#does he look similar to vil?
gosungji · 1 year
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vieldam icons -- with shadow and without
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twstowo · 1 month
Their Magicam Accounts[Twst]
♡︎How I think their Magicam Accounts would look and what they do in them.
♡︎This was been catching dust in my drafts for months now. Crazy
♡︎Includes: NRC, RSA and Rollo
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⋆⋅☆Riddle: Owns two accounts on Magicam. The first one is only used to like or comment on posts from friends, Carter set up this account against Riddle’s will. He once accidentally posted a picture of the two of you and had a heart attack trying to delete it. The second account is a secret one where he only posts hedgehog pictures.
⋆⋅☆Trey: Has one account where most of his posts showcase his cakes, including pictures from unbirthday parties and moments of you cooking with him. His profile picture is him with that dog filter, you can’t change my mind.
⋆⋅☆Carter: Literally Owns Magicam, posting pictures every time he does something or is with someone. #Thevoicesarewinning. Comments on every post and totally knows that Riddle owns the hedgehog account. He also has a side account for stalking people. Changes his profile picture daily.
⋆⋅☆Ace: Initially only posted embarrassing pictures of people and would only take them down if they paid him. Got suspended quickly from Magicam. The second account is more relaxed, where he shares random content whenever he feels like it. He’s also the type to edit group pictures to make everyone look bad except himself, just to annoy everyone.
⋆⋅☆Deuce: Was the one who reported Ace’s first account since most pictures were of him. Has Shaky pictures, the best picture he has is one of him, Ace, and you together. Probably uses social media mostly for chatting with friends. Also, he, Ace, and you have one of those quirky couple profile pics.
⋆⋅☆Leona: Owns an account with no posts, profile picture, comments, or followers. Rarely uses Magicam, but he occasionally checks your posts.
⋆⋅☆Ruggie: Uses Magicam for selling stuff. Created a group for selling second-hand items and pins all his stuff to ensure faster sales than everyone else.
⋆⋅☆Jack: Gym pictures? Nah, I feel he’d be too shy for that. Probably has one image that he uses everywhere else just to identify himself.
⋆⋅☆Azul: Opened an account to promote Mostro Lounge, daily posts feature new dishes, prices, menus, and sales. He also has a personal account but doesn’t post (doesn’t think he looks nice in pictures).
⋆⋅☆Jade: Mushroom account, has so many followers who share his fascination. Their conversations are all about their mushroom hikes and can last for hours. Makes really aesthetically pleasing posts filled with detailed information about different types of mushrooms.
⋆⋅☆Floyd: For legal reasons I won’t say why, but his account got suspended after one week of its creation.
⋆⋅☆Kalim: Sends party invitations through Magicam, Jamil had to create a group to prevent Kalim from sending individual invitations constantly. Enjoys capturing pictures of the sky. Once posted a picture of Jamil, after it was deleted, he didn't post anything for a whole month, I wonder what happened.
⋆⋅☆Jamil: Similar to Leona, but he often checks Trey’s account for his cake posts. When he saw a picture of you and Trey together, he invited you over to cook with him but didn’t have the courage to ask for a picture of the two of you.
⋆⋅☆Vil: Posts frequently, sharing about himself and his daily routine, always looking impeccable. Regularly receives barking comments, he spends hours deleting all of them.
⋆⋅☆Rook: We all know he has a fan account for Neige. Likes posts of all the celebrities he adores. Writes extremely lengthy comments whenever he finds someone beautiful. He's been blocked so many times he's lost count.
⋆⋅☆Epel: Initially tried taking cute pictures following Vil’s advice but got annoyed as he looked too feminine. Instead, he started promoting stuff from his farm back home.
⋆⋅☆Idia: Uses an account with a weird name to hide his identity, posts about games and occasional activities. Engages in lengthy debates with anyone who disagrees with his new hyperfixation. Has a different notification ring for your posts.
⋆⋅☆Ortho: Shares many pictures of you and him and others doing silly things, sometimes posts gossips and causes huge scandals with them, to the point he decided to create an account with only gossip info. (Azul is literally taking notes.)
⋆⋅☆Malleus: This man owns a Nokia 3310.
⋆⋅☆Lilia: Creates posts about the Doramas he watches, managing a fan page to discuss them with others. Shares pictures of Silver, Sebek, and Malleus, although the latter two get embarrassed, leading Lilia to take down their pictures.
⋆⋅☆Silver: Posts images of nature and cute animals. There's only one picture of him – you took it while he was sleeping and posted it. He didn't have the heart to delete it, knowing it was you.
⋆⋅☆Sebek: Shaky hands #2. Takes pictures of his paintings of Malleus; if you scroll long enough, you might see an accidentally posted painting of you.
⋆⋅☆Che’nya: Shares pictures of people's scared faces, taken while invisible when the flash goes off.
⋆⋅☆Neige: Lost track of his posts; like Vil, he has many followers. Captures moments with the dwarfs and shares funny stories about his day in every picture.
⋆⋅☆Rollo: Has one account filled with pictures of Fleur City. His profile picture used to be a croissant, but he removed it since it looked dumb. He was blocked every magic user, except for you. Yet.
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omgg yess plz part two of the overblotts
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Overblot Universe (2) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Part 1 • 3
“I’d be wrong not to speak my peace when both parties so clearly have withstanding debts with me.”
Both of you turn behind to look at the newcomer
Smiling wide he’s holding up a golden glowing contract 
Idia sucks his teeth moving to summon Ortho to attack
The blotted version does attempt to attack the overblotted Azul before being launched back after touching the golden shield that flashes around him
“You seem to have forgotten that my all-powerful contracts don’t allow for your retaliation!”
Overblotted Azul holds the contract up which sends an electric shock to Idia
He’s wailing like a baby completely missing the inky tentacle that grabs you by the waist
Pulling you towards him, you have no choice but to lean against him
“Good to see you, traitorous pearl. We have so much to discuss.”
Two of his tentacles squeeze along your sides as he lets his lips linger near your ear 
“S-s-S–T-O P it!!!” 
The pitiful wail comes from the blotted Idia who is doing his best to fight the constant beam of electrocution
The octopus-mer glares at him before letting that twisted smile spread back on his face
“As  a small currency back to me we’ll be using your technology to take our exit. Us two will be very busy with our own marriage contracts.”
His cries are ignored as you feel the familiar tingle of Idia’s teleportation working
When you are able to open your eyes again you find Azul expertly drifting in clouded water filled with ink
Barely able to make anything out you can begin to recognize the familiar office to the one in the Monstro Lounge
“To think he’d put you in such restraints when he’s bold enough to use his words. He just can’t stand being civil like us, right (Y/n).”
Azul easily slips a slither of his tentacle past your binds
getting ahold of the metal before he parts bending and then breaking it
In no time at all of your metal cuffs are on the floor bent and torn threw floating near your feet
It makes you especially vigilant when you feel the stray but exploring touches of the suctions on his tentacles
“Now that we’re alone, the subject of your contract is well over due.”
“But I haven’t signed anything with you.”
“I took the liberty of doing everything for you, I just need a bit more confirmation.”
You begin to struggle when you feel your arms bein pulled in the direction of a golden contract that’s still being written by a quill that writes on it’s own
“All that’s left to seal our union will be these special pearls of mine. Something I’ve crafted from the moment you sent me to this dystopian wasteland.”
Shivers go down your back at the further distortion in his voice
Only able to cowe away as his tentacles bring you closer to his string of pearls that have a similar golden glow
Looking at the contract in the corner you can’t help but tremble in fear
it’s much longer than a simple paper and the quill is writing even faster now 
Nonetheless you are coming close to the smiling overblot of Azul with no signs of stopping
Until he wheezes and falls over
His tentacles loosen allowing you to wiggle free
The golden contract stops crumpling in on itself and the quill blips away
You also begin to cough as something dark wisps in the water-like-space around you 
You fall over as well attempting to keep your eyes open as long as you can before seeing a silhouette reaching out to you
“You have been a thorn in my side for far too long.”
Hearing the twisted voice above you almost doesn’t make you want to open your eyes
But the nudging of something at your lips makes you snap your eyes open
It’s an overblotted Vil glaring regally at you as he continues to urge some inky substance into your mouth 
Turning your head you find it weighs so much heavier than your used to 
The same could be said for your for your arms 
Looking down finding jewels tied around the arms of a chair
More accurately a throne
Looking confused at the overblotted Vil silently asking the question you had
“Do not be so cold. Your queen only wishes to ease the pain.”
“W-what pain?”
“Do not mumble. Those meant for the mirror should never mumble.”
You only tilted your head in confusion as he backed a bit away from you
Motioning his hand toward a silver mirror similar to the one back home
Holding his hand out a black and purple shine made the mirror’s black center begin to twist and turn like ink being dipped into
Before it can do anything overblotted Vil’s hands hold your face 
Tensing as if decided to prick his metal claws into your skin and caressing them with fondness
Your own eyes meeting stormy purples before your lips are captured by black lips
The kiss is incredibly deep and purposeful
As though it was practiced a thousand times before
When he did pull away you faintly taste something unknown down your throat and the strength leaving your body like oxygen
“We both will have to wait until after the battle. Any good Queen knows their King is their most valuable asset.”
Gaining your bearings you try to speak only to feel your voice die in your throat as something cools over your skin
Looking down the ink crawling up your skin is reaching from the mirror 
The ink is cool and you can feel it pulling you from the throne you were on the binds snapping 
You begin to scream as you feel an uncomfortable tug at your heart 
You barely register the hands cupping the back of your head and the pinprick of another kiss on your forehead 
“Hush hush. Your time in the mirror will be short, your Queen plans to make quick work of all those…pests.”
Relentinig to the pull you stopped fighting the pulling ink 
Curling up in the somehow not so wet expanse of the mirror you barely caught the possessive smile of the over blotted Vil as he adjusted the mirror to stand in some unknown room. 
“Sleep well.”
You do
It feels nice to release your body of the tense feeling of constantly being alert
You blame whatever Vil had given you
Dreaming vaguely of what his plans would be when he returned
The crown still on your head might have been the beginning of what they were
No matter 
All that you could do was rest
And sleep….
And stay….
“Do not tell me? This is where you have been hiding?”
“I told you he’d do something like this.”
“Well Viper. A deals a deal. Shall we take them home?”
Part 3
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your lipstick stain is a work of art
Giving Epel, Leona and Ace a DIY Maison Margiela Kiss Shirt
Warnings: Reader is female
I may have gotten a bit carried away in Leona’s part 😅
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After listening to another one of Epel’s rants on Vil’s strict training regimen, you came up with a bright idea. Even though you couldn’t see his face due to the way he was spooning you, you could tell from how his rough country accent would get more and more prominent that he was more than annoyed - and thankfully, you knew the best way to cheer him up.
“Hey, Epel,” you piped up, turning your head to look right at him, effectively cutting through his tirade, “that new makeup set that your Dorm Leader gave you? You haven’t opened it yet, right?”
“Uh no,” he scrunched his nose up in confusion, “A hate the stuff.”
“Then can I have the lipstick, please?” 
“Um, sure? I mean, I’m not gonna use it. But why?”
“You’ll see…”
The next day, you set your plan into motion. Armed with the sleek black lipstick box that your boyfriend was more than happy to hand over to you and a crisp white shirt you had purchased from Sam’s, you began working on what you supposed was your magnum opus. Once you had finished, ten minutes later, you sent a quick text to Epel, telling him to meet you in your dorm for a ‘surprise’.
When he arrived, he was confused to find you standing at your doorway, dark red tinting your innocent smile, with your hands behind your back. 
“For you,” you chirped, still smiling as you handed him a neatly wrapped box. 
He took it from you slowly and cautiously, suspicious eyes not leaving your face as he searched for any hint of deception. You’ve never given him any reason to be wary of you, or to think that this might all be a prank, but considering you’re best friends with a certain red haired troublemaker, it didn’t hurt to be heedful. 
It was light, very light. He shook it but apart from faint rustling, he couldn’t hear anything that could clue him into what it was. He raised an eyebrow, “what’s in here, doll?”
“You’ll just have to open it and see.”
