#prompt: growth
bleezebrew-writes · 6 months
Nimona stared at the plant.
The plant did not stare back, as it was boring. It didn't seem to do anything.
"What is it?" Ambrosius asked.
Nimona pointed at the plant.
"You're...communing with it?" he tried.
She gave him a flat stare. "I'm trying to understand why you like flowers. They're so boring. Herbs I get—use them to cook. Trees I get—for fruit, or climbing, or making things, but this? It's just...there."
"I think it's nice, helping something grow."
"Hm." She thought of Ballister. "Fair enough."
"Want to see my venus fly trap?"
"Uh, yeah? That sounds sick."
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DC x DP Prompt
To the delight of Gotham's citizens, and the dismay of her criminal underbelly, the GCPD has a new specialized unit that ACTUALLY apprehends criminals and brings them to justice!
It's a relatively small squad of mostly young adults, who looked fresh out of their teens. But age didn't matter once they got the work done. And they did, as they've already got criminals like Penguin, Riddler, and Bane behind bars for what looks to be 'for good'.
No one besides Commissioner Gordan knows anything about the squad as they operate as a mostly separate entity from GCPD. It was rare to see any of them, and any photos taken were unusually blurry. They are also extremely secretive; if you exclude their social media which are usually just shit posts, memes, and thirst edits of the Wayne family.
They were a total mystery. Almost as mysterious as Batman.
But those who have seen/worked with the squad before all had the same thing to say about them. They were cool. They had an unusually effective method. And their leader is a menace. With his sharp teeth and pointed smile. And bright blue eyes that spoke to your soul. It was a pleasure to see/ work with him, it really was. But they weren't planning on doing so again for a long time.
That being said, Gotham had been quiet for a while. A bit too quiet if you ask anyone, especially the Bats. Strangely, it didn't feel like the usual calm before the shit storm. The instinctual pit in their guts that usually formed just wasn't there. This was different. This wasn't the calm before the storm. This was the ocean receding. But no one seemed to realize it yet.
Not until the tsunami came crashing down on them.
The GCPD special unit accounts that had been inactive for the last three months suddenly pinged to life. Everyone who followed them clicked the notification almost immediately. With this unnerving calm surrounding them, who the hell didn't want to see what batshit crazy statement they would make after three months of radio silence.
What they didn't expect, was to see a crystal-clear picture of justice finally being served.
The picture was a selfie, taken in an abandoned warehouse. In the middle of the dirty floor was the Joker. He was tied up and his head hung low. You could see how beaten he was, his clothes torn and bloody. His face paint was also coming off, revealing pale blotchy skin. Reminding everyone that, he was still human, just like the rest of them.
Behind him, all lined up with smiles on their faces, was Team Phantom. They were a bit bloody and bruised as well but overall in much better condition. They weren't wearing the normal GCPD navy blue uniform, but black and white ones. All stylized to fit the wearers taste. They all looked so young, but their eyes looked like old tired eyes, finally getting some relief.
From in the corner was their leader. Only part of his face was in the picture. One glowing blue eye, and part of his Cheshire smile. His hand making a peace sign next to the Joker. Even with only part of his being shown, everyone could tell he was relived as well.
And while the picture itself was shocking, the caption was what really got them. The top was what you would usually expect from the team. A big bold 'GOT EM' ' at the top. But at the bottom in small, almost unnoticeable text was:
"He will face his punishment. We will get our retribution. May we finally rest in peace."
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starhoodies · 10 months
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soriku week day 3: DATASCAPE.
data sora: "dw bud, I downloaded like a bunch of medical stuff off the internet into my data, I KNOW how to be a doctor now." data riku: "Oh yeah? What did that "medical stuff" say about fixing computer viruses, Dr. Sora?" dr. sora: "...huh."
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
shadow work prompts⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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resources for ur healing journal and healing journey in general bcuz u deserve to heal ✨ (constantly being updated and improved)
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what did childhood me need the most
what am i avoiding -> what am i addicted to
what secrets am i hiding and why
am i being honest with myself/others
what are my biggest misconceptions about myself
what are the first signs that u notice and know that ur mental health is dipping
what beliefs and behaviors did u adapt from ur family that u now question
what easily triggers (feeling) and what might be a reason for this sensitivity
have u ever had a reoccurring dream
do u have desires or ambitions that u feel embarrassed to admit
what critical thoughts do u have about urself
what part of myself do i feel disconnected to and why
how do i let others invade my boundaries
how much do i rely on external validation
do i tend to resist or embrace change
what are some toxic habits that i've adopted
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griefabyss69 · 2 months
Component Malfunction
Written for @steddiemicrofic!
