#the batkids need it too
im-a-lil-bitch-boi · 4 months
EDIT: after bein explaimed to the affects lobotomy can have on someone, ill have to amend this post by sayin i would not lobotomize the joker. i would srill do SMTH, jus not like. . . this. makin this edit as i still agree w alot here aside from the lobotomy and vegetable comment(which have neen explained to me as ableist). also another reason for this edit is so others can see this w out me havin to take this down but also so i dont have to do major edits whilst half asleep 👍
ngl of i was Batman i woulda lobotomized the joker i,f he kill my son. fuck him, and fuck Superman! that mfer aint finna srop me
Supes: u cant kill the joker
me: ik that y ima lobotomize him, he killed my son. u think ima let him get away w that?
tbh i woulda lobotomized him the 2nd time he commited mass murder ngl, i ain fuckin round w thqt shit. Barbaras not gonna become disabled bc of him, Tim aint gonna become joker jr, amd Jason sure as hell aint finna die bc the jokers gonna become a fuckin vegetable when Dick is still Robin
ALSO i woulda gotten therapy the moment i realized i was fuckin up Dicks n i's relationship. i woulda offered him to join me in some family therapy n not do wut emotionally constipated Bruce "I am Vengence" Wayne did tf
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
I think the reason why I like Battinson so much is because I feel like this version of Bruce is the most likely to cry when it comes to like, anything, but especially his kids.
I always make jokes about how all it takes is for one mean comment from his kids for Bruce to start absolutely bawling, but I actually could see this happening with Battinson, but instead of crying when his kids bully him, he just cries when they do, well, anything.
Like this man looks like he's about to cry 24/7, so imagine him with 6 hyperactive, intelligent, sassy and adorable children?? He would not survive, they'd tear him apart, but especially with overwhelming love lmao
Everytime he signs adoption papers, he cries. Doesn't matter if he's done it a million times.
His kids want him to read them a bedtime story? He's holding back tears.
Kids want a hug? Totally not crying haha.
Seeing any of his kids with various accomplishments? Tears of pride, no matter how many achievements they reach.
Kid gently implies they'd like to be left alone? Bruce is immediately all "oh no they hate me I did something wrong what did i do do i apologize should i tell them i love them am i a bad parent-" He def has separation anxiety with all of his kids.
Basically anytime any of them call him "dad"? He's hiding in his study to cry out all the overflowing affection within him.
Like I genuinely feel like this Bruce would be the most emotionally vulnerable with his kids. Like he'd be SO soft with them. I bet he's always happy to do little things for/with them, like brushing their hair, eating breakfast with them, watching TV, playing with Legos, etc.
I could see him being the most attentive father, always being cautious and trying to make sure he's doing everything right as a parent. I need to see him cuddle his kids.
DC needs to let Battinson have a Robin because I know that man would drop anything for his children.
and dont get me started on how absolutely devastated this Bruce would be if one of his kids got hurt (and imagine how anguished he becomes after Jason's death)
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mylifeingotham · 5 months
My fan casts for the robins + batman
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Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman
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Brenton Thwaites as Dick Grayson/Nightwing
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Curran Walters as Jason Todd/Red Hood
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Aidan Gallagher as Tim Drake/Red Robin
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Kiernan Shipka as Stephanie Brown/Spoiler
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David Mazouz as Damian Wayne/Robin
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lady-bizarre · 4 months
when does jason learn to drive?
cause according to a quick google search, you can't drive in new jersey until you're at least sixteen. and jason dies when he's fifteen.
he definitely didn't learn when he was comatose, and probably not with the league. did he have to teach himself? did bruce teach him before he died? did dick teach him to spite bruce? did he learn when he lived on the streets? does he somehow never learn and use it as an excuse to never drive any batkid around?
how many times did he crash before he finally figured it out? has officer grayson ever pulled him over for going 20 miles above the speed limit, asked for id, only for jason to just drive off? does he just drive like a maniac? do his siblings avoid driving with him at all costs to stay away? how many people has he tramuatized?
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undertheredhood · 11 months
bruce after gotham war: why don't my children talk to me?
dick who is so done with him: it's the way you act! it's the way you act!
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msfcatlover · 25 days
Duke in the Reverse!Robins AU be like…
”Eldest daughter syndrome? What eldest daughter syndrome? Nah, just because I’m the oldest does not mean I have eldest daughter syndrome. Sure, I’ve had to mediate between Damian & Bruce, or Steph & Bruce, or help certain Titans find a middle ground, but that’s just being a good leader. And yeah, I’m protective of the younger kids, but that’s just what any responsible adult in my position would do.”
*finds out one of the members of his team has such bad civilian trauma they need to straight-up quit hero work*
“Oh shit… I fucked this up. I was too focused on my own problems, how the fuck did I miss this? Okay, okay. I was already burning out trying to juggle being Gotham’s only daytime hero and single-handedly leading the Titans. I need to pick one. And find some way to make it up to Grant. Jesus fuck, how did I miss this…”
*Tim becomes Cass’s apprentice. Steph & Cass start arguing more often. Steph has her biggest fight with Bruce yet. Steph goes missing.*
*Steph dies*
“After that fight with Bruce, no one backed her up. She didn’t know anyone was supporting her. She died thinking none of us were on her side. If any one of us had actively taken her side, instead of getting distracted with our own messes, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Oh, but am I really expecting Damian or Bruce to be intelligent about feelings? Am I really expecting tact from Cass? I know them too well; it should’ve been me, shouldn’t it? I can’t believe I managed to fuck up worse than I did with Grant…”
*Luna gets taken away*
“Look at what you’ve done, Bruce! Look what you’ve fucking done! You’re tearing this family apart! We all promised to look out for her if anything happened to Steph, and you’re just going to force every single one of us to break those promises?! You’re going to rip away the last piece of Steph we had?!? Look at Dami & Cass! Look at them! You did this!”
*finds out Damian’s training for Tim to be Shadow uses all the LoA techniques he refused to use for Steph, making it borderline-through-outright abusive, almost certainly to try to drive Tim off by making him too miserable to continue*
“I. I can’t fucking believe this. I can’t… I can’t believe it took me so long to realize. Damian, nobody is happy about this, but fuck you. I thought you were trying to be better, you absolute fucking asshole! And I… I don’t even have the excuse of not knowing half of the involved parties this time, or being away, or too busy, I was just looking away because I didn’t want to think about Tim taking Steph’s mantle. I should’ve fucking stopped this the first time Tim came back from Bludhaven. God fucking dammit, how do I keep failing the kids in my care in the same fucking way, over & over again?!”
*was all the way at the other end of the room & looking in the wrong direction to have enough forewarning to actually save Tim from being shot*
“I… I… I… I’m literally the only person who could’ve fucking stopped this. I have all the training, all the abilities, but I went to refill my punch glass, and now Timmy might never walk again. I mean, absolutely blame the asshole who pulled the trigger, but Tim & I were in the same fucking room. Who would even put a hit out on Tim Wayne? There’s no way Tim doesn’t know who’s behind this, but he won’t tell me because he doesn’t trust me, because of course he doesn’t! Look at my track record! When it matters most, I let down the people I love. My parents, Grant, Steph, Tim…”
*Jason becomes Shadow.*
*The Tower fight happens.*
*Jason gets kidnapped by the Joker.*
*Bruce “dies,” and Jason runs away to have the Red Robin arc.*
*Dick only begrudgingly puts up with Duke because Duke’s rather overbearing expressions of protectiveness support are not meshing well with Dick’s “stuck on anger til I personally catch my parents’ murderer” issue*
“…If anyone needs me, I’ll be screaming in the closet.”
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neptunezo · 4 months
This came to me in a sudden spark of energy while going to the bathroom and seeing the sexiest rwrb edit ives ever seen.
BUTTTT Red White and Royal Blue as jayroy of course because who fits it better than them? Wealthy douche bags who are only wealthy because of their family and are only douchebags around each other due to awful sexual tension? Obviously Jayroy.
Jason is of course is His Royal “Hardness” Prince Henry. Because let’s sit here and talk. He SOOOOO would have a dog named David because Bowie is “too on the nose.” The Waynes are practically Gotham royalty anyways. Steph or Cass would OBVIOUSLY be Bea. Jason liking Roy first but hiding it and choosing to not act on it because 1) Roy is the biggest girl lover he knows and 2) he just cant come out, not yet. PLUS Henry is such a big literature nerd, which sounds kinda familiar.
Roy almost embodies the energy of Alex in so many ways. Stubborn? Check. Attractive? ABSOLUTELY CHECK. In love with the Prince but has no idea because he’s liked so many girls that liking guys never even crossed his mind? Tripple Check. Like Alex, he would absolutely be pissed that Jason is taller than him. AND Alex is the main character of the story and in my world Roy is always the main character. Roy is such a family man (when it’s family he likes, sorry ollie) and will do anything for them. Sounds so familiar to Alex. He may do some stupid things and may not realize till later but he absolutely makes up for it, and like Alex, he shows he’s support but not a “sidekick” to Jason (because hes not and people who ship Jayroy and like that dynamic need to go and read an Arsenal comic for once)
Cake scene? Would absolutely happen between jayroy and no one can tell me it wouldn’t. Hospital closet scene? Already happened, TWICE!! The “I stormed a castle to tell you I love you knowing you wont say it back” “My life is the crown and yours is politics and I will not trade one prison for another.” IS TOO ACCURATE BETWEEN THEM!!!
And for my sanity, Shaan and Zahra is absolutely positively Birdflash. case closed.
Anyways, see my vision!!! I might just write it because it’s summer which means just me, my laptop, and the fics I’ve been writing. Maybe I start it and scrap my other Jayroy ones that have been going absolutely nowhere and just sitting in my unfinished.
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punkeropercyjackson · 13 days
Hot Battake or whatever but if you make anybody other than Duke Jason's Robin or you don't consider Duke a core Batkid but headcanon Jason as afrolatino or you see Jason as an afrolatino man but don't see Stephanie as a black/black biracial woman,then you're just being an antiblack fake geek and i hope you eat your own skidmarks😊
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britcision · 2 years
Today’s chapter is dedicated to @lehana37
One day, beloveds, one day we WILL get to Sam and Dick… but not today, I was having way too much fun bullying Vlad and Bruce
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikoyuii @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog1 @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @eonic @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids
Previous chapter:
First chapter:
Pay Attention To Me Dammit
“Okay,” Danny sucked in a deep breath, surfacing from Jason’s suit to two deeply concerned pairs of blue eyes, “let’s get somewhere private real fast.”
Tucker snickered, helpfully extracting both him and Sam from Jason’s arms.
“I can’t fucking believe you forgot Vlad was coming,” he sighed, voice still shaking as he gave Jason a once over.
Sam, sucking in huge gasps of air, pinched his arm as she straightened.
“Oh shut up, not like you brought him up either,” she wheezed, still grinning.
“Vladdie’s gonna be fucking heartbroken,” Tucker sighed happily, shoving Danny towards a corner.
People were definitely looking. And not just the other four bats; regular guests were watching behind fans, hands, or just deadass staring.
Tim took over, catching Danny’s wrist and pulling the other boy after him. They weren’t that far off the same height.
“So, should I take it that “Vlad” being here is a good thing or a bad thing?” He asked, pulling on his best socialite smile, heading for one of the hall exits instead.
“Back room?” Jason wondered, guiding Sam and Tucker quickly after him. Tim nodded without looking back.
“They shouldn’t be busy yet. We can talk without being overheard,” he added to the other three, who obligingly sped up.
“As for your question, Vlad being here is… probably gonna end up being nothing?” Danny offered, doing his best smiles for the rich assholes they passed.
Sam kicked him in the ankle.
“Wait til we’re alone,” she said quietly, hustling Tucker along.
Unsurprisingly to Jason and Tim, the first back room already had four other people sitting in it, on two extremely plush couches, angled at right angles and facing a fireplace. Before Danny could turn to find another, Steph caught his hand and pulled him in.
“Hi, Stephanie Brown, friend of the Waynes, we’re gonna talk all about Jason’s adorable little crush on you but first, what did you need privacy for?” She asked, eyes bright with innuendo.
Danny grinned right back, already liking this one, and relaxed when Tim and Jason guided the others in and shut the door.
“Well, I guess you all being here means no one has to be found later… and the more eyes the better in this case,” he mused, looking over the other teens and young adult.
Dick waved at Tucker, grinning sarcastically.
“Danny. And Danny,” he added, nodding to Danny himself.
Sam hid a snicker behind her hand.
“That’s what you went with?” She asked Tucker, and he grinned entirely unrepentantly back.
“What, Jason said he told them who I was,” he said in his very best innocent voice.
Before they could get going, Jason raised a hand.
“I’m gonna guess there was a reason you snuck Danny in other than getting back at Sam’s parents? Vlad Masters,” he prodded, dropping to sit on one of the plush royal blue couches next to Cass.
All three Amity Parkers sobered immediately.
