#harvey jason
loveboatinsanity · 2 months
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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This is the continuation of my Captains and the Kings post.
Chapter V Additional cast: Perry King as Rory Armagh Terry Kiser as Courtney Wickersham Jane Seymour as Marjorie Chisholm Douglas Heyes Jr. as Kevin Armagh Cynthia Sykes as Claudia Desmond 
Story: Tom Hennessey dies and Joseph goes to Elizabeth Hennessey and declares his love for her, undiminished by the many years they have been apart. She reveals that Tom was the father of her son. They agree that for the sake of his presidential aspirations for his son, he will not divorce Bernadette. Joseph attempts to bribe Senator Bassett to withdraw his support of the Alien Contract Labor Act. When this fails, he resorts to blackmail. To preserve his honor and keep his family secret, Senator Bassett withdraws his support the only way he can see - by committing suicide. His letter to Joseph tells him that with his dying breath, he has cursed Joseph and all his family. Bernadette hires a private detective who gives her proof that Joseph is having an affair with Elizabeth. She then gives him an assignment to find proof of her suspicion that Elizabeth's son, Courtney Wickersham is actually Tom Hennessey's son. Bernadette confronts Elizabeth with the proof in an attempt to blackmail her into ending the affair with Joseph. This plan backfires when Elizabeth freely admits the truth and now that Tom is dead, she no longer cares if the secret is revealed. Joseph tries match-making with his son Rory and Claudia Desmond, the daughter of a business associate. Rory is smitten with Marjorie Chisholm and asks Courtney Wickersham to introduce them. She has a boyfriend and offers Rory no encouragement. When he continues to pursue her and because he is an Irish Catholic, Rory is severly beaten by her boyfriend and his Harvard classmates. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Bernadette and Elizabeth fight over Joseph, because the younger woman has discovered her feelings for him, yet the blackmail she had on her stepmother is naughty because all parties already know the truth. Though he has four kids, for Joseph mainly Rory counts and this Bernadette tells him one night drunk. Some years later, Rory was nearly dispelled from his school but his father got him back - and to Harvard where he is with his uncle Courtney and brother Kevin. Still, his father tries to get him together with Claudia Desmond but Rory has other plans with another young woman, Marjorie, at Harvard and takes a several beating from her boyfriend and his friends, just by being Irish. 
Chapter VI Additional cast: John Houseman as Judge Newell Chisholm Ann Dusenberry as Ann-Marie Story: Undeterred by the beating, Rory is relentless in his pursuit of Marjorie and she eventually falls in love with him. Both of their fathers are strongly opposed to the romance. Judge Chisholm doesn't want Marjorie to marry into an Irish Catholic family, and Joseph insists that Rory must marry an Irish Catholic girl for political reasons. Rory and Marjorie elope and are married by a Justice of the Peace. Courtney Wickersham and Anne-Marie Armagh are in love and they want to marry. Joseph has to tell Courtney that he is related by blood to Anne-Marie - Tom Hennessey was his biological father and Anne-Marie's grandfather. When they search for Anne-Marie to tell her, they are told that she rode off in a frenzy soon after returning home. Her horse returns without her and when they find her, she has suffered multiple injuries and is in a coma. Bernadette denies having told Anne-Marie that Courtney is a blood relative. Joseph and Elizabeth both feel intense guilt over the secret they kept and the consequences - they never see each other again. Rory and Marjorie are secretly and happily living together in New York when Joseph summons Rory to join him in London. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Rory still does his best to win Marjorie and well, it happens: they fall in love with each other, still knowing that their fathers wouldn't approve it. Kevin, however, avenges his brother and beats his brother's attacker to the hospital. For their sister Ann-Marie, it doesn't end good. She falls in love with her uncle Courtney who is in reality related to her. Unfortunately, she falls off her horse and remains in a coma. Joseph accuses Bernadette to have told their child the truth but Bernadette denies it. Meanwhile, Rory listens to Harry's love story and decides to just do what his heart says and marries Marjorie. They settle down while Rory's parents are on a trip through Europe. Desmond becomes the ambassador of the USA in London, and Joseph insists that Rory marries a Catholic girl, not knowing that his son has already wed Marjorie. Oh boy!
