#quotes are from my brother when i was like peaking and he decided to just sit in silence for a while (worst decision ever)
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Viola is a gifted soccer player who's school has just cut girl's sports. When her twin brother Sebastian decides to go to London to chase a gig, Viola decides to enroll in his new school as her brother. "His" roommate Duke is both a complete hottie and the captain of the soccer team. In order to score a place on the team "Sebastian" agrees to help Duke get with his crush Olivia. However Olivia is totally gone for "Sebastian"! Shenanigans ensue as the difference between girls and guys in both love and sports is explored.
This is a hilarious and irreverent take on Twelfth Night starring Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum. It's incredibly quotable, tons of fun, and a great modern adaptation.
Shirtless Channing Tatum. Positive messages about masculinity! Very quotable. Random acting part for Vinnie Jones. Amanda Bynes at her comedy peak! The shoehorning in of a Shakespeare quote at the end from a play that isn't twelfth night! Peak 2000s romcom
A high school take on the Malvolio Gulling subplot. Sixteen-year-old Marshall Gardner is 1) straight-laced, 2) exacting, 3) judgemental, and 4) perfectionistic. And below the surface, kept hidden from the rest of the world, he’s 5) controlled by his obsessions and compulsions, 6) fixated on the number twelve, 7) hopelessly in love with his best (only) friend, and 8) horrendously imperfect. He’s also 9) universally disliked, 10) the self-made enemy of the former GSA president, 11) just a little too easy to trick, and 12) in trouble.
This book is sooooo fucking good it’s my comfort read!!! Max asks the brave brave question of what if twelfth night was about a high schooler who i want to squeeze like a stress ball and it makes me feel insane. 12/10 book of all fucking time please read it
THIS STORY FUCKS. extremely hard. i read it before i even read twelfth night and let me tell you it works just as well as a stand-alone story as a retelling. it uses the subplot of twelfth night revolving around the servants (which deserves more attention, as a side note) to explore gender and neurodivergence and the inherent horror of being sixteen and it executes every theme extremely well. if you have maybe half an hour to spare honestly sit down and read the whole thing right now. it's so good. sir toby is a lesbian. what more could you want
read the whole thing here
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valora23 · 11 months
Hello, Big Brother~! Pt.1
Hello wonderful people! It is I, Valora~! I have indeed returned from my grave with the intention to continue my little series called "Eccentric Family" as it seemed to... gain a lot of views, surprising enough. I thank you readers for all the attention it has been getting lately.
Though there is another part of the series coming soon, an online friend of mine had decided to perhaps do a request of her own. This story is honestly long over due, but I did it! Behold, part 1 of a request made by: @hornet05. Thankyou, my friend. This masterpiece is for you. And now, on to the story~! Enjoy!
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Ah, love. They say it's the best feeling ever! There's even a whole day in the year that dedicates on its celebration. Everyone loved that day. I guess you can say it's a day most people took seriously. I suppose you were not most people. And I quote; "were".
Back when you were still in high school, the peak of secret admirers and constant love along with heartbreak, you never seemed to care about this stuff. In fact, when your friend asked if you would ever fall in love, you would constantly say no. The thing is, you never understood that feeling and imagining one day to feel like how others have described it just felt... like an untouchable dream.
Though all that didn't matter anymore when you met Rei during your first years in college. It was no love at first sight, but you did experience the small bud that soon blossomed into the feeling of love that everyone constantly gushed about. You were embarrassed to say it to your friends, though. You constantly denied it during high school. You couldn't just possibly say; "I might have a crush on someone even after I said I will never fall in love."
But still, all of the signs are there, and your friends had no problem putting the pieces together. Knowing that it'll hurt your pride to tell you straight fowardly, and know that there is no way you will take the first step, they took initiative to befriend Rei and set the two of you on a blind date.
To say you were pissed was an understatement. This was just straight-up embarrassing for you. One of your friends told you that Rei had simply asked them to eat together and said they could bring you and your other friends. But nope! They set it all up so that you two could have a small date together.
I won't get into details, sadly, that part is classified information. But what I can say is that it was an absolute disaster. You were a blushing, hot mess after that whole ordeal. But it worked nonetheless. He asked you out on a more literal date, and you accepted. From then on, both you and Rei are finally dating each other. Your friends couldn't be happier for you.
Though, as the days go by, you noticed how Rei usually declines your invitation to go on dates outside of college hours. Though you're not complaining, since Rei spends most of his free time with you anyway. Plus, the frequent study sessions you begged him to do. People often ask if you were truly fine with it, in which you answered yes. I mean, who cares about some date when you spend time with your boyfriend anyway, right? The point of a date was to have a moment just the two of you anyway. And that's what you two literally did almost every day. Besides, it made dates twice as special since he only takes you on a full on date on special occasions. But you're not gonna lie. You are currious on what he did after college that made him so busy. But then you did found out.
One day, Rei didn't come to college for the whole day. You tried looking for him, texted him, and called him even. But it didn't seem like he checked his phone the whole day. Then, you were suddenly approached by one of Rei's closest friends, Kaoru Hakaze, known to be the ultimate playboy on campus. How they became friends is kinda beyond you. But Kaoru told you that Rei was sick, that's why he didn't come that day.
Worried sick for your boyfriend, you demanded Kaoru to take you to Rei's house. Now, you might be thinking; "Y/n! You're Rei's girlfriend! How come you didn't know his address?!" Well, my friends, he simply didn't tell you. Why? Who knows? He just simply didn't tell you. In return, you didn't tell him your address, so it's kinda fair.
Anyway, Kaoru was honestly hesitant to, but you kept pestering him to submission. So the next thing you know, Kaoru is reluctantly guiding you to Rei's house. Once you both reached his door, Kaoru ran away with some lame excuse of having another date with some girl.
You were confused with his actions but shrugged it off. You faced the door and knocked on it. It took a while, but then the door opened, revealing 3 children behind the door. They all stared at you for a second before the pink haired one slammed the door shut to your face. It surprised you, but you were too focused on why there were children in the house.
After a few more minutes of waiting, the door opened again, revealing a man with shoulder-length brown hair. "Hello there! Sorry for Kohaku's actions. He didn't mean any harm!" The man smiled and ushered you inside. "Yes... hello, um... I'm Y/n, Rei's... girlfriend..." You explained. The man's eyes widened happily. "Ah! So you're the girl Rei has been happily talking about! I'm Madara Mikejima! I'm Rei's uncle. I don't live here, but I'm currently helping Rei take care of his siblings while he's sick." You eyed him quizzically.
"Siblings?" Madara looked at you before he sweat dropped. "Of course he didn't mention them to you... he never really mentions his siblings to anyone until they visit his house. But I'm sure you're here for Rei, right? His room is on the second floor, first door on the left." Madara said. You smiled at him. "Thank you, Mikejima-san." You bowed as a sign of gratitude. "Ah, no worries! And you can just call me Mama!" You looked at him confused again. "Mama...?" He just smiled sweetly before once again ushering you, but upstairs this time.
Following Madara's instructions, you manage to find the door. Honestly, it wasn't so hard, as the door had a nameplate with the word 'Rei' on it and a couple of bat decorations. Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door. It took a while, but then you heard a raspy "Come in" from the other side of the door.
You slowly opened the door to reveal Rei laying in bed, a cloth on his forehead. Rei looked at you, and his eyes widened in surprise. "Y-Y/n...?" He tried to sit up, but you rushed towards him to lay him back down. Of course, you made sure to close the door first. "What are you doing here...?" He asked in disbelief. "I came here to check on you, dummy. When I heard you were sick I came rushing here." You explained, pouting a bit that he didn't tell you he was sick. Rei chuckled, and you pouted even more. "Hey! It's not funny, y'know! I came here worried sick for you!" You said angrily. Rei stopped laughing. "It's cute when you worry over me like that, you know?" You blushed because of his words. "S-shut up! It's normal for a girlfriend to worry about their boyfriend. And besides... who knows what you did the whole day. Maybe you ran away to cheat with some girl." You didn't really think that, of course. And Rei knew that. So he laughed even more. The mood then seemed lighter as the two of you laughed.
"So... about your siblings...." You start. Rei looked away guiltily. "I guess I should've told you this sooner. I have siblings I take care of myself. Mama sometimes come to help, but he also has two little sons of his own, so I don't usually bother him." You look at him solemnly. "What about... your parents...?" Rei sighed. "Both our parents got into an accident a year ago. I've been taking care of my siblings ever since." You both stayed silent for a while. That is until you hugged him tightly. "You don't have to hide that from me... do you feel ashamed for taking care of your siblings that you didn't want to tell anyone including me...?" Rei shook his head as he starts tearing up. "Somehow, the thought of you being disgusted by this repeatedly play in my head."
"For taking care of you siblings?! Of course not! You're just doing what you can! Trust me, ok? I'll help you this time. I'll help you take care of them. Whatever you need, ok? I have my own apartment here, you know. I don't really have plans. I only work on part-time jobs during sundays and mondays. So I'm free whenever. Just. Tell me when you need anything from now on, ok?" Rei nodded as he smiles. "Thankyou." You hugged him tightly once again then kissed him on the forehead. Then the two of you decided to cuddle up together.
A few hours had passed. It's now the afternoon, specifically dinner time. Someone stood in front of Rei's bedroom door, knocking on the hardwood. "Rei-nii? Wakey wakey~!" Another figure standing beside the first one nudged him. "Don't scream like that! We don't want to disturb Nii-san, ok?" He sighed. Then he opened the door slowly. The two peeked inside.
The two were quite shocked to see their oldest brother all snuggled up in bed with a woman they didn't know. Opening the door even further, the lught touches Rei's sensitive eyes. He slowly stirred before opening his eyes. The two figures stood there, frozen. Rei looked at the two figures and then sat up to see more clearly. Of course, I'm minding you so he won't accidently wake you up. "Shu? Kanata?" Rei asked once his eyes cleared up.
"Brother, Mama had told us to call you for dinner. Sorry to disturb your... ah... slumber..." The younger brother said. "Sorry Nii-san..." Rei shook his head. "No, it's fine. Every meal of the day is important, after all. You two go on head down, I'll catch up once I'm... sorry, i mean we are ready." The two looked at each other before nodding and slowly leaving the room, slowly closing the door too. Once the door clicked to a close, the two immediately ran down to the kitchen.
"Mama! You didn't tell us Nii-san has a girlfriend!" The eldest of the two shouted. "Be quiet...! We don't want for brother to hear...!" The younger scolded. "Ah, right. I forgot to tell you both. Your brother's girlfriend came over because she's worried about your sick brother! Isn't that sweet~?" Madara gushed. "Couldn't you tell us that before? We wouldn't have dared to even disturb if we knew." The younger grumbles. Honestly, the reason was because he cringes at the sight of lovey dovey things. Meanwhile, the older one started to gush at it with Madara.
Back to our two protags, they both had gotten themselves ready and were about to head down stairs. Though, to be honest, you were really nervous. I mean, who wouldn't? Meeting your partner's family is no measly thing. It's basically you convincing them that you can be a great partner to your significant other. Also, to get you aquainted before marriage.
Rei noticed this nervousness and grabbed your hand gently. "Nervous?" You nodded slowly. "Don't be. Everything is going to be alright." He gently pat your head with his free hand. You blushed under his touch. "But... first impressions are everything, isn't it? I don't look... presentable like this... just look at me. My hair is an absolute mess, I'm practically still in my uniform... even if I am wearing your shirt... and... what if I messed up? And... so they won't like me...?" You rambled. Rei heard every word. He grabbed your chin and closed you both in for a kiss. This relaxed you a bit. Feeling the warmth of Rei is always the best.
"Don't worry. They may be... odd... at times...-"
"Just like you?" You cut him off. He chuckles. "Yes. Just like me. But they are not bad people. Some may need more convincing than others, but I'm sure you'll do great. Besides, you look perfect just the way you are." You smiled at him, feeling a bit more courage within you. "So... You're a bad person?" You tease. Rei realised what he said. "Of course not. I may be a vampire, but I'm a nice vampire." You laugh at his comeback. Honestly, it's always funny to you how he thinks that he's a very old emo vampire when he's really not. He just has a condition that makes him not stand the sun that well, happen to have black hair, red eyes, and has pale skin. Just because of that doesn't make him a vampire, right? But nonetheless, it's one of his charms, so you're not complaining.
Upon reaching the dinner table, you were met with people who you hadn't met yet and the few people you met at the door just a few hours ago. Assuming they are all Rei's siblings, they were a lot. "Ah~! Y/n! Thanks for joining us tonight. I made Rei's favorite today, so please enjoy~." 'Mama' said to you. "No, no! I should be thanking you all for inviting me." You said nervously as you bowed your head. Rei then lead you to your seat, which was beside Rei.
Oh, boy. Cold stares hit you from left to right as you uncomfortably sat in your seat. Rei, knowing you very well, tried to give you a reasuring smile as he gently grasp your hand in his for comfort. Though you knew this will be a very long night.
What happened next? That's for me to know, and for you to find out~
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word count: 2270
Well, that's it folks. How was that for a come back? Was it bad? If it is, please forgive me. This is me finishing it before finals. But eh, I tried my absolute best. And yes, this is part one. Part 2 may come soon. Don't know when. I might postpone it to work on my Eccentric Family series to mix it up a bit. who knows? Just know part 2 is definitely comin! Well, goodbye for now!
Valora out~!
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komorisansgarden · 1 year
i watched nimona for the first time the other day, and ive decided that yes, i will talk about it because how could I not.
i would touch on the art or the general plot, but honestly i need to talk about nimona herself first because wow did her character really resonate with me.
As someone who is queer, gnc and neurodivergent, i felt so represented by her and the way she’s treated. its no secret that there is a lot of queerphobia & ableism in the world, and theres an obvious parallel between how she’s treated and how real queer/nd people are treated irl, but i think theres so much more too.
I loved how Nimona just existed. She wasn’t afraid to run around outside and be a person. She walked through the streets, she interacted with people, she did people things. All of that made it so much more heartbreaking when you see the difference between how she’s treated before & after people find out she’s different. I felt that so much. Because I’ve been there. There have been times where I’ve had multiple, full, amicable conversations with people, and the second it comes up that I’m queer, they’ve become withdrawn. I’ve had a girl tell me “I’m just going to pretend I didn’t hear that” when I offhandedly mentioned I’m not straight. And it hurts so badly to see that shift in people around you when they find out you aren’t like them.
On top of that, I connected so deeply with the emotional turmoil she faces. Near the end, when she’s about to turn into the ‘shadow monster’ (not sure what else to call it), we can hear overlapping voices of people calling her a monster, or saying she’s unwanted. And a lot of it is Ballister, obviously, because of how close they’ve gotten, and he was the most recent rejection she’s faced. But something that I realized while watching is that (correct me if im wrong) I’m fairly certain most of what we hear coming from ‘him’ isnt actually things he’s said. As someone who’s had their fair share of mental breakdowns, it was so interesting to not only see a visual representation of what it feels like (the visuals were so stunning and hit really close to home), but also (possibly) a peak into what happens inside your head as well. There are lots of things that people have said floating around her mind, but also there are things that people haven’t- things that her mind has simply made up in a moment of complete chaos and turmoil.
Then, when she turns into the ‘beast’, we don’t really see much of her actively attacking. She’s mostly just walking forward towards the Gloreth statue- to the giant reminder of the person she loved most, who then hurt her most. We see her in an almost unresponsive state, only really reacting when she’s been hurt. And then she gets to the statue, and decides to give into the thing people want from her. I probably would have cried when we hear her thinking back to her comment of sometimes wanting to give into it, if it werent for the fact i was watching with my brothers. And speaking of that quote, I also felt that super deeply- not only the actual message, but the fact that it’s clear its not something she actively wants. It’s something that rings in her mind during really harsh moments, a silent urge to simply give in, and its scary. Its terrifying. And now, while shes in a nearly catatonic state, shes going to go through with it.
Im not sure how to wrap this up, because its currently midnight and this is basically my brain running through all the ways that i felt Nimona’s character in my soul, but,,, i suppose the take-away is that the movie is great and it did a great job at resonating with me in regards to mental illness and living in a world where people hate even the idea of your existence.
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enoiocean · 1 year
sneak peak of my story “ Gin Clark ”
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fuck Impulsive decisions.
if Yuri Rodgers knew she’d be crying in her 800$ dress in a random bathroom of a glorious penthouse two days ago she would’ve spent a little more money to make this moment even more glorious than it is. Maybe she would’ve tried something new. A new hair color or a bolder dress, something that made her boobs pop even more than they already are.
Anything to make him feel like shit for dumping her, But in the heat of the moment Yuri decided that kissing the first person she saw in front of her while he was watching would do something.
“ look at yourself. ” She said staring at her reflection, Her mascara running a little and her lip gloss smudging. As much as she talked so highly of herself you’d think she’d be able to- quote on quote “ forget that nigga ” but she couldn’t, he was running through her mind more than the thoughts of herself were.
Yuri leaned onto the marble counter, her purse slightly open from her digging in to find her compact. She couldn’t believe her mind came to that conclusion to kiss the man standing next to her, The brother of her best friend. The owner of this place, The richest man she’s ever been in the presence of. Yuri knew something was coming, He’s probably coming to escort her out? right.
“ You’re done a lot of shit Yuri but this..this takes the cake-"
before she could finish cursing herself out the bathroom door creaked open, She knew it was Alana coming to ask her what just happened twenty minutes ago so she didn’t bother looking up, she was just ready for her rant.
