#I really meant for this to just start post-book 3
unluckilylvcky · 3 days
TMNT Group: Welcome Leonardo!
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From ancient books of ninjitsu to comic books tucked neatly in the shelves, who better to confide in than the Leonardos? After all, the greatest honor a ninja could ever have is a nice cup of tea! Leonardo made sure that his comrades would feel right at home!
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What is TMNTherapy Group about?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Therapy Group, or simply abbreviated to TMNTherapy Group or TMNT Group, is a fun little comic featuring your favorite turtles from all current running cartoon iterations joining together to, well... Get therapy! Or at least, that's what the turtles from the 1987 universe say. In OOC terms, yes, this is basically a crossover au.
Currently, the AU has 5 introduction comics (including this one), 1 filler comic and many more fun and angsty comics to come! Join the '87 verse turtles as they try their best to unite these 3 VERY different turtle iterations with each other! It's gonna be an... Interesting ride, to say the least. Stay tuned!
This AU is strictly for fun and is only meant to explore the dynamic of each turtle iterations with each other! Nothing more, nothing less, just all 4 generations of turtles either venting to each other or having fun. None of this is meant to be reflective of real life scenarios, anything of the latter is completely unintentional.
You're gonna notice a watermark on most of these panels, and I can assure you that that is me; my old user! I unfortunately do not have the original files to these, nor do I have the time to redraw these to my current style. I'm pretty sure I stopped watermarking it with my old user after the Raph group intro :]
This was posted on Instagram during October 15th of last year!
Thought I should mention: The lineart quality for this AU is LARGELY inconsistent. I really just wanna have fun with this au so sometimes you're gonna see some clean and cool lineart, but mostly you're gonna have to deal with my sketchy lineart like in this comic haha
Seeing as Instagram is my main platform, you'll have to keep in mind that this format was made with the square format in mind. Stick with me here hehe :^))
Gonna start introducing Bonus Comics! These are just short disconnected comics that I usually include out of a whim. Just click on Keep Reading and you should see it! This will be the only time I'll mention these on the notes section.
<<< Previous: Teenage Mutant Ninja... Therapy Group?!
Next Up: TMNT Group: Welcome Raphael! >>>
Bonus Comic:
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delucadarling · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @crownleys @notforconsumption because I know she's working on something. Maybe a mushroom or something.
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angxlofvenus · 11 months
hi, hi, hi! could I request the brothers + diavolo during a meeting together when their s/o (the mc) starts to doze off and then suddenly faint? Turns out, the MC forgot to drink water that day-
That happened to mr a few days ago, it wasn't fun - so here's a reminder for you to drink some water too :')
Thank you so much for the request!!! I am so so sorry to hear that happened, I hope you're doing better <3 If anything in this post seems insensitive please let me know! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night
Genre: Mostly fluff, Some Hurt/Comfort Ship: Demon Brother+Diavolo x reader (individual) TW: Minimal cussing, mentions of fainting, mass panic, yelling, second person pov for reader (If I missed anything please tell me!!)
When You Faint
You watched as the clock slowly ticked by the minutes as the Demons around you spoke amongst themselves, Your talking had slowly come to a stop as the room started to spin, Some of the men looked at you strangely but nobody expected you to fall out of your chair and onto the council room floor...
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He's immediately up out of his chair
Oh lord, he’s now fully in mother mode-
Barking orders at everyone, Yes this includes Dia
As soon as he gets over to you his wings are out, shielding you from everyone else
Once you come to, He isn’t letting you out of his sight
And once he finds out you fainted because of dehydration? 
He would so buy you one of those big ass waterbottles 
One of these mfs
Freaking out pt. 1
Definitely hootin’ and hollering
He is indeed making a scene
Won’t really be on you until after you wake up because he knows Lucifer and Diavolo can do more for you then he can
After you have awoken though? He isn’t letting you out of his sight
You don’t have to worry about remembering to drink water, He’s there to remind you now!
Humans are such fragile creatures and now that he's seen that firsthand, He will barely let you do anything
He will make sure you are healthy whether you like it or not dammit
Freaks out pt. 2
Somehow freaking out even more then Mammon
He doesn’t know what to do! He leaves his room one time and this is what happens!
Will kind of just stand there in shock as everyone erupts into chaos
He isn’t the best example of someone who looks after their body lets be honest
But when ya’ll are gaming You’ll start to see some more healthy options popping up in the mix of chips and soda
He will beat himself up over not noticing, Please comfort this man before he decides you resent him
He won’t ever really bring it up but rest assured, It will never happen again
Would also run to your aid
He has read a lot of medical books in his time, He knows what to do
Would take you to a doctor afterwards, just in case
Kind of beats himself up for being unaware of your condition
I don’t think he’d freak out as badly after the incident, He knows it was probably a one time thing
Will bring up in conversation casually if you’ve eaten and drank water today, just to be sure
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Freaks out pt. 3
Yelling at Lucifer/Satan to do something!
Will be all over you as soon as you’re awake
Don’t scare him like that! 
Will get extra pouty when he learns why you passed out
Has Ya’lls self-care sessions meant nothing to you?!
No more of that, not on his watch
He will offer you water at random times throughout the day
Studying? Water! Watching Tv? Water! Sleeping? Water! no, no, Beauty sleep is important
Doesn’t knows what's happening, Why are you on the floor?
Will stand on the sidelines concerningly as he watches Lucifer take over, He trusts his brother to help you
Will also feel immense guilt he didn’t see the signs, He just wants to keep everyone safe 🙁
When he thinks Ya’ll are doing something too straining for a human, He’ll stop to ask if you’re okay/ need a break
Will start carrying around a water bottle specifically for you 
He totally wasn’t sleeping when it happened, nope
Woke up to his brothers and the Prince of the Devildom freaking out around you
I don’t think he’d really get too involved with helping since he doesn’t actually know wtf just happened
If you don’t immediately perk back up, He’s gonna cuss out Lucifer and maybe try to fight him
Gets a little snappy at everyone (except you ofc) after the incident
He even started to set alarms on your DDD as reminders to drink water
Will tease you just a teeny bit, But you can tell how worried the entire thing actually makes him
Was over to you in record time
Commands everyone to step back from you while he calls Barbatos and a royal doctor
You will be given the best treatment don't worry
He thinks he's being very sneaky about making you drink more water He is so obvious about it, it hurts
You will definitely notice how Barbatos now almost immediately refills your glass as soon as it’s half full
Another one to openly ask if you’ve drank enough water that day
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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(1) Passionate about Learning
If we look at Hermione or Rory , they had a burning passion for learning. They were full of curiosity. They didn't just study for good grades , they studied because they were passionate to learn. They read alot of books. Ngl Reading is therapeutic . Hermione always went into detail , she read alot of books about the topics she was studying. There is a reason behind her being a " know it all " .
(2) Rely on Understanding , not rote learning
I was one of those who would study at last moment and rely on rote learning, I would still get good grades . But gradually I realized , studying at last moment is wrong and it makes education unworthy. After the exam , I would forget everything. Sometimes rote learning won't help too. Rely on understanding the concepts. Ofc there will be some topics that are just meant for memorization. When you come back from school , you should revise everything. It will makes things much easier for you.
(3) Be Disciplined and Dedicated
The best form of self love is discipline. Don't procrastinate. Procrastination is the cost of life you could have lived. Be mindful and prioritize your tasks. Start taking responsibility. You owe yourself to be disciplined and dedicated.
(4) Prioritize Education
Education is the most powerful weapon. Being educated and Intelligent is HOT ! HARD WORK WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU. Books are your best friends. When I had my exams or when I was in 10th grade, we had board exams . I studied really hard. It was lockdown but exams were still offline ( lol ). I cut off toxic people or anything which drained me or made me feel bad. I prioritized myself and my education. I used social media for 30 minutes only and I would watch content which made me feel motivated or good about myself. I unfollowed everything which made me feel bad. Did I regret it ? NO ! I GOT 98%. I strongly believe in manifestation too ( that's why this account exists ) so I affirmed for good grades too.
(5)Less Social Media or N🚫 Social media at all.
Alot of my classmates who are also exceptional at studying . Some of them joined Social media very late and some of them still don't use Social media. I joined Social media in Grade 9 but these days I try to use it as less as possible. This can be different for everyone. Maybe you use Social media in a healthy way and get good grades. For me , Social media can be draining sometimes so I use it less whenever I need to focus on myself. I was thinking to deactivate my account or take a break 😅. Most of the posts you see are scheduled btw, including this one .
(6)Find your WHY
Why are you studying ? What is your reason ? Is it because you want to make your parents proud ? Is it because you love learning ? Is it because you want to prove others wrong ? It is very important to have a reason for studying. Maybe connect your goals to studying. Let's say you want to become a dentist , now you can't become a dentist without studying ,right ?
(7) Find a Role Model
If you can't find your WHY yet , it's okay. Try to find a role model. It can be any real life person or a fictional character. It can be ANYONE ! My role models are Hermione and Elle Woods. You can put your role model Keychain on your pouch , stick their posters etc so whenever you look at it , you gain motivation to give your best. Again , it's okay if you can't find a role model . Become your own role model If you can't find any role model 😉
(8) Don't let Past intervene
It's okay if you weren't a good student from start . According to manifestation, you can revise being one too ! You can still change yourself and become a good student . You can prove all those people wrong by becoming a good student. Once a wise man said , don't let your past blackmail your present to ruin a beautiful future.
(9) Believe in Yourself & Be confident
Harry potter once said " Working hard is important but there's something which matters even more ; Believing in yourself " . Even if you aren't a potterhead , you should listen to Harry Potter. Another example can be Elle Woods , she believed in herself when no one did. She showed us the power of self belief. Be confident in yourself.
(10) Be attentive and Regular
You must be attentive in class. Participate in class and don't hesitate . I can understand if you can't participate in class because you feel shy ( I used to be like that ) but the more you push yourself to participate, the less you will hesitate. Gradually , you will feel confident too. Like Thewizardliz said , sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable. Be a good listener.Also , be regular in your classes. If you aren't able to be regular, study at home. Some of my friends weren't able to be regular in school because of personal reasons but they studied at home . They didn't waste their time in unproductive stuff. Sometimes I was also not able to be regular at school but I studied at home and took breaks in between.
(11) Study From Youtube
I don't know if it's just me but youtube teachers can make the most complicated topics so simple. They explain everything in detail. Youtube teachers can be more helpful than school teachers tbh 😀. Self Study is important.
(12) Take care of Your Mental health.
It can be very hard to study with bad mental health. I tend to take care of my mental health. Stress can be the biggest distraction sometimes. So take care of your physical and mental health. Journal. Meditate. Take a break from social media if you need to. Use affirmations.Dance. Exercise. Read.Paint . Sleep. Whatever makes you feel better. Poor mental health can also interfere with your attention span so please take care of your mental health. Don't take it for granted 😃.
Short and simple tips
- Value your time. Time is money
- Self study is very beneficial
- Be organized
- Avoid Drama
🎀📖These are some tips which helped me and I live by these tips. I hope these tips help you too. I apologize if the post wasn't helpful🎀📖
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sailoryooons · 5 months
I am going to say something that has really been bothering me that not everyone may agree with, which is totally okay, everyone is entirely valid to disagree with me: There is a fast fashion problem in fandom, specifically fanfiction.
Disclaimer: This conversation is not about broadly writing the same tropes, genres, and ideas. I am not talking about people writing fics with similar themes or the same name. I am specifically talking about people writing fics that are very obviously heavily influenced by other fics. This is not me talking about: I wrote __ character as enemies to lovers vampires and so did this person so they stole. Please do not trivialize this conversation with instances that are very obviously not what I'm talking about.
As someone who exists in the fanfiction space, I want to express what I have seen specifically in this space in my own experience, my mutuals experiences, and random experiences I have seen on my dash.
Recently, it seems like there is a reoccurring theme of writers (often new writers) taking "inspiration" from fanfics that they love and value and essentially creating their own version of that story to the point it is bordering on plagiarism. I say bordering on plagiarism because while people may not be copying line for line or entire scenes in order, you can tell that it is a re-arranged duplicate of another story.
I am not talking about writing similar tropes and dynamics. No one owns a trope or a dynamic. I am specifically talking about people taking the plots, scenes, concept and core of fanfics and recreating it and changing some plot elements or placing it in a different alternate universe and calling it their own, when at the heart of that fanfic, it is taken from someone else's creation.
This to me, reads like people who read a work, fall in love with it, but think 'this is easy to do, I can do this myself' and they end up making a replica of a fic that you can tell is a replica of another fic, despite adding some changes. Nine times out of ten, these inspired fics lack the obvious thought and heart the original writer put into it.
Which, begs the question: How is this different than fanfic writers taking inspiration from media (i.e. published books, movies, music, shows)? Because fanfiction is meant to replicate a specific something from published media. It is not meant to duplicate an already established fanfiction contribution.