Chapter VII Additional cast: Lee Jones deBroux as Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt John McLiam as Robert Story: Joseph takes Rory to meet his rich and powerful friends who intend to "build their own president". Joseph insists that Rory must marry Claudia Desmond with an incentive of 20 million dollars or be disowned with no inheritance. Despite his intention to do so, Rory doesn't have the courage to tell his father about his marriage to Marjorie. Joseph returns home from London after learning of Rory's marriage by a letter from the Justice of the Peace and in a rage confronts Harry Zieff about hiding this information from him. America declares war with Spain and young Kevin Armagh joins Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders and goes to Cuba to join in the fight. Joseph meets with Judge Chisholm to discuss a plan to end Rory and Marjorie's marriage. Joseph offers him 10 thousand dollars a month to take Marjorie to Europe for 2 years. He has paid bribes to the Justice of the Peace and the court clerk to remove all evidence of the marriage from the official records. He has also prepared two forged letters to be delivered to Rory and Marjorie, each ending it with the other for personal reasons. When it is discovered that Kevin has gone to Cuba, Rory travels to Cuba as a "war correspondent" to find him and bring him home. When Rory finally finds Kevin, he has been injured in a sniper attack and he dies in Rory's arms. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Rory is not happy with how his father manages to dictate his life and realizes bitterly that for him only the money counts. He tells him so in London but can't admit to have married his college love, Marjorie. Still, Joseph finds out and takes his anger out on Harry but both only have the main goal in view: making Rory the first Irish president of the USA. However, soon the war between America and Spain begins and Rory thinks that the powerful friends of his father are behind it. Behind anyone's back, Kevin follows Teddy's army down to Cuba. When the family finally finds out, Rory manages to convince his father to let him go down there as well as a correspondent but as soon as he's there, he's within the war and included. After some asking around, he finally finds his younger brother and helds him until he dies in his arms. Rory is devastated. Meanwhile, Joseph tries to annule the marriage, even with Marjorie's Dad. As said, complicated. 
Chapter VIII Additional cast: Cliff DeYoung as Brian Armagh John deLancie as Timothy Armagh (son of Sean) Story: When Joseph offers Bernadette a drink before telling her of Kevin's death, she becomes paranoid and thinking that he is trying to poison her, she is apologetic and confesses she told Anne-Marie that she was related to Courtney by blood, but she couldn't have known that it would cause Anne-Marie's accident. After she is told about Kevin, she becomes hysterical and tries to throw herself out of a window. Subdued by Joseph, she says they are all cursed. Bernadette, an alcoholic with severe emotional problems and Anne-Marie, still in a coma, are both sent into care at Woodville. It's 1912 and Rory Armagh is now a senator, married to Claudia Desmond with four children and plans are under way for his presidential bid. Joseph's youngest son, Brian has his own financial empire as owner of Xavier Aircraft and Xavier Films. After Joseph suffers a heart attack, he asks Brian to step in as Rory's campaign manager. Rory and Brian go on a coast to coast campaign tour and begin winning multiple primary elections. Winning the Democratic nomination is almost certain for him. Rory receives a telephone call from Marjorie and he races to her for a passionate reunion. On his deathbed, her father confessed the plan to separate them and she explains it all to Rory. They are just happy that they have found each other again. Elizabeth dies soon after a visit from Harry, where he discovers that she still loves Joseph. Harry tells Joseph that he wants to retire and travel now that he is 70 and his Emmy is gone. The powerful financial organization that is backing Rory's bid for the Presidency summons Joseph to a meeting and asks him to have Rory endorse Woodrow Wilson for the Democratic nomination and settle for the Vice Presidential slot on the ticket. Joseph refuses, fearing that he won't live to see Rory elected president. Joseph telephones Rory to tell him that he no longer has