“Right… yeah, we should sit for this,” Tucker agreed, glancing around the room. Seating for nine was going to be tight, but… well, he may no longer be a teenager, but he was still seating-flexible.
Introductions were made as people juggled themselves around, finally ending with Cass, Jason, and Danny on one sofa, Sam, Steph, and Damian on the other, and Dick and Tim perching on windowsill or sofa arm respectively. Tucker took the floor.
Once movement stilled, Danny exchanged glances with Sam and Tucker. Maybe hoping that for once, he wouldn’t be doing the explaining?
He shoulda known better.
Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair and didn’t lean intentionally into Jason’s side. It was good to have another halfa around, that was all.
“Sooooo… cliff’s notes? Vlad Masters is a shady billionaire who uses some seriously unethical shit to make predatory deals with other rich folks to steal their fortune. We think he’s here to cement that flashy “b”, byyyy stealing your dad’s fortune,” he explained quickly, glancing around at the Waynes and adjacents he could see.
They did not look convinced.
Tim frowned, leaning forward on his knee and steepling his fingers.
“If you have proof of that, shouldn’t someone already be looking into him?” He asked contemplatively, eyes fixed on Danny’s face.
It was. Weirdly intense.
Fighting down discomfort, Danny shrugged.
“So remember when I said deeply unethical? Think like, mind control. He’s hard to investigate.”
“You make him sound like a supervillain,” Dick noted from the windowsill.
Sam raised a pointed eyebrow at him.
“Duh, we said “billionaire”.”
“Hey,” Tim protested, leaning around Steph to frown at her, “I’m a billionaire.”
She stared him dead in the eye while Steph snickered.
“I said what I said.”
“And you’re a millionaire,” he shot back sharply, eyes narrowing.
Sam didn’t blink.
“I work at a plant nursery my parents don’t approve of and pay my own tuition. My family are millionaires; I’m not,” she said plainly.
Tim puffed up his cheeks, but let them deflate silently. Jason definitely wasn’t smirking.
Cass leaned forwards suddenly, eyes darting around the room searchingly before settling on Sam.
“Masters. Your connection?” She asked softly, the others stilling to hear her.
Both of Sam’s brows rose, but she didn’t comment at hearing the other girl’s voice for the first time. She looked to Danny instead, raising an eyebrow.
Danny blew out a huff of air, ruffling his bangs.
“So… we… well…”
“He wants to fuck Danny’s mom and adopt Danny,” Tucker said bluntly, tipping his head back to hit Danny’s knees and grinning up at him.
Danny poked him in the forehead, but didn’t refute it.
“Yeah. So he’s kinda been my problem for a while. And he’s the mayor of Amity Park now? Is he still?” He asked, looking from one to the other.
Sam shrugged.
“Think so. I haven’t heard about anyone new.”
The Waynes and co were all kind of just… staring at them. Danny gave them jazz hands.
“And now he’s heeeeeere. He probably won’t make any moves if he knows I’m around, but we should keep an eye on him around Mr Wayne anyway.”
“And we can add him to the fuckery list, along with Sam’s parents,” Tucker added with a very satisfied smile.
It drew all eyes his way, ranging from intrigued to sceptical.
“How?” Steph asked, eyes bright.
Tucker waved a hand over the room.
“Black hair. Blue eyes. For one thing, Mr Drake-Wayne is even the same height, so if he sees you from behind, he could be confused. Dick’s not far off either. And best of all,” he added while the others did quick visual comparisons, decidedly smug, “we hint that Bruce is thinking of accepting Danny as an intern. Step one of Wayne Adoption.”
Sam’s eyes lit up with evil glee.
“Oh he’d do his fucking nut if you cozied up to someone richer than him, Danny,” she gasped, hands bouncing on her lap.
Danny hesitated for a moment, glancing over at Jason. Who was looking back, gears clearly turning. Seeing that he had Danny’s eye, he leaned in quickly.
“Vlad Masters would be Vlad Plasmius, yes?” He asked in a low voice. He’d scanned the database more than read in detail, but he knew the basics.
One very important basic.
Vlad was the other halfa.
And Vlad could sense other halfas. For a hot second Danny very nearly took off out of the room, ready to go find and kick Vlad’s ass and keep him far, far away from Jason.
He didn’t realise he’d clenched his fists until one of them was held in a large, hot hand. Slowly, shakily he uncurled them, checking for blood in the deep half moon crevices now dug in his palms.
Nothing. He was fine.
“Danny?” Jason asked softly, and Danny looked up to his face. There was something in his eyes, something familiar in the way they flashed a deep, sudden green when their eyes met.
Yeah, Jason’s Obsession was fucking definitely Protection, at least in part. Danny clasped his hand quickly, half worried Jason was gonna do just what he’d had to try so hard not to.
Would it have been that bad if Jason was just his friend, not his knight?
There was no way to know anymore.
Covering Jason’s hands in both of his, he gave Jason the best smile he could.
“I’m fine. But yeah, that’s him. And we… should probably also have a private word.” Because there was this sudden, very nasty little temptation curling through him.
“Would this private word have anything to do with Jason almost going full feral?” Dick asked with a studied innocence that had at least a master’s degree.
Which was when Danny noticed that the rest were all staring at them. At their clasped hands. At Jason’s still a little too green eyes.
Jason grimaced, fully aware of what they must have seen. He tamped the green down firmly, pushing against the wave of protect-protect-PROTECT the pit was damn near screaming inside him.
Wasn’t entirely sure it was only the pit.
Watching Danny tense up like that, clearly in the throes of fight or flight, pulled at something primal inside him.
Jason didn’t know who Vlad Masters was, what he looked like, what he was doing, but he was fully willing to throw him out of the building by the neck if Danny would relax even a little.
He threatens my king, something growled in the back of his mind and Jason’s hands jerked.
That was fucking new. And not fucking welcome.
He looked to Dick instead, giving him a strained smile. It was the best he could do right now.
“Yeah,” he admitted, not fully comfortable with how strained his voice sounded. How tight his throat felt.
Had the pit tried to use his mouth? Make him speak?
Just the thought made him want to puke, but he pushed that down too. He had shit to do today, and the pit wasn’t gonna ruin it.
“I told you he was helping me with the pit,” he added when Dick still looked calculatedly calm. Definitely not about to tackle him to the ground if he moved too suddenly.
Fuck Jason hoped Dick never tried. When they fought for fun, for training, sure Dick could hand him his ass six ways from Sunday. But when the green took over…
He didn’t want to hurt his brother. None of his brothers, ever again.
Except maybe a little bit psychologically.
“Fenton’s eyes changed too,” Damian said sharply, and oooh absolutely nothing in Jason liked that accusatory tone.
Not about Danny. Not about his king.
His head snapped around to glare at the youngest and knew his eyes had gone green again from the way the others recoiled. All but Sam and Danny. And Damian, suicidal little gremlin.
All but Cass, who slipped herself carefully but immovably back into his lap, hooking her feet into the backs of his knees and hands on his cheeks. Pinning him in place.
Making him look at her, not Damian.
She studied his expression intensely, her eyes saying more than even Dick could manage.
And there was a hand in his again, gently soothing across his fingers until his knuckles opened, and Cass let him look away to Danny. Doing just what Jason had done less than a minute ago.
Danny didn’t have to tell his secrets to anyone he didn’t want to. Not now, not the first time they met, not before he trusted them.
Anger-protect-not their business
And Danny smiled back, all gentle and soft, and Jason settled back, relaxing muscles he hadn’t noticed tensing.
Reassurance-calm-safe safe safe-trust
If Jason trusted them, Danny would too. And if that didn’t sting something right in his chest.
Danny cleared his throat, turning back to the rest of the room and giving them a slightly tighter smile.
“Yeah. I. Uh… I was exposed to the Lazarus pits? About a year before Jason was. So I know what it’s like when it gets too strong.”
Half truths at best, but close enough to be believed. To make sense.
Close enough that no one except Damian, tactless boy wonder, would ever ask.
“Only the dying can survive exposure to the pits,” the boy snapped, eyes sharp as he studied Danny in a new light.
Jason’s hands nearly clenched again, but this time Danny’s was in the way. Protecting Danny meant not crushing Danny’s hand.
Good loophole.
“The dying and the dead,” Danny agreed placidly, calm just barely tinted by amusement.
Jason closed his eyes, let himself focus on breathing in Danny’s aura.
Was that a hint of trouble-fun-plans plans mayhem?
Damian squinted at Danny for another long moment, then nodded sharply and sat back. Steph punched him.
“Damian, you can’t just go asking people if they’ve died,” she hissed in a comically loud whisper.
“It was relevant to the conversation!” Damian insisted, immediately sitting back up to defend his honour. Steph tweaked his nose and he properly growled, gearing up to tackle her.
“It was rude, Dami,” Dick coaxed gently, coming from the windowsill to the couch to scoop Damian into his arms.
The only one of them who could have done it and survived. Damian glowered up at him too, then folded his arms and scowled at the floor.
Dire retributions would surely be incoming.
“Hey, it’s cool,” Danny caused, grinning along with the others now that the tension had broken. “He just wanted to know I’m not gonna hurt Jason, right?”
All eyes turned back to Damian, who squinted suspiciously at Danny again. Jason was ready for the flare of protectiveness this time.
Danny was fine. He could handle the demon brat, even if Dick didn’t have him in hand already.
Jason didn’t want to hurt his brother.
Which caused a different, confusing flare of protectiveness because what he needed to protect Damian from was himself, and the self same flares.
He stifled a chuckle that would probably only make things worse.
Finally Damian huffed, turning away into Dick’s arms.
“Tt. Ridiculous. I only wished to be sure you spoke the truth,” he snapped, and the room resettled.
Danny raised both hands, grinning, and Cass shuffled to rest her ear over Jason’s heart.
“Okay?” She asked softly, moving her feet from his pressure points. Jason brought his other arm up and around her, squeezing gently.
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks,” he replied just as quietly, resting his cheek in her hair.
“Well, this does also kinda simplify things,” Danny added with a chuckle, leaning back against the couch. “I can just tell all of you; Vlad’s also been ecto…. Pit contaminated. And we can sense each other, so he’s going to know Jason is too.”
That geared the bats back up, all turning back to stare at Danny. Who grinned utterly wickedly.
“So Vladdie gets to be on the rare and extremely valued double fuckery list.”
“Is he gonna try and do anything to Jason?” Steph asked sharply, posture tensing towards the door like it might open at any second.
Tucker shrugged, moving back to lean against the couch next to Danny’s legs. He’d wisely made himself scarce when there was a chance either halfa would make a break for it.
“Like Danny said, Vlad probably won’t try anything if he knows we’re around? He can’t do his mind control on Danny so he’s gotta keep it in his pants, even if he’d rather not.”
Sam brightened, catching on to where the boys were going.
“But because Vlad is like… Obsessed with Danny for being like him, there’s a chance he’ll wanna try and adopt Jason too,” she said slowly, her smile becoming full and wicked.
“And since we’re already planning to have me and Jason caught in some indelicate way to upset the Mansons,” Danny added, utterly self satisfied, “we can fry his brain thinking he can only adopt one of us.”
“And that’s after we make him play Find The Real Danny,” Tucker jumped in, grinning broadly, “because it’s not specific enough to track a single person in a busy room. Do you guys do accents?”
Tim and Dick exchanged glances and shrugged.
“Yours wouldn’t be hard,” Tim pointed out, a smirk pulling across his own face as he nodded to Danny.
“I’d like to know why we’re also fucking with the Mansons though?” Dick asked, raising an eyebrow at Sam. Who shrugged.
“They refused to let me bring my girlfriend as a plus one. So we’re gonna ruin me for men and make them think twice next time.”
“Wait, so you’re not dating Danny?” Steph asked, proving she had been hovering during their little meet and greet.
None of the Amity Parkers seemed surprised. Not by her listening in, anyway.
Danny flushed cherry red, Tucker burst out laughing, and Sam smirked.
“Not since high school,” she said casually. Danny groped around for a throwable pillow but came up short.
For some reason, Jason felt absolutely no need to protect his king from some righteous bullying. Another fun loophole.
Must be the lack of potential stabbing.
Dick grinned suddenly, now leaning on the other arm of the couch from Tim.
“Okay, but we definitely don’t tell this part to Bruce,” he said eagerly, beckoning all the others closer. “If Jason’s job is to flirt with Sam and defile Danny, we were also here to meet Danny as Jason’s boyfriend.”
“Let Bruce think Danny’s leading you both on!” Steph finished, clapping her hands and cackling. “Oh it’s perfect!”
Sam cackled along with her, turning a much warmer smile on the other girl.
“Oh, my parents would love to trash talk Danny to him too, they’ve probably already hurried off to let him know I’m “eligible”,” she agreed with the most sarcastic air quotes Jason had ever seen.
Steph lurched immediately to her feet.
“We’re gonna miss it! Okay, so our first task is to make sure Vlad knows Danny is here, right? So he knows not to try anything on Bruce,” she added to confirm, looking between the Amity Parkers.