He ripped open the wrapping paper, letting the torn pieces fall to the floor as he found himself holding a box. Uncovering the lid, he looked down to find a white shirt, carefully folded inside, its collar and entire front covered in lipstick marks - lipstick marks that happen to look suspiciously similar to the shade that you currently wore on your lips right then…
Noticing how his surprise had frozen him, his eyes wise as he appeared entranced at the sight before him, you say, “do you like it? I figured that -”
You didn’t even get to start your explanation, let alone finish it, as you were engulfed by the comforting fragrance of fresh apples and his lips were pressing on yours like his life depended on it and your back was flush against the wall of your entrance passage. One of his hands  clutching the box protectively to his chest and the other flat against the wall right next to your head. You close your eyes and melt against him, letting your arms. When the need for air became more and more apparent, he reluctantly separated himself from you, eyes blazing.
“You have no idea what you do to me.”
“So does that mean you like it?”
His answering kiss said more than enough.
You should’ve known that your little surprise would come back to bite you. As cherubic as your boyfriend appeared to be, he was nothing but a demon underneath those soft lavender locks and wide doe eyes.
You were reminded of this the next morning when he strolled into your shared homeroom class, right in the middle of registration.
“Mornin’ sir, sorry I’m late.” 
Beside you, you could hear Ace and Deuce choke on their breaths. The air of the room seemed to be submerged in freezing cold water as you could feel your fellow classmates freeze in their seats, a few of them whisper-shouting expletives of shock. Bewildered by the sudden change in atmosphere, you look up from your book, only to feel the rest of the world still around you and all the blood leave your face.
Standing at the entryway of the classroom was Epel Felmier, his posture upright and proud. He had abandoned his blazer, waistcoat and bowtie, and instead of his usual Schoenheit-approved expensive lacy high-collared shirt, he donned your gift, wearing his lipstick kiss stains like badges of honour. He waltzed into class bearing the grin of a cat that got the cream.  His smug aura was blinding and his confidence was so corporeal that he appeared to be triple his actual size.
“Mr Felmier,” Professor Crewel sternly asked him, years of teaching seeming to prevent him showing any sign of fluster, his eyes ignited with frustration, “what is the meaning of this?”
“My girl happens to be an artist, Professor,” Epel replied easily, “As a student of the dorm that prides itself in appreciating beauty, it would be rude and becoming to not show off her masterpiece.”
All at once, the entire class turned to look at you, their gazes searing, as you stared straight down at your desk, mentally calculating how hard you’d need to bang your head against it for you to end up in a coma. 
Once the Dorm Leader and Vice Dormleader of Pomefiore find out about Epel’s little stunt, you knew that you would be a goner. 
“Henchman, what is he talking about?” Grim demanded.
“Wow, Y/N,” Ace looked at you like you had suddenly grown three heads, “didn’t take you to be that type.”
“And what type would that be?” Deuce instantly came to your defence.
“ENOUGH!” Professor Crewel’s pointer smacked down against his desk, effectively silencing everyone yet again, “Mr Felmier, get to your seat at once. I expect to see you in detention this lunch break for violating the dress code. Rest assured, I will be taking this up with your Dorm Leader. And Miss L/N-” he turned to you with his sharp gaze, whilst Epel didn’t even look the slightest bit perturbed at facing his Dorm Leader’s impending wrath, “please stay behind after the bell rings. I have something to discuss with you.”
“Oh~” Ace muttered under his breath, “looks like papa’s angry.”
Needless to say, Epel managed to spend the rest of the day wearing that shirt. Throughout the entire time, you could feel the other students give you looks ranging from puzzled to amused to knowing.
“Hmmm,” Leona sighs, amusement colouring the guttural resonance, as you press another drawn-out kiss under the sharp curve of his jaw, “not that I’m complaining, herbivore, but what’s with the sudden boldness?”
“Well,” you hum languidly, looking at the lipstick stain you left behind - another one to add to the growing collection you had scattered on his cheeks and lower face - moving your mouth lower to his pulse point and letting your lips linger on his skin before flicking your eyes up to look right into darkened green irises, “considering how you always make a big deal over me wearing your scent, I figured that I’d return the favour - let me mark my territory for a change.”
The smugness radiating off of him was palpable and you ignored the deep, satisfied rumble of his chest as you busy yourself with printing your crimson pattern onto the length of his neck, going lower and lower with every press. 
To be honest, finding yourself straddling his lap from his seat at the edge of his bed, your arms draped over his shoulders and his hands resting firmly onto your lower back, was not exactly what you expected when you entered the Dorm Leader’s bedroom to wake him up for his Spelldrive Club, but it definitely wasn’t an unwelcome change. And you certainly weren’t lying when you made that jab at his shamelessly obvious leonine instincts - the innate predatory need to broadcast to the entire school that you were not to be messed with - with the way he would nose and nuzzle at your neck until he was satisfied, or drape his too large blazer over your shoulders before sending you off to class. Though, if you were being candid, you had the suspicion that his behaviour was less to do with his species and more to do with Leona himself. After suffering through decades of denial, him finally being given what he covets so freely and willingly results in him wanting nothing to latch on and never let go, to hold the object of his affections in his arms to keep and protect and cherish. Of course, you could never complain as for all that he seemed to take from you, he also gave to you tenfold. It takes a great deal of trust for a lion to bare his neck (‘both literally and figuratively,’ you think as your mouth presses against the skin under his ear) and a lion as proud and closed-off as the second prince of Sunset Savanna? A feat like that was almost inconceivable. Even now, his tail is coiled around your leg like a vine of ivy as he let you do as you pleased with absolutely no questions asked.
When you once again come back up from yet another kiss, Leona uses this opportunity to cup your face with his hand, using just the right amount of pressure to to grip onto your jaw and rub his thumb over your cheek. His eyes, though still gleaming with want, melts into something more soft. As a master of strategic brilliance, his proficiency in self control is beyond admirable yet whenever you’re near, he finds himself unraveling. And he loves every second of it. His drinks up the sight of you: the flush of your cheeks, the black of your eyes, the smudged rouge of your lips that he smears even further with the edge of his thumb.
Oh Great Seven, you're perfect.
“Would you look at that,” he murmurs, “my little herbivore’s got a set of claws on her. We’ll go on then.”
You smile back at him before resuming back to your original position.
You run your right hand down from his shoulders, not stopping your mouth's work as your fingers slide down his chest, swiftly and seamlessly hooking and undoing the buttons of his waistcoat. Grabbing onto the lapels of the honey golden material, you deftly push it downwards off of him, exposing the white expanse of his clothed torso as it falls limply onto his elbows. You then kissed the area near his clavicles, where the first button of his shirt had been left undone so that your lipstick stretched over both his tanned chest and the placket. Seeing the glaringly obvious red mark left behind on the pristine white fabric gave you an idea and before you knew it, you pressed dragging kiss after dragging kiss over the collar and upper side of the front of his shirt. 
You managed to only get to above his breast pocket before your boyfriend was dragging you back up and collided your lips together at a speed so fast it left you reeling. Before you could fully compute the change in direction, pounding knocks on the door snapped you out of your vertigo.
“OI, BOSS,” came the annoyed yells of Ruggie, “You were supposed to be at the club meeting five minutes ago. Quit foolin’ around with the prefect and get over here!”
Leona let out an irked growl but he made no move to shift his position, even when the incessant knocking failed to cease, “Okay! Okay! I’m coming. Jeez!”
“Wait,” you say as you get off his lap and watch him stand up, lipstick stains and all, pick up his duffle sports bag and head to the door, “are you leaving? Like that?”
“Why not?” was his unbothered reply.
Now that the spell over the room had been successfully broken and clarity and common sense once again seized control from the haze, the full impact of your actions dropped into your stomach like a lead anvil. With it being mid afternoon, the Savanaclaw common area, let alone the corridors of the school, would be in high traffic. The thought of the other students (and seven forbid the teachers) seeing him covered in marks and knowing exactly who put them there fills you with pure mortification, sending blood rushing upwards and making your cheeks burn.
“What’s this?” he turns around and makes his way over to you, towering over you and smirking down at your abashed and frozen figure, eyebrow raised, “where did my brave little herbivore go? Don’t tell me she’s all talk after the show she just put on.”
It’s settled. You can never show your face around NRC again. Your only options now are to beg Malleus to smite you with lightning or to pull an Idia and live the rest of your life as a hermit.
He slowly leans down and places a tender kiss on your forehead, whispering over your skin, “Don’t think that this is over. When I come back, I’ll show you how territory is truly marked. You better be prepared.”
He then saunters off, his bag slung over his shoulder, as he opens the door without a care in the world. You can faintly hear Ruggie’s deep inhale before a “WHAT THE HELL?!” fills your ears.
You should’ve known that you could never one up a predator.
(yes, I know that realistically it would be impossible for one application of lipstick to last that long but let me have this)
It was when you heard the bathroom door slam shut, followed by the sound of your shower head spraying water, that the idea came to you. Knowing Ace, he would spend at least ten minutes in your shower since he liked to make use of the privacy and alone time that Ramshackle provides and his dorm denies. Or at least, that's his go-to excuse when asked why he spends more time sleeping over at your dorm instead of the one he was sorted into. 
Sending a playful smile to the door that separated the two of you, you slowly and quietly got out of bed so as to not disturb Grim (who still insisted on sleeping next to you, even after Ace became a staple in your life. You agreed with him, despite Ace’s annoyed refutes, simply stating that Grim and you would sleep together before your relationship and you weren’t planning on stopping that) and made your way to your closet where you kept one of Ace’s school shirts to prepare you for the occasion where he forgets to bring one. You then rustled through your drawers and pulled out a cylindrical stick of lipstick and got to work. Thankfully you had finished applying and kissing his shirt by the time he was done showering and was dressed and ready so when he entered your bedroom and was greeted by the sight of you wearing a mischievous grin, alarm bells started ringing.
“Hey, babe?” he asks with trepidation, “what do you have behind your back?”
“Nothing,” you answer lightly.
“Oh really?” and he swipes behind you but you dodge in the nick of time. Luckily for him, his fine-tuned basketball reflexes put him at an advantage and in no time at all, he’s got you pinned on your bed, with him sitting on top of you, legs straddled on either side of your hips, and you lying beneath him. In his hands he triumphantly holds your surprise. He unfurls the white fabric and holds it out in front of him with - and then almost drops it onto your face as red blooms across his nose and cheeks when he realises what he’s looking at
He looks at the shirt then at you then the shirt and you in quick succession, taking note as to how your lips appear to be the same shade as the marks on his shirt.
Scrambling together and haphazardly picking up what’s left of his bearings, he attempts to throw on his usual cocksure smirk but his still cherry red countenance betrays his flustered visage, “so what’s this, then.”
“A shirt,” you respond. 
“Looks like you made a lot of effort with this, sweetheart,” he muses, his eyes bright and jaunty, “are you so obsessed with me that you need to mark me up?”
“I thought it would be a fun prank. But seeing that you don’t seem to like it-” you make a move to grab at it but Ace holds both of your wrists down with one hand.
“Hey, who’s saying I don’t like it?!” he argues defiantly, “this has got to be the best present I’ve ever gotten.”
“Really?” you ask, eyebrow raised in amusement.
“Really,” he nods and then looks down at you mischievously, “why don’t I show you how much I like it?”
He then leans down and captures your lips with his and for the nth time of his life, Grim wishes that you were still single.
Ace then spends the next ten minutes trying to convince you to do the same to his basketball jersey
You know this boy decided to wear that shirt to the next Unbirthday party, relishing in his dormmates’ stares, the sound of crashing silverware, and the sights of your mortified expression, Cater’s phone recording everything and Riddle’s reddening face.
Poor Deuce goes bright pink and refuses to look at you for the next hour.
Honestly the lecture was so worth it. The collar and heaping and heaping of chores, not so much but he would totally do it again.
