#don’t worry Clover’s will be much more
smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Popping in to say that I have been appreciating your pirates even if it is from a distance. They are a good vibe.
Thank youuuu fhsjdbdkbsksnsk asks like these make me ugly cry I love when people like my ocs 😭😭😭
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daycourtofficial · 5 months
Ferocious beasts with soft bellies
Pairing: Eris x Rhys’s sister!reader | WC: 2.5k | warnings: mentions of pregnancy, some violence from dogs
Summary: Eris’s hounds know you’re pregnant before either of you do, driving the two of you wild with their newfound devotion to you.
Author’s note: hi everyone!!! Thanks for joining me this week, I hope you had a great time!! This one ends on a note I didn’t expect it to, but I do have plans to write follow-ups I kinda wanted to break this up into two. Also this is part of my gingerfucker series, but can be read as a standalone okay love ya bye 😘
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Eris’s hounds were incredibly well-trained. He spent thousands of hours when they were pups instilling in them commands, tracking and hunting skills, and alerting him to intruders on the property.
At least, they used to be well-trained.
These days Clover, the leader of the pack, would not allow you out of her sight. All twelve hounds wandered through your house as they pleased, often keeping you company in Eris’s absence. They would lounge about, finding warm sunny spots throughout the house to take afternoon naps in. You’d usually have one or two lazily trail you around the house, staying in the beds you had placed in several of the rooms.
Lately their attachment and sudden devotion to you was getting out of hand. Clover was practically sewn into your side the way she followed you around - she hardly let you out of her sight, keeping an eye on you at all times, following you as you moved through the house. She was even beginning to ignore Eris’s commands, opting to stay at your feet, following you around the house, or with her head curled on your lap.
When you and Eris publicly began your mateship, you had begged him to allow the dogs into your shared bed. “Just one,” you had pouted, “I don’t like waking alone.”
Despite his grumbling, Eris had obliged your request. Things with your family were still quite rough - it had been almost a year by now since you left the Night Court, being unceremoniously abdicated from the throne. You had been in contact with most of your family by this point except for Rhysand, who was still refusing to speak with you since he forced you out of ‘his court’, as he had called it.
Despite your best efforts, Eris still felt guilty over it, the rift in your family caused by the discovery of your mateship. You usually tried to soothe him, not wanting him to feel guilt over the decisions you made. You would choose him over and over again, and problems with Rhysand or any member of your family were not going to stop that from continuing. Besides, his guilt would be better suited as ire towards Rhysand.
Sometimes you did use his guilt to get what you want.
Which is why it initially did take Clover much coaxing to jump into the bed at all, a notion she thought ridiculous at first, but once her paws melted into the mattress, she was quick to lay directly on your side of the bed, placing her head atop your pillow.
“Traitor,” Eris had muttered as you cuddled up to her, petting her soft head.
After getting her into the bed, Clover spent most nights curled up at your feet or by your side, your nights often spent squished between her long body and Eris’s. Soon enough, you were back to asking Eris for another one to sleep in your bed.
“So Clover doesn’t get lonely.”
He spent ages debating with you that no, she doesn’t need a companion in bed with her. It was ridiculous. The three of you were enough for one bed, and he hated to think of how a second hound would complicate things.
He didn’t want to admit it, but he did quite enjoy it when he’d throw an arm around you in the middle of the night and his fingers would meet Clover’s soft fur from the other side of you.
It also soothed some minor worry in him to have you protected from all sides, despite your being more than capable of defending yourself. The mating bond was a precious gift, but it was also a minor curse with the way it coursed through his veins, needing to protect you, to keep you safe, and to keep you both satiated.
“Er, our bed’s plenty big enough for more hounds.”
“Yes, but they’ll get too spoiled. You’ve already turned Clover rotten.”
“I have done no such thing,” you cross your arms, trying to look utterly appalled at his accusation. He gives you a pointed look, then turns his gaze behind you.
Your gaze turned to the hound seated behind you, her long limbs spread across your bed, her little leg kicks and soft snores bringing a small chuckle to your lips that you quickly turned into a scoff.
“That proves nothing.”
In the several months since allowing Clover and Cinnamon in your bed, they were still obedient. They left the bed without disturbing you in the mornings, they rotated who laid next to you and who slept at the foot of the bed, and they would never go to bed without either you or Eris prompting them to.
That all stopped a few weeks ago.
Eris’s hounds had always been fond of you - Eris had spoken of them for centuries before you were able to see any of them. The way he had spoken of them had helped you see he was capable of caring about something that wasn’t himself.
That was its own revelation.
Meeting the hounds was quite nerve-wracking for you - he told you they were quite cold to new fae, and they had detested Lucien’s overeagerness to befriend them - a grudge they still held many centuries later.
“I believe they smelled the desperation leaking from his pores, tainted their perception of him,” he quipped.
Despite Eris’ warnings, you were not prepared for them to warm up to you as much as they had. He brought out his most trusted hound, Clover, to meet you, and you’re not sure if it was the way Eris’ scent was forever entwined with your own, but she warmed to you immediately. She circled your legs before sitting directly next to you, placing her head beneath your hand.
“What does this mean?” you whisper to Eris, not wanting to scare her or set her off.
“She wants you to pet her.”
Your confused expression makes his eyes dance with amusement.
“Surely you understand that means to stroke her head.” He raises his hand in demonstration, petting the air with a bemused look on his face.
You huff, “she could bite me, I apologize for wanting to wait a moment before touching a creature you’ve told me is dangerous.”
“She is dangerous, but surely she’s capable of being more than one thing.”
Nowadays she was capable of such a feat - she was not only beloved by you, but she was also a constant thorn in your side.
It started with subtle things, conversations with Eris where you tried to express how odd they were behaving one night while you sat in Eris’ study, helping him sort through correspondence from his brothers about the lands they oversee.
“Clover followed me into the bathroom.”
“Perhaps I should put some cushions for her to lay down while you bathe. I’m fond of the sight, perhaps she is too.”
You roll your eyes, “I’m serious, Er. She’s behaving strangely.”
Eris set the letter from Moros down, his attention fixed on you. “You spoil her, she is merely being affectionate. You’ll get used to it.”
Eris was wrong, Clover’s behavior only getting worse as the days went on.
“Clover, stay.”
Clover’s brown eyes observed you, your finger pointing toward the floor indicating for her to stay, tone full of finality - a princess’s tone, a high lady’s tone. You were determined to get the hound to listen to you, commanding her to stay in your chambers.
You passed through the door, heading down to speak with one of your advisor’s who insisted he speak with you as soon as possible. You rolled your eyes just thinking about his current issue with one of the trade routes that flows into Spring and how last time he wanted to speak to you, you enjoyed watching the vein on his forehead throb at your reluctance to take his ill advice.
Perhaps during this meeting the vein will pop, at least then the meeting would come with entertainment.
You look down and are startled when you see Clover’s body in step with yours, her fur shimmering in the light as if she were smoke rising from the ground.
Cauldron boil me, Eris is going to kill me if I’ve ruined all of their training.
You stop, pointing in the opposite direction, whispering, “go, shoo Clover.” You don’t even want to consider how she got through the closed door.
Clover just sits in front of you, her gaze piercing, seeing something you can’t. You blow out a breath, hands running through your hair, “okay, you may come with me.”
You’d regret those words.
Clover strode into the room before you, sniffing the air as her nails clacked across the floor. Her focus shifted to the male in the room, Flint’s eyes narrowing at her. She moved her body closer to the floor as she stalked towards him, the hair along her spine raising into the shape of a fin. Her ears were pulled back, a low rumble emitting from her chest.
Your voice is chastising, but Clover does not let her guard down as she slowly approaches Flint. His eyes are full of fear as she approaches, her feet circling him. He spins in a circle, not letting her eyes leave his.
You whistle her stop command, but she ignores it. She circled Flint the way she circles mice and rabbits.
She always loved playing with her food.
“What is this? Control your hound.” Flint’s voice is annoyed as Clover raises her head, baring her teeth at him.
“I’m trying.”
You move forward, reaching to grab Clover’s neck, instead missing and falling forward towards Flint. His arms catch your forearms, but Clover was not a fan of his touch and her teeth swiftly sank into the leg of his trousers. Her grip was strong as she tugged at his pants, and he began stammering, shaking his leg trying to rid his pants of her. He backed away toward the door, and once he reached the threshold, Clover let go of her grip, almost causing the male to fall over.
Her growls echoed down the hall as she watched him run down the hall before scampering back towards you, confusion and shock on your face at all that just transpired.
The hound just licked your face gently before laying next to you, her head in your lap.
You sighed, certain that Eris would kill you for ruining Clover.
Later that night, Eris made hisbway to your shared chambers, a bit surprised to find you already asleep. The hour wasn’t too late, however he had caught you dozing while reading over some requests regarding equipment for some farms.
He stripped his clothes, the finery being replaced by some loose trousers before moving towards the bed to find that the hounds had placed themselves on either side of you, Cinnamon occupying his spot on the bed.
“Cinnamon, down.”
The brown hound does not listen to the command, the only response a long sigh of her breath. He stared at the hound - a seventy year old beast who was one of the easiest hounds he’d ever trained, knowing how he expected her to behave from an incredibly young age.
Cinnamon was no Clover, but she was second in their chain of command. Clover was on your other side, soft snores coming from her snout.
There was plenty of room in the bed for the two of you, the two hounds, and, truthfully, several more hounds. Your preference for larger beds from when you had your wings never left after you lost them.
Eris laid in the bed, determined he could outmaneuver his hounds. He moved a hand out to your face, stroking your hair before a soft growl cut him off.
His hand stilled, eyes wide at such a response from Cinnamon. His nostrils begin flaring, heat rising to the surface of his skin in anger. He could feel the roar of the bond in his ears, frustration boiling within him at the defiance and aggression at him touching his own mate.
He tried to swallow it down, refusing to erupt in his own bed while you slept peacefully next to him. His fuse was a short one, his temper always loosely held back by a quick tongue that allowed him to loosen the reins ever so slightly.
He watched them, their bodies curled around your own and thought about your complaints of them following you around, believing it to be a consequence of your softness towards them.
You were spoiling them rotten. You were a few weeks away from giving them table scraps, for Mother’s sake. But then his thoughts veered into Flint’s description of what occurred, Clover guarding you from Flint’s touch like a mother hen-
His heart stalls in his chest, a heavy realization settling over him as he sits up, Sierra growling softly at his abrupt movements.
You were pregnant. You had to be - it was the only logical conclusion other than all twelve of his hounds losing their minds simultaneously. They must be able to scent it on you before fae senses could pick them up.
He wonders briefly if Lucien’s magical eye could see it.
Eris lay frozen on the bed, his thoughts swirling with what to do, how he was going to handle this. He was still quite new to his tenure as high lord - the work wasn’t unexpected by any means, however his position was still quite vulnerable - new power always attracted violence attempting to see how far that power extended.
Things were still difficult in your personal lives - he and Lucien were on tenuous speaking terms, you and Rhysand were not on speaking terms. The two of you hadn’t spoken in almost a year.
It was all so damn complicated - you hadn’t had a coronation as high lady yet, wanting to wait until Rhysand would show up to have the ceremony. The logistics of a babe at such a crucial turning point politically could open Eris up to glaring vulnerabilities.
Long fingers tap at his chest, trying to keep himself somewhat grounded in reality. He had no confirmation for this - his reasoning behind such a theory were founded on the strange behavior of his hounds. He was being a ridiculous fool to get so worked up over unconfirmed theories.
Yet the image of a swaddled little thing kept gnawing at his mind - tiny toes, a tiny nose, tiny fingers wrapping around his. He had adored his brothers when they were much younger, when the world under Beron could be disguised as a good place. Perhaps he could do it.
Eris laid awake for several hours, your soft breathing calming him as he sat and thought about all the possible ways he could ruin all of this.
A tiny part of him let himself hope that, in spite of it all, he wouldn’t.
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx
Eris taglist: @secret-third-thing
Thanks for reading 💕
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Hello this is my first time doing an ask. Would you be able to write Trey, Ruggie, and Jamil. (Maybe Azul if you can) Reacting to there darling cooking dinner and having obviously less food than them.
I'm sorry if this makes no sense. Also I love your writing. 🐙💜 Octo heart <3.
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A Giving Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Money is tight for an otherworlder and it’s a beautiful chance that you get a roof over your head at the very least. Maybe a small but oh so generous allowance is enough for one student at Night Raven. But you weren’t a student on your own–you were only one half of the puzzle. And you’re allowance doesn’t exactly understand that Grim’s lack of control doesn’t stop past the doorway of Ramshackle. It’s not all Grim but expenses pile up and sometimes you’ll make the ultimate decision to maintain the reserves you do have. And just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean the friends you cherish should suffer…it’s just that some sacrifices are meant to be:
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Trey Clover
“Hey Trey I just wanted to thank you for all the sweets you give me, so here’s a lunch I made!”
“Wow thank you (Y/n)! That’s so nice of you. Guess that’s why you told me not bring lunch today…(Y/n)?”
“Where’s your lunch?”
“Oh don’t worry about me! I’ll be fine!”
“I’m buying you lunch…and dinner.”
He’s annoyed 
Because you didn’t rely on him in the first place
He was sure that by giving all the sweets he did it would convince you he was perfect to share all your problems with
But it seems your selflessness knows no bounds
And luckily neither does his love
He’s happy the science club will finally be of use to him
He just needs something that will compel you to tell him all that’s going on
Sure he can talk to Grim but then that might get the monster to start talking with others
“But I don’t need–”
“Yes you do. I have to make sure your eating! How else are you going to live long enough to be my spouse.”
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Ruggie Bucchi
“Thanks for helping me roll our jerseys, (Y/n).”
“No problem! Hey I also made you dinner I left it on the table for you!”
“Yay! Dinner!”
“(Y/n)...aren’t you eating too?”
“I’m actually going to keep at it! So enjoy dinner.”
