#hes acting like it's the end of the world but epel and floyd are just like. heh. funny. jksldjfksdljfkl ace blease you silly boy
cerealmonster15 · 1 month
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i cant stop thinking about how funny this scene is from halloween 2 event 😭😭😭 it's so underrated I literally forgot about it til i was rereading part of it the other day dkljfjskdlf i love how genuinely shocked and appalled leona is about the situation, with ace so bluntly coming for his fucking life + floyd and epel being like "lol yeah bro". absolutely destroyed. world turned upside down. somehow completely unaware of his own vibe
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
How Dorm Leaders Hint They Like You
Something cute I thought of recently!
The first thing you'll notice is that he's a lot nicer to you than he is to others (less strict, it makes Ace and Deuce confused haha)
He tries to impress you with how much he knows, but also by inviting you to a lot of tea parties so you can spend time with him
Whenever you talk to him, you find that his usual stiff body language melts. He has a hard time maintaining eye-contact, hides his hands behind his back, crosses his arms, stutters a bit too
He has no idea how to deal with these emotions and will often find himself dozing out of class when he sees you across from him for example. His blush whenever you smile at him also is a dead-giveaway
Unlike Riddle, Leona's meaner. He's the type to tease you more because he likes you and he has no idea what the best way to show this is
If any other student tries to hurt you, he's the first one to step in and tell them to stop. He's a bit protective, though he'll never admit it
If you're in the same Spelldrive team as him, he might want to show off some of his skills haha. If you compliment him, he'll try to smirk and say "yeah of course" but he just awkwardly nods
He's good at hiding his blushes and hiding his emotions behind meaner words. But whenever you treat him with kindness, you see him just look at you with surprised eyes and then a softer look
Will flaunt himself at you. Tries to impress you with his knowledge in everything possible, it's a bit exhausting haha
He gets a bit jittery around you too. His usual (manipulative) suave self disappears and he pushes his glasses up a lot more often than he does around others
Floyd and Jade know exactly how Azul feels the first few seconds he shows it. They might casually tease him and you, saying to you that someone has a crush on you
He wants to be the perfect boyfriend, the perfect man that will melt your heart, but you end up melting his. His blushing, overall bashfulness yet awkward confidence makes his crush super clear
He's not shy at all, will try to spend the most amount of time around you as possible. He literally calls your name from across the hallway and runs towards you
His overall sunshine personality might mask his crush a bit though, but you can see him blushing whenever you look at him with a smile. He also dozes off when you talk to him that you might have to snap him back to reality haha
Jamil also happens to look more stressed during these days. The reason for this is likely because Kalim has been asking him incessantly how to ask you out, will ask you at some point if you have any love interests
Kalim overall is just very sweet, often giving you gifts that you didn't think you needed. But he's still a bit shy, often losing his words when you two are alone
Emotionally constipated like Leona and Riddle, he tends to be nicer to you. He doesn't call you "potato" and actually uses your name or even "darling" — apparently he just calls people that but you know that's not true
Smiles in your direction a lot, often staring at you from across the classroom. He tries to look his best in front of you and so he might look like he's posing whenever you two catch each others' glances
Epel will ask why Vil acts so nicely around you, the others think he might be plotting something. But when you talk to Vil alone, he's completely at a loss of words. He can't look at you directly, scratching lightly at the sides of his nails, blushing slightly whenever you're close to him
He wants to be flawless, but he's so nervous around you that he has no idea how to act. Will tell you a lot of compliments and offer to watch films together, of course it's just because of the film club (of course it's not)
Can't even bring a conversation to fruition because he's so shy. He wants to be like all the cool characters he's seen before in anime, but he can't because of his awkwardness
Stares at you the most. He literally forgets about the world around him, a soft smile on his lips and a soft gaze. The teacher might have to yell his name to get him back to the classroom haha
If you approach him, he might run away. It's not that he's scared of you, more like he's scared that he might mess up. If he doesn't, he stutters worse than he usually does and avoids eye contact altogether
Ortho knows his brother the best and can see right through Idia. Also Idia tries to draw you from time to time so there's that. Ortho might ask you how you feel about his older brother, which might give you a hint as to Idia's feelings
This fae might be the most fearless, perfect being but when it comes to love he's completely lost. He also just dozes off and it takes Sebek yelling a few times and shaking him to wake him up from daydreaming about waltzing with you in the forest
Will visit you more frequently, asking if you want to go on walks. He's good at keeping eye contact, but he's so much gentler with you than with anyone else. Always asks for your hand
If you talk about something your passionate about for a long time, you might find him happily looking at you, head resting on his hand and just a soft smile.
Lilia tells Malleus to be upfront but Malleus is too nervous. He might stutter if you compliment him for example. He also happens to be protective, so expect him to keep you close to him for no reason whenever you're on walks haha
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pandoa · 1 year
puppy crush
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when they have a crush on you
~headcanons~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
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he makes it his mission to piss you off and tease you any chance he gets. at first it started off as a little harmless banter—he was bored and you were interesting. what other choice did he have? your face just looked so poke-able, your reactions so amusing, and your responses to his teasing were so captivating. like a running joke you two had kept up together over the course of time. a game he wished would never end. he didn't even notice when his heart had grown to love you until one of his teasing jokes went a bit too far and a bit too flirtatious than usual. one moment he had been playfully holding up a textbook of yours, laughing at the sight of you angrily trying to take it back from him and relishing the adorable way your form had leaped towards his own. but wait... how in twisted wonderland did his face end up hovering only inches away from yours seconds after?
ACE TRAPPOLA, leona kingscholar, FLOYD LEECH, jade leech, lilia vanrouge
he reads and watches anything he knows your interested in to strike conversation. it could be something he has no knowledge, interest, or liking for, but he will commit to it regardless. he just wants something in common to speak to you about—to give him an excuse to talk to you without any awkwardness. maybe to even impress you, too (although you never heard that from him). no matter how uninteresting, time-consuming, or silly the subject, he'd do his best to learn as much as he could if it meant that he could be just a little more closer to you. it's his determination that gets him through whatever book, movie, game, or show that piques your interest. he tries to act extremely knowledgeable about it as well, if only to catch your eyes' wonderous attention. he just wants to be noticed by you. please... look at him so that he knows these efforts aren't for naught.
riddle rosehearts, DEUCE SPADE, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, EPEL FELMIER, idia shroud, malleus draconia, silver
he talks and rambles about you anywhere and everywhere. friends, family, teachers, random strangers just passing through, maybe even on a social media account of his if he is interested enough in the digital world. anywhere, really, if it meant that he could gush and swoon at the way your face had seemed to endearingly scrunch up in thought during class, or the way he had seen you begrudgingly gifting grim a part of your lunch in the cafeteria—making his stomach flutter at the utter kindness of your heart. if he could, he'd never shut up about your existence in the world, what with how every action you did was worth hours and paragraphs of his secret affections. the people around him are honestly either sick and tired of his rambles or eagerly awaiting an elegant wedding invitation at their doorstep very soon. it's quite amusing that you haven't caught on to his feelings just yet. he isn't very discreet about it, after all.
cater diamond, KALIM AL-ASIM, ROOK HUNT, malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge
he researches all there is to know about you. some would call it stalking, others would just call it plain creepy, but he means all the best with his never-ending research on you. it's not even sensitive information that he searches for. only the occasional spotting at the college's library, learning some routes you use to go to your next class by seeing you walk by him each day, even going to great lengths as he searches for your name on magicam, hoping to find your username within the masses of accounts on the site. he finds out what kind of people you like to surround yourself in based off of who your friends were. he finds out what subjects you like the most and what you tend to struggle in by noticing you during class. he finds out what movies, drinks, and celebrities you favor just by reading the things you post on magicam. he even finds what things make you ick, your pet peeves, and things that make you shiver in disgust—he has it all memorized like a book he would never wish to forget. again, it's not stalking. it was never meant to be stalking. he had just gradually learned these little things about you over the lucky time he had around you. as his interest for you grew with every new piece of information, so did his heart.
trey clover, cater diamond, jade leech, ROOK HUNT, idia shroud
he helps you with anything he can. it first it only started out as friends helping out friends. classmates assisting other classmates. but at some point of his interactions with you, he spot the way his emotions were much more excited to go help you study for the next alchemy test rather than going to study with another friend or underclassman of his. how with one call or text on his phone adorned by your silly profile picture, he was already halfway to the beloved ramshackle dorm, practically sprinting through the mirror chambers as he carried a set of tools in his arms and preparing for whatever issues the run-down building had caused you and grim now. he was like the reliable companion you would call for if any inconvenience required some assistance. a talented mage that had a solution to any and all of your problems. but he wanted to be so much more than that. so much more than the friend that would pick you up when you fell or lend you his favorite sweater when you were in need of warmth. can you not see? the man has grown to love you and immeasurably so.
RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS, trey clover, RUGGIE BUCCHI, jack howl, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, silver
he avoids you. there's nothing more nerve-racking than being in the same room as your crush, let alone actually talking to you. you just make him feel all these strange emotions—from nervousness, to anxiety, fear, happiness, giddiness, and then back to nervousness, he'd rather not plague himself with such bothersome feelings. it's messing with his mind, and he is not ready to bare his emotions towards you just yet. but as much as he is trying to avoid you, he isn't really doing a very good job in doing so, if he should be honest. from the not-so-discreet ways he catches himself gazing at you from across the room only to quickly look away as he feels you turning his way, to the deep, scarlet tint of blush burning on his face whenever a mention of your name pops up in random conversation, his reactions to the smallest things make it difficult to not notice the crush he has on you. the people closest to him catch on pretty quickly. now, it's just you that needs to see through this man's avoiding facade.
deuce spade, azul ashengrotto, epel felmier, IDIA SHROUD, sebek zigvolt
what crush? the young man genuinely has no idea that the feelings he feels whenever you walk into the room or utter his name are feelings of romantic attraction. whether he is too blinded by his previous distaste for you or too wrapped up in the platonic nature of his relationship with you, the man will never get the message of his own emotions even if it sprouted legs and a set of arms holding up a sign that said "YOU LIKE THEM" in big, red letters. at this rate, it's you who must take initiative to further your relationship with him if that was something you wished to do. he'll never realize it himself unless you put him on the spot to sort out the mesmerizing flutter he feels in his chest whenever he's around you. just please put the people watching the two of you out of their misery. they've been watching this oblivious game go on for far too long.
riddle rosehearts, deuce spade, ruggie bucchi, jack howl, kalim a-asim, SEBEK ZIGVOLT
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a/n: the fact that these were only supposed to be like 3-5 sentences each but my dumbass went ahead and wrote some long paragraphs for some of these- it's like my brain has no concept of WORD LIMIT
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lemonmaid · 2 years
Board/Card games that are probably banned from the dorms.
Riddle would make the game where you have to use the old dictionary, you can't use slang. Which causes alot of arguments.
"What do you mean I can use the world milf?"
"Oh? It's suddenly not a word then? But I'm not allowed to say it around your mom? Tell me what is a real word because the word you just put down, what was it? 'Punctual'? That doesn't sound like a real word. I've never seen it".
Life, UNO, Bullshit, Sorry!, Poker
Life because it makes everyone who plays it miserable, everyone knows why UNO isn't allowed but bullshit because Leona can't stand it. Everyone has a great poker face and no one can stand the arguments.
"Ruggie, did you just say three fours? "
"But you played two fours last round?"
Ruggie did infact played three fours, so leona ended up with the whole deck and lost. He has banned the game.
Monopoly, Poker, Blackjack
Fun fact it was Azul who banned this game himself, he hated losing.
"Floyd you can not buy that property"
"Well because"
"I have 500 dollars, the lot is 500. I can buy it"
"It's just a game"
Mancala, DND, Clue
DND is banned because is stresses Jamil out too much, he is the only one keeping track of everyone's character sheets, and the campaign.
"Kalim... this is the fifth time we've stopped the game for you to change your character sheet..."
"Well, I just forgot to write something down?"
"Are you cheating?"
"Kalim are you trying to change your characteristics so you can beat the next coming boss? Because it doesn't work like that. Also don't say "what boss" I saw you yesterday peaking at the campaign sheet".
Clue, Go, Mahjong
Clue is banned because Rook insisted one night to have everyone acted it out. Kinda like hosting your own Murder Mystery.
The game had to be stopped so many times because "someone wasn't acting the right way" ans there was confusion between everyone, it ended in an argument between everyone and everyone claiming that there was someone cheating.
"Epel your southern accent is ruining the theme of the game"
"I don't think my accent is the problem here, why is Rook speaking in complete French? How are we supposed to be understanding the game if the host is only speaking French?"
"Well maybe if you took the French lessons I told you to take, we wouldn't be in this mess"
Cards Agaisnt Humanity, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Is banned because Idia will try to say everytime he is close to losing that the opponent card is invalid some how or agaisnt the rules because "he didn't summon it right".
"You just cheated,"
"Um how"
"Ortho do a play back play"
"He cheated! He put a card in a deck while no one else was looking! Also his cards are fake"
Risk, War, Scrabble, Poker, Crazy Eights, Monopoly.
Most of these games are bammed because the group played them for y e a r s also Sebek purposely loses to let Malleus win.
Like, Malleus and Lilia played Monopoly for six years straight.
"Father, can we please just end the game? I don't want to keep seeing Sebeck purposely loses territory to Malleus"
"Sebek, is this true? Do you not have faith that I will win?"
"Oh that's for sure, you only have three men left. If anything I am wining ~fufu".
Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, UNO
Grim can't count and cheats in every game they have.
"Grim, we just saw you drop cards onto the ground"
"WHAT? I wouldn't never cheat henchmen!"
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
Eldritch Horror!Reader HC
'Cause I have no self control.
Warnings: Feral Reader, Body Horror, References to Reader acting Animalistic, Teratophilia (Relatively SFW)
EH!Reader was originally quite and unassuming, but slowly got more and more feral as time went along. Hey, if the humans are allowed to go apeshit and overblot, then why can’t they do the same???
Gonna keep their true form as vague as possible as to allow more creative freedom. Bu~ut EH!Reader is able to shapeshift by essentially splitting their flesh open and having their insides become their outsides (think sort of like how the demogorgon’s head works). They’re true form is not fleshy nor does it resemble a humans. They’re much bigger and are barely humanoid.
They can also unhinge their jaw and swallow things whole, have sharp teeth and claws, has inhuman strength, speed and endurance, and can typically brush off major attacked. Their organs also can shift, so damage to them doesn’t appose much of a risk since they can just self-heal in a way.
Most of the beastmen, fae, and merfolk students could sense something was off about them, but were never quite able to put their finger on it. Leona and Ruggie just shrugged it off, more so on Leona’s end. Jack didn’t want to come off as invasive and just chalked it up to them not originating from TWST. The Tweels were curious, especially Floyd, and could subtly pick up their bad aura. Azul would never admit it, but he felt threatened by them upon first meeting and reconsidered making a deal in fear of unforeseen repercussions. Malleus and Lilia knew right off the bat something wasn’t right, but like Jack, chalked it up to them not being from this world. And Sebek, poor baby’s senses couldn’t fully pick up on them not being human due to only being half fae, and kicks himself for not being better at protecting Malleus from possible threats.
As mentioned above, as time goes along and EH!Reader becomes more comfortable around the others, they become more feral and affectionate. Hugging, cuddling, rubbing up against, and creating this deep, low rumble sound akin to a purr (it’s not, but Ace is convinced it is). They can be pretty aggressive with their affection sometimes, pushing down someone and getting on top of them like a demandful cat. *Side eyes Leona*
But EH!Reader’s favorite form of affection is the most terrifying because they just straight up unhinge their jaw and gently naws on the head of their target friend. It’s like a weird form of kiss. They especially love doing this with ADeuce and the other 1st years. Most don’t like it because EH!Reader is like a fucking beartrap and could easily bite their heads off why would anyone like this??? Vil especially hates it because it has ruined his hair and makeup, so now he’s constantly on guard incase the prefect decides to surprise attack him like the menace they are.
Speaking of which, Vil isn’t too fond of EH!Reader, but they sure do like him. Kind of. Pre-overblot, they hated him due to making Epel cry. During overblot, EH!Reader revealed their true form for the first time so they could punch Vil. And post-overblot, they now like him. He smells nice and gives them poisoned apples as treats.
Yes, the eldritch creature can eat poisoned apples. The poison gives it its zest and they like the crunch.
Ace: Hey guys, check this out.
Everyone: ?
Ace, holding an apple in his palm: Y/N, look, treat!
EH!Reader: !!! *Opens maw and tongue immediately shoots out and grabs the apple, then swallows it whole*
Everyone, horrified: wth
Speaking of nawing on things, they want to nom on Azul’s tentacles like a chew toy after seeing his overblot form. Azul’s previous discomfort has now been upgraded to legit fear. He actively avoids the abomination for his own safety.
