#// he's just very not into rook 😂
muraenide · 1 year
It's funny that I can see most of the twst people shipping with Jade. In Jade's opinion (not mine) he's willing to date most of them or at least give it a shot. There's a small amount who can instantly ship with him because their personalities are compatible. A little more than half which is like "They can be a thing with enough work and interactions and chemistry". Some that might be just casual flings but neither party wants anything serious. But Rook. Rook is the only one whom Jade says "No thanks" under any circumstances. Yes, these torture asks makes him horny, but not even that makes him horny enough to want Rook.
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dotster001 · 2 years
For Tuna; The Search Continues
Summary:gn!reader Grin has begun round two of his search for his your sugar daddy. Luckily, this time he got a babysitter for you, so no interruptions!
This is such a crack fic...And I deeply love it 😂
A/N: It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age.
Part One Part three choose your ending...
"Thank you all for meeting me here," Grim said to the crowd of people. "And thank you all for the gifts. They shall be taken into consideration. Now, today will go as such."
He looked around the room in confusion. "Wait, it appears we are one person short, I guess-"
"Yeah! Me!" Floyd bursted into the room, revealing Jade clutching his cheek, and sitting on the floor.
"What the hell, Sealie! We had a deal! You promised I was in!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Grim shifted in his seat nervously.
"Then I'm gonna squeeze you so hard you have to remember!" Floyd made to rush Grim, as Azul wrapped his arms around Floyd's middle, not even seeming to break a sweat as Floyd "ran" in place.
"Jade, please come get your brother, before he kills Grim and ruins it for everyone."
"I tried to stop him," Jade hummed as he retrieved his brother.
"Sure you did," Azul sighed, casting a quick stun spell so Jade could  get him out of the room. Once things had settled down, Grim called for silence again.
He put on a wig styled in your style and color.
"You will court me as though I am Y/N. You will only move on to the next round if you prove yourself here today. Any questions?"
Idia raised his hand.
"Yeah, who are the normies?"
He pointed at the two random Octavinelle students sitting at the table.
"Ah, yes. Two of our applicants couldn't be here today. They have special circumstances surrounding their absences, so they will be doing their tests at a later date. These two are here to remind you all to step it up."
Rook raised his hand. "Not a question, I just want to say your fur is looking soft and luscious today, monsieur Fuzzball."
Leona, Riddle, and Malleus all groaned and mumbled to themselves, while Vil massaged his temples in pure exhaustion.
"Thank you, Rook," Grim said with a smug smirk. "An anonymous donor has been providing me with a new fur product." Rook winked at him before grinning at Vil.
Silver raised his hand. Lilia attempted to shove it down, but it was too late.
"Again, this feels wrong to me. Firstly because Y/N has no idea about any of this, and secondly, because Y/N should pick their lover! I mean we've all known the prefect long enough to know that-"
"Look!" Grim slammed his clipboard on the table, calling for silence. "I've had enough of you and your goody two shoes ways! The only reason you made it through to this round is because the prefect says you're "baby girl", and I want to say I at least tried to think about Y/N in this process, but if you don't get it together, I'm cutting you completely!"
Silver looked at Lilia in wide eyed confusion, and saw Lilia was grinning. He wasn't sure which was scarier. Not knowing what the hell Grim was talking about, or the fact that his father seemed to be very pleased by it.
"If there are no more questions, then I will give you all the scenario. You are to act as though this is your anniversary dinner. Some of you have already lost points, because you forgot a gift," Grim pointedly glared at Silver.
"Oh! I almost forgot. Silver entrusted me with his gift," Lilia said, excitedly pulling out a gift bag.
"No, I didn't."
"Yes. You did."
Silver shrunk into his chair, as Grim happily accepted the present.
"Alright then. Now," Grim cleared his throat, then in a horrendous mockery of your voice, "Let us begin."
"Yo! Y/N!" 
You heard Ace's voice shout behind you as you kneaded the bread dough Trey had asked you to help with.
You turned over your shoulder, in time to miss Trey's expression darken.
"What's u-"
"Ace!" Trey shouted, startling both of you into silence.
"Perfect timing, I need to speak with you. In private," Trey said through gritted teeth, attempting to cover up his earlier blunder with a smile.
"What? No don't distract me, I'm here to-" but Ace was cut off as Trey not so subtly shoved him out of the kitchen, telling you they'd be back in a minute.
"Trey, with all due respect, what the fuck? You know full well that right now, Grim is running a practice date with-"
"Ace, shut up for just one moment, I'm trying to help you!"
Ace's mouth snapped shut in shock.
"My first question is, did you have to take out a loan to be able to afford to come here?"
"Yeah everyone has to-"
"The kind of numbers we are fighting against is people who have so much money, that they might as well not have even come here, because they definitely don't have to work a day in their lives."
"But Y/N doesn't care about-"
"Ace, seriously. I need you to think this through, or I'm leaving you here to rot," Trey said tiredly. "No, Y/N doesn't care about money. But they care about Grim. Grim, if he's as smart as I'm starting to suspect he is, is going to make his final pick, then spin it as a fairytale choice for Y/N. He'll wait long enough that they have forgotten about him interviewing people, and he'll come in with a sad little face and be like, 'Y/N, you're my family, but I'm worried that I can't give you everything you need.' And he'll continue to say stuff like that, and lay the ground work, until one day he sets up a cutsie spontaneous date in the living room with his chosen suitor."
Ace frowned for a moment. "That's…that's actually pretty smart. But Y/N says Grim's a dumb ass all the time. Why would they listen to his arguments now?"
"Ace, sevens, I shouldn't have to spell everything out for you. There's a difference between "my dumbass friend" and "my dumbass roommate, who is wholly reliant on me, who is also my cat, and who is my only family in this world"."
Ace pouted for a moment, before spitting out, "It's not fair! How are we supposed to even compete then!"
Trey grinned. "Well, we're here, and they're there. The plan doesn't work if Y/N has already picked someone before Grim has."
Ace broke out into a grin. "Trey, you're just as devious as the rest of us!"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Now, do you want to help Y/N and I make bread? This is a one time offer, after this you're on your own."
"Absolutely. Nothing like making bread amongst friends."
"Riddle, it was so very wonderful that they allowed you to have our anniversary dinner off," Grim hummed as he cut a piece of meat. "Unlike last year…" he sighed whistfully.
Riddle gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry, my rose, but it was unavoidable. I had to perform life saving surgery."
"You always say that. I'm starting to think you are avoiding me…."
Before Riddle could come up with a response, Malleus had risen from his seat and knelt before Grim.
"My treasure, our lives these last few years have been so wonderful, especially since we have been able to provide the Great Grim with his own estate, and a lifetime supply of sea meat. But I feel I cannot truly continue to share anniversaries with you, unless," he looked at the floor bashfully, "Unless they were with you ruling by my side."
Suddenly, a shimmering ring appeared in his hand.
Grim gasped. "Darling!"
"No fucking fair!" Idia shouted.
"Agreed, this stinks of deceit, lizard," Leona spit out angrily.
Rook subtly returned the ring box he'd been holding to his pocket.
"All's fair in love and war!" Lilia said with a boyish laugh. "But I suppose it is time for my move now."
He stood up from his seat, composing himself, before putting on a face of pure horror.
"My little bat, I beg you not to accept his proposal! You see, as his longtime attendant, and closest adviser, and general of his armies-"
"General?" Vil muttered under his breath, as he furrowed his brow in utter confusion.
"Aim high, I guess," Riddle muttered back.
"I have come to the terrible knowledge that, his highness, king of those who worship darkness, and highest of all draconic fae, has been seeing another on the side!"
"No!" Grim gasped.
"That's a vicious lie!" Malleus spit out, a green thunderbolt striking the ground behind him.
"Is it? Then why did I see you roaming the grounds in a lover's embrace with Silver yesterday?"
"What!" Silver shot up from his seat.
"No, that wasn't what it looked like!"
"Malleus! How could you do this to me? And on our anniversary no less?" Grim sobbed.
Malleus rushed to explain himself, while Lilia handed Silver a notecard.
"No! I'm not…I'm not reading this!" Silver exclaimed.
"Just do it! It's fun!" Lilia laughed, completely ignoring the sobbing Grim, and terrified Malleus.
"No! Fa-Lilia, how does this not seem weird to you in any way? How are you okay with any of this?"
