#twst cursed mc
iamlittlelostsoul · 1 year
Love can hurt sometimes...
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yey! am finally finishing all your req!!! although this sorta ended up sorta like a collab between the two of us. Thank youuuu @whatevermywpis >< for giving me this idea and helping me write this Xddd
I hope you along with everyone else enjoy it!!!<33 I'm so sorry for not updating for so long school had me on a noose xdd but i'm free now for a whilee :DD
not me recycling my malleyuu drafts that's been rotting for ages lol xdd
Pairing: Silver x gn!cursed!reader
Theme: Romance and Angst
Overview: "shush, now love....I know I know but I can't help it. I love you and I can't give it up even if it costs my life. Aw, please don't cry smile for me just one last time...please?"
Silver has heard tons about you from their dorm leader Malleus
It all started with Malleus finding out and meeting with a person that actually lives in the cold abandoned Ramshackle dorm.
Then he goes missing and comes back with the brightest grin on his face as he talks about the things he did with his newfound friend.
It was an adorable sight how Malleus was over the moon talking about his human friend to Lilia, Sebek, and himself. And to Malleus love and excitement he decided to introduce them to his new human friend he's been talking about.
And you were exactly how he imagined from the fae prince's stories.
"Hello, I'm [Mc]! It's really nice to meet you all" they cheerily greet them with a polite bow.
Surprisingly he managed to stay awake the whole time and somewhat and someway you two became closer and you were patient enough to not get mad at him whenever he randomly falls asleep, you'd even go so far and let him sleep on your lap.
Which deepens and strengthens the bonds you two share.
You two have been meeting up often, helping in school tasks, events, or simply just dining together of course you two still include Malleus and the other two. And Malleus is pretty happy that his friend's been getting along with his two retainers and Lilia.
Lilia's been giving him weird looks not the bad kind whenever he was to be with you alone or with the others. He believes Lilia and sometimes Malleus's been scheming something as they hang out with you they'd often excuse themselves yet leave him behind with you....not that he minded it though.
You were nice and sweet and a very fun person to hang out with, you were patient and knowledgeable even when you happen to not belong from their world you seemed to fit in naturally.
Time and time again he always felt so different when he's with you. No it's definitely not the bad kind! It's more nice and comfortable probably something more than just friends.
"You like them." Lilia says with a smug grin interrupting his thoughts.
"I do" Silver says unhesitantly.
"No no romantically~" Lilia says in a rather teasing tone.
"I do?" Silver says cocking his head to the side he's not sure if this is a question to himself or to Lilia...but a part of him sorta knew he does like them. No- he loves them. He always did and now that he realizes it he can't stop the red hues spreading across his cheeks which earned a small chuckle from Lilia.
His heart beats aloud. Ever since Lilia mentioned it, ever since he realized his true feelings. His heart kept pounding so hard that he kinda fears you can hear it every time you and he hangs out.
Lilia and Malleus has been pushing him to go confess. And they've been doing everything necessary to console him that they definitely like him back too. They've even helped set up a date so he could confess his feelings to the [girl/boy] he likes.
The only issue is he couldn't somehow muster his courage to confess much to Lilia and Malleus annoyance (they're not mad just a lil stressed they're playing the long game).
Several times passed by and he finally somehow gained courage in doing so after a long sermon from Sebek on how he's stressing out Malleus-sama yada yada yada.
It was past Midnight and they met up by the garden behind Ramshackle dorm. Their usual hangout place.
"Silver hey!! How's your day been?" They gingerly asks him.
Silver smiled at the sight. He could barely see them and he can't help but be a lil mesmerized at the sight of his beloved laying flat on the grass their face leaning to the side covering half of their face as they remain staring at the fireflies dancing on a row of Dasies, the light from the fireflies and moonlight illuminating their figure and he felt as if he fell for them once again. "Oh...same as usual" he chuckles as he sat beside them.
They stayed like that for several minutes, silent although not awkward but rather comforting.
"Soo...I would like to tell you something" they both spoke in unison startling them and made them chuckle.
"You go first" They said.
"No No you first!" Silver says back.
"Ehh?? No you first!"
They sat there in silence for a moment before Silver takes a deep breath and broke the silence
"I...have something to confess"
"go on" they urged him.
"I like...no love you" he confesses.
"It's ok if you don't like me back...I just wanted to get this off my chest" he says as he watches their features get a lil startled.
"No no! Silver....I...love you too." they said covering their face as it gets a tint of red but something in their eyes shows a hint of sadness.
"You don't have to force yourself to like me." he mutters.
"No no!! It's complicated...I do love you...it's just that..." *they take a sharp breath. "I'm cursed..."
Silver took a moment to process their words. "You're...cursed?" he repeats as his eyes widens and his mouth went hanging open.
They nod as they sat up and face him.
"...How heavy is it? Maybe we could find a cure, I'm sure Malleus-sama and fath-err Lilia-sama is willing to help." He says his eyebrows creasing as he looked at them filled with worry. He felt a tightness in his chest as he awaits for them to answer his question...on the back of his mind he could already tell where this is going.
"I don't really recall when or where I got it...but it's definitely not here in NRC or the day I arrived here. But umm...It can't be cured.."
They nods. " It can't..."
"B-...but...don't say that! I'm sure we'll find something! There's a plenty of books and spells here i'm sure one of them will be the cure."
"It can't....that to make it simpler I'm sorta allergic to magic..." they said as they looked away placed a handkerchief on their cheek and wipes away some concealer revealing some dark heavy cracks like tattoed on their skin. He could already tell it's covering them from head to toe with how heavy it looks.
Silver stares...he couldn't muster a word...Allergic to magic?...what how?...but-....
"yeah...i'm sorry. It's none of your fault, I promise. I love hanging out with you and everybody else Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, Ace and Deuce and all of them!" They said.
Silver could tell they were trying to keep a brave face for him...and it hurts...he should have said it sooner...he should have done more with them...he should have notice something was wrong and found a cure immediately...but it's all too late. He couldn't utter a word...his face remain stiff and his heart felt as if it's being squeezed the life out of it.