I know that the nuance between that line is very ambiguous and it brings up the discourse on 'should there be fanfiction of fanfiction' - to which my response is it is, generally, pretty obvious what the difference between being inspired by a fic and copying a fic are.
In the last few months, I have lost count of how many times I or mutuals have a) discovered someone has been writing a story based off of their fic 2) have been asked to use an already written work to make their own or 3) already have started writing works modeled after an already written work and in hindsight asked the author if they could keep doing so (this third instance almost always happens after someone accuses them of stealing another work).
This feels like the fast fashion industry. Someone finds a story that is popular (whatever that means to the individual), takes all of the elements they think makes the story works, rearranges it, posts it as their own and and says they were 'inspired' (if they credit the original story at all).
This is why so many works that readers are coming across feel like they are the same thing. It is the same A + B + C = D over and over and over again, because people are outright just taking what they think works from other stories and using it.
Again - I am not talking about people who come across a trope, AU, genre or dynamic they like and add something similar to their story. I am talking about the people who are very intentionally and obviously writing the same exact fic with their own 'twist' (whatever that means).
Why is this a problem (beyond the fact that it's essentially roundabout plagiarism)? You're taking the heart, soul, and creativity someone poured into something and posting it on your own and robbing it of the originality, the essence, and the intention behind it. You cannot replicate a writer's feelings and obvious emotions that they have poured into the original work, and it shows. And it is gutting to the original authors who are finding remixes of their work across the fanfiction space.
Please consider whether or not you are inspired by a story or if you are redoing it in your own image. If you find yourself worried enough about your story that you feel like you have to publicly credit someone to avoid scrutiny, perhaps the question needs to be asked of whether you're just redoing what someone else already wrote.
Please do not confuse inspiration and recreation. 9 out of 10 authors will love that they inspired you to write, but would not love to find that you wrote a fic inspired by them that is a rearranged or hollowed-out version of the fic they wrote.
The fanfic space wants and needs more writers, but it does not need people unwilling to create their own art, instead taking bits and pieces from others and calling it a success.
Also adding: This problem also directly contributes to 'smaller' writers or more niche (often queer and bipoc) stories not getting the hype, readership, or recognition they deserve. On more than one occasion I've seen stories that had explicitly queer or bipoc characters taken and turned into heteronormative or white-presenting stories.
Note: This 1000% goes for actual visual art as well, including gifs etc. in fandom but I'm not well-versed there and thus, did not include it.
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earthtooz · 1 year
rin kiss cam absolutely a masterpiece, i loveeee it so much <3 but i got an opposite idea. since you are very damn talented writing for sae, perhaps where you and sae had an argument which upset you so much, you have been ignoring him. then the following day, sae has a football match. after the match which of course they win, all the cams are on you and he said “please give me another chance to fix this, us” THEN THEN he held a massive bouquet of roses DJOWJDOSHDJSJDJ
for @limitlesshq - changed up the storyline a little, anon, sorry! your ask gave me inspiration for this, i'm sorry if you don't like the alterations, but i hope you enjoy nevertheless! this is VERY unedited.
sae, who has a sharp tongue and an even sharper attitude to match with that blunt personality of his. sae, whose words burn and singe your skin, leaving searing pain behind that you try not to show, especially when the venom drips onto your skin and brands you with shame, humiliation, and wrath. sae, who has never talked to you like he had in the argument you had two nights ago.
since then you hadn't talked to him, cringing at the thought of messaging him and reaching out. your friends tell you that you should try and mend whatever has happened, that knowing the two of you, sae's probably feeling the same and misses you too. your heart agrees but your conscious is still a little scarred, wincing when you recall the words that were thrown around.
sae had sent you a few posts here and there- like he sometimes does on instagram (they're hardly funny and you're still trying to find a way to tell him that), and you would only respond with a double click of the message instead of a proper response. other than that, he hadn't reached out in any other way.
the problem was that tonight you had a match to attend, with tickets that sae personally booked for you so it'd be a little harsh to not go.
just because you were still... upset at him doesn't mean that you didn't love him.
but did he want you there? what if he doesn't want to see you? what if he's still mad? that's probably why he hasn't made any attempts to try and talk it out and lord knows that you're still too busy fighting your own thoughts to make the first move.
pathetic really, it is, but when itoshi sae is your partner and the person who you have to apologise to... it's a little hard...
nevertheless, you go. your eyes lingered on the jersey he had given you, debating on whether or not you should wear it.
you decide against it, walking out of your apartment with a sinking feeling that it was a decision you'd regret. at least you still looked cute.
arriving at the stadium, you occupy your seat quite quickly especially since you were watching solo today. it's always daunting to be alone, especially in an environment like this, but you don't want any of your friends to witness how rocky you and sae are right now, so just purchasing this one ticket was a good idea.
even if that meant you had to cure your own boredom by scrolling on your phone whilst waiting for the match to start.
despite your indifferent front, your stomac was doing somersaults from where you jittered with anxiety. was showing up the right move? what if he didn't want you here?
then the stadium announcers begin talking, shushing everyone almost immediately as the teams are introduced. each running onto the grassy field when it's their turn, basking the roars and screams of the crowd that came to support them.
when real madrid comes out, your eye immediately lands on the figure of your boyfriend. although you can't see him all that clearly, it's not hard to identify him from his magenta hair and build; one that you see practically all the time (excluding the last three days).
he's scanning through the crowd, whipping his head around as if in search for someone, and when he finds the vip section for real madrid, his eyes land on you. you can't see him clearly, but there's a shift from his figure, his aura darkening as he slows his steps a little, falling behind from his team.
a fellow teammate has to push sae a little to snap him out of whatever funk he was in and a part of you twists uncomfortably at this weird behaviour of his.
all because he saw you. maybe it wasn't the right choice to come tonight. what if you impact his play?
the kickoff begins before you can think too much about it and the match officially starts, the players scrambling around the field.
90 minutes are over before you can count, the victory going to real madrid (to your relief because thank goodness you didn't affect their precious midfielder).
however, where you thought you would head home immediately after the match, it seems like sae has other plans as he runs towards the barriers separating the audience and the field, eyes locked on you the whole time. he beckons for you to come over and with a little hesitation, you do, weaving through exiting crowds in anticipation for what he'd need.
"congrats for the win," you say in greeting, plastering on a smile to give him the false perception that you were okay. he didn't need a victory to be soiled. that'd be a rough way to end such a pleasant event.
he doesn't meet your smile. instead, his eyes seem troubled, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he looks you up and down again and again, as if his eyes are deceiving him.
"you're not wearing my jersey," he says finally, looking back up at you with turmoil clear in his eyes.
"oh," you look down at your own outfit. "yeah. i decided not to."
"well after our argument i didn't know where we stand," you confess shyly. he frowns further before stepping back.
then he takes off his jersey- the one he was wearing, and fiddles with it until it's facing a certain way. he had a long sleeve shirt on underneath but without the jersey, you can see that he's wearing the couples necklace you got for your anniversary.
he then threads the jersey on over you and despite being shocked at his abrupt actions, you comply nevertheless, weaving your arms through the holes.
sae hums in approval and you feel a little gross wearing his sweat-sopped shirt, but he looks content and happy. a stark contrast to the troubled expression he was wearing previously.
you open your arms for a hug. he accepts it, winding his arms around your torso as yours go around his neck. the athlete breathes you in, relishing in the feeling of being so close to you after so long.
"are we okay?" he asks, voice muffled as sae hugs you a little tighter.
"yeah," you respond. he takes his head out of your shoulder, indifferent eyes glossy. you think they're tears, but you're not going to give yourself such high credit.
"missed you. i hate it when you're mad at me."
you chuckle, pressing a kiss to his nose, causing him to scrunch his face at the sensation. "i wasn't mad, sae. i thought you would be."
"me? why?"
"i don't know. you're kind of scary, y'know. especially to those who have wronged you or you don't care about."
he softens before bringing his head to your shoulder again, finding solace in your touch. "but you're neither."
"noted," you laugh, running your hands through his hair. everything feels okay again.
you only find out after the match that sae was hoping you'd come all along and that he even brought gifts for you as a way of apologising after the match.
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charmedreincarnation · 7 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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tan1shere · 7 months
Slumber Party
Ellie williams x fem reader!
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A/n: Hello my lovelies, first post on here (more active on wattpad) but thought I'd occasionally post here when I'm bored. If you have any requests at all they're definitely open! Also this is kinda short but I don't plan on making the next part as short. Enjoyyyy ☆°•
My masterlist
Summary: like the song slumber party. Ellie thinks she can treat you better then your shitty girlfriend
Warnings: smut, (not in this chapter) read at your own risk (mdni) Dom but soft, protective, ellie! Reader is quite innocent, is very soft also. Cunnilingus (duh- also not in this chapter) your girlfriend in this is an asshole. Abuse, somewhat angst, crying. Lmk if there was anything else!
Pt 2 here! ~ pt 3 here!
Ellie hated Isabel, your girlfriend. She treated you horribly, and Ellie really hated when you'd bawl your eyes out over the phone to her whenever Isabel would storm out of your shared apartment. She hated the fact anyone would make you cry. She never liked seeing you unhappy. Isabel shared this hatred. She never liked you hanging around Ellie, even if you have known Ellie almost all your life. She would scold you after everytime you and her would hang out. You'd come back to the apartment smiling. "What're you smiling about?" You just smile more happy to tell. "Ellie she makes the funniest jo-" "I don't like you being round her Y/n." You would always stare blankly at her, struggling to find the words, leaving your mouth open while you ponder.
Today was not off to a great start. Ellie had just been over, you two were having such a great time. "I should probably get going squirt." She would flash her smile at you, ruffling your hair slightly, as she stood to go to the door. Ellie was a bit older then you, and come to think of it so was Isabel. Let's just say you had a thing for older ladies. (Only by like 6 years) You also stand up, seeing her out and saying goodbye. But as you open the door you're met woth those dark brown eyes. Isabel had just arrived back from work. She glares at the auburn haired girl, making her way inside. "Well hi to you too." Ellie scoffs then looks at you. "Text you when im home." You give her a small nod and a smile before she leaves to her car. You turn around to be faced with a stern Isabel. "You know how I feel about her being in our home. Especially when I'm not here." You never really talk back to Isabel you always apologize and go into the kitchen to make food. She was truly a bitch and she started showing her true colors the moment you two moved in together. You never understood what you would do so wrong. You made every dinner. Every lil food she'd want. The laundry. Just to please her. And although it'd work, it'd never last. "I'm sorry Iz.. She just really wanted to show me this art she was working on and in person. Nothing more I swear." She let's out a scoff. "Why should I believe you it's almost every day you spend with her. It's sickening and pathetic." You stare at her as she says that. She would always make you feel stupid. When in fact you were quite smart you knew what most things meant. Maybe not so much bedroom stuff. But you were book smart nonetheless. Speaking of bedroom. You were basically a virgin. You've kissed Isabel many times done a lil something here and there but it was definitely not much. So you were certainly not confident on that subject. Although Ellie would tell you all sorts of stories about the girls she's been with. It fascinated you to learn all these new terms and what everything was. "I promise to talk to you before hand next time-" She instantly cuts you off. "Why are you still standing here. Cook, I've been working all day." She spits going to your guys shared bedroom. You sigh doing so. And that was your life.
It was maybe a couple weeks after, you had felt like you were coming down with something so you decided that bed rest was the best thing. It was now 3 in the afternoon. You were sleeping in your bed when the door busted open. "What the fuck are you still doing in bed it's almost 4!" Isabel was home and not happy. You sit up a bit. "Yes I know I'm sorry bu-" She drops her bags. "This place is a mess, there's dishes out. Foods not even ready. Laundry is still in the hamper. What fucking else." You look at her softening your look. "Iz, I'm sorry- I woke up feeling horrid so I decided to stay in bed." She shakes her head. "Even when I have the worst headache known to man I still get my ass up and work. You know all that sweet money, I work for that. And you work here that is your job." This was one of the moments were you'd feel bad for yourself. Weak. Weaker right now considering you're sick. You look down at the sheets. "Are you even listening to me? You spoiled brat." She doesn't do what she does next often but when she does you know you're in the shit. She hits you. Hard. "Wonder why I have a headache all the time. It's you and your whiney voice. Look at how pathetic you are." She glares down at your drowsy figure. You feel tears finally sting as you had held them in. Refusing to let yourself be so weak, but you give in. Feeling overwhelmed with emotions right now. "What the fuck are you gunna be like when I go away in a few weeks huh? You better keep this place spotless you know about the cameras. I'll be watching you." Yes. The oh so lovely cameras. They're only in the kitchen, living room and laundry. The only places you slave away at. "I will iz I promise." She hums. "I'll believe it when i see it. I needa go out and grab some stuff. Make sure dinners ready when I get back." She says before getting her keys and leaving. You then sob. Letting it all out as you shakily grab your phone going to the only person who knows how to comfort you. Ellie.