Lilia stared at him blankly, before understanding dawned on his eyes. "Oh, right, see because I raised you so well, I sometimes forget you are human. But we do this all the time back home. I've hosted three of these for you already." 
Lilia shrugged, totally ignoring Silver's jaw dropping. 
"Obviously, no one has been worthy of my precious Silver, but I figure if anyone is it's Y/N. See if you win, you get Y/N, and I've raised the perfect son. If I win…well your odds are high of also someday finding a kick ass person."
Silver would have yelled at his father about the Insanity of his thought process, except he collapsed back in his chair and was asleep.
"That's it!" Grim shouted. "I'm clearly not enough for you! It's over!"
Malleus started sobbing. 
"For seven's sake," Vil groaned, before standing up, and stepping around Malleus' fetal positioned body. "Darling, I decided we're finally going to go on that vacation we've always dreamed about. And Grim will obviously come too, with all the gold and food  he could ever wish for. Happy anniversary, my apple blossom."
"Oh Vil, how romantic!" The betrayal from earlier completely forgotten, Grim sighed happily.
"But how are we able to afford it?"
"Sorry?" Vil choked.
"Your manager called this morning. She says no one wants to cast you anymore because you're too old."
"Vil, you're almost 25 now," Grim said pointedly. "You're practically dead in the industry, and those looks are only going to hold up for so long."
"I bought you an island!" Idia shouted over the table.
"I bought you an island, and the ocean around it," Azul said with a smirk.
"Oh yeah? And how is Y/N supposed to get there, if I bought all the yachts, and patented all travel technology for myself?!" Idia shouted, hair turning a deep crimson.
"I will turn Y/N into the siren they were always meant to be, and they will swim to our island and oceanic home, far away from the dystopia of you running everything!" Azul hissed.
"Capitalist dipshit!" Idia yelled, before launching himself at Azul, both of them soon wrestling on the floor.
In the chaos, Rook, had snuck over to Grim and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"Mon amour, let us escape this room to explore parad-"
Leona yanked him by the collar, looking him right in the face.
"Back away from my mate, hunter."
"Oh Rois des Leones. I shan't surrender to you."
And now Leona and Rook were wrestling.
"Look, darling, I meant to get last year's anniversary off, but-" 
"Save it, Riddle," Grim somehow managed to get his sniffle to carry over the fighting. "All you care about is work!"
"It's the only way to afford the lifestyle I want to give you! I want to clothe you in finery the Queen of Hearts could only dream of!"
"If only I could believe that was true, you're only doing this to please your mother."
"I'm not old!" Vil suddenly shouted, as one of the wrestling duos hit the table too hard and caused it to collapse.
Grim pushed back a lock of Vil's hair, and smirked. "Is this a gray hair I see?"
"What?" Vil panicked and pulled out his mirror, before tripping over the still sobbing Malleus.
"Little bat, our romance is forbidden,"Lilia whispered into Grim's ear. "But now that you know Malleus is cheating on you, we can run away together! Start our own kingdom elsewhere! We'll be so happy together!"
"Lilia, I am flattered, but I think I should try to make it work with Malleus…"
"What? After all he's done to you? He tore out your heart and gave it to Silver!" Lilia shouted, before pointing at the seat Silver was passed out in. Or used to be passed out in.
"Where did Silver go?" It was the last thing Lilia got out before getting knocked over by a wrestling duo.
Silver wandered aimlessly through the NRC halls, trying to clear his head. 
"Silver?" He heard from behind him. He turned and saw Jamil, holding a bag of ingredients.
"If you're looking for, well, everyone, they're baking in Heartslaybul. I'm headed there right now with more flour of you want to come."
Silver nodded, figuring some baking would help him relax. When they arrived he saw you, the first years, Trey, Cater, Ruggie, Kalim and  Ortho, all baking in harmony.
"Trey, I brought Silver and the flour you texted for- Kalim! What are you doing here!" Jamil's calm voice turned into panicked yelling.
"What do you mean?" Kalim's asked, all confused. But Jamil was already shoving him out the door.
"You're supposed to be at…that thing. Remember? We talked about it?"
"Oh yeah! The thing where grikahzj" Jamil covered Kalim's mouth as they both stepped out the door.
"Well, since Kalim is gone, you can help me with kneading the dough, Silver," you said with a bright smile.
Silver smiled softly, and nodded, before joining you at your station.
One week later 
"Darling! I'm the headmaster, I can't just take off because our anniversary happens to be in the middle of a school week! You said you understood that when we got married!"
"You told me you were fine that I had a career in fashion! You know I think you are more beautiful than any model, why are you jealous now?"
Grim simpered in his seat, taking a sip of his apple juice, before saying in his Y/N voice, "I think we should see other people. Happy anniversary."
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog
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reeniecon · 6 months
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-levels of possessiveness-
Include malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge, rook hunt, kalim al asim and Jamil Viper
‼️⚠️ : gn!Reader,I haven't proof read it yet, mentions of chapter 7 npc's names on lilias part, might be come out as yandere tendencies than possessiveness...
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- kalim al asim -
• I know some of you gonna disagree with me, BUT HEAR ME OUT OKAY
• since he was a little kid he always get what he wanted right?
• why wouldn't get this one ?
• hm? Oh u want to go out by urself? No way hahahah, take jamil with you~ or u want me to accompany you?
• Ooooo waitt sweety dont do the chores :(( ur hand will get hurt by that, just let the maid do it for you okayy?? Oh you felt sorry for him?? For working alone? oh dont worry baba(father) will recuit the maids tmr hhe
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- jamil Viper -
• this one are not very surprising
• jamil didn't really get the chance to have something in life that really his on the first place
• so, when he finally did and someone are trying to take it away from him he get really possessive over it
• he can protect kalim all the time so... He faced by almost 0 problem trying to protect you
" Jamil.. What is that?? Can we get that? " You asked him
" I can make more healthier version of it at home, are you okay with that dear? " He speak " And uh...look, dear the cooking oil that there using, it's already black soo that mean they have been using it multiple time without changing it, I wouldn't want you to eat that not-very-healty oil I'm I?" He carefully explains to you
You can sigh to him " Okay... "
" Good, let's head back I'll make it for you" He smiled sweetly to you
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- lilia vanrouge -
• lmao do I need to explain??
• he is a fae
• and already lived a long life
• he knows the pain of losing people he loved dearly mallenoa.. Malleus mother and malleus father...
• so naturally he didn't want to get hurt by that feeling again of course.
• that's why he get very possessive of you
• if you're a long lived creature you might see him be not so possessive towards you because he knows he had a lot of time to spend with you.
• BUT, if you're a human... He *sigh* yeah you know the rest
" My dearie" Lilia calls for you
" Where have youve been?? " He added
" Oh, lilia I just got back from heartslabyul actually, just meet adeuce " You explain while giggling
" Hm, why lying my dear" He glares to you, while flying closer to you
" What.. No what do you mean Lilia! " You panic a little bit because what he just say to you
"Fufu.. My lovely dear... Don't lie to me okay? I know everything going on in your life " He say gently while He stroke your hair
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- malleus draconia -
• dragon are KNOWN to be a possessive creature sooo what makes you think he is any different
• he probably lock u up somewhere if he want to lmao
• not only a normal dragon but he is a dragon with POWERS he is the crowns prince to the Briar valley soooo
• he basically can do whatever he wants lol
• good luck if you catches his eyes lmao he might never let you go until your funeral, keyword MIGHT
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- idia shroud -
• aaa this wired boy
• lacking basic human interaction and affection wwww
• in my eyes he would either be
• no please don't leave me boy or don't leave me or ill kms / destroy all of it
• WOULD STALK U, he probably hack into the campus CCTV just to check what are you doing currently
• asking ortho to follow you and assist you with everything you need
• would probably sends anonymous deaths threats to any guy who are flirting with you
More of my fics
An : I'm kinda ashamed by this lol, but Ill post it anw, I'll add more in the future but this is it for now 😂😂😂
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With all the birthday cards completely, I realized Silver is the only one with a villain portrait. I mean if you look at Rook and kalim who are light users, their portrait has only good characters. While Silver is the only one with a villain portrait. All but Silver has good characters or at least side characters (yes I'm counting Cheshire Cat from Trey's portrait since the Cheshire cat is the only wonderland character to be helpful to Alice compare to the rest and oysters from Ace's portraits are more neutral ones but never bad)
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He’s just special like that, I guess 😂
When I think about it, Silver is the one person that feels very “out of place” at NRC. Sure, there’s also his fellow light cosmic magic trio members, Kalim and Rook, but those two feel a little more traditionally “mean” in their own ways. More specifically, both Kalim and Rook lack tact which can result in emotionally hurting their peers. For example, Kalim comments on Riddle’s lack of physical fitness as a shortcoming (Riddle’s PE Uniform vignette). Rook suggests that Vil isn’t ready for an upcoming gig due to having gained a little weight (Vil’s Labwear vignettes). And the crazy thing is that they tend to not apologize for these comments (Kalim usually out of ignorance and Rook because he usually fully intends to get his thoughts out there). I’ve found that Silver’s bluntness has the capacity to be callous as well, but very rarely do his words end up veering into unintentional insults, unlike that of Kalim and Rook. Silver also tends to apologize more or at least offer to make amends more frequently.