EH!Reader loves to playwrestle with Floyd since the eel doesn’t hold back and can, surprisingly, hold his own against them. If Jade joins, even better. If Floyd is in his merform, great, at least Floyd lets them nom on his tail. If both twins are in their merform and roughhousing with them, they are one happy little eldritch beast.
Also, nearly lost it the first time they saw Jamil breakdance ‘cause like, it has the same energy as roughhousing, but without the violence, and that’s just so cool? They can’t dance like he can, but will move their body just as aggressively if not more so. Jamil just takes it as a challenge and goes hard.
Screaming matches with the Heartslabyul flamingos. One called them a bitch and they weren’t gonna take that lying down.
EH!Reader is banned from participating in the Bean Fest ‘cause it doesn’t take a genius to realize how much of a bad idea that is. Do not let the literal eldritch creature hunt other students for sport. Just don’t.
Speaking of hunting. Rook. EH!Reader does not like him. He’s invasive, stalks people, and purposefully provokes non-human students for his own personal gain. Does not like being viewed as prey by some annoying mortal and hurled this blond, French bitch across the training field after getting too close to their gaping maw while they were yawning.
To answer the pressing question: Could EH!Reader take on Lilia or even Malleus? The answer: Yes, but only if magic wasn’t involved. Just because they’re an interdimensional eldritch abomination with the strength of a demigod, doesn’t mean they can combat literal magic. Like, the whole reason Malleus is so powerful is due to his magic abilities, so he could easily use some spell to restrain and overpower them if need be.
Not like Malleus would do that anyway because holy Great Seven, they’re his bffl and the two go on night walks and EH!Reader is openly affectionate with this touch-starved dragon. Little creature even grabbed his horns and forcefully pulled him down so they could sniff at them before giving him their special form of “kiss.”
Surprisingly, is mostly well behaved for the professors, specifically Crewel. It took a while for the others to start noticing just how receptive they are towards Crewel’s weird form of appraisal/scolding. Apparently getting called a “Good pup!” and receiving headpats is a quick way to get them to behave.
Disclaimer: Don’t actually treat EH!Reader like an animal or pet. They will bite you. And not in the friendly way.
Fiercely protective of their friends and will not hesitate to maul someone or something that dares to harm them. They even nearly killed an assassin who attempted to kill Kalim when the two of them snuck away from Jamil to hang out. Jamil now occasionally lets EH!Reader watch over Kalim so he can have a break.
Everyone: The ghost bride won’t accept anyone as her groom and she keeps slapping us! What are we to do?!
EH!Reader: I can devour her if ya want.
Everyone: What.
EH!Reader: What.
Whenever they’re in a new environment or meet a new person, they sniff everything. And not just a simple sniff where you take two whiffs and move on, I mean they will go around smelling any and everything for a good while to really take it all in. Partially this is to become familiar with everything and to rule out any dangers, but it’s also because they like the smell of certain things. Like mentioned above, they like how Vil smells, but also enjoys Trey, Cater, ADeuce, Lilia, Sam, Kalim, Idia, Ruggie, and even Grim’s scent as well.
EH!Reader: *Smelling a bookcase*
Ace: Ohh, getting a good sniff in, eh Y/N?
Deuce: They’ve been smelling that bookcase for nearly 30 minutes...
Ace: Eh, they’re just taking it all in.
Think this little creature only smells things? Wrong. EH!Reader also scents things and people using these glands on their face (similar to how cats do). Once they’re comfortable with the person and trust them enough, they’ll rub their face against them in order to scent or “mark” them. Each person has a unique scent to them and EH!Reader does that as a form of identification. Nobody can smell it but them.
NPC Student: Ah, w-what are they doing?
Deuce: Oh, don’t worry, they’re just scenting you.
NPC Student: S-scenting???
Deuce: Yeah, it’s kind of a way for them to identify you, like a marker. Don’t worry, they do it to people they like.
If it were not for the laws of this land, EH!Reader would have slaughtered Crowley by now. 
Actually, it’s probably best never to let them near anyone who’s wronged their friends... *Side eyes Riddle, Jamil, and Leona’s Families*
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cross-crye · 1 year
𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔬𝔱𝔶𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢
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twst & genshin x (gn) reader fluff
w.c. 0.7k
Cliche dates they take you on! (somewhat modern au)
~ lets pretend i didnt forget about dinner dates and picnic dates. shhhh. also there's some charas that fit more of the date types so choosing was a bit of a struggle.
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Lounging with your head laid onto his lap he slowly strokes your hair as you share stories underneath the night sky. You’re comfortable on the blanket he’d laid out on the ground, listening intently as he points out all the constellations to you. The occasional forehead kiss as he leans down towards you, whispered confession of love that will be forever lost into the night along with the occasional gentle caress. 
malleus; zhongli; kazuha; xiao
Exploring the forests may seem bothersome to most, but not you two. It’s a truly special moment, breathing the fresh air while holding hands with your boyfriend, his gentle voice relaxing you further as you discuss the beauty of nature. Regardless of the original point of your visit, either it be a quick stroll, or something like foraging it’s no doubt that a bit of alone time with your significant other and nature was all you needed.
jade; rook; tighnari; ayato; gorou
ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱᴛᴏʀᴇ/ʟɪʙʀᴀʀʏ ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ
Not only are there many possible conversation topics in a bookstore, but the atmosphere of small libraries is always comforting, and the quiet air makes you whisper to your partner. It feels like it’s just the two of you in the whole world. It’s certainly an unforgettable experience since the workers kept on shushing you after you laughed too hard at a comment he made. 
al haitham; riddle; jamil
ᴀʀᴄᴀᴅᴇ ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ
Playing air hockey against each other, groaning in frustration while he laughs when you score in your own goal by accident. Him trying one of those ‘test your strength’ games to show off only to get a stupidly low result and for you to laugh at his disappointment. After trying every game in the arcade (and also having made a few competitions to see who was the better gamer) exchanging all your tickets for the silliest prizes (a pair of course) to keep as a memento.
 itto; floyd; venti; deuce; scaramouche; idia (if the place were empty)
ᴍᴜꜱᴇᴜᴍ ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ
Holding hands in the somewhat crowded corridors and taking way too long to read the explanations of every exhibit. Giggling at the automated voice of the interactive exhibits and taking silly photos of each other. Reluctantly asking a friendly-looking stranger to take a photo of you two in order to have a cute couple photo as a memento. Then finding something for each other in the souvenir shop (bonus points if it based on each others’ favourite exhibit)
azul; albedo; cyno; lilia (point at dinosaur skeletons and then make jokes about his age pls)
ʙᴀᴋᴇʀʏ/ᴄᴀꜰᴇ ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ
Choosing the corner booth so nothing distracts you from each other. Chatting over drinks and snacks when there's a nice atmosphere surrounding you. Leaning over the table and kissing his nose because there was some cream there. Looking away while blushing so much that your face is red because at the end of the day both of you are fools in love who still struggle to act on their feelings.
trey; ruggie; thoma; silver; kalim; sebek
ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ
‘Playing it safe’ by taking you to the movies. Only one bowl of popcorn so your hands brush against each other’s when reaching into the bowl. The classic yawning and stretch move in order to lay his hands around your shoulder. The movie being of the horror genre so he can have an excuse to hug you whenever there's a jumpscare because verbally admitting to desiring affection is unacceptable.
ace; kaeya; childe; jack; epel (wants to seem manly and protect u from the scary stuff)
ᴍᴀʟʟ ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ
It’s not his fault he wants to spoil you, he swears it! But regardless of how crowded the mall is, walking hand in hand from place to place and talking is still a nice bonding moment. Even if you don’t actually buy anything and just enjoy spending time with each other and eat some shitty mall food at the surprisingly clean tables in the food court it’d be a nice date. The fact that he got to show you off, and effectively prove that he has the best significant other is an added bonus.
leona; cater; heizou; diluc; vil (if his fans wouldn’t bother him)
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cross-crye © 2023.
no reposting, stealing, copying or translating my works.
reblogs, comments and likes are all highly appreciated
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hibiscus-misery-pills · 3 months
Another thought…
What if… in the sagau/isekai, what if reader was an idiot and ended up pregnant from a one night stand and decided, “fuck it, we ball.” Type of mentality and decide to keep the baby. And reader is randomly isekai’d or sagau into another world, while pregnant…
Just imagine… so you’re still in your first trimester and you ended up in their world… short story of how it’ll go.
