#i thought that they changed his name to damian instead of dick before that because it wasn’t appropriate before kids too
buhbyebabyblue · 1 year
nobody robined more than tim drake. R.I.P to the others (literally and also not literally) but he is just so Robin™️ they just can’t compare
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flamingpudding · 4 months
Jail Buddies
Once a month, Jason makes an effort to meet Dick on purpose. Sometimes even more. After all, he was a good little brother checking in with his brother. Though he had a rather uncontroversial way of doing so. One that involved getting led into a jail cell of your local police department and loudly demanding to speak to Officer Grayson.
Okay, maybe it wasn't like that it was an effort to check on his brother and just one of his many listed dumb moments of recklessness he got caught for. And he was maybe using his brother to get out without having to call Cass, Steph, Duke, Tim, Damian, Alfred or Bruce, in that order depending who was willing to bail him out every time Dick had his 'Little Wing you won't learn if I keep bailing you out.'-Phases again. Or if Dick was being petty because of a recent prank war.
Either way, while Jason was waiting for Dick to make his entrance in his cell he noticed the teen boy sharing the cell with him staring at him wide eyed. He arched an eyebrow, and decided on a whim to make friendly conversation.
"So what got you here kid?"
The teen blinked as if just realizing Jason had addressed him before grinning a bit feral, his blue eyes having an unnatural glow. "Vandalism."
Jason's eyebrow rose again, but the teen continued.
"Trashed mu place and gave my guardian's car a pretty paint job and some other stuff."
"You vandalized your own place? And got arrested."
"Fruitloop decided an overnight stay was a better punishment then leaving me unattended."
The teen shrugged and Jason couldn't help but feel like he just had heard a red flag. He opened his mouth to question the kid more but than his brother finally made his entrance.
"Little Wing! What did you do this time!?" Jason could see that Dick was out to start a rant but changed tunes when he noticed the teen.
"Danny or Dan? You are here again? When did they bring you in? Trouble at home?" Dick asked, and Jason clearly saw the telltale signs of information fishing bat style.
"Danny and the usual." Danny, as Jason now learned the kid's name was, shrugged nonchalantly like this wasn't the first time he and Dick had had that exchange.
"Seriously buddy? I had a rebellious phase as teen too but to regularly trash your home to the point that someone calls the police or vandalize your guardian's cars, buildings, advertisements or anything that has to do with him is not a solution kid." Jason arched an eyebrow at Dicks tone, feeling slightly reminded of whenever Dick lectured one of them.
"Oh I know. But it's a nice stress reliever, plus you guys are nice here. I get pizza as dinner whenever I stay the night." The kid grinned and Jason couldn't help the snort that earned him a little glare from Dick.
Instead of arguing further his brother let out a suffering sigh and let Jason out of the cell, waving him towards the exit and following him shortly after giving the kid one more look that looked like a mix between stern and pleading to stop being a rebellious teen.
Once out of earshot, Jason then chose to ask. "So what's the kid's deal?"
"Nothing, just a rebellious teen reminds me of Damian when he first appeared. He has a twin and a little sister as far as I know, both of them also known here. Their guardian is an upstanding man, though." Jason heard the hidden but.
"Did someone look into it?" He hummed more as a cover.
"Higher ups don't know, but i am running an investigation." Translation Bruce is unaware, but Dick was using Bat resources for looking into the kid's residence.
"Nice kid, didn't think he was a regular." He only commented.
"Nice and polite, you wouldn't think he did some of the things he was brought in for. Distrustful though, despite his friendly nature."
Jason nodded as Dick went through the papers to bail him out, a thought popping up in his head. Clearly, something was up with the kid that had his brother worried, and it looked like he was stuck on just doing his investigation. So, being the thoughtful little brother he was, Jason decided to help his brother.
In his uncontroversial ways, of course.
"Yo Danny, also here?" Jason grinned as he was led into the same cell the teen was in a week later.
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brucewaynehater101 · 20 days
I have a vent fic wip that I may or may not finish so I just need to tell someone that I am...feeling so many things all the time about the consequences of the 16th birthday but...
primarily, right now, at this moment. without Robin/Bruce, Tim thought he would lose Dick and everyone else he knew through Robin. and then a little bit later when he quit for Jack, he got radio silence for Months until he became a potential victim, and even then it was just Cass stopping in to give the message and be like "I'll watch you to keep you safe 👁️👁️ ok bye" and he had actual Proof that without Robin, he would lose everyone.
and then. Dick "you're my equal (even tho I'm drastically changing your life without your knowledge or permission), you're my closest ally (even tho you don't even have a name to go out in the field to assist me as backup), I need you (even tho, as mentioned, I made a huge decision without your input because I didn't need it because I know best actually)" Grayson.
skipping over the fact that Dick didn't even have the time to say "you're fired" or anything resembling that, when Tim lost "Robin" to Damian, he felt like he lost everything else too. it didn't matter what Dick said about "equals" or "allies" or "needing". he already had Concrete Proof that it was all false. cheap words that are easily disproven do nothing in this situation, Dichard!
(disclaimer: I love and respect Dick Grayson, I just also think Dick Stopped Existing as soon as he made Damian his Robin for the most pathetic stupid illogical risky-ass excuse he could ever give for making anyone Robin (or a vigilante in general). "because he'll kill someone again". who the fuck says that?? who thinks "oh no oh god oh fuck this kid is gonna go off the rails he's gonna kill someone, I need to Put Him In A Place Of Power Over Oblivious Innocent Untrained People Who Are Expecting A Kind And Empathetic Hero To Save Them" hUH???? ok sorry, I just wanted to rant about what Tim "losing Robin" meant)
I agree with ya. Dick Grayson is fantastic, but it seems weird that he nuked his entire relationship with Tim (a very strong one that other fans have referred to them as "The Brothers") for the new kid.
Yes, Damian is a ten year old traumatized kid who just lost the dad he didn't really have the chance to get to know. Yes, Damian needed guidance, boundaries, and compassion.
But DC spent so much time and effort building up Tim and Dick's rapport only to obliterate it once the "blood son" came in (I also love Damian. This is not hate on the kid. This is confused commentary on DC's choices). It's just a strange idea, but that's also why it hurts so much when Dick does that to Tim.
Then you tie in Tim losing Robin by Dick to Tim's experiences before? Fuck. You are so right for that.
As far as the RR run, Dick could've handled Tim believing Bruce a bit better. I don't necessarily blame him for that one. I get why he wasn't supportive in the way Tim wanted, even though I would've chosen differently for my siblings.
Dick taking Robin, though? That was fucked up. I, honest to the gods, do not see how that was a justified course of action. I can understand his perspective, but it's still not okay. At all.
There's your very adequate analysis:
Robin, for Tim, is his tie to his loved ones. He has proof (twice) that without it, he does not have access to the people he cares about and his support system.
Dick said a lot of pretty words about "equals," but his actions were precisely contradictory to his "intentions."
Tim has had Robin taken from him before or had to give it up. He chose to go back despite this. He obviously feels strongly about being Robin
Damian has not proven, at this point, to be trustworthy as a vigilante (someone in power without oversight). He has instead shown use of excessive force
This isn't even going into the way he found out. That's just an extra layer.
The way Tim has repeated lost and regained Robin (even after RR) as well as his title as Red ROBIN are, to me, a sign that he's still trying to hold on. It's my belief that he would have moved onto a new title, like his predecessors, if it hadn't constantly been an unsure role.
His start was rocky as hell due to Bruce not initially wanting it. Tim had to prove himself and put himself into the costume.
He "quit" twice before it was taken from him in a traumatic way (nothing like being instilled with the fear that the position you've held for four years can suddenly be yanked out from under you without warning)
Damian and Jason both vehemently protested to him being Robin
It would make sense if all of these factors combined to Tim's unwillingness or inability to just let Robin go, especially when we factor in his reason to be Robin. Since Bruce never really gets "better" and continually falls back into bad habits, Tim needs to maintain his task of pulling Bruce back from the edge. We could also throw Jean Paul into this to further how Tim is forced to play as the barrier between a grown adult and their desire to harm others in the name of good.
So, Tim's time as Robin is marked by consistent instability while contrasted with his inherent position as Bruce's leash and the batfam fixer. While the other Robins did have times of doubt, the predecessors of Tim did not have the pervasive role insecurity with regards to Robin.
They had their big moment at the end and some smaller moments in-between, but not quite on the continous scale of Tim. Tim had three big moments and was still sucked back into Robin when Damian quit.
To be Robin is to earn Bruce's love and the ability to be part of the Wayne family. To lose Robin is the risk of losing that (at least to the perspectives of the Robins if not 100% the reality).
I'm not sure I'm articulating this accurately. Regardless, no wonder Tim clutches the title of Robin with bleeding hands no matter how much it cuts him and costs him.
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theredcuyo · 3 months
Hmm, so today i worked with a bit of horror and this came to me
What if we make the Batman into a cryptid but the cooler kind, the leyend to scare young kids type
Before you write or send a comment, i'm mexican, born and raised, still live there. Thank You.
This came from me thinking about La llorona, a leyend (scary one) here in México and some other parts of latam it seems(?) and it's in short, about a woman whose kids die and she dies from sadness over it, with her eyes drying up from so much crying, becoming a spirit that haunts the world while calling for her children in desperate screams
The reason behind the kids' death changes depending on who you ask, either she killed them or it was an accident, but they die by drowing in all versions, and, as a result of the above, any kid she comes across gets taken away because she mistakes them for her own, they end up dying by her hands too tho (because she thinks they're hers and drowns them, or because she realizes they aren't)
She's also a single mother (the story goes back to the 1500 btw)
And I think Bruce fits this. So. Fucking. Well.
Like, Jason and Dick die, and he becomes this, and then Tim was trying to help him pass from the world but he couldn't and instead became his child too, and the rest followed along, by accident, by choice or not
Can he be a hero here? I don't think so, but, maybe he does care for the children somehow, the ones that he realizes aren't his, that they have parents to go to are the ones he protects
He cares for the people, who are not at fault for his loss, so he protects the city he also haunts
He cares for the nice old man who's never been afraid of him, who gives him a sad smile and who he feels like he knows but all the memories of his life are buried down and forgotten behind his children dying
He might not even want the children he takes to die, it's like the pit rage in canon, it takes over him and they world gets too blurry to think right
And he cares for those kids, he really does, it's not their fault, but there's one he can never remember the name of (Dick) no matter how many times he repeats it
Dick forgave his dad (whatever the reason for their deaths might be) and wanders around him in a nice way, doing his best so all of them can finally pass away
Jason hasn't. He haunts Bruce, most of the episodes where he snatches more kids away are Jason's fault, as he appears and dissapears in front of him, making him believe any kid is his boy, Jason doesn't notice and actually tries to protect other kids.
Steph's 'your not my dad!' call hits harder in this au-
Cass was wandering around town alone, she didn't stand a chance because she couldn't even scream for help. She's like a second shadow to Bruce, always near, always watching, and some who have scaped them swear her eyes never stop looking at you. She might be the only kid who's not mad at him for taking her away
Duke is similar enough, he didn't like the dark, but when there's no other choice is the worst thing that happens.
Damian's tale as a child of his that Bruce originally thought to have died gets worse when he gets taken, reunited but only by death, one that is his dad's fault.
One where Bruce got another one of his kids killed.
Hoenstly, i'd like to work on this au? If that's like fine?
I'll try to make some designs and maybe like some draws, if i get to, a series of one-shots
Oh, and if you non-latam people want to know more about la llorona, well, there's a kids animated movie :D is called "La leyenda de la llorona" pretty sure you can find it with subtitles (always better than dub tbh) it's part of a saga on mexican leyends too, can watch the others if it calls your attention, they're fun
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all-risejd · 1 year
This isn’t judgement day related but can you possibly write a public sex involved scene for Roman Reigns x Rhea Ripley?
I know you requested public sex, my friend who wrote this (this page is made up of multiple peoples writing, with one person running the account) had ideas and just went with them. I hope you enjoy it. We are only taking requests for headcannons at this time but we still did this one because her sister demanded it. Warnings: violence for the sake of violence, face-fucking, face-sitting, rough sex, slight degradation (insults), fem-dom, responsible sex (never thought I would use that one), cheating ... (consensually?)
Please comment/reblog and let us know what you think.
Fiends Not Friends
The arena should be empty by now - almost everyone is gone for the night, and most of the stage hands have started packing up the travel stages and pyro hooks. Rhea had meant to head out with Damian, Finn and Dominik - but she’d ended up stuck in a meeting with Charlotte about the upcoming transition - she was taking the belt off the older woman, which was more than fine with her, she’d earned it in her opinion, but it held a certain level of required notoriety which… as a heel she assumed would be fairly easy. She moved along the empty staging area toward the locker room when a series of crashes caught her attention. “At this point in the horror film the idiots check out the noise.” She reminded herself, before heading toward the noise in question. She half expected to find stage hands, but instead as she peaked into one of the should be empty locker rooms, she caught sight of Roman Reigns, not dressed for the ring, but in just black basketball shorts tossing anything within grabbing range around the room. For a moment she considered walking away, this was a whole lot of not her problem, but the irritating bastard was bleeding. 
“Hey, Chief.” She called, sounding a lot more sure than she felt. He whirled to snarl at her, “Your hand is bleeding, and you’ve already wrecked this room. If you're going for the whole rockstar thing, you should probably wreck a few more.” She suggested, as she moved to lean against the doorway, watching the man as he openly paced, he’d paused long enough to look down at his hand, a frown etched on his face - almost like he hadn’t realized he’d done it. “Look, I’m not trying to get into your… business, or whatever, but cuts aren’t good for business.” She ventured, nonplussed, “Do you want me to look at it, so you don’t have to go to medical? I mean I know they’d have to do some sort of write up…” Roman shot her a more than irritated look, “You know what, fuck it, I tried, you clearly have whatever this is, well in hand.” She pushed off the door and turned her back on him, intent to grab her shit and change.
“Ripley, wait.” He called, sounding just as shocked as she felt to hear him. “That, uh, that would be nice.” He decided after a moment, her eyes narrowed in on him, taking in the form of the biggest name in their business, he looked off like something was bothering him, but that pointedly wasn’t her business, either. “If you still wanted to look at my hand?” He held his left hand up, the palm bloody, head cocked slightly to the side. Rhea bemoaned the fact that every remotely attractive older man in her life was somehow both adorable puppy and complete dick in the same go. She hadn’t interacted much with Roman Reigns, outside of their legitimate lanes, they just weren’t written in the same vein. She nodded her head at him, and took a few steps toward him, casting her eyes around the room. Roman had more than wrecked it. It looked like every single emotion the man could fight out of him he had. 
Carefully she took his hand, the cut wasn’t deep but it did need to be cleaned off, “No stitches.” She observed, “Sit down, there should be a first aid kit in your bathroom.” She shoved on his shoulder, momentarily forgetting this wasn’t Damian, Dom or Finn - this man didn’t like to be touched as far as she knew. He flinched away from her, but took the seat she motioned to all the same. She moved around him, checking his face over to make sure he was one going to stay put and two not going to pull anything that might be considered stupid. Digging through the bathroom - which mercifully hadn’t been attacked by the Tribal Chief - she snagged the kit and headed back to find him sitting where she had left him, only now he was cradling his injured hand in his right hand, head downcast, his long hair falling forward to cover his actual face. 
When she first came up from NXT she’d thought he was beautiful, in an abstract and chaotic sort of way. He’d terrified her in the good ways, she wanted to be powerful like him and struggled for a handful of months trying to figure out if she wanted to be with him, or wanted to be him. She’d ultimately decided she wanted to be better than him - and had set herself on the path to do so, but now, now, he looked alone. What was it that her grandmother used to tell her? Ah, it’s lonely at the top. “I’m back.” She declared when his head didn’t rise at her approach, “You know, Chief, I run around with a quasi-rockstar, and when he wrecks rooms he somehow manages not to break his own flesh.” Roman muttered something under his breath, “I didn’t catch that.” Rhea grumbled even as she deposited the first aid kit on his lap, and moved to ruffle through it to get to the alcohol wipes. 
“I hit the locker door.” Roman sounded defeated and he wouldn't meet her gaze. She wasn’t in the mood to ask him about his personal problems, so she set about cleaning his cut and bandaging it. “You know, I don't know how you four do it.” He offered, lamely, “The whole, found family thing, with no real leader, you look like you're having fun.”
Rhea shifted to sit beside him on the hard bench, first aid kit between them, the couch that had been in the room was flipped on its side, and the cushions missing from her immediate vantage. “We are having fun.” She offered, “Four friends who get to be absolute villains and do pretty much whatever we want, while also interacting with Superstars we might not have otherwise?” She rolled her shoulders, “We are having fun. But sometimes it’s hard, cause like all of us are different people in our own rights, I think it would be hard…” She admitted, “If any of us were the leader, since you know, we all kind of share that role and responsibility, so it’s not so heavy on our shoulders.”
He grunted, “I didn’t want Sami to leave.” He said evenly, “Creative took him away, and yeah, he’s still my friend, but I wanted the story to last longer, and I think they are rushing it. The twins are… eager to be back on their own, and Solo just wants… Well, he wants to be me.”
Rhea laughed, “Everyone wants to be you to a point.” Roman let out another grunt of sorts, but Rhea wasn’t listening to him anymore, she’d figured out the problem, “Everyone wants to be at the top, not everyone is strong enough to do it for almost three years, you have to be tired.”
“I’m not tired.” He snapped, and rocked up to his feet, giving her a rough glare.
Rhea rolled her eyes as she stood, “Yeah, and I bet you're not lonely either.” She shot back at him, before pushing around him, no longer worried about making him uncomfortable by touching him, “I don’t acknowledge you or you're kingdom of bullshit, lie to yourself if you want, but… you look like shit, and this room looks like you threw a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat.” Roman made a move to grab at her but she dodged him, “Fuck off, I’m sorry I even tried to help you.” She shoved the rest of the way out of the room and headed back to the room the Judgment Day had been using earlier in the night, muttering under her breath about ungrateful bastards the whole time. She made quick work of her showering and changing, not wanting to loiter around any longer than necessary, after she packed up her gear she checked her phone, there were messages from her boys, all asking where she was. 
She shot a quick text back letting them know she was leaving the arena soon, reminding them she’d had a quick meeting with Hunter and Creative, as she stood to grab her stuff a knock sounded on the doorway. She turned sharp, alarmed that she’d overstayed some sort of welcome, and ready to apologize to whatever staff member or arena worker she’d held after their allotted work hours by staying in the arena too long. Instead, it was Reigns, again. He was at least dressed now, with his own travel bag over his shoulder, “I was an asshole.” He said evenly, “I am lonely and tired, and I miss my family.” He offered, “Can I… look, it’s late and I’m wired, and you look like you aren’t going to rest anytime soon, so would you maybe consider the gym or coffee? I’m alone more than I’d like to admit.”
Rhea cocked her head to the side and studied him. This was a unique opportunity. As much as she loved the Judgment Day, she and Dom would eventually need some sort of backup plan, as much as Damian was the older brother she’d never really had, she couldn’t always live in his shadows, as much as Finn elevated her and Dominik by his sheer amount of ring awareness and knowledge, even the best teachers didn’t know everything. The Bloodline was… powerful in different ways than the Judgment Day, their legacy would last longer, and their family would always be on top in the entertainment world. “That’s fine.” She offered, “You can pick.” She added, evenly, “I don’t have any plans, just need to check in with the boys.”
“The boys?” Roman sounded amused.
“My boys.” She countered, before shooting off a text to them that she was going to run some late night errands to get her energy worn down, and to remind Dominik not to latch the door lock at the hotel, since then her key wouldn’t work. She grabbed her gear bag and made a motion for Roman to lead the way, he shot her a raised eyebrow, before he turned and headed down the hallway, she trailed along after him, most of the arena lights were off now, and most of the stage crew had disappeared. The dark colored SUV was a signature she at least knew he would have, as she tossed her bag into the backseat and climbed into the passenger seat, and odd silence settled over them, “Look, I shouldn’t have overst-”
“I’m sorry for being a dick.” They spoke at the same time, cutting one another off.
