#jason todd/ roy harper
random-sparks-98 · 7 months
Here's a really rough animatic that I started back in April and only just now got around to finishing 😅 Happy Valentines Day!!!
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bitter-hibiscus · 2 months
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Red Hood joins twitter. Chaos arises
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amorkuku · 2 months
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Blocking the view
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lilsoupboiii · 3 months
Even more of my personal favorite panels from s2 of Batman: Wayne Family Adventures
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clericxhood777 · 4 months
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Part One, I guess, I might start doing the batfam, too
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neptunezo · 6 months
The batkids are known for sharing clothes amongst each other, so imagine everyone’s surprise when Jason won’t let them borrow his hoodie. Upon further inspection they find out it’s Roy’s hoodie. This causes a chain reaction and now Dick won’t let anyone borrow his Wally hoodie, Tim won’t let anyone borrow his Kon hoodie, Damian with Jon’s clothes(which there was no need for because Damian’s clothes never fit anyways), Duke with Izzy’s, Cass with Steph, and so on. After this “civil war” they all reluctantly agree to end this and all clothes (their own or not) is up for grabs. (minus Damian and Jon, of course)
bonus is when their partners steal the batkids clothes only to find out later that it’s definitely not a wayne kids clothing item.
Roy: That’s my sweater?
Wally: Yeah well Kon’s wearing my pants so…
Izzy: I’m probably wearing one of your boxers, it’s for sure not Dukes
Kon: how do you know?
Izzy: Because Duke doesn’t own Minecraft boxers???
Steph: Oh yeah sorry, those are mine
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chasinkookioe · 6 months
I think it’s funny to think that whenever Jason shows up to ANYTHING with a duffle bag the batfamily and co think there could be decapitated heads inside:
Dick: whatcha got there Jason?
Jason: my luggage for the mission??
I imagine that then the Justice League becomes weary of Jason with duffle bags due to the bats. So the outlaws could be helping with a mission and:
Superman: Hood if it’s alright we’d like to search your bag?
Red Hood: there’s just my gear inside
Superman: we just want to double check it is your gear…
Red Hood:
Red Hood: not you guys too
Arsenal: at this point you should just put heads in there.
Red Hood: I’m not trying to get back on the Justice Leagues Wanted list Roy
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varpusvaras · 10 days
I think that instead of being super apprehensive about Jason and him dating Roy, Oliver should take one look at him and then one look at Bruce and go oh, I'm about to be so annoying.
Oliver starts being so nice to Jason. So nice. Inviting him to family dinners. Giving him both his hero communications and personal phone number and telling him to call whenever he needs something. He gives him new tech and keeps updating his weapons and armor. He helps with missions and clean up and says nothing if Jason is a little rough, apart from patting him on the back and saying good job. He starts keeping his picture inside his wallet and has other pictures of Jason, Roy and Lian framed in the house and tells everyone about him. He starts calling him son-in-law first and then just son and then calls him a Harper and eventually a Queen.
At first it was just to annoy Bruce, but after the first time he tells Jason that he did a good job and Jason starts to tear up a little, Oliver goes oh no, oh I'm actually doing this now. This my boy now. I don't care if he and Roy break up or something, this is my boy now.
Bruce still thinks he's just doing it for the sole purpose of pissing him off, though, and he is so fucking mad. The Justice League meetings have turned into a Cold War zone.
Bruce starts to being so nice to Jason as well, forcing himself to ignore some of the more outrageous things Jason does, and Jason is so, so fucking confused.
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theaceofarrows · 11 days
A Robin tradition
13 year old Jason: Dick, I need to borrow the Batmobile! Roy needs help with his English homework, Alfred is busy, and the Batmobile is the fastest car we have!
18 year old Dick: [is mad at Bruce and knows full well that this is going to piss him off] Say no more
[Dick gets the keys]
Dick: I'll hide the keys to the motorcycles and the plane. When Bruce tries to call you, just ignore him
Jason: [running to the car] Thanks, Dick! You're the best!
[Years later]
Tim: Jason please help me! I need the Batmobile to save Kon from Kryptonite Zombies!
