#somehow did this after a 'bathe-the-cat' day
cats-artbag · 1 year
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*is now craving sushi* Dang. 🍣
Other Worldly
Part 2
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Part 1
Alastor X Shy Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, food mentions-seaweed, song lyrics Drift Away-Trillian ⚠
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Alastor took the mer up to their hotel room, the halls empty as he made another water pun, which earned him a fin slap to the face.
"I could drop you, you know?", he said but continued to carry them towards the bathtub.
Setting them down gently, he made sure to get a towel and put it somewhere within reach for them to take when their legs returned.
"There you are dear!", he said before standing up straight. "I'll leave you here now. Don't try to get up too soon, you'll just flop right over!", he laughed and turned to leave.
"Wait.", they spoke softly.
Like an exciting rush, he felt chills run down his back as his body followed the command.
"Don't tell anyone about what you saw..", they paused. "Or what you heard from me. Please."
As soon as they were finished, the 'spell' had broken and he was able to move again. Glancing over his shoulder, the Radio Demon snapped his fingers and his coat was clear of the water spots they had left on him.
"Very well.", he said and began closing the bathroom door. "This will stay our little secret~", he placed a finger over his lips before shutting the door.
He stood there for a moment, hearing the mer let out a sigh before the water turned on.
Satisfied with his findings, the deer demon left their hotel room, making sure to lock the door before closing it.
As he made his way to his radio tower, he thought of ways to get the aquatic demon to sing around him.
I should ease their worries somehow.. He thought. I wonder if there is a way to lure a siren.
You hated the transition of your legs returning.
Every time, you felt like your tail was being torn apart. Your scales felt like needles piercing into you when they sunk back into your skin. The webbing on your fingers was the only thing that didn't hurt much, but your hands would cramp a few times the day after.
This is annoying. You thought as you dried yourself completely after taking a bath.
Next was the hard part.
Grabbing the edge of the tub, you slowly stood up. Your feet feeling like you walked many miles without rest, aching as you stepped onto the tile floor.
It hurt.
Step by step, it felt like you were walking on glass, thorns, or hot coal as you made your way into your room to get dressed.
As soon as you could, you dropped onto your bed with a whine, staying there for a moment before crawling under the covers. After turning off the lamp on the nightstand, you hoped that the red dressed demon wouldn't say anything of what he saw.
Yes, you told him a command but the other half was a plea.
Let's not worry about it. He did say it would be our secret. You thought before going to sleep.
The next day was a little odd.
After getting breakfast, the smiling demon began talking to you like you were old friends.
It confused you.
What did he have to gain from talking to a quiet person? There was nothing you could say without hypnotizing him.
It was simple.
All he had to do was get them used to him and they'd be comfortable enough to let their guard down.
What better way to do it other than talking?
Throughout a few weeks, the Radio Demon experimented with all kinds of food. Taking notice of their expressions and the amount of food that they left on their plate. Later, he noticed that they enjoyed snacking on seaweed.
He wasn't sure where they had got it from, but it was something that he made sure was kept stocked in the kitchen and at the bar.
"The fuck? Why seaweed?", Husker grumbled.
"One of our guests enjoys it and the Princess ordered a surplus of the snack.", Alastor said as he watched the cat demon put the box under the bar counter.
Of course, it didn't really work out like he wanted. They were still quiet, still just out of reach, wary of him and his every action.
So he tried a different tactic.
Continuing to talk to them in open spaces but once they left, he hid in the shadows and observed them.
And then it happened.
It was exactly what he was waiting for.
Though he was hiding within the shadows of a dark theater room, he still was able to catch them, to listen to them sing.
Dark brown wood and red velvet from the room had made the area darker than it really was, but they still managed to find a ledge to sit on. They started off with soft hums before a real note came out from their lips.
"Here in the garden
Let's play a game
I'll show you how it's done
Here in the garden
Stand very still
This will be so much fun"
Like before, he felt the pull in his chest, the daze their voice submerged his mind into.
"And then she smiled
That's what I'm after
A smile in her eyes
The sound of her laughter
Happy to listen
Happy to play
Happily watching her drift away"
His shadows held him back from crawling out of the darkness. Something he was quite grateful for as he didn't want to disturb their singing.
"You keep on turning pages, for people who don't care
People who don't care about you
And still it takes you ages, to see that no one's there
See that no one's there
See that no one's there
Everyone's gone on with out you.."
Such a peculiar thing. To feel what they felt through their song, waves of sadness brushing against his mind.
"And aren't I the fool to have
Happily listened
Happy to stay
Happy to watch her drift
They finished their song and sighed, wearing a frown.
Something Alastor couldn't just stand by for.
"You have such a lovely voice.", the deer demon spoke up.
They let out a noise of surprise and stood quickly , looking around the room like a frightened animal.
"It's a shame you hide it.", he continued.
He could hear how quick their breathing became as they backed away towards the nearest exit. Before the mer could touch the door, the Radio Demon came out of the shadows behind them and took their wrist.
They gasped and froze, not daring to look at him as he held them close.
