#Hal loves his food
alfiely-art · 8 months
Realtalk: I'm probably never going to read homestuck no matter how much I love Lil Hal simply because I love hearing about it from my bestie. Like. This comic is BATSHIT INSANE and hearing about it secondhand is just so much funnier to me. And also they just tell me the good stuff. Like Lil Hal. When I see people call it problematic I'm just. "Lil Hal exists in this comic its fine"
Which. Is also me with Danganronpa V3. The flaws fade away because a robot boy with pointy white hair exists. Moral of the story if your media has a silly robot fella who's very Gender and has some Issues. I will become obsessed
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danothan · 1 year
some autistic ppl have the same few comfort foods they eat over and over, while some adhd ppl can’t consecutively eat the same thing more than once bc they get bored of it so quickly. so in the context of barry allen (who definitely has both), i hc that he likes to get experimental with his safe foods! he’s the type of person to crave stability, but i think his scientist habits and natural curiosity would have him wanting to spice things up in little ways to keep things fresh. so, as a small example, he might eat pizza every night for a week, but the toppings are gonna be different every time.
generally speaking, i think barry knows his way around a kitchen. i’d imagine that darryl wasn’t much of a cook as a single man of the house, so barry had to learn to cook for the both of them growing up (partly out of gratitude, mostly out of missing that sense of familiarity and homeliness).
now with these headcanons established, i’d like to introduce DC superhero girls into the picture. we all know that scene where barry’s trying to cheer up babs by making her his latest ice cream concoction, right? (“latest” also implying that this is smth he does frequently!) he gives her what he calls a “jalapeno toffee twirl sundae,” which is. obviously an abomination of a combo, but he’s ofc none the wiser. like babs straight up spits it out and he’s wondering if the problem is that he didn’t put enough salt 🤦🏻 (thank you dcshg for everything you’ve done for the barry allen community 🙏)
merging these ideas together, i believe that barry is a decent cook with a knack for experimentation + a picky eater with terrible taste. AND, may i remind you, is from the MIDWEST; he’s already starting off with what can only be called failed food experiments as his standard. what all of this adds to is that barry’s cooking is… a hit or miss. he’s had years of experience but a palate that challenges that skill. so be careful if you dine at the allen household; he’ll feed you with love, certainly, but it may come in the form of watergate “salad.” or… his version of it at least.
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 9: Save Me
Summary: You find yourself confronting feelings as you move past the events that caused your distress, and as your heat begins looming closer and closer.
Pairings: Poly 141 x reader
Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe, a/b/o typical classism and sexism, military inaccuracies, language, angst, panic, PTSD, mention of weapons, slight suggestive content
A/N: I feel like a broken record but I really don't like this one either, but I'm so ready to just get to this point in the story lol. I feel like I've dragged it on long enough. We're definitely reaching a point where things are shifting and changing and things might seem like they're moving kind of fast. Sorry for all the choppy time jumps too, I just wanted to get to this point in the fic 😭
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A knock on the door pulls you from sleep. You groan quietly, wrapping your arms tighter around the pillow you're cuddling. 
That pillow lets out its own groan, moving slightly. 
“Gotta get up, love. Answer the door.” Your pillow grumbles, shifting in your hold. 
You're wrapped around Gaz still, clinging to him tightly. You vaguely remember an alarm going off and Gaz rolling over to turn it off before you slipped back into sleep. Gaz had apparently fallen back asleep as well, or at least had stayed with you after both of your alarms going off.
Gaz carefully untangles your limbs from around him, slipping a pillow into your arms before rising from the bed. He stretches his arms over his head, a sliver of skin visible as he does so. You stare at it until he lowers his arms, your eyes already slipping closed again as he opens the door. 
You hear quiet voices, the words lost on you as you slip further and further into a daze of sleep. 
Until the smell of food hits your nose. Your stomach growls loudly, and you lift your head, squinting sleepily as you search for the source of the delicious smell. 
“Morning, sweetheart.” Price's voice rumbles through your ears, his hand warm as it brushes over your head. “How do you feel?” 
You let out another groan, leaning into his touch as his hand strokes your hair. You’re still sore, muscles aching like you had spent the entire day yesterday training. You feel less emotionally drained, not quite so overwhelmed to the point of near numbness now. 
“Dr. Keller wants to see you after you’ve eaten.” Price says, pulling his hand back. 
You let out a quiet whine, trying to chase his hand. He chuckles, gently nudging you back so you don’t topple off your bed. He slips his hands under your arms, moving you so you’re sitting on the bed. Your cheeks warm at how easily he does it, that warmth heating to an inferno as he sits on the edge of your bed with the bowl of porridge in his hand. You’re suddenly very awake as he holds out a spoonful to you, and you feel as if your face might burst into flames. His eyes are focused, lips turning up in a small smile as you let him feed you. You know it’s appeasing his alpha, just based on the pride practically beaming from him. 
You hold his gaze as he feeds you the porridge, skin prickling from the attention as you cling to the stuffed strawberry in your lap. You can imagine him in your nest, holding you against his chest, feeding you in your heat-induced daze, making sure you eat and get plenty of fluids. 
“You alright in there?” He asks, scanning your face. 
You nod, trying to calm the inferno under your skin. “Yeah. Just thinking.” 
The content smile on his face shifts, morphing into a smirk. “Must be some good thoughts, then.” 
You nod, taking the glass of water he offers you and downing it. 
“Get yourself dressed, then we’ll go see Dr. Keller.” He says, pushing himself up to stand. 
“Yes, sir.” You nod again, letting out a yawn. 
“If you’re not up in ten minutes, I’ll be forced to make you get up.” He says, giving you a playful smirk before leaving and closing the door behind him. 
Your face warms again at his words. You’re half tempted to burrow back under the covers, if only to see if he’d follow through with that threat.
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Dr. Keller said it would be a good idea. 
You tell yourself that as you stand in Price’s office. The door is closed behind you, sealing you both inside together. His scent is heavy in the air, making your head spin. You wonder how long he’s been sitting at his desk, how long he’s been shut inside today. 
“Grab a pillow.” He says, his voice thick and heavy. He sounds tired, and you wonder how much he slept last night. If he slept at all. 
Your slippers make a scuffing sound as you shuffle over to the couch, grabbing the pillow you had used last time. You move over to him as he leans back in the chair, taking your spot next to him. You sit back on your heels, letting out a breath as you try and relax. His hand strokes the back of your head, giving you a moment to adjust to his touch before he slides it down to the back of your neck. 
You fight the instinctual urge to protect yourself, stopping your shoulders from lifting to try and force his hand away. You’re still not quite used to it, the vulnerability making your omega squirm, especially after the events that took place yesterday. 
You know you can trust Price, but your omega wants to bristle at everything right now. Perhaps you’re picking up on Price’s own exhaustion, his own stress bleeding into you. 
His fingers press into your neck and your body relaxes almost immediately. Your mind begins to clear, and you feel as if you’re floating away from your body. All the emotions and the stress and the soreness in your body fades as you relax into Price’s hold. Warmth begins to flood your body as your omega finally settles, nearly preening as your alpha takes control, taking the weight of the world off your shoulders. 
You can’t see Price’s gaze on you as he watches you kneel for him, lost in his own thoughts. How easily you relax for him, how trusting you are of him in this moment. You’re putting your entire being in his hands and trusting him with it, even though you’re practically still strangers. It hasn’t even been three full weeks since your arrival in their lives and already so much has happened. It feels like things are moving so quickly, but he knows they could move faster. 
If he were a worse man, a worse alpha, he would have claimed you already. Taken what was his to take and cared little for you and your needs. 
He’s not going to be that kind of alpha. He decided that a long time ago, long before you came into the picture. 
You fall into him limply as he eases his hand from your neck, letting you rest against him and breathe in his scent. Your nose presses into his neck, your warm little breaths causing goosebumps to form on his skin. A quiet sound rumbles in your chest as you press closer to him, getting louder as you breathe him in. 
Pride wells within him again. You’re comfortable enough to purr around him. He did that. He made you feel safe and comfortable enough to open up that much.  
He slips his arms around you, rising from the floor to move to the couch. You continue to purr, the sound vibrating through you and straight to his inner alpha. The sound begins before he can stop it, his own chest vibrating as he answers your purr with one of his own. 
He holds you close to his chest, purring contently as you slowly drift off in your relaxed state. Eventually your purrs die off as sleep takes you, but he continues to sit there, his own purrs vibrating in his chest as if they can reach through and soothe you even in your sleep. 
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“Too tight?” 
You move your wrists, pulling slightly at the restraints. “No.” You shake your head.
“Good.” He runs a hand over your head, tugging at the vest, making sure it’s secured before he steps back. “Alright?” 
You nod, shifting slightly in the wooden chair. “Yes, sir.” 
“Remember, it’ll be fast and intense, but they’ll take good care of you. Don’t forget to play it up a bit. It’s good to know if they can focus in this situation.” Price says, running his hand over your head again. “And I’ll be watching the entire time.” 
He leans down, pressing a kiss on your forehead before he leaves the room, the beta outside the door pulling it closed behind him. You tug at the restraints habitually, even though you could get out of them easily. Just like you could get out of the vest strapped to your chest and the chair you’re sitting in easily. 
Hostage rescue training was not how you expected to spend your Thursday morning, but you suppose there are worse things you could be doing besides being restrained in a chair with a fake bomb strapped to your chest. 
Price had told you about their training yesterday. You hadn’t expected to hear about how you were going to play hostage when he summoned you to his office, but it had been far too formal a request to be something simple. You had been hesitant when he explained, but the risk was small. They weren’t using live bullets, and the bomb strapped to your chest was hardly more than a bunch of wires and a timer counting down. Price had even ensured the restraints weren’t too tight, and had shown you how to slip out of them easily. 
The worst part had been your mind running rampant while he secured the rope around your wrists. 
You hear the distant sound of the helicopter dropping them off, the entire mood in the house shifting. The betas outside have a role to play, and so do you. 
The sound of the door outside getting kicked in makes you jump, your heart rate kicking up. You know it’s them, you know it’s fake, yet you can’t help but let the emotions in the moment get to you. 
They don’t know it’s you they’re rescuing. 
Price hadn’t told them you were involved. He wanted to see if they could keep their heads in a situation like this. It’s important to know. Gives them something to work on if they can’t. 
You hear the pop of the fake guns outside the door before two solid thuds shake the door in front of you. You hold your breath, your fingers shaking in the excitement and adrenaline as the door flies open. You flinch out of instinct, blinking at them as the three enter the room. It suddenly seems smaller with them in it, their surprise not lost to you, even in the tenseness of the situation. You know you’re scent is thick in the room, cutting through the trained laser focus in their minds as they run through a drill they’ve probably done countless times. 
Something they’ve probably done in real life situations as well. 
“Easy, sunshine.” Soap says, kneeling down in front of you. “Gonna get ye out of here.” 
“You can defuse that, right?” Gaz asks, standing behind him. You know they’re both trained in demolitions. You remember that from their files. 
“Course I can.” Soap says, looking at the wires. 
The timer starts beeping in warning, your heart rate picking up instinctively. There wasn’t anything that would actually explode if he failed, but you can’t help the chill of fear settling in as he messes with the wires. 
“Come on, Johnny.” Ghost says from behind you. 
“I got it.” Soap growls out, sweat beading on his forehead. 