Danny frowned thoughtfully, touching his lower lip. Jason tried not to focus on it.
“He should know as soon as we get within proximity of each other… so probably once we’re both in the big room?”
Steph nodded sharply, turning to point to Tim.
“We need to know what he looks like. Can you get us a picture?”
Tim nodded, already tapping at his phone and rising along with Steph, the fire of planning in his eyes.
“On it. Sam and Jason need to be seen to be flirting, but Danny doesn’t have to be with them. Dick and I can wander through the crowd, keeping an eye out for Masters but keeping our faces turned away. Cass, can you help with that?”
Cass gave a thumbs up, sitting straighter and resting her head on Jason’s shoulder instead.
“Yes. Can be Dick’s eyes, signal you both.”
Tim typed a moment longer, then lowered his phone and wheeled, turning to point to Damian.
“And you should all have the photo… now. Damian, if you can get as close to Masters as you can, you can signal us too if he gets too close to Bruce or us.”
Damian nodded and glanced down at his phone, all ruffled feathers smoothing as he tucked it away and straightened his suit.
“I shall watch him for any suspicious moves. I can also run interference if he approaches Father.”
Steph nodded happily and clapped her hands, pointing both at Tucker.
“And you can join me in spying on the Mansons and recording them if they talk to Bruce, for the rest of us to enjoy later!” She declared triumphantly.
Tucker shot to his feet, grinning broadly.
“Yeah! And if they catch us we can tell them Jason and Sam are doing something, or ask if they’ve seen Danny,” he agreed, bouncing on his toes. He stuck a hand out in front of him. “Ready?”
Steph slapped her palm down on the back of his hand.
The room now filled with purpose, everyone came to join Tucker, sticking their hands in in a circle, even as Damian complained about “ridiculous social rituals”.
No one else seemed to mind, tossing their hands into the air as they all whispered “BREAK!”, not wanting to be heard from the hallway.
As the room emptied, Danny hung back, catching Jason’s eye.
“So I know you’re probably not ready to talk about this,” he said softly as Sam lingered in the doorway, her back conspicuously to them, “but I just need to ask you if there was electricity involved when you died.”
Jason felt his whole body tense, less than pleasant memories rushing to the fore. Broken bones. A blade in his leg. Explosion.
No electricity.
He could see the strain on Danny’s face as his mind cleared, and shook his head.
“No. Why?” He asked warily, suddenly very concerned.
Danny made a face that did precisely nothing to lessen it, looking away.
“Because there was when I died, and Vlad knows it. And he… he can control electricity. But you’ll be fine, well, other than the usual “oh no a bad guy is shooting me with electricity”, right?”
Danny was babbling now, clearly trying to distract himself, but all Jason could see was pure, pulsing green. Before he knew he’d moved he had an arm wrapped firmly around slender shoulders, crushing Danny to his chest.
He didn’t need to be told that reminders of a ghost’s death wounds could be debilitating. He’d have known without the database. Without the catch in Danny’s voice.
“If he ever lays a fucking finger on you again I’ll fucking kill him,” he growled, his voice coming out almost as low as his helmet modulator.
Danny stiffened for just a moment in his grasp, then relaxed against him.
“I mean, I can handle myself,” he protested weakly, voice somewhat muffled in Jason’s jacket, “but I’m not gonna fight you on that one, Jay.”
It soothed something inside him, something hot in the center of his chest that burned at just the thought of anyone hurting the man in his arms.
Attacking him. Using the pain and trauma of his death against him. Attacking his king.
A gentle hand soothed up and down his spine.
Safe-protected-I’m okay-safe
It took a minute before Jason could bring himself to let go, smiling sheepishly down at Danny.
“Sorry. Guess I’m… uh, not used to dealing with anything other than rage from the pit,” he explained weakly.
It felt stupid, comparing something as soft as the urge to protect to those bloodthirsty rampages. That didn’t make it any less true.
Danny shrugged, rolling out his shoulders and grinning up at him.
“Hey, like I said. Shoulda seen me when I first changed. Anyway, shall we go make Vlad’s night a living hell?” He asked wickedly, a cheeky smile on his face.
Jason nodded and made for the door, giving Sam a small smile of appreciation. She looked between the two of them and snickered.
“Yeah, rumpling you both up in a closet’s gonna be easy breezy,” she said lazily, pushing the door open again. “You should trade ties.”
Danny’s hand flew to his throat and he chuckled softly, then shook both of his hands out.
“Okay… time to go make sure Vladdie knows I’m around,” he sighed, cracking his neck. Like he was limbering up for a fight?
Jason cocked a brow, taking Sam’s arm.
“What are you gonna do?” He asked as they moved out into the hall, back towards the ballroom.
Danny shot him a quick grin.
“Expand my aura to cover the whole room. He’ll know I’m flexing, and he won’t be able to miss it. Should help confuse him about Tim and Dick too, since the whole place is gonna feel like me,” he added, and Jason grinned.
Alright, that was gonna be a useful trick. Time to see that famous Ghost King aura put to the test.
He wasn’t really expecting to feel a change really. He was close enough that Danny’s aura was still brushing gently over his, soothing the pit that he was right there.
Ready and close if Jason needed to protect him.
And then Danny’s brows furrowed for a moment, he flexed his shoulders back, and Jason was surrounded in pulsing waves of DANNY-DANNY-DANNY.
He didn’t know he’d stumbled until Sam caught him, her hand small on his chest right over the thudding pulse of his heart.
He barely felt her touch. All he could see, all he could hear, all he could feel was the raw power surging out of the man beside him.
Feeling Frostbite in the Far Frozen had been overwhelming. This… this rewrote the beat of his heart, crawled with his breath into his lungs, curled around every deep and intimate part of himself.
It made him feel tiny and delicate, swept up and held off his feet by Danny’s sheer presence. Crowded and pushed up against the wall, held in place, and Danny wasn’t even fucking trying.
Everything was right in the world. His King was here. The pit fucking sang in his veins.
Aaaand Jason hadn’t been this hard in dress pants since he’d been an excitable teenager who couldn’t help it. Eyes closing, he swayed back against the hallway wall.
He could just barely feel Sam’s hand still on his chest, a grounding point as he sucked in deep breaths. Heard her snicker as the ringing in his ears began to die down.
“You’re getting better at that, Danny,” she noted, and Jason hissed.
This could have been worse? More? How?
And then Danny’s hand was at his shoulder too and he didn’t need to open his eyes to know it. Knew the touch, the feel, the way the pit surged warmth to the spot.
Heard Danny’s soft voice as though it were being broadcast straight into his head.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked quietly, and Jason honestly wasn’t sure.
Think about Bruce’s old underwear commercials. Jane Austen novels. Alfred’s expression if Jason ruined his good pants this fucking early into a party.
Later, maybe, it’d give a flare of authenticity but Danny almost certainly wouldn’t be down.
Danny. There was someone here who wanted to hurt Danny.
Jason’s eyes snapped open and he sucked in another deep breath. It was still redolent of Danny’s aura, still cupping him on every side, but he had a purpose now. A job to do.
He managed a slightly strained smile.
“‘M fine. It’s just a shock.” He cleared his throat, reaching down to tug at the front of his trousers as subtly as he could. “Is, uh… is it always like that?”
Danny looked confused for a moment, still concerned, but it was easier to miss the pulsing beat of his emotions now. Easier to focus.
He’d protect Danny’s feelings too, but he couldn’t do that if he was overwhelmed.
Who knew he’d be this into feeling like he was drowning in someone?
Finally Danny shrugged, glancing out towards the ballroom.
“I wouldn’t know… it doesn’t feel all that different to me. Just like everyone in the room is now inside my personal space,” he added, pulling a face.
Jason stared at him for a long moment, wondering how the hell he was going to ask. If he even wanted to mention the effects it had had - was still having, cleaning guns, Alfred in lace, Vlad was still here.
Just. Nope. Not opening that can of worms today.
If Danny didn’t know that just feeling him all around him like that was gonna send Jason to horny jail, Jason was just never gonna tell him. And if Vlad had an even similar reaction, Jason would double kick his ass.
Hauling himself away from the wall, Jason cleared his throat again and fixed his jacket.
“Alright… I’m good. Shall we?” He asked Sam, offering her his arm this time. She gave him a quick up and down, raised a brow, but didn’t comment.
“Sure you are,” she chuckled softly, taking his arm with a reluctant half smile, turning back to Danny. “Are you gonna stick close, or do you wanna recon Vlad?”
Danny considered it for a moment, moving with them as they returned to the hall. Then he shrugged.
“I might go take a peek, but if I see your parents I’ll third wheel back on over. You guys should go mosey,” he added, waving a hand quickly.
Jason nodded, tucking Sam closer, turned back to the room, and… froze. Sam, utterly unaffected, made it a couple steps forward before she noticed and turned back, frowning.
“Hey, what’s up?” She asked in a low whisper, eyes flicking around them.
Good fucking question.
Jason closed his eyes, sucking in a slow breath and trying to work out what had shot down his spine like cold water. Brows furrowed, he tried to will his feet to move.
Took a step backwards and opened his eyes again, frowning back at Sam.
“Alright, I didn’t mean to do that,” he hissed, head turning automatically… to where Danny had taken a couple of steps away.
Green surged below his skin, asking what the fuck he thought he was doing. Abandoning his post. Leaving his king.
There was someone here who’d hurt him, who’d used his fucking death against him, and Jason was gonna what? Not be close enough to break his fingers for thinking it?
Eyes closed for a moment, Jason weighed the odds he could just push this down and keep going. Felt Sam tuck closer. They did have a whole ass plan…
Felt a sudden wash of concern-what’s wrong-protect from the surrounding warmth of Danny.
And sighed, shaking his head, pulling Sam with him after Danny. With each step the green sung, a deep satisfaction not his own rising inside.
He gave Danny a sheepish smile and a shrug.
“I don’t think I can leave you alone. Not if he’s here,” he added a little more quietly, well aware they were being watched once again.
Confusion flashed across Danny’s face for a moment, then he groaned and slapped himself in the forehead.
“Fucking Clockwork… alright, we stick together. Tim and Dick will have plenty of fun with Vlad anyway,” he said, grin slowly spreading again as he tucked himself in to Sam’s other side.
“And we can have more fun with my parents,” Sam pointed out innocently, scanning the crowd around them. Shot them both a sidelong glance each, half smirking. “And I get two lots of cute arm candy.”
Danny and Jason turned automatically to look each other over, Jason’s grin broadening as Danny’s cheeks flushed.
Dick had said he looked a treat in this suit. Must have been right about something.
Suddenly Danny’s aura was all very studious and concentrated nothing to see here.
Jason bit the inside of his lip to keep from laughing, letting his eyes trail a little slower over his king’s frame.
Wherever Danny had gotten his suit from, they knew a thing or two about tailoring. It fit him well, emphasising the lean lines of his legs and torso. Didn’t quite square off his shoulders.
Jason still hadn’t had much practice with projecting his own emotions back, but he had the feeling his… appreciation got through when Danny’s blush darkened.
Grinning down at Sam, Jason patted her hand.
“Only if my code name’s Gummy Bear.”
A startled laugh from Danny was the reaction he’d been going for. Sam’s sudden, utterly wicked smile was a lot more concerning.
“Alright. Danny’s is gonna be Jawbreaker,” she decided, her gaze darting briefly down to Jason’s lips as she smirked.
Jason looked away quickly, his own cheeks uncomfortably warm as Danny choked.
Vlad Masters smiled to himself as he moved through the crowd, a shark among minnows. Their vacuous chatter was a soothing background noise; practically already the emptying of their pocket books.
Oh, he didn’t like to come to Gotham, not with that Bat that flapped around. The Bat didn’t like metas, or people who could do just a little more than curl up and die.
But, well, this had been an opportunity just too sweet to pass up.
He could dip his toes in Daniel’s new haunt, remind the boy that he’d never be too far away if he needed him. He could get a look at this son of Bruce Wayne’s, that had died and come back.
And just maybe he’d get a claw into Wayne Enterprises, and get a look at some of their latest technology for his own… uses.
Yes, Vlad was feeling productive just being here, even if he did have to keep his ghostly abilities on lock.
He drifted through the crowd, joining conversations, sniffing out weaknesses, moving on. Oh, some of these wealthy types thought they were hunters too, he could see it in their eyes.
He’d made his fortune by taking from those types of men and letting them see what true power looked like. It was much more satisfying to break a man who thought he was unbreakable.
Bruce Wayne wasn’t one of that type, but he had something that Vlad wanted. Still, the man seemed vacuous enough, all laughing and drink and flirting.
He’d handed control of his company to his teenaged son (and oh Vlad was a little jealous of him for thinking of that move… if only Daniel was more… pliable).
But Vlad could see himself letting Brucie keep at least some of his assets. The man was entertaining, and it’d show Daniel he’d listened.
He could change. In ways that weren’t too… inconvenient for him.
And then he’d have a shield in Gotham, and Wayne could deal with that meddlesome Bat, and he could pay Daniel a visit.
