#this one is slightly shorter than the last
hoe4hotchner · 16 hours
hiii!! :3
i saw you asking for fluff requests so... perhaps it's cold out, and the reader is out with hotch (maybe going out to a crime scene or smth) and the readers shivering and hotch looks awfully warm in his coat, so ofc the reader just goes up and asks for a hug! (just to warm up ofc. no other reason to ask your hot boss for a hug 🤭) (maybe the reader manages to slide into his jacket)
tysm! <33
The Jacket Incident | [A.H]
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!Reader CW: it's just cold and you were stupid enough to not wear a warm jacket. Also reader is shorter than Hotch. Fluff.
WC: 0.7k
Why is reader literally me in this one. I'm so dumb and not good at staying warm.
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           The wind howled through the dark, desolate street, biting through the thin layers of your windbreaker as you and Hotch made your way back to the crime scene. You’d been out there for what felt like hours, and no amount of walking had kept the cold from seeping into your bones. Your fingers tingled with numbness despite being shoved deep into your pockets, and a shiver ran down your spine for the hundredth time.
           Hotch, of course, looked completely unbothered. He stood a few feet away, his demeanor calm and composed despite the freezing temperature. You couldn’t help but envy him a little. While you were practically freezing, he seemed like he hadn’t even noticed the cold.
           As you shifted from one foot to the other, trying to get some feeling back into your toes, you watched him finish his conversation. The way he stood, tall and commanding, only seemed to emphasize the fact that he was probably the warmest person in your vicinity. His jacket, the heavy, padded one you both wore during cases in colder climates, was unzipped - wide open, practically inviting you inside.
           You bit your lip, glancing around, trying to work up the nerve to do what you’d been thinking about for the last ten minutes. He was your boss, but more importantly, he was your boyfriend, which gave you a bit more confidence. And the thought of his warmth was too tempting to ignore. Bracing yourself, you took a few steps closer until you were standing beside him, shivering dramatically to make your point.
           Hotch turned his head slightly, his brow furrowing as he glanced down at you. "Are you cold?" he asked, his voice gentle, but there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.
           You nodded, giving him your best pitiful look. "Freezing," you muttered, teeth chattering for good measure.
           Hotch’s gaze softened, and he let out a small sigh, his eyes flicking to your jacket before returning to your face. For a moment, you thought he was going to suggest you head back to the car, but instead, he smiled - just a tiny, private smile.
           Without a word, he opened his arms, his jacket still hanging open, and gave a slight nod toward the space between them. "Come here," he said, his tone warm and inviting, holding the edges of his jacket.
           Your heart skipped a beat at the offer, and without hesitating, you stepped closer, sliding your way into his open jacket. As soon as you were enveloped by his warmth, the world outside seemed to disappear. The heat of his body instantly chased away the cold, and you sighed in relief, nestling against his chest.
           Hotch’s arms wrapped around you instinctively, the thick jacket falling around your shoulders like a protective barrier from the wind. He smelled like his usual aftershave, mixed with the faint scent of coffee and something distinctly him - it was comforting. His hands settled gently on your back, holding you close, and you felt his chin rest lightly on the top of your head.
           "You should’ve said something sooner," he murmured, his voice rumbling through his chest.
You grinned, your cheek pressed against his shirt. "Figured you’d be too busy being all stern and in charge to notice."
           Hotch chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through you, and you could feel the coldness in your body start to melt away. "I always notice," he replied quietly, his voice a little softer than usual, the warmth in his tone matching the heat of his body.
           You snuggled further into his chest, your hands slipping around his waist as you relaxed into his embrace. The cold air seemed like a distant memory now, replaced by the steady beat of his heart and the comforting weight of his arms around you.
           "Thanks for sharing your warmth," you mumbled, your words muffled against him.
           "Anytime," Hotch replied, his hand giving your back a gentle rub. "I’m always here to keep you warm."
           The two of you stood there for a while longer, wrapped up in each other, you were a sight for sore eyes. The wind and the cold now just background noise.
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whimsyfinny · 2 days
He’s a Winchester
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: It's been a long time since (Y/n) and Dean's paths have crossed. Last time they saw each other it was ‘98 and they were young and living in the moment. Nine years down the Line, their paths cross again, but (Y/n)s longest kept secret is about to become Deans reality.
Slow burn (ish), mom!reader, eventual smut
Warnings: language, mention of drugs
Chapter Word Count: 2330
A/N: wooooop new series! I'm trying something new with this one! As a mom myself I loooove reading mom!reader fics, so I wanted to write my own. It's a slightly shorter first chapter, but the following ones should be longer. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, reading your comments makes my day ❤️ and of course, this is proofread only by myself so pls pls let me know of any errors! I really hope you enjoy it. I also didn’t write this at 2am for once so brownie points to me hahaha
Photos from Pinterest
Chapter 1
“Come on, (Y/n)! You have to tell me all about it! What was he like? Did you kiss? Hold hands? Where did he take you?”
I couldn’t help but smile at the rapidfire questions spewing from Kats mouth. Kat, the stunner sat opposite me with perfect dark skin and the inability to have a bad hair day, was my closest friend. We lived on the same street, drank at the same bar and both hated this small, slightly judgemental town equally. We bonded over the similarities in our lives - like both of us having fallen pregnant at a young age and being dealt the hand of having to raise our kids as single parents. Life was fucking hard sometimes (well, nearly all the time), but my son, Levi, and Kat, made this life worth living.
“Jesus Christ, ok! The date was ok.”
“Uh oh. ‘Ok’? That means it was awful, right?” she raised an eyebrow.
I took a gulp of my coffee.
“The date was ok. But he was…. Seriously not my type. He was too…perfect?” I winced as the words left my mouth, fully aware of how utterly ridiculous that sounded.
“Girl, ‘too perfect’? What the fuck kind of excuse is that?” Kat snorted slightly into her latte.
“I know, I know. But he reminded me of a Ken doll, ya’know? With his white jeans and his Armani sweater over his shoulders - that’s not really… me. The dude gets more manicures than I do. Plus he drives a Fiat Panda. Levi wouldn’t be caught dead getting in and out of one of those.”
“You can’t use your sons taste in cars to dictate the men in your life. That’s a low blow and you know it.”
“Ok then, you go out with Robert and tell me about all the kale facts that you never wanted to learn.” I leant back on the couch, clutching my coffee with both hands to bring some warmth to my fingertips. Kat did the same opposite me, leaning back in the plush armchair as we both took a second to glance out of the large café windows. This was our happy place, right here. It was the place we would come to when we first met and the boys were still in diapers. It was our happy place for the last nine years, and we would come here for every situation: be it a breakup, a catch-up, to discuss terrible sexual encounters or dire situations that need insane back-up plans. But we mostly came here to people-watch. Being the young, single moms that we were, we were constantly under the scrutiny of the small town, having every decision judged by the perfect Jeep-driving soccer moms and the old ladies from church. When we came here, to sit by this window in these comfy-as-fuck couches, it was our turn to do a little judging.
“Vicki Priestley isn't fooling anyone with those sunglasses,” I said, taking another sip of coffee as I watched the thin peroxide blonde across the street repeatedly wipe her nose with the back of her hand.
“Right? We get shunned for…well… fuck all, yet that Paris wannabe can snort coke on a Tuesday school run and everyone turns a blind eye? What a joke.”
“Amen to that,” we watched her for a few more seconds as she climbed behind the wheel of some monstrous four by four and sped off down the road.
“Did you hear that Mrs. Harris caught Mr. Harris with a young mistress? Apparently she works at the bank.”
“Oh my GOD yes I heard!” Kat exclaimed, leaning forward, “and as revenge she put Nair in his shampoo - he's completely hairless, even his eyebrows are gone.”
We both snickered as we raised our mugs.
“To Mrs. H for taking no shit.”
Conversation flowed as topics ranged from the new dessert parlour that opened last week down the road to the extortionate price of kids' Motocross gear.
“I mean the bikes are so tiny, why do they have to cost that much?”
“You're preaching to the choir babes, Toby just outgrew his boots for the third time this year,” Kat grimaced at the thought of how much money she'd spent already.
“Ouch, they're like what? Eighty bucks a pair?”
“Yeah well, I had to get Levi a new helmet after that little dickhead from the tournament last month crashed into the side of him. That boy was more upset about the stickers he lost than the bruises he got,” I shook my head with a smile on my lips. Kat did the same.
“That's a tough kid you've got there.”
I sighed.
“Yeah I know. Despite never having met him, he's so much like his dad. It's a little concerning actually,” I laughed nervously, instantly regretting bringing up Levi’s father in front of Kat. I glanced up at her, taking a sip of my coffee in an attempt to hide behind the mug. The wiggling of her eyebrows being an indicator of her impending wrath.
“That man is the reason why you’re never satisfied with your dates. He set that bar waaaay too high.”
I scoffed. “He did not. We were young and he just swept me off my feet a bit, that’s all; with that ‘give ‘em Hell’ attitude and handsome face. Plus he had a great car.”
“Last time you said his face was ‘gorgeous’,” Kat cupped her face and fluttered her eyelashes, puckering her lips. I threw a sugar packet at her which she batted right back at me.
There was a moment of quiet as we both looked out the window again, my mind unable to stop itself from racing through old memories.
“Do you think he’ll ever come calling?” Kat asked, some sincerity to her tone. I sighed and slumped back further on the couch.
“I highly doubt it. He doesn’t even know that Levi exists. I tried calling him a few years back but some guy John W. had that number instead. I gave up after that. Plus, he had this kinda dangerous job, and normally if he showed up it was because something was going to go down,” I paused, looking into the dark liquid in my cup, “It’s probably a good thing that he hasn’t just shown up.”
“You say that, but you still have that photo you took together on your vanity.”
I shot her a look, pursing my lips and pinching my brows as she laughed, knowing she'd stumped me there. I quickly downed my coffee and checked my watch before standing and grabbing my bag.
“Come on, let's stop interrogating me and go pick up the boys before all Hell breaks loose at the track.”
“Mom it wasn't my fault, I swear.”
I slammed the car door closed and turned to the boy who stood close enough to be my shadow.
I turned around to face him with a stern expression, “so you did do it? After I called that boys mom a liar? LEVI.”
Levi, my son, looked close to tears, his bottom lip trembling.
“Mom, I'm so sorry! I'll never do it again!”
I narrowed my eyes at him before sighing, already exasperated, throwing the car keys into my bag.
“Did you at least stick to the golden rule?”
His answer was a vigorous nod, the tremble in his lip disappearing.
“‘Never throw the first punch; throw the second and finish the fight,’” he recited the words like a prayer.
“‘Always claim self defence.’”
I smiled and ruffled his soft brown hair.
“Good boy. What started the fight anyway?” I asked, guiding him to walk through the parking lot towards that new dessert parlour.
“He said I was weird for not having a dad.”
I looked down at him, eyes softening and I lifted a hand to rub his shoulder. It wasn't the first time he'd had this argument, and it likely won't be the last. Kids can be assholes. “And then he hit me when I said ‘at least my mom's boobs are real.’”
“Levi!” I stopped in my tracks and looked at him, mortified. I didn't even know where to start with that one. “Where-”
“Jamie from math class told me what ‘implants’ were… and he said that Brad's mom had them.”
He looked up at me innocently, and I knew then that he didn't fully grasp what he'd said to Brad - the kid he'd just punched between the eyes. I sighed for the umpteenth time and started walking again.
“Whatever, just… don't say that to anyone again, ok? You're gonna make me look like a terrible parent.”
“Ok mo- whoa! Look at that car!” It was Levi's turn to stop dead in his tracks as he stood in awe of the sleek black car parked by the sidewalk.
A black Chevy Impala.
“Oh wow,” my words came out slightly breathless, my mind suddenly racing to him and the conversation I'd had with Kat earlier that afternoon.
“So cool!” Levi gushed, walking up close to it but not close enough to touch.
“Yes, very cool. Now let's go inside before they run out of ice cream,” I ushered him to the door, reflexively looking over my shoulder, not knowing if I even wanted to see who could possibly be in the area.
The bell jingled as we walked in and Levi ran up to the counter, pressing his forehead to the glass. My eyes scanned the menu and I was pleasantly surprised to see they served coffee.
“What do you fancy kiddo?” I ruffled his hair again and waited for him to decide, and it wasn't long before he'd made up his mind. After ordering, we headed towards a small table-for-two at the edge of the room, and as Levi slumped down in his chair something familiar caught my attention.
A voice.
My heart quickly became erratic in my chest and my palms grew sweaty. I looked in the direction the voice had come from and was met with a slap in the face from memory lane.
There he was; the same wicked grin and mischievous eyes that had burned themselves into my memory. He dressed the same as he did nine years ago - right down to the necklace and leather jacket. He was engrossed in a conversation with another man, who looked slightly younger than himself, all whilst digging into a stack of waffles.
The sound of Levi's voice snapped me out of the stunned fog I was caught up in and I quickly sat down, trying my best to focus on my son and not the man who was sitting only a few feet behind him. Levi looked like he was about to ask another question when a giant chocolate sundae and a coffee appeared at the table. I heard the waitress challenge Levi to finish the whole thing, but it was like I was listening to the world through water. My mind wouldn't stop racing. He's here. Do I talk to him? Will he remember me? Do I tell him about Levi? I hurriedly pulled my phone from my bag and sent her a hasty message before turning back to the boy in front of me, convincing a smile to appear on my lips.
“If you have room in that black-hole stomach of yours then you definitely could've finished your veggies earlier at dinner.”
He smirked slightly, like he always did when he knew he was getting away with murder, and it almost took my breath away. I saw the same smirk grace the lips of the man in the booth behind him. The mans gaze shifted to the side and when his eyes met mine - the same vibrant twists of green and gold that I have tattooed on my memory - I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart leaping in my chest as I tore my eyes away. I clutched my coffee cup, staring intently at the dark swirling liquid, praying to anyone or anything that I'd find the answers to my troubles in the bottom of this mug. The prickling on my skin was unshakable, like his eyes were on me and I was trapped under his intense observation, unable to breath. Minutes felt like hours, and eventually he and his companion stood before heading to the door. The moment they were gone with the bell signalling their departure, the air gushed from my lungs as I dropped my head into my hands, earning myself a confused look from my son. I offered him a reassuring smile which he accepted before returning to shovelling ice-cream into his face.
Just when I thought I was safe, I looked up and locked eyes with him. Our eyes locked through the window just as he opened the car door, leaning on it. It was like time froze, and for a few moments, despite my earlier urgency to not make eye contact, I was now unable to look away. My breath caught in my throat as a smirk pulled at his lips before he ducked down into the driver's seat, slamming the car door closed. I found myself chewing on my bottom lip as he tore out of the parking lol, that familiar rumble of the engine practically rattling the windows and, despite the noise, it was a comforting sound.