The voice, deep and even, came from behind Yuri, but she didn't need to turn to know that voice that it was Gin’s.
Yuri twisted her neck and looked up. And up. And up. And a bit more up. She was not a short woman, but he was just big man, he’s a all star basketball player, Ginesis Clark to be exact. "Oh. Um, hey."
"Is everything okay?" He said it looking into her eyes, in a low, intimate tone. Like they were alone. Like the door wasn’t open and anyone walking by could stop and listen. He said it in a way that should have made Yuri uncomfortable but didn't. For some inexplicable reason his presence in the room soothed her, even though until a second ago she had been freaking out. Perhaps two different types of unease neutralized each other? It sounded like a fascinating research topic. Worth pursu-ing. Maybe Yuri should abandon biology and switch to psychology. Maybe she should excuse herself and go run a literature search.
Maybe she should expire on the spot to avoid facing this crapfest of a situation she'd put herself in.
"Oh, sorry. I thought . " Poorly. She though poorly, was her habit and curse.
"Are you okay?" He must be really tall. His voice sounded like it came from ten feet above her.
"Sure. Why do you ask?"
“ Because you are crying. In my bathroom." He finally moved but only slightly, he put his hands in his suit pockets. Yuri rarely saw Gin in a suit, maybe when he went to prom a couple of years ago. So this means this was a big night for him. Of course this was a big night for him, it was a celebration for him signing a $30 million deal with the New Jersey Nets. Everyone was here for him and Yuri somehow made it about her.
"Oh, I'm not crying. Well, I sort of am, but it's just tears, you know?" She sniffed while dabbing away at her under eye.
Gin gave a stiff look "I do not."
She sighed, leaning against the counter . "It's my contacts. They expired some time ago, and they were never that great to begin with. They messed up my eyes. I've taken them off, but ..." She shrugged. Hopefully in his direction. "It takes a while, before they get better."
"You put in expired contacts?" He sounded personally offended.
"Just a little expired." she shrugged.
"What's 'a little'?" Gin raised a brow and Yuri tried to not feel intimidated.
"I don't know. A few years?" She responded in a nonchalant tone while grabbing her purse and some of the items from it off the counter.
"What?" His consonants were sharp and precise. Crisp. Pleasant. you could hear the richness of his new york accent.
"Only just a couple, I think." Yuri continued with her terrible lie hoping this would be the only topic of conversation.
"Just a couple of years? You do all this shopping and you can’t get contacts?" He asked still kind of shocked.
"It's okay. Expiration dates are for the weak. Don’t worry. ” she joked slightly, Gin let out a small laugh;
A sharp sound some kind of snort. "Not worrying is so I don't find you weeping in the corner of my bathroom."
"It's fine." She waved a hand. she'd have rolled her eyes, if they hadn't been on fire. from the mascara.
"The burning usually lasts only a few minutes."She waved her hands in front of her eyes while looking up, Gin watched her with squinted eyes. Yuri didn’t not have this exact moment on her bingo card for this year.
"You mean you've done this before?" He spoke up and her eyes dropped to him.
She frowned. "Done what?"
"Put in expired contacts?" He asked while moving toward the cabinet not to far from her , Yuri watched him every move. He opened it slightly, searching for something inside.
"Of course. Contacts are not cheap." She answered with a slight chuckle to lighten the awkwardness.
"Neither are eyes." Gin responded while pulling out a pack of wipes. He handed them to her and Yuri viewed the wipes. They looked very similar to the ones sitting at home on her vanity.
Theses are makeup wipes.
Yuri mentally slapped herself for being so careless. she kissed a man with a girlfriend.
“ Thank you.” She slightly said as she opened them and turned towards the mirror, Embarrassed to even look at him.
There was a quietness, She wiped away the remaining makeup from her cheeks and eyes. Her eyes glanced back seeing him staring at her.
Yuri sighed "I just needed him to believe that I was on a date."
He nodded with a small hum. "So you kissed the first person you saw in the hallway. Perfectly logical."
Yuri winced. "When you put it like that, maybe it wasn't my best moment."
"But it wasn't my worst, either! I'm pretty sure Brandon saw us. Now he’ll think that we have something going on and hopefully he’ll be upset—" Yuri shook her head. "Listen. I'm so, so sorry about the kiss."
"Are you really?" Gin crossed his arms moving closer to her, She was doing so much rambling she didn’t realize her personal bubble was getting invaded.
"Please, don't say anything bad to Alana. I promise I didn't mean to, Me and..”
shit Maybe it was the late night. Maybe it was that shot of vodka. Hell, Maybe it was Ginesis Clark looking down at her like that. All of a sudden because Brandon’s name left her mind and that little crush she had on Gin in high school was creeping back in.
“ I can honestly say, you’ve made my night less boring.”
“ Boring? You’re not enjoying your party?”
“ now i am ”
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high-supernatural · 3 years
The Beach
Kai Parker x Female Reader
Request: Sex on a beach, kind of rough yet soft.
Word Count: 2496
Warnings: Smuuuuut, lots of smut, dom!kai, mild hands tied
The MF friend group invited Kai and his best friend to stay at one of their family’s beach houses for the weekend as what they called a peace offering. They weren’t very friendly or welcoming of Kai from the moment they all met him, no matter how hard he tried to make things right with them. Kai’s best friend guilted them into feeling bad about rejecting him as he was trying to improve himself, so they decided to invite them both to their beach weekend to test how true it was and make peace from it.
All of the MF friends had their rooms picked out since they were kids. Kai, his best girl friend, and the Salvatore brothers were the only new ones without signature rooms to sleep in, so they all bunked in the old kids’ room that still had two sets of bunk beds.
“Great, agree to a beach weekend, get to bunk with a sociopath and his sidekick, and sleep in beds made for 12-year old’s… ‘oh sure, Damon, come to the beach it’ll be fuuuun,’ can’t see how this could go terribly wrong,” Damon ranted on about how unhappy he was with the arrangements.
Kai announced that he’d be taking the top bunk above his best friend, but that didn’t really matter because they both knew they’d end up in the same bed anyways. They did everything together, and that included both sleeping and causing immense sexual tension they were both too nervous to address with each other.
She tried to sleep in the bottom bunk alone but couldn’t fall asleep. Kai peaked his head from above to see if she was awake and found her with her eyes closed, so he poked her until she opened them.
“What,” she asked with scrunched brows.
“Come sleep with me,” he whined and dangled his hand over the railing with a strand of her hair attached.
She didn’t have to be begged, she immediately got out of her bed and climbed onto his, laying her head on his chest and played with his rings until they both fell asleep.
They both woke the next morning to a loud, dramatic exclamation of “oh, gross” coming from Damon seeing them together.
She rolled onto her back and rubbed her eyes with one hand, “oh don’t be jealous just because you can’t get any, Damon,” she teased resulting in a fake gag in response.
Everyone got ready for the beach before breakfast.
She stood in a large two-sink bathroom after putting on a red bikini top and black shorts and started brushing her hair.
Kai walked in wearing shorts and a t-shirt, “that’s what you’re wearing to the beach?” she asked.
“Have you seen any ocean documentary on National Geographic? I’m not going in that water,” Kai joked and stood behind her, grabbing the brush from her hand to brush her hair for her.
When he was done, he placed the brush on the counter and went to attempt a ponytail again even though he has never succeeded at making a good one.
“You’d be better off putting sunscreen on me than trying to do my hair again,” she said as a joke even though she was serious.
Kai rolled his eyes, but he knew he couldn’t do hair anyways, so he reached onto the counter for the sunscreen and put some in his hands to rub on her back and arms as they fought with each other while she simultaneously tried to put her hair up.
Kai closed the sunscreen bottle, forgetting about her front side and her legs and started to walk out, “you missed a spot,” she spoke before he could turn around.
“You can get the rest, can’t you? You’re capable.”
She rolled her eyes and handed him the sunscreen bottle again. He started rubbing lotion on her stomach from behind, looking at her in the mirror until his movements got slower and he seemed lost in thought.
“What’r you thinking about?” she asked.
“Oh, you know…” the attention came back to Kai’s eyes as he looked up to meet her gaze in the mirror, “just about all the mixed signals you give me,” he trailed one of his hands up her torso to her neck and wrapped his hand around it, leaning in to whisper in her ear while not taking his eyes off hers.
“About how one day we’re besties and the next you want my hands all over you…”
She didn’t pull away. They both knew they wanted this, but neither of them would say anything until now.
Kai moved his other hand to the waist of her shorts as he did a once over with his eyes at her in the mirror before returning his gaze back to hers, “so which one is it today,” he asked in a dark tone.
She was at a loss for words. They’ve been intimate together in ways such as seeing each other naked after one got out of the shower or making out because they were bored, but they’ve never been this straightforwardly intimate.
After her silence, Kai trailed the hand he placed on her waistband to cup one of her breasts and tightened the grip around her throat, “is this what you want?” he asked harshly, “you want my hands all over you?”
Her breath hitched as she tried to breath to say something. Kai moved his hand from her breast and slipped it under her shorts, removing the hand around her throat to replace the one that left her chest.
He massaged her breasts roughly, nibbling on her neck as he rubbed soft circles over her clothed core, resulting in soft moans disguised as breaths.
“Just say the words,” Kai said before he shifted his attention to the other side of her neck, “do you like my hands all over you?”
“Yes,” she whispered softly before Kai removed himself from touching her, “that’s too bad,” he whispered and kissed her on the cheek before leaving and announcing from the other room, “we’re heading down in 10, hurry and get ready.”
She stood dumbfounded and clumsily finished getting ready.
When they got to the beach, they all set up their own tents to lay in. Her and Kai were the only ones not wanting to get in the water, so they laid in the sand while the others walked around elsewhere.
She fell asleep laying on her towel in the sand with her shorts unbuttoned and sunhat over her face. Kai couldn’t help but stare at her almost the whole time thinking about how it felt to touch her that morning.
When he couldn’t refrain from it anymore, he took the hat from off her face and woke her up.
“You forgot to put sunscreen on your legs,” he excused.
“Ok, so?” she barked.
He toyed with the string on the front of her bikini top that was keeping it from falling off, “so… you should get in the tent and let me put sunscreen on your legs…” he said nervously.
“Oh, ‘put sunscreen on me’, huh?” she air quoted him and pretended to be annoyed before crawling into the tent anyways.
Kai got in behind her and zipped it up behind him.
She sat with her legs crisscrossed and opened a bag of candy while she looked at her phone. The only thing he could think about was untying the top that was barely hiding anything and how gorgeous her hair looked in her messy ponytail, he always loved her hair.
He sat on his knees in front of her and rubbed both his hands up either side of the inner parts of her thighs.
She looked up from her phone and put a piece of candy in her mouth, “I didn’t hear you get any sunscreen, kid,” she teased.
Kai moved her phone and the bag behind him and brought his face close to hers, moving his hands farther up her thighs, “we both know I didn’t wake you up because of sunscreen.”
He closed the gap between their lips and pulled the string that held her bikini together in the front, exposing her breasts before he pulled away from her face to watch himself toy with one of her nipples.
“Who wants their hands all over who now, huh?” she teased again.
Kai grabbed her bikini top and both of her wrists and began to tie them together, “not me,” he smirked.
He moved his hand under her knee to uncross her legs so he could sit between them as he laid her down and she reached to place her tied up hands on his waistband, “too bad I can still touch you then,” she continued to tease.
He put one hand back to her throat as the other met underneath her shorts again, “I can make that change,” he spoke harsh again.
“Yeah, how you gonna do that?” she breathed out.
He snuck two fingers underneath the fabric she was wearing to feel her bare core, “by making you feel so many things you forget you even have hands,” he responded ominously before removing his hands to pull all the fabric she was wearing off of her legs and pushed them open.
He held one of her knees firmly to his side so she was fully open to him and began to tease her by rubbing her core so soft that she could barely notice, but she felt every graze.
He inserted two fingers into her and wasted no time curling and pumping them in and out, “I’ve always wondered how good you taste,” he bit at her thigh and started pumping at an incomprehensible speed.
She choked on her own moans because of how sudden the pace was and tried to stifle them by covering her mouth with her hands to which she was met with Kai pulling her arms back down to lay in front of her torso, “I want to see your face dying with discomfort because you know you can’t make a sound…” he watched her face scrunch as she stifled her moans, “I want to watch your chest bounce while your arms push them together…”
He continued pumping at this speed as he leaned to bite at her neck, “but don’t worry, if you can’t be quiet, I’ll just put something in your mouth to make you quiet,” he whispered.
He trailed his mouth down to her core, leaving bites and hickeys on the way before roughly sucking and flicking her soft spot with his tongue. He noticed when she tried to cover her mouth again and quickly grabbed her ties to hold her arms in place.
She pulled at his hair and moved her hips around in attempt to be quiet. He noticed when she was getting close and made sure to hold her wrists tighter as she threw her head back and was barely able to quiet her orgasm.
Kai kept sucking, causing her to close her thighs around him as he kept pushing and holding them back open until she was about to reach her second orgasm. Right before she was on the edge, he pulled away and replaced his mouth with his thumb to watch her face as he wrapped his hand around her throat again.
“I want to watch your face struggle to breath and quiet yourself at the same time,” he teased and watched intently as her face turned red from the lack of circulation. Before she almost passed out, she reached the edge and Kai removed his hand from her throat at the exact moment, causing her to moan loudly as she felt an intense sudden release all over her body and gasped for air.
She didn’t care this time, she needed to let it out.
Kai grabbed a bunch of her hair and pulled her to sit on her knees by it, “you better hope nobody heard that,” he unbuttoned his shorts, “you’ll never hear the end of what a sleaze you are,” he whispered and sat on his knees to kiss her by pulling her face up by her hair and grabbed her hands to touch his stomach.
She trailed her hands down his stomach until they almost reached his member before he forcefully pulled her face from his and pushed her mouth down to put her lips around it.
He sat back on his knees with one arm propping him up and ordered for her to put her ass in the air while she sucked.
Kai didn’t care if anyone heard him, he moaned like they were the only ones on the beach and grabbed a fistful of her hair again to move her head at a speed he liked.
“Oh my god--- how do you feel so good,” he groaned and twitched, “I bet your pussy feels a whole lot better,” he whispered and continued to fuck her face.
He started to twitch more, and his movements got more shaky, “I want to fill you up from both ends like the slut you are,” he spoke roughly before finishing in her mouth and pulling her head up to look at her sweaty, teary face.
He pulled himself up to move behind her where she had her ass up like he told her to do and spread her legs farther apart, pushing her back down to arch it before inserting himself into her.
He pulled her up by the back of her arms so his chest was against her back and snaked a hand around to her throat, using the other to pull her hair back onto his shoulder as he made slow but deep thrusts, hitting her spot each time as she struggled to breath.
“If I would have known you’d feel this good I would have taken advantage of this a long time ago,” he whispered in her ear, “I don’t know how you’re so perfect in every way… your pussy is the best thing I’ve ever felt…”
He moved his hand from her throat to rub circles around her clit as he thrusted faster.
She couldn’t contain her moans, so he shoved the bottoms of her bikini into her mouth and moved her face to lay at the bottom of the tent with her ass up as she unsuccessfully stifled moans of both pain and pleasure until they both finished again.
He finished with deep thrusts until they both collapsed and laid next to each other trying to catch their breath as she set herself free.
Kai sat up just enough to turn her face to his, “I don’t want anyone else to be able to have that except me,” he spoke.
“Well, you’re just full of wants today, aren’t you?” she breathed.
“Promise me,” he whined.
“What am I, your girlfriend or something?”
“Please,” he teased.
She rolled her eyes, “I promise.”
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Could i get hcs of savanaclaw+octavinelle with an s/o whos a vegetarian? Gn! Please and thank you! 💖
Y/N is gender-neutral
Warnings: none, possibly descriptions of meat and eating? idk sjfkhaks
-Decided to collab with the other dorm leaders to take everyone out for dinner
-At first he was reluctant, saying and I quote “Why would I go out to eat with all of you mongrels?”
- “Damn, I already bought a super nice outfit for going out to dinner-”
-“I’m going.”
-You had  just started going out with Leona, and once everyone had gotten their food he wanted to be a gentlemen and give you bits of his food
-and...his food was a medium rare-juicy steak
- “You want a bite?” he asked, the bit of meat on the fork placing it near your face
-“No thanks, I’m actually a vegetarian.”
-Everyone let out a quick chuckle, they couldn’t believe that he was so into you and he didn’t know
-He felt humiliated and it wasn’t even that serious adflshfafsa
-A blush rose to his cheeks
- “Oh...my bad”
-Did Leona just apologize? 
-By the Great Seven this is alot of character development we’re having-
-It was a meat all you can eat restaraunt and he was so excited for it
-They only have this special once a year! And it would be one of his first dates with you!
-“C’mon dig in Y/N! I filled your plate up for ya!” 
-Ruggie was excitedly stuffing his face and you felt like you were going to be sick
-You had just started dating and Ruggie’s mind was clouded by all his excitement that he forgot that you were vegetarian...
- “Ruggie...”
- “Mhmm?” he asked, his mouth full with meat
-“You do know I’m vegetarian right?”
-Ruggie remembers your birthday, your parent’s names, your friends... but he forgot that you were vegetarian
-He swallowed, “I’m sorry babe, I just completely forgot.”