'It hurts' he thought. 'They must be hurting really badly and I couldn't do a thing' he thought once more as he unclenches and clenches his fist his head hanging low and thank seven he is sitting down if not he might have stumbled and fell.
"Don't be down Silver...I really don't blame any of you..Not you, Malleus, our friends who overblotted, or anyone else. It's my choice to remain close with you guys...I love hanging out with you all and most especially I love you." They said as they cup his cheeks, their eyes gets watery and it wavers as it stares at his.
"I don't want you gone..."
"I don't wanna leave either"
"How long....how longer do you think you'll last" he managed to say his chest felt so stuffy and it's so hard to breath but he tries...he tries so hard to keep a straight face to not worry them and hurt them further.
"...not so longer than several more minutes" they hesitantly said as they leaned their head on his chest.
They stayed silent for a while with Silver hugging them in his arms, his head hanging low on their shoulder nuzzled on their neck.
"Will you kiss me?" They said their hand digging on his silvery locks.
"Yes" He answers back with no hesitation as he leans away for a bit and stares at their eyes longingly.
He presses his lips on theirs, he felt them gasp their body stiffen for a moment before relaxing. They kiss and it felt like time stopped and everything around them disappears. Silver watches them as their eyes flutter shut as their body shivers with delight as he deepens the kiss.
It felt as if it was just the two of them their fingers laced together while his other hand wrapped around their waist and theirs on the back of his head pulling him closer desperately as if their life depends on him. If only it was then maybe they would have lived longer.
The kiss lasted for about a minute...before he felt their body go cold and the hand holding onto him goes limp.
He kisses them back awaiting for their response. None.
He kisses them again and squeezes their hand pulling them closer, yet they didn't answer back.
Ah, it looks like he can't keep his poker face on anymore. Tears gently falling as he held their corpses that slowly turns into dust, no more was the person he fell in love with. No more was their laughter, their playful bantering, their voice... it so quiet now.
"It feels so simple... loving you, always..."
"It feels so painful... I hate it so much."
Love is such a lovely thing...so mysterious, so sudden...but sadly not all love ends with a happy ending...it can really really hurt sometimes....
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ryllen · 10 months
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kiss him a little
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before sending him to war
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bun-lapin · 9 months
TWST Voice Line Scene #14
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🐲Malleus: Well? Notice anything different about me?
🦐Yuu: (immediately looks up at the giant fluffy pink bow tied around one of his horns)
🦐Yuu: …..
🦐Yuu: Wanna give me a hint?
🐲Malleus: Lilia cut my hair earlier today. (points at his bangs that are a millimeter shorter)
🦐Yuu: (still staring at the pink bow) Did Lilia cut anything besides your bangs…?
🐲Malleus: No, but he offered to style the back of my hair for me. (turns around to show the back of his head)
🦐Yuu: (stares at a variety of glittery hair clips holding a tiny note in Malleus' hair that says: YUU'S BFF ❤️)
🦐Yuu: …..
🦐Yuu: I'm gonna guess you didn't look in a mirror before rushing out to come show me your new haircut?
🐲Malleus: (glances back over his shoulder, looking very pleased) That is correct. Do you like it?
🦐Yuu: …I love it.
TWST Voice Line Scenes Masterlist
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fungifanart · 1 year
MC: *trying to flirt for the umpteenth time*
Leona "All The Laxatives In The World Couldn't Help My Emotional Constipation" Kingscholar: Go. Away.
MC, clenching his fists: .......Stupid--
MC, hitting Leona's back: No-ass-having--
MC, grabbing and pulling at Leona's uniform and hair: STINKY HOBO PRINCE--
MC, throwing an absolute tantrum: LET ME LOVE YOU!!!
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Lilia: Were you still not able to remove it?
Sebek: This thing has attached itself firmly on Silver!
Malleus: Would you explain what happened?
Silver: *nods* It happened in Professor Trein's class. We were having a normal lesson when the headmage came in and showed us this artifact.
Professor Trein: *looks worried* Headmage, is that what I think it is?
Crowley: We're still trying to confirm if it's the real thing.
Professor Trein: Well, it seems like any other replicas.
Crowley: Do you think so? Hmm...
Jamil: What is that, headmage?
Crowley: Oh, Mr. Viper. This artifact I have here could be one of the twins.
Silver: Twins?
Professor Trein: The twins who were known as Blessing and Curse. Their real name was unknown, however, they had received such title for some obvious reasons.
Crowley: Yes. It was assumed that the twins had decided to create an artifact that would contain their magic. However, a tragedy had occurred. One of the twins became envious of the other and murdered their twin, Blessing, in order to claim their power.
Crowley: Curse was executed after their family found out. And this artifact right here, Blessing, could be the twin, as the angel is cuddling the sun.
Jamil: So the Curse is an angel holding the moon?
Crowley: Yes. But it was long destroyed.
Silver: *looks at the artifact*
*noticed that the angel doesn't seem to "cuddle the sun"*
*it seems to be mourning*
Professor Trein: Even so, I do believe that it hasn't confirmed yet if the Cursed artifact was destroyed and if the Blessing remained.
Crowley: Oh don't be a killjoy, Professor Trein. That's why I'm here to ask you.
Silver: Headmage, can I take a closer look of the artifact?
Crowley: Of course. But not too close.
Silver: *approaches the artifact*
Silver: ...
"Birds with the same feather..."
*the angel moves and attaches itself on Silver*
Silver: !!!
Crowley: Oh no! What happened?!
Professor Trein: That artifact is the real one!
Silver: And that's what happened?
Malleus: Hm... Then it's a living artifact.
Lilia: Birds with the same feather... The twins : Blessing and Curse... *eyes widened*
Lilia: It might be-!
"Yes. It's me... The one who you called the Curse."
Malleus, Lilia, and Sebek: !!!
Sebek: We need to remove that thing!
Malleus: Silver, I will destroy it.
Silver: Wait. They haven't done anything to me.
Lilia: Then why are you attaching yourself on Silver?
"He's kind... like my twin."
"I miss her..."
Sebek: What a funny thing to say when you were the one who killed her!
"Were you there?"
Sebek: ...
Malleus: If you're not planning to curse Silver, you need to let go of him.