In terms of meta reasoning for this choice, I wonder if it’s because Silver is the only guy at NRC with strong princess (Sleeping Beauty) inspiration. Kalim and Rook are also twisted largely from other “good” characters, like the Sultan and the Huntsman, but ultimately it’s only Silver who is a “princess”—a person that Disney often markets as the paragon of goodness. The Sultan and the Huntsman, by comparison, are just in supporting roles to the actual princesses.
NdbsbsksbKs Maybe I’m overthinking this 💦 but Silver being the only character with a villain’s painting in his Groovy definitely seems deliberate since no one else has one. Kalim’s and Rook’s Groovies are also unique in their own ways; Kalim is the only one where the character is looking at the camera and Rook is the only one with tears in his eyes. The light trio is just full of standouts www
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uchidachi · 30 days
Ok, I’m probably very set on who I’m romancing my first playthrough of Veilguard, but then I was wondering what might make me change my mind. And then I was wondering what everyone else’s dealbreakers might be (and i wanted to ask before we learn much more about them!)
(Also to be clear, i’m just asking this out of curiosity, and not saying that any of these options are good or bad. this is just for funsies & i wont hold you to it 😂)
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faeryarchives · 8 months
so, what are we?
alternate title: it makes you think what do you two currently have because you are already being lovey dovey but doesn't know what stage your relationship is currently at 😂
note: tldr ano nga ba kayo 😂 🫵
recent fics: in sickness and in health & happy birthday (malleus x reader) & when your hopless streamer gets a girlfriend (ace x reader)
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༊*·˚ what do you mean? we are dating right?: oh bless their pure (not) souls because when they asked that it was like asking you if the sky was blue and looking at you as if you just said something crazy because what do you mean 'what are we' ?! 🤬 they don't know whether they should panic or feel mad and they look so lost as they go on explaining how they were already making it very obvious for you that they were dating you through showering you with gifts, taking you out on dates, always being there for you + explaining how the things they do are part of their custom in dating in their hometown ARE YOU BLIND ?! 🫵 oh wait, you are not from here so you didn't know !! so it's a them problem not you 😭 well apparently it serves as a lesson to them that even though action speaks louder than words, without words it just makes everything confusing
— trey clover, leona kingscholar, jack howl, azul ashengrotto, floyd leech, kalim al asim, vil schoenheit, sebek zigvolt, malleus draconia
༊*·˚ wait, you like me too?: sure they have other friends but they thought it was normal because you two are almost best friends material but with a sprinkle of feelings and butterflies getting wild in their stomach + thinking they only have one-sided feelings but of course they wouldn't give up easily and still treat you more special than the others 🧍🏻‍♀️ after hearing your question, their world actually stopped moving as he had to think about what you just said like is this real? his mind is still buffering but he slowly turns to you and start shaking your body back and forth asking you to repeat what you had just said 😵‍💫 might think you are playing with them until you made it very clear + boy you were shocked when they didn't waste another moment to swoop you in their arms and actually sob in happiness whispering to you 'thank you for choosing me' 🥺🫂
— deuce spade, riddle rosehearts, epel felmier, idia shroud, silver
༊*·˚ we are... happy! + two best friends in a room: oh they know what is going on they are not blind 😂 they might tease you at first that you two are more than friends yet less than lovers BUT inside they were only waiting for the right time to ask you out directly without any mixed signals that is why they are doing the best they can !! they don't want you to be with them in such state and would probably settle with the two of you being happy AT THE MOMENT but when directly confronted by you, they would eventually give in and confess everything 👩🏻‍⚖️ they are not usually the ones to voice out their true feelings (except for rook and lilia) but when the time comes where you admit that you thought you had something really special to the point you thought you were already lovers - this man would literally blank out on the spot and blush + probably regretting why they didn't confess sooner like why settle for less when they can have more aka being in a true relationship with you 🫵
— ace trappola, cater diamond, floyd leech (2), idia shroud (2), ruggie bucchi, jade leech, rook hunt, lilia vanrouge
༊*·˚ wrote 5 whole essays only to say they forgot to confess: oh buckle up because they wouldn't back down with this question because they would come up with literally five pages worth on how could you think of that way? how could you forget everything you had together 🤬 grim is watching everything unfold like his parents are going through divorce or smth 😭 similar to the first scenario they thought they already made it very clear that they are asking for your hand in dating but as your discussion and their essay goes deeper it turns out they haven't confessed to you at all 🫨 !! they will try to say something but nothing comes out then silence then cue them finally realizing they fucked up because all this time they thought you were avoiding their advances but it turns out you didn't want to accept it without any assurance so expect a lot of catching up and dates you are going because they want to make it up to you 🧍🏻‍♀️
— riddle rosehearts (2), azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, sebek zigvolt (2)
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fatum679 · 4 months
what do you think about the latest trailer? it made me afraid my beloved ship helaemond is gonna sink 😭
Hello! I was sure that we wouldn't be shown any major spoilers. I read a spoiler that in the second season there will be flashback with Aemma Arryn, I don’t know why they are needed? Who cares? But we do have two shots of her in the trailer.
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About Helaemond, we have a shot of Aemond on a girl's lap crying, I don't think he would show his tears to a prostitute or I also doubt that Aemond will cry in front of a woman (Alys) he sees for the first time in his life. There must be a strong emotional connection for this to happen.
In addition, Aemond will only meet Alys in season 3; in the second, Daemon will interact with her.
The girl in the frame could be Alicent (but why is Aemond naked?) or Helaena.
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Helaena wears blue dresses and this dress is similar to her style from episode 9. This could be a flashback of Aemond and Helaena or it could be a scene after b&c or after battle at rook's rest.
Aemond is not the kind of person who would show weakness in front of a person with whom he has no intimacy and we were shown many helaemond moments in the first season and he was not afraid to cry and says in front of Helaena that Aegon and nephews is bullying him, but in front of others he did not show his tears even when his eye was cut out.
The ring... lol... but why not?😂
Helaena wears a rings on her middle finger in season 2 😂
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I don't know. I'll just wait for the second season and believe 🕷💎
The writers openly talk about and confirm only the relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra (lmao)
I read a theory that this is not Aemma, but that it is Helaena's double.
Firstly, Aemond is no longer 13 years old for Aegon to drag him into a brothel.
Secondly, Aemond is not the kind of person who would voluntarily go to a brothel. He made it clear in the first season that he is not interested in prostitutes and that is what makes him different from Aegon.
So I don't think he's crying on the lap of Helaena's double. I also don't think he's with Mysaria. It is so stupid. Aemond doesn't know her, he won't be so vulnerable in front of her and show his weakness. Aemond won't tell her his secrets! This will be very fucking stupid!
! And the most important thing ! The girl in the picture doesn't have dark hair! It's the dress and the shadow.
The writers won't miss out on a script goldmine like Helaemond.
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sky--phantom · 1 month
Trespasser! 🫡
btw, pls don't hold the hair clipping against me 😅 this is her hairstyle, and I liked the outfit too much to change it because of the neck.
Also, warning, I ended up rambling at the end 😅
Lavellan when she spots Solas and the Viddasala
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I don't know why but this one just seems so funny to me out of context 😂 like, "honey, you know that thing you told me not to do?"
