#''what about-'' cyborg ship. no time to explain
bytchysylvy · 1 year
>goes all out giving kayanit a new design
>"what if she was just a disembodied voice lol"
>it tracks with lore and meta
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schrijverr · 9 months
It Just Hits Different When It’s Batman
5 times a League member heard Batman use slang + 1 time they knew where the fuck he got it from.
This fic is based off this post by @wednesday-if-it-was-tuesday bc it was just too good! Hope you don't mind :D
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
1. Flash
Barry is pretty sure he has to get his hearing checked as he speeds through a city, trying to find a series of bombs, courtesy of a new alliance of villains. He and Batman are on bomb duty, thus sharing a private com line as to not distract the others or be distracted as they coordinate.
However, Barry is very much distracted by his own partner in this whole mess, because unless he’s gotten a few too many hits to the head in recent years, he’s pretty sure Batman just reported: “The bombs look like yassified thermos flasks.”
“What?” Barry chokes, nearly tripping over his own feet as he does.
Batman doesn’t seem to notice, instead explaining the bomb, not his wording: “The casing looks to be made from plastic, likely to escape Superman’s notice. Start checking water pipes, I found this one near a toilet. I’ll report again once I figure out how to disarm it.”
Okay, questing his sanity later, finding bombs, now.
So he zooms off again, having to agree with the fact that the bomb does look like a yassified thermos flask. He wonders if he can use that in his report or if Batman will scold him for language. He has worked with the man for long enough that he knows Batman isn’t above hypocrisy.
Then he wonders again if he even heard it right. In the heat of battle, the brain sometimes does weird things, especially when someone thinks at the speed of light. Or faster.
He’ll put it out of his mind for now, maybe tell Hal about it just so he’ll have someone to share the bizarre experience with.
Clark probably has a thesaurus, he should probably also find a synonym for yassified. Does a thesaurus have slang too?
2. Green Lantern
It’s true that Barry had told him about Spooky saying yassified in that one battle, but Hal hadn’t truly believed that Bats was capable of something like that. I mean, look at him. The guy might be a weirdo who dresses up as a Bat, but he’s not a weirdo who says shit like yassified.
However, at the moment it is starting to look more and more likely. Fuck, Barry is gonna give him so much crap for not believing him.
The moment in question is Batman working with him on the stealth mission. It’s one for the Green Lantern Corps, so Batman is doing him a favor. Though Hal is starting to wish that he hadn’t done him that favor, because Batman has just said: “It looks like Luthor is being thristy for Superman again. For someone who hates the guy, he sure wants his attention a lot. That’s Kryptonian honing device.”
Hal doesn’t react, still thinking about the fact that he’s just heard Luthor, thirsty and Superman in one sentence. In Batman’s voice no less.
“What?” he says.
“A Kryptonian honing device,” Batman repeats, sounding as if he thinks Hal is stupid, not uncommon. “So he can hone in on Superman, find him. Something we need to do something about.”
Hal decides to take the smart way out and lets the whole thing drop in favor of focusing on the mission. He’s not just telling Barry, but Ollie about this as well.
3. Cyborg
Being in the Justice League isn’t much different than being on the Teen Titans. Like right now, being in a building that could explode at any moment unless he hacks into the system and stops that from happening.
Ah, good old life-threatening pressure.
Batman is fighting some of the goons in the background. They’re on their own here, with the others fighting through an army outside to get to them. But it’s mostly up to them. Batman yells: “Cyborg, status.”
“I’m getting through, but something is bugging me about this whole thing,” Victor calls back. “I think there is someone I’m missing that will allow me to crack this.”
There are a few grunts in the background as Batman fights on, while Victor starts to scan through everyone who worked for the organization, trying to find the missing link.
He is interrupted by Batman, who says: “I took a tour here once. There was an intern, Kyle Paulson, he was kind of sus. Look him up.”
For a second, Victor is thrown by the sus in that sentence, but he quickly focuses back on what’s important. Indeed finding Kyle to be the missing link that gets him to disarm the bomb. While Batman is taking out the last of the bad guys.
In fact, the whole thing slips his mind until he’s writing his mission report, going through the footage to get accurate information in there. Then he pauses again, before dismissing it. Those who trained under Batman are always prepared, maybe it’s not slang but shorthand to be useful in the moment. Or he’s trying to include him, sweet, though unnecessary.
Victor puts it out of his mind.
4. Green Arrow
Ollie doesn’t believe Barry or Hal for a second. Like, really? Batman using slang that the sidekicks are using?
Sure, Nightwing sometimes uses some here and there, but Red Robin is always very professional and Robin is closer to a Shakespearean actor than a TikTok teen. There isn’t anyone else he could have gotten it from and it doesn’t make sense with his whole ‘I am the Night’-persona.
Victor suggested it was to make the newbies more comfortable when he overheard them talking, but that’s even more ridiculous in Ollie’s opinion.
So, he’s not at all in the slightest prepared for Batman’s reaction when he shows him the new arrows he developed. Because Batman’s reaction is: “Hm, serves cunt.”
“Excuse me, what?” Ollie says, his eyes nearly bulging out of his skull.
Batman just stares at him, then in a confused sort of voice goes: “You know, it slays? It’s, you know, good? Positive.”
“Huh, what? No, I- I know what that means. How the fuck do you know?” Ollie splutters.
“I’m Batman,” is all he says. Then he walks away and leaves Ollie to stand there, still frozen in time, because what the hell was that? Batman can’t just do that, can he? That’s illegal. How does he even know that?
What Ollie doesn’t know, is that this was a calculated move. Bruce had overheard the three talking as well and decided to have a little fun. All the times before, it just slipped out in the heat of battle, but this one was purposeful.
Bruce knows Ollie would know what it meant, because billionaires Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen have done TikTok trends in the past and try to keep up to date, despite their age. Not that Ollie knows it’s him under there.
And last gala, he left Bruce for the wolves – Vicky Vale – so now Bruce is dealing psychological damage to him as petty revenge.
5. Superman (and Practically the Entire League)
They’re in a meeting with most of the Justice League members that are present on earth at the moment. It’s not often they hold such meetings, since they are a little overwhelming and tend to drag on more than be productive.
However, Clark thinks it’s important to ensure there are avenues through which ever member can state their piece and be heard. So, here they are again.
Booster Gold is complaining about always being on the sidelines and never in the heat of the action, even though he’s a great hero. He’s claiming that there is a bias against younger heroes, despite the fact that the ‘old guard’ will have to give it up eventually.
Apparently, Batman has had enough, because he gets up and snaps: “We don’t have bias based on age, we have one based off skill. Maybe if you stopped abandoning your post and being someone reliable, you might get put out in the field more often. Now stop being salty about it.”
It’s silent.
Clark is scrambling his brain, to figure out the meaning. As a journalist he tries to stay up to date on current language use, however, the only person he’s heard use that word is Jon. The boy never explained, but Clark guessed what it means. Doesn’t explain why Batman knows it.
Then the silence gets broken by a snort, everyone’s head whipping towards the source. It’s Nightwing, a newer addition and one affiliated with Batman himself. The only one there brave enough to laugh at Batman, mirthfully asking: “Did you actually say salty?”
There is no change on Batman’s face, but as a longtime friend, Clark knows he isn’t emotionless. Indeed, when he listens close, he can hear the blood rush to his face, blush hidden by the cowl.
“That was not the point of the sentence, Nightwing,” Batman counters, the name a little bit pointed on is tongue.
“Okay, okay,” Nightwing grins easily, showing his hands in surrender, an act which is made null by him adding: “Just pointing out that this is an official meeting. You’re on the record and you know I’m reporting this to the others.”
Red Robin and Robin, Clark fills in mentally, the other two known associates. Everyone already guessed that Nightwing must be close to them as well, since the younger two are closer to being Batman’s children. Now that is confirmed.
“Thank you for reminding me,” Batman says tersely, before quickly pivoting to the next point on the agenda. No one calls him out for it.
However, just because no one calls him out on it, doesn’t mean they drop it. In the weeks after the incident, whispers make their way through the halls of the Watchtower as people speculate why or how Batman came to use the word salty and how out of character it is.
Clark can hear the gossip all over the Watchtower and he’s sure Batman is aware of it too, because some brave souls have asked about. Especially when some of the others talked about the incident not being the first one.
Batman hasn’t replied yet to any of the questions or rumors. Clark thinks he likes the mystery and chaos, likes that they don’t know why the hell he sometimes lets slang slip. Even Nightwing has been seemingly silenced, never commenting with a sort of professional ease at evasion.
Nightwing is the only clue they have, along with Robin and Red Robin, but none of them seem like the culprit.
It just doesn’t make sense and Clark can’t help but have his reporter brain itch.
+1. The Batfamily
There is going to be an attack somewhere in a major city in America tonight. They cannot figure out where, so there is a nation wide stake out at all the important places. Nearly the entire Justice League has been pulled out for it and even then they don’t have enough.
Batman insists on having a skeleton crew remain on the Watchtower in case the threat turns out to be a distraction. And when it is protested, he pulls out an army of associates none of them have ever heard about to fill out the last gaps in their observational net.
The sudden introduction of about six new Gotham vigilantes, which have apparently been operating inside the city as well as outside of it, would have been the main shock if it weren’t for how they are on coms.
Red Robin and Nightwing are known as professionals like Batman, while Robin isn’t a known entity in missions, though those who have met him, know him to be serious. However, with the introduction of the others all of that professionalism melts away.
It starts about 45 minuted into their mission when Spoiler’s voice suddenly crackles over the coms: “I fucking hate stake outs, they’re so boring.”
“I know right, my ass is starting to hurt,” Red Robin – to everyone’s surprise – replies.
“No chatter on the coms,” Batman dutifully reproaches like he always does, but he sounds less stern this time. It’s as if he knows they won’t listen, but says it because it’s his role to do so.
Red Hood ignores Batman completely, idly commenting: “I don’t know, stake outs always hit different for me.”
“That’s just because you’re boring AF,” Spoiler says, an eyeroll practically audible.
“Oi, take that back,” Red Hood says, offended. “I didn’t die to have you slander my name like that!”
This is horrifying news for most of the other people stuck on the coms, however, there is a cacophony of annoyed groans as well. Why anyone would be so blasé about someone mentioning their death, they don’t know.
Until, Robin says: “Cease mentioning your death as excuse. It’s unbecoming to be so reliant on one measly event. You’re not the only one who has died, don’t be – what was it? – ah, yes, don’t be basic, Hood.”
“Yeah, Hood, don’t be salty just because you’re becoming a boring old man,” Red Robin pipes up, sounding smug. That solves the salty mystery.
“Shut up, Replacement,” Red Hood huffs. “I can talk about my death as much as I want to and you can’t stop me.”
“Hood, please, stop talking about your death, you’re going to make B sad,” Nightwing suddenly interjects, stopping the conversation before it can get out of hand.
Those with super hearing will hear Barry mutter in a shocked manner: “Is he talking about Batman?” But he is overshadowed by most of the newly introduced (and already) known Bat-associates booing loudly.
“Don’t be a fucking suck up, Dick” Spoiler hollers, only those in the know picking up on the fact it’s his name. It’s the only time Batman won’t correct them, because not everyone will know it’s a name unless it’s pointed out.
“Periodt,” the quiet voice of Black Bat supports Spoiler.
“Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about, BB,” Spoiler cheers when she hears the other girl.
“That was the correct usage?” Black Bat asks.
“It was, well done,” Oracle’s kind voice comes over the coms, from where she is in her lair helping with coordination.
After that it all quiets down again for about half an hour, then Bluebird breaks the quiet again, complaining: “I can’t believe I had to stay behind in Gotham of all places.”
“You live there. Willingly,” Signal answers. “And I had to stay behind too, you know.”
“They’re sleeping on us, Signal, be upset with me,” Bluebird exclaims, indignantly.
“Okay, but tea though,” Spoiler says, most of the Justice League listening in are starting to learn she likes stirring the pot a little.
“Don’t be a simp, Spoils,” Red Robin says.
“Oh, look who’s talking about being a simp,” Red Hood snorts loudly. “I observed you, loser boy, you’re the simp.”
“It’s not as much of the serve you think it is to admit to stalking me,” Red Robin deadpans.
“RR, not to be that bitch, but you’re the OG stalker, maybe- maybe don’t do that,” Nightwing says cautiously, which is apparently funny enough that multiple people start laughing.
Meanwhile Red Robin complains: “Stop laughing at me, when I did it was totally different, I didn’t plan on killing any of you.” Which is mildly disturbing
“Oi, I never planned to actually kill you-kill you either,” Red Hood protests, even more disturbing. The Justice League is starting to wonder why Batman works with the man.
“Stop with the chatter,” Batman interjects again, before it can go further. “It’s not just us on the com lines now. At least try to be professional.”
And much to the horror of the League, who could never imagine doing such a thing, Batman gets booed. Again. This time directly.
Then to add to the horror, Batman doesn’t explode in anger, like everyone would have imagined, instead he just sighs. Defeated. Batman is like a cockroach, he doesn’t get defeated. However, these kids are managing.
Batman remains defeated too, because the Gotham vigilantes continue to idly chat all throughout the next hour. They are definitely bat associated, because they never reveal any information that could be tied to their civilian identity. Instead discussing other missions, general news, funny things they saw on patrol and personal grievances with the others on the line.
