#genderflux spectrum
the-rainbow-suit-dude · 4 months
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transonlyspace · 6 months
mfs claim they support multigender people and then they go on to disregard and mock every label multigender people use
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chrishangry · 6 months
Let me just say as someone who hides a lot of myself in public how nice it is to see aroace and gender flux folks like me being unapologetically proud of expressing their nonbinary attraction and identity. I’m proud of you and I want to be like you when I grow up….even though I’m 35
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demiboydemon · 22 days
On tumblr: I’m a genderflux demiboy :) it’s like being genderfluid, but only between man and nonbinary. Usually I’m somewhere in the middle of the two 😄
In person: I am the manliest man in the world. 100% male. I am the most masculine guy ever and I always am all the time
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fallenrain40 · 9 months
yknow what, even if i don't fully feel genderless, agender is a spectrum. and i think i still am partially agender, even if it's only like 1%.
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your-rutherfurr · 10 months
When I think of the gender spectrum I think of millions and trillions of uneven, blurry venn diagrams all overlapping eachother. Stretching out into infinity because thats what a spectrum is, an infinite amount of space with no set limit. Thats why trying to present the gender spectrum as a linear or tidy venn diagrams isn't rlly accurate in my opinion, because it usually excludes and limits sooo many other wonderful experiences out there.
The gender spectrum isn't neat and tidy but a big chaotic fire pit
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Hi! My name's Ace, and since I started using neos, I realized not a lot of people know how to use fae/faer, and as I prefer those over most others, I'd like to make a quick little guide on using them.
The way I think about it is that it's similar to they/them, and that's a simple way to explain it.
They went to the park = Fae went to the park
That's their notebook = That's faer notebook.
No, that table's reserved for them. = That table's reserved for faer.
I also use he/him, so if you know me and are still getting the hang of neos, just call me he! I don't mind.
Edit: Many people don't know how to pronounce fae/faer, so here's a little guide.
Fae (Pronounced fay)
Faer (pronounced fair)
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Autigenderflux Pride Flag
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Autigenderflux: ascribing fluctuating intensity in one's autigender identity; being fluid between completely autigender, partially autigender (demiautigender), and not autigender.
This doesn't mean the person sometimes is not autistic, it means that the autistic folk sometimes have their gender interlinked or interconnected with their autism, other times not or partly.
In my experience, my neurogenders are fluid between bipolargender, autigender, and schizogender (plus psychogender). Sometimes I'm not neurogender either (meaning I'm neurogenderflux as well).
Not to be confused with autiflux.
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annnathegayblogger · 7 months
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Designed an adkingender flag
Image ID: four equally sized stripes: yellow, sky blue, greyish purple, light pink. An elvish star in front of the flag
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the-bisexual-bitch · 1 year
I made a thing!!
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It's got spots to fill in for the individual, but I'll make any others suggested via ask :3
Also, feel free to suggest other colors- I just felt red to green today lol
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is-it-autistic-to · 2 months
Ran by @lils-ki and @tameable50
Call me ki, any pronouns work
Tame here I use any pronouns as well
this blog is for asking: is it autistic to ___, for those undiagnosed autistics like me
Other similar blogs are @is-it-an-anxiety-thing-to @is-it-an-adhd-thing
Also if we get anything wrong please do correct us we're not professionals
tags under the cut <33
edit: how could I not tag THE autism spectrum?!?!?! @the-cult-of-the-neurodiverse
@walmart-the-official @its-target-official @firefox-official @amtrak-official @totallytesco
@hot-topic-unofficial @realsafari @operagxreal @duothelingo @our-alterous-experience
@our-demigirl-experience @our-genderflux-experience @our-demiboy-experience @our-transmasculine-experience @femboy-hooters-real
@realgoogledocs @the-mcdonalds @100percent-chipotle @dunkin-the-real-one @totally-ikea
@wikipedia-the-official @firehouse-subs-fr @apple-unofficial @sam-the-skelepun @truly-jcjenson
@omnisexualcultureis @denmark-official @the-alphabet-cult
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dhddmods · 2 months
Non-binary is an umbrella term.
It feels like a lot of people forget that non-binary is an umbrella term for anyone that is not strictly a binary man or binary woman.
Yes, it can be used as a lone identity, and people don't have to call themselves non-binary if they'd rather use their more specific label under the non-binary umbrella, but it doesn't really make much sense to us when people say they are "not non-binary" while also having a non-binary gender. Its like saying you are omnisexual, but not m-spec.
