed. “Jesus, Harry. You should just wife me right now because I don’t know how anything would ever feel that good ever again. You’ve ruined men for me so you should take some responsibility.”
Harry laughed that gorgeous full-chested laugh of his then tapped your thigh, indicating he wanted you to get off his lap. “Ah, careful, Y/N.” He was so sensitive over his penis sliding out of you. “I’ll be right back.”
You nodded and laid down on the bed. You told yourself that in a second you would get up and clean yourself, but for right now, you just needed a minute to catch your breath.
Harry got out of bed and slipped his pants back on. His first stop was to the hall closet for a hand towel. Next, he went to the kitchen and filled two glasses with ice and grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey from the freezer. He turned on the tap in the kitchen sink and waited for the water to warm up. While he waited, he grabbed a bar of dark chocolate, knowing you couldn’t handle straight alcohol without something sweet.
Harry grabbed a serving tray off the counter and loaded everything on it before checking the water temperature. It was warm enough to sting his hand – just the right temperature for you. He soaked the towel thoroughly then wringed it out, trying not to burn himself on the hot water. How you enjoyed water that hot was beyond him.
When he got back to the room you were still in bed.
“Here, take this.” Harry set the tray on the bed and handed you a glass of ice. He filled it with chilled whiskey.
“Thank you, Harry. That’s so thoughtful.” You took a sip and grimaced even though you enjoyed the flavor.
“But wait! That’s not even the best part yet!”
Harry pulled the warm damp cloth from the tray and grabbed you by the back of your leg, just under your knee. It was one of your sensitive spots and was almost enough to make you want round two. He began wiping your thighs and cleaning you up.
“Wow. Aftercare? I’m impressed, Har. You this nice to all your partners?”
“A few,” he smiled up at you when you brought your glass to his lips and tilted it to give him a drink. You watched his throat as he swallowed. “Usually, I wear a condom so there isn’t this big of a mess.”
“Just a few? Aren’t I lucky, then?”
“You got that right,” he winked. “Only the best from my best friend. Look!” Harry reached behind him then held up the bar of dark chocolate. “I even remembered that you can’t drink it straight without something sweet.”
You giggled. “Wow. VIP treatment tonight.”
Harry finished cleaning you up the chucked the towel into a hamper near the bathroom door. You sat up and poured him a glass which he gladly accepted then laid down. You broke off a piece of chocolate and held it out to him. He grabbed it with his mouth and thanked you.
“What are we doing tomorrow?” Harry asked even though his mouth was still full of chocolate.
You sat up and faced him. “Depends. Do you wanna stick close and go into town or do you want to take a little drive to the coast?”
“Mmmm. That’s a tough one. Why don’t we play it by ear?”
You playfully nudged him. “You mean you don’t have tomorrow all planned out already? Another?”
“Yes, please.” Harry held his mouth open waiting for another piece of chocolate.
“If we stay in town, we can go to that cute little restaurant we saw on the way up.” You tapped his shoulder as if it would jog his memory.
Harry nodded his head but otherwise stayed quiet. He finished his drink then set it down on the tray at the end of the bed.
“I don’t know about you, but I think I need another shower. I worked up a good sweat and now my skin feels all tight and sticky.”
“Can I join?”
“That depends. Are you going to want the temperature scalding hot?”
“Maybe. But I know you love it when someone washes your back for you.”
“Alright, you can come with. But I want you to scrub my back really well. Few minutes at least.” Harry had a playful look in his eyes.
“Well alright then. Lead the way,” Harry followed behind you, watching as you opened the glass door to the spacious shower and turned on the water.
You stuck your hand under the water and looked at Harry. “This good?”
Harry leaned into the shower stall, a hand on the small of your back. “I guess. Unless you’re willing to turn it down just a tiny bit?”
“Not a chance.” You stepped into the shower under the stream of water. He always knew you were beautiful, but tonight was something else.
“You’re making me want another round,” Harry smiled as he slipped off his pants and stepped in the shower, closing the door behind him.
“Funny, I was thinking that earlier when you were cleaning me up.” You twirled your finger in a motion that asked him to turn around. “Pass me the body wash please.”
Harry passed the bottle and waited until he felt you press a soapy loofah to his back. You placed your other hand on his back to steady yourself as you ran the loofah over his back and sides.
“You know, that was pretty good for me, too. Maybe we can do it again. I mean, there’s no harm, right?”
“Yeah. Until one of us gets into a new relationship,” you agreed.
Harry laughed, “Why would I need someone else?”
You hit him on the back with the loofah before scrubbing him. “What do you mean? I’m not sleeping with you while you’re sleeping with someone else.”
“No, that’s not what I mean. I mean, why would I need someone else when I have you? With you I have companionship, someone there when I need them. You give me advice and now I know that we can have some of the best sex I’ve ever had together? What more do I need? We already kind of plan our futures with the other in mind. So… why involve anyone else? I have it made now.”
Both of you laughed.
 “Here. You finish up.” You handed him the loofah and grabbed the shampoo. You began to wash his hair.
“What about love? You can live without someone to romantically love?” You ran your fingers through his hair, cleaning his curly brown locks.
“I don’t know, Y/N. You keep screwing me like that I think I could get to romantic love. I already love you; I just need a couple more orgasms like that to tip me over the edge.”
You held his arms for stability as you bent forward laughing. He held you back and joined in your laughter.
“You’re terrible. Wash up.” You pushed him under the water and watched as he closed his eyes and washed the shampoo from his hair.
“’Kay, your turn.” Harry lathered his palms with shampoo and worked it into your hair by massaging your scalp. You hummed with pleasure, loving it when someone rubbed your head.
“Remember Adriana?”
You didn’t open your eyes to answer him, “Of course. You were crazy about her.”
“I was. But we agreed we weren’t the best for each other.” Harry began to clean the rest of his body. “We actually argued once because she thought we were too close.”
“Sorry, Harry. She wasn’t too far off the mark, though. I mean, look at our history. And then this evening—” You trailed off not finishing your thought.
“Can’t argue that,” Harry chuckled.
Harry placed a hand on your waist to trade places with you so you could rise off.
“I think I’m good without a girlfriend. How about you? Think you’ll get back into the dating game?”
“I don’t know.” You turned to look at Harry. “Done?”
“Yeah. I’ll grab our towels.”
You turned off the water and Harry took a step outside of the shower stall and handed you a towel.
You continued your thought as you dried yourself. “I mean, I think I’m good for now. You’re right that we already have a lot of the components that make a relationship fulfilling. I wouldn’t mind exploring a more physical relationship with you because I already know I can be open and trust you.”
Harry grinned from ear to ear. “I’m always right.”
You playfully smacked his chest and moved past him out of the shower.
“Love you, Y/N.”
You smiled at him but didn’t say it back.
“Y/N! I said I love you.”
Again, you didn’t respond, only nodding. You knew Harry could not handle it when you didn’t say it back.
“Y/N! Say it back!”
Instead, you wrapped the towel around you tighter and scurried back to bed.
“Brat! Come here and say it back to me!”
Harry followed after you and grabbed you with both arms causing you to yelp. He pinned you to the bed and tickled you.
“Say it back, Y/N. Say you love me back and you can end this.”
“Harry, please!” You cried out between giggles.
“Just say it. Three words and I’ll let you go.”
“Ugh, you’re so annoying.”
“Wrong.” He wrapped your hair around his hand to expose your neck. He blew raspberries on the sensitive skin behind your ear.
“Okay, fine! I love you! Are you happy now? Shit!”
Harry playfully pushed your head into the bed and rolled off of you.
You acted mad but Harry knew better. “Was that so hard?”
“No, but I can’t let you have everything so easily. Someone has to keep you in check.”
“So like you. Difficult for no reason.” Harry winked but you still threw a pillow at him.
“You sleeping here?” You had already hung your towel up in the bathroom and crawled in bed again.
“Might as well. I’m already here, right?” He got in bed and pulled the blankets up to his waist. “Do you mind if I sleep naked?”
“I don’t think that after today you ever have to ask that question again.”
Harry chuckled. “Come here. Since we’re being touchy feely, I want to cuddle you in my sleep.”
You scooted closer and relaxed into his arms, your back against his warm chest. He swung a leg over your legs.
“Don’t get upset when my morning wood pokes you.”
“Harry! You’re terrible! Go to bed.”
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“Y/N? Wake up. Your breakfast is gonna get cold.”
You opened your eyes to see that Harry had made omlettes with the leftovers from last night’s dinner.
“See, this is why I took the room with the view. I had tea in my room and still had time to make breakfast before you woke up. You missed a hell of a view.”
You smiled, and looked over at the clock and saw it wasn’t yet 9:00. “Dude, it’s still so early, I’m sure the view is just as nice now as whenever the hell you woke up.”
“You’re something else. Scoot over, would you?” He got in bed and handed you a plate then grabbed his from the bedside table.
When breakfast was done you put the dishes in the kitchen then brushed your teeth. You had yet to get dressed after last night’s shower.
“Hey, Y/N? I’m feeling very frustrated again.”
You laughed, “are you now?”
“Come here.” Harry patted the bed beside him.
When you came near enough, he placed a hand on the side of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. You laid on the bed next to him and he immediately brought a hand between your legs.
“Are you always so eager?” You smirked at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“You have no idea. You better get used to it. Especially if you insist on walking around with nothing on.”
Any response you had dried in your throat. Your mind couldn’t focus on anything else other than the growing pleasure between your legs.
“Y/N. I want to try something with you.”
Harry looked at you nervously, but you only smiled. “Anything.”
“You’re going to regret having said that,” Harry said with a mischievous grin. He laid down on his stomach between your legs. “Still with me?”
“Yes.” You could barely breathe. The anticipation only made you more wet.
Harry wrapped his hands around your thighs and began to kiss your legs, making his way to your core. You let out a low, breathy moan. Even when he was teasing Harry was amazing. Without warning he licked your folds, causing you to cry out. He sucked on your clit before lapping up more of your arousal. He added his fingers and slowly pumped in and out of you, watching you squirm.
“Harry. Come here. I need to feel you.” You ran your hands through his hair.
Harry seemed to be ignoring you. He licked at your insides while he continued to pump his fingers. You caught how he was grinding his hips on the bed and felt a shiver run through your body.
“I’m so close,” you panted.
Harry moaned in response then brought his thumb up to rub your clit. His tongue was still lapping at your folds and licking your insides. Before long you felt yourself shaking as you climaxed.
When your legs had stopped trembling Harry climbed up your body. He kissed you deeply and pressed his body to yours, grinding against your hips. You were so slick he plunged into you without having to guide himself into you.
“You feel so good, Y/N. I’m never leaving this spot between your legs.”
As Harry pumped into you, you thrust to meet his hips. Deep and desperate moans filled the room along with the sounds of your bodies slapping together and the bed creaking.
“Fuck, I’m getting close.”
You wrapped your arms around him in response and dug your heels into his ass in an attempt to bury him deeper within you.
“Y/N, do I have to pull out?” Harry was panting, not slowing his pace at all.
“Inside. Always inside. Give me everything you got.”
With that, Harry came. He drained himself inside of you, his hips only slowing to a stop when he became too sensitive. Harry kissed you with a big smile on his face then laid down next to you. He rubbed your lower stomach—something you could get used to.
“You know, if we keep going raw like that we’re going to end up with an unplanned pregnancy. Especially with how forgetful you are with your meds.”
You smacked his chest playfully. “Hey! I am so much better now. It’s been ages since I’ve forgotten.”
Harry smiled and kissed you on your forehead.
“We should probably invest in condoms. I’m going to want to do this all the time. We could put them on an auto delivery.” You giggled and interlaced your fingers with Harry’s.
“Yeah. I’ll look into it as soon as we get back home.” Harry fell silent for a moment, lost in thought. “Or I could just get a vasectomy. Unless you want kids. Do you want kids?”
“Harry!” You burst out laughing. “We just started this…friends with benefits thing yesterday. Now you’re talking about vasectomies and children?”
“It’s a conversation we should have if we’re going to be sleeping together. Have you changed your mind since the last time we talked about kids?”
“You’re right,” you sighed. “Uh, no. I haven’t changed my mind.”
“Well, your whole ‘if it happens, it happens’ stance is not a solid plan.” He laughed before kissing your forehead. “Such a wishy-washy approach could make things difficult later if something unplanned does happen.”
“What would you do if we go back home, and a couple weeks from now I miss my period. What do you want? Could you raise a kid with your best friend?”
“Absolutely. We’d be great parents.”
“Be serious!” You laughed, causing Harry to laugh too. You cuddled up to him and rested your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and gave you a loving squeeze.
“So, we actively take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen. Which may or may not include a vasectomy so I can keep enjoying you without a barrier between us.”
“Sounds like a solid plan.”
“But it still doesn’t address the unplanned. What’s our move then?”
“Um…then we have a child. We raise it with all the love we can.”
“I can handle that.”
Harry rested his head against yours and went quiet again. You were rubbing his arm when Harry blurts out, more to himself than to you, “what if we just get married now?”
“The fuck is going on in your head that that is where you ended up?”
“No, listen. I’ve been telling you for years your insurance is too expensive, whereas mine is quite reasonable. If we do become parents-to-be it would be so much cheaper and convenient to have you on my insurance plan.”
“So, I’ll join your insurance plan. Why do I have to marry you for that?”
“Because I don’t have the option to add best friends to my plan. Immediate family only like spouses.”
“Okay, well, if that happens Vegas is only a 6-hour drive from home. We’ll get married and I’ll get on your insurance plan. Deal?”
“Deal.” He snuggled you closer.
“You know, if this is your idea of pillow talk, I no longer wonder why your relationships haven’t worked out.”
Harry playfully shoved your face away onto your own pillow. “Brat.”
“Damn. Maybe we should get married. Think of what we’d save not paying for two mortgages.”
 “Now you’re talking. I’ll start planning the wedding.” Harry chuckled then winked at you.
“You should probably start planning for a future where I leave you and move across the country because you drive me insane.”
“So, what’s the plan for today?” You looked up at him expectantly.
“Shower first?”
“Fine. But this time you have to scrub my back!”
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Part Two
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Can you please do this but with Ruggie and Leona?
Courting Rituals w/ Fem Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Ruggie Bucci
Mating rituals for hyenas are very…tense
Females are aggressive and violent
For males there's a lot of submission and fear that goes into the mating process
Naturally he’s not supposed to be all that dominant when dating anyway
But you’re so clueless and totally unaware he might have to help you get the hint
There are three things male hyenas typically do
The cautious steps forward and cautious steps back
Spotted hyena males often do something of a nervous start toward the female before running back 
Kind of like a nervous jig that’s a sure fire sign of their intentions
Whether or not the females actually see it they do it
Which rings just as true for Ruggie 
“Oh wow, Ruggie your sharing with me?”