the support of his powerful financial backers. Rory is happy with this news and expresses his intention as President to crush this elite group that uses it's power and money to influence and control world events for financial gain. Joseph cautions him to keep this plan to himself, because it would be suicide for him - and not just politically. Unfortunately, his father-in-law, Charles Desmond has listened in on this call. Joseph reconciles with his brother Sean and asks for the support of the Labor Unions. Sean agrees to guarantee the Labor vote and it is announced that American Labor endorses Rory Armagh for President. Rory takes the lead in the race for the Democratic nomination. Joseph receives a call from Harry, saying he is returning to America on the Titanic and will be back in time to vote for Rory. Joseph receives a final message from Harry delivered by a survivor whose life Harry had saved as the ship was sinking. With only two weeks left before the Democratic convention in Baltimore, Joseph's hopes and dreams for his son are over when Rory is shot and killed leaving his campaign headquarters in Philadelphia. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Well, here we are. Rory returns from Cuba, only to find Marjorie gone. Bernadette doesn't take it well when being informed about her son's death, and so she and her daughter go to a sanatory. After a heart attack, Joseph asks his youngest son Brian to help Rory with his campaign. Brian seems to be more his father's son, own companies and money, yet he helps and gets the shock of his life to find out that Rory is actually married to two women but for Rory only Marjorie counts and they reconcile. Still, he's married to Claudia and this marriage doesn't work. When Joseph's people decide to vote for Wilson, Joseph gets angry and steps out, only to speak with his brother Sean again - and to let the labour vote for Rory. After a meeting with Marjorie and the next stop in Philadelphia, Rory talks to Brian, yet at the moment a man in the crowd shots him from a close range and he dies in his wife's arms. Marjorie then goes to Joseph and he accepts their marriage finally. Meanwhile, Harry loses his life on the Titanic. In the end, Joseph is a broken man.
That’s a very long miniseries and I really liked it. Very recommended if you have once a lot of time. It’s around nine hours to watch.
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emperor-neo · 1 month
I sometimes wonder if Two-Face ever drops his coins when flipping it, sure he isn’t infallible especially with a effed up left side face. I bet when it does the batfamily helps him and treats him with patience after all that’s their father’s former bestfriend
Two-Face: Nightwing, your fate shall be decided by my coi— ah shit I dropped it.
Red Hood: for fucks sake, get on with it already!
Tied up Nightwing: …
Robin: it rolled over there *points at the couch*
Two-Face: *bending down and struggling to reach underneath the couch*
Red Robin: here let me help you harvey
Robin: here I found it *gives a cent*
Two-Face: No! That’s just a regular cent mine was customized I had to pay hundreds of dollars for it to have skulls and—
Red Robin: wait is it one of those coins from youtube that has like cool art that has secrets you can do like press small buttons and open up a compartment?
Spoiler: that’s awesome, does yours do that? then I’ll help look for it
Two-Face: No—
Red Hood: you got scammed dude
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12 year old Jason in the Batmobiles front seat:…
Jason: Why does Harvey Dent call you babygirl?
Bruce: How about we don’t talk?
Jason: is it because you two used to kiss-
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batfamhastwitter · 2 months
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here's part 5!
Prev ~ Beginning ~ Next
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hesztia16 · 3 months
*Wayne Manor, Family dinner*
*Barbara’s phone rings*
*she leaves and comes back a few minutes later, expression solemn*
Dick: what happened
Barbara: the Joker is dead
Jason: *shocked silence*
Tim: *shocked silence*
Damian: *shocked silence*
Alfred: *shocked silence*
Like a dozen other more: *shocked silence*
Bruce: *leaves the room*
Dick: Bruce!
Alfred: Master Bruce what-
Jason: *looks away, clenching his fist*
Bruce: *returns, with a bottle of champagne*
Again: *shocked silence*
Tim: why’s there a note on that saying: “For when the Joker dies”?