He’d just caught sight of his true quarry, standing in a small circle of fawning admirers when the felt the Presence flood the room.
It sent a shiver up his spine and he locked his knees, refusing to let any weakness show as the air filled with the heavy static of Daniel.
So the boy was here? Interesting. He’d have a chance to see his Little Badger even before he left the party.
He had seen the Mansons on the guest list and he had to wonder if the lad had finally gotten closer to his little goth friend. Close enough to be a plus one?
The elder Mansons would surely hate that, and make that hatred known. Unless Vlad were to… step in. Save the boy from their judgemental stares.
Remind them that Daniel may not be from a wealthy family, but he was still connected to the Masters name.
Yes, this was wonderfully good news and Vlad felt almost chipper, a spring in his step as he advanced on Wayne. Oh, the boy was flaring off, showing Vlad he had some power too, but Vlad wasn’t here to fight.
All he needed was to set up one simple meeting between himself and Wayne, and then all of tonight could be for his Little Badger. Imagine, Vlad Masters having the chance to play the hero.
He was most definitely looking forward to it. And ah yes, here they were, the Mansons already at Bruce Wayne’s elbow, chattering away.
Everything really was coming up Vlad.
Bruce had met the Mansons before of course, at other charity events across the country. They were… well, pretty much exactly the type of nouveau riche he kept his children away from at all costs.
Never impolitely, of course. Never letting on how their false smiles and honeyed lies made his gut squirm in distaste. He was always cordial, and could safely rely on the effect his smile had on both of the couple.
But they weren’t what you’d call close, even in gala circles, so it was something of a surprise when they sought him out.
“Ah, Brucie! There you are, good to see you,” the husband, Jeremy, called jovially as they approached, clapping him on the back.
Bruce gave them one of his better Brucie smiles, returning the gesture with a calculated firmness.
“Jeremy! Wonderful to see you,” he greeted them both exuberantly, eyes discretely scanning both to try and work out what they wanted. They always wanted something.
The wife, Pamela his mental rolodex said, simpered up at him, clutching at her husband’s arm.
“Of course we were simply delighted to hear that your son was found, we couldn’t possibly miss the party!” She gushed, letting her hand flutter over his. “You know, our Samantha is about the same age.”
Well, that was a first. For Jason, anyway; Tim and Damian both had plenty of parents hopefully thrusting their children his way. Even Dick was subject to occasional propositions.
Jason had barely been his long enough to be considered eligible when he’d… well.
Bruce would mention it to Dick later, so his eldest could tease Jason about this latest milestone. Best not broach the subject himself.
He cranked the wattage on his smile down a little, looking carefully behind the couple.
“Yes, I believe I’ve met Samantha before,” he said genially, mind scanning through his gala notes.
Samantha Manson. Usually seen in elaborate pink and frilly gowns, always seen utterly despising them. Quiet, rebellious eyes.
At least Jason might find someone tolerable to talk to.
“Is she here tonight?” He finished, like he hadn’t personally memorised the guest list.
Pamela and Jeremy Manson. Samantha Manson. And plus one.
Plus one? Clearly someone the parents found less agreeable than Jason, and Bruce couldn’t help feeling sorry for the poor kid.
Jeremy was already nodding cheerfully, a sparkle in those eyes that put Bruce on edge.
“Oh yes, she’s off talking to your boy right now in fact,” he said with a very self satisfied chuckle, shooting Bruce a knowing look. “I think they quite hit it off.”
“Poor Jason was just telling us how few friends he has his own age, and of course Samantha would much prefer his company than being stuck with her parents,” Pamela trilled, giving Bruce a knowing look of her own, about three shades smuttier than her husband’s.
He could very, very easily believe that, even with as little time as he’d spent with the elder Mansons. Still, best not let them get their hopes up.
“How lovely! I’m sure Jason will keep her well entertained, he has his own plus one for the evening and he does thrive with an audience.”
He’d been expecting them to dim a little at the mention of a plus one, and if not maybe to delicately hint that the current partner was male.
Bruce might not personally know how serious Jason was in this new relationship, but he’d have his son’s back against any of the gala harpies.
He was not expecting them both to beam even brighter.
“Why, that’s the best thing!” Pamela beamed, clapping her hands. “His plus one, Tucker Foley, is Samantha’s very best friend! They’ve been close since high school, very close,” she added proudly, like she’d curated the friendship herself.
Bruce was beginning to think he’d have to mention he knew Samantha also had a plus one when Jeremy nodded happily.
“And of course Samantha brought along her other friend, Daniel from home too, so we were quite concerned the boys might run off together and leave our little girl on her lonesome, but your Jason really took a shine to her!”
Something sharpened in Bruce’s spine, catching at his attention.
“Daniel?” He asked, innocently as he could, and spotted Steph and a young Black man heading their way. Certainly she’d hang back to get more information. “Would I know him?”
Pamela’s face scrunched for a moment before smoothing back into a perfect, empty smile.
“Oh, I very much doubt it. The boy is from a rather disreputable family I’m afraid, very bad influences, but our Samantha has never shied from offering her hand in friendship.”
Bruce took a moment to compare this sentence to the young woman he remembered, barely covering seething resentment under a very similar empty smile.
Friendship. Yes, he could see her offering that to literally anyone her parents disapproved of.
But if this was the same “Danny” Jason was getting involved with, it was his fatherly duty to learn what he could.
He schooled his face to his best politely interested morbid fascination.
“Oh? Please tell me more.”
Steph and Tucker sped up as they caught sight of Bruce, Steph leaning in to whisper,
“Are those the Mansons talking to him?”
Tucker nodded, slipping around to the other side of her for partial cover.
“Yeah, that’s them… wonder what they’re saying, he looks so concerned,” he whispered back, and Steph snickered.
“That’s his “your problems are so fascinating tell me everything” face,” she explained quietly, turning to plant her back to the nearest small table.
This one held a small crystal sculpture that was probably supposed to symbolize something, but she wasn’t gonna look twice. Instead she slipped her phone out of a discrete pocket and hit record.
Tucker took a moment to admire the new tech, leaning around her with an intrigued smile.
“Oh, is that the new WayneTech phone? Can I see?” He asked, brightening up.
Steph grinned and shook her head, carefully angling it to point at Bruce and the Mansons without making it look intentional.
“Not the newest release, but the one before. Tim lost a bet so he had to give me some free upgrades,” she added when Tucker looked confused.
“But aren’t you one of the Waynes? Why would you be a release behind?” He sounded honestly dumbfounded and Steph hid a snicker.
He sounded like Tim every time she turned down one of Bruce’s toys.
“I’m really just a family friend, and I don’t wanna have to get a whole new phone every time Tim or his nerd team has a new idea. You can look later, I wanna catch what they’re saying,” she hissed and he reluctantly quieted, still looking at her like she was crazy.
Tim 2.0. She was gonna have to text Connor later.
Tuck pulled his PDA out and she half expected him to start recording too, but instead he pulled up a handy decoy screen so he could pretend to be showing her something.
Tapped into the video currently being recorded on her phone. She raised a brow and he grinned back, tapping a few buttons and boosting the volume.
“There are some advantages to upgrading your tech,” he said smugly and pulled out a pair of earbuds, offering her one.
They pulled them out about five minutes later.
Steph clapped her hand over her mouth, fighting down giggles as she dropped the earbud into Tucker’s hand.
“Holy fucking shit to people still actually talk like that?” She hissed between her teeth. Tucker, also fighting laughter, stuffed the headphones back into a pocket.
“Yeah, honestly? My mom loves Saturday morning soaps and even she’d call that overplayed,” he snickered, shaking her head.
“You’d think Danny ate their fucking cat, what the hell happened there?” Steph asked, lips pressing tightly shut on another laugh as she made awkward eye contact with some passing guests.
“Honestly? Nothing, they just don’t like his parents, and that makes Danny a “hoodlum”,” Tucker rolled his eyes and grinned, flipping his PDA to a different channel, and then suddenly flipping back. “Aaaaand shit, that’s Vlad. This is gonna be good.”
Steph pulled the PDA quickly from his hands as he lunged back into a pocket.
“Quick, get them back, there is no way I’m missing this!”
Vlad couldn’t say he was honestly surprised to walk in on the Mansons telling some outlandish story that was almost all sly innuendo. It was why Pamela came to these parties after all.
What was surprising was the way Wayne’s face grew more and more serious as she spoke, painting a picture of Daniel as some kind of delinquent thug.
Which, to be fair, wasn’t an entirely inaccurate picture of the boy on his worse days, but hardly represented his best.
And if he reached into just a hint of ghostly stealth to come up behind her, well, watching Pamela Manson startle as he cut in with a well placed greeting was more than worth it.
“My, that does sound like a fascinating story Pamela! And you say this was young Daniel?” He asked, watching with satisfaction as both Mansons spun to stare.
“Brucie” gave him a sharp, almost assessing look too, much more thoughtful than he usually bothered with. Interesting.
Pamela brightened when she recognized him, beckoning him in.
“Oh, yes! Vlad, do join us, I was just telling Brucie here about some of those silly ghost adventures Daniel would pull Samantha into in high school!” She clearly expected him to join in.
Ah, but today Vlad’s role was to be Daniel’s hero, not Phantom’s nemesis. And maybe to see just what had managed to rub two brain cells together in Wayne’s famously amicable head.
He gave her a fond smile, nodding in greeting to the men and taking his place in their circle.
“Why, Pamela, I do hope you’re not disparaging my godson before Mr Wayne even has a chance to say hello?” It was a calculated guess, but honestly.
However Daniel got into this party (and he would put money on his dear goth friend Sam herself), he wouldn’t be introduced to the man holding the purse strings.
From the corner of his eye he also caught a very familiar red beret, and his brow quirked slightly.
Daniel, Sam, and Tucker Foley, all in one place. They must have heard he’d be coming.
How… adorable.
His smile spread as Pamela’s faded, even as Brucie turned to offer him a hand and a warm smile.
“Mr Masters, yes? I believe we’ve met at a few of these before,” the man said, all charm and sunshine.
Vlad shook the offered hand firmly, resisting the urge to just poke directly into his mind.
Tucker was listening. Best give him something interesting to report.
“Yes, I wasn’t aware you knew the Mansons too? One of our finest families in Amity Park,” he purred, giving them both an almost predatory smile.
Jeremy puffed up under it like it was actual praise, but Pamela was still watching him curiously.
“Oh yes, we’re going to be quite close,” she said airily, giving Brucie a secretive smile.
The man didn’t quite return it, the same friendly, open smile not changing in the slightest.
More interesting still.
“And perhaps you and I will be getting closer too, Vlad. Can I call you Vlad?” He asked, and Vlad’s smile widened.
“Of course. Is there something I should know?” He asked, half teasing.
Brucie’s expression flickered almost too fast to see. Something like actual thought under that big soft smile.
“It seems that my son Jason has been spending time with young Samantha and Daniel,” he explained, still sounding just the same cheery fool.
Vlad’s smile widened further, and he took a moment to reign himself in. It wouldn’t do for him to stretch too far. It could make people nervous.
“Oh, how wonderful!” He exclaimed happily, rubbing his hands together. “I was hoping to congratulate him personally on his return, it is quite a rare feat!”
And if Daniel was sniffing around him, that added credence to the rumours that the boy really had died. And possibly changed.
Now, if he could just speak to the young Jason alone, see how easily he could be swayed… if the boys were already friends, perhaps he could even plead Vlad’s case to Daniel directly.
Brucie gave him a dazzling smile, gesturing to Pamela jovially.
“Well, I certainly hope so! From Mrs Manson’s stories I was beginning to worry that Jason might be falling into some rough company.”
Vlad gave the woman a smile that would have chilled if he’d had Daniel’s ice core, but instead crackled with his own electricity.
“Oh, young Daniel may be a bit rough around the edges, but there’s no more loyal boy anywhere in the country,” he assured Wayne smoothly, and noted Tucker and the blonde girl he was with breaking away.
Off to report to Daniel, then. Good.
“Really, you can judge best when you meet him yourself,” Vlad all but purred, watching them go, “after all, you yourself know all about taking young men from rough circumstances and polishing them to a shine.”
Brucie’s smile was all proud paternal joy as he looked out across the room, and for a moment Vlad wondered how many of his interminable brood had actually come.
A young man was very suddenly at Brucie’s side and even the man himself seemed to startle, but his smile only grew as he clapped the boy on the shoulder.
“And here’s one of them now! Mr and Mrs Manson, Vlad, this is my youngest son Damian.”
The boy certainly had Bruce’s jawline, and the same wide eyes the press so loved, even if the eyes themselves were green. Any other similarities would be hard to spot as the boy fixed Vlad with a glare that could have been Daniel’s.
“Good evening,” he said curtly, and Vlad pressed his lips together to keep from chuckling.
“Why, such a stern young man!” Pamela cooed beside him, bending down to give her sweetest smile to the boy. Wilting just a little when he turned the glare on her.
Brucie’s hand tightened momentarily on the boy’s shoulder and his expression immediately smoothed out.