Once they were out of sight and the impala could no longer be heard, I sighed, pushing my hair off my face and running my hands through my hair. As Levi polished off the last of his ice-cream, my phone buzzed on the table. Opening it and reading the message, a small wave of relief washed over me as Kat confirmed that Toby would be at his dad's for once so she could come over to drink wine and discuss very important topics. She hasn't got a clue what I need to vent about yet, but I feel like tonight is going to be a very long night.
@suckitands33 @jackles010378 @megara0224 @libby99hb @roseblue373 @hobby27 @calibootsgirl @lyarr24 @autistic-gothic @wattpaduser200 @spndeanwinchesterlvr @mxtansy @magssteenkamp @redmaro86 @slut-for-evans-stan @spookyysinsanity @localjisung @king-of-milf-lovers @xshortputax @jerksbitch @multifandoms-saidwhat @deans-baby-momma @writersxxx
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cosmicdahlias · 24 hours
You Know What You Do To Me
a ford x reader fic
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warnings: smut, oral, mdom
i’ve really enjoyed writing these fics! it’s been so long since i’ve been passionate about something like this 😭
It was another afternoon working at the Mystery Shack. You were dusting shelves, thinking about later tonight. You had two jobs, by day you sold overpriced knickknacks for your boss, local con artist Stan Pines, and by night you worked for his brother, Stanford. Before he even came back through the portal you were a big fan of his work, Dipper regularly lent you the journals during your breaks. You pored over the material, longing to meet the author.
When you met him it was a typical day, typical as things get in Gravity Falls. You were helping Soos fix up the place after the town had turned upside down, he filled you in on the cause. A portal, Stan had a brother who had been missing for 30 years, and more importantly this brother was the mysterious author you so desperately wanted to meet.
You were in the process of nailing a shelf back to the wall when you heard a door open behind you. You turned to see a man who looked nearly identical to Stan, but better posture, and somehow… cooler. You knew instantly this must be the man behind the journals. Your heart skipped a beat, not just from the excitement of finally getting to see the author, but because you couldn’t get over how handsome he was.
He looked at you and you felt yourself turn into a puddle. You could’ve sworn you saw his cheeks flush slightly, but convinced yourself you were seeing things.
He made his way over to you and extended a hand to you, six fingers, the symbol on the journal’s cover made so much sense.
“Stanford Pines, you must be one of Stanley’s employees.”
“Y/n. You’re… the author of the journals.”
“You’ve read my journals?”
There it was again, the faintest tint of red on his cheeks.
“Yeah, multiple times. Your nephew lends them to me sometimes. I’ve always been into the weird and paranormal.”
“Well it’s always a pleasure to find someone who appreciates my life’s work.”
In the weeks that followed Ford would ask you to become his assistant. He insisted he was getting too old to do these things on his own. You loved working with him, unraveling the mysteries of this town. It gave you a sense of purpose.
The tension between you two was more than palpable, but neither of you had been willing to admit it to each other yet. Your time together was filled with stolen glances and flushed cheeks.
As you finished dusting a snow globe your mind wandered to your mentor. You had been pushing the limits lately, trying to get his attention. You wore more and more revealing clothes, you would drop your pen just to have an excuse to bend over in front of him, you would find reasons to stand close to him. You could tell it was driving him crazy, he would awkwardly excuse himself and disappear for ten to fifteen minutes, returning breathless.
But you started to think yesterday might have gone too far. You were sitting to the right of him as he was writing in his research notes, you pulled up your skirt slightly, slipping a hand down to your-
“Y/n, can we talk?”
You jumped, Ford had a habit of moving silently. A valuable skill when you’ve spent the last 30 years in other dimensions constantly staring death in the face.
You let your heart rate settle. “Yeah, sure.”
“Good, follow me.” He motioned you with his hand.
You both walked down the stairs to the basement where his lab resided, he turned to face you.
“Look, y/n, I know what you’ve been doing.”
You turned scarlet. You decided to feign ignorance.
“What do you mean?”
He exhaled a deep breath, massaging his temples. “Don’t play this game with me, you know exactly what you’re doing to me. Wearing shorter and shorter skirts, giving me bedroom eyes, finding any reason to bend over in front of me, and then yesterday-” he paused “yesterday you went out of your way to drive me crazy. You sat next to me, hiking up your skirt and you-“
He drew a shuddering breath, stepping awfully close, his chest almost touching yours “teased your clit over your panties, knowing full well you were in my peripherals. And you did that on purpose, stopping whenever I looked your way just to torture me, not letting me savor such a gorgeous view. I thought about you all night, I came with your name leaving my lips. And now-“ he pulled out a chair “you’re going to sit in front of me and touch yourself.”
“No, you were so eager to do it yesterday, what’s stopping you now?”
You felt yourself grow wet under his words, you sat yourself down in front of him.
“Take off your panties, go ahead, take them off.”
You slipped the fabric down your legs and off your ankles letting them drop to the floor in front of you.
“Spread your legs, let me see you. Pull that skirt up.”
You obeyed his instructions.
“Now, slip a finger in your cunt and use your wetness to stroke your clit.”
You let your finger travel down to your dripping pussy, you traced little circles on your clit. You let out a sigh, Ford was watching you touch yourself, you had dreamed of this.
A growl rumbled in his throat, he watched you hungrily. His cock strained in his pants, he wanted to touch himself, but he couldn’t, not yet. You moaned softly, your brow furrowing in concentration.
“Faster, don’t stop.”
You picked up your pace, rubbing frantically, your moans growing louder, echoing through the lab. You hoped no one upstairs could hear you.
“Tell me how it feels.” He demanded.
“Mmmh, Ford, it feels so good.” You whimpered.
“That’s right, I know it does.”
He stepped close to you, a hand on the back of the chair, looking straight at you. You could smell him, fresh pine and leather. Your breathing became shallow and erratic, you were getting close. Ford could sense it.
“Are you going to cum?”
“Y- yes.”
“Good, look at me.”
You locked eyes with him, he stared at you intently. The feeling on your clit was becoming overwhelming, you were going to cum, dear god you were going to cum for him.
“Nhhh, ah hah, Ford.” You pathetically whimpered out, you couldn’t form a real sentence if you tried.
You felt yourself right on the edge, god you loved this, you loved putting on a show for him, you gritted your teeth in anticipation.
“Wh- what?”
“You heard me, stop touching yourself.”
You withdrew your hand, your orgasm ruined.
“Why did you- I don’t understand.”
“You’ve been teasing me for weeks, with yesterday being the final straw. Now you’re going to see how it feels. Actions have consequences and you’re going to learn that. You don’t get to cum.”
He pulled you up by your arm, he grabbed your face and kissed you sloppily in pure hunger and desire. He let you go and dropped his hands to his belt buckle, undoing it.
“You need to see what you’re doing to me.”
He slipped his pants down enough to reveal his thick, hard cock. Fuck, he’s big. You bit your lip instinctively.
“Stroke my cock, now.”
You wrapped your hand around his shaft, your thumb massaging the head. He let out a groan of approval and you began pumping his cock. He started kissing and sucking on your neck, he was going to mark you so everyone knew you were his property. He started to buck into your hand, a bead of precum forming at the head. He throbbed, moaning into your neck.
He took your face in his hands again, god you loved when he looked at you.
“Get on your knees and take my cock in your mouth.”
“Yes sir.”
He throbbed at “sir” no one had ever called him that, he liked it. He made a mental note to encourage you to keep saying it.
You dropped to your knees and took his full length in your mouth.
“Fuuuck baby you’re so good at this, no one’s ever taken me all the way down before.”
He grabbed a fistful of hair and began fucking your mouth aggressively. You choked and pulled back. He chuckled.
“Oh poor baby, guess I spoke too soon, I’m sorry sometimes I forget how hard it is to handle a cock like mine.” He taunted while stroking your chin with his thumb. “I’ll try to slow down, it helps if you make an effort to breathe out of your nose.”
He resumed face fucking you, this time with a slightly more gentle rhythm, but you still felt the inclination to gag. You attempted to steadily breathe out of your nose and felt the urge subside. He clenched his jaw and picked up his pace again, you were really struggling to take him, he liked it that way.
His hips stuttered and bucked against your mouth. He could feel his orgasm rising.
“Baby slow down, slow down you’re gonna make me cum.”
You decided to ignore him, continuing to work your mouth on his cock.
“Stopstopstopstop. Stop!” He growled.
He seized your hair and pulled you off of his cock, knocking you backward. He reached out a hand and pulled you to your feet, then raised a hand and brought it down hard on your ass.
“You need to listen to me, next time I won’t be so nice.”
You savored the idea of being left with a six fingered welt. He lowered his hands to your hips and spun you around. He pressed himself against your back, his hard cock throbbing on your ass. His hand gripped your throat and he whispered in your ear.
“I’m going to fuck you senseless until I finish inside of you and you’re not going to cum, do you understand?”
You nodded fervently.
“Good, you’re so cute when you listen.” He said while slipping his thumb in your mouth.
He bent you over his desk, papers falling to the floor, one hand gripping your shoulder, the other on your hip. He pressed the tip of his cock into you before forcing the rest of his length inside of you. You started to scream out in pleasure, but Ford instinctively clasped a hand over your mouth.
He slapped your ass again. “Quiet, stardust, do you want everyone to hear you?”
He began to pump his cock inside of you, his hips slapping against your ass. You tightened around him and he groaned loudly.
“God I love the way your pussy squeezes my cock, it’s so fucking perfect.” He panted between thrusts.
He fucked you with a brutal intensity. He was doing this for his own pleasure, not yours. Like he said, you didn’t get to cum, not after what you had done yesterday. He pulled out and you whined, paused for effect and slammed himself back in. You threw your head back, moaning his name.
It felt so goddam good to finally fuck you like this after all the moments he had to steal himself away from his work to just to stroke his cock because you were incessantly teasing him. He had imagined you bent over his desk like this thousands of times. The image of you taking his cock like a good little whore was all the could picture whenever he caught you staring at him.
His grip on your shoulder and hip tightened, nails digging into your flesh. He was fucking you faster and faster, he wanted so badly to know what cumming in you felt like. You started to move your hips back onto him. Oh my god he couldn’t believe you wanted him this badly.
“Goddammit yes baby fuck back on my cock like that, you’re gonna make me fucking cum.”
You whimpered in approval.
“Would you like that stardust? Huh? Do you want me to cum inside of you?”
All you could manage was a weak “Uh huh.”
He panted like a dog, he was gonna breed you like one. Sweat began go form on his forehead, his glasses fogging.
“You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted this, wanted you. When I first met you I thought you were so fucking beautiful. I spent that night stroking myself to the cute Mystery Shack employee. I thought it was just a lonely old man’s fantasy that you would ever show me any interest, but then you started working for me and you would look at me with those eyes. God those eyes, so full of lust and want.”
You felt his cock throb inside you, he was close.
“I’m going to fill you up, have you dripping with my cum. Tell me you want it, I want to hear you beg.”
“Please, I need your cum in me. I need it so bad.”
“Call me sir.”
“Ahhh, hah, please sir, cum in me.”
He moaned loudly as he fucked you with a ruthless intensity. He buried himself deep in you as he came, your name escaping his lips. He didn’t stop fucking you, the feeling was overwhelming but he couldn’t help himself.
For a while there was nothing but the sounds of your heavy breaths. He began to slowly pull his cock out of you, cum spilling onto the floor. Jesus fucking christ he needed to draw this later.
You stayed bent over his desk, legs shaking. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you onto his lap as he sat in his desk chair.
“Are you alright? I didn’t take it too far, did I?” He said stroking your hair.
“N- no, it was incredible.” You said between haggard breaths.
“Good, now here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to go upstairs and finish the rest of your shift. You are to keep your panties off and let my cum slowly drip out of you. And then later tonight you’ll stay here and I’ll reward you by letting you cum on my tongue and cock, if, and only if you heed my instructions. Do we have a deal, stardust?”
Your heart thumped wildly in your chest. Having Ford to yourself all night? Holy fucking shit yes.
“Deal.” You smiled.
“That’s my baby.” He said cupping your chin and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You ascended up the creaking stairs back to work. Mind still buzzing with the moment you had just shared with Ford.
“There you are. I was startin’ to think you ditched, but then I- whoa, what happened to you, kid? You look like you’ve been hit by a bus.” Stan said in his gruff voice.
You caught your reflection in the window, your hair was a mess. You quickly attempted to fix it.
“Ah, uh, I was just helping Ford fix some stuff.”
Stan stared at you for a second before a smirk creased his lips.
“Oh yeah I bet he fixed you real good, kid.”
You turned beet red “No, that’s not what I-“
He laughed. “Look, I’m just happy you two finally hooked up. I was gettin’ real sick of watching you two ogle at each other like horny repressed teenagers. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a bet to settle with Wendy.”
“Great, Stan. Thanks for not making things awkward.”
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okminer07 · 3 days
A Growing Problem Pt 2
This is a shorter part than I planned to post, but I really wanted to give y'all an update and let you know I'm still working on this. Hopefully 3rd part will come soon.
Lily stepped through the door frame, looking around curiously for him. Clearly, she had been expecting him to be right at the front door to meet her. It didn’t take long however for her eyes to land on Jeremy, the elephant-sized elephant in the room.  
She let out a yelp at the sight of him, her hands immediately dropping the paper bag she had been carrying to fly up and cover her mouth in horror. Her eyes looked ready to pop out of her skull as she looked him over. He looked grimly back at her, panic rising when she backed away a step. 
“Don’t go.” he pleaded, “Please, don’t go.”  
At the sound of his voice, a sort of realization filled Lily’s eyes, “J-Jeremy?”  she looked him over again, still gaping, “Wha- how-”  
“I don’t know.”  
“You're…. You're…” she stepped closer, “You’re huge!”  
“You think I haven’t noticed?!” he bellowed, gesturing down at himself. 
Lily recoiled slightly, “B-but how?” 
“I don’t know! It-it just happened!”  
She held up her hands, “Okay! Could you please try and calm down?” 
“Calm down? Calm down?!” he got off his hands and knees and sat up, “Look at me!”  
Lily’s mouth dropped, backing away. Her raised hands were shaking. 
Jeremy faltered, guilt tugging at his heart at seeing her reaction. He slouched over, “I’m…. I’m sorry.” he looked pleading down at her. God, she looked so diminutive, “I….. I didn’t mean to… I don’t know what’s happening.” 
She lowered her hands, tilting her head, “did you think I would?” 
He waved a hand in exasperation, “I don’t know. Maybe. I just had no idea what to do. Have you ever seen or heard of anything like this?” 