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When she arrives not long after, giving a honk. You go outside and get in the passenger seat. "Off anywhere?" You shake your head. "No that's alright. I don't want to get yelled at.." Ellie sighs. "Bub, you can't keep letting her treat you like this-" "if I left I'd have nowhere to go Els.." She keeps looking at you. "Yes you do. Mine." You let out a small breath looking down at your hands. "Everythings so messy." She nods, even if you can't see. "I know angel but my offer still and will forever stand. I think you should take it." You just wipe the small tears forming at your eyes. "How was your day?" She hates how you change the subject. She always has. She wants to talk about it with you more. Comfort you more. "Pretty easy going. Do you want a hug love?" You shake your head. "Its best if you don't come near me right now-" "I promise it's not gunna affect me if you cry. You know that." You nod. "I know, but I'm sick- thats why she yelled at me.." She furrows her brows. "She got mad at you because you weren't feeling well? What a fucking bitch." You sigh, in the midst of a slight cough. "Angel you should go back in and rest. Let me help-" You immediately shake your head. "She'd know you were there. I- I couldn't risk that." You always felt awful. Not because you got yelled at but because she would want to pick a fight with Ellie too. Ellie was older then Iz too, more mature. Never bought into her crap. "I'll make sure she doesn't yell at you, you really need rest you work your ass off-" You stop her talking. "I don't want her to try anything with you Els." She shakes her head. "She won't. I promise just let me make you some soup and tuck you in. Please, just that." You contemplate whether or not you should but you nod regardless.
She was making the soup trying to be as speedy in hopes she wouldn't bump into Isabel. "Here you go. Say you made it for yourself. I also cleaned a lil." She sends you a wink. And when she says a lil she means the whole lot. "Els, you seriously didn't have to." She smiles gently. "No but I wanted to. I also made something else. Knowing grump would be hungry when she gets back." You look at her so thankful. "You have no idea how much I appreciate you." She gives you a kiss on the head. "Call if you need anything else. I love you." She says while looking in your eyes. "I love you too Els." You respond sweetly. Oh how stupid you were to realize how INlove she was with you. But she plans to show you sooner or later. As she's the one you should truly, be with.
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esamastation · 27 days
Some Magnus Archives fanfic ideas....
1, The Archivist was never a Beholding adjacent position - there's nothing about the Eye that demands it's servants to record their knowledge. Instead, the Archivist was an ancient, general purpose collector of fears, always meant to gather and immortalise them in stories. Jonah Magnus (like many avatars of many different Powers before him) just hijacked the concept for his own uses and now everyone assumes it's how things are supposed to be.
1.2, All Leitners are written by Archivists. After consuming enough stories about specific Fears, an Archivist has to get them out, expelling all the gathered fear and coagulating it into single point - traditionally, in books. Aka, unbeknownst to him, Jon's recordings work a little like Leitners.
1.3, Simon Fairchild is the only one old enough to remember a time when an Archivist had no special connecting to the Beholding.
1.4, A time travelling Jon resorts to drastic measures to make sure he can't be used for the Watcher's Crown again, and permanently mutes himself - and gains for his troubles an obsessive compulsion to write eldritch books.
2, Post ep. 200 Jon and Martin end up somewhere else - back in time, alternate reality, in another fandom, whatever. Jon is still the Archivist and he still has the urge to archive, to listen and to record. But knowing what they do now, both are of the opinion that using tape recorders is a Big No. Aka, Jon ends up using vinyl records instead (and thus courting the Spiral instead of the Web??)
3, Jon asks a very important question I really wished he had: why does Gerry, with all the experience and knowledge he has, get eye tattoos on all his joints? Do they do something? What do they do?? Which then leads Jon down a very different sort of path of Being Marked By Horrors. Aka, Jon starts getting magical tattoos to balance and counteract the various Dread Influences on his life. Aka, Tattooed Jon Being A Distraction To Everyone and Also Mucking Up Elias' Plans By Having A Closed Eye Tattooed On His Forehead Maybe???
3.2 Better yet, this becomes a Trend in the Archives and everyone outside the Archives comes to the conclusion that the place is ran by some sort of delinquent gang of tattooed hooligans. Tattooed Martin for the soul, anyone?
4, Jonah/Elias Sees everything there is to see and figures it all out long before Jon and Martin make it back to London. Total extinction of human race looms not in unfathomable distance but less than hundred years in the future, and it turns out that in absence of human free will, the Fears grow... quite boring and repetitive, really. Jonah wanted Immortality to See It All, and this... isn't it. So, time for a retry. Aka, Jonah time travel.
4.2, Jon, Martin and Jonah all end up back in time after episode 200, and immediately Jon and Martin scramble to stop Jonah - not realising that he's already changed his mind about the Watcher's Crown, and is, in his own way, on their side.
5, Mr. Spider's door is flung open and the Archivist stumbles out, right in front of traumatised little Jon Sims. Aka, Eldritch Eye Monster tries to raise his own younger self to make better decisions than he did and probably only makes things worse.
6. All the above.
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wonder-kid-pugh · 9 months
The Beautiful Game and Books - Alessia Russo x reader
Hey guys! So I had this idea for a fic which I really liked. But as I was writing it I realized how long it was and saw that I could make it into a 2 parter. And when I put it to a vote you said to post the first part so here it is!!!!! This is my own little take on a jock x Nerd fic so I hope you enjoy! I am working on the second part but I am swamped at the moment but I will post it as soon as possible. But for now I hope you like this!
You let out a sigh as you entered the familiar house hoping it wouldn't be long. Your evening was busy with plans of laying in bed rewatching either The Vampire Diaries or Harry Potter, whatever you were in the mood for honestly.
But your plans to rush home had been interrupted when your mother had texted you to make a detour.
The Russo residence was a place you frequented often. What with your mother being best friends with Carol you were over to their house often whether it was just for regular catch-ups or for weekly dinners. It also wasn't lost on you that with their daughter being the same age as you and going to the same school that your parents had hoped you and Alessia would become best friends just like them.
Probably to give them more excuses to hang out.
But unfortunately for your mothers, their plan didn't work. You and the youngest Russo just didn't click really. Maybe it was just that your personalities didn't work. You were always quiet and very timid and enjoyed reading and kept to yourself. While Alessia was always the friendly outgoing loveable girl who was always outside playing football.
Don't get it wrong, you didn't hate each other. You were civil with each other when at each other's houses and when the two families were together. But your conversations didn't go much past how you were finding classes you shared or some stupid school gossip.
Honestly you probably got on better with her brothers than you did with her.
You were so familiar with the house that you entered without knocking and called out, "Mum?" You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the small joke of 'which one' your mother and her best friend shared as you walked into the kitchen where they were.
"Might as well be talking to Carol. At least she wouldn't forget to pick me up from school and leave me abandoned" you tease as Carol chuckles as she gives you a side hug just to tease your mother further.
But your mother takes it in stride as she rolls her eyes with a scoff. "It was one time. You would swear I'm neglecting you. I just got the days mixed up".
Which you fully understood you knew that you were usually busy studying in the library after school most days but after the library had closed for some small renovations for the week it meant you got to go home after school. Something your mother had forgotten and you were ready to walk home when Carol who was already picking up Alessia offered you a lift.
But that doesn't mean you couldn't tease your mother for it.
"Your only child. Left forgotten and abandoned at the school gates. About to walk the dangerous streets alone home if it wasn't for Carol" you sigh dramatically as you lean into the Russo woman who laughed at your dramatics.
"Maybe Carol can look after you then" Your mother quipped back as she sipped her tea.
But Carol quickly interjects with a shake of the head. "Oh I don't think so I think 3 is enough for me. Besides" she starts with a grin, "she's definitely your daughter. She's almost as dramatic as you".
"Hey!" You and your mother call out in unison. "I am not dramatic/ Almost?" You and your mother glare at each other before it's turned on the Russo as the two of you hear her giggle at you both.
"So how has school been?" Carol asks trying to quickly move on with the conversation.
You just shrug, "Eh. Fine. Nothing new. Learned some stuff, corrected a few teachers and helped a few people after school. The usual".
The best friends shared a look of amusement over their cups of tea. Honestly where your studious nature and love of books came from was lost on your mother. It definitely wasn't from her and your father wasn't exactly the brightest either. But you had always been academically gifted even going so far as to point out corrections to teachers in school.
A small part of her thought it was because of your father leaving when you were younger but that wasn't something either of you talked about.
Your teachers had gone to your mother a few times saying you would be better off looking into schools with a bit more challenging course work for you or at the very least maybe skipping a year or maybe two. But you were perfectly content where you were.
You and your mother against the world.
"So the call I got from the school earlier then?" Your mother prodded, "About Mr Wickerman?"
But you just shrug nonchalantly, "Personally I don't know what his problem is".
Your mother raised an eyebrow at you, "Well do you want to give me a heads up on the 'inappropriate writing assignment' you handed in so I'm not blindsided when I have to meet with him tomorrow?"
You held up your hands, "Hey I hit the brief!" You sighed as you were fixed with a look by both women. "The assignment was to write a short story about a secret gradually coming out" you explained to which they both nodded prompting you to continue. You ran a hand through your hair, "So I wrote about a girl's parents finding out she was dating someone. Only when they are finally introduced, they meet her girlfriend rather than her boyfriend". You shrug, "If anything I hit the brief twice. It was a secret gradually coming out AND an actual coming out! Not my fault Mr Wickerman is a homophobic prick".
Your mother gives you a stern glare before you relient a bit like a small child being scolded, "Sorry". For such a quiet and intelligent girl, your mother was forever scolding you for your language.
She always told you had a mouth like a sailor.
Your mother sighed before giving you a reassuring smile letting you know you weren't in trouble, "I'll sort it out".
And while you knew you were in the right you couldn't help but feel guilty in that instant. Knowing that your mother already had enough to worry about without having to defend your actions to the school.
Even if it was against homophobic asshole who should just retire already.
But like always it's as if your mother can read your mind as she reaches over and squeezes your hand with a soft look in her eye. "I've never liked him anyways" she jokes, making you let out a laugh.
"So now that I'm not in trouble…does that mean I can go home? I have plans" you try but your mother just scoffs.
"And plans you mean to sit in your room and watch Netflix" she says looking at you knowingly.
But you just smile at her, "You just know me so well". "Does that mean I can go?" You try again angling yourself towards the door when your mother stops you again.
"Actually no. There's something we need to talk to you about…"
That gets your attention as your eyes flicker to the Russo woman before landing back on your mother, "We? What's going on?"
But your question is interrupted by the front door opening once more and another call of "Mum I'm home" breaches your ears. It isn't long after the youngest Russo makes an appearance quickly moving to her mother and greeting her with a kiss on the kiss and then greeting your mother with a smile.
You just about barely got a nod of recognition.
Not that you really cared.
"Hey Honey how was training?" Carol asked as Alessia was already moving towards the stairs.
"Good" she answered simply before throwing a thumb over her shoulder, "I'm going to have a shower. I'm meeting some of the girls in town".
But just like you she was quickly stopped by her mother. "Actually Alessia we need to have a quick chat first".
She paused her movements but did as her mother told her. She briefly looked at you as if silently asking if you knew but you just gave her a shrug. Letting her know you were both clueless about whatever this is.
Carol's voice dropped slightly as she fixed her eyes on the brunette. "Less, the school have been on to us about your grades".
That was all Alessia needed to know what this was about. However, you could tell by how her eyes quickly glanced at you that she didn't feel fully comfortable talking about it in front of you. But that didn't stop her from pleading her case.
"I know Mum" she said quickly probably not wanting her to say anything else in front of me. "It's just with football it's hard to keep up all the time".
Carol quickly nodded and it was one of the things you loved about her, she didn't show any signs of anger only understanding. "We know Less. And we are so proud of you and we know how hard you work". "And even though we know how hard you work doesn't mean you don't need a hand" she says soothingly.
Once again her eyes flickered at you, "Mum can we please talk about this later?"
But she stood firm, "Less we decided that you need a tutor if you're going to keep up with both school and football".
You could tell she was displeased with the idea immediately. "Mummmm" she groaned and you had to withhold the scoff as you swore you could almost hear the childish footstomp to go with her tantrum.
"Alessia we only want what's best for you. In football and in school" Carol said firmly letting her know she wasn't budging on this.
She's quiet for a few second before sighing, "Fine. I'll find one later".
But it seems it was your mother's turn now. "Actually we already have one in mind" your mother said as she turned to you.
You could feel your eyes widen as they all turn to you. "Me?" You asked pointing to yourself.
"Your top of your class and don't think I don't know that Luca and Giorgio go to you when they need help with homework" Carol says as you blush.
"Not really…" you try but from the look of the two older women their minds were already made up.
"How about the two of you go upstairs and get started?" Carol said looking at the both of you. When you looked to your mum you knew she wouldn't save you.
"But mum!" Alessia whined once more but Carol was having none of it.
"Alessia don't be rude" she scolds as she nods towards you who awkwardly stood there as Alessia eyed you up.