He knows exactly what your doing
He’s seen his grandmother do that same thing 
He hates that you do that
He hates how much you remind him of himself
And he knows you’re too much of a goody two shoes to do whatever it takes to survive
Good thing he isn’t 
Guess he better fill up your cabinets more often 
And have Leona pay for more of your meals
Until then he’s got no problem hazing and stealing from whoever to make sure you’re eating
“I’m not going to let you go hungry. Laugh with me!”
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Jamil Viper
“You really didn’t have to cook for me, (Y/n).”
“Seriously Jamil don’t worry about it, it’s the least I could do. You’re always cooking for us when we go to Scarabia.”
“...(Y/n) is that really all you want to eat?”
he refuses to let such a thing go 
He almost finds it insulting that you serve him without feeding yourself properly
Especially since he knows just how much you can eat
He pays attention
He’s peeved because he has access to all sorts of resources as Al Asim’s servant 
And he knows Kalim would shower you if he even caught wind of it
He knows just how little you want to share
You’re so gullible and naive he almost feels bad that he has to take control from you
Not really
“Tell me what you’d really like (Y/n)? And I want you to believe that only I can give it to you.”
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twisted-writing · 7 months
To the point of exhaustion (part 2)
For @naroshinozaki
Who asked: Could you please do the fainting trope, but with the vicedorm leaders?
Have a nice day and take care of yourself!!!
( ↀДↀ)✧
POV: Third Person
Characters: Vice dorm leaders, Dire Crowley (mentioned), gender neutral!reader
Pairing: Vice dorm leaders x gender neutral!reader (separate)
Warnings: angst, mentions of being overworked, fainting, lack of sleep, Dire Crowley slander
Note: For this I’ve decided to exclude Ortho.
Word Count: 979
It was yet another unbirthday party in Heartslabyul and Trey Clover, the dorm’s vice dorm leader would normally be enjoying the celebration with everyone else in the dorm but instead, he was in his bedroom cuddling with y/n.
“I’m sorry that you’re missing the unbirthday party because of me, Trey.”
“Don’t worry, there will be plenty more of them.” He assured them in a soft tone. “You just focus on getting the rest you need.”
They had confessed that they hadn’t been getting as much sleep, due to the headmaster and the way he piled more and more onto their plate and how overwhelming it was for them and how close they were to burning out.
And how all they wanted was just to sleep. Even if it was just for a few minutes.
And Trey had decided to give them that.
It was clear that the headmaster certainly wouldn’t.
“Don’t worry, Riddle assured that he’ll make sure that there’s something for us when you wake up.”
“Thank you, Trey. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Finally awake, sleeping beauty?”
“Yeah. What time is it?”
Ruggie checked his phone briefly for the time. “It’s four p.m.”
“You let me sleep all day?!”
“Yes. You could hardly stand. You needed the rest.”
“But what about the lessons? The assignments I missed?”
“You can borrow my notes. As for the assignments, you don’t have to worry, Crewel and Trein will let you make them up.”
“But the headmaster…”
“He had to go one day without his free therapist. The world has come to an end.” Ruggie’s voice was dripping with sarcasm. “He’ll live. I care more about you and your health and I know that you would be hungry when you woke up.” As if on cue, y/n’s stomach growled and Ruggie handed them the food he had come back with from the cafeteria. “The ghosts were more than happy to make this for you. Your favorite.”
The hyena felt his cheeks turn pink when suddenly kissed his lips. “What was that for?”
“That was thank you, for being the best boyfriend ever.”
“Yeah, well, I love you.”
“Love you more, Ruggie.”
“Are you feeling better, my pearl?”
“Yes, I am, Jade.” It was currently after hours in the Mostro Lounge, the smooth jazz was playing softly and with the ambiance of the Lounge, it created the perfect atmosphere for y/n to relax. Especially after the week they had, no one deserved it more than them. “Thank you.”
When his pearl had arrived at the lounge, looking quite dead on their feet, as if they would faint at any moment, Jade wasted no time in leading y/n to their favorite seat in the lounge, he had gently coaxed the reason why they were so exhausted.
The headmaster, it seemed, did not know the meaning of restraint.
Jade would not hesitate to remind him.
“Of course.” He gave y/n one of his rare smiles, not the kind of smile that was used to intimidate, but the kind that gave him a softer appearance. “I would do anything for you.”
He would let Azul deal with that.
“Thanks for letting me hide out in Scarabia, Jamil, and for letting me borrow your hoodie. I just needed some peace and quiet for once, you know?”
Out of everyone, Jamil knew what it was like to feel overwhelmed and under pressure. Being the vice dorm leader of Scarabia and having to watch over Kalim was not an easy thing. “Yeah, I get it. Trust me.” At least with Kalim, he allowed Jamil some time to himself and let him do things that would let him unwind.
Unlike the headmaster.
It was why y/n had made their way to Scarabia.
And it was during one of the rare times where Scarabia wasn’t having a party so they could spend time with Jamil, at Kalim’s assurance that everything was fine, and that today was a relaxation for everyone in the dorm anyway.
And if anyone needed to relax the most, it was y/n and Jamil.
“Don’t worry. We can just be lazy and not have to worry about anything.”
Underneath the big tree in the woods behind Night Raven College, on a picnic blanket, y/n and Rook sat together, enjoying the breeze, the shade from the tree, and the occasional chirp from the birds as they flew overhead.
“How are you feeling, mon cher? Better?”
“Yes, I’m feeling better, Rook. Thank you. I really appreciate that you set this up for me.”
The vice dorm leader of Pomefiore kissed y/n’s hair. “Your health and safety matters most to me.”
“Vil doesn’t need you for anything?”
“Roi du Poison told me that we can take all the time we need. And I plan to spend the entire day spoiling you.”
Rook’s smile widened when y/n’s giggled reached his ears.
Father, will y/n be all right?”
In Diasmonia’s lounge, y/n slept peacefully on the couch with the fire going in the fireplace. “Of course, Silver.” His smile was tight. “They’ll be fine.”
“The headmaster overworked them too much. Do you think he knows? Or that he just doesn’t care?”
Lilia was sure that it was both. “I’ll deal with him later. Right now, I’m going to make sure that y/n recovers.”
“You really love them, father.”
“With everything that I am.”
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writeyouin · 7 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Misery Loves Company
A/N – Okay, so for anyone who loves Stand-up comedy as much as I do, I highly recommend you watch Daniel Sloss’ tour, Dark. That’s his first tour, and it was where he coined the term Wanker-Anchor, which is used in this story.
Warnings – None.
Rating – M
TAG-LIST: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch @reverse-soe @koirb @usernameunavailable2 @lavenderkita @kannakanan @mcueveryday @amarokofficial @mbruben-stein @tyrythewolf @lasagna-501 @bizzardvark @firefirefeline @kaylanotkk @missme-07 @memontica @angelsdemonsmonsters @tj4shy @midoria-kinnie @meesachan @fusehoundshipper @velvettenoctus @crescent-z @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @rosiescannibalwife @skylerbutterfly @hamthepan @latersgaters-steven @kryptidkova @sleepyhead-number27 @cherry-4200 @harcourtholmesii @alastorandluciferspouse @holyspacething @kedelman24 @becsmarvel @vash-yuu
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“Whoa,” Charlie said upon seeing you.
She had seen your Demonic form before, but it was a rarity and it usually meant that you weren’t doing well mentally.
“Are you okay?” She asked, sucking in air through her teeth, her voice pitching high, indicating that she already knew the answer but didn’t want to point out the obvious in case it upset you further.
“I’m fine,” You answered shortly.
“Really? Because you uh, well,” Charlie twisted her hands back and forth, “You uh, you look a little- I mean, hey, I think you’re beautiful inside and out but when you’re like this it usually means- It’s normally-”
“You’re fucked up,” Vaggie finished for her, getting straight to the point.
“I’m fine,” You insisted, using the words everyone used when they were decidedly not fine. “Where’s Angel Dust?”
“In his room,” Vaggie explained.
“What happened? He was doing so well.”
Charlie’s eyes welled up with tears and she threw her arms around you, sobbing out an explanation, “It was my fault. I asked him about his contract, and he told me not to worry, but I did worry, and then I wanted to make sure he’d be okay when me and Vaggie go to visit Heaven, but he said he didn’t need a babysitter, and then I got Husk involved and Husk told me not to fuck with things I don’t understand, and then Valentino came-”
“Wait, Valentino came here?!” You pulled Charlie off you so you could look her in the eyes.
“Well, not exactly, but he sent his crew here and told Angel they had to film and I said no, and-”
You left Charlie and ran to Angel’s room. Both Charlie and Vaggie followed you as you pelted through the corridors. No wonder Angel had relapsed. That piece of shit Valentino had used Angel’s contract against him. As part of the deal they had made, Angel had to do any work Valentino demanded of him, and that fucking scumbag had dared to invade the one place where Angel felt safe.
Knowing Charlie, she would have pointed out that Valentino couldn’t use her property and would have to wait for Angel at the studio, but that wouldn’t matter. Valentino would play by the rules; it wasn’t really about filming at the Hotel, it was all a matter of proving that Angel belonged to him and that there was no safe place he could hide away.
Besides, even if Valentino hadn’t gotten his way at the Hotel, he would take it out on Angel the next time he was in the studio. It was a lose-lose situation, something that Hell was always too eager to provide.
When you got to Angel’s room, you paused to compose yourself. It wouldn’t help if you sounded too desperate or concerned; Angel didn’t respond well to that. It would make him blame himself for making you worry, and then he would spiral further.
You knocked on the door, “Hey Angel, it’s us. Can we come in please?”
“Go away,” Angel’s heavy accent came through the door, marking him more as Anthony than Angel Dust, though you didn’t say anything about that; there were very few people who knew his real name, and he didn’t like to be reminded of it.
For better or worse, he was Angel Dust; that was who he needed to be to survive.
You glanced at Charlie and Vaggie, then tilted your head, indicating that they should leave. Charlie hesitated until Vaggie placed a hand on her shoulder, then after an affirming nod from you, she let Vaggie lead her away.
“Come on Angel,” You said when they were gone. “It’s just me. Let me in.”
“Piss off.”
You sighed, then sat outside the door, and began talking. You didn’t have a grand speech planned, only what was on your mind, and if Angel wasn’t going to let you in, then it became a matter of letting him know that he wasn’t alone and that you wouldn’t abandon him, though you would respect his space.
“I get it. Valentino fucked with you. He love-bombed you, and that didn’t fucking work because you’re stronger than he is and you’re not going to fall for his shitty manipulation tactics. Now, he’s sending his goons here. It’s all just another one of his games, Angel. Don’t let him win.”
There was no response. You stayed quiet for a minute then were struck with a thought; misery loves company.
“Hey, I also kind of feel like shit today, you know? I kept thinking about Hell and… a lot of things. I told Charlie’s dad how I died. That was fucked up.”
Again, there was no response, but you thought you heard Angel shuffle closer to the door. Until that evening, nobody had heard anything about your mortal life, and now you were talking about it for the second time.
“I was murdered for a snuff film. I still have nightmares about it.”
There was a bluntness to your tone. Although it hurt to state the memory aloud again, albeit in less detail, you decided not to put too much thought into it. If your death could help someone, well, there had to be some good in bringing it up.
You stared at the peeling red wallpaper across from you, just so you had something to focus on. “I’m terrified that one day, I’m gonna walk down the street and see the guys that killed me. Like, what do you even do in that situation? Call them out? They’re in Hell, that’s punishment enough, right? Will they find it funny to see me again? Find new ways to hurt me?”
I honestly don’t know what I want in this scenario. I don’t want them to die, ‘cos then they’ll be here, but if they live, they’ll do this to other people. Kidnap them, sell them to the highest bidder, film it for the black market. I dunno… I’ve been here for a year, and I keep thinking about that.”
The door opened and you fell back, looking up at Angel’s concerned face.
“That’s the most fucked up shit I’ve ever heard.”
He lifted you up, setting you right with two arms, while the other two brushed you off.
“So… this is you?” He asked, taking in your rag-doll appearance.
You laughed and imitated his voice, your Demonic abilities kicking in to mimic him perfectly, “I can be anything you want, bay-by.”
“That’s the hottest you’ve ever sounded.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You waved him off blasély. “Just let me in, okay? I can help.”
“So, uh, with the voice, and the-” Angel gestured at your new look, moving his hands in a circular motion, “Can you uh- Be other people?”
“I don’t know,” You said slowly, looking at your hands, “Never tried.”
You concentrated for a moment, trying to transform back to your original self. Usually, it was effortless. Yet, as you stared at the stitches that bound you together, you found it difficult to do more than revert to your original skin colour. Seeing that beneath the stitches was somehow worse, so you stopped trying to change, accepting that for now, you were a ragdoll.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Fuck it. I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.”
You caught sight of Angel’s precious pet pig. Scooping him up into your arms and cuddling him, you cooed in a baby voice, “Besides, you still love me, don’t you Fat Nuggets, yeeeees, precious baby.”
Sitting down on Angel’s bed, you looked up at your friend, deciding that it was better not to let the difficult conversation wait and fester.
“Soooo…” You scratched Fat Nuggets behind the ear, “Charlie told me that you relapsed. Wanna talk about it?”
Angel sighed and flopped back onto the bed so he was lying next to you, his legs planted on the floor.
He dragged two hands over his face, the other two lay despondently over his stomach.
“I- It was just such a shitty day, and Val sent those pricks here, not that they could fill any holes. Wrong kind of pricks, you know?” He half laughed, but it died when he realised the joke wasn’t funny in such a shitty situation.
Still, you smiled at him. When Angel was sad, he didn’t always need someone to sympathise with him. He needed to see that you weren’t going to change and start treating him differently. Sometimes that meant just listening, but other times it meant making the meanest jokes you could think of and laughing at how horrible everything was.
You were his Wanker-anchor, chaining him to reality by being a dick; Husk was the best at it, but seeing as he was nowhere to be found, Angel had you instead.
“Here,” Angel held up a small sealed bag, with his stash in it. So, he hadn’t relapsed after all. He’d just come very close.
“No thanks,” You joked, “I’m full from all the crack I had at breakfast.”
Angel got up and punched your arm, “You’re such an asshole.”