“N-no” she breathed, “I’ve never…..” she stepped closer, scrutinizing him, “I’ve never seen anything like this.”  
As she got closer, Jeremy felt his face heating up. Lily wasn’t tall herself, far from it. It was something people often teased her about. The last time he asked about her height she had told him 4’11, but even that seemed a little generous. Still, it shocked him to see that even sitting he was taller than her. What the hell was this?  
His stomach growled loudly and his whole face went scarlet as Lily jumped back. He clamped a hand over it, looking back at her sheepishly. Why wouldn’t it shut up?!
“I….. I think we should maybe get some food in you.” She looked around the room, her eyes landing on the paper bag on the floor. She snatched it up and dug out a maple bar which she held up to him. He slowly raised his hand and took it, put off by the fact it was the size of a granola bar to him.  
Lily backed away as he ate the whole thing in one bite, “Okay.” she breathed, “Okay, we- we need to get you to a hospital or something.” she began to pace, “The closest one is what? A forty-five-minute drive? Because I really don’t think the clinic is what we need for uh… for this. I saw your Grandma’s truck outside. We could probably fit you in the boot? Yeah, that would work. And then-” 
Jeremy began to tune out her rambling. He licked his fingers clean of any glaze left from the maple bar while he eyed the fridge. 
“But what are they even going to do? Maybe take a look at your pituitary gland? But that would require an MRI and that would-” 
“Hey, Lily?” She paused and looked up at him, “I’m sorry but uh…. Can you grab me something out of the fridge or pantry?”   
She looked to her left and into the kitchen, her eyes landing on the torn-off cabinet door. 
“Did….. did you do that?” 
His cheeks went pink as he nodded. 
“Oh uh…. Sure thing.” 
“Thanks” he murmured as she headed over to the fridge. The floorboards creaked under his weight as he leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. Surely they’d get this all figured out. Hell, there was still even the chance this was all a bad- 
“Ack!” Jeremy flinched. A small bolt of burning pain had shot its way up his spine before it vanished. His hands flew back behind to rub the length of it.
Lily had rounded on him the moment he had shouted, clutching tightly to the carton of milk she had found, “Are you okay?”  
“Yeah. yeah, I think so,” he slapped a hand to his forehead, sighing and shaking his head, “I just thought- AUGHH!” 
That same burning pain erupted within his chest. Jeremy screamed, falling to the floor and clutching his chest as the pain spread. His eyes watered as it made its way to his arms and legs which twisted and convulsed, his hands and heels slamming into the floor as they writhed in agony. He couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe. All he could think about was this abhorred sensation, this familiar sensation of every fiber of his being ripped apart while his ears were filled with the sickening sound of cracking and his own screams.  
It stopped. Just like before, all the pain disappeared within an instant.   
Jeremy’s chest rapidly rose and fell as he gasped for air, his heart was still beating like he had run a marathon. Beads of sweat trickled down his face. He removed his clammy hand from his chest to wipe his face, rolling over onto his back as he did. The floorboards creaked loudly beneath him. Staring up at the ceiling, he couldn’t help but feel like it looked different, closer.   
Lily, Lily was still here.  
“Lily?” he groaned. He pushed himself to sit up, “Lily? Wha- ack!” The top of his head smacked into something before he fully sat up. Oh no.   
He laid back down and stared up in horror at the ceiling that was definitely much closer. It felt like acid was creeping up his throat as it slowly began to dawn on him. When he had first felt that pain, what had happened? He had shot up a good five feet. Which could only mean…  
Jeremy slowly heaved himself up onto his elbows, shaking as his eyes landed on his own body. His heart plummeted into his stomach as his mouth fell open. What had been his shirt and shorts were now nothing but a few ripped-up scraps that clung loosely to his body. The only thing in tack on him now was somehow his boxers, but even those felt and looked pretty snug. His legs stretched across the room and were mere inches away from the front door. The umbrella stand that stood nearby was barely taller than the barefoot up next to it.    
“No, no no no no no,” he began to backpedal away from the door, his limbs trembling and fumbling around, “T-this isn’t- this isn’t-” he let out a panicked yelp when his hand accidentally came down upon one of the chairs around the dinner table. It instantly snapped and when he wrenched his hand up it was nothing but a broken mess of wood, “This isn’t- not again!”  
He whipped his head around the cramped space, finding it harder and harder to breathe the more he saw. This was insane! This wasn’t happening!   
Jeremy suddenly froze, his eyes landing upon a small figure crumpled on the floor, pressed up against the kitchen cupboards. Lily.   
The look on her face made his stomach churn. All the color had drained from her face, so pale she could have been mistaken for a corpse if she weren’t trembling and her eyes weren’t so alert.   
He looked himself over again, grimacing at the sight before hugging his legs up to himself and burying his head between his knees. “W-what’s happening to me?” his eyes began to water. He inhaled sharply, a tear streaking down his cheek that was quickly followed by another and then another.  
Within seconds, his face became a snot and tear-covered mess as he began to sob. He couldn’t stop himself, and it felt like the only thing he really could do.   
“I-I-I-I’m some sort of freak!” he wailed, voice cracking. He began grabbing at chunks of his hair, nails digging into his scalp deeper and deeper as he bailed his eyes out.  
He peeked between his legs through blurry eyes. Lily was now standing a few feet away, her hands raised as she inched closer. His eyes widened and he scooted away, shaking his head. 
She continued to come closer, “It’s okay. J-just calm down.” He gulped down another wave of sobs as she approached him, growing more and more unnerved at the sight of her standing before him, barely able to peek over his knees and see his face.  
Her hands came up and he suppressed the shiver that ran through him as they made contact with his face. He struggled to remain frozen while gazing into her soft eyes.  
“Breathe, okay? Just breathe” He did as he was told, averting his gaze and focusing in on his breathing. Gradually, his heart began to slow. It never stopped murmuring, but it at least didn’t feel like it was going to burst out of him, “Jeremy?” He forced himself to look Lily in the eye, his chest tightening at the sight of her so close, “It's… it’s gonna be okay, okay?” He heaved a sigh, she didn’t say that with much confidence. 
“W-what am I supposed to do?”  
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4littlefishies · 3 days
The Eighth of September - Finish What You Started
satoru gojo x suguru geto
warnings: smut :3
wc: 9.8k
previous chapter here!
note: I know some people are really particular about their ships and t/b dynamics and im gonna say i reaaaally don't care about all that, but if it goes against your entire life and being for Suguru to be a bottom... maybe skip this chapter. SORRY that I have to say it but if you're on anitwt at all, you know what im talking about and unfortunately I feel like I have to give that disclaimer
If you don't care then thank you for being here, I just want them together, pls enjoy some pathetic top Satoru 😌
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Through their starter and the first course at dinner, Satoru was dead set on trying to convince Suguru to finally give him his highly anticipated birthday present. Their small square table sits right next to the window, giving them a perfect view of the city skyline. A thick blanket of clouds covers the night sky, easily hiding the moon and the stars, but other than that, the view is clear all around for miles. The Tokyo Skytree is visible in the near distance, poking up far past the shorter buildings surrounding it and standing out without issue against the dark, cloudy night sky.
“Is it a watch? Ooh, or is it the keys to a new car?” Satoru makes a number of absolutely outlandish guesses, one after the other as they wait for the waiter to come back with their second course.
“Satoru, you don’t even have your license, why would it be a car?” Suguru asks with a confused look on his face. He picks up the wine glass that sits to the side of his place setting and sips on the Merlot he picked out before setting it back down.
Satoru returns his look with a sour one. “Sugu, if you got me a car, maybe I would get my license.” 
“Well you don’t have to worry about that because, sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s not a car.” Suguru says flatly.
Satoru takes an excited breath, coming up with yet another guess, but Suguru cuts him off. “Is it a-”
“Okay, okay, that’s enough.” Suguru says, holding up his hands with a smile to try to calm his overly excited husband. “I think you’re hyping this up in your head way more than you should be.” He reaches under his side of the table to pick up the small black bag that he had successfully hidden from Satoru up until they got into the elevator together. He didn’t even stand a chance, the black bag sticking out like a sore thumb against the warm brown of his pants and matching jacket in the mirrored elevator walls. Under the light chestnut brown french suit he wore a white button up and a simple gold chain, along with a few rings to go along with it; his hair in his signature half up half down look with pieces of his bangs sticking perfectly out. Satoru wears a pale brown knit polo sweater along with high waist trousers and dark brown loafers and a matching belt to tie it all together. The browns of their two outfits complimented each other beautifully, the warm colors matching and going together flawlessly like two pieces of a puzzle.
That’s when the guessing game started and he knew for certain that it wouldn’t end until he let Satoru unwrap his gift. He picks up the small bag that sits by his feet and hands it across the table to the white-haired menace that he proudly called his husband. Satoru reaches out to grab it from him with a beaming smile on his face.
He shakes the bag slightly, trying to guess what’s inside one last time. Suguru smiles as he shakes his head with a slight eye roll and takes another sip of his wine. “Just open it already.” He grows more and more impatient as Satoru thinks about what it could be.
“Okay, okay. Patience, Suguru.” Satoru pulls out a couple pieces of tissue paper, crumpling up and setting them aside before pulling out a black box about the size of the palm of his hand. Immediately, the white Chanel logo stands out against the matte black of the box
“You’re one to talk.” Suguru says from behind his glass with a slight smirk.
“Oh hush.” Satoru says playfully, his nose scrunching as he pops open the box. Smiles play on both of their lips as he pulls the small velvet bag out. “Chanel, huh?” Satoru raises his eyebrows teasingly as he sets the box aside. Suguru looks back across the table at him with a patient smile as he rests his chin in the palm of his hand, excited to see him open it and see what’s inside. “I see I’ve trained you well.” His cocky response is enough to evoke yet another eye roll from Suguru.
“Are you implying that I needed training?”
“I don’t know, Sugu. You didn’t have any nice jewelry until we got together, did you?” Satoru teases, holding onto the small bag and looking across the table with a smirk.
“Just open the damn bag, will you?” Suguru says with a light chuckle as he’s quickly growing impatient. Satoru smiles as he opens the bag to see a necklace. It’s a simple box chain made of white gold. It didn’t look like much, but that’s what Suguru knew Satoru liked; simple and quiet elegance, nothing too flashy that would stand out. 
“Suguru, I love this.” He says, the chain dangling from his hand as he holds it up to get a better look. It shares a striking resemblance to the gold chain around Suguru’s neck that Satoru loved.
“It’s not too boring?” Suguru is slightly worried as he asks, his brows slightly furrowed while he watches Satoru’s reactions to the chain. He had done plenty of research to find one that he was pretty sure Satoru would like. Although it cost him quite a pretty penny, he knew that it would last a long time and that he would really appreciate it. 
“Absolutely not! It’s perfect. Not too out there and gaudy, ya know?” He smiles as he admires it. There was no particular way of knowing that it was an expensive piece of jewelry, but that’s what he liked about it. He knew that it was a nice chain, but it looked simple enough to go with anything. He tries to slip it over his head, but it quickly gets stuck just before his nose. They both chuckle at his attempt before he takes it back off. “Will you help me put it on?”
They both know he’s fully capable of doing it himself, but will take any opportunity to have something done for him. Suguru stands up and rounds the corner of the table, happy to help. He carefully takes the chain from his hands and unclasps it, putting it over Satoru’s head and bringing the ends back together behind his neck. He clasps them together and puts his hands on his shoulders before leaning over and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before hurrying back to his seat. “It looks perfect.”
Looking down at it from his point of view, Satoru smiles at the way it looks against his pale skin. “You picked a good one, Roo.” 
“I really did, didn’t I?” Suguru responds, but he’s talking about an entirely different thing as he stares at his husband, hearts practically floating around his head as his chin rests in the palm of his hand. The nearly empty wine glass in front of him was reason enough, the alcohol almost making him want to jump across the table at Satoru and bend him right over the edge of it. He pushes the image of it to the back of his head as Satoru smiles back at him. He puts the velvet bag back into the box and the box back into the bag before setting it down underneath the table just in time for the waiter to bring their second course out.
“Ooh,” Satoru coos as he looks at the dish in front of him. The waiter picks up the bottle of wine from where it sits and refills Suguru’s glass. He glances at Satoru’s still full glass before setting it back down with a polite smile. 
“Can I get you anything else while I’m here?”
Satoru grins softly up at him, having been waiting for him to come back so he could ask for another drink. “Could I get another one of these?” He asks, tapping on the rim of his empty glass.
“Of course, a Shirley Temple, right?” He asks, grabbing the empty glass from where it sits on the pristine white tablecloth.
“With extra grenadine and an extra cherry,” Satoru says, nodding his head with a smile so wide his eyes are nearly squeezed shut. Suguru tries to hide his smile behind his wine glass as the waiter stumbles over himself, probably never having heard such a request, let alone from a full grown adult.
“Uh- yes sir. Absolutely, I’ll be right back.” He says, bowing his head politely before heading back off in the direction he came from.
“What’s so funny over there, huh?” Satoru asks with narrowed eyes, seeing Suguru’s smile despite the way he tries to hide it.
“I just think it’s a little funny that you’re 30 years old and ordering a drink like that at a restaurant like this.” He takes one more sip of his newly refilled wine glass and sets it back down, taking a look at the dish in front of him. 
Satoru picks up his fork and takes his first bite, humming happily at the way the fish melts in his mouth. “Don’t you worry,” He says, swallowing the bite, “I’ll be 70 and still ordering it.” 
Suguru shakes his head with a smile at the thought of a 70-year-old Satoru, 40 years in the future still ordering a drink that’s mainly meant for children. They continue eating, going through six different courses, including dessert until they’re ready to head back to their room.
Satoru grabs onto Suguru’s hand as he all but drags him out of the restaurant as soon as they’re done, the small gift bag swinging in his other hand. “Satoru, slow down!” He says with a laugh as they make it back to the elevators.
“I want my birthday cake!” Satoru says, looking back at his husband with raised eyebrows. “I’ve been thinking about it all day and if I don’t get a piece in the next two minutes, I might explode.” 
“Well if you’re going to explode, don’t do it in the room, that sounds like an expensive cleanup.” Suguru jokes as they step into the elevator to head back down to the 33rd floor. 
“As expensive as the necklace?” He asks, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
“Baby, I told you that I’m not telling you how much it was.” Suguru says, resting his hand on Satoru’s lower back as the doors close, holding him close.
“I’m just gonna google it as soon as you go to work on Monday.” Satoru says in a teasing, singsong voice, trying to convince him to tell him how much he spent on the chain. He leans against Suguru, looking at him with a smile.
“Can’t you just let me do something nice for you?” 