Now is his grasp, he hummed in content and put a finger under their chin, lifting it up so they could look him in the eye.
His smile grew wider once they made eye contact.
"Let's make a deal~"
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I did not have sushi but I did get to eat seaweed.
~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @preciousbabypeter @poppingaround @bishiglomper @darifes @random-3455 @+?
ML I Alastor🎙 | ChL OW🦀
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bonny-kookoo · 6 months
Can we get a drabble of someone older, of yn and jungkook waking up for the first time in jk house 🥺 perhaps in jk pov because it was his first like after years of divorce 😭 and like as per he said “my bed never witness me with others” 😆😆
Of course! Went a bit overboard pls I love them-
-> Masterlist
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He's stretching his limbs a little, like usual after waking up, yawning just to notice that this time, he's not alone in bed.
He feels a lot better being back at home and not in hospital- even though it's empty here, it's still a place of safety and comfort to him. And right now, it feels even more as such- as you still sleep soundly next to him in his large bed, filling it up with warmth and a sense of serene company.
It's not at all the first time he wakes up next to a woman. But somehow, this is entirely new.
You're turned towards him even while not conscious, one of your hands touching his body, even though it's just resting on his lower stomach beneath the covers. Nothing intimate happened last night before you went to bed- mostly because you were too worried about his physical condition to let him initiate anything, but even so, it feels like it did.
Because he remembers, back in the day, Evelyn would only sleep so close to him in bed after sex- her afterglow clouding her mind, making her most likely believe she loved him.
He knows she didn't. She only loved what he was bringing to the table.
But you don't care about that. You care about him as a person, and it's evident in how you slowly wake up, barely so, mind probably slipping out of your deep stage of sleep to get ready to become conscious in a few minutes. Eyes fluttering beneath your lids, head so close your forehead is resting against his shoulder, arm laid over his body. Even one of your legs is entangled with his, feet nowhere near as cold as they were when you'd slipped under the blankets last night.
You're so peaceful like this. There's not a hint of worry on your face.
His face is flinching a bit as he gets reminded of his injuries, while attempting to turn over a bit to hold you- he wants to just forget everything else and bathe in whatever this moment is. But it's somewhat shattered by his phone vibrating and ringing outside in the kitchen- waking you up, eyes slowly opening to look at him.
"Oh.." you mumble, noticing what the sound is, before you turn onto your back to stretch fully, making him both a bit jealous of your ability to do so compared to him, and also feel disappointed that this is now the start to a new day, reality pulling you both back in. "Should I.. uh.." you speak mostly to yourself, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "..I'll get it for you-" you start, but he shakes his head, instead ignores his painful muscles as he pulls you in, almost on top of him. "Jungkook?"
"No, leave it." He denies, voice raspy and low in tone as it's the first words he speaks. "Stay." He says, taking in a deep breath, smell of both your shampoo and his bodywash filling his mind.
A mixture of both of you combined, creating something new.
Even his own shower products smell oddly different on your skin, and he can't say he's upset about it. If you ever moved in with him, would you decorate the place? Want new furniture, or change the layout of things? He hates when people mess with his stuff, but somehow, he wants you to do just that in here. Give it a distinctive touch of yours, offer him a reminder that he's not alone anymore even if you’re not here.
"Do you want breakfast?" You wonder sleepily, looking at him with eyes barely open.
"Hmhm." He hums affirmative. There's no use in running away from reality after all.
"There was a cat here." You giggle, out of context, but still making him smile. "In my dream." You explain further, yawning, his hand on your back gently running over the skin beneath your shirt. He likes this. No bra straps hindering his traveling hand, your words without filter as your standard amount of fear don't withhold any of your thoughts for now.
"A cat?" He asks, and you nod.
"It was.. brown. And fluffy." You say, resting your face on his bare chest. "It kept jumping on the kitchen counter. And you kept telling it off for it." You laugh. "But it just jumped back on, every time."
"Well, cats are quite stubborn." He tells you, watching the light outside from the sun occasionally change due to the could passing, curtains hiding you both away from the world. "I'm more of.. a dog person."
"Me too." You nod. "But there's a breed of cat that's kind of.. like dogs. Really affectionate. And they meow a lot." You say, stretching your legs for a second. "But they have really long fur. And it's white."
"They must feel very soft though." He chuckles. You nod.
"Yeah.." you admit. "But I'd have to get one of these.. these rollers with the sticky tape. To get all the fur off of your suits and shirts." You giggle. "..Or you might become a walking pet-allergy detector in your office..." you mumble, and he gets the joke-
But he also has to think for a moment.
You, in his bedroom, folding his clothes for him as he prepares for a business trip. You, making sure he doesn't forget anything the day after, kissing him goodbye at the door as you wait for him to return back. You, coming home from your own place of work while he's already home, cooking dinner.
All of the things he's never had.
"Your watch stopped." You notice, tapping on the glass top of it. He'd forgotten to take it off last night, and you're right- the delicate pieces are attempting to move, but the battery seems to be giving up.
