#the batbros are awesome
Duke Thomas: What’s your biggest fear?
Jason Todd: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Tim Drake: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back.
Dick Grayson: Vampires.
Jason Todd: ...
Tim Drake: ...
Dick Grayson: I got turned into one once and nearly killed peoples. It's a bloodlust, you never know when you'll be fully quenched and every non-vampire is a succulent vessel... But I'm not a vampire anymore and that is in my past.
Dick eats his apple after that.
Duke Thomas: Holy crap stick, Batman.
Tim: Can I change my option to Dick Grayson?
Jason: Same.
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miniaturefartcloud · 20 days
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
I wanted a batboys headcanon, a reader brother who is an Android, like Marvel's Vision, what would it be like for them to have a brother who is a robot? Pleaseee me notice
Hellooooo thanks for the requests 😂 I’m in AP Exam season so I’m not on here too much rn but here’s my two cents on the matter
okay so if batbro is like Vision, there’s some sort of power source that is VERY visible and easy to access
They are all super protective of you in that sense since they don’t want you getting hurt *rip vision* *you were ✨almost✨ indestructible*
Bruce or Tim would probably make some sort of mask or armor to protect the energy source
When you were younger or first introduced into the batfam, they’re always running diagnostics and computer programs to see what’s up with you so get used to it
Jason had a can of WD-40 that he threatens you with sometimes to be funny
Bruce is always concerned that you’ll get programmed or hacked by a villain and they’ll have to have some sort of terrible contingency plan
Dick is mostly just trying to help you incorporate into society normally
It helps if you can disguise the robot/ cyborg part but he’s always making sure your social life is an A+
Damian wants to push your limits and see how far you can train and fight
It takes him a while to not see you as a computer tbh but he comes around after you save his butt a few times
Duke models his armor off of your systems and Luke is typically trying to incorporate little pieces of it into Wayne Tech
Stephanie is the type to write on you with expo markers if you have a metal armor body or something
Cass doesn’t treat you as if you weren’t human but treats you like everyone else so she’s super awesome to be around
Babs has definitely sat down with you to go through diagnostics if you’re cool with it and she’s the best for that since she’s not testing you like a machine but trying to understand how you can best live
You’re often called in for League problems and the entire batfam worries about it since there protective
Alfred doesn’t bat an eye and anything since he’s used to everything by now
Is of course, very kind and understanding of anything you need or are going through
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umbrellacam · 1 year
Post-Knightfall - Batboys and Domestic Chores
aka What To Do When Your Alfred Quits Because Bruce Is A Self-Destructive Dingus With No Regard For His Own Health And So Now You Suddenly Have To Adult All By Yourself
aka despite both being raised by Alfred from roughly age 9 onward, Bruce is still a completely helpless fumbling rich boy when it comes to domestic tasks, while Dick is very much not, lol.
Tim also starts out as a typical sheltered teenage boy who doesn't even know how to fold laundry... But fortunately for him, he has a new older brother to teach him what's what while they're partnered up during Prodigal! :D
...Sort of. Once Bruce is back and he and Tim are on their own, they both still fumble without Alfred or Dick around. Tim's embryonic domestic skills can't make up for Bruce being a sad wet cat re: household tasks, pfft.
In chronological order, starting after Bruce and Alfred have both fucked off and Dick and Tim are holding down the fort in Gotham as Batman and Robin:
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Batman #512 - Dick can cook! And he cooks for Tim :) Also, the house-robes are adorable, as always. Tim: "I can't believe you can actually cook..." Dick: "I like to eat." Tim: "So does Bruce - but he had to order Chinese last night." Dick: "That's where I'm one up on him - I've lived on my own without an Alfred. Still miss him, though... He was good for a lot more than cooking and cleaning." Tim: "Yep - but at least we don't have to miss him on empty stomachs."