“Well, this shouldn’t be this awkward.” Rhea muttered, irritated at her apparent social awkwardness when it came to Roman. He snorted, harshly. “What I said earlier about everyone wanting to be you, when I first came up to RAW I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be you or somehow wanted to be with you, it’s just… who you are.” She shrugged, “I decided I wanted to be bigger than you, somehow.”
“You're on your way.” Roman offered, as he started the SUV and headed them out of the parking lot, “I assume we are all at the same hotel?” They quickly confirmed the location, with Rhea double checking her phone - Dominik had promised not to lock her out, both Damian and Finn had encouraged her to get some sleep and not spend all night in the gym. “Those boys of yours, they really love you, you can tell, in the ring and backstage. Sometimes it makes me miss the Shield.” He ventured, as he turned them toward the hotel, “The hotel gym is nice, and at this point everyone should be in bed-”
“Damian and Finn are working out, if you want to just talk to me, the hotel isn’t going to work.” Rhea had already started looking for other gyms nearby that were open all night, which is how twenty minutes and a county over, they ended up in a Gold’s Gym. The only other occupants of the gym were the bored man behind the counter who was watching Netflix and a woman happily riding an exercise bike toward the left. Roman immediately headed them toward the sparring room, Rhea followed, more than curious about how this was going to go - Roman was stacked and while she was strong and could destroy men in bursts or flares of energy… she didn’t know if she really could take him or Solo. “Are we sparing?”
“Nah.” Roman dropped his duffle on the first mat, toed his shoes off and promptly laid down on the floor, looking up at the ceiling of the sparring room. He stretched his arms over his head, before tucking both hands into his hair, and exhaling, “Do you ever just get so fucking mad at the world you need to break something, make something bleed?” Rhea dropped her duffle, toed off her own shoes and joined him with a noncommittal hum. “I’m just, so fucking pissed. I’ve got all these… extra things to worry about.” Rhea realized how carefully he was using his words, there were no doubt secrets that he had to keep for the brand. By and large most of the worst kept secrets in the WWE were in relation to Roman and his cousin. Rhea contemplated what to say, but was stopped by Roman hitting his fist against the sparring mat with enough force that it vibrated under her body. A reminder of his sheer power. Roman shouted then, a loud thundering explosion of emotion that reminded Rhea of what Damian did when he was losing a match.
Rhea waited for him to get the burst of noise out, “You need a healthy outlet of some sort.” 
“I hit people for a living, that should be the outlet.”
“You aren’t in the ring week to week anymore, you need something else. Don’t the twins or Solo spar with you?” Rhea asked, now a bit worried about his mental health, their kind - the ones who sought violence for the sake of violence - didn’t do well being asked not to talk with their fist, or to sit back and let others take care of their problems. 
Rhea let the silence fill the room for a long stretch, there was something both eerie and nice about laying in silence with a sort-of-enemy, she decided, something that was markedly different than laying in contemplative silence with battle-ready brothers. “We could spar.”
Roman let out an impatient rumble, “I don’t hit women.”
“Maybe you should.” She ventured, and chose her next move very, very carefully. She had always been quick, even with her semi-shitty knee, she sat up and rolled her whole body toward Roman, swiftly straddling him, he looked posed to throw her off or say something, when she punched him hard in the cheek, “Fuck, you're bones are ridiculously hard.” She shook her hand, wiggled her fingers, the hit had jarred her wrist. Roman’s nose had flared, and his eyes narrowed, “Not too different from me, huh?” She observed, as she hauled off and hit him again, this time with her other fist, he didn’t stop her, instead she managed to land two more solid punches before he caught her wrist and snarled low at her. 
“What are you doing?” He snapped, as his hold on her wrist turned painful, her bones aching in protest, Rhea however only glowered down at him, and with her free hand, slapped him hard across the cheek, “Ripley.” His voice had changed, his pupils expanded, and his whole body seemed to electrify, Rhea knew she was playing a dangerous game, Damian was always warning her about getting burnt, this time she might as well have doused herself in gasoline. “What. The. Fuck.” Now that he had both her wrists in the tight hold, he looked almost pissed again, like when she’d first stumbled upon him.
“You don’t want to spar with me.” Rhea stated calmly, “You don’t have anyone to spar with, you don’t like the idea of hitting a woman, so I thought why not hit you.” She tilted, using his hold on her, to pitch herself forward, looming over him, “There are other ways to get your anxious energy out, Mr. Tribal Chief. Violence for the sake of violence can happen in the ring or the bedroom.”
He made a sharp noise of complete irritation, “Learn that from Priest?”
“I’ve learned a lot from him.” She gave him a flirtatious wink, “His tips and tricks are endless.” She added, “Would you like to learn some of them?” Roman frowned at her, his brow knitting together like he was in deep, deep thought. “Or not.” She acted like she was going to stand, using his hold on her wrist to push herself away from him, but his hold tightened if possible, and he refused to let her move far away. “No one takes care of you, huh?” She purred, “They want you to take care of them, and that leaves absolutely no time for you to just relax.” Rhea might also rather enjoy having power over Roman, not that she would use it for evil or anything, Damian might though, once she told the boys about this. He was after all the sadist who planned most of their big game plans. “No one lets you be babied, huh?” She squeezed her knees in tight, hugging his ribs, where she was still straddling him. He looked confused, a bit alarmed, but his pupils were still blown and he didn’t seem like he was going to push her away, “Can I take care of you, Chief?” She asked, with a bit of a purr, Dom was going to be jealous, but he’d get over it.
“What uh, what does that mean?” Roman asked after a beat.
Rhea laughed, “You like being in charge, being the top dog, right? Well, let me be in charge, let me call the shots.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him, “Let me help you release your violence.” Roman frowned, Rhea watched him work somethings out in what she was going to graciously call his big beautiful brain. Slowly, carefully, he released his grip on her wrist, and nodded his head. “Words, Rome.” Rhea ordered, sharply. He looked confused, “Don’t tell me no one has ever called you Rome, it’s literally in your name, low hanging fruit.” She grumbled the last, while rubbing her wrist, “Words, you need to tell me yes or no outloud.”
“Rhea…” He tried her name out, and honestly she didn’t think she’d ever heard him refer to her as anything other than Ripley or Brutality, “Help me release my violence.” He sounded so small, and fragile, and like he’d rather be asking her literally anything else. It brought a smile to her lips, she liked turning big powerful men into her own little pets. Not that she thought she’d get to keep Roman, realistically whatever this was, would fall into the category of a one-off. “Please?”
She realized she’d been admiring him for a bit too long, “Don’t worry, Rome, I’m going to help.” She cast her gaze around the sparring room, “We can’t do this here, though.” A frown pulled at her lips, “Are you in a single hotel room?” He nodded, “Cool, let’s go.” She shuffled off of him, then helped him stand, “Grab my bag, too, give me the keys.” Roman took well to being bossed around, she grinned as he did what she asked, “Rule number one,” She pushed the door open that led to the main floor of Gold’s Gym, “Violence is allowed, and welcomed, I asked that you don’t hit my face, due to recent injury.” She waved goodbye to the desk clerk (who had wide eyes and had not so subtly been watching the sparring room camera she would hazard to guess), as she pushed open the exit, “Two, you have to communicate with me if you like something or if you don’t.”
“I understand one and two.” Roman grumbled, “Normally I’m the one making rules.” 
“I know.” She shot him a wink over her shoulder, “That’s why it’s so fun, let me have control.” She headed for the driver's door and wrenched it open to climb into the driver's seat as he loaded both their bags into the back, “What room number are you in?”
“892. Why?” Roman demanded as he climbed into the passenger side. Rhea didn’t bother to answer, choosing instead to text Damian that she needed a couple things out of her and Dom’s room, and to let the younger boy know that she would not be coming to their room tonight, she paused long enough to hear back from Damian with an affirmative. “Rhea?”
“I need some things from my room.” She said evenly, “Now you do not get to freak out when we get back to the hotel.” She started the SUV and pointedly drove them quickly and efficiently back to the shared hotel - WWE preferred they all be in the same location accommodation-wise. Roman, blessedly, did not talk when they arrived at his room, with Damian in just tight black boxers leaning against the door, scratches down his chest, and a red travel sized bag in his hands, it looked small, but that was largely due to how big Damian was, “Thank you.” Rhea offered, when she took the bag from him, Damian looked pointedly at Roman, before he ducked closer and kissed Rhea’s neck, “Go away, Priest, I’ve got someone to fuck with tonight that isn’t one of you three.” 
Damian laughed, hard, then cast Roman another dubious look, before he headed for the elevator, he paused to call back, “Dominik is gonna want details in the morning, Rips.” With that he climbed onto the elevator, and headed down - their set of rooms was located on the sixth floor. 
“What the fuck?” Roman muttered, clearly confused.
“Don’t be judgy.” Rhea pushed his side, “In the room we go.” She made a motion to get him to open the door, he did as she asked, “There is absolutely no way in hell you’ve never just causally fucked you're friends, like I’ve seen you, it’s impossible.” She muttered mostly under her breath as she followed him in. He dropped both their bags, as she tossed the red bag at the bed, without warning (and really she was going to have to think Finn for teaching her the subtle art of sneak attacks) she slammed into Roman from behind, knocking him half into the wall, before they both crashed into the floor between the wall and the bed, this time instead of straddling his hips, she straddled his chest, “This ok?” He nodded, a bit wide eyed, “Been a while since someone knocked you on your ass huh?” He shrugged, she grinned wildly, bright like a Cheshire cat, before she moved so her nose was about an inch away from his.
“Are we gonna kiss now?” Roman sneered, Rhea lunged, biting his bottom lip hard enough to bring blood, immediately Roman attempted to toss her off, only for her to fight back, “I don’t want to hurt you-” He stopped when she headbutted him, “You know what-” He moved to push her off, his hands going to her ribs, and gripping tight, she countered by softly kissing his now bleeding lip, he let out a whiney sort of ‘omph’ before returning the kiss, admittedly with a bit of hesitation, like he was afraid of being bitten again, Rhea made a mental note not to bite him as hard the next time. Rhea tugged on his shirt, which seemed to give him the idea, it was a flurry of movement, ripping and pulling at each other in a way that echoed Roman’s need for control and Rhea’s need to be brutal, the undress isn’t her favorite part of this anyway, so the pile of shredded clothes they leave by the bedside table is absolutely nothing for her. 
It’s in their genetic makeup, she swears, for them to tossel and grapple like they are in the ring - almost like a no disqualification match. It only takes her nails raking up either side of his spine and a softer but still sharp bite to his stomach for him to react. The first streak of pain that lights up her neurons comes from his grip on the back of her neck, his thumb and fingers digging in deliciously as he yanked her away from his stomach, his chest heaving minutely as he shot her a glare before turning the tables and flipping them, Rhea let out a tapered moan as he smashed her back into the headboard and bit at her neck and collarbone. His bites, while tentative, are different. It’s difficult for her to conceptualize, but her body knows Damian’s teeth, knows the slap of Finns’s hand, knows the heat of Dominik’s talented tongue - Roman is new, uncharted territory as his bite melts to kisses, his hands loosening on her shoulders to grip harshly at her sides. From his low grunts and harsh exhales she could tell he was thinking about something, the resounding slap to her right hip wasn’t what she thought, but she arched back into it, letting out a filthy little pur all her own. 
Whoever Roman is - and she is sure this isn’t even remotely his normal behavior pattern - he underestimated his strength. She fights him for dominance, but it’s a futile effort, until he allows her to roll them again. Sharp and bright she smiled at him before she bit at his Adams apple. “Tell me…” Roman started as she licked and kissed and scratched and bit her way down his frankly ridiculous chest. “Do they hurt you?” It’s a loaded question, one that Rhea had absolutely no patience for. Instead of answering him she licked at his hip bone and tugged harshly at his happy trail, it was his turn to arch his back and let out a series of curses before he fisted a hand in her hair and tugged, “They do and you like it.” The darkness in his gaze was predatory to a point but tonight wasn’t about him getting her to release a demon or two. No, Rhea was going to give the Chief what he needed for the betterment of the whole company. She pulled away from him, eyes looking over him as she sat between his spread legs. He and Damian were built differently with muscle mass and weight distributions. Roman if possible had aspects of all three of her boys bodies, he wasn’t as big as Damian in the duck department, his chest wasn’t as hard as Finn’s, and what little baby fat rested around his midsection wasn’t nearly as cute as Dominik’s but all in all - she could work with it. 
“We hurt each other.” She finally offered as she grabbed the red travel case that Damian had brought. She plopped it down on his stomach and watched him frown at how deceptively heavy it was. She dug out what she wanted - flavored lube and a condom, dropping both on the bed by Roman’s hip, he was hard, achingly so already and just from a little bit of play. She wondered what it would be like to really take her time with him. Maybe someday she will get that chance. Tonight, however, wasn’t that. “I’m going to let you fuck my face.” She explained, “Then I’m going to sit on yours until I’ve cum at least twice.” His eyes widened, “If you do a good job with you're tongue I’ll let you fuck me, but I want it hard, fast and painful.” 
“If I don’t make you cum twice,” Roman rubbed at his chest, where Rhea had left behind long scratches. “What happens?”
“Obviously then I teach you how you should eat a partner out and I fuck you.” She tilted the red travel case forward to show off one of the smaller dildos that always traveled with her, about five inches long and maybe an inch thick. It wasn’t something she used often, but it was always good to have around. He gave her a snarl but nodded his head, “Words, Rome.” She pinched his nipple, hard enough he swatted at her, “See you're learning.”
“I agree, now I believe you said something about me fucking you're face?” Leave it to Roman Reigns to be a cocky bastard, she shot him a heated look before she grabbed the lube, without warning it up in her hands she poured the cold coconut flavored lube over his cock making him wince. “God you're a bit-“ his insult was cut off by her fisting his cock and pumping her hand up and down his length twice to spread the lube down his shaft. His hand shot to tangle back in her hair, yanking her forward by her dark locks. She let him guide her mouth to the tip of his cock, before she pinched his inner thigh, hard. He bucked up, pushing his cock head against her lips, she rubbed her closed lips over his head, making him snarl low in frustration. 
Roman pushed her short hair out of her face with his other hand, before he tugged again, this time Rhea opened her mouth, letting him slide the head of his dick into her mouth, she eagerly slurped her tongue around the sensitive head. She’d been choaking on dicks for as long as she and Damian had been fucking around, and personally she loved the moment cocks hit the back of her throat, she loved rough thrust, she loved the dizzing lack of oxygen - now if only she could come up with a way to convey that to Roman. She tucked her hands under his thighs, pressing up until she could grip his ass cheeks, then pushed her mouth down, the harsh hold he had on her hair only serving to make her wetter, as she also pushed his ass upwards. He let out a string of jumbled words and sharp cries, as she swallowed around his meat, taking him as far down her throat as possible, inhaling proudly as her nose was as tickled by his dark curly public hair. His grip on her head changed, to almost soft before he was tugging her back up and thrusting his hips up to chase the wet tight warmth of her throat. 
She’s sloppy at it, always letting spit dribble from the corners of her mouth, it’s easy for Rhea to get lost in the sensations, in the delicious drag of cock past the back of her throat and down, of the explosion of salty precum against her taste buds, of the punishing tangle of hair pulling and her lack of oxygen when her partner gets overzealous and holds her head down, forcing her nose against dark curls. She has to remind herself that as much as she is enjoying the rough throat fucking that Roman is providing her, this isn’t about her. She’s generously helping the leader of the Bloodline relax. His grip while punishing, is honestly the one thing grounding her, as he pulls her completely ip and off his cock, her saliva leaving a spit trail, “Fuck you're a goddamn slut.” Roman sounded like she felt so, insult aside, she licked her lips and opened her mouth again, sticking her tongue out. He wasted no time dragging her back down, “Bet you fucking love taking cock, fuck men up at ringside all the time when all you want is to be fucked like the little whore-“ she pressed her teeth in just a little near the base of his cock, his hips shuddered, oh he liked that. She sunk her nails into his asscheeks and resumed sucking his cock like the little slut he apparently thought she was. Even though he doesn’t let her breathe as often as she would like, he starts a rhythm of ducking into her mouth while also moving her head so that her mouth and throat are angled to where he wants them. By the time he’s exploding down her neck, thick cum and tasting saltier than her boys, his hands were cradling the base of her skull and he’d planted his feet on the bed to properly thrust down her throat. She deployed what she could, then pulled off as his hands fell away, she let her mouth stay open so some of his unswallowed cum could run down her chin and drop on his cock. 
“Seems like you like slutty little whores, Rome.” She countered as she climbed up him, he was still panting as she crawled up the the head of the bed, and turned on her knees, before looking down at him, “I’m so fucking wet from you throat fucking me, Chief.” With that she sat down on his face, smiling as his hands immediately flew to her hips and she felt the first exhale against her pussy lips. She was being nice, if it were Dominik or Finn beneath her she’d have smashed her pussy directly onto his face with no regard for his need to breathe, but. She shivered as he just breathed for a moment. 
“Fuck you smell good.” His voice sounded wrecked, but before she could check on him for real, his tongue slid between her outer lips and dipped into her core. She rocked her hips just a little, trying to encourage him to tonge fuck her, instead he gave her what amounted to kitten licks before he used his grip on her hips to shift her enough he could get at both her swollen clit and her slit. She gasped as his eager tongue went to work, his sharp teeth scraping against her clit when he got too excited chasing a taste, her moans only seemed to push him to work harder to get more and more of the creamy goodness out of her. He alternated between fucking his tongue in and out of her slit, and harshly sucking on her clit or scraping his sharp teeth over her swollen clit. She rocked her hips to get his tongue and teeth where she wanted them, her first orgasim sneaking up on her, she clamped her thighs hard around his head, letting out a long groan of her own, before stretching out down the front of Roman’s body, her head resting against his hip bone, as she exhaled and inhaled, Roman seemed to understand that she was a bit sensitive, occasionally the monster that led the Bloodline would tease her with an exhale that ghosted over her sensitive clit. 
“You gonna be able to handle a second one, Nightmare?” Roman sounded smug.
Rhea didn’t give him a chance to be smug for long, she pushed herself back up and resigned herself to treat him like Dominik and Finn, rutting against Roman’s face, not sure if he could breathe or not, she gave him a break to breathe, then went back to rubbing her cunt against his face, hoping to soak him down with her cum. “I can handle more than you could even begin to think about.” She groaned, as Roman worked to lick and nip at her, as she took what she wanted from him, chasing a second orgasim. Her second orgasm was rushed, which was fine for her, the hectic need of something more, something bigger was racing up her spine. Panting, and loose limbed, she climbed off of him, and sprawled out on the bed, both of them were sweaty in a way that working out never seemed to get them. Roman had pressed up from the prone position he’d been laying in, to manhandle her to where he wanted - with Rhea’s head in the center of the bed, and her butt barely on the bed. 
“My turn, right?” He roughly rolled her onto her stomach, and forced her to bend her knees. 
“That’s right.” Rhea laughed, “Fuck the worries away.” She shot him a smile over her shoulder.
He dipped to kiss her lips, biting at her lips, and forcing his tongue into her mouth, even as he moved one of the nearby pillows to rest under her lower stomach, raising her hips of the bed just enough that with him standing upright behind her he wouldn’t have to bend his knees too much to fuck into her. She allowed him to force her legs apart so he could settle between them, she heard the rip of the condom foil, and the hiss of Roman’s discomfort at rolling it on, then the snick of the lube cap opening, she wiggled a bit to get more comfortable, as she crossed her arms to rest her head on, he re-gripped her hips. “Are you sure?”