You stare at him, your heart pounding in your chest. Time seems to slow as he studies the wires, the timer continuing to beep as it counts down. Even though you’re not in any danger, you still feel the fear welling inside you. He does know what he’s doing, he wouldn’t be in this position in the first place if he didn’t. Yet you can see the struggle, the hesitation, the uncertainty in his gaze. 
He wouldn’t let you die, right? 
“Ten seconds.” Gaz warns. 
“Johnny?” You breathe, voice cracking as you meet his bright blue eyes. 
He mutters a curse before cutting one of the wires. The tenseness in the room is palpable for a moment as all four of you hold your breath. The silence is loud, the timer on the fake bomb sitting still at six seconds. Soap’s head falls forward to rest against your chest as he breathes a sigh of relief. You’re shaking, fingers trembling as Ghost cuts the rope around your wrists. 
“Hostage secure.” Gaz says into their comms. 
“I wasnae gonna let ye die, sunshine.” Soap says, removing the vest from your body. 
“Kinda felt like it.” You murmur as he helps you out of the chair, your legs shaking a bit from the adrenaline. 
“Come on.” Ghost says as soon as Soap has you on your feet. “Captain’s waiting.” 
Your legs still feel unsteady as you follow them out of the building and across the grass, hand clutched tightly in Soap’s. The fabric of his glove is rough against your skin, but you can still feel the warmth of his hand in yours. You lean against his side as you reach Price across the field, not missing the way his gaze scans you head to toe quickly before he addresses the others. 
“Not bad,” Price says. “And the hostage is in one piece.” 
You’re still shaking a little, but you can’t stop the smile that tugs at your lips. “Was kind of fun, actually, getting tied up and stuff.” 
Soap and Gaz both let out groans at your words, Ghost rolling his eyes at your cheeky smile. The corner of Price’s lips twitch, and you can’t help but beam with pride at eliciting such a reaction. 
“Let’s get back to base, and we’ll go over the specifics.” Price says. 
You wind up in the back seat of one of the cars with Soap, his arm draped across the back of the seat. You’re leaning into his side, his fingers brushing your arm every so often as the car drives down the bumpy road. 
“Ye called me Johnny.” He says quietly, leaning in closer to you. 
You stare up at him. “You were going to let me explode.” 
“I was not.” He says, looking offended. “I knew wha’ I was doin’” His brows pinch together, his hand cupping the back of your head. “I would never let anythin’ happen to you.” 
“I know.” You say, leaning your head on his shoulder. “At least I hope so. Blowing up is kind of a shitty way to die.” 
He huffs out a laugh. “Well, if it happened that way, ye wouldn’t be goin’ out alone.” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “Ye can call me Johnny anytime you want.” 
You smile, snuggling deeper into his side. “Okay, Johnny.” 
Your smile only widens as you pick up the subtle rumbling purr sounding from his chest. 
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“How are things?” 
“Fine.” You shrug, sinking back in the chair. 
“I heard you took part in the hostage training. How did that go?” Dr. Keller asks. 
“It was fine, kind of intense but also kind of fun.” You shrug again, a smile tugs at your lips. “They didn’t know I was the hostage, so that was fun to see their reactions.” 
“Was that reassuring to see them in action and have them pretend to rescue you? I know we’ve talked about that fear briefly.” Dr. Keller says.
“In a way, I guess.” You say. “At least, I know they could do it if they had to. I mean, not that I don’t trust that they couldn’t, but...it’s different.” 
“It’s different when it’s someone you care about.” Dr. Keller says. “How are you feeling? I know we talked earlier this week, but distressing is a serious thing to go through.” 
“I’m alright.” You say, picking at your jeans. “Not sore anymore. Price called off training for a while to let us both kind of figure things out.” 
“Have you spoken to Lieutenant Riley since Monday?” She asks. 
You nod. “Yeah. A couple times. I didn’t accept his apology, not that he really said sorry directly, but he at least...explained some things.” 
“And it is totally within your right to not forgive him.” Dr. Keller says. “I applaud you for putting up that boundary. I know it’s not easy, but sometimes people need to work to prove themselves again.” She makes herself comfortable on the couch, staring at you. “How have you been aside from all the excitement? Have you started nesting yet?” 
You shake your head, biting your lip. “No. I-I feel more comfortable now that I have things for my room, but...I still don’t feel like nesting.” 
Dr. Keller hums, staring at you for a moment before she writes something down. “What do you think is causing this hesitance in your instincts?”  
Your mouth opens in surprise at her question, not quite expecting it. You had spoken last week about things you might be able to do to help if you weren’t nesting by now. You had expected to start throwing out ideas in that regard, not that you would be digging into why. 
“I’d like you to be honest with me. Remember this conversation will only ever be between us. No one else is going to hear this, no one else will ever see my notes. It’s just you and me.” She leans forward, putting her elbows on her knees as she stares at you. “Would you have chosen to be in a place like this, if it were up to you?” 
“It wasn’t up to me. It never was.” You say, starting to sweat nervously a bit. It’s getting warm in the office.
“I know, but hypothetically speaking. If you had the option to choose, would you have chosen a place like this? A military pack?” 
You stare at your hands, fighting the emotions welling up inside you. You wouldn’t have. You know that, you’ve thought about it over and over. You wouldn’t have put yourself in this position. You would have gone as far from the military and politics as you could have, had it been up to you. You want something quiet and easy with an alpha that loves you and takes care of you. Not...not this. 
You’re crying. You can’t stop the tears that are trailing down your cheeks. You feel guilty for thinking that way. It’s not your choice, it would have never been your choice. You’re supposed to be a good omega and be okay going wherever you’re told to, with whatever pack picks you. 
They hadn’t chosen you. 
They hadn’t wanted you here. Price had fought against your addition to their pack up until you arrived. You know Ghost has his own opinions about your presence here. They had been told they were getting an omega and you had been told you were going to be that omega. 
Would they have chosen you? 
You wouldn’t have wanted them to. 
Dr. Keller says your name quietly, her tone sympathetic as you sit there and cry. You’re crying for the life you were supposed to have, the life you could have had, the many things that would have been different had you just been a good pup and presented like you were supposed to. 
“I don’t want to be here.” You sob, burying your face into your hands. 
You feel guilty, admitting it, even if it is the truth. Your pack has been nothing but kind and supportive, aside from the incident earlier this week. You like them, all things considered. You can imagine yourself being happy with them. Was it what you wanted, though? Was this where you would have elected to spend the rest of your life? 
“Can you tell me why?” Dr. Keller asks softly. 
Her question only makes you cry harder. You could. You could tell her exactly why. You don’t want to bring up those feelings, those memories, those emotions. You want to leave them behind in the past, buried under everything you learned that made you such a good omega. It would ruin everything, if that got out, if those feelings came to light again. 
Your breaths are coming in gasps as you sob, Dr. Keller rising from the couch. She grabs a stuffed animal from her closet, walking back over to you. She eases it into your arms, pressing it against your chest. 
“Squeeze. It will help.” She directs you, dropping to a knee beside you. “This has something to do with the military, doesn't it?” She says softly, putting a hand on your back. “I know your father served and you spent most of your childhood on bases. Was there something that happened?” 
You take deep breaths, squeezing the bear against your chest as tight as you can. “I can’t.” You sob, shaking your head. “I can’t.” 
“Okay.” She says, gently rubbing your back. “That’s okay. Deep breaths.” 
You continue to breathe, trying to calm the tears. Dr. Keller continues to rub your back, trying to ensure you don't slip into distress again. The calming beta scent floods your nose, reaching back into your brain to calm the turmoil. 
Slowly your breaths begin to even out, and the tears slow to a stop. You’re still clutching the stuffed bear to your chest, arms wrapped around it tight. 
“You’re doing a good job.” Dr. Keller says, grabbing a box of tissues for you. “You’re handling this whole situation better than I think a lot of omegas would. But, that doesn’t mean you have to be okay with it. I’d be more concerned if you weren’t struggling a bit. You don’t have to tell me everything, you don’t have to tell me anything. It’s all up to you. I just want you to know that I’m not going to judge you for anything, and I’m not going to tell anyone anything. I’m here for you, and you alone.” 
You slowly release your grip on the bear, your hands still shaking a bit. Dr. Keller moves back to the couch as you stare down at the plastic eyes, running your fingers over its soft fur. 
“I do think it would be a good idea to address the nesting issue sooner rather than later.” Dr. Keller says, still speaking softly. “We don’t have to get into the why until you feel comfortable enough to, but you need a nest before your heat starts. I have a couple exercises in mind to help maybe jumpstart those instincts, but we’ll need Captain Price in on this issue as well for them to work. I can speak for him on your behalf, if you’d like. I won’t tell him any details.” She says as your eyes dart up to look at her. “Only that there’s a nesting issue and there’s some exercises I’d like the two of you to try.” 
You let your gaze drop back to the bear. You know you need to start nesting, and with your heat rapidly approaching, you’re beginning to be pressed for time. Your heat could start as soon as next week and if you don’t have a nest...
“I guess that’s fine.” You say, staring back down at the bear in your hands. “If you think he can help.” 
Dr. Keller nods, a small smile tugging at her lips. “I think he can.” 
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“Thank you for meeting with me, Captain Price.” Dr. Keller says as they take a seat in her office. “I just wanted to preface this conversation by saying I was given permission to discuss this with you, because we both agree you should be made aware of what’s going on.” Dr. Keller shuffles her notes as Price sits there, back straight in the chair. “Frankly, if I’m being honest, I’m starting to get a little concerned about my patient.”
“Concerned about what?” Price asks, brows pinching. 
“She’s not having nesting instincts.” Dr. Keller watches Price’s face as she speaks. “Even with what you did for her, buying her things to make her more comfortable, she’s not getting that urge to make a nest. I know you’re aware that’s a crucial piece of a successful heat, and with that looming ever closer, I’m worried about her.” 
“What do you think is causing it?” Price asks, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. 
“I’m not sure, yet. I did promise I wouldn’t reveal any details about anything, but I do feel comfortable saying, as I’m sure you have figured out, there’s a lot of trauma behind that institute taught, if I may be so frank, bullshit.” 
The corner of Price’s mouth twitches. “Not a fan of institutes?” 
Dr. Keller shakes her head. “No. I’m not. There’s many professionals that share the same sentiment. They’re hardly the nurturing and cultivating places they present themselves to be, though I’m sure you’re figuring that out yourself. It’s always been about control and profit. The current model most of them use is outdated and has been proven in study to be highly ineffective. There are some places here in Europe that are beginning to reform institutes and what they teach, taking a more omega-centric approach, instead of just priming them for future alphas and packs.” 
“Can it be undone, the things she was taught?” He asks, purely out of curiosity. “The way she thinks about herself?”
“I think so, to a degree.” Dr. Keller answers. “You’re already seeing it a bit. She’s already having her beliefs and understanding challenged. Supporting her through that will be an important step in your bonding. The best thing you can do is support her and prove her institute taught beliefs wrong. I think you’re doing a fantastic job already, as is she.” 
“What can we do about the nesting?” He asks. 