-You knew he was super excited and you didn’t want to leave Ruggie alone and make him eat by himself
-So you stuck it out and Ruggie quickly ate his full
-And you went to one of your favorite cafe’s in all of Twisted Wonderland, The Brewery 
-The scenery was so calm and beautiful, it was one of the most perfect places to spend the rest of your date
- “Babe, I’m really sorry about forgetting you were vegetarian. But thank you for introducing me to something new, this cafe is killer. Even if there is no meat...” 
-You rolled your eyes at him jokingly, making him laugh “My bad, my bad!”
-Before he knew that you were vegetarian he would always offer you a bite of his sandwiches/meat stuff
-Once you tell him that you’re vegetarian, he feels really embarassed
-‘I should’ve put the pieces together, no wonder they never took a bite’
-Always makes sure to accomodate for you whenever you both go out to a restaraunt 
-Brings you vegetarian snacks if you’re out somewhere 
-Starts to grow fresh vegetables for you
-“Here, I grew these for you in the greenhouse. Ah, don’t worry they didn’t take that long  to grow, here take em’.” 
-ajlfajha Jack ilysm
-It all started with Azul trying to sell you some food from the Monstro Lounge
-We have the finest of seafood, grand meat specials that will make you go wild!
-Yet...nothing was appetizing to you?!
-Impossible! There must be something that he could whip up that could change your mind
- “Jade. Floyd into the kitchen, and give them ‘The Convincing Special-”
-“Azul, I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat.”
-Damn! Azul was so used to being around meat eaters like the abundant Savannaclaw students, that he realized he needed to give better accomidations for those who were vegetarian!
-Oh no, you could possibly think that this means that he doesn’t care about you or your diet!
-Meanwhile you’re just sitting there while he’s overthinking ladfhsjhfs
-You become his new guinea pig, testing out all sorts of delicious vegetarian options 
-His business does well, and you’re happy!
-My, my he is quite the deal-maker, isn’t he?
-He’s not the biggest meat eater himself, so he relates to you alot 
-Jade is a very observant person, so he’d already know and wouldn’t forget
-Knows the best spots to hit up for breakfast, lunch and dinner
-Another boy who gets the idea to start gardening! 
-Since he loves nature, he would love to start a little garden in Ramshackle with you
- “I think Ramshackle could use a little more...life, don’t you think dear?” 
-Woo lord Jade pls gimme a chance-
-Your lucky self gets a peak into a Domestic Jade :D
-And he’s very passionate about his hobby for plants, pls be supportive-
-It was when you first started dating
-Talking about his experiences under the sea with his brother...while eating with his mouth open
-I’m sure he was just excited since he hadn’t been there for a long time, but it was grossing you out ajdshljfasdjad
-You tap his chin, “Chew and then speak, love. I can see the meat in your mouth.”
-He gulps, shit! Floyd forgot that meat stuff grosses you out
-He cries about it ajldfhjla-
-”Shrimpy, I’m sorry please forgive me!” He wails in your dorm room.
-“Yes, Floyd, I forgive you. I’ve forgave you multiple times by now-”
-But after a while of you dating, there are little to no slip ups 
-And has no problem that you’re vegetarian
-“Ah! You’re so cute, you’re like a little rabbit~” Floyd says, poking your cheeks softly
-Calls you bunny or rabbit sometimes, swapping out for Shrimpy-chan
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a year in the life | rockstar! s.s.
pairing: rockstar!sebastian stan x writer!reader
main work: i wanna know what love is
season: autumn 🍁
a/n: in celebration of 4 major works of mine turning one this year (my babies, cannot believe it’s been a year) and based on the reboot of gilmore girls, i will be revisiting my works per season. we are starting with autumn and rockstar!seb. hope you enjoy xx
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Y/N laid on the big chez lounge couch in the middle of her living room, surrounded by her children’s toys, with a large bowl of Doritos on her lap as the Real Housewives played on the background. For the very first time since forever, she was alone at home; Jess and Marion were at their respective schools while Sebastian was busy in the studio, doing some rearrangements to a new album. She loved the three of them more than anything but she knew that she would’ve never had the chance to eat Doritos without Sebastian complaining it was unhealthy for her or her children trying to take a bite. Lately, all she wants is to lay low, bask in her leave from work and watch some trashy TV. 
As her eyes were getting heavier and heavier with sleep when the front door opened, sending her back into alert mood. Luckily, it wasn’t no one trying to break in but her husband who still couldn’t open doors without making a big ruckus about it. 
     - I’m sorry, bunny. -  he stepped back as he recognised his wife’s sleepy face. - I thought you’d be in the bedroom. 
     - Can’t move. - she pointed at her bulging bump covered by one of his old jumpers which seemed to be the only thing that fully covered her at this particular stage. Sebastian chuckled, walking over to her to quickly kiss her, hand caressing her bump through the jumper. - Didn’t expect you to be home so early.
      - I can see. - he pointed at the bowl of Doritos on her lap. - You’re supposed to be the prudent one. 
    - I’m carrying your offspring. It makes me make bad decisions. - she teased, cuddling against him as he sat by her side, worn out slightly loose black leather jacket still on. - How are the boys?
    - Fighting about who gets to be godfather this time.
    - Did you tell them my brother is gonna be the godfather?
    - Now, where would the fun be in that, bunny? - he smirked, with that boyish like looks he still managed to remain after all these years. 
    - Stop it. - she leaned towards him to kiss him. 
    - How are you feeling today? - his hand mindlessly rubbed her bump, feeling the little moves of the baby whenever the baby moved. - Little one is a bit feisty today.
    - It’s been like this all of last night. I think I might be closer to labour than we think.
    - Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve driven the kids to school, honey love. 
    - You needed to sleep. - she groaned as she stretched her legs. - Besides, Marion is staying with your mum today so I wanted to spend some time with her before she went. 
    - No kids tonight? - he leaned over to kiss her collarbone. - How long has it been?
    - As long as I’ve been pregnant. - she pushed him away playfully. - Jess is not going. 
    - Why not? Jess loves my mum. Is he sick? Urgh, is the flu going around his class again? We need to put him into a better school, those kids at his school are always s...
    - Seb, stop. - she rolled her eyes, smiling at the same time at how he’d gone from let it be to constant rambling about his children’s wellbeing. - He just wants to be home tonight and he’s been a little sad lately. 
    - You’re sure he’s not sick? Because there’s this private school which tests kids for all those flu things.
    - He’s not sick. He’s just got ... a bit of a lovebug. He got like this when I was last pregnant with Marion. 
    - Well, at least he hasn’t decided that the baby is just not coming. - Sebastian referred to Marion. Their daughter had just decided there was no baby coming around, even after being offered her own bedroom with her own bathroom, just for herself. - I’ll go pick him up, make it a whole thing. Maybe even pass by Al’s ... get you that pasta you really like. 
    - You’re just trying to make me forget that you’re the reason we’re moving houses. 
   - Y/N, this house has always been too small.
   - That’s because you need a whole room for your guitars alone. 
She’d spend the best part of her initial married years trying to convince Sebastian to either get a storage unit to put all his guitars in or to just merge it with his office yet, he’d always come back with an excuse. “Honey love, they need to be displayed”, “Bunny I would just get distracted if they were in my office” he would tell her with his rockstar like charm which she thought was strong enough to resist, yet how can she say no when he immediately shifts from boyish smile to having her pressed against the wall of that very same room, pounding into her as if he was an up and coming rockstar and her his favourite groupie. With the need for that bedroom, their once spacious apartment they bought when she was pregnant with Jess was becoming too small. Normally Y/N would be okay with it but being 8 months pregnant during the fall where it constantly rains in New York, moving seemed like the last thing she’d like to do and just thinking about it made her tired already. After all, she could barely walk to the kitchen without feeling tired or taking a short break in the middle of the path. She thought that after two pregnancies, the third one would be a walk in the park. Turns out it’s more like a run in the park, except the park is on fire and she’s barefoot. 
   - Honey love, asking me to get rid of my guitars is like asking you to get rid of your five copies of Emma.
   - They’re in different languages. - she argued back.
   - They’re different models, besides, we can finally have a guest bedroom. You always wanted a guest bedroom.
   - Sure then maybe my grandfather will come visit more often. How about that? - Sebastian chuckled at her answer. - I’m not joking. You get me pregnant, you get to be annoyed by my grandfather. 
   - You’re acting like this is my fault when you were the one who wore fishnets with a leather skirt. I’m only human. 
   - Fine, 10% my fault, 90% you fault. That’s my final offer.
   - You sure? 
   - Yes. You see, you are a sex maniac who cannot be controlled. 
   - That’s not what you wrote about me. - he smirked. - You said I had more soul than just a sex pot. 
   - Do not quote my own words at me.
   -  You bought my old guitar.
   - Urgh ... - she rolled her eyes. Sebastian grinned, happy he’d won the debate. - Just go make the other mums jealous please.
   - Look at you, using me for my sex appeal only.
   - No. I just really enjoy being the powerful mum. 
   - Yeah? What’s that like?
   - Constant questions about if we do weird sex blood rituals. Then mysterious answers, so they all fear you and don’t force you to attend PTA meetings on date nights. 
   - I gotta say, bunny ... we got this parenting thing covered. 
   - We do.
   - When I come back, you better not have a bowl of Doritos on your belly.
   - I’ll do whatever I want.
   - Sure, bunny, if you walk to the kitchen by yourself ...
   - Low move, Stan. Low.
   - You love me. - he chuckled, grabbing his keys from the trinket dish by the entry door. - See you soon, bunny.
   - Love you. - she scrunched her face in a little smile which he couldn’t help but smile back.
Sebastian liked to pick up Marion and Jess from school. His schedule normally meant Y/N, who had a more 9-5 job, was the one who’d do the drop offs and collections so he’d always meet them at home but whenever he could pick them up, he’d be the first one there. He just loved to see his two babies come out of school in their little uniforms which he incredibly hated when they first enrolled but now couldn’t help but find incredibly adorable. He also loved to see how both his children came out of school. Marion would be the one who’d take the longest, surrounded by all her friends and probably nursing a scrape or two on her knee as if kindergarten 2-3 year old was a big fighting ground while Jess would come out as quickly as he could. 
He parked slightly in front of his son’s school, coming out of the car and leaning against it. The parents’ eyes were immediately on him, maybe it was due to the star power or, most likely, it was because he was wearing a leather jacket, dark shades and his neck tattoo could be seen peaking out the collar of his jacket. His shoes crinkled the fallen leaves on the floor, avoiding those looks as he waited for his son. He knew who he was and he was not going to change it because he became a father, he is a good father, he knows that. The bell rang and a swarm of children came rushing out of the school, and they say birth rates are low. He took his sunglasses off, trying to pin point his son in the middle of all different aged children. 
   -  DAD! - he turned his head to the memorable voice, crutching down as he son rushed to him. Jess wrapped his arms around his father, little childish giggles as Sebastian pulled him off the floor.
   - Hey, buddy. How was school?
   - We did hand turkeys.
   - Hand turkeys? No way, that’s so cool. - he opened up the car’s passenger’s seat, sticking around to check if he fastened his seatbelt correctly before taking the driver’s seat. - It’s just gonna be us three today, bud. You, me and mummy. We getting Al’s and some ice cream. 
   - Why didn’t mummy come?
   - Mummy is very tired, buddy. The baby is kicking a lot, won’t let the baby sleep.
   - Oh ...  - Sebastian saw his son’s face grow sadder.
   - What do you want from Al’s, bud? You can get whatever you want.
   - Really?
   - Yeah.
The little restaurant had soon become a staple in their family life. Sebastian had. discovered by accident after accidentally burning dinner for Y/N’s. He wasn’t already too popular with Y/N’s family so he knew he had to fix it and there it was, the small little restaurant filled with delicious food. Now, it was just a Friday night tradition yet today was special, almost nostalgic to when Y/N, Sebastian and Jess had their first home. Back when Y/N and him were new parents and would trip on every toy in the apartment. God, those were the days. 
  - Dad? - Jess pulled at his sleeve while the two were waiting in the queue. 
  - Yeah, bud? - Sebastian picked him up, already understanding the signs of whenever he wanted to be held. 
  - I ... The baby’s not coming for a while, right? 
  - Why, Jessie? What did Marion say?
  - She didn’t say anything ... uhm, it’s gonna be three of us now. 
  - Yeah. We’re gonna get a new big place, we can even get a dog or a cat. You always wanted a cat, didn’t you? 
  - But, now I’m third.
  - What do you mean? - Sebastian furrowed his brows at the comment.
  - Well, when Marion was a baby you and mummy were always with her but she’s still a baby and now there’s a new baby, so I’m gonna be third. - Sebastian’s heart broke at that comment. Now it made sense. - And ... you’re not home a lot and mummy is gonna be busy with the baby.
  - Hey, you’re not third. - he rubbed his son’s back, kissing the side of his head, soothing him to the best of his ability. - You want me to be home more?
  - No, daddy ... you like doing music. 
  - Hm ... how about you come to the studio with me when you don’t have school?
  - Really? But you said I’m too little. 
  - Well, you’re gonna be a big brother again, I think it’s time.
  - Really?
  - Yeah. - he smiled him, his smile reflecting back at him. 
  - Faye. 
  - What?
  - We should name the baby Faye. 
  - Faye? You want your baby sister to be named Faye?
  - Yes.
  - Well ... Faye it is.
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Hi! I love your posts and want to ask your opinion on something. Who do you think in the batfam has the most and the least common sense of a normal person? If you can, can you also list how they are arranged? Thank you!
Ooohhh, this is a fun one! In my mind all bats lack common sense. Like obviously they're hella smart, after all they are a family of detectives, they just aren't very bright.
Here's a quick rundown (least to most): Tim and Dick tie for first place, both lack common sense in just in completely different ways. Then Damian (mostly cause of the whole 'being raised by league of assassins' thing), Bruce, Cass (controversial ik), Steph, Jason, Duke, Babs, and last on the list is obvs Alfred. (Kate is probs between Cass and Steph, but I've only really seen her in the DCAMU and need to get to know her better).
And Ima add a 'keep reading' cause this is gonna get long.
Tim is one of the smartest in the family. He deduced Batman's identity as a child, majorly fucked up the League of Assassins, and has been honored (I say this v sarcastically just btw) with Ra's creepy obsession. He's smart, plain and simple. However, when it comes to just day to day survival and being loved, goddamn that boy is dumb.
He regularly mixes energy drinks and coffee. Sometimes he even mixes energy drinks, alcohol, and coffee.
In his mind warnings are optional. "Tim, did you just sniff that drano?" "Yeah, why?" "IT LITERALLY SAYS DO NOT SMELL" "Oops"
He regularly tests shit on himself. "Why is Tim on the floor?" "He mixed joker venom and fear gas to see what would happen" "HE WHAT"
Also if you try to compliment him or tell him you love him he will find a way to misunderstand. "Tim, I love you and you are an amazing son." "I don't know who this Tim is but he sounds great" "It- it's you, literally you. Timothy Jackson Drake." "I'm a bit confused, I didn't know you knew two Timothy Jackson Drakes. You should really introduce us."
Dick in many ways is a total himbo. He's a complete sweetheart, super supportive, and very ditzy. His ditzy-ness directly correlates to how relaxed he is. Chilling in the manor? Peak himbo. A mission in space? Absolute genius and amazing leader. Just took down a bunch of thugs? Slowly reverting into dopey boi. He always has the ability to be super analytical, smart, and big brain, but he likes being whimsical and even airheaded. And that's not a bad thing, it's just him taking mental breaks, being lighthearted.
"YOU PUT DIESEL IN YOUR CAR?" "...Yeah, in my defense the nozzles look basically the same" "They're different colors?! Also the diesel nozzle doesn't even fit into your gas tank, how did you get it in?" "I'm a good pourer."
He always responds to the word dick and it always confuses him. "God Ra's is such a dick!" "What?" "Ra's is a dick" "I'm not Ra's!" "Wha- no! I mean penis dick!" "Ohhhh, yeah he is a penis dick"
Once Dick is safe he reverts into himbo pretty quickly, even after stressful situations. "Hey Wally?" "Yes babe?" "I forgot how to change my lock screen again" "Dick, you just hacked into an alien spaceship not even an hour ago??" "What's that have to do with anything?"
Damian lacks common sense from growing up with the League of Assassins. He's an amazing warrior and super analytical but casual human interaction alludes him. He is getting better though, so eventually he'll be lower on the list than Steph. But for now he's a senseless bby.
The first time someone tried to give him high five he assumed it was an attack and flipped them. Same with a fist bump.
This is complete canon but his original treatment of Alfred, his brothers, and, well, everyone. Like bby boy please read the room.
His ego can easily override common sense. Like he wouldn't jump off a bridge if everyone else was doing it, but if someone said he couldn't he'd immediately swan dive off that bridge.
For the world's greatest detective he can be a major dumb bitch sometimes. Some of it's growing up rich and some is being so wrapped up in his 'crusade for justice' that he just misses basic shit.
One time he walked in on Roy and Jason making out, the next day he saw them cuddling, then they mentioned moving in together. It took him three months to realize that they're dating.
He doesn't understand coupons, like at all. Jason has tried to explain them but Bruce just gets even more confused.
Bruce tried to make coffee once. He literally just poured coffee beans in water and microwaved it. He was surprised when it didn't taste good.
Cass is similar to Damian in she lacks common sense from an unconventional upbringing. However she's learning way faster than Damian and depending on where in the timeline you're looking she might have more common sense than Babs.
Basic things like lines, turn taking, and speaking when spoken to aren't innate to her. Like, she knows and understands them, but often forgets about them.