[ AO3 ]
'PLUG' wc: 437 | rated: G | cw: N/A Steve finds that he is very happy when Eddie engages with his sensors. It elicits various human emotions in him.
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"Steve," Eddie says, holding onto the cord that connects Steve to the source of his initializing program. "Can you understand me?"
Steve opens his eyes and uses the mechanism in his face to smile, as he was programmed to when he is Pleased. Eddie is beautiful and he takes care of him. Eddie gave him human emotions so they can bond in the same language.
"Yes Eddie, I understand you," he replies.
"Good, how do you feel? B.O.D.Y. Protocol please," Eddie says, carefully putting the cord down. "Then H.E.A.R.T. Protocol."
Steve stops admiring him and runs the requested scans.
"Body is rested at 98% energy: Leg appendages due for inspection in 37 hours, newly installed software is operational, no known errors." he says.
Eddie's hand touches his face. It is soft compared to his own metal skin but Eddie has told that him he likes it that way.
"Heart malfunction: There are three errors; there is one update." Steve reports.
Eddie looks sad whenever he gives him the H.E.A.R.T. report, but Steve does not know why.
"I promise I'll fix it," he says, leaning in to press his lips against Steve's other cheek.
One of the errors disappears, but Eddie hasn't asked for another report or for updates on them, so Steve is unable to tell him at this moment. Instead he smiles because he is Pleased.
"Thank you Eddie," he says.
"You're so welcome," Eddie replies, brushing their noses together.
Steve's Pleased mood changes to Happy.
"I am happy," he says, because Eddie wants updates on the status of that. It would be logical for Eddie to pair that with the status of his H.E.A.R.T., but at this time he is unable to offer him ideas on his operation.
Steve is a work in progress.
Eddie smiles and expresses affection at his statement; he kisses Steve's mouth and the second error is fixed. His mood status changes again.
"I am elated," he reports.
"Yeah? Does it feel good when I kiss you?" Eddie asks, pulling away which does not feel good.
He looks at Steve and he has eyes that remind Steve of when Eddie added Category: Nature to his internal visual memory. They are as beautiful as the soil that hides the layers of Earth that many of Steve's components come from. Eddie's eyes hide Steve as well, and he feels safe.
"It feels good when you kiss me," he answers.
"I'm glad your sensors are working," Eddie says, expressing relief by lowering his shoulders and sighing. "I'll get your H.E.A.R.T. working too."
He leans in and kisses Steve again, and the last error resolves.
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ivymaria · 2 years
Journal Prompts for Your Self-Esteem
The other day I was in the shower and I was thinking about things I could write about when I want to motivate myself or give myself a confidence boost. These are some of the ideas I came up with and I think they could be really beneficial and encouraging.
While thinking about these things, you may begin to doubt yourself or compare yourself to other people, but I’m telling you right now: DON’T DO THAT. It does not matter how big or small you think these things are. These prompts are meant to generate big and small reminders of how dope you are :)
1. What are 10 (or more) things you like about yourself?
2. What things do you want to do or try that can help you feel good about yourself? For example, I’ve been considering trying out individual lashes and recently started looking into LHR. Also, going to the gym even if it's just for a walk on the treadmill. Literally, if you go once a week for fun just do something.
3. Think about some of your accomplishments in recent years. Describe them to your younger self and imagine how they would feel.
4. What are 10 (or more) things that you like about your life?
5. What are your energy givers? The big and small things that you do that make you feel joy? I loveee my yoga mat. I can lay on it, do nothing, and be happy. It’s that simple. Also washing my face in the morning :)
I want to EMPHASIZE that these things can be simple, everyday things. Do it for yourself without comparing yourself to other people. This is for you and you onlyyy.