“Takes one to know one,” You took his stash, tucking it away in your pocket, then you stood up, leaving Fat Nuggets on the bed, and you offered Angel your hand. “Come on.”
“You need a distraction. So, I challenge you, Angel Dust, teach me how to dance.”
“You’re fucking kiddin’, right?”
You shook your head. “You can dance, I can’t and I’m bored. So, come on, give me some lessons. It’ll be good to get moving.”
“When you fail, can I call you a retard?”
“Fuck no. You can’t say retard anymore, what the fuck is wrong with you. You can insult the shit outta me, but keep your terms acceptable, okay?”
Honestly, Angel had thought he was up to date on what insults and trash talk were deemed acceptable, but evidently, he was wrong.
“Alright, I’ll teach you to dance, but you gotta keep me updated on all the latest slang, and what’s changed up there,” He glanced up as if he could see Earth.
“I’ve been dead a year, bud. A lot can change in that time,” You said, thinking about all the ways you were probably outdated.
Angel grabbed his phone and turned up the tunes, “Sounds like a coward’s excuse to get outta teaching.”
And so it was that you and Angel started to dance. It was nothing like his work, or when he was forced to pimp himself out in clubs as a form of ‘networking.’ Instead, it was stupid, fun, and uncoordinated with you as his partner. Christ, he had never danced with someone so terrible. You let him lead, and together, the two of you laughed at each other’s expense and forgot all about the shitty things that had happened that day.
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Up in his Radio Station, Alastor grinned sinisterly. He had heard you quite clearly as he went about his business in the Hotel. You were murdered? How delightful. Victims were so easy to manipulate. Furthermore, you were a ragdoll. Oh, how wonderfully he could exploit that power.
All it would take was an invitation of friendship, a desperate situation, and an offer of assistance. When Alastor had sent Husk away on an errand earlier, he hadn’t imagined it would turn out so wonderfully.
Now, there was a new piece on the chessboard, and Alastor was determined to capture you as his pawn.
Your soul would be his.
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ryebread0605 · 4 months
Baking Bred
trey clover x gn reader
my requests are open if you’d like to give some ideas! (Aka plz send me ideas)
nsfw content below the cut MINORS DNI
Trey had invited you to help out with preparing the baking for the unbirthday party, and you being the good friend you are graciously accepted.
It was no secret the two of you liked each other, except to the two of you. Ace would often tease that the two of you were the most dense people to ever be enrolled into Night Raven College.
“Hey (y/n), can you grab the sugar for me? It should be in the pantry, bottom shelf” Trey called out as he continued to mix up the dry ingredients for the pastries.
He couldn’t help but watch as you bent down, feeling immense guilt as his eyes wandered to your ass. Surely a friend shouldn’t be looking at another friend this way, right? And yet, he found himself in a trance and unable to look away as you stood back up.
Walking back to him, you handed him the sugar before curiously noting the blush spreading on his cheeks. You tilted your head slightly, confused as to why he couldn’t look at you, when in reality he just felt so utterly embarrassed to have stared at a close friend in that way.
”Trey? Is everything alright? Did you hurt yourself?” God, he really wished he could come up with some excuse right now but the way his pants tightened against him told him he couldn’t. 
“Y-yeah! S-sorry I just.. I’m.. I have to go to the bathroom!” Before you could respond, he dashed out the door. Blinking in confusion, you looked to his phone sitting on the counter as a text from Cater popped up.
‘Dude, just go for it! We all know they like you back, just man up and ask (y/n) out already! We’re all tired of hearing you rant about your crush on the other!’ Your eyes widened in shock. He.. returned your feelings? You barely had time to think as Trey was dragged back into the kitchen by Ace and Deuce who seemed to be scolding him while he just looked even more embarrassed.
With one last shove, the two boys pushed him inside and locked the kitchen doors to leave you two together in there. Finally, everything clicked for you as you stared at Trey poorly attempting to conceal his erection. He liked you, and something you did turned him on. That thought alone had you biting your lip as arousal flowed through you.
“I-I guess you know?” Trey wasn’t dumb, he knew by your look that you’d figured him out and to his surprise, you simply responded by pressing your lips against his. He tensed for a second before melting into the kiss, gently wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
Each kiss felt like pure ecstasy, getting more and more passionate until he picked you up and laid you on a bare counter. “(Y/n), a-are you ok if we..” he trailed off, looking a bit sheepish until he saw your immediate enthusiastic yes. He began to unbuckle his belt as you quickly tugged yours off as well, arousal clear to him as he chuckled softly. Fabric got tossed to the side as he wet his fingers with his own saliva, coating them well before lining them up with your hole.
“Remember, if you want to stop at any time, tell me ok? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and I’ll stop immediately. Are you ok if I continue?” While you did appreciate him saying that, god you just wanted him in you already! With another enthusiastic nod, you moaned softly as one of his fingers entered you slowly. It felt like pure heaven. He smirked at the reaction, loving how much just one of his fingers made you so pleased. Slowly, he added another and scissored them inside you, stretching your walls gently.
Covering your mouth to muffle your moans, you were sure you’d climax right then and there as the knot began to form in your stomach. As you cried out, just about to hit the peak, he pulled his fingers out and left your hole desperately clenching around nothing but air.
“Don’t worry darling, you’ll be able to cum I promise~” His voice held a much more dominant tone, one that made you feel weak at the knees as he lined himself up with your entrance, his hard cock pressing against your twitching hole. With one hard thrust, he pushed halfway in, groaning into your ear as your body shook from the mix of pain from stretching and pleasure from finally having him inside you. 
“T-Trey please, I-i can handle it just please I want to make you feel good!” You cried out after he allowed you time to adjust to his size. After confirming you’d be ok with him being a bit more rough, he began to thrust into you deeper and harder. Each rock of his hips sent you closer to that peak again, the sounds coming from both of you being utterly sinful in the best way possible. His lips were on your neck, leaving his mark to show everyone who made you feel good. Shaky moans escaped your lips before you finally felt the knot snap, arching your back and crying out his name as cum leaked from you. Trey continued to thrust harder, hitting that one spot just right that made your toes curl and your eyes roll back. He flipped you over, pressing your thighs up and into a mating press as his movements became rougher and more frantic.
“I’m gonna fill you up. Every last drop will be put into your tight little hole darling” the way he groaned out each word just fueled the sheer pleasure you found yourself in, the idea of being filled by him exciting you in ways you never knew possible. 
With just a few more thrusts, he released into your hole with a moan directly into your ear, the warm liquid filling you and the sound of squelching filling the air as he rode out his climax. Once he pulled out, both of you were flushed and panting. Quickly, he grabbed an unused towel to help clean you up as his phone buzzed with a new text. After reading it, his face turned dark red.
Cater: ‘congrats on finally having the balls to confess but did you two really have to be so loud?’
The unbirthday party was sure to be extremely awkward, yet despite that the glimmer in both your eyes spoke for itself. As Trey helped you get dressed again he smiled at you softly.
“I hope this means you’re my partner now (y/n)” With a small laugh, you agreed and kissed him gently again. So what if the whole dorm heard you two? At least not they can’t complain about you two ranting to them 
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“He wonders…” TWST boys dreaming about their crush (Heartslabyul)
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde (literally just Idia) | Diasomnia
Ace Trappola
Ace would never admit it to you that he actually fell for you. And hard. Most of the time he just tried to cover it up by teasing you a lot. In reality, Ace can’t help but constantly dream about you all the time. And he hates it.
The thought of your laughter and smile while he drones out makes him dazed and hypnotised while in the middle of class, before he’s snapped back to reality by the teacher sharply calling for his name with a stone cold glare to wake him up.
When he’s in his basketball match and you suddenly pop up in his head in a pretty outfit while asking him out on a date, his lips subconsciously pouting a little while his cheeks darkened in red shade by just a tad bit, eyes clearly not focus… and he gets hit straight in the face by the ball.
He went to the infirmary for that one, since Floyd threw it to his face a bit to hard and it gave him a nosebleed. Ace hates it that you came to the infirmary to see him, with a worried look and nagged at him things that ring out white noise to him as he starts to dream of you again while you’re here.
The effect you have on him is very clear to Ace, that you are bold enough to run rent-free in his head almost everyday and not spare him an ounce of mercy. You’re the one teasing him all the time. That’s so unfair, as if he’s in a game he has no chance of winning.
His cheeks slowly turn red again, and he looks away. “Excuse me? Are you even listening to me? I said be careful next time!” You grabbed his face by cupping his cheeks and turning him towards you. “I was seriously worried you broke your nose!”
His dreamy thoughts of you raced in his head once more. You’ll be the death of him until he could finally utter out his confession. <3
Deuce Spade
The moment he fell for you, his teenage hormones didn’t help him even try to repress it. Once he dreamed about you, he really dreamed about you.
From how he dreamt about you on a date with him on a motorbike, or the both of you having a picnic together, to dreaming of you in a white dress… n-no wait, t-that’s too early- w-wha- “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!” He shouted in the middle of the hallway while walking to class, suddenly embarrassed he yelled that while other students were around.
Every time he dreams of you, he makes it obvious that he is, unintentionally. Deuce would look dazed and almost vulnerable, cheeks flushed slightly pink, and most importantly, smiling stupidly to himself as his cheeks rest on his hands. Of course, Ace would take advantage of this to scare him while in this state, but even then would Ace start to get bored of it. Because he’s still not making a move.
He wants to tell you his little (very much an understatement) crush on you… but when you really face him he suddenly goes quiet and talks about everything but his confession. Not only that, he knows he dreams about you, and Deuce feels rather guilty for doing so and can’t overcome his shyness because of it.
As a result, Deuce came to his seniors for advice and all of them said the same thing: it’s better out of your system now than later. His dreams of you became more and more frequent, where he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to pursue a romantic relationship with you. “Deuce?”
Deuce blinked, suddenly realising he was with you in PE Class and he’s just sitting down looking aimlessly. “Come on, silly. Don’t doze off in the middle of class,” you smiled. He blushed, he was dreaming of you again. It’s now or never for his dreams to become reality… <3
Trey Clover
It’s not easy knowing if he’s dreaming or not, and he rarely does anyways. He doesn’t even know how could ever dream something so sappy and romantic… until he does.
Trey would only realise he ever has a crush on you the moment he realises he spent 5 minutes thinking about you without realising he was. He dreamt about how you two would bake together, smear frosting and batter on each other, laughing together as he hugs you from behind…
…Ah. He definitely has a crush on you. As much as Trey want to deny it, the thoughts of you loving him in a way that most definitely wouldn’t be classed as “just friends” is something he can’t reject either. So he sort of just… accepts the fact he does indeed have a crush on you.
Trey ultimately treats you the same: your kind upperclassman you can always come asking for his help. It’s just that he makes himself more obvious that he wants the relationship to bloom into something more, and open up parts of him you that he doesn’t often show. He can be a mischievous little guy if you really ask for it~ ofc he is I hate him Argh *kisses him* >://
When his dreams of you frolicking in a field of daisies while smiling warmly at each other with loving eyes makes him really embarrass, and it’s something Cater definitely teases him about because it’s just so sappy, he still wonders. And he wonders if you dreamt of him in similar situations. Not in a creepy way but… he’s be really happy if you do, he hopes you do. Because that way, he knows that perhaps his feelings are being reciprocated.
When the time is right, when the both of you are alone in the kitchen, when you two are fooling around with oblivious joy, to not care about what anyone says about the two of you teasing each other with frosting and toppings… he would tell you… tell you tha-
“Trey? Are you gonna tell me the recipe on what we’re baking today?” You giggled, snapping him out of his thoughts. Huh… his own dream had come true. Now it’s only a matter of time, just when it’s right. “Oh! Of course. I have a little surprise for you afterwards, I hope it makes you happy.” <3
Cater Diamond
He shamelessly dreams of the both of you on dates, taking couple selfies together, and so much more. The only thing is that Cater doesn’t tell anyone that, although Trey pretty much has a hunch of who he’s thinking about when he sighs dreamily with a love stricken smile.
Cater dreams very fondly over each selfie you took with him, dreaming that one of those selfies would have you kissing his cheek, or the other way around whichever you prefer. Every flirt he sends your way back then was always platonic, and you knew. But now, it seems that he desperately hopes you do pick up that there’s something slightly different.
He dreams you picked up on his flirts and just kiss him on the spot, he dreams you fell in love the moment he fell for you too, he dreams that one day the both of you could live together… wait- JFKSKDJF OKAY WOW- HE WENT THAT FAR HUH-
Cater smiled sheepishly to himself, blushing furiously as the sudden realisation hits him that his feelings for you has grown beyond just a crush. Like a… super crush…crush. Yeah, that’s it. That’s gotta be trending.
Trey shakes his head as he listens to Cater ranting about how stupid he is for realising (and as if Trey would have DEFINITELY immediately know he had a crush on anyone I wish it was me-/hj )and tells him he should really try to tell you since you’re not really picking up on any signs he throws in. “It’s either you do or you don’t Cater,” Trey’s words would always ring in his head.
If only he could skip pass the whole confession anxiety and cut straight into the acceptance of being in a romantic relationship. If only he could… “It’s either you do or you don’t, Ca-”
“Cater?” “Gah!” The poor boy being startled by you, causing you to flinch. “I-is there something wrong?” “Wrong? Me?? Pshhh, nah, never!” “…you’re not a very good liar right now.” He sighs, suddenly feeling his cheeks burning hot. It’s either you do or you don’t…
“Well, maybe one thing’s on my mind…” <3
Riddle Rosehearts
He dreams about you the moment he fell for you, but the latter feels quite guilty about it. He knows what he’s thinking are romantic fantasies but why does he dream of such when he shouldn’t? When you two clearly establish that you two were only friends?
His dreams of you at a tea party where your hands covered his, or how the two of you play croquet alone with one another, or how the two of you kiss under the rose shelter… no. He shouldn’t… Riddle believes that his thoughts were unacceptable, especially when you two are friends. And you think you two were only friends, right? Then he can’t.