"I will." *the angel letting go of Silver and dropping itself to the ground*
Silver: *goes to pick it up*
Sebek: Silver! Why you—
Silver: I don't think they have any ill intent towards me.
Silver: Malleus, may I ask to keep this artifact?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: No. I would've let you if it was the Blessing. *getting the artifact from him*
*a slight crack forms on the angel's face*
Silver: *grabbing it from him* No. I promise to be careful and... I think they're being hurt by your words.
Lilia, Sebek, and Malleus: ...
Lilia: It's up to you, Silver.
Silver: *places them on his nightstand table*
Silver: I want to apologize about earlier.
Silver: ...
Silver: Curse...?
*light chuckles*
Silver: Right. That wasn't your name. Would you tell me what it is?
"I have forgotten. Why don't you give me a name?"
Silver: ...
Silver: MC.
"MC it is."
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twstjam · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Enchanted-inspired au WITH A TWIST! (badum tss)
okay so you know the gist: Beautiful orphan lost prince is raised in a cottage in the woods by his adoptive fae father. One day, this is all thrown out of order when the small family is suddenly attacked. The prince is rescued by a brave knight and the two fall in love and are wed.
....or that's how it's "supposed" to be, anyways. The thing is, even though this person had saved him and his beloved father, Silver doesn't WANT to get married. He doesn't WANT to be "rescued" from "the evil clutches of the fae" and returned to his "real" family. He wants to repay this knight, sure, but is there no way other than marriage?
"No," everyone else says, confused, similarly to how he feels when he asks the question. "It's just how the story goes."
"This is what's best for you," his real parents reply with kind smiles and features not unlike his own but eyes that in no way reflect any kind of understanding.
"Like hell I'm letting anyone marry off my son to an absolute stranger to achieve a "happily ever after" that is based on some ridiculous conditions!" his father hisses, crimson eyes filled with contempt yet Silver feels more loved than he does with anyone else.
They both turn to the dark prince for assistance. He also isn't the slightest bit thrilled at this arrangement the humans have made against Silver and Lilia's wishes. And to not even invite him, Sebek, and Lilia to the wedding! What nerve!
Malleus decides that in order to combat the rules of "Happily Ever After", the only way is for it to not exist at all. So, he enacts his "genius" plan: by throwing Silver into the world without Happily Ever Afters on his wedding day.
Silver knows his liege means well, but he's completely lost in this strange new world... until he runs into someone he'd met before once upon a dream (Yuu) and they kindly take him in without expecting payment. Still though, Silver insists on repaying them and helps them clean and fix up their home with the assistance of this world's animal friends.
Now, I could very easily make this Silyuu and I have nothing against Silyuu, but I am a Malleyuu shipper first and foremost and I came up with the PERFECT idea for how it could work in this:
So you've all most likely already noticed the roles the characters take in this: Silver is the distressed royal who was rescued, the knight is his savior and supposed true love, and Malleus is the evil dragon who gets in the way of their happiness. Obviously, the story isn't as simple as that and is a little... twisted (BA DUM TSS—)
So, it would only be fitting, wouldn't it, for the "evil" dragon to fall in love and get a happily ever after, since it's not something that follows the rules of the fairytale and this story is all about going against the fairytale?
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pearl-dragon-cavern · 2 years
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Twst MC OC Incorrect Quotes #17
Vil: Do you have a self care routine, little potato?
Sarah: Just saying to myself "Keep going, bitch" in different accents. And sometimes languages.
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nem0-nee · 2 years
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𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
There was once a clockmaker who was the master of his craft. He had completed his magnum opus; an astronomical clock. It was like no other, as it aired such a breathtaking magnificence. To keep such a creation unique, his previous commissioners burned his eyes, confiscating his sight and skill. The clockmaker was now unable to create anything at all.
His helplessness and overall inability drove him mad, causing him to throw himself into the gears of his creation. With this, his death cursed the clock, dooming anyone who dares to repair it.
Everyone has their breaking points, and Mayuu had already broken past that for the nth time. Yet, the blot just can't stop flowing.
Isn't it only fair to strike back? It was this damn bastard who caused all this, the one who claimed to help her; her so-called fairy godmother.
The thought angers her. Snatching away this being's pinky finger, she takes back their "promise."
She views such a strange act as one of vengeance. Though, deep down she knows this changes nothing.
But, who cares?
It's all over anyway.
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apoorhuman · 2 years
I have watch the new trailer for chp 7 five times now, and I'm still obsessed.
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I'm too lazy to take all of the ss lol
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I am again too lazy to full screen it
no wonder sebek simps for him, I mean I'd do the same
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mifunstuff · 2 years
Stop Being Obsessed with Me!!
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_ _ _ _ _Excuse Me?!_ _ _ _ _
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_ _ _ _ _What?!_ _ _ _ _
Someone, anyone, and everyone. Explain this to me. That was what, SEVEN Ruggies?! Five of which were the pirate ones! This can't be possible because might I mention these pulls were back-to-back AND only my second and third 10-pulls for this banner.
I didn't even know you got an item after fully capping a card until this happened.
It's not that I'm not grateful. I am happy to have all those Ruggie cards, both the Pirate and Savanna ones.
But all I truly wished and begged for was ONE Pirate Leona.
Maybe I shouldn't have made that Rum Tum Tugger and Old Gumbie Cat joke...
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elaemae · 8 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
Twst x Obey me!AFAB!reader
(Reader is Ob's MC)
•Reader is referred to as "you" or they/them and even "he/him" because NRC boys refer to any living humanoid in the school as a male by default.
•It's my first time writing a fanfiction, pls tell me if I should continue writing this.
(Random pic go brr—)
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What will happen when a perpetually hungry-for-cuddles and tired-of-this-shit hooman gets kidnapped by a motherfucking horse and decides (kinda? Yeah nope. This wasn't by choice.) to enroll in a school full of problematic kids and their irresponsible af headmage?
Chaos. Pure and utter chaos with a lot of high-end simping in the mix (Along with the slightly unhinged urge to commit arson and burn a bitch to crisp)
So read as [y/n] tries to run away from the school-life while trying to just get back to their goddamn harem family (God saw this thought and decided that giving y/n more harem members is the appropriate course of action), all while juggling the harsh responsibilities of being a guardian, babysitter, therapist, healer, protector, local crush and celebrity for poor Yuu and the entirety of NRC.