Twst wonderland- They freak out, the overseer pregnant when? And how? They’re all f-f-freaking out, (sorry not sorry for using that troll 3 reference). “Whos the baby daddy?” -Ace, prob. He prob got collared but it’s alright, it’s just Ace. All housewarden decides to step up and tries to steal the spotlight as the potential father figure for your child. To make matters worser, it’s just not the housewarden, it’s everyone fighting for that spot. The staff fighting for their spot as the grandpapi, and what not. Reader guaranteed banned Crowley lmao.
Roles they play while your prego :)
Designated cook for your cravings: Trey, Jamil, Azul, Jade, and Vil. Always know what to cook for you when cravings happens, even if it’s in the dead of the night. (Except Vil, he refuses cause it’ll “ruin his sleep schedule” until Trein threatens to have rook replace Vil lmao, W Trein)
Designated bodyguards >:)) : Jack, Deuce, Rook, Leona, Malleus, Floyd, Epel (Let him feel manly), Lilia (He tried to sneak into the kitchen), Silver, Sebek, and Ace. These people are essentially your bodyguards no matter how much you protest, much more of the teasers like Ace and Lilia, reader prob threaten to hang out with deuce over Ace, he became just a tad bit nicer.
Designated friends :3 : Kalim!, Ortho, Idia, riddle, Cater, Braincell duo, ruggie, and of course fae boi malleus. Your bestest friends! These people are the ones to walk with you, heck they even sometimes offer to carry you(which makes the others jealous despite the fact you decline their offers)
The staff?s? : These people are practically your family, they act like uncles and fathers to you. (Except Crowley) Crowley tried to be your “father” be claiming that he’s much more gracious than other staff members, (Idia turned him into a meme) with trein about to deck Crowley for trying to seem better when he’s not. (Yk, despite the fact the trein is old, the old man seems capable of decking people just because,) otherwise these mens are protective like a father would with his daughter. Sam being the only uncle.
The ghosts : Their your light house, they warn you when others are coming to ramshackle. They really do nothing but comfort and watch out for you. To them, your like an unintentional child tossed into their lives. They’re just the best really.
A small scenario of how things would go…
You’re hands shakey, holding the positive pregnancy test…shit, how did this even happen, you knew better than to fuck around, how would you tell your parents and friends, let alone notify the one night stand that he’s your baby daddy?
Taking a deep breath, you decide who cares, hopefully things ends up okay? Grabbing your phone, inhaling sharply, you call your friends, while they seemed concerned they congrats you and even asks who’ll be the godfather/godmother/godparent, where as your parents, not so happy, “you’re in college, how can you get pregnant?”, with your mental mindset already as a ‘fuck it we ball’ type shit, you decide you have your friends support, it’s enough to get you through this.
Soon, you’re three months pregnant…barely, at least you’re a few weeks closer to the second trimester…
You get up to use the bathroom, but when you swing your bathroom door open, and walk back into your room, it’s not your room anymore…. The room is dark, cold, the blinds barely hanging onto the window, curtains slightly rip but still usable, the windows seems frail, you look to your left and see a cold large bed the wall with two nightstands that are barely holding up.
You see what seems to be a Victorian like desk at the semi circle window area, the bed seems undone as well, almost like someone got out of it in a rush, but at least the lamps look good in shape, and the electricity seems to run pretty good too. Hopefully, you can find a heater to warm the house.
Confused as hell, you turned on the lamp on nightstand and take in your surroundings, ‘where the hell am I?’ You think to yourself, your brought out of your thoughts when you hear shuffling from the blankets, “Nya henchhuman! Whats taking you forever and why ya turn on the lamps!?” A black cat with blue flames pop from the blankets, you backed up surprised, and the cat does the same, except its mouth it hanging open.
“Nya! It’s the overseer/creator! You’ve finally arrived! Tha name iz Grim!”
You were quick to hush the cat named grim, to prevent alerting anything or anyone. After some interrogation, you quickly accept the fact you’re in your favorite game twisted wonderland to prevent stressing yourself. Who knows maybe you’ll wake up tomorrow and find yourself back in your original room.
But when you don’t you genuinely begin to stress, but the cat is quick to comfort.
“Nya! Don’t stress! Itz not healthy for mini you!!” Grim scold slightly, arms crossed…
…H-how… did the cat knew..?? You’re faced pale as you looked at the cat in horror, Grim seemed to notice and he points at his ears, “I can hear the heartbeats ya know, I was snuggling up to your stomach like always and heard the tiny heartbeats.” Grim gives an explanation, which made you relaxed, you almost forgot he was a cat.
You open what seems to be a broken yet still operating wardrobe and find a few outfits your size somehow, Grim explained their from your doll, which went into the bathroom and disappeared, he checked the house for the vessel, it seemed to vanish without a trace.
A familiar bag catches your eyes, it’s your school bag, except when you open it, it’s completely dark, almost an endless void, you shrugged and reached in and you pulled out… your phone!!! You can transfers things from your real world to this world!!! You decided to test your luck and have grim set it on fire, it’s invincible too!!!
You open your phone and the time and dates changed as well, but opening the calendar was your biggest regret, most holidays didn’t even exist, only Halloween and a few other you didn’t know.. guess you’ll reintroduce…
“Nya were late!! Professor crewel is gunna murder us!!!” Grim panicked not really a fan of detention apparently… your phone show that it was a Wednesday, going through the wardrobe of your ‘vessel’, you pull out what seems to be a black school outfit, putting it on, and slipping on the matching shoes, you grab your bag, and dip for class.
Not knowing this place, you dread, putting arms around your stomach just in case, grim goes onto the details for you, you’re in a all boy school, and you’re the only female in the school, and shows the way or points the direction of your classes, pulling up to this professor crewel class seems to take time, fearing on what the hell to do.
Opening his classroom door softly, all eyes fall on you, “Yuu! Your late-“ This professor stops midway, when he realizes, “You’re not yuu, you’re-“ He pulls you out of class, he’s shocked to find the actual ‘creator/overseer’ here, he don’t know how to introduce you, since everyone will immediately know you and instantly start bombarding you with questions, or others like malleus would instantly drop to his knees.
Professor crewel comes back into the classroom and seats you directly at his desk for temporary, trying to find a safe spot in the classroom to put you without you being overwhelmed or near the housewarden or vice housewardens as they can be a bit… obnoxious…
Azul ashengrotto being in the same class speaks out, “Professor Crewel, may I ask, why are you having Yuu sitting at your desk? Perhaps sudden favor?” Azul asks, hoping to try to rope his professor intoca contract soon but that idea crumbles when you swivel the comfy chair and Azul gets a glimpse of your face, all three hearts of his stops for a second, it can’t be? The creator/overseer is here?
With many insisting you sit with them, the poor professor opted to seat you at his desk…temporarily..
With that life in twisted wonderland started, other schools got word of you actually being here and not some vessel, now that the news of your presence announced and everyone going batshit insane for you, you decide to hide the pregnancy… will you be able to hide it for long though?
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fluffle-writes · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland - Alien Abduction AU
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Alien AU where Yuu/Reader is a human who accidentally gets abducted by aliens when they land on earth. The human end up staying with the TWST cast for a while because the guys who accidentally yoinked them were barely able to make it past all of the galactic patrols keeping aliens away from earth (the death world) in the first place
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The 'humans are space orcs' trope can be applied to this - aliens not having adrenaline or resistance to caffeine etc.
Some aliens are scared of the deathworlder human creature hanging around, some want to challenge them to a battle for glory, and some just wanna poke and prod at them to see what makes them tick (gestures wildly towards Jade and Rook)
Some of the guys (like Riddle, Epel, and Lilia) are species that are much shorter than others whereas some of the taller guys (Idia, Malleus) are larger species etc. which makes the height differences between characters more pronounced
Everyone can sort of be in the same space station for research work - the resident human helps with heavy lifting and small tasks around the station like cleaning etc. Whereas the twst cast all have more specialised areas of work.
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There are seven main branches of the space station, along with a smaller group of general leaders, dedicated to different sectors within the station; Heartslabyul, Savannaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diassomnia, and the Administrators.
Riddle is the head of Heartslabyul and is in charge of training newer members to investigate and explore new planets to search for useful materials and interesting flora and fauna that can be documented.
Trey and Cater are a duo who work on high-profile exploration jobs such as scouting for planets with life that can be approached.
Ace and Deuce are trainees with a penchant for trouble. They're probably the ones who accidentally landed on Earth and let a human wander onto their ship before they flew off again.
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Leona is head of Savannaclaw and takes charge when it comes to defending the main space station and training the residents in his sector in both ranged combat and hand-to-hand combat. there's often at least one member of Savannaclaw accompanying Heartslabyul in excursions as protectors.