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Batman: Shadow of the Bat #32 - The Manor was thrashed after Bruce's fight with Bane, and was never cleaned up after Bruce's back was broken and Jean-Paul Valley took over as Batman. The Batbros are on the job! Dick (sweeping): "Bruce told me a story once: Two philosophers talked all day." Tim (blithely eating a banana): "And...?" Dick (tossing him the broom): "The mess was still there next morning!" Tim (grinning): "Message received and understood, Captain!"
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Batman #513 - Timmy is amazed at Dick's mastery of the household arts! Tim: "Awesome - you can cook and do the laundry?" Dick: "Hey, if there's time, I may even putty some new panes in those smashed windows." Tim: "Blimey - does Alfred the Pennyworth know you've mastered all his domestic secrets?" Dick: "Who do you think taught him?" Tim: "Not to get too serious, Dick, but it's good to see you loose again - and good to see the Manor taking shape, too. Since Jean Paul didn't care about it and Bruce relies on Alfred, it looks like you can teach a trick or two the other Batmen couldn't."
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Robin #12 - More Dick handling the laundry, and Dick flinging a towel in Tim's face - er, teaching him how to fold so that he can pitch in instead of sitting on the side and moping. Dick: "Does that mean that things are going smoother between you and Ariana?" Tim (mopily): "Not really. Every time I think we're finally getting along, something happens to change all that." Dick: "Welcome to the opposite sex, Tim." Tim: "Look at you with the laundry. You're going to make some woman happy someday." Dick: "Well, it's about time you learned to fold a towel." (throws one in Tim's face) Tim: "Hey!" Dick: "I can't do everything around here until Alfred gets back."
Bruce is back! And he straight up sucks at all this stuff without Alfred, lol, and doesn't have a Dick to lean on like Tim did.
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Batman: Shadow of the Bat #35 - Bruce attempting laundry in the washer (laundry strewn all over the room and bubbles ominously emerging from the machine), getting pizza delivery, and asking the delivery boy for limo service recs, lol. Delivery Boy: "Good afternoon, sir. Three-cheese special, right?" Bruce: "You don't happen to know a good limo service? Or anything about washing machines...?"
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Detective Comics #685 - Bruce infamously ruining tuna fish sandwiches. Bruce: "Sorry about lunch, Tim. I'm not much of a hand in the kitchen. With Alfred gone I'm pretty much helpless." Tim: "It's okay, Bruce. How can you screw up a tuna fish sandwich?" (takes a bite) "Oh. That's how."
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Detective Comics #687 - Bruce attempts to toss an Armani tuxedo in the washing machine because reasons. Tim: "Are you sure you know what you're doing, Bruce?" Bruce: "How dangerous can it be, Tim? Alfred never seems to have a problem." Tim: "Well, he makes everything look easy. What are you washing here?" Bruce: "My summer tux. It smelled like the river." Tim (pulling out the now-tiny tux jacket and smirking): "Guess you didn't know you were supposed to dry clean these things, huh?"
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Batman: Shadow of the Bat #40 - The central heating system at the Manor has gone down, and Bruce is aghast that he (a) has to make a reservation with the maintenance man, and (b) it might take him more than a week to take care of it. Bruce decides to just fix it himself - I wonder how that went, lol. Bruce (hand to his forehead dramatically) : "A butler, at butler, my kingdom for a butler!" Tim (coming down the stairs into the basement): "Specifically Alfred?" Bruce: "Very specifically. He'd have had these central heating tyrants fixed in minutes. Losing Alfred has caused me as much pain as anything Bane did to me."
THE RETURN OF ALFRED! Yaaaaay! And more Bruce and Tim.
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Batman #521 - More overflowing laundry shenanigans 😂 Bruce: "Not again, Tim!" Tim: "Honest, Bruce - I know I didn't go overboard on the detergent this time!" Bruce: "You mean you added detergent too--? After I already did it?" Tim: "Uh oh. Hey, I was only trying to help..." Bruce: "The mops." Tim: "Yeah...again." Alfred returns to Bruce and Tim both attempting to mop up, suds everywhere, including in their hair. To preserve both his and Bruce's dignity, he's pretended to come in answer to a Help Wanted ad that he himself placed in the paper, for a butler at Wayne Manor. Bruce and Tim both warmly welcome him home.