("Pls send help" — y/n)
• • • • •
Disclaimer: You may have been kidnapped to a whole 'nother world and you may be on the verge of a mental breakdown, but you're sure as hell gonna look hot and serve cunt while you go through all your problems.
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Prologue: 1
IMPORTANT: Mc will be referred to as they/them in this story, but in these beginning chapters a lot of people will refer to mc as a dude because y'know; NRC is an ALL BOYS school and nrc students came to expect that those in the school are all boys.(this'll change dw)
In order to avoid confusion, every time that the MC is addressed by others as he/him or more; I will color it blue. why blue? I find it easier to read.
Sample; 'He turned to them.'
The "He" in this passage is referring to MC because the character referring to them thinks that they're a guy.
REMINDER: This is Fanfiction! Not everything will be the same as canon because of this thing called the 'butterfly effect'.
• • • •
The Dorm Leaders + lilia were just about to call this Opening Ceremony over.
So close to getting out of this hall and finally being able to go on their merry ways to escort the new students back to their respective dorms before the hectic-ness of preparing for hours starts to catch up to them.
Though, things are never quite that easy in NRC.
A commotion with the students quite far from them leaves the majority of them annoyed/disgruntled. (Kalim is just confused and curious)
The headmaster rushes to check what was wrong only for a student to point out that there is an unopened coffin floating in a shadowy part of the hall.
Armed with the desire to get this shit over with and to avoid embarrassment from missing a coffin when he was going around opening them and also, with Yuu waiting near the mirror, the headmaster opens the coffin to wake the new student inside.
The dorm leaders walked closer to be able to quickly usher the new student to the dark mirror only to notice that the headmaster froze up.
"...Headmaster? Are you alright?" Azul "Boutta-do-sumthin-devious" Ashengrotto asked with faux concern.
"Ah– Ah yes! I'm alright Mr. Ashengrotto."
Crowley the bitch cleared his throat and reached inside the coffin to wake the student up.
The dorm leaders subconsciously or not, peaked inside the coffin before getting gobsmacked by the sleeping student.
Sure, the student looked quite cute ("New potential apple locked in" — Vil.) even with half of his face obstructed but what really drew their attention were the jewelries that he was wearing.
Three luxurious looking earrings on each of his ears, all unique from each other, all with a respective color and design except for that one earring with two gemstones connected to it, orange and indigo. Seven gems, six earrings
An ornament on his forehead that looks to be a combination of a circlet and a Ferronnière made from gold, with intricate black bat-like wings surrounding the red gemstone in the middle.
And that's just the jewelry on his head.
There's also the sleek black choker with a golden sheen on his neck with a teal gemstone surrounded by small diamonds hanging in the middle.
They don't know if this guy has anymore but the jewels they can see for now is more than enough for them to make the deduction that this student has some alot of money on his hands.
No wonder the Headmaster froze up.
Azul subconsciously starts fixing up his appearance when he starts to wake up, wanting to make a good impression on a potential, rich victim client.
• • • •
"Mmh... What the hell.. Why is the bed so hard.."
You mumbled as you stirred, feeling someone lightly shaking you awake.
You opened your eyes, expecting maybe the brothers, solomon, dia, barbs, simeon or luke but you were instead met with a face obscured by a dark bird mask.
"You have two seconds to unhand me before you lose your hands." or your life. Depends on who I can summon first.
You made your voice as cold and unwelcoming as possible as the man with the bird mask squawked and backed away a bit in shock.
"H– How rude..! I'll have you know that I was only–"
"Where am I?"
You cut off the weird looking bird-man as you scanned your surroundings and moved to come out of the coffin why were you in a coffin? you were in, in fear of it closing and locking you inside.
You glance warily to the bird-man while keeping an eye on the huge number of robed individuals that you can see. are you in a cult? Damnit, did one of the Brothers' crazy cults decide to kidnap you out of jealousy again??
Especially the seven (reminder that lilia is there with the Housewardens) closest to you and bird-dude.
Some solomon-kinnie motherfucker is currently eyeing you down like he's about to sell your kidneys to the black market or something.. Hmm... Your fight or flight instincts are telling you to sell HIS kidneys instead.
Burd-dude cleared his throat and addresses you.
"It seems that the teleportation magic has left you disoriented... No matter, I can forgive your offense of trying to threaten me for I am gracious!"
He then looked weirdly like a combination of preening peacock and a proud chicken.
"I repeat. Where in the unholy trinity of the three realms, am I?"
Now that raised a few eyebrows.
You feel for the necklace under your clothes that Thirteen gave you, filing the question of why you're also wearing the same robe as these people away, in your head.
While the guy that you now dub-thee as "bird-bitch" started gawking at you and going on a tangent of being disrespectful, you scan the big hall/room you're in looking for ways to escape.
• • • •
Hmm... This new student seems to be a knowledgeable individual.
Lilia kept his gaze on the student, studying how he took on a defensive stance the moment he got out of the coffin.
They need to calm this student quickly before something happens.
The student seems to be confused on why he's here and is looking for a way to get out.
If the way his eyes moved around the room in quick succession is any indicator.
Not the first time that something like this happens but add in the magicless student's appearance, he gets the feeling that something strange will occur once again.
Seeing him take out and grasp the palm-sized gemstone of a whole 'nother necklace hidden under his robe how many trinkets does this boy have??, Lilia got ready to jump in the fray should something happen.
There's a possibility that the student can use that necklace as a weapon if that was what he chose to hold in this situation and not his other shiny ornaments.
Lilia was proven right when the necklace and the gemstone glowed and formed into a fancy-looking staff that the student quickly pointed towards Crowley.
He looked at the dorm leaders around him to see if any of them will do something.
yeah no. If anything, they look like they're watching an amusing show. Especially Schoenheit and Kingscholar..
Though it seems more like Riddle is still assessing the situation before he brings out his infamous collar.
Haahh.. Youngsters these days..
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Elae: Sorry if my grammar is off, English isn't my first language.