“You're going to ask that after we made each other cum?” Rhea gave him a rude look, “Just fuck-” She yelped as he did exactly what he asked, slamming his hips forward, and sinking his cock into her, balls deep, in one swift thrust. “Oh my fucking…” Rhea trailed off as she shifted, to move her hips so he could piston in and out of her the way he wanted.
Roman’s thrust were powerful, enough so they rocked Rhea forward slightly, he sunk in as deep as he could, and reached for her hands, pulling her arms back, and ordering, “Hold you're ass.” Rhea did as he asked, spreading her asscheeks apart, so he could watch himself fuck in and out of her, Roman moved his hands to her wrist, securing her hands, his grip made her bones ache in the perfect way, as he savagely started pistoning in and out of her, again, his hipbones hitting her hard enough she was sure he was going to bruise her, the thrill of it only served to make her hotter. Roman’s thrust drove him deep enough into Rhea, she swore she saw stars, the delicious drag of his cock against her inner walls sent ripples through her whole body, Rhea was sure she was making the unholy noises that drove her boys crazy, as Roman continued his assault. Roman released his hold on her left wrist, to drape himself over her body, and force his pointer and middle finger into her mouth, the position change forced his dick to strike her g-spot, on thrust in, she wasn’t sure what she was even trying to saying (since Roman’s fingers curled against her cheek and pulling harshly limited her ability to form actual words) but it had Roman chuckling darkly, as he not only speed up his thrust, but angled them to perfectly line up and strike her g-spot over and over again, she felt the tears start, as Roman yanked on her cheek, his fingers pressing against her tongue. 
She could feel the presure building, and tried, aimlessly to swat at Roman to let him know, but he didn’t slow down even as she clinched around him hard, new tears starting on her lashes, as he shifted yet again, and released her right wrist, to force his right index and middle finger into her mouth as well, he couldn’t thrust as deep or as harshly with this new position, but he was still striking her g-spot, and rubbing everything inside her just fucking right, even as Roman seemed hellbent on stretching her mouth open as much as he could, sniffling, Rhea moved her hands to hold Roman’s wrists, as his hips stuttered, and he let out a long, loud, “Rheeea.” He pulled his fingers free of her mouth, and pretty much collapsed on her, she wiggled her hips and let out a little growl - he was heavy, she was overstimulated, and coated in sweat. 
It took a good twenty minutes before Roman was ready to move significantly, he’d mercifully pulled out of her, and rolled onto the bed beside her, allowing her to climb onto the bed, and attempt to get comfortable. “Do you feel better?” Rhea asked, face down in the comforter they hadn’t bothered to take off the bed before fucking around.
“Actually, yes.” Roman laughed, “But now I feel disgusting.” He admitted.
“Best way to fix that,” Rhea shakily sat up, her legs tucked under her body, “Is to carry me to the bathroom so we can both shower…” Roman, who had been covering his eyes with his left forearm, moved his arm to shoot her an amused look, “You're the beastly man, I’m the dainty woman, do the thing.”
“Nothing about you, Rhea Ripley, is dainty.” Roman smarted, but he did as she’d asked, standing on his own shaking legs, to haul her up and over his shoulder, to the bathroom - the clock on the bedside table read almost four in the morning, Rhea shook her head amused, the pair showered together, and after a bit of pushing and shoving, agreed to crash out together, in the large king size bed (Rhea didn’t want to risk waking up Dominik, he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep). “Good night, you little nightmare.” Roman muttered, just as sleep started to pull her under, she swatted at him, instead of responding.
Rhea had thought about slipping out of the hotel room unnoticed, but the near-pounding at just after nine in the morning woke not only her but Roman. The pair shared a look of pure terror, as Rhea attempted to grab her discarded clothes and Roman wrapped himself up in a blanket, he tossed the door open - Rhea grinned as her boys pushed their way in, Dominik holding a tray of food that obviously was not from catering, Finn had clean clothes for Rhea in his arms, and Damian was bringing up the rear with a gallon a orange juice under one arm and a six-pack of gatorade dangling from his free hand, “Morning, Mami.” Dominik skipped over to kiss her lips, quickly, “Damo said you needed breakfast, and that we should bring the Tribal Chief something, too.”
Roman glanced around them, eyes wide, as Damian kicked the door shut, “Morning, Reigns, Gatorade or orange juice?” Roman gave Rhea a wide eyed look, as Finn kissed her quickly on the cheek, and Damian moved to settle breakfast down on the bed, “Man, Dominik got some of the best breakfast, there was a little diner over by Gold’s Gym…” Rhea smiled to herself as her boys rattled off their nighttime and morning activities, slowly Roman moved to join them, Dominik passed him a fork, and nudged a bit of eggs toward him.
“Mami was good to you, right?” Dominik asked, as he snagged a piece of bacon.
Roman choked on the eggs he’d just shoved into his mouth, Finn let out a sharp whistle, “Dom, you can’t just ask people how well Mami fucked them.” Rhea couldn’t help but laugh, as Roman looked mortified, “Just fucking with you, Chief, we know how great she is in bed.” Roman cast his eyes back toward Rhea, who shrugged.
“Thank you, Rhea.” He offered, with an almost-blush on his cheeks, “Uh, does this make us friends?” He asked the group at large.
Collectively the four members of the Judgment Day answered, honestly, “Nope.” 
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posthocpaganda · 1 year
A collab between me and @doctaaaaaaaar in honor of the great TIESWEEP of 2023!
I hope you enjoy! We had a lot of fun writing this!!!
“A tie?!” Damian shouts, looking at the group of turtles and doctors across from them. “We tied?” 
Now, here they are, sequestered in a corner with four other turtles and four other humans. At least there are humans. No matter how annoying they seem.
Michael pats his shoulder a solemn look on his face, which would be a lot more believable if his tail wasn’t wagging a mile a minute. Not only was he forced to sing in front of all of these turtles, he doesn’t even get the sweet release of getting to sit. He has to do it again. With a new group of people. 
The turtles all have masks, blue, red, orange, and purple. He assumes the other orange is a Michael.
“Technically,” The guy who was singing about being a dentist says, “You lost.”
“But we are going into the next round together.” Blue mask interjects, looking away slightly sullen. It’s not like Damian wanted to be here either.
“Woah, Robin!” Michael interrupts, making the other turtles jump. The man with shaggy blonde hair looks over with interest. “Our stickers changed!” 
Looking at it, it did. Instead of “A Heart of Sunflower", now it says, “Post Heart”. 
“Duude!” Other Michael says, “It did change! No more latin for us!” 
"Well, the first word is still Latin, Mikey" says the purple banded turtle.
"Yeah, whatever you say, Donnie" he replies skeptically "So, we're a team right? That's awesome, I'm Mikey! And these are my bros and the doctor squad!" 
The humans in question exchange a few, doubtful glances at that and one of them approaches Damian, extending his right hand for a handshake.
"I'm doctor Chase and these are Cameron, Foreman and House, nice to meet you" he says with a smile "I like your Robin costume, it's really well done." 
Damian scoffs, ignoring the hand, “It’s not a costume, you plebeian.”
Michael steps in front of Damian, “Hi! I’m also Mikey! Are you guys from around Gotham then? Not many people here have recognized Robin!” 
At that, all the strangers freeze up at the same time, giving Robin a wide eyed look.
"No way…" says the other Michael, immediately recovering, his face lighting up with a wide, awed smile "You're for real Robin like, actually him!?" He practically screeches.
"No, of course not. That's just…" says another one of the doctors. He trails off, seemingly lost in thought for a moment before speaking up again "Is your name Dick Grayson?" He asks, looking incredibly put off by his own question. 
Damian tenses, eyes narrowing and hands reaching back for his katana. “How do you know that name?” 
Michael, apparently doesn’t see the severity of the situation, because he just snorts. At Damian’s scathing look, he smiles sheepishly, “Sorry, sorry, I just can’t imagine you acting like Dick.”
"It's alright!" Exclaims the blue banded turtle, posture shifting slightly, arms coming together and fingers playing with his arm wrappings. Blue is on guard now, and Damian can see the outline of a knife shifting as he moves the wrappings, "You are just very famous in our universe and you don't exactly have… a secret identity–"
"By famous" interrupts the older man "he means fictional. And really, Foreman? Of course he isn't Dick Grayson look at that uniform!"
"So he's… Jason Todd?" Asks the first doctor, absolutely dumbfounded.
"Isn't Robin's name Tim Drake?" Says the woman.
Drake? They’re mistaking him…for Drake? Putting aside the idea of being fictional, being mistaken as Tim is too far. “How dare you. I will not take this level of disrespect!” 
Before he can go off on a (well deserved) tangent about all the ways he is better than Tim, and Jason for that matter, Michael places a hand on his shoulder. “None of them are Robin anymore.”
"So Batman is real in your world?" Asks the red turtle, his jaw dropping. He opens and closes his mouth a few times like he's trying to find his words, "Do you have a batarang?"
“Of course he’s real.” Damian scoffs, reaching into his utility belt and pulling out a batarang. Damian tosses it in the air, before catching it, just so they can get a good look. The three younger doctors jumped slightly at this, still speechless. 
Michael grins at the red one, “The Batcave is awesome! It’s so huge! And it has a T-Rex!” 
"That's really interesting," says the purple one "Of course, if the multiverse is infinite it makes sense that Batman would be a real person somewhere but it makes me wonder–"
"Dude" the other Michael interrupts with a scowl "he just said the Batcave is real and has a T-Rex and you're talking about boring science stuff! Can I ride the T-Rex? Wait! Can I try the batman costume, while riding the T-Rex!?"
“Omigosh!” Michael squeaks suddenly, “That’s such a good idea, other me! The best idea! Robin! Robin can I plllleeeaaassseeeee try on one of Batman’s suits and get on the T-Rex?” 
Damian blinks at him, a…good idea? Damian doesn’t think so, not at all. But if he doesn’t, Stephanie or Duke will. He settles for a, “We’ll see.”
"So, Robin and Mikey right?" Asks the blue one "It's nice to meet you. Let's work together and give a good showing alright?" He said with a gentle, friendly smile.
At this the older man shakes his head.
"His name's Damian. Son of Bruce Wayne and Ra's Al Guhl's daughter" he says smugly, "It's clear by the costume, the way he acts and the fact that he's carrying a katana. You are a teenager you should know these things.''
The blue turtle crosses his arms, his eye twitching for a second.
"And you made fun of me for liking Star Wars?" 
"The difference is that I own it" He answers with a smirk. 
Damian tenses, that’s too much information on him, fictional character or not. Thankfully, for the old doctor, Michael steps in, “Star wars? Is that like Jupiter Jim? My Leo really likes Jupiter Jim. I mean, we all do, but Leo the most.”
At this, the blue turtle shifts from one foot to the other, visibly flustered.
"Oh, I didn't see any of your brothers during your number" interjects the woman, leaning slightly towards Michael with an open, sincere smile, "are they here too?"
Damian watches Michael’s face fall slightly, trying to scavenge up an answer that won’t break the temporary bubble they have created here.
The older man tsks in disapproval.
"And they say I don't have any tact! Something clearly happened to them, Cameron. He's trying hard to overcompensate with the exaggerated cheerfulness but it's obvious that he's very upset about it!" 
At that, Michael full on flinches, eyes flitting to the other four turtles before settling down at the floor. “That is rich coming from you, you unctuous man. You have as much tact as condiment man, and even less charisma.” 
"Ohhhh fighting words," he replies, eyes flashing with amusement, "but I'd be careful to get into a verbal fight with someone that knows a lot about your mommy issues."
“Hey,” Michael says, “Let’s not fight, please. We’re supposed to be working together.” 
Damian glares at both of them, “I don’t take kindly to threats.” 
The other doctors give the man a warning glance as the other Michael takes a step closer towards them.
"Let's try to get along. Why fight when we could be friends! It's me and Robin, with them in our team we'll totally win this thing! No one will be able to beat us! And then we'll get an awesome prize!"
"Aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself there Mikey?" Asks the red one raising an eyebrow.
"Pshhhh of course not!" He dismisses with a wave of his hand.
"Yeah! I’m--other me’s right! We’ll kick their asses! We just gotta work together!” He puts his arm around Damian’s shoulder. 
Leo takes a long, appraising look at their new team. 
The two Mikeys seem to get on like a house on fire while Robin hovers by their side, watching them bicker and trying to hide a small smile. Raph and Donnie are avidly participating in the conversation too, asking so many questions about how their world works. About the Justice League and the many wonderful, fascinating things that are so different from their home. 
Even the doctors –except House, of course– seem in higher spirits.
He smiles, feeling hopeful.
Their chances seem better than ever.
"Hey!" Calls Mikey, snapping him out of his reverie "Leo! Who are we up against next anyway?"
Leo furrows his brow, thinking.
Who was it again?
"We're not participating in the next round I think" he says.
"Yeah, true," nods Donnie, "we get a break."
But after that who was it?
"I think it was either two shades or blue or…" he trails off, trying hard to remember the other contestants. He has it right on the tip of his tongue.
That's when a sudden burst of loud, excited voices explodes behind them. Leo turns to see a very distinct group passing by them. Four young turtles, one identical to their own new Mikey, accompanied by an older–
Oh no.
"Ghost in the shell" he squeaks out, voice tight with dread.
Suddenly no one in their team seems very optimistic. 
"Come on guys" he tries with a grimace, in a significantly bad attempt at keeping his spirits up "Just because we're up against them doesn't mean we have to lose!"
To this, only Raph has something to say.
"Yep, we're fucked"
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carf-writes · 3 years
So I have this AU concept where I sort of convert the DC canon from a superhero story into a pulpy Dan Brown-esque novel, idk why but i do.
So here is my take on Batman
All the Wayne family are on a gradient toward being a vigilante:
Alfred- He is ex-military but generally he is a normal man who believes that normal people should kind of mind their own business. He also comes from a long line of butlers and has a bit of a Remains of the Day complex about having his own thoughts and feelings
Bruce- He is Brucie Wayne. He is an adamant fighter to end poverty and various other injustices. His money basically funds Gotham and keeps it running. He often runs into issues because he doesn’t capitulate and genuinely wants to run an ethical company and change the world for the better- it is not set dressing
Dick- After his parents’ death, Dick was an angry kid and acting out. He saw the world as a dark and scary place and didn’t understand Bruce’s belief in humanity. Bruce came up with the crazy idea that they should hunt down his parent’s killer together (Bruce’s childhood fantasy that Alfred put the kabosh on) They do so and it does not go well for them but they get Zucco apprehended anyway. Dick learns that there can be justice in the world. When he grows up he joins the police but is quickly drummed out for calling out corruption. Now he works as a private eye. He catches kidnappers and beats them up and has a crusade against corruption usually looping in Federal authority to get guys to actually go to jail
Jason- Believing that he’d done a great job with Dick, Bruce adopts Jason when he finds him trying to steal his hubcaps. Jason actually adjusts surprisingly well but after a few years is abducted by the Joker as part of one of his evil schemes. He extorts Bruce who pays up immediately but the Joker doesn’t care and kills Jason anyway. Jason is taken in by Ra’s Al Ghul who is horrified that Bruce’s tactics might actually be working. He resurrects Jason in the pit and raises him to be an assassin, eventually sending him back to bring about the destruction of Gotham
Tim- Tim is a genius and athlete who has the idealistic belief that if someone talented enough could swoop out of the shadows and stop violent crime before it happens- like Zorro or the Shadow or something- that would actually be a good thing. Instead he’s stuck doing a Wayne Enterprises internship, when he realizes that a wealthy man named Ra’s Al Ghul is building a weapon that could kill millions. He teams up with Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon and foils the plot, surprisingly bringing Jason Todd home. Bruce takes him on as his ward after his parents enter witness protection
Cassandra- After Bruce’s kids foil Ra’s’ ecoterrorist plot to destroy Gotham, he has David Cain send his daughter to assassinate Bruce. Already traumatized by her first murder and now understanding what death actually is, Cass sneaks into Wayne manor and realizes that Bruce is a good dad. She decides that she is not going to kill him and also never leave. Bruce takes this in stride.
Damian- Talia Al Ghul thinks this is all very funny because Bruce is not even very smart but he just keeps adopting kids who would kill to protect him and he is even reforming villains by just being nice to them and it is driving her dad insane. She doesn’t know what Bruce has but she wants “it”. She seduces him and tricks him into having a child with her. She then raises Damian to be a murder machine but he just… keeps adopting animals and stuff. So she gives him as a gift to Bruce. Damian comes up with the idea of being Batman.
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Kate Babysits
Bruce: Kate I have an emergency.
Kate: What's up Bruce?
Bruce: A sorcerer put a deaging spell on the kids and-
Kate: And you need my help tracking down the sorcerer? No problem I-
Bruce: Actually I was going to see if you could babysit while I figure this out.
Kate just glares at him: Why can't Alfred babysit? Or your Justice League friends? Or, maybe, just maybe, you could hire a fucking babysitter!
Bruce, sighing: Please Kate, just stay back and babysit, please?
Kate: ...fine, but just remember I have no idea how to entertain kids, so if anything goes wrong it's on you.
Bruce, rolling his eyes: Sure, what's the worst that can happen?
-> 30 minutes later <-
Kate holds a two month old Damian as she looks down at a 4 y/o Duke, 5 y/o Tim, 5 y/o Steph, 6 y/o Cass, 6 y/o Jason, 11 y/o Dick, and 12 y/o Babs.
Kate: Okay kiddos, remember what auntie Katie taught you, no shooting in the house or at eachother.
Hands the kids guns.
Babs: Miss Katie, are you sure this is a good idea?
Kate: Of course it is swe- JASON! You will not try to shoot Tim! And stop chasing him before- Oh no...
Tim falls down the manor stairs, knocks out his front teeth. Kate shifts Damian to one arm and runs to the now crying Tim, picking him up and holding him on her hip, she checks him over.
Kate: Oh fuck! Bruce is gonna kill me!
Steph: Fuck!
Kate slowly turning to look at Steph: ...no
Steph, runs away yelling: FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!
Kate: Shit!
Dick, opens his mouth
Kate: Don't you dare! Go swing from a chandelier or something.
-> 5 minutes later <-
Cass: F- fu- fuck!
Kate: What?! How??
Steph, looking very proud: Cass and I played school and I taught her a new word!
Kate: Why would you-
A loud crash comes from the foyer.
Kate: shitshitshitshit.
Sees Dick on floor, mostly unharmed other than some bruises and a cut on his hand from a sharp metal edge on the chandelier.
Kate: What did you do?!
Dick: You told me to swing from a chandelier!!
Kate: It's called sarcasm!
Babs, sticking her tongue out at Dick: He's only 11, and my dad says that sarcasm is for adults. Like me!
Kate, looking unimpressed: How old are you?
Babs, looking very proud: I'm 12!
Kate: Well, that sucks because sarcasm is for 13 and up.
Babs looks offended and Dick sticks out his tongue at her.
Kate, shoves Damian into Barbara's arms: Take this, Tim I'm gonna need you to let go so I can bandage up Dick's hand.
Tim, now speaking with a lisp: Noooooo! I'm still sad!
Kate: Tim, please.
Tim just sniffles and gives her puppy dog eyes.
Kate: Fine! I can do this one handed.
-> 10 minutes and one bandaged hand later <-
Kate: Okay Dick, this time you stay near me.
Dick immediately treats Kate like a jungle gym and climbs on to her shoulders.
Dick: Okay!
Kate: Oh my god you're heavy, aren't you a little old to be carried?
Dick: But my hand hurts too much to walk!
Kate, rolling her eyes: Okay okay fine. At least I can still hold the baby, now where did Babs go?
Now with Dick on her shoulders, and Tim on her right hip she walks into the study to find the entrance to the batcave open.
Kate: Shit!!