It seems some people even in the queer community itself are under the impression that non-binary is synonymous with androgyne or neutrois, when thats really not the case.
Fenby, galby, lunarian, menby, enboy, solarian - its all non-binary.
Androgyne, neugender, neufem, neumasc, neuwoman, neuman, neuandrogyne, neuaporine, neuxenine, neutrois, agender, gendervoid, genderless, maverique, aporagender, stellarian, outherine - its all non-binary.
Xenogenders, aesthetigenders, noungenders - its all non-binary.
Multigenders, bigender, trigender, quadgender, quintgender, hexagender, septagender, octagender, enneagender, decagender, pangender, genderfluid, mutogender - its all non-binary.
Genderflux, girlflux, femflux, mascflux, boyflux, androgyneflux, neuflux, neutroisflux, agenderflux, maveriqueflux, aporaflux, outherineflux, xenoflux - its all non-binary.
Demigender, demigirl, demifem, duskian/demilunarian, demiboy, demimasc, dawnian/demisolarian, demiandrogyne, demineutral, demineutrois, demiagender, demimaverique, demiaporine, celestian/demistellarian, demioutherine, demix/demixenogender, demifluid, demiflux - its all non-binary.
A lot of people seem to separate these genders from the spectrum, and as a result, misinform people about what non-binary means, and water down its meaning until its hardly comprehensible. Its counterintuitive to turn a catch-all term into a singular conceptual gender. It is not a word for one singular type of gender.
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messervixen · 4 months
People who are amazing and valid:
sex repulsed asexuals
sex indifferent asexuals
sex favorable asexuals
cake asexuals
garlic bread asexuals
space asexuals
dragon asexuals
people who wear black rings on their right middle fingers
people whose flags are the colors black, gray, white, and purple
aflux people
people on the asexuality spectrum
young aces
old aces
closeted asexuals
open asexuals
alloromantic asexuals
aromantic asexuals
agender asexuals
trans asexuals
cis asexuals
non-binary asexuals
genderfluid asexuals
genderflux asexuals
demigender asexuals
paragender asexuals
Not feeling sexual attraction at all or feeling it less than or experiencing it differently than the societal norm does not make you any less human 🖤🩶🤍💜
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Lgbtqia+ hcs because I don't know if I'm gonna make it till June lmao (or, if I'm gonna live after it since I'm planning on wearing my flags In public 🤡)
Tw for csa mentions (because why don't I keep projecting huh)
Ashlyn Banner
-She/Her but in a "never thought about pronouns her entire life" kinda way. Doesn't mind they/them. She likes dressing masc/feeling masc, but doesn't really like being "perceived" as masc. Like...masc on her own time lmao. (I'm projecting so hard rn). "Gender neutral" kinda- like agender- but like in a "I don't care about my gender at all I just am more used to the gender they assigned me at birth"
-Demi rose 🌹 I'm also projecting here. Takes her a while to come into her feelings, but maybe that's the "never had friends ever" coming through.
Aiden Clark
-he/him but like he won't care if you use smth else for him lol. Cis gnc kinda guy eyyyyy (better in heels than ashlyn)
-unlabeled and that's how he likes it, nobody's business who he likes kissing lol. I feel like he's kissed a guy before just to try it. On the aro-allo spectrum ngl.
Ben Clark
-He/Him, is fine with They/Them. Honestly likes getting called She/Her too but she's been pretty shy about mentioning it :") Taylor likes doing her makeup if they're having a "femme-day". Settled on genderfluid/genderflux after a while.
-Greyromantic Caedsexual (Ace). Shane was part of a group of slightly older kids, and when he was getting bullied Shane and some other kids sexually assaulted him multiple times...technically was a queer assault since Ben was seen as a sissy because his personality and hobbies were "feminine", and this was to goad him into having a physical reaction :/
Taylor Hernández
(Ngl I'm so annoyed there's not more colors but whatever)
-She/Her and They/Them, identified as cis for a long time since it was what they knew, but once she learned more about it she experimented with her gender a lot more, they identified as non-binary for a while before moving to paragirl.
-Pan to aro/ace pipeline because I'm projecting :) she didn't really handle it well at the beginning, but Ben, Ash and Aiden are all also a-spec so she had a lot of support ^_^ They felt "invalid" because of the csa they went through when they were younger and they thought it was more like a trauma response than their actual sexuality. After talking with Ben about it tho she understood that even if they were related that didn't make her any less valid.