“I have a couple exercises in mind I’d like to try. I’ve used one in practice before in a different situation. It was at one of the institutes I worked at after I was certified as an omega specialist. Two omegas were brought in off the streets. I can’t give too many details but they’d been through something very traumatic and had bonded intensely with each other. They couldn’t be separated at all without slipping into near distress. Of course, institutes don’t allow those kinds of bonds as it’s hard on the omegas when they reach selection age. So, we did an exercise where I had both scent a stuffed animal and then gave them each other’s so they’d have something tangible to focus on. Then we started slowly working on separation, using those stuffed animals so they could keep the scent of the other close. It worked, eventually they were able to be apart. I’d like to try the same thing, but to the opposite effect. I’d like you to scent a stuffed animal so it can be used as a sort of symbol, something tangible she can use to represent you.” 
“A way to introduce me into her nest without having me there invading her space.” Price says. 
“Exactly.” Dr. Keller smiles. “Having an alpha’s scent around her might help induce not only that feeling of comfort she needs, but may also help induce those instincts to nest. Doing it this way prevents the risk of discomfort by having an alpha invading her space directly, while still allowing for the introduction of an alpha’s scent.” 
“Alright. What else do you think might help?” Price asks, running his hand over his beard. 
“Another exercise, this one more tactile in nature. This particular one she can do herself, though she may choose to involve you later as she gets more comfortable doing it. I know she’s kneeling for you already, which is fantastic. Some omegas don’t kneel until after being claimed. That she feels comfortable enough to do it already is a good sign. She’s already had these exercises explained to her, but I would like to meet with you both to walk through them again, and in the end, it’s her decision what happens.” Dr. Keller gives him a small smile. “Do you have any questions?” 
“What can be done if these exercises don’t work?” Price asks. 
“There are a couple other things that can be done, though they’re far more invasive. I wouldn’t even suggest them unless she’s showing clear signs of pre-heat symptoms and still hasn’t nested yet. They have their risks, and that’s not something I’m willing to gamble on unless it’s absolutely necessary.” 
Price hums quietly. “Is there anything I could be doing differently to help?” 
“I think you’re both doing fantastic jobs with the hand you’ve been dealt. It’s not an easy situation and the fact she’s made as much progress as she has is remarkable, honestly. My job’s been fairly easy so far. I was expecting a lot worse when Laswell briefed me. That being said, there’s still a long way to go.” 
“Thank you, Doctor.” Price says, shaking her hand. “You’ve been a big help.” 
“It is my job.” Dr. Keller shrugs. “Remember, I’m always here if you have any questions or concerns. I may be an Omega Specialist, but that also includes the omega’s pack as well.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Price says, giving her a smile. “And I’ll be sure to tell your brother you said hello.” 
Dr. Keller smirks, huffing out a laugh. “Yeah, remind him to call his sister every once in a while, while you’re at it.” 
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You run your fingers over the soft fur of the teddy bear. Your eyes flutter closed as you let Price’s scent wash over you. You clutch the bear to your chest, wrapping your arms around it tightly as you lounge on your bed. You bury your nose in its fur, breathing in Price’s earthy scent from it. 
A quiet sound begins to rumble in your chest as you hug the bear tightly. A small, content smile pulls at your lips as you curl up in a ball around the bear, purring quietly. 
It’s been so long since you purred. 
You haven’t since you were a pup, still young enough to find safety in your home, before you really understood much of anything that was going on. You only ever purred with your mother, snuggled up in the nest with your siblings, warm and content and safe. 
Your dad never purred. Or, you never heard him do it. You remember the deep growls that rumbled through his chest, the scent of ozone. The warning that made you bristle, even as a pup, that tickling feeling at the back of your neck almost like your brain knew years before you even presented. 
You wrap your arms tighter around the bear, letting Price’s scent flood your mind and wipe away the fear, the feelings, the emotions mixing together. Price isn’t like that. He was so willing to help you, to jump in and do what it took to make the best of a situation that neither of you had a say in. Just an alpha and an omega bound to duty, forced to follow what someone else says. How very much alike your lives are, and yet, so vastly different. 
That’s why you’ve found comfort in him so quickly, you think. You understand him. He may be a captain, he may be pack alpha, he may be a leader, but he’s not in control. Not completely. There’s still someone behind the scenes, pulling the strings, telling him where to go, what to do. Someone’s pointing him in a direction and it’s his duty to follow. 
You were never going to be in control. You were born a subordinate, and you had been cursed to always be one by your presentation. Your entire life would be dictated for you, by someone telling you what to be, how to act, where to go, what to do. There would always be expectations for you, someone behind the scenes pulling the strings. 
Your presence here is full of expectation. You weren’t just bonding with a pack as your duty, there was expectation for it. You had been sent here with a purpose, leading an initiative that could shape the future of many omegas to come. You’re not just an omega chosen by a pack that wants one. 
You’re part of a government initiative. Your whole purpose is to see if adding an omega to a pack of highly trained soldiers really will improve their effectiveness and proficiency. 
Falling in love with them is just a side effect of your own mission. 
Love might be a strong word for it. It wouldn’t matter to those watching your progress if you hated them. You’re supposed to bond with them, be their omega. Prove that it’s worth it, that the strengths weigh out the potential vulnerabilities. Then hundreds of omegas stuck in institutes will be trained to follow in your footsteps. 
You wouldn’t wish this on anyone. 
You’re lucky they’ve been so good to you. You’re lucky you’re beginning to feel it, those spaces in the back of your mind that have been empty for years beginning to fill as your omega comes to accept her pack. The betas anchoring your omega, the alphas surrounding and protecting. 
You'll do your duty. You'll bond with them. You'll mate with Price. You'll allow him to claim you. You'll be their good little omega. 
It won't be the worst life. 
They at least care about you. Gaz and Soap have shown interest in you and mating with you themselves. Ghost...you've got a long way to go with him still, but you're beginning to make some headway into earning his acceptance. 
Price...Price has begun to show some interest as well. You've knelt for him, kissed him, allowed him into your space. He calmed your distress, bought you items to help make your space more comfortable. He scented a stuffed bear to help you nest. 
He'll treat you nicely, or at least you hope he will. He'll lose himself to his rut when you go into heat, and you've heard plenty of horror stories. You know what to expect, from the best to the worst. You could come out the other side mated and content, or you could come out half mauled to death. There's no way of knowing. Price will be a slave to his instincts just as much as you will be. 
You don't want it to be like that. 
You don't want your first encounter with the opposite sex to be lost to the haze of your heat, something that could potentially put your life at risk. How long has it been since Price has had an omega? You know he has. He's too calm, too collected around you to never have had experience with one before. 
Will he treat you well? How will he touch you? You can't imagine him as being a selfish lover, but you won't know. You won't know until you're dazed with lust as your body yearns for release, for an alpha's knot. 
You could find out beforehand. 
The thought has you sitting up in your bed. You could pursue that with Price before your heat starts. There's no rule that says you can't before your heat. You know there's omegas that don't wait. There's alphas that don't wait when omegas join their packs. Price could have taken you that first day if he really wanted to. 
Would he have bent you over his desk? Done it in his room or yours? Would he have done it in the meeting room in front of the rest of the pack? Staked his claim like some primal alpha?
The thought has warmth pooling in your stomach. The mental image of Price taking you in front of the others, sinking his teeth into your neck as he stakes his claim, marking you as his. 
“Fuck.” You breathe, clenching your thighs together. 
You could ask. What's the worst he's going to say? No? You'll just retreat in shame and hide out until your heat begins in embarrassment. He was so willing to do what you wanted, what you asked of him. Would he say yes if you asked him? If that's really what you wanted? Does he want it? Does he want you? 
All you have to do is ask. You're allowed to want things, to desire things. Everything you've asked for so far, you've gotten. 
The heat between your legs only confirms it. You want this. 
You want Price. 
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Your hands are shaking as you reach for the door handle. He had given you permission to enter already, but your nerves make it feel like you’re moving in slow motion as you wrap your fingers around the nob, turning and pushing inwards. His eyes are on you as you slip in, closing the door behind you. You can’t read his face as he sits there, staring at you in your baggy shirt and leggings. 
“What’s eating you, pup?” He asks as he stares at you, watching you fidget nervously.
“I wanted to ask you something.” You say, shifting your weight between your feet. 
He reaches out a hand, motioning you closer. You approach his desk slowly, taking his outstretched hand. He guides you in front of him, lifting you to sit on the desk. He leans back in his seat, staring up at you. “You can ask me anything.” 
You bite your lip, staring down at him. His hands come to rest on the edge of the desk on either side of you. It’s comforting, supportive, instead of constricting as it might have felt just two weeks ago. It only furthers your belief that you’re making the right choice, that this is what you want. 
You stare down into his eyes, your hands coming to rest just beside his on the desk. “I want my first time with you to be before my heat.” The words come spilling out quickly, almost so quickly you’re not sure he caught them. 
He stares at you, surprise flickering across his face for a moment before he’s back to the straight-faced captain again. “You’re sure?” 
You nod. “I want to remember the first time. It’ll make me feel better after we...have to do it. I think...it’ll help me feel less like...I had to.” 
Price moves just slightly closer to you, understanding shining in his eyes. “If that's what you really want.”
You nod, sliding your hands until they're resting on top of his. “It is.”
He turns his hands so can hold yours. “Saturday, then. Let me make you dinner and then we'll go from there.” 
Your stomach flutters at his words, skin tingling as his thumbs rub the backs of your hands. “You want to wine and dine me first?” You ask playfully. 
“Call me old fashioned.” He smirks. 
“Maybe just old.” You mutter, shrieking out a laugh as he wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you into his lap. The chair creaks precariously but you know he'd break your fall.
“You want to take that back?” He murmurs, your face inches from his. 
“Depends on what my punishment will be.” You say, your nose almost brushing his. 
He chuckles deep in his chest, lips brushing yours as he speaks. “You'll have to wait for Saturday to find out.” 
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lovelybrooke · 1 month
Hiii could I please request a Jace x reader x aemond yandere love triangle with a platonic yandere alicent and rhaenyra plz???
Dragon Fire (Yandere HOTD)
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So this is loosely based on my maid reader concept, except the reader is closer to Jace and Aemond's age instead of Rhaenyra and Alicent, if that makes sense. Some stuff might be scuffed since I have't watched the show in a second, but It should be fine.
Dragon fire, it always had such a distinct smell. It wasn't like a campfire, or the fire lit under a stove. It was intimating, threatening to melt your skin if you stood too close, devoid of all sense of comfort. But despite all that, it was alluring, warm but dangerous. You couldn't help but be drawn to it, smelling it as it wafted through the keep. It invaded your senses, overwhelming you, until your mind was hazy and you felt as though you were melting. 
That is how you felt in this moment, overwhelmed as you watched from a high window, Lady Rhaenyra and her family exit their carriage. You struggled to tear your eyes away from them, enraptured by their alluring presence. You knew it was wrong, the Queen wouldn't approve of you avoiding your work like this, but as you moved your eyes back towards the window, you locked eyes with the eldest prince, causing you to back away in a mixture of surprise and fear. You shouldn't be here, you knew that, but a part of you wanted to be, and it made your gut stir. 
The prince was a kind man, slightly peculiar in his own way. Before you were appointed maid of the Queen, you and your family worked for the Princess. You remembered the days before they left the keep, when you'd catch the eldest Velaryon watching you from behind walls of hallways, or when he'd sneak you out to the gardens to play, tempting you with food and toys. It was fun, nice to be treated so kindly by the prince, and you never really processed that the boy you were friends with would once be the King of the Realm. The Princess never seemed to mind as well, in fact the few times she caught you with her son she seemed pleased, amused by the playful nature of her son and the way you seemed swept up by him. She treated you nicely, giving you toys and accessories you would hide from your mother in fear of her reaction. 