Kate runs into the batcave and sees Cass practicing with all the weapons while Steph runs in circles around her. Damian has been placed on one of the lab tables near several tubes of acid, fear toxin, cuddle pollen, etc. instead of watching Damian Barbara is typing something on the batcomputer. Duke is still yelling fuck, but now he's also playing with a flame thrower.
Kate, picking up Damian with her left arm: Barbara stay away from there! Steph, Cass, come here right now! Duke, do not play with fire! Wait, where's Jason??
Looking around frantically Kate sees a holding cell. She puts Dick and Tim in there while she goes to catch the others.
Tim: Nooooo!!!
Kate: Dick, your brother is sad, give him cuddles!
Dick immediately pulling Tim into a hug and soothing him: Okay!
Kate takes away Duke's flamethrower: Do you know your abc's?
Duke, looking offended: Of course I do! I can write my name and all my abc's and-
Kate, pulling out a pen and a pad of paper: That's great, show me everything you can write.
Duke nods excitedly and Kate ushers him into the holding cell with Dick and Tim. She gives him the pen and paper, Duke starts to slowly write his name and the alphabet. Kate grabs Steph and Cass.
Kate: Hey Stephie?
Steph: Yes Miss Katie?
Kate: Duke is trying to learn how to write big words, and since you're such a good teacher I thought you could help!
Steph nods excitedly and immediately follows Kate into the cell to help. Kate picks up Cass and leaves the cell, locking the door on her way out.
Kate: Okay, Babs, what are you doing?
Barbara: Playing a video game.
Kate looks on the screen and sees that Baba has accessed the watch tower security cameras and is repeatedly turning alarms, lights, weapons systems, etc on and off. Superman and Green Lantern are freaking out while frantically searching for an invader.
Kate, nods looking slightly concerned: Okay, you have fun with that...
Kate runs upstairs to find Jason, after looking for an hour she finds him twirling a gun and reading a book in the library.
Kate: Wow, I guess somethings never change.
Jason looking up: What'd you say?
Kate: Nothing. Hey, where's your old DS?
Jason: Upstairs in-
Kate: Sweet, show me.
Jason: But I'm-
Kate: Show me now and I'll give you cookies.
Jason: hmmm... okay!
-> After grabbing the DS <-
Kate: Okay, grab all the books you want and follow me to the batcave.
They walk down to the cave and Kate puts Jason in the holding cell with Duke, Steph, Tim, and Dick. Jason is completely unphased by the others surrounding him, instead of addressing them he starts reading again.
Kate: Hey Babs, come here!
Babs: I'm in the middle of a game!
Green Lanterns screams can be heard coming from the speakers.
Kate: Wouldn't you rather play Cooking Mama?
Babs turns on all the alarms in the watch tower, turns off all the lights, and activates all major weapons before taking the DS and playing with it in the holding cell.
Kate: Uhhh, okay Cass, what do you like?
Cass looks at her confused. Kate looks around and sees a knife on the table.
Kate: Here, play with this, just keep it away from the others.
Cass happily walks into the cell while twirling the knife. Kate sighs in relief as she locks the door. She starts to sit down when Damian starts screaming.
Kate, rocking him: Shhhhhh, okay, okay. Uhhhh.
Damian starts flailing around, occasionally he's able to pull on a lock of her hair. She holds him at arms length and continues to rock him, this time it's more awkward due to her arms being completely extended. She sets him down a training mat to find something to sooth him. When she looks back on him he's giggling and gnawing at the handle of a sword.
Kate, shrugging: That works
-> 2 hours later <-
Bruce walks into the cave to see Kate asleep on the training mats, 2 month old Damian beside her chewing on a sword, and all of his other kids entertaining themselves in a holding cell that contains several knives and guns.
Bruce: KATE!! Did you give the kids weapons?!
Kate, opening her eyes sleepily: Wha-? Oh, yeah, couldn't find any toys.
Bruce: ...Next time I'm calling Roy.
Kate just shrugs as Bruce opens the cell door. Steph and Duke come running out, chasing eachother. Cass follows the two timidly. Jason keeps reading. Dick awkwardly carries a sleeping Tim. Bruce smiles takes Tim from Dick.
Bruce, as Tim slowly blinks his eyes open and yawns: Hey Timm- What happened to his teeth?!
Kate: ...uhhh, gotta go!
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elowenp · 3 years
“What do you want?” Barbara asks, voice crackling with static.
It’s a silly question. Tim wants crime rates to go down. Tim wants Gotham to be a safer city. Tim wants to be a part of making that happen.
“A code name that isn’t stupid.” he says instead.
Barbara sighs. It doesn’t sound like a sigh though. It just sounds like the static’s getting louder.
“Bernard Dowd, scholar of the ages.” Tim laughs, arm slung round Bernard's shoulder. “I thought you were meant to be the fun one?”
“I am.” Bernard groans, “as soon as these exams are done I’ll be back to the usual student life. Getting drunk, going on dates, Gotham won’t know what’s hit it.”
“Going on dates?” Tim asks jokingly, even as a well hidden part of him turns slightly panicked. “Any successes an old friend should be hearing about?”
“Not really.” Bernard shrugs, jostling Tim’s arm. “Just a couple of girls I was better off friends with.” He pauses, thinking, before continuing with his voice involuntarily going a little higher. “Couple of guys too.”
“Huh.” Tim suddenly becomes very aware of all the places where his arm is touching Bernard. He doesn’t move it. “Better luck next time.”
Tim’s been avoiding Dick. He’s been awkward around him lately, Tim thinks that Barbara must have said something. He’s not stupid enough to have done something to send Dick spiralling without noticing it.
“What do you want?” Dick asks, curious, without warning.
Tim wants to ask if Barbara put him up to this but he knows it’s a genuine question. Dick isn’t manipulative like that, not with family.
What does Tim want? Isn’t it a little late for Dick go be asking that question? All the things that happened after Bruce’s death put a canyon of distance between them. It’s slowly been growing smaller but it hasn’t disappeared. Neither of them have had time enough to spend together for that to happen.
An awful, bitter part of Tim that hasn’t stopped screaming since Robin wasn’t his any more wonders if Dick would even be asking if Damian wasn’t out of town right now.
“For us to go train surfing.” Tim says. Petty. Just so Dick will say no and his anger can feel righteous instead of ill-deserved.
“Okay.” Dick says instead. Easy and confident. Himself.
“Oh.” Tim’s anger fizzles into non-existence. “Okay.”
The canyon grows a little smaller.
“We should go to a skatepark.” Bernard says, a little giggly from the beer in his hand.
There’s a matching beer in Tim’s hand although it’s still practically full. If there’s an emergency he’ll be of no use drunk. “What? Why?”
“Why not? You were so good in high school! And you had fun doing it.” Bernard’s tone turns a little less giggly. “You should do more things you find fun.”
Tim is surprised enough that the “Okay.” slips out of his lips unbidden.
So maybe the beer bottle is a little less full than he’d like to admit.
They borrow a board from one of Bernard's flatmates and catch a bus to a skate park Tim remembers using when he was younger. As they go Tim tries to remember why he stopped. He tries to remember when he stopped. He can’t recall the answer to either question and annoyance rises in his chest over it.
Then Bernard is saying something and it has Tim snorting with laughter and he forgets his irritation.
Once they arrive Bernard settles himself at the top of one of the ramps like it’s a throne. “Entertain me!” he calls, “Impress me with your wheel-board magic.
Tim manages a kick-flip on his first attempt and Bernard makes a loud noise of approval.
A lot of stuff comes back to Tim fairly quickly. Most of skateboarding had been muscle memory for him and that’s something that being a vigilante hadn’t exactly hindered. As things return to him he regains some faint memories of why he’d stopped. Nothing specific, just that feeling of not having enough time. Of thinking that going to the skatepark wasn’t a particularly useful way to spend his hours while there was still real work to be done.
Tim’s always been a vigilante first, but he thinks there must have been a point when that wasn’t the only thing he was. Well, when it wasn’t the only thing he was that mattered.
“Come on!” Bernard shouts, teeth flashing white against Gotham’s grey-black sky. “I was promised entertainment!”
Tim laughs. He seems to do that a lot around Bernard these days.
He starts moving on the skateboard, deciding to leave the existentialism for another day.
First Dick and now Bruce. Tim’s family has really been making a habit of being weird around him lately.
He would normally think that the Bruce was worried about him, that Dick had passed along some bullshit about his mental health and Bruce was practicing some silent vigil. The problem with that theory is that Tim’s been getting better recently, so there wouldn’t be much point. At least he thinks he’s been getting better. It’s difficult to tell sometimes.
Bruce has definitely been acting weird around him though, so maybe he isn’t getting better. Maybe Bruce spotted something Tim didn’t and he’s on the road to insanity.
“What do you want?” Bruce asks one day as they’re both working in the cave. Not Batman. Bruce.
It’s a far stupider question than it was when Barbara or Dick asked it. Bruce is the person who made Tim’s desires what they are. He’s the one who took Tim’s obsession and carved it into a goal.
“What?” Tim asks, loud and confused and maybe a little angry. “What do you mean ‘what do I want’? I want the mission! What else am I supposed to want?”
Bruce stays silent for a moment and Tim imagines him turning the words over in his head. “Nothing else?” Bruce asks. He sounds sad and it makes the anger drain from Tim’s body. “Just the mission?”
“I don’t need anything else.” Tim says hollowly.
Bruce just nods, thinking. It makes Tim want to scream even as satisfaction rises in his chest.
It’s always been a point of pride that he can to lie to Batman. He’s hardly going to change his mind about that now.
“People keep asking me what I want.” Tim says, sat on Bernard's bed. “I don’t like it.”
Bernard's turns away from the laptop on his desk so he can look at Tim. “You ever tell them the truth?”
Tim shrugs. He isn’t sure what else to do. “Ish?”
Bernard smiles. “Anyone ever tell you you’re impossible, Tim Drake?”
“Only everyone I’ve ever met.”
Bernard barks out a laugh before sobering up and looking at Tim with ill-disguised curiosity. “Do you want to tell me the truth about it? Or did you just want to say the thing out loud?”
“I’m not sure.” Tim admits, and he has to stop himself from acting taken aback by the fact he actually said that. Tim never says when he’s uncertain. There isn’t room for it. Bernard must know that too because he looks at Tim in surprise, then scoots his chair closer to the bed so that he and Tim are almost touching.
Bernard looks very cautious. “You know that’s okay, right?”
“I-“ Tim starts, because is it? Is uncertainty the kind of luxury he can afford? “I want to want things. But it feels like I’ve forgotten how.”
“You’ve had a rough couple of years.”
“How do you-“
Bernard smiles knowingly. “You’re not as hard to read as you think, Tim. Well you are. But it’s not difficult to tell that some bad things must have happened since I last saw you.”
“Yeah.” Tim says hoarsely, thinking back to the burn of his muscles as he dug up Kon’s grave, the stinging of desert sand in his eyes, the moment of confusion when he woke up in a league of assassins base unsure if he’d had to die to get there. “Yeah. Bad things happened.” He shakes himself a little, because those aren’t the thoughts he wants lingering. He focuses back on Bernard who’s closer than Tim had realised, worry creased between his eyes. “What about you?” Tim asks, trying to exert some measure of control over the conversation. “What do you want?”
“Thought we were talking about you?” Tim might have let it go with that if not for the note of nervousness in Bernard's voice and the red creeping up the back of his neck.
“We can talk about both of us.”
“It’s not important right now.”
Tim reaches out then. He takes Bernard's hand in his because Bernard makes him laugh and he looks so nervous and Tim wants to. Bernard looks down at their hands in surprise and Tim doesn’t actually feel worried. Just expectant that Bernard is going to squeeze their fingers together more securely. He does. “You sure?” Tim asks.
Bernard just looks at him. Mouth parted with shock. He seems to come back to himself though and his expression of surprise turns into something more confident. More familiar. “What if I wanted you?” he asks, hesitancy and confidence rolled into one voice.
“Give me some time to remember how to want things, and I think I’ll want that too.” Tim replies, just as unsure and utterly certain.
Bernard tangles their fingers together a little more firmly in response and Tim feels more hopeful than he has in a long time.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Chapter Five: Paris Revealed (Stories/Memories)
Marinette flinches back as the room erupts in shouting. The younger boy, who was definitely younger than her and yet almost (if not definitely) taller than her, was fiercely glaring while he screamed at Mr. Wayne in….was that Arabic? The man that walked in with him was waving around the knife in his hand while Dick yelled at Mr. Wayne, his face filled with confusion instead of fury. Glancing around for a way out, Marinette makes eye contact with Alfred who nods behind him. Sneaking away from the group of angry men, Marinette follows Alfred into the kitchen and instantly feels at home. And much calmer.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbles, breathing deeply to avoid spiraling again. Alfred simply hands her a cookie before turning around and putting water in a kettle.
“There is no need to apologize, Miss Marinette. It seems Master Bruce has forgotten all sense today and is instead insistent on acting like a fool. It was wrong of him to announce you like that, without preparing you or the boys beforehand. I do hope that his atrocious display of proper manners doesn’t make you want to leave.” Alfred says, and Marinette’s eyebrows shoot upwards. Was he? Was Alfred actually blaming this situation on Mr. Wayne? Was it Mr. Wayne’s fault? Did he not actually hate her? Did he just make a mistake?
“I- what?” Marinette says, unsure of herself.
“You, my dear, are not at fault. Your father didn’t tell any of his sons that you were coming to the manor today, or that you existed in general. And judging by your face, you weren’t prepared for the boys to be here either.” Alfred clarifies.
“Oh. No, I wasn’t. Mr. Wayne just said that he wanted to get to know me, and he knew I wanted to get to know him. I- my birth mother passed away. But my Maman knew her, so I can find out from her how I’m similar to Bridgette. But neither of my parents knew Mr. Wayne, and I just wanted to know if I was like him, I guess. I didn’t even know who he was until two days ago.” Marinette admits.
“As in you found out Bruce Wayne was your birth father two days ago or-” Alfred trails off, waiting for her to clarify.
“Oh no. I found out the name of my birth father awhile ago. It’s just- I really don’t pay attention to celebrities. The only ones I really know are designers. So I didn’t put two and two together, and I didn’t even know about Bruce Wayne and Wayne Enterprises until a few days ago. My friend Adrien made me google him and that’s when I found out about...the boys.” She says, stopping herself from saying her brothers as she was still unsure if Mr. Wayne actually wanted her like he wanted the others.
“Well I’m certain that things will start to calm down shortly. In the meantime, would you care for some tea?” Alfred asks, holding up the kettle. Marinette nods gratefully, trying hard to stop her inner spiral from drowning her.
“What do you mean daughter?” Damian snarls, finally switching to English. Bruce blinks at the boy before sighing.
“I mean, you have a biological sister.” He says, tired and wishing he had been able to convince Marinette to go somewhere else. Not that he didn’t want her to meet her siblings. But it definitely wasn’t the laid back first meeting that he wanted.
“You mean half-sister.” Damian spits out, crossing his arms and sticking his nose into the air.
“Shut up, Demon Spawn. She’s our sister, get over it. Where’d the kid come from? Her mom drop her off?” Jason asks, obviously trying to actually understand the situation.
“No. I first met her at the Museum and had my suspicions. She’s in Gotham on a class trip, and before you ask, yes. We had a DNA test done and yes, I am her father.” Bruce says, frowning when he sees Dick’s hurt expression morph into one of excitement.
“Wait, wait, wait! Was she the girl who was sassing the Joker?” He asks quietly, practically buzzing with excitement. When Bruce nods, Dick cheers and runs from the room. Okay then.
“Wait, she met the Joker?” Jason asks, his expression turning dark. Bruce watches his son’s face morph into one of disgust when he puts it together. “She’s the French kid he had at gunpoint, isn’t she?”
“Yes. Which is one of the reasons why we both thought the manor would be a more appropriate meeting place rather than somewhere public.” Bruce says, sighing as Damian once again starts screaming. This was not what he had planned.
After just a few minutes with Alfred, Marinette already felt calmer. Calm enough to giggle at another story about something that one of the boys- one of her brothers- did. Calm enough to let her guard down. And mess up.
“If you wanna see something ridiculous, you should look up the 26th time Monsieur Ramier was akumatized into Monsieur Pigeon. He made all the buildings turn into bird cages and all the food turned into bird seed. Luckily it didn’t last long, but seeing the Mayor of Paris stuck inside a giant bird cage was kind of hilarious.” Marinette rambles, giggling at the memory. It was definitely a needed akuma, situated right between two super destructive akumas. Monsieur Pigeon was, while a nuisance, always a breath of fresh air. His akumatized form was brought on by his fierce protectiveness of the pigeons, which luckily never led to death for civilians.
“Pardon me, Miss Marinette, but could I ask what you mean by ‘akumatized’?” Alfred asks, his posture suddenly stiff. Marinette’s eyes widen as she realizes what she just did. She told someone outside of Paris about the situation happening in Paris. Well crap. Normal Parisians didn’t know about the media block that she had set up with the help of the Mayor and Max. But after her calls to the Justice League were ignored, and she realized how disastrous it would be for a member of the League to be akumatized, the media block was the best choice. Time to act clueless.
“Akumatized, as in, a person is possessed by an akuma? Surely you’ve heard of it. It’s been happening in Paris for almost two years.” She says, hoping he doesn’t ask to see any evidence. This isn’t good, this is awful, this-
“And what is an akuma?” Alfred asks. Okay, this isn’t too bad.
“It’s an evil butterfly sent out by the villain, Hawkmoth.” Marinette says, giving out more information than she’s really comfortable with. Okay, time to change the subject, no more questions about heroes or villains or-
“Marinette!” A new voice calls, sliding into the kitchen, almost immediately falling over.
“Master Dick, have you forgotten about your ban on the kitchen?” Alfred asks, his lips quirking up in amusement.
“Awww, Alfred, I just wanted to talk to Marinette. I feel bad for all of us overwhelming her back there.” Dick says with a pout that somehow doesn’t look ridiculous on him. Despite obviously being at least ten years older than her.
“Don’t feel bad. It was just...a lot all at once.” Marinette says with a small smile.
“So I have to ask, are you the one who sassed the Joker at the Museum the other day?” He asks, a wide grin on his face as he sits on one of the stools. Marinette’s eyes widen and she blinks. How?
“Oh, uh, yeah, I guess. It wasn’t a big deal though. He thought I was a Wayne- well, I guess he figured it out before I did- but I think he just wanted to scare my class.” She says, waving her hand to brush off the topic. She really didn’t want to talk about the Joker. Because she was sure it would turn into-
“I apologize for asking, but have you been caught up in the villain attacks in Paris before?” Alfred asks, Marinette instantly panicking. Sure, she’d been caught up in almost every single akuma battle as Ladybug. But there were a few on record where she was targeted as Marinette, and even a few battles that she assisted as Marinette. And then there was Kwami Buster…
“Well, a few. But basically everyone in Paris has dealt with it at some point. That’s just what happens when there’s an attack so often, you know? And my school seems to be a hotspot but that makes sense because teenagers are full of negative emotions and-” Marinette cuts off her rambling, cursing herself on the inside. Great job, Mari. Now they’re going to be worried or they’re going to think you’re a freak or-
“What do you mean negative emotions? Why would that matter?” Dick asks, his previous cheerful smile replaced with a look that clearly meant business.
“That’s how the villain chooses his targets. Negative emotion. If someone is having a bad enough day, he can take control of them and give them powers and basically destroy the city trying to get to Ladybug and Chat Noir, who are our heroes. I only know what’s been posted on official sites like the Ladyblog or miraculousparis.org.” Marinette says, smiling apologetically and hoping that this conversation can be over.
“Have you ever been akumatized?” Dick asks, tension suddenly filling the room.
“No, thankfully. I’ve found ways to manage my negative emotions so that they can’t take me over. I don’t blame anyone who has been akumatized, it’s hard not to be. But, I also don’t think I’d be able to forgive myself if I was akumatized.” Because then her family would be a target. Because Hawkmoth would know her identity. And if Hawkmoth’s insistence on her being akumatized was anything to go on, she’d be a devastating akuma. And if Ladybug wasn’t fighting in the battle….would the cure even work?