Ruggie is the most skilled marksman on the station and Leona's right hand man - he's the quickest to react to danger and man the laser cannons on the station in the event that there's a aggressive life form threatening the station.
Jack specialises in hand-to-hand combat and is higher in ranking than some of his fellow members of Savannaclaw despite being a newer recruit.
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Azul is the head of Octavinelle, which acts as the main commercial face of the space station - managing the amount of cargo, where it's sold or sourced from, and managing the bookkeeping for the station. He's always precise in his work and never lets a single number out of place
Jade is Azul's right hand, standing in for him at meetings and conferences if he is unable to make it due to having other plans, or a sudden influx of work. His large stature and carnivorous ancestry makes it easy enough to intimidate business partners into working alongside the space station, preventing Azul's job from being more difficult than it needs to be.
Floyd works mostly within the station, assisting Azul in preventing any interference with the money or cargo within the station - such as investigating issues that may have revealed themselves in Azul's calculations or tracking down someone who hasn't paid back what they owe for any under-the-table 'deals' that Azul makes.
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Kalim's sector, Scarabia, works closely with Octavinelle by providing a more direct face to the trade of goods - managing stores, warehouses, and stalls wherever the station decides to dock. His experience as the son of a wealthy merchant know widely across the galaxy makes him perfect for the position!
Jamil is present on the station to keep Kalim safe and on top of all of his responsibilities, meetings, and paperwork. He's the one who's kept Scarabia running so smoothly all this time - working in the background as he always does.
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Vil leads the Pomefiore sector, focused on science and discovery - from learning more about newly discovered species of fauna and flora, to synthesising medicines or cosmetic products from unique properties found in resources they find. Vil manages the labs alongside an apprenticeship programme where he hand-picks promising students to train in the lab.
Rook is Vil's most trusted co-worker and the first person to have passed his rigorous training to work in the labs with him. He's particularly fascinated by creatures captured on different planets for study and re-release, with the more dangerous encounters being his favourite.
Epel is the newest recruit within the Pomefiore sector, and Vil's only current apprentice. While he dislikes being cooped up in a lab instead of being able to explore new planets or work alongside security, he is quite skilled in the sciences and thrives under Vil's tutelage.
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Idia is the head of Ignihyde, the sector that manages the servers and intranet aboard the station, along with cybersecurity. His job is to make sure that the station can connect to other spacecrafts, stays safe from any hacking attempts, and keeps an eye out for potential up-fuckery in terms of digital security - protecting the money in the space station, and any sensitive information that's best kept from potentially dangerous individuals.
Ortho is an advanced robot created in Idia's likeness, who attends all in-person meetings in his stead. He is constantly connected to, and aware of, the statistic of the space station servers, intranet, and connectivity status - and will be able to not only notify his brother of any issues, but even deal with them himself if necessary.
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Malleus's sector, Diassomnia, is quite odd in the sense that it has two jobs - both healing and combat. Members of the Diassomnia sector are in charge of managing the infirmary and dealing with any injuries, as well as assisting Savannaclaw against outside enemies through the use of strong fighter ships and weaponry.
Lilia is Malleus's right and and specialises in combat - often holding training sessions with any of the employees aboard the station, regardless of sector or species, on how to fight an enemy who may have infiltrated security and boarded the station.
Silver works mostly in the medical part of Diassomnia, often being found in the infirmary. While he's seen sleeping quite often, as is a quirk of his species, Silver is always quick to rouse if someone needs medical attention from him. He's also trained in rescue, able to carry injured people away from combat areas safely and swiftly.
Sebek, as the newest Diassomnia member, splits his focus evenly between both responsibilities of the sector. He's often seen training in different offensive and healing skills - aiming for mastery of both fields to try and serve Malleus as well as he possibly can.
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Map of the space station from the Bottom floor (F1) to the top floor (F4) - subject to change (I'm bad at floor plans)
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ryuichirou · 7 months
Today we have a bunch of asks related to the Mafia AU sketches we posted yesterday :) I’m very happy you liked these, I’ve been excited about them ever since I sketched them lol
There are also some miscellaneous asks in this post :)
Anonymous asked:
Mafia au latest post context! :)
Ironically, there isn’t much context, as in there isn’t any specific story behind these sketches. I just like to think that the Octa-boys always look good when they’re all bloody and stuff~ And also wanted to show the edgy and grim nature of the AU.
Floyd is the one who frequently gets into fist-fights, although he doesn’t get punched and bruised every day. This is why he is so serious and kind of pissed there. But still, the majority of blood on him isn’t his, so he is just like a mildly wounded animal.
Jade is someone who prefers to act from the distance (he is a sniper after all), but he is still quite dangerous when confronted, so of course he would stand there listening to the sounds of violins in his head while his enemies are scattered around the room. Also yes, this sketch is inspired by the scene from the Silence of the Lambs!
And Azul is just straight-up having a bad day LOL It is unusual for him to get into any type of trouble – he is usually somewhere safe, or the Tweels are there to guard him, but it’s mafia world, so anything could happen. So there you have it: Azul who got shot in his leg, shaking and agonizing because of the pain and also yelling at Jade to fucking DRIVE FASTER. With his leg and his dignity wounded, Azul is shook to his core, but don’t worry: he’ll get his sweet revenge…
I guess this whole thing happened to them at the same time. The poor guys really got screwed over lol
hipsterteller asked:
Can I asked how or what happen to azul leg?
The negotiations didn’t go as planned, and someone shot Azul in the leg :( So he is in a very very verrry sour mood now…
Anonymous asked:
Is Azul fingering his leg wound in the newest art mafia photo?! 😂😂
No, he’s just holding his leg… Azul knows that fingering a wound is a bad idea, unless you need to plug it or something lol
Anonymous asked:
I know you don't ship the octatrio. But I can imagine Azul can't help find them hot.
Azul has to be aware that the tweels are hot; it wouldn’t be wise of him as a businessman and an entrepreneur to ignore this fact when it’s such an ASSET.
Give Azul all your money and look at the hot Tweels to your heart's content~
Anonymous asked:
I realized Crowley is part of the top list. Since there isn't much questions about him, any hcs?
However, I’m very sad to say that we don’t have anything on him so far, only semi-joking headcanons of the “you know? He is an exhibitionist” sort. I have a feeling we’re going to learn more about Crowley at some point (maybe even sooner than we think), and we’ll definitely have more ideas then. But for now he is just a “you know who he is? A PERVERT” type of character for us. And a top, apparently…
Anonymous asked:
Neige x Silver & Lilia x Vil AU
Vil: Are you still into Neige?
Epel: I thought you said you would disown me if I dated him.
Vil: That was before the risk of me being his evil stepmother was this high.
Epel: ....?
(this is related to this ask)
Look at Vil, rethinking his life choices and priorities… maybe it’s not such a bad thing after all!
Anonymous asked:
RSA!Kalim x RSA!Silver
So even if Kalim went to RSA, Jamil would still have to look after him, right? Well, imagine if Silver misunderstood and thought that the reason Jamil was so attentive despite attending their rival school is because he has a crush on Kalim?
What I’m learning about the RSA from these asks is that one thing that is the most prominent in its walls is misunderstanding lol
Jamil really looks very caring and sweet, imagine visiting a school at the opposite end of the island just to make sure someone is eating right. Silver would smile at these two so softly…
selenacrest asked:
I always wanted to imagine what the Overblot Gang would be like with their peers (depending on Shipp, but I'm already saying that I'm JamiKali Forever), So it's a dream to see Overblot Riddle with Floyd, do you intend to do the others too?
(this is related to this drawing, sorry for the late reply!)
It is indeed an interesting thought, and even though I don’t have an intention to draw all of the possible couples, I might draw some of them at some point. I still want to draw all the overblot boys... but even just drawing is very difficult for me to do… orz their designs are so complicated and take years to draw, even though all Toboso’s designs are hard lol
We did post Rook with overblot Vil before though!