“Yeah don’t get to hung up on it. I’m just being a good senpai.” No he’s not
Or when Ruggie unexpectedly shares some of his food with you
And right after that he doesn’t talk to you for the longest time
Those are his steps but you won’t notice
You’ve got so many friends 
He hates it really
Next is another round of testing the waters
Now this testing of the waters–or more accurately your boundaries
Starts with crossing his legs in front of you
Something he does casually while speaking to you 
Next is the scratching the ground in front of you
Again you just casually brush off the extra time he spends down there tying your shoe
But now that he’s tested the waters he can finally commence with his final act
Presenting and you accepting
Now this wasn’t the olden days unfortunately
Even without your proper knowledge flashing you wasn’t the right display
So he’d take something close to it 
“Ruggie I really appreciate you inviting me to come swimming with you.”
“Nishishishi it’s no problem! You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours.”
And scratch his you will since he’s wearing a tight speedo
And he purposely planned for this after all
Made sure grim and company we’re too busy 
And Leona away on some trip 
Now for your acceptance
Again he has to be slick you’re so far from a typical hyena beast woman 
You just don’t know that bending over and parting your legs is the ultimate sign
The go ahead he needs
“Hey (Y/n), I need your help with something! My goggles fell into this rabbit hole.”
“What why don’t you do it?”
“Heh? I thought you were nice!” 
“Fine fine. Just make sure I don’t fall in the ground looks pretty unstable.”
“But of course!"
He’s holding your waist tight as you  bend over
Its the way it will be from now on
Your his mate now 
And any violence he does in your name is completely justified 
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Leona Kingscholar
Lion’s have very basic mating rituals 
That aren’t really worried heavily on being impressive or not 
Its snuffing out competition 
Yes, powerful roars and a large dark mane is just as alluring
But it means nothing if your intended mate is occupied
Like with another male or with a child of another
So that’s what Leona’s worried about
Worried about the way you so easily interrupt your time together to deal with Grim
“Sorry Leona, if I don’t go home now the rest of the night is going to be a nightmare!”
“Then why don’t you stay here, then.”
“Thanks but Grim gets fussy if I'm not there.”
The urge to revert to his ancestor’s behavior is strong
But he’d rather not deal with you fighting him so he’ll invest in making Grim a little ally speedbump
A few plates of gourmet fish and suddenly Grim is willing to mess up any other rivals of his 
And that pleases him….for awhile
But you still mention Grim when you two are talking or cuddling 
It makes him sick
So a deal with Azul or paid underhanded deal and suddenly Grim’s not your problem anymore
And when you come crying to him he’ll soothe you but he won’t feel remorseful
You won’t feel to bad if he gives you a cub or two of your own
810 notes · View notes
twice-inamillion · 1 year
Tzuyu’s First Time in Bangkok 
Smut and Fluff 
(Soft and rough sex, virgin sex, deflowering, deep penetration, creampie)
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Chapter 205 
3830 Words 
(For her birthday Tzuyu has a memorable first time. She gives her daddy a nice surprised that leaves him worried. The rest of the members take a jab at OC and hurt his ego.)
The team arrived in Bangkok yesterday evening and celebrated Tzuyu’s 20th birthday right when it turned into midnight. The members gathered as Tzuyu blew out her candle, holding her hands together and making her wish. Once that was over, the rest of the older members popped a bottle of wine and beers and celebrated Tzuyu and the concert the following day. 
Later that morning, you and Jihyo are woken up by Tzuyu jumping into your bed, “Mommy, Daddy, it’s my birthday!”
“Baby, it’s still early,” whines Jihyo, wanting to rest a bit more. 
“But, I want to go out, please,” and jumps on the bed, shaking it. 
“Okay, let’s go out. Where do you want to go?”
“Umm… breakfast? I looked up a famous bakery; let's go there!”
Okay, give us some time to get ready.” Tzuyu hears that, jumps off the bed, and runs to the room she shares with Chaeyoung. You and Jihyo try your best to get up, but with the amount of drinking you did last night, you know it’s going to take a while. 
When Jihyo and you finish, you see a waiting Tzuyu, ready to go out and have fun. “Okay! Trip with mommy and daddy!” The bakery is within walking distance, and when you arrive, there is no line, so you find a good table while Tzuyu walks around and orders different types of pastries to try. Tzuyu grabs her tray and carries the pastries she wants to try to the table, “Look, mom… I mean, Jihyo unnie bought be all the delicious ones.” It takes long for her to take a bite of every piece on the tray and her drink in her hand, “They’re all so yummy!” 
“I hope you enjoyed it; it’s almost time to go to rehearsal at the arena,” says Jihyo.
“Boo… that sucks, it's my birthday. I don’t want to practice,” crossing her arms. 
“Look, if you’re a good girl and behave, then I’ll get you something special for your birthday, okay?”
“Yeah, promise.”
“Okay, let’s go practice!”
The three of you return to the rental and deliver the box of pastries so the rest of the members can enjoy them before rehearsing. 
Rehearsal goes on without an issue, and you all return to the house and prepare for dinner. “It’s nice that we don’t get to worry about dinner; takeout is always fun,” says Chaeyoung. You respond, “Enjoy while you can because its not going to be forever, just until we go back home.”
After coming back from their practice, most of the members go exploring around the area while you and Jihyo rest in the room. “Remember that I promised Tzuyu a present if she was good?”
“Yeah, I remember, why?”
“Uhmm, I want to give it to her today.”
“You mean,” giving her a look.
“Yes, I think she has waited enough and has been persistent.” 
“Okay, what’s the plan?”
“After showering, in our room. I’ll be here for support while you do it.”
“Ohh, you want to watch?”
“I… I want Tzuyu to be okay, but I think it would be hot.” 
“Why don’t you join.”
“No, it’s her first time; you should focus on her.”
“Haha, okay.”
Later that evening, while the rest of the members are resting, Jihyo pulls Tzuyu to the side, “Come to my room later on tonight, okay.” Tzuyu, reading the situation, smirks at the idea of doing something naughty with her mommy, “Should I clean up?” Jihyo nods and leaves back to where the members were hanging out.
After getting ready, Tzuyu walks to Jihyo’s room and knocks on the door, “Can I come in?” Jihyo answers and welcomes Tzuyu in, “Come in.” Tzuyu walks in, sees the inside of their bedroom, and asks where’s Oppa. Jihyo points at the bathroom, “He just finished showering. Why don’t you sit down and wait for him.” Tzuyu walks towards the bed and sees the outfit she is wearing, “Wow, you look cute,” and smacks her butt. Tzuyu turns around and giggles before sitting on the bed. 
“Jihyo, did you see my towel?” as you open the bathroom and look for Jihyo. You see a standing Jihyo grinning and Tzuyu with an excited face, “Daddy, you’re huge.” Embarrassed, you grab and try to grab the towel near the door, but Jihyo holds your hand, “What do you think Tzuyu? Your daddy is really hung, isn’t he” as she holds your cock with her warm hands. 
“Yes, Daddy is huge.”
“Do you want to dry him off together?” Tzuyu nods and grabs the nearby towel, and starts to dry off his arms. As you stand between them, Jihyo walks in front of and laps the water from your chest, “This is how you dry him off, isn’t that right?” You agree and nod your head, making Tzuyu drop the towel and copy Jihyo. Tzuyu sticks out her small tongue and slowly licks off the remaining drops off your chest. “Daddy, you taste good,” as she moves down your chest. “Tzuyu said you taste good, honey. How about you get a taste of her, too.” 
You flip her hair and reveal the side of her neck; you slowly begin to kiss her, which causes her to moan. As you move along her neck, you remove her oversized shirt, which reveals sexy black lingerie. 
“Wow, I guess our Tzuyu is a big girl now; she’s wearing big-girl lingerie.” Tzuyu giggles and drops her shorts. You can’t help but start at her thick thighs and hourglass figure. “What do you think, Daddy? You like?”
“Ohh, he likes it, alright,” as Jihyo stares at your cock, getting hard under your towel. “She’s right, I love it, especially how it shows off that nice ass of yours.” Tzuyu can’t help but grin at your compliment, “Thank you, Daddy.”
You take a hold of her ass cheek, which catches her off guard, and give it a nice squeeze, “perfect ass, just how I imagined.” Tzuyu looks at you, “I worked really hard for Daddy, I know you like Mina unnie’s butt, so I tried to make mine like hers since my chest isn’t as big as mommy's.” 
“You didn’t have to do that; your body is perfect the way it is.” 
“I know; I just wanted to make my body fit daddy’s preference.” 
“Aww, that’s sweet. You should take responsibility and make her feel good, honey,” as Jihyo winks. 
“You’re right. I should.” You take Tzuyu’s hand, lead her to the bed, and lay her down. Your hand moves to her nether regions and begins to rub her slowly as you kiss her. Tzuyu moans to your touch and asks you to press your fingers against her panties. “I’m going to leave you two birds; have your fun,” says Jihyo. Tzuyu breaks away from your kiss and says, “No, don’t leave. I want you here, Mommy, please.”
Surprised, Jihyo asks, “Are you sure?”
She nods, “Yes, I want Mommy to watch as Daddy takes my first.”
“I’ll stay,” replies Jihyo.
You continue to rub her cunt against her panties and feel the wetness seeping through the thin cloth. With a bit of nectar on your fingers, you get it directly from the source and place your hand under her panties. With two fingers, you trace her puffy lips, the use them to spread her open. With her lips spread open, you can feel how wet she already is and decide to first one finger.
“Ahh ahh,” moans Tzuyu as she can feel you stir her sloppy flesh. “Daddy, it feels good,” she moans to your finger, making you insert another finger. You scrape her walls, which causes her to arch her back in pleasure, “Just like that, Daddy.” Watching your baby girl enjoy herself, you begin to thrust, “Daddy, I wanna come. Please don’t stop.” You increase your thrusting and wait for her seconds before she reaches her peak and stops. “Why did you stop? I was about to cum.”
“You can’t cum right now just because of my fingers. If you really want to cum then it’s going to be on Daddy’s cock.” Tzuyu is surprised with your comment but is happy. “So do you think you’re ready for this?” as you hold your meat with your hand. “Yes, daddy. I ready for your cock.”
“Then let’s things start.” Your attention now is on Tzuyu’s panties, lowering them down slowly. With every centimeter, you begin to see Tzuyu’s sacred part, your cock getting hard just looking at it. You kiss her pelvis as you pull down the last bit of her panties, with her full cunt in view. “Wow, such a pretty pussy you have Tzuyu.”
“Thanks, Daddy,” she blushes with your compliment. Jihyo walks towards the both of you and suddenly smacks Tzuyu’s cunt.
“Our little girl has a nice puffy pussy” says Jihyo as she gives her another smack. You watch as Tzuyu’s puffy lips jiggle. “Mommy, don’t hit me; it hurts,” whines Tzuyu. Instead, Jihyo gives her another ten slaps until her lips are slightly red. 
After the last slap, Jihyo walks back and whispers in your ear, “Enjoy,” giving you a wink. Jihyo has always teased you about your kink, no matter how unique they are.
Looking at each other, Tzuyu lowers her hands and spreads her lips apart, “Daddy, I saved myself for you,” as she shows you her leaking pussy. You walk towards her and tease her with your cock by pressing it against her lips. Your shaft rubs against her lips, coating the lower section of her nectar. 
On the other hand, Jihyo watches as her fiancé is about to give the youngest member, who she considers a daughter, her first sexual experience. She can’t help but to feel wet herself, wanting to join in on the fun, but she doesn’t want to ruin Tzuyu’s special moment. Maybe she will ask to join later when it’s less busy. 
After teasing Tzuyu, you get down to the main event; you align your length to Tzuyu’s small entrance and press your head, “Wait.” 
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” 
“It’s just that Nayeon unnie mentioned that she took a video of her first time, and I want to do the same. I want to remember my first with Daddy.” 
Jihyo looked surprised but knew it was bound to happen, “Are you sure?”
Tzuyu nods. Jihyo then walks to the shelf, pulls out a camera, and begins to film. “It’s ready.”
“Daddy, I want to ride you.” 
“You do?”
“Yeah, lay down.” 
You switch positions and get Tzuyu into a cowgirl position. Tzuyu, get on top of you with your cock in front you her. She grabs your cock with both hands and says, “You’re so big, I can’t believe it’s actually happening.” With an enthusiastic face, she presses your cock against her flat tummy, showing you how deep it’s going to go inside of her, “Do you think you are going to be able to handle the whole thing?” asks Jihyo as she holds the camera in her hand. “Yup, I’m a big girl; if mommy can take it all, then so can I,” smiles Tzuyu. 
Determined, she lifts herself and aligns your cock to her entrance. Both of your hearts are pounding on what’s to come, and you see as Tzuyu lowers herself, inserting the tip of your head. 
Jihyo carefully holds the camera to get a steady view and watches Tzuyu lowering herself, her lips spreading wide open. She sees her biting her lip as she slowly takes more of you, making Jihyo wet herself. 
Tzuyu puts more weight on you until the head disappears. She moans in pain, grabs onto your sides, and tries to move a bit more but can’t. She looks at you worried, not wanting to ruin this moment; she takes a deep breath, musters up the courage, raises herself, waits a moment, and drops her whole weight, but stops when she hits the thin membrane that separates her from womanhood. She looks into you in tears, “Daddy, help me please,” practically begging.
“Come come, babe, help our Tzuyu,” says Jihyo.
You place your hands around her hips and get a tight grip, slowly pulling her body down. Even with your assistance, her walls push you back from its tightness. An idea comes into mind, but you know it will be painful. “Tzuyu, you’re so tight, the tightest out of all the members. Your body walls are pushing me out; maybe it’s a way of telling us that I’m too big for you.” You see the worry in her eyes, “No, I’m ready, please.” 
“There is a way, but it’s going to hurt, and I don’t think it's going to be an enjoyable moment.” 
“I’ll do anything to be one with you, Daddy.”
“Are you sure?”
“Even if it hurts right now, I know it will feel good afterward.” 
Jihyo then says, “Give her what she wants, babe; she can handle it.” 
You get into a comfortable position and raise Tzuyu’s body a bit, “Okay, on the count of three, you relax and let go, okay?” Tzuyu nods and waits for you to count, “One, two, three” with your hands around her waist, you penetrate her through the thin barrier and finally become one. 
Tzuyu feels the exact moment when she becomes her daddy’s woman, the moment she becomes one with him. 
It was a painful experience because her daddy was too big for her tight pussy. Her walls struggled to take you whole and met you with lost resistance, but you knew how much she wanted this, even if it hurt. 