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Solas as Lavellan talks about how she discovered he's the Dread Wolf. I don't know how to describe this expression, sad, fond, proud? I think there would be a "Solas approves" here tho 🥲
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"What is the old Dalish curse? “May the Dread Wolf take you”?"
"And so he did" (this is the other line that kills me)
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They closed their eyes and lowered their heads at the same second during the "I would not have you see what I become". These two angsty mfs
(Though judging by how Solas' bags in DAV + that bit told in the GI article, she wasn’t exactly wrong to say "I cannot bear to think of you alone")
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The Anchor flares up
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"Solas, var lath vir suledin"
"I wish it could, vhenan."
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the kiss 😢
It kills me how he brushes her hair back, and then holds her face. He also holds her hand with his other one.
They both just look so fking wrecked during this kiss.
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And then he leaves 😞
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now to wait for their next meeting in DAV 🥲
I still can't believe that, besides his visits to her dreams (which I think is probably a whole other post), this is the last time they meet. Pretty sure DAV is 8 years after this.
This was devastating. Both of them are wrecked, this is not what they want, but it's the path Solas has chosen to walk through. It hurts because falling in love with Lavellan is probably one of the few times in a while that Solas has done something just for himself, not for the cause, not for the people, but Solas
("The blame is mine, not yours. It was irresponsible and selfish of me") ("Because I made a selfish mistake. Because you deserve better"),
and he has to break it off. No matter how Lavellan and the other members of the Inquisition have helped him see people as, you know, people, this is a mission he has set for himself, something he believes he has to do, his duty.
(Also, I forgot to mention it during the Crestwood post, but it hurts when he stops saying vhenan and changes to Inquisitor)
So, Solas drags his feet, walking slowly, but still walks away from Lavellan and towards the eluvian. He walks away from the person who fell in love with him when he was just Solas, and walks towards the path where he is Fen'Harel, the god of rebellion who has tried to help his people, even if it doesn't turn out well.
He leaves behind a Lavellan whose heart is breaking for the 3rd time because of the same man, who has to deal with what happens with the Inquisition (mine disbanded with the angry option), and the loss of an arm. Also, you know, dealing with the fact that he is an elven god and wants to destroy the veil.
So, yeah...
Sorry that this got a bit very rambly 😅 I just finished the game a little over 2 weeks ago, and there are a lot of thoughts running around my head.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Solas in DAV, and how the Inquisitor will be integrated into the game as well. (side note, I'm so curious about that, bc they haven't even mentioned if the Inky CC will have the same options as Rook) (I just want to know if there are prosthetics and if they can have body tattoos)
These are more general, just thought they were pretty
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pestorik · 3 months
First, just want to say how much I love your designs for your Adventure Time AU! Absolutely adore Pomefiore, and the choices you made for them. The twist of Vil having Rainicorn ancestry I did not see coming, but it’s so unique.
Does all of Pomefiore live together, or do they come and go as Vil requires them? I can kinda picture Vil in a castle or even just huddled up in a cottage in the woods. I picture Rook just comes and goes around in universe to his heart’s content 😂
i imagine vil lives in a little chateau in the woods (i was already late posting so i didnt draw it). epel used to live on an apple farm with his family in the mountains, but left to find adventure. instead he found vil who made him into his eternal slave.
as vil's servant, vil made epel sleep in the pantry in a dog bed lol. after epel officially becomes his apprentice (and vil gets beat up by A+D) vil starts treating him with more respect and allows him to move into the attic. epel takes full advantage and turns it into a sweet crib, but has to follow vil's very strict house rules if he wants to stay there. he also still sleeps in the dog bed bc it's the perfect size for him (he wont admit it's super comfy)
rook is a vagrant who comes and goes as he pleases. he breaks into trey's (and others) house a lot to stay the night. they think he has a house somewhere but no one has seen it or knows where it is or if it even exists. he usually stops at vil's like once a month.
sometimes when vil is feeling especially generous he lets rook crash on his couch. epel hates rook and thinks hes a creep lol while rook finds epel wildly amusing. he will sometimes kidnap him and forcibly take him on a camping trip. hes like an escaped convict who just decides to make epel his pet.
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anzynai · 6 months
Ah!! I just saw your Housewarden tickle HCs and I was wondering if I could add to that person’s request and ask for vice house wardens (+ Ruggie and Ortho) tickle HCs if you can? Thanks in advance! 💖💖💖
Vice Housewardens Hcs
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a/n: as the ask said, ortho and ruggie aren’t housewardens but that’s fine! sometimes i forget that fact too UHHH also there probably won’t (or i’m not really sure) be as many headcanons as the housewarden one but we shall see. this is a super late ask but i hope u like these heascanons anyway.. i mean, at least i got them out haha but as always, enjoy!
so i think that he would be a 7? LIKE some spots he will be like “😊” (the smile is out of pity) and some he will be like 😂😂 (laughing his head off)
ITS PRETTY HARD TO GET HIM TO THAT POINT THO because his worst spots are his back and his thighs, which aren’t always so easily accessible?
but if someone happened to just,, trace a finger down his back while he’s doing something, he will jump and flail and produce the silliest noise you will ever hear in your life
he’s the type to be shy-embarrassed about his ticklishness. like he wouldn’t want to be known for it, but at the end of the day, he doesn’t mind it too much, yk?
he’s really strong so it’s difficult to pin him so it’s probably not even worth trying. it doesn’t matter though, because he’ll usually let you tickle him anyway. (at least if he can get you back)
when he gets you back, he has this wholesome smile on his face and you can’t help feeling embarrassed. he’s super gentle and does it to try and make you happy.
he’s done it to riddle though when he feels like the redhead hasn’t been smiling enough, yk?? like he loves cheer up tickles and while it mostly happens to riddle, he’s done it to others too.
he would also be the type to use it as a sort of motivation. “every question that you get wrong is ten seconds of tickling. how is that?”
ergggg tickles with this guy,, they were always a pretty big thing with him! growing up, his family always would tickle eachother (meaning ofc he was involved as well) and as of late, tickling between leona and him has been becoming more and more frequent (to leona’s disdain)
he’s definitely like an 8, leaning a bit towards a 9? idk he’s pretty ticklish.
his worst spots.. his sides AND his tail. most people learn he’s ticklish if they try to pet his tail, so he doesn’t let people, unless he really trusts them (such as yuu). only leona knows his sides r ticklish cuz he tickles ruggie if he wants him to stop bothering him. rook knows about his tail if you’ve seen that one scene 😊😊
he enjoys being tickled and can usually last for a while, but he doesn’t like when it’s so intense.
if ruggie had an s/o, i think he would be the type to like,, nibble on their neck to make them giggle yk??
not really anyone KNOWS about his sensitivity (apart from his fam) but leona and rook. leona found out one time cuz ruggie kept pestering him and he pushed him away in his side and was very shocked by the very loud squeal that ruggie let out.
i think that he’s not necessarily embarrassed about his sensitivity but also like, not for any real reason. he just doesn’t think about tickling all that much. like, it’s completely normal to him. so it’s not like he’s all for it but he’s just pretty neutral about it (if that makes sense)
that being said, that is regarding his OWN sensitivity. for others, while he doesn’t do it often, he looooves tickling others
he gets teasy w it too!!! “you’re so ticklish, it’s so funny!!” all that stuff yk?
he is for sure the type to use tickling to “exploit” people into doing what he wants them to do. obviously, nothing super bad but if he REALLY wants something and u happen to be ticklish? well, yk what that means.
he has a sneaky, gentle touch? like hes strangely good at finding the spots that makes someone tick. comes from experience LOL
to be honest, among the three, i kinda see him as the least ticklish. now that doesn’t mean hes NOT ticklish, i mean, its AZUL and FLOYD im talking abt?? so yeah, id say hes like.. a 6, leaning towards 7!