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veeveex3 · 2 years
Songs that the Twisted Wonderland students would sing at Karaoke
Tags: crack, suggestive (?) (more like in a jokey way + some of the songs are mature / explicit), my uncreative ass song choices (I'm sorry lol)
AN: i just thought this would be funny and a nice break from the longer fics lol
First Love / Late Spring by Mitski
mainly due to that one part of the song (hopefully you know which one) and also because he just thinks the song hits a little too close to home
might cry a little and / or scream the lyrics
his form of therapy
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
he thinks he so funny that he just laughs half the time
doesn't even finish the song
no one laughs btw
deuce boos at him off the nonexistent stage
has one of those cane things too to drag him off
Balls in your Jaws slowed + reverbed
this was not of his own choice
was gonna genuinely pick a song he liked but looked away from the little tablet thingy for a second and ace picked this instead
tries so hard not to throw the mic at him he's so embarrassed
CPR by Cupcakke
mainly for shits and giggles
probably genuinely likes Cupcakke so he tries
probably laughs mainly cuz everyone is laughing though
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da by The Beatles
british (affectionate)
yeah I feel like trey's the type of guy to listen to older music
also seems like the type to be a nice singer
idia says something along the lines of "OMG IS THAT A JOJO'S REFERENCE??? POGGERS" when the title shows up
As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese
ruggie forced him to do karaoke there's no way this man would do this of his free will /hj
he just picks this up at random
a good singer if he tries
sadly he doesn't but he's still nice to listen to
Industry Baby Sus Remix
i just remembered that one time my friend showed me this and I thought ruggie would sing this as a joke
another one who thinks he's funny but doesn't get boo'd off
We Will Rock You by Queen
another one who i feel like listens to older music
also i think this song sorta fits him
tries not to show how happy he is when everyone does the stomp stomp clap thing
Jiggle Jiggle by Duke & Jones and Louis Theroux
half ironically and half unironically
probably another one who didn't really wanna come but the tweels forced him to sing a song so he said "fuck it" and picked this mainly as a joke
probably sits down immediately after and starts doing work nerd lmao
Camel by Camel by Sandy Marton
floyd probably picked this for him to see who would react and to laugh at them
another good singer so he just has fun while floyd's giggling in his seat
the home depot song
that's it
Levitating by Dua Lipa
idk this was just the first thing that popped in my mind
probably because the songs so upbeat and bubbly to me so it fits him
definitely gets other people to sing along (ESPECIALLY jamil)
also the supportive friend who hyped you up when you sing :>
Blinding Lights by The Weeknd
yet another one who was forced to be here
and another one who chose a song randomy
and another one who would be a great singer if he tried
would give more energy than leona though cuz he knows he can sing
probably makes that smug face after if people like it
Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
i don't really know much about vil's character other than that he's insecure and flashy (i mean this in the nicest way possible btw!)
so i hope this song fits??
yeah, but is probably moves around and dances while he sings
gives a whole ass performance
Ave Maria by Franz Schubert
puts his entire heart and soul into this
trying way too damn hard for karaoke
doesn't really move as much as vil but still just seems extra, y'know
gives a little wink at the end
probably blows a kiss too dhsjsjsjsk
Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver
this is an act of defiance against vil
also probably one of the only few songs he knows well enough to sing
probably coughs at lot since he's trying to make himself sound deeper
Hikaru nara from Your Lie in April
fucking weeb lmao
now that I got that out of the way, idia only has two moods when he sings
mutters the words or screams the lyrics
if he sang normally, he'd sound really nice
The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku by Hatsune Miku
idia asks if ortho could sing this cuz he physically could
honestly, ortho would be happy singing anything
he's just here for a fun time, y'know
Two Trucks by Lemon Demon
lilia said that if he sang this, people would enjoy it
sorta stiff cuz he's embarrassed but he's trying his best, alright
leona is losing his shit though someone needs to calm him down
Fingers In His Ass by Sans Undertale and Nagito Komaeda
grandpa's just trying to have fun, ok?
another one who encourages people to sing along but everyone is either laughing, complaining, or trying to calm everyone else down
Electric Love by Børns
let's just get it out of the way he is a bit too loud
not like, screaming loud but just like, a bit too loud
another one who tries too hard
immediately tries to get malleus' approval afterwards
he's fine with anyone praising him though but he'll never admit it
rises the moon by Liana Flores
i also don't really know silver's character that much either other than that he's sleepy and that lilia adopted him
so yeah, probably keeps the tablet away from him at all costs
i mainly picked a low energy song that i think fits his voice and energy, y'know
MOOO! by Doja Cat
i just thought this would be funny
that's literally it
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emeraldtart · 1 year
Twst X Digimon
Some ideas for Digimons, takes place after each arcs. (Heartslabyul - Pomefiore)
Heartslabyul/Manticoremon Arc
Many students from the dorms started to go missing. Most of them are known to be prone to rbeaking rules, whether they meant it or not.
While Yuu, Impmon and Braincell Trio TM tries to find clue along with the rest of the Heartslabyul gang, a clawed handed grabs both Ace and Deuce, pulling them into a digital space.
There they find Manticoremon, who absorbed the data of the Queen of Hearts, turning it into a tyrant.
The students from the dorm became her prisoners, and are going to be executed at exactly 12 o'clock.
Riddle manages to distract Manticoremon long enough by making her list off all the Queen's rules, saying, "If you are the Queen of Hearts, then surely you are able to list off all the rules you make, right?"
In the end, Manticoremon is sent back to the Digital World after the Queen's data is removed.
Savanaclaw/Velgrmon Arc
The first year team, Leona and Ruggie are fixing up the Colosseum when Velgrmon appears.
No one can put a scratch on it, and when Yuu realizes that it's going to destroy the entire school, drags Leona along to destroy the circle it was making.
After an intense Arial battle that ends up with Impmon evolving into Wizarmon, they finally wins.
Velgrmon became Kaiser Leomon and stays at Savanaclaw.
Octavinelle/Phelesmon Arc
A rumor spreads out of a fortune teller that can grant wishes without any costs.
Because of this, Azul's business starts to have troubles since they're losing customers.
Curious, they decided to see the fortune-teller, who is a man by the name of Memphis. Jade asked him for a book about a certain mushroom and gets it the very next day. Seeing that nothing seems wrong, everyone go back to the dorms for the night.
However, that exact night Jade suddenly wakes up in pain as he transforms into a Neo Devimon. He attacks Floyd and Azul before escaping.
The first years, Azul and Floyd confronts Memphis, who reveals himself to be Phelesmon. His goal is to conquer Twisted Wonderland, and by granting the student's wishes their souls now belongs to him, and he can do whatever he wishes.
Floyd manages to wake Jade up, and with a Perfect level Digimon on their side, manages to defeat Phelesmon and turn the transformed students back.
Phelesmon stayed at Sam's shop as an assistant for punishment. Although, he seems to enjoy it somehow.
Jade has small horns because of this event.
Scarabia/Wisemon Arc
Continuing their joint camp (this time for real), Jamil notices that some students are unable to catch up. In fact, some of them are having trouble to recall things like where their rooms are and which ones are their clothing.
He lets them rest for the day, but the next day their condition worsens to the point the second years thought that they're still first years.
That night Yuu, Jamil, Kalim, Grim and Wizarmon all followed the students and discovered that Wisemon was stealing their knowledge each time they get a riddle wrong.
Wizarmon evolves into Baalmon and uses Leak Information, taking knowledge from Jamil and managing to answer every single one of Wisemon's questions right.
Wisemon admits defeat, and stays at Scarabia as their personal tutor.
Kalim gets 91 marks on the next quiz.
Pomefiore/Splashmon Arc
Sets after the competition, there are rumours around Pomefiore that some students have been acting... Strange.
Epel is seen walking around the halls at midnight, even though he was at Ramshackle for a first-year sleepover.
Rook was struggling with his bows and arrows even though he's the school's best archer.
And Vil. A student saw him downing a glass of the former Dorm Leader's most lethal poison and walks away like he had just drink water.
All this happens in the span of a week, and more and more strange things keep happening. Such as seeing doubles of students, and strange footsteps.
They managed to find the doppelganger, which had taken on Vil's form. However, they have no way of telling who's the real one, and Rook didn't use his UM, so they're on a dead end.
Until Ace come up with the clever idea of throwing mud at both Vil's faces.
The real Vil is upset, but the Doppelganger immediately went on a rage and transforms into their true form, Splashmon.
They managed to corner him into a reinforced glass box in the Science Club after chasing him through the entire school.
Apparently Splashmon had gotten lost, and seeing Pomefiore they transform into the students. And being a Digimon that has no internal organs or nerves is not affected by the poison. He also finds that it is delicious.
Is currently working as the dorm's janitor. Doesn't seem to mind, except he sometimes transforms into one of the students while doing so.
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
Monster AU heights cause I wanted to
some world-building I feel need to be out there. mostly just the heights of the characters. this will help with some other stuff later.