Yeah, it turns out that wearing a lipstick stained shirt isn’t technically against the rules and our resident rule-breaker definitely exploits that loophole. You know that rule where you have to wear pink when feeding the flamingos? Nowhere does it say that he’s not allowed to buy a light pink shirt that’s covered in hot pink kiss marks (you went along with this half because you wanted to stop his whining and half because you wanted to mess with his dorm leader for collaring Grim the day before)
Since you forbade him from wearing that shirt in public (for NRC’s collective sanity, Riddle’s vocal cords and Heartslabyul’s auditory abilities) Ace makes it a point to hang up that shirt on the door of his wardrobe in his dormitory so that he can brag about it to ‘the miserable and jealous singles’ he shares his living space with (RIP Deuce and the other Heartslabyul NPCs)
He also bought a few more shirts and begged asked you to do the same to them
That shirt is his new favourite thing of all time. He’s even changed his phone’s wallpaper and his Magicam icon (both of which used to be a selfie of you kissing his cheek as he smiles at the camera) to a mirror selfie of him wearing the shirt and you posing next to him.
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gendercomsumer · 3 months
hiii ^^ I would like some headcanons for riddle, malleus, vil and rook with a fem mc that accidentally ends up making them laugh (because what she says or does is very random xd maybe an example would be like jennifer lawrence sjjs she is very funny ) well that's all, thanks and take care <3
Riddle, Malleus, Vil, and Rook with an S/O who can make them laugh with the most random things
A/N: Hello to you too Anon! I know this has been in my inbox for gods knows how long- But thank you still for sending this in! I hope this is to your liking! I actually did watch some Jennifer Lawrence videos for inspiration and I have to agree the comedic timing she has is perfect!! I also used some google translate in Rooks part so it may not be accurate ^^;
Characters: Riddle, Malleus, Vil, and Rook
Warnings: Cursing to a mild degree, playful mention of stalking in Rooks (I love him I swear!!!), lightly proof read
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is a bit difficult to get a good genuine laugh out of, at least in my opinion.
Like sure you have a small chuckle when he finds something amusing, but i feel like it'd be a bit of a challenge to get a good genuine laugh out of.
Then you came in, saying the strangest things at the most unrelated times!
And Ace and Deuce find this absolutely hilarious
You'll say the most out of pocket shit with the straightest face and somehow half the people around you start to laugh some others breaking out in giggles
Ace and Deuce have definitely talked about this 'talent' of yours, at least in their words.
You had said some of these strange comments around Riddle and he found them strange a bit endearing as well
I'd think the time you got a good laugh out of him was when you had come with him to take care of some of the hedgehogs
The two of you were sitting in the grass some of the hedgehogs were playing while a few had decided that climbing on the two of you was a good way to pass the time
One had wandered up onto your head and almost fell off but luckily you were able to save the little guy before he fully hit the ground
After Riddle worriedly checked the little guy over you while looking over his shoulder at the small animal said:
"Well at least we know this one has no self preservation"
Unwillingly, or maybe subconsciously, a small laugh makes it's way through Riddles chest to his lips.
Well, now maybe he saw what those two were blabbering on about
Your little comments were always appreciated with Riddle
Even if they didn't cause him to laugh they did brighten his mood at least somewhat
"Yes, this one does tend to be a bit of a handful. Reminds me of a certain rose I know"
He teased before you two fell back into the pattern of caring for the small animals
More chuckles and comments to come no doubt
Malleus Draconia
At first Malleus didn't understand why the rest of Diasomnia found your remarks so comical
Yes his child of man did tend to bring a certain warmth where ever she walked
But he didn't see this as an excuse for the amount of laughter you cause people around you
Most of the remarks you make will fly over his head
I'm sorry but he seems like the kind of guy to not get the joke until you explain it to him-
Now the Thorn Prince does share a few chuckles with those around him when he finds something amusing, similar to Riddle
But it's even more difficult to get a laugh out of him considering he doesn't get a lot of the play on words type of jokes
but something abrupt and slightly out of context?
I feel like that would get some sort of laugh out of him
One day you were talking with Malleus about some of the things you did in your old world
The topic of amusement parks came up and you started listing the rides you used to go on as a child
Roller coasters, bumper cars, lazy rides where you could relax, until you blanked on the name of a ride
It was frustrating considering it was probably something simple and you would remember it after their conversation, but you wanted to keep the ball rolling
Malleus mean while was partly enjoying seeing how frustrated you got over a simple word
You really were a strange thing weren't you Child of man?
"I'm sorry Mal- I know what I'm thinking of! It's on the tip of my tongue- It's like one of those horse tornado things!"
Horse.. tornado..?
Now that got Malleus attention
he understood the other rides you described, favoring the lazy rides
but what ever this horse tornado was... it sounded.. strange, yet curious at the same time
Malleus let out a small puff of air before he started chuckling under his breath
You truly were a strange one weren't you child of man, just like the world you came from
Malleus pressed a kiss to your forehead letting out one more chuckle before speaking
"Truly fascinating, maybe one day you could bring me to one of these 'horse tornados' you have me interested"
Sure jokes your fly over his head, but he would tease you some what for your small skips in memory
Vil Schoenheit
Now Vil, having acted in a lot of movies, (If I'm correct) Would have probably had a few good laughs in that line of work
Weather that be on set or behind the cameras
But he doesn't often let out a good laugh in public, it's not really part of the proper image he'd want to put out there
As for behind closed doors or with close friends he's definitely willing to have a laugh
And who better to bring a smile to his face than his lovely sweet potato?
Though one good moment always stuck out to him that caused him to have one of the most genuine laughs in awhile
The two of you were getting ready to go out to a fancy restaurant, courtesy of Vil of course, hair, makeup, shoes things like that
While Vil was sitting at his vanity working on his eyes when you came out of the bathroom in a stunning dress hand picked by Vil
It brought out all your best features while still being enough coverage to where it wasn't uncomfortable to wear into a public area
The two of you made idle conversation as you sat on a near by chair to slip on a matching set of heels for the dress
As you stood up in the heels to work on your own makeup you lost your balance thanks to the new height the heels provided
Although Vil was quick to catch you making sure you came no where near the floor he still was concerned
"Oh sweet potato are you alright? What happened?"
Yes looking back on it the question seemed dumb but he was concerned
but you just let out a giggle while regaining your balance before saying:
"Well I'm not sure what happened, but I remember wanting to yell 'fuck' as my last words before I embarrassed myself"
Vil took a moment while looking at you
then a chuckle escaped his lips which soon turned into the two of you sharing a small laugh
Now Vil doesn't know why he laughs at your antics, in hindsight they're just normal phrases
But maybe it's the delivery?
Or the way you smile at him?
What ever it may be it always causes a smile to grace his lips or a chuckle to be drawn from him
Sure Vil maybe all about preserving beauty and making sure he looks flawless
But if he happens to get a few smile lines because of your antics, he will never hold it against you
"Well my darling, I'm glad to hear you're alright. It would be a shame if you or your lovely dress got roughed up before we left. Now come, you still want to do your makeup don't you? Allow me to help"
Rook Hunt
Now Rook has plenty of laughs in his life
Weather that be from stalking some poor soul or a genuine laugh among friends
Rook out of the four is probably the easiest to get a laugh from
He's a joyful guy wanting to see all nature and the world has to offer! Can you blame him?
Then enters you who some how can't help but leave Rook giggling when ever you do something!
You put your tie on wrong? Oh silly Trickster aren't you just the sweetest thing!
Then comes your words which to Rook is a whole new ball park
Rook tends to hold onto every word meant for him, weather that be written or spoken out loud
His darling Tricksters words are so elegant and so sweet how could he not treasure everyone!
What really gets him chuckling and laughing is the moments when your words aren't as sweet and graceful
Cut to one day when you and Rook were in the fields often used for flying class
Rook had a desire to teach you archery so he happened to drag you along with a quiver and bow to some targets set by his hand
After the first few moments of Rook teaching you how to properly hold and aim the bow and making sure your arm guard was secure (He wouldn't want his darling trickster to get rope burn!) He let you shoot
All was going well as you hit targets in an... acceptable way
But all that seemed to end when a large gust of wind sent your best shot yet off course and into the ground
And just as Rook was about to offer some encouragement to keep going and try once more
some colorful language came from you to say the least
"Wind!? Really!?! Could you not wait two fucking minuets!! Nooooo! You just had to thro my best shot off course you-!"
Now don't get Rook wrong he hold the sweet words you two share close to his heart
But there was just something about you yelling at the wind of all things that caused him to start laughing
As he laid on the grass of the field eyes closed as he laughed
Oh? It seems your colorful language is directed towards him now? Even better!
"Trickster- reine de mon coeur! Please I believe- I believe you have shared plenty enough words with the wind today!"
A/N: This is actually the first time I've taken a good look at the name of Malleus' dorm. Dia = Dragon. Somnia = Sleep
Diasomnia = Dragon of sleep
just a ting i found silly :)
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pomefioredove · 2 months
sorry if you dont do platonic/kid reader posts but could you do headcannons of the dormleaders with a younger teen yuu (13-14) who had a bad homelife before and they see him as their older brother? like they come to his room crying and asking him to hold them? sorry if this doesnt make sence!! thank you and i love your work!! ^_^ <3
I very gladly do platonic and familial requests <3 I myself feel more platonic towards most of the characters ^_^
summary: housewardens adopting you as their younger sibling type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, azul, kalim, vil, idia, malleus additional info: platonic, yuu is gender neutral
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𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
believe it or not, Riddle is a pretty good brother
especially to someone from a home life similar to his
I suppose he recognizes it immediately; just sees pieces of himself in you
and I honestly believe he has a soft spot for younger people, even with his temperament
it's no secret that he favors you over everyone else
(even if he'd insist he treats everyone equally)
he lets you get away with things anyone else would be collared for
he pesters you about letting him help with your homework
you're invited to every Heartslabyul event
so on and so forth
and, much to everyone else's astonishment, he's always there for you to lean on
had bad day? failed an assignment? were being picked on? had a nightmare about your home?
well, that just can't do
he'll have you two freshly baked tarts and tea ready within minutes
and, of course, he'll gladly lend a hug if that's what you need
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𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫
it's no secret that Leona's home life isn't exactly dreamy, either
and his relationship with his brother isn't ideal
in fact, the very idea of having another sibling- especially a younger one- used to make him cringe
but... okay, he'll admit that you're alright
what? he's not heartless
and he just can't stand to see you struggling like a prey animal
so, sure, he'll take you under his wing
just until you get on your feet, that is! don't expect any special treatment from him just because he was feeling generous today
he's basically no help with anything practical
homework to do? not his thing
boy/girl trouble? don't you have any friends you could ask?
he'll give out advice when you need it, but Leona's got this idea that you need to figure things out for yourself, too
it's his strange way of... raising you?