There are many times that she blurs the line between civilian and vigilante because she'll do something that looks v stupid and dangerous for a civilian. The thing is she never notices when she does this.
One time she was in a restaurant and there was a cockroach on the wall across the room (cause Gotham) and instead of getting up and killing it like a normal person she threw her steak knife and impaled it.
Steph is probably lacks common sense the most conventional yet slightly concerning way. She lacks common sense in the same way a cartoon character or sitcom character would. Like it's sorta realistic but at the same time damn bby girl why are you such a disaster??
She will do anything on a dare. Anything. There is a rule against daring Steph to do things while in the manor or on patrol.
Every time she hears someone say Red Robin she yells yum. This has gotten both her and RR shot.
Steph is v lucky that 1) she's a badass and 2) the batfam loves her because she annoys absolutely everyone just for shits and giggles and the only reason she hasn't been murdered is that Cass scares everyone.
All common sense is lost when dramas at stake. Say what you will but Jason is the (second) biggest drama queen in the family. Also he, like most bats, lacks a sense of self preservation which leads to shit common sense.
He tried to steal Batman's tires.
Sometimes he listens to music during patrol and tries to hit people/shoot on beat. This has lead to stab wounds.
Jason loves to loudly quote classic literature while on stake outs. This is a problem for obvious reasons.
Ok this is around the time you get to average common sense levels. But he still runs around Gotham beating people up in tights (or kevlar) so he doesn't get full points. Also he's still not Babs level common sense. One area Duke lacks common sense in is how to deal with the Batfam (which is v understandable tbh)
One time Duke was joking around with Jason and decided to steal a roll off of Damian's plate. This ended in blood.
Other than lacking Batfam common sense, most of his poor judgement moments are less notable but still concerning.
For example the time he challenged Dick to a hot dog eating contest then went on a roller coaster.
Other than being a vigilante Babs almost has normal human common sense. However being a vigilante has negative side effects on ones common sense.
While Babs' sleep schedule isn't as bad as Tim's it's not a whole lot better. She's stayed up 72 consecutive hours multiple times.
She has accidentally poured coffee onto her computer instead of into a coffee mug.
One time she drank an entire gallon of milk before realizing it was a month expired.
Most assume that working for Bruce Wayne is a sign of him lacking common sense. But nah, it's him knowing, understanding, and challenging his own limits. Also it's him being a charitable human being. Like he has enough common sense to go around and tbh it's the only thing keeping the family alive.
"Master Bruce, you may not use Elmer's Glue All to close a wound."
"Master Dick I would encourage you not to teach Master Duke acrobatics on the glass coffee table."
"Miss Stephanie I would not advise trying to consume an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting, and no, I do not care if Master Jason dared you to."
Tada, there's the list! Sorry that was probably a lot longer than anyone wanted, but I enjoy talking about how ditzy the batfam is. Like they're all geniuses but at the same time they're just sooooo dumb.
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The Reunion - Part 2
Summary: We meet up with our crew after they have left Barab and after Friday’s episode of the Bad Batch getting their chips removed. Hunter x Reader. Echo x Reader.
A/N: Italics - Past conversations
The quotes Crosshair says during his nightmares are directly from the Bad Batch episodes.  All rights for those quotes, belong directly to the geniuses working on the Bad Batch TV show at Disney.  
Warnings: Slight mention of a beating, nothing described.  Medical procedures.
If I miss a warning, just let me know.
Words: 4,608
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Drop some love, a comment or a reblog, it’s all appreciated.  If you want to be tagged, let me know.
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“We don’t usually work with regs”
“Grow up, Wrecker”
“If your plans are so good, why did Commander Cody have to call us in?”
“An order is an order”
“Since when?”
“Good soldiers follow orders”
“He had us disobeying orders”
“I never thought you disobeying orders was a problem”
“Disobeying orders again over a kid?”
“You’re becoming a liability”
“You disobeyed orders”
“I did what I thought was right”
“You should have killed that Jedi, you disobeyed orders.”
“You never could see the bigger picture.  Now surrender.”
“Best stand down sergeant, make it easier on yourself.”
“Have you lost your mind?”
“Your move”
“Bad play, Hunter”
“You want to know why they put me in charge? It’s because I’m willing to do what needs to be done.”
“What seems to be the problem with CT-9904?” Lama Su asked Nala Se
The two Kaminoans looked on behind the one way mirror, “medic, what seems to be the problem with CT-9904?” asked Nala Se.
I looked towards the mirrored glass, “he’s having a nightmare”, I glanced from the mirror to Crosshair that laid on the med bed before me.  The Kaminoans wanted his inhibitor chip to be constantly activated and operating at peak efficiency; if they lost him, they would lose the backing of Admiral Tarkin, something they couldn’t have.  
How I wished Hunter was here?  How I wished I got to the ship in time?  I wished for a lot of things, mostly I wished that Crosshair’s chip hadn’t been activated, and that as the medic for Clone Force 99, I wasn’t the one in charge of keeping his chip activated.  Every time he laid down on that med bed, a little bit of me died.  I had to do this to my friend, my family, Hunter’s brother.  I tried at first to say that the chip was damaged, it wouldn’t activate, but they quickly dealt with my deception, in the form of a beating from two of the Clones who had taken me under their wing.  The beating from the two had knocked me out, when I came to Bad Batch was gone, Omega, my little helper, was gone, and Crosshair had tried to kill his own brothers.  
What’s worse is that Crosshair looked for every opportunity to wound me with his words, he wasn’t my Crosshair, he wasn’t the man I had grown to know and love as a brother.
‘Must be miserable to know you fell in love with a traitor.’
‘How does it feel knowing they left you?’
‘Only the Empire can provide what you need’
‘Join them and die’
“He seems to be having a particularly disturbing dream, he keeps thrashing” that voice, oh I hated that voice, it was responsible for the so called War Mantle project, Vice Admiral Rampart.  How I wish he could be the one on this bed before me, so I could make him suffer, the way he’s making Crosshair suffer.
“Indeed” oh there’s that other voice, Admiral Tarkin.  I loathed both men, and would be happy to see both die a very slow painful death.
“I do not believe we should continue for much longer, the procedure could cause irreparable damage”, I suggested.  I’m sorry Crosshair, I hope you can hear me.  I’m so sorry.  
“Very well” Admiral Tarkin’s voice filled the room, I could almost feel his breath on my skin.  It was revolting.  
“End the procedure, medic Kambe”
“Yes, Prime Minister”
I turned off the machine and watched as Crosshair's tortured face relaxed.  I moved beside him, and disconnected him from the machine, he was still unconscious, at this moment and I could pretend he was still my family, he was still the same Crosshair.  The one who taught me to shoot a target five klicks out.  The one who would tease Hunter and me, when we would go out on a date.  The one who said he always wanted a sister, and was happy I was his.  I discreetly held his hand, rubbing circles with my thumb on the back of his hand.  I’m sorry Crosshair.  I’m so sorry Cross.  
- - - - - - - -
“That medic seems very attached to CT-9904” Admiral Tarkin noticed
“Yes, she was the medic for Clone Force 99.  She got to know them very well and went on several missions with them.”
“Interesting.  She may prove useful.”
“How do you mean Admiral?” Asked Vice Admiral Rampart
“She may know something the clone doesn’t, or she could be used as bait, to bring in the others”
“Admiral, I must protest” Nala Se interjected, “she, unlike the clones, is not Empire property, she is hired by the Kaminoan facility, and works directly for us.”
“And yet, she gets paid via the Empire, does she not?  Or do you pay her directly, Prime Minister?”
“Uh … I would have to check our records, Admiral Tarkin”
“Don’t bother, I have checked already.  She gets paid by the Empire.  She used to receive funds from the Republic, and has subsequently received funds from the Empire, therefore she is a servant and employed by the Empire.  As such, we have the right to do as we wish with our workers.”
“Admiral, I would be more than happy to take over … keeping an eye on the medic” offered Vice Admiral Rampart.
“That is not necessary, it seems we have the best thing to keep an eye on her already” he motioned towards the unconscious clone.  
- - - - - - - - -
Although, I couldn’t hear what was being said behind the glass, I could sense eyes on me.  I grabbed a data pad and pretended to check Crosshair's vitals. If they were going to stay there watching me, then they wouldn’t get anything except a medic doing her job.   There had to be a way to get the chip out of his head, someway to go under the radar.  If Cross was back to normal then he and I would be able to get off of Kamino and find the boys.
I heard the door slide open behind me, “Medic Kambe”, I turned to face Nala Se, she was the only Kaminoan that I could somewhat tolerate, although in the end she was the biggest problem of all, as the Chief Medical Scientist, if it wasn’t for her, so many soldiers wouldn’t have been killed and treated less than they deserved.
“Yes, Nala Se?”
“You can move clone CT-9904 to the recovery room”
“Yes, Nala Se”
She stepped closer to me, it was odd and threw me off.  She disliked me more than anyone else, simply for making the clones feel like people and not property, it was one of the reasons I was assigned to an actual team, rather than the Kaminoan facility in general.  “You need to be careful,” she said in a lowered voice.
I kept busy preparing Cross for transport, “what do you mean?” I asked in a similar whisper, “they’re watching you, they want to use you to bring back Clone Force 99 and Omega.  We can’t have her land in the hands of the Empire.”
“I understand”
“Please be quick about transporting the clone, Admiral Tarkin wishes to see what effect the new enhancement has on CT-9904” she said in a louder voice.
“He has a name”
“He is a clone.  Clone CT-9904.”
“His name is Crosshair!”
“Medic Kambe! One more outburst and I’ll have you restricted to your quarters and brought up on charges of treason. Do you understand?”
“Good” without further word she stepped out of the room, maker I hated her.  I really did.
I looked at Cross one more time, he had a slight scarring from where the machine had performed it’s procedure. My only hope would be to perform surgery at night, or maybe if I was able to go on a mission with Cross again, distract him, get him isolated, and perform the surgery.   We both needed to get out of here, and soon.
- - - - - - -
“I don’t know if the plan will work” Fives offered
“Oh I’m sorry, do you have something better, vod?”
“Listen Phoenix Ghost, we are not judging you, it just seems risky” offered Hunter
“Well, what do you want to do?”  I asked, Rex had just left after we were able to get the chips out of the remaining Bad Batch, the idea was to take the med pod with us, or at the very least take it and hide it on a planet that we could bring Crosshair to.
“Why can’t we just use the method you did before, with the other clones?”
“That would require us going to a safe clone planet, the nearest one has over 500 of your brothers, inhabiting it.  I would gladly take you there, if the Empire thought you were dead.  However, as of right now, the risk is too great that someone would follow you, or someone spot your ship and decide to report you to the Empire simply for credits.  I’m sorry but I’m not putting your brothers at risk.  Either we find a way to bring Crosshair here, or find a way to bring the med pod to Crosshair.”
“Cyar’ika, it’s okay.  We trust you”
“Really, cause if you trusted me, you wouldn’t be questioning the plan right now”
“It’s just dangerous” Tech tried to reassure me.
I couldn’t help the glare that had appeared on my face, “seriously Tech? That’s your pathetic platitude, that it’s just dangerous.  Everything we’ve ever done, from the moment we either joined or were sold to the GAR has been a life filled with danger.  I personally have a scar on almost every quadrant of my body from one injury or another.”
They all looked to Echo, who simply nodded.  Oh that was it, “WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT HIM? DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I WOULD LIE ABOUT THAT?!!!”
“No, of course not” Hunter tried to calm me down, but the anger within was growing from their… I guess lack of trust.  
“Don’t Echo! Don’t Cyar’ika me!”
Echo let out a frustrated breath, being back with Echo was amazing, it’s like we hadn’t missed a beat, all those years being apart had evaporated within a matter of minutes.  
“Fine, ner riduur”
Ugh! Why did he have to tug that cord? All the anger I had a second ago washed away at remembering that we had indeed gotten married, I  dropped my shoulders and my head to my chest.  As soon as we were off Barab, we had found a place to lay low for a few weeks.  Echo didn’t want to waste anymore time and proposed, I didn’t want to waste any time either and said yes.  We both had wasted too many years apart, to waste another second not being with each other, was downright idiotic.
Fives had been his best man, Omega was my flower girl, Hunter walked me down the aisle, Tech officiated and Wrecker stood in as my man of honour.  Rex had come to wish us well, after the ceremony, he pulled me aside and gave me a big bear hug, “I’m happy for you ad’ika.  I wish you nothing but happiness.”
The words were there, but the warmth in the eyes weren’t, “I’m sorry Rex.  I’m sorry I couldn’t…”
He didn’t let me finish, “nothin’ to be sorry about, little one.  You followed your heart to the man you love.  It’s the heart I fell in love with, so how can I be upset about that” his warmth finally reached his eyes, we hugged one more time, “thank you, Rex.  I love you, vod”
“Love you too, vod’ika”
“Alright, let’s come up with another plan than” I offered calmer, I looked over at Echo, and smirked.
“How do you do that?” Whispered Wrecker
“It’s my gift” Echo chuckled, I simply shook my head, “what if we make a medical droid?” Asked Omega
“It is possible” Tech advised
“We are at the scrap yard so we could find the parts we need, it won’t be pretty, but it’ll get the job done” I added, Tech and I sat down to work out a plan and design for the medical droid.
“While we are doing this, maybe the five of you could try to find an actual droid, maybe if there is an actual medical droid, we won’t have to make one” suggested Tech.
“Fine, we know when we’re not wanted,” Fives teased.
“Hey Omega”, I called, she turned towards me, “good suggestion” I winked at her.  She ran over and hugged me, “thanks mo…I mean, thank you Phoenix Ghost”, I returned the hug and looked at Hunter, he had a smirk on his face, “hun, I think your dad’s waiting for you”.  Hunter shot me a look, I couldn’t help but smile back, at the end of the day we were all co-parenting, so what was one or two more parents, uncles, or aunts.  Whatever way she looked at us, we were family.
- - - - - - - - -
“How does it feel, vod?” Fives asked Echo
“How does what, feel?”
“Being married to the love of your life?” He elbowed Echo
Echo couldn’t help the blush that appeared on his face, “like I’m living a dream that I never want to wake up from”.
“Awww, that’s so sweet” shouted Wrecker
“Alright you guys focus, Omega and I will go done here" Hunter motioned to the corridor to his left, "Wrecker, go with Fives and Echo” as Hunter motioned to the corridor on his right.
“Copy that” Fives answered.
Hunter and Omega headed down what looked like a medical hallway, there were all kinds of beds, against the wall, “Hunter?”
“Yes, Omega”
“Are you married?”
“Like Phoenix and Echo?”
Hunter didn’t answer for a minute, Omega could see something was bothering him, “I”m sorry, should I not have asked?”
“It’s okay, kid.  No, I’m not married.”
“But there was someone?”
“Medic Kambe?”
Hunter stopped and looked at Omega, “how do you know that?”
“I trained under her as a medical assistant, she always used to mention Clone Force 99”
“That’s how you learned all about us”
Omega nodded, “she treated me like I was …”
“Like you were a person”
Omega nodded, “that’s how she treated us too.”  Hunter continued examining the rooms, and realized more than likely his love had seen what was happening to Omega and how she was treated.  He could see his tiny love stepping up to protect Omega.  Knowing her, she probably even had to fight to be Omega’s trainer.
“Do you think we’ll see her again?”
“I don’t know, kid.  I hope so, I really do.”
“Why didn’t she come with us?”
Hunter let out a sigh, “I don’t know, but something must have happened, otherwise she would have been waiting for us in the hangar.”
“I hope if we do find her, you two get married”
“Yes, she makes you happy.  You clearly make her happy.  She always had a smile on her face when she spoke of you, she kept her biggest smile when she mentioned you specifically.”
Hunter smiled at that, hopefully soon enough, he’ll have his brother back, and his love in his arms.  
- - - - - - -
“Any luck?”
“There’s no such thing as luck” chuckled Fives
“What are you? Obi-wan?” I asked
“Hey how do you think I got so good with the ladies?  I learned from the best” he laughed.
“Fives, you were good with the ladies, because they took pity on you.  Not because you had any of the charm, Obi-wan had.”
“How do you know about Obi-wan’s charms?” Asked Echo.
“Hmm… what, my love?”
“We will discuss this later”
“Whatever you say, ner cyare”
“Oh don’t try and placate me with sweet sayings”
“As fun as it is to be in the middle of what’s probably your first argument” Tech interrupted, “did you find a medical droid?”
“I did!” Shouted Wrecker
“Good.  By the way", Tech directed towards Echo and I, "I would like to see how an argument between married couples proceeds, it would be interesting to learn and see first hand” inquired Tech.
“Yeah, not gonna happen” I said, “let’s get this droid adjusted. Faster we get this thing on the ship, the faster we get out of here, and the faster we can get to Crosshair.”
“I think I have an idea about how to get Crosshair out in the open,” Hunter offered.
“How?” Asked Wrecker
“I’ll tell you guys when we’re back on the ship”
- - - - - - - - - - -
“That’s a bold plan” Fives commented
“But it has the potential for working” I appeased
“How do we know we can trust her?” Tech questioned, “how do we know she didn’t wilfully not show up? Had a change of heart?”
“Come on Tech, you know her.  She loves us.” Hunter looked to the ground before continuing, “she loves me, she would never … She was detained.  I know it.  Something prevented her from meeting us in that hangar.”