Btw, Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed it😊
Srry if my format is also off, I've only been using tumblr for a few days now...
MOST IMPORTANTLY; Should I continue reading this fanfic? I wanna know if people still read Obey mexTwst stories here...
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Silver: I'm sorry if I have inconvenienced you in any way. But Professor Trein has requested that I bring you to him.
"It's not a problem."
Silver: Are you not going to ask why?
"They're not the first who tried to seek me... Or my sister."
"Ah. But I could say that this was the first time I wasn't disposed of. *chuckles*"
Silver: Please excuse me. However, I don't think that's something to be laughed about.
"Is it not? Hm... I didn't mean to upset you."
Silver: No, it's not because—
Sebek: Silver! You're going to be late just by talking with that artifact! You've been walking too slow!
Silver: *sigh* Sebek, would you please not interrupt me while I'm in the middle of a conversation?
Sebek: Hmph! Watching you get attached to that thing pisses me off!
Silver: *stern* Sebek.
Sebek: *walks past him*
Silver: ...
Silver: Don't mind him. Sebek isn't usually like that.
"... It's fine. It's expected for a curse to be treated unkindly. *chuckles*"
Professor Trein: I will be asking you questions. Its purpose is to make some revisions about the twin artifacts.
"I will do my best to answer them."
Professor Trein: Did you kill your twin sister?
"I might or might have not."
Professor Trein: You're not certain?
"You could say that."
Professor Trein: Hmm... Then, what do you remember about your twin sister?
"Ah... I could tell you a lot about her. She's a beautiful being. She's the sun herself that I swore to cherish even if I burn under her rays."
Professor Trein: ...
Professor Trein: What about your sister? What does she think about you?
"...I don't remember."
Professor Trein: I see. I think that is enough for now. Thank you for your cooperation.
Crowley: How was your session with the cursed artifact, Professor Trein?
Professor Trein: ...
Professor Trein: It surprisingly went well. They were not hostile at all.
Crowley: *nods* Then have you discovered something about the twins? *smiles*
Professor Trein: They didn't deny nor admitted of killing their twin sister. And I don't think they were trying to defend themselves... When they speak fondly of her.
Crowley: It seems like a mystery.
Professor Trein: Indeed.
Silver: MC? I've heard from Professor Trein that there are things you have forgotten?
Silver: ...
Silver: But how is that possible?
"It's not anything difficult. I've had died a long time ago."
Silver: Sorry... It still confuses me.
"I'm only a piece of kept emotions acting consciously."
"I, who hold no significance to my previous self."
"I'm just a curse."
Silver: Don't say that. You're MC and you miss your twin sister. I think that's enough of a significance.
"*chuckles* Ha... I wonder if it is like you said."
"It would be wonderful if it is."
Silver: *gives them a sympathetic look* You've just had to claim it for yourself. At least what's my father taught me.
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thebluester2020 · 2 months
[TWST] "Free" Lodging At SavanaClaw
Summary: After being kicked out from Ramshackle Dorm, you swallowed your pride and decided to go to SavanaClaw to try and convince the local Housewarden to let you stay until you found a way to get Ramshackle back. But, as nothing was ever free in your former world, the same rules apply here! Warning(s): Leona being a dick but that's the normal, Dub-con(kinda-ish?), Manipulation, Leona refers to the reader as "lioness" instead of "herbivore" (This reader has an attitude y'all, buckle up), Gender neutral pronouns (Reader is heavily implied to be a girl though), Edging(?), No active sex in this one just Leona feeling the reader up basically, Consent check-ups. Side Note(s): This may be the most inaccurate fanfic I'll write to date since I'm just now getting back into the TWST fandom 💀. But I vaguely remember (I think?) the MC getting kicked out from their dorm and having to shack up with Leona for a bit so I'm running off "You want something? What're you willing to do for it?" type of energy. Also, I will add to the idea that Leona drinks his "respect women" juice, so be prepared for those consent check-ups.
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"...So, that's why I need to stay here..."
Never once in your life had you felt so small, so...insignificant as you stood in front of Leona's dorm room, after pouring your heart out about your situation and how you had no place to stay after making a shady deal with Azul. To be in a position of begging, pleading with to have a place to stay. You didn't know who to curse out first!
Crowley for not getting you back to your original world fast enough.
Azul for tricking you in the first place into making a shady deal.
Or maybe even yourself, for being so foolish in the first place as to think that there wouldn't be a backhanded price for losing a bet with Azul to begin with! And what's more? You still felt you weren't thinking straight, after all, instead of thinking that it was best to shack up with Ace and Deuce, your feet instead led you to Leona.
The arrogant prince who looked as if he were completely apathetic to your situation as if your very presence outside of his dorm room was an utter annoyance. And to hold yourself accountable? It probably was. No one wants to share their room after all, especially when the person in question had no clue when their new potential guest would be leaving.
But at the same time? It wasn't like you wanted to be begging either!
"Hm," Was the first noise that Leona made as his tail flicked side to side, scratching his chin. "What do I get out of lettin' you stay 'ere?" The beastman couldn't help the smirk that graced his already handsome features as an immediate furious expression took over your face.
"What the hell do you mean 'What do I get out of it'?!" You said in a mocking imitation of the prince's voice.
Leona then frowned before yawning. "Well now...that's no way to speak to someone you're asking to live with—" Before he could close the door, you quickly stopped it with your hand before you huffed. You took a brief moment to gather yourself, to suck in your pride and reaffirm in your head that there were no other options, no other people you could think willing enough to bend (or flat out ignore) the rules and let you stay in their dorm room for a little while.
Once done, you exhale through your nose before sighing. "What...do you want?"
The prince smirked, now you were playing his game.
Leona wasn't blind.
Despite the two of you not being on the very best of terms, constantly bickering whenever you both saw one another and having an unspoken rivalry of sorts. Be it in some of your classes together, who had the most biting words that day, or even you two simply getting in the way of each other! You two didn't like each other except...
Leona somewhat liked you. Enough to where he periodically had lustful thoughts about you from time to time that is. As he continued to think to himself, he thought about how great it would be to first have the only girl at this school. To make you his own personal toy, not that it would be an easy battle that is.