"Because of you." He mumbles, leaning over you just a little, body still too sore. "You stop time for me." He smiles, and you giggle, accepting his kiss however before you escape into the bathroom to get ready for the day. And while you might think he was joking, he quite honestly wasn't.
Because time truly appears to become meaningless when he's with you.
He can't help but laugh a little faintly into his hands over his face, for how ridiculous this all feels. Like a crush back when he was still in school, he's excited but also panicking about what to do. He should have this all under control. This isn't his first relationship. And yet, all of this feels new, foreign, unknown.
But also truly exciting.
The anticipation for what might be filling his veins, and fueling his eagerness to show you that what you dream about doesn't have to just stay in your head. You want a cat? He'll get two so they're not lonely, no matter if they shed way too much for his expensive taste in suits and attire in general. You want a dog? Absolutely no issue. He'll get you anything you want, but this time, in your case, he's not doing it to keep you close, to make sure you don't leave-
But because you deserve it. And he doesn't just want to treat you right-
He wants to treat you the best anyone can.
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styxwanderer · 1 month
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland [pt.4]
part 1 Part 2 part 3 <part 4> part 5 part 6
[a.k.a being Marie the cat]
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
You had been hauled up the ground and taken to Pomefiore, now you had curled up into vil's lap purring as he brush your hair with his golden decorated brush. Rook is seating across both you and Vil spewing poems of how beautiful your hair is.
" Another knot? ... This is a not good. whatever did that lion do to you, it's unforgiveable, I suggest we take you for a bath, gosh, even his perfume is rubbing on you."
" No! NO water! please" before Vil can hold you, you escaped by pounched out of his hold to the ground.
"Oh my!" rook stopped his poem speech as
" H-hey! you know not everything can go as you wished!"
" No water," you hiss.
" Fine, you want to go the hard way. Give it your best. Rook."
" Yes Roi du Poisson. Come here little kitty."
"Arggh!" you ran around trying to find an opening, but of course it is for naught, Afterall you are against a trained hunter and a skilled mage.
After a while you found yourself cornered with Vil coming in from your right and Rook from your left, going straight would be ridiculous because they could easily squeeze you.
You decided to bare your teeth hissing to not get them close to you.
" Oh really? c'mon you need to take a bath and get rid of that nasty smell around you." he crouched to your level and reached forward.
"No!" Without thinking you had scratch Vil's coming hand.
" Oh my !!"
" Roi du Poisson!!"
your senses kicked in, ' why did I do that? just because I don't want to take a bath? huh... since when am I scared of water? huhhhh...?" guilt pangs right through your heart as you ears and tail dropped. You approached the still crouching vil who is still observing his hand.
You see four tiny scratches on his hand, looking at your hand. ' Did the potion affect your nails too." guilt further stab your heart.
" I'm.. I'm sorry..." you take vil's injured hand and lick the injury you made. your guilt ridden eyes slowly looking to his.
This of course had stabbed the cupid's arrow right through both of their heart,
Vil sighed, " what am I to do with you, I can't even get mad at you. Don't worry, it's just a scratch now, it will be gone with the right ointment. Now will you listen to me."
You nooded still holding his hand in the both of your hand.
If vil could leave his reputation behind he would have crouch down to the floor then and there to squeeze and scream at your adorableness, but he can't he is the housewarden for God sake. He got dignity to maintain unlike Rook who somehow managed to get his camera and begun to busily and rapidly take photos of you.
" let's go then." He picks you up before going to the bathroom of pomefiore.
" we have arrived! the bath is already filled with hot water, alright now you need to take a bath."
" alright." you said take of your uniform and begun to open the button of your uniform.
once you got to the third button vil snapped out of his shock,
" WAIT!! wait wait wait... you don't suppose to strip right in front of us right?" Vil shocked before catching back his composure. Rook camera snapping a hundredth time.
" Oh.. r-right.... i will see you after then.."
"You.... haaah, really how can you survive without me, here after you take a bath put this on." Vil sigh.
" huh but this is pomefiore uniform...? no? this is a bit altered."
"Well what do you expect? we don't have any other clothing for you to wear. the world don't revolve around you, you know." Vil lied. Ever since the incidents with Ignihyde in Styx and seeing you with pomefiore uniform he had daydream of the day you wore it again, he also has a bunch of clothing he's like you to try, he even got a pomefiore themed dress/ suit and another suit/dress to match with his home attire, but that is for later now this will do. Afterall this sure is going to strike a nerve or two to the other dorms.
"I'm sorry! I'm just shock, and honored, Thank you, Vil!"
He smiled and close the door for you.
" Rook please share those photos to me."
" of course, Roi du Poisson."
You had finished your bath, your hair wet as you put on your uniform.
"Vil? where are you?"
" Im here dear."
your wet hair in his hand. now come let's get you prepared.
Rook is sneaking inside the bathroom to take your used bath towel.
You followed Vil to the vanity. and then begun your pampering. He started blow drying your hair. once that done come the skin care, then a touch of make up.
you don't mind any of that, you wondered why Epel always complained about it. This is very relaxing; it feels like you are getting lots of pats and affection. you started to get sleepy.