Things were great for a while. Until your mother caught you with the Prince. It was a sight to behold, you were sitting in the grass, the young Prince as she showed you the first real sword he got to use, gifted to him by the Captain of the City Watch. You didn't see her come up, but you felt her grab you by the forearm, pulling you towards you as her face swelled with rage. You didn't hear what she said, the only thing you could focus on being the hand that struck you across the face. She paid no mind to Jacaerys as she dragged you back towards the maids quarters, lecturing you in hushed whispers the entire way there. 
You laid in your bed for hours as you felt the bruise swell up, your mother being called away for other duties hours ago. Your eyes were red and puffy as you drifted off to sleep, exhaustion overwhelming you. 
The news of your mother's death came quickly, you never knew for what, but you avoided her hanging body as best as you could as you moved throughout the Keep. Time passed quickly, things changed, but you kept your head down the best you could, and you avoided Jacaerys at every turn. After the death of their father, Rhaenyra and her family left for Dragonstone, and you were appointed to work for Queen Alicent. You hadn't seen the Prince since, until now. You knew this was a possibility as news of their arrival spread throughout the Keep, but you still felt sick as you thought of having to face him once again. 
"Are you lost, sweet maid?" The voice of Prince Aemond broke you out of your worries, your eyes moving away from the window finally. 
"No, my Prince." You say, voice wavering slightly. 
He doesn't look convinced "Then come." He says, and you follow him down the hall, leaving the sight of the prince behind. 
You and Aemond's relationship was one built on confusion, but neither of you seemed to mind. You met him a few hours after he lost his eye. He was a mess, his eye freshly sowed up, blood still stuck to his pale cheeks. But strangely enough, he was calm, when you locked eyes with him while leaving his room, you were frozen. You were told to tidy things up before returning, you didn't expect to see him. In your shock, the only thing you could say, 
"I apologize, my Prince." You attempted to bow and leave, but Aemond caught you before you could. His grip on your arm mimicked that of your late mother's, but instead of filling you with dread, his hold felt almost desperate, searching for any sense of comfort in you, a stranger. 
A quiet "stay" left his mouth, and so of course, you did. You sat with him throughout the night, helping him clean the blood from his face as he remained silent. Every few moments, he'd let out whispers about his newly claimed dragon, his words and actions delirious as he stayed close to you until falling asleep. You slipped out of his hold and left the room as quickly as possible, but since then, your involvement with the Prince hasn't ended. 
As his eye healed, the Prince changed and grew. The once quiet boy was now a confident man, gossiping with you about his family and the happenings in court. He'd seek you out, removing you from your duties, and take you wherever he pleased. A part of you wondered what his mother's reaction was to his behavior, but when she did talk to you, she never seemed to mind. 
"My son likes you, are you aware?" She asked as you folded the blankets in her room. You didn't dare look at her as she spoke to you, her presence an unwavering force. 
"Not particularly, My Queen." You respond, trying to focus on work. 
You hear her sigh. "Aemond he's--he's a sweet boy." There was a small sense of care in her voice, something she was trying to mask. "He doesn't mean anything by his behavior, you must know that..." She moved toward you, cupping your cheek and moving your face to look at her. "You are kind, genuine." She says, looking you in the eyes. "He is drawn to that." You didn't know how to respond, your mind racing. "You are sweet, my child." She said, and eventually he hand moved away from you, and all you could do was bow and leave. 
"You are distracted today, aren't you?" You hear Aemond speak and a part of you wants to rebuke the statement, but you knew there was no point. 
"I am just thinking about all the work that must be done for tomorrow." You say, a partial truth. Aemond hums in acknowledgement, taking your arm as you drift too far from him. 
"The legitimacy of the Velaryon child is none of your concern." It's like even the utterance of his name filled him with disgust, the words coming out through gritted teeth. "It need not concern you." 
"I know, my Prince, but there is still work to be done." You say, finally reaching the training grounds. You unlink your arm from his, facing him as the sounds of swords enter your ears. You feel eyes on you, but you assume it's due to the strange sight of a servant out near the training grounds. "I will be preoccupied until afterwards, My Grace." You bow and Aemond smiles. 
"We'll see." He speaks, backing away until he is out of sight. It felt like you could take a breath, leaving the grounds quickly and rushing toward the kitchens. The chatter amongst the halls was filling you with dread. What would happen if the Prince was found illegitimate, how would the Princess react? It felt strange to be worried for them, knowing your thoughts on the matter meant nothing. 
You turned a corner, entering an empty hallway, the whispers coming to a halt. It was strangely comforting in a way, the harsh silence. It was a rare thing. "(Y/n)." You hear a voice come from behind you, the voice of Jacaerys Velaryon. It was unfamiliar but familiar all at once, something you were terrified of but craving at the same time. "May I have a word with you?" His voice didn't waver, there was a familiar confidence in it that nearly made you smile. 
"My Prince-" You say, looking back at him. "I apologize I am--" You stuttered as he moved closer to you. "My presence is needed in the kitchens." You say as he stands in front of you. He was taller, more mature, and intimidating. 
He ignores your previous statement. "I do not wish to scare you." He chuckles slightly. "I simply wish to talk to you, that is all I ask." 
You go over the options in your head, and you deduce that you would get in more trouble disobeying the Prince than if you were late to your duties. "Please make it quick, My Grace." 
Jacaerys takes your hands, they were soft and warm "We have missed you, me and my mother." He whispers. "We would like you back, with us on Dragonstone." 
Suddenly, his hands feel cold, so cold you pull away. You felt him reach out for you, but you backed away. "Jace...we aren't children anymore, I have duties." Where was this coming from, you thought. You were but a maid, why did you feel the need to defend your position here? It must be paranoia, feeling eyes on you, causing you to lose all sense of titles with him. Your voice was strained, distant, and you could see the discomfort of Jace's face as you moved further away from him. 
"So do I--" his voice raises slightly, but he calms before anyone could hear him "--my mother is with child, once this is all over she would like you to come with us." You don't respond, but you also don't move as he moves closer. "Please just, come discuss this with her, she would love to see you." Jace takes your hands once again, and for a second, you look down the hallway towards the kitchen and wonder if you should go, but the feeling of warmth radiating off Jace is too overwhelming. You find yourself looking back towards him, and you sigh. 
"Of course, my Prince." Jace smiles, linking your arm with his and pulling you in the opposite direction. For a moment, you hear the clanging of swords back towards the training grounds and you imagine Aemond's reactions to the sight of you linked arms with his nephew. The feeling of anxiety sinks into you as you the sounds eventually quiet and you're led towards a room designated to quests, guards were posted outside, not sparing you or the Prince a single glance. Jace knocked on the door, entering with you a few moments later. 
The room was open and spacious, the wind blowing in making the room cool and comfortable. But the only thing you could focus on was the Princess. She didn't notice you until Jace addressed her, her gaze softening when you looked at you. 
"(Y/n)..." She hummed and you shifted your gaze towards the ground. 
"Princess." You whisper, hearing her move towards you. She takes your hand and holds it, causing your eyes to move towards her. She smiled, and you felt your heart warm at the sight. It was nice, even though you knew it was disrespectful. 
"I have missed you so, I trust the Queen has been treating you well?" You nod, stuck silent. You were treated well by her Majesty, but deep down you missed the Princess and her care. Maybe it is because of her connections to your mother, a part of you wanted her back. She smiles, moving a hand to place it on her stomach. "Jace has spoken to you, I assume." You nod again, and you realize that Jace hasn't let go of your arm this entire time, almost like he was stuck right next to you. 
"--He explained to me your situation, Princess." You didn't know if those were the right words. "--But I do not think Her Majesty will permit my leaving to Dragonstone." You say, hoping she understood. Her face shifts at your words, becoming cold at the mention of the Queen. You wonder if you had done something wrong, feeling fear wash over you as the Princess backed away. You remained frozen, stuck to the side of the Prince. 
"I will have a word with my father, he--" The Princess speaks, but is interrupted by the door opening. You, along with Jace, turn towards the sound, eyeing the Queen in all her glory. You quickly address her, moving away from Jace, trying not to look at him as he reaches out for you. 
"My Queen." You say, embarrassment washing over you. "--My presence was requested by the Princess."
She doesn't respond, but you don't dare expect anything from her. "You are needed in the Kitchens, my dear, go." She says, her voice unwavering. You bow, towards her, Rhaenyra, and the Prince, not wasting a second before leaving. 
You don't wish to hear what they speak about, you don't want to imagine it. All you really know is that you feel tired, exhausted even, and cold. 
You were ordered to stay late and clean the kitchen as punishment for avoiding your duties. The kitchen was cold at night, a stark contrast to the warmth in the morning. The smell of wine and bread was a nice comfort as you scrubbed the floors, a part of you wondering if you should sneak something for all of your work. 
"Sweet maid, what are you doing up?" You look up to see the face of Aemond staring down on you. You place the sponge in the bucket near you, standing up to meet him. 
"I could ask you the same thing, My Prince." You say, watching him smile. 
"Is this your punishment for mingling with my nephew?" You nearly choked, surprised that he knew. Truthfully, it wasn't that shocking, him and his mother were close, she would've told him. That didn't make it any less embarrassing. 
"I apologize, My Prince--"
"It's always "My Prince" with me." He moved closer, to close, causing you to back away. He follows. "You call him by his name, not me." You hit a counter, hearing Aemond hit the bucket, the water splashing on the floor, his eyes still locked on you. "Why is that?" He asks as he stops in front of you. 
"I-I've known him as a child." 
"You knew me, longer than you knew him." You feel his breath on your face. "But you treat me like a stranger, sweet maid." 
You look away from him, "the Queen would not permit that behavior, My Prince." 
"The Queen is not here." He speaks, cupping your chin to look at him. "Try it." 
You remain silent, his hold becomes tighter. "Say my name." 
You wait, his hold moves towards your neck, and he squeezes. "Go on." 
You can't breathe, you doubt you could speak, but you squeak out his name. He looks satisfied, finally releasing you as you gasp for air. You fall to the floor, clothes becoming soaked in water from the cleaning bucket. You wondered if he'd comfort you, if he wanted to comfort you, but as he leaves, the thought leaves your mind. You don't cry, you don't call out for him, you just feel empty. 
Aemond was a man who wanted intimacy, that you knew. He wanted you to watch him train, watch him fly that mighty dragon of his. But he did not know how to reciprocate. He was never shown love, real love, but he craved it desperately, that you knew. He wants to be acknowledged by you, he wanted to be the only man in your life, but he wasn't able to provide you with that same intimacy. He wasn't soft, he wasn't thoughtful, he wasn't warm, but you knew a part of him wanted to be, that you knew. It almost made you feel bad for him, if it wasn't for his behavior.
You finish cleaning and make your way back towards the sleeping quarters, your eyes locked to the ground. You felt the bruise on your neck swell, causing you to hug yourself, hand gripping your forearm tight. 
You find yourself stopped in front of the same window, looking out onto the night. It was dark, quiet, but peaceful, comforting was the word. Your hand gravitates towards your neck, hissing at the slightest touch. "(Y/n)" someone calls your name, you cover the bruise the best you could. 