“That is a lot of pressure, Miss Marinette.” Alfred says softly after a moment of tense silence. Marinette grins brightly.
“I can handle it, don’t worry!” She says, hoping no one can tell how hard it actually is. How hard it is constantly being strong. Never truly feeling a negative emotion.
Bruce winces at the faux cheerfulness in his daughter’s voice. He had only found out about the Paris situation a few days ago, but he was determined to fix it. Find a solution. Do something to help the city and by extension, his daughter. She’d be going back there soon. Back to a city that was being held hostage by an emotional terrorist. Bruce would fix this. He had to.
Tag list: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @jayjayspixiepop @jjmjjktth @mizzy-pop @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @waiting247 @laurcad123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @imarivers8 @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks 
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Prompt: Requested by a lovely nonny ❤️ I hope you like it and thank you so much 💕😘
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Damian Priest x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, rough sex, slight dirty talk
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @ziasaph , @theworldofotps , @sassymox , @aerynscrichton , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @sunnyyeoo , @bayley-no-friends , @alyhull
Notes: If you’d like to check out my previous works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😘
We were holding hands as we left the restaurant. The night had been nothing but perfect! Damian is always the most incredible gentleman, so caring, thoughtful, open doors, and brings flowers...As we approached his car, I said
“I didn’t want this night to end...”
“It doesn’t have to” He smiled
I smiled back “Do you think we could go to your place?”
Since I shared my apartment with a friend, I knew we would have more privacy at his place instead.
“It would be my pleasure” He kissed my knuckles before closing the passenger door
We spent the roughly fifteen minute drive to his place in a comfortable silence.
Damian and I had been officially dating for two months now and we hadn’t had sex yet. We agreed on taking this slow and it was kinda funny how all the times we tried to have sex, something happened: My roommate came home unexpectedly, someone called him, someone called me, a fight happened in the next door neighbor’s apartment...It almost felt as if the universe was trying to cock block us.
“Let’s go, mami” He offered me his hand, to help me get out of his SUV so I wouldn’t risk losing my balance in the six inch heels I had chosen to wear
“Thank you” I smiled and took his hand
Damian then escorted me inside his home, and proceeded to give me the “grand tour”
“This is a fancy place you’ve got” I said as I collapsed onto his lovely black leather couch after said tour
“Nah” He chuckled, while handing me a glass of red wine “It’s a nice house but it’s nothing fancy” He took a sip of his wine
“It’s very pretty” I said while looking around “You have an incredible taste”
“I sure do” He stared at me with dark, lustful eyes
My cheeks became a bright shade of pink from his comment, and I took another sip of the wine in order to swallow away my shyness
Damian scooted closer to me “Did you enjoy our dinner?”
“Yes, I loved it. Thank you” I smiled fondly “What are you thinking about?”
“Yes, D. Honestly”
“I’m thinking about how the wine is kicking in and I really want to make out with you...hard”
I laughed lightly “You sound like a horny teenager” And placed my wine glass on his coffee table
“Wanna do something about it?” I smirked
“Oh” He chuckled while I straddled his hips “Mami...don’t tease me like that”
“I’m serious!” I took his wine glass away from him and placed it near my own.
“Are you?” He smiled lazily
“Dead serious, Priest” I leaned down to capture his lips in a sensual kiss
Damian’s hands came down to my ass, spreading his palms on my cheeks. Our kiss deepened, and I pressed my breasts against his sculpted chest
“Mira, mami...” He pulled back “We should stop-”
“But I don’t wanna stop” I whined
“You know where this will lead us, right?”
“Yes, and I’ve been wanting to go there for at least a month” I smirked
Damian smiled while pulling me towards him “So you’ve been thinking about getting this dick, huh?” He teased
“A lot!”
“I can help you out with that” He smirked
“Oh please do! I’m tired of using my vibrator for that” I chuckled but Damian’s eyes became dark with lust
“I do want you to show me exactly how you use your vibrator later on though” He growled
Picking me up in his arms, he took me to his bedroom and placed me down on his bed. Damian kissed down my body, while stripping me off my clothes
“You’re so fucking beautiful” He whispered against the waistband of my pink lace panties
“Baby, please” I whimpered
He smirked while pulling my underwear down. His tongue soon met my clit, followed by his lips closing around the little bundle of nerves
“Fuck” I moaned softly and Damian hummed
The vibrations of his humming made me see stars, and when he slid one, and then two fingers in me, I could’ve sworn I died and went to heaven
“Holy shit” I gasped as Damaian crooked his fingers
“I want you to cum on my tongue, mami” He kissed my clit “Will you do that for me?”
“Fuck yes” I moaned
“C’mon, mi amor” He turned up the pace of his fingers “Let me taste you” And kissed my inner thigh before closing his lips around my clit again
My walls closed around his fingers as my orgasm exploded. His name left my lips as a mantra and it was the only thing I could say.
Damian’s lips soon covered mine and I could taste myself on his lips
“Fuck, you’re good” I gasped
“I didn’t even get started with you, bebé” He chuckled, while quickly stripping off his clothes
“Let me-”
“Later, mami. Now I just need to be in you” He urgently said while covering my body with his.
Damian placed his tip against my entrance and slowly thrusted forward. While kissing my lips he began this sweet love making session, and I was just...not having it.
It wasn’t what I wanted or needed. I wanted rougher, dirtier and faster!
“Baby” I broke our kiss “It’s not working...can you go faster?”
“Yeah, like...rough?”
“You like it rough?”
“I love it” I confessed
Damian smirked “Oh mami, we were certainly made for each other” And placed my legs up on his shoulders “Because I love a hard fucking” He smirked before pounding in me - hard
“Fuck, yes baby” I moaned as his cock kept hitting my g-spot
“Is this better, amor? Getting your pussy pounded hard makes you feel better?”
“So much better” I gasped “Choke me, please” I placed his hand around my throat
Damian growled “You’re such a perfect little slut, aren’t you? Choking, rough fucking...” He licked a stripe from my neck to my cheek
“Yes, sir” I whispered “Your perfect little slut” I smiled
“MY perfect little slut” He smiled back “I can’t wait to play with you all night long, mami. I wanna tie you up, edge this sweet little pussy until you’re begging me for mercy, fuck you until you can’t walk straight tomorrow morning”
“Yes, please do. Do all of it”
“Oh I will! Trust me when I say you won’t ever think about any other man once I’m done with you”
“I don’t want any other man, I just want you! No one has ever fucked me this good” I looked down towards where we were joined together
“Now that’s a shame” He grabbed my hips with his hands, pinned me down to the mattress and moved his hips at an almost inhuman pace “We’ll change that, don’t worry...We got all night long to do so” He chuckled
Damian’s thumb began to rub my clit furiously and it only took that to make me cum for the second time tonight
“Fuck” I moaned loudly as my walls closed hard around him, making almost impossible for him to move
“So fucking tight” He grunted and seconds later, his own release was triggered
Damian’s hot, thick seed coated my walls, triggering another mini orgasm in me. He kept himself buried deep in me, until he started to soften.
He laid down by my side and pulled me closer to him, so I could lay down on top of him
“I’ve been needing this for so long” I purred
While chuckling, Damian caressed my hair “That makes two of us, mami”
I rested my chin on top of his chest “Really?”
“Of course, Y/N. I’ve been thinking about getting down and dirty with you ever since our first date!” He laughed
“Oh, you’re nasty” I teased and straddled his hips
“I am, and as far as I could tell, you are too” He sit up and hugged me tightly
“Yes, sir” I whispered ��So when do I get to be tied up, huh?”
"Ay mami” He quickly turned us around and my back was now against the mattress “You have no idea what I plan to do with you” And smirked
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Maribat March 2021 @maribatmarch-2k21
Day 1: Found Family
“Ah! Bonjour!” A cheery voice called, as a short Eurasian girl bound over to the unfairly intimidating mob of tall people with sharp eyes. Chloe had called in a favor. “My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chloe told me that your tour guide cancelled at the last minute, so she blackmail—sorry, begged me to fill in for them. You are the Wayne’s, non?”
The one at the front of the group, clearly Bruce Wayne since Marinette didn’t live under a rock and had seen the man on several American news broadcasts before, nodded and cleared his throat. Man, was he intimidating. Even when he shot her a dazzling smile that was sure to blind Paparazzi with fake cheer. It was a nice smile, Marinette wasn’t about to deny. But it was empty. Distant. And Marinette wasn’t going to buy it for a second.
“Yes, that’s us. Mademoiselle Bourgeois mentioned she had asked a close friend of hers to take care of our tour.”
Marinette nodded again, clasping her hands behind her back. “I guarantee, you won’t miss anything the tour guide would have shown you. In fact, Chloe mentioned that you all were very curious about the now retired Parisian heroes, right? My former best friend ran the Ladyblog back when they were active. I am more than confident that I can answer any questions you have while we go through the city.”
A boy with a white streak in his hair rose his hand, as if he was in a class and needed to wait to be called on. Which, considering the sheer size of their family, Marinette was actually grateful for. But damn, this was another imposing figure. Slightly taller than even the six-foot-three-inches that Bruce Wayne owned, he was solidly built and rocked a brown leather jacket and ripped black jeans. Marinette smiled and nodded for him to speak.
“How old are you? Because I don’t know if twelve year olds are allowed to do guided tours,” there was an obvious tease in his voice, but there was also legitimate concern in his blue-green eyes. Marinette almost missed that concern amid her quickly building annoyance. She even felt her eyes twitch.
“I’m turning eighteen in a few months if you need to know, Monsieur,” she evened out the bite in her voice with an overly sweet smile. “And if you want to get lost and possibly pickpocketed in the busy streets of Paris, then please continue to make comments on my height. If not, we can begin our tour and you might even enjoy it.”
Several Wayne’s snickered at her comeback, one man in particular elbowing the white haired gentleman with a little too much glee. Even the stoic Bruce laughed softly, and a boy with enough bags under his eyes to make the airport jealous nearly fell over himself with his suppressed laughter.
The man himself just snorted, sending her a lopsided smirk that oddly radiated approval. It was almost as if she had passed some sort of test.
“My name’s Jason, Pixie. You already know B. The guy trying to break my ribs,” he pointedly shoved off the one who had elbowed him, “is Dick. He’s Bruce’s first adoptive casualty. The one that looks like a zombie is Tim, we might need to take a break to get him more coffee before he passes out halfway through. The one who hasn’t stopped glaring at you is Damian, the badass redhead is Barbara but we all call her Babs. The annoying blonde is Stephany, the other cool badass over there is Cass. She doesn’t talk much. And the one trying to pretend he doesn’t know us is Duke.”
Each member he introduced gave her a little wave or nod. Even Damian managed a short nod of acknowledgement before resuming his glare. He looked to be a couple years younger than her, so she just brushed it off as teenage drama.
“Alright then! It is very nice to meet you all. Now, Chloe did inform me that you guys are very multilingual, which is another reason she asked me instead of one of our other friends. If you ever need it, I obviously am fluent in both French and English. But added to that, I am fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, Italian, and I know basic survival Japanese. I also know French Sign Language, though I’m not sure if that’s very useful for you unfortunately. If you ever need to communicate non-verbally, I will do my best to accommodate that. Now, I believe you guys were scheduled to start the tour with a visit to the Louvre, non? Right this way.”
As Marinette led the large group out of the Grand Paris, they didn’t bother taking time to admire the sights before asking questions.
“Have you ever met one of the heroes?” Dick, who might have been shorter than Jason and Bruce but was muscular enough to still inspire caution (and admiration), asked. His blue eyes seemingly stared right through Marinette as he continued; “If you’re almost eighteen, then they must have been active through a lot of your school career.”
Marinette smiled. “They did only retire last year,” she agreed with a nod. “Yes, I have met all of the Parisian heroes at least once,” she snorted at a stray thought. “In fact, I met Chat Noir quite a lot. You see, my old College was basically ground zero for a lot of akuma attacks. And by a lot, I mean a majority of them,” she shook her head before pausing to get everyone to cross a street. “After a while, Chat Noir started calling me ‘princess’ to make fun of how often he had to save me. He’s an annoying ass.”
Despite her words, everyone behind her could easily hear the fondness there. They all traded glances. What if this was a Lois and SuperMan situation? Regardless, they all had a suspicion that Marinette knew more about the heroes than she let on. Or, at least more about Chat Noir.
“When you say that your school was a hotspot for Akuma attacks,” Bruce spoke up cautiously, his Dad Senses going haywire. He didn’t like how nonchalantly she had said it— she was far too casual. Sure enough, he watched as the muscles between her shoulders stiffened slightly at the conversation change. “What do you mean? Surely it couldn’t have been that bad if the school is still around.”
Marinette sucked her teeth, grimacing. “The school is still there, yeah, but only because of Ladybug’s ability. You’ve heard about the Cure, right?” It was Tim who answered her;
“Yeah. It fixed the damage done during a fight, right?” He asked, tilting his head a little. Marinette ignored her brief thought that the gesture made him look like a curious puppy. She sighed.
“Yeah. But when they say damage, they mean everything. Injuries, collateral. Death,” she said the last example darkly, far too much weight behind the word for it to be meaningless. She heard Jason hiss in sympathy. “But there are good things. The Cure also erased anyone’s memories of dying besides the vague knowledge that it did happen, so there isn’t much trauma there to unpack. Not as much as there could have been anyway,” she assured them. “And I’m one of the lucky ones. I never died, and I was never Akumatized.”
“Hmph,” Damian’s voice cut through the brief silence that followed her admission. She looked back at him to see his sharp green eyes staring right into her. “You don’t honestly believe that’s lucky.” It wasn’t a question. Marinette clenched her jaw, turning around and ignoring him.
Because, no. It wasn’t luck. It wasn’t lucky that she was the only one that remembered everything— all of the deaths, all of the Akumatizations, everything that others mercifully forgot. Since she lived through all of it, she remembered all of it. And survivor’s guilt is nothing to scoff at.
But she wasn’t about to reveal her trauma, or at the very least the full scope of it, to people she had just met and was leading on a tour.
“If you look to the left, you’ll see a statue that was made depicting Ladybug and Chat Noir back during the first years of their activity,” she suddenly told them, gesturing to the still-standing statue. Nobody missed the obvious topic change, but nobody commented on it either. Turns out the statue was something they had been looking forward to seeing in person, Tim even went up to take a few photos with his camera. Barbara took a few circles around the statue, easily pivoting her wheelchair around it as if she was trying to see every angle and imperfection possible. Marinette couldn’t help but chuckle fondly at the sight.
“Your family are pretty big fans, huh?” She asked Cass and Duke, the only ones that had stayed back with her. Duke snorted, and Cass gave her a small grin.
“They like to keep up to date with all the heroes,” Duke answered with a shrug. “Since we’re so high profile, it isn’t weird for us to be saved by one here or there even when we’re away from Gotham.”
Marinette just gave him an odd look, furrowing her brows. “But the Miraculous team has been disbanded since HawkMoth was defeated,” she reminded them. “There’s no need for them to save anybody anymore.”
“Old habits,” Cass spoke up softly, her voice barely a whisper. Her eyes locked with Marinette’s. “Not easy to break.”
The smaller woman had a feeling that Cass wasn’t talking about her family’s habit of keeping up to date on heroes.
“Alright! We need to head to the next stop or we might not have time to see everything!”
The tour went pretty similarly. The walks between stops were pleasant, and filled with questions about the period of time where HawkMoth was active. Marinette wasn’t even the least bit surprised nor put off; everyone was curious about those years now that the tourism restriction was lifted and people could ask freely about it. Besides the many questions about the Heroes, Marinette found the group to be very pleasant company. They were polite, but also rowdy in a very endearing way. She caught a lot of inside jokes they had with each other, and a lot of good natured teasing and fighting. They even managed to rope her into it somehow, and she found herself snidely teasing Damian or casually threatening Tim with not allowing them a coffee break. She even got to ride on Jason’s shoulders for a bit after he made another comment on her height that she Did Not Appreciate. But the ride she got made it worth it.
But soon the sun was high in the sky, and it was about time for them to take a lunch break. They had all been walking for hours with only a few chances to rest, and honestly Marinette was impressed that none of them seemed too tired out by it.
“Alright,” she put her hands on her hips proudly. “Since some of you won’t stop whining about needing coffee or being hungry— Dick, don’t you dare buy anything from that vendor! I’m gonna lead you all to my parent’s bakery so we can have lunch and caffeinate all of you. And conveniently enough,” she smiled widely. “The bakery is right across the street from my old College! So you’ll be able to get a look at where the majority of Akuma attacks happened, and maybe I can tell you a few specific stories if you want,” she offered. There were a couple cheers (Tim and Dick) from the crowd and everyone seemed pretty pleased with the next step in their tour. Smiling, Marinette turned and began to lead them in the direction of her home.
Sirens blared, a fire truck zooming down the street next to them.
Headed in the same direction.
Marinette frowned, watching it go. “That’s weird. I hope everyone’s okay, whatever happened,” she mused idly. But as they kept going forward, the sirens didn’t get any softer. If anything, they started getting louder again after a while. Marinette was visibly concerned by then, her pace picking up. “This is my neighborhood,” she told the solemn group behind her. “I know everyone on this street—“ they rounded the corner, and Marinette stopped in her tracks. Her world ground to a halt.
There was the fire truck, stopped right in front of her bakery.
Which was completely ablaze.
A string of curses flew out of her mouth, the little Eurasian wasting no more time before sprinting towards the building. She could hear people yelling at her to wait, slow down, stop! But she ignored them. The only thing on her mind was that her home was on fire.
“Marinette! Wait!” Dick reached out to grab her arm, but like a snake Marinette easily slipped out of his grip and continued forward. Steph was next, deciding to just tackle Marinette— to no avail. The Parisian just shouldered the bigger woman off of her with pure adrenaline fueling her muscles, and everyone else knew by then that they could not stop her. The Wayne’s decided all they could do was jog behind Marinette, keeping her in sight as they tried to gauge the damage.
“The top floors don’t look like they have even been touched by the fire yet,” Tim whispered, though his eyes flew between the building and their tour guide. Marinette was speaking rapidly with a firefighter that wasn’t immediately busy, trying to get information. But before anyone could decipher what was said, Marinette tore a large strip off the bottom of her shirt and tied it in a hasty mask around her mouth.
“Wait!” Bruce was the first to realize what was happening, with his years of experience with self sacrificing children and their stupid stunts. But Marinette managed to kick him away before he could grab her, dashing into the inferno without paying any heed to the many protests that followed her.
The group of Gothamites could do nothing but watch the flaming building, then. If they went inside, it would only overcrowd a hazardous area. Minutes passed, and there was movement in the fire. Out of the doorway came Marinette and a firefighter, both having to work together to carry the body of a large man outside. The sight of the man made the Gotham family blink— he was as big as Bane! And that was nothing to scoff at. But despite his unusual size and muscle mass, the man had all the signs of being a normal civilian.
Marinette didn’t stop there. She ran back in. Coming out a lot more quickly this time with a barely conscious Asian woman— everyone saw the resemblance between her and this new woman immediately.
It had to be her mother.
“Shit,” Duke hissed. Nobody else could say a word. It wasn’t looking good, and this wasn’t a situation where random vigilantes showing up out of nowhere could actually help. Not this late into the fire. Bruce’s hands curled into fists.
The woman that everyone guessed was Marinette’s mother was suddenly struck by lucidity; she gasped and grabbed at Marinette’s hand without seeming to see who she was even talking to. A single word that none of the Waynes could hear left her throat, and judging by Marinette’s returning panic it hadn’t been good.
She rushed right back into the building, and came back out with the last firefighter who had been searching inside.