You'd ultimately call the shots, and he would simply have to keep your attention.
Something that he would easily achieve. "For me being so gracious to allow you to even think of staying in my dorm—" Your eyes widened a little when the prince leaned forward a little. And oh...how you hated how he smelled so good, expensive cologne mixed with a distinct wild smell that you couldn't pinpoint. But, you tried to keep your head afloat, the last thing you could afford was to allow your mind to be clouded.
You absolutely refused it.
"—how about you service me?" You visibly flinched at the idea.
"...You're not talking about an innocent back massage, are you?"
His silence was your answer.
And you hated to admit that the idea appealed to you, even if it was just slightly. Never once had you thought that the prince was ugly. Maybe in personality, sure but looks-wise? He was very attractive, as princely as the definition came, but to sleep with him? Just for a place to stay? She didn't know if she could convince herself to do that!
"What if I say no?" You mumbled.
He responded with a shrug. "Then I won't pressure you. I'm not so cruel as to let a woman roam around at night with no place to go." He said with a deep purr that made your very body reverberate. "But, something tells me that you won't say no."
You sighed, looking away for a moment before looking back up at him.
Although you didn't give him a verbal response, the prince saw your answer as clear as day in your eyes and thus, moved to the side to allow you into his room to which you immediately started to look around, only offering Leona a scoff once you finished your visual tour of where you'd be staying for some time until you came up with a plan to get Ramshackle back.
"Your room is messy." You said, eliciting a 'tsk' from the prince as he closed his door and stood back, giving you room to overlook his room.
"I take it this is a more than adequate place for you to sleep?" He questioned.
You nodded your head. "I can just sleep on the floor—"
"You'll sleep on the bed," He sighed, walking past you. "If you're sensitive about sleeping so close to a man then put a pillow between us. I'm not moving from my own bed."
You rolled your eyes with an annoyed grumble. "I'm not trying to kick you from your bed, nor am I sensitive about sleeping next to a man!"
Leona merely rolled his eyes as he strolled up to you before placing a hand on your shoulder, and he smirked at how you flinched as he slowly stalked around you until he stood behind you. The smell of your nervousness was clear, and even if his nose didn't function. His ears definitely picked up on it, from your squeaks each time he moved or the way you shuffled around.
Although he would never say it out loud...with how pretty you were, he assumed you to be more than familiar with the touch of a man.
Clearly, though, his assumptions were incorrect.
"So nervous lioness...never thought I'd see the day." He chuckled.
"S-Shut up," You hissed in response. "Just get this over with..."
Leona's brow rose. "I'm not into taking advantage of women. If you're not comfortable with me touching you then tell me." When you looked over your shoulder, his breath hitched at the sight of how fast the blood rushed to his cock. The arousing sight of you looking up at him through your eyelashes, your eyes darkened ever so slightly from growing lust. It was driving him insane.
"I need verbal responses," Leona's snapped you from your thoughts. "Can I touch you? I won't go any farther than that." He said, his hand still planted firmly on your shoulder to accentuate his point that he wouldn't make any sudden movements unless you said so.
You nodded your head. "S-Sure..."
At your consent, he was meticulous about where he touched.
First, he started with your arms, rubbing his hands up and down as he silently committed the feeling to memory. Smooth, almost...doughy in a way. And some parts of your skin were freckled as well. 'Cute.' He thought before he moved over to touch your backside. He ignored the whisper in his head that told him to teasingly slip a finger underneath a sleeve or perhaps underneath your skirt, instead, his tail flicked at the feeling of your curves.
And when he trailed his way back up to your shoulder, he poked at the back of your neck with his claw.
You squeaked at the contact. "So jumpy."
"Fuck you," He snorted in response. "Are curses all you have to say to me? If I'm observing you correctly—" You sucked in a breath when Leona's hands trailed over to your chest, touching at prodding at your mounds while he steadily got closer and closer to you until he was pressed up against your backside and...you felt his hard-on against your ass.
A shaky sigh left your lips. "So soft..." He whispered in your ear. "Bet they're even softer without these clothes."
"Stop being crude." You panted out.
The prince smirked. "Did you know us beastmans have enhanced senses?" He asked, changing the subject as he licked up the shell of your ear, tearing a shakey moan from you as you started to unconsciously buck up against the prince's hard-on, causing him to groan at the contact but nonetheless continue speaking and feeling you up. "I can smell your arousal, how needy you are for me despite trying to hide it."
"T-That's not—Ahh..."
Now this was something he would love to hear every single day.
Those breathless shy moans of yours, coupled with the sight of you unconsciously bucking into his hard-on and making it near irresistible to ask you if the two of you could go farther than this. If you'd allow him to taste you next, finger your cute pussy, or perhaps fuck you. But...he wasn't about to let you slip through his fingers just because he couldn't control his urges.
"What is it?" He purred against your ear. "Want me to touch you somewhere else...?"
You sucked your bottom lip in, your panties were absolutely soaked as you continued to squirm against Leona's hold. Your control was slipping fast, you didn't know how long you'd be able to hold on before you'd say something you knew you would regret later on! And there were too many times when you wanted to ask him to stop, slow down, and let you catch your breath, anything! But...as Leona's hands began to untuck your shirt from your skirt and slide his hands up and underneath, the tickle from his claws dragged slowly upward toward your breasts making you buckle and flinch.
You broke.
"P-Please..." You didn't know what you were begging for exactly but, the small word made the lion beastman's ears perk all the same before he snickered.
"A simple please doesn't get a prince to do what you want, be more specific."
"Y-You fucker—" You inhaled sharply when Leona gently pinched your nipples, silencing you effectively as a smirk crept onto his handsome features.
"What was that?" He asked.
You took another breath in and exhaled out shakily before you gulped. "D-Down there...please."
"What? Your pussy? Is it aching for my touch?" He asked with a devilish smirk as you nodded your head, even going so far as to try and press your ass into his crotch further. Cruelly, however, Leona forcefully stopped you with a quick yet light swat against the side of your thigh. "Then ask me like you're begging a royal. Do it or you'll have to settle. C'mon...you can do it."