Tyler Hernández
-He/Him cis guy I'm sorry/lh
-was kinda annoying about queer people because actually being raised as a Catholic Mexican boy makes you kinda weird (IM SORRY THIS IS JUST FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) BUT he gets better I promise
-Bisexual boyfailure and took him crushing on Logan to accept it 🤡
Logan Fields
-He/Him and a bit of a stickler about it because he gets misgendered rather frequently (less as he got older but still), doesn't mind getting called gendered terms tho (Taylor calls him "sis", and he calls himself an "Astrology girl")
-intersex, found out when he was 15ish since his puberty had been delayed, and he's really insecure about it...🙃 he was assigned male at birth so he wouldn't say he's trans, but his experiences overlap a fair bit. Takes testorone and medication because he has low electrolytes. I could write a whole essay here but I have to go soon 😭
-Gay :> He realized pretty quickly but he's intensely scared of people finding out, has only told his grandparents. They took it very well ^_^ His grandpa has some gay friends so sometimes Logan goes to the senior center to talk with them about stuff :)
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gender-envy-is · 6 months
Read this first
About me
You can call me Vi (pronounced like the letter V) or Envy (get it?) I use she/they pronouns and am genderflux and aroace. My gender is a spectrum that goes girl -> agender and includes everything in between so I may also refer to myself as whatever label fits most that day (such as demigender or agender).
read all rules before submitting an ask
• You may submit a fictional character or actual person or you can submit your experience(s) with gender envy.
• If you submit an actual person, please be respectful of them or I will delete your ask.
• If submitting a fictional character, please include what piece of media they are from.
• Keep it PG-13 and DO NOT under ANY circumstances include nsfw/sexually explicit photos/GIFs with your ask or you will IMMEDIATELY be blocked without exception and reported.
• If requesting more than one person/character, please make separate asks for each one. The only exception is if they are a pair/group in the same piece of media. You can make as many requests as you'd like, but please no more than 4 a day.
• If you request it non-anonymously I will tag you as the requester unless you request otherwise. (how many times can i say request in this post) If you request it anonymously, remember to check back and see if I've posted it under the #by Anon tag.
• Do not be disrespectful of other's gender identities, pronouns, romantic/sexual orientations, or any other identities (such as aplatonics). ANY gender identities (including cis) and orientations are welcome as long as they are in good faith and not somehow harmful or mocking of others. Bigots, -phobes, or exclusionists will be immediately blocked and possibly reported.
• I am not the best person to ask for specific advice on your gender or orientation but I may be able to direct you to a blog better suited for that or that has content that might help you
This blog is very new so i may mess up some or change these later
#gender-envy-is : All gender envy posts that follow the usual formats / are about gender envy
#not-gender-envy : Posts that don't follow the usual formats / are not about gender envy
#by-Vi : Posts that came from my brain only
#requested : Posts that did not come from my brain but from a request
#by Anon : Posts that were requested anonymously
#experience : Posts that are not a character/person but an experience
#reblogged : Posts not from my brain, but someone else's
If the post is of a character/person I will always tag the name/ piece of media they're from.
If any of this doesn't make sense lmk!! I'm still working every thing out :)
Partially inspired by the our-[____]-experience and [____]-culture-is blogs
Updated April 12th 2024
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yeehaww-sims · 1 year
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I'm only a little late, but better late than never!! Today I have for you: 16 recolours and an overlay, totaling to 17 pieces of cc!
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I know some of these have been recoloured for pride before, but I've never been happy with some of them, so I did it myself!
This started out as a personal recolour series for myself and my partner, but I wanted to share it with everyone! Because of that, please note that certain flags/terms were chosen with my personal wants/preferences in mind first, and then others I thought others might want/are never included in any recolour. If a flag is included that isn't the most popular version of it, or feels as though it might not fit, this would be why.
BGC, some meshes included, some not.
150 swatches per item, not including the overlays.
Overlays are located in the Toenail category.
The hoodies are an update to This Piece of CC that I made last year, and will replace the originals.
I realize this is a LOT of flags. It’s a lot for me to even remember. Feel free to remove swatches you’re not going to use, the original will always remain up if you want any back!
I won't be doing flag requests for these, but if you have a flag you'd like to see in game, may I interest you in This?