“I’m sure he’d much rather be off with his friends, but he was good enough to come tonight and support his brother,” Brucie explained cheerfully, giving Damian a proud smile.
“Wonderful to see young people who understand the importance of family,” Vlad nodded, keeping half an eye on the boy as he spoke. His eyes had narrowed just a little, probably looking for a patronizing tone.
At these kinds of parties, it’d likely be all he heard.
Still, Vlad settled in to make some idle small talk, whiling away the time until dinner. No serious business would be discussed until after the meal after all.
Perhaps he could persuade Brucie to introduce him to Jason.
It was Steph who zeroed in on Jason’s flash of white hair first, but Tucker who crashed almost directly into Danny and hissed the news.
“Vlad’s here and he’s complimenting you!”
Danny stumbled back to catch them both, staring in bewilderment.
“He’s fucking what?” He asked incredulously. Tucker nodded quickly, grabbing his elbows.
“Seriously, he basically told the Mansons to fuck off for badmouthing you,” he hissed, and now Sam was intrigued too.
“Vlad? Our Vlad? “Phantom is the greatest threat our city has ever known” Vlad?” She asked.
Danny elbowed her sharply and she rolled her eyes, but Steph definitely noted it down to ask later. Tucker nodded again, faster than before.
“Right? He’s definitely up to something.”
“Could be his new plan to win you over,” Steph added, closing the rest of the distance to tuck herself into the group.
Danny paused for a moment then grimaced and shook his head.
“Nah, it’s never that simple with Vlad. He knows I’m not gonna just hear some kind words and fall into his arms.”
Sam rolled her eyes, turning and firmly piloting their new cluster to one of the windows, out of the way of the less nosy eyes.
“Danny, it’s Vlad. He’s still convinced your mom just needs to be alone with him for five minutes to fall head over heels, no matter how many times she karate chops him.”
Which, yes, Steph was adding that to the questions list too, a smile tugging at her lips. She cut them off anyway, making pointed eye contact with Jason.
“Not that this doesn’t already sound fun, but I’m also pretty sure I just saw Selina Kyle,” she told him sweetly, and had the joy of watching him actually blue screen.
Just. Stared into space for fifteen seconds.
Then sighed and scrubbed both hands down his face.
“Of fucking course she is. Why not? Does anyone wanna call the Joker, see if he wants to join too?” He asked sarcastically, tossing both hands into the air.
Steph snickered and rose on her tiptoes to ruffle his hair, ignoring the confusion of their new friends.
“Hey, look at it this way. She’ll keep Bruce off your ass,” she offered cheerfully and Jason groaned louder, giving the window a speculative look like he was considering jumping out of it.
Sam leaned in, giving them both a sharp look.
“Who’s Selina Kyle?” She asked bluntly, and Steph paused for just a moment, wondering how best to put it.
How to describe the fucking disaster that was Batman and Catwoman to someone who couldn’t know either of their identities. Ah, yes, she knew.
“Bruce’s kleptomaniac ex-and-sometimes-current girlfriend. Every single conversation they have is riddled with innuendo and pussy jokes that she makes, and she’s been around since Jason was knee high.”
“So she’s got stories?” Tucker asked, eyes brightening as she twigged.
Jason turned and pointed his most menacing finger at him.
“She does not have fucking stories and you do not want to talk to her, she’ll steal the filings from your teeth,” he warned sharply.
Danny’s lips moved soundlessly for a moment and then suddenly the most wicked glee Steph had ever seen from anyone not a sibling lit his face.
“Jason… she has pixie boot stories, doesn’t she?” He asked in a low hiss, and Steph’s brows shot straight to her hairline.
Jason had only ever willingly worn pixie boots for one reason. Guess things with Danny were serious serious.
So how much had Jason told him?
From the way he was now glaring warningly at Danny, and Sam was rounding on Jason with intrigue, glee, and a complete lack of understanding, it was just Danny for now.
“We’re not talking to or about Selina,” he hissed, crowding up into Danny’s space and ooooh Steph wasn’t too worried about their mutual secret to miss that cute little blush on Danny’s cheeks.
Which also didn’t stop the man himself from grinning up at Jason, even if he did have to crane his neck back to do it.
“Does she have pictures?” He asked with a genuinely wicked glee that Steph just adored.
“Pictures of you in pixie boots?” Sam cut in, crowding up to Jason’s other side.
And now Jason’s cheeks were flushing red.
“They were in fashion at the time!” He defended weakly, and Steph had to laugh at that.
“Yeah, them and mullets,” she cackled and Jason shot her a scowl too.
“Weren’t you guys supposed to be keeping an eye on someone?” He asked sharply, changing the subject like that had ever worked.
Didn’t work on Tucker either apparently, and Steph liked that in a man as the Black guy gave Jason that pure and innocent smile.
“Yeah, Bruce and the Mansons, but that part of the show’s over. Damian’ll let us know if anything happens,” he dismissed easily, and Jason scowled.
Steph braced herself for the flare of green, especially when it had already been so close tonight, and was almost shocked when it didn’t come. When was the last time Jason had glared so much without it?
Maybe Danny did know what he was doing.
The rest of their families’ secrets notwithstanding, she decided that for the moment she had to approve.
It’d be subject to change, a bat never planned against new intel, but for now? She liked Danny. He was honest, easy going, and made her brother blush in ways she’d never seen before.
There were clearly secrets, but he’d dropped a big one on them already with his own Lazarus exposure. Secrets never lasted long in this family anyway, but Steph could wait on digging for these.
She had much more important things to do, like tease Jason mercilessly.
For now, she popped up on his other side to press a kiss to his cheek and ruffle his hair again.
“Well, I’m gonna go find Dick and let him know Selina’s around. Tucker, do you wanna find Tim? If he has you beside him Vlad’s way more likely to be confused,” she added innocently.
Like Tucker’s eyes hadn’t always lit up at the chance to hang out with Tim. She’d be offended if she hadn’t also seen the appeal.
The smirk Sam shot her meant the other girl definitely knew what she was doing, and Steph took a moment to grin back.
Yeah. Getting Sam Manson’s number before the night ended, preferably willingly. Girls gotta stick together, and mercilessly bully their mlm besties.
Tucker hesitated a moment longer, clearly also dying for pixie boot stories, but in the end his nerdery won. Surprising no one.
“Yeah, we’ll go spread the word,” he agreed dramatically, like it was all down to him. Then he pointed back at Jason, utterly unintimidated by a full mountain of muscle. “But I want pictures too!”
“No one’s getting pictures,” Jason said firmly, and Steph danced carefully out of earshot.
“I know where Alfred keeps the scrapbooks,” she called in a sing song voice, and was a little surprised not to even feel anticipation when Jason lunged at her.
Teasing him was usually a careful game, something she had to put her mind into. Watching the pit, calculating his limits, ready to fully run if he broke.
But he was so fun to tease, and it felt… yeah. Nice to wind him up like Dickie or Tim, or Bruce himself. Nice not to be prepared for a sudden attack.
It wasn’t like she’d have ever stopped if he had lashed out anyway.
Danny was good for him, for whatever reason. She shot them both finger guns, heading back for the middle of the room.
“Try not to get into anything scandalous,” she called, loud enough to turn a couple heads. Which would only help their primary, Manson related plans.
Jason flipped her off while Tucker hurried after her, chuckling to himself.
“So, scrapbooks?” He asked hopefully, and Steph shot him finger guns too.
“Not tonight, but it’s happening. We need a group chat.”
“We so fucking do.”
Bruce was not having a fun evening.
He’d been happy Jason had found a guest to bring. Over the moon, really. He needed a life outside of his crimes.
Less happy that Jason had held out on the name of his guest, only sending it when Bruce would be too busy to properly investigate, but he couldn’t exactly blame him.
Bruce knew he could be paranoid and overbearing, his kids made sure to remind him constantly. And Jason deserved privacy.
But it had quickly become clear that “Tucker Foley” and “Pit Helping Danny” were not the same person. Whoever Jason wanted to introduce them to, it wasn’t just his mystery date.
Fortunately one had led neatly to the other, the Mansons revealing the trick quite by accident. And they’d known a lot more about Real Danny too.
None of it predisposed Bruce well to the boy.
Apparently he was reckless, lazy, trouble prone, unmotivated, and a very bad influence.
It felt fucking stupid when he knew full well that Jason was a crime lord and official serial killer, but Bruce just didn’t want him to get into any more trouble.
And if this Daniel Fenton was still half the boy the Mansons knew, there was a whole other world of shady exploits he could be dragging Jason into.
Ghost hunters. Really.
Everyone knew about Amity Park’s “ghost problem”; a cheap way to drum up tourist dollars, just like Bigfoot sightings.
They’d tried calling the Justice League out more than once, but Constantine had marked it as a no fly zone. Which meant there was nothing supernatural there worth bothering with.
The regular Justice League had no time for claims of magical mayhem.
Vladimir Masters had been interesting too, both on the Amity Park perspective and in news about Danny.
As the boy’s godfather of course his opinion could be biased, but according to him Danny was a loyal, kind hearted young man. Still rough and tumble but hardly dangerous.
And he’d been right; Bruce had plenty of experience with that type of young person. He’d soon be able to tell just what this Fenton was.
But Masters could be a useful source there, both for information and potentially sympathy. He’d seemed to understand Bruce’s concerns quite well.
Perhaps after dinner he could catch up with the man again. Make some plans, a meeting somewhere a little more private, where his children wouldn’t all be listening in.
He didn’t want to give them the impression that he didn’t trust Jason to handle himself.
He was just.
Jason hadn’t been himself since before they’d buried him, tangled in that mess of his birth mother. He’d done terrible things, but he’d been lost.
Bruce would do all he could to help his boy find himself again, even if that meant taking a more subtle approach. He wouldn’t let Jason be taken advantage of.
Meeting with Masters would have to wait, however, because as they’d been chatting he’d caught sight of an unfortunately familiar slinky black dress.
He’d excused himself from the adults and slipped past Damian with a meaningful look, and followed her trail through the crowds.
She slipped through easily, winding between people and Bruce could easily guess just how many would be finding their pockets all the lighter for it.
He had to go a little slower, his broad shoulders making him more noticeable and kept him from her tighter squeezes, but she couldn’t avoid him forever.
For one thing, she clearly didn’t want to. He finally caught up at the foot of the stairs to the entrance, turned away from him to admire the lion statue at the base of the banister.
“Bruce,” she greeted without turning, leaning back and just knowing where he’d be. He hated being predictable, and yet… he couldn’t disappoint her.
“Selina. I didn’t realize you were coming.” He’d checked the guest list twice today, but there were always so many plus ones. He hadn’t invited her, but that’d never stopped her before.
She tipped her chin up to smile at him, hearing every unsaid word.
“And miss young Jason’s return? Why Bruce, I’ve known the boy almost as long as you have, I’m happy to see him alive and well.” It was a gentle reprimand, and for a moment he wondered if she’d expected an invitation.
If he should have asked Jason if he’d like her there. But then, which of his children had ever liked it when Selina came around?
Not least because she always broke the rules, and he always found himself letting her. Never the most important, never the one Jason broke, but…
Selina wasn’t his weakness, he didn’t have one. But she was a distraction.
He smiled back, calculated, charming. The one she liked to see in public.
“Of course. Have you seen him?” She might have valuable insights into Jason’s condition, though she’d refused to get involved since his… original return.
Not getting caught in family squabbles. He’d always liked that about her.
She hummed softly, leaning more of her weight into his chest, hand reaching up over her head to caress his chin.
“Not yet, but I’ll say hi eventually. Rumour has it he’s growing quite the harem,” she purred, and Bruce damn near choked.
Harem? Jason?!
“Oh?” Was all he managed, and even then he knew she heard the strain when he felt a low chuckle rumble through her back.
“Word has it the young Samantha Manson and her own date are both all over him. Poor boy, and his own plus one is being borrowed by half the Waynes. What have you been teaching those boys?” She teased, fingertips running just shy of his lower lip.
Definitely feeling where it puckered slightly into one of his minimal frowns. Nothing he’d heard about this “Danny” was setting him at ease.
Still, best not to let anything too real show.
“He’s always been good at making friends,” he allowed, gaze now scanning the rest of the room for his son.
Selina chuckled again, finally stepping away and turning to face him, giving him an appreciative once over.
“Now that’s a lot tamer than what I heard. I’ve heard that they’ve already bustled off to the back rooms, and reemerged en déshabillé,” she purred, and Bruce tensed.
Jason wouldn’t. Not with a stranger. Not at a gala.
True, it wasn’t on the (long, extensive) list of forbidden gala behaviours, but that was because it didn’t have to be.
Jason didn’t like following any of his other rules.
Jason was an adult. Bruce wasn’t… a fool. He was aware that quite a few of his children had grown up. And may, possibly, in an abstract way, have a sex life.
He didn’t like to fucking think about it at the best of times, but Jason? Who couldn’t control himself, who had those unpredictable rages?