(don't ask him why. he'll just get annoyed)
but if there's one thing he's really good at, it's providing that much-needed physical comfort
in his eyes, all he has to do is lie there
and he'll gladly give you a hug or a cuddle if it'll wipe that mopey look off your face
(don't listen to him; he really does worry sometimes)
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𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨
his first reaction to you and your closeness is "what do you want?"
not in a rude way, mind you; when you first meet, he sees you as an excellent business opportunity
after all, you're leagues behind everyone else in school matters; and he has a helping hand to offer.
at a price, of course
and then, as time goes on and it becomes more and more obvious that you're not looking for anything but company... well...
sure, you're all alone here
sure, you remind him way too much of himself at a younger age
but why is that his problem? haven't you heard what everyone else says about him? he's shady! untrustworthy!
and... oh, sevens. he just can't bring himself to turn you away
what was once a business venture turns into a friendship
best friend/brother Azul is insanely overprotective
even though he doesn't show it, he's constantly worrying; are the other students nice to you? are they including you? is everyone treating you fairly?
will send Jade and Floyd to keep an eye on you when he's extra anxious
it takes some time for him to adjust to the idea of you being able to take care of yourself
but, still...
he makes it clear that on those days, the ones where you feel like running and hiding from the world, his door is open
you can come hide with him, instead
free of charge, of course
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𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐥-𝐀𝐬𝐢𝐦
he adopts you immediately
literally just can't help himself; he sees you looking lost on your first day of classes and immediately takes you under his wing
Kalim already has a lot of younger siblings, he's used to this
anything you need, he's got it
hungry? he's already had snacks prepared
feeling homesick? he'll find you something to remind you of home
struggling with school? well... Jamil can help with that!
once word gets back to his family, they basically adopt you, too
no need to worry about having a home to go back to over breaks; his family has multiple!
he will never shut up about how great you are; literally introduces you to everyone as his younger sibling
treasures everything you give him and keeps it forever
and on your worst days, he's there for you then, too
as stated, Kalim has lots of younger siblings, he knows how it goes- and he makes a surprisingly good comforter
his hugs are always the best, too
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𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
Vil already has a sort of motherly thing going on for him
he may be strict, but he's nurturing above all
and much like Kalim, he takes you under his care right away
you're still young, after all- and he knows you're not emotionally mature enough to handle all the chaos of NRC on your own
plus... well, he wants to leave an impression on you
after all, the sooner you start good habits, the likelier they'll stick
(he already has your skincare regimen ready)
it's the least he can do to help... you always seem very stressed, don't you? he wonders why that is
but he never pushes for answers, of course
he makes sure you're well acquainted with everyone from the dorm, too, so that everyone can keep an eye out for you
being Vil's favorite has its perks; soon, you're well-liked by anyone from Pomefiore
and friendly with most of them, too
(just don't let Epel influence you too much)
and Vil is always there; he makes plenty of time in his week just to speak to you
he wants to make sure you're adjusting well, after all
and any problems you have, he'll deal with personally
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𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝
it's more likely that Ortho bonded with you and took you in first
after all, you're closer in age than anyone else at school
you may even share a few interests!
but, of course, Idia's initial reaction was No. "Ortho, you can't just pick up random kids off the side of the road,"
...so to speak.
but somehow, you keep ending up in his dorm room to hang out
he avoids you at first, but the longer you're around, the more accumulated he'll become
when it gets to the point where he's teaching you how to play all his favorite games, it's so over for him
he's fallen right into Ortho's trap
much like Azul, Idia is a liiiittle overprotective
he's had some less than ideal experiences with siblings, after all
so maybe he's a little bit of a helicopter mom
that is, constantly watching you because he's deathly worried something's going to happen to you
(it takes a lot of convincing from Ortho before he relaxes a little)
and, of course, his doors are always open
he'll even pause his game if you come in looking upset
he just can't focus when you're all sad like that, see? now come inside and tell him what's wrong before he starts overthinking and goes into anxiety mode
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𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚
Malleus has had enough experience with children. according to himself, anyway
he was somewhat of a brother to Silver, and holds Sebek in... a slightly similar regard
but somehow, you're completely different
for one; you're magicless, and thus can't defend yourself like everyone else can
for another; you come from a different world
and you seem very reluctant on sharing details about your past
which just confuses Malleus. are you worried he will judge you for not having any magical abilities? surely, you must trust him better than that?
it's really Lilia who's able to guess that you had a rough home life. just something about the way you conduct yourself- he's seen it before
he asks Malleus to be gentle with you, and not to pry too much
which he seems to accept
much like the aforementioned, he's a little overprotective
okay, a lot overprotective
he holds those he views as family very close to him, and you're no exception
you're invited to every Diasomnia event, Silver and Lilia pitch in on all your tutoring needs, and no one would dare mess with the beloved younger sibling of Malleus Draconia
although he still makes an effort to understand all of your emotional needs
he gladly accepts all hugs and cuddles, too
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 months
Grandma MC: Look at these, son. Aren't the flowers in full bloom?
Crowley: Indeed they are, Granny.
Grandma MC: Oh, *chuckles* I wish my eyesight was still very clear. I don't know if what I'm seeing is red or a pink flower.
Crowley: It's magenta, Granny.
Grandma MC: It is? Oh, beautiful, beautiful. I should make a sweater with that color.
Crowley: I'll buy you some supplies then.
Grandma MC: Oh don't bother yourself. I'll just ask Sammy if he can lend me some.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: You knew Mr. S?
Grandma MC: Why, yes! We had this talk about going to other side. *chuckles*
Crowley: ...
Sam: It was a fun discussion! What are you being angry about?!
Crowley: You should not talk about death to an old lady!
Sam: Granny is OLD. She's not like a delusional old woman who wishes to have a long life! She's open-minded and sweet, and she's curious!
Crowley: She is! But have you ever thought how would that make me feel?!
Sam: ...
Sam: Oh. My bad, headmage.
Sam: ...
Crowley: Hmph. Granny needs some supplies. She wants to knit a sweater in a magenta color.
Sam: ...
Sam: Alright. You'll pay for this. Yes?
Crowley: Yes. And I'm giving you a warning.
Sam: Okay, okay. No talking about death with Granny.
Grandma MC: *chuckles* *pleased with her work* I wonder who I should give this.
Grandma MC: Grim, is there anyone you know that's in a relationship?
Grim: Your boys are all hopelessly single, Granny.
Grandma MC: Why, that can't be true.
Grim: They are. Have you ever seen them meeting a girl?
Grandma MC: Oh it doesn't have be a girl, Grim.
Grim: Oh. Okay. Rook and Vil of Pomefiore.
Rook: Merveilleux! Are these really from Granny?
Grim: Yeah. You should try it on together with Vil.
Vil: ...
Vil: Are these couple sweaters?
Rook: *chuckles, obviously liking it*
Vil: ...
Vil: Does Granny think Rook and I ARE in that kind of relationship?
Grim: ...
Grim: Well, she said it doesn't have to be a girl so—
Grim: ...
Vil: *looking sternly at him*
Grim: ...
Grim: *frowns* Well if you don't like it, just give it back!
Vil: No. Rook, we're wearing this.
Rook: Oui!
Epel: ...
Epel: What's this?
Vil: Your sweater, Epel.
Epel: ...
Epel: Why is it almost similar to yours and Rook-senpai's?
Vil: *teasing smirk* I asked Granny to make a kiddie version.
Vil: We're all wearing ours on family day.
Epel: Like hell I would!
Rook: Epel, we didn't raise you to be disrespectful.
Epel: *cries* I'm going to report you to Granny!
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bones4thecats · 4 months
hello, I'm here again and as always you should know who my request is about, as the Tsum event came back my request will be relationship to this, Jamil and Leona dealing with the fact that their Tsums keep stealing all the attention, affection and love from their girlfriends, while Tsum doesn't care and does it on purpose to annoy
Tsum! Ver. Stealing Their S/O's Attention
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Jamil Viper and Leona Kingscholar Name: Tsum! Ver. Stealing Their S/O's Attention Requester: @marinahavik
A/N: Am I the only one who is absolutely adoring these cute tsums?! I actually have a Pluto one (the dog from Mickey Mouse) that I used to take everywhere when I was younger. He looks like this one. I really need to look for it... oh well. I do hope you enjoy this though!
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🐍 He wasn't very enthused when the Tsum! Kalim came into the mix and began to cause just as much chaos as his own original version of the white-haired boy
🐍 But, when he saw his own shaking it's head as it sat on the counter-top, watching Kalim and his Tsum run around with you laughing at their actions, he had to admit, it was kinda nice having these tiny things there
🐍 Now, because of how busy the day was supposed to be with many of the students having Tsums to take care of, Jamil was basically taking a day off, since your Tsum seemingly was working to hold Tsum! Kalim back
🐍 Though, while he knew where Kalim and your Tsums were, he had no idea where his was. Due to this, he was walking around Scarabia's halls to his room while keeping an eye open for his Tsum
🐍 By the time he had met his room, he could hear a small chuckle from behind the wood, so, when he opened it, he expected to see you with one of your fellow classmates
🐍 But, seeing his Tsum sitting in your hair, messing it around in a similar way that Jamil would do when you were being rambunctious. And once he saw you smile at the small creature like how you would at him made his heart ache
🐍 This must be what jealousy feels like
" Rohi, it's getting late. I recommend we start retiring for the night, besides, I believe your Tsum wants to see mine. " " Oh! I didn't realize it was that late! Apologies, your Tsum is just so cute and affectionate, like you! Except he can dig into my hair like a nest, it's so adorable to watch, look! He's doing it again! "
🐍 Jamil stood and watched as Tsum! Jamil dug itself into your hair and you took a small hat that Epel gave you from one of his lessons with Vil and you put it on the small being, much like a make-shift blanket
🐍 As you stared at the Tsum with adore, Jamil glared at the thing with malice. How dare it steal your attention and keep you up so late at night? You needed rest!
🐍 At least that's why he thought he was so moody...
" Rohi... we must rest, I have to wake up early tomorrow like normal. " " Ah, sorry Jamil. Where is my Tsum by the way? This little guy may need a guide because of his size. I don't want him getting trampled by accident. " " I'll bring him there myself, love. You get ready for bed. " " Okay MOM. " " Shut it or I won't let you mess with my hair. "
🐍 Holding the miniature version of him, he walked outside his room and towards the make-shift bed space that Kalim and you made earlier, and once he located your Tsum sitting awake and looking around for his, he smiled gently
🐍 You really did care about him in all worlds, didn't you?
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🦁 He was definitely far from happy when these tiny things came into Savanaclaw, though he did like how his understood the personal space thing he had, unlike yours
🦁 Though, it was technically another version of you, so he'd let it pass just this one thousand times
🦁 Because of the constant sounds of cooing coming from Ruggie to his Tsum, Leona quickly got annoyed once he heard other members of the Collage walking around while speaking to their other-worldly versions
🦁 He had walked back to his room and there he found you holding yours and his Tsums while wrapped in one of his blankets on his bed
🦁 While normally when he saw this he'd get fairly teasing and quippy, watching as you gave more attention to that cub version of him than to the larger one standing right at the doorway, the one who has been there with you for months instead of a measly few hours
🦁 Tapping his foot on the ground as his ears twitched and his tail swayed behind him, Leona gained impatient as you continued to ignore him
" Kipenzi, what are you doing? "
🦁 Looking up from the small version of your boyfriend and you, you smiled and looked at Leona with sparkling eyes
" Leona! I've been watching these little guys for the past few hours. Yours is just as sleeping as you are, isn't that funny? " " Considering we're basically the same person, not really. Now, can you scoot over so I can rest here? I can't stand the sounds of everyone cooing these things... " " Yeah, come on over! "
🦁 Pulling up the blanket for the beastman to crawl underneath, you held the seemingly cuddling duo in your hand as he settled and wrapped himself around you
🦁 He heard you set the Tsums down as you curled up into his arms and begin relaxing to partake in his nap with him
🦁 And once he knew you were asleep, he opened one eye and glared at Tsum! Leona, who glared just as hard right back
'That's right', they both thought, 'nobody hangs with my S/O but me.'
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h2llish · 27 days
Your requests say semi open and I don’t know if this would count as a headcanon or not so I’m just gonna go for it,, but I read a Vil fic from you and you mentioned how he knows his dorm mates appetites and makes them a meal plan or something similar. I don’t know if that’s canon or not cause I haven’t played that far into the game yet but what if the reader is new to their dorm so Vil tries to figure out their appetite and likes just to realize he’s never actually seen you eat before, even in the cafeteria (maybe just drinks or smoothies from time to time). Not that the reader has a disorder, just that they forgot to eat, is too lazy to, just doesn’t want to eat at that time, mainly eats at night or can just go long hours before feeling hungry. Now I have read your rules but I don’t know if this would count as any mental illness/disorder, so if it does then you can just ignore this and go on with your day. But if this doesn’t then could Vil lowkey observe (or ig just ask) the reader to figure them out or maybe even gain feelings while doing so? Again you can just ignore this if you’re uncomfortable with it but thank you anyways
notes ─── hello dear! it is actually canon that he creates routines and diets for his dormmates, it’s so sweet. anyways, sorry if this took too long but here you go! hope this is to your approval <3
VIL SCHOENHEIT ─── he does his best for all his dormmates, but you make it difficult. ♡ fluff mostly, gender neutral, mentions of not eating, lowercase intended, reader was in heartslabyul before they transferred, hints at feelings during the end
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vil liked to pride himself in his ability to help his dormmates become the best version of themselves. he was careful and observant ─ meticulous in how he created diets and routines that worked best for every person in his dorm. everyone had their own diet, their own skincare routine, it was different for everyone. vil would spend nights in his room or the commons, noting down what certain students could and couldn’t eat, adding in allergies and current medical status. he wanted everyone to be their best self and that started with a routine.
but not many knew about his late planning, how much effort he put into making sure his dormmates felt confident in who they were and were healthy while doing so. pomefiore dorm residents complained. vil didn’t often hear them but he knew, but he couldn’t be upset about it, they followed his advice either way ─ he didn’t care if they hated him in the process. 
everyone in his dorm had a routine, a diet, even the freshmen he had spent a few late nights working hard to create a fitting diet for. ─ well, everyone did, that is, until you, a junior recently transferred from heartslabyul, came to his dorm. vil did what he always did when it came to creating a diet for his dormmates. but after many nights of a lack of development in his notes about you, creating a diet for you proved, simply put, difficult. 
if vil hadn’t seen you bite into the occasional apple slices or drink a small smoothie every once in a while, he would almost be under the impression you didn’t eat at all ─ which is ridiculous, but one can’t blame him when he hardly sees you pick up food, even as you sit in the cafeteria, scrolling through your phone and sitting with trey and cater as they ate their own lunch. neither of them seemed fazed by your lack of lunch, hardly batting an eye when you joined them and began a conversation. even when you denied an apple from trey, they didn’t seem all that concerned.
vil can admit he was starting to grow concerned the longer he watched this lack of routine in your diet. this was not good for your health ─ not eating. although you didn't look to be lacking nutrition, that didn't do much to sway vil’s concern for one of pomefiore’s residents.
vil was not one to dwell, if he had a question then he would simply ask.