On your end, it was a great experience, your cock being choked and pushed out by her walls, the outline of your cock on Tzuyu’s firm tummy, it was magnificent. 
“Daddy, it hurts!” yells Tzuyu, in pain to the point she feels like her body will break. Her body gave out signals that whatever penetrated her small body was too much for it. “It’s too big, fuck! It hurts!” 
You pull Tzuyu to you, wrapping your arms around her body, and begin to thrust. At first, it’s a slow pace to ease Tzuyu into it, but she bites you. Her teeth dig into your neck as you try to ease the pain. After a few slow thrusts, you increase the pace, making it easier for Tzuyu to handle.
The pain slowly becomes pleasure as her body adjusts to your massive girth. She regains her composure and notices the bite more on your neck that she gave you a few seconds ago. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” and begins to lick the wound with the tip of her small tongue, like a deer. 
Now that she was back, you wanted to get her back for the bite. Your arms hold her tighter, and you increase the pace of your thrust to another level. She moans out loud as she can feel her insides being rearranged and loses strength, letting you fuck the shit out of her. 
Jihyo, on the other hand, watches as your cock violently goes in and out of Tzuyu’s small cunt, remembering her the first time you and her had sex. The sound of Tzuyu’s moaning is like music to her ears, and it’s getting her turned on, “Fuck, I really want his cock.” 
“Daddy, you’re going too fast. Daddy, please, you’re going to mess me up inside.” There is no response, just heavy breathing. Tzuyu feels her core burning up, a familiar sensation that she’s about to cum. “Ahhh ahhh, fuck, I’m about to cum.” 
Jihyo wanting to see her little baby cum, teases Tzuyu. She traces her finger from Tzuyu’s back down until reaching her pucker hole, “Mommy! Not my butt!” she yelps. “Come on, baby girl, mommy and daddy want to see you cum. Cum on your daddy’s cock.”
You let your arms go and watch as Tzuyu springs up and arches her back. You feel her orgasm and interlink hands with her. You watch her body spasm uncontrollably until she crashes back onto your chest and passes out. 
“That was fast,” says Jihyo, disappointed as she wanted to see more. “That was cute of you to hold her hands.” You laugh, “I didn’t do it to be cute.” With a smirk, she asks, “So, how was it with you being her first? Is she tight?” You try to keep your smile from showing, but with Jihyo, she can read you like a book. You turn your head away, “I knew it; you can’t hide anything from me, especially that kink of yours,” as she smirks at you. “Come, babe, fuck her. She said she wanted to make this a memorable night, so fuck her until her womb becomes a slave for your cock. You know I don’t want her to be fucked by anyone else other than you.” 
Dang, you get shivers every time Jihyo gets serious like this. She knows you have a high sexual tolerance, and she uses it to fit her know needs, to the point of wanting all the members to get addicted to your cock. So, like a good boy, you do as you are told and focus on Tzuyu. 
She feels her womb getting pounded by her daddy’s massive cock, and it feels so good, much better than the unbearable pain. Once she recovers from her orgasm, she lets herself be fucked as her head lays on your chest. She wants to enjoy this moment. 
After vigorously thrusting inside of her, you notice her wake and biting her lip not to let out a moan and decide to have some fun, “You said you were going to ride me; what happened?” Tzuyu, now caught, replies, “Shut up, daddy. I’m going to do it soon. Just keep on fucking me. You’re surprised by her reaction and smack her butt, “Ouch, don’t hit me, Daddy.” She sees the grin on your face and realizes what you're about to do, “No, don’t, Daddy, don’t do anything rashly.” 
You flip Tzuyu into a mating press from a cowgirl position, causing her to yelp in surprise. “Come, babe, fuck our baby Tzuyu real good,” says Jihyo. “Mommy don’t encourage h…” isn’t able to finish her sentence as you start to pound deep inside of her. “Fuck, fuck, you’re too big!” 
With her legs raised up you enjoy the nice view of her perfect body, the outline of your cock inside of her. “I’m going to fuck you real good.”
“Okay,” nods Tzuyu with lustful eyes.
You feel every inch, every corner of her tight cunt, it's wonderful. “How does it feel getting fucked by your daddy’s cock? Do you like it?”
“Hmph… yea… I love Daddy’s c…cock.”
“Do you like it when I reach all the way here?” hitting the deepest part of her womb. 
“Ahhh… yea! 
What about when I rub your pretty little cunt.” 
“Ahh!!! Ahh!!!”
You vigorously rub her clit, which makes her moan, curling her toes. 
“I… I am going to cum!!!”
“Ohh no, we can’t have that, not now,” you stop and smack her puffy lips multiple times, causing it to jiggle. “Your pussy is so jiggly, I love it. It’s so small and puffy, looks even better with my cock inside of it don’t you think?”
“Yes, it does. I think I’m going to get addicted to your cock like the rest of my unnies.” 
“Oh really? Do you know why the members are addicted?”
“Because you’re big?”
“That too, but it's because once they get a taste of my cum that can’t get enough. You understand what I’m trying to say, right?”
Tzuyu nods and spreads her arms, welcoming you, “Cum inside of me, daddy.” 
“You really want this cock” holding it in your hand, covered in red. 
“Yes, I want it; give it to me, please. Fill me with your cum.” 
With your cock you glide it between her lips and smack it on her cunt. “You see how hard my cock is; look its throbbing; it wants to go back inside to finish the job.”
“Inside, please,” she begs. 
Giving it one more smack, you cover her in red and penetrate her again. Immediately, Tzuyu moans from getting split open. You begin to thrust inside until you reach your peak. “I’m going to cum soon, do you want it inside or out?
“Beg for it, baby girl; show me how much you want it.” 
“I want it bad, cum inside of me, fill me up. Breed me, Daddy!”
“If you put it that way, then take it all!” You release all the cum you have saved up the past few days, panting Tzuyu’s walls completely white.”
“So hot!!! Fuck!!!”
You can see the outline of your cock in her belly and how your cum filled up her womb. After a while, her belly gets bigger, making her look a bit more pregnant than Sana. “I feel so hot, so full. It feels nice.” She looks at her tummy and presses on it, “Haha look, mommy, look daddy. Daddy filled me up so much that I look pregnant, cute isn’t” causing the mixture of pinkish cum to ooze out of her and make it puddle on the bedsheets. 
Jihyo laughs at Tzuyu’s joke and takes a picture of Tzuyu with two peace signs and other poses. You stand up and help clean up the area from the amount of cum on the bed. 
Tzuyu pulls you in closer, whispers in your ear, “Today is a risky day,” and gives you a wink. You stand frozen for a while and think of a million things until she returns and says, “Just kidding.”
The rest of the members are attracted to the sound of someone yelling and try to find out what’s happening. In front is Jihyo and your room, and the first thing that comes to mind is that the two of you are getting it on, which isn’t a surprise. Some are curious and place their ear to the door to get a good idea of what’s going on, and when they hear Tzuyu’s moan, they are shocked. They listen to the whole thing and gossip amongst each other like school girls when they find a juicy rumor. They laugh and enjoy the show, cheering Tzuyu on her first time.
For the next few days, all you hear from the members when you’re nearby is, “Show me how much you want it,” while the other one moans, “Breed me, Daddy,” and laugh out loud. 
All you can do is shake your head and go to Jihyo for emotional support. 
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thesamoanqueen · 4 months
Blackwater XX
Warnings/AN: I should apologize for the drama but its my trademark at this point, I'll just say that there's a flashback and a couple of references to previous chapters. As soon as possible I'll create a masterlist dedicated to the series, because I have contents that I want to add since we are at the end. Lemme know if someone wants a tag there too~
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Trouble ahead.
He showed up unexpectedly, grumbling about the mud that had gotten on his expensive shoes, the usual penguin-like gait and Jimmy rolled his eyes, waiting for him to finally reach them because they couldn't have continued at all if he was around. And it had nothing to do with a tactical move to hide plan from the enemy, it was simply impossible to ignore or avoid Paul Heyman and if once Jimmy would have laughed, now Paul was just annoying and the expression on Jey's face proved it.
- "Nice place, in your style" – he commented, without greeting or trying to pretend too much – "reminds me the days I used to come visit your dad, both of you were three, four maybe" – and Jimmy folded his arms.
Sure, their style wasn't their cousin's luxury stuff, the one Paul had accustomed him to. At that moment he was probably having breakfast in a restaurant downtown or a sauna to cool down his muscles, but he too had cut his teeth at the garage near Oak Wood Hills. Jimmy still remembered the afternoons spent there after school to see the red Jeep Cherokee that Roman had become obsessed with, he bought the damn car as soon as Uncle Sika came back from one of his trips and now instead he drove around in black businessman's SUVs and looking after the community with checks he couldn't spend on himself.
- "Did you get lost Og? Want me to call your daddy so he can pick you up?" – he asked and Paul must have had colic judging by his reaction.
- "No. Im here to talk."
- "Wow really?! Mind-blowing!"
The colic became a reproachful look at his sarcasm, but still Jimmy was not impressed and when Jey decided to come closer to support him, Paul wisely quit, once again showing off the best acting skills to save his ass.
- "Even though I remember what was said at the meeting, Im here with good intentions. Of course, it hurt me if I have to tell the truth, I don't understand where the aversion against me comes from... but despite this I couldn't refuse in my heart to help" – he began and Jimmy blinked confused.
- "Have you had a heart transplant?" – he urged, matching his attitude.
Paul didn't take that joke well either, but he had nothing to complain about, everyone knew how things were. The wiseman didn't help anyone if he didn't have something back, goodness was not among his qualities and it was impossible he had found some of it within himself now that he was personally involved. His feelings worked on command, according to occasion and business.
- "He thinks I'm dumb ass" – Jey said out of nowhere, staring at him.
He had crossed the edge since the boys' were dragged into the family mess and now his goal was just putting an end to it all. For him that war was an unbearable burden, Jimmy knew how he was, he knew Jey just wanted to start over, have some peace and he didn't like Paul's fake visit because it also added provocation to his worries. He would probably have put up with Roman, but not Paul, Paul wasn't family to him and those turns of phrase were making him nervous.
He heard the wiseman noises, trying to stay in control even though Jey's gaze didn’t help his attempts.
- "What? No, of course not, I’d never think bad about you! The Tribal Chief had chosen you as his right-hand man, a fool would not have had such an honor or right to speak in family business."
He thinks we're both dumb.
That stunt pushed Jimmy to clench his fists in annoyance, but didn't have time to silence Paul because his brother really didn't seem in the mood that day and had come forward again.
- "I had no right. He take all the decisions, with you, from day one."
He hadn't been around when that deal or alliance or whatever it was between him and Roman had come about, he'd been forced away from home for months, but Jey was there and kept him updated on everything. They had kept him on the sidelines of the family business from the beginning and the right-hand man title with their tricks had become a joke they made real when it suited them. Jey had taken it seriously despite everything, he had committed to the vision and tried, but it only make him run everywhere and get beaten. When Jimmy came back everything was already done and things had even gotten worse after.
- "Jey…" - he heard Paul negotiating trying to slow things down, realizing maybe that his sweet words were no longer having the planned effect - "when you're at the top you often find yourself in unpleasant situations, it's not for everyone, you're starting to understand it too how it is bearing the weight of that position. At the meeting you made some choices... let's say questionable ones... listening an advice would have been right for you if I may, to judge pros and cons. I'm here to offer you a second chance, I care about you even if you don’t care about the wiseman."
Jimmy hadn't expected his brother to discuss those terms in front of the elders, it had been strange and even he had been amazed, because Jey hadn't talked to him first about anything. But whatever plan he had if he had one, leaving a door open for Solo and even Y/N, Jey didn't need any second chances, especially not thanks to Paul. Jimmy was there to cover his back and it would always be like this, he didn't need counselors and dogs licking his feet to sleep better at night.
I can handle him.
His offer echoed through the link, but Jey didn't answer.
- "I know you're angry now and maybe it won't seem that way, but all this will help you, trust me it can be good for you, it's part of your journey to take the place of the Tribal Chief one day" – he persisted and Jimmy decided to step forward, ready to send him back to where he came from with good ass kick.
- "Imma take his place next week" – Jey stopped him, voice far too calm.
The day. It was just a week away. At the dawn after the harvest moon things would no longer be the same. Jimmy had been hoping for a change for years now, in the last few months he had chased it like a breath of air, now that was so close it was an almost surreal feeling, but Jey already seemed in control and ready.
- "It could happen... of course..." - Paul hesitated, avoiding answering to Jey push - "its essential, however, that the family is preserved and all of this, lemme tell you, is a dangerous gamble now. The elders have agreed to restore order, but we're all worried about what will happen next, them, me, your parents, even Y/N... poor girl, she can't rest knowing what’s going on and what could come" - he tried, pulling out an apologetic face that he could have avoid considering what relationship he had with Y/N.
- "None of them should be. The only one who needs to worry is you, because when I'm done, you'd better be far away. Bring back your advice, speeches and ass to my cousin, Og, don’t make say it twice" – Jey quickly silenced him though, stopping his tantrum by placing a hand on his shoulder.
Jimmy watched him stiffen as if someone had growled at him, face pale and shaken, his gaze going from Jey's fingers to eyes, which had been fixed on him from the moment he showed up. The realization of failure hit him right in front of them, a mixture of affront, anxiety and worry that Jimmy watched Paul shake off in the same way as Jey's hand, scrambling a few steps back to make room between them. He nodded to who knows who, body shaking as he sorted out his expensive clothes and pride.
The harvest moon was near, so their mother said. That year it was time to reap what they had sown.
Devil's Point, that's what the sign they passed on the way said and it really must have been one of devil’s tricks, because Y/N felt her stomach flipped. Or maybe wasn't the devil, maybe it was just another perfect date, pleasant anxiety, wine and fresh air caressing her warm face, sun slowly sinking beyond the strip of sand and trees, setting the sky on fire. Maybe the devil was Roman, with his gentleman manner, so confident, constantly eyeing her, always attentive, his low velvet voice. The bond had always been there, in her veins, in her bones. An invisible impulse born with them, as their lives went on and years passed, omnipresent, indissoluble, inevitable despite miles and obstacles. And more Y/N lingered in that trap easier it seemed to fall, normal deserving the life she hadn't had, a security she didn't know and now all around her, emanating from Roman.
Where has he been all this time? We were alone…
- "Have you ever looked for me?" – she asked out of nowhere, putting the dessert away.
A chocolate cake, because it was her favorite and he worked hard to please her, learning quickly and put into practice even the most insignificant details.
Roman looked surprised at the change of subject, putting down his glass.