Bruce: it was a gag gift from Harvey when he was… you know, less murderous
*not so shocked, more of a hesitant silence*
Jason: *stands* pop it open, old man. I’m bringing the glasses
Alfred: the help is much appreciated, Master Jason
Steph: how did he die?
Barbara, a little confused: my dad said something along the lines of… a bunch of fans manifesting it after the writers were cowards for too long?
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garpen · 3 months
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Pt. 1 Gotham twitter
Master List >>Part Two
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onnahu · 2 months
Red Hood: Remember when you killed my dad and I didn't murder you?
Two-Face: ...maybe
Red Hood: Great. I need you to look at those documents and help me get- [some legal bullshit]
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theerurishipper · 4 months
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First <- Part 3 <- Part 4 -> Part 5
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bruciemilf · 3 months
We all know how flustered Battinson would be as a first time dad, but can you imagine him when half the rogue roster AND JL members come to them after Jason gets adopted?
Naturally, they assume he’s Bruce’s biological kid. And chaoes quickly comes knocking.
Harvey is VERY ready to be a dad. Too ready. “Don’t even worry about it, even if we’ve had our problem, OBVIOUSLY I’m the father, and I’ll be there every step of the way.”
“There’s no need to hide the truth, Bruce, I’m not mad. I’ll be the best dad I can be. I won’t even let Two Face show him how to shoot a gun.”
“I already know how to do that :D”
“What did I tell ya?” The seamless switch is blink-and you miss it, but not for Bruce’s sharp eyes. TF just grins, switchblade sharp, ruffling at Jason’s hair, “That IS my boy.”
Clark sheepishly approaching Bruce one day, sitting down at the JL cafeteria table. His handsome face fashioned a bare earnestness which only confuses Bruce MORE.
“Hey. So, we should probably talk about Jason, right?”
“I’m really sorry if I did something that made you feel like you couldn’t tell me. But I’m ready to step up. So when should I move in?”
“We haven’t slept together, Clark.”
“Bruce, I think I’d know my kid when I saw him.”
Hal can’t take this anymore. “HE’S A MAN?” He pauses, “Also, why am I not questioned? I could be the baby daddy! I could SO be the baby daddy!”
“Go away, Hal.”
“Yeah ok.”
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confused-wanderer · 5 months
The villains are utterly confused.
They remember the first robin. They remember how bloodthirsty the little gremlin was, how he appeared out of the darkness with a “HIYA FOLKS” that gave people near heart attacks with PTSD so bad they flinched everytime they walked into a dark corner. They remember his grin, baring few too many teeth with a glint in his eyes whenever the bat wasn’t around to curb him. They remember the death stare, the brooding that made no one doubt this was the Bat’s son. They remember how a punch would land a lot harder than it was supposed to, or the screaming that followed. Oh they remembered him alright.
The second one thank the stars was better. The second robin was giggly. He would hop around town, offering his help to everyone who needed it. Sure he was rough with abusers but hell no one cared about them. Matter of fact, the villains were glad because those assholes deserved no sympathy. They remember his puns, his wonder, his innocence and his spark. They remembered his laughter, his concern - the kind that only comes from one who’s been on the streets. This one was better, and the villains thanked their lucky stars. They remembered him alright.
But now, as the years passed and new characters emerged, the crime city saw the rise of two characters - a sunshine happy nightwing and a ready to kill red hood. And naturally, from their experiences in the past, the villains ended up making an honest mistake that ruined the two vigilantes’ reputation:
The villains assumed the first robin was Red Hood and the other was Nightwing. And BY GOD Gotham has not seen unhinged chaos like this.
Red Hood *drawing his pistol* : Please, reach for your weapon. I’m itching for an excuse for my intrusive thoughts to become extrusive.
Two-Face: You dare mock me little bird?! Well.. I may not have my weapon.. but I have something I know you’d like..
Red Hood: Oh yeah?What’s that?
