#mental goals
desultory-suggestions · 5 months
You have to stop ruining things for yourself preemptively because you believe they’ll fail anyway. Give yourself a chance to succeed.
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histhoughtslately · 2 months
When love finds you again, I wish for you that is kind, gentle, loving, peaceful and tranquil. May it make you smile again, laugh often, dance like no one’s watching, and support your true self without condition.
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dinosaurguy · 2 years
This is a positive post
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girlmagicfr · 1 month
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This is your sign to keep showing up for yourself....
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stars-obsession-pit · 22 days
Danny didn’t think about his early years prior to his adoption by the Fentons. Sure, he could still remember them, but he wanted that chapter of his life to remain firmly behind him. The part of him that had been Danyal was dead and buried.
But then his parents’ portal opened on top of him, and that history became all too important again.
His mind may have long since healed from the madness of the Pit Rage, but the taint of the Lazarus Waters from his resurrections still clung to his soul.
Guided, the addition of pure ectoplasm would have washed away those wounds. But there was no guiding intelligence behind what was happening. No grander plot. Just the energies of the portal taking whatever path was needed to complete their circuit.
And thus, as the ectoplasm rewrote Danny’s DNA into a half-ghost form, it also empowered the remnants of the Lazarus Pit’s effects.
Emotions from those whom the League had killed had long seeped their way into the ectoplasm of the Lazarus Pits, but they had been faint. Far weaker than full ghosts, barely even echoes. Enough to cause the Pit Rage, but no more.
But with the influx of pure ectoplasm, those echoes grew.
And so when Danny emerged from the portal, it was with a choir of countless angry voices screaming into his brain to avenge them, to raze the League to the ground until nothing remained.
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nenelonomh · 3 months
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not everyone will understand, and that's okay
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daily-spooky · 8 months
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max-is-a-tranny · 1 month
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Real shit
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
Even if your body isn’t what you wish it were, you can still treat it with the respect it deserves. While it’s completely fine to dream of certain goals and changes for yourself, it’s equally important to learn to appreciate your body for what it is right now. Don’t try to fuel yourself on self hatred.
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felineandhustle · 6 months
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warriorheartofmine · 1 year
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allaboutthemoonlight · 4 months
How to Master Motivation
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Hi friends,
Today I want to talk about motivation and finding ways to maintain it in our daily lives. Motivation is a crucial factor that drives us to achieve our goals, overcome challenges, and stay committed to our development.
Understand the locus of control
Our locus of control, internal or external, is the degree to which we believe we have control over what happens to us in our lives. It influences how we respond to circumstances that impact us and how motivated we feel to take action.
An external locus of control is when we believe that our life and the outcomes we experience are a result of external forces beyond our power. We think everything that happens to us occurs because of chance or luck—two things we can’t control.
The key to staying motivated is to develop an internal locus of control. This is when we believe that we’re responsible for the things happening to us and understand that we have control over the outcome. It’s a level of self-determination where we realize our efforts, decisions, and habits create the life we live.
So, how do we adopt an internal locus of control?
The first point I want to emphasize is that, regardless of your perception of how much control you have over your life, the amount of work you put into something is always within your control. The first step is to abandon the mindset that everything is left up to chance and, because of this, you should stop trying. You need to understand that you always have some level of power over your circumstances, even if you’ve been told otherwise:
Be more aware of the choices you make and realize there is always a choice to be made.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance from those around you.
Spend time self-reflecting and trying to understand yourself better. Reflect on previous instances where you’ve felt a lack of control and write down what could have been done instead.
Don’t be afraid to fail; it’s an opportunity to learn.
Know the different types of motivation
Next, I want to talk about the different types of motivation and how they impact you.
There are 4 different types of motivation, each with their own distinctions:
Intrinsic motivation: This is where you do something because it aligns with your values or just because it’s fun. Although it’s good to have intrinsic motivation, this type is fragile and can be undermined when we start feeling like we’re losing autonomy over our choices.
Extrinsic motivation: This is what most people think of when they imagine motivation. It’s when our motivation comes from outside of us—we’re doing something for a reward or to avoid a punishment. It’s the opposite type of motivation that you should seek if you want to be self-driven.
Introjected: This type of motivation can create resentment or tension. We do something because if we don’t, we’ll feel shameful or guilty. For example, you might go to the gym not because you enjoy it or care about the health benefits, but because you feel guilty if you don’t work out.
Identified: The reason you’re doing something is because it aligns with your idealized self. It’s something that you’ve internalized to be important and allows you to behave in accordance with your self-concept and identity. This is the most important type because it creates habitual behaviors are no longer choices. We understand our identity and that certain habits and behaviors need to be done so that we’re constantly aligned with our higher selves. For example, you might regularly volunteer at a local shelter or organization because you’re someone who values compassion and community service.
So, how can we implement identified motivation more into our lives?
Really try and understand the reasoning behind a goal you want to achieve. Ask yourself “why do you actually want this thing?”. This is also a good time to review your values and whether or not your goal aligns with them.