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that moment came after he had not seen you at dinner once more, despite you being one of the four in charge of dinner duty that night. ─ he asked the three dorm residents who were on cooking duty with you, and they shrugged, commenting that you said you “just weren’t all that hungry”. a repeating response you often give around breakfast and dinner time. ─ and vil thought it to be a good time to voice his concern with your lack of eating, so he began his way to your room.
“housewarden?” you asked with a bit of surprise, blinking at the actor who had just knocked on your door. you narrowed your eyes with confusion, and a little bit of concern, wondering if you had done something wrong, or if you had forgotten something. “is everything alright?”
vil nodded, quickly cutting to the chase of his visit before you could ask any more questions, “i have a concern, so if you could answer me truthfully, it would be appreciated.”
you blinked at him again, confusion visible in your expression as you repeated his words, “a concern?” you scratched your cheek awkwardly, releasing the hold you had on your bedroom door after opening it to his knocking before. “okay, sure.”
“[name],” he said your name rather sternly, “have you been eating properly?”
you let out a noise that sounded almost like a huh. you half expected this concern to be about your grades or school conduct (not that either were a cause for concern. you think). but to hear him ask about eating habits ─ wait, did he learn about the late nights you would sneak into the kitchen to make you food? you thought you were being careful! did rook find out? that hat wearing vice housewarden did always seem to know everything but would he snitch on you if he discovered your secret? trey was always more lenient back in heartslabyul, even when he would stumble upon you casually cooking a grilled cheese in the dark. perhaps you shouldn't have assumed rook would be the same (but trey also said he'd probably stay quiet if he did find you.)
“what do you mean?” you asked, hoping you weren't about to get in trouble for your late night snacking (snacking would really be an understatement, sometimes you'd cook yourself a complete meal).
“you’ve only been here for two weeks and yet you've skipped every breakfast and dinner, always with the same excuse.” he explained, to which you pursed your lips. “you also don't eat lunch, to my knowledge, even when you sit with your old dormmates. so, i ask again, are you eating properly?”
you were surprised, effectively caught off guard by your new housewardens confrontation. ─ “ah, shit.” you gasped, covering your mouth after the slip of the tongue, “i’m so sorry, housewarden.”
but vil didn't seem to bat an eye at your words, “if you struggle with food─.”
“it’s not like that!” you quickly interrupted him, before scrambling to apologize for doing so, “i’m sorry, but that's not it all.” 
your words gained you a look from vil that clearly held the question “then what is it?”. you sighed and your shoulders slumped ─ you never quite liked explaining your odd eating habits (or lack-there-of), because no one ever understood and always told you, you needed to stop. but it's not your fault!
but vil showed a concern, and you didn't want your eating habits to be mistaken for something more. ─ so you broke into a ramble of an explanation. 
“i do eat! swear., i actually think i eat pretty well!” you looked at your housewarden with an almost awkward grin, hoping that would be the end of it. but when that didn't seem to be a satisfactory answer for vil, you sighed and crossed your arms, and found yourself continuing into a familiar explanation.
"i don’t have a problem with eating. I’m just not usually hungry in the mornings so i just don't eat. but i do make myself food to have between my classes. but then i’m not hungry by lunch so i don't eat. and about dinner, i know i skip it, but i eat, just well, when everyone is asleep.” you scratched your cheek again, almost smiling embarrassingly as you added, “and uhm, well, sometimes, y’know, i forget.”
vil was silent for a moment, nodding slowly, “i see. i’m relieved to know you do eat.” you nodded and smiled at your new housewarden, but that smile faded when he looked back at you with a stern glare, “but, we do need to talk about this. it isn't very healthy.”
you frowned, “we do?”
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vil was relieved to know you did eat ─ although you lacked a routine, you at least weren't unhealthy by going without food. but he certainly didn't enjoy finding out that there were moments eating simply crossed your mind, and you went without doing so. nor was he happy when he learned you would spend nights sneaking around the dorm to cook yourself something to eat or take something from the fridge to quickly snack on.
with the news of your rather not-so-ideal eating habits, he brought up helping you create a proper routine (and with it, a healthy, more steady diet), offering to create a process that would help you build one slowly, to your own rhythm. 
and you did agree, although, maybe with some hesitance. ─ you have tried giving yourself a routine, knowing that your habits weren't so ideal (especially forgetting to eat until the clock struck two and you were hit by the empty grumble of your stomach). but you ultimately, always failed. 
and so that's how you found yourself with a written schedule, one that explained your choice breakfast. a choice to eat between classes so that you will at least have energy to eat lunch, as well as dinner choices if you don't eat what was made. none of them were extreme, you noticed ─ vil had truly taken into account everything you told him. ─ your lack of appetite in the morning being one.
“good morning, [name].” you were greeted by the actor upon entering the dining room of pomefiore, many of your fellow dorm residents already sitting at the table. “will you be joining us? there's apples and other fruits on the table.” ─ and on the table there was a bowl of selections between fruits, something small but food nonetheless. 
“oh, sure!” you smiled, following your housewarden as he led you to the others. ─ a first small step to the beginning of a routine.
it was not easy to get used to a new routine, one that changed with your progress. ─ two weeks in, you did sit with your dormmates at breakfast, but always chose to eat a fruit or something else that was small (and vil approved). you still lack an appetite in the morning, and you doubted that would change. and then there was lunch ─ there were times you didn't eat, simply forgetting to grab a lunch as you greeted your friends. and then come dinner time, it was similar to lunch, forgetting and moving on to your room to study or entertain yourself until vil came to get you with a sigh.
but vil seemed to understand, even offering to remind you if it ever seemed like you were going to forget to eat again. 
this all inevitably led to more time spent with your housewarden ─ more than you had ever spent with riddle back in heartslabyul. and you learned about vil much like he learned about you.
vil schoenheit was a man who enjoyed routine in terms of skin and diets ─ he wanted the best for those around them. he was concerned for you and your eating habits (or perhaps rather, lack of), so he did his best to help you ─ to help you make a healthier, less worrying habit of diet. 
vil paused, turning away from rook, who he was just conversing with to face the familiar voice. you waved and smiled at vil and and pomefiore’s vice housewarden as you approached, just before stopping in front of them. 
“hello, [name].” vil greeted.
“are you guys going to the cafeteria?” a nod from vil only kept your grin on your face, “mind if i join you guys?” 
vil looked back at his friend, who obviously held no objections to the new addition to their duo, smiling an all too familiar smile. he turned back to you with another nod, “not at all.”
“great!” you almost skipped alongside him as the three of you set out for the cafeteria, with you and rook breaking into easy conversation.
you eventually turned away from the hat wearing eccentric and towards your housewarden, humming, “say, have you heard what the ghosts will be be having today?” 
“a most favored sandwhich is on the menu!” rook answered for vil, and you turned to him, blinking. “but i fear we may be too late to get one of our own.”
“awe,” you sighed, “that’s too bad, i kinda wanted a sandwich for lunch today. maybe they'll have other choices.” 
vil looked at you after your comment, and smiled, “you’ll be eating lunch today, [name]?”
“yeah! a sandwich, probably. what do you think?” you looked at vil with a smile that didn't hide your own pride in yourself. you were happy to have found an appetite for lunch, (and remembered too!).
“that's good. i’m sure they'll have good choices to choose from. they often do.” vil nodded, and you lit up at the praise in his words ─ and vil was proud, glad you were finally going to eat something that wasn't just a smoothie and an apple. ─ you were making progress.
perhaps he'll have a sandwich as well.
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this was fun and relatable. i forget to eat or just don't eat at a time one would think you should. or just lack an appetite. i need vil </3
sorry if there's any mistakes. i proofread this late at night.
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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miengel · 3 months
a thousand faces in a thousand places
synopsis: the housewardens with a Sparkle (from honkai: star rail) reader. (headcanons)
gn!reader + reader is not yuu
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uhm! 😨 (scared)
there is not a single universe where this man, pre-overblot, did not hate you.
so, how did you two meet? considering your mysterious, yet still childish personality- you probably got sorted into heartslabyul!
you’re basically like alice but.. so. much. worse. 
pre-overblot he’d, most likely, be very cross with you.
do you know how many times you’ve been off-with-your-head-ed? because it’s happened a LOT. and i mean, a lot a lot.
you were in and out of everywhere, were rather cryptic, and had a strong mischievous streak.
how could he NOT be annoyed? smh.
though, post-overblot, i think he’d be more relaxed.
of course, he’d still be exasperated, but not to the level of annoyance he had before. progress, woop woop !!!
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i am still scared. not for you, but for leona.
he’d be annoyed, i suppose. you’re like a creepy, more out there, more literally insane version of ruggie.
so, how did you two meet? it’s similar to how yuu and the lion met, actually. except.. there’s kind of a difference.
whereas yuu stepped on his tail (by accident!), causing leona to go “ooh i’m gonna eat you” like a shark on steroids, YOU were the one who.. tried to eat him.
picture this, leona sleeping on the botanical garden, you seeing his tail and immediately going
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how romantic a meeting! be still, my heart! meetcute who?
you immediately started laughing hysterically when his startled awake gaze met your terribly amused eyes, so the impression you left to him.. eh.
you probably started a “Call Leona ‘Unca Weona’” trend on MagiTok (that cater undoubtedly joined in on), so he’s probably pretty annoyed at you.
— you’ve also probably used his money to fund some performances.
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“you have bewitched me body and soul. 🤩” “HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE”
he’s probably mildly terrified of you and your absolutely horrendous schemes.
so, how did this lovely pair meet? WELL.
azul, doing paperwork in his office or whatever he does, looking like he sniffs lint, jolts when jade enters abruptly.
it’s unlike the eel’s usual respectful manner, so he’s pretty confused, immediately going “what is it?”
a sheepish jade smiles awkwardly and goes to say something like, “blah blah vanished into thin air before they could pay.”
azul is BEWILDERED. vanished??
so, obviously, righteously wanting his money, he tells jade and floyd to go look for you.
they did not find you.
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he has a new bestie now!
you two are great friends, your chaotic (one more so than the other) tendencies and fun-loving personalities make you a great pair.
jamil would say otherwise.
you two go on happy little excursions around the campus, terrorizing a few people here and there, and honestly just having the time of your lives.
he was so glad you weren’t his friend just for his wealth, but because you liked his personality as he liked yours.
though, you, as someone who can only have their interest piqued by amusement, didn’t understand why he’d think you were using him.
you wear the most stupid matching shirts (that kalim bought and jamil tacitly approved) and walk around, happily playing and leaving only destruction in your wake.
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you’re fashionable, he likes you.
with your skill in acting, you’re probably in the film studies club, which is most likely how you two met.
he admires your.. cough, dedication. and he also thinks your personality is a bit (is it?👀).