Albeit grudgingly, Alessia sighed and nodded, "Fine". She then turned and quickly went up the stairs making sure to make her footsteps thump that little bit harder to let everyone know of her displeasure.
You gave them a tight lipped smile as you turned and followed her. Already dreading this. Like you siad you had nothing against Alessia but you knew if it wasn't for Carol you definitely wouldn't be helping her right now. Especially as it wasn't like you wanted to do this either.
You last about 45 minutes before you made the excuse of going home to plan future sessions which Alessia is only too happy to accept. You couldn't take the awkward looks and the weird tension. And it was clearly mutual as Alessia just busied herself on her phone instead of trying to actually talk to you apart from short answers anytime you tried to make conversation.
But you knew there would be no getting out of this. The Russo's were practically family after all. So when your mother asked how did it go on the drive home. Of course you gave her a fake smile and a nod saying it went well.
You made sure your mother seemed happy with your answer before you leaned your head up against the window and prayed that tomorrow with Alessia would be a bit better.
Who knows maybe you'll actually end up friends by the end of this?
Yeah you can forget about you and Alessia being friends.
Your day went about normally. You kept your head down and carried on with your classes as you usually do. Talking to the few people you usually talk to. You wouldn't classify them as friends, you didn't know them well enough for that.
It was more people you sat beside in some classes. They were the kind of people you would give a nod to in the hallway as well as just casual conversation in classes. Just so you wouldn't have to sit in that awkward silence.
The closest thing you would say you would have to a friend would be Ben. You sat beside each other in English and were both a bit of loners. And you bonded over the fact that you both hated Me Wickerman. As well as the fact that you both had the same teasing sense of humour. But again you wouldn't really talk outside of school apart from the odd time.
It was the end of the day and everyone was rushing out of class to their lockers to try and grab their things and run home. You walked out of English with Ben as you teased him how you scored higher than him (like always) when you spotted Alessia talking with her friends.
You waved goodbye to the boy as you ducked your way through the crowd. You had agreed yesterday that you would meet with Alessia to study but you hadn't said where so you decided you better catch her before she goes home as well as probably get her phone number so stuff like this can be avoided.
You didn't think it would be a good idea to get her number from her brother's. As they were still looking for revenge for the prank you pulled on both of them.
Let's just say they learned never to ask you to put in a good word for them with their crushes again.
But it was times like these that reminded you that Alessia probably forgot you went to the same school. Because she probably would have been more careful about being overheard if she did.
You had been walking up to her little group of friends when you could overhear their conversation. "Cmon Less everyone's going!"
You slowed down not wanting to interrupt their conversation. But you couldn't help but overhear them.
But the brunette just sigh as she rumaged through her locker, "I can't I have plans".
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at her disinterest. It wasn't like this was your first choice either. You didn't exactly get a choice in this either.
Her friends just groan, "But everyone is going! You have to come. Just come!"
While you can't see most of their faces, you could already tell they were slowly trying to convince Alessia. Not wanting their ringleader to miss out. But you weren't worried. This is Alessia. You knew you weren't the closest but you knew her. There was no way she would just blow you off like that…
"Yeah…maybe" Alessia started but you could see her resolve crumble as she looks at her friends. "Fine" she sighs, "I'll sort something out".
You honestly couldn't believe it. You knew you didn't know the football player well but you've known each other since you were babies. And Alessia was always the nice friendly girl. You honestly couldn't believe what you were hearing.
You couldn't stop the loud scoff from slipping out. But it must have been louder than you thought as it seems to catch the brunette's attention.
A tiny part of you enjoys how her eyes widen and an obvious blush tints her face at the fact she's been caught. But you just hardened your glare as your crossed your arms ignoring all the curious looks you received from her friends.
"You know I don't exactly want to do this either. But I thought you would at least have the common decency to at least not blow me off when your the one that needs help" you snipe. But you can tell but the way that Alessia couldn't look you in the eyes that you wouldn't be getting an answer you liked. "Whatever" you scoff before turning away to walk home.
Thankfully it was one of the days you were walking home so you didn't have to deal with your mother investigating your foul mood as she had work. And how you clocked Carol's car before she spotted you and you steered clear of the car. The last thing you wanted right now was to be in the same car as the brunette.
You were fuming the entire way home once again thankful that no one was home and you already had all your homework for tomorrow done. As the second you got home you slammed the door behind you, rush up the stairs taking 2 at a time and flopped into bed hoping that Harry Potter would help forgot the foul mood the football player had put you in.
You sighed as you heard a knock on the door. You leaned your head against your propped up fist not even turning to the door, "Mum I'll be done in a minute I just need to finish this up".
"Yeah not your mum…"
You looked over your shoulder unimpressed as you see Alessia standing nervously by your door. But don't say anything as you instead turn back to your work. "What are you doing here Russo?"
"I uh tried to find you after school but that guy you hang out with uh Ben? He said you left early" Alessia reveals.
You can hear her sigh as she moves behind you. "Look I know your upset with me. And you have every right to be". You heard her sigh as you pause your work again as you look at her over your shoulder letting her know you were listening.
"You were right" she sighed as she played with her hands. "It's not exactly like you wanted to help me either and I should be grateful that you're even willing to help me". Her cheeks darken with a blush as she pursues her lips, "That is if you still want to help me that is".
But that seems to do it for you as you scoff and drop your pen finally turning back to you. "What? Finally realise that you actually need my help?" You scoff as you shake your head, "I don't know why I expected any different".
"It's not like that" Alessia tries but you don't let her off lightly.
"Oh give me a break Russo" you spit out harshly. "Your only here cause you need something. Because no matter how sweet and kind you maybe seem everyone is the same. Everyone's looking for something and I've already been burned before and I rather not go through that again".
Your just about able to bite your tongue and you silently fume thinking back on that time. But you shake your head once again scoffing at the Football player, "You haven't even said your sorry".
"You're right" Alessia said after a small pause. "I'm sorry" she said, "I'm really sorry". There's another brief silence before Alessia asks, "Why didn't you tell my mum?"
While you were able to dodge her yesterday successfully, it didn't work today as she had caught me when she came around to drop something off to mum. She had asked how it was going with Alessia and I didn't have the heart to tell her what happened.
She only wanted what was best for her daughter.
"Because she's like a second mum to me and I didn't have the heart to tell her" you tell her honestly. "She adores you Alessia. I didn't have it in me to tell her that the apple of her eye decided to ditch me last minute".
"Thank you" she said shyly but you could tell she was genuinely grateful for you not snitching on her.
You nod before you were interrupted by your mother shouting up to you that dinner was ready. Alessia didn't even have a chance to escape as your mother already had a plate ready for her.
Dinner was another awkward affair but thankfully most of the heat was off you as your mother focused on Alessia asking about what she's been up to and how the studying has been going. Afterwards you were both excused to go back upstairs to study.
You both awkwardly sit in your room once more neither of you knowing what to say. Until it was Alessia who once again broke it.
"You said before" she starts cautiously, "that you already got burned once before". She eyed you carefully, "What did you mean by that?"
Your eyes close for a second as you really regret letting that slip out. But you knew you had no other option really. "I think it's obviously I'm not the most popular in school" you said jokingly trying to ease yourself into it. "So you can imagine my surprise when one of the guys on the soccer team started talking to me".
It took everything in Alessia not to correct you but she knew she was already on thin ice. That and it seemed that it wasn't exactly the time to joke about something so small.
You played with your fingers as you shrugged, "It was nice. And I let myself believe he was actually interested in me. When it turns out he was just interested in the fact that I could do his homework for him".
You couldn't stand the pitiful look the Brunette sent you. "Like I said Alessia. Everyone wants something". You shrug emotionlessly, "Probably should have suspected something earlier. I mean who would be interested in me right?"
There's a second silence which made you think Alessia was about to agree with you. But then you heard shuffling and you looked up to see her standing from your desk chair moving to sit on the bed beside you.
"I'm sorry" she started gentle as the two of you sat shoulder to shoulder on your bed. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. That he was too much of a jackass to see how amazing you are. And I'm really sorry that I was a right idiot as well. You didn't deserve any of that".
You just accepted the apology with a smile as you looked down at your clasped hands together.
You couldn't help but let out a tiny snort, "Don't you find this funny?" You grin as Alessia tilts her head at you. "I mean we've known each other since babies but I'd say we know hardly anything about each other other than the obvious".
Alessia thinks for a second before humming as she realizes how right you were. Beyond the basics, she couldn't think of a single thing she could say about you.
Which was highly concerning seeing as like you said you have literally known each other since you were born.
"How about we change that so?" Alessia asked as it was now her turn to grin as you turned to her confused. But she simply held out her hand for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Alessia Russo. But my friends call me Less".
You couldn't stop the grin blooming on your face at how stupid this whole interaction was. But that didn't stop you from shaking her hand. "It's very nice to meet you Alessia".
Alessia gives you a wide grin one that you've only seen when she's around her family or playing football. "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship".
Honestly you could tell why Alessia was failing.
"Less! C'mon you need to focus!" You groaned as you can see her start to doodle on her page.
This was your second study session with the football player and you were already losing hope. It didn't take much for the Russo to lose focus. It didn't help that for the past half an hour her brothers kept coming in for the dumbest excuses. It seems that they heard about your struggles to help tutor their sister and used it to their advantage to exact revenge.
Any other time you would have found their distractions hilarious but not right now when you're failing to help Alessia.
"I'm sorry" Alessia sighed as she dropped the pen. She ran her hands through her hair in frustration and you couldn't help but feel bad, "I just can't seem to get this".
You take a deep breath as you slowly let yourself calm down. "I know I'm sorry. I'm sorry".
Alessia pouted as she stared at the book. "I don't know how you understand all this. I can't even keep focus long enough to actually get through it".
You roll your eyes as you lean against your fist. "I'm starting to think that the only time you're really focused is…" but you trail off as your eyes land on a random football in the corner of her room.
Alessia looks at you as you fall silent. But she jolts when you suddenly pop up from your seat. "What's wrong?"
But you don't answer as you grab both the football and the textbook in front of the brunette and stand up. "New plan. Get up c'mon". Alessia eager to get away from all her failed attempts at notes, gets up and follows you.
Her brother's both give you strange looks but you just wave them off as you lead her to their back garden.
"Here. Catch" you said as you throw Alessia the ball.
She just about catches it as she starts to mess with the ball in her hands. "Okay? So what now?"
You shake your hand at her as you try to explain it to her. "Can you do that thing? Where you mess with the ball? Just like kick it around?"
Alessia just scrunches her face as she tilts her head. "You mean juggling? Like juggle the ball?"
To be honest you're not even listening to her really as you flick to the page you left off at. "Yeah sure that". You look up as Alessia to see her giving you a strange look but eventually just starts playing with the ball.
You give her a minute or two to just mess about with the ball before you focus on the page in front of you. "You have to study the formation of a waterfall right?" You ask as you look down at the page. Alessia just hums but that's enough to show she's listening.
You smile as you start to read out of the textbook. Your smile widens when Alessia without looking up from the ball asks you to repeat the last part which proves to you she's listening.
You do as she says as you continue to read. Occasionally stopping in order to reread a section or to answer a question Alessia has.
When you finally finish the section you put the textbook aside as you stick your leg out and poke the ball away from Alessia who looks up at you with a pout. You couldn't help but chuckle as you pick up the ball. "Okay then. Tell me how a waterfall forms".
But her shoulders drop as she sighs with her hands on her hips. "You already know I can't".
But you just shrug with a smile throwing her the ball, "Humour me".
Alessia frowns at you but then slowly starts to explain as she repeats back what you just read to her. You can't prevent the smile spreading across your face as you almost dance on the spot. "Less! That's right!"
Her head snaps up at you, "Wait seriously?"
You clap your hands together with a nod, "Yes! That was practically perfect. Like it was right out of the book".
Alessia blushes at the small praise as she smiles, "I don't know how I did that". She scratches the back of her head, "I guess I just understood it better when you explained it to me".
You smile and nod, "You're an auditory learner".
She scrunches her face at you as she tilts her head obviously confused. "What?"
You can't help but giggle at her finding it a bit adorable at how clueless she was. "You learn better when someone is reading or explaining it to you rather than when you read it" you explained.
Alessia nods before throwing you back the ball. "Then what was the whole point of the ball?"
You shrug as your throw the ball between your hands. "You were too worked up. I thought messing around with the ball would help you relax a bit. Seems I was right".
Alessia smiles and can't help but squeal as she hugs you, "You are an actual genius! Thank you!"
You're shocked but you slowly hug her back. You let her hug you for a bit longer before you pat her back, "I try. Now c'mon we've got more studying to do".
Alessia groans but quickly shuts up when she narrowly dodges the ball you throw at her head.
"You do know we could just reschedule this right?" You said as Alessia makes sure she has everything she needs.
But Alessia just shakes her head as she tosses her gearbag into the boot, "I can't". She shuts the boot as she sighs and you can see it in her eyes how stressed she is, "We have that test coming up and I can't afford to fail".