“Okay, so you want to send a message that will undoubtedly put her in danger, either on the mission, or before the mission, and definitely after the mission.  Basically, you are okay painting a giant target on her back, Hunter?  Cause that’s what you’re doing by sending that message.”
“I know Phoenix, but it’s the only thing I can think of to do.”
“Then I’ll help to try and limit the damage.  First things first, we are going to need to split up, find a planet to draw their attention to, hopefully one that’s uninhabitable.”
“With lots of ground coverage” offered Wrecker
“No high ground” suggested Tech
“With lots of animals” said Fives, we all turned to look at him, “what? If he can get distracted that gives us an advantage, I’m not crazy”, we all nodded along.  “He does have a point” chimed in Echo.
“What about Felucia?” Hunter suggested
“It’s not inhabitable.  I actually think I have a place.” I offered
“Where?” They all asked at once.
“I can’t say.”
“Well if you can’t say, how can we use it then?” Fives asked
“Because I have to ask permission to go there, it could put someone in danger, and that could be worse then …”
“Then having the Empire after us right now?” Wrecker inquired.
“Yes, actually.  They’re very dear and special to me, I need to …sorry guys, I’m gonna have to take over the bunk for now.”
“Oh” said Echo
“Oh” I nodded.
“Oh what?” Hunter asked
“Ohhh!” Clued in Fives adding, “I thought he was dead.
“About as dead as you and I are”
“What are we talking about?” Wrecker asked Tech
“I don’t know” Tech answered shrugging his shoulders.
“Sorry guys, I can’t say more, or talk more about it.  Like I said, I need the bunk, no one come in until I emerge.  It could be several hours, I suggest we stay in hyperspace as much as possible.”
“What’s going on?” Omega asked as she stepped out of her room.
“Sorry guys, but we can’t talk about it” Fives answered, “just trust us, when we say she needs to do this, and you really can’t disturb her, she needs the quiet.”
- - - - - - - - -
It had been a while since I sat here meditating, trying to connect with my older teacher.  I had been a force-sensitive child, and was about to take the Jedi trials, to be ordained as a Jedi Knight, but the anger within me had proved to be too volatile, with the war in effect.  It was important to not let those who could be in situations where the constant fighting, the constant bloodshed and the insurmountable injustice would be present all the time.  It could lead one to use the force in an unnatural way, causing one to take actions into your own hands.
I closed my eyes, and focused on the force, being one with the force was always easy for me, which was why the Council was concerned when they felt my anger.
“Little one, hmmm? Yes, hmmm”
“Hello Master Yoda”
“Why reach out through the force did you, hmm? Alright are you, hmmm?”
“I seek advice, Master, the advice is not for me, I’m alright, but it is to save two innocents.”
“To save a clone called Crosshair you wish, and medic called Kambe.  Innocent, Kambe is.  However, shed innocent blood, Crosshair has.”
“It’s not his fault, Master, it’s his chip.  If we remove the chip, he’ll be back to his old self.”
“Possible, removing stone from a puddle is, damage the stone caused when thrown in is permanent.  Back, what makes you think the Crosshair you once knew would come, hmm? Hmmmm.”
“Because it happened to one of the clones I am travelling with.  His chip activated, and he tried to kill Omega, the little clone girl, once his chip was removed he went back to normal, although he remembered the incident.”
“Wrecker activated for, how long was, hmm?”
“Not long, maybe about 20 to 30 minutes.”
“Crosshair been activated, how long has, hmm?”
“Since the start of the Empire”
“Over time weeds grow over stone, in the puddle, that is.  When you pull out stone, pull out weeds too.  The damage caused, irreversible, could be.  Prepared to face that consequence are you, hmm? Hmmm?”
“At least he would be free.”
“Of clone life free from, hmm? No.  Free from the Empire, hmm? No.  His other self free from, hmm? Possibly.  Plague his mind constantly, the nightmares of what he has done will.  Carry, can you soothe the pain his soul will, hmm?  If this chip you free him from, have to help carry his burden, you will.  Ready for that are you, hmm?”
“Then I offer, what advice can hmm? Yes, hmmm”
“We need a planet that is shrouded in darkness, with no major high ground, lots of foliage and animals”
“You use Dagobah to draw him out want to, hmm?”
“With your permission, Master, yes.  But if you feel it is too big of a threat, maybe you can recommend another planet, one that can wreak havoc on a sniper.”
“My permission, you have.  I will give you coordinates that will put any in danger not, and your purposes that will serve.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“Your anger and your fear I no longer sense.  Changed, what has, young one, hmm?”
“Ever since my ‘death’, I no longer lived for myself but for others.  With the help of others and my skills we were able to save 2500 soldiers.  Brave men, each one.”
“That is all not. Herh herh herh”.
“No, Master.  Ha, never could hide anything from you.  I married the love of my life, Echo”
“Happy for you little one I am.  Continue learning from the force.  Serve you in the future, it will.  To the dark side within you I no longer sense the temptation.  However, to say goodbye to the man you love, be prepared, when the time comes, or to the dark side again find yourself on the path.
“Yes, Master.  Thank you.”
“With you may the force be.  Hmmmm”
“And with you, Master.”
- - - - - - - - -
“How long does this usually take?” Hunter asked Echo
“Once it took her - - - what was it? Fives, 12 hours?”
“I thought it was longer, closer to 15 or 16”
“It depends”
“On what?” Asked Tech
“On how easily I can connect to the force”, I answered.  They all turned to see me emerge from the bunk room, “how long was I in there for?”
“About 8 hours,” Echo answered.
“Do we have a plan?”
“We do, Hunter” I smiled, not only did we have a plan, but I had the privilege to continue learning about the Force, who knows what will happen in the future, but as of right now I was very hopeful.
“So where are we going?” Asked Omega
“Dagobah, we’re going to Dagobah, but first I need to eat, secondly there are a few things we need to discuss and thirdly, only three or four of us should go, the others should keep Omega safe.”
“I feel like there’s going to be a whole Jedi sort feel to this story” Fives laughed
“Well not completely, but you’re not wrong either” I laughed along with him.
“Does that mean, you’re going to tell me how you know about Obi-wan’s charms?” Asked Echo
“You’re never going to leave that alone, are you?” Hunter and Tech got up and headed for the cockpit, Omega headed for her room, Fives and Wrecker headed for the bunk room, leaving Echo and I alone.
“Why won’t you just tell me?”
“Why do I need to tell you about something that is so trifling, and doesn’t matter in our current predicament?”
“Because I need to know”
“You don’t need to know, what you want to know is if I personally experienced his charms, isn’t that true?”
“I … how … that’s …” Echo rubbed the back of his neck after his failure to start his sentence, “that’s not what I want to know.”
“Then why do you keep asking that question”
“I just didn’t think that Jedis, you know”
I just looked at him, “Echo, I married you.  I was learning to become a Jedi, remember?”
“Yeah, but I just didn’t think you were with anyone before me, I thought we had that in common”, that’s what he wanted to know! Man, why was he beating around the bush?
“Echo, my love” I kneeled before, cradling his face with one hand, holding his right hand with my left, “I love you.  Obi-wan is just a horrible flirt.  I was never interested in him.  I wasn’t interested in anyone other than you.  You have been and always will be the love of my life.  No one can compare to you.  They can’t hold a candle to your bravery, your courage, your kindness, your sweetness, the way you care for me, the way you look after your brothers, the way you look after Omega.  You are the best man I have ever known.  No one will ever change my opinion about that.  I love you and only you, and I have never been with anyone other than you.”
Echo looked into my eyes, leaned forward and kissed me, with all the passion he could muster.  “I really wish we had our own room, and our own ship, right now.”
I laughed out loud, “well let’s get to a safe haven where we can pick up another ship, and you and I take an hour for ourselves.”
“I think maybe four hours is needed”
“Ha, if only we had that kind of time my love, an hour and a half?”
“Done, but then we have to get this plan under way as soon as we land.”
“I know”, I pressed my forehead against his, soaking in his scent; Master Yoda was right, I would have to prepare myself for the eventuality of losing him for real, one day.  When I had thought I had lost him the first time, it nearly destroyed me, and it was because I wasn’t able to have a future with him.  Wasn’t able to live freely with him.  Now, I could.  If I were to lose him tomorrow, I can be comforted in knowing that I had married, and had been able to love him without reservation.  I would have no regrets with how I loved him.
“I love you, Echo”
“I love you, Phoenix”
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sleepybutwriting · 4 years
​🎃MHA Spooky Special🎃
Request: “Baby YPH watching Shiggy playing scary games and they get scared,, so Shiggy comforts them 😭 that’ll be so cute” [Anonymous]
Pairing: Platonc!Shigaraki x Baby!Reader
Notes: Hope this is okay with how it turned out. Thanks for participating!
The sound of rapid footsteps, followed by deep steady ones, trailing down the hallway alerted Shigaraki to your return. He glanced down at the time at the bottom of his computer screen. 10:48. You had been out trick or treating for almost three hours. Shigaraki swiveled around in his chair at the creaking sound of his door being opened, eyes falling onto you standing excitedly in front of a worn-out looking Dabi.
“Well, that lasted longer than I thought it would,” Shigaraki stated casually, eyeing the man in front of him as you made your way over.
“No one in this godforsaken neighborhood was giving out candy. Tried to take them to a convenient store to buy some, and the kid damn well near had a fit, talking about, ‘that’s no fun’.” Dabi mocked in an annoyed tone, “so we had to walk to the next one over. And when we got there, the runt was dead set on hitting every house in the entire fucking neighborhood. I had at least fifty kids come up to me complimenting me on my ‘costume’ and ‘makeup’. All this for some lousy fucking candy I coulda bought on a corner store.”
Shigaraki looked down as you jumped up and down, happily waving your plastic, candy-filled, jack o’ lantern in front of him. 
“Watch the runt while I shower the stench of those fucking kids off of me, will ya,” Dabi stated, not even waiting for a response as he shut the door behind him.
Shigaraki stared blankly at the now-closed door, still processing the fact that you were just left here with him before you lightly began shaking your candy to grab his attention.
“What?” He questioned irritatedly
“Want some?”
With that, he quickly turned his attention back to his computer and began continuing on with his game. It was a new Horror game that had just come out for Halloween, and he hadn’t had as much time to play it as he would have liked, and getting stuck babysitting you definitely wasn’t helping.
‘Burnt asshole’, he muttered under his breath as you glanced up, confused. 
“Big brother, Shiggy?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Can I watch you play?” You continued on, ignoring his statement at your nickname. “I promise I’ll be quiet… and you can have as much of my candy as you want!”
Shigaraki rolled his eyes. “I already told you I don’t want any.” However, now that he thought about it, maybe this was a good middle ground. Especially since it meant he would get to continue playing, and you agreeing to keep quiet was definitely an added bonus.
“...fine. Just don’t talk.” He agreed, unpausing his game and continuing where he left off. He wasn’t even playing for ten seconds before a tugging on his pants had him pausing the game and looking down at you with a frustrated growl.
You stood not saying a word, arms extended out to him, silently asking for him to lift you.
“I can’t see from down here.”
With a loud groan and some quiet mumbles to himself that you didn’t catch, he lifted you into his arms and sat you in his lap facing forward without any further protest. Once you were settled, he unpaused his game and continued again. He was on a roll, viciously killing zombie after zombie, leaving nothing but a gory trail behind him as he trekked on. He was so deeply invested in finding the hideout, that he didn’t even realize how scared you were, small eyes glued to the screen as you couldn’t help but jump with every gunshot that sounded.
You couldn’t take it anymore, deciding it better to hide behind your own hands, which shot up in an attempt to shield your eyes from witnessing anymore. You felt terrified. As if the monsters from the screen were going to come out and grab you. The fear leaving you feeling helpless, as tears began streaming down your face.
The sound of your sniffling grabbed the attention of the Shigaraki, who peaked down at you, only to be left more confused seeing the state you were in.
“What the hell is wrong with you now, brat?” 
“I-I’m s-scared.” You hiccuped between sobs.
“What do you mean you’re scared? It’s just a game.” Shigaraki tried to reason, but you were having none of it. Continuing to sob into his chest. He awkwardly patted your head in an attempt to comfort you and get you to stop crying. His gloved fingers gliding gently down your head and back. He was completely stiff, but you seemed to loosen up a bit, finding his efforts to be effective in calming you down. 
He lifted the both of you up, and powered off his computer. “Guess I won’t get to finish that tonight. Whatever, it’s later than you should be up anyway. Just go to bed.”
“B-but I don’t wanna sleep.”
“You don’t wanna sleep. You don’t wanna play games. Is there anything you do want to do?”
It was intended to be a rhetorical question, but you still answered with a small shrug of your shoulders, eye’s lowering to the ground in guilt. You felt bad that he couldn’t play his game because of you. You felt like you were being a burden, and wanted to try to fix it.
“You can play if you want to. I’m not afraid anymore, so it’s okay,” you tried lying. Shigaraki didn’t buy it. He knew you were still afraid, and the last thing he wanted was you whimpering in his arms while he was trying to win. It would be completely distracting, there’s no way he would be able to focus.
“It was a boring game anyway,” He lied back, “I’ll just put on a movie instead. You just better not start crying this time.”
He placed you in front of the broken down tv as he went to start fiddling with the buttons. While flicking through the channels, he found one that caught your attention. It looked god awful to him, but you looked excited regardless of the downright creepy looking characters it had in it.
“Please, big brother, Shiggy? Please, can we watch Scary Godmother?”
If it shut you up, and finally got you to stop crying, then he would sit through the dumb-looking kids movie. He turned up the volume a tad, and took a seat on the floor next to you, where you began scooting closer. Tiny legs bouncing excitedly off the floor as the movie began playing. 
Somewhere about an hour in, the both of you started dozing off. Shigaraki would have fallen asleep completely would it not have been for the creaking of his door waking him up, and an amused Dabi standing over him.
“Really? ‘Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktacular’” Dabi quoted off the screen, trying his best to hold back his laughs in an attempt to not wake you.
“The knob was broken! Would you just shut the fuck up and take the brat? Or do you want to take another two-hour shower?” Shigaraki questioned sarcastically in a hushed tone. He knew with all the candy you had eaten earlier, it would probably be a complete pain in the ass to have to put you back to sleep again.
Dabi looked down at you sleeping peacefully against the seething man. With you by his side, Shigaraki didn’t look nearly as intimidating as he normally does. He actually looked pretty innocent. Dabi didn’t hesitate to seize the opportunity to take advantage of the man in his vulnerable state.
“Nah, the two of you look pretty comfortable. Plus it’d be nice to have my bed back for the night.”
“Quit fucking around!” Shigaraki shouted, only to be shushed by Dabi who motioned down to you. You stirred slightly at the loud noise, but Shigaraki began frantically rubbing your back, soothing you back to sleep so you didn’t wake up completely.
“Well, that was a close one. It’d be a real shame if you woke ‘em. If I were you, I’d be more careful next time,” Dabi chuckled on his way out the door. Completely ignoring the whispered shouts of the man on the floor.
Tomorrow he would have to pay the price, but tonight?... He was going to go get the rest of the league to come take a look at their ‘big bad boss’.
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w00wzerz · 3 years
🚃Ticket back to Life🚃
(All that matters in Titans s3 ep 9)
There is so much to talk about, so without further ado, lets get into it!
The episode begins with a seemingly defeated Bruce scanning over his will for a few seconds - hinting at the fact that he will harm himself or is planning to soon move on to the “other side.”
At this moment I had crinkled my bag of Doritos, placed them in the crack of my lap and sat in silence for a few seconds. My mind was working overtime to try and piece together just what the hell was going on. These were my initial thoughts: I would like to sincerely apologize to Dick Grayson and Jason Todd for ever having to put up with Bruce Wayne’s crazy ass. The man is coo coo, he’s unhinged! He’s deranged!
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However, upon further evaluation of the scene, I came to the realization that this was simply Bruce’s call for help. He had lived his entire life by attempting to mask his pain, using anything in the book to deter his emotions. Until one day, he ultimately settled on taking in kids who he presumed had developed under similar circumstances.
What Bruce failed to realize is that playing the role of a parent is an upmost emotionally draining task - just ask my mother… By raising his own kids with a shit ton of baggage he would also be signing up to mountain theirs atop his own, crafting an incredibly unstable terrain that would inevitably come crashing down.
Now we know where Dick and Jason get their compartmentalism from.
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Moving on to my girl Rachel in Themiscyra! You know things are pretty bad when Rachel starts to complain about training too much, seeing as that was all she ever did over at Titans tower.
However, it seems that her hard work has paid off as she has awakened a heightened sense of urgency in her movements - her coordination skills have also improved significantly, as shown below.
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Such a badass scene! ☀️
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Upon their very first introduction, it is safe to say that Donna establishes an instant connection with the terrified kid who jumped from the train - Tim Drake. It could be the gravitational pull and familiarity with his fear that peaked her interest because of how similar it was to her own, or she could’ve just wanted to make sure that he was okay. And I am willing to bet on ALL OF IT.
Secondly can we all just take a minute to celebrate Donna’s long awaited return! I have never been more excited for the revival of a character. Now Kory can finally have some grown up friends 🥂
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After Tim and Donna linger for a-bit in the woods, they meet up with none other than Hank himself. Of course he would be the one to appear out in the middle of nowhere, in an old fashioned car after his death. I wouldn’t have accepted it any other way.
I also have to admit that I was pretty psyched to see Hank again. Do not quote me on this, but a tiny piece of me had missed his annoyingly snarky ass.
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Was anyone else feeling some serious 21 jump street vibes from this lttle road trip scene? No… just me? Okay.