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Detective Comics #689 - Batman and Robin pick the wrong rooftop to talk on, and startle a woman coming up to hang her laundry so badly that she faints, dropping and scattering the whole load. Robin: "She'll be okay. Just passed out." Batman: "I hate when this happens." Robin: "Well, what do we do now?" Batman: "How about demonstrating some of your new skills - the ones Nightwing taught you?" Robin: "Man..." He does, and the woman wakes up to her neatly folded items in her basket, while Bruce and Tim swing away. Tim (indignant): "It wouldn't hurt you to learn how to fold clothes, even though Alfred is back." Batman (grinning): "You know what they say about old dogs, Robin." Robin: "Right."
(All of these were published within a one year span, from November 1994 to September 1995. Very fun little recurring D-plot in the aftermath of Knightfall c:)
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lukabitch · 1 year
👋hope you're having a good day?
I was wondering if I could request a batfam x batbro (like maybe he's around 16-18) and something happened on patrol maybe attacked by a strange large dog? or gets injected with something by a villain of your choice? And the symptoms are intense like high fever, sense of smell becoming super sensitive along with hearing where they feel like eardrums are going to burst. When things seem like they settled other things have come to the surface eyes have changed color, easily irritated, wolfish like canines that grow larger and oh boy the inhuman strength. Reader feels like they're a monster, that he's a danger. He doesn't understand what's going on. Maybe he runs away to keep the people closest to them safe. (That is if you right for werewolf's that'd be awesome)
This is my first time writing for a werewolf reader. If I get anything wrong I’m sorry. Thank you so much for the request Anon! :)
Cw: Angst, descriptions of pain, lots of wholesome stuff, more based off of wfa.
It was a normal night doing a solo patrol. You actually liked nights like these. The city is quiet and still, it almost makes you wish it was like this more. “(H/n) there’s been reports of strange activities at the nearby warehouse.” Oracle came over the comms. “Really trying to give me something to do? Okay, I’m on it.”
Turning off comms, you made your way to the warehouse. It was abandoned, just left to rot away. It could be a potential hide out for a gang. You entered through a side entrance and looked around the empty building.
In the center of the building was a nest of some sort. It was made of dead branches and scraps of metal. You sighed and turned comms back on. “Looks like a home for some animal. More of a job for an animal catcher.”
“Might as well do it. You’re not doing anything.” You and Oracle laughed together. A loud bang rang out towards the back of the warehouse. It was silent after, a sinking feeling of dread washed over. You looked in the direction of the bang and slowly walked towards it.
Suddenly, an abnormally large dog launched out of the shadows. It bit down on your arm, causing blood to spill. You kicked the dog off and watched it run off into the darkness. Panting, you looked at your now shredded arm.
“I need to head back to the cave. I’m losing a lot of blood Babs.” Your mind was already getting fuzzy. You could barely walk let alone run. This was extremely unusual for just a bite.
You fell to the ground, an overwhelming fatigue taking over your body. Right before you passed out someone ran inside calling your name. Their yelling and footsteps felt so distant as your eyes closed.
When you woke up your entire body aches. You tried to get a grasp on your surroundings. There was a nightstand with a note, pills, and a glass of water on it. Pulling yourself up you open the note and smiled. It was a note from Alfred telling you to take your medicine.
Listening to his wise words you took the pills. You tried to stand up but immediately fell back on the bed in pain. It felt like someone was bashing your head in. Apparently you made enough noise to concern someone.
Their footsteps running up the stairs sounds like bombs. You clamped your hands over your ears. The door flung open and in the doorway was Bruce. “Y/n are you okay?” Even though he spoke at a normal level it felt like he was screaming directly in your ears.
“Please be quiet. Just leave me be.” Your voice sounded so weak. Bruce without another word, left closing the door behind him. You sink back down into the bed. Pain and fatigue took over your body forcing you to go back to sleep.