" oh, my i hope that lazy lion does not infect you with his laziness, now look at you. All ready." he straighten crinkle your uniform.
"Now whatever shall we do to kill time? have you done all your homework."
" We don't have any homework due, just a group project."
" ah poor you, you must have been paired with those idiots."
" hahaha, not really, i like potion making, it's very fun." you said, truly crewel potion class remind you of your childhood of making horrid concoction, a mixture of whatever you could find. But now you can make something fruitful out of it.
“oh! We share the same interest it seems. Come I can share you several intresting book about that.”
“Oh reading time it is!” Rook followed.
You three walked to Vil’s room finding the book. He motioned you to the couch set in his room.
You lay down in vil’s lap as he use your back as a pillow for his arm and book. You are also occupied by your book. Rook sitting beside Vil, book in one hand and a grape in the other to feed you. Of course, it is just an excuse to touch your lips.
Meanwhile with Sam,
“crewel is not in his office, where can he be…hmmm,”
A loud noise can be heard in Crowley office,
“C-CALM down, Crewel. This is very unprofessional of you. ”
“Calm down? CALM DOWN?! I’ll show you what is unprofessional, I will shove this stick up your—”
Sam opened the door to the office finding the faculty member in the room and a bizzare scene. Both of Crewel’s hand had gripped on the collar of the headmage, Vargas trying to pry him off Crowley, and Trein trying to diffuse the situation.
“Oh my.. did I come at a bad time?”
“Oh what business do you have, Sam? Is it urgent?”
“well it kind of is, I was searching for crewel but the rest of you are already here, so I will say it anyway, it’s in regard to one of the little imp, y/n.”
“Yes?” Crewel now intresting to what Sam has to has, letting go to Crowley and shoving vargas away.
Sam had hoped Crewel had not let go of Crowley so that he would not be the next victim to his choking, or at least have extra time to run away.
“Apparently, I was just informed that there is a defect in the transformation potion---”
Crewel had slapped his whip stick to his other hand.
“I am authorized to sell them alright!! It’s not illegal selling!”
“ It affect the behavior of the drinker to be more of the animal than a beastman kind.”
The man sigh as he squeeze his brow between his hand, Trein I believe I can leave this irresponsible crow for you to rip.
“ of course, afterall it is us teacher’s responsibility to take care of our students, unlike one old irresponsible crow. Vargas will make sure he doesn’t escape this one.”
“Eek!!..” Crowley is trapped he can’t find a way to escape this situation. And hence he had become the crying crow in a cage filled of beast.
“Sam follow me and bring me the defected potion, I shall brew the correction potion to what ever this is, I know it, I can’t trust anybody to take care of Them.”
“ Yes!”
“housewarden you have a guest.”
“who is it?
“who is it?”
“Hah, Rook wait here I will deal with whatever this is.”
You had now been moved to rook’s lap, not that you mind, you continued with you reading as rook still feed you the grapes.
A minute and two has passed still no sign of Vil.
“ oh my, where could he be, Hold on a second kitten, I am just going to check whatever is going on outside.”
“okay..” he handed you a couple of grapes in your hand as he left you alone in the room.
A moment and two passed still no sign.
You got bored of being lonely as you start to also make your way towards the door, before there is a tap to the window.
“oiii… Oiiii!! y/n”
You rushed to the window seeing him flying on the magic carpet,
“what are you doing here Kalim?”
“To get you of course!”
“hmm, but Vil and Rook told me to wait…”
“c’mon y/n, it will be fun! We will have a great feast and all!! Take my hand..”
“Do you trust me?”
“ hmmm.. Alright",
Just as you hopped into the magic carpet the door slammed open revealing Vil and Rook.
“I knew it!! Theif! Rook!!”
“Yes! Roi du poisson.”
“ oh no we gotta go quickly quickly!” Kalim holding you in his embrace, he can’t afford to let you fall after all.” The magic carpet zoomed away just in time to avoid the leaping Rook, trying to hang on to its tassel.
“OUHH!,” you exc;aimed as you saw Room landing on the branch of the apple tree instead, him cussing himself for not being able to get to you in time.
“Bye Bye! See you later!” you screamed peeking through Kalim shoulder.”
“ STOPP! Waitt! I order you to come back!” Vil voice slowly fading away as you
Before getting to Scarabia you both had a blast with Kalim showing you the whole campus from above.
You see tons of mesmerizing views.
“Hey Kalim look..”
“what is it?”
“ A bird.”
“ oh yeaa—, EHH Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
You hopped out of the carpet capturing one of the flying bird in your mouth before freezing and falling down.
“ AAA!!! Y/N!!!”
He quickly rushed down trying to catch you.
“ Just hold on a minute!!!” adrenaline suddenly shotting up his brain.
Just before you manage to hit the group Kalim scooped you up and back into his embrace.
“ HAaaa, I thought my heart is going to fall out!!. That’s dangerous you know, what if I can’t catch you in time?”
You smile sitting in his lap, docile with a bird in your mouth as if waiting for his praise.