If this is what Batman deals with on the day to day, some are starting to see why he would prefer the heroes of the Justice League to keep their mouths shut on missions unless it’s important.
Most try to tune it out and focus on their own stake out, though the voices keep them awake. But they notice when Spoiler’s voice suddenly becomes serious as she reports: “Sus individuals moving towards the Mayor’s office.”
“Received, getting visual on your location,” Oracle’s voice replies, also snapped back into professionalism.
Spoiler reports their appearances and currently location, until Oracle has them, running a check on them, before confirming they have a criminal record and might be thugs for hire. Spoiler says: “I am going to move in.”
Batman says: “Do not engage, Spoiler, they could be a decoy. Try and get more information first.”
“Alright, alright,” Spoiler huffs. Then adds petulantly: “I’m not gonna do it, I was just thinking about it.”
Which sounds pretty reasonable for most listening in, who aren’t of the right age group to know the meme. Batman, however, does know, because he’s been subjected to it multiple times. So, he yells: “Spoiler, no!” startling some members.
A second later, there are sounds of a fight and Spoiler gleefully saying: “I did it.”
Batman lets out a frustrated growl, but Spoiler pays it no mind and she can’t truly get chewed out, because more and more start to report suspicious individuals moving in on the targets they’re watching.
Within minutes of it starting, Nightwing reports: “They’re decoys with targets. Not the main attack, but will do damage if they succeed.”
“Everyone make sure to take out the decoys,” Batman says. “Those without decoys, keep your eyes peeled, you might be at the real target.”
“Done with my targets, moving to help the others now,” Nightwing reports seriously, before he adds: “And can I just say that I’m the GOAT. Dibs on cookies for finishing first.”
“Okay, shade much,” Bluebird says.
“Don’t be arrogant, it’s unbecoming,” Robin retorts as well.
“Yeah, stop flexing,” Spoiler adds. “I’ve wrapped up too, by the way. You’re not special.”
“Let me have this,” Nightwing complains. “You already took all my shit, let me be cool. You all used to think I was cool.”
“Yeah, used to,” Red Hood scoffs. “Then we all realized you’re a looser.”
“Ha, get wrecked,” Red Robin snorts.
“Baby bird, wasn’t I your favorite?” Nightwing asks hurt, though over the top enough to show he is faking it.
“No, sadly, that was Hood,” Red Robin replies, sounding a little like he’s grimacing.
“No cap?” Red Hood asks, surprised.
“No cap,” Red Robin confirms.
“Now I feel kind of bad for you,” Red Hood says, before some bullets are fired. “Wrapped up here, moving to help.”
Red Robin seems glad to not have to reply and none of the other Gothamites do either. With what the League has heard so far, they’re also kind of happy the topic is being dropped, unsure what to think.
Batman’s associates are among the first ones cleaning up, however, soon others are joining them and the true battles grounds – yes, there are multiple targets, these people are organized (Batman will likely obsess until he has tracked down their organization afterwards) – are discovered and heroes move in to fight them.
Throughout the battle, everyone catches snippets of this strange, newly introduced group. A group, who works well together, like an oiled machine, yet obviously made up of highly competent parts that can act on their own as well.
Like Black Bat calling out: “Red Hood, yeet,” before those fighting alongside them see Red Hood boost her into the air, so she can come flying at the terrorists.
But they also make comments about the people they’re fighting and the others that are fighting alongside them.
Signal calling out: “Bluebird is pulling some sick ass moves. Another one for her on the slay-board, Oracle.”
Or Spoiler commenting: “Okay, not to be like that or whatever, but these terrorists are kind of looking snatched.”
To which Batman sighs: “Spoiler, please, no chatter,” in a vain attempt to get them under control.
“What?” Spoiler says. “I can appreciate when they’ve at least tried to pull a fit instead of that usual para-military, ninja type BS.”
“Go off,” Black Bat pipes up again and Spoiler cheers while Batman drops it. Defeated again.
They also check in on each other, with Red Robin hissing in pain, which is immediately followed by Nightwing going: “RR, you good, fam?”
“Gucci,” Red Robin replies. “Just low-key got stabbed.”
“There’s nothing low-key about getting stabbed!” Nightwing exclaims, getting called a hypocrite by many people, while Batman is already calling for Oracle to get a visual and for a medic to head Red Robin’s way.
By the time the battle is over, the Justice League understands how different the team is that Batman usually works with. If they were surrounded by heroes who talked like that continuously, they would have probably picked up some things here and there too.
Still, it fucking weird when Batman checks over his horde, before declaring: “You were all lit out there,” causing multiple of the kids around him to groan loudly, with Bluebird calling Batman a boomer.
Clark, however, sees a small uptick in Batman’s mouth. And in that moment, he knows Batman is doing it on purpose, that he’s enjoying it. That he’s fucking with them. He doesn’t know what to do with that, nor does he think that anyone will believe it. So, he decides to share the amusement and drop it.
They’re never going to figure out Batman.
This work is going to get dated so so so fast lmao, but it’s fun rn (if ur commenting in the future, welcome to outdated slang vibes from someone who wasn’t that up to date with current slang when writing it, bc im secretly a grandpa).
Hopefully I didn’t overdo it to an unrealistic degree, but if I did, such is the story that was being told oops
Also this whole fic is just an excuse for me to write batfam banter bc I love it lmao
I didn’t include Batwing, Batwoman and Flamebird here, sorry, but writing the batfam is always so hard bc there are so many characters T-T
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longwuzhere · 4 months
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
Welcome back everyone! Here we are season 2 of My Adventures with Superman! What a fantastic first two episodes and as usual they're full of fun Easter eggs which I will point out and explain to those who aren't familiar so you can be in the know with the comics book readers! My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
Spoilers if you haven't seen the episode
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Starting things off MAwS's Season 2 episode 1 title is a reference to Shakesspeare's Hamlet where Hamlet is speaking to Horatio and says this line about how you gotta see it to believe it essentially. In my opinion in terms of the show I read it as we and the MAwS cast are gonna be seeing a lot of wilder things in space and on Earth.
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After the title we see Jimmy flaunting his wealth around giving the Daily Planet employees Valentines day cards after selling his social media site Flamebird to the Planet. Clark gets one and talks about his planned date with Lois and Cat Grant interrupts him saying that date is such a bore. I explained Flamebird here and talked about Cat Grant here.
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After, Perry White enters the scene complaining how Vicki Vale of the Gotham Gazette is always one step ahead of the Planet reporting on huge news. I talked about Vicki Vale here.
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Lois, after waking up from a nap, mentions to Perry about a weird meteorite that landed in the Antarctic. She names drops her STAR Labs friend Hank. Later when the gang meet we learn that he's married. From those clues we can conclude this is Hank Henshaw.
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Hank Henshaw in the comics makes his first appearance as an astronaut in Adventures of Superman #465 (1990) [W&P: Dan Jurgens, I: Art Thibert, C: Glenn Whitmore L: Albert DeGuzman]. He and his crew meet their unfortunate fates in the next issue as each crew member is hit with radiation in space causing their bodies to change. One member is turned to stone and gravel and bits from the wreckage of the ship when it crashed back to Earth, another's body turns to radiation, Terri, Hank's wife later learns that her body is phasing into a different dimension. She's saved but Hank 's body later decays rapidly. Doesn't all this sound Fantastically Four-miliar?
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Hank Henshaw would later return in the Reign of the Supermen storyline as Cyborg Superman after Clark's death at the hands of Doomsday in Adventures of Superman #500 (1993) [W&P: Dan Jurgens, I: Doug Hazelwood, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: John Costanza]. How Hank returned and got this wild mechanical Superman body I wont say but I do recommend reading Adventures of Superman #466-468, the Death of Superman, A World Without Superman, and the Reign of the Supermen story arcs to find out. Will this also happen to Hank in MAwS? Who knows? Only time will tell
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Lois name drops the DC universe's most famous laboratory and research center, S.T.A.R. Labs. You may have first heard about it from the CW DC shows. S.T.A.R Labs conducts a variety of experiments from space travel to technology and they usually are the superheroes' go-to when it comes to lab analysis. The research center makes it's first appearance in Superman #246 (1971) [W: Len Wein, P: Curt Swan, I: Murphy Anderson] where Superman scoops up some plankton and algae for them in the panel.
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Jimmy in the scene before they meet Hank name drops Amazo Tech. I talked more about the company and the former CEO here.
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As the MawS trio go to Antartica to check out the meteorite, which turns out to be a Kryptonian spaceship, Clark has another meeting with his father who tells him "oh yeah you have a cousin that my brother Zor-El launched to space to be safe cuz of the Kryptonian bullshittery we did" (I'll explain that later). Anyways Kara!
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Kara Zor-El makes her first appearance in Action Comics #252 (1959) [Cover Art by Curt Swan and Al Plastino] where like her cousin was sent to space in a rocket ship to save herself after her part of Krypton was miraculously remained intact but meteors destroyed the lead shielding that Zor-El made to protect his people from the Kryptonite that was still present on their part of Krypton. Zor-El and his wife, Alura In-Zee, (she gets named much later) also made their first appearances in the same comic as Supergirl's debut. Kara has died in Crisis on Infinite Earths, had others taken up that mantle until her reappearance in Superman/Batman #8 (2004), and since then has made a name for herself in the pop culture zeitgeist with her appearances in the DCAU, my first introduction to her, the animated movies, her CW show, and in the movies! I highly recommend checking out Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Its got a killer story by Tom King and BEAUTIFUL ART by Bilquis Evely and Mat Lopes!
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Jor-El tells Clark about the Kryptonians getting their ass handed to them by lasers going in sharp angles you know "oh shit you do not fuck with Darkseid!"
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Darkseid, created by the legendary comic artist Jack Kirby, is the ultimate evil in the DC universe and makes his first appearance in the comics in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 (1970) [W&P: Jack Kirby, I: Vince Coletta]. Darkseid is everything that Jack Kirby hated about fascism rolled into one character. He's after the Anti-Life Equation, the ultimate formula that will break all of free will and force everyone to bow down to Darkseid's will. He's often seen fighting the New Gods, Justice League, or even Superman solo. The angled laser comes from Darkseid's Omega Beams where he shoots it out from his eyes and they will follow you until it hits their target bending around anything and anyone to get to you as seen here in this cover of Justice League #23.1: Darkseid (2013) by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Alex Sinclair):
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Based on that tiny bit of teasing in that scene I cant wait for the MAwS crew introduce him. Also shout out to the them for including the little Kirby crackles when the Kryptonian's got vaporized that was a nice bit of detail to honor Jack Kirby's most famous drawing technique!
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As Jor-El and Clark have some catching up to do, Lois and Jimmy are attack by the robots in the ship and you might recognize the symbol on them as the symbol of Brainiac. I talked more about him here also that one Kryptonian from the finale of season 1 shows up again at the end of the episode. No confirmation on if its Zod or not but there is a good chance its Zod imo at least.
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As our heroes encounter Task Force X (I talked more about them and Amanda Waller here), Amanda Waller is talking to one of her new super soldiers, Damage who we see can grow into a hulking size. This is a reference to...
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Ethan Avery, aka Damage from the New Age of Heroes initiative from DC post-Dark Nights Metal where his first appearance was in Dark Nights Metal: The Casting #1 (2017). Ethan was a former soldier in the US Army who volunteered for the Damage program and was given the serum to turn him into the giant Hulk pastiche we see here on the textless cover of Damage #7 (2018) by Tony S. Daniel, Danny Miki, and Tomeu Morey. As Damage, Ethan was not able to control his actions for one hour and would go on a rampage against militant groups for US Army missions. Here in MAwS, we can see some of Damage's comic design be invoked in the cartoon with the giant hulking body MAwS has, the dark arms, and pants. very subtle but it works.
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As the chaos from the fight subsides, we see the former spaceship transform itself and the surrounding ice into this crystalline superstructure and what famous isolated fortress looking building in the Antarctic in Superman lore does that bring to mind? THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE!
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The Fortress of Solitude that pop culture knows made its first appearance in Action Comics #241 (1958) [Cover art by Curt Swan and Stan Kaye]. Superman in the Golden Age had a "Secret Sanctuary" in the outskirts of Metropolis on a mountain top in Superman #17 (1942), but it wasn't until the 1950s where the Fortress of Solitude was relocated to the Arctic which is shown here. The location gets changed again to the Antarctic post-Crisis on Infinite Earths. Superman would have other Fortresses of Solitude in other locations like the Bermuda Triangle, which is the latest or the Arctic again. Superman would usually keep things pertaining to his Kryptonian culture in the fortress like the Phantom Zone Projector or the bottled city of Kandor. Based on what we're seeing in MAwS it seems like they'll be setting this up as a new place for Clark to get in touch with his Kryptonian heritage.