Weeks had passed since then and things have only gotten more concerning. Your teeth were sharper, your temper was short, and your own strength was starting to scare you. You felt so wrong. The need to get away was overwhelming.
Everyone had taken notice of your changes. The worry and concern could be felt through every interaction. You just couldn’t take it anymore. You packed some of your things and left while no one was watching. You were back on the streets again.
It didn’t take long for the family to notice your absence. They were quick to start searching for you. They search for you all over Gotham. Until, eventually, Alfred finds you. It completely caught you off guard. "Master Y/n, there you are. The entire family is worried sick." He kept his cool as to not scare you off.
"They shouldn't worry, especially you." Your voice was a little rough but not too off. You watched as Alfred shook his head at you, he had a small smile on his face. Something about it was always a comfort to your strange life.
"You worry too much about others, maybe it's time to focus on taking care of yourself." He stated in such a 'matter of fact' way. Which, to his credit, wasn't wrong. He put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Tell me why you really left." The words hit you like a truck, maybe there was some underlining issues at play.
"It's just a lot of pressure is all. Protecting the innocent means no mistakes, no half measures. You have to be perfect and I'm not perfect like this." Your voice was as soft as it could be. Alfred let out a sigh before looking off at the sky.
"When Master Bruce was your age, he was filled with so much anger. He caused much trouble in his teenage years." He took a brief pause, probably trying to think of the right story. "One day I was informed by the school that Bruce had received a one week suspension. Of course it was for a fight, he didn't like how a kid was treating others. He said the kid deserved it." He cocked his head and smiled. "So I dragged him by the ear and gave him a lesson in temperance."
You laughed a little at this. "So, you dragged him to teach him a lesson in temperance? Sounds about right." All Alfred could do was laugh at your words.
"Well, he did learn to control his temper. You can learn to control this new power you have." He put his hand back on your shoulder, he made his point clear. "Come back home, for the family."
You thought about for a moment before sighing. "I'll come home but only for your cooking." The small joke made the both of you laugh lightly. The ride home was rather comforting in a strange way.
What you didn't expect however, was everyone bombarding you with affection and questions. Which was mainly Dick.
It felt nice to be back.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Ill ship a lot of different characters in the right context. Lil iffy on batcest but I've read a lot of JayTim and recently branched into DickJay because there are just SO MANY fics and so many talented authors! Faves include SuperBat and JayRoy but ultimately I'm flexible if the premise is interesting. I've seen some Jason/Cass I really like; there's a series where they meet in the league and more or less take care of Damian together for a while. I draw the line at shipping Bruce with any of them tho :/ and I don't like shipping batbros with non consecutive ages--no DickTim or DamiJay, for instance. Not my jam.
Absolutely valid opinions! 💚
Can totally relate to Jaytim and Jaydick fics. There’s just so many great authors out there with awesome fics ,and like hell am I depriving myself of all the serotonin just because I usually stick to gen ksksksks
We all have our faves, but I’m always happy to hear when people are willing to branch out and try new stuff ✨ there’s always the option to back out if you find it’s not to your liking, but a lot of times I find that this new “branch” is a wonderful addition to the personal repertoire 🦋
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Hey, I don't really know how this works and you can ignore this if you want, but I was thinking about a baby driver (217 movie) inspired batbro and how he was adopted into the batfam and how they used his set of skills in vigilante work.
Love you stuff, have an awesome day.
Hi, sorry for a late reply, day has been busy. I'm afraid I didn't see that movie, so I'm not able to write about it. Also, thank you for loving my questionable writing and I hope you have an awesome day too.
\( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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keef-a-corn · 2 years
Ahem, not close to being an og on tumblr or DC so I may have some stupid points and/or may being doing this friggin wrong and I’m okay with that. Fairly certain I will be proven wrong one way or another, but I’m tryin’.