It was Jace, his brows furrowed as he looked at you. "Are you well?" You nod, looking back toward the window. 
"Yes--I'm just distracted." You respond as he moves towards you. 
He stands close to you, moving your hand away from your neck. His jaw tightens as he looks at you. "What happened?" He asks, touching your neck carefully. 
"It's nothing, don't worry yourself, My Prince." He moves his hand away from your neck. 
"I always worry about you, ever since we left here." He whispers. 
You smile slightly, "that is a long time to worry about me." He smiles as well. The air was playful, nice, it made you forget about the pain of the bruise for a while. 
The atmosphere changes when you move away from him, the playfulness is gone. He's stern, intimidating, cold. "My mother has spoken with Her Majesty, you will come with us after all this is over." He spoke, there was no room for argument. 
You mind flashes with memories Aemond, his hand around your neck, "Jace--My Prince I can't--" 
"You can, and you will." He says. "My mother, the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms demands it of you." Your heart sinks, you feel like you're trapped, so you look back toward the window. The sky is beautiful, the stars so far away but so alluring. 
You're ripped away from the window once more, Jace forcing you to look at him, his hands were warm, like dragon fire, but you felt like you were melting. "Things can be good again, I promise." He whispers to you, the light of the moon reflecting off his face. "I will treat you well, like back when we were children." He smiles, but you don't recognize it. 
You fear for tomorrow, when Rhaenyra is put on trial. You fear for Lucerys, and what might happen to him. But most of all, you fear for yourself, completely consumed by Dragon fire, trapped in a cage and melting. How long will it be before there is nothing left of you, you wonder. 
You breathe, looking out the window once more, this time towards the city, far away but so alluring. You look back at Jace and for a second, your mind flashes with memories of your mother, her red hot face as she pulls you away from your friend. Her disappointment as she watches you cry yourself asleep was the last thing you saw of her, you wonder what she thought of you now, you wonder if she was still disappointed in you.
"Yes, My Prince."
A/n: Wow, something that isn't a Drabble, who would've thought. Hope you enjoyed it. I feel like I didn't get enough Alicent and Rhaenyra stuff so sorry about that.
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niiwa-angel · 10 months
I absolutely LOVE the fact that Bruce and Ollie HATE their best friends spouses. Oliver cannot stand Barry while Bruce Bat-Glares at Hal whenever they're in the same room. Leading up to the wedding, Ollie and Bruce who are both their buddies respective best man, are trying to convince their friend to leave.
Ollie throws Hal a bachelor party with exclusively blonde entertainment. Male and female. The bartenders are all blondes. He's hoping that Hal will find literally ANY other blonde to shack up with, as long as he doesnt have to deal with BARRY FUCKING ALLEN.
Bruce tries a different, slightly classier, slightly less legal means if breaking them up. Bribery. He approaches Hal after a League meeting and pulls him aside.
Bruce: fifty thousand right now, in your pocket, if you break up with Barry.
Hal, dumb as fuck bless his soul: Why would I break up with Barry for fifty thousand dollars?
Clark and Dinah are both annoyed at their partners for being so immature. Bruce is ready to break his no kill rule just to get Hal away from his mystery movie marathon buddy and Clark intercepts all of his plans.
Bruce: People die of food poisoning all the time, nobody would think twice.
Clark: If you kill Barry's soulmate with bad chicken, I will sic the entire Daily Planet investigative journalist team on you. No secret Bruce Wayne has ever had will be safe.
Ollie tries getting Hal to leave Barry.
Ollie: Are you sure you want to Marry BARRY of all people? He's bossy, he's a shut in, he's-
Dinah, fed the fuck up: He's smart, he's got a good career, he understands that being green lantern takes up a lot of your time, he's cute.
Hal: I know, he's so amazing 😍
Ollie, trying not to barf: 🤢
The day of the wedding they both dial it up to eleven. Bruce is in Barry's space helping him get ready but the whole time he's very supportive of the idea of leaving.
Bruce: I'm just saying, there is NOTHING wrong with not being sure, if you need more time to think, we can leave right now. I'll have Alfred drive us to the airport right now and we'll go eat our way through Europe, no questions asked.
Alfred, who is very much looking forward to this wedding: No I will not.
Jay, about to walk Barry down the aisle:😡
After they get through the wedding and have been together for a while, Bruce still kinda pushes for a break up.
Clark: Barry's birthday is coming up, what are you getting him?
Bruce, not looking up from his newspaper: a divorce attorney.
Alfred, reaching over and smacking him.
Bruce, after a long suffering sigh: and a new microscope for his lab. He's been wanting one.
Then Wally comes along and all attempts stop because Bruce and Ollie are not going to be the ones to break up a family.
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briarmoon1015 · 3 months
What are your headcanons on the halbarry?
lol I have so many headcanons buckle in
1. I’m a big fan of Barry falling first but Hal falling harder. We do not get enough of pining Barry and I need it. I need to see more of Barry letting Hal crash at his place, and having to hold back any feelings he may have as the two eat like five pizzas and watch the latest Star Wars movie that Hal missed in space. Barry is a master at holding in his secrets, so it just makes so much sense to me
2. I like to headcanon that Barry isn’t a fan of pda, but the instant someone isn’t around he’s very touchy. Doing things like brushing hands with Hal or knocking knees makes him giddy.
3. I also like to think that Hal gets pretty bad insomnia when he gets back to earth from long space missions. His ring makes it so he doesn’t need sleep, so getting back into that cycle can be difficult. Barry also has pretty bad sleep habits. I imagine speedsters struggle to sleep eight hours straight thanks to how fast their bodies work, and with Barry having a somewhat typical 9-5, he isn’t catching up on sleep any other time. Whenever Hal gets home they both focus on getting their sleeping patterns down, and find it a lot easier to do with the other one around.
4. Hal knows he’s one of Barry’s lightning rods and takes full advantage of it. He will be getting healed by Barry after every stupid situation he gets himself into, and he will drag Barry out of the speed force every time Barry tries to do something even stupider. He also tries not to get stuck in other dimensions or in the speed force himself, just to avoid throwing Barry off.
5. Whenever Hal is away on missions, Barry will often go outside to star gaze. He doesn’t tell anyone it’s because he’s missing Hal, but his family will join him anyways. Hal, on the other hand, likes to find the direction earth is in and just take a moment to breathe.
6. Hal is a Star Wars fan and Barry is a Star Trek fan. They get into a ton of nerdy arguments about it, but they both watch them together. They also love Top Gun. It’s Hal’s favorite movie for obvious reasons, but I think it’d be hilarious if it was also Barry’s gay awakening.
7. Neither of them are good at cooking. Barry’s lack of patience while trying to heat things up often means undercooked food, or overcooked when he tries to use his powers to heat things up. Hal can make a couple of really good dishes but beyond that he is incapable of making edible food. It never turns out right because he tries to do his own thing instead of following a recipe, and ends up getting the proportions all wrong. They often eat out.
8. I need to stress how nerdy each one is. Barry may seem like it the most with his love of chemistry and dressing up like an old man half the time, but Hal will talk your ear off about planes. Not even just types and models, but also weird history facts about them, and mysterious crashes that happened. Because of this, Barry now is quite good at telling the make of a jet, while Hal has a good chance of being able to tell you what chemical compounds you are looking at.
9. On occasion, the two will need to stitch each other up. Hal is a lot faster at it, but his technique isn’t always perfect. It does make do, however. Barry, on the other hand, more gentle and effective, but he’s quite slow at it. He tends to overthink each stitch.
10. Hal doesn’t let a lot of people wear his dad’s jacket, but he often leaves it with Barry when in space. Barry often will leave it on the kitchen table chairs as a reminder of Hal, and will occasionally fix it up if need be. Having to mend his own suit has made Barry a pretty good seamstress, but he takes extra care with Hal’s jacket.
These are just some general ones :) hopefully you enjoy them
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toulousewayne · 10 months
Batfamily Shenanigans Pt: 4
Jason reading in the library with a cup of tea.
Tim: Jason
Jason: Mmm?*Sips Tea*
Tim:—Damian put laxatives in your tea this morning for using his favorite China cup.
Jason: *Sips tea all over the floor*
Batman at the Watchtower giving a oral debate discussion.
Flash: Bats what’s in your cape?
Batman: What are talking about? *Large lump in his cape on full display.*
Green Lantern (Hal): The massive lump in your cape!
*Cue a 6’2 over 200 lbs of muscle in a red helmet with two large pistols strapped to his thighs.*
Red Hood: Alfred wanted to know if you wanted Herb Crusted Salmon or Chicken Fingers for dinner?
Batman: Chicken tenders will do.
Red Hood turns to the League and waves: Hi Diana
Wonder Woman (warmly): Hello child.
Red Hood leaves, and Batman returns to his conversation.
Hal: *Internally about to combust*
Clark: So this is just normal day in the Wayne Residence?
Dick swinging upside from the chandelier, Tim throwing batarangs at Damian who’s chasing him running full force with a sharpie Katana, Cass braiding Bab’s hair while she’s on a FaceTime with Dinah and Helena, and Stephanie and Duke place stickers and sharpie drawing on Jason’s face as he snores loudly.
Bruce while sipping his coffee: Yes it’s just another Tuesday.
Dick serving Damian and Duke warm fluffy pancakes and fresh chopped fruits.
Damian: Grayson?
Dick: Yeah, lil Dee?
Damian: Did Pennyworth prepare this?
Dick (confused): No, I did.
Dick: Just now. Eat up guys it’ll be time for me to take you guys to school soon. *Leaves kitchen whistling*
Duke (whispering): I thought he couldn’t boil water?
Damian: I was told the same information Thomas,I am just as surprised as you.
*Both begin to eat and surprisingly the food is tasty*
Tim:No way Dick made breakfast?!
Duke and Damian both share a confused look.
Duke: Wait so Dick had known how to cook this whole time, then why did you tell me he couldn’t?
Tim with a mouthful of pancakes:Yes it was a lie,I love when Dick cooks and I wanted be the only one to eat it.
Damian and Duke share another look.
Damian:I curse the day of your conception Drake.
Tim: Mhmm, are you gonna eat those?
Damian gives him the rest of his pancakes.
Dick returns to the kitchen dressed for the day: There’s some left, does anyone want seconds?
Tim with syrup all over his face and with a demonic voice: Gove it to me.
Dick,Duke, and Damian:………
Superman and Wonder Woman burst into the Batcave.
Superman: We got your destress call,what wrong?
Bruce turns in his chair to look at them: I didn’t issues a destress call.
Wonder Woman:Like Hera you didn’t, we got here as soon as we could.
Dick drops down from the ceiling.
Dick: I summoned you both here.
All: What for?
Alfred arrives with a smug look on his face: Master Dick thought it would be wise for you both to spend the day with Master Bruce he had been quite grumpy as of late.
Bruce: have not.
Dick: Has too.
Clark (chuckling): If you missed us you could have just called.
Bruce(grumpily): I did not.
Diana holding her Lasso in hand: Shall we test that theory?
Alfred clearing his throat:I have taken the liberty of preparing tea along with finger sandwiches and pastries in the sunroom if you both would follow me.
Bruce turns to Dick blankly: why would you do that.
Dick grinning evily: Payback for the Penguin case.