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Once they’re all familiar with one another Hank begins to take a subtle interest in Tim. As my senses began tingling once more, the pieces had somehow found their way together. Despite the tough ass persona he displayed for the other members of the Titans, Hank has always had a soft spot for kids. Which would also explain why he was killed by Jason in the first place - because he thought he could save Jason from himself. A part of him still feels like an idiot for falling for the false vulnerability that was expressed by Jason on the phone that day.
And no I wasn’t crying at Hank’s farewell, you were 🥲
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I was disappointed at first after treading on the idea that they would all return back together. But after viewing Hank’s reunion with his brother, I think it’s safe to say that I’m pretty glad that he decided not to miss out on that drastic part in his journey. Plus who knows, maybe another portal will open again after a few years and they’ll both be back to kick some ass. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Below is another example of Donna’s rocky, yet emotional connection between herself and Tim. And I say rocky because it doesn’t seem that she even realizes it herself, but she loves my little Tim baby!
Tim just has a way of interacting with folks that evokes a sense of urgency to protect him. I also believe that it must be fate that is drawing them all towards each other, especially when taking into account that Tim has practically met almost every member of the Titans dead or alive - by accident.
As you can see below, a teary eyed Donna watches as young Tim fades away into obscurity from her very own finger tips.
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And as his body slowly disintegrates she makes it her mission to assure him that he is fact not a coward and that above everything else, he is a hero in her eyes. Now if that doesn’t get the waterworks flowing, I don’t know what will.
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A recurring theme that I’ve noticed throughout the past three episodes is the current writers obsession with fire.
Fire = destruction. 🔥
Even as Bruce set a flame to Wayne’s manor he intended to destroy not only his home, but as well as himself along with it. Could fire represent what is to come in the near future for the Titans? Or am I sipping too much gatorade? I guess we’ll have to wait and see folks. Until next time! ✨😙💜
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clarenecessities · 3 years
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As my followers may have picked up from my long, spiraling rants, I’ve undertaken a new research project, courtesy of the death grip She-Ra has on my brain. And guess what? It’s finally at Disseminate Information Stage! So I’m going to lay out all of the gods, demigods, and godbeasts of the Masters of the Universe. With sources!
This table is more of a cheat sheet. We’re gonna tackle this god by god, with a section on Actual Lore & a meta section to help you decide how valid you think they are, because frankly some canons are more canon than others.
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Asklepia, Benevolent Snake Goddess
Lore: Asklepia is one of two snake goddesses, the benevolent twin sister of Serpentia. We know very little about her abilities, but the Snake Clan (a clan of human warriors) were said to worship her, and they were famed for their architecture and healing. She had the ability to curse and deform people--to what extent is uncertain, but she’s known to have condemned a fallen priest named Ka, whose disfigured likeness now adorns Snake Mountain.
Behind the Scenes: First appearing in the 1987 comic “Il Nero Cristallo Del Potere“, Asklepia remained nameless for over 30 years, until Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC) released a few choice bios. For the unfamiliar, MOTUC seeks to reconcile the often contradictory canons into one overarching narrative, which is great in theory, but in practice is kind of like putting ice cream on a hot dog. And calling it a Chilly Dog ® as if that makes it taste better. But I digress. In 2019 they released a bio for the Staff of Ka which finally put a name to the less-evil Snake Goddess, in an obvious nod to Asclepius and the asklepian (that staff+snake icon people put on medical stuff).
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Sharella, the Green Goddess and/or “Avatar” of Asklepia
Lore: Contradictory
Long Version: Okay I’ve put avatar in quotes because it is... contentious. Basically, and you’ll see here why I felt the need to make this post instead of relying blindly on the wikis, Sharella was introduced (in the ‘87 licensing guide) as a tribal leader who had joint custody of Gray, the original name of He-Ro’s alter ego, while he was growing up. This was further developed by Emiliano Santalucia’s concept work, wherein she was the leader of the Green Tiger Tribe (GTT) specifically. While the comic concept was not run through licensing & is thus not “canon”, the idea of her leading the GTT persisted. This teeny tiny image of her from Tytus and Megator’s 1987 Italian box art was all we had until 2008, when one of He-Man’s accessories described her as the “warrior woman ally” of Queen Veena, “who had been changed into the immortal green-skinned avatar of the Goddess Asklepia”. In 2009, MOTUC released a figure for The Goddess, apparently forgetting they’d done that shit the year before because the packaging did say “K’yrulla” was her real name. They had to cover it up with a sticker. 
So who’s The Goddess? Way back in the days before Mattel solidified any of the lore around MOTU, there were mini-comics released with the toys. Initially, the Goddess served a similar function to the Sorceress in the cartoon, and was in fact sometimes called the Sorceress. She facilitated He-Man’s transformations, gave him missions, was generally magical and mysterious, etc. If you know who the Sorceress is, and you can picture Teela, but green? That’s about it.
Back to Sharella, though. The Third Ultimate Battleground rolled around in 2015, and for the first time since some packaging in the 80s, we saw Sharella in action! She was shot through the heart with a poison arrow. Yeah. But don’t worry, she received a blood transfusion from Moss Man (who we’ll get to later), and was transformed into the Green Goddess! She’s immortal now. How Asklepia figures in here is sort of unclear, which is weird since this is still part of the MOTUC line, but whatever. Whatever! Queen Grayskull (the aforementioned Veena) received a bio in 2015 as well, which described Sharella as her apprentice who became “The Goddess”.
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Horokoth, Aspect of the Mother Goddess
Lore: DC went a little batshit (pun intended) with the lore for the Eternity War. Here the Goddess is three combined aspects, “Serpos” (Serpentia) for the Snake Men, Zoar for the human “Eternians”, and a third, invented deity called Horokoth, who represents the Horde. Horokoth is “the coming destroyer. The darkness at the end of days.” and is represented by a bat.
Behind the Scenes: That last link has a clearer picture of her, it just didn’t crop well. Also, I confess I couldn’t bring myself to read Eternity War. As thrilling as the prospect of a cohesive narrative is, if I wanted to see Adora slit her brother’s throat there’s the edgier side of deviantArt to peruse. Therefore I know little of Horokoth outside of a few still images of Hordak. The bat was almost certainly selected for the Horde’s vespertilian emblem.
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Hordeous, God-Beast of Horokoth
Lore: A “primordial”, bat-like godbeast of Horokoth, created in response to the god Saz’s feline races. Their face was “forever infused“ on the surface of Horde World by Horde Lord (Hordak and Horde Prime’s father in the MOTUC canon) to grant their family power and immortality.
Behind the Scenes: Yes they’ve used some words wrong, but they’ve got the spirit, right? Hordeous was (allegedly, this is secondhand) an invention of the MOTUC crew in answer to Horokoth. Now, the Horde Supreme bio predates Horokoth’s introduction by about 3 years, but obviously the comics were in production already. There’s an undated sketch of Horokoth Hordak from an undated interview (thanks for nothing you useless website) but in that same gallery there’s an orko sketch labeled 2012 so. We’re good right? That makes sense, timeline-wise. Anyway the comics slam dunked Horde Prime out of existence and combined him with Horde Lord so it’s contradictory anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Serpentia, Malevolent Snake Goddess
Lore: The evil counterpart of Asklepia, Serpentia is the goddess of the Snake Men. The priest Ka of the Snake Clan forsook Asklepia in her favor, destroying Asklepia’s sacred orb and stealing the Serpent Ring (an artefact capable of transforming humans into Snake Men) from the Ophidian Spire with King Hsss. In DC’s triune interpretation of the Goddess, Serpentia (here ‘Serpos’) is blood, passion, and desire. A primal and primordial force appearing to the Snake Men in their own image.
Behind the Scenes: Okay yes I’ve reused the Asklepia pic but in my defense they are twins and this is the easiest one to crop. So here’s the thing about Serpentia: we only got a name for her in 2019. We knew there was a snake goddess, and she was pretty evil, or at least hostile towards mammalian life (see: the source of the pic I chose for her). Where Asklepia references the asklepian, ‘Serpentia’ is a much more heavy-handed snake reference, even though Anguis was right there. Those Masters Mondays came through for us, though, with the shield and staff of Ka, Ssssylph, and of course MOTUC’s Dark Despot Skeletor, which is. something. Though only recently named, Serpentia has been a shadow over Eternia since the Snake Men’s introduction in 1985 (or, depending on how much of the presented backstory you accept, even sooner in the form of Skeletor’s lair, Snake Mountain).
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Serpos/Sarcedon, God-Beast of Snake Mountain
Lore: Contradictory, but the gist of it is he’s a very large snake with elemental magic and a grudge, that was turned to stone and became Snake Mountain.
Long Version: Snake Mountain was conceived of towards the end of 1982, but wasn’t revealed to the public until September of 1983, with the debut of the Filmation cartoon. For another year, the snake coiled around its summit was simply a carving, its mouth hollowed out for Skeletor to stand in and loom. But in 1984 the Snake Mountain toy was released, completely discarding the Filmation design in favor of the hewn face of the figure we now call Ka. Instead of a snake carving winding its way up the peak, the Mattel toy featured a ‘striking serpent’, alive and attached to the mountain itself. From there, it was an easy leap to make to ‘this carving comes alive’. So easy, in fact, that they did it twice!
First attempted in 1985 in the newspaper storyline “Vengeance of the Viper King”, the snake was here called Sarcedon, the World Destroyer. At the dawn of time, he was said to crush Eternia within his deadly coils. He burrowed deep into the ground, causing fearsome storms that nearly destroyed the planet. Only a fearless hero (implied to be He-Ro) could defeat and imprison Sarcedon. Using a macguffin called a Mirror of History, He-Man forced Sarcedon to behold his own reflection in a reference to the Medusa myth that kind of missed the point of it being reflective. Sarcedon was sent back in time, Snake Mountain was restored, the good guys win, blah blah blah.
That was the last of it until the MYP cartoon in 2004. Serpos as a name was actually first invoked by Mer-Man in a 1982 minicomic, but like it probably wasn’t about the snake. Anyway in the MYP cartoon the Snake Men get this thing called the Medallion of Serpos that lets them un-petrify the snake around Snake Mountain, grow two more heads, and unleash his godly wrath. He breathes fire, trashes Eternos, beats up He-Man, then turns his attention on Castle Grayskull to consume the Orb of Power (containing the strength and wisdom of the Elders, who had first trapped him in stone). He-Man cuts off Serpos’s extra heads with a sword upgrade, the Elders are somehow magically restored to life, and they re-petrify him. Snake Mountain is restored, the good guys win, blah blah blah.
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Zoar, the Fighting Falcon
Lore: Contradictory, but it sure is a bird!
Long Version: While Sharella’s backstory is fraught because of the comics couldn’t decide what they wanted her to be, Zoar was similarly tangled up by the toyline. Initially male, he went through several color schemes, some prettier than others. Though there was a vague association with the Sorceress before the cartoon (recall that pre-Filmation, the Sorceress was just the Goddess), Filmation made them literally inseperable by designating Zoar as the Sorceress’s falcon form, to which she was confined when leaving Castle Grayskull.
Some of the comics and Golden books showed Zoar as being flipping enormous & ridden into battle as a steed by Teela and Man-at-Arms. Pre-Filmation, Zoar was always referred to as male, but post-Filmation, always female, as an incarnation of the Sorceress.
The Eternity Wars comics describe Zoar as the third aspect of the Goddess, the ‘Great Preserver’ whose light would shine through the universe for eternity. They pull off a sort of tripartite priestess thing where it’s Serpos/Zoar/Horokoth represented by Teela-Na (the Sorceress)/Teela/Evil-Lyn.
MOTUC, of course, had to reconcile all of these contradictory canons. How’d they do it? “In the folklore of Eternia, the golden falcon symbolized the godhead Zoar, a powerful deity of Preternia. As a god, Zoar could appear in both male and female guises and while the blue-tipped female falcon was associated with the Sorceress of Grayskull, the golden falcon represented Zoar's masculine nature.” So Zoar is genderfluid now, and the Sorceress is merely borrowing their form when transforming into a falcon. This bio also established that Zoar had anointed the first Sorceress, Veena (Queen Grayskull), which explains why she has wings for no apparent reason.
Also it’s not offically MOTUC but the scultors of the line, Four Horsemen, made a single anthro Zoar for Power-Con 2013. In case you need that for some reason.
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Glorybird, Emissary of Zoar
Lore: Many millennia ago, there were three siblings, who were very poor and mistreated by their stepmother, but had hearts filled with kindness and love. Zoar, recognizing their resilience and desire to help people, sent an emissary named Glorybird. Glorybird bestowed upon each sibling a divine gift, but as they used their new powers to fight for good, their stepmother revealed herself to be a Celestial Witch & attempted to sacrifice them to Zoar’s “greatest enemy”, Horokoth.  
Backstory: Okay, so the Star Sisters (and Glorybird) were in exactly one episode of She-Ra, primarily to set them up as new toy designs. While prototypes were made for these, the figures weren’t actually produced until MOTUC released figures for them in 2012. Though they were referenced in Princess Prom, and we saw a brief cameo in a background, Glorybird was absent until the introduction of the Star Siblings in Season Five.
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That’s right! This bird is a god, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
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Saz, God of All Felines
Lore: One of the “Gods of the Multiverse” (he is the only member named explicitly), Saz was a blue-furred, feline deity responsible for the creation of all cats, humanoid or otherwise. He transformed himself into an enormous cat-beast to defeat Serpos and Hordeous, whose progenitors created them in envy of his children. Though Serpos was defeated, Hordeous escaped into the cosmos, and Saz himself vanished mysteriously.
Behind the Scenes: “By the whiskers of Saz!” is a fun pseudo-swear made by various cat races throughout MOTU, first in He-Man’s “The Cat and the Spider” and later in She-Ra’s “Magicats”. That was the only real mention of him until... okay, so MOTUC bios aren’t always attached to the product. Starting in 2018, they did this thing called Masters Mondays where they put unposted bios on the org forums. So while we’ve had the sword since 2010, we didn’t get the background on it until March of 2020. And then a couple weeks later, the Cat Mask of Catra bio referred to him as a “mystical being” instead of a god, but the mask was from 2011 so. He may not have been a god yet. It really depends on when the bios were actually written.
Saz wielded a blade probably best described as a falchion, whose quillon & langet formed a vaguely triangular shape around a deep red gem. I want to be clear that while it looks totally rad, this sword would be very impractical and have poor structural integrity were it not made by a literal god. Do not make swords like this. Also it’s almost certainly riffing on the Sword of Omens from Thundercats (affectionate).
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Sabe-Or, Son of Saz
Lore: A green-furred, orange-striped paladin, Sabe-Or is one of the only named Ancients. He inherited his father’s blade upon Saz’s mysterious disappearance, and lived for centuries more. Upon his death, he transferred his “heroic essence” into a group of Eternian tigers, forever transforming them into the Green Tiger Tribe, whence both Granger (steed of King Grayskull), and Cringer, steed of Prince Adam.
Behind the Scenes: So “Battle Cat Man” is a concept that’s existed since they decided to make their hero ride a wicked tiger into battle. If you show a kid a superhero, and a supertiger, apparently the natural inclination of most children in the 80s was to combine the two. There are so many custom action figures. So, so many. Sabe-Or is visually a clear reference to this concept, and canonically seems to be the closest we’re going to get outside of the Thundercats crossover, unless you count Cowarros from 4H’s Mythic Legions line (I do, because it means Purrrplor is also canon and I fucking love calling him that).
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Moss Man, Ancient Eternian Nature God
Lore: An ally of King Grayskull, Moss Man was something of an Eternian cryptid in the centuries leading up to He-Man Times. He has control over all plant life, the ability to meld with plants, and apparently can imbue sentience to said plants.
Behind the Scenes: Moss Man wasn’t featured in many episodes, because he’s a little... incredibly over-powered. He’s literally Bigfoot from 5000 years ago with magic powers. And like, since I don’t think the writers appreciate how long 5000 years is, you know what happened 5000 years ago? Stonehenge. This bitch is Stonehenge-old. But sure, you can trace a direct line of descent from his contemporary. smh. Anyway according to MOTUC his real name is Kreann’Ot N’Norosh so make of that what you will. Also his toys were pine-scented. I just love that.
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Evil Seed, Rebellious Creation of Moss Man
Lore: Created by Moss Man to help fight in the Great Wars, Evil Seed betrayed his master and turned to evil (who could have foreseen this...), finding joy in corrupting all forms of plant life for his own amusement. Moss Man imprisoned him in enchanted chains, keeping him restrained for many millennia.
Behind the Scenes: According to MOTUC, his real name is Sero Malustro, clumsy New Latin for “(to) plant evil-burnt“. Why his name is New Latin and Moss Man’s is... whatever that is, I have no idea. As you can see from the image I included, he originally had an artichoke head, which was upgraded for the Mike Young Productions (MYP) cartoon. Personally I think the artichoke rules.
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Volcana, the Fire Goddess
Lore: Canonically, she’s a fire goddess, and the mother of the Volcano Magus. Together, they are a rising force that seeks to conquer Etheria in the wake of Hordak’s defeat.
Backstory: Volcana has taken a long a twisted journey, but was first revealed to fans at Power-Con 2016 in a panel revealing previously unseen concepts and characters. After the first wave of She-Ra toys, a second wave was planned with a snow focus, to bring more attention the Filmation-neglected Frosta. This began with the introduction of a fire villain, an “evil lady that glows with heat” who would attempt to melt Castle Chill. That concept actually refers to a character named Amber (not Ember, as one might assume) who was reworked into a benevolent counterpart, Volcana’s twin sister.