Got into DC not too long ago. This is what I have learnt so far (these are mainly Batman based because I’m yet to care about anyone else nearly as much as I care about Bats and I’m mainly focusing on the stuff I’ve encountered, not toxicity [because I haven’t encountered that yet]):
- Batman is awesome but his canon constantly clashes. It’s nicer for HCs but is also a pain when a bunch of people focus on one part.
- still very shocking but… people tend to be fairly okay when someone doesn’t read the comics or most of the comics, as long as they are at least familiar with references to the comics.
- the live-action movies are both really good and highly flawed all at once.
- there is a horrific amount of crossovers with Miraculous and Danny Phantom. Like fanfics made yesterday have these crossovers.
- You like a ship? Perfect! Here’s plenty of content in relation to that!
- my method from finding Transformers fanfics does not work.
- Not enough JL depress.
- still yet to see anyone mention how funny it is that parents allow their children to engage with majority of DC and JL content when they really shouldn’t.
-Batman can never be apart of young children content. Nothing targeted to someone below the age of 7 should be allowed to engage with Batman content. Considering how he became Batman, his morals, his motivations, his goals.
- majority agree that a good version of Batman is when cares about people and actually is a very good person but will never see himself as a good person, he’s not scary. He’s not mean. He actually cares about people. He’s just a damaged person.
- Autism and ADHD characters are canon and I love browsing all the proof that it’s canon.
- Alfred is best. (Also raised my standards for the British only for it to be destroyed by my stupid uncle.)
- want to ignore canon? M’kay!
- not enough ‘Bruce cut himself off from people for years, but did solely interact with Alfred, gradually he started mimicking Alfred’s accent, so when he finally interacts with people again he has a British accent.’ Come on.
- if you search up any negative, but angsty, trait and ‘Bruce Wayne’ on tumblr you’re going to get a whole bunch of content that’s either Bruce x reader or is batbros focused rather than Bruce focused.
- everything is either from 5 years ago or yesterday.
- not enough owl man and Batman interacting content. Where’s the fanfics where Owlman tries to join the JLA and the only one to question it is Bruce! Initially Owlman’s there to undermine Batman and drive him insane, but gradually their relationship develops and the original plan goes out the window in the wake of ‘protective brother’ mode?? It’s not even close to canon, but at this rate it doesn’t matter.
- fight scenes are cool, but do you know what’s cooler? Characters displaying proper friendships [while fighting]
- overworked and insomniac characters are central in fanfics when you least expect it, but if you ACTUALLY SEARCH IT UP YOU GET NOTHING!
Edit: completely forgot to mention
- still waiting for someone to mention that although Battison (I think [yet to watch it]) addresses the black makeup from around the eyes of Batman when he’s in the cowl, does it really matter? Because it’s not even supposed to be there because Batman’s eyes are supposed to be covered by the lenses built into the cowl.
- disappointed by the lack of high-heels in more modern content. They run around in heels in Justice League and Justice League Unlimited and that’s how high my standards are. No heels? No point.
- pink kryptonite hehe
And finally
- learning big words and concepts thanks to everything. Honestly didn’t know what ABA was, or that it’s called a cowl!
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starsonthewalls · 8 months
Brother Bear AU
Thought-dumping this here so that if people are interested I can be peer pressured into writing this someday- this being me imposing the basic premise of Brother Bear onto the batbros.
Hear me out- we've got Dick seriously injured/in a coma/dead (i could honestly never) after a fight with I'm going to say Talia. We've got Tim magically afflicted in some way I haven't fleshed out yet but Jason thinks he's dead too. We've got Jason, our precious baby boy thinking his older and younger brothers are dead/dying and on a revenge arc. We've got Tim and Damian bonding on a random road trip only for Dami to find out that Tim is the reason his mom is dead/gone/some secret third option I also haven't figured out yet. We've got Jason hunting down Tim and Dami for revenge/he thinks it's the only way to save Tim and Dick. Throw in a taking over the LoA/bonding with assassins arc for Tim bc I'm a sucker for those, and then yeet Cass in somewhere (she's awesome, she deserves it), and it's gold. Also hugs.