AHHHH deep breathy laugh ftw!! most spots that ppl get him elicit this kinda laughter which is like literally to die for. like, its just so…
ofc, this required training(?) on jade’s part because he wanted to maintain his persona of being the calmer twin because floyd’s got the complete opposite laugh (cackly and loud)
STILL, it doesnt mean he never breaks! tbh, he doesnt necessarily hide his ticklishness, but as someone who would prefer to be the one in power, he doesn’t bring it up either. sometimes, when the ler finds a really good spot (his armpits or i imagine the area JUST below his ears, like just at the top of his neck is ridiculously sensitive), its a lot harder to keep himself from squawking lol
kinda circling back to my last headcanon, i think its super funny how jade could definitely manipulate YOU into thinking hes still the one in power while being wrecked to pieces hehe
like idk how he manages it, but he can make you think that hes just indulging and that he could get out anytime he wants. not that this isnt true, but he would definitely struggle more than he lets on. especially if its floyd or azul (or both) who happen to tickle him
like vil from my last post, i think he would be good at keeping himself still for the most part.
no one really gets near him, ESPECIALLY to tickle him except for floyd and azul (and yuu/reader(??) if youd like) so he doesnt get tickled often, especially when he tends to get to the upper hand with them from the get-go.
still, he doesn’t mind this dynamic. he prefers to be the ler than the lee.
on the other hand, as a ler, hes not so bad when hes teaming with someone (usually floyd) like most of the time, he will let the other tickle the person more while he holds onto their arms or something
but alone? ABSOLUTE menace. he knows just the right things to say to make you as flustered and right where he wants you. he knows just the spots he needs to touch to have you squealing. and the worst part of it, is that he will keep it stored in his brain for later use.
like going further with that, im saying if youve got a sensitive neck, he WILL be swiping his finger across his neck and then gaslight you and everyone else into thinking it had never happened in the first place. and if you lose ur sanity over it, thats just part of the fun in his eyes.
hes very attentive when it comes to ensuring the ler doesnt like, completely die. hes actually really good at telling when a ler is about to reach their limit and will stop when he realizes that. hes saved a few from floyd’s wrath because of this.
generally gentle tickles when he first begins, but he can change his style depending on which works better on the lee, compared to others, who often have a pretty distinct tickling style
people tend to overlook this because kalim is like super ticklish, but jamil is actually very ticklish as well and he hates it. id say hes about a 7, actually.
tbh i think he would be the type to think of it as a weakness😞😞 like its not necessarily the sensation that he dislikes, but moreso the fact that it makes it much harder to fight back
he seems like he would have a ticklish back im not even gonna lie AND HEAR ME OUT. like his muscles just right below his armpits (blanking on the name rn) so he would never let anyone touch his muscles because it tickles
also think he would have a ticklish collarbone but people arent really aware of that so hes safe? (only for now ofc)
he would be the type to try to hide his face. like maybe stuffing his face into a pillow, into his shirt, etc. he is shy about people seeing his blushing face which is so cuteeee
i feel like kalim would try to tickle him all the time. “its what friends do!” “you look so glum.. let me cheer you up!” “i know a way to take a break from all this studying!” it offers a pretty good distraction tbh
i think yk when ppl lightly tickle ur arm and it tickles but not enough to make u laugh? i feel like jamil would secretly find it comforting
as a ler, he would be suuuuper teasy. im talking like “how embarrassing for you to be this ticklish, huh?” or even worse if the lee cant say “tickle” he will be like “cant even say the word? you must be more ticklish than i thought.”
i feel like he would be one of those ppl who is intimidating yet gentle at the same time. he doesnt want to hurt you obviously but he wants to make sure you feel everything that he is doing to u
like jade, hes pretty good at sensing when the ofher cant take it for much longer so he always stops before they reach that point
he usually tickles kalim, because he feels its too awkward to even try tickling someone else (unless they tickle him first, them its war)
azujami again sorry: jamil likes poking him in the side at random times to hear him gasp and blush because he finds joy in breaking azul’s business persona LOL he relishes in the glare that azul sends him afterwards
im gonna be so fr. i lowkey see him as not ticklish, except for ONE SPOT. so ill say 1.
that one spot? his SPINE like running a finger down his spine will have him shiver, gasping, and giggljng. hes really ticklish there, but no one has tickled him there since his arrival to NRC so to everyone, he may as well be not ticklish at all.
one time, vil poked him on his back and when vil noticed his reaction, he thought he was busted. still, vil seemed to brush it off after rook started spilling out nonsense.
because of his lack of sensitivity, he doesnt hesitate to tickle others because he knows he doesnt have to worry about retaliation
in fact, he loves when they try and he just laughs at them and tickles them to pieces
that being said, sometimes he wishes he was ticklish because he really loves seeing people laugh and have fun and let their walls down and he kinda wants that too?? but he doesnt always feel like that, he just cant help being a bit envious at times
since hes literally a canon ler, i think its safe to say that he tickles people when he feels they arent smiling enough. whether its jusy because theyre spaced out, or are sad, or just dont happen to be smiling, the reasons matter not. he will get them.
going off of that, cheer up tickles are a big thing with him. especially with epel and sometimes with vil, though vil usually pushes him off after about a minute talking about how “childish” tickling is and all that. but he notices how it makws them feel more relaxed so he never takes either of them seriously
his tickling depends on the ler. he likes to experiment. he noticed that for people like jack and epel, rougher tickles work best. as for vil and ruggie, gentle tickling is better.
kinda (???) unintentionally teasy. of course, he knows what teasing is. but, he’s just a very blunt person (though not everyone understands he is because of the way he says things) but he will talk about how beautiful they look and fluster the other
of course, he knows how to tease and uses it sometimes when he wants to see the other all red and flushed when regular compliments dont work, but he tends to just be blunt because that yields the same results oftentimes
all in all, he loooooves tickling and tries to tickle people a lot (which to some, makes him come off as a weirdo, but that has never stopped him).
so i might be wrong but im pretty sure hes actually canonically ticklish, which is think is so cute
and then if u think abt it, idia must have done that on purpose. anyways, i give him a 5. hes sensitive in some places and not in others. (thatd be a LOT of work for idia)
i think it would be like.. in the crevices of his body that get him. like just below his neck, especially
he doesnt really mind his sensitivity! in fact, he finds it pretty fun and he thinks of tickling as a bonding activity hehe
he got more ticklish once he owned like a soul/heart, idk how it works but it does
he loves tickling people! especially his brother. sometimes when idia doesnt get out of bed or is being too snarky, he tickles him
or sometimes i would imagine ortho uses tickling as a way to help people out of their comfort zones. not even just for idia, but like when people are awkward around each other and whatnot, he might be like “i think we should have a tickle fight!” the funny thing is that it actually works
hes the type of teaser thats not really aware they are teasing like “are you having fun!!?” “you’re smiling and giggling a lot!” “you seem so happy, do you like this?”
hes kinda gentle?? i mean as gentle as a robot could be. could u imagine how funny it would be if ortho started off as being too rough when tickling so he has like feathers on him at all times (in some kind of compartment) when he thinks he might be hurting the other.. however, he doesnt need to use them much because he has gotten a lot better
like can tell ur heartrate and when ur at ur limit or getting close, never goes too far basically
is about half and half lee and ler! mostly any tickle fights are between him and idia, or the freshmen, but occasionally others in nrc
LOVESS tickle fights!! thinks they r so so fun and honestly cant blame him lolll
honestly. not that ticklish, like im gonna say a 4 and even thats pushing it.
not that i dont want him to be super ticklish, but i think that with old age comes him being less sensitive to tickles
though, i think his back would be a pretty bad spot!! he cant ever get back massages because it makes him laugh
when he laughs while being tickled, its super breathy and deep and its just to die for— cuz its not like his normal laugh..its literally a laugh that only occurs when he is being tickled
also very open when tickled, like instead of curling up, he kinda spreads out and kicks out?? its easier to access his spots though
he used to hate being tickled when he was younger because he was more ticklish and it made him feel weak, though as he grew older, he learned to embrace it and likes tickling now
while its true he doesnt mind being tickled, he definitely prefers to be the one doing the tickling lolll
his main victims r obviously the other members of the diasomnia dorm! he gets silver and sebek the most, but that doesn’t mean he doesnt get malleus quite often as well. its just that.. malleus puts up a fight— a pretty good one, at that.
great tickler, somehow knows all of ur spots before he even touches u and ur just like… how??
i think he likes to sneak attack ppl like will just randomly appear behind someone and tickle them cuz he thinks its funny, will do it to anyone he considers a friend LOL
he would be the type to say “tickle tickle tickle~” or “coochie coochie coo~” stuff like that or even just teasing his lee by wiggling his fingers
he would be the type to use punishment tickles its very funny like if someone does something wrong, “for your punishment, u must endure __ minutes of tickling” (time depends on what was done LOL
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pianostarinwonderland · 2 months
Now it's likely we will enter everyone's dream what do you think azul dream would be?
rubs hands Ohhhh anon, you're in luck because I have so many thoughts.