Unfortunately his dreams turned him to spending less time with you, so that he’d stop dreaming of you in such way. Of course, it didn’t work. He dreamt of you more frequently than before, and sometimes even nightmares of you leaving from him for good. He knew deep down he wanted you to stay, but why such dreams?
“Well it’s pretty normal to feel some romantic feelings for your friend. I mean I had a crush on someone when I was a kid, of course, backfired hard and we moved on.” “Trey, that doesn’t sound like a good example.” “Aha… well, I wasn’t serious about it since I wasn’t thinking serious, but if you really are serious about those dreams you have of them, Riddle, you should just tell them. You never know, maybe they feel the same way about you, too.”
The boy pondered for a while. “You feel the same way”… what if you do? And yet again he dreams again. He made it his plan, to apologise to you and explain why he did so, and tell you he’s come to accept his feelings and confess. Simple, practical and straightforward. He just hopes you think it’s genuine, because he really is.
He’s thought of the scenario over and over again, smiling softly to himself about how you’d nod your head and throw yourself at him to hug Riddle, and- “R-Riddle..?” He perked his head up with a startled look. You were right in front of him, suddenly bumping into you. “Er… how are you?” You smiled sadly, and he remembered how he had secluded you from himself. “W-wait, y/n I… I’m sorry…” “A-about what?” With his cheeks tinted pink, he took a deep breath… <3
Reblogs help!^^
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honeyed-nothings · 3 months
To Have a Crush: Heartslabyul
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Warning(s): Gender-neutral reader, not proof-read
Notes: I’m pretty new to the writing side of the fandom and it’s been a while since I’ve last written something, or really anything for that matter, but I hope you’ll all enjoy! (>ᴗ•)
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Riddle Rosehearts
❤︎︎ Slowly, steadily, and like a flower love bloomed. At first he simply thought of you as a good friend, someone who he had approached out of guilt for the incident that you were dragged into not of your own will. It started off with passing conversations in the hallway to tutoring sessions in the library to personally asking you to attend the Unbirthday Parties at Heartslabyul. Don’t worry, there’s no rules against inviting outsiders to the Unbirthday Parties, he guarantees it.
❤︎︎ He doesn’t know when he started counting the seconds that’ve passed by until you’ve arrived to the tea party. Or when he started giving you leniency for the rules you’ve broken. Or when his eyes started trailing your figure as you walked by him in the hallway. He doesn’t know, he didn’t know.
❤︎︎ Until he did.
❤︎︎ Due to a little nudging from Cater’s discerning eye, he started pinpointing down the cause of the fast beating of his heart as not due to the caffeine of the tea or the irritations Ace and Deuce caused him but rather..you. Simply you. Your smile, your voice, and even your mistakes. He couldn’t help but realize that everything about you made him red with love.
❤︎︎ Riddle’s not exactly good at hiding it either but people have learned not to point it out to him unless they wish to be collared. His ears that are tinted with the brightest shade of red every time he’s near you. The soft, gentle gaze he holds as he listens to whatever you have to say. If there was a rule against love…then he supposes he’ll have to break it.
“If you’re available…would you like to have tea with me today?”
Trey Clover
☘︎︎ A slow process to a passionate love. Trey is not someone who chases for love but rather waits for it to find him. Patiently he waited, with baked goods and nurturing care for those around him, but he never thought he’d find that love in NRC of all places. He thought it was just appreciation that he felt towards you and at first, it was. Gratitude for your help with Riddle’s Overblot and even more for your continuous help in the kitchen and everything else you’ve done. Oh, feel free to take some treats back with you, he’s baked too much you see?
☘︎︎ You were just like every other student in NRC, maybe a little special in regards to your situation, but Trey really had no other plans other than treating you like how he did everyone else. That equality…didn’t last for too long. Gently he chides you for touching a pan that was not done cooking off, kindly he offers to lend an ear to whatever troubles you were going through, and softly how he brushes aside that flour stain off your cheek did he realize he had fallen in love.
☘︎︎ Huh, this isn’t bad at all.
☘︎︎ This realization didn’t change much of your relationship with him. In fact, it only improved it with a few hints here and there that showed his interest in developing a more romantic relationship with you. With how he sought you out to give you a bag of baked goods that everyone in Heartslabyul knew from the smell that wafted in the kitchen that early morning he baked just for you. Or how his hand lingered on your head for a second too long after ruffling it like how any good ‘friend’ would do. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
☘︎︎ But he won’t say it aloud. Not until you do first. Forgive him but he’s always secretly wanted to know what it was like to be the one being chased. Patience is necessary to be a good baker but as a human, he wonders how much longer he can wait for until the sweet called love is ready to be eaten.
“Hm? You look like you have something to tell me.”
Cater Diamond
✧ A love that can barely be repressed by denial. Keeping you at arms length was the goal he had made for himself when he first met you. You were interesting sure, and a bit of an enigma to boot, but he genuinely didn’t think it would develop into anything like love. Well maybe he was just lying to himself in the first place but that didn’t matter, not when it’s better to just keep your friendship as it is.
✧ It hurts. Love hurts. Trusting another person hurts. That’s why he’ll cover himself with a smile and a phone to snap a pic, to pretend that everything is normal and the day can continue onwards like always. Does it mean something that you’re now always in his pictures? Do you think there’s anything when he’s constantly seeking you out for a friendly selfie or chatting you up on the latest trend? Isn’t that what friends are supposed to act like? The Diamond desperately wants to believe that or else..he’ll crack.
✧ But maybe that was fine too.
✧ Can you tell? That his eyes are always glancing at you in the pictures you two take? How his smiles appear more genuine when you’re around? How fast his heart beats whenever he’s near you that he feels like it might burst out at any moment? No, you shouldn’t. That’s why he’ll start maintaining a distance from you, take an inch away at a time and maybe this painful feeling will go away. It’s nothing really, he’s fine.
✧ Cater doesn’t want this. He doesn’t want to be apart from you. He didn’t want to fall for you. He…doesn’t want to lose you. Still, he maintains his distance hoping for a miracle that his feelings will fade when he knows deep inside that they won’t. The courage to face you and admit he’s fallen isn’t enough. The love he has towards you is fickle at best, that’s what he tells himself. Lies are the best protection against truths so why does he find himself drawn towards you still?
“Ahahaha! You caught me! Come on, let’s-Huh? Whaddya mean I look like I wanna say something else?”
Deuce Spade
♤ Hardships that create the bond called love. A reliable friend and someone he who will always have his back. He knows he’s not the best at…well anything really but he’s glad to have your support on his dreams of becoming an honor student. That’s why he didn’t think anything of it when he finds himself looking for you more. Ace teased him a lot for it, “like a duck looking for his parent”, is what he said but Deuce doesn’t really think that. He just enjoys your company so why wouldn’t he go and seek you out? Oh, and Mr. S’s shop has a sale on tuna today so maybe he can help you out on carrying the bags?
♤ The study sessions you two hold together have started becoming a little distracting for him though. With how often he finds himself looking away from the material and looking at you instead. How your eyes narrow in discontent at an explanation you don’t understand or how they light up when you’ve figured something out. Strangely, it’s actually improved his grades instead of diminishing it. He just couldn’t miss out on the smile you’d give him and the congratulations you’d say as he’s passed another test. It wasn’t until Ace pointed it out to him that he realized it.
♤ Oh…Oh.
♤ Smoke started coming off his head, at least that’s what it felt like, as the realization sunk in. Deuce could recognize it now for sure, that the rapid beating of his heart was something far more than friendship but rather love. A feeling that had been developing ever since you two met that day. He tries to treat you the same as always and horrifically fails with how bad he is at hiding his blush. Or his attempts at reaching out to hold your hand but pulling back last second out of embarrassment. He’ll just have to try again later.
♤ Getting advice from his mom was the last push he needed to fully go head first into appealing to you. His attempts at acting like a gentleman appear more like a young man fumbling his way through love but the effort is always nice to see. He’s doing his best to improve himself for you and while he knows he isn’t perfect, he hopes you’ll accept him anyways.
“Prefect! I have something to tell you.”
Ace Trappola
🂱 A blessing of love in disguise as friendship. Seriously, how did he find himself falling for you? You were just someone who attracted trouble and he happened to have been caught up in some and now he just can’t seem to leave you alone. Teasing you is an everyday occurrence and walking with you to the classes just comes naturally. Don’t think anything of it though, you’re just friends…unless you wanna be more? Alright alright, he’ll treat you to something in the cafeteria so smile okay?
🂱 Friends hang out with each other so that’s what he does too. They have sleepovers (in his case it’s more like a crash over but that’s besides that point) and talk about the weirdest stuff or maybe nothing at all. Maybe he’ll steal your blanket while he’s at it or maybe your bed if you’re kind enough. At some point he started leaving his own things at Ramshackle, more convenient than risking going back and suffering Riddle’s wrath you know? His toothbrush, a spare blanket, a pillow, and a couple snacks that he might be willing to share with you if he’s feeling like it. If you’re interested, he’ll even show you some card tricks to keep your attention focused solely on him.
🂱 Well crap.
🂱 Okay so maybe he does like your attention more than others but like, that’s just a friend thing right? People have best friends, you’re his! And sure he finds himself getting a little irritated when someone gets too close to you but you’re bros! He’s just looking out for his friend, trust him. Deuce thinks otherwise but what does he know about anything? He’s the one with relationship experience, even if it did fail on..his part, but ignoring that he knows so much more!
🂱 Like an adolescent boy who wants his crush to look at him, he lightly bullies you. Teasing you about the stray hair on your head and playing jokes on you like any would. He can’t help it, he wants your attention and he wants your love but can’t seem to admit it. Ace isn’t satisfied with just being friends, not anymore at least, but he doesn’t want to make it too obvious that he’s fallen. The light red tint on his ears and expectant expression on his face whenever he brags to you about something tells of a different story however.
“Ha! Has my coolness charmed you- Ouch! Okay okay! I’ll get to the point already!”
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blooberrries · 4 months
「 extemporaneous 」 — 07 ☾
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— pairing: multi; shoto x reader, izuku x reader (so FAR...) — genre: hybrid au, slow burn-ish, reverse harem — wc: 3.4k — rated: nsfw; heavy petting (?) — notes: it has the barest sprinkle of spice. soon we will arrive upon the porn with plot...... soon....... save me
You've never really had much to do with hybrids, existing in your own little bubble for a majority of your life. That comes to an end when your friend phones you for help and somehow you end up taking two hybrids off of her hands while they recuperate in the wake of an unfortunate incident. But when the time comes that they have to leave, will you really want them to go?
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Recently, the boys have taken to accompanying you on your morning exercises.
The weather is getting cooler, and with it the days shorter, so you’re not particularly opposed. Well, you wouldn’t be anyway because you enjoy spending time with them and there is also no way in hell that you would miss the opportunity to see them work out.
(For scientific reasons, of course. Hybrids are built a little different, after all. You’re definitely not a pervert and any source saying otherwise constitutes defamation.)
You’re on your back, having sprawled on the cool grass around ten minutes ago in an attempt to catch your breath after a run. You might have bitten off more than you could chew by telling them they could set the pace, but you’d sooner stub your own toe than admit the difference in your fitness levels. Thankfully you’ve regained control of your lungs and are no longer heaving, and they appear none the wiser to your momentary health crisis. You are pleased to maintain even scraps of your dignity at this point.
“I like this park.” A voice muses from your left. You allow your head to roll slightly, eyes falling upon the stretched form of the canine hybrid beside you. A breeze rustles the snowy hair that brushes his right cheekbone. “Quiet. Peaceful. Also, quite pretty.”
You hum in agreement; you’re in a meadow-like area that you can reach by following the footpath for a kilometre or so. Trees loom tall on the outskirts, creating verdant walls of green that curl the small sanctuary into their embrace as warmth from the sun pools in the centre and glimmers off the dewy grass. Instead of speaking, you allow a moment for the reply from Izuku that you can feel coming. It enters the air like clockwork barely a second later.
“Isn’t it, Sho?” Izuku tilts his head back, the sun filtering through foliage to paint his skin in swathes of gold. “Plus, it’s nice seeing so many other hybrids come through here every so often.”
Shoto lets out a noise in agreement. In an odd moment of serendipity, a family of hybrids accompanied by a single human emerge from where the path disappears into the treeline in the distance. The child swinging between the two adult hybrids couldn’t be any more than five years old, and the second they lay eyes on the great expanse of grass woven with patches of clovers and wildflowers before them, a delighted peal of laughter rings in the air.
Before you can think twice, your eyes are moving to scan the expressions of your companions in curiosity. From what you recall, an intact family unit isn’t very common for hybrids, though Nejire told you once that it is becoming increasingly the norm. Hybrids from the initial generations, those born in a sterile lab, are now creating families and small communities of their own as the movement for their rights strengthens and gains more traction over time. It makes you happy to see it in action, though a part of you worries that the sight might bring up memories for your companions that aren’t particularly pleasant.
Then again, you have no idea about their backgrounds, really.
Thankfully, the shift in their expressions isn’t sad or melancholy. Rather they appear contemplative, bordering on nostalgic. Curiosity lingers in an unspoken question on the tip of your tongue, but you don’t dare to voice it.
It’s Shoto that volunteers to fill the silence first.
“I wonder if that kid gets lonely,” he muses. “It doesn’t look like they have any siblings.”
You blink, something about the way he says that sparking a new curiosity. “… You had siblings?”
He shrugs, a small smile curling at the corners of his lips. He glances at you and then Izuku from the corner of his eye. “Well, maybe not in the typical sense. We were often created in batches, so we definitely weren’t alone.”
“You have company, but in all you don’t get to spend much time with the other hybrids. The adoption process can start young sometimes,” Izuku supplies, shaking his head to dislodge a leaf clinging to his forest-hued curls. “Shoto and I actually ‘grew up’ together, in a way.”
The confusion must be evident on your face, because the rabbit hybrid laughs and reaches out to pinch your cheek. You frown but can’t be bothered to lift your arm and bat him away, and so he remains the unspoken victor.