What a fun first episode! Can't wait to see what the future episodes will have! So excited to return to My Adventures with Superman! My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here and if you missed it my Season 1 Easter eggs list is here
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silent-media · 3 months
Plurality Terms
Canon dependency - A blanket term for any person in a sytem who needs canon to function. Whether it be unable to form memories without it, experiencing a complete inability to front without fixation on it, etc. Can also apply collectively as a modifier. Canon Independence - The exact inverse of canon dependency. Canon has zero effect on memories, fronting, etc. Often results in people either removed from canon or having an odd relationship with it. Identity Bound - A group of system members who are bound together by being literally the same person, but not. This can be explainable (ie spiritual reasons, fracturing, etc) or just feel like an undeniable fact. This is seperate from Median because they are undeniably seperate, just, also somehow not. Detatched Aging - A blanket term for aging and maturity that is completely removed from how would function outworld. Someone who should be a little might be an adult, someone who should be an adult might be a little, etc. Connected Dissociative - A system that, technically, is extremely dissociative with alot of barriers and blackouts of memory...Except due to the way they function connecting them, they can often "cheat" and present as more functional. Cyborg system - A mishmash of mechanical system and flesh system, usually common in BPD systems where things can change rapidly between logical and emotional rapidly. Flesh system - A system with a heavily emotional and need based function. People form because you're sad or happy, layers pop in and out because of attachment, etc. May or may not actually be flesh. Mechanical system - A system that has a strict logical function. Everything has a place and a time, everything has a reason and cause, etc. May or may not be literally mechanical. Ship-tien - System function that is effected by what host/core/body ships. Fujo/Fuda-tien - System function that is effected or was effected by the host being a fujoshi/fudanshi Sorted systems - Having multiple systems that are sorted by a specific theme, like logic/heart soul/body etc Core based - A system that is focused around one central being or multiple important beings. How this presents is up to the collective and their core but the general idea is that everything happens because of the relation. Fandom-tien - System function effected by fandom things. Like headcanons for a certain fictive coming up all the time or certain ships being the "standard" Multi-Spectrum - Any spectrum that is effected by plurality. This can be romantic attraction, sexual attraction, gender, whatever. Shipless System - Generic term for any and all plurals who do not and cannot relate to shipcourse arguments. This can be being proship because of fictives you have, being ship neutral because you don't want to limit your fictives lives arbitrarily, etc etc. Basically "We aren't even in the same argument" Discoursegenic - Forming people specifically because there is heavy discourse and hatred around the charachter / ship / trope / etc
These terms were made by us to describe our experiences. Please keep that in mind when discussing if these terms are "neccesary". For the most part we are willing to answer any questions about these terms, as long as it's in good faith. Anyone is free to use these terms but please don't twist them to fit an experience you don't have.
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somestorythoughts · 5 months
Eldritch Echo
So. I haven't seen the Bad Batch and don't really intend to, but I have read some fics (please do not take that as me saying that's the same as understanding the story) and between that and my thoughts of eldritch stuff in Star Wars and a cool art piece I came across that I think was referencing something I don't have the context for, I started wondering what it'd look like if of the Bad Batch, Echo was the only eldritch/cryptid/vampire/otherwise not human one. NOT because of the Techno Union, but because of something that happened sooner OR he'd always been like that. And I might put a bit of that in my vampire clones thing but I was thinking eldritch and I ended up writing a thing. So. Enjoy:
Crosshair’s willing to admit he doesn’t dislike Echo. He respects the guy’s resilience and his willingness to go with the flow, which is necessary for someone working with their team, even as he rolls his eyes at Echo’s tendency to twitch at the state of their ship and his reluctance to drop the “sir” when talking to Hunter. More than that Echo has zero qualms about sassing him if Crosshair picks a fight and it’s a lot of fun to rile him up.
That said. Echo is also really freaking weird.
Crosshair is very observant, between his eyesight, his role on the team, and his training he had to be and either something’s very off about Echo or he’s started hallucinating because he keeps seeing things that don’t make sense. Not for a reg and not for a cyborg.
He explains this the Hunter once, trying to see if he’s noticed anything, and Hunter frowns. “Can you give me an example?”
“His eyes for one.”
Hunter blinked. “What?”
“We all know what most trooper’s eyes look like. And we’ve seen some variations. But they don’t change color. I’ve seen his eyes go golden or violet, and it wasn’t the lighting.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes I’m sure what do you take me for?” Crosshair snapped. “Look. Next time we’re on a sunny planet. Take a look at his shadow. It doesn’t match him at all. I’ve seen it prowling around him like a tooka without him or a light source moving. It doesn’t look like him either. And remember that time we were sparring and he panicked and bit me? I asked Tech, the Techno Union didn’t do anything to his teeth, but I know what bitemarks look like and that was not it.”
Hunter sighed. “I’ll pay attention but-” He paused. “Huh.”
“It might not be anything.” He replies and only knowing that he’s getting to the point keeps Crosshair from interrupting. “But remember how I told you guys that people smell like animals? They’re distinct from each other, and you know I can’t describe it cause I tried to describe you guys, but it’s not like they smell like flowers or old books or whatever people like to think they’d smell like unless they’re wearing a scent. Echo, he doesn’t smell like a trooper. I just never thought about it for some reason.”
“And what does he smell like?”
Hunter frowned as he tried to find the words. “Well. He does smell a bit like a trooper and a bit metallic. But he also smells like, what’s was the spice in that cake you liked so much? The one we found on that mission with the weird vultures?”
Crosshair hummed. That had been a really freaking good cake. “The lady said it was a cardamon cream cake. So he smells like cardamon?”
“Cardamon and lilies and wet dirt is the best way I can describe it and I know it’s not his soap cause he uses the same stuff as the rest of us. So yeah. I guess I’ll pay attention.”
Two days later Crosshair gets confirmation that something’s up in a way he did not expect.
Because walking around in the dark in the middle of the night is his job so it’s already odd to find Echo leaning against the cabinet in their ship’s tiny kitchen in the pitch dark. “You’re going to trip reg.” Crosshair says and leans over to get the lights when Echo looks up.
And twelve pairs of golden violet eyes meet Crosshair’s.
He staggers back, trips over something, falls. “Crosshair!” Echo grabs his hand, pulling him up, then scrambles for the lights as if he forgot they might be necessary and Crosshair yelps as the light hits his eyes.
He blames that and the shock for blurting out; “What the hell are you Echo?”
Echo blinks, looking hurt. “I’m a trooper. Like you all.”
“Troopers don’t have twenty-four freaking eyes.” Crosshair hissed. They aren’t there now, he’s got 2 brown eyes in the exact same shade of brown nearly every trooper has, but Crosshair knows what he saw. He knows what he’s been seeing.
Echo tilts his head. And he grins. It’s a smile Crosshair’s seen before, whenever Echo’s about to respond to his taunts with something cutting and clever, part “take that” and part inviting him to share the joke. There’s nothing off about that smile save for that it’s mirrored in Echo’s shadow, splayed against the cabinets behind him too dark for their lights.
“The Bad Batch.” Echo muses, like there’s a joke Crosshair hasn’t caught yet, and he’s never had a reason to call Echo dangerous even when he didn’t trust him, but he’s starting to feel cornered even though Echo hasn’t moved. “You think you’re the only strange ones. ‘Don’t worry Rex, we know how to handle a reg.’ Never mind that Torrent was always a little crazy, or it used to be. Never mind that I was an ARC and a damn good one, and we’re all more than competent. And I appreciate what you all did, in welcoming me into the squad, I appreciate it more than I can say, and I do really like you guys, but you are so freaking cocky. So certain you can handle anything. And to be fair you’re damn good at your job, but sometimes it’s annoying. So.” He grins that taunting grin again. “You want to know what the reg’s deal is? Figure it out.”
He leaves. His grinning shadow lingers a moment before following. Crosshair stares.
And then decides that a glass of water isn’t gonna cut it and goes for the stash of moonshine.
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byz-was-here · 2 months
Because no one asked,
Here's how I would do a transformers series:
1) emphasize the disguise
They're robots in disguise. Its in the tagline. Make the bots and cons fight each other while trying not to be noticed.
Why would world conquering deceptions stoop to hiding from puny organics?
Easy. Skew the matchup. If its 8 billion nuclear armed monkeys vs 5-10 alien robots, even ol megsy ain't gonna take those odds.
The Autobots have an even easier reasoning: follow the prime directive.
2) Shipwreck everyone
Why can't the bots/cons just call for reinforcements?
They crash landed. That's why. Everyone's in stasis or injured. Callback to G1 where they spent 4 million years in sleep mode under a volcano. Maybe not *that* long but it would explain why no one noticed two alien starships smacking into the planet. No one was around to see it. Macguffin event happens, a couple bots and cons wake up, and they realize that a wholeass civilization popped up during their nap.
3) Civilian autobots
Why did they come to earth?
As is usually the go to answer: Cybertron's f*cked. Solution: Autobots dig out a *really* old and obscure planetary survey, find a decent enough planet, Optimus takes a bunch of scientists and engineers on a colony ship and they go off to found New Cybertron. Survey said the place was uninhabited, so it's free real estate. (Humans were probably still debating whether or not coming down from the trees and walking on 2 legs was a good idea when the Cybertronian scouts did the survey)
Soundwave does his soundwave thing, finds out, Megatron loads up a warship, and they shoot each other down on prehistoric earth. Meanwhile, a caveman named grug figures out mr fire is your friend.
Point is, you've got one side that's a bunch of scientists, engineers, and other civilians (The Autobots)
And the other that's almost all elite combat troops (the Decepticons)
But, because of the first two issues, the cons can't take advantage of it. Otherwise they alert the Humans and someone with an itchy trigger finger drops a thermonuclear warhead on the stranded nemesis.
And if a human does discover the Autobots? Imo a civilian is more likely to break the rules and play nice than a trained soldier.
4) nobody wants to stay here
The Autobots originally planned to colonize earth, sure. That was before they got shot down, locked into stasis for who knows how long, and woke up to see an entire sapient civilization spring up from nowhere during their nap.
Optimus is Optimus, so it's plan B: freedom is the right of sentient beings, so we fix the ark and found new Cybertron somewhere else. Ideally, the human race won't realize they were ever here.
The Deceptions only care about crushing the Autobots and getting off this corrosive rock. Unless they can call home and summon an armada, it's just not *worth it* to pick a fight with humanity.
6) things I'd like to see
Jetfire being one of the scouts, getting frozen in a callback to G1, and being found and thawed by some human scientists. He's just living his best life in a hidden lab, and only mildly worried about why Cybertron isn't answering his calls. Oh hey Starscream! When did you get the tattoo? (It's a bad breakup)
Our dystopian capitalist nightmare is Swindle's daydream paradise. He absolutely loves earth. #1 fan. He probably makes connections to the mob. Good times.
Local mechanized AI (or ghost in the shell cyborg) has an emotional crisis, joins the deceptions. Beats up any Cons that disrespect her. No notes.
"Wheeljack, why do our new security drones look like...that?"
"So there's this earth movie called "Jurassic Park"..."
"Yes optimus?"
"What happened to the sparks that we had in stasis?"
***Tyrannosaurs roar*** Me Grimlock Smash! (Panicked Decepticon screaming)
"Never mind, I think I figured it out."
-one sane adult human
Obvs theres a couple teens who pal around with the Autobots. There should be at least ONE adult in their early 20s as part of the group who's forced, however unwilling, to be the sole voice of reason. Aka: "I'M NOT TELLING YOUR PARENTS YOU GOT SQUISHED SNEAKING INTO AN EVIL ROBOT SPACESHIP"
"Then who's gonna pull off the rescue?"
"I AM!" (They instantly regret this decision, but They're at least old enough to make it)
-Shockwave as a late series villain
Shockwave has had command of the Decepticons ever since Megatron's Ill fated disappearance chasing after the Autobot Ark.
Having him return and upset Shockwave's centuries of effort holding onto the planets in the Deception Empire would be... Unfortunate. Perhaps it would be better if he stayed dead.... It's only logical.
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Max' Journey - End times (Part 2)
Although both men didn't get too much sleep last night, Max felt way more fit and energetic than Antorn. His new cyborg body gave him a near limitless supply of energy. It was a bit hard for him to concentrate on the discussion, since his cock was still half-stiff and leaking precum into his metal "underwear" armor, but the worst waves of hornyness had passed. Now, that he was in fighting shape, the three scientists and him discussed their strategy.
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Luckily, the complete lack of fighting spirit that led to the alien's problem free conquest of the earth also meant they wouldn't be expecting any resistance. However, from the moment on that Max attacked, he would need to move fast, to reach the alien leader before they could assemble a force capable of stopping him. If that happened, not only would the only hope of humanity have failed, but also the small cell of free humans Max was currently hidden with would be detected before long.
So, the plan they came up with was that Max moved quickly and ruthlessly through the aliens he encountered before he met their leader. He would kill him while recording the whole scene with his internal cameras and Edan and the other two scientists would use that recording to create the myth of Max being an absolutely unstoppable force, capable of wiping out every living alien on the planet. That way, hopefully, the aliens would release humanity and flee.
It was a bluff, but it was their only chance. Even though Max felt like he could take on the world, objectively he knew he couldn't fight every alien on the planet. So, they had to make them think he could, painting Max even bigger than he already was.
The central command complex was nearby. It was one of the spherical ships that one day just appeared out of thin air on the planet’s surface. Pitifully little was known about the aliens themselves. They hid their faces and bodies in exosuits with a singular headlight on their foreheads. From what information they had gathered, the suits were suitable for protection against harsh environments, leading to speculations about the aliens home world having a different atmosphere.