“ Haaa,, I can’t stay mad at you! Good kitty! You bring good hunt for the feast, isn’t that, right? Im sure Jamil is going to be happy with your great catch! Just don’t mention him about you jumping and almost falling to your death. Anyway do cat beastman have 9 lives just like cats, I wonder.”
He pondered as he keeps his head on top of yours for the rest of the trip to Scarabia.
In Scarabia,
“Jamil! We are back!”
“Oh great you are here. The banquet will be ready in 15 minute. You must be hungry right y/n” he looked at you,
You nodded you head excitedly still with a bird in your mouth, staring at Jamil anticipating a praise just as Kalim had done to you.
Out of nowhere Jamil hand pull out a spray gun and spray your face.
“ Nyahhh!!” he keep spraying until you dropped the bird and pounced the the spot behind Kalim.
“Don’t bite a bird like that! It’s dirty you know.”
You stick your tongue to him.
“ A.. Wait.. There is a feather in you tongue..”
U huffed as u refused to comply to his request.
“kalim hold them please.”
“ He-Heyy!”
“now open your mouth.”
Jamil prying open your mouth. You had underestimate Jamil’s power, in no effort at all he had your mouth open wide and another hand pulling your tongue, Taking out the feather that is stuck in your tongue.
“ there we go not so bad isn’t it.” He smirked.
You look up to him pounting.
Jamil, the target, has been hit by cupid arrow, You might ass well have unlocked a new kink within him. He placed his hand on your head, between your ears,
“good kitty, I will cook this bird for you of that is what you want.”
“Yesss!!!” any evidence of your dissatisfaction are gone as you jump out of kalim’s hold and hug him nuzzling to Jamil in appreciation.
As much as Jamil want to stay like this with you, he need to prepare the rest of the food and also the bird that you had just brought him. He cussed Kalim, how nice can a guy’s life be.
You and Kalim begun to play around as he showed you around before Jamil called you both to the banquet. He even gifted you the uniform of Scarabia for you to change into.
It was a very festive banquet, with low dim light swinging and people showcasing the new thing a dance move or anything that they had learned.
You really had fun sitting in the middle of jamil and kalim.
“You know you are very welcome to stay in Scarabia with us alright!”
“hmm.. OK!”
“ whoa that fast!! Yeahhhh!!” Kalim jump to hug you as you reciprocate it by nuzzling to the bottom of his head.
Jamil grin widened, he can’t believe his plan work swimmingly, he is the one that had send that one pomefiore guy to distract Vil and Rook, letting you escape to Scarabia with Kalim. With the help of his unique magic of course, Vil must have been so confused about the state, he wished he had seem Vil’s reaction when he realized that the student is under his spell.
Now that you had stayed in Scarabia it is only a matter of time before he can steal you away from his housewarden, Kalim. He will never let you go after that, maybe even chained you to your collar, maybe you will be obedient to him but he can’t guarantee anybody would steal you away from him.
The banquet continues and by time you had found yourself sleeping the the lap of a sleeping kalim and jamil,
“Wait here alright,, im getting us some water.” Jamil said, moving your lower half to the floor to go to the kitchen.
You just nodded in as you went back to sleep.
Your ears perked up as you groggily open one of your eyes.
From the corner of your room you saw a feather going up and down then left and right.
Your sleepiness vanished as you grow interested on your new prey. Your eyes slitted.
As you grow close the feather begun shake and move behind.
Your cat instinct told you that your prey is getting away, taking a stance then you pounched away from the banquet room. You had caught the feather! Much to your contentment, Your prideful smile was cut short when a tall large man suddenly hold you up.
“I feel a sense of déjà vu… “ you thought.
“ Oh my, The cat has fallen to the fish’s trap, how ironic isn’t it”
You are flipped to see who had captured you.
“jade..And Floyd..? you see behind jade Floyd was tying the struggling and angry Jamil with a thick rope. Jamil hand is tied behind his back as it connects to his legs rendering him immobile, while a while cotton is tied around his mouth.
“Hi, Shrimp-cat~ look, I captured the snake! He is dancing funnily now ahahahahaha…”
“Now that we had come for what we need, Its time for us to depart, Azul is waiting for us, Come Floyd.”
And that is how you depart from Scarabia into Octavinelle in the embrace of Jade. Floyd trying to play with you with the feather attached to the stick along the way, keeping you intrested.
With the first-years,
After the long hours of Sebek Snapping before bawling his eyes out for “my liege” the rest of them turn to search the whole ground shouting your name,
They even have created a make-shift of a teasing stick using a cattail and epel bringing his apple pillow that had intrested your mind.
“Y/n come here kitty kitty kitty…” Ortho in a high pitch tone.
“Y/N come here I got you that pillow you liked!”
“Haaaah no luck, No luck at all,” Grim grumbled.
“Hey look that’s professor Crewel!”
“ There you puppies are!”
“have you find y/n yet?’
“We did manage to find her before she had gone missing again.”
“HAaaah.. really, once I get them adopted I swear. “He mumbled the last part.