The heights of monsters vary drastically but the average at NCR is 6'5".
apparently average in real life is 5'6. So ill just add another foot or two to the characters.
Riddle: in-game Riddle is 5'2" but in this AU he is a whopping 6"0. still below average though...
OB Riddle: with his tail added on he can be his normal height, but the tail is a good 6 extra feet long behind him. During the fight, he is closer to 6'7 since he would be somewhat on his coils and ready to strike.
Trey: in-game, trey is 5'9". honestly thought he was like 6ft. thought he was a tall boy. Anyway in this AU he's now 6'9". tall master chief!
Cater: in-game, Cater is a close to average 5'7". So now this superstar is a good 6'7".
Deuce: in-game, Deuce is about 5'7". the sweatheart in the AU is a nice 6'6" he slouches often due to years of trying to act all tough and jaded.
Ace: in-game, Ace is 5'6" an inch shorter than deuce, bet he's mad about it too. monster AU ace is actually only 6'3. he floats a lot so usually he isn't on his own feet for you to be able to tell how much shorter he is in the dorm, still taller than riddle though.
Leona: in-game, Leona is 6'1" but in this AU he has a whole new lower body that adds 2-3 feet. So he suddenly becomes 7'8" here.
OB Leona: with each overblot, the character is slightly warped. Growing usually an extra foot andong with some extra clothes/inky additions. So Leona becomes a horrifying 8'0". a humungous monster of ink and sand.
Ruggie: in-game, Ruggie is 5'6" but with how much he slouches and bounces around he propaly looks closer to 5'4". anyway in the AU he is a speckled, 6'6" trickster.
Jack: in-game, Jack is 6'3"! holy heck he's so tall! so in this AU as fricken 7'3" good gosh!!
Wolf form Jack: wolves are on average about 3 ft tall and 6 feet long. so this more monstrous version of Jack's wolf form would be 4 ft tall and 7 feet long. that's one HUGE dogo.
Azul: in-game, Azul is 5'7" about average apparently. In this AU he's now a 6'7", 4 armed mafia boss.
Water form: in the water Azule is HUGE, more like a kracken with like 20ft long tentacles and a 10ft tall torso. mostly hid in giant caves when bullied :( His overblot form looks the same just much much bigger. like an added 2 ft to each tentacle kinda difference. It's not much when he was already so big.
Floyd: in-game, is a horrifying 6'3" menace. So now he's even better worse at a scary 7'3".
Jade: in-game, surprisingly is an inch shorter than his twin at 6'2". Still will have that inch difference so he's now 7'2" in this monstrous AU.
Water form tweels: based more on a sea serpent kinda monster. They both honestly are pretty long in-game at like 10-11ft. so in the AU they are 20ft long from head to tail tip. Floyd is still just a tiny bit longer and he likes to brag about it.
Kalim: in-game, is a tiny bit below average at 5'5". as an oasis spirit he is now 6'0 as he too likes to float around cause its fun! also his legless form is 5'10 from head to wispy end.
Jamil: in-game, is just above average at 5'7". He "stands" at the average 6'5" to try and not stand out. (heh) but his tail is a good 8 feet long!
OB Jamil: gains an extra 2 feet to his tail and 1ft in "standing" height. also gains mini cobras in his ink-stained hair.
Vil: in-game, is 6 feet even. So now he is a 7-foot-tall beauty. his 3 ft long tail drags behind him or is against his back like a cloak/cape. His wingspan is 8 feet long. His wings slightly extending past his hands.
Rook: in-game, is about 5'8, thats not too bad for a poetic stocker hunter. but the monster I found that fit him is unusually slim and tall so he shoots up to 7 feet tall in this AU. horrifying stocker man
Epel: in-game, is 5 fricken 1!!! he's shorter than riddle!! short king! it's not much better in this AU... he's the only one other than Ortho under 6 feet. He's 5'10 but keeps saying he's 6 foot. aint foolin no one
Epel pixy form: a special ability he REFUSES to use EVER. he can shrink down to 1ft tall with wings to get away and hide fast. only used it once and refuses to talk about it.
Idia: in-game, is also 6 feet tall but man slouches and curls in on himself so much he looks like he's 5'9.
Ortho: in-game, is a child so it makes sense that he's 4'8". probably floats at 5 feet though cause he a robot. In this AU he's not much different, still taller than the average human, and can still float cause why not. he is 5'8" and floats to 6 feet.
Malleus: in-game is 6'6" and like 5 inches taller than Leona, honestly think that's why Leona hates him so much. but in this version is only 2 inches taller than the liontaur. The great dragon stands an intimidating 7'10, including his horns.
Lilia: In the game, Lilia is only 5'2", a bit short but he will suto throw you like it's nothing. he also floats everywhere so usually is at the 6-foot hovering level. in the monster AU, he doesn't need to float due to the sphinx's large size. he is a surprising 7'1" monster due to his upper human half and the lower half being that of a dark sphinx with bat wings and a grey-colored belly. The sphinx body is 4 feet long and the wingspan is 20ft when fully stretched out.
silver: In-game silvers' height is 5'7". In the AU he is fairly close to an above-average human other than the small wings covering his body. His full height is 6'7", but he stands at a nice 6'6" usually due to ducking his head a bit from drowsiness.
Sebek: in-game, Sebek is another tall freshman at 6'1" with a booming voice like no other. In the AU he is a scary 7'1".
Sebek croc form: crocodiles are usually from 11-20ft long from snout to tail, so this monstrous croc is a whopping 45ft long monster! with webbed feat and a powerful tail able to break trees with a swipe of it.
Crowly: in the game, he is a stupid 6'1". not including the tophat. This bird man is now 6'9" cause his little bird legs are weird and always bent so he's shorter than if he had regular legs. deserved
Crewl: in the game, he is 6'0. monster AU crewl is 7'0" and likes to tower over his students to "train them" or whatever weird dog analogy he does.
Trein: in the game, he is 5'10. in the monster AU he is 6'10" and his baby cat, Lucius, is a bit more monstrous as well and is 1'8" tall and 3 ft long fluffball.
Vargas: in the game, he is for some reason 5'8". thought he would be this tower of muscle but ok. man gets super tall in the AU and is a 7'0" wall of muscle.
Sam: in the game, he is 5'11". cause he is a monster of shadow in the AU he can be whatever height he wants but us most often at a height of 6'11".
Grim: he's a strange cat monster thing... so ya. apparently he "stands at 2'3". but he floats cause hes magic and all that. floats at 4'10". In the AU the chimera is 4'6" and with his foot long weird tail.
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bananaapplewaffle · 2 years
A Twisted Halloween: Spectral Soiree: Book 3: Ghostly Plight
Everyone and everything’s split up.
Silver/Jamil What the fuck
I mean…yeah this is how the Realm of Darkness is.
Silver honey…y’all are not staying here.
Ah the old days of Naruto and focusing your chakra into your feet to walk on just about an surface.
Ah, Mulan reference!
Was…was “Zounds” supposed to be “Zoinks”?
This man learning quickly.
Gotta lie to Silver to get shit done
I mean…there was some magic…some Mushu magic lol
Imma need these ghosts to chill
Silver…you are at the wrong school
Princess Aurora headass
Where we going?
Girl what is that one SCPs number?
The stair scp
Oh you’re possessed.
What the hell is this ghost talking about
Jack, you were possess—
Jack’s comin for ya!
This freaking disney twinkle
Ion read One Piece but
Chile I can't find the image
Oh well...
Is this a One Piece ref?
Can’t really think of any other treasure hunter manga…
Really hate that i’m on a reread, so I have to sit through all these fights…again
Y’all don’t bully Riddle
He had a strict upbringing
We gotta take Riddle to an escape room
…why are y’all walking away from Riddle
And why is my dog standing at the end of the bed
What has a alarmed you my dear doggo
Yeah, don’t ever tell him, Ortho.
Oh hey they made it to the stairs!
What possessed person will they meet?
Oh wait nevermind that was Floyd dialect
Riddle ofc would know tho
I have no words at what the fuck Jade told Riddle
Rook/Trey/Sebek What the hell is going on with this group
Sebek sweetheart you are half human please chill
The face Rook is making after being caught
Y’all didn’t even get a fragment before leaving
Hate to see it
Sebek if you don’t put that magic away rn
Trey’s frowning~
Proud of him
Oh no
He’s like Tartaglia…
Was this man fucking Tarzan
Or Sora? Cuz that fuckin whatever the hell would come out the woodwork just to scarp
Bro I wanted him to touch his chest and feel nothing
Rook just stopped his heart to fuck with him
They literally have like two why are they already at the stairs
Who y’all fighting
I mean… he is a mama’s boy
And Trey just entered mom-friend mode
The face Rook is making now that he cannot wipe Deuce’s face Im—
He looks so serious good lord
Oh hey the ghost left
Throw hands
Ah shit there he go…
Tbh Trey
We should get carried away
Alright my fav group
Leona my beloved has used his growl
Floyd, we stand down.