You looked at the beastman over your shoulder once more, your eyes clouded over with lust whilst your lips were shiny and wet from you constantly licking your lips. "...P-Prince Leona," You started. "C-Can you touch me...there my pussy..."
Leona nearly grinned ear-to-ear from his victory before he sighed. "I would but—" Your eyes widened in confusion immediately when Leona slipped his hands from me, your form shaking as if you were left suddenly in the cold as the lion beastman walked to the other side of his room to grab his bag. "—I have class, Ruggie will chew my ear off if I miss this class for the fifth time this month."
You swore that you saw red at that moment. "Y-You fucker...y-you did that on purpose!" You screamed.
"What? To ask you to ask me something nicely?"
"Calm down," He clicked his tongue. "You live with me now, remember? I'll touch your needy cunt when I get back." He said, flicking you in the forehead before he turned to walk out the door, leaving you to stand there in both shock and frustration.
You really needed to find a way to get Ramshackle back.
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oepionie · 1 year
SYNOPSIS: MC is the elusive eldest sister of the Charming royal family. This is a secret she's kept hidden from her friends and lover at NRC. However, her efforts to keep her royal heritage under wraps all go to waste when her old friends calls her by her real last name.
⊹ [ cw ] — a fight breaks out, MC gets chased by a tiger, not proofread◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFFY CRACK! female reader! rsa princes cameo hehe, the story of how MC started a flat out war against RSA and NRC, your lover can be any TWST boy◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 500+◞ | 🦇masterlist◞
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"Princess Charming! You're here!" Neige calls out gleefully, waving vehemently at you as he rushes over. A group of boys were approaching you, all clad in the respectable, pristine white uniforms of RSA.
The questioning stares of your friends dart and pierce through you, the same inquisitive expression plastered onto their faces. By your side, your lover tenses up, jaw clenching as he mistakes the boy's greeting as a sign of flirtatious affection.
"What does he mean?" He murmurs, protectively stepping closer to you as the group of handsome bright-eyed princes close in. "Why is he calling you…Princess Charming?"
This certainly activated your fight-or-flight instincts. Your mind was a jumble as of now and you were left unable to think of an excuse or backup plan. Holding your hand out, you tried to subtly gesture for them all to step away but they couldn't take the hint. Curse these princes and their child-like naivety.
Unfortunately, this was no time to start complaining, as the crowd just kept getting closer and closer. Neige was leading the small procession along, waving gleefully at you. Just behind him were a few familiar faces. Prince Rielle, Prince Jasmin, Allison—Every single one of your old friends was here. There was absolutely no way you could explain your way out of this one.
Flee it is!
Smiling tensely, you whip your head around and rush away, legs straining to keep up with the sudden speedy pace. Instead of giving up like you expected, it seemed as if they got even more persistent. Your false obliviousness being the match which lit up their fiery determination.
Now it wasn't only Neige calling for you. Prince Rielle furrows his brow and raises his voice, thinking you didn't hear his rosy-cheeked friend clearly. "PRINCESS CHARMING—"
"I-I think you all have the wrong person!" You scream out, almost wailing, as you break into a fast sprint. "PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Refusing to give up, the boys also start running after you, calling for you at the very top of their lungs and begging you to slow down. At the sight of your despair, your NRC friends run after the entourage.
Sure, they were extremely confused, but if your horrified expression was anything to go off of, it seemed like you weren't too keen on having these doe-eyed damsels princes follow you around.
"Rajah! Get her!" A flash of alarm strikes them when Jasmin calls for his tiger, jumping atop the beast and bolting towards your direction. Your scream was shrill and high-pitched as you ran faster, shaking your head vehemently at Jasmin who was practically breathing down your back. (It was quite amazing how you managed to outrun a tiger, he thinks.) "I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU PEOPLE ARE! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Determined to protect you from any harm the RSA lunatics could send your way, a couple of your friends started to pull out their magic pens as they geared themselves up for battle.
And when Riddle activates his magic, clasping a collar tight around Allison's neck—chaos unfolds.
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"My beautiful darling." Crowley wails, claws digging into his pants, tearing the fabric up as he watches a crowd of students fight and fling magical spells at each other, loud screaming coming from either side. You were in the midst of the crossfire, being forcibly pulled into the arms of one boy to another.
Crowley cries out once more, sinking to his knees.
"Oh. My beautiful darling school."
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꒰ ♡🧷: if you want to be tagged for ALL of my works, comment here!
@furoidoleech @skadi-winterfell @mushroomchaos101 @taruruchi
@keedas @spadecentrall @crypticbibliophilele @pastellepastaryry @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisonioushearts @kawaiipotatoghostt @ramvuda @sweeneyblue11 @the-lost-anime-dad @kyraxiynn @mayaaaeoo @fluffimemes @awkwardspontaneity @phoneandchips @gussuri @lunavixia @heatofmyexoheart @pianopuppygirl @cross-cryee @cerisescherriess @cecilebutcher @savanaclaw1996 @msykarolyy @a-bit-latee @imdevotedtoyou @aphrodites-saint
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Pairing: Mafia! Octavinelle and MC/Yuu/ Reader
Genre: Hurt/ Comfort ig? Slight crack
TW: Kidnapping, blood, minor character deaths, mc does get a little hurt, mentions of guns, usage of guns, violence (because mafia au), mc also curses at one point, talk of killing people, the prefect wears earrings and has hair (i saw someone use put this in warnings once). Let me know if I should add anything else!
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AN: First request for TWST ^^ It's my first time writing for the Octavinelle trio, so please forgive me if they're ooc, I tried my best. This was very fun to work on! Send me asks if you wanna know more about my version of mafia!twst because I had so many thoughts about this entire au but I couldn't fit everything in one post lol. Not really happy with the ending (when am I ever) but I hope you enjoy!
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"I'm telling you, you don't wanna do this," You warned your captors for the third time as they checked the cuffs holding you up by your arms. It was an uncomfortable position, kneeling with your arms restrained with metal chains above your head. Your shoulders felt sore, and with how every movement made the skin of your wrists rub against the harsh metal, you just knew that you were going to be sporting some pretty nasty bruises around them.
Vil was going to be furious about that.