“ Once you find her you must b ring her straight to me understand, some guy got his hand on a defected potion and give it to dear kitten.”
“ I told you I am sorry, it’s not technically my fault, if I had known it was defective I would’ve never given it to the little Imp.”
“What do you mean it is defective?” Grim asked.
“ The one who brew the potion had make an imbalanced concotion, resulting in who ever drinks it to act more like the animal they transform into rather than a werebeast.”
“UWAAA! That is very dangerous you kno!” Ace said
“Why do you have that potion in the first place isn’t illegal?” Epel interjects
“Im sorry! Im sorry! And yes I am authorized to, I have a bit on stock just for the students who needed it.”
“is there any other bad side effect to this?” Jack asked.
“I haven’t determined it yet, right now I am trying to make a sort of antidote for it. So once you found her bring her straight to me understood pups?
“Sir, Yes sir.”
“ Hey jack can you like.. Turn into the dog and sniff around.” Ace said
“What do you mean by that? My nose is just as great as it is on my Wolf form, And it’s a wold not a dog!.” Jack arm crossed as he answer with the guy’s dumb question.
“aaa we are hopeless!..” deuce said.
“We can’t give up now! Lets search for more!” Ortho trying to be optimistic,
“I can’t reach idia at all, I was going to ask him about the school feed.” He whisphered.
“LET’S MAKE HASTE, HUMAN!” Sebek yelled
And so, they went on a journey to find you.
[ Words 3278]
>> to be continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
Taglist: @agaygothicmushroom @feverish-dove @jjsmeowthie @losingmybrain @mysticcyan
[ hey if anybody want to be added in this taglist please do comment and i will add you in the next part]
205 notes · View notes
soraviie · 11 months
another member is in love with you.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader   ━ navigation
━ about: angst, a few hurt/comfort elements; this somehow wound up being about the bond between boys as much as the x reader part
━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━  c/w: depiction of throwing up in Jimin’s part
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NAMJOON | “Since when did you switch to another movie?”
Though the haze with which he’d come home with had not disappeared entirely, it did lessen. However, with this sentence being the first and only thing he’d spoken to you the entire day…well, you couldn’t help but be just a tad ornery.
“Welcome back to the world of the living,” you jeer. “We do hope you enjoy your stay here.”
But something is undeniably wrong and it’s not the silence or the faraway gleam of his expression that gives it away but rather the absolute lack of reaction. His hand still monotonously brushes up against your leg that sits perched up in his lap but he’s simply not here.
“Joon,” you call out, a stern new tone lilting your voice. It stirs him enough to break whatever trance he self-imposed and lifting his head, Namjoon blearily blinks up like one would after a long nap.
“What’s with you?”
“What do you think of Yoongi?”
Sitting half-turned on the sofa with a distinct wrinkle of an oncoming frown, he awaits your answer. One you don’t know.
“Yoongi?” you parrot, all of a sudden being the confused one. “What…what does Yoongi have to do with anything?”
“Like are you two close?”
A beat of silence drags on as you stare at each other. It is frustrating being asked something you did not understand and yet even more so looking into Namjoon’s eyes and having no idea what is it that’s sitting behind them.
“Uh…not really?” at last you cautiously reply. “He texts me something funny every now and then but that’s it.”
“What kind of ‘something funny’?”
The room tumbles into another bout of silence. Slowly you tuck your legs away and though his fingers clutch repeatedly around the emptied air as if the sudden domestic absence has hurt him, the tone of his voice is just too damn imperial for you to care.
“Memes, cat videos,” unwittingly, a part of you — not so agreeable part — breaks free and arching an equally damning eyebrow, you goad him on: “Why? You want to have a look?”
He thinks of it, he genuinely weighs it over, you could see it in the way his pupils dart to the side, half-calculating, half-ashamed of the possibility. By the time that he wistfully utters: “no, there’s no need” it is too late. The tranquil peace of a quiet evening has thoroughly evaporated — what lingers in the air now is terse and partly hidden.
You may not know Yoongi but Namjoon knows Yoongi and he knows that there is something soft that quirks his lips at the mere mention of your name. That the way his gaze follows you around is just a touch too tender. Safe to say, it all goes unspoken — it is Yoongi after all — and Namjoon doesn’t know whether it’s for the better or worse. There is a certain kind of cathartic appeal to just shouting things aloud, consequences be damned, but as it stands, for now at least, everything is quiet and nothing is resolved.
Still, Yoongi doesn’t bother you — shouldn’t that be enough? He has the freedom to feel how he feels, just not the right to act upon it. And the fact is that it wasn’t Yoongi per se that was ruining his relationship right now; Namjoon was doing it quite well all by himself.
Peeking at you from the corner of the eye, he finds you sitting blue. Blue as in bathed in the blue light of the working TV although you do appear quite sad — all shrunken away into the corner, staring at the screen but not seeing anything.
You’ve had a fight.
He just started a fight.
Drawing a curt sigh, Namjoon inches himself a bit closer, acutely monitoring every last bit of you, down to the microexpressions. The slightly stretched out bottom lip, the tightly wound arms around your stomach, just the slight, almost imperceptible crease in between your eyebrows — yes, most certainly, you’ve just had a fight.