“Obviously,” He says with a cheeky smirk, “But I wanna know how much that nice thing cost.” Suguru shakes his head as the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. They both step out and head down the hallway towards their room, Suguru still resting his hand on Satoru’s back as they walk. “Suguru, we’re married, I think I deserve to know.” His tone is whiny as he pleads.
Suguru opens the door and they both step inside the room, shutting and locking the door behind them. “Okay,” He starts, the smirk apparent in his voice. Satoru perks up, excited to hear what he has to say, “Here’s a proposition for you.”
“I’m listening.” Satoru says as he yanks off his belt and tosses it next to their bag on the floor.
Suguru slips his jacket off and drapes it over his arm. “If you want me to tell you,” He steps closer, closing the gap between the two of them, “then the only one getting fucked tonight is going to be you.” He pokes his finger firmly in between Satoru’s pecs, right in the middle of his chest. He’s slightly taken aback hearing Suguru’s proposal. His mouth hangs slightly ajar with a faint smile as he stands there, weighing both options in his mind.
Suguru tosses his jacket over the end of the still made bed. “I can’t believe you’re really contemplating it this hard.” He says, taking a step back and starting to unbutton the top of his shirt but stopping halfway down. 
“It’s a tough decision!”
“What happened to just googling it later?” Suguru mumbles to himself, going to sit down in one of the chairs at the small table. He slips off the few rings on his fingers as well as his watch and sets them down on the table, leaving only his wedding band on his left hand.
“Do you want a piece of cake?” Satoru asks, opening up the fridge and pulling out the mid-sized box that housed the birthday cake that he had picked out. 
“Can I just have a bite of yours?” Suguru asks the question even though he’s sure that he already knows the answer. Satoru turns around and looks at him with narrowed eyes, closing the mini fridge door with his foot, affirming his suspicion. 
“Very funny Sugu.” He says, bringing the box over to the table. Suguru smiles up at him, resting with his chin in his palm as he eyes him. The two glasses of wine have him feeling warm and fuzzy as he looks his husband up and down. “Stop looking at me like that, it’s time for cake.” Satoru says as he stands next to him at the edge of the table. Suguru smirks and lets his hand rest itself on his lower back once again as he pulls the tabs to carefully open the box. Satoru doesn’t even have the box all the way open before Suguru’s hand is already migrating downwards, earning a few tongue clicks and a quick glance from him.
“What?” Suguru asks, his hand grazing back and forth over the curve of his husband’s ass.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do.” Satoru says with a smirk, focusing as he presses the flimsy plastic knife down into the cake.
“What is it that I’m trying to do, exactly, sweetheart?” Suguru asks, the words rolling out of his mouth as sweet as can be. He knows that he can use the nickname to butter Satoru up, so of course he uses it to his advantage.
Trying not to melt into a puddle at the way his husband speaks to him, Satoru moves his focus from the cake over to him. “Stop trying to take advantage of me.” His voice is teasing as he says it. He focuses back on cutting his cake as Suguru lets out a sort of snort at his sentence.
“Take advantage of you? Baby, I’m the one that had two glasses of wine at dinner.” He says with a smile on his face. His cheeks are a rosy pink as he looks lovingly up at Satoru. “I may be a little bit tipsy, but I know you had nothing more than a few too many Shirley Temples.” 
“Four is not too many.” He pulls the knife out of the cake and licks it clean before setting it aside. Suguru watches the way his tongue comes out of his mouth to lick the frosting off of both sides and swallows thickly. He takes a deep breath in through his nose and pats Satoru’s ass lightly before dropping his hand and leaning back in the chair, clasping his hands over his stomach and letting his knees fall open. 
“Wait until I’ve had my cake and then I’ll fuck you, okay?” Satoru remarks, shaking his head at Suguru as he flops his piece onto one of the small plates the patisserie had given them with the cake.
“So you’ve decided?” Suguru tilts his head to the side with a smirk. Satoru rolls his eyes and sticks his finger in his mouth to get the small bit of frosting off. The warmth spreads throughout Suguru’s body as he watches him quickly clean his finger off. There wasn’t anything inherently sexual about the way he did it, but of course the alcohol in his system made him see otherwise. He smiles at the way Satoru looks down at him from where he stands, looking like he’s waiting for something. “What?”
“Aren’t you gonna sing to me? It’s still my birthday, Gugu.” Satoru says with raised brows.
Suguru smiles, reaching up to grab Satoru’s waist and pull him down to sit in his lap. He presses a kiss to his cheek, earning a bright smile from Satoru in response before he starts singing quietly. Satoru wraps his arm around the back of Suguru’s neck, holding him close as he sings Happy Birthday to him. “Sorry we don’t have any candles, but I think you’re still allowed to make a wish. I sang the song and everything.” 
Satoru chuckles lightly and pretends to blow out candles that don't exist. He picks up the plastic fork and stabs it into the point of the slice before picking up the first bite and sticking it into his mouth. “Mmm,” He hums at the taste, “Are you sure you don’t want a piece?” He asks, turning to look down at Suguru. The way he’s sitting, his legs are perpendicular to Suguru’s with one arm around the back of his neck, the other holding his fork for the cake.
“Can I really not just have one bite of yours?” Suguru tries again, pressing his lips together at the feeling of Satoru shifting his weight around on his lap. “Just a small one?” He runs his hand tenderly up and down Satoru’s lower back, his fingers tracing abstract lines and shapes all over as he tries to distract himself from the way he’s somehow perfectly situated on his dick to make it nearly impossible to keep from getting hard.
Satoru turns his head back to look at him with furrowed brows and a slight frown before picking up another bite. “You’re lucky I love you.” He says, holding the fork to Suguru’s mouth for him to take the bite. Suguru smiles before he opens his mouth and takes the bite of fluffy cake.
He chews it and quickly swallows, admiring the not so familiar taste of the raspberry filling in between the white cake. “I know.” In fact, he felt like the luckiest man alive knowing that Satoru loved him. Sometimes he would really think about it and was unable to wrap his head around how much he loved him and how insane it seemed that his husband loved him back just as much. 
“It’s good, huh?” Satoru asks as he takes another bite. Suguru nods his head with a smile before turning his head and pressing a kiss to Satoru’s hand that rests on his shoulder. He smiles at the feeling of Suguru’s lips against the back of his hand as he eats his cake. “I think we’re gonna need to get one of these more often.” He points out as he takes the last few bites of his birthday cake and finishes off the little bit of frosting left on the plate.
Suguru can’t do anything but look up at his husband, admiring every detail of his face; the way his nose curves ever so slightly at the tip, how his jaw looks so kissable, the skin of his neck so biteable. He presses his lips together as Satoru adjusts the way he’s sitting once again. Now that he’s done with his cake and his other hand is free, Suguru grabs ahold of it and wraps it around the back of his own neck. “What did you wish for?” He asks quietly, looking up into the sapphires that he was so used to with a tender smile.
“You know I can’t tell you that.” Satoru says with a soft smirk, his voice just as quiet as Suguru’s. He leans his head toward Suguru’s and presses their lips together. Smiles sit on both of their lips as they kiss. “I can feel that.” Satoru teases in a whisper against Suguru’s lips with a playful smirk, feeling as he quickly grows harder underneath him.
“I know you can.” Suguru whispers back, not even bothering to open his eyes as he brings his hand up to the back of Satoru’s head. He lets his fingers brush up against the stiff hairs of his snowy undercut and weave into the longer pieces towards the top before pulling Satoru back to him, pressing their lips together like it was the only thing he needed. Satoru lets out a slight moan into his mouth as he feels the way his fingers grip on his hair.
“Mmm,” Satoru hums against Suguru’s lips as he slowly grinds his hips down, trying to arouse him even further. He can taste the lingering taste of the velvety Merlot in his mouth as he licks past his lips, mixing with the sweetness of the cake. Suguru’s other hand is pressed flat against his back, pulling him in as close as he can get him as their lips work together, slowly. “Maybe you should drink wine more often,” Satoru murmurs as Suguru’s lips kiss down his chin and under his jaw, slowly making their way towards the pale skin of his neck. “It always makes you real clingy.”
Suguru doesn’t react to his husband’s words with more than a smile as he kisses along the underside of his jaw. It’s only when Satoru quickly stands up off of his lap that he opens his eyes again, not knowing what was going on. He feels himself being pulled up and out of the chair and towards the bed where Satoru sits down on the edge. Satoru scoots just far enough up the bed that he can pull Suguru down on top of him, the two of them now having effectively switched places. His knees sit on either side of Satoru’s hips, dipping into the plushness of the mattress. Feeling Satoru’s hands on his back and the hardness between his legs, he looks down at him with a smirk. “I can feel that.” He teases, using Satoru’s own words back against him.
“I know you can.” Satoru whispers in response as he cranes his neck up to meet their lips together once again, the throbbing in between his legs a dull ache, longing to be satisfied. He feels Suguru’s arms wrap around the back of his neck as they hungrily take in the feel of one another. The way his hips slowly grind down as he sneaks his tongue into Satoru’s mouth is enough to have Satoru moaning already, the weight of his husband against the hardness in his pants driving him mad. He pulls back ever so slightly and Suguru takes the time to attack his neck once more, taking the invitation that wasn’t and sucking lightly on the sensitive spot on the side of his neck. “Mmh, Sugu,” He manages to get out as he leans back on one arm. 
Suguru continues slowly circling his hips, feeling as Satoru is rolling his own upwards, trying to feel any kind of relief. He detaches himself from his neck, looking down and admiring the few purple marks he’d already left on the pale skin with a soft smile before sitting up and starting to unbutton the rest of his shirt. Satoru watches, breathless as he admires the works of art covering his chest and shoulders as if he’d never seen them before. He sits with his bottom lip tucked in between his teeth as Suguru tosses his shirt to the floor.
“So are you just gonna sit there and stare?” He asks, looking down at Satoru who’s still fully clothed.
“You didn’t even give me a chance!” He cries out in response with a chuckle as Suguru grabs the bottom of his shirt, taking it over his head for him and tossing it haphazardly onto the floor alongside his own. “Someone’s impatient.”
“I waited for you to eat your cake. Your cake is done and I want you now.” Suguru says with raised eyebrows as he looks down at his snow-haired partner. The way the necklace looks against his skin is enough to drive him absolutely crazy. Satoru looks up with his mouth slightly agape, not really knowing how to respond.
“Suguru, if you keep sweet talking me like that, I’m gonna cum before I even get inside you.”
Suguru smirks down at his somewhat flustered husband before he unbuttons Satoru’s pants, moving just enough that he can slide them off and toss them aside. He gestures his head upwards and Satoru easily gets the hint, scooting further up the bed so that his head is in the pillows, now in just his boxers. Suguru hooks his fingers into the waistband, pulling them off with a smile, looking down at his already leaking tip as it leans up against his stomach. 
Satoru looks down now with his hands clasped behind his head. He watches as Suguru leans over and takes his cock in his hand before giving the tip a gentle kiss. He cranes his head back with a whine. “Sugu, don’t tease, it’s my bir-” He starts to complain, but is quickly cut off by the warmth and wetness of Suguru’s mouth around him, reacting with a gasp. “Oh, shit.”
He bobs his head up and down around his cock a couple times before lifting off and looking up at Satoru with a smirk. “Keep running that mouth, yeah?” He says as his hand sluggishly drags up and down, making sure to squeeze more towards the tip. Satoru props himself up on one elbow with a shaky breath as he tries to talk.
“I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” He says, confidently, trying not to sound like he was affected by Suguru’s slow movements whatsoever. 
“Yeah?” The pointed look on and the smirk on Suguru’s face says it all: He doesn’t believe a word out of Satoru’s mouth.
“Yeah.” Satoru assures him, looking down with a smirk.
“Then tell me why I’m the only one with my pants still on.” 
Satoru narrows his eyes for a quick second before sitting up and pulling Suguru further up the bed to lie down next to where he was, completely tossing aside the prospect of getting his dick sucked beforehand. Suguru falls on his back into the pillows with a smile as Satoru makes quick work of his pants, pulling them and his boxers off in one swift motion. He looks up at Suguru from where he kneels between his legs, big smiles on both of their flushed pink faces. He wraps his hand around Suguru’s cock, giving it a couple pumps, earning a soft hiss from him. 
He thinks about it for a moment before letting go and reaching his fingers up towards Suguru’s mouth with a smile as he sits back on his knees. Suguru knows what he wants and opens his mouth, letting his long, slender fingers in past his lips. The smile on Satoru’s flushed face is beaming as his lips close around his fingers, Suguru sucking on them without breaking eye contact. “Fuck, Sugu, I get why you do this, it’t hot as hell.” He says, earning a slight chuckle from Suguru as he pulls his wet fingers out of his mouth. 
Letting his knees fall apart, Suguru looks down, watching Satoru’s face as he focuses on what he’s doing. “You sure you know what you’re doing?” He teases, watching as Satoru hesitates, just staring for a moment before lowering his fingers towards his hole.
“Shut up,” He says, furrowing his eyebrows as he looks back up for a split second, a smirk flashing on his lips quickly before he focuses. Suguru chuckles slightly watching as Satoru moves slowly. “I don’t wanna hurt you.” 
“Baby, it’s one finger; I’m not made of glass.” He says, letting his head fall back into the pillows once more. “You should know better than me.” 
That’s all it takes for Satoru to reassure himself that he knows what he’s doing. Just do the same thing he does to me. Yeah, easy enough. He mentally talks himself through it as he presses first his middle finger against the edge of Suguru’s hole, pausing for a moment before slowly pushing inside. He looks up at Suguru to make sure he isn’t making any pained faces, but instead he assures him with a nod. “Is that okay?” He asks as he gets the first finger all the way in, slowly moving it in and out as he watches Suguru’s reaction.
“It’s okay, baby,” Suguru reassures him with a smile and another nod of his head.
He slowly continues his hand movements for a moment, watching the minimal reactions on Suguru’s face. “I’m gonna add another one, okay?” Suguru nods his head, feeling the slight stretch from a second one of Satoru’s fingers. 
Not wanting to hurt him, Satoru keeps his movements slow at first, watching his every reaction. “Baby, you can go faster.” Suguru urges him. He nods his head and picks up the pace slightly. He thinks about what he knows feels good and starts to curl lithe fingers upwards, earning a soft gasp from Suguru. He looks up at his face with a smirk, happy to know he’s doing something right. He keeps doing what he’s doing and uses his other hand to wrap around Suguru’s cock, earning another gasp from him. “Ha-ah,” Suguru breathes out, not expecting Satoru’s other hand to do anything. 
With a smirk, Satoru’s hands work slowly both inside and out, doing his best to make his raven-haired partner feel as good as he does when it’s his turn. “You like that, Sugu?” He asks, his voice sweet as he watches the way his fingers disappear inside of him.