- "Have you ever looked for me before that evening, when you found me at the camping?" – she asked again, feeling anxiety suddenly hit even though it had been her idea to investigate, happiness quickly dissolve into doubts.
Y/N didn't even know why she asked. It was an uncomfortable question, the search for a mate was a now past custom, too low probabilities and a world where alternatives had now become norm. It was stupid to expect something and unnecessarily provocative, what's more in their case, after all the first few months problems, it sounded a bit like an accusation or an attempt to ruin plans. Roman however didn't lose his composure and she saw him take a deep breath, brow furrowed as he remembered.
- "Years ago. When I finished college, did it for a while, then stopped."
- "Why?"
He looked at her in silence, but he didn't seem angry or bothered.
She needed to hear it, to know.
- "… had become frustrating. I needed to focus on what I could accomplish."
So real. So true.
Few could say they were lucky enough to find their other half. Rare cases, exceptions. Was it sad to meet someone, choose them and fit in? No, most people out there did it like that, she herself had witnessed it with her parents before the horror, but sometimes people couldn't even find someone, sometimes they were not chosen or stopped wanting each other and then yes, it became sad. For Y/N having someone in her life had never been an aspiration, a dream to cherish when night became too cold or silence too heavy. Getting attached was a risk, risks were dangerous and in her case, as an omega, alone and without a family or a community, it was better to avoid rather than defend. She had to be smart, loneliness had kept her alive, had kept her going, was the possibility of filling the void that scared Y/N. It scared her to get used to someone and lose everything again. She knew what Roman was talking about, a perpetual aftertaste on her lips when she moved away from a place and now she was founding out that she had never really been alone. She had always had a chance, someone waiting for her, ready to fill that void that for Y/N had become like an old illness she lived with.
Roman had been looking for her, among so many people, even if only for a while he really had and it was… so reassuring.
- "You didn't" – she heard him reflect, moving closer to put his jacket on her shoulders.
There was knowledge in his voice, a heavy bitterness, as if he didn't need to hear Y/N say it. She watched him take another sip of wine to warm himself or perhaps wash away the taste of that thought, enduring the cool evening for her.
- "I did it once… just once" – she admitted, surprising him and even herself.
She had never thought about that day before, but memory had hit her soon through her she-wolf, perhaps to console him. She didn’t like that look on his face, he was better all cocky and flirting.
- "I have been in foster care for couple of years after I lost my parents. I went from one house to another, it didn't work and I really didn't want to stay. There was a brunette white girl in one of the families, she didn't like me, talking behind my back all the time... I told her I’d find you and make her regret it" – she said, shaking her head at the thought of that childish menace.
Y/N didn't remember the reason for their fight, it could have been anything, she was an unbearable girl herself at the time, but she knew how she had felt. It was vivid in her memory. That sense of not belonging, absolute loneliness, anger, so much anger at the idea of being and being able to be just a stray in the future. The world is too big a place when life decides to give its worst lessons. Y/N had always grown up quickly, she had always learned running, what to be without roots, what to do if there is no one waiting.
- "We can pay her a visit" – Roman proposed casually and Y/N stared at him, because of all the things he could have said, she hadn't expected that.
No pitying comments, no words of comfort or judgement, just a blind complicit willingness to indulge her past madness.
- "Mmh I'm tempted" – she giggled softly.
- "What happened?" – heard him ask and pointed to her arm, where there was a scar similar to the one he had.
- "I stole her dad’s car and destroyed their fence" - she said, making him frown.
She had gotten into that pick-up without knowing how to drive or what to do, it didn’t end well, they caught her immediately and in hurry she had taken everything and everyone down. One of the poles around property had broken the pick-up window and the wire wrapped around it had threatened to blow her arm off, it was a miracle she hadn't fainted there. One of the biggest dumb act of her life and at the same time another lesson, proving Y/N she shouldn't be carried away by her omega impulses, it didn't bring anything good.
- "I stayed in town for a while I think, then left without looking back. I have no idea what happened to the pick-up or her. I didn't find you though... it was enough for me."
Admitting it, thinking about it, made her feel vulnerable. She didn't like that feeling. That attempt had been a failure from the start, chances of meeting him simply by walking a few miles, going to any city, any street, had been zero and even if he had been there, messed up as she was by pain, Y/N wouldn't even know she had found him. She had been stupid, irresponsible, mindless but realizing when it got dark she was still hopelessly alone had been worse.
She shrugged, picking up the dessert to distract and control herself.
It was over now.
- "We'll make things right, you have my word. It will be enough to be together, there's no need to think about it" – she heard Roman assure, once again without excuses or pity, firm in his intentions – "no more car rides though"– he added with a reproachful look that made her smile.
No, there was no need to think about the past. Everything had already changed and Y/N had learned her lesson, but maybe it was time to learn something else, trying not to run away this time. It seemed easy at the time and yes it really all came down to being enough for each other, filling the void with their bond.
For days Roman's routine had always been the same, calculated to the second, with no margin for error or change. He woke up before dawn, shower, breakfast and run, spend the morning in the gym, then lunch and gym again until dinner time, after which he lock himself in the office taking care of the documents Paul brought or business that required his supervision, and then join her in bed when it was already late night and repeat everything the next day. He was locked in a bubble, focused on a single goal, counting minutes, preparing in advance for whatever would or could happen. An absolute, maniacal dedication that Y/N somehow admired. It made her proud to see that he was capable of so much and yet it also made her sad.
Because in the wild run of that family war, she was just a spectator. She repeated to herself that she had to be patient, be understanding, that she had to put aside anxieties and bad moods to support him as better as she could, but it weighed on her. She did whatever not to show it, not to think about it, and despite her efforts Y/N felt everything around her emptying and cooling, her sacrifices devalued and even ignored. They almost didn’t speak to each other anymore and certainly not about what they should have because there was no time for doing it, they didn’t spend together and when that happened he was focused on something else, Y/N had the feeling of having gone back to the days when they were two strangers, two separate worlds united by a thin wire.
She didn't want that, they weren't like that, they had both worked hard to make things work, succeeding, they had truly found themselves at the end. The idea they were affecting their relationship, the possibility to distance themselves so bad to spend a life like that, wasn't something Y/N could bear. They had overcome differences, they shouldn't have burned everything because they didn't see things the same way in war where their relationship was not in play. They just had to meet once again and remember. He had taught her that and Y/N hadn't believed him for a long time, but they really needed their bond.
On the now empty table on the patio, she opened the floor plan of her old house, the one she had had to leave and Roman had given her back. It was nothing compared to what she had now, but it could become something, maybe just for them, a place where nothing and no one could disturb them.
Day after day his body pushed further and further, urged by pressure, focused on a single goal from which Roman couldn’t look away. He couldn't afford any mistakes with Jey, Roman knew he could beat him and he would, but his cousin knew him better than any other out there. They were certainly on two different levels, however Roman couldn't allow him to prove anything if he wanted to regain the absolute control that the elders had questioned due to too many mistakes in those months. And it was for these reasons that getting out of his head, stopping and having those breaks had become an annoying obligation that he fulfilled in the shortest time and avoiding any extra thoughts. Lose focus was a weakness, give ground an advantage, something he couldn't tolerate.
When he closed the door behind him, the house was silent as if he were the only one around. It had been like this for a long time, but time had passed. Now it wasn’t empty, Y/N was there and not finding her in the living room as had been the case for days forced him to follow her trail to the outside. He expected to find her busy, but not to see her with all those papers on the table.
Why is she looking at them? Why she got that floor plan again?! Stop her. Now.
- "What are you doing?" – he asked, voice heavy and she immediately raised her head with a weak smile, one that she could have addressed to anyone, not to him.
- "Nothing, I was waiting for you. Is it already time for your break?"
If it was an attempt to push away the conversation or pretend, it didn't work. He knew those documents, he had signed them and he had been clear telling her not to get any strange ideas about her family's old house, and yet she was there looking at them page by page at a moment like this.
- "I asked you what you think you are doing Y/N" – he repeated seriously, convincing her to put them down.
- "I was keeping myself busy while I waited for you to finish. I answered."
He saw Y/N keep her gaze on him, head held high, back straight, but Roman still sensed what was behind, tension, heavy air. It was since he said he would no longer have regrets that Roman had seen her react like this and in the last few days the atmosphere had gotten even worse. She didn't comment, didn't ask, she stopped trying to argue, she was good at not showing it, but his wolf could sense it when he lay down next to her at night, saw the way she looked at him. It wasn't a good idea for her to punish his cousins despite what they had done to him, she couldn't stand the prospect of a fight, she had promised to stand by his side no matter what and after a year she still rejected his mark when she shouldn't have even had to choose whether to have it or not, now she also took out the floor plan of her old house even though he had given her another one, one for them, better.
We told her not to act like this, she doesn't need that house. We did everything, we gave everything to her.
He had spent the last year dedicating himself to their bond, proving time and time again that he was worthy, that he would be a good mate for her, he was doing so even facing his own family. Shielding their future family even before their bloodline was born. Jey e Jimmy had ruined his plans, it wasn’t his fault, he was risking everything for what they would have built together, for their future. He had proven who he was, Y/N had to know, no one before him had ever achieved so much, no one would ever bear such a burden, there was no alpha out there on his level able to take care of her and anyone else. She couldn't think about them again, she couldn’t doubt, it was crazy!
- "What Im doing is to keep everything for us, protect what we have" – he explained to her for the umpteenth time, seeing Y/N stop that attempt of a smile understanding what direction their conversation was taking, as he approached the table.
He didn't like losing his temper with her, he didn't want to, but Y/N had a fastlane to pushing him in any situation and that was definitely the wrong one. Why she was throwing it in his face? At home, while he spent the days preparing to end the mess out there and start again together?!
- "You say it all the time, I know."
Her and her mouth…
- "Because that's the only thing that matters, not sitting here fantasizing about alternatives."
- "Ain't fantasizing about anything. You're so focused that we don't spend more than ten minutes together, I thought we could have a break for a bit, do something together when it's all over... but I guess it's a no if you react like that."
No, she couldn't blame him. This mess wasn't his fault, he was fixing it, it wasn't on him!
- "I don't have time to plan these things, not when I have all the work to do and problems keep piling up! I told you this too. You should have get it by now what has priority and instead we are here discussing because you keep putting these ideas in your head!"
- "My apologies, my Tribal Chief, is that good?" – he heard her reply, mocking him and he froze.
He looked at her angrily, as if they were back to the days when she couldn't stand him and he was always on the verge of exploding. He looked at her out of his mind, mouth twitching, but she wasn't even giving him attention, too busy keeping her eyes somewhere other than him, in an act of submission that was more a provocation than an apology. He ran a hand over his beard, clenching his jaw, but it was just too much and he lowered himself, leaning on the table to tower over her. Her scent, so familiar, usually so comforting, immediately filled his lungs, a regenerating peace that clashed with their fatigue and that Roman felt once more from Y/N, her body stiffening as soon as his breath hit her cheek.
He was the Tribal Chief and would remain so until God woke him up again. People out there could have planned trials, clashes, attacks, anything, nothing would have changed. But she was different, she was not one of those folks. Y/N might not have his mark, she might claim every freedom she wanted, Roman would put up with it to please her, to make her happy, because she deserved it, but still didn't change anything. They wouldn't go back to those hellish days where they were nothing.
- "I'm more than that to you" – he reminded, seeing her nod.
- "I know" – she replied immediately, finally turning around.
Her eyes, dark as the water of the river that ran through Roman’s land, almost seemed to suck him in. Two sharp chasms where he had looked for her for months, until found her huddled at the bottom waiting for him. Roman had dragged her out of there, he had given her everything, all of himself and he would do it again every day, without holding back or thinking about it and that was exactly why he was acting like that. If it wasn't for him, she would still be there, alone and with no future.
- "Make that stuff disappear before I do it" – he ordered, straightening up.
Y/N didn't move, her eyes still on him, as Roman decided he'd had enough of that pause, walking away. Her reaction reached him through the bond, when he crossed the threshold to go back inside: a mixture of anger, pain and sadness.
It hurts.
It hit him like a wave, alarming his wolf despite the fight, but it disappeared just as quickly, as if Y/N had wiped it away and Roman took a second to look at her through the windows, check, while she gathered everything on the table, head down and in silence.
He had to focus on what needed to be done. Distractions were just more problems.
We’re doing it for everyone. She will understand soon.
She had put everything back in his office, locking the desk drawer almost throwing away the key.
Why is he acting like this? What did we do wrong?
Her she-wolf felt confused, hurt and so was Y/N, with a good amount of anger on top of that. She was trying with all of herself, she was doing everything every day to make things work, to not disappoint him, to be up to the task, to not miss the opportunity for a good life. She had learned to ignore what didn't require a reaction, to be understanding when with anyone else would have freaked out, she was trying to be a better version of herself for her sake and for Roman. Was it such a bad idea? She knew Roman was fighting for their place, for his packland, but she hadn't suggested to leave everything and disappear, she would never have done it because she knew what it meant, she just thought they might have a safe space somewhere else... in a future less sad and complicated. That house was important to Y/N, she wanted to do her part, help, give back doing something like Roman had done with the house they lived in now, share.
It's already his though.
His property... that's why he snapped?
Roman had considered it a waste of time, a fantasy to be put away... after all, why he should pay attention to something no one wanted to take away at that moment? something far from his family war, from the packland. It already belonged to him, her she-wolf was right to justify him, Y/N had pushed him first, there was nothing to share or fix there and Jimmy's words came back to her mind. She had thought about doing something for them and instead she had really wasted time.
“The house… you bought it to give her nowhere to run away from you.”
It was a gift. For us.
Roman had said so and Y/N had felt so special. But it had his name on it, everything, every sheet of paper.
He wanted to make us happy. The best for us.
“I don't want you to go there, okay? This is your place now, it's your home and you have to stay here. But one day maybe we can fix it and go together.”
One day. Maybe…
Maybe? now the memory sounded like a dad tricking his daughter into not throwing a tantrum.
Smell of aftershave mixed with something familiar distracted Y/N, reminding her that she was still in the office and she turned to stare at the door just before seeing Paul arrive with a folder of documents in his arms.
- "Y/N! I thought you were out for one of your runs" – he said after a second too long, tone surprised and suspicious, as he looked at her standing there –"… you alright? "
No one was allowed to go upstairs unless it was necessary, but business those days seemed a matter of life and death, so it was hardly surprising. The last safe place for her would have been the bathroom.
- "You seem a bit…"
- "Take comments for yourself, there's no point in having a conversation" – she said, moving away from the desk with the intention of disappearing, but Paul wouldn't have been Paul if he hadn't decided to ruin her day already messed up.