Still despite Namjoon moving ever so closer, slyly crawling back into your good graces both metaphorically and physically, you don’t make a move to deny him or cuss him out. In fact, you don’t make any move and once again he doesn’t know if that’s for the better or worse.
“I’m sorry,” he says and it’s earnest — you both know it is. You may not know that he’s saying sorry for more than just this but that too is earnest. “I don’t want us to fight.”
“Then don’t start no fights,” spitefully, you bite back but if your non-reaction was anything to go by as Namjoon places a palm on your knee, he will be forgiven.
YOONGI | Well, I should count my blessings it wasn’t Jungkook. Chiefly, that’s the first thought that pops into his head when on a random Tuesday in the most random of practice rooms, he sees the contact picture saved as Jimin’s phone lights up. Yoongi knows that picture, he took that picture. Which of course prompts the question how did Jimin get his hands on it because last time anyone checked you were Yoongi’s partner and not anyone else’s.
Sliding to unlock the call, he’s hoping like never before that it won’t about to change.
“Yoongi?” instantly, you wonder. “Where’s Jimin?”
“Don’t know. Why do you—” fuck, his voice cracked. “Why do you want him? I mean, talk to him?”
“I don’t even know myself, dude,” loudly, you complain. “He called me some time ago, saying there’s something uber important to talk about and now I can’t get a hold of him anymore.”
Just then when Yoongi’s heart is about to free fall right to the bottom of his stomach, the doors to this very random practice room open and because life has a cruel and twisted sense of irony, it’s Jimin who steps through. Lately, he’s been looking haggard and it had been an unspoken agreement between the boys that his problems laid with album production but now, in one hand holding the love of his life and in the other what probably was his brother’s heart yearning for one he couldn’t have, Yoongi wonders whether it’s you whose keeping Jimin up at night with guilt. You and the smiling picture he definitely shouldn't have.
For a moment they simply stare at each other, without speaking a word. Like a clash of two worlds, the collective breath has been knocked out of the room and not even the clock pinned to the wall can cut through the sheer volume of silence.
At last, Yoongi gathers himself and stretching out the phone, he makes sure that his tone is nothing but utterly monotone.
“It’s ______________.”
Jimin grows deathly pale. His widened eyes jump from the phone in Yoongi's hands to Yoongi himself and like a deer in headlights, he keeps standing still. If his dry lips part to mutter something, no sound leaves him. The only thing he can muster is an awkward incline to indicate some kind of bow. Yoongi cards him back the phone, pretending he can’t hear your voice repeatedly questioning “hello?” on the other line and quickly steps out of the room.
It takes him three more hours than usual to get home. By that time you’re soundly asleep, clutching at the shirt Yoongi had so carelessly discarded on the bed this very morning. He quite earnestly wishes to go back to that moment, call in sick and not let either of you move out of the bed.
Despite him most definitely not wanting to, the smile creeping on his face is by now an instinctual. You could make him beam like a spring sunshine by just waking up. He loves you he knows that. He loves Jimin and Jimin as it turns out loves you. The question is of course — do you love Jimin as well?
Maybe he could…share?
“No, no,” Yoongi shakes his head, muttering to himself in the pale yellow light of the nightlamp. “What the fuck am I even thinking?”
How would that work? He gets you from Monday to Thursday only to then card you over to Jimin for the remaining week?
Glimpsing at you slumbering, half-nestled underneath the duvet, he can’t help but shudder. If you would ever learn what he just thought, it wouldn’t matter whether you love Jimin or not, because sure as hell Yoongi wouldn’t be alive to learn that fact.
Safe to say, he doesn’t get a wink of sleep.
As Yoongi tiredly observes you getting ready, there is an aggravating, oozing cut on his heart and every single action of yours pokes a big salted thumb right in its middle. Did you made your hair with the same level of precision when you went on a date with him? Did you dig through numerous outfits as desperately for him, trying, no, feeling the need to look good?
By the time, you’re done, he’s sitting on the bed, bleeding dry. Still, there are some things to consider — you were getting ready in his bedroom, it was his shirt you were pulling over your head and it was his initials hanging on a dainty chain down your neck.
… as it turns out, a drunken second date could lead to many things, be it a custom jewelry or a tattoo of someone’s name on their back or…left butt cheek, to be more precise.
You had a history together and he could only hope that it meant something to you.
“I’m going to meet up with—”
“Jimin after work.”
You swerve to gander at him, frowning as you do so but Yoongi doesn’t explain how he knows you will. Only wishes a succinct “don’t be out too late” and lets you out of his grasp.
It wasn’t like him to chain anyone down and you wouldn’t love him if he did. This is one of those things he just has to trust you with and maybe in time, he’ll learn to trust Jimin again.