“Mhm,” Suguru hums, but that isn’t good enough.
“Now what happened to using our words, hmm?” Satoru asks with a devilish smirk on his face, excited to use Suguru’s own words back on him.
Suguru lifts his head from where it lies in the pillows and looks down at Satoru with an open mouth, almost like he’s surprised, but also proud of him for saying it. With a shake of his head he says, “yes, Toru, ‘s’good.” 
“Awe, now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Satoru’s tone is borderline laughing, enjoying the position of power over him perhaps a little bit too much.
“Fuck y- ah,” Suguru tries to curse him out, but finds it hard to speak with Satoru’s long fingers reaching deep inside of him, deeper than he’s ever been able to reach on his own. 
“What was that?” 
“Fuck y- you,” He’s able to get out this time with a smirk on his face as he sits with his chin to his chest, looking down at Satoru in between his legs. With that, Satoru lets his hand fall from where he had it wrapped around his cock and abruptly pulls his fingers out. An unexpected whine leaves Suguru’s throat at the sudden emptiness he felt.
“Do you think you’re ready?” Satoru asks seriously as he scoots up further in between Suguru’s legs. As much as he loved teasing and fucking with him, he didn’t actually want to hurt him. He brings his hand up to his mouth, spitting in his fingers and spreading it over his dick.
Suguru nods his head, “Just go slow.” He says, looking down in between his legs. Satoru nods his head, lining up the tip of his cock with Suguru’s entrance, his breath slow as he focuses and starts to push inside. The look on Suguru’s face is almost confused, not sure if the stretch hurts or feels incredibly good - maybe a little bit of both. “It’s okay,” He nods his head as their eyes meet, Satoru watching the look on his face as he slowly keeps pushing inside. “Holy shit.”
 “Fuck, Sugu,” Satoru moans out, not even all the way inside yet. The new sensation would be enough to make his spin completely around if it were possible. “So fucking tight.” 
With his mouth hanging open, Suguru looks up at Satoru’s face as he finally gets all the way inside. “Fuck,” he sighs out, “so big.”
Satoru smirks through the feeling of his own pleasure at Suguru’s comment. “I know, right?” 
Suguru shakes his head and rolls his eyes, trying to hide the smile on his flushed face. “Oh my god, shut up.” 
“You’re so fucking warm,” Satoru says as he sits there for just a moment, letting both of them adjust to the feeling before moving any more. He feels the way Suguru’s walls twitch around him and leans his head back with a gasp. “Oh fuck, Sugu, can I move yet?” He asks, not sure how long he can actually last like this.
Nodding his head, Suguru holds his bottom lip in between his teeth. “Just- slow, please.” He says. Satoru nods his head and slowly pulls back out before pushing all the way back in, both of their eyebrows furrowing at the feeling. 
He keeps a slow pace for the first few thrusts as Suguru gets used to the size. Satoru was used to the size of Suguru, but this was the first time in their almost two years together that he’d been inside of him rather than the usual way. It wasn’t that he hadn’t ever thought about it, but he didn’t necessarily feel a need to try, being perfectly happy with the way that they did things. After a few more slow, languid thrusts, Suguru nods his head. “You can go faster, baby.” He assures him, looking up at his white-haired husband with half-lidded eyes. 
Satoru picks up the pace slightly, trying to calm himself down so as to not cum immediately. He leans over on top of Suguru, letting his elbows rest on either side of him as he readjusts his position. Suguru quickly makes use of the birthday present he had purchased and hooks a finger in the silver chain that dangles above him, pulling Satoru down into a desperate kiss. He feels Satoru’s hips momentarily stall, Satoru finding it difficult to focus on not cumming immediately as Suguru’s slightly swollen lips feel hot against his. 
He pulls back with a smile, just staring at Suguru’s face for a quick second. His mouth hangs open, hot breaths coming and going as he nuzzles his face into Suguru’s neck before he starts moving again, this time at a slightly quicker pace. He focuses on leaving kisses on the soft skin of his neck to distract himself just enough with something else.
“Ah- fuck, Satoru. You’re doing s- so good for me, baby.” Suguru stutters out, carding his fingers through the white hair on the back of his head as he holds him close. The way he nudges against his prostate is enough to have him moaning into Satoru’s ear like never before. Normally he was the one with big talk and even bigger game, but this had him reduced to nothing more than a moaning mess. Satoru whines into his neck, pulling back slightly to look into Suguru’s eyes with a smile at the praises spilling from his mouth.
The warmth, the wetness, and the softness of Suguru made Satoru sure that he wouldn’t last more than a minute like this. “Sugu,” He moans, looking down at him with knitted brows as he continues rolling his hips rhythmically into him, feeling every blissful bump and ridge inside of him dragging against his cock. 
“Yes, baby?” Suguru responds, his voice soft and sweet as he watches Satoru’s eyes squeeze shut.
“I can’t-” He moans, feeling the way Suguru’s walls tighten around him, threatening to milk every drop from him after less than a couple minutes. 
“Yes you can, baby. You’re doing so fucking good f’r me, making me feel- ah, s- so good.” Suguru manages to get out, just barely as Satoru’s cock continues poking against the sweet spot deep inside of him. 
Satoru shakes his head and stalls his hips, knowing that if he doesn’t stop, he’s going to cum already. “No, Sugu I can’t,” He whines, quickly pulling out, earning a gasp from Suguru at the empty feeling.
“Baby, why’d you stop? You were doing so good for me.” He coos, his hand coming up to cup underneath Satoru’s jaw, pulling him down for another kiss. Satoru sighs against his lips, sitting back on his knees after pulling away.
“Can’t you just do it?” Satoru asks with a frown, realizing why he hadn’t asked for this earlier. “I’m tired.”
Suguru looks at him with raised eyebrows as he seemingly gives up and lies down next to him, letting his head fall into the pillows while his chest heaves with heavy breaths. “You’re giving up already?” He asks with a smirk on his face and a chuckle as he props himself up on an elbow. Satoru nods his head as he scrunches his nose. With the smirk still on his face, Suguru sits up. Satoru lets his legs open, expecting Suguru to switch places with him, but instead, he throws one leg over Satoru’s hips, straddling him. He looks up at him with a confused look as Suguru reaches behind, grabbing onto Satoru’s cock. “No, I think you’re gonna finish what you started.” He says with a devilish smirk on his face as he in one quick motion sits down on Satoru’s cock, feeling it quickly filling him up once again.
Surprised gasps leave both of their mouths at the sensation, eyes wide and mouths open. “Fuck!” Satoru cries out as he throws his head back into the pillows, letting his eyes fall closed. “I’m g’na cum though.” He whines as Suguru slowly lifts and lowers himself back down. 
“Don’t care,” Suguru says, planting his hands on either side of Satoru’s head in the pillows and lifting his hips up and dropping them back down quickly. Satoru quickly becomes a whining mess underneath him, his hands grasping at his hips as he bounces on his cock. The smirk on his face disappears when he feels the way Satoru’s able to reach deep inside of him, perfectly reaching the delicious spot that he never could on his own. He quickly moves his hips, now angled to perfectly hit the spot every time without missing, causing his eyes to roll back in his head along with the sensation.
“Sugu, please don’t sto- p.” Satoru lets out a broken whine as Suguru continues at a much quicker pace than he was originally going when he was the one doing all the work. “Shit, a-ah,” He breathes out shaky moans as the pads of his fingers dig into the flesh of Suguru’s hips.
“Where’d all that big talk go, huh, baby?” Suguru teases with a smirk as he breathes heavily, knowing that both of them are about to burst at any second. “Thought you were gonna- ah-ngh- fuck the shit outta me?” Suguru continues teasing as he rides Satoru like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. His chain hangs down and his long hair cascades down around Satoru’s face, slightly tickling his skin as he moves.
Satoru isn’t even able to respond, the tightness of Suguru’s walls around him having him threatening to spill everything into him at a moment’s notice. He can’t even say out loud that he’s about to cum, his mouth open and eyes rolling back in his head as he feels himself tipping over the edge, practically seeing stars. Suguru feels the twitch of his cock and doesn’t stop, feeling himself about to cum as well. He feels the not-so-familiar warmth spreading deep inside of him as Satoru finally cums, digging his fingers into Suguru’s skin with long strings of whines and shaky moans leaving his mouth as he does. The tip of his cock hitting against Suguru’s sweet spot over and over is enough to have him spilling his warm seed over Satoru’s stomach.
“Ahh, fu- uuck,” Suguru draws out as he slowly brings his movements to a stop. Both of their chests are heaving with their heavy breaths as hair sticks to their foreheads and their cheeks are flushed from all the excitement. He sits there for a moment, knowing that there will be a mess as soon as he climbs off of Satoru, so instead he rests himself down against Satoru’s chest, not caring about the sticky mess on his stomach. He looks at Satoru with a smile, still breathing heavily. He pushes Satoru’s sweaty hair back off of his forehead and presses a kiss to his skin before nuzzling his head into his neck. “I see why you like me to stay inside after we’re done; this is nice.” He says quietly into the skin of his neck.
“I think I saw the light for a moment.” Satoru says, bringing an arm around to rub slowly up and down Suguru’s back as he’s staring up at the ceiling, still breathing hard. Suguru chuckles lightly, lifting his head up to look at his husband with a smile. 
“Was it everything you hoped it would be?” Suguru raises his eyebrows as he asks, not entirely sure for once how Satoru will answer his question.
“It was definitely really good, but I think I like it more when you do all the work.” Satoru says with a smug grin on his face, bringing his hand to the back of Suguru’s neck to pull him down for another kiss. They smile against each other’s lips, tasting the faint saltiness on their lips from sweat.
“Of course you do, lazy-ass.” Suguru murmurs against his lips before pulling away. “This is gonna be a mess, isn’t it?” He says as he sits up, ready to stand up and hurry towards the bathroom. Satoru nods his head with a sleepy looking smile, but lets out a gasp at the sudden cold as Suguru climbs off of him.
Suguru lets out a similar gasp, feeling as Satoru’s cum drips out of him. Satoru looks down, watching as it drips onto him, making even more of a mess. “Sugu, are you gonna bring me a towel?” Satoru asks as Suguru hurries off of him and into the bathroom. “Sugu? Did you hear me?” He doesn’t hear and answer and sits up on his elbows. “Suguru I’m stuck here.” He calls out, looking towards the bathroom, hoping that his husband will emerge, but he doesn’t and he hears the shower turn on. “Suguru?!” He calls out, worried that he’s going to be here for a while, but he hears the familiar laugh from the bathroom.
“Just a second!” He calls out, still laughing from the bathroom as he runs a towel under hot water. “Be patient,” he says, knowing that patience is not one of Satoru’s strong suits. He wrings out the warm towel and heads back out to where Satoru lies unmoved in the middle of the bed. 
“Took you long enough.”
“I can take this back and just go take a shower without you, if you want.” Suguru says, raising his eyebrows as he holds the towel just out of reach of Satoru’s hands. 
“Wait no, Sugu please get this off of me.” He whines, realizing that he really isn’t in a position to be making those kinds of comments right now.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Suguru says with a smirk as he leans over to help Satoru clean the mess off of his stomach. 
“Thank you, Suguboooo.” Satoru draws out with a smile as he bats his eyelashes up at his dark-haired husband who just smiles back down at him. He gets him all cleaned up and leans over to give him a gentle lingering kiss.
“All clean.” He says, standing back up and heading towards the bathroom.
“Does this mean you’re not gonna carry me?” Satoru calls out after him. When he’s met with silence he sits up and calls out again. “Suguru?” Silence follows and he stands up from the bed with a huff, a slight frown on his face as he walks into the bathroom to see Suguru already in the shower, the door still open as he’s waiting to be joined. “Did you not hear me?” He asks as he steps into the shower and closes the door.
“No, I heard you.” 
Satoru lets his jaw drop, a slight smile on his face as he watches Suguru with his eyes closed and head back under the hot water falling from the showerhead. “So you were ignoring me?” 
“Do you ever carry me to the bathroom after we’re done?” Suguru asks with a quirked eyebrow as he moves aside to let Satoru under the water.
“Well-” Satoru starts, furrowing his brows while he tries to come up with an answer, “no, but-”
“So what I’m hearing is that you should’ve carried me in here.” Suguru continues with a smirk as Satoru realizes that his argument has absolutely no standing here. 
Satoru shakes his head, realizing that he’s not going to win this one. He instead puts his hands on Suguru’s shoulders and gently turns him around, pressing his thumbs into his muscles and massaging out his shoulders. 
Suguru lets his head fall forward as his eyes close, taking in a deep breath while Satoru kneads out the tension in his shoulders that he hadn’t realized was even there. He lets out the breath with a slow sigh, tilting his head to the side as Satoru digs into a particularly tight spot on the side of his neck. He smiles as he feels Satoru press his lips to his skin and brings his hand up to rest on top of his before turning back around. “Thank you baby.” He says with a soft smile.
Satoru smiles back at him as he turns back around and leans forward again to press a kiss to his lips this time, tiny droplets of water covering both of their faces. He sees the water on Suguru’s eyelashes as he looks into his eyes and presses a kiss to both of his cheeks, earning a chuckle from him. “Thank you for giving me the best birthday I could ask for, Gugu.” He says as he wraps his arms around Suguru’s shoulders, pulling him in or a hug underneath the hot water. Suguru holds onto him back, spreading out his fingers wide over his back, pressing into his skin as he holds him close. 
“You’re welcome Toru,” He says into the crook of Satoru’s neck. “You deserve it.” 
Satoru smiles at his quiet response, slowly rocking them back and forth under the water for a few moments before they continue on with their shower. 
They lazily wash each other’s and bodies, taking the time to relax under the hot water and just enjoy their shower. After they shut off the water and get dried off, Satoru roughly rubs a towel through his hair, getting it as dry as he can while Suguru wraps his up, another towel sitting low on his hips as they both stand in front of the mirror.
Satoru rests his chin on Suguru’s shoulder as he stands behind him, looking into his warm honey eyes in the mirror. “Can I brush your hair?” His hands rest on the sides of his hips gently, just letting them rest on the warm, damp skin right above the towel.
“It’s wet so you have to be extra careful,” He says, turning his head to leave a kiss on Satoru’s cheek. Satoru nods his head as he picks up the brush off of the counter. Suguru lets his hair down from the towel he has it wrapped up in and shakes his head, letting it fall down his back. He scrunches it up in the towel, trying to get as much water out as possible before he heads out of the bathroom, Satoru following right behind him. He grabs the desk chair and sits down in it after rolling it in front of the chaise so that Satoru can sit right behind him. 