You couldn't help but soften at the sight of her. You could see how worked up Less was about this test. She knew she was good at football and that is what she wanted to do. But she also knew that scouts would look at more than just her football ability but would also look at her academic ability.
But more importantly she didn't want to let her family down.
……or you
"Less" you say softly as you grab one of her hands. "You've been working so hard lately. We can all see it. You have been doing so good and I just know you're going to pass that test".
You're happy to see the small uptick in Alessia's lips as her eyes shine a little brighter. "You really think so?"
You don't know why but a small part of you feels warm at the fact that she seeks your approval. That your opinion really means that much to her. "Of course I do" you say gently, letting your genuinity shine through truly wanting her to know how much you really mean it.
You grin as you bump your shoulder against hers not wanting her to be nervous on the way to her match. "Do you seriously think I would be joining you and your dad on an hour's drive to watch a soccer match if I didn't have full faith in you?" You scoff in mock disbelief, "How dare you!"
Alessia laughs as she nudges you back as you lean back against the car.
You couldn't explain it. It was just something about the way she smiled and laughed made your chest feel lighter. It just made you want to keep her smiling and laughing always.
If you were being really honest, you wanted to be the reason she was smiling and laughing.
"And it's football not soccer weirdo" Alessia corrects you.
Honestly you didn't really care whatever you called it. You just liked to rile the poor girl up for your own amusement. "Oh so when my mother calls it soccer you have no problem. But when I do it, it's suddenly wrong".
But Alessia just tsks and shakes her head sagely, "That's because she's American. You on the other hand have lived here your entire life and should know better".
You roll your eyes and click your tongue at her, making her laugh. You open your mouth to argue but you're interrupted by her dad coming out to the car saying you better set off now if she doesn't want to be late. The two of you climb into the back seats getting your books out to study on the drive to the game.
Her dad tried to make small talk with you, probably not used to the quiet in the car. But it's surprisingly Alessia who shushes him.
You and Mario lock eyes in the mirror before you look over at her amused as she is fully concentrated on her (your) notes. As predicted she only lasted another 20 minutes before she begins to whine and beg you to read them out to her. Claiming as always it's easier when you read them to her.
You raise an eyebrow at her but the second she pouts at you, you crumble holding out your hand to take the notes. To which she passes them to you, a bit too happy in your opinion.
You start to read as Alessia leans up against you so she can follow along on the page while also looking at the different diagrams and graphs. Honestly you had become so use to her lying her head on your shoulder but you still had to school your face every time you could feel her breath brush against your neck.
The first few times it had happened you had thought you had actually bored her to death and she had fallen asleep. But with the occasional question or asking you to explain something to her, it was enough to know she was still following along.
It was almost funny how well the two of you worked together. It was almost as if you worked off each other. It was all the small things. How Alessia would turn the page for you (although you had a feeling that was also because she didn't want to compromise her comfy position). Or how when strand of hair fell in her face you would gently brush them behind her ear. Small little actions done without even having to communicate with each other.
Or how you knew when Alessia had a problem with a certain part as she would bring over your favorite treats as a silent apology for all the questions and help she was about to ask you for.
Or how Alessia would wordlessly take some books to carry for you cause you are the biggest bookworm she knew and didn't know how you carried all these books as she even struggled to take all of them.
It was all those small little actions which had not gone unnoticed by your mother's.
But that's entirely whole other problem.
Sooner than you think Mario lets you know you're about 5 minutes away. So you decide that enough has been done as you put the notes aside. Alessia tries to object but you just shush her as you tell her she should take a break and relax before she has to get ready for the game.
She lifts her head to pout at you but let out a sigh as she drops her head right back into the burrow of your neck. The car is silent for the rest of the drive as you allow her to get focused on the game. Even you take the few minutes to rest your head back and close your eyes. Not even opening them when you feel Alessia start to play with the rings on your fingers.
But you don't say anything as you just smile and close your eyes once more. A few minutes later you can feel the car roll to a stop as Alessia squeezed your hand thinking you might have dozed off.
The two of you stretch feeling slightly stiff from being stuck in the back seats for a while. But as Alessia takes off her seatbelt, you gently touch her arm stopping her from getting out.
"Good luck" you smile at her as you squeeze her arm, "you're going to smash it".
Alessia doesn't say anything but judging by the megawatt smile spreading across her face she appreciated the encouragement. With one small squeeze on your hand in thanks, she gets out of the car and grabs her gear before running over to some of her teammates.
You couldn't help but follow her as you watch as she joins over to some of her teammates before they rush off to the dressing rooms.
The car is quiet for a second before Mario snorts out a laugh. You look at him quizzically as he looks back at you in the mirror amused. "You haven't a clue about football do you?" He asks, grinning at you. You shake your head but you couldn't help but smile.
"Not a clue".
Mario laughs as he shakes his head as he nods his head, "Alright then. C'mon let's go find seats".
And after 90 minutes you still hadn't a clue. Honestly you didn't see the appeal. Chasing a ball around for 90 minutes. But that didn't mean you didn't find ways to entertain yourself. For one you found it highly amusing how worked up Mario got over the game as he acted as if it was the be all and end all.
And what also surprised you was how sassy Alessia got when playing. You spotted the sweet polite girl often talking back to the referee and making (what you could only guess) snippy comments to the other teams players.
But you did find it sweet how when she scores, she looked up to find her dad. Although you were probably easy to find due to Mario's loud cheering.
Honestly it was kind of refreshing to see the girl smiling. With the amount of studying the two of you had been doing and how much she was stressing over her upcoming test, it had been a while since you had seen her properly smile or look so relaxed.
But honestly it was worth standing out in the cold for the better part of 2 hours as when Alessia came over to us and Mario made a whole song and dance over her.
"Dad!" Alessia groaned as Mario cheered and swept her into a massive hug gaining looks from everyone around. "Dad, stop it!" Alessia whined as her face burns red. Her eyes narrowing when she sees you giggling at her embarrassment.
"Nothing wrong with showing everyone how proud I am of you" he says sternly but you can tell he's enjoying messing with her.
You take that as your chance to join in on the ribbing, "Yeah superstar. I mean you did score the winning goal after all". It seems that Alessia's mood considerably brightens at the reminder.
Mario laughs, "Yeah I don't think I have ever seen this one so excited. Much less over football".
You shrug, "Still don't see the appeal of Football".
But obviously that was the wrong thing to say as Alessia took that as an opportunity to try and explain to you every reason why football was appealing.
Even as you climb back into the car, Alessia continues on why football is the greatest sport alive as you nod along. Until you're completely drained and now the roles are reversed as you rest your head against hers. Alessia pausing her rant to let you settle softly against her.
She still continues on but in a softer tone until she sees you drift off. She feels your head start to slip off her shoulder as she wraps an arm around you and pulls you against her.
She practically holds her breath as you shift in your sleep. Her face darkens crimson when she realised your face is buried in her neck as your breath hitting her neck sends shivers down her spine. She tries to shift back a bit but realises she can't when she sees that you have her shirt balled up in your hands leaving her no chance to snuggle back up with you.
When Mario looks back, he smiles softly as he sees the two of you sound asleep in each other's arms peacefully leaning into each other for comfort.
Your eyes widen and you blink at the girl who shakes her head ag your reaction. "Sorry. Say that again? Because I definitely must have miss heard you". You shake your own head as you with out a small chuckle, "Cause I could have sworn you said you were going to teach me football".
It was a usually weekend dinner with the two families. But with the weather being unusually nice they had decided to move if outside to take advantage of the rare sunny day. So while both of your mother gossiped about God knows what and Gio and Luca helped Mario with a barbeque, Alessia had decided to drag you out to the garden.
Although you weren't expecting this.
But the footballer just smiled amusedly at you as she grinned at you, "No you heard right. That's exactly what I said".
You raise your eyebrows at her but you continue smiling at her, "You are insane".
"C'mon!" Alessia groans as she throws the ball between her hands. "You help me study for classes. I think it's my turn to teach you something".
You pouted and stomped your foot with a whine a bit like a petulant child but you didn't really care. Even though you rolled your eyes when you saw Alessia giggle at your antics. "But that's different! I'm helping you study for your education! That's important!"
Alessia pouted now tilting her head at you, "Football is important too".
You fixed her with a look, "Too you! Football isn't important to me!" You clarified knowing she had a point. Her whole life practically revolves around the sport.
But Alessia ignores your entire argument and instead grins smugly at you, "You called it Football".
You let out a loud groan that I'm sure your mothers could hear from their seats across the garden. "Really? That's all you got from that?"
But she doesn't say anything, only shrugs her shoulders with a grin. She drops the ball and starts juggling it with ease. "See look, it's not that hard!" She kicks it higher and catches it, "You're always saying I'm too clumsy. So if I can do it then so can you".
I raise an eyebrow at her, "First of all I stand by that statement. You are the clumiest person I've ever met. But at least on a soccer field you know what you're doing. I haven't an athletic bone in my body!"
Alessia grins widely, "Well that's about to change cause we're doing it!"
You groan but Alessia takes no notice as she kicks you the ball to which you squeal and slap the ball away. Alessia gives you a very unimpressed look as you just shrug at her as if to say 'what?' Before she rolls her eyes and goes to get the ball.
For the next hour and a half the two of you became the entertainment for both your families as they watched Alessia fail to teach you football.
"No no no you're meant to pass with the inside of your foot!"
"Hit it with the laces"
"You have to have power behind the pass or else it won't make it that far….imagine it's Mr Wickerman…NOT THAT HARD!"
Eventually you flopped onto the ground as you fail to get the ball off the Russo and she gives you a particularly hard shoulder that sends you to the ground.
"Okay I think I'm done" you say as you curl up on the grass. "Just leave me here to die peacefully".
Alessia just rolls her eyes at your dramatics, "It wasn't that bad".
You barely lift your head to look at her before dropping it back down with a thump, "Oh yes it was".
Oh course it was then her brother's decided to join you as Luca messes with your hair and Giorgio sits on your stomach as you let out a grunt before pushing him off you. "No she's right, that was painful to watch".
"She wasn't that bad" Alessia tries although very weakly. It was obvious that anything athletic wasn't your strong suit.
"Up for a 2v2 then?" Luca suggest as he tosses the ball in his hands. "Gio and I versus you two?"
"But those teams aren't fair!" Alessia argues immediately to which you lift your head in offense.
"You said I wasn't that bad!"
She sends you a sorry smile, "Yeah I lied". You scoff but wave her off letting her know you were only messing. You were genuinely terrible. And you didn't know how Alessia lasted so long with you.
It wasn't long after that you were all called for dinner as you ate together. Although it seemed this time it blended much easier with both you and Alessia actually conversing. Unlike before where it would be a civil conversation now the two of you actually sat beside each other.
Only after Alessia had to wrestle Luca out of his regular seat beside you.
"But I always sit there!" Luca complains as Alessia smiles in victory over having successfully pushed him off the chair beside you.
"Not anymore" Alessia mocks as she sits happily in the chair as you giggle at the siblings.
"Mom!" Luca whines while Carol just shakes her head.
"Luca it's just a chair" Carol sighs but has a hint of a smile on her face. Clearly amused by her children's antics.
"But I always sit there!" Luca argues once more. He looks at you, "Tell them Sherlock!"
You shake your head at his nickname for you but hold up your hands declaring neutrality, "Sorry Watson".
He looks at you betrayed as Alessia wraps an arm around you pulling you into her slightly as she smirks smuggly up at her brother. "Sorry, looks like she has a new favorite Russo now".
Luca sighs sadly before he eventually takes his new seat beside his brother as he mopely eats his food.
Everything after that was fine apart from the few teasing comments thrown around.
It was later in the evening as you recovered from your evening of playing soccer and nursing your little food baby that Alessia suggested the two of you watch a movie.
You were playing on your phone as she dropped beside you on the couch. "Here" she says as she holds out a bowl for you.
You peek into the bowl, "What is it?"
"Skittles" Alessia answers simply before holding up her own bowl, "Don't worry I took out all the green ones".
You smiled softly at that. "You remembered?" You asked as you recall telling her in one of your study sessions that you loved Skittles but hated the green ones.
"Of course" she smiled at you before turning back to the TV, "I also remember you saying you love Harry Potter so which one are we going to watch?"
You smile softly before telling her your favorite one as she puts it on. You watch the film for a little while before Alessia moves beside you but your eyes remain locked on the screen. She calls your name and you hum showing that you're listening.
But when she doesn't say anything you look over at her to see her fiddling with her fingers. "Can I ask you something?" She asked quietly and albeit a bit nervously.
Seeing how nervous the girl was, you paused the movie and gave her your full attention. "Of course Less. You can ask me anything" you say as you take one of her hands and rub your thumb over her knuckles.
She watches how your thumb glides over her knuckles softly before she sighs. "What's up with you and Luca?"
You practically choke on air as your eyes widen at the thought. "What?"