Jason: 'Kay, try not to hit any pedestrians
Jason: [takes the Batmobile keys out of his pocket tosses them to Tim]
Tim: You just had them in your pocket...?
Jason: Zombies, Tim
Tim: Right! Thanks! [Runs away]
[Even more years later]
Damian: Drake! I require the Batmobile. Connor needs assist-
Tim: [already tossing Damian the keys] Cool, see ya later
Damian: [already running to the car] Thank you!
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kieran-granola · 7 months
A shitty, 5-second night shot clip of Red Hood in the full suit goes viral: it's him casually walking next to a street cat, pausing to look at it, and meowing once.
When he learns about the video, Jason fully expects to be mercilessly mocked by his friends and family.
What actually happens is much worse.
...Because Tim and Steph band together with Roy to steal his helmet and replace it with a version with cat ears.
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hehether · 9 months
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Batboys with their sometimes-disappeared in Speedforce/ blown up at Sanctuary/ died after beating the shit out of Superboy-Prime/ imprisoned by a twisted version of his dad/ killed after losing a fcking global vote-besties
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Who do we know that did drugs? I got it!
Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne are standing in the Batcave, looking over some data on the Batcomputer.
DICK: None of us have done drugs or made drugs, but we need someone who's versed in it. Who?
BRUCE (excited, sudden realization): I got it! Call Jason!
DICK: He blocked you again?
Bruce looks a bit sheepish, but quickly recovers.
BRUCE (defensive): You’re not calling him?!
Sighing, Dick reluctantly pulls out his phone and dials Jason’s number. Jason answers, but before Dick can say a word, Bruce suddenly knocks him to the ground and snatches the phone from his hand.
BRUCE: Are you still friends with Roy? We need to learn how crack is made. We’re tracking someone!
There’s a pause on the other end of the line. Then, Jason starts laughing—slowly at first, then breaking into fits of uncontrollable laughter. In the background, a weary sigh can be heard that isn’t Jason’s.
JASON (laughing, catching his breath): I’ll ask him. Hey Roy—
ROY (in the background, exasperated): Fuck you!
Jason, still chuckling, responds to Bruce.
JASON: I think he can help us.
BRUCE: Oh, thank God.
Dick, now back on his feet, looks at Bruce with a mix of annoyance and disbelief.
DICK: You could’ve just asked for the phone!
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batfamhastwitter · 1 month
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Part 15! Can't believe Jason would do that smh lol
Prev ~ Beginning ~ Next
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marsantiquity · 2 months
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Jason and Damian have dinner at Roy and Lian's place :))
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clericxhood777 · 1 month
Duke: Why is Dick sitting in between Jason and Roy?
Steph: Because he doesn't wanna see them cuddling.
Tim: Or kissing.
Duke: But they're a couple.
Tim: To Dick, Jason's still a baby.
Duke, holds up Damian: This is a baby, that's a grown ass adult.
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Bruce once said, half-jokingly, that anyone who wanted to marry any of his kids had to beat hik in single combat first. Unfortunately, joking on the Bat looks dead serious to everyone not in his circle, so now Wally is busy learning Muay Thai, Roy is brushing up on Krav Maga, and Conner has resigned himself to living in sin. Steph just figures she'd ask Cass to fight her battles for her.
Conner: I’m sorry. I love you, but we can never marry.
Tim, thinking about who he might need to politely go ask Jason to take care of:
Conner, entirely serious: I’m never going to be able to beat your dad.
Tim, hearing “beat UP” because he was thinking about Jason punching Luthor:
Tim: I feel like further explanation might be necessary here.
Wally: Okay. I think I’m ready to fight Batman.
Dick, only half paying attention: *nods* I understand completely. I have the same urge all the time.
Jason: What do you MEAN you can’t marry me because Batman will beat you?
Roy: But Bruce said-
Jason: I don’t care what Bruce said. Actually, no. I do care. How DARE he-
*cut to Jason fighting Batman*
Roy: So does this count, or…
Bruce, at six am in a bathrobe and slippers: Steph, what are you doing here?
Steph: Outsourcing.
Cass: *comes flying at Batman from two stories above*
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