“Don’t worry, Sugu; I’ll be extra extra careful.” Satoru says, sitting down behind him and running his hands under his hair to straighten it out. He starts at the ends, diligently making sure that there’s no tangles before he moves up even further. Suguru smiles at the feeling, letting his head lie over the back of the chair while his eyes fall closed. Satoru keeps slowly working his way up, stopping to stand up and press a kiss to Suguru’s lips with a smile before sitting back down to finish brushing his hair out. 
Suguru chuckles lightly as he opens his eyes. “Come back here.” He says quietly, waiting for Satoru to stand up again. He quickly stands up and gives him another kiss, this one more slow and tender than the last. “Mmm,” He hums against Satoru’s lips with a smile. Satoru sits back down once again, determined to finish brushing out Suguru’s hair. 
“Are you excited to get into our house?” Satoru asks as he slowly runs the brush through the long silky raven hair. 
“Of course I am…” Suguru responds as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Are you?”
“I can’t wait.” He answers, the smile on his face loud and apparent in his voice. “I’m excited to decorate and I think Shiro’s gonna love all the space.” He thinks about all the windows for her to be able to bask in the sun.
A soft smile sits on Suguru’s lips as he thinks about it. “She’s definitely gonna love the new cat towers you picked out.” Satoru had picked out a few different ones to go in a few of the rooms throughout the house, maybe even going a little bit overboard on some of them. He found one that went almost all the way up the ceiling with plenty of holes to hide in, soft beds, and scratch posts and immediately knew that she would love it. “Maybe she needs a friend.” Suguru says after thinking about it for a moment.
Satoru’s voice is excited. “You think so?” 
Suguru nods his head. “Why not?” He thinks for a second longer before speaking again. “Unless you think we should wait.”
Satoru tucks his bottom lip in between his teeth for a second. “Wait for what?” He asks, running the brush slowly from the top of Suguru’s head all the way down to the ends with no more tangles. Suguru turns around in the chair to face Satoru once he feels that he’s finally done. Satoru hands him the brush and he takes it before setting it on the desk next to where he sits.
“Well…” Suguru starts looking off to the side with a slight smile. “Do you think we should wait until after we have kids to get another pet?”
“How soon do you want kids?” Satoru asks with a soft smile as he extends his legs and puts his feet up in Suguru’s lap. 
Suguru thinks about it for a moment, looking out the window at the lights of the city before he looks back to Satoru. “Ask me again in a couple months.” 
“A couple months?” Satoru cries out, sitting forward with a playful smile on his lips. “You don’t know how soon?”
“How about-” He starts, standing up and letting Satoru’s feet fall from where they rested and sits down next to him on the chaise, “- we get settled into the house and we can start thinking more seriously about it.” He rests his head of damp hair on Satoru’s shoulder as they both sit there still in nothing but their towels. “Sound good?”
“Deal.” Satoru says, turning his head to press a kiss to the top of Suguru’s head as it rests on the bare skin of his shoulder. They both smile as they sit in silence for a couple of moments before Suguru stands up and walks back towards the bathroom once again. “Do you want to watch a movie?” Satoru calls out, standing up and heading over to where his birthday cake still sits out on the table. He sticks the plastic fork into it to grab a bite, not even bothering to cut off an entire piece this time.
“It’s your birthday, you pick what we watch.” Suguru responds as he finishes up his post-shower routine to get ready for bed. 
Satoru scrolls through the apps on the tv as he waits for Suguru to emerge once again from the bathroom in underwear rather than a towel. “How do you feel about Star Wars Episode 4?” Satoru asks with narrowed eyes as he tries to gauge Suguru’s reaction.
“Baby, it’s your birthday, you could pick the worst movie in existence and I’ll still watch it with you if it’s what you want to watch.” Suguru says from the bathroom doorway, his words muffled as a toothbrush sticks out of his mouth. Satoru queues up the movie and climbs into bed, dropping the towel haphazardly onto the floor, not bothering to put on anything after their shower. Suguru joins him in bed after turning off the lights, leaving nothing but the lights on the nightstand and the tv to light the room. He sits slightly up against the headboard with pillows behind his back and wraps his arm around Satoru who comes and lies with his head on his chest. “Are you still naked?” Suguru asks, lifting up the covers to see his suspicions confirmed.
“Yes, Suguru, and I think it’s a little disappointing that you aren’t, considering how it’s still my birthday for at least another two hours.”
His response pulls a chuckle from Suguru’s chest as Satoru presses play on the movie before he tosses the remote aside. “Do you want me to be?”
“I mean… I won’t complain if you decide to take off your underwear and cuddle naked with me, Sugu, if that’s what you’re asking.” Satoru says with a devious smile on his lips. Suguru shakes his head and rolls his eyes with a smile as he reaches under the covers and pushes them off, flicking them onto the floor with his foot.
“Is that better?” He asks, looking down at Satoru. He doesn’t answer, but the rough squeeze Satoru gives his ass is enough of an answer, making Suguru yelp slightly in surprise. “Ah! Okay, okay.” He says with a chuckle as he scoots down, settling against Satoru and letting their legs tangle together as the movie starts, the yellow words rolling up across the screen in front of the stars.
Satoru is surprisingly quiet for a good chunk of the movie, opting to leave occasional kisses on Suguru’s chest as he lies on top of it, earning smiles and head kisses back from Suguru. “I think I would be a pretty good Jedi.” Satoru says, sounding extremely sure of himself as they watch Luke training with the lightsaber.
“You think so? You wouldn’t turn to the dark side?” Suguru asks with a quirked brow, even though Satoru can’t see it as he focuses on the tv screen.
“I don’t think so… I would have no reason to.” 
“I don’t know,” Suguru starts, taking a slow breath in through his nose, “I think the red lightsabers are pretty cool.” 
“Sugu, please don’t tell me you would turn to the dark side just because of the lightsaber colors.” Satoru says, lifting his head up to turn and look Suguru in the eyes. 
“It wouldn’t be just because of the colors, baby, don’t worry - I’d have other reasons.” He says with a smirk. Satoru’s jaw drops open as Suguru insinuates that he might join the dark side if given the opportunity. 
“What if I was there to stop you?” Satoru asks, taking this far too seriously for something that doesn’t actually exist.
“I dunno Roo, there’s a lot of things wrong with the Jedi…” Suguru trails off, at this point just pulling Satoru’s leg to see how much he gets worked up about it. 
“Okay but you can be like the Jedi that have purple lightsabers - they can use aspects of the dark side of the force, but they’re still with the good guys.” Satoru explains, allowing his nerdy side to come out, putting a smile on Suguru’s face. “They’re also really good in combat.”
“That does sound pretty enticing.” Suguru taps his chin as he pretends to think about it. “But what if you’re on the dark side?”
“I’m obviously on the light side in this scenario.” 
“Ohhh, obviously.” Suguru says playfully.
“Suguru, I feel like you’re not taking this seriously.”
Suguru laughs and presses a kiss to Satoru’s forehead before he lets his head rest back down against his chest. “Baby, if you want me to be a light side user, I’ll stay just for you.” 
For the next several minutes, Satoru goes into grave detail about the rules of the Jedi and relationships and how they wouldn’t be able to be together if they were Jedi because of the Jedi code. Suguru can do nothing but smile as his husband explains Star Wars lore that he’s never even heard of before all to clarify this completely fictitious scenario that Satoru made up. 
“Okay, so if either of us are Jedi, we can’t be together because our emotions could make us prone to becoming dark side users?” Suguru asks to clarify.
“Then I’m glad we’re not Jedi and I get to be married to you.” Suguru nods his head with a silent yawn, happy that Satoru is so happy to explain all of this to him. “I love my little Star Wars nerd of a husband.” He says, giving Satoru a tight squeeze as he shifts further down, letting his head rest into the pillows next to Satoru’s. 
Satoru turns to face Suguru, their faces just centimeters apart. “I love you Suguboo.” Satoru whispers with a sleepy smile on his face.
“I love you too, Roo.” Suguru whispers back to him, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose quickly. Satoru smiles and scoots forward, resting his arm over Suguru’s wait to pull him closer. Their legs are tangled together as their bodies are pressed up next to each other, warm skin against one another. Satoru closes his eyes and presses a slow kiss to Suguru’s lips, lingering behind for just a moment before pulling away once again with a mischievous smile.
“What?” Suguru asks, knowing he’s got something.”
“Well…” He starts, taking a dramatic pause before continuing in just barely a whisper, “I don’t like sand.” 
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somegrumpynerd · 7 months
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Truce au part 6 - Time to tell the teams
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myarcadiandream · 2 months
Should I focus on things outside of my control but will definitely have an impact on my life like the political climate in america OR should I read every single fic under my favorite queer pairing tags on ao3
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armenelols · 19 days
By the way. Buying jeans in stores is impossible if you are shorter than average and they are gonna drag behind you like a veil. Have fun tripping on them (It's me. I am short)
#brought to you by me buying jeans today#they are said to be ankle length#spoiler: NOT ON ME#they go midway to my heel#if i tuck them in slightly they are great#but the point is#i am 158/159 cm#in feet i think that's either 5'2 or 5'3#THERE ARE PLENTY PEOPLE SHORTER THAN ME#if i can't buy jeans because they are long enough to cover my entire foot and a few cm of floor as well#what the fuck are people even shorter than me buying#a year ago i bought these loose summer pants that were said to be in length somewhere under the knee#THEY GO TO MY ANKLES (they are great pants btw. the only pair of loose pants i own because all the other ones in stores are too f long)#i know getting clothes tailored is an option#but i am really not gonna do that with everything i am buying?#especially jeans#since i never know how long they are gonna last#my thighs are thicker and touch each other so they have a tendency to tear in between my legs#sometimes they last years (current record 5 years)#and sometimes they last 3 months#i never know until i wear them more often#and i am not gonna get my clothes tailored every 3 months#i am on the skinny side so idk what the plus-size clothes situation is like but according to all evidence: absolutely horrible#anyway#brought to you by me bcs i dont shop online often and prefer stores so i can try things on first without having to return them after buying#also reminder that i DID buy nice jeans today. its just that i hardly ever find some#ohv and obv tall people also have it bad™ i am sorry for your naked ankles in winter weather#ema rambles#possibly to delete
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everyneji · 1 year
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bunnymedley · 1 year
ugh ok so my doctors appointment didn't go Badly but they only booked a 10 minute slot for this physical examination so we got maybe half the results n im gonna need another appointment 2 do the rest (plus a specific eye exam for some other results)
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pacificwaternymph · 1 month
Batfamily Beauty and the Beast AU where Bruce is the beast and with every child he adopts he becomes slightly more and more human.
He finds Dick in the woods, sobbing over the loss of his parents. A year later, he looks in the mirror and wonders if he's only imagining that he's gotten shorter.
Jason sneaks into the castle and steals a loaf of bread, hungry and desperate. Bruce takes him in and offers him a proper meal. As he's putting his new son to bed one night, he notices that his claws have shrunk.
Tim marches into the castle and demands Bruce take him, knowing the stories of the monster who kidnaps children. Bruce's snout feels flatter than it used to when he presses a kiss to his forehead.
Cassandra lasts a full two weeks before anyone even notices she's there. The fur on Bruce's arms begins to thin as he holds her close, and she smiles up at him.
Tim brings home Stephanie, who loudly insists that she does not need nor want a new father. His skin grows less leathery, and the beginnings of crows feet appear on the corners of his eyes.
Damian is brought to them by Talia, rigid and wary of everything, convinced of his birthright as the Bat's heir. The fangs in Bruce's mouth seem to smooth over as he learns to gentle his speech.
The day Duke joins the family, still reeling from the plague that claimed his parents, something clicks. Bruce steps out, and before them stands a perfectly human man, finally made whole by his love for his children.
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
You get drunk and don't remember giving them a hickey. So you get mad at them.
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Oh, anon! I love love love this prompt. Even though the prompt itself is fairly straightforward, there is some wiggle room about how this could play out. I stuck to the prompt but did my best to keep them on the shorter side.
Some of these get spicy but don't fall into graphic detail.
Task Force 141 x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): swearing, suggestive themes, arguing, sexual tension, kissing, alcohol
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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John Price
“These reports are shit, Price. What am I supposed to do with them?”
You’re trying your best not to sound irritated, but your head is pounding. You agreed to go out for drinks but told yourself you wouldn’t have more than one or two. That went completely out the door when multiple people began paying for rounds. After the fourth, the night started to come blurry. Not all the pieces are there.
Of what you can recall from last night, you remember that you sat in a man’s lap. Well—sat isn’t the correct word. More like straddled. You remember strong arms, an accent, and an excitement in what you were doing. But the face is still foggy.
“What you always do,” replies Price. There’s a tease in his tone you don’t particularly like. It’s too friendly, and it stirs something fierce inside your belly.
Price shifts in his chair behind his desk, the collar of his jacket flops open slightly. You catch a hint of something dark on the side of Price’s neck. You frown, your rebuttal gone.
“What is that?” You nod toward his throat.
Price leans back. “What?” he asks. “This?” He reaches up, pulling back on the collar.
It’s a…oh fuck.
“You were happy to give it to me.” Price shrugs.
“Oh my god,” you whisper, tossing the manila file folder on Price’s desk.
The man you straddled last night was Price? The man who is always fucking up reports and ignoring all your suggestions for corrections? That one?
“You looked good doing it, too,” he continues, that teasing smile falling into a comfortability of a lover.
No. No no no.
You place your hands on your hips. “And you let me do that?”
Price shrugs. “We’re consenting adults.”
“I was drunk.”
Price crosses his arms over his chest. “We were both drunk. And you’re the one who pounced on me.”
Embarrassment rises hot and wild in your cheeks. “I wouldn’t do that.”
“You did,” he confirms, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly as he smirks. “Ambushed me actually.”
“Then why didn’t you stop me?” Your voice cracks, going a bit high.
“I tried.”
That’s almost worse. You jumped him and then sucked on his neck until it left a mark. What an absolute fucking mess.
You roll your eyes. “You tried? A big strong man like you couldn’t stop me?”
This time Price is the one rolling his eyes. He makes an irritated groan. Price pushes up from his chair, one hand waving out in front of him as he speaks. “You said you’d been thinking about me.”
It’s not entirely untrue. While you attend the clerical side of things, you do make excuses to come see Price. He’s older. Handsome. Assertive. His reports aren’t always shit but it’s the only reason you have to bother him.
“I didn’t mean it,” you reply but even you don’t believe it.
Price comes around the desk and steps into your space. “Really?”
You square your shoulders, staring into Price’s face. “Really.”
He shakes his head, clearly not believing you at all. “As I recall, you were in my lap. Practically begging.”
“And you allowed that? In front of everyone?” Even Price couldn’t be that careless.
This time, Price smiles like he knows something you don’t. “You don’t remember.”
“What?” you ask, flustered.