But Alessia just shrugs as she looks at the paused screen showing a freeze frame of the golden trio. "It's just...at dinner. He seemed really upset that he didn't get to sit beside you. And you have those nicknames for each other...." she explains before trailing off.
You scrunch your face before shrugging, "I mean it's nothing? It's like he said. We always sit together. And he always calls me Sherlock just because he thinks I'm smart and help him with homework sometimes. So I just call him Watson in return".
She looks at you for a second longer before looking into your eyes, "So there's... nothing going on between you two?"
It takes a second for you to grasp what she's insinuating but once it finally clicks you gasp. "What! Wha? No! No no Less! It's not like that at all!" You almost gag at the thought, "God no!"
You shake your head, "No Less it's nothing like that. We just get along really well. God he's like a brother to me!"
Alessia laughs at how off put you are but the mere suggestion of the two of you dating but judging by the small blush on her face you can still tell she's slightly embarrassed by asking that now.
You take her hand and again give it a small squeeze paired with a smile, "Trust me Less. I will never date Luca. Ever". You give her a wink, "Like you said. I have a new favorite Russo after all".
She smiles brightly at the reassurance. Her head drops into your shoulder as you nuzzle into the back of her head. You stay like that a moment before the two of you decide to turn back to the movie. It's not long after the two of you are leaning up against each other discussing which Houses you would both be in.
It wasn't till later your mother came to tell you it was time to go home when both your mother and Carol found the two of you curled up together as Alessia had her arms wrapped around you as you were settled into her leaning your head against her shoulder.
Honestly you didn't wake up today expecting to be rugby tackled. Let alone by a soccer player of all people.
You had been at your locker gathering books for your next classes when you had heard rapid steps coming up to you. You didn't even have time to turn as there was suddenly arms around your waist and your lifted off the ground.
You let out a yelp as you drop your books clinging onto the arms around you in fear of being dropped. When you finally are put back on the ground, you turn ready to rip whoever had the audacity to touch you, but you quickly stop when you see Alessia smiling brightly at you.
"Less! What the hell is up with you?" You whisper shout at her as you brace yourself on her arms trying to ignore the small thought in your head as you realise her hands were still on your waist.
But she doesn't say anything. Instead she just pulls out a sheet of paper as she holds it up doing a small little dance on the spot. "I passed!" She cheered as she shows you proudly the 84% marked at the top of the test.
Your eyes widen before you smile. "Less! You didn't just pass, you aced it!" You beam as you smile up at her. "Gosh Less I knew you could do it!"
Alessia is practically bouncing on the spot in glee before launching herself at you once more this time in a hug. The embrace nearly sends you to the floor if not for you balancing the two of you against your locker.
Honestly you weren't used to much affection apart from hugs from your mom and occasionally Carol.
But since you started to become closer with Alessia you were slowly getting more comfortable with touch. Purely because Alessia was very touchy. The girl had an affinity for hugs and small touches.
But it wasn't even that you just got use to the touches.
It was how patient she was with you when she found out you just weren't use to unfamiliar touch. How she noticed the first time she hugged you, you froze up. Or the time she grabbed your hand you flinched away. She was starting to think it was her until you sheepishly smiled and told her you just weren't used to touch.
It was then how she would always check to see if it was okay first. Instead of grabbing your hand she would offer it first. How she would usually wait for you to make the first move for a hug or anything physical as to make sure you were comfortable.
She was patient with you until you grew okay with her touch. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you probably had started to like it a bit too much.
Like in this instance, where you can feel yourself sink into the hug. Liking how safe and warm you felt in her arms. While you usually cursed your height difference as it gave the Russo girl something to tease you about, it worked perfectly for hugs. As you slotted together perfectly with your head tucked right into her neck. With hers rest on the top of your crown. In her excitement she gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
But reality seemed to hit you all at once as you started to recognize the looks and whispers from your classmates.
You suppose it was an unusual sight to see the resident nerd with the school's soccer superstar and It girl.
You cleared your throat shifting slightly uncomfortable under people's stares but still gave Alessia a smile. The girl was so escatic that she didn't even notice.
"Seriously I couldn't have done it without you, I don't know how to thank you" Alessia said, grateful.
You couldn't help but soften at that as you momentarily forget about all the eyes on you. You shook your head lightly, "This was all you Less. You worked hard for this". You squeezed her forearm lightly, "You deserve this. I'm proud of you".
That seemed to turn the girl shy as she smiled with a light blush dusting her face. She cleared her throat before realizing your books were still laid on the floor.
She quickly picked them up for you as she slipped them back into your hands with a smile, "I better go I'm going to be late to class I just had to tell you about the test". "But I'll still see you later then yeah?" She quickly asks as you zip up your bag.
That made you raise a brow. "You still want to study together? But you passed?"
There was a subtle roll of her eyes but you ignored it. What you couldn't ignore was how she bit the bottom of her lip almost as if she tried to contain a smile. "Yeah but I still need to keep the grade up now don't I?" She teased making it your turn to roll your eyes.
She giggled but smiled at you, "Despite what you might believe I actually enjoy our study sessions now and would hate for them to stop".
She smirked, "Besides, our mothers like us hanging out. And I'd say they will have a fit if we went back to how things used to be. They enjoy using us as an excuse to hang out I think".
You let out a laugh with a nod agreeing with her.
She started backpedaling as she realized she was about to be late for class. "So I'll see you later?"
You nodded, "Yeah I'll see you later".
She smiled and turned making her way through the sea of people. You couldn't describe how you feeling as you watched her walk down the corridor.
It wasn't until your breathing hitched as she turned to look at you over her shoulder. Even though she was half away down the hallway you could still see her beautiful blue eyes paired with her perfect beaming smile.
It was only then you realized how fucked you were as you came to the realization.
You were being to fall for Alessia Russo.
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franzkafkagf · 2 months
okay so i want to hear about your take on aegon i know you like him and all (so do i no matter how much i wish not to) but whyy
yess thanks for asking, I love being insane about him<3
I think Aegon is such a wildly tragic character– many asoiaf characters are but I'm so drawn specifically to him; he didn't want power or responsibility or the crown. It all was bestowed upon him against his will, and he shouldn't; putting on the crown is his definitive death sentence. The coronation scene has got to be one of my favorites in the season– he is quite literally walking up to be butchered like a sacrificial lamb, there are tears streaking his cheeks in the scene! I love the tragedy of it, the way it couldn't have been avoided anyways; his fate was sealed from the very start! He was quite literally dead from the very beginning.
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I'm going off a mix from the book and the show but I actually love what they did with the character in the show? The book version does have some hard-hitting moments from him that are missing ("What sort of brother steals his sister's birthright?") but there wasn't that much there in terms of characterization and relationships. And wow, did they deliver on that in the show; I'm gonna give whoever came up with his mommy issues a forehead kiss.
Because YES! He and Alicent are reflections of one another– Alicent suffered under the heavy boot of Otto, turned into the perfect daughter, turned into the perfect queen for him. She recognizes that this was wrong and abusive of him, then she turns around and does the same thing to Aegon– the poison DOES drip through, the wheel is NOT broken!! It's BRILLIANT.
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@atopvisenyashill put a GREAT tag under one of my posts–
#he looks like her and he’s weak like her so why can’t he get strong like her.
While Alicent persevered, Aegon crumbled under the pressure. He is miserable when we meet him– and he should be! He is unfit for the role of king, but it is his destiny nonetheless, everybody tells him so. It destroys him.
It's so sad too and I cannot help but to feel bad for him. No one knows where he is in ep 9, I don't think he has anyone to confide in; it must be lonely. Everybody seems to have written him off already– he is a drunk and a failure at being heir, being a son, being a father. He tries to prove them wrong later, and does in some aspects.
His loneliness plays into another aspect of him that I really love; his desperation to be loved. He will never be enough for anybody, he probably knows it deep down.
"[Aegon is] desperate to be loved but destined to be hated." – Tom Glynn-Carney
Obviously there is the carriage scene with Alicent that shows this. But I also really love the moment in his coronation, where he basks in the people's affection and cheers. He is poised to bleed out in front of the throne, he was crying and fighting for his life not to take the crown just minutes before. But now he's here and they love him and he can't help but love that.
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He takes the crown to protect his family (the show does hint at that with Alicent telling him as much in ep. 6– in the book it's much more explicit with Criston pressuring him on the day of the coronation itself) and then his son DIES because of it! And he drinks and rages and drinks some more; he must've blamed himself. He goes to battle, flies too high (figuratively), and he FALLS; he burns and falls to the ground. He isn't made to be king. He knows. He does it anyways.
"You have already written yourself into legend, you survived dragonfire" – Larys Strong in season 2 (probably)
He survives, he is gone for over a year, unable to do anything but he SURVIVES. He escapes the capital, takes Dragonstone, he falls AGAIN, he loses most of his family; but he still goes on. Fueled by what? Maybe anger, or bitterness or just pure lust for revenge. It doesn't matter. He must've realized somewhere on the way that this was always meant to go this way, ever since he put the conqueror's crown on. It doesn't matter.
And then he dies and it's not grand or spectacular or anything like that. He drinks poisoned wine, nobody even sees him die, they only find him after. It's so uniquely lonely.
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k0droid · 3 months
would they say the n-word / are they racist: twisted wonderland edition
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Inspired by twstowo's taxes headcanon post.
I meant to post this during february but i just didnt.
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GRIM: Yess that's my baby boy my son my son yes I give him the pass
RIDDLE: Couldn't waterboard the n-word outta him. Uses 'Off With Your Head' to punish anyone who uses slurs
TREY: Wouldn't. Not a racist and has no interest in saying the word.
CATER: Researches what's offensive to certain groups so he can stay respectful, no n-word from him
ACE: ace is literally that one white friend who thinks his n-word 'jokes' are funny (they're not) and he walks around with Riddle's collar because of that. He def went to a middle school named after a Confederate, but he's not racist for the most part "I play basketball so-" or "I'm gonna say the n-word: ninja!!" - 🥸
DEUCE: No. He's a good guy. He would never and if he said something remotely offensive, he'd apologize with tears
JACK: Could and he does, but only occasionally. Punches the shit outta Ace's shoulder if he says something distasteful
RUGGIE: YES he just light-skinnted 😕 Ace would make fun of him for eating all the stereotypical foods
AZUL: Slightly racist. Just slightly. Seems like the type to get a lil tense when a tanned, well-built dude walks into the Monstro Lounge. starts clutching his pearls n shit
JADE: No, I don't really see him being racist or saying the n-word
FLOYD: Probably the least likely to say the n-word and would get offended that you even assumed. Like his entire mood would change if you mention it "Ehh Shrimpy? You tryna get squeezed? What made you think I would say that??" *fucking kills you*
KALIM: No, no n-word from Al-Asim. I could see him as a racist though. i think of kalim as purposely ignorant so in my mind, he's INTENTIONAL with his microaggressions but no one really calls him out on it.
JAMIL: Yes but only cuz I give him the pass.
VIL: Doesn't say the n-word (he knows better) but probably screams it in his thoughts. idk guys vil just seems a bit racist.
ROOK: Who's in Paris. LOL but I don't think he'd say the n-word. Also probably one of the least racist here. But he'd bring up eugenics in a convo and ruin the mood completely.
EPEL: I genuinely don't know if he would or not. Like because he from some rural area (to my knowledge, i js started book 5), i feel like he wouldn't because he'd know better. but i also heard that epel is misogynistic and hating black people & hating women go hand in hand (misogynoir)
IDIA: No but it wouldn't be surprising. i can already imagine him in that cod lobby. probably gets his slurs from cater
ORTHO: No my sweet child would not say the n-word. would blast idia out of this world with a charged beam if he said anything offensive
LILIA: Probably has said it before and is the most educated when it comes to black culture in the diasomnia group other than sebek (my 4c king)
SEBEK: No, in fact i might give him the pass (#mixedking😍❤️)
SILVER: No but probably a little colorist. yk how some black men love to scream from the mountain tops that they love white women? well silver is that white woman. js saying
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this was fun to make. pls remember that its just a silly post, dont get mad because only hit dogs will holler.
"what abt the staff/yuus/extras-" send an ask :3
4/2 edit: its crazy cuz the only mad people are white🧍🏾‍♀️
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natt-writes · 2 months
~5 Writing tips that actually help~
(These tips are meant for fiction books, especially fantasy. so if you’re writing nonfiction a decent amount of these won’t apply to you. Sorry!)
Find your writing voice.
one of the biggest issues I find in things written by beginners is a lack of emotional connection with the narration. Sure the story can be great, but without personality, without looks into the characters minds, without little quips here and there, it really isn’t all that interesting. Something that really helped me to realize this was a book called the tragical tale of birdie bloom. It’s a kids book but it honestly has such a good narrator (and storyline tbh) that you can look past the little kiddy-ness. I recommend you check the book out if you’re looking for some inspiration. I will be making a post about how to develop your writing and character voices soon so if you want some extra help with that, stay tuned!