That however did nothing to explain why there were so many aliens here or where they came from in the first place. The spherical ships they appeared in did not appear to be capable of space travel at all, which meant that the aliens used some kind of teleportation technology.
It was a risky endeavor, even more so as they knew so little about the enemy. But being the only choice, they had, it was easy to make.
So, with the first light of the next day, they travelled to the central command ship in a sleek floating vehicle. Max could see some enslaved humans with alien overseers on their way, but nobody paid too much attention to their vehicle. They landed only a few hundred meters away from the big sphere of the central command ship. It was made out of a similar material as the buildings and the vehicle Max was sitting in. The entrance, however, was open and a ramp was leading up into the ship. Left and right of the ramp, there were guarding aliens, equipped with some kind of rifle each.
This was it. When he stepped out of their vehicle, Max would immediately need to start running and fighting, only stopping when he had killed their leader. Even though his cyborg body was big and impressive, Max felt his knees get weak.
"Are you ready?" asked Sirah.
"As I'll ever be", said Max.
"Good luck", said Edan. "And don't forget to start the recording."
Max nodded and did so immediately. Then, without losing any more time, he opened the door and began to sprint towards the ramp. He saw both guards turn around to face him, but none of them fired at him yet. Instead, they aimed their weapons straight at his chest, probably too surprised by his sudden appearance to act immediately.
He reached the ramp and started to run up it. Now, one of the aliens hit the trigger and a bolt of energy hit Max' energy shield with a fizzing sound. He didn't even stop but instead jumped a gigantic leap powered by his leg servos, tackling away the first alien and grabbing his weapon in the process. In the same movement, he turned around and shot an energy bolt at the other one, who had not been so lucky to have an energy shield.
The alien screamed and fell down the ramp, hurt or killed. Max didn't care and sprinted towards the entrance of the ship now, astonished by his own speed and agility. He was moving faster than anything he had seen before. The ramp itself was wide enough for three people side-by-side to walk up comfortably, but he easily cleared it in a single jump.
Now inside the ship, he found himself in a maze of corridors and rooms. Most of the ones he encountered first were empty and only a few aliens stood guard here and there. Max had no trouble overwhelming them, but he knew well that time was working against him. By now, there would surely be an alarm already, and a larger force would be forming to stop the intruder. It was crucial that he reached the alien leader before they found him, but he had no idea where to go. The ship was huge! He needed some means of orientation.
He noticed several doors leading into small rooms and decided to check if there was something interesting behind them. One room contained only a computer terminal with a strange symbol on it, another was completely empty. In the third room, however, he found what he was looking for: A large map showing the whole ship. He only took a quick look at it and trusted in his remnant cave man instincts to find the best path to the command bridge.
As he came nearer, the number of aliens on his way increased and they became more organized. He still was able to take out the small groups of them without getting hurt, but it cost him more time. Finally, he found himself against a whole dozen of the exosuit-clad people in front of a large reinforced door. This must be where he needed to go.
He charged through them, firing energy bolts left and right. Two of them went down quickly, but two others blocked his way. The next moment, Max realized he wouldn't be able to reach the door without going past them. Like in Waterloo, he threw his rifle at one of them with full force and switched to hand-to-hand combat. His shield emitters burnt hot on his chest, as the energy shield absorbed more and more shots directed at him. He needed more! His insides came alive with blasting heat again, as the nanobots inside his body mobilized every bit of energy available to him, possibly even burning parts of his own body for it. With a fizzing sound, his shield emitter broke down, a thin bit of smoke coming from it. The next energy bolt would hit him instead!
Max ducked under the arm of one of his opponents, grabbed him by the neck and headbutted him with all his might. The alien's helmet dented he fell to the ground, but Max was already in front of the next opponent. As he broke his neck, Max felt a hot bit of pain on his left arm, as an energy bolt had melted a piece of his body armor. The molten metal burnt into his flesh, but Max couldn't stop now. He took the body of the alien he just killed and threw it towards the one that just shot at him. It smashed into the enemy's chest plate, breaking it and sending the alien flying back. Max followed him up and landed a knee strike on his groin. The alien flew backwards and crashed into a wall, leaving a dent in it.
A few more brutal seconds later, there were no more aliens around him that posed any danger. Some were still alive and groaning, crawling away, but Max didn't have time to deal with them. Instead, he gathered all his strength and, by overloading his leg augmentations, launched himself against the reinforced door.
It didn't break open and hurt like hell, but its hinges gave out and the door swung half-open. Max kicked it fully open and rushed inside, ready to face whatever awaited him.
He expected a whole lot of aliens inside this room but was surprised to find it almost completely empty. In the middle of the large room, there was a desk and behind that desk, there was one single alien in his exosuit looking at Max. Since he couldn't see the alien's face, Max wasn't sure if the alien was surprised or even fearful. It didn't matter. This whole thing would soon be over.
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As Max stepped closer, unstoppable like a freight train, the alien raised a hand. He was not armed, Max noticed.
"Wait!" said the alien. "Don't kill me."
The voice sounded afraid and spoke the language perfectly.
"I will remove my helmet, I just want to talk." said the voice. Was this some kind of trick to stall him? But there were no sounds of more forces from behind, so Max stopped in front of the desk, carefully watching for any weapons. However, the alien just continued as announced and removed the helmet with a hissing sound. Max was surprised to see the entirely human face of a tired looking woman beneath it. She looked older than Max' mother and her eyes looked sad and tired.
"You are very fast", she said. "I never saw anyone move that quickly before."
"Who are you?", asked Max.
"My name is Galya Fell. I am the leader of the exodus expedition."
"Yes. We are here to save humanity from extinction. If you let me, I will explain everything to you. You have any right to kill me afterwards, I guess. You have nothing to fear. I told my men to stand down already."
Max nodded. He didn't know what else to do. He was confused by this turn of events but his experiences navigating the 1920s society told him, that there was a whole new layer of complexity to unfold. "Make it quick!" commanded Max and kept vigilant.
Galya gulped and started speaking.
"We are humans, just as you, and we come from earth as well, just a... another earth. From a parallel reality where things went a bit differently. You see, humanity is on the brink of extinction there. Our continuous exploitation of natural resources and unstopped natural disasters caused by uncontrollable atmospheric heating made most of the planet uninhabitable over the last centuries. Wars broke out over the last resources and inhabitable lands, and now, all that is left are a few hundred thousand people. Luckily, our scientists came up with a solution. They discovered a technology that would allow us to travel to other realities. We were hoping of finding an uninhabited version of earth to settle down there. But every single version we scouted had humans on them and our time was running out. So, in order to survive, we found that we had no other choice but to invade one of our neighbor worlds. Naturally, we chose the most peaceful one. That was this world. "
Galya looked defeated. "I had my doubts in the beginning, but when the continued existence of our human civilization is at stake, a lot of difficult decisions begin to become really easy. At the end, we could live on by coming here, but we had no right to do the things we did. I see that now. So, today is the day that I knew was coming since four years ago, the day the consequences of our actions are catching up to us. I... we are at your mercy here. You cannot escape fate, so much is clear to me now."
Max felt sickened by what he heard. The actions of those other humans were despicable to the bone, that was clear. But they saw no other way to survive than to take away someone else's home and life. And yet, he still felt guilty about killing these people who had done nothing wrong themselves. He wanted to ask Galya how she could have allowed herself to commit such atrocities, but he also understood why she did it on the same time. It must have been hard for her to make that decision and knowing that she would probably die anyway made it easier to give up on her own morals.
"I'm sorry", said Max simply.
He was stunned silent for a good minute before asking: "Is everyone thinking like you do? Will they stand down and let themselves be brought to justice like you?"
"No." answered Galya sadly. "Most of them are desperate for survival and will do everything. If you kill me now, there might be a chance they flee to another world, but I don't think there is anything to gain by reasoning with them."
This wasn't fair! Why did Max have to decide for a whole world of people here and now? This wasn't even his time! Perhaps he could reach the scientists that brought him here, but they, too didn't appear to be the right people for making such a decision. They weren't big on morals, they were only good at problem solving.
Or perhaps...
Suddenly, Max got an idea.
"I think, there might be another way of resolving that. We need to bring in some friends of me."
"I suppose it *is* possible" said Sirah, skeptically. "But why do we need to involve ourselves in this mess?"
"Because if we don't," explained Max, "There will be more bloodshed. The invaders from the other world won't step down as easily as Galya did and you guys don't fight."
"Well, even if we do, it is dangerous for the fabric of reality itself. Or perhaps it isn't. We could not find out and there is literally no practical research." Edan stated.
"But only for *their* reality", said Antorn, who was already convinced. "I think that is a fair punishment for what they did to us. Besides, I'm fairly confident it won't be so bad. Max here has left his footsteps in history, and it didn't change much as far as we know. Perhaps it won't even work, but I don't think there is harm in trying."
"So, you are suggesting that we use your time travel technology to prevent us from ruining our planet centuries ago? Won't that lead to paradoxes?"
Sirah shook her head violently and rolled her eyes. "No, since you're not in the same frame of reference. It's a clever combination of our technologies, really. You go back to your reality, travel back in time and make stuff right. Of course, you are locked to your original timeline by the matrices, so if you were to return to your relative present, it would not have changed anything. That doesn't hold true for the rest of your people, though, since they are not in the same reality that you are altering. If they switch back after you have departed, they should arrive in the new version created by your actions."
Max' head was swimming, but apparently Sirah had already seen through the concept. She was really exceptionally bright.
"That... might work" said Galya slowly. "If we can promise them the return to a healed home world, everyone would be glad to leave you alone. Let's do this."
It took some months to create another time travel device and calibrate it to key events in the other realities history. As Galya promised, the solution appeared like the best option to all exodus people, and they stood down after a touching speech from Galya.
Max was celebrated as a hero during all that time and experienced the wonders of the future and all the comforts and amenities an advanced society could give him. During all that time he still had his hyper-masculine cyborg body and put it to good use.
However, the day after Galya, and shortly after, her people left this world, the three scientists who welcomed him to this time spoke to Max again.
"Well, the time to say goodbye comes closer." Said Edan in his usual complicated pattern of speech.
"You may of course stay here with us, but I think after all these adventures, you want to return to your own time and body once and for all." Said Sirah, smilingly. "I have built another time travel device, with just a single use. No more time travel after that - it makes things way too complicated."
"And we have come to the conclusion that this course of history is next to ideal", Edan added. "Changing something in our history could have unwanted results. "
"So, are you ready to go home", asked Antorn warmly.
Max was silent for a moment. Of course, he had thought a lot about going home in the previous months. But...
"Can I... go somewhere else instead?", Max asked, slowly.
"Ohh, I so knew it!" cheered Antorn.
"In short, yes." stated Sirah. "However, this will be a one-way-trip. Wherever you decide to go, you are going to be stuck there. If you want to return to your Viking lover, you can do so, but that's it. No more wonders of technology for you, no more Sweden or Canada or whatever."
"Actually, that's not entirely true.", Antorn said, now with a serious face again. "Do you remember, what I said about administering body-enhancing nanobots to someone and the difficult ethical situation around it?"
Max nodded.
"Well, part of it, the important part really, is, that the bots won't let you age properly. They always restore the cells back to a youthful state. Of course, at some point, the bots cease to function and can't keep up anymore, but... that takes some time."
"How long?"
"Well, that's a bit difficult to predict, since it hasn't happened yet since the invention of that stuff. But I guess... One, maximum two thousand years?"
Max looked at him stunned. "I'm not going to die for two thousand years?"
"Not from old age at least. I mean, you probably can you know, but you won't age for that time."
"Oh okay." Max said. He didn't expect that.
"My point being: With a bit of patience, you can go to Thjodolf’s time and still live to see your own time again. It might be a rather long stay, though." Antorn ended.
All three of them looked at Max expectantly. He took a moment and then made a decision.
"Alright. I need two favors of you.", he said.
It only took Sirah another day to reconfigure her matrices to Max' new destination and to tell the algorithm his request.
"You know guys", Max said, as he stood in front of the sleek device, "I'm going to miss you. I mean, you completely changed my life, but, in the end, I'm very happy about it. Perhaps it was fate that we met", he said with a wink.
"Oooh, that's a good name for the time travel algorithm. Fate. I like it.", mumbled Sirah absentmindedly.
"Now, remember. No big changes." Edan had a stern face. "I trust in your judgement here!".
Max nodded and grabbed the small metal vial from the table. "I promise. Well. I guess, this is farewell."
He pressed the single green button on the device and another portal appeared in the room, stable and swirling slowly. Max turned around again and waved goodbye, which was mirrored by the three scientists. Then, he took a deep breath and stepped into the portal.
Max arrived in the Viking age exactly one second after his previous self had stepped through the portal. He didn't use any time. His first request had been to keep his cyborg for a few minutes after he arrived. These minutes were more than enough to drive away the 'evil ones', the raiders attacking Thjodolf's village, for good. He made such an entrance that nobody ever dared to lay hand on these lands ever again.
His body was already changing back into that of the Viking warrior he left as, as he ran towards his lover. He couldn't believe his eyes, as Max had already returned, merely a second after he had gone. Still, it felt like so much time has passed between those two moments that Thjodolf was just happy to see him again.