Every single item uses the same flags; if you feel something doesn't fit a particular piece of CC that's not my problem.
Don’t claim it as your own, and please feel free to tag me if you use it!
Most textures were sourced from Pride-Flags Deviant art, LGBTA Wiki, Tumblr, Twitter, or google search.
T[SW]ERFS/Bigots/Exclus die! You are not welcome to this CC :)
Meshes: [Answer] [Illusion] [Paper Plane] [Circle Earring]* [Bottlecap Earring]* [Adult Hoodies] [Bandana]* [Necklaces] [Child Hoodie] [Binder] * = REQUIRED
Below is a list of every flag included. Some flags include uncensored reclaimed slurs. If you don’t care for/disagree with a flag/term, just delete it from the file. I do not care, I will not be involved in any discourse, and if you message me about it, I will just ignore you. Please respect my boundaries. Thank you. Happy pride!
See also: [Pronoun Hoodies] [More Pride Flags v2] [Pride Thigh Highs] <- Made by my partner, using the same flags as below!
Usually I would link every single flag, but Tumblr refused to let me save the post while I was in the process of doing so. So, instead, you can find all the flag's sources and meanings [HERE]
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[Rainbow Flag] [Gilbert Baker 8 Stripe] [Gilbert Baker Diversity] [Philadelphia Pride] [Progress] [Progress + Intersex] [QPOC] [Gay Anarchy] [Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism] [Abrosexual]
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[Achillean] [Agender] [AlloAce] [AlloAro] [Alterhuman] [Amatopunk] [Androgynous] [Angled AroAce] [Aromantic] [Aroflux]
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[Aroflux] [Aromantic Spectrum] [AroAce] [AroAce Spectrum] [Asexual] [Aceflux] [Aceflux 2] [Asexual Spectrum] [Autigender] [Bear]
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[Bigender] [Bigender 2] [Bisexual] [Bi Gay] [Bi Lesbian] [Boyflux] [Bungender] [Catgender] [Ceterosexual]
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[Cinthean] [Demiboy] [Demigirl] [Demigender] [Demiromantic] [Demisexual] [Diamoric] [Dollboy] [Dyke] [Enbian]
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[Enbian] [Faggot] [Femme] [Futch] [Gay Man/Vincian] [Gay Man/Vincian 2] [Gay Man Double Mars] [GENDERANARCHY] [Genderfae] [Genderfaun]
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[Genderfluid] [Genderflux] [Genderless] [Genderpunk] [Genderqueer] [Gendervoid] [Gendervoid 2] [Girlflux] [Greyromantic] [Greysexual]
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[Heartless Aromantic] [Homoflexible] [Inclusionist] [Intergender] [Intersex] [Intersex 2] [Leather] [Lesbian] [Lesbian 2] [Lesbian Labrys]
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[Lesbian Trans Labrys] [Lesbian Trans Labrys 2] [Lesbian Sappho] [Lesbian apersnickitylemon] [Lesbian Double Venus] [Lesboy] [Loveless Aromantic] [Loveless Aromantic 2] [Loveloose] [Lovequeer]
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[Maverique] [Multigender] [Multisexual] [Multisexual Spectrum] [M-spec Gay] [M-spec Lesbian] [Nebularomantic] [Nebulasexual] [Neurogender] [Neutrois]
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[Nonbinary] [Nonhuman Unity] [Non-SAM Aromantic] [Objectum Sexual] [Omnisexual] [Omni Gay] [Omni Lesbian] [Oriented AroAce] [Otherkin & Kingender] [Pangender]
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[Pansexual] [Pan Gay] [Pan Lesbian] [Polyamorous] [Polyamorous 2] [Polyamorous 3] [Polygender] [Polysexual] [Ply Gay] [Ply Lesbian]
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[Pupgender] [Queer Anarchy] [Queer Chevron] [Queer] [Queerplatonic] [Sapphic] [Stargender] [Systemfluid] [Therian] [Tomboy]
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[Transgender] [Transandrogynous] [Transaporine] [Transfeminine] [Transfeminine 2] [Transmasculine] [Transmasculine 2] [TransNeuFem] [TransNeuMasc] [Transneutral]
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[Transneutral] [Transoutherine] [Transxenine] [Trigender] [Twink] [Two-spirit] [Unlabeled] [Unlabeled Gender] [Voidpunk] [Xenogender]
@maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @ts4pride @emilyccfinds @sssvitlanz
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