2. Get to know your characters.
I know that you all probably already know this, but characters are one of, if not the most important part of a book. Readers don’t want to read about a flat, boring character who just feels like a vessel for the horrifying amount of trauma you add to your story. They want to read about people that feel real, people with flaws and feelings and hobbies and backstories. When I wanted to develop my characters I started going through the drafts, the plot outlines, everything and seeing what the characters did, said, felt. Then I took their basic backstory and started lining things up. Like if a character decided to get into a fight with another character, I would see what had happened to them that might have caused this. Maybe they had been abused as a child and thought that any disagreement meant they had to fight for their life. Maybe this person reminded them of a former enemy. After you start to figure out what connects the characters to the big plot points, you can then start to develop subtle things. You could start writing something, realize this situation would have triggered a character, and then drop subtle hints towards them feeling uncomfortable. Go nuts with it, after all you can never over-analyze a character.
3. Describe things uniquely.
Descriptions are what help us to understand what’s going on in a scene. They can tell us about the tasty drink a character is enjoying, the slick dress that someone is wearing or the way a characters muscles tense when a certain someone enters the room. But sometimes descriptions a fall a bit flat and that can ruin the experience for the reader. Something I always try to remember is to try and come up with new words describe something, for example; “her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown.” Is a very basic and over used description, instead you could try; “her eyes sparkled as she sat across from me, gleaming a rich chocolate shade as the light from the candles reflected off of them”. This is a much stronger sentence as it gives both environment hits and a description of the eyes, all while staying away from overused terms. I often see this theme in stories written by beginners, things being described in a very straight forward manner. And of course this is ok once in a while, especially if this isn’t a very important topic, but it still sounds better when you branch away from that basic sentence structure. I always like to use descriptive sentences to push things forward. Here is another example; “she was wearing a fluffy green dress with lots of lace. She walked over to the door and opened it.” Vs “the lacy trim of her green dress dragged on the floor as she walked towards the door. She smiled wide as she held it open, inviting her guests into the building.” Making strong sentences is very important, so please toy around with different words, structures, etc, until the sentence fits the type of book you’re trying to write.
4. Make trauma realistic.
Yes, even if you’re writing a fantasy book, characters experiences have to be realistic. Something that always gets on my nerves is when writers come up with a good idea for some trauma, so they just give to a character, even when it doesn’t suit them at all. if you are going to give a character trauma you need to explain it, set it up so it actually fits into their character arc, then have the character actually be affected by it. They can’t just randomly be like “I got shot by a dude.” And that’s it if there is no way that character could have gotten shot given their life experiences. Also if you want a character to be relatively unaffected after an extremely traumatic event you have to plan it out so that they have a specific and consistent trauma response that makes them not react shortly after an event like that. Characters are supposed to be like people, and no two people react to trauma the same way, so you do have some leeway if necessary, but people also don’t just stay the same after something horrible happens, they are affected by it and that has to be accurately portrayed. This does get easier the more you get to know the characters though, as soon you will know how they react to things and how to plan trauma that suits them.
5. Make a plot outline.
I cannot stress this enough, make a plot outline. Making a plot outline literally saved my book, and they are really easy to make! I recommend you download a spreadsheet app like XL spreadsheets or Apple numbers but you could even use google docs if you want. You want to put in all the chapters and then give each chapter at least six spots to write scenes. Add a spot for adding the main event of the chapter/a summery of what you have to write. This will help you to understand what you have to write for that chapter and how it fits into the next chapter. After that you start to fill all the scene boxes in with your plot information. Having a plot outline is great as it can be super vague and messy, but still hold all your ideas. It also helps to prevent unnecessary rewrites later, as you can just edit the plot outline before you start writing the first draft. You can even make a plot outline after you’ve started writing your book. That’s what I did and I promise, it still is very helpful. (Example of a plot outline below.)
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thelov3lybookworm · 3 months
Weeping heart (Part 3)
Part 1 Part 2
Summary: She's so over today.
A/n: i like this how this chapter ended up lol, ill try my best to post the next part sooner my loves mwah 😘
anyways, enjoyyyy!!
She could feel his eyes on the back of her neck as she discarded her blanket on the cot in the middle of the tent, trying to prolong the reprieve before she inevitably had to address the other presence in the tent.
Y/n was going to kill someone, hopefully Herb.
Rolling her neck, she walked towards the small table that sat a few feet away from the bed and bent to pick all the remaining weapons that sat on the table.
"Are you trying to ignore me?" Cardan questioned, his tone so genuinely confused that Y/n felt bad for trying to avoid him, but she could no say she regretted it.
After all, she was just trying to protect herself.
"What makes you think that?" She mumbled, her focus fixed on the weapons she strapped to herself.
She could hear him moving around, shuffling. From how close she'd been to him, she knew he was under pressure and was starting to get protective.
"You have been gone for months now, and you didn't even smile at me when you saw me and now you are not talking to me at all-"
"I've just been stressed, Cardan." Finally, after she finished checking her body to make sure she had all her weapons, she turned to find him frowning at her.
She wanted to smile at him, but she didn't have energy to even blink.
"I'm sorry, but I have to leave. It might be night time when I return, so don't wait up."
His frown deepened, and he opened his mouth to speak, but Y/n swiftly turned on her heel and made her exit, not bothering to even pretend she really was getting late.
She was just too tired now, and all she wanted to do was run away, live in a mountain home and maybe terrorize children by pretending to be a witch, but alas, that was not possible.
The late afternoon sun was glaring down at Y/n and Herb, and despite the snow still blanketing the ground, the weather was hot. Too hot to be comfortable in an armor.
The thick silence was also not helping as Y/n and Herb made their way to the bar in the middle of town, having just finished the job they had come to get done.
That meant they could've returned to the camp, but Y/n had insisted on getting something to drink, not yet ready to face Cardan again after the shit show that had been her morning.
Y/n could tell Herb had questions he wanted to ask, but he knew that opening his mouth would probably end up with her scolding him, so he kept quiet as he stalked along next to her.
Y/n tried to relax as the bar came into view, rolling her shoulders.
It only got her more tensed up.
The bell jingled behind the pair as they walked in, a soft breeze cooling the back of Y/n's neck as the door swung shut behind her.
The car- tavern, really- was mostly empty, an hour or two left before it started filling with patrons wishing to wind down from their day's work.
A couple sat in a corner, leaning close together as they giggled and chugged their drinks, and Y/n eyed them before turning and following Herb to a table near the far wall.
As she settled down, she eyed the male standing right in front of the counter, laughing at something the owner said. Y/n's eyes narrowed as she realised it was not any male. It was one of her soldiers.
What is he doing here?
Sure, the soldiers were free to roam and explore the towns the group visited when not on duty, but they never came to taverns in the middle of the day, lest they have to fight later. It was only when they were certain that nothing would happen or if they got permission from Y/n that they would visit these places.
Blinking, Y/n turned to find Herb studying her, his arms folded on the table as he leaned forward.
His eyes did not waver at her sharp tone. "I'm sorry."
Y/n grunted. "It's okay."
Y/n did not like the way he stared at her, his eyes seeming to read her like an open book. "Is it really?"
Y/n rose a brow. "What is that supposed to mean?"
He shook his head, his eyes so serious Y/n was concerned for a moment. "Nothing."
"It does not sound like nothing."
He sighed. "Look, I know there's something going on with you. I've known you for years now and you were never the one to just up and leave for a mission. You always took up missions that at the very least gave you the time of a week before leaving. So there's definitely something you're hiding."
Y/n straightened, looking away.
Herb was not the type of person to be serious. In the twenty years she had known him, since that first day when she had walked into class and befriended Cardan, and sat next to Herb, the male had never spoken a word if it was not meant to make someone laugh.
He was like that, Herb. He cared for people around him, and because he never seemed sad or serious, y/n had just assumed he was a little dumb.
She realised now how foolish it was.
"What are you trying to say Herb?"
"Just that I figured it has something to do with the High king, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be there."
There was something indecipherable in his eyes as he spoke, the way he refused to break eye contact and the way he spoke so confidently, no traces of humour to be found in his soft, deep voice that sent chills down Y/n's back.
Y/n gave a curt nod, turning her eyes to stare a hole into the cheap wood of the table they had settled at.
Y/n could tell Herb still studied her, and it was another moment of heavy silence before he spoke up, his normal self back.
"So, have you heard of the toad that ate the horse?"
Y/n knew her suspicions were right when she stumbled into a raging revel in the camp after a day of wasting her time, everyone gathered around the huge fire in the middle, singing bawdy songs as Cardan looked over them like a pleased cat.
She had not wanted to return to the camp after her visiting the tavern, so she had told Herb to go by himself. He, of course, had decided to stay with her and laze about the small town.
"What is going on here?"
Cardan's eyes flew to where Y/n stood, glaring at them all as Herb stood at her back.
Cardan grinned, the smile Y/n had been in love with.
"We are celebrating!" One of the soldiers- clearly drunk- called out, giggling.
Y/n glared at him, then at Cardan.
His smile faltered, then slowly fell off when Y/n did not smile back.
Y/n stared at him a moment longer, letting him know that she was not pleased, then turned, heading into her tent.
She was so over today.
Tired, sleep claimed her the moment her head hit the hard mattress, and she slept deeper than she ever had, nothing able to wake her.
Not the sound of the night birds, not the sound of the soldiers screaming their hearts out outside, not the loud crash when one of them fell into her tent as he tried to navigate his way to his tent.
Nothing woke her up, except for the sudden hand that covered her mouth in the dark of the middle of the night.
Cardan Greenbriar Taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @123345566 @mp-littlebit @tele86 @riddlesb1tch @bubybubsters
Taglist: @dreamsarenicer @kennedy-brooke @123345566
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hoshigray · 11 months
i’m not sure if you’re currently writing for ushijima but if you are/will, could u write something smutty about reader telling him that they have an oral fixation 🤞 (i haven’t really seen any of your works for ushijima so i’m quite curious about how you write him. love your toji works, btw! <3)
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Mouth on Body Experience
Oml you're my first HQ!! request, noonie! :00 Tbh with you, I never posted any of my HQ!! works because it was during a time when I was on and off with writing (not to mention it was chara x chara stuff bc I wasn't into x reader stuff back then), so this surprised me when I saw it in my inbox, lol. But I love Ushijima sm, like he's so cool and is definitely one of my top characters in the entire series!! Hope I did him justice in my writing since it's been so long, ty for this prompt! o(≧▽≦)o
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Also, s/o to my wonderful mootie, @cu7ie, for helping me out with this!! I hope your day is going swell and wish nothing but good vibes your way~~ ☆ mwah-mwah!!
Cw: Ushijima x reader - explicit content; minors DNI - oral (m! receiving)/blowjob + handjob; implied first time giving him a bj - teasing; biting/sucking on the body (reader exploring Ushi's body with their mouth) - humping + grinding - tiny overstimulation for Ushi - pet names (baby, love) - kissing/makeout session - minor ball worship - Ushi is a bit confused but supportive - will proofread later :P. Wc: 2.6k
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You peek through the door to the bedroom, taking the silence into account despite knowing someone is occupying the space. He prefers silence anyway, so it's no surprise that the television isn't even on. The only things that bring life into the room are the warm colors of the sunset painting the walls and your boyfriend sitting on the edge of his bed.
Having Wakatoshi Ushijima as your boyfriend is one of the many mysteries to the world and you. As many outside observers would think, being in a relationship with the guy has been quite a journey. Not to say that is a bad thing, though. If anything, it's been going rather well.
Going into the relationship knowing you'd be dating one of the world's Olympic powerhouse volleyball players was intimidating enough. Yet, it's a different story actually meeting and talking with him in person, his fierce aura adequate to suffocate you then and there. But as the days go by and things calm down, you two slowly but surely feel comfortable in each other's presence. You start acting like a couple and expressing your love naturally.
You knock on the door, waiting for his permission before proceeding inside. When you hear his voice call to you, you move past the entrance and enter his room.
On the edge of the bed sat Ushijima in his usual comfortable house wear comprising of a plain white tee and sweatpants. His eyes focused on the item in his hands, a book that his eyes diligently skimmed from page to page. His concentration doesn't hinder until he notices you walking up to him, his face lifted slightly to look at your figure entirely.
"Hey," you greet him, to which he returns with an incline of his head. "What're you reading?"
"It's the book you left here last night," his deep voice still has you hard to believe, but it's become a welcoming timbre in your everyday life and is now something you love to hear. "I saw the reviews on the back and it had me interested."
You lift a brow. "You read the reviews on the cover?"
He lifts a brow in return. "Are they meant to be ignored?"
The giggle is stifled, trying to exit your lips. So thorough. "No, no, you can read them. Most people will read because of a cover or if the writer is their favorite." Your boyfriend watches you sit beside him, leaning against his shoulder as he returns to his reading. I bet he's gonna read the author's notes at the end when he's done.
You chuckle at your own joke, but Ushijima doesn't pay any mind, just putting an arm around your waist to keep you close to him. The two of you relish in each other's company; the warm hues peeking through the window blinds cover your backs with an imperceptible blanket of warmth.