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soulmate au but instead of immediately feeling like they found the person they're supposed to be with, they take one look at each other and just fucking despise each other
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tofuingho · 2 years
Imagine Jazz is dating Dick and the Batfam knows. They probably haven't had a formal introduction, but they've done a bit of investigation. They know all about the Dr.s Fenton and their inventions. The know about Danny and Dani's different achievements.
The one weird thing is that they can't find any clear photos of Danny or Dani.
One day, one of them sees her out and about with an absolute mountain of a man. He's very attractive and has black hair and blue eyes.
They're obviously very close to each other. They're very comfortable in each other's space and often put a hand on the other's arm or shoulder.
Oh my god. She's cheating on Dick.
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nenelonomh · 5 months
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journal prompts: for when you're feeling lonely
do you feel lonely all the time or in certain situations?
how have you dealt with similar feelings in the past? are you happy with how you handled it then? why or why not?
describe the difference between loneliness and being alone. if you don't see a difference, write about why that is.
take a second to pause and look inward. what other emotions piggyback off of loneliness? are you feeling frustrated, sad or anxious? write about what comes up.
would reaching out to other people make you feel less lonely? why or why not?
write a note to your loneliness without filtering yourself. what do you really want to say?
what advice would you give someone close to you when they are feeling lonely? do you feel like you could take your own advice? why or why not?
how do you talk to yourself when you feel this way? are you kind to yourself?
what does self-compassion mean to you? how can you practice it daily?
list five things you can forgive yourself for.
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DPxDC or Marvel Prompt: Braces
Danny's parents think his fangs are one of two things 1) HE'S POSSESSED BY A GHOST WHO IS CHANGING HIS FORM AND HURTING HIM or 2) his teeth are uneven like Jacks and he needs braces. Meaning Danny has to make the choice of potentially being ripped apart molecule by molecule by his parents or the embarrassment of having braces when he already has so much shit going on.
He chooses the braces.
The bullying at school is a bit obnoxious but the biggest problem is that now Phantom has braces and the team is freaking out.
How did a ghost get braces?!
Why did he need braces?!
Who did them for him because damn they did great work.
"How'd you get your braces?" A member of the team asked, causing the rest to tense up in fear of embarrassing the kid who just sighed and replied.
"A yeti did them for me."
Which just brought up more questions.
How did a yeti know how to make braces?
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eamour · 1 year
feeling uncertain and being indecisive.
i think feeling confusion about your desires can feel like a barrier that prevents you from manifesting your desire or fully "committing" to it. but not knowing what exactly you want, how it will look like and the way it will manifest shouldn’t be a problem. why? because your subconscious mind will take care of it.
the subconscious mind knows it all.
your subconscious will handle all of the extra work. you don’t have to sweat the details like when your desire will manifest, how it will manifest, what it will look like in microscopic detail, if everything will really manifest or if it will manifest as ideally as possible to your expectations. you don’t need to have a clear picture of it!
whatever it is that you are planning on manifesting, all you need to know is what you want. and you don’t have to be exact either! you don’t have to be able to visualise it or know how it would make you feel like. you don’t have to wonder about ANYTHING! let it all be your subconscious mind‘s job.
it knows what you want. it knows your deepest secrets, things that you aren’t aware of consciously and memories that you cannot recall anymore. your subconscious mind is like … a computer with all the information collected over the years regarding your entire life. every moment you‘ve experienced, every phrase you’ve heard, every picture you’ve seen, … your subconscious mind remembers it all! and you need to stop belittling your subconscious mind, refusing to believe that it can do a lot more than you can consciously think of.
to trust and have faith.
everything that you need to do is trust. trust your subconscious, know that it has your back — because — it does! you are god, your subconscious mind is you. it’s where all the magic and all the materialization happens. it’s the reason you have come so far. so doubting your subconscious mind‘s abilities sounds like doubting GOD to me.
have more faith in yourself because after all the world moves only because of you. you have come this far only to worry about a desire? nah. everything you are looking at right now is work done by you and your subconscious. nothing that exists can exist outside of your imagination aka outside of your subconscious mind. your subconscious mind creates your desire for you to discover it and you end up desiring so, you already have manifested it. you are now manifesting it for yourself.
it will manifest. it has to manifest. you will get exactly what you desire. even if you can‘t make up the details. you can manifest anything!
with love, ella.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Playbook: Questions To Ask When Evaluating Your Relationships
Whether it's a friendship, colleague or professional relationship, romantic/sexual relationship, one with a family member, mentors, or with yourself. Here are some questions to ponder when trying to evaluate someone's true character and intentions. Consider the following if you think someone is trying to deceive, manipulate, love bomb, or blindside you in any way.