Since I also have ideas for the tweels, I'll take this time to write what I think all the Octavinelle dreams will be like. Most of these are my own thoughts, but some ideas are from friends. And because I love the trio so much, I'll also write my own ideas of what would possibly get them to wake up and such.
General notes before listing the individual dreams:
May be an obvious point, but I think all 3 of them will have each other in their dreams. Octa trio are very close, and I don't think they can imagine not having each other in their lives. It also matches how their initial dorm card art have each other + how all three of their stories are tied together.
I think that Jade is going to be the Octavinelle dream segment's SSR because of the twins, Kalim and co. will likely have an easier time waking Floyd up. Jade may need some prodding from someone more familiar with him.
However, I do acknowledge the argument made by my friend that it is possible for Floyd to be the SSR as he's the rightmost one in the order you find at the lessons (if you notice, the order goes Ortho > Lilia > Rook > Kalim (though Kalim is an exception) with Sebek in between Lilia and Rook, and they're the rightmost ones in their dorm order seen in lessons. Floyd is the rightmost one in the Octavinelle order). And I wouldn't be surprised if TWST decides to pull that out. But admittedly, I don't know what exactly would make Floyd's dream deep enough that he needs to be woken up by someone more familiar, so I write the dreams with the assumption that Jade will be the SSR.
Though not necessarily going to be important in the following ramble, I have a feeling that they will release Coral Sea's hometown event to be able to use certain assets (i.e. backgrounds, possible official reveal of Azul's merform) in book 7, just like Vil's hometown event was used for the Pomefiore dream segment.
As a disclaimer, I don't have full translations of the last two updates so I may not have the most accurate ideas for how the Octa dream segment can turn out because there are patterns they're following here. Many of these are still brainrot induced (even though I think I make good logic wheezes).
Ok, with all that said, here are my thoughts for the Octa trio's dreams :>>
Floyd Leech: Living underwater with Jade and Azul
It's not a secret that Floyd is at his happiest when he's in his merform. Among the trio, he's the one who transforms the most often into his merform. Some incidents include the time that he transformed during swimming class according to Ruggie (Book 3) and Vargas Camp where he transformed to get fish. Floyd is also the one who tells the most stories of his time under the sea with Jade and Azul. We know about their middle school band because of him (Robe Kalim vignette); we know about Azul's actual size in his octopus form because of him (Beans 2 main story); we know about the music contests they used to join because of him (Portfest Floyd vignette).
So it makes sense that his dream would be in the sea, where he's in his merform. It's also going to be pretty simplistic, depicting a happy life underwater.
TWST tends to be very comedic, especially with the first dream. So my friend suggested it would be fun if there were literal fish versions of the cast in his dream 😂 so we could have live2D assets of a literal goldfish Riddle, crab Ace, sea snake Jamil, etc.
Jade and Azul of course would be in merform along with him. Maybe they might be playing in their middle school band: Floyd on drums, Jade on bass, and Azul on piano (and maybe their audience is composed of the NRC cast as fish).
In this dream, maybe Floyd has no memory of ever being on land with Jade and Azul. So that may be what the others will use to wake him up.
Jamil would probably remind Floyd of basketball club days + dancing, and Ortho would probably remind him of his love for shoes. These could be pretty reasonable as the permanent card vignettes (so SR Robe/Lab, R Uni/PE, SSR Dorm) seem to be compliant with the canon of the main story. Grim would probably remind him as well of Book 3's events and how he'd do fun shit with Azul and Jade at the Mostro Lounge. They would probably remind him as well that Jade and Azul love what they do on land.
I don't know where to insert this, but it's very likely that Azul in this dream does not hate his merform. Floyd talks highly of his merform (whether it looks yummy or very strong), so it's possible that he wishes that Azul loves himself just a little bit more (I really want to say it is hinted at, but at the moment, I have no idea if that's correct, let alone say where it is hinted at, so I won't say it like it's canon). And by extension, this can be Floyd's way of sharing that maybe Azul wouldn't have OB'd if he was more accepting of himself.
Jade Leech: If Azul never overblotted
Jade's dream would take a similar path to Rook's dream, in which the premise for the latter is that Vil never overblotted because he's not in conflict with Neige. And for Rook, that's okay, he just wants Vil to be happy, even if he looks on from afar. Except that for Jade, he wants to be the reason that Azul didn't have to overblot.
See, it's very subtle, but Jade is probably upset or even traumatized from Azul's overblot. While he never shows this (this motherfucker istg) the one small bit of evidence of this is in Book 4. Jamil's hypnotizing everyone, and Kalim, Azul, and the rest are frantic as they don't know what to do. But as Jamil is about to overblot, Jade tells him to stop, or else he will overblot. And that's a very interesting thing: why is it Jade who's the one telling Jamil that he'll overblot at the rate he was going? Why not Azul, who's both fascinated with Jamil and the one who underwent overblot? Or even Grim and Yuu who have 3 experiences of overblots by that time? Of course, that's not necessarily a guaranteed indication that Jade is upset from Azul's overblot, as in general, overblot is very dangerous and could kill a life. Jade may have been saying this to prevent Jamil from entering a life-or-death situation. However, I still find it intriguing that it's Jade who's warning Jamil, especially when another instance of another character trying to stop an OB was Kalim, who followed Vil since he was reminded of Jamil's own OB (and we know Jamil and Kalim have been together since forever).
There's two ways that this can go: either (1) Jade's dream follows like Rook's, or (2) it goes the opposite of Rook's.
In (1), Jade (and consequently, Floyd) would not be friends with Azul, and Azul would continue on as he is, only a lot more independent.
(1) stems from the fact that the plan Yuu hatched to destroy Azul's contracts was hinged on separating the twins from Azul. Jade might have realized this, either in Book 3 or off screen post Book 3. And in a similar fashion to Rook, he might blame himself a little bit for Azul not being able to get the contracts off of Leona on his own due to the fact that he and Floyd are always with him. So in his mind, he thinks he might be dragging Azul's potential down, and he knows how much Azul wants to become the best version of himself. So maybe he looks on from afar as well. Maybe he's still an Octavinelle student, but not the vice leader.
(2) also stems from that same fact, but it also has an additional element: In Book 3, Jade asked Azul if they should do anything about Leona, since it was unexpected for Yuu to stay in Savanaclaw. Azul replied that he probably won't act on anything, so he says not to disturb him. What if Jade might have been hooked onto this? That maybe he should have acted more upon his suspicions? That maybe he should have been more attentive when spying on Yuu and co to find out when they hatched this plan? So maybe in dream (2), he had a countermeasure or he just knew when to nudge Floyd to go back to the dorm before Leona destroyed the contracts. Then once that was dealt with, they deal with the photo and bam, Azul wins and they get the Ramshackle branch.
Both (1) and (2) are connected by Jade's wish in the Dances and Wishes event, where he expresses that his wish is for Azul's and Floyd's wishes to come true. In a sense, (1) fits this a bit better than (2). There's also the idea that moray eels have a cowardly nature, according to Floyd. (1) could be an expression of said nature within Jade.
But if you ask me, I think (2) is a bit more in line with Jade. Firstly because I doubt he can imagine not being close to Azul, secondly because I think in his ideal world, I think he'd wish he had more control over what happened (and Jade has a thing for control).
Thirdly, it matches in terms of how his dorm card and Rook's dorm card are both same and different. The gameplay of TWST tends to be intermingled with the story and characters at times. Dorm Jade and Rook both have first spells where they boost their ATK stat for 3 turns, with fire as their duo element. The differences between them are (a) card typing (Rook Attack vs. Jade Defense) and (b) M1/M3 elements (Flora/Water Rook vs. Water/Flora for Jade). This parallel can be reflected in their dreams vs. the reality of their situations. Rook dreamt of never being involved with Vil, but in real life he was in time to intervene and save Neige. Meanwhile, Jade would dream of being on time to stop Leona, while in real life, he was too late and only in time to kick Azul's ass out of his overblot.