With the rise and fall of his shoulder, you bask in the sun's dying glow while your breathing syncs with the man next to you. This moment almost fills you with peace, embracing the domestic feel within this space between you and your boyfriend.
But, again, it almost does the job. Because you remember why you even came into his space in the first place and the butterflies in your stomach party to your dreadful dismay.
You peer up to look at Ushijima, who keeps reading until you call for his attention. "Hey, Toshi?" His olive eyes flicker to you when you use his nickname, and your heart skips a bit when he immediately shifts his engagement to you. "C-Can I kiss you?" You don't know why you stammered around your words; it was a simple request, nothing too extreme. It's not like you two have never kissed before, but the idea in your head makes it nerve-wracking.
The tall man displays no reaction outside of a slight lift of a brow, but no words are needed when he places the book down by his side and his hand rest on your soft cheek. Your eyes instinctively close when his face decreases the gap between you, and firm, smooth lips land on your plump own. Just when you would sink into his touch, he withdraws himself from you, leaving a tiny whimper to exit your mouth.
"Can..." Your hand finds its way to the big one on the side of your face, his thumb stroking your cheek's surface. "Can I have another?"
Again, he doesn't use his words, just inclining his head towards you to kiss you. It's a few seconds longer than the last before he removes himself again, only for you to grip his shirt to restrict him. "Another, please..." your voice dials to a whisper, and a soft moan is shared when his lips return to yours. He retires again. "Anoth—"
Before long, Ushijima shushes your pleas with kisses without further approval. His hands bring you closer to him, and — before you know it — he's now on his back to the bed with you straddling him. Large palms roam around your waist and hips while you kiss him back, slowly venturing further down with each hump of the hips to gently grasp your ass.
There's no point in restraining the moans that naturally flee out of your mouth. This is what you wanted; this is what you came to the room for.
Well, to be specific, it's leading to what you came here for.
Throughout this relationship, you have yet to disclose your oral fixation. Perhaps it's because being with a man like Ushijima still intimidates you to share your sexual interests with the man. Nonetheless, it's something you've been longing to share with him. There have been instances where it would sneak in through your intimate moments, yet you choose to stop yourself and not ruin the atmosphere with your boyfriend.
So you've resorted to relinquishing this craving with activities to keep you busy: the usually chewing gum, biting or sucking on your tongue, or chewing on your nails.
Regardless, today is the day you try to initiate this part of your being with Ushijima. You've been dying to have your mouth on his body for the longest time — especially with how attractive and well-built the man is has been driving you crazy.
It all excites you, enthralls you. However, you snap back to reality when you hear a hot groan from the man you're straddling, realizing you're still kissing him. To your horror, finding yourself sucking on his tongue, you quickly exit off the bed. Heavy pants from the two of you fill the bedroom, and your wide eyes look into his hooded dirty gold ones.
"I-I'm so sorry, Toshi!" You're quick to throw apologies his way. "I got a little ahead of myself!"
"Mmm. It's fine." He nonchalantly reassures you, wiping the spit on his lips with the back of his hand.
Yet, you continue to ramble on. "No, really, sorry about that! I got a little carried away. I was thinking too much..."
"Thinking about what?"
Oh shit.
Now why the hell would you put yourself out like that? "Huh?" You try to play dumb despite understanding it won't work on him.
Ushijima exhales through his nose before hoisting himself up from the bed. "It's pointless to back out of something when you're the one who's done it." His blunt words hit like knives to your figure, internally groaning as he stands up in front of you. "What's on your mind, Y/n?"
Oh fuck, I've done it now. There is no way out of this; you'll have to tell him what's been troubling you recently.
"I...I wanna—Okay. So, I have this thing with my mouth, right?" You can tell the expression on Ushijima's face doesn't coincide with the supportive nod. "It's like...It's a habit of mine where I use my mouth on stuff to stimulate myself?" At this point, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Just get this over with, me! I can't take it!!
"So, I've been thinking of...you know," your mind and gut are doing gymnastics, toying with your uncomfortableness to this entire situation. "I want to use my mouth...on your body...."
Olive brown brows furrow and you quickly sprout more nonsense. "Th-That's unless you're okay with it! If you don't think you're okay with it or you feel discomfort, then I won't be hurt in any way! It's totally up to you because I can just—"
"Y/n." Your rambles are muted by the use of your name, his brows still scrunched with an indistinct expression. "I'm not following: why would you want to use your mouth on my body?"
"Well, because," your face gets hot by the second: not just from you revealing your secret, but also your boyfriend asking questions. "I like your body, Toshi. Especially with how nice your physique is, I just kinda want to...play with it a little? Make you feel good..."
Ushijima's facial expression molds to a softer tone when you confess to him, and his eyes drift to the side as if he's searching for the right words to say. It makes you anxious with how in-depth he's taking this into heart, so you squeak when his goldish orbs return to you. "Is it something that I can help with?"
"Umm, yes, yeah!" Confirmation stammers out your lips. "I mean, as long as you're up for it."
He places his hands on your waist to bring you close to him. "I am."
He looks at you with hooded eyes, and the romantic tension from before fills the room. "Yeah?" Your voice winds down to a murmur.
"Yeah." His voice lowers as his head comes down to you, and your lips once again welcome the feel of his.
And with that, Ushijima finds himself back on the bed with you on top of him. You carry more confidence than previously as your kisses become more passionate and hot, teeth bumping into each other and you nibbling on his lip, resulting in abrupt groans.
Your hands venture down to the hem of his shirt, hesitantly raising it inch by inch. And Ushijima notices your desire for access, and a big hand engulfs yours and lifts the shirt to reveal his abdomen and pectorals.
Kisses from the mouth trail down to his neck and clavicle, and he tries to stop himself from moaning to your sweet touches. Your lips pepper all that's exposed to you, quick licks onto his pecs, and gentle bites on his nipples. It's evident now that the man is enjoying your actions, limiting the pleasure in his voice while his hands stick to your waist as his hips rock with yours.
Your hand sneaks down from his well-defined abs to his pelvis, fingers intruding under the band of his sweatpants and brushing against the soft material of his briefs that shield his now erect cock from your mere fingertips. Ushijima hums with his baritone voice, large palms dare calm down to your butt and knead the flesh, and you purr to his firm grasp.
"May I use my mouth?" It was a tiny suggestion, yet there was a distinct connotation. You haven't ever given your boyfriend a blowjob before, so this was new waters you were treading cautiously with. Nevertheless, he surprises you with a nod, egging you on to resume. A feeling of giddiness corrupts your senses, placing chaste kisses on his nipple down to his abs, and Ushijima has his hand on your head the further you go to his lower region.
You're now on your knees on the floor as you pull his sweatpants and underwear to his thighs, and the image of his erection springing out in front of your eyes has you practically drooling in anticipation. Every crevice, every dent, and every vein of his dick is mesmerizing to the eyes, and your curiosity gets the best of you when his body jerks at your hands grazing his balls. How vulgar.
"Hmmm, Y/n, love," he calls to you with whimpers — a rarity to hear but beautiful to the ears. "Go easy on me..."
And you just give him a lovely smile before you move a hand on his cock, stroking the length in a slow but firm motion. He jolts to your grasp, throwing his head back and sinking into the mattress as your palm slides up and down his limb. It gets worse for him when he feels your tongue flicks on his balls, sucking on his sack prompts moans of bliss to substitute the silence of the room.
The summer sun continues to descend, the waning heat losing its touch in the room. But the warm sensation of your mouth on his shaft has Ushijima's skin hot to the touch, his hands gripping the comforter beneath him. And he hisses when he senses the work of your tongue on the tip of his couch, lapping on the sensitive glands while simultaneously stroking him and massaging his sack.
Your cheeks go hollow when you take the head to your mouth, relaxing your jaw as you gradually suck all of him at your own pace. Your boyfriend has to bite on his lip and try to not buck his hips toward you. But it feels so fucking good when the velvety walls of your throat accommodate his girth and size; your wet muscle on the underside of his dick sends electric waves every time it brushes up and down from your bobbing gesture.
As for you, it feels like you're under an ecstatic spell as you work your way to the base of his cock with every suck. The cockhead hits the back of your throat at a delicious angle that you mewl on the member, eyes shut to fully enjoy the experience and commotion between your lips. Tears start to prickle, spit and drool coat his shaft, and your brain goes foggy when his musk blocks your nostrils. The throbbing sensation between your legs gets unbearable by the second, and you grind your thighs together to ease your lust.
Ushijima has done well trying to maintain his steel composure; however, no matter how he tries, he soon succumbs to the warm and pleasurable feeling of your throat when he thrusts into your oral cavity at a reasonable tempo, going faster and faster when the notion of his release crawls up within him.
"Haaaah, ahhhh—Mmmph!" Moans fly out from his mouth, no longer attempting to keep this from escaping. "Dove, I'm about to cum in your—Hnnngh!! Ahhh, shit, shit," and he grabs your head to keep you steady as he ruts into your throat. The orgasm hits the both of you, and a few deep strokes result in him shooting his load inside you, forcing you to drink all he gives you.
And you happily do so, waiting for his thighs to stop jerking as you take in every bit of his essence. Once he's done ejaculating, you slowly remove yourself from his sock, a soft pop evidence of you two no longer connected. You swallow and gulp any remainder of his load before climbing back onto the bed to lay beside Ushijima, who turns to his side to survey you thoroughly with half-lidded eyes.
You sigh with a smile. "Enjoyed yourself?"
While his hand caresses your cheek, he hums as his response. "Did you?"
"Yes, very much so. Thank you, Toshi." You start to feel drowsy as the room becomes dark, the warm colors of the sunset dulling as the moon sheds light.
"Of course, dove."
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dolliied · 1 year
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all 4 u // e42! miles morales
↳ in which miles would do anything for you, even if it meant getting into harms way for you <3
↳ fem! black! reader x 42! miles morales
↳ cw; fluff, a little angst (maybe), comfort, miles isn’t his usual stoic self here (at least around you)
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the frantic tapping at your window dragged you out your trance. you turned from your desk that was littered in homework to it, revealing a dark silhouette, one that seemed oddly familiar. miles.
you quickly hurried off to the window, opening it with a click, letting miles stumble in. “miles?” you spoke, worry dripping in your tone. he only let out a pained groaned as he basically fell onto your queen sized bed. “what happened?” you pressed, but he didn’t speak, resorting to show where his side was bruised.
“you know that guy from earlier?” he spoke, his voice strangled and breathless.
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you and miles walked through the crowded mall, just browsing and laughing as you guys sipped on your drinks, cracking jokes with eachother.
“no, and the she has the nerve to post that corny shit on her story like girl if you don’t get outta here!“ you finished, you and miles starting up again in your fits of laughter.
“hol’ on baby ima go use the bathroom real quick” he said, pressing a quick peck to your cheek as he sauntered off. you stood in front of the beauty supply, just looking at the stuff that we’re trying to lure you in from the entrance of the store.
all of a sudden, some random guy came up to you. he looked.. interesting to say the least. he looked around you and miles age.
“hey ma. i feel like i’ve seen you from somewhere.” at this point, you could tell he was trying to use some weird, desperate way to coax you into giving him your socials as you’ve surely never seen this man a day in your life, but you wouldn’t budge.
“well, i can assure you, i’ve never seen you a day in my life” you spoke, eyeing him up and down subtly. you turned away but were caught real off guard when he grabbed you by the arm to turn you back to face him.
“nah really i-“ he spoke before you cut him off.
“yo i already said i don’t know you so don’t you ever put your hands on me” you yelled. you saw miles coming out of the bathroom already so you shoulder bumped past the guy to go stand next to him.
“you good mama?” he asked, looking at you before looking at the guy
“he’s over here tryna get my number and shii and i told him no and shit and he touched me like what the fuck” you mumbled to him, frustrated at the situation.
he just mugged the guy. “if she said she ain’t wanna give you her number why you pressing her bruh. whatever it ain’t even worth it man, let’s go baby” he said, turning you guys around to keep walking.
“whatever yo bitch ain’t even fine anyways!” the guy yelled at y’all’s backs. it really seemed to get under miles skin but he didn’t do anything after that.
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“the one from the mall? yea, why?” you asked, sitting next to him on the bed.
“i saw him again on the street in my way here and he was talking mad shit to his friend about you, so i got mad and started swinging but his weak ass homeboy jumped in and started hitting me and shit. i got em both off me but the guy landed hard ass hits.” he muttered. you sighed at him.
“you shouldn’t have baby” you pouted. “i don’t care about what he gotta say. he a bum ass nigga and you not so why you focused on him.”
you walked out to you kitchen, making an ice pack for him, you walked back to your room to see him looking at a book you had just started reading a few days ago.
“here, out this on your side” you said, handing him the ice pack and helping him lift his shirt.
“damn mama if you wanted to get freaky just say that” he said, smirking.
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my first lil fic 😝
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