“I guess you could call it that.” Shoto snorts, reaching up with both arms to stretch. The movement lifts the edge of his shirt to reveal smooth honey-toned skin and you fight for your life to keep your eyes in a respectful location. “I think our labs ended up merging at some point and from then on we kind of got stuck together. Neither of us were ever officially adopted.”
That takes you by surprise, actually. Ignoring how visually stunning they are, both hybrids are pleasant and sweet, sincere in everything they do, and a pleasure to be around. You can safely say the addition of them into your life and routine has been a blessing. So when you take in his words, your brain can’t quite comprehend the idea of someone not wanting them.
A part of your feels bad for them – you know it isn’t the case for all hybrids, but for some of them the act of ‘adoption’ means a lot – but at the same time, you’re unsure whether you would have ever ended up meeting them if they had been adopted earlier in their lives.
It feels selfish, but… deep down, you’re a little glad that you were able to know them as a result of it.
Shoto lowers his arms and twists to face you a little more, eyes surveying your supine form. You have a feeling that he is looking for the best place to curl up and your suspicions are confirmed when he zeroes in on your abdomen and turns back around so he can recline with his head resting on the soft swell of your stomach. You don’t even bother trying not to blush. You’ll just blame the heat of the sun if you need to. Or even the exercise. Plenty of excuses.
“It’s good to see so many kids around,” Izuku hums, blowing some hair out of his face and allowing his eyes to flutter closed after. It’s a slight redirection of the current topic, but you don’t particularly mind. “There’s more than I thought there would be, considering the current ratio.”
This piques your interest further, tickling something familiar in the back of your mind you’d heard once upon a time. “The current ratio…?”
“Of male to female hybrids,” Shoto supplies helpfully in his soft, leisurely tone, turning his head and nuzzling into your abdomen just below your ribs. You have to physically hold down the responding shudder that wants to roll over your body. “It’s pretty disproportionate, currently. Something like one female hybrid for every two –- or is it three? -– male hybrids.” “Oh shit,” you mutter, the words leaving you before you can think to censor yourself. “Tough odds.”
Shoto snorts, and Izuku looks to be fighting a grin. Surprisingly, it is the hybrid currently taking up real estate on your stomach that continues.
“It might look like that,” Shoto hums, his head tilting just enough for his mismatched eyes to trail and lock onto your own. The slightest curl plays around the corner of his mouth. “But we’re pretty adaptive, you know. Most hybrids tend toward polyandry.”
Oh. Oh. Nejire never told you that.
Shoto’s eyes, clear and glimmering in the morning sunlight, track every minute movement and change in your face. His ears flick ever so slightly, no doubt catching the slight uptick in your heartbeat as well as the warmth gathering in your face.
You have to wet your lips in order for your question to greet the air. “Why, um-- is there a reason behind the ratio?”
Izuku hums a pleasant noise, like he’s been quizzed on something that he knows the answer to.
“Men – or in this case, male hybrids – are easier to clone and create than women. Something about having two X chromosomes makes it a little more complicated, if I remember correctly.” Izuku tilts his head, eyes glazing as he falls deeper into his thoughts. “That’s probably why we all ended up having the kind of instincts that we did. Being excessively territorial is detrimental to the population as a whole when one gender greatly outnumbers the other.”
“Plus, more chances for females to conceive when there are multiple--”
“RIGHT, yeah, there’s also that.” Izuku lets out a loud, embarrassed laugh, cutting the canine hybrid off before he can continue. For his benefit, you continue to ignore the heat making itself known on your face and fight to swallow your own amused chortle. You did think it had been a little too long since the last time Shoto said something outrageous with the most unbothered face. The rabbit hybrid continues, almost like he can’t help himself.
“Even so, the bond that a, um… mated pair share is super important. Hybrids have a tendency to bond deeply in general, but I suppose it is doubly so for males. Definitely more matriarchal in nature, hybrid communities.”
Bonds? Mated pairs? You feel kind of faint as your brain works to reconcile all the information you’ve received in the last five minutes. “Huh… I see.”
Izuku suddenly looks oddly restless, almost… nervous .Evidently taking a page out of Shoto’s book, he turns and dives to bury his face in your side, eliciting a ticklish yelp from you as he does so. He ends up pulling on a lock of Shoto’s hair that had fallen over your side by accident, and the hybrid lets loose an unimpressed, low rumble. Ignoring the noise, Izuku takes a few deep breaths against your side, digging his nose into your shirt.
Sincerely, you don’t think you’re going to be able to survive this. You consider sending a prayer heavenward.
As if things weren’t already embarrassing enough for you, your stomach chooses this exact moment to let out a forlorn rumble.
Shoto snorts softly, lifting off of you and rolling to a stand with such grace, you’re genuinely envious for a moment.
“Probably best we head back and get some food in our bellies.”
He doesn’t need to tell you twice.
This is a losing battle.
Granted, it’s not like you’re really fighting it at all anymore (arguably didn’t even really fight it to begin with), but still. It feels like everything is somehow snowballing, in a way that you’re not particularly against despite your better judgement.
Somehow, your two housemates have gotten clingier. They stick to you like shadows, scenting you in an almost possessive manner whenever they get the chance and more than a few times you’ve caught them sniffing you for a whiff of your own scent when they think you’re too occupied to notice.
It’s doing a number on your already frayed self-control.
The brief but very informative conversation the three of you had in the park almost a week ago has helped alleviate some of the guilt you carried for being attracted to both of them at the same time, and also planted some ideas in your head that you haven’t been able to pry out despite your best efforts.
Currently, your dilemma comes from the fact that not only are you attracted to them both, but you like them both.
It’s still budding, not at a catastrophic level as of yet, and technically speaking you would be able to be with them physically without spiralling when they eventually leave. Probably. Actually, you’re torn between not wanting to do anything to save yourself the pain in the long run, and doing something so that you can treasure and make the most of the time you currently have together.
You’d probably regret it if they ended up leaving without you addressing whatever this is between you. However, you also know yourself enough to know you’re too sappy to be able to part with them seamlessly if you did act on it.
This is torture. You almost wish they’d just make the decision for you.
Apart from those differences, the routine the three of you remains mostly unchanged. Unfortunately, that leaves plenty of opportunity for you to overthink and dwell as you complete your bedtime routine. You almost reach for a cheeky drink just so you might put an end to the thoughts and go to bed in peace. Somehow, you manage to imitate meditation enough that you eventually drift off without the need for a nightcap.
Something rouses you from sleep earlier than anticipated, though. The soft creak of your door has you blinking awake, eyes less bleary than anticipated.
It’s pitch black at first, but your eyes quickly adjust enough to see as two figures slink into the room and over to your bed. You feel the mattress dip with their weight as they climb atop, a soft rumble reaching your ears that you know to be coming from a certain canine hybrid.
“What is it?” you ask, wiping your eyes in an attempt to clear any remaining sleep. It’s harder to focus on their forms than you expect. “Is everything okay?”
It’s a throaty whine that answers your question, timbre no doubt belonging to Izuku. The slimmer of the two slips closer, a hand coming to grasp the one you’d reached out without realising. Your heart stutters in your chest, breath catching in your throat. The smell of pine and jasmine twine together and brush your senses. Of course you’ve smelt whatever cologne your two hybrid roommates wear before, but never so strongly. It’s making butterflies come to life in the pit of your belly.
“What is it?” you ask again, sitting up a little more. Izuku brings your hand to his cheek, nuzzling into your palm. Your fingertips brush his fluffy curls and you find yourself winding them into the locks without a second thought.
While Izuku seems to be sitting back on his haunches for the moment, Shoto has no qualms about approaching further, his large hand brushing against the skin of your shoulder, revealed by sheets that fell when you rose earlier, before trailing down your arm and then back up. His palm settles against your neck, scorchingly hot, and the length of his fingers wrap around your nape. Your heart kicks up again, an excited, frantic patter.
Izuku’s lips press against your palm, searing affection into your flesh. You can hardly keep track of what is happening, attention torn from one to the other in rapid succession.
A soft whine escapes from Shoto this time, and he leans forward to nuzzle his face into your neck, dragging his nose along the line of your jaw. It tickles, and sends a shiver down the length of your spine.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he murmurs, mouth hot against your neck as his lips shape the words. You feel his ears flick and catch against your hair. You want to lift a hand and touch him, but for some reason your body refuses to obey. “Nothing wrong, just need you.”
You feel like your heart has stopped completely in your chest, a breathless moment passing before it returns to its chaotic gallop. You barely have the presence of mind to force out, “What…?”
The hybrid’s lips begin to press in a heated trail down your neck and across your collarbone, ignoring your murmur completely. His free arm slips around your side and behind you, pulling you close quick enough that a soft noise of surprise escapes you. Heat is beginning to set your veins alight, blood turning to magma. Your thighs clench as Shoto’s teeth scrape against your clavicle before he sucks the flesh into his mouth.
Oh my god.
Having moved you closer to the centre of the bed with his manoeuvre, there is now room for Izuku to sidle up against your other side, and he happily takes the opportunity. Your hand is dropped for only a moment before he picks it up again from his new angle, returning it to where it was. He then leans forward, burying his nose into your hair and letting out a contented groan – something he’d done earlier in the day when the three of you had been cuddling on the couch. It had made butterflies burst into your stomach then, but now it makes your body thrum in anticipation.
“You smell so good, Yona, you’re so lovely,” Izuku murmurs, the low cadence of his voice eliciting another shiver across your shoulders. “We want you, need you… don’t you want us too?”
The words leap from your throat, unbidden. “Of course I do.”
A pleased, throaty groan slips from Shoto as his mouth moves lower, towards the neckline of the singlet you’d worn to bed. You weren’t sure what to expect, but it still takes you by surprise when he drags his lips over the material, following the swell of your breast until he comes across your peak, straining against the material. He takes it into the wet heat of his mouth, and you can’t help but gasp at the sensations that reach you through the damp material of your shirt. Arousal shoots straight to your core.
Again, you will your hand to lift and tangle in his hair, but the limb remains by your side. You barely have time to feel the resulting confusion and frustration before Izuku’s free hand is trailing along your side, nails dragging along the skin of your hips and tracing the line of your waistband. The ache beginning to make itself known between your legs is suddenly all you can think about, and this time when you will your hips to shift, rocking up against his hand, they listen.
Izuku inhales softly, sounding pleased at your reaction. You feel like you’re going a little bit insane.
“Yeah? You want us? Want us to touch you, like this?”
Words catch in your throat and so you settle for an emphatic nod, eager for the touching to continue – especially if it meant Shoto was going to keep doing those things with his mouth. As though summoned by the thought, he clamps his teeth around your nipple in a light bite, sending shocks of pleasure over your skin. A moan tumbles from your throat, thighs squeezing in a sad attempt at friction.
You need more. You need more, but your stupid limbs won’t listen to you, and Izuku’s hand is going everywhere but where you need and want it most.
“Izuku,” you whine, the sound bordering on pathetic. You can hardly think amongst the drowsy haze of pleasure fogging your mind. “Please…”
Please touch me, you want to say. Your fingers twitch with the urge to grasp his hand and move it to your core, but they remain woefully unresponsive. Instead of your desired destination, his hand lifts to pinch and tug your neglected nipple softly. He seems to revel in the noises the actions elicit.
Shoto releases your abused nipple with a soft noise, leaning up to nip and lick under your ear. The sweet scent of jasmine threatens to swallow you whole.
“Tell us what you want, lovely,” he murmurs, voice thick and catching in his throat. His teeth scrape your neck and you tilt your head back, wrenching your eyes closed as Izuku times it with a firm pinch.
A rush of different desires overtake you at once, so many you can hardly choose only one to voice. You strain to lift your arm and cup his cheek, willing it desperately to move. “I-”
Your arm jerks, breaking free of its invisible bonds, and your eyes snap open. The room is quiet, save for your panting breaths, and you are entirely under the covers. A cursory glance around the room once your eyes adjust reveals you are, in fact, alone. Your bedroom door is closed, just as you’d left it before going to bed.
It takes a moment for you to be awake enough that realisation comes crashing through you. You just had a wet dream about your housemates.
…. You’re so fucked.
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starboyshoyo · 2 years
The Summer After Graduation
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover, Epel Felmier x fem!reader (separately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: Fluff, domestic
Warnings: suggestive jokes, nothing inappropriate.
It’s the summer after graduation and the beginning of the rest of your life. After moving to your boyfriend’s hometown and living with his family, you begin to realize that there may be a future in Twisted Wonderland for you after all.
Part One (HERE) || Part Two (Malleus, Silver, Sebek)
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Four years have passed since the Dark Mirror beckoned you forth. Your time at Night Raven College and as the Ramshackle prefect have come to an end. You and your high school sweetheart have made the decision to move back to their hometown and build a new life together, starting with the summer after graduation…
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Kalim Al-Asim
‘The Asims are a generous family that love and cherish their son and future daughter-in-law. In tradition with our past, you and your lover will spend the summer at  Port Ormos, a seaside village off the coast of the Land of Scalding Sands. Don’t worry about transport or living situation- it will all be taken care of for you. We love you, Kalim, and we’re so proud of you for graduating!’ 
That’s what the letter from Kalim’s mother and father to him read. Right after graduating from NRC, you and your boyfriend were swept up in a gaggle of servants and guards. Jamil had packed all of your belongings already, and a bashful Kalim informed you that you were on your way to something he referred to as the ‘Asim pre-honeymoon vacation.’ It’s a tradition in my family for newlyweds to spend some time together at the village, he laughed. I guess they were just super excited to know I had someone as wonderful as you by my side, and got a little hasty! I hope you don’t mind.
With that, you were off through the magic mirror and on your way to your new summer home.
Kalim’s parents weren’t kidding when they said everything would be taken care of. Not only had servants transported all of your things neatly and carefully to the Asims’ manor overlooking the town, but a parade and festival had been thrown in honor of your arrival. Why, you might ask? Because the Asims owned the entirety of Port Ormos. You knew they were wealthy, but this was a whole other level. 