Do they live with integrity? Not the "I'll start tomorrow" type of integrity, but do they live in alignment with their general life philosophy, opinions, and values?
Do they take accountability for their actions, behaviors, and mistakes? Listen to whether they acknowledge their role in how a situation played out automatically when recounting a story to you. Even when another person is at fault, do they see the situation objectively? Do they play the blame game to make themselves appear like the innocent victim at all times or try to see how their actions may have consequences for others?
When you share your successes with them, is there immediate action to double down on making you feel good or do they automatically claim your win by telling them how it makes them feel or feel about you?
When you make a mistake or share a failure with them, do they seek to understand/offer support, try to distance themselves from your claim/actions, or provide unsolicited advice?
When offering criticism, do they judge your behaviors, attitude, and actions, or do they immediately start evaluating your character?
Do they engage in conversations to win or understand?
Do they make assumptions about your or your perceptions before hearing what you have to say about a particular situation? Do they ask or assume how you're feeling?
In a conflict, do they initiate a conversation by opening a dialogue or immediately jump to criticize you? Do they speak about an issue with you first directly, or do they try to get others on your side behind your back before confronting you?
Are they loyal to you, or do you believe they can "switch sides" at any time? A friend to all is a friend to none.
Do they seek connection or perceive you as a source of consistent attention? Do they ask you how you are or go on endless monologues about themselves/their struggles? When speaking about yourself to them, do they ask questions and seem curious or act dismissive in an attempt to redirect the conversation back to themselves?
Do they put effort into acknowledging your needs, interests, or preferences? Do they do favors or nice things for you that don't necessarily benefit them or relate to their interests, purely because they know you would enjoy it, without having to ask once they know you well?
Do they respect your boundaries? Do they react with understanding and compassion or rage and condescension if they cross them?
Do you feel supported or like you're nagging when expressing your needs to them? Do they value your input or say they do yet dismiss your needs through their actions?
Do they more often say or show that they're a good person? The more someone needs to validate their character, the less likely they've confronted the truth about themselves.
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gtsdreamer2 · 11 months
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The church of Dommon was always looking for new followers. No one knew how or when the demoness was summoned, only that when she manifested on the mortal plane, a religion was formed around her. Her worshippers granted her power, and, in return, she shared a portion of her power with each follower. Those she liked more, received special blessings. Her congregation met on Saturdays, and this was the chance for her followers to bask in the presence of their god, and to hopefully receive her favor.
"My children," The demonness started, "It has been many years since I have come to this realm. As you can see, all of your love, and devotion, and worship has made me grow into this deity of a demon." She gestured to her hulking form. The demon was about twenty-five feet in height and thick from constant feasts and her lazy status. Her dark red skin shined without a blemish and her huge pendulous breasts leaked constant milk. This sweet nectar was what her followers sought after. As she grew from the worship of her flock, so did the amount of milk that she could produce. and this milk caused the drinker to in turn grow, much like the demon herself. Those who partook of the creamy gift grew stronger and more demonlike. They were looked apon faborably in this new society as well, The bigger the better.
Aimee was by far Dommon's most devout follower. She had never missed a sermon and always recieved the "Devil's blessing". Today was no different. She sat up front, blocking the view of the three seats behind her with her height and width. As of this moment in time, she was now eighteen feet in height. She had small protrusions on her back, the beginning of wings, matching the nubs on her head that would soon be horns. Her skin had begun to shine and redden, mimicking the demoness from whom she fed.
"I don't know what it is that I have done to deserve all of this worship from you all, but as I have always stated, I am humbled by my followers and it is my duty as your deity to give back what I can. Come and feed from me! I feel exceptionally bountiful this evening!" First in line, as always, was Aimee. She approached Dommon and did the ceremonial bow. Dommon in turn presented her full chest. Diving right in, Aimee latched on and began to suckle, noticing right away that the supply she was receiving was far greater than it had been the week before. 'She must have gotten some new followers.' She thought to herself between the great gulps she was taking. 'I'm going to suck this demon dry again.' Meanwhile Dommon was lost in the pleasure of being suckled by her favorite follower, far too distracted to notice how much milk Aimee was taking in and what it was doing to her.