Max stayed in the Viking village and with his lover forever. Well, forever is an awfully big word, but here, it might be nearer to the truth than at other times. Max had brought one more dose of the body-enhancing nanobots and, after explaining everything to Thjodolf, they decided to stay together for a really long, long time. Max was just so happy. After all his journey, he had finally found his fate.
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I'm so happy for Thjodolf and Max! If you're with someone you love, every moment can feel like a thousand years of bliss.
If you want to read the whole story from the beginning, go here. The first part of the finale can be found here.
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just2bubbly · 3 months
They were all aware of the large number of people who hated Cinder. They hated her for being lunar. They hated her for being a cyborg. They hated her for marrying Kai
Kaider (comfort)
Hey, you are one of the lucky people that is getting their requests answered so quickly :) Tried to do your request justice, you can read similar type of writing in Sometimes Love Stays (hurt/hurt) and Love Hurts, Love Heals (hurt/comfort)
Marriages are Fragile
Ship: Kaider
Words: 1.6k
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Cinder's Perspective-
"Kai," she whispered, standing at the doorway of his dark office.
He didn't nod in response, there wasn't any way to tell whether he was lost in thought or perhaps surprisingly lost in slumber- the silhouette of his bent form, face dropped in the hollow of his long fingers was the only indication of his presence in the room.
She switched to the ambient setting of the room- not too bright but enough to cast light on Kai's wearied frame. She had felt it before she saw that one- Cinder could read Kai easily- not to misinterpret, Kai was a true diplomat at heart, nothing of his face or movement was spontaneous but in the company of his loved ones he had nothing to hide, he displayed every smile, every scowl.
She gave him time to adjust to her presence, taking a seat.
"All good?" She questioned, laying her hand on his lower back, drawing circles to ease the stress.
"Hmm, uhh- yea. All good." He said, trying to sound confident but failing at it, his words sounded rather sceptical to believe in.
"You know you can share your problems with me, right?"
"I know, Cinder. I'm not trying to hide them from you. I just can't bear to tell it to you." He explained, fingers finally leaving his face.
She noticed how his hair which had been all prim the last time she saw him, was now pointing in all directions- he must have pulled at them often for such a result. Eyes half closed, and gaze losing focus every second.
"I'd hear out all you have to say, no arguments from my side promise- just someone to rest on," she suggested, Torin had mentioned Kai's distress in recent weeks. He continued to work longer hours in his cubicle, skipping meals unless it was brought to him- Cinder had an inkling of what this was all over, however, she truly wished that he wasn't stressing over it.
"It's all right, love. We have better things to talk about, did you have your dinner?" He asked, very well trying to divert the topic.
"Not yet, I was thinking of having it with you."
"What are we waiting for, let's go then."
"Yes," she agreed, however, none of them bothered to get up. She continued to draw circles on his back and he kept on staring into oblivion, both lost in respective thoughts.
"Your chamber looks so different under the moonlight. It looks divine, like fairy lights cast in a room," she noted, trying to keep a conversation flowing.
He glanced at the ceiling and admitted, "It does look better this way."
The room looked poetic this way, not a place where laws got made, and treaties decided, a brooding four-walled room of significance - The Office of The Emperor. In this light, it seemed more appealing to work here than it was.
"So?" She prompted again.
He hummed in response, "I know what you are asking but let's not do this."
"I'm concerned about what got you in this state," Cinder pointed, trying to coerce him into speaking.
"Noth-" he appeared to keep on denying, Cinder knew then that he wouldn't be giving in tonight but surprisingly Kai continued, "Just us."
"That should be the least of your worries," she murmured, tugging his side, her hand circling his waist.
"It's just not that easy, Cinder," he revealed his lips lingering over her ear.
She sighed, already not liking whatever Kai had to say.  
"We can have dinner and sleep on our problems and talk about it tomorrow?" She suggested, all along she had been the one trying to coerce him into speaking but now that he brought it up, Cinder didn't want to discuss it. It was about her or like Kai had mentioned, us and there wasn't much to discuss over how much the people hated her and how they loathed Kai for marrying a Lunar, a Cyborg.
With the Lija Merin crime on trial, the bigotry against Lunar was becoming very vocalised- their glamour which hadn't been questioned for a long time, was back to the debates of Earthens. Cinder, being the Lunar with the highest power in the country was likely to be more criticised than others, with gruesome allegations being thrown at her every hour of the day and the credibility of The Commonwealth challenged, the two rulers were quite worked up.
"Perhaps," he agreed, "We should eat dinner."
His words stopped the chain of thoughts that Cinder had been trying not to think about for days. Even with the suggestion hanging in the air, they continued to stay in their seats. His hands had covered hers entirely, the cold metal against his warm hands imitated a sense of comfort.
His shallow breaths could have been a sign of sleep, not something Cinder would ever complain about. She would be happy to fall asleep on the couch not too uncomfortable if she had his company for the night.
"I don't want things to go amiss, I don't want to be stupid and let this go," he voiced, soon after Cinder had been nearly overcome with sleep. His words took a lot longer to register in her half-awake form.
"That won't be happening, Kai," she slurred, "You can't get rid of me that easily!"
That exclamation made Kai smile, which was a sign for her to continue, "Besides the hate is just part of our period- when the trial is over, everyone will forget about their prejudices and move on. We endure it for as long as something new comes by that takes attention off us." She reasoned.
He smiled at her, this one sadder than the previous one, his fingers gently tousled through her hair. The soft pressure of his fingertips against her scalp pulled her back into a state of slumber.
"That feels so good," she moaned, her head lying in the crook of his neck.
"Mum used to do it when I failed to sleep," he mentioned a long pause following his words, the silence luring Cinder further.  
"You know, after she was gone," he said in a tearful voice, Cinder hummed in reflex, "-everyone wanted Dad to get married again. To have a child, a spare if I died prematurely," he tried joking only to choke on his words. Cinder who was now wide awake, threw her limbs over his and enveloped him as he continued to speak. Kai always became sensitive when talking about his parents.
"I was a skinny kid who always worried the Triantas if I would survive the plague or any potential attack. That was why they always kept me under the observation of security, Dad got excessively criticised for not remarrying and now it seems like it's my turn to face the same criticism for not marrying someone that people will love," he expressed.
"Oh Kai, how long have you been thinking this?" she asked, her brows furrowing in concern, Kai shrugged, mumbling a deaf answer.
"You cannot just keep it all in yourself- and your Dad didn't want to have a spare, cause he loved you and your Mom. He believed in you. We got married because we loved each other, just like your parents. People will criticise me for being Lunar and Cyborg because there isn't anything else to talk about. It's all just gossip and if we look at it like that then there is nothing to worry about. One law in their favour and they would start singing your praises- you allow yourself to be easily influenced, Kai," she said, pressing a light kiss on his forehead before hugging him tightly.
His hands soon found their place at her waist, squeezing her torso with so much strength, it felt like choking. She could feel the wet drops falling on her skin, as he sniffed 'I love you' and she whispered it back in the crook of his neck, peppering kisses along.
They stay there for a long time, Kai taking his time to calm down and match his breathing patterns with her. Cinder doesn't mind, hugging Kai is similar to sleeping in his arms vertically, but when her stomach growls, both can't hold back the wet laugh that erupts.  
He loosens his hold on her, drawing back slightly to look into her eyes, "Thank you," he murmurs, head nuzzling against hers. She lets him have his moment before saying, "I'm really starving, Kai."
"Oh, yes- can't have my wife passing to hunger while I have a moment," he laughs, pecking her on his cheek.
"I think your moment was too prolonged, love. Next time cut it short," she quipped.
"Noting it down as we go, Your Majesty."
She laughed at his antics, happier to see him like this, "Do you want to eat alone tonight? Maybe with a movie?"
"Love the idea, but you're too tired to survive through a movie. Let's eat in the 'room," he replied, helping her wear the shoes she had discarded sometime while comforting him.
"Works, I will arrange for something. You clean up those files and come soon, ok." She agreed, pointing to the pile of paperwork he had scattered across the table.
He nods, walking to the desk to make most of the work he had left undone, Cinder smoothens her dress before leaving, the light falling on her shoulder gives a glowing sense.
"Only yours," he says, aloud, confusing her, "What?"
"I let only gossip about you influence me," he explains.
Cinder beams, "I know, it makes me love you more." The door clicks after her, leaving Kai behind thanking his stars for marrying Cinder, against the Commonwealth's better judgement.
A/N: It get's a little disheartening to post oneshots with no interaction, so please do comment and reblog! <3
tagging: @gingerale2017 @fangirlforever0704 @salt-warrior @slmkaider @cinderswrench @cindersassasin @therealkaidertrash211
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kybercrystals94 · 11 months
If You Need to Talk
By KyberCrystals94
Read here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023 | Day 21 | Alternative Prompt: Body Modification
Rating: G
Words: 717
Summary: Echo is processing how much his life is changed now that he’s back.
“I can help with that.”
Echo startles and looks up. Tech is standing in the doorway. How long has the commando been standing there, just watching as Echo tries to recalibrate his scomp with his left hand? Burning embarrassment creeps up the back of Echo’s neck and across his cheeks.
“No need,” he says, almost gruffly, “I’m almost done anyway.”
Tech steps into the room, eyeing the sprawl of tools Echo has been using to poke and prod his artificial limb. “I see,” Tech says, expression dubious. “Well, should you need assistance in the future, I hope you will allow me to offer my expertise on the subject. I am, after all, an engineer.”
Echo gnaws on the inside of his cheek. He hasn’t even been with Clone Force 99 a full rotation yet, and the awkward phase of his integration is still in full swing. He’s faced it before, when he joined the 501st after the disaster of Rishi Outpost; however, that had been entirely different, having Fives by his side.
Now, he is alone with a squad of deviant clones who mistrusted him a majority of the time they’ve known him (although that changed drastically after Anaxes, thank the force), along with having to become used to a mutilated body with an entirely new set of rules concerning its upkeep… all without his kriffing dominate hand.
Echo forces down the emotions of despair and self-loathing that eagerly rise to the occasion. “Actually, then, if you wouldn’t mind having a look at it…”
He earns a faint but genuine smile from the goggled clone. “It is no trouble,” Tech says, and sits down next to Echo at the table. “What seems to be the issue?”
“The joint feels tight…limited movement,” Echo explains, pointing to the area his right elbow used to be. “And I noticed my scomp attachment is not reacting like it was before…”
“You were electrocuted, I am not surprised the attachment will need to be recalibrated,” Tech interrupts. Not unkindly, simply removing the need for Echo to explain himself. Tech starts to reach for his arm but hesitates. “May I?”
“Yeah, sure, of course,” Echo says, shifting to make the offending appendage more accessible.
Tech sets to work, narrating the process as he goes. He explains each issue in detail, and then provides a detailed solution. “While it is advantageous that I understand the matter, it is vital that you understand. After all, it is your body. It must not be an easy adjustment…coming back as a cyborg.”
“That’s putting it mildly,” Echo says, trying to keep his sarcasm in check.
Tech hums acknowledgment. “Would it be helpful to your mental and emotional wellbeing to discuss it?” he asks.
The question catches Echo off guard. “What?”
Tech meets his eye, pausing his work. “If you need to talk, I am more than capable of providing a listening ear, as it were.”
Honestly, Echo does want to talk about it. Everything since he fell out of that stasis chamber has felt like a lucid dream, one he will wake up from. Fives will be shaking his shoulders, the warmth of his breath on Echo’s face as he says in a voice all too loud, “Wake up, sleepy head! You’re wasting daylight!”
And even though his right hand has been gone for months, it feels like only moments ago it closed over the curve of Fives’ shoulder, grasped the grip of his favorite blaster, held a hand of cards during a game of sabaac.
He wants to tell Tech how much he misses the feeling of the ship rumbling beneath his feet, not the rattling of prosthetics against his thighs. Or how even his insides feel heavy and thick where machine now gives his body function. How he hates the feeling of air movement on his bare scalp where his hair used to be.
He wants to say all of this and more, out loud, into the universe. Into the recycled air of his new home, into the listening ears of his new squad.
He wants to. He wants to so badly it catches like a painful lump in his throat. But he swallows it all back. Instead, he says, “I’m fine.”
Even if it is absolutely the furthest thing from the truth.
Tag List: @isthereanechoinhere96 @followthepurrgil @amorfista
✨Let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list!✨
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kaziwi · 1 year
Hi, ◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ!! (Is this how I request?)
Sorry if this sounds awkward, I was thinking of a Maui (from Moana) Reader (gender nuetral) being a demi-god. Any power (the shapeshipting etc.) can be up to you! I was thinking of a small oneshot (anythings fine really) that's similar to the song "you're welcome" in the movie, so like, Reader is stranded alone on the island, desperate to leave, they can't swim cuz the ocean hates them (curse from Te Fiti), and then they meet the Straw Hat Pirates, and either want to leave with the crew or just steal their whole ship. Something along the lines of that?
Hope you have a nice day!!
Hi! This was a interesting request, I hope you enjoy!!
Strawhats Save Stranded Reader
Character(s): Strawhats
WC: 392
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Its been about 2 years since you've been stuck on this island, and you were getting desperate. You wanted to get off this island as soon as possible and go back to living your normal life as a demi-god. Your powers have grown weaker while you stayed on this island, and you just wished you were at full power again.