Volcana was later fleshed out to be a Fire Goddess with flame-red hair, x-ray vision, and arms sculpted with flames. Her cape flew up with flame detail that rose up to control the volcano (of Volcanica, a proposed toyset that seems to have been reworked into the Crystal Falls). She was emphasized by Mattel to not start fires, which, honestly, is probably why they scrapped the character. He-Man couldn’t use his sword as a sword; a woman made of fire was basically doomed.
Now, though, we’re several decades in and lines made for collecters that are largely in their 30s and 40s can say whatever they want! So she’s canon, even if Amber isn’t. Yes there’s only one mention of her. Amber technically was mentioned in an unproduced episode titled “Amber Waves of Flame”, but as it was unproduced, it’s noncanonical.
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Volcano Magus, Sinister Son of Volcana
Lore: Living within a dormant volcano, the Volcano Magus of the German audio plays was the source of most of Catra’s power and all of her evil intent. He supplied her with magic for spells and schemes with which to assail the Crystal Castle, but neither she nor Clawdeen were aware of the dark influence he held over them.
In the MOTUC canon, he’s specified as the son of Volcana, a demigod from the “Region of Volcanoes” who craved the nature magic of the Whispering Woods. When he learned the Twiggets were inextricably linked to that magic, he used his powers to petrify the former Rebels (this was after the Horde's defeat) and kidnap three Twiggets to drain the magic from their souls. Twiggets, for the uninitiated, are like purple tree-elf things. According to MOTUC, Razz is a Twigget, though the ‘real’ name they assigned her doesn’t fit their naming convention. She is purple, I guess.
Kowl, who avoided petrification, read Razz's spellbooks to find a way to save his friends, and learned of an Entrapment Gem that she hid in a shoe, for some reason. He confronted the Volcano Magus, spoke in the ancient tongue of the First Ones, and sucked him into the Gem.
Backstory: Admittedly this stuff is second hand, as I don’t speak German & they only have transcriptions/translations for the He-Man tapes anyway, but if anybody can find me an audio file I will do my best to verify. The MOTUC stuff at least I can confirm 100% because it’s from 2019 & I do speak English, for better or worse.
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Oak, the Jackal God
Lore: Oak was the terrible Jackal God worshiped by the denizens of Zhar, an ancient civilization that once existed in a remote, forested region of Eternia. Long ago, Oak was imprisoned within a statue which could be found within the Temple of the Jackal. When Skeletor removed the statue from the temple, Oak broke free of the enchantment which imprisoned him and wreaked havoc on Eternia. Although the Jackal God was immensely powerful, he could be weakened by the elements of nature and was ultimately foiled by a rainstorm conjured by the combined powers of He-Man's sword and the magic of the temple's guardian priest.
Backstory: I have lifted this from a He-Man guide word for word as I cannot for the life of me find a copy of the Brazilian Editora Abril comic he came from, O Templo Do Chacal (1986). The description is like, suspiciously similar to the plot of the He-Man episode The Cat and the Spider, except the Grimalkin was never described as a god. The rest of it--statue, Skeletor, storm defeat--plays out almost the same. True pity I can’t find the original source, but I do trust this guidebook. You may be interested in Ceres from the UK comics--another dog-slash-statue who frankly might as well be a god himself, but as he’s not called one in canon he’s not going on the list.
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The Bitter Rose Goddess
Lore: As Man-at-Arms told the legend, “Every day, a woman climbed Rose Mountain to look for her husband to return from the war. Alas, he never came back. Her tears poured from her cheek and entered the ground. One day she disappeared, but where she stood was a single, solitary rose. It’s the only thing that grows on Rose Mountain.”
The Insect People, who lived at the base of Rose Mountain, believed that the Bitter Rose is all that held the mountain together (and when it was picked, they were proved right). After the flower was restored, it transformed into the Bitter Rose Goddess herself, who explained that she had been a prisoner of her love's sorrow, so bitter that she refused to allow anything else to grow on Rose Mountain. She blessed the surrounding area, blanketing the jagged peaks with roses, and disappeared.
Backstory: She’s kind of... barely a god. She showed up in one episode and no other media & has objectively less power than like, every single demon they ever brought in. I almost didn’t put her on this list.
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Mask-Ra, Goddess of Masks
Lore: A goddess who created the magical Masks of Power.
Backstory: Mask-Ra was first mentioned in 2019 and like, look, I’m gonna be real. I don’t respect her. She’s an invention of MOTUC (unless they were drawing on this concept art of Maska-Ra, which I doubt bc he was a Man-E-Faces precursor) and they retconned her into having created Catra’s mask, which is kind of redundant given the entire episode Magicats. This mask did not need two bios. There are no other mentions of her in any canon.
Potential other Masks of Power: The Deemos and Tyrella masks from the He-Man episode “Masks of Power”, lizard and canine masks from the mini-comic “Masks of Power”, Lord Masque’s Demon Mask from the He-Man episode “House of Shokoti, Part 1″, and whatever the hell Red Shadow has going on.
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Procrustus, Giant Guardian of Magic
Lore: During the creation of the various dimensions (5 in MOTUC canon but demonstratably higher everywhere else), the gods installed the four-armed, immortal giant Procrustus to guard their secrets at the heart of Eternia. There lay the Starseed, from which the entire dimension was created. It still held immeasurable power, and could be used to conquer entire universes. Hordak, in an attempt to access the Starseed, cracked Eternia in two with the Spell of Separation. Though he was (mostly) thwarted, from then on Procrustus was forced to hold the two halves of Eternia together from within, lest the planet break apart and the Starseed be exposed.
Backstory: First appearing in the mini-comic “The Magic Stealer!”, Procrustus is a lot more tangible than most gods. We know where he is, at all times, and he seems confined to one size. His powers appear to be largely physical, as he had to burrow out of the ground to investigate in the mini-comic instead of teleporting or like, magicking the dirt away. This was his only appearance until MOTUC released a figure for him in 2012. He also showed up in the Subternia map the next year, holding Eternia together.
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Standor, Cosmic Creator of Power
Lore: “Before time began, the great Gods of the multiverse convened in the Hall of Power to create all that was and all that will ever be. Head architect of this great task was Standor. A cosmic being of unlimited imagination, Standor helped lead his fellow deities by fueling their energies with raw creative force.”
Backstory: Released for Comikaze 2013 to celebrate the partnership of Mattel and Pow! Entertainment, Standor is literally just Stan Lee But a God. The prototype was called Standar--idk why they changed it, but I think it’s because it’s too easy to confuse with “Standard”. They made a bio for his sunglasses. I don’t want to talk about it.
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Bash-Or, Slain Mystic God-Beast
Lore: Very little is known of Bash-Or, the Ram. His last remnant was sealed within the Ram Stone by the ancient sorceror kings of Zalesia, imbuing it with his divine power to overcome any barrier, magical or otherwise.
Backstory: Bash-Or was revealed in the bio for the Ram Stone, September of 2020, but his spirit (previously referred to as ‘the Spirit of the Ram Stone’) was twice utilized by Skeletor in the MYP cartoon, to great effect, before the stone was destroyed.
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
Writer’s Spotlight | Nildespirandum
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This week I am spotlighting one of my favorite writers, @nildespirandum​!  She is the Adam writer that made me both scared and brave enough to write Adam myself.  She is the weaver of worlds, the creator of characters so real you think they are sitting next to you.  Smart, funny, and an amazing writer!
Catch all of Nildespirandum’s stories here.
What other names do you want people to call you?
I use Misreall on AO3.
How long have you been writing fic?
I am on this current round for about four years, but I did write before though that was a decade ago.
What fandoms and/or ships do you write?
Tom Hiddleston characters, though not RPF.  Primarily Loki, but I have written for Thomas Sharpe, Adam from Only Lovers Left Alive, and Conrad from Kong: Skull Island.  For all of them I have written OFCs.
How did you get started writing fic?
I had ideas for a fics for a while, but it wasn't until I started commenting and then talking to @caffiend-queen that I decided it was time to do something about it.
Story Recommendations
Which of your stories are your favorite?
I hate this question, but if I had to pick it would be the cycle of stories called Loki and Nora's Infinity Stone Playlist, both because it is my first, and because I think the relationship between the characters - not just Loki and Nora, but the cast that has build up around them - allows me to tell so many tales.
Which story are you most proud of?
Either Perfection - my Crimson Peak AU, or Reigning in Hel - A JotunLoki series.
Which of your stories do you think is the most underrated?
Probably At Hel's Edge, which is a historical mash-up of MCU Loki, with MythLoki.  The people who read it loved, it but it never found much of an audience.  Possibly because of the style I wrote it in, or maybe because the MCULoki character was a bit abstract from his origin.  But I am very, very lucky that it is getting a second life as a Webtoon drawn by @rauko-art, who is incredibly gifted and has worked so hard to make something really beautiful.
Someone is new to reading your stories, which story/stories should they read first?
For Loki, the Infinity Stone Playlist.  Otherwise, maybe Perfection.
Which story did you do the most research for?
Perfection.  I can tell you how much a yard of silk cost in 1910, both in England and the US.  
Which story was the easiest to write?
Probably my Incubus Loki first series.  It was so over the top and goofy that it was effortless.  Rapacity - my vampire Loki story - is also quite easy.  There may be a trend here.
The Writing Process
What is your favorite part of writing?
To quote Dorothy Parker, "I hate writing, but I love having written."  With that said, I love the moment when I am lost in the process, and the characters are narrating and I am taking dictation.  
What is your least favorite part?
Editing, which is probably why I hardly ever do it.  That said, I am fine editing other people's work.  
Describe your style in 1 to 2 sentences.
Breezily conversational when it isn't breaking your heart.
Who are some of your writing idols and/or influences?
I don't have time, and you certainly wouldn't have the patience, for my full list but a few key choices are Jane Austen, Anthony Bourdain, Ian Shoales, Alexander Dumas, the Brothers Grimm, Neil Gaiman, Louisa May Alcott, Balzac, Mary Roach, Bebe Moore Campbell, Douglas Adams.  But all of that said it was probably Howard Pyle, the D'aulaires, Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Winifred Madison, and Ruth Chew whose books I read over and over to the point of them falling apart are probably the writers who made me, not only on the page, but in life.
What programs do you use to write and/or edit?
I do all of my writing and editing in Google docs.   I'm a Luddite at heart.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
A pantser.  I might have some of a story in mind when I start, but usually I start with an image and let fly.  The entirety of my Bottom of the Hourglass story came from my seeing a folded bookcase leaning against a basement door.
Do you write RPF or not?
Years ago I wrote an RPF as a gift for a friend. For the future, I never say never.
Who is your favorite character to write and why?
Loki.  Loki is the gift that keeps on giving.  While I could flippantly say that all of that emotional and mental trauma is fic writer catnip - and I wouldn't be lying - there is so much more.  He is a character of such wit and imagination, powerful, funny, wise, and a complete idiot.  The Trickster is such brilliant architype, playing both sides of the fence, fooling and being fooled, capable of great good and true evil.  He is vastly entertaining, and achingly sympathetic.  I can go on, but I will spare you.
What do you think are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, for one.  I am proud that if you read the dialogue alone from my stories you can tell who each character is, that they all have a distinct voice.
What do you struggle with?
Plot.  I get so very bored with plot.  
Favorite Trope?
That's like being asked to pick a favorite anything, I can't do it.  Ok, fine, enemies to lovers.
Favorite word to use?
Delightful.  Or Really.
What is the best piece of writing advice you have heard?
Make time for your writing.  Even when you think you can't.
What would you say to a new fanfic writer starting out?
Don't be afraid, don't shrink and hide and diminish yourself, you have to be your own first, best audience.  Also, always remember, art doesn't apologize and neither should you, as long as you feel you have given the best you can at any given time - which will not always be the same, EVERYONE has off days - then be proud of having written, of having added to the world.
What is a random bit of research you have not managed to work into a fic yet?
I did so much research on boats and ship to ship combat for my pirate story that I will never use all of it.  Generally I am pretty efficient with my research, mostly because I already have a brainful of useless knowledge that I am still trying to make pay off.
What is your favorite random detail from one of your stories?
I love that in the later Infinity Stone Playlist stories Loki's various lounging robes have magical pockets that always produce cookies.  
Any goals or WIPs you want to share?
I am determined to finish both The Frost Queen and The Tales of the Golden Horn this spring, and I have decided I am going to commit to the sequel to Perfection about Thomas and Alice's grandson that I have had in mind since I finished their story.
This or That
Fluff AND Angst
Smut AND Fluff
Reader or OC
One shot or Series
Canon Divergent AND AU
Coffee or Tea
Sweet or Savory
Anything else you want to say or share? 
There is a tendency in fandom these days to see things that do not have a moral dimension as being good or bad, to only look at the most extreme edges of things and pass judgement on the whole.  Life is hard enough, let people enjoy things.  
Until next week!
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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let me down slow (epilogue)
word count; 2830
summary; it’s moving day, and stiles is getting his dorm all set up with the sheriff, while you and mitch still have a considerable amount more unpacking to do.
notes; I know some of y’all didn’t like the events of part eight, but you’re just gonna’ have to deal with it, because they’re adorable, it was all a misunderstanding, and they deserve the world.
warnings; none, really. some vaguely dirty innuendoes, that’s it.
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Smoothing your hands over the poster on the wall, you pressed it flat to the plaster, holding it steady as Stiles pinned it down straight, and you cheered once the final one was up, the collection of Star Wars posters lining the walls making the room seem entirely perfect for your best friend. Hopping down from the bed, you smoothed out the covers, before letting both of your hands fly up to meet Stiles’ in a set of high fives, and the pair of you cheered as you took it all in.
“It’s really getting there!”
The oversized corkboard he loved so much was sitting against one wall, a shelf you’d spent almost an hour trying to put up between the pair of you as the Sheriff laughed was now assembled, with three baskets sitting along it. The first contained bundles of assorted pins and paperclips for putting up the vast assortment of photos and collage pieces that added, the space freshly cleared so that he could build it up ready for the new year. The second basket contained his camera, with a selection of different types of film for interesting shots, and the third was filled with pens and note pads for all the annotations and quotes he would put under each picture. 
The opposite wall was lined with six matching Star Wars posters, showing off the promotional pictures and titles of the originals and the prequels, a prized possession that you’d bought for Stiles as a graduation present, so that he didn’t have to take his collection at home down and travel them across the country. His desk was already cluttered with notebooks and pens, and the closet was brimming with flannelled shirts. The bookcase was stacked with textbooks and DVDs. Above the desk was pinned a campus map, class schedule, time table and a calendar, all for his convenience, because Stiles had already voiced his desire to cram as many college experiences into his first year as he possibly could, he wanted to live life to the fullest.
Along the windowsill were photo frames with his favourite pictures of everyone from back home, and he was proudly staring at the final few boxes on the floor, as his dad carried the last one in, the final clothes he had ready to be unpacked into the set of drawers beside his bed, your hand coming up to wipe across your forehead in false exhaustion as you looked around. 
“It’s fitting for you, kid.”
His voice was a little rough, and you could tell that the Sheriff was holding back his emotions as he sent his youngest son off to college, too. He held his arms out of you both, and Stiles rolled his eyes as he let out a string of curses at the affection, but pressed his face into his father’s neck as he wrapped around one side of his body, not covering the little sniffle he let out as well as he thought he had. You were quick to follow in his footsteps, tucking yourself happily under the older man’s chin, and you squeezed the two men in a tight hug. 
You easily remained that way, knowing that the two were each trying to hide their emotions, and you smiled to yourself at the thought, rolling your eyes softly. “You know, dad, I’m going to be checking with Melissa that you’re still eating healthy. Don’t think you can start eating bacon and fries every day now just because I’m gone.”
“You’re the worst.”
You giggled as he pushed you both away, but he ruffled your hair fondly, and you decided to lighten the mood a little, turning to swipe the camera from its place on the shelf, checking it was loaded with film before handing the polaroid device over to Noah. “I think we need to take the first picture to put up, don’t you?”
Stiles gasped, nodding happily before turning to you, and you pressed your hands to his shoulder once he’d turned back to face his father, and you jumped up as high as you could, sealing you legs above his hips and he gripped at your thighs, letting out a laugh as you landed on his back, your hands wrapping around his neck. With the cheesiest grin that you could muster, the Sheriff gave you a count down, before clicking the camera and waiting as the small piece of paper pushed it’s way out of the device, before handing it over to you both and putting the camera down on the desk.
Holding up the little slip, he waited patiently as the colour began to drip into it, the picture slowly revealing itself, and you let out a squeal once it became properly formed, so that you could see the image clearly. “I love it! Pin it!”
You tapped his shoulders, and he moved eagerly across to the board, selecting a pin and pushing it through the card, securing it to the very centre of the board. Only a second later, he was grabbing a red pen and a yellow post-it note, scribbling down a reminder before adding the note to the photo, and you peaked over his shoulder to read it. 
‘Move-in Day, August 2020’
You grinned, taking the pen and adding a little heart to it, before placing your hands on your hips and looking around the room. The phone you’d left on the bedside table a while ago buzzed loudly, chiming a little tune as it did, and you jumped at the interruption. Stiles moved across the room for you, picking up the device before letting out a long groan, and you chuckled at his reaction, already knowing who it must be.