- "Of course not, but I think you’ll want to know I went to talk with the twins. Didn’t go as hoped. Jey… he doesn't listen" – he admitted with disappointment, taking her place to add more documents to those already placed everywhere and Y/N finally recognized what that other scent on him was.
- "He doesn't like you, it was pretty obvious."
The idea of talking sense to Jey had been stupid. Maybe Jimmy could have been a possibility even if he was the one who started shit, he would have talked to a wall regardless of his sympathies, but Jey? No, Jey wasn't made for those things and both him and Y/N shared the same opinion of Paul. Sure he had had more time to learn to tolerate the so called wiseman, but Y/N had known from the very first moment he wouldn't accept any proposal Paul was going to make him.
- "You do though. He allowed Solo and you to stay if… well you know – he threw it there with such nonchalance, but she wasn't willing to tolerate, it was the wrong day – "he’s attached to you, he think about you as someone to protect."
What is he trying to say?!
- "What I know is that they shouldn't fight and that you Paul, said you would make sure to avoid it."
The brilliant idea of saving her during the meeting a few days before had taken Y/N by surprise too, there was no agreement or plan behind it, she didn't even know why at that moment, with everything that was happening, Jey had decided to expose himself for her. She was almost absolutely certain it wasn't something normal in situations like the one they were in, she was Roman's mate and Jey was threatening to take everything away from him after all, but whatever was the reason it didn't matter because it wasn't what they needed to focus on, especially not Paul.
- "I fear that stopping everything is no longer an option, we don’t have time, they have sworn in front of the family now. Neither of them can back out" – heard him say with a funeral face that didn’t inspire pity in her.
- "So that ridicolous meeting was the point of no return?!" – she snapped and he choked, hands reaching out in an attempt to stop her when Y/N nerves were undergoing yet another stress test.
She respected Roman's family, she respected their traditions, but it was unthinkable to Y/N that a handshake was an unbreakable pact, not when both sides were risking everything and whoever was supposed to advise them, stop them, watched or made things worse. She couldn't, it was something she couldn’t understand. They were a family, they had to act like a family, not fighting.
- "I wouldn't talk like that, let's try to breath now okay? Think about it. There are other ways to swing things in our favor, I'm already working on something. An idea in the right ears works wonders."
- "You're working on something" – she repeated, feeling blood go straight to her head.
Yep, sure, after all they had time to act with calm, there was a week to go and everything was already a disaster, but who cared? They could also sit, chat, think and judge who remained to be sacrificed so they could sip a drink under the patio when their bright future would be on hand.
- "I know, I understand your concern, but if you decided to be more cooperative it would help a lot and speed things up. The twins are stubborn, but Jey making all these decisions on his own could work to our advantage if we prove that he isn't capable of"- he tried, but it wasn't the right day for her to listen his sneaky little games.
- "I won't help you making anyone believe anything. You are the wiseman, be the wiseman, find a way, just do it" – she silenced him, leaving the office without waiting an answer.
She wanted that fight, everything to end once and for all, she wanted to go back to months ago when Y/N had thought she could have everything missing in her life, she wanted a family, Roman to annoy her with his daily nonsense instead of dramas to survive and manipulations on a daily basis. She was tired and for the first time since the beginning even if she tried hard… she couldn't see the end.
Breath. Calm down. Don’t lose control, we can’t allow it. Breath.
Right, left, right, left, right, left again. The punching bag was easy to predict every time Roman hit it, Jey wouldn't follow those times when they would have been face to face. At some point he would shift, it was the only way he had to really bring Roman down. As both man and wolf, Roman was bigger than his cousin, bruises and broken bones wouldn't keep him down once they were out there, Jey would have to do more and to do so he would have no choice. He was fast, he would aim for multiple points, targeting him, Roman only needed one, the right one, like with the punching bag.
When he hit it seriously, the chain holding it up gave way, sending it down and putting Roman face to face with Solo, standing silently there, even though he hadn't asked to see him.
- "What's up?" – he asked, catching his breath and kicking the punching bag away.
- "He was talking to Y/N upstairs" – Solo said, without mincing words and Roman stopped, staring at him, his sweaty brow furrowed in an attempt to understand.
Y/N couldn't stand the wiseman. She had never liked him, from the first day, it had taken months to convince her to not growl when he approached and now they were talking? Alone upstairs, while he was there training?
- "About what?" – Roman asked, but Solo shrugged his shoulders in a heavy silence Roman had to accept, hiding his annoyance with a grimace.
First in his land. Then in his family. Now in his house. No… not that time.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyyaanna @expert-texpert @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @joannasteez @reignsx @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @333creolelady @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @sortudademais @dreamsinfocus @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @southerngirl41 @smile1318 @wrestlingprincess80
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hunieday · 15 days
Oogami Banri 2024 RabbiTV - Episode 1 : A travel Guide
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
(Cut to the i7 Dorms)
Nanase Riku: Manager is here~!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, everyone! Sorry for the intrusion…!
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, there you are. Good work, Manager.
Izumi Mitsuki: Thanks for your hard work! Sorry for calling you here out of the blue! We just wanted to discuss something we can’t really talk about at the office.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Don’t worry about it at all…! You’re holding a meeting about Banri-san’s thing, right?
Rokuya Nagi: YES! It’s an important meeting to celebrate Banri’s birthday!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yaay! Our Ban-chan!
Osaka Sougo: We’re thinking of offering him a one-day tour of Atami this time.
Nanase Riku: We were lucky to work on the "OFF/Travel @ SHIZUOKA" project since it’s such a wonderful city, so we were hoping Banri-san would experience its charm too!
Izumi Iori: It would be difficult to tour all of Shizuoka after all, so we’re planning the tour around the  Atami area since it’s easier to go through. 
Takanashi Tsumugi: So you all came up with an original tour plan! That’s wonderful…!
Nikaido Yamato: And we have this thing over here.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ta-daa! Our original travel guide!
Izumi Mitsuki: We made the entire thing by hand!
Rokuya Nagi: King Pudding and Kinako are dressed up in OFF/travel fits on the cover!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Wow! I-I want one…!
Izumi Iori: Everyone contributed to the illustrations of the guide. We plan to make a few copies, so we’ll give one to you as well.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I supervised Sou-chan’s drawings so I don’t think they’ll freak Ban-chan out!
Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-sensei gave me some guidance.
Rokuya Nagi: And the person who drew this Kokona over here, is actually me.
Nikaido Yamato: Yeah, we could tell without asking I think.
Nanase Riku: We also made a schedule together! I thought we could add a few more detours but…
Izumi Iori: Your suggestions were way too inefficient. If we walk for more than 30 minutes between every stop, we won’t have time to do any sightseeing. And Nagi-san keeps suggesting taking taxis for every trip…
Rokuya Nagi: Of course! Japan is still hot even in September.
Osaka Sougo: As you can see, Iori-kun was supervising the schedule.
Izumi Mitsuki: By the way, the gourmet food selection was supervised by Yamato-san! He compiled all the delicious things we ate in Atami.
Nikaido Yamato: Well, Banri-san likes Japanese food so we have similar tastes. Mitsu and Tama were a big help with the sweets stuff.
Yotsuba Tamaki: All thanks to Mikki!
Izumi Mitsuki: You did well, Tamaki!
Nanase Riku: And the highlight of the trip!
IDOLiSH7: The Atami Seaside Fireworks Festival!
Takanashi Tsumugi: A fireworks festival…! Isn’t that amazing? They hold it more than ten times a year…!
Nanase Riku: That’s right! And not just during summer! We want Banri-san to finish a day of sightseeing by watching the fireworks!
Izumi Iori: I watched a video about the festival, and the way the fireworks reflected on the sea was beautiful. I think it’ll be even more impressive in person.
Rokuya Nagi: Please take lots of photos. We’re looking forward to hearing all about it.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Right, I’ll ask Banri-san about it!
Nikaido Yamato: No, no. We’re asking you, Manager.
Osaka Sougo: Could you please take a look at the participant list here?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh…? 
Takanashi Tsumugi: Banri-san and… me and the other agencies’ managers…!?
Izumi Mitsuki: I’m sure Banri-san would feel too reserved going alone, so the president decided to make this the annual manager’s trip too!
Takanashi Tsumugi: The president…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yup! Then we asked the other managers via rabbitchat and everyone was on board to help out!
Osaka Sougo: I was in charge of supervising the messages sent to the senior managers just in case.
Rokuya Nagi: There sure are a lot of supervisors!
Nanase Riku: Everyone just wants to express their thanks to their hard working managers! They even helped us a little bit with the guidebook.
Izumi Iori: That’s why we want you all to have fun and take it easy. (1)
Nikaido Yamato: Go eat lots of delicious food!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you so much! I’ll take you up on the offer and enjoy Atami to the fullest…!
(Cut to Trigger’s Apartment)
Anesagi Kaoru: …And that concludes our meeting. Thanks for the tea. I’ll come back and pick you up again tomorrow!
Yaotome Gaku: Wait, Anesagi! We didn’t invite you here just to drink tea!
Kujo Tenn: Actually, we have a request for you, Anesagi-san.
Anesagi Kaoru: A request from you guys…? That’s unusual.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Anesagi-san, please go on a trip to Atami during your next day off!
Anesagi Kaoru: Huh!? Atami!?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: The IDOLiSH7 members are planning a celebration for Banri-san’s birthday, and they suggested turning the relaxing trip into an annual retreat for all the managers!
Kujo Tenn: You haven’t been able to take a break recently, right? This is the perfect opportunity to relax and refresh your soul.
Yaotome Gaku: We even made guidebooks! We worked on them with the IDOLiSH7 guys. Look at the souvenir page here.
Kujo Tenn: I included a section on hot spring water skincare products that looked appealing.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Your skin’s already beautiful Anesagi-san, but it could become even more radiant!
Anesagi Kaoru: Oh,you! You say such sweet things. Those skincare products sound great too…
Anesagi Kaoru: Wait. Oh my god…! Nagi-kun drew something too!
Yaotome Gaku: How do you even know that…?
Kujo Tenn: Hehe, who knows?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: So, what do you say?! You’ll go, right?
Anesagi Kaoru: …Well, since you went through all this trouble to plan this… I guess I’ll go to Atami!
Yaotome Gaku: That’s the spirit!
Kujo Tenn: That’s a relief. Gaku and Ryuu have been itching to tell you ever since this trip has been decided.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Y-You think so!?
Yaotome Gaku: No I didn’t!?
Kujo Tenn: Yes you did. In fact, you kept saying “Atami” so much that you started having nonsensical conversations, like whether or not a hot sea even exists. Well it probably depends on the temperature outside.
Yaotome Gaku: Because the thought of you watching the awesome Atami fireworks made me so happy!
Anesagi Kaoru: Fireworks?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That’s right! Anesagi-san, the other day you mentioned that you wanted to go to a fireworks festival after hearing them in the distance on your way home, right?
Kujo Tenn: The moment we heard about the fireworks setting off over the sea, we knew we definitely wanted to show that sight to you.
Anesagi Kaoru: That was just a random passing comment I made… But you guys actually remembered.
Yaotome Gaku: Of course! We’re talking about our precious manager here after all.
Kujo Tenn: We want to see your smiling face as well, Anesagi-san.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: You always put us first, so please let us fulfill your wish!
Anesagi Kaoru: You silly boys. It’s not about putting you first or not. It’s my pleasure to support you!
Anesagi Kaoru: …But, thank you. I’m gonna enjoy my trip to Atami to the fullest!
(Cut to Okazaki Agency)
Momo: Dan-dan-dada-dun-dan♪
Yuki: Dadadadadandan-dan♪
Okazaki Rintaro: What’s up with your singing? You’re in a good mood today.
Okazaki Rinto: Isn’t that the song they play at award ceremonies? And is Momo-kun holding what looks like a piece of paper…?
Okazaki Rintaro: So that’s what it is! A ceremony to honor my great achievements, huh? You can be cute sometimes.
Okazaki Rintaro: Well then, what kind of award will you give me? “Hottest president”? “Most amazing president”?
Yuki: There sure are some randos in this sacred award ceremony.
Okazaki Rintaro: Don’t call your president a rando.
Momo: Sorry Prez, it’s Okarin’s award ceremony this time!
Momo: Ta-da! Thanks for your hard work, Okarin! We’re giving you the “World’s best Manager Award”!
Yuki: And your prize for winning this award is a one day tour to Atami. Here’s your guide book.
Okazaki Rinto: Huh!? What award and what kind of prize is this!?
Momo: Haha, you look surprised! Well to summarize, you’re the best for always supporting us! And in return we are gifting you a trip to Atami to show our gratitude!
Yuki: Okarin, thank you for everything.
Momo: Please give us an acceptance speech!
Okazaki Rinto: A-An acceptance speech!? 
Okazaki Rinto: Uhhh… Well, I’m very honored to receive such an award. Thank you very much. I will continue to support Re:vale from here on!!
Yuki: Woo! Okarin!
Momo: Look this way!
Okazaki Rinto: Oh, thank you, thank you… Wait a sec, what do you mean by a trip!? And this adorable travel guide…!
Yuki: IDOLiSH7 is planning a trip for Ban’s birthday this year as well, and they suggested making it a tradition for all the managers to go on a vacation trip.
Yuki: Momo and I also helped make the travel guide book.
Momo: Yuki and I put together a list of food that’s easy on the stomach!
Yuki: We already asked Rintaro to make sure you have the day off.
Okazaki Rinto: The president knew about this!?
Okazaki Rintaro: Well yeah. These two really insisted on it. I can’t say no to Re:vale can I?
Yuki: We casually mentioned it on rabbitchat that’s all.
Momo: Okarin, have a blast in Atami!
Yuki: Don’t think about work that day.
Okazaki Rinto: T-thank you so much…! I’ll bring back lots of souvenirs from Atami!
(ŹOOĻ Waiting Room)
Inumaru Touma: Utsugi-san said he’s gonna be a little late since there’s something he needs to confirm with the director.
Natsume Minami, Isumi Haruka & Mido Torao: …Sigh…
Inumaru Touma: Huh. Why the long faces!?
Inumaru Touma: Aren’t you gonna tell Utsugi-san about the Atami trip? Look, the travel guide we just finished is right here!
Isumi Haruka: I thought it’d be great to make the managers' trip a regular thing…
Isumi Haruka: But when you really think about it, isn't it a bit questionable for us to decide their vacations without asking?
Mido Torao: Like they might have other plans...
Natsume Minami: Or they might prefer mountain food over seafood…
Inumaru Touma: Well, I get what you mean. Why don’t we tell him the gist of it first and ask if he’s interested in going?
Natsume Minami: But it could make it hard for him to refuse if we ask.