Marinette carried a child. She screamed out in panicked French;
“She’s not breathing! I need first aid now!”
That was their cue. The firefighters started their hoses, focusing on getting rid of the flames now that nobody was left inside the building. Bruce and Damian got to Marinette first, and this time she listened as they instructed her to set the child down. Damian, being smaller and having more hands-on medical knowledge, took charge of the resuscitation. Marinette sat there silently, eyes riveted to the small child— a girl.
But Marinette wasn’t reacting like a normal civilian to tragedy. She was eerily calm, eyes focused and barely concealing a terrible rage. She took over chest compressions when Damian started to lose momentum, not giving up.
But then the EMTs arrived, and it was only five minutes with the child hooked onto oxygen that the news arrived—
Marinette heard the monitors on the ambulance flatline before she even registered what people were trying to tell her. Manon. Manon was—
Marinette didn’t register Nadya Chammack at first. She was just another body in the quickly growing sea of them. That is, until she heard Nadya’s pained shriek. A mother who had just lost her baby girl.
“Perhaps we should head back,” Bruce offered softly, giving Marinette space but keeping a keen eye on her. He saw her begin to tremble, then shake. He was pretty sure he could hear the grinding of her teeth for a second before she went still. Just… all movement stopped, the tears that had been building just falling silently for a second before they ended.
And he recognized that carefully practiced emptiness in her bluebell eyes. The same emptiness he had seen in Damian’s eyes when he had first arrived at the Manor. The same emptiness he saw in Dick’s eyes in the days following his parent’s deaths.
The same emptiness he saw in the mirror, every time he had another nightmare about the day Jason had been taken from him, years ago.
Suddenly he could imagine all too well exactly what kind of strength she had to have, to avoid her negative emotions ever being used against her during Hawkmoth’s reign. Especially if she had constantly been dealing with her friends and family being Akumatized and/or dying on multiple occasions.
She didn’t even seem to have heard him. Bruce sighed.
“I called Chloe,” Barbara informed everyone solemnly, holding up her phone for emphasis. “She’ll be here in five.”
Chloe hadn’t come alone. With her had been Adrien Agreste, former model when his father hadn’t been… well, in prison. Nowadays he was just a normal student who occasionally gave lectures on neglect and child abuse, and how to help children in those situations.
And, apparently, he was also Marinette’s closest friend. Even more so than Chloe. As soon as they arrived back at the Grand Paris, Chloe herded everyone up into her suite and she and Adrien surrounded Marinette with pillows and blankets. Adrien curled around Marinette like an affectionate cat, and Damien even swore he heard the guy purr at some point
“We should probably leave,” Bruce whispered to their hostess, who looked inbetween him and her friends for a moment before jerking her head towards the door.
“I wanna talk to you first,” Chloe whispered back. Once they all filed out into the hallway and the door was safely closed, Chloe took a breath. “First, I want to tell you that I got a call from the hospital. Marinette’s father is stable, but in a coma right now.”
“Is that the man who looked like he could bench press a car for fun?” Dick asked, earning a weak grin from the Bourgeois heiress.
“Yeah, that’s him. But…” Chloe’s face fell, and she looked around as if to double check nobody was eavesdropping. She still lowered her voice anyway. “Her mother, Sabine. She…” Chloe swallowed a lump in her throat, images of the extremely kind Chinese woman flashing through her mind without permission. “She didn’t make it.”
Several people took a sharp breath, acknowledging everything that had gone so wrong for Marinette on a day that had started so perfectly.
“The smoke?” Cass asked gently, but Chloe winced and shifted on her feet.
“No. They… there were rope marks on Sabine’s neck,” Chloe clenched her eyes shut at the admission. “Marinette’s dad might be big, but he’s not a fighter. Sabine, though… Sabine was. She was raised in a martial arts family back in China. I’ve seen Sabine take down five men at once, all twice her size,” Chloe kicked her lips, shaking her head in disbelief. “Somebody knew… somebody knew that the little Chinese woman was a threat but the big baker with tons of muscle was harmless.”
Nobody took that well. Not only had Marinette just lost her home and half of her family, but her father was in a coma and it had all been foul play.
“Okay,” Bruce nodded once the news had time to sink in. They could help with this; this was their specialty. They might have only known Marinette for six hours, but she had made a big impression. It wasn’t just anybody that could mesh with his family so seamlessly in that short span of time. “Is there anything else?”
“I want you to get temporary custody of her,” Chloe said it the way only Chloe Bourgeois could. With her back straight, chin high, and the tone of a woman who expected to be listened to or else she’d make life Hell for the person that didn’t take her seriously. Bruce could only blink.
“Can I ask for your reasoning?”
“Marinette has been closing herself off more and more over the years,” Chloe admitted. “Hawkmoth’s reign was hard on her. Only Adrien really knows everything she went through during those years. But even after the disbanding of the team, she hasn’t… she hasn’t allowed herself to get close to anybody new. That’s why I tricked her into doing your tour. She needed to socialize with new people, and if she wouldn’t do it herself then I had to pull some strings.”
A few eyebrows raised at the admission that Chloe had fully planned for Marinette to be their tour guide the whole time. It honestly seemed like the kind of well meaning manipulation that one of them would try to pull off.
“She likes you,” Chloe’s voice went soft again, showing how uncharacteristically serious she was about that fact. “She was comfortable enough to let you guys carry her back here. To let you try to help Manon. That might not seem like a big deal to you, but it says a lot to me and Adrien. And… getting her away from Paris for a while is probably a good idea. She was planning to go to Gotham for university anyway.”
The Waynes traded glances before Bruce crosses his arms and asked some more questions first. Doesn’t Marinette have other family? Answer; only her grandmother, who travels all the time and nobody ever knows where she is until she shows up. Bruce agreed that Gina Dupain didn’t exactly seem like a good candidate for Marinette’s new guardian with that description. But finally, to none of his children's surprise, he did end up agreeing.
“But,” he held up a single finger. “We’ll Wait here in Paris for a week, so that she can try to salvage everything she can from her house and so we can get an idea on how her father is doing. There’s still a chance he’ll come out of his coma fairly quickly. And of course, we will only go through with this if Marinette agrees when we ask her tomorrow.”
Chloe agreed to those terms, looking like a weight had been lifted off of her.
Chloe never cut corners when taking care of her hive. And if that meant making sure that her brave soldier bee could move on to start a new hive, one that was better equipped to take care of her, then Chloe would do everything she could to help that move. And really; Chloe was far more resourceful and observant than people gave her credit for. The butts definitely matched, and Bruce Wayne was her last hope to get Marinette the support she needed. Outside of Adrien, anyway.
Chloe took a breath, watching the Waynes trickle off into their own rooms. Marinette was like the little sister she never wanted, but grew to love more than anything. Though, Chloe knew she really chose Marinette as her sister the same way they both chose Adrien as their brother. She just didn’t want to admit she was sentimental like that. But Chloe knew that someone like Marinette needed a bigger family. More support.
She could only hope that Marinette and the Waynes grew to become family for her like she and Adrien had. Kwami knew that Marinette needed all the help she could get for the foreseeable future.
“You did good, my Queen.”
“I know, Pollen. Now we just have to find out who dared hurt my hive.”
Dude this took so long to write, but I’m actually really proud of it. Probably gonna take this Maribat March a little differently than last year, and make a few longer stories by connecting some of the prompts together. Maybe each week will be a full story? Idk I’ll figure it out. I know I’m behind but I’m working on it.
I tried to keep the angst out, but it found it’s way in here anyway. Oh well!
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Misbehavior (Part 1)
Jason Todd x batkid!reader
a/n: tysm anon!!
prompt: anonymous: “Hello Lacey! Hope your doing great! Could I please request a bat family x batsis!reader where the reader is Kind of the middle child (I was thinking older than Damian but younger than Tim) and she’s always forgotten and in the back. Maybe some scenarios can be that no one listens when she talks or they forget to invite her to do stuff. So then one day she acts up in school like maybe punching someone for no good reason because she’s craving attention but instead of Bruce showing up to get her Jason shows up and he sees that she’s actually really sad and starts to question her until she tells him everything and maybe spills some tears and it ends with just Jason comforting her and cheering her up. Just some soft Jason for my soul! Also have a great day and I hope that you feel better and more motivated now after your break! 😘”
part 2
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No matter what you did, none of your deeds went unnoticed. Good or bad.
You always heard how Dick was so independent, the one everyone should use as an example.
You always heard how Barbara could do it all, she never failed to impress.
You always heard how Jason was reckless, someone who needed to get his act together.
You always heard how Tim was such a prodigy, he was one of a kind.
You always heard how Steph was so determined, she had such amazing goals.
You always heard that Cass was perfect, they’d never change a thing about her.
You always heard that Duke was so strong, he’d never give up no matter what stood in his way.
You always heard that Damian was dangerous, a kid that needed to be guided.
But what about you? What did they hear about you? Nothing. No one ever spoke of you, they didn’t have the time. It seemed as if you were just unimpressive, there wasn’t one thing that needed to be mentioned. Stuck in the middle of a bunch of bats and birds, no way to stand out in the crowd.
Maybe not in a mask or a cowl, a dress or a suit, behind a computer or among the darkness, but there was one place you couldn’t be ignored...
You sat at your desk, picking at old tape with the tip of your fingernail. The teacher had nothing interesting to say, so what was the point of being here? What made Gotham Academy so special that you just had to attend this place?
The uniform was overkill, the classes went nowhere, the students were too preppy, and you didn’t have a single thing in common with anyone here.
Anger was starting to bubble inside you as you continued your internal self-loathing. Your mind was only focused on the negative, but it was shifting from school back to home.
No one was ever there for you, not even on patrol. You’d called for backup several times on missions and nearly lost it all when you had to go in alone. If it were anyone else, a teammate would have met them in a heartbeat.
Your plans were always overshadowed whenever you tried to set up a mission or even just a day off. You wanted cookies? Too bad, Tim wants brownies. You wanted to watch a movie? Too bad, everyone chose a TV show. It was the little things that irked you the most. Half the time, you never even got the memo.
And what about when you all come back from patrol with all sorts of injuries and Alfred comes to patch you up? Well, not you. He’ll run to check on cuts and scrapes. Meanwhile, you had a broken wrist and a black eye.
You’d finally run out of things to pick at around your desk which resorted in you tapping instead. There was a brief bit of zoning out as you remembered the time that Damian’s plan for evading Killer Croc’s attack was to push you in the way. Or the time that Jason hid his guns in your bed for reasons he didn’t care to explain. Or when Dick drank the last of the milk and didn’t tell you until after you poured your cereal. Or when Tim told you that you weren’t fit for the mission he had been planning. Or when Bruce blatantly ignored the story you told out of pure excitement, giving you nothing but a “sounds like you had fun.”
While you were in a horrible daze, you felt a hand on your shoulder that snapped you out of it faster than the Barry Allen. Without even evaluating the situation, your reflexes caused you to turn and twist your classmates arm backwards as he screamed.
“Hey! Stop, ow, that hurts! Stop! Stop it!” You processed his words too late and knew exactly what was coming next.
“Y/N L/N!” You teacher shouted as you drew your hand back. “Dean’s office. Right now.” Her sharp voice sent a chill down your spine, not even the Joker could do that. You’d be able to explain the situation pretty easily, you just didn’t want to make it worse. But there was one ankle that sent you off the edge. Another student tripped you on your way through the aisles, and that student caught a fist to the face. The audience gasped and shouting from your teacher ensued, but you didn’t listen, you’d take the punishment at this point. So you walked right out and headed for the dean’s office without so much as a hall pass.
“Mx. l/n? What’s this about?” Dean Williams was surprised to say the least, you’d never been sent in for discipline before. Was there a certain way to do this?
“Well, I zoned out and some kid behind me grabbed my shoulder, I accidentally twisted his arm.” You retold your story, the abridged version. “But on my way out I punched a kid in the face because he tripped me. That one’s on me.”
“...Well,” the dean frowned at his obligations, but had to go through with some kind of punishment, “I’m going to have to suspend you for physical contact with a student. I’ll call your father to come pick you up.” You shrugged and slouched back in your chair, giving up on any hope of talking your way out of this. It might as well just happen. You listened to the clicking of the buttons on the dean’s phone as he typed in the Wayne Manor phone number, obviously reaching Alfred almost immediately.
“Wayne Manor.” You eard his faint voice through the speaker.
“Hello, this is Dean Williams from Gotham Academy, may I speak to Mr. Wayne? I have his child in my office.” Your dean explained over the phone, peeking back at your for a split second. You were completely unbothered, it was baffling.
“Is it Damian?” You heard him ask, causing an involuntary eye roll.
“Y/N, actually.” There was a long pause before someone else picked up the phone. “Mr. Wayne, this is Dean Williams at Gotham Academy. I have y/n sitting across from me right now, they seemed to have gotten themself into a physical altercation with two separate students, I have no choice but to suspend them.” You heard a deep sigh over the phone, then the handheld piece was handed to you.
“Bruce?” You asked.
“Really? Fighting at school?” He sounded unimpressed. Nothing new, even when you do something new.
“Something like that. Whoops.” He hung up on you right after that, so you handed the phone back and told your dean, “Guess they’ll get me soon.”
“You call your father by his first name?” Dean Williams had nosily questioned.
“I’m adopted.” He obviously didn’t know you as well as your more troublesome sibling, it was time he just minded his business.
After a good thirty minutes of silent waiting while listening to keyboard clacking and papers flipping by the front desk, the office door opened, and to your surprise, it was one of your brothers.
“I’m here for y/n.” He mumbled, signing the piece of paper and showing his ID.
“Alright, Mr. Harper, I just have to check some paperwork really quick...” The receptionist went into your file and checked for your emergency contacts. “You’re all set. Now, y/n has been suspended for two weeks. I suggest you get to the bottom of their little ‘outburst’ before they’re able to come back to school.” It actually pissed Jason off to hear her say that.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” His sarcasm wasn’t subtle. “Come on, kid.” Your brother gripped your arm and led you out of the office, noticing your bitter expression that he couldn’t even rationalize. Was that normal? “So what happened. Bruce just told me to come get you.”
“Of course he did.” You rolled your eyes on the brink of tears, he didn’t even come to get you himself. Jason opened the car door for you and nudged you inside, slamming it once you were clear.
“You better have a good reason,” he warned as he started the engine, “I was in the middle of a poker game.”
“Oh, yeah, ‘cause I’m such an inconvenience.” You were starting to remind him of himself. That was never a good thing.
“Okay, my bad. I didn’t mean it like that.” Jason began speeding down the block, you’d never once seen him obey a speed limit. You’d think someone with a fake ID and a death certificate would want to avoid any run-ins with the cops, but Gotham was just one of those cities.
“Yeah, right.” You reached for the radio knobs and felt Jason’s hand wrap around your wrist.
“No music until you explain yourself.” You fell back into your seat to pout, muttering some curses under your breath. “I won’t tell Bruce or anyone. I swear.”
“I just zoned out. Reflexes.” You bluntly replied.
“What?” He still didn’t have any context to go off of.
“I twisted someone’s arm backwards. Honest mistake.” Jason knew there was more to this story. “But on my way out of the classroom, I punched this kid who tried to trip me. That was on him.”
“As much as I condone payback, you can’t do that at school.” He sighed. “You’ve never been sent home before. That I know of. So why now?”
“Yeah, you know, maybe that’s the issue? You couldn’t tell me if I’ve ever gotten in trouble before. None of you could. You couldn’t tell me a definitive thing about me. When’s my birthday, Jason?” He was at a loss for words. “That’s what I thought.”
“So this was all for attention?” Jason asked. “There’s a hell of a lot of better ways to go about that.”
“Tried them all, this one barely even worked.” You replied with a crack in your voice. “How come none of you care about me? Why am I always looked over? I’m just like the rest of you. I put on that stupid suit every night and kick ass, I get my job done, I get good grades, I’m resourceful, I’m special—” You’d let that last one slip in your rant to your older brother, it shocked him so bad he stopped the car.
“I know what you mean.” Jason stared straight ahead at the empty road. “I felt the same way when I came back. After everyone was used to me being back, it was like nothing ever happened. Bruce just went back to calling me careless, irresponsible.”
“At least you get noticed, Jason. Your identifiable.” You turned to him with a pained look and he risked his confidence to look you in the eye. Once he did, he couldn’t look away. It hurt him to see someone so familiar to himself have tears running down their face because they felt forgotten. No kid should ever have to feel like that. That was why Bruce took him in. That was how Jason became Robin.
“Fuck this.” Jason hit the gas and turned the car around. “We’re getting ice cream. Do you like ice cream? That’s a serious question.”
“I...I guess.” You were somewhat confused by his sudden literal change in direction.
“Good. You’re my kid for today, all my attention goes to you. I’m sure Bruce won’t notice if you’re gone for a few hours.” Jason’s jaw dropped at his last comment. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No, you’re right and you should say it.”
taglist: @thatwaspossession // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @kinoko-kai //
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writing-blog-iguess · 3 years
Summery: Everyone has a life a past before they become someone else. Some people flaunt it and others keep their past to themselves. The boys discover something about their mom, and now all they want is to hear about what she was like before she married Bruce Wayne.
Warning: mistakes probably. Like one swear word.
A/N: This is more of an introduction more then anything. I want each story of Batmom with different people as there own chapter and not cramped into one big fic. This is also my first Batman fic so feedback with welcome! And let me know who you'd want to see!
The second she walked into the manor, she took off her shoes with a sigh of relief. With the intent of a shower and some sleep, she eagerly made her way up the stairs. But luck wasn’t on her side when she heard Alfred call her name.
Sighing, she turned around and looked down as the butler walked into the hallway. “Yes Alfred?”
“I’m afraid the boys are in need of your assistance tonight,” he said, giving her a worried look. There were days where she wished she wasn’t a doctor. And long nights like tonight was one of them. But she wouldn’t change it even if she wanted to.
“Which one was hurt tonight?” she asked, as she walked down the stairs.
“Jason,” he answered, taking her coat. She gave him a smile as thanks. “But the others might need looking at as well.”
Heaving a sigh, she walked around Alfred and made her way to the Batcave. As she walked down the stairs, she heard her kids bickering over something. She didn’t have enough energy to care at the moment, so she tuned them out.
“Alright, who’s first?” she asked as she came closer to the med-bay area.
“Jason,” Bruce answered without looking up from the bat-computer. But he did take her hand and kissed the back of it when she walked past him.
“Thanks for putting me first Bruce,” Jason snarked.
“You’re the one that got shot.”
“In the shoulder!” he exclaimed. She gave a pointed look at Jason; he’s shoulders sagged and went to sit down. Nodding, she got to work as the boys continued to talk about their night of patrol.
“So, who’s the unfortunate soul tonight?” she asked, as she set up her supplies she needed.
“Joker and Harley,” Tim answered, sitting down in one of the other cots. His brothers soon followed, sighing in relief of finally sitting down.
Her hands stilled on Jason’s arm at the answer. No one seemed to notice though, all too preoccupied with their conversation. Taking a deep breath, she began to work on cleaning Jason’s wound.
“I can’t believe she got a shot in,” Jason grumbled, hissing at the sting on his arm. “I didn’t see her coming until it was too late. I should have seen it, but I don’t know what happened.”
“You underestimated her is what happened,” Bruce pointed out.
“I did not! I don’t know how I could have!” he exclaimed, pulling a face as she began stitching up the bullet wound. “She’s Joker's girl, it should have been easy.”
“But you’ve fought her before, Todd. You know what she’s capable of,” Damian mused.
“But still…”
“She’s more than just Joker’s girl,” she broke in, “and if that’s all you think about her, then you don’t know her.”
“And you do, Ma?” Jason asked, not seeing the warning look Bruce was giving him. He took his mother’s silence as an answer and continued, “that’s what she is to everyone in Gotham.”