You were sitting on the beach, bored out of your mind, when you noticed a boat approaching. It was a big pirate ship with a lion head on the front. Its been so long since you've seen a ship you jumped up in joy, signaling them to stop here.
The ship's crew stopped on the island and went to greet you. You learned they were called the Strawhat Pirates and that they stopped here wondering if there was a village they could restock at. You told them no, but desperate to get them to stay, you said the island was full of resources that they could take. You decided not to tell them about your powers for now...just in case...
While a few members of the crew left to explore the island, you stayed back with the members that you learned to be Nami, Chopper, and Franky. You explained to them about how you were stranded here and you desperately needed to leave. They were sympathetic towards you and the big cyborg even started crying after hearing your story. They invited you to join them for dinner tonight, and you graciously accepted. While you were excited for dinner, another thought popped in your head, what if you stole their ship...it would be the perfect get away!
Later that night, you sat on the lawn of their ship, The Thousand Sunny, listening to one of the crew members, Usopp, tell a story about his 8,000 men. It was growing late, and you knew this would be the perfect time to use your demi-god powers to overpower them, when the captain, Luffy, turned to you.
"Nami told me about your problem, so how about you join us for awhile, we can drop you off at any island you want!!"
You looked at him shocked, even after knowing you for less than a day they offered to help you. You accepted excitedly and partied the rest of the night celebrating your escape from the island.
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4rainynite · 2 months
Welcome to Dreamworld Predictions
Here are some predictions/headcanons I have for the next episode of 'Welcome to Dreamworld'
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Remember when Ribbon Dancer first met Wiatt?
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"A new friend!? Hello, hello, hello! Where did you come from? Are you human, or have you fallen from the status like the rest of us?"
Ribbon Dancer knew from the very beginning that Wiatt wasn't human and you can't convince me otherwise!
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After the last episode where Wiatt talked to Celio his eyes are black like soulless and numb.
This is hinting towards Wiatt being an animatronic/cyborg.
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After, their talk Wiatt's eyes return to their normal brown color.
Also, look at Oddity! He's such a good support Twinblo being there for Wiatt, he's perfect!
Celio tells Damien, Oliver, Millie, Ms. Cabrera, Star, Eric, Rex, Ribbon Dancer, and Glory about Wiatt's eyes turning black during one of their talks. Celio knew it wasn't natural but couldn't explain how it happened. Celio believed it had to do from stress, doubt, and what the two talked about and all the supernatural things going on. Celio made them promise to report to them if Wiatt's eyes ever went black again and to make sure Oddity was with him at all costs in case something happened.
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When the time comes, I hope the reveal is similar to Bee's from Bee and Puppycat.
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Hazel will finally meet Wiatt, Damien, Oliver, Celio, and the other animatronics to help with the investigation.
We'll get an episode of how Hazel met Lorenzo, Night Light, Gruff, and Millie.
Finding out how she got involved with Dreamworld (I believe it has to do with Masquerade, Melody, Mimic aka John, James, and Jake)
While exploring the facility (mainly employee only areas) she came across Lorenzo, Night Light, and Gruff seconds after Sara possess Millie.
The decommissioned animatronics explain that they're the souls of children who were murdered by the founder Sara when they were children because they bullied her.
 During Hazel's investigation on Dreamworld she came across Ghosteyes and Wiatt's videos. Hazel looks up to Wiatt like a big brother and besides Ribbon Dancer ships Wiatt x Lewis/ Star Light.
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Well, Hayden time to put your money where your mouth is.
He's mainly doing it for Andrew, Audrey, and Pen. He'll definitely give Wiatt a hard time, but at this point Wiatt would also be done with Hayden's nonsense by now but still protects him, Astra, and Morris. This will also be a wakeup call for Hayden realizing that his hatred should be focus more on Litho and Sara and how harsh he was on Wiatt.
I think something will happen to Wiatt making Hayden fill in his shoes, but the animatronics don't trust him (mainly Cheer since he was the last human she saw before she died), and we don't know his interactions with the other employees making it difficult for Hayden to get any info.
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 Now that Norman knows that Litho has been possessing Sara and Sara killed him, he's gonna help Wiatt and the others stop Litho.
He won't be buddy-buddy with Wiatt and the others at first, he'll just leave clues like Hazel leaving that flash drive in Wiatt's bag.
He instructs Morris and Astra to hangout more with the others to help gain their memories.
When he's around 'Sara' he plays dumb to make sure Litho doesn't know he (Norman) knows that he (Litho) isn't Sara.
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I really hope the other employees help with the investigation and find a way to free Rain from Litho's control.
Litho is using Hayden to derail the investigations.
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We all know that Mike, Alyssa, Hayden, Andrey, Audrey, and Pen have been working at the facility since it opened up and the group may have formed a bond during the past months. Until Lewis, Eric, and Oliver disappeared, only for Mike, Alyssa, and Andrew to disappear leaving Audrey, Hayden, and Pen.
And we all know what happened to them.
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Remember when Oddity found Pen's laptop and then froze Wiatt in time for a week while the facility was being repaired. I bet Litho has the laptop now and has been using it since then.
Hayden would have zero interest in Wiatt's videos, but if 'Pen' sent him a message about it he would look into it.
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Litho used Pen's laptop to send Ghosteyes' videos of the Dreamworld investigations to Hayden and then killed Pen and Lisa in front of them so Hayden could go off on Wiatt and turn against him.
I remember seeing a post on Tumblr from one of the artists from the show that Pen would return as a bug animatronic (I was rooting on an owl animatronic due to the 'neck' thing). If they get the chance Pen will reveal that he never sent Hayden any videos of Wiatt's investigations and that he's been tricked.
Now, Wiatt won't talk to Hayden due to self-doubt and 'you told me to leave you alone, so now I'm doing what you told me to do' which will make things difficult. 
2. Audrey has been doing her own investigations.
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Like I said above Mike, Alyssa, Hayden, and Andrew were there since the beginning and it wasn't until Andrew went missing, she did everything in her power to look for him for example: made missing persons posters, contact his family, and would go to the police regularly.
When the facility reopened, she was the only one to voice Wiatt was missing. Audrey must have noticed that it was mainly the mechanics who went missing the most fueling her need to know what happened to her friends.
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Audrey having some knowledge of the animatronic/computers took over Wiatt's duties. Before Winnie attacked her Audrey proclaimed that she knew Dreamworld had something to do with Andrew's disappearance and maybe Wiatt's.
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Sadly, Audrey became another victim of Dreamworld Facility, and her soul now inhabits Astra.
I believe a good 50% of the victims were looking for friends/family, co-workers and got killed because of it.
4. Melody may get his memories back due to being around Winnie and remembering he killed him and his brothers.
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Okay, that's all I got now.
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maidenvault · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
This is from "Building Bridges," a silly gen ficlet I'm working on about Echo's early days with the Bad Batch that's basically about him being just about driven crazy by Tech's messiness, Wrecker's insane idea of a good time, none of them giving a shit about protocol, etc. It's a lot to adjust to on top of waking up a cyborg recently and he needs some ice cream. (Edit: fic’s finished and posted)
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When Echo first set foot on the Marauder knowing it was now his own personal starship, he noticed things he hadn’t before. For one thing, this shuttle was modified to accommodate Clone Force 99 on long voyages, equipped with racks—but not enough for five people. Echo had felt so fortunate, touched even, that this squad had just offered to have him when he couldn’t imagine any other place for him anymore. But noticing this brought on an unpleasant realization that he could just as easily find he didn’t comfortably belong here either. The interior was certainly messier than any Republic vessel he’d been on, too. The detached head of a battle droid, evidently kept by one of them as a trophy, was left on the floor and nearly made Echo trip and fall as he walked a little awkwardly to the front of the ship on the cybernetic legs he was still getting used to. Then when Tech had fired up the engine and appeared about to lift off, Echo couldn’t help himself. “Wait,” he said. “We’re leaving the system, yes? Reporting to Kamino?” Tech turned in his chair to look at him seated behind him. “Of course. What is it?” “What about the preflight checks?” Silence fell for a moment while Tech looked perhaps the closest to offended that he was capable of looking. A glance toward the others showed that Hunter seemed mildly amused, a slight smirk tugging at his lips. Meanwhile Crosshair lounged carelessly across one of the drawn racks like none of this concerned him, and Wrecker stood in a corner looking to Hunter with a confused and lost sort of expression that gave a horrifyingly sure impression that he had no idea what preflight checks were. Hunter turned his seat around, relaxing back into it, and put his feet up on the one behind it. “Everyone on board?” he said. “No, Sarge,” muttered Crosshair from the back in a smartass tone Echo would come to know well. “Right,” Hunter said. “Fuselage intact. Atmospheric conditions favorable. Equipment barely functional.” He punctuated that last assessment by stretching a leg out to give a light tap of his foot to their power droid, who let out a pathetic-sounding low honk. “Pilot as unqualified as always.” “Now that is a gross misrepresentation,” Tech said in his detached and airy voice, his hands once again flying breezily across the controls. “Welcome aboard, Echo.” Then Tech flew them up into the air and pointed their ship in the right direction with a maneuver that nearly threw Echo from his seat and explained exactly what Hunter had meant.
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owlight · 2 years
A date with Trafalgar law
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Title: A date
AU: main timeline
Ship: law x gn!Reader
Tw: fluff
Summary: law was dared by his crew to take his crush out on a date ,this the story by y/n pov!
Notes: this is somewhat inspired by this ask that was answered by @cyborg-franky
Also my first time writing a fanfic for law 🥹 ,not proofread so sorry for any mistakes ,tried my best to keep it gender neutral!
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Law walked to you with little no hesitation as you were talking to penguin about something you can't even remember after he approached you with " we are stopping at the next island, prepare yourself, it's a date" he tells you with a rather stoic face that even look bit too pissed off and he even got the audacity to leave before he hears your answer
" did..did this just happened or did I not sleep well last night?" You asks yourself out loud and penguin clear his throat "no it happened..I think" He isn't sure himself "what did I do for him to want me alone like that?" You asks letting panic set in your brain
penguin looks at you with a rather funny look "I don't think you did anything wrong, it's a date..which I must admit he have a weird way of asking someone out " he tells you as he put a finger on his chin
" it sounded more like a threat to me " you tell penguin who chuckles " yeah I can agree,my heart stopped at how pissed off he looked!" He tells you with a laugh,you don't laugh with him as you now think of what to do with this..a sudden date?
but hey perhaps it's a chance to bound with your captain??? Friendly date! You think ,it must be that ,yeah!
~time skip to when you arrived to the island~
The moment you arrived to the island was almost like a jumpscare due the fact that law decided to get you before you were even ready,yet he looked like he was ready hours ago!