“your dedication to being you is admirable.” “hehe thanks but wtf🥰”
as literally everyone is, kalim not included, he’s pretty exasperated by your chaos-causing tendencies and unhinged personality.
illusion magic is your jam, so just imagine how shocked he was when looking into his mirror and seeing your evilly-grinning visage instead of his own face.
(rook approves.)
talking about rook, a curious vil had asked the hunter to.. stalk you for a while, because he was confused if you were really the person you portrayed yourself as.
a laughing rook gave the report that you had found him out and asked if he was close to his housewarden because he stripped himself naked and apologized for his crime of liking neige.
vil is flabbergasted.
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on one hand, he’s terrified, and on the other- he thinks you’re funny.
you come up with the most unhinged insults, and you always get the last word- he thinks you’re admirable.
your level of extrovertness is shocking to him.
first kalim, now you? he is Shaking His Head™.
how you first met doesn’t matter, what matters is what he accidentally said when first meeting you and having a good short chat.
“mesugaki..” he mumbled in the middle of your sentence.
your ears were good. his ears were working well enough to hear his own damn self.
he wants to cry. he wants to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself in it.
“hikikomori.” you immediately responded.
critical hit! idia will have to stay inside his room for three weeks, tell ortho he loves him..
you’d say you two get along well, idia would say otherwise.
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he enjoys your rambunctious personality. he’s normally chilling quietly in the corner, so having you drag him around probably does wonders for how people see him.
he approves (sebek does NOT).
he’s sometimes concerned. he knows humans don’t live long, will you Doing What You Do somehow make your lifespan even shorter? 
you’re just being you and he’s standing menacingly right beside you. imagine how that looks to other people.
your local terrorist gremlin and THE malleus draconia. standing next to eachother. chilling.
you probably call him “that guy with the horns”, or something more animal aligned.
like “ram horns boy”. 
lilia probably laughed at it, silver didn’t know if he should’ve felt offended for malleus or if it was a friendly joke, and sebek is going to use it as a horror story for the future generations of his family.
you’re just causing chaos and he’s there like 🧍😄
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mysteryshoptls · 1 month
R Ace Trappola - Tsumsitter Voice Lines
Tsumsitter Ace does not have a vignette.
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Summon Line: What's with all that smirking? Oh, you think it's funny this tsum looks like me, huh... Ever think that maaaaybe it might not just be someone else's problem to laugh about for long?
Groooovy!!: Even with your tiny little hands you're not that bad at magic tricks, Tsum. Still got a ways to go on your techniques, though
Home: Yeah, yeah, keep a lid on it, tsum.
Home Idle 1: Hey, tsum, stop tryin' to climb my basketball. I can't practice my shooting at all.
Home Idle 2: The tsum came to Ramshackle again? Ooh, hey, your dorm's pretty empty, right? Soooo, can'tcha just let it stay there?
Home Idle 3: Tsum, you better not even think about gettin' cheeky with Vil-senpai. He'll wring you and hang you out to dry... And I'll probably get dragged into it somehow, too!
Home Idle - Login: Hey, don'tcha think this tsum's a bit too sassy? I take my eyes off it for one second, and it's just off doin' whatever. Sometimes it just doesn't even listen to a word I say... I don't wanna keep lookin' after this thing.
Home Tap 1: The tsum's actually pretty handy when it comes to putting dishes away. I guess when it comes to things like that, we're pretty similar.
Home Tap 2: Looks like Trey-senpai and his tsum're getting along real swell... Ughhh, maaaan. I wish I had a low maintenance tsum too!
Home Tap 3: Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Jamil-senpai's tsum is really keepin' an eye on everything that's going on around it. Really feels like I'm being watched.
Home Tap 4: Was the Headmage actually looking into how to deal with these tsums? I bet he was just thinkin' he'd hoist them onto us whenever they'd show up.
Home Tap 5: Sure, you can look after the tsum, but you better not ever let go of it. This little guy's real cunning, so it's a huuuge pain to try'n catch it.
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Requested by @thelonepearl.
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
↬love at first sight
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Includes; (Dorm Leaders) Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al Aism, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
Gender Neutral Reader
Requested !
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle, who swores that at that very moment, something jabbed into his heart. But rather than an ache or a sharp pain, it was pleasant, warm, and quelling - squeezing his heart as though someone was comfortingly squeezing his hand. His face became flushed in a matter of seconds, his hair and face a similar shade of red. He didn't know what this feeling was; it was so strange, and it happened all in an instant. He's so terribly confused, but, for some reason, he can't peel his eyes away from your figure. Whatever should the queen of hearts do?
Leona Kingscholar
Leona, who was already rolling his eyes despite the dancing feeling on his chest. Butterflies? Of course not. He doesn't get butterflies that's so ridiculous - well, alright, he's a little surprised and caught off guard, that much he'll admit outloud. It's like his brain and his heart in an argument, one screaming to speak to you, the other not wanting to indulge the thought. He attempts to avoid your gaze, knowing very well he'll only be digging a bigger grave if he continues to stare. But his body subconsciously takes a risk to a steal a second look and then a third. Love at first sight is such a silly thing and definitely not for him— but his body and, more specifically, his heart betray him.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul, whose hands become clammy in a matter of seconds, and he's forgotten where he is. What was he doing there again? The answer fleeted from him as he struggled to recompose himself. Your irises were so alluring, and yet his face reddened with every second his own eyes lingered. He makes a feeble attempt at coughing into his fist, trying to clear his mind; but he can't. It's running a million miles per hour, and yet nothing is coherent and clear. The words on his tongue make no sound, and his throat feels terribly dry. His feet feel as though they're glued to the floor, paralyzed in his lovestruck state. He can only pray no one catches into his thumping feelings.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim, who was so oblivious and doesn't recognize what he's feeling. He thinks it's just a desire to befriend you just like he does with everyone he meets. But this one is different. The answer is probing the back of his head as he ponders for the answer- he just can't place a finger on it quite yet. Before he knew he was already starting a conversation with you. Your voice only spurred on his emotions as he giggled and spoke his mind freely. He wasn't sure what it was his heart and brain were telling him, but he was rocking on his feet almost in anticipation as you both talked, his eyes taking in every detail about you. He may act similar towards others, but the emotions swarming within his chest was a new one caused by you and you alone.
Vil Schoenheit
Vil, who is a master at masking his emotions and wearing a false mask that easily persuades his audience. As his eyes dawn on your own, he effortlessly covered up his initial reaction; really, there was only a small window of opportunity to see his figure falter even the slightest bit. However, he finds himself placing his complete and utter attention towards you, eyes taking in and analyzing all your movements and small mannerisms. Even as he places a quick act upon his peers, he can't fake the way his brow slightly rises or how his pupils dilute when he gazes at you for the first time. And as skilled and applauded he is for his talents, even he can't help but gawk at you from afar even for those couple seconds.
Idia Shroud
Idia, who swears his hair sparked a red in that moment, matching the fuming hue that was growing on his face. It took all his willpower not to pull on his hoodie strings, hiding his visage from prying eyes. He is quite baffled with himself; he's seen this trope far too many times with the media he consumes, but is it really occurring with him? He could hardly think it as real, and yet there he stood being bested by his own heart. This must be some form of dream, he argued, that he was living as a protagonist within his head because you looked so perfect and he too bland— or so he perceives. But he fails terribly at masking it, his lip trembling slightly, hair tips still flaring a golden spark as he questions what to do.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus, who stared at you fondly within that very second. His features remained passive, his brow arching slightly as a blooming feeling overwhelmed his chest. Perhaps to others, his expression may have been seen as intimidating. But to those such as Lilia, within his expression; infatuation was evident, irises focused onto a single thing. A single person. He was shamelessly staring at that point, his eyes unable to look away from your own. If you catch him, he'll merely give you a small smile, a very very very faint red painting his cheeks. Because at that point, Malleus has already found you to be the most enchanting person he's ever laid his eyes upon.
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3K notes · View notes
Can you do twst child fem reader who always accidentally calls the dorm leaders dad and clings onto them since they miss their dad and isn’t taking the whole separation thing well please??
Suddenly a father
I am so so sorry this took so long!! I do hope you enjoy it <3 I do have a character limit, so I just picked the ones I had an idea for!!
Clingy child!reader calls them dad
Characters: Riddle, Vil, Idia
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: none that I can think of
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-To say Riddle was concerned when a magicless child suddenly appeared is an understatement, and when Crowley decided to let you live in the Ramshakle dorm, on it's own, aside from Grim, the concern doubled.
-So, he pulled some strings, and now you're staying in heartslabyul! 
-Riddle did act similar to a parental figure. He is rather strict, but certainly not as strict as his mother, and while he does try and teach you all the rules, and the consequences of breaking them, he is much more lenient with you. Ace is jealous
-Chances are, you get a tart for every 15 rules you memorize, or if you've been especially good, you'll get a small tart as a reward!
-Seeing like how much he's acting like a dad, that is what your yet to be fully developed brain perceived him as.
-So, you follow him everywhere, like a lost puppy. It confuses him a bit, but he doesn't stop you, as there isn't a rule forbidding you from doing so! Also, he worries about you whenever you leave his line of sight
-When he hears you call him dad for the first time, he's shocked, to say the least! He is still in college, he has yet to get a stable career, find a suitable partner, buy his own house, hE ISN'T READY TO BE A FATHER!! 
-He is frozen in shocked, leaving you to tuck on his sleeve with a questioning look, till Trey gently suggests that the sudden change must be very hard on you, and that Riddle is the closest thing you currently have to a father 
-It's a realization that hit him hard. Once the Realisation settles in, he doesn't correct you when you do- in fact, he now feels like it's his responsibility to take care of you now. Your parents aren't there, the Headmage isn't trustworthy, and he is the housewarden of the Dorm you're staying in! Plus, it's hard to seperate you from him, without upsetting you, so his fate is sealed anyway-
-Not much changes after, just that he is ever so slightly more caring 
-He was very shocked to see a child at the entrance ceremony, to say the least. 
-Immediately takes you under his wing, no questions asked. He doesn't know why, but something about you tugged on his heart strings
-you get your own room  at pomefiore, and the students of the Dorm take turns babysitting you- but Vil and rook is the first to volunteer if someone can't take care of you on their assigned day!
-Vil would take care of you everyday, but he's a busy man, he has movies to film, photo shoots to do, a dorm to run, ect... but he does try to be there 
-Has posted you on magicamp, but never your face! He'll only post your face once your old enough to decide and consent! Meanwhile his fans are going crazy, trying to figure out if your his little sibling/cousin or if their favourite star is a teen parent!
-You start to run to, and go with him whenever you can, and if he can't take you with him, you patiently wait till he returns, before practically jumping into his arms 
-He is brushing your hair, getting you ready for bed, when you call him dad. 
-he pauses for a moment, taking by shock, before simply continuing on. He knows he is to young to be a father, not to mention to busy. He knows that you most likely have parents waiting for you at home.. yet he can't bring himself to correct you, while you almost fall asleep as he continues brushing your hair. 
-He supposes that, until a way home for you has been found, he can take on a parently role for you
-He doesn't even realise you're there until the commotion starts, cause, you know, he isn't physically there. When he does, he doesn't know what to do, so he tries to avoid the situation. 
-But you don't let him, being far to fascinated by the floating Ipad, following him around.
-It gets to a point where Crowley decides that you'll stay at Ignihyde under his watch!.. Idia freezes in shock, he doesn't know how to take care of a child!
-At first you're completely under Ortho's control- Half the dorm can't even take care of themselves, and you expect them to take care of a child? Ortho's the only one there keeping you alive.
-Nonetheless, you keep running to Idia, you don't know why either, something about him just feels like home.
-At first the small, clingy you terrified him, but eventually he gets used to you. He lets you stay in his room when you want to and occasionally shares his snacks with you! 
-After you show an interest in Technology, he teaches you the basics, and lets you watch when he builds something! with proper safety regulations, of course! He is gonna end up turning you into an ipad kid
-It is during one of these lessons that you call him dad. He short-circuts, and Ortho has to catch the tool Idia was holding, before it smashes into the machine- 
-Even after Ortho analyses and explains the situation, he is still in a bit of shock with no idea what to do. He very quietly corrects you, but it's barely audible. Meanwhile Ortho is celebrating having a new family member!