“Well, then Gotham doesn’t know shit,” she huffed out, ignoring everyone's surprised looks. “And Gotham and everyone else seem to forget that Harley and the ‘villains of Gotham,’” she said that in a mocking tone. Jason winced as she tugged on the thread a little too harshly, but she didn’t pay much attention to it. “That they were people before becoming who they are.”
“Mom?” Tim called, realizing how sore the subject was for her. But she paid him no mind as she continued to stitch up Jason’s wound, and continued talking.
“And that some of them were victims. Sure, there are some who went down the bad path, I’ll give you that. But if it wasn’t for Joker,” she spat the name like it was a poison for her. And in some ways, it was. “Gotham wouldn’t be what it is today.”
“You can’t blame Joker for that, Mom. Gotham’s been always like this,” Dick pointed out.
“No, but I can.”
“But blaming the Joker for bringing out the villains is like blaming Batman.” Tim’s statement made her freeze as she just realized what she was talking about. She narrowed her eyes and finished off tying the stitches and stood.
“Ask Alfred if you need stitches or whatever, I’m going to bed.” With that, she ignored everyone’s, especially Bruce’s, worried gaze and left the cave.
“I’ve never seen Ummi so upset before,” Damian voiced.
“What’s wrong with her?” Jason asked, turning back to Bruce who was rubbing his face. “Bruce?”
“She knew Quinn before she became Harley,” Bruce answered, standing and making his way to the dressing rooms.
“Has to be more than that,” Dick mused, “she became heated about it.”
“That’s because she almost married Harley.”
“What?” came from all four boys, but Bruce was already gone.
A little while later, Bruce found her in an old room that used to be hers. Walking into the room, he sighed as he looked at the mess around the room. It must have been bad judging by the mess.
“Was I not worth it?” she asked, bringing Bruce’s attention to her. He found her curled up on the bed, and he could imagine she started crying after she destroyed her room. “Did I do something wrong for someone to leave me like that?”
“No, honey,” Bruce answered as he walked over to her. He bent down, maneuvered his hands underneath her knees and neck, and lifted her up. “You did nothing wrong.”
“Then why does it feel like it?” she sniffed, nestling her head in his neck as he walked out of the room and towards theirs.
“I wish I could tell you,” Bruce whispered. They’ve had this conversation occasionally. And he never knew what to say to make her feel better. But the day after, she was herself again and everything was okay.
Bruce understood the heartbreak of leaving someone behind, he understood how she felt loving someone only for them to leave. And if Bruce was honest, he was a little jealous that she still loved Harley after everything.
But he always squashed it, knowing she loved him just as much, if not more.
“I miss her,” she whispered, into his neck.
“I know.”
When he walked into their room, he set her down on the bed and moved towards the bathroom, getting the bath ready. As the tub was filling with water, Bruce moved back to the bedroom and rummaged around until he found your favourite pajama's.
After her bath, she curled into Bruce, lightly tracing shapes on his chest. Bruce ran his fingers through her hair and she leaned into his touch.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, “I wasn’t blaming you for what happened with Harley.”
“I know. But if I recall correctly, there was a time you did,” he said, and she winced burying her face into his shirt.
“I was angry and I took it out on the wrong person. I’m sorry,” she said as her mind went back to that day they had the fight.
“I know, and I’ve forgiven you for it.” Silence fell between the two of them, but it didn’t last long when the door was thrown open. She lifted your head to see Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian standing there.
“You were going to marry Harley Quinn?” Dick all but shouted in disbelief. She hummed, dropping her head back down. The boys rushed into the room and jumped on the bed, crowded the two of them. “But you loved Bruce!”
“That is a story for a different day,” she mumbled out.
“How’d you meet?” Tim asked instead of pushing for the story. “Are there anyone else you knew before they became villains?”
“Med school and yes.”
“Who?” Damien asked.
She squinted her eyes as she thought. “…most of them maybe?”
They gawked at her, waiting for her to elaborate. When it became apparent that she wasn’t, the four of them bombarded her with questions, all talking over her.
“Okay that’s enough,” Bruce voiced out, and they became quiet. She patted his chest, and moved around so she was looking at her sons.
“I used to work for Penguin in his club back in school, I needed help with an assignment, so I found Nygma. Ivy was a patient of mine when I started residency. Dent was a friend and so was Selina. I also went to school with Crane. I was friends with Nora Fries, that’s how I knew Mr. Freeze.”
“What about the Joker?” Jason asked.
“No,” she stated, voice firm. Everyone shared a look, confirming that their mother was not the biggest fan of the Joker. She softened a little and offered her a smile before saying, “it’s been a long night. How about, when I feel up for it, I’ll tell you all about my friendships?”
They lit up, each giving her a kiss and rushed out the door. Talking to one another as they tried to figure out which story they wanted to hear first.
“Are you sure you’re up for that?” Bruce asked, as she snuggled into him again. She let out a yawn and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” she answered. “I just wonder who they’re going to ask for first.”
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redhead-batgal · 3 years
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Type: One-shot
Pairing: Fem! and Vigilante! Reader x Damian Wayne/Robin
Content: Some angst and lots of Fluff, some cursing, violence and an oblivious reader. Aged up Damian, 15/16yrs old.
Y/N: Your Name, L/N: Last Name, V/N: Vigilante Name
There is a moment when you realize that you love some one, there is also a moment when you realize you hate someone. However, it's the moment realizing that someone loves you that usually hits the hardest. Unfortunately, this was not the moment for you. Instead it was the moment you realized that Damian Wayne hated you.
And honestly it pissed you off. You had done nothing to warrant his hate, in fact the two of you had been friends until he decided to be a pompous ass. Your opinion might be a little bit jaded considering you were hopelessly in love with him... but that didn't mean he had any right to be a dick to you.
It had started with avoiding you, he would see you walk into a room and he would turn and leave it. Sometimes you would be walking towards him and he would turn around and begin heading in the opposite direction. It extended into ignoring you, you would try and talk to him and he would ignore you and walk away.
Once, he was having a conversation with Tim, Tim mentioned how you would be able to help out much better then he could. Damian looked to you for a moment and you raised an eyebrow almost in question. Then he shook his head before leaving the room muttering something about how he didn't really need the answer.
It was infuriating. Maddening really, being ignored and avoided. But you knew it was best to let Damian do what ever the hell he wanted and he'd regret it later. However, when he asked to be paired with someone else on patrol when you didn't even have to speak to each other, to say you nearly lost it was an understatement.
It was the reason you nearly got shot, your mind was clouded with violent thoughts, anger at Damian and at yourself for being so hurt at the rejection.
You and Red Hood were paired together for patrol. You were supposed to be watching the turf of a gang called the Scarlet Soldiers. Word was that a war was brewing between The Scarlet Soldiers and The Unseen Devils. While your mind was off arguing with itself and shouting curses at Damian, The Devils made their move.
You didn't even realize what exactly had happened, you remember Red Hood shouting at you to get moving then everything was a blur. The next thing you remember it a feeling like fire slicing your side, gun shots were ringing around you and you felt another slice across your cheek and left arm. Someone shouted for you to get down and you dropped to the ground almost in a trance.
It wasn't until the gunfire stopped and the slices felt like they were a blaze did you come out of the trance. Someone was yanking you to your feet, however it felt as though everything was muddled and distant. Someone began to shake you and suddenly your hearing cleared and you found yourself face to face with Robin.
"What the hell were you thinking?"
He seemed concerned but you wrote that off as the adrenaline pumping through your veins due to being shot at and the fact that you had gotten grazed at least three times.
Rolling your eyes you shoved him away.
"Oh fuck off," You snapped.
He did not in fact fuck off.
Instead, he grabbed onto your right arm, forcing you to face him once again. You shot him a glare but he returned you one that rivaled your own.
"You," He began almost as if he was restraining himself, "could have gotten yourself killed, V/N."
You couldn't believe it, was he seriously acting like he cared? That he was worried about you when you both knew that was the farthest from the truth.
Pressing a hand to your forehead you shook your head and weakly laughed, "Please don't start this shit with me right now."
He blinked in slight confusion and looked at you the confusion overtaking the apparent anger he had previously had.
"Excuse me?"
"Your bullshit," You began shooting him an irritated look, "already has a body count you don't need to add more to it."
That only seemed to confuse him more. He did not let go of your arm, instead he took a step closer to you, "What?"
"This- this fuckary about 'caring'."
You threw your hands up as you shook your head and effectively slipped from his grip. But it didn't matter, he was close. Close enough you could see a slight hitch in his breathing.
" I do care-" Robin began but you cut him off shaking your head.
"Don't you dare, don't even try saying that you give a fuck about me because we both know that's a damned lie." The words slipped off your tongue and you felt your heart raging in your chest.
You had unintentionally let your feelings, the ones you'd been trying your hardest to push back, to beat into nonexistence, shove themselves forwards. The pain you had felt, not only at the rejection he kept seeming to shove your way but because of your stupid love for him. No matter how hard you tried it seemed your dumb heart was saving all it's love for him.
It wasn't until you saw the shock on his face you realized that he, luckily, didn't see all that you felt. His face hardened and he took another step forwards. If he got any closer the two of you would be touching.
"What in the hell made you think that?" His voice was low, you could see him clenching his fists and you had a feeling was he not wearing his mask, his eyes would be blazing. You had made him angry.
Great. This was just perfect.
However you couldn't stop yourself from replying. You had gotten all your pain out on the table, why not throw the anger out there as well?
"YOU! You and your pompous assery! Avoiding me, ignoring me! Of course you don't care, it was obvious... why would you?" You found yourself nearly shouting as you lurched forwards, your voice cracking at the end.
He blinked a few times, the anger slowly leaving him. You could tell because his body began to relax and his fists unclenched. This made you even angrier. Taking in a breath to stop yourself from breaking the boy wonder's nose you realized how close the two of you were.
Well shit.
He was close enough you could make out the pattern on his mask and uniform. You could hear him breathing and had the sneaking suspicion if you were to let out a breath, he would be able to feel it. You could practically hear him in you head scolding you for ruining his outfit.
"Don't even breathe on it," He had told you when you first saw it, "it's very expensive."
"How much?" You had asked in curiosity.
He shot you a look then rolled his eyes and replied, "It's worth far more then you are."
The sight of him moving his hand brought you back to the present. Looking at him you found him studying you. Suddenly he sighed and shook his head. Your noses were almost brushing when he said,
"Well, I never said I didn't care, So don't go thinking that."
Before you could reply someone called your name causing the both of you to look in their direction. Nightwing was making his way towards you a concerned look on his face.
"V/N, are you alright?" He asked moving forwards, hands out as if to examine your wounds.
You noticed how Robin took a few not so subtle steps away from you and you waved a hand at Nightwing.
"Honestly I'm fine, it's just a couple of nicks. I'll be okay."
Robin snorted as if he disagreed and you shot him a slight glare. Turning back towards Nightwing you noticed how he gave Robin a worried look before meeting your gaze.
"Just to be safe, let's get you back to bat cave and let Agent A take a look."
Reluctantly you nodded and let Nightwing begin to drag you away, a strange feeling burning in your chest. You hadn't fully realized what Robin had said until then.
I never said I didn't care. So don't go thinking that
What on earth did he mean by that? You were thoroughly confused. He acted like he didn't care, then said things like this. You hoped you didn't get whiplash from this sudden personality change, however you knew that it was more likely that you were going to just end up getting hurt. Your heart had begun to sing a little song almost as soon as it heard his words.
I never said I didn't care
That must mean he does care, your heart cheered. Your feelings were confusing... very confusing. On one hand you were angry, on the other hand you heart seemed to be making you feel a bit fluttery.
The sharp sting of rubbing alcohol on your cuts yanked you out of your thoughts. Alfred stood in front of you gently cleaning the minor wounds you gained earlier. Meanwhile, Tim seemed to be explaining something he invented to Duke.
"What do you mean it might explode?" Duke asked still wearing at least half of his vigilante outfit.
Tim shrugged as he deposited another coffee cup into the overflowing trashcan near the bat computer.
"I'm like eighty-five percent sure it won't."
"Eighty-Five percent?!"
"Uh, Well more like seventy-seven."
You knew under other circumstances you would have laughed an such an interaction. However after what happened you were lacking your usual humor and it didn't go unnoticed.
"Is everything alright Miss. Y/N?"
You blinked and look at Alfred. He was tending to the wound on your arm and gave you a expecting look.
"Oh, I- uh yeah. I mean it's not alright but nothing is really wrong." You explained with a shrug not wanting to get into it.
"Is that why Master Damian hasn't stopped staring at you?"
"Yea-Wait, what?"
You looked up and found, nearly on the other side of the bat cave stood Damian, clearly watching the progress of you being taken care. Three words popped into your head.
Overbearing Mother Hen.
This was nearly exactly like how things had been before Damian decided to turn into a dick... well more like a prick.
He would worry about any injuries you got, of course you felt the same about him, but it was strange to see him back up to his old ways... it made your heart do the weird fluttery thing again and you really didn't like it.
A stinging on your cheek caused you to wince. And you blinked once again back into reality.
"Apologizes Miss. Y/N."
You shrugged at Alfred, now deciding to focus on him... well for at least the moment.
"It's fine, it's the least I deserve for being an idiot."
Alfred raised an eyebrow as he pulled the cloth away, but other then that he didn’t react to your comment. Looking for a bandage in the first aid-kit, Alfred let out a slight hum. After a minute's search he pulled out a old looking band-aid.
"Unfortunately, Miss. Y/N this is the last band-aid we have."
In his hands Alfred had a pink hello kitty band-aid, it had tiny little hearts and hello kitty's face adorning it's surface. You didn't really mind, a band-aid is a band-aid after all.
Alfred place the band-aid on your face and you waggled your eyebrows remarking,
"It's alright, I don't mind, I think it give me a punk edge. What do you think?"
He replied without missing a beat as he began to clean up the area, "I think you should go and talk to Master Damian."
Of course he did, he probably had heard about your argument from someone or heard parts of it over the comms, the possibilities of him hearing about were endless after all.
Shaking your head you sighed, "Alright, alright, fine."
Hopping down off of the counter, you began to walk towards Damian. As you went you passed by Steph and Cass, who both shot you looks as you headed towards him.
"Nice band-aid!" Steph remarked as she shot you a wink.
You rolled your eyes smiling as you fought off a laugh. Giving her a thumbs up you continued to walk. Stopping in front of him you notice how he's giving you a strange look.
After a few moments of awkward silence and rolling from the ball of your foot to your heel you nodded and decided to break it.
"You are being really creepy you know, you should stop."
Damian blinked in surprise and his brooding look dropped as he gave you a confused one.
"How so?"
You didn't understand how he couldn't see that he was being weird, weird and creepy. Staring at someone relentlessly and not turning away when they look back at you is fairly weird.
"Just standing there staring," You explained waving a hand, "it's weird. Stop it."
Damian's face stiffed for a moment and his entire body tensed. You didn't know exactly what you did, but something you said clearly had upset him.
"Why am I scaring you?" He asked fairly curtly.
He- he thought that he could scare you? Something was clear wrong with him because he must have forgotten who you were and what you've seen.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head as you crossed your arms. Letting out a scoff you looked him dead in the eyes and gave him a tight smile.
"Do you really think you could scare me? Sweetheart, I've met babies that are scarier then you."
It occurred to you, after you said it that you called him sweetheart. For a few seconds panic began to ensue in your mind until you saw his natural scowl and the rolling of his eyes. He didn't take it as flirting as you feared, instead he took it as a taunt... or at least that's what it seemed like.
The scowl slips away from his face and instead he looks at you frustrated and he opened his mouth only to close it. Clearly he wanted to say something, what scared you was how much you wanted to know what it was.
You fiddled with your hands for a moment before he finally cleared his throat and spoke.
"I- I wanted.... I wanted to apologize for my behavior."
Initially shock came over you, was Damian Wayne... the Damian Wayne apologizing? It sure as hell was what he said and as far as you could tell it wasn't a joke. Then again you don't exactly know what he's apologizing for.
Pushing your surprise back you raised an eyebrow and inquired, "And why is that?"
He fidgeted for a moment before looking you in the eyes, he seemed upset- a look you knew meant he was not upset with you, but himself.
"Because I was not right to treat you the way I did."
Pardon? You were astounded. Not only was he actually apologizing, he was admitting he was wrong... well not even admitting it. He was saying it, you hadn't really told him his behavior was wrong more as told him it pissed you off. For half a second you felt the fluttery feeling but you shoved it back.
What exactly was he expecting to get from this apology? Did he expect you to instantly forgive him and for everything to go back to the way it was? Or did he expect you for forgive him and then you apologize for something? You didn't know and frankly were irritated at any of the possibilities.
"Okay and?"
He swallowed and you swear you could see his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"You are a very dear... friend of mine and I would hate to loose that friendship because of a fault on my part."
Your jaw nearly dropped, did he just call you a dear friend? Tonight was full of miracles. Your heart began fluttering again and you were to shocked to even try and stop it.
We're friends... dear friends, your heart began singing. But you cut it off before it could get any further. No, no you couldn't keep playing this game with yourself, with your heart and feelings. For your own sake you were going to force your heart to find someone else to love. No more saving all your love for him. You were going to find someone.... someone less of ass. However that didn't mean the two of you couldn't be friends.
He seemed genuine enough and seeing the kicked puppy dog expression on his face was seriously starting to wear you down.
"Ugh, fine." You sighed giving him a irritated look, "Just don't do it again alright? I really don't like pompous you, jackass you is much better."
Relief quickly appeared on Damian's face and he seemed to be fighting off a smile suddenly.
"Thank you... I'm assuming jackass me is the version you deem normal?"
Despite yourself you snorted, rolling your eyes you smiled and gave him a long look. He was an idiot and sometimes weird, but other times he could be kinda cute... alright more then kinda... wait did what he just said about being dear friends- was that an emotional speech? You couldn't help but tease him about it.
"Yup. By the way, I didn't know you were the emotional speech kind of guy."
He blinked and then his eyes narrowed and he leaned in towards you, his arms behind his back a strange look on his face.
"Well special circumstances call for special responses however if anyone ever finds out about this there won't be a body left for them to find." He muttered to you.
For some reason, you found this hysterically funny. You smiled at him and he gave you a confused look. Laughing you rolled your eyes.
"Okay, then."
A temptation washed over you and you gave Damian a look, he raised his eyebrows in confusion. You leaned in a bit more and for a moment you relished the surprised look in his eyes. Leaning in even more you quickly pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, then you pulled away smiling.
His eyes widened and it was hard not to laugh at his expression.
"Did-did you just kiss me?" He asked clearly in shock
Laughing you shook your head in disbelief, it wasn't that shocking was it?
"It was only on the cheek, geeze. You do know that friends sometimes kiss each other like that right?"
He blinked twice and then he nodded and turned away from you his face turning all different shades of pink and red.
".... I do now." He replied nearly whispering.
It suddenly occurred to you that you had completely and totally flustered him. You tried to stop yourself but you really couldn't. A snort escaped you and you pressed a hand to your mouth to push back your giggles. Damian blinked a few times and your entire body shook.
"Oh no!" Jason shouted, "I think the demon spawn killed Y/N."
That did it, you burst into a fit of laughter. Your entire body shook and you nearly collapsed in on yourself.
"Oh my gosh," You said in between your laughing fits.
After a few seconds of you cackling and everyone staring at you in confusion, you were able to calm down... well it was more like a few minutes but that's besides the point. Wiping away imaginary tears you let out a sigh and smiled brightly at Damian. His face softens and he sighs slightly before straightening out.
"I hope you fully recover from your injuries L/N." He says in a strange tone, turning to leave.
"They were just scrapes." You reply, waving a hand as if to brush off.
He pauses for a moment and turns back to you. Tilting his head he looks you over.
"Regardless, I dislike seeing you hurt..." He softly says, he then blinked a few times as if he just realized what he said and he got an embarrassed look on his face. " Well goodnight."