You watched as the leader came into your range of vision, a self-satisfied smirk painting his face as he walked over to you. There was quite some distance for him to cross to reach you, and he took his sweet time as he leisurely walked over to you. Probably an intimidation tactic, just like how making you kneel was.
You looked at him, unperturbed. Your eyes roamed over the man, who for all his intimidation tactics, was nothing but a poor little boy way in over his head. A reckless little minnow who didn't know his place, as Floyd would say.
Speaking of Floyd. You grimaced at the monstrosity of an outfit the man was wearing. In all your time as a valued member of the mafia, you had seen many outlandish outfits, courtsey of the more openly unhinged Leech twin and the field of work you were in (power had a way of killing the fashion sense of people and letting it rot inside their head). But this... was on a whole another level.
You mentally lit a candle for everyone who had to witness the... very unique display.
A sharp slap snapped you out of your thoughts. 'Did this man, just backhand me? Well fuck you too bitch', You thought to yourself as you looked back at the still smirking man. You could feel a bit of wetness at the edge of your lip, a slight stinging also being felt at the same spot. Your tongue darted out, recognizing the metallic taste of blood as you gingerly licked at the small wound.
"So this is the little Prefect of Night Raven, hm? How... pathetic. Truly, the mafia organization has fallen if they allow the likes of you to hold any position higher than a discardable pawn," he huffed, and you resisted rolling your eyes. Here comes the villainous monologue, you thought to yourself.
As the man spoke, you took note of the people in the room. Apart from you and the man, there were five other men, all very familiar faces. All of them were earlier members of NRC, who left the organization 'honorably' before your appointment as the consigliere to Dire Crowley, the main boss.
There was nothing honorable about the way they were treating you right now though.
Very reluctantly, you listened to the man's speech about how he was basically aiming to cripple Night Raven Mafia by killing you. You forced back a yawn through the speech that was supposed to strike fear into your heart; unfortunately for him, you dealt with seven very unpredictable and occasionally difficult underbosses on a daily basis. Said underbosses must have already been informed of your forced absence.
Now it was just a matter of waiting and watching to see exactly who would come to your rescue...
The door slammed open as soon as you thought that, and the eyes of every person in the room turned to it. You smiled as a very familiar face entered the room, his mismatched eyes dark and foreboding.
"Hi Floyd," you chirped, unfazed by the frown on his face and the dangerous aura around him. Floyd's eyes met yours for a moment, brightening at seeing you, before turning even harsher when he saw the state you were in; clothes (gifted to you by Riddle) rumpled, carefully styled hair (courtesy of Vil) in a disarray, and a slight swelling on the side of your face you were struck at (which would send nearly everyone into a murderous frenzy).
"Who touched my Shrimpy?" Floyd growled out at the men. "Don'tcha know that I'm the only one allowed to rough them up? You're just begging to be squeezed to death."
At this point, the men, who were earlier frozen in fear, started to fumble with their guns. Before they could even get their weapons out, gunshots rang throughout the room, each man dropping to the floor one by one.
"Ah, pardon me, but I would prefer if you did not aim your weapons at my brother," a familiar voice spoke from behind Floyd to the now dead men in the room.
You grimaced at the blood now flowing out and seeping onto the floor, the puddle growing in size and inching closer to you.
"Jade, get me out of these things," you said, successfully getting his attention as you rattled the chains holding you up.
"Ah, of course dear Prefect," Jade hummed, and you did not need to look at his face to know that he was smiling. Jade walked over to you, stopping only to take the keys to your chains from the pocket of the leader. Placing the key into the lock and turning it released you from your uncomfortable position, and you yelped as you flopped onto the ground unceremoniously.
"Shrimpy~" Floyd's rapid changes in mood was one thing you did not believe you would ever get used to, "did you really get kidnapped by this sad little bunch of minnows?" He asked, pulling you to your feet and slightly spinning you.
"Shrimpy is so helpless~"
"Indeed," Jade smiled, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. You would never get used to the all too malicious upturn of Jade's lips either. He took you from Floyd's arms, ignoring his twin's grumbling as he dusted off your clothes. "Pray tell, how could such... insignificant little men capture you, dear Prefect?"
Before you could answer, a third voice rang through the room. "Jade! Floyd! I told you not to kill any of them!" Azul huffed as he entered your line of vision, glaring at the two men who sandwiched you.
"Ah, pardon me Azul, but they were going to aim their weapons at Floyd. Not to mention how terribly they were treating the Prefect," Jade hummed, not at all repentant of his actions. Azul huffed in frustration, glaring at his consigliere.
You gave him a little wave, and Azul's eyes softened as they met yours. He looked calm and collected as he walked over to you, but the trembling of his hands as he held yours gave his true feelings away. His eyes quickly scanned your body for wounds, narrowing in displeasure at the reddened skin around your wrists and the cut on the corner of your lip.
"Azul," you said, not missing the way his eyes relaxed considerably as he saw you wearing the seashell earrings he had gifted you. "Ah, so that was how Idia-san found out you were kidnapped almost immediately," he hummed. You raised an eyebrow at his words.
"The earrings have trackers in them," Jade helpfully explained.
"Well, in any case, we must take you back to the Lounge. Everyone else must have assembled there by now."
"Huh? Why?"
"Because, Prefect, we were supposed to bring your kidnappers so that a joint decision could be taken for their punishment," Azul sighed as he pushed his glasses up his nose slightly.
You glanced at your kidnappers, wrinkling your nose as the blood puddle slowly crept closer to your shoes. "They're dead."
"A most unfortunate incident, yes. But, nevertheless, their identities will suffice for now. This just goes to show that we must never leave any loose ties," Azul said ominously. "Perhaps my dear colleagues will learn a lesson from this."
"... Sure. And how did you three manage to make them stay back at the Lounge while you carried out this rescue mission?"
"The heads found it best to send us three since we were most likely to bring your captors back alive," Azul said, glaring at Floyd who just roamed around the room disinterested in the conversation. "Well, that is what Crewel and Trein thought, at least."
You chuckled. "I don't think the outcome would've been any different with the others either so... let's just get to the Lounge."
Azul smiled. "As you wish, Prefect."
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