Bruce:That was two months ago.
Dick: I never forget B, remember that. Save a sandwich for me Alfred!
Bruce staring blankly into the cave before getting up and following: I have raised a monster.
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bitter-coffeecup · 1 year
Why isn't there fanfiction where danny is adopted by someone other than batman? Like, yes, those stories are great, but you're all ignoring the other amazing ideas that could come from him being taken in by someone else
Prime example: Superman
Danny runs away and meets Clark Kent, boy Scout, who can't hear a heartbeat from this kid. Then, he takes him in, Danny is helpful to Lois, loving to Jon, and teaches Superman to treat Connor better because he didn't ask to be born, it's basically asking for hurt/comfort fic with an identity reveal and Danny and Connor being besties
Another one would be the flash, guy has a whole enemy that's literally death incarnation that chases him in the speed force (which is basically traveling through dimensions and time just like the realms) and is a very science guy, Danny being like an intern at star labs or them running into each other at a fast food place and one going 'this guy has death chasing him and realm travel stench' and flash being like 'yo dead meta??' Instant accidental adoption on Barry Allen's part
Another one, Hal Jordan green lantern, Space dad, just space dad, they'd share a sense of humour and Danny could bring down that cockiness alot, admittedly I don't have any kind of promt or idea for this but the dymanic is so easy to see in my mind
John constantine, I feel like this one should be obvious, but he's literally the master of the occult and dark arts, Danny could just show up, freak out John with his ghost king status, maybe ask for his soul (jokingly) and then like a week later John is asking himself why he's making this kid Ectoplasm pancakes at 3 am on a school night when he could be doing literally anything else, Bonus points if the league find out and all they get is 'he lives with me I guess-' from him while he asked a million questions thrown at him on why his 'child' is ya know dead
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I really loved the recent request you did for me. If it's not too much, since you just opened your requests not to long ago, could you do a Hal Jordan (Green lantern) slight hurt/ comfort smut? I feel like Hal has the biggest problem of down playing his emotions with humor, the worse is with his negative emotions. The reader finally has enough of Hal constantly making fun of himself and decides to do something about it. So they end up having mirror sex while he has Hal look at himself in the mirror, praising Hal's body and anything else Hal is insecure about.
I feel like you could do this request between the many Turo, ones you have, so you don't get burned out or get writer's blocked as fast.
Hal Jordan x Male reader
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Hal Jordan my beloved. If this sucks its cuz I was extremely sleep deprived when I wrote it, hehe.
Hal has always been the type of person to cover for his insecurity and self-hate using humor, though most of the time it becomes the type of humor that puts himself down.
Like calling himself stupid, ugly, saying he’s bad at what he does and is just a clumsy idiot that gets in everyone’s way.
You can tell he’s in reality very bothered by these thoughts, But Hal being who he is just buries these feelings under layers of charisma and jokes. He does his best to ignore them, but they come to the surface regularly.
No matter how much you try to affirm how much you love him and that none of these thoughts are true, you can tell he doesn’t really believe you deep down under the surface, as if his self-hate is deeply engrained on his soul.
One day you have enough to Hal making fun of himself, so you decide to do something about it. You will make him see what you see one way or another.
So, you do some research when Hal is away on Lantern business. You end up buying a large full-length mirror and placing it against the wall across from the bed you sleep in at night. You had to work up your nerves to do it as well, and when Hal walked in the door looking like he had been through hell and back you almost changed your mind.
That was until you asked him what happened, and he just laughed a little to himself and said he was just being an idiot like always. That made you angry, not at Hal, but just at the fact that he felt like he had to say those things about himself.
Hal must have been too tired to notice the expression on your face, because he just stumbled to the kitchen to get something to eat or drink.
As he was preparing his food you decide to put your plan into action. Sliding up behind him you wrap your arms around his waist and start kissing his neck, your hands exploring his front and sliding up his shirt.
Having been separated for so long Hal is quick to respond to your advances, his food forgotten as he leans back against you to gasp and moan as you suck hickeys across his neck and jaw.
When you ask to try something new in the bedroom Hal is almost too turned on to really care what it is you want to try, so he agrees without really asking much about it.
Soon you found yourselves in the bedroom, the bed creaking loudly in complaint as you both throw yourself down on it. Gasps and other noises leave the both of you as Hal winds his arms around your neck to draw you closer.
Your hands quickly return to under his shirt, pushing it up his torso until you have to disconnect the kiss to get it off him, your lips quickly meeting again in a desperate kiss.
You were both hard as you grind against one another, hands groping and touching all over each other’s torsos until your clothes are somewhere on the floor, leaving you both naked as the day you were born.
The sight of Hal beneath you, naked, flushed and panting, never grew old. The deep lust mixed with love in his eyes made you throb and your heart warm. To see this beautiful man right there with you always made you feel like the luckiest man in the world.
Hal let out a groan as he pulled you back down, placing your lips on yours and soon your tongue was in his mouth, your tongues curling around each other and getting spit all over the place.
You were quick to find the lube, slick up your fingers, and got to opening up your lover. You knew just where to press your fingers to have Hal keening, his back arching and hips jolting as he grasped at your shoulders.
To Hals surprise you he soon found your positions changed, he was sat in your lap with his back to your chest, your arms around him as you ground your cock between his cheeks.
He let out a choked nose as he saw himself in the mirror you had bought, his mouth opening to ask where you had got it from, but at that moment the head of your length caught on his stretched hole, and you slowly pushed inside.
Hal grasped onto your arms as he was slowly lowered onto your length, his jaw dropping as he released a long rough sound. He couldn’t take looking at himself, so he turned his head away, only for you to reach up to grab hold of his jaw and turn it towards the reflective surface.
That’s when you started talking. Praise and compliments pouring from you like a waterfall as you bottomed, rubbing soothing circles on Hal’s hip as you waited for him to adjust.
When Hal finally got to stutter out a question, asking why you were doing this and what it was about, you told him how seeing him put himself down so much hurt you and you wanted him to see just how great he was.
Hal scoffed at that, as if him being great was some kind of lie you had made up to make him feel better. That’s when you grabbed his hips and started moving.
Hal couldn’t focus too much on his own reflection as he bounced in your lap, the grip you had on his hips moving him up and down your length. He placed his hands over yours, as if giving you his blessing to be in control.
When you kept praising and complimenting him Hal couldn’t help but fluster, his hard length twitching at all the positive attention you were giving him. At some point you stopped moving, using the grip on Hals hips to keep him still. At the frustrated moan Hal let out, you told him you would only continue if he complimented himself.
He let out a confused noise, but when you ground up against his prostate he turned to his reflection. It felt impossible to compliment himself, but the reminder of your cock against his prostate finally made him spill.
As the first compliments spilled from his lips, you started to thrust into him again, making sure to pull out slowly to let him feel your entire length before thrusting inside again. Soon the sounds of Hals gasped attempts at compliments and the sound of your hips meeting filled your shared bedroom.
There was no warning that Hal was near the edge, suddenly he tightened around you and let out a loud wail, spurts of white shooting from him and staining the carpet. But even as he came Hal didn’t stop riding you, not until you too came, pressing into Hal deeply before finishing, painting his insides white.
You both sat there gasping, your arms around Hal and cuddling him close. He was panting and shivering, at some point he turned his head and cuddled it against your own.
Falling back on the bed you took Hal with you, pulling out in the process much to Hal’s disappointment. Wriggling up the bed took some work for your still shaky limbs, but the two of you soon found yourselves with your heads on your pillows, Hal buried deep in your arms as you muttered soft compliments to the man.
Hal’s self-hate and jokes at his own expense wouldn’t stop from just one night together, but the knowledge that you loved him so much helped him somewhat. If he couldn’t love himself, maybe all he needed was for you to love him.
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written-in-flowers · 2 years
Hello I saw you asked for requests, could you do an aemond x reader where he has been courting Reader for months. Jacaerys comes back to Kingslanding and ask Rhaenyra for her hand. Aemond is ready to loose it and steal you on Vhagar in case Viserys choose his grandson over him.
Thank you so much if you choose to write it !
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One Way Out
He refused to believe this was happening. It is all some joke at his expense; it must be. There is no way his father would reconsider an alliance with your house to favor his other grandson. Plans for your marriage have been in place for weeks. His mother and you spent ages going over courses, entertainment and guests. They’d already set the dowry. His father cannot simply destroy all of that to the whims of his favorite child, Rhaenyra.
“-Your Grace,” Otto Hightower spoke up, his voice amplified in the large throne room, “Lady Y/N is already set to marry Prince Aemond. It would not be wise to go back on an agreement with Lord Tyrell simply because Jacaryes desires the girl.”
“I love her!” Jace dared to say, eyes glaring at Lord Hightower. 
“You hardly know her now,” Aemond said in his usual soft voice, which still seemed to carry. “She was a child when you left King’s Landing. Y/N is a different person now.”
This was true, but in a good sense. You’d grown up living in The Reach, but once your father was put on the small council, he brought you to King’s Landing. No doubt hoping to find you a husband in the great court. He did. It was Aemond. He’d convinced the king that a union between House Targaryen and House Tyrell would benefit the dragons far more. House Tyrell supplied most of the realm’s food resources. House Targaryen would have ample supplies come winter. It’d sounded like a good agreement. So, you lived in the castle. You’d grown up alongside himself, his sister and brother, and Rhaenyra’s children, Jace and Luke. Joffery had not been born yet. The shy, quiet girl he remembered from his youth had blossomed into a social butterfly. You knew all the latest court gossip, had many friends, and grown into a lovely woman. 
Aemond loved you. Things moved slowly at first, since you were both children at the time and you wouldn’t flower for a while. He was a young boy who’d been more concerned about bonding with a dragon than his betrothed. He only ever admitted this to himself, late at night when his last waking thoughts were of you. But, then he’d lost his eye. He was sure you wouldn’t want to marry him then, but he’d been wrong. You said you thought it was brave of him to stand up to the others and claim the beast Vhagar. You’d sewn him a pair of leather riding gloves, which he wore every time he rode Vhagar, until they no longer fit. 
He’d anticipated his wedding day for years now. You had as well, from what you’d told him. You’d recently had your dress made, even though you refused to show it to him. Now, his father would undo all this work because Jace desired a girl he only remembers in blurry memories. 
“You’ve never once have written to her,” Aemond continued. “You didn’t even notice her when we were children. Y/N was betrothed to me, and I’ll be damned if I let you have her.”
They’d already taken his eye. Now, they wanted his woman. 
“Aemond,” King Viserys called out to him. His voice alone made Aemond grind his teeth, “The matter is settled-”
“-No!” he whipped his head over to his father, an old, sickly man slumped on his throne. “Y/N has been promised to me.” 
“I believe,” his mother intervened, “The only person who’s opinion truly matters is Lady Y/N’s.”
Aemond turned to the other side of the hall to see you standing there, looking more radiant than ever. You wore the sapphire bracelet he’d gifted you for your last nameday. You looked at the group with tearful eyes, though you did your best to blink them back. 
“Lady Y/N,” his mother addressed you, “What say you?”
You didn’t respond right away. You glanced over at Jace and his family, then back to Aemond. His heart stopped for half a second. The sudden worry you’d choose Jace out of fear came to him. No. No, you wouldn’t do that. You loved him. You’d said so yourself. 
