#jason dent
whiteelordaart · 2 months
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Jason Dent/Chance
Inspired by Nerd_by_Definition’s fic featured in the @jaydick-week Zine!
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emperor-neo · 1 month
I sometimes wonder if Two-Face ever drops his coins when flipping it, sure he isn’t infallible especially with a effed up left side face. I bet when it does the batfamily helps him and treats him with patience after all that’s their father’s former bestfriend
Two-Face: Nightwing, your fate shall be decided by my coi— ah shit I dropped it.
Red Hood: for fucks sake, get on with it already!
Tied up Nightwing: …
Robin: it rolled over there *points at the couch*
Two-Face: *bending down and struggling to reach underneath the couch*
Red Robin: here let me help you harvey
Robin: here I found it *gives a cent*
Two-Face: No! That’s just a regular cent mine was customized I had to pay hundreds of dollars for it to have skulls and—
Red Robin: wait is it one of those coins from youtube that has like cool art that has secrets you can do like press small buttons and open up a compartment?
Spoiler: that’s awesome, does yours do that? then I’ll help look for it
Two-Face: No—
Red Hood: you got scammed dude
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12 year old Jason in the Batmobiles front seat:…
Jason: Why does Harvey Dent call you babygirl?
Bruce: How about we don’t talk?
Jason: is it because you two used to kiss-
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batfamhastwitter · 2 months
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here's part 5!
Prev ~ Beginning ~ Next
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hesztia16 · 3 months
*Wayne Manor, Family dinner*
*Barbara’s phone rings*
*she leaves and comes back a few minutes later, expression solemn*
Dick: what happened
Barbara: the Joker is dead
Jason: *shocked silence*
Tim: *shocked silence*
Damian: *shocked silence*
Alfred: *shocked silence*
Like a dozen other more: *shocked silence*
Bruce: *leaves the room*
Dick: Bruce!
Alfred: Master Bruce what-
Jason: *looks away, clenching his fist*
Bruce: *returns, with a bottle of champagne*
Again: *shocked silence*
Tim: why’s there a note on that saying: “For when the Joker dies”?
Bruce: it was a gag gift from Harvey when he was… you know, less murderous
*not so shocked, more of a hesitant silence*
Jason: *stands* pop it open, old man. I’m bringing the glasses
Alfred: the help is much appreciated, Master Jason
Steph: how did he die?
Barbara, a little confused: my dad said something along the lines of… a bunch of fans manifesting it after the writers were cowards for too long?
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garpen · 3 months
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Pt. 1 Gotham twitter
Master List >>Part Two
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onnahu · 2 months
Red Hood: Remember when you killed my dad and I didn't murder you?
Two-Face: ...maybe
Red Hood: Great. I need you to look at those documents and help me get- [some legal bullshit]
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theerurishipper · 4 months
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First <- Part 3 <- Part 4 -> Part 5
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bruciemilf · 3 months
We all know how flustered Battinson would be as a first time dad, but can you imagine him when half the rogue roster AND JL members come to them after Jason gets adopted?
Naturally, they assume he’s Bruce’s biological kid. And chaoes quickly comes knocking.
Harvey is VERY ready to be a dad. Too ready. “Don’t even worry about it, even if we’ve had our problem, OBVIOUSLY I’m the father, and I’ll be there every step of the way.”
“There’s no need to hide the truth, Bruce, I’m not mad. I’ll be the best dad I can be. I won’t even let Two Face show him how to shoot a gun.”
“I already know how to do that :D”
“What did I tell ya?” The seamless switch is blink-and you miss it, but not for Bruce’s sharp eyes. TF just grins, switchblade sharp, ruffling at Jason’s hair, “That IS my boy.”
Clark sheepishly approaching Bruce one day, sitting down at the JL cafeteria table. His handsome face fashioned a bare earnestness which only confuses Bruce MORE.
“Hey. So, we should probably talk about Jason, right?”
“I’m really sorry if I did something that made you feel like you couldn’t tell me. But I’m ready to step up. So when should I move in?”
“We haven’t slept together, Clark.”
“Bruce, I think I’d know my kid when I saw him.”
Hal can’t take this anymore. “HE’S A MAN?” He pauses, “Also, why am I not questioned? I could be the baby daddy! I could SO be the baby daddy!”
“Go away, Hal.”
“Yeah ok.”
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whiteelordaart · 3 months
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Jason Dent
A little bit obsessed with this idea right now.
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rredboard · 2 years
ur telling me batman (a hero whose power is like 65% fear 35% money) has a villain who is all about weaponizing fear and he’s not the main villain? ur telling me batman (man with a secret identity so strong that there are questions of who the real person is at the end of the day and whose entire creed is about stopping One Bad Day™️) has a villain who is his childhood friend that has physically separated his dual violent-nonviolent nature and is all about duality and chance and he’s not the main villain? ur telling me batman (man with strong ideas about the Right Way to stop crime and who emerged from the destruction of his own family structure) has a villain who is his undead son/former sidekick who he couldn’t save and now disagrees with the way to address crime in gotham and he’s not the main villain? ur shitting me about this clown guy right
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astrovvitches · 2 years
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death follows me everywhere i go so excited to finally be able to show this! my finished piece for @gothamcityunmasked who were so gracious enough to let me draw bruce! it's your last chance to get your hands on this beautiful book, so please check out their leftover sales here!
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batcavescolony · 2 years
Upcoming Villain in Gotham: if only we knew Batman's identity! Then we could just go to his house and-
Riddler: we all know his identity
Catwoman: I regularly go to his house
Harley: I went to med school with him
Two-Face: he was my best friend
Red Hood: he's my Dad
UCVG: ...wait what?
Red Hood: family, you know how it is.
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
Jason is actually pretty kind about people's mental illness.
He refers to Two Face and Harvey Dent as separate people, same for Mr Scarface and Arnold Wesker. He decides to shoot the puppet instead of Wesker and doesn't go out of his way to be cruel like he does for others.
It's an aspect of him you might not expect from such an aggressive character.
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gravygranola · 4 months
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I interrupt my regularly scheduled program for this. hello jason todd community
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comatose--overdose · 2 years
Jason: Actually, you stay out of it. I'll deal with Dent this time.
Bruce: What? No. Not a chance.
J: Why not? First of all, he likes me more than you at this point. he'll be more cooperative. Also he owes me like., 20 grand.
B: Why does Two-Face owe you $20,000??
J: Well, he may have two faces but it turns out neither of them are a poker face.
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