Immediately upon arrival, Kalim was dragging you into various shops and restaurants around town. Each time you walked through a door, you would be greeted warmly by eager staff and ushered in to have a look at their finest goods. Point to any one you like, and an attendant will be by your side, packing it into a bag for you or loading it up to carry it back to the manor. Only the best for Lady Asim, you hear managers whisper to their employees. 
In fact, it seemed like everyone in the harbor town treated you like you were part of the Asim family already, even though you were an ordinary student at Night Raven College not even a week ago. For the duration of the trip, you would take on the family name and honored titles. You don’t miss the happy, flustered grin that Kalim gives you every time someone calls you Miss Asim or Lady Asim. You’ve even caught him browsing jewelry shops for rings on more than one occasion… What could he be planning? 
Jamil, as usual, had been chosen to accompany you and Kalim on this trip. However, he wasn’t staying with you two in the manor- he and his own family had been given a beachfront home to stay in. While Jamil did check on you and Kalim from time to time, he mostly gave you your space, and for good reason. His eyes were still scarred from the time he walked in on you two in the dressing room… He’ll stay in his own home, thank you very much. 
Mornings in the harbor town with your boyfriend are much like those in Scarabia dorm, but with a lot more privacy. Kalim likes to sleep in late, and get up whenever he feels like it. So you two will be cuddled up in bed together for a while, even after waking up. If you do try to leave early you’ll be met with arms looped around your waist, and a sleepy Kalim mumbling in your ear, five more minutes? By the time you manage to roll out of bed, it’ll be noon. 
Your room in the mansion is just as luxurious as you could expect from the Asim family- a king-size bed with crisp white sheets, sheer curtains, and a gorgeous view of the sprawling port town far below. Breakfast consists of light sandwiches and wraps to start off your day, plus fresh-squeezed fruit juices or coffees to compliment the meal. It’s all cooked by Jamil of course, and brought up to your rooms by him as well. The Al-Asims weren’t taking a risk with the food prepared for you or Kalim- they would never forgive themselves if the newest member of their family were to get sick. 
Kalim is a very spontaneous person, one of the reasons you love him so much. Every day he’ll think of something new and fun for you to do. The world is his oyster, and you’re the pearl! You could stroll along the docks, holding hands and greeting every sailor along the way, or browse the street markets for artisan goods. Any time you stop to look at something for more than a few seconds, Kalim will drape himself over you and join you in ogling it over your shoulder. Anything fascinating to you is interesting to him too! There won’t be a boring day anywhere in your summer. 
When your time in Port Ormos comes to a close, you can’t help but feel a little sad. You and Kalim will spend one final day around town, enjoying your time together. Another festival is held in your honor- this time, in the evening- and Kalim will bring you out onto the balcony of your room to watch fireworks being launched into the sky. 
When the first round of sparks explode high above your head, you’ll notice he has a ring box in his hand. He even might trip a little as he gets down on one knee, he’s so hasty in trying to get everything right. 
I know this was supposed to be just a little taste of what life together is supposed to be like, but I want this every day with you, for the rest of my life! You bring me so much happiness and my family just adores you, too- not to mention, we’ll get to come back here! So please… won’t you marry me?” 
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Deuce Spade
Moving into Deuce’s childhood apartment after graduation was a quiet but well-managed affair. You didn’t have much to transport anyways. However, formal introductions would have to be made when you arrive in the Kingdom of Hearts- you had never met Deuce’s mother before. You already knew what a generous and kind person she would be, though. Deuce spoke highly of her at all times. Her greetings to you are warm, and Deuce’s cheeks are dusted with pink. He looked as if his heart was going to explode- The two people he loved most in the world were finally meeting! Everything was all coming together now. 
Deuce’s family’s apartment is cozy and well-kept. The shelves are dusted and everything seems so homey. Looking down the hallways, you notice small, faded marks low on the wall- crayon scribbles. Frayed edges of carpets and photos on the walls make it clear- your boyfriend had been raised in such a loving environment. It’s not very big, Deuce tells you with an embarrassed look, but it’s the best we can do at the moment. I promise we’ll get a bigger home in the future. You look back at him with love in your eyes. It’s perfect, Deuce. Just take things one day at a time- little steps.  
Though Deuce tried his best in school, he wasn’t able to make it onto the honor roll. Still, the moment his mother saw his diploma from Night Raven College, she gasped and pulled him into a tight hug. His diploma and graduation photo were framed and hung on the wall- and with your permission, Deuce’s mother would frame and hang yours as well, right next to his. You and Deucey are first in our family to graduate, she would tell you proudly, admiring the papers on the wall. I’m so proud. Thank you for looking after him…
Well, you could say the same back to her. 
Within just a few days of returning home, Deuce had to start work. He had been hired in a mechanic’s shop halfway across town, and was gone on long shifts for most of the day. He’s not around much, but when he is, he tries his best to spend time with you. No matter what he’ll kiss you good morning and good night, even if you’re asleep when he leaves or arrives home. On his rare days off, he’ll make sure to take you on a date, even if it’s just eating a meal together in the park on a picnic blanket. He’ll bring you small gifts from the shops around town, from extra tips he’s collected over time. You will never feel unloved under his watch. 
During the day while Deuce is out working, you help his mother around the apartment. She’s perpetually cheerful when her son is around but sometimes, when it’s just the two of you at home, you’ll notice her having to sit down often and rub aching joints. The poor woman has worked herself to the bone trying to care for Deuce by herself all those years. When you ask her about it, she’ll confide in you- I haven’t told Deuce about this, she says with a rueful smile. I don’t want to worry him. But I’m so happy my little Deucey found someone so lovely and kind. I’d be proud to call you my daughter. 
After that conversation, you write a letter to Riddle Rosehearts- an old friend of yours who is studying to become a magical doctor. He agrees to have a look at Ms. Spade, and give her a trial medicine he’s been working on, free of charge- hopefully it will help with the pain. Deuce’s mother tries to protest- There’s no way I can accept such generosity! But in the end, she caves. She’s not quite ready to tell Deuce yet, but that’s alright. It’s just like you told him; things might take a while- we’ll start with little steps. 
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Trey Clover
Living with your boyfriend’s family is hard work, but rewarding. Trey is expected to inherit the Clover family bakery when he gets older, and he works tirelessly to keep business up and running. His parents had doubts about you moving in at first- since the Rose Kingdom is on an island, they weren’t able to meet you previously. But with a bit of hard work and effort, they’re willing to look past your inexperience and see you for the wonderful person their son has come to love. 
During the day, when Trey is busy with work, his mother or father will help teach you the basics of running the shop- how to work the ovens and give orders to the employees, as well as use more advanced equipment they use to make the delectable treats they sell. Don’t mind the little ones when they ask for a sweet, Trey’s father tells you, sending a disapproving glance at his two younger children. Chances are they’ve already stolen one or ten from the back counter when you weren’t watching. 
Speaking of Trey’s younger siblings, they absolutely love you. His little brother has a bit of a puppy crush on you and will hang around the bakery when you’re working there. He’ll often have a little gift in his hand when he returns from playing outside. Look, I found this flower on the trail near the stables!  
Trey’s younger sister is just as adoring of you as her brother, but in a different way. She’s so used to roughhousing with two boys, and is super excited to have a sister around now! She’ll chat your ear off about anything and everything, and is always willing to help you out if you don’t know what to do with certain ingredients or bakery customs. 
Though Trey works long hours, the Clovers live above their bakery shop and he never has to deal with long travel times. That leaves him with a decent amount of time to spend with you. He’ll often ask you to accompany him on strolls around the village, where he goes out of his way to help neighbors. You learn that Trey has a bit of a reputation as a heartthrob in the small community where they live- they’re so excited to know someone has finally won his affections! The town’s golden boy is growing up so fast… 
At home above the shop, you and Trey are mostly left alone to your devices. His parents trust you enough not to monitor your every move- but Trey’s father has one rule. You two sleep in separate rooms, and no closing the door when you’re in the bedroom together! We have enough little sprogs running around underfoot already. You have to promise him that no funny business will be going on in the home. (Well, at least for now- but don’t tell him that!)
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Epel Felmier
Having visited Harveston once before, the trip to Epel’s home village was like returning home after a long vacation. Epel’s grandmother, Marja, welcomes you back as kindly as ever, all the while nagging Epel for not visiting home more often! You should think about your lonely old granny from time to time, Epel. You aren’t in the village for long, though- for the summer, you would be visiting an entirely new place- a town a few hours south of Harveston, where the rest of Epel’s extended family resided. 
Epel’s aunts, uncles, cousins, and more have yet to hear about you. When you first step into the large farmhouse where the family has gathered, you’re immediately swarmed by dozens of blue-eyed, lavender-haired relatives, all gushing- Epel! Who is this young lady, and why didn’t you tell us about her before? She’s so cute! How did that sailor-mouth of yours manage to snag you someone so lovely? 
Epel might be a little sour over their comments. He gets a bit possessive at times- he wants your attention on him as much as possible, and there are so many people to compete with! I’m not rough all the time, y’know! I can be a gentleman when I want to be. Now hands off’a her, she’s mine. He’ll ease up a bit when you remind him to overstep. 
It’s a bit impressive how similar all of Epel’s relatives look. They’re all a bit on the short side, with the same hair and eyes. Small differences are evident in separate branches of the family, but overall they look very put together. You might feel like a bit of an outsider at first, but don’t worry! The feeling won’t last for long. It’s hard to feel lonely among such a boisterous crowd. 
During the warm months, the apple orchard is still in full capacity. While most of the apples aren’t ripe yet, a small sect of trees, the summer orchard, is ready for harvest. Everyone in the family pitches in to pick apples. Though you’re not as practiced, you join in on the fun! At least, you try until Epel’s youngest cousins grab your hands and pull you away to play with them. Marja tells you not to worry about work- they can handle it. Go have some fun!
Epel glares at his cousins as they retreat, dragging you in tow. Marja pokes him in the back with a smile on her face. Go on, boy, she tells her grandson. You can have the day off- spend some time with your lady love before those little rascals steal her away. She pauses. I wouldn’t mind having a granddaughter in law before I leave this earth. 
Red to the tips of his ears, Epel scurries after the children to find you. He joins you laying in the grass watching the kids nearby and mumbles in your ear- Y’know… I’ve been thinking- maybe it’s not a bad idea to get hitched after all. 
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A/N: The Kalim favoritism is so obvious here… 
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 
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bigsoupspoon · 1 year
A Night To Remember
Summary: *Spoiler* After temporarily fixing Karlach’s engine, you gift her a night that’s been long overdue.
Pairing: Karlach x Gender Neutral Reader,
Warnings: Fluff, smut, swearing,
Word Count: 2200 approx.
Rating: Explicit – If you are under 18, please do not read.
Note: I haven’t completed Karlach’s romance yet so I’m unsure of how it actually plays out.
“So did it…work?” Karlach asked cautiously.
“Only one way to find out.” Dammon responds.
Karlach’s eyes meet yours, she looks both hopeful and worried. But without much hesitation, you pull her into a tight hug. Your arms wrap around her shoulders, and hers around your middle. You lean your head into her neck and give her a squeeze.
You stay in the hug for several seconds, wanting to give Karlach more than just a quick embrace. When you start to move apart, your hands linger on each other, not wanting to completely let go. Her eyes connect with yours, and you can’t help but glance at her lips. She notices, and does the same.
You bring your hand to cup her cheek, her hands haven’t left your waist, you lean in and tilt her chin towards you. Karlach complies, leaning into a deep kiss. You both hold the kiss for several moments, finally able to touch one another after what feels like an eternity of tension. You part ways, and she whispers a quiet “thank you” in your ear.
Suddenly you remember where you are, standing in front of Dammon and your companions. Halsin and Astarion stand close by, watching the sparks fly between you both.
“How sweet it is to share such affection in these trying times.” Halsin admires.
“And don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying the show.” Astarion smugly adds.
Karlach stands up straight and lets you go, still feeling the emotions of getting to touch you for the first time. She seems mildly flustered, bashful at the least, not knowing what to say next.
“How about we call it a day and head back to camp?” You suggest, the rest agree, it already becoming late in the afternoon anyway. For the rest of the day, you and Karlach catch each other exchanging glances, your arm might just brush hers when standing close together. The tension grows stronger each hour that passes.
Once the sun begins to fall below the horizon, everyone in camp starts settling in for the night. As you walk yourself over to Karlach’s tent, she smiles upon seeing you.
“Hey soldier,” She greets, excited to have your company.
“Karlach, what do you say we spend the evening together, tonight?” You ask.
“Yes, yes!” She cheers, “I was hoping we could spend some time together.”
You take a step closer, mere inches away, “Shall we leave now?”
You reach you hand to hold hers, Karlach accepts the embrace and intertwines her fingers with yours.
“I think I can manage that.” She smiles.
Karlach starts walking and you move beside her, her hand still in yours. Astarion passes you on your way out of camp.
“Have fun,” He whispers wickedly, shooting you both a devilish grin.
After a short period of walking, you arrive at a clearing with a slow-moving river. The area is small and peaceful, and private. The soft grass grows along the bank, full of clover and tiny wildflowers. The moon is now out in full view, reflecting on the rippled water.
“Can I kiss you again?” Karlach asks, her hand still holding yours. You turn to face her, and gently place a hand on her cheek.
“I’d like nothing more.” She pulls you in and presses her lips upon yours, the kiss is strong and passionate. Karlach wraps her arms around your middle and pulls you closer, your free hand now clinging to her shoulder.
The minutes pass by, it feels like you haven’t taken a single breath, kissing Karlach felt more important. You try to break the kiss, but Karlach pulls you back in for just one more. She keeps you close and rests her forehead on yours.
You take Karlach’s hands and place them on your waist, you slowly lift off your shirt, so your top half is completely bare. Karlach drinks you in, mesmerized by your body. You reach around her back and gently lift her shirt.
“Is this okay?” You ask, Karlach responds with an excited hum.
You lift off her shirt and drop it beside you, taking a step closer so your bodies are pressed together. She is warm, and inviting, her lips find yours again for just a moment. Chest to chest never felt so good, the skin-on-skin contact lighting a fire within you.