And fourth, this is where you may wonder: Isn't Azul's second dream going to be the Book 3 AU, based on the patterns with Idia, Vil, and Jamil? To which I answer: yes! Definitely! But here's where I'm going to point out something: Jade and Azul not only have similar ish mindsets but also have the same paintings in their initial Platinum card art, just with flipped positions. I like to think that this is reflective of their dreams, where both of them wish to change the same events of Book 3, except that they'd go about it differently.
Jade would definitely be woken up by Floyd, who would remind him that what happened has already happened. (On this note, I wonder if we'll get to see one of their vicious sibling fights so Jade can wake up, but I'm just dreaming at this point)
By virtue of him being the SSR, we gotta think of what's the scenario that would make Jade cry! Him having to fight the fake Azul and Floyd might break him. Yeah, he's fought Floyd and all, probably dueled with Azul too, but it could be different when he has to be 100% serious about it. Either that or, there might be some part of him that hates the fact that it was a dream. And Floyd would have to snap him out of it, saying that everything is okay.
Azul Ashengrotto: Ultimate business owner + Book 3 AU
The first dream we enter, in typical Azul fashion, we're likely going to see him owning a whole chain of Mostro Lounge restaurants! And maybe not only that: he's probably running a hotel or two, he's got a delivery service going, he probably has a monopoly running while we're at it. Basically, it's all the stuff that he lists down in Book 6 before he sleeps on Riddle's shoulder.
His businesses expand over both land and sea. Since Azul prefers being on land, we may see him on land first before diving to the sea to check on business there. And that's where the first confrontation happens.
I think Azul would feel practically invincible by this point! And by invincible, he not only has everything he wants, but there's not a trace of his past to be discovered, so people think he's always been this intelligent and strong. So when he's confronted by Jade and Floyd, who share memories of his past (his shared past with them, from middle school to NRC), that's the first instance of Azul slowly starting to wake up and him panicking about his perfect world being fake. And it almost works until the dream versions of Jade and Floyd come in and remind Azul of the kind of invincible person he is.
Then they descend to the second dream, which is the Book 3 AU where Azul got his contracts from Leona and probably beat his ass. Except that the difference between this and Jade's dream is that Azul does this all by himself. When dream Jade and Floyd get back to him with the photo, they're praising him, all like, "Good job Azul! You're so strong and powerful! I'm glad I get to hang out with someone as awesome as you are!"
But the real Jade and Floyd would try to stop him from destroying the photo and tell him that it's a reminder of who he was, and how much he's grown. And if Azul succeeds in destroying that photo, Jade and Floyd would pull out the photos that they carry with them (think the album from the opening). They want him to accept the person that he was, and realize the person he is now is someone who's grown stronger. He has become better.
On how his dream would collapse, this is tricky. I would want that Azul destroys his contracts (thereby breaking the deal he made with Yuu, which would entail that his happy end has been broken), but him not destroying the photo would also cause the dream to collapse since the way to his happy end involves removing all ties to his past, namely the photos. He could do both. However, the trend so far is that foreign influence affecting the happy ending is what would break the dream. If anything, if Jade and Floyd do have their own copies of Azul's past photos, that means that the presence of those indicates that Azul's ties to his past are not broken at all, and therefore they would break the dream.
Then as per pattern, the others leave while Azul sinks deeper to try and wake himself up. He meets his OB self, who's steeped in his insecurities and is very unaccepting of his past. And this is where Azul accepts those insecurities and accepts his past but will continue to move forward with his life and grow to be a person he can be proud of, and fight his OB self. Then he faces his first dream and dream Jade and Floyd, and then he wakes up eventually.
#twisted wonderland#twst#twst jp#azul ashengrotto#jade leech#floyd leech#twst theory#tldr they need each other fr#if you ask me i absolutely think jade and floyd would exhibit their same difference schtick#in which they have their individual ways of expressing smth but at their core they have similar desires/goals/feelings#like i think floyd might partially blame himself too for azuls ob or if not blame himself he at least wished he never had to see it happen#its just that to him if azul was more accepting of himself like how floyd accepts him then azul wouldnt have been hurt enough to undergo it#ofc it needs to be said too that jade and floyd want each other to be happy#idk how Exactly they'd go about that but im sure for jade he wants floyd to be able to do what he wants#and floyd wants that he and jade are happy tgt under the sea#tho i do admit my ideas for jade's dream are more azul focused than floyd focused esp (2)#(1) would defs be able to encompass floyd's wishes more alongside azul's#i still want the tweels to brawl after seeing kalim and jamil throw down in the latest update lmao#like how vicious would they get and would they actually fight over how they shouldve handled a matter deeply involving someone they care fo#i demand to see more fists thrown tbh for a school thats built up to throw hands we dont get enough full blown fist fights#edit 1: its jamil who accompanies them not kalim#edit 2: added in the photos in azuls part bc my friend talked about it and i COMPLETELY FORGOT HOW IMPT THE PHOTOS ARE TO AZULS STORY
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dotster001 · 1 year
hii i love your works (they way you write is so lovely )! can i request a reader who is ethereal and has a gentle personality?
Summary: Rook/Riddle/Trey/Ruggie/Sebek x gn! Reader
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So radiant! So beautiful! He's been searching for you all his life!
You're perfect! That said….Rook is always going to be Rook. And now that he's found the perfect person…
He wants to break you open until he finds a flaw.
It's not that he doesn't love you, it's just, wouldn't it be so beautiful, if you had beautiful flaws?
After a while, he settles for thinking your gentleness is your flaw. He sees you be so nice to others, even those who don't deserve it. But that's okay! He'll protect you and your beautiful flaw! Never you fear!
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The first time he sees you, he drops an entire cake on the ground. You can't possibly be real! You look sort of fae…but like, dialed up by one hundred.
He does something very un-Trey like. He avoids you. He can't even handle all the feelings that come just by looking at you. He's so overwhelmed with unnamed feelings, so it's easier just to avoid you.
But you're just too sweet! You're worried that he's sick, or that you did something wrong! So you come looking for him. And then he's forced to be overwhelmed by you, and his urge to press you against himself, just holding you tightly. 
It's not until Cater playfully flirts with you, and makes you laugh, that he gets pissed and asks you out. He still gets nervous around you, but he's a quiet dude anyway so it's alright. You'll never know it's because you have such a strong effect over him.
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"My mother would certainly approve of you."
That's his first thought when he sees you for the first time. He doesn't say it out loud, but the way his cheeks are burning, he may as well have. Luckily, the only one dumb enough to bring it up is Ace.
He's a perfect gentleman. Holding the door for you, escorting you places with a hand on your lower back, bowing deeply when he enters a room and you happen to be there. It feels like in a Jane Austen book when the dude is clearly courting the main character.
He's so genlte, too. You bring out a soft side of him. If he starts to build back up in his temper, Ace will find you, and shove you into his arms. It's an instant calming effect.
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Aw, you're so sweet …. he's gonna rob your ass blind.
At first! these HC's are a lot of at first 😂
Everything changes when he steals half your lunch, and watches you give what's left to Grim. For nothing! Aw man, you definitely need someone street smart to look after you. He can help, for a small fee of course. 😁
Because of the ethereal part of you, you attract a lot of people. This quickly unlocks Ruggie's jealous side. 
But we all know he's not a Dom, in any way. So how does he get your attention back? He whines. And if you happen to be sitting, he puts his head in your lap while he whines. And he won't stop until you pet his hair or scratch his ears. That's how he's positive the attention is on him 😁
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He thinks you're soft. You must be. How can you afford to be so nice to everyone? Don't you know the weak get squashed without someone like him to protect them?
He thinks that until, one day, when he's yelling, you just gently cup his cheeks, and smile so softly at him. He can't speak, he can't think, he's just enthralled by your eyes that are gazing into his.
He feels his face heat up under your hands, and he realizes that he has someone who he wants to worship even more than Malleus Draconia.
Yeah, everything he does with Malleus? Ten times worse with you. But you can quickly calm him down by cupping his cheeks, humming a little tune, and giving him gentle praises.
When you two become official? His arm will always be around your waist  , protectively, his hand on his sword hilt ready to pull it whenever. Luckily for the poor soul who tripped you that one time, you have such a calming effect on Sebek.
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
I just imagine my Mc bringing home a kitten to her dorm she found bc it brings her comfort and it feels like her.