In that instance it was almost like cupid shot an arrow straight at your mind, not your heart. Mainly because your heart was already certain about what it felt, your mind on the other hand was causing all the trouble. A warm feeling rushed over you and softly both in unison your heart and your mind began to sing.
It was then that you realized, at least for now, there wasn't really anyone else you could find yourself loving. Or at least feel the same way you do about him.
Damn it.
Sighing in defeat you watched him walk across the bat cave and slowly up the stairs. Shaking your head you watch him go and find yourself muttering under your breath.
"Looks like I'm saving all my love for you."
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All Men Have Limits - X
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 4,100+
Previously on…
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The next three days were one of the darkest periods of Dick Grayson’s life. 
He was thrown back into the past to the moments after his parents were murdered. This felt the same but somehow worse. Because he was convinced he had the power to stop it, to keep Y/N safe.
Why did everyone he love have to die?
Was he cursed?
Was he responsible for their deaths?
He hadn’t even been able to tell Y/N how he really felt. He’d been holding back all this time, terrified that his truth would just push her away and make her decide to close off from him.
Now Dick wished he could go back in time and confess everything to her. If she had pushed him away, he would found his way back to her somehow. He sees that now – now that it’s too late.
He looked at Y/N sleeping peacefully in her bed at the manor.
Is it a miracle if conjuring was used to fight back at fate?
Dick doesn’t even remember what he said when he contacted Zatanna. He must’ve sounded hysterical and utterly desperate. His vision had been blurred from the tears he couldn’t control. 
He already blacked the whole thing out.
Zatanna told them that Y/N would sleep for a few days. Even if her magic saved her life and Y/N wouldn’t even have a scar to prove she had died, her body was still exhausted from the trauma of it all.
But even with Zatanna’s reassurance, Dick hadn’t left Y/N’s side, absolutely terrified that she was still in danger, that she could still leave them forever.
When Y/N started to shift, Dick sat up straighter in the chair that he’d pulled close to her bed.
Y/N winced before her eyes fluttered open.
Dick didn’t want to overwhelm her, so he just waited for her to fully wake up.
Y/N seemed confused when she realized that she was back in her room at the manor.
Then her gaze moved to Dick.
“Bruce, is he–”
“He’s fine,” Dick cut her off before she could get herself into a panic.
Her entire body relaxed and she let out the breath she was holding in without realizing it.
“He has a concussion and he’s a little beat up. But he’s had worse,” Dick elaborated.
She raised a brow. “You tend to say that a lot.”
Dick shrugged.
But it was true: Bruce had been in much worse condition.
“You saved his life, Y/N.”
She seemed uncomfortable hearing that and didn’t meet his gaze.
“I did what anyone would’ve done,” Y/N mumbled.
“Not everyone would be that brave.”
A silence settled between them for a few moments.
“How am I here?” Y/N finally asked Dick quietly.
But they both knew she was really asking, ‘How am I alive?’
“I’m not sure you really want to know all the details…” Dick had been dreading this conversation.
“I’m assuming you called in another favor with your magic friend,” Y/N thought aloud.
“Zatanna,” Dick confirmed. “And, yes. Something like that.”
Y/N gave him a look that told him she wasn’t going to let it go so easily.
“She used a spell that reversed your injuries. She…” Dick had to pause and clear his throat and get rid of his emotions that were threatening to spill. “She used your blood to write a spell, making it far stronger than most she’s cast. It saved your life.”
Y/N watched him for a moment.
“That must’ve been scary,” she whispered, truly understanding what she had put him through.
She simply could not imagine had it been the other way around. The idea of watching Dick die was something she hoped to never live through.
“He hadn’t left your side until Alfred basically secretly drugged him and scared him to get his own bedroom.”
Y/N moved to get out of bed.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Dick panicked as she stood up to stop her.
“I feel…” she thought about it for a moment.
“Like you were stabbed to death?” Dick offered darkly.
“No. I feel…I feel fine.”
He could tell she was telling the truth.
“Perks of magically being healed?” She offered innocently.
“Guess so.”
She moved out of the bed and realized she was wearing cotton shorts and a baggy t-shirt that she most definitely didn’t die in.
What had happened while she was asleep? How long was she dead?
Y/N went to the window and looked out at the grounds of Wayne Manor.
“What happened when the cops showed up?” She asked quietly, almost in a daze.
“You’d have to ask Tim for details. I was preoccupied with…” Dick’s words died out.
Y/N turned away from the window to look at him.
She may have survived, but that was never going to make talking about that night any easier for him.
Luckily, she understood what Dick couldn’t put into words.
Dick took in a deep breath and crossed his arms, “We got them, Y/N.”
It almost seemed to good to be true. They’d been at this for months. It took them weeks just to plan their final blow.
Y/N didn’t realize how hard it would be to believe that it was truly over.
It didn’t help that there was no returning to her old life. Too much had changed.
“With the evidence you gave the FBI, there’s not a lawyer in the world that can save them. Even if a member’s hands aren’t dirty, the public shame will be enough to neutralize them for good,” Dick added with a bit of optimism.
But he could tell by Y/N’s face that she was having trouble accepting the truth.
He took a step toward her. 
“If there’s members of The Court that slipped out from underneath us, if any of them try to come after you, it’ll just prove to the world that The Court of Owls is still operating. And exposing that will be the last thing they’ll want.”
She tried to force a small smile and nod, but it was unconvincing.
Dick closed the space between them and grabbed her hands.
“Y/N, you did it.”
“It’s really over,” she whispered, staring into his deep blue eyes.
He gave her a reassuring smile and nodded.
Then Dick’s focus shifted. He looked her up and down. “Y/N, you should really get some rest. You’ve been through a lot.”
Y/N sighed. “I think I’m gonna take a shower.” She smirked, “Get all that death off me.”
Dick frowned. “Not funny.”
“Jason would think it’s funny,” Y/N teased as she walked to the bathroom.
He playfully glared at her. “I’ll give you some space. But I’ll be down in the cave if you need me.”
Dick only got a few steps before Y/N called his name as if she’d forgotten something and rushed to him.
He looked at her expectantly.
Y/N stepped forward and locked her arms around Dick and buried her face into his shoulder. She closed her eyes and tried to control her breathing.
“Thank you,” she mumbled as his hands rubbed her back soothingly and he pulled her closer.
Dick wanted to tell Y/N that she didn’t have to thank him. He saved her life and he would do it again and again and again, and he would never expect gratitude for it. Because Dick knew that it was just as much for him as it was for her.
So instead he just held her in silence and felt the warmth from her body – the same body that had been ice cold and lifeless just days before.
When they finally pulled away, Dick was studying her face to make sure she was alright to be left alone.
He gave her one last look before leaving her.
Y/N took her time in the shower, making the water as hot as her skin would allow without giving it burns. There wasn’t a single bruise or cut on her. Her fingers traced over the place on her abdomen where the katana had been shoved through. 
There was nothing.
She wondered if there was a price to pay for such magic. Would she be held accountable? Or would it be Dick’s friend who faced the consequences?
Y/N didn’t know how long she’d been showering, but when she finally walked out, the bathroom was filled with too much steam.
She quickly put on sweatpants and a t-shirt when her stomach started growling. She couldn’t even remember when her last meal had been.
Y/N moved to her door after deciding that going straight to the kitchen was quite necessary.
But she stopped as she heard footsteps walking past her room in the hall.
She froze, thinking it was Bruce.
What would she say to him? Would he be angry with her? Would he not react at all to her resurrection? What would hurt her more between the two?
But it wasn’t Bruce. 
Tim and Damian were walking down the hallway.
“How much longer do you think he’ll stay?” She heard Damian ask.
“I don’t know. I heard the Titans have been bugging him to come back,” Tim answered. “I’m sure Kori misses him and has been texting.”
Damian just hummed in acknowledgment.
Y/N realized her hand was suspended over the doorknob.
And she had a realization: she was safe to leave.
But more importantly, she wasn’t the only one that could return to their “normal” life: so could Dick, so could everyone else in the family.
Soon, Tim would go back to his condo in the city. Jason would stop working so closely with the family he tried to disown and he’d probably stop coming around manor so often – if ever. And Bruce…Bruce would move on to new cases and return to the usual patrolling.  
Y/N turned and looked at the bedroom that had become her new home in the past few months. Her personality was nowhere to be found inside. It wasn't actually hers. She was just one of its many visitors. 
Y/N grabbed her duffle bag from underneath the queen-sized bed and started throwing her belongings into it.
Ten minutes later, Y/N had her jacket and shows on, and all of her belongings were packed in her bag. 
She still had to deal with all her equipment that was sitting in the cave. But that was a problem for another day. Right now, she didn’t have the bandwidth to deal with it. She needed to leave – before she changed her mind.
Y/N was just yards from the front door when she heard his voice.
“Y/N?” Dick asked just loud enough to catch her.
She froze in place.
While her back was still to him, she closed her eyes in grievance from the failure of being spotted.
She slowly turned around.
“You trying to sneak out of here?” Dick asked.
It was meant to sound teasing, but she heard his disappointment loud and clear.
“It’s about time I get out of your hair.” 
“We’re not exactly kicking you out…” Dick tried to joke.
“You said so yourself: it’s safe for me now.” She sighed and walked closer to him. “Look, I just…I need some time alone.”
Dick took it a bit too personally. Were they really that exhausting to be around? He thought she had started to see them as her own family. He thought things were OK.
“At least let me drive you,” he offered quietly.
“I called a cab. It���s waiting for me outside.”
Before Dick could say anything else, she quickly turned and made her escape.
Y/N knew what she was scared of. She was scared he’d tell her he was leaving Gotham now that the case had been solved. But she was even more scared that he’d tell her he was staying. 
She wasn’t ready to deal with either scenario.
So, Y/N did what she did best: she ran.
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Y/N stared at the wall of her safe house.
The silence that she had once grown used to long ago was now irritating.
Y/N hadn’t realized how accustomed she had become to the chaos of Wayne Manor until she had torn herself away from it. Even when it was quiet there, she could feel the presence of everyone.
Now she was left only to her thoughts.
And just she was about to escape the silence and go grab food at a nearby diner, there was a knock on the door.
Y/N knew for a fact that this safe-house hadn’t be blown yet – and that included with the Wayne family. It was exactly why she chose to come here instead of the one where Bruce first found her and dragged her to Wayne Manor for her own safety.
Which was why Y/N grabbed one of her guns and checked to make sure it was loaded and the safety was off before she tiptoed to the door.
She looked through the peep hole and her stomach twisted when she saw Bruce Wayne was on the other side.
She knew he could sense her presence on the other side, and there was no hiding. So she opened the door quickly.
Bruce eyed the gun in her hand. “This has become a habit of yours.”
Y/N ignored his comment, uncocked the gun, and carefully placed it on a table near the door.
When she was finally able to take Bruce in, she noted that his face was covered in bruises and small cuts. To be honest, Y/N expected more damage after being a witness to his near-death beating. 
“May I come in?” Bruce asked softly.
She blinked rapidly, realizing she had yet to invite him inside.
This was all reminiscent of that night.
And Y/N didn’t appreciate the memories and feelings Bruce was stirring up.
An awkward silence settled between them. The silence of her apartment was doing nothing to help.
“Are you okay?”
Y/N knew the question was sincere, but Bruce still managed to ask it without showing any ounce of emotion – as if he wasn’t personally invested in the matter. 
“I’m fine,” she answered quickly. Her eyes softened. “Are you okay?”
He simply nodded.
Silence again.
“You can never do that again,” Bruce declared.
“Do what?”
“You risked your life to save mine. The boys refused to tell me what happened, but I saw the footage. You threw yourself in front of me.”
Y/N remained calm as she said, “You did the same for me.”
Bruce shook his head. Because they both knew it wasn’t the same thing.
The truth was that Bruce woke up to find Dick crying over Y/N’s dead body. And then a few minutes he had watched as Dick begged Zatanna to help him.
And Bruce? Bruce had been unconscious when Y/N had needed him the most.
He had protected her all these months – with his own family and his own home – just to be useless in her final moment of need.
When Bruce finally woke up recovered to find out that Y/N had fled the manor, he knew he needed to go to her. He needed to make sure she never did something so stupid as risking her life to save him.
But now Bruce stood before her and he knew he needed to tell her so much more than just that.
“What are you doing here, Bruce? Did you just plan on lecturing me again?”
But Bruce wasn’t realized he couldn’t use any words tonight.
Ever so slowly, he stepped into her space, putting less and less space between their bodies. Y/N could feel the heat coming from him. And she sucked in a gasp from his proximity. She breathed in his cologne that she’d grown to love so much that it instantly relaxed her.
Her heart beat faster and faster as his eyes shifted down to her lips, hesitating in a way that was excruciating to Y/N. But it gave her time to resist, to allow her to shut this down before it could continue.
But Y/N didn’t want to do that.
Bruce brushed her hair away from her face, then his hands shifted slightly to cup her face. His touch wasn’t soft, but insistent.
He pressed his lips to Y/Ns. Brisk and determined. 
The tension finally snapped and pushed them to a passionate kiss that was long overdo.
Was this only going to cause them both more pain in the future?
Or was this what they should’ve done long ago?
Bruce pushed Y/N against a wall.
And then everything became a blur.
Bruce picked Y/N up and wrapped her legs around his waist for her, silently instructing her. 
Clothes were unzipped and unbuttoned, and thrown around the apartment without thought.
Their breathing was heavy and reactive to the way their hands raced across each other’s now naked skin. 
For never being at this particular safe house, Bruce found his way to the bed with ease.
From the movement of their bodies and obvious desire for one another, one thing became clear: they were never meant to only share one night together.
Y/N had tried with all her might to stay awake – even if that meant pulling an all-nighter.
She was trying to break the pattern. And even though Bruce had exhausted her body to no end, she didn’t want to wake up to find his side of the bed empty.
But she was shocked to open her eyes and find not only that Bruce was still in her bed, but that she had been sleeping on his bare chest with his arms wrapped tightly around her.
Y/N could feel that he was awake. Apparently he was much more disciplined than her.
Little did she know Bruce hadn’t slept at all, not wanting to miss the feeling of her against him. 
Y/N slowly lifted her head, “Hi.”
He smirked at the sleepiness in her voice.
“Didn’t expect you to be here still,” she admitted quietly.
“I can leave if you want.” And he meant it, even though it would hurt.
“No,” she scolded him in a breathy gasp.
The tension in his body released. 
Y/N shifted off of his chest
“And where do you think you’re going?” Bruce questioned.
She shifted so she was no longer resting on his chest, but laying on her side beside him so she could see his face.
“I just wanted to look at you,” she whispered innocently.
Bruce smirked at her answer.
Y/N made sure the bed sheet was successfully covering her nudity.
Bruce seemed amused with her sudden modesty, but said nothing of it.
“How did you find me here?” Y/N asked him.
It had been the first thing she’d wanted to ask when he showed up to her door last night. But Bruce hadn’t exactly given her a lot of space to speak last night.
Bruce’s jaw tightened, which was a message in its own. 
“Bruceeeee,” Y/N pushed back with irritation.
“You aren’t going to like the answer.”
She glared at him. “Did you put a fucking tracker on me, Bruce Wayne?”
“Your phone.”
“When?” She asked.
“After you tried to turn yourself in to the Talons.”
Y/N sighed, clearly annoyed by the answer.
They both knew she could easily disable it now that she knew about it. Even if he hadn’t confessed it, she would’ve figured it out on her own eventually.
“You’re upset,” Bruce observed.  
“How would you feel if I did the same to you? But it’s…you. And I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“Need I remind you that we only met because you blackmailed me and threatened to expose my identity to the world?”
“You know that wasn’t the same,” she shot back as she rolled her eyes. 
“You’re right.” Bruce sighed. “I promise I will deactivate it.”
“No,” Y/N surprised him by saying. “But I will make you a deal…you can always know where I am if I can know the same for you.”
Bruce knew this was a test. Because Y/N expected him to immediately shoot down such an offer. Couldn’t such information be used against Batman?
“Deal,” he agreed.
Y/N was so shocked by his compliance that her overwhelming emotions forced her to lean into him and capture his lips in a kiss.
“Should I make us breakfast?” She whispered to him after barely pulling away from his lips. 
She lightly bumped her nose against his. 
Bruce nodded with a grin.
But before Y/N could ask what he wanted, a knock at the door interrupted them.
Her heart raced at the thought of another intrusion – and a less welcomed one.  
Bruce frowned, but remained calm.
“Stay here,” he warned before placing a light kiss on her bare shoulder.
Before she could argue, he slipped out of bed.
He put his boxer briefs on, but didn’t bother with a shirt or pants.
Even though Bruce told Y/N to stay put, she still figured a mysterious knock on the door was a sign to put clothes on.
She practically threw on her underwear, but couldn’t find a single piece of clothing she had on yesterday. Yet somehow she found Bruce’s white button down and quickly buttoned on to give herself some semblance of decency.
Bruce looked through the peephole. 
He held his breath.
Bruce would’ve rather it been an attempted attack on Y/N than…this.
“Y/N, I know you’re there,” Dick called from the other side of the door.
Bruce knew she couldn’t hear him. But he knew there was no other choice than to open the door.
Bruce looked apathetic as he faced his first protégé.
But Dick knew Bruce well enough to see that there was guilt hidden underneath.
He took in Bruce’s attire – or really, the lack there of.
Dick huffed out a laugh, “Of course. I should’ve known better.”
He shook his head and turned to leave.
Bruce slammed the door shut and rubbed his face in distress.
Before he could even think of something to say to Y/N, she rushed past him and threw the door open again.
“Dick! Wait!” Y/N called to him and caught him in the hallway.
By some miracle, Dick stopped and turned to her.
He looked her up and down, lingering far too long on the white button down she was wearing that so clearly belonged to Bruce.
“Needed some time alone, huh?” 
Throwing Y/N’s own words back at her was meant to come out harsh and cold. But it ended up sounding heartbroken and betrayed.
And, honestly, that was worse to Y/N.
She have any idea what to say to him.
What would even make him feel better?
So, Y/N just watched Dick slowly walk away.
She stepped back into the safe house with tears in her eyes.
Bruce immediately moved to her. 
But Y/N shook her head, stopping him from saying anything more.
“I should go,” Bruce told her. 
He couldn’t help himself as he reached to wipe her tears away.
“I should probably give you your shirt back,” she said between sniffles.
Had the situation been different, it would’ve sounded funny. 
But there was no humor here. 
Bruce’s innocent touch of wiping her tears away made it hard for Y/N to concentrate.
So she escaped into the bedroom and quickly changed into her own clothes.
When she walked back out, she had all of Bruce’s stuff in her arms.
Once Bruce was in his clothes again, he didn’t know what to do or say next.
It was hard for Bruce to leave Y/N when she was so visibly upset. Dick wasn’t here to make Y/N feel better this time...and that was all Bruce’s fault.
“I’m not used to saying bye to you,” Y/N finally broke the tension.
Bruce’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
A sad look flashed across her face as she processed her thoughts. “Usually I wake up…and you’re gone. You don’t even give me a chance to.”
Bruce bowed his head in shame. “I shouldn’t have done that to you,” he finally admitted to her.
Y/N nodded slowly, agreeing with him.
“But you did,” she whispered. 
Her voice sounded congested from all the tears she just shed. 
“And all this time, I let myself think it was OK or even that I was the one who had messed it all up.”
Bruce quickly shook his head. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Y/N.”
Her eyes darkened. “Why did you have to make it so hard to stay away from you, Bruce?”
An he knew he deserved that. “I’ve been selfish,” he confessed.
Bruce hesitated before giving her a slow kiss on the cheek.
It was the first time Y/N had ever seen him unsure of himself.
Without saying anything more, he turned and left.
“Goodbye, Bruce.” Y/N whispered long after he could still hear her.
Part XI
Did I ruin your life? Let me know 😂
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