-Every time you call him dad, he freezes up for a moment, before quietly correcting you, only to not be heard :) 
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Very fun to write, but I’ll be honest, I’m not around children much, so I don’t really know how they act :,) once again, so sorry you had to wait around a month for this request ^^“
Feedback is welcome, just be nice!!
Hope you have a great day/night <3
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faeryarchives · 5 months
loved by the moon (riddle, leona, and azul x f!reader)
requested by @lydiacallas: Can i ask for a Moon Goddess like!Fem!Reader? Like they have magic linked to the moon, they have like- this ethereal, pure and calm vibe of the moon itself and their voice is calm too. Maybe their hair is a bit glow in the dark? With Malleus, Azul, Lilia, Riddle and Leona, please and thank you very much! 🥺✨ warning: minor spoilers to book 6 + somewhat long imagine note: reader uses she / they pronouns + is in the same grade as the boys !! this is very overdue im sorry 😣 and i based some characteristic and abilities to moonlight cookie and princess luna guilty as charged 😔 + malleus and lilia part will be in another post! recent fics: happy birthday (malleus x reader) & when your hopeless streamer gets a girlfriend (ace x reader) & its you, it always had been you
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·˚ ༘ riddle rosehearts (2nd year ramshackle dorm leader)
"the decision of all professors and staffs of night raven college falls in favor for miss (name) (last name) to enroll here - exempting them from the all-boys rule. she will be in charge of the ramshackle dorm during her stay here."
riddle does not understand how on earth were you able to stay in the school and always hold yourself with such grace, he couldn't explain why your presence seems to be similar to vil like you were oozing of calm vibes
you were the total opposites - he is more accustomed to fire while you specialize in water magic*. he lose his rationality quickly while he had never see you even falter during the time you two were classmates + he always abides by the rules while you do what ever you want 
"you are not allowed to sleep in class!" "it's not sleeping, i am just resting my eyes..." "you must not pick flowers from the garden on wednesdays." "riddle, i am not under the queen of hearts rules."
and riddle actually holds a one sided grudge against you for that + makes it his mission always to remind you of the rules, going on about mini rants to which you nodded to while reading your books
typically, riddle would've mention something about the rule of the queen of hearts but he was strangely quiet. you see him looking down at his notebook, lost in his world. and that surprised you because never you would've thought you would know this side of him. "no rule trivia for today?" "...huh?" "there is something on your mind, no? why don't we talk about that instead our usual trivias."
as time passed by, you and riddle gradually close friends to the point that heartslabyul treats you like their saving grace whenever riddle goes on a rampage, even more when you became second years
when the first overblot happened, it was the first time he saw your face, usually so calm, crumbled like dust when the blot manifested into a large phantom
"hahaha! the law in this world is me! not even you, (name), can stop me!" "i'm not letting you go so easily, riddle. rules are meant to protect your people, but you don't realize you are using them to suffocate them. you even hurt my dorm mates, enough of this!"
riddle was sure you wouldn't speak to him again because you weren't there the moment he woke up. he tried asking trey and cater if you were avoiding him, but they could not answer him. the next few days, he didn't even get to talk to you.
then he found himself admiring nrc at night time, breaking his own rules, maybe it's okay to let is slide for now. as he needs some time to think
absentmindedly wandering around the school grounds, letting the cool breeze feel his skin, riddle had his hand brushing through the thick bushes until they got pricked by a stray thorn "ah-" he hissed, holding up his pricked finger. it was just a tiny injury that's nothing to worry about. the injury was nothing compared to what he saw next "riddle? what are you doing this here at this hour?"
riddle spotted you sitting under the tree where silver usually takes his naps, surrounded by bunnies as they piled around your lap.
after days of not seeing each other, riddle thought he was going crazy because the last time he saw you, he knew pretty sure that your eyes and hair do not have that silver glow - it was like you were the moon itself
"is it my fault that your eyes and hair changed?" "oh, this is awkward... " you look at the bunnies trying to hide behind you, being scared of riddle's sudden appearance, contemplating about something before sighing in defeat. "i think i owe you an explanation. but first, can you keep a secret?" this confused riddle very much. what do you mean explanation? did something happen while he was out? before he could even think of it, you were already in front of him - your point and middle finger placed on his forehead. 'the moon has come out to play, now bid your worries away.' a comfortable feeling of cold wrapped around riddle's body, feeling the fatigue from his overblotting disappear, the weight on his shoulder being gone and his pricked finger healed. while riddle stared at you in shock, you finally reveal your true appearance and float around him like a curious child. "would you believe me if i told you i am the descendant of the moon goddess?"
... oh. OH !!
prepare for him because this little goldfish right here is most likely a fan of reading books about your kind + cue the sparkling eyes
and oh my god are those butterflies he can feel in his stomach? or maybe he is just hungry but he only feel that way around you though. oh well !!
** okay so i think reader will be compatible with water magic because the moon has this gravitaional pull right which cause the high tides and low tides... and riddle is fire!
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·˚ ༘ leona kingscholar (3rd year transfer student)
"kingscholar, think of this as your punishment for the spelldrive incident. i would gladly take miss (name) for a tour but alas, there are countless of papers that needs my attention."
leona knew that there is something like a cloak of mysteriousness around you the moment you appeared in the college mid-year as a transfer student from rsa
just you don't interfere with his plans and he will also stay out of yours but it turns out he was assigned by the crow to take you around
"... wow, do i look like a punishment worthy chore?" you sigh, shaking your head in disappointment before turning to leona and he could swear he could see your eyes glowing for a moment when you stare at him. "i take it that the dorm leader of savannaclaw will be my tour guide?" "just don't lag behind." giving you a shrug before he started walking ahead of you. despite his short descriptions and tour around the school, leona is thankful that you didn't seem to be a nosy type of person, just a little on the calm and reserve type than most people he knew.
doesn't understand how people seems to look starstruck whenever you walk by them i mean you are attractive yes but not being able to move? that's different
it also turns out you share most of your classes! maybe crowley was really punishing him for the incident as he was stuck with you, being your babysitter.
but you almost look like his babysitter + quickly became one of the most tolerable people in the school and he doesn't mind having you around
"leona? let me bother you for a moment, can you help me with this problem?" "oh that?" the lion lifted his head and stared at the paper you were holding before waving his hand in dismissal. "remember the activity we did as partners? that's the one." "..." you squinted your eyes and leona could see them literally glow in purple light causing him to blink several times if he was seeing it right but it disappeared quickly. "oh i get it now, thanks." "do your eyes really glow like that?" "huh? i don't know what you are talking about."
you were not the nagging type - letting him hide and snooze off behind you during class and surprisingly, you were fun to spar with during practical exams + too smart for your own good
he had never seen any kind of fighting similar to yours like your fighting style is only yours to begin with - not only you excel in defending, you never seem to get tired despite being a speedy defender.
you and the savanaclaw dorm leader spent the whole afternoon sparring with each other and by the time you notice it, the sun was already setting. "aren't you tired yet, leona?" "you better tell me how you manage to keep up with me all this time." you did say to keep up with you the first time we met." you twirl your spear around you before stabbing it on the ground, leaning on it and grinned at leona. "i'm just keeping my promise."
now leona was pretty sure you are not a normal transfer student + especially after fighting with you in the island of woe and it was pretty interesting how you unexpectedly exposed yourself in front him and jamil.
the moment you, who was assigned to be in the front of the group due to you having the most capable defensive powers, entered the room on the current sector, leona and jamil look at your back in surprise. "(name)-senpai?" "what's up, jamil?" "... is that a normal thing for you?" the room was oozing with the presence of phantoms everywhere and there was no source of light - aside from your hair locks that are now shining like a billowing night sky of twinkling stardust, borne in a void of black and fading in an indigo moonset "oh that's normal, we can just use it as source of light. save your magic for now." "no wonder your magic feels different from everyone else - you are a moon goddess, right?"
leona is not blind, he just need a solid evidence to confirm his gut feeling. unique magic spells + signature spear + glowing eyes and your hair locks literally looking like that?
while fighting along side each other, leona could literally leave his back open because heknew and trust that you always have his back and vice versa
"leona-senpai, watch out-" before jamil could jump in between the incoming attack and leona, you pulled the second year by his hood deflected the attack with your spear so effortlessly. "it's fine, moon fairy here got our backs." you hear leona said proudly before landing a critical hit on the phantom. "aren't you glad you're stuck with us?"
everyone in school knows how two of you would make an unbeatable duo when it comes to strategies and games
and not going to lie, leona thinks so too! you are strong, smart and everything above + treats you life his closest friend and respects you a lot but you do things sometimes that are not really necessary
"are you done yet?" he couldn't help but ask, his tail thumping on the floor with annoyance while you tried braiding some parts of his hair.
you peek over his should and smiled, trying to show him the small braid that you did on the side. "yeah, it's fun braiding your hair!" after your identity being revealed, you let yourself relax more around him - when you express happiness, your hair starts glowing as it did before and small crescent like moon thingy start appearing around you
... leona find that cute + now he understand why people become starstruck when it comes to you
**you know how moonlight cookie's hair color looks like? yeah that's the one!
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·˚ ༘ azul ashengrotto (2nd year ramshackle vice dorm leader)
"did you hear about the rumors? recently, students are saying that when you go to the botanical garden at night and stand under the moonlight - all your questions will be answered!"
the fact that rumors like that exists made azul irritated because it means he got competition. and having competition in the thing he do best is not fun.
so he and the twins went to investigate - how and where the rumors first started and who are most likely to be involved in the case
surprisingly enough, it all leads to a certain ramshackle vice dorm leader aka you + azul already knew you due to being the same year and his 'rival'
he considers you as his rival because you two always seem to fight for the top 2 and 3 spot every exam but for you... i think he would be hurt if you say that you like to aim for the top spot because it's fun 🤩
it was during lunch time and you were planning to eat with yuu, grim and the others when all of a sudden, someone blocked your way out by leaning on the door. "(last name) can i ask a bit of your time? i would like to ask you regarding an important matter." the ever so charismatic azul asked, his usual charming smile on as if he wants to do business with you. "oh, hi azul. what is it about?" "how delightful! do you happen to know the rumor about your unanswered questions will be answered as you stand under the moonlight?" "there is a rumor like that? under the moonlight? why the specifics?" one thing that azul observed about you is that your emotion reflects on your eyes. call it his gut feel but just one look and he already knew you were telling the truth "a pity... it seems like i am back to square one." "... maybe i can go help you out? i am not that busy these upcoming days."
and so azul's little group grew in numbers consisting of him, you, yuu, grim and the twins. oddly enough, it was actually fun to hang out with you
azul never got to interact with you that much before and only knew information about your through papers and from what he heard from people but being with you right now exceeds his expectations
"if headmaster crowley is similar to crow... do you think he likes to hoard shiny things?" you suddenly whispered it to azul one day in class, your mind clearly wandering and not paying attention to what professor trein is writing on the board. "what is with the random thought?" what is we leave a trail of shiny things and create a trap, that would be really funny."
you were an oddball. sometimes you will joke around with him and trying to make him laugh during class. there are also times where he couldn't explain the calming feeling he had whenever you are around + he could never even feel any other intentions from your actions as if you genuinely want to become his friend
it took him a while to notice how you always seem to stand out and become the embodiment of grace and elegance - a confident yet modest person who knows what you want
you always help him out in solving the rumor mystery but there is something that made you look suspicious → you always go back to your dorm before sunset
it's not that he wants to take up all your time but the way you stand firm of not being able to join them during night time and saying how dangerous it is made him suspect you of something
so he went alone wearing his ceremonial robes (the twins are taking over his duties for a while i know very unbelievable but imagine) to investigate the botanical garden and there he saw you run inside - a trail of silver light following you behind
and when azul went inside to stand in the spot, trying to think of what to wish until he hears a familiar voice ringing in the building
"say your wish out loud and the moon will light its way to you." "well, now this is marvelous. can i see one guiding my wish for me?" azul looked up, trying to call out for you, even looking around to see signs of you. there was a moment of silence before he heard you sigh and in an instance, you appeared before him, avoiding his look. "i thought i told you to let it go?"
after finding out you were his competitor - he didn't really feel annoyed at all! rather he was intrigued on how you were able to do it ...? you help the students find the answers on their own in their dreams?!
seeing your hair glow in silver light in the dark reminds him of himself as some octopus also glow in the dark just like him!