Your hands find the top of her pants, and you run your fingers along her waistline. Karlach’s breath hitches as you painfully slowly pull the drawstring on her pants, softly pulling them down below her thighs until they drop to the ground.
As you remove your own as well, you then take Karlach’s hand and lead her into the cool river. Around waist deep, you stop and dip under the water, drenching your hair and returning to the surface. Karlach lowers herself until the water reaches her shoulders.
As you both wade closer to each other, you maneuver your legs so Karlach’s thighs sit firmly on top of yours, holding her in place around her hips.
She looks down at you and smiles, before leaning into another passionate kiss. How peaceful the moment is as you embrace each other, the river flows by and the moonlight illuminates the water.
“Let me take care of you, Karlach.” You propose, whispering gently in her ear.
“I’d really like that.” She whispers back.
With a single brush of your fingers across her hip and up her sternum, Karlach tilts her head back, the touch starvation agony running rampant through her veins at this point. She bites back her tongue from ushering you to speed things up, and lets you slowly roam her body.
You drag your hands from around her waist up until you gently cup her breasts. Her eyes are gently squeezed shut and stifling small moans, eager to escape her lips. With a singular flick of your thumbs across her nipples, she lets out an audible groan.
“You’re so beautiful, Karlach,” You whisper in her ear, before lowering your head to place her nipple on your tongue, your hand gently rolling the other one between your thumb and forefinger. Her moans become more audible, and a little less controlled, her body growing more eager each second that passes.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, I am feeling a little…impatient.” Karlach says. And with that, you lead her out of the water, to the grassy bank.
“Lay down,” You propose, and as Karlach does so, you kneel at her feet.
You begin to plant small kisses on one ankle, and slowly, tantalisingly slowly, trail them up her leg, her breathing now small, sharp breaths, anticipation earnestly flooding her veins. As you reach the top of her inner thigh, you can see her slit already beautifully glistening with her wetness.
You look up at her, her eyes watching you closely, wishing to the gods this was finally the moment. You skip over her cunt entirely and begin kissing from below her navel to up between her breasts. Karlach groans with frustration at the lack of attention where she wants it most, she reaches down to touch herself, but you catch her hand before it makes contact.
“I promise I’ll make you feel good, baby, I want to take my time with you,” You tease, although you are sincere.
As much as Karlach yearns for more contact, she silently admits that your attention feels so good after so long with physical touch like this.
You remove yourself from above her and lay on your hip so you are by her side. Your hand hasn’t left her body, it remains softly resting on her chest.
“Are you sure you want this, love?” You ask her, although confident in her answer, still wanting her consent.
“Oh, fuck yes!” Karlach responds, “It’s about bloody time.”
She looks into your eyes, they are excited and hungry, she grins widely as your hand trails down between her breasts, past her stomach and below her navel. You use your hand to cup your fingers and firmly press it against her wet, aching cunt. The loud moan that escapes her lips is a beautiful one, one that you intend on hearing again and again. She shifts a bit under your touch, hips jolting to find more pressure.
You press your middle finger into her slit and drag it up over her clit. Karlach throws her head back, eyes closed, mouth agape, the sound she releases is pure sex.
“Finally,” Karlach thinks.
You continue to firmly swipe your finger up and down her slit, letting her get used to the feeling, basking in the initial pleasure. As you add another finger, she moans even louder, unable to stifle any noises that are drawn out. It makes you gush, as you hope you’re far enough away from the others at camp.
Her hands tightly grip the grass beside her, some of it ripping in her hands. She opens her eyes and looks into yours.
“More,” She pleads, and you oblige. Your two fingers circle her swollen clit, applying gentle pressure. Primal noises leave Karlach’s mouth as her tingling ecstasy grows deep in her abdomen. Her body becomes more rigid as her climax begins to swell, legs trembling and toes curling.
She lets out a scream of pleasure as the band snaps inside of her, your fingers still working circles around her clit as she rides the waves of her orgasm. After several moments of watching pure bliss write itself across her face, you remove your fingers from her and cup her cunt firmly like before.
Karlach’s eyes remain closed, as her breathing settles, relishing in the feeling of someone else’s physical touch. She rests her head and places a hand over yours, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you,” She sighs.
“Don’t thank me, we’re not finished with you yet, my love,” You wink at her.
Her eyes pop with surprise, before she can say anything you remove your hand and place your two wet fingers on your tongue, encasing your lips around them. She watches, mesmerized, as you taste her, licking off every drop of her.
“Now that I’ve tasted you, I’ve decided I need more,” You coo, before leaning in to kiss her deeply. She can taste herself on your tongue, and this immediately sends arousal back through her body.
“And this time I won’t make you wait as long,” You break the kiss and move yourself onto your knees between her thighs, pushing them gently out wide. You trail your lips from her neck down to her stomach, kissing and suckling her skin. Karlach lifts her head to watch you move down her body, you lower herself between her thighs, she can already feel your breath on her cunt.
Without hesitation you lick a line up her slit, flattening your tongue to taste every inch of her. Her head falls back, and she tussles her hands in your hair as she lets out another groan.
“Is this okay, baby?” You tease her, Karlach doesn’t respond but pushes your head back between her thighs, prompting a hard “yes.”
You take your time, making sure to stretch every second of pleasure for her, drawing out delicious sounds from her lips. You kiss, suckle and lick your way to her second building orgasm, Karlach writhes under your touch. Her hands grab tighter at your hair as she tries to clench her knees together.
“Do you want more, baby?” Your tongue leaves Karlach for just a moment.
“Fuck, yes!” She practically pleads, her brain scrambling in the long overdue feelings of pleasure.
You gently bring your hand back to her cunt and insert a finger, drawing out a string of obscenities from Karlach, her hands lost in your hair as she writhes underneath you. After a few minutes, you gently add a second, the soft stretch heightening her building orgasm further. You lean back in and press your tongue to her clit, drawings circles in time to match the pumps of your hand.
Her legs begin to quiver, she tries to close her legs around your head, but you keep going at the same pace. Filthy, heavenly sounds escape from Karlach as she comes, clenching your fingers tight and feet digging into your back. After those several moments of pure pleasure, you can feel her body begin to relax. You gently remove your fingers and crawl up Karlach’s body until you meet her face. Her eyes are still closed, breathing uneven and sweat sitting on her brow.
You place a trail of small kisses on her neck, and she brings her hands to rest on your back. You don’t say anything, and let Karlach relish in the moment until she is ready to continue. All of a sudden she pushes you to the side and rolls you onto your back, Karlach hovers above you for a second before straddling your waist.
“Now that you’ve had me, its my turn to have you, all to myself.”
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I reread your tanjiro reader post and always wondered what would happen if it’s a Muichiro reader?
How would the Vise and dorm leader react if reader was known as a Young prodigy in Swordsmanship and is very rich?
Since Reader is has amnesia, she would always forget that she’s in another world but was always reminded by her loyal crow
Both the Dorm leaders and Vice Dorm leaders are a bit much
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Muichiro Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You’re doe-eyed, airheaded, painfully blunt, and a true sword prodigy. Always forgetting and wistfully floating by in life only really reacting to your memory’s deepest secrets. The only thing that keeps you grounded is the loyal crow that gives your missions. While you are as determined as you could be to return to your world the boys of Twisted Wonderland feel the exact opposite. You don’t have much of a will which makes it easier to instill their own: 
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Trey Clover
“How long have you been like that?! All the blood’s going to rush to your head!”
His obsession festers from his worry
Taking that big brother role and watching out for your wandering self
But then he realizes its more when you in a rare moment of clarity speak your truth
Lighting the fire inside him 
And he can’t help but want to protect you
Even when he watches you slice at an entirely insane speeds 
He still feels the need to safeguard you
Even if it means keeping you in the dark about everything
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Rook Hunt
“Mon amour brumeux! Please show me the prowess of your sword!”
“Oui, your beauty is shining even when you dream!”
You’re so lovely for him 
Not reacting to his open photography 
You don’t even protest when he swabs the insides of your cheeks
He’s brought to shivers at the thought of your immense power with a docile personality
In fact he’s never seen someone so skillfully dodge and reflect arrows without being angry
You’re just so perfect for him 
He’s determined to have you 
And he wonders will you fight when he takes you or just let him
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Ruggie Bucci
“You’re so gullible! You’ve got to fight me if I take your food! Come on showing me your game face!” 
“You want me…to fight you?”
“Whoa whoa (Y/n) hold on!” 
He thinks your airy attitude is a breath of fresh air
But he realizes how easy it is to string you along
And he feels no one is better to do that then him 
Well guess he’s getting a lot more practice with ‘laugh with me’
Specifically in accidental injuries
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Whoa (Y/n) you’re so skilled! Would you be willing to maybe spar with me?”
“No, I’m looking at the clouds.”
“Awww come on baby! Pleeeeaaasseee?”
He loves pestering you 
Because you don’t really react so it ends up bothering him instead
Ultimately he finds himself obsessed with knowing your inner workings
And when you say something insightful he feels his heart speed up and his cheeks flush with a feeling he hasn’t felt in ages
Won’t you give this dying fae his final wish and stay with him forever
Or maybe he’ll come with you–the greatest mystery he’s ever come across
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Jamil Viper
“I sometimes think I could hypnotize you to do what I want…but you’re so flighty I doubt it would even work.”
“...Your hair looks like Kabumaru…”
He thinks you’re the cutest 
Even when you expertly wield a sword
He wonders how knowledgeable you can be if he eliminated your chances to go home
If you stayed they’d be the perfect duo 
He’ll be your brains if your his muscle
Heck you can even leave the killing to him
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Jade Leech
“Ah, I see you’re busy staring at the Monstro Lounge’s tank.”
“You seem to like fish.”
“...No, no I don't think I do.”
“Hmmm, how would you like to be one?”
Floyd’s nickname of JellyFish is accurate to him 
Especially when you show off your sword skills 
An almost mindless creature that has a sting
But he thinks you’re allure is like a mushroom
Possibly deadly but wonderfully gorgeous
Perfect for a terrarium tank of your own
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sakureis · 2 months
Ruby - Heartslabyul
Summary: how they fall in love with you
Warnings: fluff, mention of riddles overblot, food mention
Character(s): Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover
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Riddle Rosehearts - by understanding him
Things were put into a new perspective after you learned the details that lead up to his overblot. Who you once saw as a hot-headed tyrant became a boy plagued by the expectations put upon him. As you saw him grow as a person, so did your admiration for him.
You chatted with Riddle often about the things that bothered him, from the stress of being a housewarden to the everyday rules he forced himself to follow. Your attentiveness had always caught his attention, but now he was feeling different about it. His heart started to beat faster whenever he noticed how incredible you were listening, and before he knew it, he had fallen for you.
Ace Trappola - by having his back
It was no secret that the first year could be a bit chaotic, scratch that, very chaotic. Often times it could get him in trouble both with other student and teachers. He wasn’t used to people coming to his defense instead of laughing at him, but when you explained the situation of his pen being broken, he started seeing you in a new light.
See, what had happened was out of Ace’s control, and it’s not like he wanted to lose his magical abilities. Everyone remembered how he moped when collared by Riddle, so of course he didn’t want a repeat of that. Unfortunately, he still had to go into the mines to obtain another mage stone, but you were by his side the entire time even though neither of you had a means to defend yourself from any monsters.
Deuce Spade - by helping him improve
Even though he rarely talked about it publicly, you knew he struggled academically. You saw how his brow would furrow in class while doing individual assignments, so you suggested study sessions as a group with the other first years. He was immediately nervous, worried that if he outwardly expressed contempt towards his abilities he would be made fun of.
That’s when you suggested to do it just the two of you for the time being. Maybe you couldn’t help with all of it, but there was enough you’d learned that didn’t require magic that you were confident that you could help him. And help him you did. He started finding it easier and easier to complete tests, and your assurance definitely motivated him to do better, especially the way you’d smile and praise his progress. Wait a second, did he like you?
Cater Diamond - by showing you care
He’s used to suffering in silence, putting up a front for others, always smiling. You could sense something was going on with his, though. No one is that cheery 24/7, and sometimes you’d catch his smile dropping when he thought no one could see. Overall, you were worried about him. You’d never outright confront Cater about it, since that could be extremely overwhelming for him, but you decided to show that you were there for him in small ways.
Every day, you’d greet him first and ask how he slept and how his day had been so far. You made sure to engage in every conversation he had with you in the vicinity, and listen carefully to what he had to say. Even to the point where he began to show signs of being more comfortable around you, letting out a genuine laugh and smile when you commented something entertaining. He found himself starting to like you more and more each day.
Trey Clover - by taking interest in his hobbies
He was the big brother figure to many other Heartslabyul students, so he was used to engaging in what they enjoy, but not so much the other way around. Sure, his club members shared common interests, but it just didn’t feel the same. Enter you, pursued by motivation to get to know the vice housewarden better.
He kept secrets hidden very well, often pretending some things don’t exist in the first place, so when you asked him to teach you how to bake he was taken aback. You’d mentioned how his treats at the unbirthday parties had inspired you to lead, and who better to learn from than Trey Clover himself. While baking, you would encourage him to talk about things he likes to do other than baking, and he cautiously obliged. He was surprised at your genuine interest and by the time you were confident in your baking abilities, he made you a special treat with heart shaped decorations on it.
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ashtavula · 8 months
I don’t know if you’re taking asks or anything and this is my first time ever even asking anything on tumblr BUT ANYWAY
Trey, Azul, Lilia and Leona with a pastry chef/baker reader?
I just think it would be so darn cute-
You're right, it's a super cute concept!
Trey, Azul, Lilia, and Leona with a pastry chef reader
- He's firmly convinced that he's found his soulmate. Seriously, Trey thinks you're absolutely perfect! The two of you often end up in the kitchen, coming up with new recipes and enjoying the fruits of your labors. Though, he does end up feeding you by hand more often than not. He just likes taking care of you. At least, that's what he claims.
-He can't wait to introduce you to his family, and show you their business. He's pretty proud of it, and the thought of you making things in his family's bakery makes his heart flutter. He's already dreaming about just how wonderful it would be to work with you, side by side in a kitchen surrounded by his supportive family. The idea of you being a part of his family, of being a Clover? He's struggling to stop himself from putting a ring on your finger right now.