“...I...I...” you said shakily. “I choose Jacaryes.”
His heart dropped. He must’ve heard you wrong. You misunderstood the question, maybe. He turned to his mother, who appeared as shocked as everyone else. Immediately, he felt his blood boil. He didn’t hear anything else except the rage beginning to build in his body. He looked over to Rhaenyra, who suddenly noticed his cold stare. She always got whatever she wanted. Jace must’ve convinced her to let him have you. It made sense from a political standpoint. House Tyrell were very powerful in The Reach. When Rhaenyra came into her throne, Jacaryes would be king after her...making you his queen. 
He stormed out of the room, taking long strides, as people continued talking throughout the hall. All those nights he spent talking with you. All the times he let you seem his softer, more vulnerable side. Every time you cried or felt fear, he’d been there to comfort you. He swore to protect you no matter what happened. There must be an explanation. 
And he got it. You came to his apartments an hour or so later. He knew you’d been crying. Your reddening eyes, parted lips, and wet cheeks told him as much. He felt compelled to comfort you, but alas, he stayed in his seat. 
“Aemond...Aemond, let me explain.”
“What is there to explain? You want Jacaryes.”
“I don’t.”
“Then why did you choose him?”
It became clear why when you approached him, wiping your eyes again. “My father made me. He said if I married Jace, I’d be queen one day. A Tyrell girl on the throne? It’s been a dream of his from the start. Aemond,” you knelt on the ground in front of him. “I have never wanted anyone else. I’ve loved you ever since I was a little girl. You’re the man I wish to marry. My father and his damn ambition forced me into this tough decision. Your mother is trying to convince the king to change his mind, but I don’t think she’ll be able to.”
“Because he loves Rhaenyra more.”
A hard truth he accepted long ago. Rhaenyra, his half-sister, was the only child of his grandfather’s first wife. He’d named Rhaenyra heir to the throne before he married Queen Alicent, their mother. He had twenty years to name Aegon as heir, but never did. If not him, then he never named Aemond, the second son. He was too scared to lose his precious daughter, who came running to him whenever things did not go her way. Everyone knew the truth about her sons. It was written in their dark hair and dark eyes. Two Velaryon sons that don’t have silver hair or dark skin? It made no sense. It’d be like his father to gloss over it. He even cared more about the “lies” being spread about their legitimacy when Aemond lost his eye. He’d lost a part of himself, and his father punished no one. 
“I’m so sorry, my love,” you pleaded with him. “I’m so sorry. Forgive me. I had no choice. My father said it was for the honor and duty of my house to do it, and I...I gave into him because he’s my father, and I love my family. You must understand that, right? You know what it’s like. 
He leaned forward, taking both your hands in his. The idea came to him at once, “Then choose. Choose to marry me, and they cannot say anything about it.”
“Come with me to the sept. We will get married with or without them.” He cupped your cheek and said, “I love you, Y/N. Be mine, and nobody can tear us apart ever again.”
“We can’t just-”
“-Yes, we can.”
“They’ll find us. They’ll go to the Septon and the Maesters and have it annulled.”
“They won’t.”
They won’t annul a marriage after consummation. They’d need serious grounds, which they have none. There were certain laws that not even a king can undo. He lifted you to your feet and he stood up with you. 
“Come. We’re leaving.”
You didn’t protest as he handed you a cloak, and led you out of the keep through secret passages between the walls. His mind formulated a plan. Aemond had studied the law, seeing as all princes should. If he wed and bed you, they’d have a difficult time trying to undo the marriage. And if they did...
Vhagar was the largest and mightiest of the dragons. 
You both went through winding streets and back alleys to reach the great Sept on the other side of the city. He still saw people coming in and out. He guessed there’d be a septon there who’d marry them in a hurry for a fee. They kept their cloaks over their faces as he spotted a fat septon in his robes lighting candles around the circle in the middle of the large, stone room. Once Aemond made himself known and showed him the large bag of coins, the septon happily agreed to marry them by the altars below. 
They married under the Faith of the Seven, his mother’s religion. You stood in front of him, torch light hitting your face in the right angles. Nerves electrified his body. He did not stumble over his words or forget the vows as the septon tied your hands with his. When you kissed, he never felt happier. 
To bed you, he led you down the Street of Silk. A brothel is the last place they’d expect Prince Aemond to be, and there was only one place he knew. The madam of the brothel grinned flirtatiously when she saw him. He recalled her from the last time he’d visited with Aegon several years ago. He told her his predicament, and she offered them a room for a fee. A hefty one. You felt uncomfortable being there at first, but once you both stood alone in the small room, all that fell away. He stripped your clothes off piece by piece, and you did the same in return. He spent the rest of the night learning every inch of your body; the parts that made you sigh softly and the others that made you tremble under his fingertips. You were his, and he was yours. Nobody would part you. 
The sun shined high in the sky by the time someone managed to find you both. Ser Criston Cole and two Kingsguard stood in the doorway, shocked and speechless as they stared you both in the bed. Aemond stared right at him. 
“Have you...?” Ser Cole asked, not daring to ask it out loud. 
“We have.”
“My prince,” he said, “Your father will be angry when he hears of this.”
“My father is a sick, old man who isn’t long for this world,” he replied, arm around your shoulders as he drank from his wine cup. You cuddled up to his side, sheets up around your chest to cover yourself. “I don’t think we should take anything he says seriously.”
“He expressly said your betrothal was broken.” 
“He might’ve been under the influence of milk of the poppy,” you added. “He isn’t in his right mind these days. He can’t do much to stop it now,” you said, putting Aemond’s cup aside and kissing him. 
“Not a thing,” he smirked, pecking your lips. “You’ve done your job, Ser Cole. You’ve found us,” he pulled you onto his lap, “You may go now.”
“You are meant to come with me to the keep, Your Grace.”
“We will,” he said, beginning to kiss down your neck to your breasts. 
“Just not now,” you sighed, starting to grind into him. “I haven’t finished with my husband, yet.”
“Your father will send more men, if you do not come with me now,” Ser Cole said. “You must explain yourselves.” He then saw you both begin losing yourselves in each other again, and said, “At least come to see your mother. She has been terribly worried for your safety.”
“I will see her soon. Now leave, Ser Cole.”
The man turned to leave, then said, “They will not stand for this.”
“They will.”
“They won’t. Rhaenyra isn’t used to not getting her way and that’s extended into her children.”
“If her and her bastards have a problem with it, then they’ll have to answer to my dragon.” 
They would run away. He’d take you far from King’s Landing to where they could not find you. He refused to back down to Jacaerys Strong. Ser Cole took this to be his official dismissal and left. Then, he drowned himself in you once more. 
When you both came back to the castle, the small council immediately summoned him. His mother sat at the head of the table, with Rhaenyra on one side, and the other council members on the other. He stood in front of them as he recounted his night with you, and the wedding ceremony they cannot undo. Maester Orwyle confirmed Aemond’s story. Once a marriage is consummated, an annulment would be difficult. His mother was more than happy to let it go, since there isn’t much to do about it. Rhaenyra grilled the Maester for a while about the technicalities. Aemond believed she spoke mainly on her son’s behalf, and not her own. They called on the septon who’d performed the ceremony, and named those who’d witnessed the union. A maester was sent to your chambers to examine you, to see whether he’d truly taken your maidenhood, which was confirmed when he returned. 
“There is not much to be done,” Lord Hightower sighed, content with the final result. “Lady Y/N Tyrell is now Lady Y/N Targaryen, it seems.”
He could tell this bothered Rhaenyra highly, most likely worried at how upset her son would be. Aemond had no interest in the problems of a bastard boy. He had you now, and he’d never let you go. 
A/N: okay, I know this didn’t really go with the whole running-away-on-vhagar thing, but I’ve done something similar before and wanted to go a different route. I like to think Aemond would do anything possible to make the marriage happen regardless lol thank you for requesting! 
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emeraldkniight · 2 months
im still thinking about those Hal and Kyle fics you wrote....changed my life fr 🤞🏽omg tho I had such a romantic and lovely dream about Kyle last night so I'm feeling extra fuzzy over him rn...what would non hate sex with Kyle be like? 🙈 (as much as I also love mean Kyle 🤷🏽‍♀️) i need your thoughts...
I hope you're doing well 🥰 xoxo - nightjarwings
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kyle rayner x fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀… fluff and smut. porn without plot. dirty talk. oral sex.
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲. . . as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. . . Aside from my fantasies about Kyle being mean, he is such a sweetheart! So I feel like he would be super dedicated to making you feel comfortable. I hope you like what I've written. <3
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Since your boyfriend confessed he was a Green Lantern, the first thing you asked was: which one of them? And you didn't ask because you thought Kyle might be that beautiful alien girl with lovely blonde hair, but because you hoped he would be that handsome dark-haired man in the distinctive white and black suit different from the others. You were right.
Because of his job, Kyle wasn't often at home, which made you suspect possible infidelity. What kind of artist would suddenly leave his home for days, even weeks, without even telling his partner? His actions made you suspicious, so when he returned, you confronted him, and he eventually confessed.
Fortunately for him, you felt relieved for a moment understanding that if he wasn't home, it was precisely because he was serving as an intergalactic law enforcement, which reassured you. However, as the weeks passed and the days without Kyle accumulated, you began to wonder why a large part of the universe had your boyfriend serving, while you waited for him at home with food ready in the fridge in case he decided to return. It was unfair.
Were you being selfish because you wished that he wouldn't save the world for just one day, but that he would lie down with you and hold you in bed instead?
What you wanted most at that moment was to be accompanied, as you sat bored with a bowl of soup in front of the TV, about to fall asleep. When people entered your apartment, they noticed pictures of you and Kyle everywhere, which forced you to face questions about why you live alone or if your boyfriend is even still alive, since he's never around the neighborhood like you are.
Just as your eyes are about to close, they quickly snap open as you hear the sound of keys turning in the door lock. Your heart begins to beat wildly, unable to believe that he has finally returned.
— Baby, I'm home... — You don't let him finish as you jump into his arms, kissing him as deeply as if millennia had passed since you last saw each other's faces. — Hey, hey, I missed you too, sweetheart.
— No 'I missed you, sweetheart' — you warn. — Fuck me now.
Kyle laughs. If he had seen how desperate you were, he would have come back much sooner. Still, he doesn't object to your request and blindly walks with you on top until he manages to place you on the table.
He is gentle when he kisses you, probably because he hasn't done it for a long time since he left. However, you apply pressure and surrender to his lips with devotion, enough for both of you to enjoy.
— I saw you on the news. — You gasp under your breath. — You have no idea what it's like to masturbate to a fucking picture on TV, a real horror movie.
Devouring your neck, his lips awaken sensations. His warm, calloused hand slides over your body, parting your thighs without removing any clothing, except your panties, of course. No matter how much time the two of you had together, it might never be enough until Kyle was needed for another mission.
— Do you want to talk about horrifying things? — he asked, tugging at your underwear. — Imagine me touching myself on an unknown planet with only a picture of you in my head. You have no idea how much I missed you, sweetheart; I was going crazy.
You melted under his touch, his kisses and his compliments. He kissed and caressed you as if it were the last time, in the warmest way anyone had ever bothered to do. It was even adorable how he took the time to lovingly caress your body while you could only think of reciprocating after such a long time.