No, he did not like that thought at all. His face must have set into stern lines because Selina’s hand was on his cheek again, brushing like she could smooth them out.
“Now now, Bruce. He’s twenty-two. Remember what you were like at that age?” She cooed, and that really didn’t help.
“That’s different,” he growled, keeping to the Brucie ranges with the iron control he’d prided himself on. The control Jason lacked.
Selina examined his expression for a moment longer then shook her had, patting his face just barely shy of being a slap. He caught her hand, gaze whipping round to focus on her again.
Just what she’d wanted, of course.
“Darling, you can’t stop him. You two are on rocky enough ground as it is, hmm?” She reminded him gently, voice low.
His grip tightened on her wrist, gaze flashing across her person.
“And if I searched your pockets right now, how many stolen rocks would I find on your person?” He asked equally quietly. Not changing the subject.
Just a good question.
Her eyes narrowed for a moment, then her lips curled into a smile and she stepped closer.
“Well if Jason’s left the back rooms free, you can search me as closely as you’d like,” she purred, pressing herself to him from shoulder to thigh.
And definitely felt him twitch in annoyance, grip tightening again. He forced himself to let go, step away, before his reactions could betray him further.
“Enough, Selina. Why are you really here?” He asked sharply, carefully balancing the line between Brucie casual and the answers he wanted.
She looked him over for a moment more then shook her head, half smiling.
“Touchy touchy. I’m here to give my best wishes to Jason, darling. Nothing more. And if some of these jumped up little pheasants find their tails a little lighter for it, I don’t think you really care, do you?” She asked rhetorically, turning away to slink back into the crowd.
Bruce considered following her. Pushing for more, working out what she really wanted.
It could wait until he’d checked the back rooms. Or found Jason. Whichever came first.
Frustration prickling across his skin, Damian ducked quickly away from another group of high society women, making for a quiet spot behind a large plant in an urn.
Galas were intolerable at the best of times, and this one was proving to be even worse. Todd’s new acquaintances were deeply suspicious but Drake and Brown already seemed enamoured.
Even Grayson seemed willing to trust them far, far too easily. It was… disappointing.
For all that Damian did trust their words when they said Masters was a danger, that certainly did not make them allies. He did not trust them.
They were all suspicious, from Foley being able to detect his presence to Fenton himself.
No matter what the others said, Damian knew that he hadn’t slipped. He’d not made a sound, not ruffled the tablecloth, and still he knew.
There was something off about all three Amity Parkers, and Fenton’s admitted pit exposure was only the start.
Normal people did not have access to a Lazarus pit. He couldn’t have named a single one not under the League’s control, not even a rumour. Whoever he was, however he had come to be exposed, he was not a civilian.
That he had died did not give him some sort of blanket acceptance. It did not solve the question of how, even if his other siblings did admonish him.
If Fenton had been exposed to the pit, knew its rage enough to help Todd, who’d been burdened with the worst rage Damian had ever witnessed, he was a dangerous threat indeed.
More dangerous because he was personable, and chatty, and friendly. He made them overlook him! It was crystal clear! Being charming to prevent them from growing suspicious.
It would not work on Damian. He had no use for charm or friendly chatter. He would remain focused, remain on guard even as Todd and the others failed.
He may have lost Father for now (intentionally; Damian had no wish to witness his painful flirtations with the Kyle woman), but he would stay focused.
He finally slipped into the solace of the plant’s shadow, and nearly bumped directly into the youngest Manson. He’d had no idea she was there.
Brows drawing down, Damian realized that Todd and Fenton were just a little further beyond, their backs to the wall but still close enough to be unnoticed. Both were watching Todd, who seemed pained by something.
“Were you not to be making a spectacle?” He hissed sharply, making both Amity Parkers jump.
Jason cracked an eye open and glared down at him, then at his two companions. Perhaps he was finally wising up to these new “friends”.
“They’re bothering me about fucking pixie boots. I didn’t want to do it in view of the whole crowd,” he grumbled and Damian’s brows drew further in.
Disappointing. Mere annoyance, not the suspicion they deserved. Whatever these “pixie boots” were, it was inconsequential.
He focused his attention on Manson instead.
“If you wish to antagonize your parents, you will need a much more public scene,” he reminded her, irritated that he needed to.
He may not trust the mission, but at least he could stay focused.
Manson rolled her eyes and waved a hand at him.
“Dude, being caught snuggled in a corner will get their hopes up just fine. He does have a point though,” she added to the other two with a reluctant sigh.
As if there was any doubt.
Todd frowned down at him.
“Why aren’t you with Bruce anyway? Wasn’t that your job?” He asked, when he should have been thanking Damian from distracting the other two from whatever this pixie nonsense was.
Ungrateful. This was why he preferred Grayson.
“He is pursuing Selina Kyle,” Damian explained, not feeling the need to go into detail. He didn’t need to as Todd’s face morphed into immediate understanding.
“Yeah, fair, not something for young eyes,” he agreed with a soft chuckle and Damian nodded curtly. He couldn’t imagine whose eyes or ears would enjoy such a display at any age.
Fenton was grinning again, prodding Todd’s shoulder.
“The voice of experience?” He asked in clear glee, and Todd grimaced.
“Unfortunately. So, Sam, want to hit the refreshments so I can offer you a drink?” He asked, waggling his eyebrows.
Manson rolled her eyes again but offered her hand, her other hand firmly tucked into Fenton’s elbow.
“I feel like I’ve come in half way through a movie and missed all the good bits,” she grumbled, and Damian was surprised to find he sympathized.
There was far too much going on here that he did not understand, and too many secrets. He would have his answers though.
Most importantly of all, the reason Jason was keeping so many secrets and letting strangers so close. But that would wait for another time.
Watching the three move towards the room, he checked his own internal clock.
Fifteen minutes. Father would likely not be done with Kyle yet.
He could stand to observe some more of these strangers. And perhaps their shenanigans.
From a distance, of course.
Vlad was having a wonderful evening.
Oh, most of the attendees at this event were simply sheep waiting to be shorn, the wealthy and well connected who liked pretending that meant they mattered.
But he’d already made some promising connections with Mr Wayne before he’d had to hurry away, and he’d given the Mansons a subtle reminder that Daniel was his.
Better that they do remember that, even if their relationship was a little… fractious. Daniel would see the light soon, student loans were an awful thing and Vlad could make them disappear.
It would be… nice.
He’d half expected the impulse to control, to train and raise the boy would end once he’d reached adulthood, but no. Daniel was 21 now, legally a full adult, and Vlad still craved that closeness.
Age was such an immaterial thing, though he was hoping that leaving his teenage years might also dull the boy’s rebellious tendencies. He and Daniel would have the rest of eternity together.
There would be all the time in the world for Vlad to teach his godson everything he knew, prove his value as an advisor.
He had once hoped that Madeline might one day become a ghost herself, but he’d begun to suspect it’d never happen.
Oh, she had the passion, the drive, but she wanted answers too much. She was determined to know what came after death, and when the time came to learn she wouldn’t balk.
She would leave him behind.
One day he may even wish to follow.
But not while her son lived (as much as either of them still lived) and needed guidance. Needed training, even if it did have to be disguised as combat.
Daniel could be something truly special if only he applied himself. Vlad would see himself Fade before he let that potential go to waste.
And ah, there was young Tucker Foley, tucked as usual up to Daniel’s side. Likely filling him in on what had happened with the Mansons.
Smiling to himself, Vlad adjusted his vest and headed over to say hello.
Tim was honestly surprised by how much he was enjoying the gala. He’d expected it to be work, spending the time gathering data and assessing Jason’s new boyfriend.
It’d beat the usual drudgery on that alone, but he was actually having fun. The most important thing he’d learned about Danny so far was definitely his own connections to the pit, but…
Well, he hadn’t expected to like the guy. To bully Jason about him, obviously, 1000% that was just going to happen, but liking him on his own merits?
Apparently Jason had good taste. Who knew?
Tucker Foley though, Tucker was way more Tim’s speed. He’d come to drop the knowledge that Selina Kyle was floating around and then stuck around, cheerfully chatting tech.
Tim would be much easier to mistake for Danny hanging out with Danny’s friend. It didn’t even need to be said.
And Tucker was just… so easy to talk to. They drifted around the room, chatting and greeting various business partners of Tim’s, talking like they’d known each other for years.
Tim was 1000% checking if they had an internship for Tuck. Hell, if they didn’t? He was the CEO, he could damn well make a space in R&D.
Tucker hadn’t given him the full download on his PDA yet, but he was more than happy to talk about some of his simpler modifications, and Tim already wanted the rest.
The guy might enjoy a retro aesthetic over Tim’s futuristic designs, but who fucking cared? His tech ran on old mods as fast as Tim’s newest of new wrist computer.
And, yeah, maybe they were currently engaged in a hack-the-pentagon race rather than socializing like Bruce always begged them to, but it was fun.
Tim’d come to another gala if he got to bring Tucker. For sure.
As he had the thought, Tucker glanced up from his PDA for a moment and Tim took advantage. He’d been tracking Tuck’s progress (knew Tucker was tracking his, and fuck that was exciting), and delicately tripped the firewall ahead of him.
Tuck’s PDA blanked out and Tim sailed through the last levels of security, grinning broadly in victory. He wouldn’t try and get a worm in, Tucker would notice for sure, but getting him locked out?
Yeah, that was a win.
Tucker barely seemed to notice though, leaning in with a wicked grin.
“Vlad, 5 o’clock, moving in. Ready?” He asked quietly, and only then glanced back at his PDA. His face fell and Tim snickered.
“Totally ready. And in, by the way,” he added, showing the other guy his screen.
Tucker let out a truly heartfelt groan, shoving at his shoulder and Tim swayed with it, laughing.
“Hey, you know the game. You blink, you lose!”
“It’s called spatial awareness,” Tucker shot back, half his attention now focused on bringing the PDA back up. And probably stopping a couple Secret Service alarms.
Tim would have helped, but a deceptively strong hand had just clapped onto his shoulder. It felt possessive even without seeing the expression that came with it, and Tim shivered, grin sharpening.
Oh, yeah. That wasn’t gonna go well for someone.
“Daniel. Imagine my surprise at finding you here,” Masters all but purred behind him.
The urge to twist away from the hand, break the grip, or possibly just throw the asshole were all very strong, but something in that grip made Tim think it wouldn’t be that easy.
And he was here as a civilian.
He marshalled his expression into one of Brucie’s best, cool politeness and greeting, and turned to look over his shoulder.
“Imagine mine at such an informal introduction,” he said with just a hint of teasing, cocking a brow as Vlad snatched his hand back like he’d been burned, “have we met?”
And fuck the guy was tall too, because of course he was. Not quite as tall as Bruce, but… definitely close to Jason’s height if not his size.
And currently glaring at Tucker, who was hiding giggles behind his hand.
“My apologies,” Vlad ground out like he was chewing glass, gaze finally sliding back onto Tim with a calculating curiosity that was more than familiar. “And you are?”
Tim put on his best smile, turning and offering his hand to shake because he was pretty sure that’d annoy the man more than anything else.
“Tim Drake, CEO of Wayne Enterprises. And you are?”
And yeah, he didn’t like the smile that spread across Masters’ face as he took the hand, his grip firm and strong.
“Vladimir Masters,” he all but purred, actually giving a slight bow as he pulled back. Fucking weirdo. “Founder of DALV. CO and mayor of Amity Park.”
Tim blinked, the name suddenly clicking.
“You named your company after your own first name spelled backwards?” He asked, actual amusement sneaking into his voice.
Vlad raised a brow.
“Not an unusual practice, CEO of Wayne Enterprises,” he remarked coolly.
Tim grinned and spread his hands.
“Hey, I didn’t name it. You’re not wrong though, and I guess “Masters” has already been taken several times over,” Tim joked and Vlad’s eyes narrowed just a little.
“It is one of the unfortunate side effects of being a self made man,” he said with a convincing false humility… or at least it would have been convincing if Tucker hadn’t laughed.
Vlad’s eyes shot back around to the younger man like he’d forgotten he was there, narrowed again, and then his face smoothed into a shoddily sincere smile.
“And of course, Tucker Foley. We know each other through my dear godson, Daniel. I was quite surprised to hear that Daniel would be joining us this evening, Mister Foley. I don’t suppose you’d know where he is?”
It was the barest layering of civility and politeness, but since Tucker looked shocked by that, Tim had a couple guesses about their usual relationship. It did not endear Vlad to him.
Tucker didn’t stay off balance for long though, just shrugging and grinning. Tim finally got to see his utterly blatant lies up close and in person.
“Oh, is Danny here? I hadn’t heard. I dunno Vlad, I’m sure if he’s around he’d say hi. He’s really changed a lot though, not sure I’d recognise him.” All the same confidence he’d used to tell Dick his name was Danny.
Tim was maybe just a little bit in love with his sense of humour. Shifting until they were almost arm in arm, he grinned up at Vlad too.