"azul, do you know that i really admire you?" "me? what is there to admire about me? i do nknow i have a remarkable potential but compared to y-" "no, seriously. you don't need to compare yourself to me. having to do all these business related work AND studying at the same time? you should appreciate yourself more."
... do you want to make him cry on the spot? hearing such words makes him happy but hearing it from you aka one of the people he really admire and yes he admits he admire you as a rival - his emotions are going haywire.
even if he is smart, it will take time for azul to realize that his admiration is just growing stronger and stronger each day and bloom into something else
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Hi! If requests are still open, can I request for a Reader who like prince charming in manga or manhwa? Like the reader is such a gentleman(or gentlewoman), treat the TWST guy like a princess, and even when the TWST guys fall the reader just caught them and say "are you ok, princess?"or something similar? For self-aware!Au and Leona/Malleus/Vil if possible? Thank you! Please take time to rest and feel free to delete it if it broke the rule or you are not comfortable making it! 😊
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNING: Yandere themes, neglect, family problems, stalking, taking photos without consent, invasion of privacy, violence, unhealthy relationships
Leona Kingscholar/Vil Schoenheit/Malleus Draconia-Player is like prince charming
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Imagine this: Leona tripping over air, a most heinous thing hiding in plain sight, and then suddenly something catches him
If it weren't for your face being so famous he would have thought you were a student from RSA
“Are you alright?” Yeah, I think he is. Other than the fact that he stares at you like the red dot of a laser pointer is on your forehead, he is fine
What he didn't know though was how everyone else in the hallway was just staring at the two of you. Could be the stars and flowers surrounding you two but what do I know?
If Leona wasn't such a loner then he would have started a fan club or something like that
But since he can't he is more on the “silent screeching teenager on the inside” trip
Like, my man is hiding behind corners, snapping pics, trying to smell the slightest bit of your perfume
Ok, maybe he is a bit more intense than an entire fan club usually is but he is just trying to figure out more about his prince char- *ahem* you
And we wouldn't be talking about Leona if there wouldn't be the tiniest bit of that, you know, manipulating others
Ruggie once more gets a chance to make others have “accidents” but if it would be too obvious why he orders him to do that then he can also take care of it himself
You know, roughing up a few students who came too close to you. That kind of stuff
But oh, how much he wishes that you would pay most of your attention on him
Leoan might not seem like it but all the years of neglect back home had made him crave it
So he gifts you a lot of things
From simple things for everyday use to luxurious accessories
But why won't you accept them? Do you dislike him that much? What else does he need to do? Tell him. Tell him!
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Dramatic violin chorus, Vil falling backwards from the stairs, heels caught in the carpet, one last desperate look into the air before a chorus of opera singers screams in despair to add even more dramatic flair to the situation
And then, nothing. A soft cello plays a soft tune as arms close around his waist, stars sparkling in Vils eyes as his gaze falls upon his savior
Birds are singing and warm sunlight falls upon the duo... until the two Pomefiore students who carried a mirror start to move again making the reflecting light which fell on the two of you break away once more
Five meters away Epel just stares at you two with an expression that can only be described as “Ugh”
Rook stops the music which played in the background, the piece surprisingly supportive of the situation
As if the moment needed even the slightest bit more to seem like an abridged version of a Disney film you even asked Vil if he was alright
One second later and Epel asked himself what the heck Disney is
But congrats, you have now what Vil would call “a troublesome fan”
Oh no, Vil wouldn't buy merch of you or something like that. He has an even better collection
If you were to push his clothing in his closet to the side you would see its wooden back littered with photos of you
Some are a few selfies the two of you had snapped together (it was just a nice memory. He totally didn't mean to use it in any creepy means) and other photos you were not aware of
Some of them are taken disturbingly in private moments like when you were cooking and somewhere buried even deeper is even one when you were starting to change your clothing...
Vil also starts to hog all your time
No more eating lunch with a group of students you deemed your friends. Oh no, now it's Vil, Epel and ,if our local harassments of overgrown house cats has behaved well, even Rook
Although Vil doesn't trust Rook 100% when something is about you. The queen knows after all that the hunter has his own sights on you and is more than ready to snatch you up at any moment
Should you try to distance yourself though I recommend wearing long sleeves, otherwise the desperate clawing of nails that are way too sharp will rip your skin to shreds, a desperate fan of yours hanging just as desperate as the fairest Queen was on her beauty on your arm
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Do you hear that too? What you don't? Did I imagine the wedding bells just now?
When Malleus fell from his broom, most ungraceful, he was surprised when you suddenly caught him (although this tiny bit of hight wouldn't be able to harm him)
Even after he reassured you that he was more than just alright you still insisted to bring him to the school nurse just to be sure and even then you still treated him like he was something easily broken
Is... Is this how normal people feel when someone takes care of them?
The poor school nurse was almost screeching in fear when Malleus suddenly made a sound akin to purring
The situation is kinda as if the prince who fought against Maleficent suddenly apologized after striking her, making sure that she got better and then proposing to her
Ok, maybe he imagined the last part but he is just a lovesick fire spewing lizard in human form. Let him have his fantasies!
Malleus isn't your ordinary Fae though. Oh no. You are courted by royalty here but given his rather... unhealthy interest in you I am not sure if you could consider this a win or a loss
Gold, rubies, diamonds and much, much more is at your disposal. Don't tell anybody. Otherwise there will be break-ins
At this point it's a normal occurrence to see a scene from those clichè romance novels acted out in the hallways of NRC
But since Malleus has “Fae-prince-who-can-end-your-life-with-the-snap-of-a-finger” privileges no one dares to say anything
Malleus wouldn't be a good dragon if he weren't even the lighter bit hoarding
Only that it isn't just “a bit” but rather “hoards all the time” when something concerns you
And suddenly eh invites you to visit the Valley of Thorns
“Visit” haha, funny
Have you heard? There are rumors of Briar Valley soon having a second future ruler. Huh? Who? I don't know? But aren't you close to Malleus? Maybe he knows something
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prince-kallisto · 9 months
Vil, Meleanor, and the Virgin Mary: Crowley’s Obsession
I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, but it’s driving me insane: Vil and Meleanor’s design parallel each other SO MUCH that it’s not even funny. In fact, I think Vil is foreshadowing EVERYTHING about Meleanor’s fate and Crowley’s plans.
I know I’m just coping lol, but I think I finally figured out why Crowley is so obsessed with the Fairest Queen and Pomefiore if he was Levan. Here me out: Vil is the representation of Meleanor.
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Vil’s Overblot form is what immediately caught my attention. The way his cape connects to his hands, the night sky on his cape, the corset and the gems. The way the edges of his dress looks like old, torn paper, like history long since forgotten. Not to mention how he has claws like Crowley and is wearing Crowley’s same exact shade of blue. Just…this entire silhouette with the sleeves and crown matches Meleanor more than Malleus’s Overblot does. Strange how both Vil and Meleanor are associated with stars, when Crowley has a lot of star designs on the curtains in his office.
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In his dorm uniform, look how the gloves and the lace has a similar design as Meleanor’s. Not to mention how in this vignette, Vil is like a “Queen reborn” with “two knights” at his side. Hm?? Like Meleanor with Lilia and Baul, perhaps?
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Something I’ve always found strange is how much Crowley dotes on Vil. In both his history and flight lessons, Vil comments a lot on Crowley when a Special Lesson is triggered. Doesn’t it feel…almost uncomfortable??? Vil feeling “eyes” on him specifically when Crowley is there. And there isn’t clarification if Vil is speaking to Yuu or Crowley, but when he says “I’m just fine,” it makes me wonder if Crowley was asking Vil how he was doing.
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This isn’t just limited to the lessons. Although Crowley played a less significant role in Book 5 than I thought he would, doesn’t he sound very affectionate when he says this?? “What I’ve always taken you for”…he holds great pride in Vil and how represents the history and beauty of Pomefiore. Crowley has NEVER shown this much of a bias towards any student before. Only Vil.
I can hear some of you asking: Why in the world would Crowley/Levan care so much about Vil if MALLEUS and DIASOMNIA exists? Here’s the thing: Vil simply represents more of who Meleanor was as an evil, proud princess.
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He is proud, he is beautiful, he truly understands the power of his beauty, how to make people submit to him with harsh truths. He has a certain charm and pride in his accomplishments that Malleus doesn’t.
But what REALLY got me was the religious symbolism in Vil’s Overblot form. @pianostarinwonderland made a really amazing post on the resemblances Vil has to the Virgin Mary and the Lady of Sorrows.
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The Lady of Sorrows is another “form” of the Virgin Mary- which ironically enough, is depicted with SEVEN swords piercing her HEART. Sometimes she is depicted with only one sword- more on that later. The Virgin Mary is considered to be the holiest of saints- a figure of worship. She is also considered to be the “god-bearer.” Her death is referred to as the Dormition of the Mother of God, Aka the “falling asleep of the god-bearer.”
And back to the swords in her heart, the seven swords represent the Seven Sorrows, but the singular sword represents the Prophecy of Simeon.
The prophecy of Simeon said something like Mary’s child would be the RISE and FALL of many in Israel, and that a sword would pierce through Mary’s heart too, as an allusion to the crucifixion. Because Mary would suffer alongside her son, the one curse of motherhood. Stars are also significant in Christian mythology, like the star of Bethlehem to guide the wise men to the birthplace of Mary’s child. Another significant “star” is the Morning Star, Aka Lucifer. The Morning Star title is based off Venus, whose Greek name means “the light bringer” or “the DAWN bringer.”
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If all of these things I’m saying reminds you about the imagery in TWST, I feel like this is purposeful! Lets back up and go over each of these points and how it relates to TWST (I am not religious, so if any of this is inaccurate, please let me know!)
Crowley in the opening seems to worship his “benefactor,” and I’ve been theorizing that it’s Meleanor whose trapped in the Dark Mirror. She is quite literally a figure of worship to him- the holiest of saints. And with Meleanor being the mother of Malleus, who is one of the most powerful mages in the world, doesn’t it sound similar to be a “god-bearer?”
The swords through her heart not only sounds like a connection to Meleanor’s death, but to Maleficent’s too. The sword of truth piercing her heart- but not only that, Vil’s Overblot crown LITERALLY has the design of a singular sword piercing through a heart. Yes, its a representation of the Evil Queen demanding Snow Whites heart, but why is Vil’s design combined with the Virgin Mary of all figures??
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I bolded “prophecy” because I think Levan is heavily connected to prophetic powers, but doesn’t this prophecy sound A LOT like Meleanor’s blessing on Malleus? Malleus would be the benevolent star to the Fae, and an evil star to humankind. Like the Star of Bethlehem for the Fae, and the Morning Star for humans…and the Morning Star is heavily connected to the DAWN. Dawn Knight? Silver???
It doesn’t help that Dragon Fae seem to be ostracized by humans for their horns. Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty though, refers to her powers as “powers of Hell,” heavily leaning toward his demon like design.
Meleanor suffered to protect Malleus. She gave him up and fought an entire army to better his chances of survival because she loved him so much. And if Meleanor is trapped in the mirror and will be brought back to “life,” all of this suffering stemmed from the fact she sacrificed herself for Malleus.
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But do you see what I mean on how I think Vil is slyly foreshadowing EVERYTHING? Not only that, but look at his Overblot design again. At his waist, there are sharp crystal-looking objects surrounding him. I think these represent broken mirror shards. This, combined with all the coffin imagery at NRC, Epel’s Unique Magic, and Malleus’s making everyone fall asleep like Aurora or Snow White…
Perhaps Meleanor really is trapped in the mirror, put in a death-like sleep…but one day she will be freed, like Aurora or Snow White with the power of true loves kiss. Until then, Vil is the closest representation of her to Crowley. Someone who understands the power of beauty to make others submit, someone to worship.
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