Two-Face: TAKE THIS! *slams button and coconuts start falling from the sky, all cracking and spilling as they hit the ground*
Red Hood:
Red Hood: .. the fuck was that supposed to do?
Red Hood: The fuck- .. wait did you call me robin?
Two-Face *grins* : Yea.. robin. The first one. Thought I didn’t notice?
Red Hood: The first one? Does this *gestures vaguely to himself and his weapons* seem like something the first robin would do?
Goon 1: I mean.. yeah
Red Hood: What! The first robin was nice!
Goon 2 *guffawing*: I beg your fucking pardon??
Two-Face: .. you took my coin and attached a magnet beneath it so everytime I flipped it it wouldn’t stop spinning. Do you know how long that took me to figure out?? Do you know how insane it drove me?? Joker had to help me out of pity. OUT. OF. PITY.
Red Hood:
Goon 1: ..Also you did steal some of our bones
Red Hood: hedidfuckingwhatnow-
Nightwing: Hey there buddy! You look frostyl!
Dr. Freeze: Aha! You are too late to stop me robin!
Nightwing: .. robin?
Dr. Freeze: why yes! Don’t act coy, I know it’s you there. Now that we’ve got that clear.. I was wondering if you remembered all those years ago when you gave me a source for electricity to power a hospital keeping my Nora?
Dr. Freeze: well you weren’t careful enough and never told me how much I could take from it.. so I used it to power so many of my inventions that came after
Nightwing *remembering when Jason was robin and every damn time he came to visit Wayne Manor his room would always run out power and the countless cold showers in freezing winters he had to take because of it*: .. oh? Well, sorry to break your bubble, but that wasn’t me Elsa.
Dr. Freeze: no? You joke around, make puns and I’m supposed to believe it’s NOT you?. The first one brooded like there was no tomorrow. He pissed me off so bad once I overheard him saying his favourite ice cream flavour and I made sure it wouldn’t be available in Gotham for YEARS. You’re not as bad as the first one. I’d remember if you were him.
Nightwing *firing up his escrima sticks to maximum voltage*: Oh let me jog your memory then :)
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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Cast: Richard Jordan as Joseph Armagh Ray Bolger as R.J. Squibbs Peter Donat as Clair Montrose Charles Durning as Ed Healey Celeste Holm as Sister Angela Harvey Jason as Harry Zieff Joanna Pettet as Katherine Hennessey Beverly D'Angelo as Miss Emmy and many more 
Story: (aka Chapter I) Joseph Francis Xavier Armagh and his two younger siblings Sean and Mary escape a ship on the harbor of New York. The situation ashore is problematic, jobs are scarce and food equally scarce. Aboard the ship their mother has died from disease, but they have a hope; their father is in Philadelphia awaiting them. The siblings run away, and discovers their father to be dead to, and young teenager Joseph places his siblings in an Orphanage while he himself goes to make money, become rich and get them out of poverty. The first episode follows Joseph for a few years through a series of struggles, and how he starts earning his first dollars and setting off into speculation in oil, together with his new-won friend, the Lebanese Haroun Al-Zieff (later: Harry Seff). The beginnings of a true rags-to-riches-story. —Lars-Toralf Storstrand (from IMDB again) CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS set the template for future TV miniseries such as ROOTS and THE BASTARD, gathering together a cast of beloved veterans and intriguing newcomers in a historical fiction designed to keep audiences coming back for the next installment. Taylor Caldwell's 1972 best seller gets the sprawling treatment, broadcast over 8 weekly installments, from Sept 30-Nov 25 1976, exactly two months of gripping melodrama. We open with the teenaged Joseph Armagh watching his ailing mother die as their ship sits in New York Harbor in 1857, forced to return to Ireland due to America's intolerance for the Irish. With his younger brother and sister, Joseph secretly departs the vessel by night into the water, only to find their father's home in Philadelphia, he too deceased from pneumonia. Now determined to keep his promise to his mother to always look after his siblings, Joseph leaves them safely in the care of an orphanage run by Sister Angela (Celeste Holm), as the boy mines during the week while building a personal nest egg running liquor on Sundays for R.J. Squibbs (Ray Bolger). Four years later, at the dawn of the Civil War, the now adult Joseph (Richard Jordan) is ready to 'borrow' an investment from Squibbs to form his own company in Titusville with the help of companion Harry Zieff (Harvey Jason) and wealthy entrepreneur (and fellow Irishman) Ed