“I do hope you find him, Mr Masters. Though I’m afraid if you think he looks like me, there’s plenty of us floating around. You know how Brucie collects the boys with dark hair and blue eyes.”
Vlad visibly flinched at the jibe, maybe not noticeably to anyone but a bat, but Tim wasn’t Red Robin for nothing. Still, he managed a decent answering smile and another weird little bow.
“Of course. Perhaps we shall speak again later, Mr Drake. There is a lot our companies can do for each other.”
Tim wouldn’t have let the opportunity go for a lifetime supply of espresso.
“Of course, don’t be afraid to reach out if you want to get in touch,” he said innocently, keeping his expression completely open in the face of a sudden and steely glare.
Quite sure he was being made fun of but unable to prove it, Vlad nodded stiffly and turned, walking away.
Tucker and Tim turned back to each other, grins suddenly broad and out of control. They had to suck them down quickly, one of the other boring businessmen approaching to “check if they were okay”, “so shocked someone would dare manhandle him”, blah blah blah.
No one who’d approached when Masters was actually around, of course. Just sucking up and enjoying the chance to smear dirt on someone with a little more wealth.
Tim would be very happy to smear a swamp on Vlad Masters, so he pretended his shoulder had been sorely wounded, rolling it and rubbing carefully.
Tucker actually looked concerned, hurrying him away to the refreshments table to grab him some ice. Tim let him fuss until they were away from direct witnesses, then tipped him a wink.
And the guy caught on fast, Tim had to give him that. They’d carried on to the table a little more loudly, Tucker keeping up a running commentary of “are you sure you’re okay?” While Tim did his very best Civilian Brave Face, But Not Actually Brave.
They even got him some ice, which Tucker held to his shoulder even though it felt fine. Just the visual was going to do a lot of work for them.
Distracted on his way to the back rooms, Bruce was alarmed to hear a couple talking about one of his sons being injured at the party.
His mind flashed immediately to Jason, though whether as the cause or the victim didn’t follow. When he heard it was Tim, worry shot through him and he forced himself to breathe.
Jason hadn’t done anything to hurt Tim in two years. He was actually more gentle with him than with any of the others, and Bruce didn’t imagine he’d faked all the regret.
It didn’t mean he couldn’t or wouldn’t slip again, hoodlum stranger monitoring the pit for him or not, but he wouldn’t make the accusation. It would hit too close if incorrect.
Changing course, he made his way across the room to find Tim instead. Best to get the information directly.
Tim looked well enough, though he’d draped his jacket over one arm while a young Black man - Tucker Foley, Jason’s mysterious plus one that he’d implied should be Danny - applied a makeshift ice pack to his shoulder.
Eyes narrowing, Bruce made his way gently closer, drifting through the nearby groups to pick up the local gossip. Though some lips closed when they spotted him, others opened faster.
There’d been some miscommunication between Tim and Vlad Masters, Vlad actually grabbing Tim and apparently mistaking him for someone else.
Their following exchange seemed to have been pleasant enough, but now Tim was “discreetly” seeking medical attention. Just how hard had the man grabbed Tim?
Masters had a firm grip, certainly, but he’d seen Tim slammed face first into concrete and walk away without flinching, broken nose and all.
He wouldn’t fuss about a real injury, not if he didn’t want an immediate assessment in the med bay when they returned home. He had to be faking, and Bruce knew why.
A message, likely to him and his siblings about Masters. Tim didn’t trust him, had found something about the man that warranted suspicion.
Masters had been very complimentary to Jason’s “Danny”, though even he’d admitted the boy had problems with authority. Was Tim telling him it was a lie?
But no, the boy tending Tim was Danny’s best friend, Tucker Foley. Tim could certainly fool a civilian into a fake medical emergency, but why would he involve Tucker if Danny was suspect?
Unless Tucker was potentially dangerous too, and Tim wanted him out of circulation. Away from Danny. Away from Jason.
Jason, who’d been so pleased to see the other young man only an hour ago. Now nowhere to be seen while Tucker tended to Tim’s arm.
Eyes narrowing, Bruce turned and made his way firmly towards the back rooms once more, eyes now sweeping the crowd for Masters.
It was possible Jason was no longer there, but he’d at least pick up the boy’s trail. He had to get Jason away from these people, at least until Tim could give a full report.
As he moved, he caught sight of Vlad Masters now approaching Dick and Cass, and nearly changed course again.
But no, Dick was a solid lad, he could handle himself and Bruce very much doubted a single person in the building could get anything past Cass.
They would be fine, whatever Masters was up to. They weren’t as unreliable vulnerable as Jason.
He had to get to Jason.
He couldn’t be too late again.
Cass did not like galas. To be fair, she didn’t know anyone who did.
She usually didn’t have to go; much less than her brothers. Bruce respected her desires for privacy, but she’d volunteered to go once.
It was a rite of passage Dick said, and he was usually right. It had been… well. She was one of Bruce’s later adoptees, long after it had become a running joke.
She had very nearly broken a man’s kneecaps for what he said about her brothers, but Cass was good at keeping quiet. Unobserved. Undetected.
Broken kneecaps were detectable.
Honestly, Cass was also the one who got into the least trouble at galas. She was used to sitting quietly while being verbally abused.
It was probably why no one ever tried to make her go. She’d gotten a little… lost in her own head the first time. It took days to find her words again.
Now if she went to a gala it was because she’d decided to, and someone stayed with her for most of the evening. Both so she didn’t have to talk to people and because that was usually why she chose to go.
Usually one of her siblings had planned something interesting, or needed her help. That was always fun, and they could chat in sign language about the assholes around them.
Today’s gala was double fun, because Tim and Dick had asked for her help with Danny (once they knew she was coming), and because Jason was fucking with Tim and Dick.
Cass didn’t choose sides.
She did like Jason’s new friend Tucker though. He was open and undamaged in a way very few vigilantes were. Perhaps he took a support role.
She’d known what he was since he spotted Damian, and the Amity Parkers even having their own evil billionaire was basically confirmation. Civilians just didn’t have those kinds of problems.
She hadn’t decided about Danny or Sam yet, but she did know that Jason already cared very deeply, which had surprised her. And probably Jason himself.
He needed more friends.
Cass would like more friends. Maybe someone for backup when she went overseas.
She hoped Jason’s new friends would be able to stay. They made him so happy, and tonight so very interesting.
It was easy to ignore the half-whispered comments as she and Dick moved through the crowd. Dick was a great performer, easily turning on the charm and making people smile.
All Cass had to do was smile at appropriate moments and keep an eye out, ready to alert him when it was their turn.
An older lady in a long blue gown was just telling them that Tim had been caught up in a scene when she caught sight of Vlad Masters making his way towards them.
Luckily Dick was already facing the right way, doing all the right expressions of wide eyed fascination. Sliding her hand from his elbow to bare wrist, she tapped out a message in morse code.
She didn’t need to look at Dick to know he’d received it as he shifted just a little, hand ready to pull from hers just in case. Apparently Masters already had a bad habit of grabbing.
Cass watched him from the corner of her eye, hidden behind her bangs as he stalked up.
Apparently he’d already learned his lesson; while he looked confident, he was moving more slowly, scanning the group. She let her hand drop from Dick’s before his gaze tracked down, shifting her position to “politely interested stranger”.
Dick gave a rather convincing laugh as their “informant” cut herself off quickly, spreading his hands and shrugging.
“Hey, Amity Park’s an informal scene. Not a big city like Gotham, right?” He said cheerfully, slipping easily into Danny’s tones.
It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t like he had to fool a voice recording. Cass switched to watching the older woman’s eyes widen as Vlad approached, and she held down a smile of her own.
Now if Vlad made a grab for Dick… but no, he’d learned well apparently, stepping in just a little too close to be casual at Dick’s left shoulder.
“Not downplaying our fair city, are we,” he began in a confident drawl, which faltered when Dick turned that wide, friendly smile his way.
“Oh, I’d never! Gotham’s got its troubles but it’s been my home for most of my life, Mister…” he let it trail into an obvious question.
Cass made eye contact with the older woman, whose eyes were still at that “deer in the headlights” strain. Seeing she had Cass’s attention she tried to discretely point with her fan to Masters.
And mouthed “that’s him” so obviously Masters couldn’t have missed it if he tried, her gaze snapping back to Dick. Civilians were so funny.
Eyes narrowed, Masters cleared his throat pointedly and stepped back, extending his hand to shake.
“My apologies… I thought you were my godson. He’s recently joined your university here, and I would hate to think he’s been letting the side down.” He sounded much more formal too, colder than the almost insinuating tones before.
This was a man who liked people to believe he knew everything, all the time. Didn’t like admitting a mistake. But still vain enough to make bold guesses.
Cass gave him a gentle, empty smile as she shifted up alongside Dick, ready to offer support.
Dick, meanwhile, was having fun.
“I know that feeling. Of course I was just a kid when I came here, but Gotham’s just so big and all enveloping. Why, I almost forgot about my home town completely!” He added with a light laugh.
Master’s expression tightened.
“Quite. And you are?” He asked, though he still hadn’t given his name.
Dick fake startled like he hadn’t noticed, catching the man’s hand to shake just after he’d started lowering it.
“Oh, I’m sorry! Dick Grayson, first of old Brucie’s wards. And this is my little sister Cass,” he added, other arm looping around Cass’s shoulder and pulling her in.
She held out her hand too, watching Masters’ eyes as Dick released him and he took hers, shaking like a perfect gentleman.
Not a flinch. Either he hadn’t decided she was lesser yet, or he thought they both were and there wasn’t much difference.
Less likely to underestimate her. Ah well.
She shook back firmly, not her strongest grip but enough that a moment of surprise showed as she released him, giving him her Gala Smile.
A polite, welcoming brick wall with nothing behind it.
Masters held his hand out for just a heartbeat longer after she let go, then tucked both hands behind him and pulled up a smile of his own.
Not real. But not fully forced.
“Ah, of course! I was told quite a few of you have come out to celebrate your dear brother’s return,” Masters said, a glint that Cass definitely didn’t trust in his eyes as he looked from her to Dick. “I am Vlad Masters, I was just speaking to your… guardian?”
“Our dad,” Dick corrected genially, and that was definitely jealousy that shot through Masters’ eyes, there and gone in an instant.
Interesting. He really did want Danny’s acceptance.
And he knew how to keep a public face.
“Of course, my apologies. I suppose you both knew long before we did that poor Jason had been found?” Masters asked, almost sounding sincere for the first time.
Dick clocked it too, his arm tightening around her for a moment before releasing.
“Yes. It was so terrible when we heard that he’d…” his voice trailed off for a moment, putting just enough into the grief to be convincing when he forced himself back a moment later, “but he’s okay after all!”
Masters stepped closer, honing in on perceived weakness like a shark.
“Of course, of course… it must have been such a relief,” he agreed, his voice almost oily as he lowered it, “and I certainly hope it’s not too much to ask, but I had heard that you had even buried him?”
Which, in the spirit of fairness, was a question Cass had been hearing in their periphery for most of the evening. But no one had actually dared say it directly.
Dick’s eyes went comically wide, like the thought had never even occurred to him.
“Oh no, you’re right… I wonder who we put in that coffin,” he gasped with fake horror, stopping just shy of clapping both hands to his cheeks.
Cass pressed her lips closed on a smile. Now no one would.
Even Masters looked surprised, leaning away but not backing down.
“So you know that it wasn’t…” he began, and Dick cut him off with a hearty gasp, swaying like the thought sucked all the strength out of him.
“No, of course not! I saw his grave last week, it was perfectly undisturbed,” Dick said breathily, leaning heavily into Cass and beginning to shake in suppressed sobs.
She pretended to stumble, steadying him and wrapping her arms around him. Masters was beginning to look a little alarmed, but underneath she was sure there was a hint of satisfaction.
Whatever he was pushing for (probably the pit contamination Jason had mentioned), he thought Dick had confirmed it.
Which was… odd. For his body to have been put in the pit, it couldn’t also be in an undisturbed grave? Oh, the grave could have been replaced, but he wouldn’t know that just watching Dick.
He’d have had to look in person, but there was no air of impatience. No hint of an intent to leave, to check something out.
He looked like he had everything that he could possibly want in this moment, except maybe for Dick to be less dramatic.
He took a step closer, directing his focus more to her as she “consoled” her brother.
“I am so sorry to have said anything,” he said quietly, his voice respectful and contrite even if his eyes weren’t, “I can see I’ve caused a great upset. Perhaps we should bring him somewhere to calm down?”
Before Cass could respond, the lady from before (who’d been hovering in abject glee for a second dose of Wayne gossip) butted in.
“Oh, young Cassandra can’t speak, Mr Masters. You know,” she added coyly, doing one of her special discrete fan gestures and whispered “a mute.”
Cass didn’t quite roll her eyes, shifting Dick more across her shoulders and guiding him off to one side. Masters hovered for a moment, clearly still considering assisting, but let the lady draw him into conversation instead.
Never mind that Dick was nearly half a foot taller than her and outweighed her too.