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And there goes Floyd to go touch something
Leona: Don’t touch anything
An intrusive thought: But what if you did? What would happen then?
Also known as
Since you said not to do it
Imma fucking do it
Now tbh Ace
I feel like honey is in fact acting
All according to plan
Who’s gonna be with this group
Epel I’m so sorry
He’s gonna be PISSED when he comes to
Nothing, because that’s it.
Twisted Ramblings
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w4t3rgun2 · 2 years
The End.
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Summary: "Everything must come to an end, the drip finally stops." .... But it's literally ending.
Type: Angst? Angst.
Pronouns used for Yuu: One/Ones
Inspired by:
(Owner; "First time writing TWST! Let's see how this goes :) Please correct me if needed to!!
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Here it is. Here one was, in one's ceremony uniform. But this time, it's not for the ceremony, yet everyone one knew were there with one. One has all of one's stuff, and one looked behind one.
The first year group were later than the rest but they ran and practically crushed one's ribs with their hugs. Riddle would scold them but... Not this time. He didn't feel like it today. Hell, even Vil wasn't scolding Epel for messing up his stuff! They were all talking before one had to make them unhug one. "Are you sure you want to do this, (Yuu)?" Jack asked, his tail was down, so were his ears, a bit, obviously upset. "How dare you betray and make Master Wakasama upset for your leaving!!" Sebek said, before going quiet by Deuce giving him the 'not the moment right now' eyes. (Yuu) nodded, reassuring (more like disappointing the others) that one would like to return home, one love it here but one doesn't have a choice. "Yes, ya do!! C'mon, stay with us!!" Epel said. (Yuu) shook their head before going over to the second year group.
Kalim was the first to make a move, by that I mean squish one. Eventually Kalim got the others also (awkwardly) squish (Yuu), as if one would be teleported out at any second. Well, one would but not like that at least... After the second yearers let one go, Riddle handed (Yuu) a container. "It's a treat, I made it myself for you." He said when (Yuu) have him a confused look, "As a go away gift and a gift for your family." Kalim was still hugging one when Riddle gave one the gift. More like side hug while (Yuu) thanked Riddle for the gift. Silver was staying awake but chatted with (Yuu) anyways, same goes for Jamil but he just didn't want to be here. Who would when you know someone who saved you is going away? Azul was holding in tears, while Jade gave one some mushroom soup for the journey home. Floyd joined in the hug. Ruggie just waved goodbye and gave one last joke, (Yuu) giving him one's donuts. Which took him by surprise but not that he minded. Floyd and Kalim eventually were pulled away from (Yuu). Which then, one walked over to the third yearers.
Lilia was the first to make a move, acting a bit dramatically and hugging (Yuu). Rook, Cater and Trey joined in the hug. Leona even (lazily) joined! Malleus waited until it was his personal turn. Vil didn't want to at all. But he did remind one on one's skin care which one gave a thumbs up. The others stopped hugging, well except Cater who took one last photo of one. But he didn't post it on Magicam.. Trey gave one some biscuits in a container, which one took after a bit refusing. Malleus personally hugged one and said, "I'm glad I knew you for this long. But I'll never forget you, (Yuu)." Rook gave some photos of (Yuu) to one. Which it was creepy but it was some good ass angles, can't be mad for long.
After a while of talking and hugging the others, the last one was Grim. (Yuu) picked him up and hugged him, which surprisingly, he hugged one back. And he even followed one over to the mirror! But so did Crowley.
"Is it... Terrifying?" (Yuu) asks Crowley, holding one's stuff.
"No, I don't think so, it's the way it is, y'know?" Crowley answered, "Everything must come to an end. The drip finally stops."
"See you on the other side" Grim said, looking sadly at (Yuu).
"Oh Grim, no... There is no other side, this is it." Crowley responded to Grim, looking as (Yuu) slowly walked into the mirror with one's stuff and the stuff one got from the others.
And they all watched as (Yuu) disappears into the mirror... And into the world one knows.
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candyk0rn · 2 years
Hi I'm new here virtual hugs for all-
Anyways is it ok to request riddle,epel and Floyd witnessing their s/o's popsicle or ice cream falling and they look upset about it
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Hi hi! Welcome to the madness, lmao. And it’s perfectly fine for you to request this, in fact I think it’s super cute! (≧∇≦*)
Gender neutral reader (per usual!)
Riddle, Epel,and Floyd witnessing s/o getting sad after dropping ice cream
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He stares at you, slightly worried but also confused?
Why are you sad? It’s an ice cream
But the moment he sees your pout he freaks out
He lightly grabs your wrist and reassure you that it’s just and ice cream, and he can get you another one
That’s just an excuse to dash you out of there so he doesn’t have to see you sad anymore LMAO
He does get you another ice cream though, if he doesn’t break rules he also doesn’t break promises
Makes sure it’s your favorite flavour too :D
“Don’t drop this one, okay? Seeing you upset over something like that makes me upset, too.”
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Unlike Riddle, he acts immediately
Not as calm as Riddle
He gets really sad too, and seeing your sad face makes him sad and it’s just sad all over
He comes over and hugs you, telling you he will make sure to get the coolest dessert that makes that popsicle look like nothing!
He doesn’t know how he’s gonna do that but he already told you he would
He’s really just trying to help you feel happy, or even giggle
Because seeing your frown is something he doesn’t enjoy seeing
So he’s gonna get the worlds:
“Coolest looking and tasting ice cream ever!”
Which is probably just some desert that was being sold at the Mostro Lounge..
He’s trying, tho (^^♪
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He laughed at first when he saw it
But that quickly changed when he saw you look down at it all gloomy
He was like: >:0
So he grabs his own ice cream, and slowly drops it down
“See? Now we are even!”
Doesn’t even care if it’s a waste of money or if you could have shared it together 💀
Because he just goes off and buys two more
I mean, as long as your laughing or smiling at him in the end
He will stupidly drop as many ice creams as he must!
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Thanks for reading!
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sandbees · 2 years
I know its way past april fools day but I had this thought, what if for April fools day mc wanted to do a big prank with all the first years plus ortho and cheka. The parnk is acting like mc and grimm never exsisted they have ortho hack into ppls phones and any picture of the perfect was hidden and they had distract rook to get all his pictures.
Riddle is confused cuz normally ace and deuce are all ready gone to pick up mc and grimm, he's like "shouldnt you two be off to walk mc to class?" And they like "???".
Having cheka really sale it with a, "whos mc uncle leona?" When Crowley asks why ramshackle is all fixed up they say "you said you were going to use it as a guest dorm"
Idia is over here frantically going through ortho memory bank but is coming up dry everytime. Carter and rook are going through all their pictures and coming up empty.
Trey, vil and Jamal are trying to keep the peace as everything is going to hell, jade is preoccupied with his hysracal brother. Azul is trying to profit off this with 'who ever find the ramshackle perfect gets a free full course meal and a free of charge deal'. Lilla almost gets sebak to break but he's saved last minute by Jack and epel.
Floyd is frantic cuz his shrimpy is missing and kalim is hiring the privet investors. Imagine if they got the mirror of darkness in on it 😳 the teachers go to ask it "mirror of darkness show where grimm and mc are!" And the mirror replys, "there are no mc or grimm that are of this world"
I have a feeling chenya and sam all ready know and are helping them hide. they had to end it when malleus finally found out and started crying. which caused everyone to start crying cuz everything just started to sink in that mc and grimm never exsisted. But mc holding grimm comes out of Sam's shop like "nooo I mean for the joke to go this far 🥺"
They day end with the first years with collars and a month long detentions, ortho resores and returns everyones pictures. Crowley, floyd, Malleus and kalim ugly crying with mc and grimm trying to conslued them all.
This has been answered way past April don’t worry you’re fine.
Also I doubt Crowley would fall for it. In fact, he’d be the one to help. I mean, he’s probably the one that is able to control/convince the Dark Mirror to say Yuu doesn’t exists.
Also I imagine that they might continue while dragging Sebek away just so they can continue the prank. Sebek no simping
But if that scenario somehow did happen, the prank will stop on the account of Ortho almost turning NRC to ash again just to find Yuu
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