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demigoddreamer · 4 years
Addressing Batman’s Abuse Part 2
Batman: keeps a secret that could harm his family
Batfamily: how could you keep secrets from us?? I thought we could trust each other
Batman: nah man this info for me only you guys can’t be trusted with this
Batfamily: keep any secret whatsoever
Batman(who has a horrible lack of boundaries): THE AUDACITY
Ok...I really hoped there wasn’t more to the abuse but there is. I honestly can’t believe I wrote ALL OF THAT. I’m gonna do a post where I try to display Jason’s pain and suffering  for what it is and tell the haters that they have no basis and to get the fuck outta here if you don’t like it. Jason deserves to be loved and that’s not because he’s my fav. BUT BACK TO BRUCE… anyway here imma cover anything else I forgot because what else is a high school freshman gonna do on her last day of break. All I’ve been doing to studying my butt off and working hard nuh huh IMMA TELL THIS CRUEL WORLD TO PUT A SOCK IN IT STOP ABUSING MY BOIS LIKE THE BATBROS. Sorry I got off topic. 
I was talking in the last post about RHATO#25 where Jason shot the penguin. Now he has a pretty darn good reason ok. My boi found letters from his abusive criminal father(more like a DNA donor cause he ain’t a good dad like he supposed to be) and this trash Willis Todd wrote letters to Jason when Willis was in prison. He was like sorry and stuff and i don’t see how this is good enough BUT YOU MADE MY BOI JASON CRY! (I can’t bear to see my boi jay sad) now if you didn’t know my boi Jason has a heart of gold(if you didn’t think jay’s a good person then you’re just a lower life form) and LIKE ANY CHILD HE WANTS TO BE LOVED BY HIS PARENTS. Anyway he’s mad at Penguin for putting Willis in jail and shoots him...we all know what’s going to happen…*sucks in breath* Bruce is like you broke my precious no kill rule and beats the shit out of my poor baby Jason. LIKE THAT’S NOT OK it’s honestly kinda worst knowing JASON HAS A HISTORY OF PHYSICAL ABUSE FROM HIS FATHER, another father figure causing him psychological trauma is going to bring up all sorts of bad memories and PTSD from Willis. Batman was supposed to be a better father than Willis but kinda ended up like him instead.
Sorry I didn’t discuss that more in depth in the last post, it’s why there’s a part 2. But now some new stuff. So as we know...Alfred died WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE ALFRED IS A FRICKING GOD HE’S IMMORTAL HE CAN’T DIE WHYYYYYYYYY!!!!...sorry I’m just so sad Alfred is DA BEST. anyway in the comic Pennyworth RIP or something like that, they are having a nice funeral for him. You know what?? THEY TOLD JASON NOT TO COME TO THE FUNERAL. THEY INVITED AMNESIAC DICK(now ric?*cry in bad naming and lost bro relationships*) but they like to Jason nah bro we don’t want your ass you but my BOI JASON WAS LIKE NAH FUCK ALL OF YOU IMMA COME TO THIS. and he came and he HAS THE RIGHT TO COME. He loved Alfred just as much as any of them and Alfred loved him and would want him to FUCKING COME.(ngl my man jay looks good in those shades) anyway they all seem pretty hostile to him when he comes and Bruce doesn’t correct this like hey he’s not bad guy you know
Also we need to acknowledge the secret keeping. Bruce is super paranoid and has major trust issues. He doesn’t feel the need to give IMPORTANT INFO to anyone not even his own fucking family. And this withholding of crucial info often puts his family in danger. Like when Joker kidnapped them and made them think they’re faces were cut off. I don’t know exactly what happened but he knew Joker was gonna do something and they were put in danger. WHY WOULD YOU PURPOSELY SUBJECT THE KIDS YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY YOU HAVE TO CALL YOURS TO PSYCHOLOGICAL AND EMOTIONAL TRAUMA??? LIKE WHYYYYYYY? If you simply trusted them and not do stuff behind their back then this could’ve been avoided. It is hinted that while Bruce was unconscious the Joker told them some stuff, a lot of it he said when Bruce was unconscious but while conscious he said like Bruce loves Joker*not surprised considering