Nothing she couldn’t handle, obviously, or hadn’t handled before, but she couldn’t decide if it was annoying or suspicious.
Annoying from the woman. She was beginning to lean towards suspicious from Masters, though.
He was used to people being stronger than they looked. Or wanted to see if she’d fail. Either way, she added both to her notes on Danny too.
And, frankly, if Masters thought Danny might be Dick’s height when he was a little closer to hers? They hadn’t seen each other in a while.
She’d been sceptical when Tucker suggested the idea and she’d seen it on her brothers too, but apparently he’d still been fooled.
For all that he may want to be close to Danny… For all that he seemed exactly the sort to try and spy and maintain that air of omnipotence… he hadn’t gotten close in a while.
Danny was too happy to be put under that oppressive thumb. It was why Cass kept putting on her mask, and she’d happily do so again for the boy’s sake.
Nobody should have to see the worst the shadows offered.
Danny was having fun being dragged around the room by Sam while Jason flirted with her.
Jay knew just how to toe the line to stay on the “charming” side rather than “obnoxious”, introducing her to people and always listening when she opened her mouth.
Which was usually to reiterate stubbornly that she was here with Danny, or grudgingly answer some question about her life. He’d made her laugh more than once, and Danny figured it was aaaalmost time for them to stop pushing him so hard.
Frankly Danny was mostly just watching them both and enjoying not having to talk himself. Something about Jason turned on the charm sucked most of his snappy retorts right out of him.
Probably cuz he didn’t wanna accidentally hit the nail on the head and upset his new friend. No way to tell what would be a hot button, right?
It definitely wasn’t because watching Jason’s eyes shine when he laughed made Danny think of the stars. It’d been a while since he’d gone up past Gotham’s smog to stargaze.
Besides, he wasn’t the star of this show, so it was fine if he was mostly just exchanged grins with Jason while he and Sam talked.
Sam was having way more fun than she’d ever had at a party too, and Danny reeeeally hoped that her parents knew her well enough to tell.
She’d pull out Manson Party Voice whenever they bumped into another group, but when the three of them were making their way from one spot to the next? That was Sam’s real smile.
It wasn’t as bright and shiny and perfect as the fake one, but honestly, they weren’t comparable. Sam’s real smiles were small and much rarer than her plotting grins, but that made them special.
Val knew too, and Danny made sure he snuck a couple of candids of Sam laughing in her getup just for her. Sam Manson, happy in frills and bows?
Yeah, he also took a couple of her diabolical grins. And a couple of Jason in his suit, which looked waaaay better than Danny’s.
Jason had a lot more to fill it out, and maybe one day Danny would ask about his fitness routine. Fighting ghosts had stopped him from being a stick, but he was still ridiculously wiry.
This just in, fighting for your life with the bare minimum of training and mentorship? Did not make you a beefcake. Well, not if you also had laser eyes.
Danny’s eye muscles were probably better.
At least until he got Jason on his halfa training.
They’d all heard the latest Hot Party Gossip, about the mayor of some little town actually grabbing young Timothy Drake! The scandal!
There’d been another flash of protective rage from Jason at that, but this time Danny was expecting it and ready to soothe with some calm-reassurance-safe.
Seeing Tucker delicately fussing with an ice pack in a “discrete” corner had settled Jason down ironically, and Danny had to wonder how hard Vlad had grabbed him.
Yeah, he’d given Danny bruises plenty of times, but usually mostly after the fighting started. Or when Danny was being a little asshole.
Which, to be fair, was most of the time.
They were just watching Cass drag a sobbing, shuddering Dick past them towards the back rooms (and considering going to help) when Jason stiffened.
About to open his mouth to ask, Danny’s eyes snapped suddenly past the larger man and suddenly he didn’t have to.
Vlad. Behind and between Danny and Jason, looking… ruffled, almost, but very satisfied. Just the look sent a shiver down Danny’s spine before he even opened his mouth.
“Ah, Daniel. And you’ve been making a new friend, I see?“ he asked smugly as Sam and Jason wheeled to face him.
Danny came closer, moving in between them and stepping carefully in front of Jason.
Who growled softly, caught Danny around the shoulders, and stepped in front of him instead, close enough that Vlad had to take a step back or stand chest to chest with him.
And yeah, okay, maybe Danny wasn’t expecting that and it threw him for a loop. What of it.
“Yeah, he has,” Jason said, his voice suddenly cold and menacing in a way Danny had never heard before.
Even Vlad looked surprised, eyebrows rising at the tone.
“And you’ve been teaching him your attitude issues as well, how charming,” he noted to Danny directly, then gave Jason a sly smile. “Vladimir Masters. I assume Danny’s been telling you all sorts of stories?”
“He doesn’t need to dude, your vibes are rancid,” Sam snapped, rolling her eyes when Vlad shot her a glare.
Which, yeah, helped snap Danny out if it and he tried a step to the side to get back into view. And stifled a snicker when Jason moved with him, resting a hand on the taller halfa’s hip.
Calm-breathe-don’t give the game away
It was difficult to keep it local, since he was currently bathing the whole room in his energy. Although, since Vlad had already successfully found him…
Danny winched it back in, letting his aura go from overwhelming back down to conversational, shoulders settling as the pressure dropped.
Felt Jason stiffen for a moment under his hand, then relax, and yeah now Danny felt a little bad about that part of the plan. He hadn’t gone as big as Frostbite, but Jason didn’t react well to big auras.
Maybe it’d help him settle down.
He did at least shift aside enough to let Vlad see him again, and Danny gave him a cheeky wave just to see his face pinch.
“What’s the matter Vlad, worried about what I’d say?” He asked innocently, and enjoyed the way Vlad’s eyes narrowed.
Right up until Jason cleared his throat pointedly and Vlad’s eyes shot to him, widened, and the man stepped back. Which was… wild.
Vlad might be just a little taller, he didn’t have even half of Jason’s bulk but he’d never backed down from Jack Fenton before.
Then again, Jack loved Vlad and would never stare at him with such open threat in his face. Even for a baby halfa, Jason could exude an aura of menace.
Danny was maybe just a tiny huge bit loving it.
Vlad glanced his way again, teeth gritted, and stopped. His expression shifted enough that Danny had to actually look at him again, rather than vaguely watching while enjoying Jason.
Was that… actual conflict? On Vlad “I Know Best I Made The Universe From Scratch” Masters?
And then Vlad gave him a careful, polite smile that he usually saved for cops and adults and that was just too weird.
“Daniel, I understand that we’ve had our differences and I will admit my own part in that. But do I not even deserve a chance to make my own first impressions?” He asked, turning the same smile to Jason.
Who glared back.
“You’ve been running around and accosting my brothers, I think that’s a pretty clear first impression,” he pointed out, muscles flexing as he folded his arms.
Danny wasn’t gonna look. Nope. Focus on Vlad, focus on Vlad, you’d think it wouldn’t be hard with his actual nemesis in front of him but ooooh the fabric of Jason’s jacket was straining in a very interesting way.
Definitely stealing his training routine.
Vlad seemed to have deflated proportionately too, inclining his head in a sharp nod.
“Yes, well. I certainly didn’t intend to be so upsetting. Perhaps we can turn over a new leaf together, Jason? Daniel?” He offered with a slightly more strained smile.
Poor guy never did cope well when one of his plans went wrong. It was Danny’s favourite thing about him.
So he gave Vlad his very best shit eating grin and nodded, leaning against Jason’s side and crossing his legs at the ankles.
“Yeah, why not? We can get all buddy buddy together while I tell Jason all about that camping trip you took me and my mom on,” he said cheerfully, waving a hand. “Maybe I should send you on one some time.”
Vlad’s eyes narrowed, then his expression resolved into a snakelike smile as he pointedly looked at Jason instead.
“Certainly. And perhaps I can also show you some of Daniel’s baby pictures, Jason?” He hummed, voice suddenly silken.
Danny fucking stumbled as he rushed to regain his footing.
“What no fuck you you do not,” he stammered at the same time as Jason raised a mildly interested brow.
“Baby pictures?”
And Vlad had that stupid, annoying, self satisfied asshole smile on his face again. Like he’d fucking won something. He continued to ignore Danny and Sam, smiling up at Jason.
“Oh yes. His parents kept a very clear documentation of his early years, his first tooth, his first Halloween costume, all of it,” he said smugly, entirely confident.
Which just was not fucking fair. What the fuck was Danny supposed to say to that?
“There is no way his parents gave you those photos,” Sam snapped, folding her arms too and glaring.
Hero goth queen.
Vlad gave her a smug smile too.
“And yet I have them. Jack was delighted to bring me through all of the family albums, so I also have stories,” he added, shooting Danny a look that had usually accompanied an ectoblast.
Ectoblasts were better. Ectoblasts only hurt in the moment.
Danny groaned, closing his eyes and scrubbing his hands across his face.
“Alright never mind I liked it better when we were fighting,” he grumbled under his breath, startling a chuckle from Jason.
Vlad finally found a way to beat him.
At least until Danny could call his dad for college stories.
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purpleangiie · 3 months
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
Hi, just wanted to say that I love your Battinson headcanons!
How do you think Battinson would react to Tim Drake? Tim is introduced to the Batman storyline at such a difficult time in Bruce's life and we all know he doesn't always deal with that particularly well in canon so I'd be interested to know your take on Battinson's reaction!
Thanks! :D
Hellooo! Sorry for the late response haha
In the comics, Bruce was very distant to Tim at first due to Jason's death, and Tim kinda had to force his way into the family and the robin role
For Battinson, I feel like he wouldn't be distant per se, but more..afraid? He wouldn't act cold with Tim upon first meeting (his soft maternal instincts just activate with any child) and would probably be a bit reserved because obviously he's still mourning Jason.
Tim in the comics was pretty straightforward and inserted himself into Bruce's life without giving a single fuck, which I wanna keep the same in this universe lmao, and given the nature of Battinson's personality, he wouldn't fight it at all lmao
This small child adds himself to the family and Battinson!Bruce is like "Well ok 🧍‍♂️I guess you're mine now"
He doesn't stop Tim from visiting him often and enjoys his company quite a bit. Bruce is very gentle and soft-spoken with him, and bit by bit, Tim starts to get closer with Bruce and in a way, helps distract him from the crushing grief of Jason's death.
There are some occasions where Tim will find Bruce softly crying inside Jason's room and the two will end up talking about what Jay was like. It helps ease the pain for Bruce and let's him move on in a healthier way.
When Battinson finds out Tim's parents aren't around much, he has to fight the deep urge to snatch the kid and adopt him on the spot(he already wanted to do it after Tim bluntly told him he knew Bruce was Batman because omg??intelligent small child??).
I feel like this Bruce would not make Tim robin. I feel like the first time Tim even suggests being robin, Bruce gets genuinely upset and vehemently does not let him close to the costume. Bruce would explain how he could not let the same thing happen to Tim, and instead trains Tim to take on a sort of Oracle role in this universe.
It kind of reassures Bruce that Tim is safe in the cave guiding him, and satisfies Tim's desire to help Bruce on patrol.
It also keeps Bruce from becoming too violent or hurting himself too badly when he's out, because now he has another child to go home to and also he doesn't want Tim to see all the violence from the cowl footage. So that's how I see Bruce distance himself from the destructive crime fighting behaviour
This is just my personal hc, but I feel like in this universe, the Robin mantle would end at Jason. Battinson probably couldn't bear the thought of another kid in that costume.
This would probably lead to Tim creating his own vigilante suit and name once he gets older and Bruce can't stop him.
(This might also change the outcome of Jason's return since Tim wouldn't appear as a replacement anymore)
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oifaaa · 2 years
Your baby Jason is the cutest thing ever, his cape is so long, how could the Joker ever kill something so adorable?
Tbf he's small enough that the joker probably would just accidentally step on him and that would be that
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
i got 5k words of the first chapter of my upcoming dc fic. ive been very lightly working on it for a few months now, among other things. but i am Very Excited about this story.
its a spinoff continuation of the batkid ending of the death in the family movie. which i have not been able to stop thinking about
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percentstardust · 2 years
“ huh… that’s one hell of a unique craving, you know. “ - Bruce @ pamela
pregnancy prompts | accepting | @thewxnderer
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"Oh, don't worry, they will only get weirder." Plus, wasn't pickles and peanut butter a common thing? She didn't know. This is her first pregnancy. Belladonna was born through cloning. She was not sure if she could even have children. She had thought the experimentation of the man who turned her into who she is now had made that impossible. She seems to have been proven wrong.
"If I start craving meat, I am going to lose it. I don't want to break my vegetarian life style. The fake vegan stuff seems to be doing fine for now."
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neptunezo · 5 months
guys…. happy free comic day. First Saturday of May!
I bought 30 comics. The comics and bundles should’ve been 70 USD plus change.
With the discounts and free comics, it was 17 USD…
I bought 3 bundles and 4 comics (total of 30 comics) for only 17 USD…
apologizing for the next week or so of rants for the comics I’ll be reading
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d3jha · 2 months
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