Constantly remind yourself about why the outcome matters to you because we often forget the reason that we started in the first place. —ex.
Like James Clear said, make your goal, system, habit, or whatever you’re wanting to accomplish more motivating or fun. Beyond that, start associating the reward with the challenge itself. If you’re training for a marathon, instead of seeing the finish line as the only reward, find or fulfillment in the training process and the discipline you developed along the way.
Adopt a positive mindset. Rather than complaining about having to workout in the morning or studying for an exam, start saying “I get to study for this exam and further my education” or “I’m blessed to have a body that works for me and allows me to exercise”. It’s all about perspective and embracing gratitude. If you put half the energy that you use from complaining into figuring out how to take the next step, you’ll accomplish a lot more.
Don’t neglect your emotional and mental health
Slumps are very real, and mental health can impact every aspect of motivation. Self-improvement and changing your life aren’t easy journeys by any means, and there will be times when stress and feelings of being overwhelmed can paralyze you. In these moments, it’s critical to take a break, a breather, or anything that can help reset your mental health. Remember to engage in activities that support your emotional needs. Not every second of the day needs to be spent doing something productive or working toward your goals. It’s okay to take breaks and have rest days; in fact, I think it’s crucial.
Reward yourself often, even for the smallest achievements. It’s not about what you completed, but the fact that you completed something at all. Spend time acknowledging your accomplishments.
Take it one step at a time and remember no action is too small. Starting small is what helps us build consistency in the long run.
Embrace positive self-talk. Avoid talking yourself into a negative spiral, as it will only make you lose motivation and put you in a slump.
Get an accountability partner. Having someone in your corner who will cheer for you and keep you accountable is a game changer.
Stay motivated, stay grateful, stay resilient.
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ricky-yaps · 2 months
a completely unoriginal notes game
EVERY 1 LIKE = 5 mins cleaning my depression room
EVERY 1 REBLOG = 10 mins touching grass
EVERY 5 LIKES = 1 glass of water
EVERY 5 REBLOGS = 30mins practicing art
EVERY 10 LIKES = 30 minutes writing
EVERY 10 REBLOGS = 30 mins practicing an instrument
10 NOTES = Write a proper bio for this blog
25 NOTES = Go through my closet and donate what I don’t wear anymore
50 NOTES = Start presenting masc more
75 NOTES = Start keeping a daily-ish journal
100 NOTES = Start exercising every other day
200 NOTES = Learn how to draw from reference, start making fanart, and post it here
300 NOTES = Do a better job at brushing teeth
400 NOTES = Get some kind of job, even if it’s just tutoring
450 NOTES = Have a normal sleep schedule on weekdays (9:30PM-5AM)
500 NOTES = Start taking full-body showers every day
600 NOTES = Come out as queer and trans to my uncle
650 NOTES = Get really good at Fortnite (I don’t know man it matters to me)
700 NOTES = Start meal-prepping
750 NOTES = Start skateboarding more (learn to ollie)
800 NOTES = Start writing short stories again and post them to @fishbowlscrawls
900 NOTES = Start producing music again
1K NOTES = Start submitting poems to anthologies again
1.1K NOTES = Finish learning French and then start on Italian
1.25K NOTES = Come out to healthcare providers if Trump isn’t in office (otherwise just ask to start Nexplanon)
1.5K NOTES = Be social for once (actually try to make friends instead of waiting for someone to yap)
1.7K NOTES = Ask them to hoco (if there is anybody I don’t know yet)
1.75K NOTES = Start applying for college scholarships
1.9K NOTES = Start making plans to travel abroad in college
2K NOTES = Start actually studying and going to tutors and taking notes
2.25K NOTES = Limit recreational screentime (2hrs on weekdays, 4hrs on weekends)
2.5K NOTES = Stop smoking weed/drinking on weeknights
2.75K NOTES = Start properly budgeting
3K NOTES = Come out to my paternal grandparents
3.75K NOTES = Release an EP in summer of 2025
4K NOTES = Fix my wackass handwriting
BLUE/PURPLE = hasn’t been reached
ORANGE/RED = reached; not completed
GREEN/PINK = completed!
(Room-cleaning put on hold because I’m moving; will replace with another goal when I move!)
MINS OUTSIDE = 960/1240
MINS DRAWING = 720/720
MINS WRITING = 220/480
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nenelonomh · 3 months
gorgeous girl, you study. you work. you put yourself together every day. you are loyal and respectful. you are beautiful inside and out. you have visions and plans for the future. who doesn't value that, doesn't deserve you.
(inspired by raia lei, on pinterest)
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lilydrafts · 1 month
Don't downgrade your dream to fit in your present reality. Upgrade your attitude, discipline, and skills to match your goals.
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becomingvecna · 6 months
anxiety, depression and/or being mentally and/or physically exhausted should always be a valid reason for any employee to take a day off without their paycheck being affected in any way, and also for any student to take a day off without their grade being affected in any way by the way
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