Isumi Haruka: And we wanna surprise Utsugi-san if possible anyways.
Mido Torao: I think he’d appreciate it more if we surprised him.
Inumaru Touma: Make up your minds already!
(Door opens)
Utsugi Shiro: Sorry for the wait. The meeting’s over.
Utsugi Shiro: ...Erm, why do you all look so serious? Did you not like the snacks I bought for you?!
Natsume Minami: No, the dorayaki was delectable.
Mido Torao: The sweetness of the red bean paste was just right.
Utsugi Shiro: Then what’s going on…
Isumi Haruka: L-Listen. The thing is, IDOLiSH7 is planning a trip to Atami to celebrate MEZZO”’s manager’s birthday…
Natsume Minami: And so, they suggested combining it with a trip for all the managers as well.
Mido Torao: Last year’s trip looked like it was a great way for you to refresh, so we wanted you to go this time too.
Inumaru Touma: Here’s the travel guide! We helped make it too.
Utsugi Shiro: Atami!? A travel guide…!? Wait a second, you want me to go on this trip?
Isumi Haruka: Ah… was this too sudden and unpleasant after all?
Utsugi Shiro: Not at all…! On the contrary! I’m so happy that you all prepared such a wonderful surprise for me!
Inumaru Touma: Hehe. That’s great guys! Just now everyone was worried about whether or not you’d like it.
Mido Torao: Well, I knew you’d be happy with it.
Natsume Minami: And seafood is delicious.
Isumi Haruka: And the seaside suits Utsugi-san.
Utsugi Shiro: Thank you, I’m so happy! Which part of the travel guide did you guys work on?
Mido Torao: This part. We recommended the best spots to view the fireworks and food stalls.
Natsume Minami: We put a lot of effort into it, so please take your time reading through it later.
Isumi Haruka: Make sure to share lots of photos in the rabbitchat!
Inumaru Touma: We’re looking forward to hearing your stories!
Utsugi Shiro: Yes…! I’ll enjoy Atami while following the guide!
(End of Episode 1)
Iori originally says “羽を伸ばしてきてください”  (stretch one’s wings), which is a polite metaphor to suggest someone relaxes and takes a break. I have no idea if it’s intentional, but I think if it is then it’s a pretty clever reference to Silver Sky (the Re:vale song named after Banri’s character color that has bird imagery in both its cover and lyrics). (that or im just insane)(sorry)
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remy-white · 3 months
Witch in a Modern World; A witch trying to keep her magic hidden while living in a modern city (words)
1. "Wow, that glitch fixed itself just in time for the presentation!"
"Must be our lucky day, right? Let's nail this pitch."
2. "Did you see that guy trip and drop the wallet? Perfect timing!"
"Yeah, just lucky I guess. Good thing they got their wallet back."
3. "Our neighbors finally stopped fighting. Think they made up?"
"Maybe they just needed to cool off. It's nice to have some peace."
4. "I can't believe they started talking things out calmly after that argument."
"Sometimes people just need a little nudge to see eye to eye."
5. "That stray dog looks so much better now. What did you do?"
"Just wrapped its wound with a scarf. Must be tough little guy."
6. "Your plants are amazing! What's your secret?"
"Just a bit of TLC and the right conditions. Nothing magical, I promise."
7. "Did you see that discount at the checkout? That person was so relieved!"
"Yeah, must be a special promotion or something. Lucky break for them."
8. "The nature sounds were so relaxing! How did the instructor manage that?"
"Maybe it was part of the plan? Sure made the class better."
9. "I found exactly the book I needed. It almost jumped out at me!"
"Sounds like the library is on your side today. Glad you found it."
10. "Your candles are amazing! They light up the whole room during the blackout."
"Good quality candles, I guess. Want to stay and chat until the lights come back?"
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unabashegirl · 2 years
Enticing (14)
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Author's note: I've officially written 10 CHAPTERS of both series in less than a month! I can't wait for you to read the rest of the chapters and the direction that the story is taking.
Again, please let me know if you want to be tagged because the list was updated and lots of people don't know, but chapter 13 has already been posted!
Enticing had been posted until CHAPTER 17 on my PATREON. Go check out the different tiers. For $5 you can get access to not only Enticing but to Different (only available there).
Lastly, have a great New Year's Eve! I wish lots of happiness, fewer problems, more laughter and more love next year. If you are going through a hard time then I want to remind to breath and that things will get better. I send every single one of you a big kiss and a hug.
Word count: 2070
TAGS: @0oolookitsme, @happycupcakeenthusiast, @kennedywxlsh, @hsfics, @stylesbrock, @cuddlingwithharry, @sucker4angstt, @bluemoonedwings, @afterglowstyles, @cherriesrae, @vornilla, @mellamolayla, @harryscurls21, @happieroad, @girlboss01
The concept of flying private was something that Y/N always thought would be impossible for her. Therefore, she was surprised when the car pulled up right in front of Harry’s private jet. The jet was completely white, yet it had written Harry’s initials on its tail.
Harry got out of the car first and stretched his hand out for her to take.
“Wow” Harry chuckled at her gasp, he carried her purse out and shut the door behind her. Meanwhile, the airplane crew welcomed them both and began taking their bags out of the trunk and loading them into the plane.
“Mr. Styles” The long-time pilot, greeted Harry as he walked down the steps. “It’s so nice to see you!” Harry did not know about jets and flying when he decided to buy the aircraft. Hence, he turned to Richard for advice, and ever since he has been the pilot of the jet. Harry trusted no one else.
“Richard! How’ve you been?” Harry shook his hand when he got down.
“Very well sir!” He smiled, the pilot noticed Y/N and instantly turned to her. “You must be Ms. Y/L/N! Welcome!” Richard had been astonished to read her name on the guest chart. He had only had the pleasure of meeting two of Harry’s ex. He only wished this one was nicer than the others.
“Thank you! It’s so nice to meet you” Y/N shyly said, not used to greeting people. She was nervous because this trip implicated meeting new people, and she wasn’t as an extrovert as Harry.
He could talk to the wall and not feel like a fool.
“Is everything ready?” He asked, gently guiding Y/N up the steps and into the plane.
“Yes sir. Even the guests are here” Y/N heard him reply as she paid attention to all the details of the inside of the jet. Richard referred to Alessandro, Michael, and William. They had arrived earlier than the couple, which was always unexpected to them. Harry was never late. He would usually scowl and lecture at the rest of the men for leaving him waiting.
She had made them late. Y/N had struggled with leaving Oliver behind. She held him and cried for a few minutes. Harry had to intervene and separate them. It had made his heart ache, yet he forced himself to drive them apart.
The seats of the plane were beige and the carpet a darker tone. It was very elegant.
“Finally! I thought you weren’t coming for a moment!” Alessandro cried as soon as he saw Y/N. He got up from his seat and greeted her with a hug and kiss on each cheek. “I can’t wait for you to see where we are staying!”.
Alessandro had been planning the entire trip since the night they had dinner at Harry’s. If there is something that excited Alessandro was showing the loveliness of his country to foreigners. He had planned every single minute and second in Italy.
Alessandro was even more excited that it was Y/N who was accompanying them. From what he had heard, she was genuinely interested in his close friend. Harry also seemed like he was infatuated with her.
“I didn’t get the memo we had to come in uniform” Alessandro frowned, pointing out that the couple had dressed very similarly. They wore a set of gray sweatpants. The only difference was that Harry wore his black coat over it.
“I like to be comfortable” Harry shrugged, “sue me”
William sat on the first seat with three books stacked on his table. He still hadn’t started reading any of them, but he had already asked for a glass of wine. He has been answering emails since he arrived. Lately, the office was driving him crazy.
“Hi” Y/N waved at him. William stood up and hugged her tightly. “It’s good to see you” she added, gently caressing his back as they pulled apart.
“I am happy you are here” he whispered to her, knowing that if he hadn’t spoken to Harry, earlier that day, she might not have shown up. “Have you thought of the job?”. Y/N nodded with a smile.
“I’ll let you know after the trip” William gave her a small smile and sat back down.
“Hi!” Michael hugged her tightly right after William released her. “I’ve missed you! Are you excited?”
“Why is everyone acting like we haven’t seen each other in years?” Harry asked loudly enough to capture everyone’s attention.
“Because you never text, call, or visit. You only do when it involves business” William mumbled, taking the first book from his pile. “It’s quite annoying”.
“Because you are all busy all the time!”
“Bullshit. I know that you silence yourself whenever we talk, so you can continue bossing people around and working” Michael pointed out, “Yet you always ask for our full attention when you call”.
“Why are we whining? I want to hear less about business and more about having fun in Italy!” Alessandro interrupted as he walked down the hallway with a freshly opened bottle of wine. He started pouring everyone a glass.
Harry and Y/N settled on the seats beside William. Michael and Alessandro sat together behind William.
“Where are we staying?” Harry asked, getting himself out of his trench coat and hoodie. The door still hadn’t been closed, yet there were too many people on the airplane. He also wanted to get comfy and settle down. He took his laptop out and turned it on. He had tried his best to finish the majority of the work, but he still had a few things to do. Plus, he knew that Y/N was probably falling asleep after they served dinner.
“It’s a surprise, but we are first staying in Rome” Alessandro revealed, “Then we are staying somewhere else. Plus, Y/N has to go sightseeing before we can leave the capital”
The nanny smiled at Alessandro, she always felt welcomed by him. He made her feel part of the group.
Y/N took her shoes off and pulled her knees to her chest. She had chosen a book from Harry’s extensive library. She slipped on her glasses and submerged herself in the literary book.
The flight attendants shut the door just as Michael and Alessandro argued about Italian summers versus French summers. The plane was off the ground before they realized it.
The plane had taken off just before sunset. Therefore, the passengers had a peak at the gorgeous setting of the sun. The plane got washed with orange warm tones that made Y/N feel like she was in a dream. The sky turned dark after the small spectacle. And then it was very quiet for about two hours. Everyone was too indulged in their activities to speak.
“That was so fucking good,” Michael said after finishing his plate. They had served risotto and lemon chicken, accompanied by a nice glass of wine a few hours into the flight. “I swear the food makes flying private worth every dime” He pulled on his shirt, stretching it over his slight tummy.
“I feel like I am going to explode” Her sweats were too tight, and she urgently wanted to get into comfortable clothes. “I thought I was ready for all the eating we are going, but I guess I am not” she puffed leaning back on her seat.
“Oh, no honey! This is just an appetizer compared to all the food we are eating”.
“This is why I always come back to New York with way bigger pants” Michael always bought more pants. He believed in clothes should fit you and not the other way around. Plus, he enjoyed pasta and pizza way too much to sacrifice it. He also hated going to the gym. He wasn’t like Harry, who religiously attended.
Harry still hadn’t finished eating, but he leaned over and kissed Y/N's cheeks after seeing her pouting at her bloated tummy. He found it sweet and cute. Just like he found it cute that she always ate her food with a spoon, or how she watched Disney movies on her own and in her free time.
“It’s time for a nap” William yawned as he unbuckled himself. “I am too tired” He added as he walked towards the back of the plane where there was a pull-out bed.
Michael started watching a movie, and Alessandro laid back on his seat and tried to get some sleep after the flight attendant pick up the plates.
“Who is your celebrity crush?” Y/N randomly asked as she watched Harry eating.
“That’s a bit random” He laughed, cutting up the last piece of salmon.
“Just answer the question!” Y/N insisted on, wanting to get to know all his quirks and likes and dislikes more profoundly.
“Jennifer Aniston”
“Interesting” Y/N nodded as she assimilated the information.
“Wha’s there a correct question?”
“Don’t be an idiot” She giggled. Harry wiped the corners of his mouth and washed down the last bite with the last of the wine. “I was just curious” Y/N shrugged.
“What’s yours?”
“John Krasinski” she blurted. Y/N had always been a fan of his character in The Office. Sure, he had gotten cuter and hotter with age, but she liked him even when he was just Jim.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah” she nodded, “why?”
“I thought yeh had a better taste in man”
“Oh! You dick!” She pushed him as they both laughed. “And you are very basic. Jennifer Aniston? Really?”
“Basic? Nu’uh. Look at your boyfriend!”
“I swear that damn ego of yours is going to be our doom”
“You act like you don’t like it!” He was right. Y/N loved the confidence that Harry radiated. It was incredibly attractive. She just rolled her eyes at him and shook her head at him. That was until she yawned. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed” He guided her to the bedroom in the back.
“This jet is huge!” She exclaimed, as Harry started taking everything out of his pockets, then proceeded to strip. He got down to his boxers, then threw his tired body on the bed.
Y/N still stood by the feet of the bed, still very dressed. Harry had forgotten to pack an extra set of pajamas for them to wear on the plane.
“Don’t look at me like that!” Y/N felt his intimidated gaze on her, slowly stripping her naked. She felt too exposed, and she hadn’t even taken a sock off.
“M’ not! I don’t know what yeh are talking bout, pup” His English accent got raspier and more pronounced, and his hooded eyes only called out for her. He craved her — badly. “Just take off your clothes, so we can get some rest”.
“Then look the other way!” She argued feeling self-conscious about her body. “You are making me nervous!” Y/N admitted.
“Why? I’ve seen you naked befo” He put his arms behind his head whilst his smirk grew by the minute. “You are acting like I haven’t had my face buried between those legs already”
“HARRY!” She yelled, trying to stop him. He only laughed and enjoyed how her cheeks turned red. “Fine!” She resigned, realizing that Harry wasn’t going to bulge. She took off her hoodie first, then her pants and finally shirt. Before he could say anything, she ran to the bed and got under the sheets.
“You are no fun” he pouted and got under the sheets with her. His hands sneakily found her waist and pulled her warm body against his after shutting the light off.
It was quiet for a few minutes. They could only hear each other's breaths and feel each other’s skin.
“Are you happy?” He asked her, placing a soft kiss on top of her head.
“Very and you?”
“Extremely” They both smiled in the darkness, comfortable with one another and exited for what the next few days would bring them. “But if you keep touching my thighs with those bloody cold feet — I am out” Harry added.
Chapter 15
love you all!
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pardi-real · 9 months
Tarot of Destiny / Chapter 4 - Feelings to Convey
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[Central Land, Maginaria]
We arrived at the city of Maginaria that night. As we got off the carriage in front of the inn... all the butlers who had arrived earlier were there to greet us.
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Fennesz: "We've been expecting you, my lord."
Lamli: "Wow~! My lord, your outfit is absolutely splendid ♪"
Hanamaru: "Looks good, and our outfits are almost matching, right? Hehe. It's kinda like a date."
Yuhan: "Mr. Hanamaru… Please refrain from such offhand comments."
Teddy: "Please do, Mr. Hanamaru! The other butlers are giving you the cold stare!"