"Captain! Please just let me wear something else?" You tell him and he looks up and down at you seeing that you are still in your crew outfit ,he mumble something to himself before he speak outloud"a...I see, I will be waiting for you,don't be late" he tells you before leaving you alone with your thoughts and the only thing on your mind is 'why is this happening to me'
You decide to wear something comfortable,mostly because you had no time to brainstorm an outfit that would catch anyone breath , which is okay, you're just going out on a date with your captain , that's normal? Right? Not really,the more you think about it the less sense it make the more panic you gain
"I'm ready captain!" You tell law as you meet him outside the submarine,he looks at you with a slight smile that you couldn't even catch before he return to his rather stoic nature " good,here ,I got you these,I thought you might find them nice" he tells you as he hand you some black roses ,you take them from him and start admire how pretty they look
" captain these are Really lovely thank you-" he cuts you off rather fast" don't mention it,come on , let's go" he tells you as he grabs one of your hands dragging you behind him "hey-hey captain ,slow down!" You tell him and law only slow down a bit "sorry" he mumble,you can't help but blink few times, your captain apologizing-no actually this whole thing is bizarre and you don't even know how to react other than go along with it! Going with the flow..even if it's very questionable
"We arrived" law voice break you out of your thoughts as you look where you have arrived " a book store?" You asks and law shake his head "it's a restaurant,they just have a library in it for readers to enjoy while eating " he explains as he drag you with him inside
he helps you sit at the table as he sits across you,a waitress take both of your orders and leaves both be,you look at him puzzled look and he looks at you with with an unfazed look ,you huff as you collect your courage to finely ask what the fuck is going on with him in the most polite way
"I'm not trying to be rude captain but ...hm I'm bit lost for the occasion of this ...date(?)" You asks with an expression that could only be confusion,law clear his throat as he look around as to the answer going to be around the restaurant before answering
".....They dared me to ask you out on a date" he mumbles with a rather embarrassed tone,you look at him confused as you let out a small "oh" yeah that make sense,it is very out of character of him to be interested in anyone really-"don't take it the wrong way!" He realize his answer might be taken the wrong way by how it's phrased
"I...eh I wanted to ask you out before they dared me" he tells you ,you stare at him as he spill the beans,your cheeks slightly darken "oh " you say and law eye twitch slightly as his face is completely darken like a tomato,you wave your hands
" not a bad oh! I am just... surprised! This is..very new to me captain!" You explain yourself and law put a hand on his cheek as he sigh "y-yeah I can see , I'm sorry (y/n) I just wanted to be straight forward,..I know you like straight forward guys" he explains himself with a rather embarrassed tone ,you chuckles at that
"Well you're not wrong captain!I..guess I never had someone so straight forward like this, thank you,I am flattered that you asked me out for this date captain" you tell him politely with a smile,law looks away a bit to hide his flushed face
"yeah thank you for coming with me,and please you can call me law when we are alone together" he tells you "ah yeah law sorry captain-law,this is..kinda new to me..yeah it's just weird sorry,not that you're weird,just it feel like a fever dream" you tell him with a nervous chuckle ,law snort
" I can relate to the dream part" he mumble catching you off guard "so asking me out was like a dream to you hah?" You ask with a teasing smile and law shake his head "don't get so cocky now" he tease back and you can't help but chuckles together
not a very bad start for a dateyou think as you start talking about your special interest while law listen to you and share his own thoughts about it,the lunch arrives and you both eats with a cheerful energy
by the time you're both finished the vibe of the lunch was shifted completely to a rather lay back and comfortable energy,you both end up leaving the restaurant after few hours of talking about nothing and everything (mostly about how law missed begin on the ship after dealing with the strawhats for so long rip)
you both leave the restaurant with a cheerful vibe,you have a big smile on your face while law have a little smile watching you look at the flowers he got you
"Thank you law,I really enjoyed our date! I think we should do this again! Maybe next time I can take you out for the date!" You suggest rather excitedly and law cheeks blushes slightly " sure (y/n) ,next time it's on you" he tells you with a rather cheerful tone as you have made him happy to know you want to have a second date with him
"cool! I'm going to check the maps and see the islands so I can pick a cool place ,I promise " you tell him with a smile as you hug him,law freezes completely before he hugs back and he pats your head a bit before you let go of him
"get used of these hugs ! I'm going to give you more from now!" You tell him with a sparkle In your eyes and law can't help but smile again "that sound great to me,not complaining" he mumble as he let you drag him back to the submarin
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wonderfull-star · 3 months
As I promised, now it's Sans’s turn=)
1.Chara-Probably the most obvious. Both Sans and Chara have a brother who is essentially the opposite of themselves( StroryShift and StorySpin moment).Both judge the player's actions at the end of the genocide and literally making their life hell. We don't really know what Sans really thinks about humans. However, if you remember that moment in Mettaton’s restaurant where he began to threaten Frisk, then we can assume that he clearly did NOT have the best opinion of humans and, probably, just like Chara, could hate them. It turns out that if Frisk going on a true pacifist, both Sans and Chara’s visions about humans completely change for the better. If this is true then this would explain why we don't see Chara on the path of a pacifist. After all, after Chara's death, they were left with unfinished task. By going through the game for genocide, we make them even more angrier by filling them with hatred for absolutely everything(Glitchtale moment).On the pacifist, we are fulfilling Chara’s unfinished task - to free all the monsters and now they can finally rest in peace. And if on the genocide route Chara becomes a demon, then on the pacifist they becomes an angel. That’s why it so piss me off me when fandom making Chara like a villain, even though it wasn’t them who did it, but the player. With this logic, Sans can also be considered as a villain. Because oh no, he attacked the “poor” child and broke his Toriel’s promise😱 I believe that, on the contrary, in some sense Sans and Chara are on the same side and, in their own way, taking revenge on the player for all their sins.
2.With Napstablook. Both are pessimistic at heart. Sans and Napstablook definitely sometimes spending time together listening to music and lying on the floor pretending to be trash. They both have a brother/cousin who is the complete opposite of them - both are extroverts who love to be the center of attention, have an optimistic outlook on the world and always achieve their goals. In Underswap Sans is literally a fan of Napstablook/Napstaton(some people even ship them, well it’s literally like a swap version of Papyton 💀).
3.With Mettaton(by my theory). Both are created by royal scientists as killing machines to capture human souls. Both “renounced” this role, devoting more time to what they wanted the most (also essentially intertwined with the StorySpin au where Chara takes Mettaton’s role in the literal sense of becoming a humanoid robot cyborg killer-)
StorySpin is underrated as heck. It's strange that no one even pays attention to Chara and Sans from this au. Chara is surprisingly really perfectly looks in Mettaton’s role. Like being... the DAMN KILLING MACHINE. It’s as if Chara’s dream had just come true (if you know what I mean). And Sans being in Chara's place is generally something on a different level. Can we already start making theories?
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justp34chy · 6 months
im very hyperfixated w my own oc help me
Briar lore below ;p
So this is the oc me and a friend ship w hers so I might need to explain hers as well
Briar Sawyer is the head of the technology dept. at Myers way WAY b4 this back in high-school is where he met Ajax Morningstar, they bonded in their 2nd year of high-school through the photography club Ajax was in and Briar volunteered to model for. They lost contact when Briar went off to RMU for a medical degree, Ajax went to a bartending trade school and inherited his fathers brewing company (my friend decided that Ajax was the owner of Victor's fav bar and was the barkeep most of the time) Briar was enjoying his time at college but in his second year he got into a terrible accident causing him to need a prosthetic for both his left arm and leg (smth smth bomb smth smth explosion.) He decided to switch his majors after to engineering after that bc he gained a phobia of corpses and he felt "inspired by Myers," graduating in 2067 and going off to Myers immediately, Ajax also got the bar around this time.
Briar slowly climbed up the ranks in Myers over the 10 years b4 Vincent and Victor graduated. Since he had experience in the medical field, created his own "digital assistant" from scratch and was "very loyal to the company" Myers decided to let him in on the cyborg stuff and Briar became the main surgeon for actually making the cyborgs out of force. Ofc Briar absolutely hates his job and after rekindling his friendship w Ajax he goes to the bar often just to ramble about his job (and to see a particular bartender). After seeing victor there once Briar and Ajax start grown man gossiping about what vic and Vince were up too bc Ajax was working when they had their their RMU date and Briar worked with the two. Because of the gossiping Briar personally handcrafted Victor's prosthetics after hearing what happened to him.
Ofc the time comes where the whole car accident happens and Briar couldn't physically "operate" on on him, even though Vincent might not be that close to Briar, only acquaintances. After watching Victor and Vincent's supposed relationship grow from a distance over the years all he could think about was how Victor would react. Since Vincent was wide awake he apologized for what would happen and told him that he would tell victor before handing the operation job to another employee (possibly Winston) and leaving for the bar to speak to Ajax. Crying and pouring his heart out at the bar. Briar was a rather tall and intimidating man with all of the burn scaring from the explosion, he showed less emotion then Vincent does so it's very odd to find him weeping. Poor Victor just so happened to be at the bar that day to witness Briars breakdown, he had an off day and decided to visit his favorite bar. Victor had worked closely with Briar on multiple occasions due too how much the robotic materials and supplies the company needed cost and he hadn't seen not even a speck of emotion come out of him.
Briar couldn't bear to look at Victor because he knew what was happening to Vincent, he was too choked up at the time to tell him only able to choke out three words "Vincent, danger, basement" very Cryptic ik. Victor didn't believe him at the time as they weren't to close and he thought "why would Myers do that to the lawyer that just saved them?" But Briars words stuck with him and the state that his coworker was in for that matter. Around a week later, Briar hasn't shown up to work and Vincent was still no where to be seen, not even in hospice.
Briar showed up at the door of Vincent and Victor's mansion, learning that they lived together from Ajax's gossiping. Victor was hesitant to let him in but considering Briars absence and everything else, he decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and let him in to talk. Briar ended up spilling everything to victor, Vincent's disappearance, his involvement in the cyborg incident and everything that was happening in Myers.
Victor did *not* take it well and was very angry at Briar, though he was glad that Briar stepped out instead of operating on Vincent Briar had told him that the job was given to another employee instead of dropped because "you know how Myers is." he told Victor that he regrets everything he did for the company, telling him everything from his accident in college to gossiping with the bartender about him and Vincent. Victor wanted to do something to help Vincent but Briar tells him that if the process was interrupted now Vincent would certainly become a mindless cyborg or worse he could die without the possibility of being saved due to his current condition and that it would be better to wait for the process to be finished. Briar promises Victor that he would help with Vincent's recovery post process even though Vincent would certainly hate him.
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cybernightart · 1 year
A couple Random Genji and some kiriko + other headcanons/short story things? Not a full fic or anything but headcannons that kinda flow into a story of some kind. I don't even have a clue how many I've done at this point XD
Second half of this gets a little sadder, and mentions stuff from his Playboy days including drinking and drugs and stuff not much but it's there so still head up.
BUT then I wrote a short cute thing of how I imagine kiriko reunited with genji so it's not all angst and depresso.
Also random Gency here and there! (There's alot not going to lie lol)
And lastly as per always, this is very very rambly as I'm just getting my thoughts written out and there's not much actual order and there might be some jumping back and forth but I tried to keep it as steady flow as my brain would allow. This one is rather long though.
This one actually starts with Dva! (This is partially inspired of a few other head cannons I've seen from people) After she joined OverWatch in between missions whenever she's doing more normal streams that aren't streaming the fights, where she's in her room gaming or doing other streams around the base, she would bring some of the other members onto the streams either they would pop in to say hi or would stay for whole streams. At first it would primarily be the new blood crew, as they had been around either for longer and her Chat had gotten to know them too.
But then after a while chat started to notice these same two people popping in for quite a lot of streams not really ever acknowledging chat but just talking to Dva. They would be giving her food and bringing her drinks and stuff ,making sure that she's staying hydrated ,making sure she's okay, and just all around taking care of her. One of the two was immediately recognized to be mercy which the chat started lovingly referring to as "mom" because in any stream she appeared in even for a couple seconds she was always just taking care of everyone and looking after everyone and reminding her not to stream too long. The second person wasn't immediately recognized, at least by name anyways. Genji wasn't known to the public what his name was, they just knew he was the ninja guy from OverWatch, that they had seen on the news a couple times in some fights like when they took down doomfist or in Paris. And they had especially never heard him talk before this, so all anyone publicly knew about him was there was this omnic looking guy who was a ninja with green lights on him. And after the first few times he popped in to check on Diva bringing her stuff, and way more specific stuff that he knows would be better for her to have during stream or gaming sessions because he himself being quite experienced in the gaming department he knows what kind of snacks or beverages are better to have while still being healthy at least a little. And after these many appearances by this unnamed member they had no idea who he was, Diva eventually explained to her chat that that was Genji and he was a cyborg ninja who looks intimidating (and can be very intimidating) but who's actually a really big sweetheart is very caring and stuff. So considering how Chat had started referring to mercy as mom, they started referring to Genji as dad, which then eventually snowballed into people shipping them on Diva's stream even going as far as drawing fanart of them. Which at this point no one on the base actually knew Genji mercy had a thing going on outside of tracer ,sojourn and Cassidy and kind of Winston but he was mostly oblivious. They mostly knew from before overwatch shut down, from the random dates they went on or the late night conversations and the all-around flirting between the two of them, but none of them knew that they were even more of a thing than before and were even closer.
Moving on to the next head cannon which ties into that one. We know Genji and Hanzo reunited on the 10-year anniversary of Genji's death when he was around 35, and he's 37 now, and the last letter we know of really between the two is when he told her about reuniting with his brother. And we also know from the recent logs from PVE that Genji hasn't actually been at the monastery in a while and hasn't seen zenyatta in a long time and has just been writing him letters. So I personally like to believe in that in that two-year span Genji was wandering around again with ,a new purpose in life this time ,specifically on the mission to track down Angela. Where he eventually found her after about a year or so, because he had no idea where she was, since he left the monastery he didn't have any of the letters that she could have sent in the meantime, specifically one where she mentioned that she was leaving Cairo and going somewhere else. So for about a year he was on kind of a wild goose chase just kind of running around trying to find her eventually he did find her. At this point she was in between her trips to places to help people and was just in her home in Switzerland, which I like to imagine she lives in an apartment.
Which is where Genji tracks her down to, end of instead knocking on the door like a normal person he knocked on her window, because he couldn't be bothered taking the stairs inside and just wall climbed up to her balcony because it was "easier". He brought with him a few gifts including Swiss chocolate which he was able to get much easier now being in Switzerland, and a couple other assorted gifts.
So as Angela was sitting at her desk filling out paperwork at midnight, she heard a knocking on her window which at first she brushed off as the wind but then realized how distinct of a knocking it was. So cautiously she grabbed her blaster from the table she'd been working on all her Valkyrie suit stuff on, quietly tiptoed over to the window peaked through her blinds and didn't see anything except for a faint green Glow. Which definitely confused her at first so against your better judgment she opened the window, poked your head out and was looking side to side couldn't see anything or anyone, balcony completely empty. Until a little ribbon thing fell in front of her face was she immediately recognized and looked up to see Genji dangling from the upstairs balcony Spider-Man style because of course he is. And before she can say anything Genji says a sweet little "hello doctor", and plopped down in front of her perching himself on the balcony wall. Then after 2 seconds of fully registering what's going on she happily yells out Genji's name as she wraps her arms around him. Where he quickly has to grab onto the window / door so they both don't fall off the balcony with the force she have charged at him with. She apologizes, genji says it's fine, they both giggle, Genji then reaches up and completely takes off his mask/helmet, reaches out brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear and leans in and says "I missed you <3" in a loveing hushed voice. Which mixed with the cheeky smirk on his scarred face makes Angela's face go completely red. Flustered she looks him in the eyes and smiles before saying "I missed you too<3" as she leans in and kisses genji on the cheek making him go so red in the face that even his ears are blushing and steam releases through his shoulder vents. And for Genji can even get any words out Angela pulls him inside like grabbing on to the front of his new hoodie, what she then cheekily but honestly compliments saying how it suits him, and he does the same with her new hair cut.