Aimee could feel her blood pumping as her muscles pulsed larger. 'Something is happening to me.' She thought, gaining two feet of height in the span of as many minutes. Dommon's followers watched with jealousy, not daring to interrupt the ritual. She began to suck harder, trying to get as much milk as she could before suddenly switching to the other engorged tit, eliciting a forced moan from the demoness.
"Mmmph, yes my child, feed till you're full. This is my gift to you." She said, more aroused at this point than thinking about the consequences of what was happening. With a fresh supply rushing down her throat, Aimee could feel the surge resurging and accelerating as she let out her own moan. Her skin darkened another couple shades as her top ripped off of her. At the same time her pants split. Twenty-one, Twenty-two, Twenty-four, Twenty-six. Her height kept increasing. The demon was still lost in pleasure as she was suddenly smaller than her follower. As soon as Aimee surpassed Dommon in height, there was a shift in the room.
"The little winglets protruding from Aimee's back suddenly sprouted. they flapped back and forth as Aimee flexed her back. Her horns grew from nubs to great pointed antlers, proudly on display. She let out another moan as she could feel all the eyes of Dommon's followers on her. No...That wasn't right. They weren't Dommon's followers. Not anymore. She could FEEL it. Their devotion. It was pouring into her like a great waterfall.
Only now did Dommon snap out of her ritualistic trance. She could feel the power fading from her. It was surrendering itself to her previous worshipper. Dommon suddenly shrunk five feet. "What's happening to me!?" She shouted, her breasts shrinking with her and no longer producing the blessing. Aimee unlatched now and let out a powerful laugh.
"You've been usurped, that's what!" Aimee had been twenty-seven feet just from her previous god's favor, but now, all the love and devotion and worship from her new congregation was fueling her further. She grew and grew and grew while Dommon shrunk. At forty feet, the twelve foot demoness looked positively puny beneath her. "Worship me!" Aimee roared, forcing Dommon between her legs to sevice her. The weakened demoness had no choice but to obey, licking and sucking and suffocating against the massive womanhood before her. Aimee grinded herself against Dommon's face until she finished with a loud crescendo and another growth spurt, gushing all over the humiliated ex-god's face, and putting her at forty-five feet, nearly breaking out of the church. Her massive breasts now leaking the same blessing that she had previously used to ascend to goddesshood.
"Go." She commanded. "Take your seat in the pews with the rest of my followers. I need to rest." Aimee closed her eyes and dreamed about outgrowing the church...And everything else.
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hsnqnz · 2 years
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Journal prompts & ideas
Monthly goals
5 (or more) things you’re grateful for today
Wish list
Bucket list
Things you’re currently obsessed with
Dream life
List of peoples birthdays
Books to read
Favourite ____ of the month
Goals for the year
Places to travel to
Favourite.. (characters, books, movies, tv shows, food, songs, lyrics, etc)
Written playlist
Write things about your favourite season
Write about yourself
Letter to future self
What’s in my bag
Questions to future self
Receipt page
Peace givers
Something your most proud of
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krackenwl · 1 year
Gradual Growing/shrinking
I very much love rapid growing/shrinking moments alot but we dont appericate the concept of gradual as much as we should.
I love the fear of rapid growing/shrinking and the shock and confusing of having to adjust but with rapid the person knows offically when its stopped (at least for the time)
with Gradual its less shocking but there's more uncertainty because if they keep waking up very day with more/less inches/feet at first itll be unnoticable and a bit weird but after they figure it out theres this dread of never knowing when its going to stop.
Will they shrink to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a building or worse? will it ever even stop at all?!
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allaboutthemoonlight · 5 months
5 Journal Prompts for the Beginning of May
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Write about a goal or intention you’re setting for yourself this month
How do you plan to embrace new beginnings and fresh starts this month
What can make me happy this month
What do I want less of this month
What are some ways I can practice self love and compassion this month
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