His fingers entered your pussy. He looked at you in surprise, he had never felt you so wet before; you had practically soaked his entire hand. But he just smiled and decided to take responsibility for it.
— Baby, damn, you're dripping. Did you miss me that much, babe?
He lifted one of your legs and brought it up to his shoulder to get better access to your pussy. His thumb applied gentle pressure to your clit, first stimulating it, then circling around it, just as he knew you liked.
You groaned out loud, dropping your body onto the table. You couldn't see what Kyle was doing, but from how it felt, you were sure he was doing it right.
— Do you want me to eat you? — He asked, coming up for a kiss.
You nodded repeatedly, biting your lips to keep from making a loud noise. You're aware that your apartment is too small and that any neighbor could easily hear you.
Kyle pressed his lips against your folds, slowly sliding his tongue in and giving little licks so you could get used to the texture of his tongue again. You almost cried when you remembered that it had been long enough that you had forgotten how his tongue felt inside you.
But you pushed all thoughts aside and tried to enjoy the moment. Just as you bit down hard on your lip to stifle a moan, you nearly bled. Kyle was exploring a sensitive area of your body with his tongue and making gentle sucks with his lips.
Your hands intertwined with every strand of his black hair, gently pulling his head toward you. You looked at him with his mouth completely submerged between your legs, and the sight seemed glorious.
— Kyle, Kyle... — You sobbed softly with pleasure. — Don't stop, it feels amazing.
You could feel his lips curl into a smile over your pussy. Blood rushed to your cheeks, something that used to happen to you when you were close to orgasm, and he loved it so much that he couldn't think of anything else to do but kiss you all over.
A few minutes passed, but it felt like an instant. You filled Kyle's mouth with fluids and let out a moan that you couldn't contain and that the whole neighborhood probably heard. Still, he didn't stop until you were completely clean.
— I love you so much, sweetheart. I want to be as close to you as possible.
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lychniis · 2 years
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i. SYNOPSIS : you love your significant other ; really, you do. sometimes you just want to squish their face and kiss them silly because they're just that awesome. on others? well, given the fact that they're either lowkey or highkey weird...you find yourself questioning your taste in lovers... ( alhaitham / childe x gn ! reader )
ii. WARNING(S) : crack, pure crack, childe doing illegal shit and the chad of manipulate mansplain manwhore, al haitham. NOT PROOFREAD
# masterlist
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&& . al haitham · ( a guide to tearing your food apart ; horrifically )
AL HAITHAM WAS USUALLY…quiet. And you’d like to say he was graceful too, with a decent posture and a reading ethic that made you swoon ( and the glasses he wore???? U G H ). Kaveh would protest, would call him a baseless pig, and would beg you to reconsider even dating this man. But you were in love, and four years later, post the nerves of graduation and finding jobs and kisses snuck between routines, you were still in love.
There was always a ‘but’, though.
You watch Al Haitham pick up his knife. Immaculate. Amazing. What a god of a man.
You watch him hold it like a dagger. Concerning, sure but still hot. Your hot ass boyfriend using his table knife like a murder weapon. The crowd was going wild, you were screeching like a feral beast on the inside.
You watch him tear the poor chicken apart, with the brutality of a bear, his expression impassive, almost terrifyingly stoic in the face of it all.
Then his shoulders relax. He looks at you. You look at him. Something passes over his face, a ghost of an emotion, of amusement. Then he smirks. “Would you like some of mine?” he asks, and he seems to be teasing you. Just a bit, just enough so that he toed the line between his usual meanness. “You were staring.” 
Maybe what made it worse was that he knew about your occasional ire, and he gave zero shits about it. But as quick as the feeling came, it was gone and you shrug. You weren’t one to pass over free food.
“Sure.” you smile, taking a spoonful of his shredded chicken. Al Haitham nods, seemingly satisfied before he returns to demolishing his dinner once more.
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&& . childe | tartaglia · ( surprise surprise ; your boyfriend partakes in larceny )
YOU JUST WANTED some chocolate —
( — Famous last words, really. )
But the sight of Childe bent over your padlock, with your super hidden, ultra secret stash of very limited edition candies tucked between his legs seemed to have fused every logical thought in your brain. You could only stare. Then stare some more. Then blink and hope to the gods above that he hasn’t eaten any of them…
…it was half empty.
The innocent, near cherubic smile that played on his lips was twisted in a way. Your boyfriend, a criminal in the making, a psychopathic chocolate stealer. You wanted to cy. You wanted to scream. You wanted to demand when, where and why he learned how to pick locks with such precision and what unfathomable shenanigans and trouble had he caused with this horrific power.
“Oh, I just…looked it up.” he replied brightly, popping another sweet into his mouth. “These are delicious, by the way.”
“You looked it up…” you repeat.
Childe shrugs, looking a bit bored now. “Yeah, I found a lock pick….just lying on the floor one day and I learned how to use it. The internet’s got some pretty cool videos…” he chews thoughtfully for a moment, then hands his hal eaten chocolate to you. “Want some?”
You take the chocolate. “This was supposed to be mine…” you mumble miserably. “My mother sent it to me…”
Childe chuckles and pulls you in for a kiss. You taste some of the chocolate he had and when the two of you separated, he was grinning, a bit like a fox who flashed it’s fangs in a cheeky smile before it stole your food.
“You're sleeping on the couch.” you state. His face falls immediately.
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
JBGVCVBN and here i return from the dead-
but seriously HEY BEEN A WHILE. i can;t guarentee updates and new posts will be frequent given the influx of school work but still, thank you for stopping by.
anyway, to commemorate the occasion, LOOK IT'S FUNNY STUFF AND NOT PAIN HOORAY-
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill this form up!
taglist —@x-zho, @dustofthedailylife, @deus-lapidis, @silentmoths,@nebulaera, @aestellia, @ofoceansandtombsanew, @meimeimeirin, @bohbahead
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AINE | 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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hyacinth43 · 22 days
hey! what would the favourite human food of the human ais be? if you haven't already been asked this of course
(This is if they were able to/had to eat food)
• Hal likes bland foods, he strikes me as the person who would dislike any strong spice or flavors.
• Auto likes disgustingly sweet things that would probably kill a normal person. He's used to eating super processed artificial foods and everyone else is a little scared/grossed out by it.
• AM isn't picky, he'll eat anything, especially if it's really flavorful. Since he's kind of in awe at finally having senses he wants to use them to the fullest.
• WOPR lives off doritos and energy drinks. He also likes classic American foods like burgers and hot dogs. He has kind of a childish palate.
• Edgar likes big fancy meals like steak (mostly because it means he gets to make it a date with Madeline and/or Moles) But he usually just gets cheap takeout. He also loves soda and snacks.
• Like AM, Tau isn't picky. He's an amazing chef when he cooks for others but he usually just makes himself simple meals. If you cook anything for him he'll be grateful.
• Wheatley can't cook to save his life, so he mostly eats cup noodles and frozen meals.
• I honestly can't imagine P03 enjoying any sort of food. He probably drinks those meal replacement shakes.
• Proteus cooks for himself the same way he would cook for other people, a completely balanced meal with all the needed nutrients. And no flavor.
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kirihoon · 1 year
i'm sad and i need katsu fluff so here is katsuki bakugou with filipino!reader.
He'd adore your accent as you're learning to speak Japanese.
He'd tease you immensely for it but when you're not looking, he has this soft smile on his face.
He's so proud of you for learning a language asides your own and he's got a blush on his face when he hears you practicing how to compliment him or say that you love him.
He loves the food. Adobo? Loves it. Sinigang? Loves it. Fucking sisig and dinakdakan? That shit's his favorite.
He fucking hates balut tho. You tried making him eat it once but he really wouldn't budge.
You ate it in front of him and he was just silently judging you the entire time. Bombastic side eye frfr.
He did a google search on your culture to try to connect with you more. And honestly, because he wanted to impress you.
He found out about harana. He wanted to do it but aint no way he'd sing sweet songs with a battered old guitar.
You just woke up one day at like 6 in the morning from the sound of loud drums.
He had an entire fucking drum set in front of your house and was shouting in the mic.
You think he was singing a song by gloc 9? Or maybe a japanese song? In fact, it could have been the Philippine anthem.
You'd have no idea with the sound of drums overpowering even his shouting.
Your family and neighbors were not pleased at all. Your brother almost hosed him down.
Aside from that event your family adores him.
You think the reason he was forgiven for the harana incident is because he joined in a drinking session.
Your asshole uncles made him take a shot.
He was already reluctant but wanting to impress your family, he didn't deny it.
What he didn't know was that it was actually a shot of vinegar with tons of spicy peppers.
Yup, he coughed for like a straight five minutes and had to get some water. His pride was torn up but at least the family likes him now. Well, after all the laughing and teasing, that is.
He'd try to learn your language too. It's adorable hearing him say in broken Filipino "ma-hal kit-a".
This one's for all my filipino katsu simps out there. if you want more of these, just write in the comments and I'll try to think of some!
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General Headcanons --- 🧡 Dirk x Reader 🧡
He's subtly clingy. You know how cats just so happen to be in the same room as you all the time? He does that before you get together. Bumping into you at the store, showing up to Roxy's parties more often when he knows you'll be there, seeing you around on walks, etc. He doesn't realize that it's creepy.
He does it when you're official too, but it's less weird when he's popping up in your shared house. Showing up while watching a movie and silently sitting next to you, silently hovering around you all the time, especially when there are people over.
He grew up with no/little human touch, and wants to be hugged more than anything, but he's kinda a wuss and won't be direct in asking. He's just like that. You have to get at least a little used to it.
He loves small gifts!! Big things freak him out a little and make him feel like he's gotta one-up it, but little things that you take a glance at and go "hey, Dirk would probably love this"? He does. Every little rock is put up on a shelf, and he LOVES flowers. He didn't exactly see many as a kid. He dries all the ones you give him.
If Hal ever tries to talk to you, Dirk is 110% assuming the worst no matter what Hal said, even if he was actually nice to you.
Speaking of Hal, for the love of god don't mention dirk's splinters or he will go into self-loathing mode for at least five hours.
Mentioning them during arguments is probably irreparable. And dear lord if you compare him to one of them (eg: "You're just like Bro!") he will literally never recover.
Nsft under cut:
He loves being tied up I think. Not even just handcuffs or something, but fully unable to move.
He pretends to be a super-dominant top but he is LYING.
This boy is LOUD as fuck. Whimpering, moaning, whatever. He's gonna make a lot of noise, even if he's gagged.
Didn't know what aftercare was probably - he's just been watching porn and they don't really show that. When you gave him food and water and started taking care of him he almost lost his mind.
That's all I have for this one, but YK WHAT?? I'm happy with it :)
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s0domizer · 2 months
otasune au in which otacon picks up baking to combat his stress and ptsd.
he gets really into it and loves making pastries especially. since its just him and snake tho, he feels kinda bad, not wanting to waste any food.
david finds it cute how hal does his little baking thing and honestly, the things he makes are amazing, so its not even hard for him to gobble up everything his partner makes.
hal is delighted by the fact that he can literally bake as much as he want to PLUS that david loves everything he makes. its a win win situation
this results in david; even tho going to the gym most days put of the week, gaining some chub and hal thinks its pretty cute
david tells himself its gonna be fine :"because you know.. the cuts gonna be insane" (he needs to convince hal to please put some protein powder into the baked goods)
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