You then spend roughly the next year living together slowly getting closer and closer and more and more comfortable with each other than they already were (like they were basically dating at this point but just hadn't admitted it) snuggling, doing daily tasks together, when Angela came home from her long shifts at the hospital genji had done all the household chores and had cooked dinner for them both. And where all-around enjoying life to the best of their abilities, considering all the stuff going on in the news, and eventually the recall. Which they desired to answer together, and made their way to Paris arriving just in time to save Winston, tracer and mei along side Reinhardt, Brigitte, and echo.
Back to the Dva streaming thing, once genji and mercy found out dvas chat called them mom and dad they both laughed at it, but also kinda agreed. Genji first said he didn't see it for himself, which almost everyone else chimed in with all the times he has looked after someone, helped them out, made sure they are staying hydrated, looking out for their health (mental and physical) and has overall became someone any of them can talk to for reassurance or guidance. That combined with all the terrible dad jokes. They both eventually accept their roles as the mom and dad friends of the group.
Genji 100% makw some of the worst but the best dad jokes
Some examples of this, like in PVE when Genji checks in on mei to see if she's doing okay, comforts tracer about mondattas death, even him talking about Cassidy about how he hasn't been sleeping and helping him deal with the emotions and memories causing that. I'm definitely also see him befriending Zarya pretty quickly, after not getting off on the right foot with her not trusting him seeing him as part omnic and not knowing if she can trust him because of it, once they step foot into the gym together they instantly become workout buddies, especially considering both of them are frantically trying to help the others not injure themselves while doing what they think are basic workouts. Primarily with mei, Lucio, dva, even Baptiste and then a couple of the others. Lucio on multiple occasions would go into the gym not wearing proper footwear and immediately get sent back out by either Zarya or Genji. And with the people they don't have to help out as much in that way, they both spar or train with the others and help push them when they need it and help them to go easy when they need it (like brig, tracer or rein)
Genji also gives the best massages in OverWatch, primarily to mercy but he does them for everyone else as well. And when someone injures themselves in a non bloody we should probably take you to the medics kind of way he can help bandage up rolled ankles or other pulled muscles and other more athletics based injuries from both personal experience and stuff he's picked up from being around mercy for so long.
And for the third time back to Dva stream thing, there was one time she was doing a cooking stream with Lucio, and Genji happen to walk into the room to see them trying and shopping things and immediately having to dash over there and take the knives out their hands because Jesus Christ they were going to hurt themselves the way they were trying to do it. And after he confiscated the knives he showed them how to properly use them so they wouldn't hurt themselves horribly, and then physically got them to try cutting again this time with his supervision so they could hands on learn how to do it while also having genji there as a safety net to make sure they don't cut their fingers off.
And eventually after a while of convincing Genji eventually came on to one of Diva's dreams for the whole thing and ended up playing games with her which is where she found out Genji used to play video games a lot (and it turns out Genji is better than her, he kicked her butt a few times and then went easier on her but acted like he was still trying so she could feel like she had beaten him and to not humiliate her in front of her stream) and he was better than her at fighting/shooters games but Dva was better in racing/flying/absurd nonsense games(think like gang beasts and fall guys) except for things like Mario kart (or whatever the OverWatch equivalent would be) where they were pretty evenly matched.
And there was one time they tried to play VR only to very quickly realize that Genji could not because he couldn't get the headset over his mask, and even when they finally did get it to stay in place(kinda) he couldn't hear anything through it and it looked ridiculous over his mask, and everything was tinted very green. So dva changed the set up so the camera wasn't facing him so he could take his mask off and properly play, because she still wanted to play with him but didn't want to make him uncomfortable because she knew he wasn't very big on showing his face especially to the hundreds of thousands of people watching.
Dva also introduced him to games like beat saber which he loved, and was very good at, mainly because of all the sword training (even though it wasn't accurate it was definitely helpful)
Now switching gears to some different head cannons, this is where the sad stuff happens!!!! ANGST TIME!!!!
Genji when looking back at his old self (playboy days) is very overly harsh on himself and views himself as a way worse person than he actually was at the time. Looking back at those days with the opposite of rose tinted glasses. Overall just viewing himself as a very mean selfish person when, in actuality he was still a very kind-hearted sweet person like he is now. Back then though he wasn't allowed to show it or would be punished when he did for "being weak". And he also looks back at his Playboy partying days not really acknowledging why he was doing all that. Forgetting the mental state he was in at that point, with his mental state during black watch and the initial years of his time in OverWatch overshadowing the negative emotions he felt back then.
he had no interest with being a part of the family business but also just didn't agree with it, he was drifting from his brother who he used to be almost inseparable from and now it was almost like talking to a stranger with how cold and distant Hanzo seem to have become. Or whenever he went out trying to make friends or tried dating people, either they didn't want to interact with him because they were scared of the fact he was a shimada and believed him to be dangerous, or when they did want to interact with him they only wanted to interact with him so they could use him for his money and status ,or only going after him for his looks and not actually him as a person. then an assortment of other small things which built up only topped off by the ever-increasing stress and pressure put on from his family and Clan elders, and eventually the assassination of his father sending him over the edge into full party Playboy this is the only way he knows how to cope mode.
With him constantly getting drunk, high, or even a combination of both, and just overall being a Playboy by "sleeping" around to try and escape from his reality, to feel something, something that wasn't all the bad things he was feeling now.
The only one who actually knew anywhere close to what Genji was going through or how he was feeling at this time was kiriko. (I don't care what her canonical age says it makes no sense so I'm still sticking with she's a couple years younger than them. So like when genji's 37, she's 32-33 or something) they would hang out with all the time, and she very quickly picked up on his rapidly decreasing mental and emotional state, not knowing how to help other then just being there for him.
When he wasn't drunk or out partying, he was going out around hanamura/kanezeka, primarily to the arcade with kirko. Where she witnessed all the good things Genji would do and how nice he was with people. like when he saw kids struggling at an arcade game, trying their hardest and failing, he would go over and help the kids in whatever way they needed so that they would win. And if the kids had given up and we're starting to walk away, he would go over play the game and win big prize, the go over redeem the prize and then give the prize to the kids. Or when someone was being harassed, attacked or in general being put in danger, he would stand up for them and defend them, using his skills as a ninja too take down multiple of these harassers or attackers with ease, as kiriko would tend to the person in need to see if they had any wounds or in general to see if they're okay. And if Genji did need help in fighting, he would fight side by side with kiriko defending the city together, helping wherever they could.
She just remembers all the joy he would bring to people around the city. Primarily just by doing little things and being a nice person, actions that he would dismiss as not being meaningful or actually good deeds, not being able to see past the part of him which made him tied to one of the most feared and most dangerous yakuzas in the whole of Japan ,and in terms of criminal empires at the time, in a lot of the world. Genji instinctively would have put on a mask of the cocky full of himself spoiled rich kid with a carefree attitude, only ever letting it really drop around kiriko or in these random moments of kind-hearted gestures with locals or complete stragers. Where you could actually see the real him, the real him that he had to hide from the clan because he was seen as weak and undesirable, and overall just not being cut out for the family legacy. Which overtime only weight heavier and heavier on his heart and soul, not being able to see that the locals around him loved and appreciated him. Not seeing the sentiments and opinions that they hold even to this day of Genji, not seeing him as a shimada, but as Genji. The green haired goofball who would get himself into trouble but had a kind heart and was just an all-around good kid, that they never found out what happened to and to their knowledge just disappeared one day, the same day Hanzo left and was almost never seen again, with only the occasional sightings once a year on the same day. And not too long after the brothers disappearances, the rest of the clan will go on too, either gone into hiding, arrested or killed.
The Kind-hearted sweeter quiet but Goofy side of Genji is the side that kiriko remembers, even years later. She doesn't mourn for the loss of the cocky rich Playboy persona who would get into fights to prove he was better and didn't care about anyone other them himself.
She missed her best friend. The sweet guy she grew up with, who happened to be into a family who didn't want him for him. And as much as kirko still looks back on the clan with rose tinted glasses, much like how pharrah looks back on OverWatch, she still remembers what the clan did to Genji. Not just ordering him to be killed, not just his own brother who they both trusted who Genji loved wholeheartedly even though they had grown distant and/or it was never really shown anymore, but for how they mentally and emotionally broke him down over the years. Leading him down a path which he never wanted to take a step down in the first place. A path which he thought was his only way of escape, even if it was temporary.
She remembers all the nights of Genji coming back from being at the club, only for him to come home to angry screaming about how disappointed they are in him, the shame he's bringing to their family, and the countless other heated arguments between him and Hanzo, where Genji hardly able to speak for himself because how drunk/high he was, get frustrated and just storm away to his room not even listening to Hanzo yelling after him. And all the times she would go into his room to find him sitting on the floor in the corner quietly crying, far too drunk to even try hiding his emotions at this point. where she would sit with him and just talk to him for hours as he cried until he passed out. And all the nights she wished she could do more to help him, all the times she regrets not protecting him, and all the times she replays the memories in her head, going through all the different outcomes of things she could have done differently that would result in him still being with her today, and the different lives they could have been living. All things that are not her fault, things that she had no control over, but still keep her up at night. All the times Genji took the blame for something she did to protect her from being punished, all the times he stood up for her and was there for her, even being the one to advocate for her to join him and Hanzo in training despite all the protests from the elders and the uncertainty from Hanzo, his father and her mother, he stood up and believed in her that she was ready, eventually winning them over and allowing her to join.
All these memories of the friend she lost and wished every day that he could come back, that one day he would come knocking at her front door with donuts ,cookies or sweets in hand like he used to do when he would sneak them both sweets when they both really shouldn't have been having sugar, or weren't allowed any because they were in trouble.
She even keeps a bunch of mementos around her apartment that remind her of him. including her first kunai, his headband that he used to wear all the time in training that Hanzo would tell him look stupid but he didn't care, just seeing how annoyed it made Hanzo made it worth it. A bunch of his drawings she framed and hung up that he would do in secret ,that he didn't think were that good but kiriko absolutely loved and would try to tell him they were amazing. A bunch of assorted toys and plushies she keeps on her shelves and desk that they won at the arcade together. Or even how she continues to dye her hair the same shade of green years later because it was the color that she would dye it when they would dye their hair together.
And even though she couldn't have done anything differently....she feels like she failed him. which is one of the reasons she tries so hard everyday to fight for her friends and for the people of kanezeka, because hopefully someday, she can feel like she made it up to him. Now constantly paranoid of losing someone she cares about, terrified she loses someone like she lost Genji. And still wanting to continue the small deeds of kindness that he would do, that he didn't think meant anything but to her and everyone around him meant the world.
Of course at this point she had no idea he is actually alive.
Whenever genji had a free moment in OverWatch, he would be trying to find her/find a way to contact her, and thinking of all the ways that he could go about explaining everything to her and apologizing for not finding her sooner and not being there. With a million thoughts running through his head not knowing how to go about it. Telling Hanzo was one thing because as much as his brother didn't like to believe it he was predictable, Genji knew pretty much exactly how Hanzo was going to react and could guess every single thing he would do the entire meeting, and even though he knew kiriko he knew that she wasn't like Hanzo, kiriko most likely changed so much you know those years, unlike Hanzo who stuck in the past. She didn't know how she would react, if she would hate him, if she would be happy, if she would punch him in the face the second she saw him, A million ways he could go about it and not one he was certain on. After talking with zenyatta and Angela he eventually decided todo what felt right.
(when reading this next part, picture it with the calm happy music from the kiriko cinematic! It adds to the feels)
So on random evening, the elevator doors opened and out walked a man who had never been there before. A man wearing a gray hoodie and joggers, with what looked like a cybernetic hand, with his hood pulled up and a black cloth mask covering his lower face, and from under the hood peeked a couple strands of bright green hair, and in hand where two boxes of doughnuts. And on his way walking to one of the doors he stopped and said hello to the old man who appeared to be the janitor/maintenance man for that apartment building, and a little girl wearing a kitsune mask with a fox plushie in hand. She was sitting on the floor coloring with crayons, where upon closer inspection she was trying a very familiar green haired girl then also familiar blue spirit fox. Smiling under his mask, he bent down to get a closer look at the drawing, which caught the girls attention, initially being a little scared he signed to her telling her that it's okay and he just wanted to compliment her drawing. She shyly thanked him, and then Genji asked what her name was, to which she replied with "little fox" while giggling and then asked what his name was, and he replied with "Sparrow" and told her that he was here to see a friend that he hasn't seen for a really long time. Did they then said/signed their goodbyes, has Genji stood back up bringing the donuts with him and proceeded to walk to the end of the hall. Where he paused, took in a deep breath, then knocked on the door, holding up the donuts so that he couldn't be seeing through the peep hole. And when kiriko open the door, confused and who it was especially this time of night, she looked up as Genji lowered his mask and simply said "hey kiriko"
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