Healey (Charles Durning). Ann Sothern and Neville Brand get little more than cameos, Vic Morrow again in unsympathetic mode, Joanna Pettet, Barbara Parkins, and newcomer Beverly D'Angelo (in a literally smashing debut performance) providing eye candy galore. Veteran scene stealer John Carradine kicks things off as Father Hale, whose attempts to comfort young Joseph in the wake of his mother's death are met with steely determination, a fine though brief character study for an actor so often reduced to low budget roles at this stage of his lengthy career. - by kevinolzak on IMDB Thoughts: We mainly start with Joseph and his way to get rich and more. He takes every job he can get, even dirty one just to be paid well. Joseph wants to be the one who makes the rules and so he learns from anyone possible, in each field like oil and others. Even with reading books provided by a wealthy woman, he chooses his life and not the other way around. At the end, he goes out for another great adventure during the Civil War and it includes rifles, a lot of those.  More then tomorrow!
Chapter II Additional cast: Pernell Roberts as Colonel Elbert Braithwaite Robert Vaughn as Charles Desmond Story: A few years of successful gun running and Joseph Armagh becomes a partner in the oil company of Ed Healey. (from IMDB again) The second chapter of CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS picks up at the start of the Civil War, Joseph Armagh (Richard Jordan) joining Clair Montrose (Peter Donat) in a spot of gun running with Colonel Elbert Braithwaite (Pernell Roberts), who cannot resist the generous graft for his certification. A year away and Joseph is back in the arms of the beautiful Martinique (Barbara Parkins), while his second hand man Harry (Harvey Jason) finds himself falling for Ed Healey's ward Miss Emmy (Beverly D'Angelo). His oil speculations are coveted by Healey so eventually the two agree to partner up, Joseph to receive one third of the profit for his efforts to consolidate the refineries, to the delight of railroad baron Charles Desmond (Robert Vaughn). Blair Brown is introduced as Healey's real life daughter Elizabeth, just returned from boarding school, sparking off a series of lustful events that leave the principals dazed and confused. - by kevinolzak on IMDB Thoughts: Well, Joseph has learned a lot and bargains hard to get what he wants, no matter what. His little siblings are still at the orphanage where Mrs. Hennessey takes care of them as well. He loves Martinique but this woman has many secrets but protects him if needed. Harry falls in love with Miss Emmy and they make out in Joseph's room. Harry can flee but Joseph and Emmy are caught by Strickland (Joe Kapp) and Healey. Healey seems to believe them but he's not certain here. Wonder how it will go on. 
Chapter III Additional cast: Patty Duke (Astin) as Bernadette Hennessey Blair Brown as Elizabeth Healey Katherine Crawford as Mary Armagh David Huffman as Sean Armagh George Gaynes as Orestes Bradley Vic Morrow as Tom Hennessey Story: When Elizabeth Healey fails in her attempts to seduce Joseph, she decides to seduce the next attractive man she meets - Tom Hennessey. Tom becomes a senator and Elizabeth tells him she is pregnant with his child. She proposes a plan where Tom will use his political influence to create a false marriage record for her and a friend, Everett Wickersham who has been killed in the war. At a family dinner Ed shares the news of Elizabeth's marriage, the unfortunate death of Everett Wickersham, and the expected baby. He drinks to excess, collapses and dies. Ed's will is extremely generous to everyone - Emmy and Martinique are now both rich women. Martinique announces that she will go to Europe and Emmy marries Harry. Joseph receives 75% of Ed's estate and Elizabeth receives 25% with instructions that Joseph will invest her money for her. Joseph has built his own mansion in Green Hills and proposes to Elizabeth, but she says it's too late. Sean and Mary move into Joseph's new home, but Mary expresses her desire to become a nun and Sean becomes a union organizer. On her deathbed, Katherine Hennessey asks Joseph to marry her daughter, Bernadette and he agrees. (taken from here now) Thoughts: So, good bye to Ed Healey and Joseph has reached his goal, yet his siblings, Sean and Mary are not happy with his lifestyle. Mary decides to stay at the monastery whereas Sean is working against his brother. However, Joseph has too many women at his hand and when he finally makes a decision to wed Elizabeth it's too late. He knew he was in love with Katherine but couldn't say, yet the conflict between him and her husband will escalate for sure. It will be interesting. I have to admit it got me hooked.