“It’s my brother. Your boyfriend. Ew, I hate the sound of it, still.” You grinned at his words, sticking your tongue out as you took it from him, scanning your eyes over the message, before reaching for your bag and sealing the device inside, lifting it up onto your shoulder. “Time to go?”
“Yeah, unfortunately. You’re unpacking these last few boxes alone.” You joked, and he huffed, kicking at one lightly with the toe of his shoes. 
“Not alone, Dad is here to h-”
“Dad is going back to the hotel to rest his back and take a shower. Stiles is alone and putting his own laundry away for the first time in his life.” His dad grinned, and the boy let out a whine at it, stomping his foot a little before giving in. 
“See you tonight, at the restaurant?”
“We will meet you there.” His face scrunched up once again.
“I can’t get with the referring to you and Mitch as a ‘we’. I’m not used to it.” You shrugged, but leaned up to press a friendly kiss to his cheek, before letting him wrap you up in a tight hug, and brush his lips to your temple. “I’ll get used to it. I’m just glad you’re happy.”
His dad left the room, leaving you both to your moment, even though you were only saying goodbye for a few hours, but he was a little jittery once the door had closed. 
“Can I tell you something, before you go? I don’t want it to be a big deal, but I do want to tell you first.” You nodded, brows furrowing as he fiddled with his fingers between your bodies worriedly, and you reached up to place your hand over his own, letting him lace your fingers together. “Now that I’m not obsessing over Lydia anymore, and I’m in college and really taking a minute to get to know myself, I think I discovered something.”
“Is it good?”
“Yeah.. yeah, I think so.” He was nervous, biting down on his lower lip, and you squeezed his hand reassuringly in an attempt to tell him that it was okay. “I think I might be bi.”
A blushing tinge spread over his cheeks, his eyes ducked to avoid your own as the heat spread up to his ears and painted his pale skin pink, and you leaned in to press your body to his, your arms wrapping around him tightly, and he let out a deep sigh, before wrapping himself around you once again, his body sagging out of relief. 
“There was this guy in my welcome lecture, and he was really good looking, and while I was still in my Lydia phase I didn’t really think about anyone else that way, so I was pretty shocked when my first thought was about a guy, but then he asked me if I wanted to get coffee before the semester starts, and I said yes. We’ve been texting for a few days, now.” The words came out jumbled and hurried, and you stepped back to look at him, making sure to catch his gaze as he gave you a nervous smile. 
“I’m so happy for you, Stiles.”
“I’m going to tell my dad and brother at dinner tonight, but I just needed some support.” You nodded, before stepping back as he let out a relieved laugh and wiped a hand over his face. “God, I feel so much better. I hate keeping things from you. I don’t know how you did it for months, having secrets with you kills me.”
“It wasn’t without a lot of suffering, trust me.”
He grinned, before nudging you towards the door. “See you in a couple of hours.” You simply nodded, waving your goodbye to the Sheriff as he chatted with the other parents of Stiles’ various roommates for the year, and you made your way to the door, stepping out into the corridor. 
With hurried steps, you made your way down the stairs, knowing it would be quicker than taking the elevator, and you were just glad Stiles was living on the first floor, you really weren’t sure he’d be able to handle hiking up twelve layers worth of stairs to the top floor on a tired day if the lift ever broke. 
It wasn’t a short walk to the place you had promised to meet your boyfriend, and the walk was enjoyable, hot sun shining down and a light breeze carrying through the campus, cooling you down from the heat. Shuffling through your bag, you searched for your sunglasses, lifting them out to place them on your face, and letting out a happy sigh when you no longer had to squint. 
You could already see the man you were waiting to meet, his body coming into view as he sat on the edge of the fountain, scrolling idly on his phone as he waited for you, the bag slumped on the floor beside his feet was spilling out with textbooks and his laptop, and his hair was messy from constantly running through it. Picking up your speed a little, you made your way over to him and took up before him, your shadow falling across him. He glanced up, expression stoic and stony before he realised who it was, and his face split open in a wide grin as his entire demeanour brightened. 
“Thought you were standing me up for a second there. You’re late.”
“Yeah, well, I got caught up. You can believe that I will never just leave you hanging.” You offered, and he scooped up his bag, swinging the strap over his shoulder before standing up, and he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger. 
Pulling you in towards himself, he bumped the tip of his nose with your own, before letting out a sigh. “I know you wouldn't.” He pressed his lips to your own, a sweet kiss that made your heart thud and your mind spin, before you were pushing up into him a little further. Resting your hands on his shoulders, his own slipped down to your waist, holding your body to his as his mouth moved with your own in gentle rhythms, and giving you one final peck when he pulled away. “Ready to go?”
“Absolutely.” He took your hand in his, pulling you away toward the direction of the apartment the two of you had so carefully chosen together, and you leaned your head against his shoulder as the two of you walked. He twisted, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of your head, and you squeezed you hand in acknowledgement of his affections. “Guess who I ran into earlier?”
“The redhead from a few weeks back.” He stiffened underneath you, only relaxing when you paused, leaning up to press a quick kiss to his lips as he fixed you with a worried glance. “Her name is Cassandra, which you never told me, and she’s actually really nice. We arranged to go for coffee.”
He practically choked on his breath, turning to look at you with wide and worried eyes as he held the door to the building open for you, and you slipped through, letting him follow as you laughed lightly at his reaction. “What was she doing there?”
“Her friend was moving into Stiles’ building, and she was helping out.” You shrugged, the two of you stepping into the elevator and you were glad to be alone, leaning back against the wall and pushing your glasses up onto the top of your head to peer at him, raising a brow. “Hey, stop freaking out. I can see the cogs working in your head. She asked about us, you know.”
“What did she say?”
“Just wanted to know if I was all good, and if things worked out.” You shrugged a little, your glasses slipping on your head, and you detangled them from your loose hair and put them away once again. “I told her that we’re doing amazing, and that I’ve never been so happy, and that we have a place together with a whole bunch of plans for the future.”
He finally let his shoulders drop from the tension he’d built up, before tucking some hair away behind your ears and stepping in towards you, crowding you into the wall a little further. “Never been so happy, huh?”
“Totally and one hundred percent in love with you.”
“I love you too.” He whispered the words into your mouth as he leaned down to kiss you, barely getting a chance to do so before the elevator was chiming and the doors were sliding open. You grinned in the kiss as he huffed out, pulling away and letting the two of you walk along, both of you patting down your bags to find your keys, but he found his own first, and lifting the set up to the door to open it.
Boxes still littered the room, labelled with things to be unpacked and brought out, but whereas Stiles had been unpacking only one room, the two of you had been unpacking an entire apartment, and there was still a lot to buy and a lot to set up, the flat-pack furniture box holding the coffee table the two of you had yet to assemble was sitting with coasters out and rings on top from drinks, using it for its purpose before it was even constructed. 
“We’re still on for dinner with Dad and Stiles, right? I don’t think we have any leftovers from last night’s takeout and I’m too lazy to go for a supermarket trip.” He flopped down onto the couch, and you nodded, hanging up your bag on the hooks and taking your phone from it, running you fingers through your hair and tugging on some of the knots that had built up.
“Yes, we are. Are you going to get changed, or wash up?”
“No, I'm going to take a nap.” He grinned, settling along the couch and tucking a hand behind his head, pouting his lips when he felt you lean over him. Pressing a soft and quick peck to his lips, you brushed some hair off of his forehead and out of his eyes, before standing up. 
“Okay, well, I’m going to take a shower before we go.”
You jumped when his eyes snapped back open, and he rolled up from the couch, grinning cheekily as his hands found your hips and he turned you around. “You know what, maybe I should wash up. We haven’t christened the bathroom yet, and I bet you look great on your knees in the shower.”
He tapped your ass cheekily in a light spank, and you gasped at the impact, but laughed anyway as he guided you through the halls, tugging at the bottom of your sundress as you went, until he had the material over your head, dropping it to the floor in the doorway to the bathroom. “You’re incorrigible.”
“You love it.” He teased, switching on the water and waiting for it to get hot as he stripped himself down, and you let out an exaggerated sigh. 
“I love you.”
“Good, because I love you too.”
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artxyra · 4 years
“Saving” the Batboys
Based off of this incorrect quote y/n post by headcans-oneshots-and-stuff  
Marinette knew something was up the moment the boys appeared at her front door one by one. At first, she didn’t think much of it, but the flashing red and blue lights outside her window while the boys snack on some sweet desserts say otherwise.
“Boys!” Marinette shrieks sending a shiver down all four of the Wayne men spines. “Can someone explain why there are cops outside my house?” No one answers. “Jason? Timothy? Richard?” Damian was laughing at the fact that Marinette was calling his brothers by their full names. He wasn’t laughing when she called out his name.
“Don’t worry about it, Pixie. Everything is fine.” Jason tries to get into Marinette’s good graces. That wasn’t happening as Marinette could see two cops exiting the vehicle and making their way up the pathway.
In the kitchen, Bruce Wayne’s sons’ eye one another then eye the back door that leads to the backyard. They were silently placing bets as to which one would run out.
Marinette ignoring everything going on behind her, sighs heavily and covers her face with her hand. Getting into the worried friend mindset, her hand touches the doorknob ready to open it.
“Hello officers, how can I help you?” She intentionally let out her usually hidden French accent to get the officers the moment she heard the first knock on the door.
The officer tips his hat, presently surprised to see the young woman before him.
“Good evening, ma’am. We’re looking for the son of Bruce Wayne?” The first officer asks as the second officer tries to get a peak inside the house. There wasn’t much to look out besides the couch and coffee table.
“Um… is everything okay?” Marinette asks sounding really concern, but she was also wondering what the boys had gotten themselves into and whether or not if it’s one them or all of them. It’s usually one of them that gets caught but every now and then that all do something to out one of them.
The officer straightens out his tie. “No, actually, Mr. Wayne’s son broke the law. Is he here?”
Marinette could only raise an eyebrow. She can think of a million laws that the boys could have easily broke and majority of them are petty ones. Easy fines that Bruce could easily pay onto of making the boys do community service just for the hell of it.
“Um, which of his sons?” Marinette really needs to gather more information before allowing the officers in her house. The sound of something crashing against her wooden flooring didn’t seem to help the situation. She could also see that both of the officers were getting fed up with all the answering with questions.
Forcing the words through his teeth, the officer replies with, “The one who recently committed a crime.” More crashing in the background.
Marinette quickly looks over her shoulder and sure enough there was glass on the floor and the fleeing bodies of Damian, Tim, Dick, and Jason running out the back door. Turning back to the officer, Marinette grins knowing this is not going to be pretty.
“Yeah… I’m gonna need you to be more specific.” Marinette sends the officer a sheepish smile. She hopes that they do know that Bruce Wayne has at least four sons and each one of them can easy commit a crime.
“The witness told us that the son had black hair, blue eyes, tall build… anything?” The second officer answers to prevent his partner from blowing up.
“I still need you to be more specific. That literally narrows it down to three out of the four.” Marinette herself was wondering how often GCPD fails at their jobs.
The first officer looked like he wanted to speak again but decided against this. Little did they know, Marinette could do this all day until they get feed up.
“We should go check out Wayne Manor, we’ve already checked WE.” The second officer whisper to the first as if trying to keep this information away from Marinette’s ears. The first officer sighs on agreement.
“Thank you for your time, miss.” That didn’t sound meaningful, but it got them to leave her property a lot sooner than she thought.
Closing the door, Marinette immediately goes to grabs her keys and exit out of the backdoor. She had some boys to find and kill.  
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hereyoucantseeme · 4 years
The Host, cogitations about ethics and morals.
The Host has always been my favourite book and the truth is that nobody understands why. They always say "How can it be your favourite book? You're 21 years old, study science and that book is a love novel for teenagers" (I think that is not reason enough not to be, but anyway) I have decided to explain here why, in my opinion, people underestimate this book.
When you have this book on your hands for the first time, on the back cover you can read that the book is about a love story. And that is right, but people are closed to the love of a romantic relationship for teenagers (which too) judging by the section of the bookstore from which they have taken this book and they read with that preconceived idea in their heads which, unfortunately, does not let them see the deep interior that this story has.
I think the part of the book that we can learn the most from is (more or less) when Wanda decides to stop at Picacho Peak, since this point, it is a mere introduction. Melanie gets Wanda to reach a somewhat more objective point of view since she "forces" her to empathize with her situation. During the book cogitations are made on what good and evil implies and on what is good or bad that, although it defies logic, are not always linked.
The author exposes two realities, one is the society of souls, in which everyone is kind, empathetic and helps each other. We could say that they are doing good, right? In the same way, souls speak of an enemy, the Vultures. But would not the role of souls on earth be the same as that of Vultures on the first planets where souls settled after The Orgin? They say that their enemies were really bad with the inhabitants of these planets but they "fixed" it. On the other side are humans, who act violently against souls but, although the latter refuse to realize it, they behaved with humans like Vultures on other planets. I don't mean to say that the end justifies the means, but in this case, don't humans have the right to claim what is theirs? In this case, although violence is associated with evil, these people fight for the only thing left in the world, their lives and the lives of the people they love and that could be understood as something that is right. How do you get away from the reality that you have been taught to see and learn to be objective? It is something really difficult since each point of view supposes a different reality (yes, I think I'm more or less quoting Qui Gon Jinn), but I think that being objective means assuming the point of view that generates more benefits and less damage without take into account our personal situation. This book teaches us this very well.
Another point to discuss about the book is trust, how can we learn to trust the unknown? I don't want to say "trust an enemy" because I just don't see it that way. As Ian says, Wanda would be nothing more than a private under the misdeeds of her commander, she would not be explicitly the enemy, if not an unknown. 
This world has taught us not to trust, (I personally don't usually trust anyone, I only trust three people and two of them are my parents, and if I don't trust them turn off and let's go*) but if someone shows us that their intentions are good in all its fullness, why does it still cost us so much? Doc exposes himself to us as someone with the ability to understand and make people understand and he acts with kindness as one would expect from a doctor [I must say that he is my favorite character in the book (yes, obviously Ian goes  after him, Ian is lovely, let no one suffer) but, seriously, what were they thinking about in the casting of the movie? THAT'S NOT DOC, it should have been Jake Abel. Well, almost no character fits but we better not go there], he does not hesitate to distrust the medicines that Wanda takes to save Jamie. In this case, this lack of confidence may be due to pride, it hurts him as a doctor not to be able to heal someone he loves and that, instead, someone comes with a magic potion and heals him as if it were a miracle. But Doc deep down understands that Jamie's health is above anything else. However, what about the other characters? What about, for example, Sharon? (What was Doc doing with Sharon? Ehh, no, I mean, they don't even glue, sorry, Doc deserves someone better). Sharon, by not trusting Wanda mired in her stubbornness, was capable of letting her little cousin die. And she also left Doc, who was supposedly the love of her life, because he trusted in something that, to human eyes, was strange. It could also be about envy but I don't want to extend this too much since envy is something that we usually perceive easily without anyone having to show it. Finally I would like to highlight the case of Jared, it seems to me that it was the most difficult for him to trust and he was the one who did it with more strength and security. Maybe it was because he had nothing else left to hold on to but, if anything, he had faith in Wanda when it was more difficult for him to trust her (Jeb had a great judgment because of his age and, moreover, it was his niece's body, which did not interfere sentimentally, and Jamie played with the benefit of the innocence of children, for whom it is easier to trust and believe). He had to put his prejudices and feelings behind him to keep a cold head and act objectively and I think that's commendable.
We are also taught to forgive. Not only in the most obvious moment, when Kyle apologizes for trying to kill Wanda (Kyle, I must admit, is a character that seems somewhat comical to me, perhaps because, in a less violent way, he reminds me of close people. We all know a Kyle), I mean more hidden moments in the book. When Jamie approaches Wanda for the first time after she was released from her makeshift prison (the second time he has seen her in history), it is understood that he has forgiven her, he has forgiven her taking away her sister, the closest thing that he had to a mother. Although Wanda apologized later, by that time he had already forgiven her. Melanie, by allying with Wanda, makes it clear that she has been forgiven since her intentions were not really bad. In the same way, all the characters forgive through Wanda all the evils that souls have done to them. It is not easy to know how to forgive and even less in certain circumstances, but this book shows us that it is possible, but we must want to forgive.
Finally, The Host teaches us to love. Not the love that Wanda feels for Jared, in fact that is an example of the only meaning that today they usually give to love someone. Love implies sacrificing for another person, doing everything possible to make the other feel happy. She loves Melanie because she knows that she is a friend whom, after all they have lived together, she can trust. She loves Jamie because she knows that in the child there is only kindness and sincerity. She loves Doc because she knows he is a man of his word and that he would not harm anyone, not like many other people in this world. When Wanda saves Kyle from falling into the water, she does it, mainly because of her affection for Ian, she doesn't want him to suffer for losing his brother. I believe that to know how to love others you have to get rid of any desire for evil towards the other and learn to appreciate their virtues and defects, because each person is unique, otherwise we would be like the souls that, lacking defects, are identical and incapable of loving.
Ultimately, it seems to me that the book shows us Wanda as an allegory of the hidden virtues in each person that, perhaps out of fear, we are unable to show others. I hope you now understand why this is my favorite book. And these are things that are very difficult to find in other stories, so it seems to me that it has a very special value and that almost no one, unfortunately, is able to appreciate.
I'm sorry if there is any mistake or some quote or reference that may be wrong, I'm Spanish and I have read the book in my native language. Thank you for reading!
*Spanish expression that means there is nothing left to do
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