why is joker still alive* and he secretly hopes that Joker kills his kid like HELL NO, whispered some horrible things that will make them self deprecate and increase depression. We can imagine how bad it is to be kidnapped, about to be lit on fire, seeing your cut off face on a plate(their faces weren’t actually cut off but still it’s traumatizing), and then joker toxin fills the room making you go crazy, I imagine it’s worse for Barbara after being shot by Joker and even worse for Jason BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING BRUTALLY MURDERED BY JOKER AND HIS CROWBAR AND EXPLOSIONS. (I wanna shove that crowbar up Joker’s ass until he starts bleeding out of every orifice) and Bruce is like y’all we need to talk but everyone’s like no i can’t, making up excuses, etc. but i don’t blame them once again the secret keeping caused unnecessary pain. THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE MAD AT BATMAN and he tries soooo hard to justify it. and when they keep a secret from him suddenly they’re the bad guy. BATMAN CAN’T HANDLE SOMEONE KEEPING SECRETS FROM HIM honestly that’s shitty AF. And so toxic like he keeps breaking into their business and crossing lines with privacy. SO WHY DOES BRUCE KEEP DOING THIS??? He keeps people in the dark and they get hurt like HONESTLY YOU’RE HURTING EVERYONE AROUND YOU AND HE MAKES SOME ASSED EXCUSE ABOUT PROTECTING THEM.
Look Batman, there comes a time where enough is enough ok. Please stop hurting them, you already lost them and you’ll never get them back. All of them should just get out but especially Jason. I know a lot of people think Jason should leave entirely and I don’t entirely disagree with that. But I think Jason should keep his bros ditch his dad. Like Batman keeps hurting Jason but his brothers I feel like are more there for him than anyone else and they’re as much victims as Jason is. Batman should stop adopting so many kids if he can’t treat them right.
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Wonder Woman: Excuse me, are you Jason Todd?
Jason Todd: Who wants to- oh my God you're Wonder Woman!
Wonder Woman: You are him! Oh such elation come here my little warrior!
Diana brings the tall man into a tight embrace. His head rests on her chest. He can't breathe, but he's not complaining.
Batman: He's not a hugger.
Jason: Batman, I am not complaining.
Batman: Okay, well can you hurry up, we have to g-
Wonder Woman punches Batman in the chest. He falls over, gasping for air.
Wonder Woman: Ignore him, young warrior. We can hug for a few more minutes.
Jason: Again, not complaining.
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I was bored, so I added colors. Ngl, coloring is usually not my strength, so I’m really proud of this one.
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Vacancy available USA 🇺🇸 2023-24 Age limit: 20-68 Years Gender: Male and Female Jobs Type: Full Time Grade: Graduate or non-graduate Contract Agreement: 3 Years Holiday: 1 month Holiday Yearly VISIT Our Community for the latest
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excuseme-howdareyou · 5 years
After Damian's "I don't speak Disney" line, it became a meme in the family
Tim: *starts talking in technobabble*
Jason: Sorry, I don't speak nerd
Dick: *singing* Cereal~ oh how I miss yoooOoOou! *after going three weeks surviving only on energy bars on a desert mission*
Duke: What's wrong with Dick?
Tim: I dunno. I don't speak over-dramatic
Bruce: You have to keep your emotions in check, it could jeopardize the mis-
Dick: Sorry, I don't speak Emotional Constipation!
Steph: Sometimes a girl just wants to feel pretty. So if I want to put on some makeup, slide myself into a slinky dress, sit down at a bar, and strangle a man with a pretty pearl necklace, then I'll fucking do it.
Tim: That scenario did not go even remotely where I thought it was going...
Duke: *sigh* I don't speak girl...
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Remember how I said my school paper was letting me write a comic column? First one came out today! Naturally it’s about my favorite redheads.
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