Flure: "Sigh... I knew you'd say that."
Hanamaru: "I-I feel like everybody is being unusually cold tonight... Sh-should we head inside the inn soon? My lord..."
Miyaji: "Yeah, that's right. You must be tired after being in the carriage for so long."
Lucas: "We’ve reserved the finest accommodations for you, my Lord."
Nac: "Yes. We've meticulously planned the security arrangements as well."
Lato: "Not even a single mouse can sneak in, so please rest assured..."
> "Thank you, guys"
[Maginaria, Inn]
I entered the inn, guided by everyone... It was quite a large inn. The interior was luxurious, almost like a hotel.
> "What a grand Inn"
Lono: "Right! Because my lord, all of us, and Lady Elvira will be staying at this inn."
Bastien: "For security reasons... We've booked this entire floor."
Boschi: "Hm? Speaking of which, where did Elvira go?  She was with us until a moment ago..."
Ammon: "Oh, her... She quickly headed to her room.  Those northern witches... Maybe they prefer being alone, rather than being in a place bustling with people?"
Boschi: "Hmph...  Even so, we're here on guard duty. It would've been nice if she said something before leaving."
Haures: "......For you to talk about manners……"
Boschi: "Huh? Got something to say, Haures?"
Haures: "No, it's nothing. Anyway... About tomorrow's plan, a few of us will take turns to guard her when she goes out. Meanwhile, the available butlers will accompany you, my lord...  And guide you through the city of Maginaria."
> "Guided city tour?"
Lono: "Yes! Because it's a special festival, after all."
Bastien: "We couldn't relax at the mansion... So, at least, we hope my lord will enjoy this trip."
Lato: "Kufufu...  We'll be accompanying you from tomorrow onwards. Rest early tonight… Please prepare yourself for the enjoyable times starting tomorrow."
Yuhan: "Well then... Let us guide you to your room, my lord."
Teddy: "A soft bed is waiting for you!"
Led to the room by the butlers, I felt utterly exhausted after being rocked in carriage. I quickly finished bathing and dining, and laid my body on the soft, warm bed. Before long, I fell into a deep slumber.
~ Meanwhile, around that time ~
Tap, tap, tap
Muu: "Everyone, the lord is asleep! Seems like it's safe to start the discussion now!"
Berrien: "Understood. Thank you, Muu."
Miyaji: "So, Berrien. What's the discussion about?"
Berrien: "Yes. Of course, it's about 'the tarot card drawn by the lord.' "
Yuhan: "It's 'upright Death'...  Even though we're behaving as if we're not concerned in front of the lord... I'm still worried."
Hanamaru: "But come on. Isn't it just a mere fortune-telling? I mean, fortunes don't always come true. It's a hit or miss."
Berrien: "That being said... Lady Elvira's fortune-telling is famous for its accuracy."
Lucas: "That's right… With her fortune-telling indicating the 'upright Death'... The lord is probably... deep down, feeling anxious."
Berrien: "However... When we were in the carriage earlier... Lady Elvira mentioned something that concerns me. 'You already have a way to save the lord from a bad fate'..."
Lono: "Huh... What's that?"
Bastien: "Mr. Berrien, please tell us more."
Berrien: "Yes. According to her..."
Hanamaru: "Hmmm~... Through the tarot cards each of us has been given, look into ourselves... And then, the feelings that surfaced from it... convey them to the lord. I see...  I don't get it at all."
Teddy: "I don't understand the meaning either...  But if we follow as instructed, maybe it could save the lord? If that's the case... I think it's worth a try!"
Haures: "Exactly, I agree. Does everyone have their tarot cards with them?"
Boschi: "Yeah. Just in case, I've got mine in my pocket."
Fennesz: "Looking at these cards... Looking back at myself and the feelings they bring up... then...  Should I convey the feelings that come to mind to the lord?"
Flure: "I think we should. Although I don't understand the meaning at all... If there's a chance to save the lord... I'm willing to try anything!"
Bastien: "Yes. We've been spending almost two years with the lord. I can't imagine a mansion without the lord anymore."
Lato: "That's right. That's how much the lord has given us.  The lord saved me... Changed me..."
Haures: "Hmm... Yeah, indeed.  If the lord wasn't here... Some of us wouldn't be here in this world."
Berrien: "Yes... The lord didn't just save us. Our lives are heading in a better direction thanks to the lord. From before the lord arrived until now... The impression of everyone has changed a bit."
Miyaji: "Yeah... Absolutely."
Lucas: "The lord is... indeed a special person to us."
Haures: "Well then, from tomorrow onwards... As we discussed earlier, while strolling around the city with the lord... Each of us, the butlers, will convey our feelings.  Let's proceed with this plan. Does anyone object?"
Lamli: "Of course not! It's to save the lord, after all."
Nac: "If it's to save the lord, these feelings... I can keep talking about it for three days and three nights."
Lamli: "......Isn't that super annoying?"
Knock, knock
Berrien: "Oh? Who could it be at this hour...  I'll go and check.  ...Who is it?"
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Wants Within | S. Shinazugawa | Chapter 7
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✦ Sanemi Shinazugawa x femReader!, college au, reader is adult
✦ Synopsis: You're a college student taking classes with a very strict lecturer- professor Shinazugawa. Because of an unfortunate even you got on his bad side so now you're trying everything to regain in his eyes. Well, you most certainely didn't expect that kind of attention.
✦ Word count: 1,1k
18+, minors do not interact
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The trip came to an end and you found yourself back at the dorms. After hearing the fight between the Kochou sisters and Shinazugawa, you thought about it a lot. He seemed so hurt back then. You still didn't know the other part of the story, maybe he did some bad things though. Well, you will most likely never know. There was also one more thing that crossed your mind many times. During the fight, Shinazugawa mentioned him being an orphan. That was some deep shit. In your eyes, he only looked more intimidating and somehow powerful. Achieving all that he had, while growing up with no parents and taking care of a brother. Damn, that man must be made out of stone.
All of that came back to you while you were getting dressed for the science fair. It was an annual party that your university held for all of its workers and students, as well as anybody who would be willing to come. They showed the biggest achievements of the previous year, some new projects, student work and so on. You felt like coming because Shinazugawa would be giving a free lecture.
After realising you may have a crush of your professor you felt kinda dumb but at the same time kinda good. It was just so nice, thinking about him, imagining scenarios and talking to him when you met him in the corridor or after lectures. No, you did not plan to hit on him, obviously. Yet, your small crush was not hurting anyone, was it?
You found the class that Shinazugawa was supposed to give his lecture in. It was a big one with many seats and a huge blackboard. There was also a small exhibition with student work, mostly from Shinazugawas classes. Stepping closer to it, you spotted something familiar. It was your research, the additional one that you did some time ago. Reading through the text you reassured that it was, in fact, your piece of work. Looking around you spotted Shinazugawa looking at you. You pointed to the piece of paper, hanging on a board and grinned. He nodded your way with a small smile. The white haired man was just about to stand up from his seat when professor Rengoku came to him.
''What are you looking at, lady?'' You heard an unfamiliar voice behind you.
Turning around, you saw a tall man hovering upon you. He had a very classy suit that had many extravagant details about it. Some crystal looking things, red boots and fancy glasses chains. He had white hair, tied up in a ponytail.
''The work here.'' You spat out, not sure what to do.
''Hmm, I see.'' he hummed, looking at the piece of paper. ''And what's so interesting about it?''
''It's mine actually.'' You answered bluntly.
''Oh wow, how flamboyant.'' What?
Leaning over your shoulder, he took a look at your work.
''So your name is Y/N L/N? Truly pretty, suits a pretty girl like you.'' He grinned.
''Ah... thank you?'' Your voice didn't sound convincing.
''I guess, you're a student here, aren't you?''
''What a pity, then asking you out for coffee gets slightly more extravagant. Yet, a sweet girl like you makes my doubts go away.'' He flashed you a smile.
Meanwhile, Rengoku and Shinazugawa talked by the desk.
''See, I told you giving her more time would benefit.'' The blonde felt victorious.
''Yes, yes, you're always true. Now drop it'' Shinazugawa got annoyed.
''Did she come out that bad?''
''Why do you ask?''
''I've heard she was the only student that came to your field trip lecture. You two must have talked.''
''No, she was quite okay. A regular student.''
''Really, because you're glancing at her all the time. Usually, you would sit with your nose in your laptop.'' Rengoku wasn't convinced.
''What are you suggesting?''
''Nothing.'' The blonde waved his hands in front of his friend's angry face. ''Just so you know, it's nothing wrong. She's an adult, you're also one. She'll just have to take different classes, with some other professor.''
''Are you out of your mind?''
''No, I think I'm not.'' Rengoku shrugged. ''So if you're really not interested in her it won't bother you that Tengen is just talking with her, you know, his way.''
Shinazugawas head shot your way instantly, he didn't even think much about it.
''There you go.'' Rengoku sweatdropped.
''Shut up.'' With that, the white haired man stood up and went your way.
''So what do you think? Coffee later, maybe you could tell me something about that research, what motivated you to do it, how do you feel about it?'' The unknown man was still trying to pursue you.
''Tengen, cut the crap.'' Shinazugawas voice ringed in your ear as he reached you.
''Welcome professor.'' You greeted him happily.
''Hello, hello dear Shinazugawa.'' Tengen looked at him with a slick smile. ''How are you today?''
''Very good, I would be even better if I knew you were not hitting on my student, in my class, in front of everyone without any qualms.''
''Oh, okay mister grumpy.'' Tengen laughed. ''I'm just interested in our today's youth.''
''Of course. Miss L/N, don't treat this too seriously, he acts like that with every woman he meets.'' Shinazugawa turned your way.
''No need to worry, I'm sorry Mister Tengen but I was not actually considering your offer.'' You laughed awkwardly.
''Too bad, was this too sudden?'' He didn't drop the topic.
''No, it's just...'' You really wanted to end this part of the conversation and you had to think about something that would shut him for good. ''I'm already interested in someone else.''
''I see, then I must not ruin this, please forgive me.'' He made a funny, shocked look. ''I must leave now for my lecture, sorry to end such an interesting conversation in the middle, we may meet again at the university sometime. Adios.'' The man bowed before you and walked away, with that slick smile still plastered on his face.
Wait, was he a professor here? That was so weird! A professor just hit on you.
''Seriously, don't take it as anything special. He's... just like that all the time.'' Shinazugawa sighed.
''I get it, it was still weird though.'' You let out a small laugh. ''And kinda funny. Anyway, did you want something from me, professor?''
It struck the white haired, he didn't have any business for you. He just saw Tengen doing Tengen things and he didn't feel right knowing you were hit on by someone. Why did he do that? Why did he feel the urge to go and get Tengen off of you? Shit, he was doing weird things.
''Just wanted to tell you about the work that I posted here.'' He came up with an excuse.
''Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate it. It feels great to see that your work actually means something.'' You grinned, happy with yourself.
''That's true.''
Looking at the time, he excused himself and went back to his desk, the lecture was about to start. One thought clouded his mind and he couldn't stop to think about it.
You said that you were interested in someone already. Who was that? 
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
Vee getting into Cosmic Frontiers while everyone else is in the demon realm so she’ll have something to talk with her mom and brother about when they get back!!!
“Okay, okay, okay. Camila is officially on vacation, and Luz has been excused from school absences for the same, the car has been towed and returned, and no one is the wiser.” Vee chewed on the tip of her pen. “What else? I guess I could do something around the house? It would probably be a nice surprise for Camila to come home to a nice clean house.”
Vee gathered up stray Halloween bits and bobs, tucking them back into their box. Extra teeth, old trick or treat buckets—anything pumpkin shaped went into the bin. Vee tugged at her own sweater. Well. Maybe not everything pumpkin shaped.
She shoved the box to the basement steps, then thumped up the stairs to Luz’s room. She surveyed the cots and sleeping bags, and the miscellaneous clothes strewn about.
What if things go badly?
What if they come back still needing a place to stay?
No. She couldn’t think like that. They’d succeed. And maybe they’d come back for a sleepover, but for now… Vee rolled up the sleeping bags and collapsed the cots. Best case scenario planning. She scooped up the clothes, dumping them in a hamper and piling the sleeping bags on top. She grabbed the hamper under one arm, the cots under the other, and went right back down the stairs. First, to the laundry room, to separate the clothes she’d gathered. She’d have to check the basement before she put on a wash, though.
Vee rolled the sleeping bags down the basement steps, then carried the box of Halloween stuff, then another trip for the cots and the hamper. The blankets from the couch went into the hamper. So did the T-shirts that someone—okay, who was she kidding, that Hunter had neatly folded and stacked to the side of the couch.
Vee knelt down to roll up Hunter’s sleeping bag, but stopped just before she started to fold it.
Where was Hunter going to go? Maybe he’d stay with Gus, but he didn’t have a home anymore. Maybe he’d come back. In which case, maybe he should get a cot, instead of sleeping on the floor all of the time. That couldn’t be good for his back.
Vee snapped the cot out to its full size, lifting Hunter’s sleeping bag up. Something tumbled out of it, landing on her foot with a solid thump.
“OW!” Vee jumped up and down on one foot, holding the other. “What the—” she tossed the sleeping bag to the cot and picked up the thing that had fallen on her foot. A book. The same book Hunter had been toting around, Cosmic Frontier.
Come to think of it, they had said they’d found it down here. And Camila had acted awfully cagey about it. Vee opened the door to the closet within the basement—what a weird concept—and a fake gun, tricked out with lights and whistled, tumbled out. Vee picked it up, turning it over.
Property of Star Captain Camila Noceda read the handle.
Vee rummaged through the closet, digging through comic books, posters, and a photo album filled with pictures of Camila in full costume and posing with other cosplayers. Some of them were signed by names Camila didn’t recognize, and one, which had its own whole page and was framed with golden foil, was signed with the same name as the author of the book.
“Wow,” Vee mused out loud, “She was really into this. So were Hunter and Gus. Maybe it really is just that good?”
Vee retreated back to the couch, opening the book to the first page. “I supposed I could see what all the fuss is about.”
Star Date… I don’t know anymore. According to O’Bailey, the wormhole we were caught in may have moved us through time as well as space. It could be that we have lost everyone we loved, and that the universe as we know it has changed irreversibly. Our homes might not even exist anymore. Still, I have to believe there’s a way back.
My last weekly report was before the wormhole. I don’t know if these logs will be read by command anymore, or if our whole system is now obsolete, but still, as the captain, I must record what happened. So. One week ago…
Vee mouthed along to the words as she read. She already knew from Hunter that O’Bailey was a clone from an enemy planet—relatable—but she’d underestimated just how many character dynamics and plotlines this book had. Every character introduced had their own backstories and their own difficulties, all of them weaving together to form one complex web of narratives. Even things she thought were a one-off came back later, or were somehow important.