-Azul's torn between having you bake things for the lounge, or keeping your sweet treats all to himself. In the end, he'll have you whip up some samples for him to try, and then you can teach the twins later. Please don't comment on the fact that his cheeks turn pink when he's eating your desserts, or that he's always willing to indulge in something you've made, even though he's watching his weight.
-Speaking of his figure, he's more than a little worried about gaining a few pounds from eating what you make. Don't misunderstand, he loves you, but he's afraid that you won't like him as much if he gets "fat". He'll be over the moon if you try to make healthier sweets just for him. Azul also wants to introduce you to his mother. He just knows the two of you will get along. And she'd be over the moon once she learned about your skills in the kitchen.
-Hope you like having company in the kitchen, because Lilia refuses to let you bake alone. He's always sticking his fingers where they don't belong, stealing little tastes of what you're making, and trying to "improve" your recipes. And if you get mad at him, he'll just coo out apologies and kiss you until you forget why you were upset at him to begin with. Honestly though, keep an eye on him. Lilia can and will try to add something "nutritious" to your sweets. And nobody likes petit fours with pureed liver filling.
-Lilia does really enjoy watching you feed Silver, Sebek, and Malleus your treats. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, seeing you take care of his boys. It makes him think that you'd be a wonderful addition to his and Silver's lives. He'll teasingly call you Silver's other parent, and will sigh contentedly when the boy quietly compliments your skills. Please give Silver more of your baking. He needs it, and it just makes Lilia more affectionate with you.
-He honestly doesn't care for sugary confections, but he'll take a bite of what you give him. It makes you happy to see him eat it, and he wants to keep you happy. Even if that means swallowing more sugar than he would normally consume. You do notice he prefers it when your baked goods are more savory, or if their sweetness comes from fruit instead of sugar. And it's a pleasant surprise for him when you take his tastes into account. He also doesn't mind if you share what you make with others. Just don't be too generous, yeah? Don't forget, lions can get territorial, especially yours.
-Seeing you feed Cheka makes him feel...odd. On the one hand, he can begrudgingly admit that it's sort of cute to watch you bond with his rambunctious nephew. On the other hand, it makes him think more about the future with you. You wouldn't be allowed to bake for yourself at the palace, but wouldn't his brother insist on you being a part of the royal family? He hates the idea of his family forcing you into a role you don't want. Honestly, thinking about it makes his head hurt. So for now, he'll drape his arms around you while you help Cheka frost a cookie.
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Getting hit by a water gun
Notes: A little kid was racing past you two, decided to shoot you both with their water gun. What is his reaction? 
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Riddle Rosehearts: 
Informs the kid it’s not okay to hit people out of the blue like that. Of course, the kid dislikes getting yelled at and decides to shoot more water at Riddle. Before Riddle can catch them, the kid runs away to their next target. That’s when Riddle notices how soaked you are and uses his magic to dry you both off. 
“Shooting with water guns is not appropriate when you’re attacking strangers. If you want to have fun you must follow the rules of the game, I’m su- *water flies into his face* Heh~ You’ve got quite the nerve kid.” 
Ace Trappola: 
Has a quick flashback to when he used to be that kind of kid and probably still is. Gets an idea and runs into the nearest shop to have his own water gun fight. Calls up the rest of the first years to participate. Losers have to buy everyone a meal at their favorite restaurant. Never drys you off, tells you that the sun will dry if off for you. 
“I’m pretty confident I’ll be sitting in the winner's seat tonight! Hey! Why are you aiming your gun at me like that?!" 
Deuce Spade: 
Thinks it’s Ace at first then notices it was just a little kid. Doesn’t think much of it afterwards but sees how wet the two of you are. Informs you that running will dry you off faster since he heard a rule about it from Riddle a few days ago. The two of you start running along the beach like two idiots instead of two models. 
“Isn’t it nice to run together like this?... Where did you go? *turns his head* _____! Over here!” 
Cater Diamond: 
Checks to see if his phone got splashed before himself, then takes a selfie with you to commemorate such an occasion. You stare in awe as you’ve never seen his hair down before. Cater says the two of you should leave your hair styled like this for the rest of the day. 
“Whatcha think? Leaving our hair like this gives off a totally different vibe than normal.” 
Trey Clover: 
Checks to make sure the two of you aren’t super soaked, much to his dismay both of your clothes are dripping wet. Looks around to spot a nearby store, rushes in to purchase a towel, but just one towel. He’s so busy drying you off that he forgets about his own clothes. 
“My shirt? Don’t worry I’ll try myself off once I’m done getting you all dry.” 
Leona Kingscholar: 
Hates getting wet so he’s pretty irritated from getting shot by a water gun. You’re staring pretty intensely at Leona as he looks refreshing as you’ve never seen this side to him before. Asks you to dry him off which is when he notices how you’re both soaked, the two of you decide to walk in the sun to dry yourself. 
“Y’know a way to clean this mess up? … walk around in the sun you say *sigh* let’s find a place to nap then” 
Ruggie Bucchi: 
Doesn’t really mind getting wet as he kind of expected it as he saw the group of kids from earlier. Says that it’s going to be fine and the two of you walk off to the nearest food stall. Due to his reaction the kids came back resulting in a playful reaction from Ruggie as he over exaggerated getting shot from them. Overall reminding him of the kids back from his hometown. 
“Ouch! _____, help me I’m drowning from their attacks! Woah why are you the one taking charge now.” 
Jack Howl: 
Dodges before the water could even touch him, but results in all of the water landing on you instead. Tries to think of the fastest way to get you dried off as possible, fails in response. Eventually you use your own magic to dry off and you use your magic to make a small gust of wind in Jack’s face. 
“Tch, I almost got water on me if I hadn’t moved…? My bad, it seems like all of the water went to you instead.” 
Azul Ashengrotto:
Thanks to the kid blurring his vision you get the chance to see Azul without any glasses on. You forget about the sticky feeling of wet clothes as you watch Azul clean off his glasses. Once he finishes Azul makes a point that you two need to dry yourself off, so you leave for the NRC. 
“Staying like this is rather unpleasant, who would have thought wet clothes would feel this way. ____, let’s go back to NRC together. I can’t have you staying in those clothes either.” 
Jade Leech: 
Is quite intrigued by the act of shooting water in such a motion, chases down the kid to ask them more questions. As you leave to catch up with Jade you notice how he hasn’t turned into an eel. Curious you ask Jade how and when he turns into one. 
“Curious now, are we? I’ll be glad to show you if you’ll join me in a game of water guns.” 
Floyd Leech:
Also chases down the kid, he too would like to know more about the game unknown to him. Since you were both already wet you two played a few rounds, it was mainly Floyd shooting you though. The only times you managed to get him was when you hid somewhere. 
“__________ !!! Where are ya! If you come out now, I promise I’ll shoot you only once!” 
Kalim Al Asim: 
Looks like a refreshing sea otter. Jamil pops up to help clean up Kalim as he’s drying him off with a handkerchief and some wind magic. Then, Jamil helps you to dry off in no time. At the end of the cleaning, Kalim suggests you three to play a game with the other second years as well. 
“I can’t wait to play with everyone else, right _____! Hmm, Jamil did you say something?” 
Jamil Viper:
After cleaning up Kalim from the mess earlier he’s now roped into a game of water guns. The rest of the second years join in, but Jamil is constantly surrounded by Floyd and you who have teamed up. The same kid from earlier shoots Jamil in the face again, leaving him to be the first one out. 
“Somehow, I feel a sense of deja vu from the unexpected outcome… it’s time to prepare towels for Kalim now.” 
Vil Schoenheit:
After getting shot Vil checks on himself using a compact mirror, while you anxiously dry him off. Due to the use of your wind magic the two of you now have crazy hair which is all knotted up. Vil isn’t too pleased, but he would much rather stay dry than be a soaking mess. 
“Tell me, does looking like this amuse you? Perhaps it does, you’ve been laughing for a while now.” 
Epel Felmeir:
After joining the rest of the first years in a game of water guns, it’s down to Epel and Jack. In the final battle Epel comes out to be the winner, but in that moment a kid comes out to attack Epel. 
“Ugh! Who shot me! Was it you ___________? I’ll get you, just you wait.” 
Rook Hunt: 
Before the kid can shoot him, Rook closes in on the kid to inform them to not shoot people. Right after Rook has a thorough talk with the kid, he asks you to join in on a game of water guns. Before you can answer he shoots you with one he had hidden away from you. From there the two of you engage in a heated battle. 
“Let’s begin the chase now! I'll be sure to hunt you down beautifully." 
Idia Shroud: 
Idia’s hair didn’t go out, much to your disappointment. Searching for some way to dry off Idia you were shocked to notice a new spark in him. He was in deep thought about something and before you could notice he walked off. Following Idia, it seemed he had a newfound idea on making a water gun for himself. 
“... What were you expecting to see? Y-you thought my hair was a blue flame this whole time?!”
Ortho Shroud:
Seeing the kid before they could reach you both, you quickly pushed Ortho out of the way. Of course, you ended up being the one soaked in water, thankfully Ortho managed to dry you off. However, he was quite curious about water gun fights, Ortho proceeded to ask if you would engage in one with him.
“Ahaha, you look like a huge mess, but are water guns really that much fun?” 
Malleus Draconia:
Intrigued by the confidence of the little kid who shot the two of you he chases down the kid to ask to join the game. Much to his disappointment the kid had already been chased down by the twins. Seeing this you propose to play a game together instead, you also invite the fellow third year students who by a miracle say yes. 
“Child of man, if I win against the others will you enjoy a sweet victory with me?” 
Lilia Vanrouge: 
Lilia lets himself get shot by the kid and, similar to Ruggie, entertains the kid who shot him. Joins the kids for a light game of water guns before getting invited to join the third years for a game on their own. Totally owns them and destroys everyone. 
“Oh, dear. Is that all you’ve got to defeat me? I guess that victory dessert is far away from you now.” 
Sebek Zigvot:
Goes off on the kid, but he misses his chance as he takes one good look at you who is also wet. Decides to take off first so the two of you go off to buy some towels to dry off. Inside the store you pick up some ice cream and enjoy some as you walk back to the dorms. 
“Hmm… you didn’t think you would see this side of me. What do you mean? Huh! You think I look like a little kid eating ice cream like this!”
Protects you from the water and is dripping wet now. You notice how princely he looks, and he smiles at you saying he’s happy you think that way. Silver’s just happy knowing he protected you from getting soaked by the water. Seeing Silver is already wet, he gets invited by Kalim to join the second years to play with water guns. The two of you happily join the rest. 
“Don’t worry about me, a little water won’t bother me. Huh? You think I’m dripping with good looks. Saying stuff like that… that’s quite a compliment.” 
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(For the Crewel event)
If you could trust any of your students to watch over your dogs for at least a day, who would you pick?
It was hard to narrow it down to one student, so I provided a couple! If you’re wondering why some characters don’t appear, assume Crewel sniffed out a significant flaw (Floyd’s flippancy, Riddle’s rage and inflexibility, Ortho’s laser, Lilia’s cooking, etc.).
If he doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.
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“You’ve pose a difficult question,” Crewel groaned, running a hand through his monochromatic hair. “Given the choice, I wouldn’t entrust my dear pets to pups who have yet to earn their spots, but since you’ve put me in this situation… I would first put my Science Club mentees on the list of contenders.”
“Because you’ve watched over them and they’ve proven to you that they’re responsible?” you asked.
“Hah! If you wish to phrase it like that, then be my guest,” Crewel said with a dry scoff. “Clover is experienced in looking after others while Hunt is familiar with animals. They both have their own desirable characteristics.”
His pointer collided with an open palm in a harsh snap. You instinctively winced at the sound.
“Clover and Hunt work with me quite closely. They know better than anyone what is prepared for them, should there be a single hair on my dogs’ heads harmed: a brutal scolding! … Though perhaps it is unfair of me to look to the extracurricular I advise for these personal matters.
“For those outside of Science Club… Howl, Viper, and Schoenheit. There are other students who appear respectable or have experience with animal care. However, I fear there may be ulterior motives on their part.”
Images of NRC’s local money grubbers and brown nosers flashed in your mind. Wriggling tentacles, a smile concealing sharp and gnashing teeth, the sweep of a hyena’s tail.
“Yeah, I think I know who you’re talking about,” you said with a nervous laugh. “But hey, tell me more about why you picked Jack, Jamil, and Vil-senpai?”
“To begin with, they are all diligent, mature, and disciplined for their age. Each has their own unique strength as well.
“I’ve heard that Howl is the eldest sibling of his family. He takes his younger brother and sister out for physical activities. That would translate well into play and exercise sessions with my own dogs.
“Viper is a skilled chef. I can count on him to prepare delicious and nutritious meals. He also keeps a close eye out for his dorm leader and is health. I would appreciate that same level of vigilance for my pets.
"Finally, there is Schoenheit. He shares many of the same aesthetic sensibilities as I. I'm certain that he will have no issues with tending to grooming. Shampooing, rinsing, drying, clipping, styling, the works. Not only that, but I have confidence that Schoenheit can curb even the most unruly of mutts.”
“My pets are well-trained but feisty. Should they sense any inadequacy, they will cause trouble in an act of rebellion. I will not have to worry about that with Schoenheit. He commands attention and respect, like yours truly.”
You teetered on your tiptoes, then rocked back on the balls of your feet. “And hypothetically speaking, would you trust me with watching your dogs?”
“Is that what your question was leading up to? This?”
“Yup, pretty much. Sooo, what’s your verdict, sensei?”
Crewel scrutinized you with steely grey eyes. “Hmm, there’s potential—but you still have a long ways to go. See if you can get that Grim under control and then get back to me. That pup still owes yesterday’s homework!”
“You want me to nab him and make him turn in an overdue assignment?” you groaned. “Seems like that’s all I’ve been doing this year.”
“Then you’d best be prepared to do plenty more of it. Consider it training for the day when you may very well be asked to take on far greater responsibilities!”
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