Price starts laughing, but it’s not mocking, more like he can’t believe what he’s hearing.
“John,” you snap.
Price sinks down into his chair, legs spread wide. “I think I liked it better when you said my name while seated in my lap.”
Your fingers dig into the top of Price’s desk. Pieces begin to return. Fragments of you squirming in his lap. Lips pressed against his.
“How did you say it?” he ponders, almost aloud rather than to you. Then, he smiles, not even answering his own question.
Price rests his palm on his thigh and your gaze drops to its subtle movement before returning to his face.
“Think I’d like a matching one,” he says. He runs his hand down his thigh and then back up. “Or I could give you one just like it.”
“John,” you murmur, not knowing what it is you want to say.
“Doesn’t have to be on your neck,” and his voice is nearly a growl. Price lightly squeezes his thigh and you know exactly where he’s referring to. “Be easier if you sit on the desk.”
You snatch up the folder on Price’s desk, clutching it like a shield against your chest. Price doesn’t even blink. Doesn’t appear fazed at all. Stomping over you shove it against his chest, intending to walk right out the door.
But Price is quick.
With one hand he’s clutching the file and with the other he grabs your wrist before you manage to move away.
“Remove your hand,” you say but there is no venom in it.
Price’s gaze lingers on your lips before shifting up to meet your eyes. “Come back when you know what you want.”
Price releases you, and you nearly stumble forward into his lap. Catching yourself on the edge of his desk, you spin on your heel, exiting Price’s office as the final fragments of memory fall into place.
You don’t want to admit it.
Not out loud. Not yet.
But you will be back.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
It’s unbelievable. Unfathomable.
You’re not angry with Kyle. You’re upset with yourself. You’re upset that you were so careless about how many drinks you had, and how you couldn’t control yourself in the moment. Kyle is not a liar, and he doesn’t take advantage, so whatever you did, is on you.
“I’m sorry,” you say, swallowing down some of the rising irritation. “It’s my fault.”
Kyle shrugs, a sheepish smile on his face. “Not like I pushed you away.”
“That doesn’t matter,” you insist, flinging your arms out in exasperation, nearly knocking over bottles of cleaner.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters, catching one of them before it hits the floor.
This little storage room isn’t big enough for this. You need space. You need to run far away from here and pretend like last night didn’t happen. Not that you can remember all of it. You don’t recall giving Kyle that mark on his neck.
“It does matter. We both had too much but I still had more of my head than you did.” Kyle places the bottle of cleaner back on the shelf. “I should’ve done better.”
“We’re coworkers, Kyle. And I had no right. We aren’t together.”
Kyle smirks and you want to smack it right off his face. “We could be,” he murmurs, taking a step forward.
“Absolutely not,” you retort but you don’t retreat.
Kyle’s smirk faulters a bit but he doesn’t shrink away. If anything, he looks more determined, like the rejection is a farce.
“You remember anything you said to me last night?”
You lick your lips and cross your arms defensively over your chest. “Even if I did, does it change anything?”
Kyle sighs and runs his hand over the top of his head. “It does for me.”
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you consider your options. Kyle is a sweet man, at least to you. Everyone always comments on it to you when he isn’t around, and you’ve always dismissed their observations.
Maybe he does care, and you doing this tipped him over the edge into a place neither of you might be able to come back from.
“I need some fucking air,” you mutter, wanting to escape this situation, even for a bit.
Kyle shoves forward, blocking the door. Your lips move, forming the shapes of words, but Kyle shakes his head, all seriousness.
“We need to talk about this.”
“We don’t need to talk about anything,” you snap.
Kyle’s eyebrows rise toward his hairline and his head tips slightly to the side, revealing more of the mark. “Everyone knows what happened.”
“What?” you breathe.
“We weren’t alone when you straddled me.” You’re too stunned to speak. All the words you want to say are gone. Lost to the void that is your mind.
Kyle sighs and leans against the door. “Soap got a great view.”
“Stop talking. Just—stop.” Your throw up your hands and Kyle does as you ask. “You are going to move out of my way. I am going to leave. And we won’t talk about this again.”
Kyle only stares, the silence stretching.
When you think he won’t give in, Kyle shifts to his left, leaving the door completely clear. Without taking a second to reconsider, you push open the the door, nearly running over Soap in the process.
He stumbles backward, cheeks bright red. Ghost is next to him, arms crossed, staring at the wall like he isn’t there at all.
Soap’s brief fluster turns into a wide, knowing grin. “Gaz give you a matching one?” he teases.
Ghost makes a noise that sounds like a snort.
“Both of you can fuck off.”
Simon "Ghost" Riley
“What?” he grunts, side-eyeing you before returning his attention back to the tablet in his hand. He absently rubs at his neck for the third time in the last few minutes.
You frown. “Are you injured?”
“Why would you think that?” he asks, tapping at something on the screen.
“You keep rubbing your neck.”
Ghost pauses, his finger hovering just above the screen as he turns slightly in your direction.
You’re not trying to be pushy or nosy. Ghosts hates that. But there’s something wrong, and you care enough to ask him about it.
“You know what’s on my neck,” he replies cooly.
“No. I don’t.” A swirling fracture of unease blooms in your belly. It curls outward to claw up your throat. “What are you talking about?”
Ghost’s hand holding the tablet drops to his side. With one gloved hand, he reaches up, tugging the neckline of his jacket down enough to reveal a portion of his throat. The mask he always wears is in the way, but you reach out with a tentative hand, brushing the fabric upward to reveal a mouth-shaped bruise.
You drop your hand and take a step back. “Why would I know anything about that?”
“You gave it to me,” he says, matter of fact.
Sure, you had a few drinks last night, but did you really have that many? Enough that you can’t recall giving Ghost a goddamn hickey.
“You’re mistaken.”
“Never wrong, love.” Ghost locks the tablet and places it on the table next to him. “Especially about a woman sitting in my lap.”
“Don’t,” you say sharply. “Don’t say that.”
“It’s true.”
“It’s not.”
He crosses his arms over his chest, hips adjusting slightly as he pivots to glare down at you. “Try again.”
A deep rush of embarrassment floods your system, curling up your neck to heat your cheeks. “I wouldn’t.”
“You did,” insists Ghost. You glance down at the floor, unable to meet his gaze. Perhaps you had one too many. Sometimes you can hold your alcohol but clearly not. At least not last night.
You clear your throat. “I’m sorry.” An apology is best. You have no idea how Ghost feels about you, but you are irritated that he didn’t try to stop the whole thing in the first place.
Ghost is silent a long moment. “I’m not.” Your head snaps up, but Ghost isn’t done. “I liked it. And you enjoyed giving it to me.”
You need the pieces to fall back into place. You need to remember. Because right now, you’re just confused, and Ghost’s behavior is entirely different from his usual demeanor.
“You don’t know that.”
Ghost shrugs. “I do.”
His certainty is confusing. Ghost is not a liar. He is always truthful, always to the point, even if his bluntness comes across as rude. And that’s what so frustrating about it all because you know that Ghost is right. You probably did like it, probably begged and writhed in his lap. Ghost wouldn’t lie about something like that, but he would tease you. Might even hold it over your head.
“This conversation is over.” You step around him to grab the tablet, but Ghost is quick like a viper, his large hand encasing your wrist.
“Do you remember?”
No. I don’t.
“It doesn’t matter.” You try to tug your wrist out of his grasp, but Ghost holds firm.
“When you’re ready. Find me.” He leans forward, masked face nearly touching the side of your cheek. “We’ll recreate it.”
Then his hand is gone, and Ghost is pulling away, presenting the tablet to you like he didn’t say anything at all.
John "Soap" MacTavish
“What the fuck is that?”
Soap’s brilliant smile turns in your direction. He sits on the seat of a bench press, elbows resting on knees, sweat dripping from his brow. Soap is shirtless and a white towel is draped over the back of his neck.
Reaching up with the edge of the towel, Soap wipes away some of the sweat on his face. “What are you on about?” He adjusts his stance, his large palm pressing into his knee as he leans on an elbow.
The small gym isn’t crowded but there are people here. Some of them turn and glance in your direction but otherwise keep to their business. Ghost and Gaz are over by the boxing ring observing a few new recruits who slug it out for bragging rights.
Is Soap so aloof? Does he not see the massive mark on the side of his neck? And who gave it to him? A group of you went out for drinks but you don’t recall who might have given it to him or when.
You step closer, lowering your voice. “Your neck, Johnny.”
That gorgeous smile of his widens and he chuckles. “Did you forget?”
Did you forget? Forget what? Are you part of this?
You swallow, the salvia nearly sticking in your throat as you try to calm your thudding heart. “What do you mean?”
Soap leans back a bit, observing you. “You gave this to me.” His voice is too loud, and you glance over your shoulder to make sure no one’s heard. Everyone appears to be preoccupied with the recruits in the ring.
“I didn’t,” you insist, turning back to him. “I’d remember.”
Soap guffaws and removes the towel from around his neck. “Took a seat right here.” He indicates the spot by tapping his left thigh.
“Did we…” you begin, and then trail off.
“Did we what?” he prompts, clearly enjoying this.
You bend forward, lowering your voice until it’s a hiss. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Soap smirks, and then rises to his full height. “Promise I was a perfect gentleman.” He matches your movement, leaning in so that your faces are close. “But you? You were no lady.”
You inhale sharply, and Soap pushes right past you, heading for the showers.
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving
@childofyuggoth @miaraei @coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666
@unhinged-reader-36 @pearljamislife @miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath
@enfppuff @berarenado @saoirse06 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu
@thewulf @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos
@enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project
@burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @contractedcriteria
@lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @leed-bbg @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie
@tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair @nomercyforthewarrior @dakotakazansky
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piedoesnotequalpi · 1 year
It is too late at night for me to post it (because the final proofread and adding footnotes always take a while) but! After I get out of work tomorrow the next chapter of the bachelorette au is going up!
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mee-op · 1 year
Facts about in-game Yuu (Twisted Wonderland):
This is an ongoing list and will be updated with new information. I'm not caught up w/ chap 6 and I'm not very perceptive. This list is so long because of all the people who commented/sent asks, so thank you Last but not least, some of these might be a stretch/be slightly incorrect so bare w/ me plz :] More Yuu facts [ ONE / TWO ] <- not mine
They've been good friends with Heartslabyul ever since Book 1.
They're forgiving/don't hold any bad blood with the people who've overblotted (at least on the outside).
According to the Harveston event, they can play the flute.
They don't like mentioning that they might return to their world (Deuce's Wishing Star vignette).
Many people consider them a "goody-two-shoes" (Leona, Ruggie).
A good listener.
Based on Malleus' interactions with them, Yuu talks to him a lot more off-screen as he states that he values their opinions.
Loves Grim to hell and back.
It's implied that Yuu invites Malleus over frequently enough that he visits unprompted.
They can be snarky and brutally honest when they're pushed into it.
Comes up with stupid plans that nobody believes will work but it somehow does.
They're insecure about not having any magic.
They want to be able to help their friends.
Has a sense of self-preservation.
Does not actively seek out danger (*cough* om mc *cough*).
They've cleaned up Ramshackle since living there, however, it still looks "abandoned & ancient" on the outside.
Crowley doesn't give them more money than "needed".
Silver states that Yuu is good with swords (PE Uniform).
Both Jamil and Silver seem to think that Yuu is somewhat weird/strange.
They don't know much about mushrooms (Floyd's Camp Vargas vignette).
They're very patient.
Used to be afraid of ghosts until they got to Twisted Wonderland.
They adapt to new/difficult situations quickly and calmly.
They don't complain much.
Very much so the silent type.
The audience doesn't really see anyone helping them out with their situation, so I assume they fix most of their problems themselves.
They don't have any memories of the Great Seven before coming to Twisted Wonderland.
Fluctuates between being observant and not noticing really basic stuff.
Doesn't hesitate to say cheesy things.
Keeps calm in harsh situations.
They know how to play a blowing horn (White Rabbit Event).
Good with instruments.
Not a very good singer (NRC Uniform).
It's implied that they have high stamina.
They're interested in horseback riding and wants to play soccer with Sebek (PE Uniform).
They recommend a few books to Sebek, implying that they read in their free time.
They're short in comparison to Floyd (he calls them Shrimpy).
Grim comments that they're shorter than Vil.
Crowley mumbles that Yuu looks effeminate.
They're a bit of a romantic since they seem to often ask about love stories/fairy tales (Epel & Jade chats).
They have a habit of poking, tugging, tickling and just touching people in general. This is proven through the Home Screen character interactions, so their love language seems to be physical touch.
They get scared easily but is bad at scaring others (Halloween voice lines).
Vil notes that their uniform is baggy.
Malleus says that Yuu has gotten better at dancing (Masquerade Event).
It's implied that Yuu is good/decent at cooking since they have to make meals for both themself and Grim every day.
Yuu is decent at basketball (Ace Halloween).
Deuce remarks about a tiny piece of furniture in Ramshackle and asks if it's for Grim, meaning Yuu makes small furniture for him.
They're a good photographer.
Takes part in photography competitions (Rook Port Fest).
It's implied that Yuu carries their ghost camera everywhere because Crowley constantly makes them record events.
It's said that the game cards are actual photos that Yuu took with the ghost camera. [I don't know if this is true but a lot of people have said so]
Most, if not all the characters tell Yuu to hurry up when choosing a class, which suggests that they're indecisive.
Ace, Deuce and Cater tell Yuu to relax during classes or else they'll run out of energy.
Jack says that he got tips from Yuu while he was working in Monstro Lounge, implying that Yuu might've worked in customer service before (Book 3).
According to Grim, they have a hard time saying no to people, but when they absolutely need to-- they're very serious and a bit intimidating. "You're a real sap sometimes, you know that? Then again, when you bare your teeth it's no joke."
While they won't say no to helping others, they prefer to keep to themselves and avoid drama.
Yuu is sometimes a bit distrustful of Ace and thinks he's tricking them if he offers to do anything nice (2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
It doesn't take much to make them happy. (Deuce & Idia 2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
They became nervous when Riddle invited them to a salon for their birthday. Riddle response saying "I'll be right there with you, and will instruct you in etiquette every step of the way."
They're competitive in class-- at least when it comes to Jack (2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
They took chess lessons to try and beat Leona in a match (2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
For their birthday, Yuu asks Azul to get something that's supposedly hard for an average collector to acquire.
They're surprised when Kalim gifts them a pop-up card for their birthday.
They own a pair of fingerless gloves (gifted by Epel).
They personally invited Vil over for their birthday party and made sure to have healthy food options for him.
Not very close with Idia.
Owns a glass tumbler that reads 'Happy Birthday!' (gifted by Ortho).
Lilia gives them a CD with his screamo performances.