Vee thumped back up the stairs, grabbing sticky notes and a pen. She started writing notes; characters, things that came back, noting foreshadowing, and misleads. The book started to fill up with little yellow tabs.
“Yeah, okay,” she told Hunter’s empty cot, “I’ll give you this one. For a book written in the nineties, it’s surprisingly relevant. Maybe Luz and Amity were right, too, and I should read Azura.”
Vee rummaged around in Luz’s room until she found a blank sketchbook and a set of colored pencils.
We forever love and protect our crew, she wrote, carefully spacing out each letter and imitating the script on the cover of the book, Whoever and whatever we are, we will always be family. Through supernovas, and solar flares, this we always swear.
“Through anything,” Vee whispered. She folded up the paper and tucked it into the front cover of the photo album. She padded softly down the hallway, her footsteps turning to a slither halfway down. She pushed open Camila’s door with a creak, setting the album down on the nightstand. “Whoever and whatever we are.”
Vee tidied up Camila’s books, gathering them into one neat stack. “Stay safe,” she whispered to the air, “Come back home soon. All of you.”
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
Do you write for skye?! I haven’t seen much for her in the community and honestly I’m grabbing at straws for skye content.
If you’re comfortable, dating skye hc would be nice! You can add anyone else if you want I’m just desperate for her
HELLO OMG !!! there is such a lack of skye content its so sad :(
yes i absolutely will write for skye! tysm for the request omgomg :)
she definitely has a lot of insecurity with her healing, everyone just runs to sage and forgets about her. if you chose to go to her over sage she would be so flustered and pleased :)
"huh? you came to me..? wow mate i'm flattered. come sit!"
she would be so caring, the last thing she wants is her lover hurt..
"now please take care dearest! if you need anything else you can come to me."
she loves PDA if your ok with it! she would definitely give you a side hug in public after you came back from a mission, on the trip back to base she would hold your hand and caress it.
she loves hands, it sounds weird but like, she loves holding your hand, press small kisses to the palm and back of your hand, and she loves to feel your hand run through her hair as she softly your cheek
she is quite organized, so expect planned out dates (maybe with an itinerary as well LOL)
she is not extremely jealous, but she definitely notices the not-so subtle flirting from chamber every once in a while. if he starts to get a little bit TOO obvious, she will step in and try and get him to leave.
"chamber, i heard brim was calling you? sounded pretty important eh? better get going."
gives him a death glare as he leaves
"are you sure you don't want me to talk to him mate? if he makes you uncomfortable then you should say something.."
skye is not a very anxious person, so she would be a little out of her element if she were comforting you, but she would try her best.
"mate..if you ever need a shoulder to cry on i am here for you! i really hate seeing you upset. i just wish i could take this pain away from you.."
she would be an amazing partner. she would always ask to accompany you if you were on a mission because what if you got hurt and sage was much far away from the site you were on? what if you got ambushed and had to fight 5 versus 1..?
if she couldn't come with you, she would threaten cypher into keeping a close eye on your bodycam.
"cypher. i will send my trailblazer into your room everynight if you don't make sure they are ok on that mission, you got that mate?"
her love language is totally acts of service, she loves to do things for you. even if it is as simple as healing a small scratch or bruise.
"i love you little fox! please stay safe! :)"
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Yuma Heaven [02]
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ー The scene starts in the guest room
Yui: Anyway...Yuma-kun sure is taking his time...
( Just when we planned to go out together... )
Is he still not ready?
( I guess I have no other choice but to wait a little longer... )
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: Wait...Hm?
( He left his shoes laying around over here... )
Even though he’s usually the one telling me to put them away once I’ve taken them off...
Fufu...Guess it can’t be helped. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( That being said...They sure are big. )
( I wonder how much bigger they are than mine? )
( Right...! Perhaps I should try putting them on? )
Yui: ...There we go! Like this...?
ー Yui tries walking around
Yui: ( Wow...They’re basically falling off me...! )
( This might be a similar difference like between a child and its parent! )
( I had no idea Yuma-kun had such large feet... )
Yui: Hmー ...Yuma-kun usually walks around like this, doesn’t he?
ー She tries to imitate him
Yui: A little more confident, perhaps? ...There.
Fufu, I think it’s starting to look like it! Perhaps I should go show Kou-kun or somethiーー 
ー Yuma shows up
Yuma: Who walks like that, huh...?
Yui: ...!! Y-Yuma-kun...!
( H-He saw me...! )
Yuma: Come on, tell me. Who walks like that?
Yui: W-Well...
( Oh no...He’s upset, isn’t he...? )
( I guess in this kind of situation...The best thing is to run... )
ー Yui tries to get away but she trips over the big shoes
Yui: Ah...!
Yuma: ーー Idiot!
ー Yuma catches her just in time
Yuma: Haah...That was close...That’s what ya get for tryin’ to wear shoes which aren’t yer size.
Yui: S-Sorry...But I got bored because you took so long...
Yuma: Don’t be makin’ excuses now. I better punish ya...for doin’ this sorta thing behind my back, don’t ya think?
Yui: Eh? ...Punish...?
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Yeah. Can’t skimp on that. Nn...
Yui: ...!
( A sweet...kiss... )
Yuma: Don’t be doin’ such adorable shit...Idiot...
Yui: Yuma-kun, I can’t breathe...
Besides, the lipstick I put on will go to...
Yuma: Shut up...All ya need to do is let it happen...
Yui: ...
( Geez! I tried my best to look nice since we were going out... )
( But...Strangely enough, I can’t get mad...I wonder if this is what they mean with love makes weak. )
Yuma: ...Ya better take this as a lesson and never try to wear someone else’s shoes again, ‘kay?
Yui: O-Okay...
( For a second, I thought that maybe if I do something naughty...he’ll kiss me again... )
( What am I even thinking...? )
Yuma: Sorry for makin’ ya wait. Come on, let’s hit the road.
Here. ...Gimme yer hand.
Yui: Yes...!!
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Consider Downey eventually getting his doctorate, Vetinari has the city so everything stopped being so much on fire for five minutes, he has some money, he could go on his own field trip - not the Grand Sneer, mind you, just to, you know, explore, see different cultures, collect exotic rare poisonous plants, see what delightful alcohol is made over there.
Of course, when he comes back, nobody believes that he made it to the Counterweight continent, that's bullshit, it's walled-off (yeah, but assassins don't see walls as obstacles), and sure he's made friends, but why don't they never write? (Maybe because communication to and from is very limited? Downey offers, but yes, it'd be nice to exchange letters here and there.)
But after the Silver Horde gets the hold of Agatean Empire and letters and later clacks become regular, Downey gets in touch with all those people he's made friends with and who were honestly pretty thrilled about that one time he got painted as a tiger (because tigers are awesome!).
And it's all fine and dandy until one of the friends sends Downey a copy of a book he's working on, and Downey who can speak Agatean but not read (because the pictograms are even worse with way more wiggly lines) takes it to Vetinari, because Vetinari can read agatean (gods know why he learned), and Vetinari has a Very Difficult Time to keep his face neutral because he's just gotten into his hands the Discworld Art of War and Downey had apparently seen its author more hungover than sober most of the time.
I love that today is the day for "what if" asks with my peak favourite characters. This delights me to no end.
Downey would take himself on the most decadent, obscenely lush Tour that ever happened. He'd show Vetinari the itinerary and Vetinari is like 'I feel that at some point this is going to kill you, however you are so incredibly pleased with yourself about the entire situation I shan't infringe.'
yeah, but assassins don't see walls as obstacles
Especially not Downey. Who sees anything that involves Rule Breaking as a Fun Challenge. Something to pass the time. He likes puzzles - not the wordy kind Vetinari is so keen on - but the practical physical kind.
Downey is the sort of person to be faced with the riddle "there's a fork in the road and two angels guard the paths forward. One path will lead to death, the other to life. One angel always tells the truth, the other one lies. They know which they are. They know where the two paths go. You may ask one yes or no question. What do you ask to determine which path leads to freedom?" with like "well, I poison both and then send people I don't like down each path and take the option that didn't result in the horrific death of one of the participants."
Vetinari: that's not the solution, Downey.
Downey: it's A solution.
Vetinari: you're supposed to ask a question.
Downey: I ask them: would you like some tea?
Vetinari: I hate that you followed the rule that it's a yes/no question.
Downey: if they say no, I just stab them.
Tigers *are* awesome!
(Vetinari: I am aware of this)
I love the idea that Downey speaks Agatean but can't read it and Vetinari can read it but can't speak it. I love that between them, they one whole person who is fluent. It's so very them and I think it beautiful.
Downey is like, 'wow this takes my dyslexia to whole new levels' and his friend Discworld!Sun Tzu is like, 'you know, it's fine. I'll just read everything to you.'
(Vetinari learned Agatean because he was bored one summer and that's just the sort of man he is.)
Vetinari gets really into the Art of War mostly because it's things like: The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. And Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
I love this entire thing as a premise and have accepted it into my head as canon.
In other news, you should maaaaaybe write?? it??
<3 <3 <3
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burnwater13 · 4 months
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Image of assassin droid IG-11 on Arvala-7, from The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 1, The Mandalorian. Calendar from DataWorks.
Grogu wondered why some droids had such interesting personalities and others, well… others said ‘Gonk’ and waddled off. That really didn’t count as a personality, did it? He didn’t think it did. After all, a GNK power droid really only did one thing. It powered things up. Then it waddled away to power some other thing up. And it said, ‘Gonk’. Grogu didn’t even know what ‘gonk’ meant, but he was pretty sure that it wasn’t a one word summation of life, the universe, and everything. How could it be?
Then there were protocol droids. They were made by a wide variety of manufacturers and came in all the shiny colors and according to his dad every last one of them were annoying know it alls. Grogu had met a couple of protocol droids and he didn’t see any flaw in his dad’s logic. The only thing he could say for those droids was that they were programmed that way. His dad had replied that another protocol droid must have been the lead programmer. Grogu had laughed at that, thinking his dad was joking. The icy cold stare he got in return indicated that perhaps he’d been mistaken. That helmet really didn’t convey very much nuance. Dank Farrik. 
Grogu’s favorite droid was IG-11, no, IG-12, no IG-11-M, but wait… shouldn’t it be called IG-11.2? There must have been an IG-12 as an originally manufactured droid. Right? Or was the main board they replaced for the droid actually from an IG-12 model? Grogu didn’t know. It was confusing. Maybe the Anzellan droid smiths knew? Perhaps Grogu just needed to put the various time’s he met IG-11 in some sort of time line? Sure. That might help. 
The very first time Grogu recalled meeting the assassin droid was on Arvala-7. It was clearly an IG-11 then. The Mandalorian had very effectively deactivated the droid and they didn’t see it again until they ended up back on Arvala-7 a good amount of time later. The Mandalorian had wanted to deactivate it again, but Kuiil prevented that. Grogu was glad of that. It turned out that an assassin droid could make pretty good tea if you asked it nicely enough. 
Now the question was, when Kuiil repaired the droid and reprogrammed it to be a nanny and nurse droid did it go from IG-11.0 to IG-11.1? Grogu thought it did. It was the same droid but with it’s memory wiped and most of its programming replaced. It had the same main board which meant that it hadn’t had an upgrade. It was just trained to be useful and not violent. At least in theory. 
That theory was tested when they brought Kuiil, the blurggs, Cara Dune, and IG-11.1 to Nevarro. Wow. So many things happened during that trip. Greef Karga had planned on betraying them. Grogu changed his mind about that. Kuiil had tried to take him back to the ship, but those wretched ex-Imp troopers stopped that. Permanently. But then IG-11.1 came to Grogu’s rescue and proved that it was still more than capable of dealing with a couple of ex-Imps. Also permanently. So was it really at the IG-11.1 version or actually at IG-11.0 version?
Sadly, it didn’t really matter because whichever version the droid was, it followed a logical path to help them all out of a huge jam with Moff Gideon and his platoon of Imp remnants. Unfortunately that had required IG-11(?) to implement its self-destruct sequence. The rest of them got away, but IG-11(?) became a symbol of Nevarro’s fight for freedom, or something like that. It was on a plaque at the base of the statue, but Grogu hadn’t committed to memory or anything like that. 
Yes, IG-11(?) had become a statue to inspire people. To do what Grogu wasn’t entirely sure. Become bounty hunters? Or maybe become nurses and nannies? Or go right back to being a scary assassin droid because the blast from the self-destruct mechanism had really brought it back to factory settings? Which is what it did! It even wanted to bring Grogu in Cold! Grogu hated to think that Kuiil’s programming couldn’t survive when a pretty big chunk of the droid’s body and original programming had. Dank Farrik. 
They brought it to the droid smiths on Nevarro, which was very educational. Grogu had no idea that Anzellans had opened a shop in Nevarro City. He was amazed because they had managed to do it all in a space that was designed for them and the objects they worked on, without accommodating bigger people. Like human sized people. If IG-11 had been it’s old self, it probably would have had a hard time getting in to the shop, just like Din Djarin did. After all, a properly maintained unit was just over two meters tall! Grogu could have stood on his dad’s head and still not matched the droid in height. Fortunately or not, the IG-11 that Din Djarin had dragged into the shop was mostly head, torso and one arm. Sure, still a lot bigger than Grogu, but now much smaller than his dad. 
That began a whole series of events that produced some interesting variations. There was the IG-11 Grogu carrier with interactive communication system. Well, it was an interactive communication system as long as you called a button that said ‘Yes’ and a button that said ‘No’ in Gal Basic by that name. The best part of the whole thing was being able to choose his own direction and walk around in it. Given that, was it still even an IG? It didn’t have any other functionality. It just looked like an IG without being one really. 
After that version was created they went to Mandalore and Grogu was very happy that he had any version of the droid there with him. It made fighting the ex-Imps they discovered much easier and helped him keep up with his dad. Sure, the droid no longer had a wide variety of armaments and no one had replaced the self-destruct mechanism, but he’d been able to divert the stormtroopers and fight the rest of Moff Gideon’s guards using it, until it had taken too much damage. Grogu was sorry about that, but he really didn’t have enough time to save the droid and his dad, so he picked his dad. He was pretty sure the original IG-11 would understand that. 
Now, well, now, they called him IG-12-M (or was it 11 or 13? Grogu always got mixed up with that), but the ‘M’ denoted the droid’s status as a Marshal for Nevarro. Grogu was immensely proud of his friend and all the people who had made it possible. IG may have started out as a droid but over time he proved to be a person. This is definitely the Way. 
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