Chapter IV Additional cast: Henry Fonda as Sen. Enfield Bassett Richard (T.) Herd as Talmadge Story: Joseph quarrels with Sean over the labor union issue and with Mary over her desire to leave and enter a nunnery. He rages about their lack of gratitude for all the sacrifices he has made in his life to provide for them. He says that Sean can go to Hell and Mary can go to Jesus and severs all ties with both of them. Alone in his big house, he now wants a family of his own and proposes marriage to Bernadette Hennessey. She understands that he does not love her, but hopes that will change once they have children. Sean organizes a strike against Joseph's company and when the militia are called in to intervene, violence erupts and many of the strikers are killed. Years pass and Joseph and Bernadette now have 4 children, Rory, Kevin, Anne-Marie, and Brian. Elizabeth Healey has married Tom Hennessey and Joseph vows to destroy him. Joseph uses his money and influence to expose Tom's involvement in a corruption scandal and he is politically ruined. Sean is falsely accused of an attack on the railroad and is sentenced to hang when he is wrongly convicted. Behind the scenes, Joseph intervenes to prove Sean's innocence - to protect the family name. He begins telling others of his plan to make his son Rory the first Irish Catholic President. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Joseph in his rage cuts all family ties to his siblings but then starts a family of his own, yet without love. Soon he has four kids and well, set his plan in action to make his eldest Rory the first Irish Catholic President - and even get him a future wife, the daughter of his friend Desmond. Oh boy, that might backfire one day. Never mind, he manages to ruin his own father-in-law but deep down, he was always in love with Elizabeh Healey. Oh my, what a complicated relationship will begin. It cannot end good. 
So, I’ll stop here. The remaining four chapters will be posted soon. I think this might be better since it’s way too long anyway. There’s enough to read for you now.
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rredboard · 2 years
ur telling me batman (a hero whose power is like 65% fear 35% money) has a villain who is all about weaponizing fear and he’s not the main villain? ur telling me batman (man with a secret identity so strong that there are questions of who the real person is at the end of the day and whose entire creed is about stopping One Bad Day™️) has a villain who is his childhood friend that has physically separated his dual violent-nonviolent nature and is all about duality and chance and he’s not the main villain? ur telling me batman (man with strong ideas about the Right Way to stop crime and who emerged from the destruction of his own family structure) has a villain who is his undead son/former sidekick who he couldn’t save and now disagrees with the way to address crime in gotham and he’s not the main villain? ur shitting me about this clown guy right
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astrovvitches · 2 years
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death follows me everywhere i go so excited to finally be able to show this! my finished piece for @gothamcityunmasked who were so gracious enough to let me draw bruce! it's your last chance to get your hands on this beautiful book, so please check out their leftover sales here!
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
Jason is actually pretty kind about people's mental illness.
He refers to Two Face and Harvey Dent as separate people, same for Mr Scarface and Arnold Wesker. He decides to shoot the puppet instead of Wesker and doesn't go out of his way to be cruel like he does for others.
It's an aspect of him you might not expect from such an aggressive character.
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gravygranola · 4 months
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I interrupt my regularly scheduled program for this. hello jason todd community
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