So how would the Ro's react to seeing this little kitty in her dorm? (Crushing/Dating stage)
Rook: enamored instantly, crash courses how to take care of a cat, would probably be devastated if the cat didn't like him but try not to show it 😂 is very much like "this is our cat now"
Beck: pretty similar to Rook, he loves it instantly. You'll catch him playing with it all the time, sneaking it snacks or catnip, or just pampering it.
Rhea: "that's...against school regulations" but the minute she sees the look on your face and how cute the cat is, just tells you to make sure it gets its shots and even offers to pay for it. She might not fawn over it, but if it snuggles up to her, she relax into it, stroking it's head
Zoe: isn't really sure how to interact with animals, but if you're happy then they're happy. Probably a whole lot of awkward/funny attempts at trying to interact with it, a slump of defeat to their shoulders if they fail. The first time the cat let's them pet it makes them a lot happier then they thought it would
Lars: neutral on animals, but I can almost see a weird...rivarly(?) start, like a sitcom comedy or something akskd when alone with it would make sarcastic comments towards it, talking like you would a real person, and at some point come to the realization of 'oh no I care about this thing now' skskd
???: has a fondness for most animals, and cats are no different. However, maybe it's because death clings to them that the cat never really approaches them. They know and so they just leave it alone, watching you interact with it instead. The first time the cat approaches them, their expression is alight with warmth
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Rook's groovy card seems different from the previous groovy card. Usually they have a smug look that even the unusually ones like Jack have a smug look, but Rook's looks peaceful with a prayer. And this is the guy who is often give the weirdest smiles. Maybe this could be him being a light magic user.
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Yes, Rook’s Platinum Suit Groovy has very different energy than everyone else’s so far! Don��t mind him, he’s just being a Neige stan—
Like you said, I wonder if this means Silver and Kalim’s groovies will also be similarly genuine smiles instead of smirks. I can’t see either of them pulling some kind of cruel expression 😂 I guess we’ll have to find out when the spring and summer roll around!!
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thelazyhermits · 14 days
After learning about some posts where people categorize the TWST boys' feelings for their Yuus, I decided I wanna do something like that, although I won't make an actual chart cause I'm too lazy lol
Everything on this post is what I've recently decided on after having spent almost two years writing for the A Twisted Future series and coming to better understand/flesh out these relationships, so some things will be different here as compared to what I've written in past posts, making this is the most up-to-date post.
I'll put it all underneath the cut.
How the TWST Boys' Feel About Yuu
Total Simps/Definitely Seriously Crushing on Her: Ace & Deuce (While Ace is just plain in denial, Deuce is completely oblivious to the fact that he has an actual crush on Yuu due to his inexperience with girls lol)
Has a Lowkey Crush on Her and/or Very Easily Gets Flustered/Has Plenty of "Doki Doki" Moments Around Her: Idia, Azul, & Riddle
Also Simps but Are More Lowkey Than Adeuce: Sebek & Jack
Totally Fascinated With Her/Sees Her as Their Favorite Toy & Source of Entertainment/Enjoys Flirting with Her: Floyd, Jade, & Rook
Sees Her as a Sister/Daughter: Ortho, Epel, Trey, & Lilia
Sees Her as a Close Friend Whom They Can Truly Trust: Leona, Ruggie, Kalim, Jamil, & Malleus
Sees Her as a Good Friend Whom They Can Be Themselves Around/Whom They Feel Truly Comfortable Around: Vil, Silver, and Cater
Although the main focus here is the guys' feelings, I wanted to mention Yuu's feelings as well, or at least, mention the kinda info on this topic that I can't remember if I ever made a post about lol
For the record, Yuu doesn't have a crush on anyone. Right now, she's too busy experiencing/enjoying platonic love for the first time in her life to really care about actual romance. Plus, I could honestly see her being aromantic/asexual.
However, she loves to playfully flirt, mostly cause she finds blushing boys to be adorable. If she were to be asked what physical feature she'd look for the most in a man, she'd say a cute blush cause that really is very important to her lol 😂
Yuu will pretty much flirt with any of her friends, with the exception of Ortho, Grim, and Lilia, the former two for obvious reasons and the latter cause of how much older he is and the fact that he refers to her as his daughter lol
However, there are some guys that she flirts more with than others and some that she will only flirt with when she doesn't think it'll backfire on her haha
Constant Flirting Targets: Ace, Deuce, Jack, Sebek, and Epel
Flirts Not as Regularly but Still Enough With That It's Not Considered Rare: Trey, Riddle, Cater, Azul, Idia, & Ruggie
Flirts With Only When Sebek's Not Around: Malleus
Flirts With Only When Jamil's Not Around: Kalim
Flirts With When She Thinks It Won't Encourage Their Usual Brand of Chaos/Shenanigans: Floyd, Jade, & Rook
Flirts With When She Thinks She Can Handle Whatever Powerfully Charming Response She Knows He'll Unintentionally Woo Her With: Silver
Flirts With When She Thinks They Won't Retaliate Because She Tried to Fluster Them: Leona, Jamil, & Vil
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Do you have any thoughts on older/jack the ripper dlc jacob? Personally i think older jacob is hotter than young Jacob- both are hot, but older jacob does something to me fr 😮‍💨 I honestly think Jacob would send his darling off to Evie during the whole thing or away with their children (if they had any) but still. I just like the thought of Jacob being a little more chill with his darling but also still being completely delusional over how the start of their relationship was love at first sight and totally perfect while their darling is just like 🤨 Jacob tells his kids that you and him just instantly connected whereas you’re biting your tongue from pointing out that you almost threw at a beer mug at his head 😂 I’m so curious on your thoughts- i just love this man lol
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- I can imagine that first and foremost, he would definetly send you and any children you two have (should you want any) over to Evie or somewhere far away where Jack can't hurt you when he gets threatened by him.
- Also, since Jacob adopted Jack, imagine Jack being sort of like a platonic yandere but the kind of yandere who thought it would be more merciful to "free you" from Jacob by killing you, so Jacob being conflicted but also feeling guilty for not recognizing Jack and the darkness in him sooner (or even making it worse by filling his head with his ideologies).
- But yeah, no, at that point you have Stockholm Syndrome so you're honestly relieved when you return home and quickly become concerned when you see Jacob and when Evie leaves to go back to India, you caring and tending to Jacob and helping him adjust.
- And even without his other eye, the intensity of his obsessive passion for you is not dimmed by any means. It burns as bright as they cursed day he laid eyes on you for the first time. He's so happy to have you back in his arms safe and sound.
- Also, yes, older Jacob becomes a bit "fuzzy on the details" of how you two meet. He often jokes about how you "played hard to get" and by that, he meant "you literally tried to flee the country but his rooks cut you off and then brought you to him where he trapped you and kept you locked away from the rest of the world" and how you've given up on correcting him because he's so convinced that's what happened.
Older! Jacob: "I was determined to make sure they weren't the one who got away!"
Older! You: "Yes. Yes he was. Very determined. Scarily determined, some might say."
- Both couples old and young envy the both of you and women of all ages tell you how lucky you are to have married a man who was so handsome and so obsessed with you. If you were younger, you would've looked at them in disgust but instead, you nod your head and say: "Yes, there is no one quite like my Jacob" and when Jacob hears, he feels his heart skip a beat and he's suddenly back to being the love sick puppy he was when he first "courted" you.
- But yes he would be rather chiller the older he becomes and this is mostly because you've finally accepted that you're never getting away from him. If you make any bitter or passive aggressive comment, instead of pouting or being upset, he will chuckle or roll his eyes before kissing you because for all that sass; you both know that he won in the end.
- He also trusts you enough to go on morning strolls with him, his arm linked around yours as you both walk down the city just for the view or go to the market together and he isn't worried to let you out of his sight for a bit (Younger Jacob would've been stressing and wouldn't calm down until you were back in his line of sight) and he enjoys how the two of you have conversations instead of screaming matches, conversations where he is reminded of why he loves you so much and how he simply will never let you go.
- The mornings are nice the older you two get, your chairs next to each other as you read the paper and you feel Jacob's eyes on you, admiring you, studying you, enjoying the fact that you were finally his and his alone. Then he'd grab your hand and tenderly rub his thumb on top of your knuckles before he sits up to kiss your cheek. When you were younger, he would've had to grab you by chin to keep you from moving away but instead you stay still and turn to give him a peck on the cheek which makes him hum in delight.
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