They were gifted so many presents on their birthday that they had trouble carrying the gifts around. (Malleus 2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
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m0chaminx · 10 months
Coriolanus Snow | “What about you?” “She's the star.” “Luckily I Like Roses.”
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*•.¸♡Request: omg can you write a coryo x reader, i don’t mind what, just pls don’t make him go batshit crazy at the end😩😩
*•.¸♡Prompts: none
*•.¸♡Warnings: Coriolanus, I completely forgot the other Covey peoples names :I, reader is shorter than Snow, Cori isn't insane (ish), Snow is slight ooc, and yes he's a terrible person but you’re here too
*•.¸♡Paring: Coriolauns Snow x F!reader
*•.¸♡Summary: On Coriolanus’s trip down to the lake with the star Lucy Gray, he found the most beautiful rose ever seen
Coriolanus pervs on you while swimming (romantic)
*•.¸♡Words: 1.1k
Part 2
Growing up in the Covey had been a stroke of luck, simple as it gets, when Lucy Gray Baird and her family had been forced into District 12 Seeing the talent you had with a guitar one night as you played to the darkness, they took you to their next show where you played alongside Lucy Gray. She was still the star, she had the smile, the voice, the charisma. You could sing when you needed to, and you played the guitar just as well, but she always took the spotlight. And when she strolled into town after winning the Hunger Games, that star power only grew. She was the star, until one sunny morning.
Mockingjay's sang into the wind, the warm sun beating against your skin and the gentle breeze made your sundress flow in the wind. Meeting Lucy and the others on the walk to the lake you came face to face with Coriolanus Snow. Buzzed blonde hair, sharp jawline and the bluest eyes you had ever seen. His smile was bright, and his laugh was as sweet as Lucy’s singing. And it should be, he was laughing at her jokes. Smiling at her. Before he could catch you staring your eyes had shifted quickly, focussing on Lucy as you walked to her side.
She beamed as she saw you, wrapping her arms tightly around you.
“Coriolanus, I want you to meet only the bestest person in the world,” Lucy went on, kissing you quickly on the cheek.
The same smile returned as he turned to shake your hand, his skin soft on your calloused palms. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” He spoke your name softly, the syllables dripping from his tongue like honey. Your hand slipped from his, the tips of his fingers running along your palm.
Lucy quickly ushered you and the rest of the group on, starting the long hike down the green hills. Lucy walked ahead with Aurora, talking wistfully into the wind. You walked in silence, one hand gripping the strap of your satchel as you watched the critters race up the branches of the trees.
“Lucy said you played the guitar,” Coriolanus spoke up, swatting away another mosquito. He walked beside you, his tall figure blocking the sun from your face. He looked down at you, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Why didn’t I see you performing last night?”
You simply shrugged. The answer was the crowds didn’t cheer for you, Lucy was the star, and she could play for hours without backup. But it sounded sad. You looked over the trees, the Mockingjay's flying higher into the trees. “Nothing special, you probably just missed me when I left.”
Coriolanus shook his head softly, “I feel like I’d remember you.” You couldn’t place what Coriolanus meant, your eyebrows furrowing as you thought over his words. You didn't say anything more after that, keeping your eyes ahead on the track leading to the lake.
As soon as the dock was close enough Aurora and Tip had stripped their clothes off and thrown themselves in the water. You tossed your bag down, the hot sun that had beat against your skin had made you more than happy to rush into the water. Tossing your sundress aside with your satchel you ran down the dock and dove under the crystal blue water. The cool lake chilled your skin enough to relieve the sun but not enough to raise goosebumps.
You swam up to the surface, pushed the hair back for your face and fixed the straps of your handmade bra that slid down your shoulder. Lucy jumped in after you, and with a yell, Coriolanus jumped in, the splash of water hitting your face. You laughed, using your arms to keep you afloat. Coriolanus muttered an apology through a smile, but you barely noticed as your eyes fell over his light skin, his collar bones and muscular shoulders.
The lake was sweet, a nice relief from the constant smell of coal and sweat, the rowdy crowds and the smell of liquor on everyone's breath. Some time later Lucy had swam to shore, helping Aaroa and Tip fish and dig up Katniss' roots.
You floated on your back, the gentle waves lapping at your skin as the sun warmed your face. Coriolanus sat on the edge of the dock, toying with his fingers as he watched you. The wind blew the waves softly, the sun reflecting on your skin like liquid gold. He pushed himself off the dock, slipping below the cold water once again. “Can I hear you sing?” His voice made you turn your head to look at him.
“I don’t sing,” You muttered, turning your head to face the sun again.
“Lucy said you sing.”
You turned to swim properly, treading water. “If you wanna hear someone sing you should ask Lucy,” You insisted. You pushed yourself closer, slipping your fingers under the slim metal chain of his dog tags, untangling the knot. You moved it to hang properly from his neck, your nails dragging ever so slightly across his soft skin.
His icy blue eye moved from your hand on his skin and looked up at your face, droplets of water falling from your hair, and slipping down your skin and when they hit your lips, you swiped them away with your tongue. “I wanna hear you sing.” His eyes snapped up to meet yours as you lifted her gaze from the metal chain.
You chuckled softly and he swore it sounded like the sweetest melody, a honeydew sound that he couldn't help but smile at. “You’re funny Coriolanus Snow,” you said softly. “Turning down the winner of the Hunger Games. A true victor.”
Coriolanus wiped a hand down his face, wiping away the water running over his eyes. “What about you?” He asked.
You shook your head softly. “She’s the star, the songbird,” You insisted, unsure you were convincing him or yourself. His smile made your stomach flip, his gaze made your cheeks burn, but his words… his honey words.
His hand slowly reached out, his fingers slipping beneath the strap of your bra and sliding it back up your shoulder. His hand lingered there for a moment before falling back into the water. “Luckily I like roses.”
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milksnake-tea · 21 days
━━ scritchy scratchy .
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❀ ˎˊ- prompt: about their less human traits and what it's like to pet them ❀ ˎˊ- characters: jiaoqiu, dan feng, sunday ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: none ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: this is so self indulgent GOODBYE 🙈🙈🙈 i just want to. pet them. majorly inspired by the neuron activation i had when i saw jiaoqiu's tail. also this is my therapy/break writing bc LORD THIS ONESHOT IS SAPPING MY BRAINCELLS. long hcs incoming. like really long. except for like dan feng maybe. im sorry i got carried away LMAO yapping is my specialty. also uhm. ignore the title. i literally could not come up with anything else if theres one thing im bad at. its titles ❀ ˎˊ- taglist: @sh0jun , @themoderatelyawesomeninja, @xphantasmagoriax, @rainswept, @lucensei, @akutasoda , @naraven , @scribs-dibs , @apathicace , @flurrina , @iceunhie (bc jiaoqiu is here)
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Jiaoqiu's ears aren't that particularly sensitive, to be honest. He doesn't mind allowing close friends or family to touch them, and, truth be told, he finds your fascination with them amusing.
The fur on his ears is relatively short, with the real fluff being on the inside rather than on the outside. That isn't to say that you should reach for those tuffs of fluffier fur; it's rather uncomfortable and you'll be heading towards a fan to the face and a temporary revoking of ear privileges. It isn't much of a loss though, because despite the shorter fur, Jiaoqiu's ears are still soft and pleasant to touch.
Now, you didn't know this until you came by it by accident, but Jiaoqiu has a ticklish(?) spot at the base of his ears that instantly placates him, as embarrassing as it is. If you reach your fingers and scratch at where there's a little more firmness at the base, Jiaoqiu's silver tongue is suddenly quiet and he can't stop himself from keening into the touch. If you look closely enough, you'll see his fingers or his shoes tapping, speeding up the longer you scratch. It's one of his biggest weaknesses, no doubt, which is why he'll get whiny if you scratch it for too long in public, lightly smacking your hand away with a flush on his cheeks as he scrapes together what's left of his dignity. His pout is just adorable though, with slightly puffed cheeks behind that fan of his and an agitated tail, but for his sake, it's best if you keep it in private.
Because in private, Jiaoqiu is the exact opposite. Once doors are closed and prying eyes are no more, he's all too eager to get your hands on him. Of course, Jiaoqiu wouldn't be Jiaoqiu if he didn't beat around the bush and try to nudge you into petting him in his own way.
He starts after dinner, when you're lounging in the living room or cuddling in bed, unwinding just before you go to rest. His hand will start to creep to hold yours as he leans against you, before wordlessly lifting it and bringing it to his ears. At the same time, his tail will drape over both of your laps. Not a word is spoken during this, because his pride can't take it, but you know him well enough to follow suit.
Once your hands are looped around his head and at that sweet spot at the base of his ears, Jiaoqiu practically melts into you. Maybe once or twice a brief murmur of content may slip past his lips, but other than that, he's pretty much set for the night. A few minutes will pass, and you'll look back to him again, only to realize that your beloved healer has already fallen asleep, a smile on his lips.
Also, one last thing because I didn't know where to put it. But Jiaoqiu's tail is warm - incredibly warm, and he'll let you snuggle and cuddle it during the colder months of the Yaoqing. It honestly feels like you're hugging a cloud with just how fluffy it is. Like the base of his ears, it's a no-go for in public, but once you're in the comfort of your home, feel free to hug and ruffle it as much as you like. Just be careful if it wagging suddenly and smacking your hand in the process. And don't mess it up too much, because then you're going to be the one who has to brush it out (you don't mind though, and honestly neither does Jiaoqiu).
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Being Dan Feng's significant other can mean a lot of things, but there's one aspect that for sure comes with the package - that being, he drags you around via his tail a lot. That thing will wrap around you like a vine, tugging you to his side in crowded areas and even when in places where he doesn't need to keep you close, his tail will still be resting around your waist or arm, protective and honestly kind of possessive.
Coupled with the fact that he can apparently desummon and summon his tail at will, this makes his choice to cling onto you - no matter how subtle it may be - intentional. His friends from the High Cloud Quintet have definitely pointed this out numerous time, but each time he waves them off with a huff and a "my personal life is none of your business". He says, as he does it in public.
Dan Feng's tail is cold - unnaturally so. It's smooth and actually kind of squishy, and it feels like river water. This is especially useful in the hotter months, where it serves as a welcomed escape from the heat. Knowing this, Dan Feng takes advantage of the temperatures by using it as an excuse to cling onto you even more. Whenever he gets questioned about it, he just shrugs and says that he's saving you from a potential heatstroke.
Now, neither Dan Feng's tail nor his horns are sensitive. They're just like any part of his body - in fact, Dan Feng's horns are less receptive to touch; he can barely feel that you're touching them, and he describes it akin to static - kind of tingly, a little ticklish, but overall ignorable.
He does like it when you play with the small tuff at the end of his tail though, a pleased hum escaping him whenever you toy with it and his tail squeezes you a little tighter. Sometimes, when he feels a little needy or lonely and wants cuddles, he'll tickle your face with this tuff of fur(? even he doesn't know what it is, honestly) before wrapping it around your arm and dragging you to wherever he needs you.
Dan Feng personally doesn't really understand what your fascination is with his horns, but it's certainly not unwelcome. If anything, he welcomes it a little too much, smugness tugging at his lips every time you ask to touch them. Sometime he'll hold it over your head, dangling it like a treat, but in the end he'll give in, because he loves the smiles on your face when allowed to indulge in what is, in his eyes, a silly thing (he would never allow anyone else to touch him so brazenly, so know this and be grateful, knowing that this is a privilege allotted to just you).
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If Sunday trusts you enough to let you touch his wings, congratulations. Be honored. Because this man has trust issue after trust issue and has so many walls that Qlipoth would be jealous.
Halovians in general don't let many touch their wings, as that right is reserved to family for the primary set of wings, and to lovers for the secondary set at their nape. The reason for this is simple - Halovian wings are delicate, frail, and sensitive; one wrong move and they could be crushed without remorse. You have to treat them like glass, because they basically are glass - beautiful, yet frail.
Coupled with the fact that their secondary pair of wings is so close to their face, it's a rather intimate act to touch them. Sunday himself, inexperienced in the ways of intimacy, had to close his eyes when you first pet them, unable to handle such close proximity (this man has kissed you before).
Sunday's secondary pair of wings are particularly well-taken of, since they're, as said before, right next to his face and seen a lot due to his public image. Now, it's a common headcanon of mine that Sunday expresses himself a lot via his wings, with them fluttering when he's happy, flaring up when he's threatened, and puffing up when he's startled. I personally think that most of the time, his wings are relatively stagnant since he has that persona he has to keep up all the time, but at the same time, he's usually unprepared for those times he does feel genuine joy that his wings just start fluttering without him noticing.
This is how you found out he liked you, by the way. His wings wouldn't stop fluttering around you until you pointed them out, and instead of giving you a straight answer he just changed the subject, to which you had to ask Robin (she was ecstatic that Sunday actually had finally made a friend outside of work and found someone he liked enough to this point).
Now, let's actually talk about petting the wings themselves. Again, they're very sensitive, which is why they are a private thing only. If you did it in public, Sunday would not be happy and would probably ignore you for a day. So hold it in. I know it's hard. You can do it.
Don't worry though, because the rewards are definitely worth it. Once Sunday has given you the go-ahead to touch his wings, you're met with a very rare sight - which is Sunday with his guard completely down. His eyes are always closed when you tend to his wings, as if he's asleep. The only indicators you have that he isn't is the flush of his cheeks, the occasional breath of laughter when you rub against certain spots, and the rumbling in his chest that comes after a few minutes of petting. Yes. Sunday purrs. Birds can purr, and so can Sunday. Look it up, it's adorable.
You're not allowed to touch his halo, purely because it's almost painful to do so - although the correct term would be overstimulating. Sunday's halo is crucial to how he perceives the world around him, and such it's always receiving signals and sending them to his brain. Touching it is akin to poking his eyes, and while it usually isn't too bad, it's jarring and disorienting enough where it's a no-no.
The same can't be said for his primary set of wings - that being the larger, darker set that lies under his coat. He doesn't use nor stretch these nearly as much as his secondary set, which is why they're also more frail. You'll have to help him stretch them out from time to time, and just the wingspan enough is impressive. Sometimes, on the once-in-a-blue-moon chance that he has them out, he'll use them as your shield, covering you from the sunlight or the rain when you go outside.
There's a spot at the base of his primary wings, just in-between where the two sprout from his back, that is particularly sensitive. When you were in the middle of helping him to stretch his wings, your fingers had accidentally brushed against it, which had yanked a very uncharacteristic yelp from him. He still gets embarrassed when you mention it, but he's now grown used to the feeling of your hand against his back. Now, the most you'll get out of him is a shuddered sigh, and a faint shivering of his wings, which tells you all you need to know.
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