True to your promise, when the clock strikes six you’re not at home like you usually would be. At first seven passes, then eight, then nine. Yoongi still gives you the benefit of the doubt. But when the clock starts crawling half past eleven, his knee cannot stop bouncing and his mouth cannot stop gnawing on his own nails. However, just when he no longer can stand the veritable avalanche of anxiety bucking him under, you drag yourself through the door. All complaints and accusations swiftly evaporate from the tip of his tongue as Yoongi takes in just how dead you appear. Your expression is permanently frozen in a state of hurt confusion so much so that when Yoongi slides the jacket over your shoulders, you don’t seem to notice his presence.
It’s only around one in the morning, when staring at a steaming mug of warm tea, you dare to whisper the revelation Yoongi already knows.
“Jimin said he’s in love with me.”
“I know.”
He cringes as the hurt in your eyes now finds him. Sweet heaven, how could Jimin ever do this.
“You knew?” incredulously, you question. “You knew and you didn’t bother to tell me?”
“It was not my secret to tell,” firmly, he replies. “And you know that.”
“But you don’t know how he looked!” you continue, steadily working yourself up to an angered hiss. “He said he loves me and hates himself for it. The last thing he wants to do is to hurt you. You know he thinks of you like a brother.”
Dragging a tired palm over his face, Yoongi whispers that he does know that.
“Anyway, Jimin told me that he has no intention of butting in our relationship,” you conclude numbly and while Yoongi is happy to hear it, the same delight is overshadowed by worry. Was Jimin drinking? Was he somewhere unsafe in Seoul right now?
Seemingly being able to read his mind, you answer before the question is even poised.
“I made sure Jungkook picks him up and looks after him,” you sigh, pushing the mug away. It was completely full. “He wanted to apologize to you for doing this.”
“Via you?”
You sigh once more and somehow it’s even heavier.
“I don’t think that he can bear to look at you right now.”
Yoongi’s gaze darts to sit on the edge of the kitchen table, it lays there dull and lifeless up until you reach to gently wrap a hand around his palm.
“We’ll be okay,” you reassure him with a smile far too meagre to be convincing. “All of us will be okay. In time.”
It takes approximately a week for Yoongi to run into Jimin. They cross each other's paths in a hallway next to the exit doors. What sparse conversation they share is gone as soon as it starts. Yoongi takes in the exhausted, heartbroken look that seems to devour Jimin whole and all he manages to wrangle out is an understanding “I’m sorry” spoken at a distance.
Jimin gives him a tight-lipped smile and a nod, before putting back his headphones and stalking out into the rain soaked street with a downward gaze.
Yoongi hopes that it will be, as you said, all okay in due time.
SEOKJIN | Hoseok’s entry level of amusement had always been on the floor. Thus seeing him nearly double over in a peel of roaring laughter is not by any means an unusual sight. But...
Jin’s gaze slides over to you, standing next to a positively beaming Hoseok. You were funny, Hoseok liked funny.
And he also liked you.
Which wouldn’t be a problem if not for the tiny fact that you and Jin already have matching bands around your fingers and that you are in fact undeniably, irrevocably the love of his life.
So…there’s that.
Though sitting back and simply observing feels somehow wrong, what else is he supposed to do? Going over there and punching Hoseok in the teeth is not only something he would not usually do but also, in Jin’s mind, it wasn’t even close to being productive — so what else is there?
And yes maybe it does irk him.
“Gosh, it looks like a painting,” you sigh contently, gazing over the rolling grass and clumps of disorganised mountains in the background.
“I know, a real masterpiece,” Hoseok agrees but his heart-shaped gaze is not found on said clumps of mountains or the tufts of white clouds rolling above. It's firmly planted on you and so it has been for quite some time.
Yes, it does irk him, knowing that his brother, practically flesh and blood in all the accounts that it mattered, would betray him but even so the last thing Jin wants is to tell you. There was no doubt about it — the knowledge would break your heart.
At first, you’d blame yourself, concocting in your mind that somehow this was solely just your doing and that should any fight occur it’d be you who’d spark it and then you’d cut ties with Hoseok completely. Whatever the case may be of his feelings, Hoseok was the first one who accepted you, who welcomed you into their midst as Jin’s partner with no suspicions or walls of guarded behaviour. He’d become your ride and die and frankly, very, very frankly, Jin was just as worried whether Hoseok would survive such sudden separation.
He can’t not care for his friend and as messy as it is, his friend’s wellbeing now partially hinged on his partner’s smile.
What a shit fest.
Jin is fairly certain Hoseok will not attempt anything. The sense of shame broiling within him is so apparent that more than once someone else had caught Jin by the elbow, wondering whether they have had a fight.
They haven’t, monotonously, he replies each and every time, but he doesn’t insist it’s all good either.
Regardless, the fact is he hasn’t spoken with Hoseok for…quite some time. His contact number has traversed from the usual "recently dialled" to possibly being outdated.
“Hey, you’re not sick, are you?” the sound of your worried voice at last rouses Jin from the literal plague of thoughts buzzing around. For good measure, you put your palm on his forehead, trying to gauge the temperature.
Jin wrangles it away, for a moment considering whether to kiss it. Hoseok is looking.
He chooses to hold your hand instead, his finger lingering on the promise ring.
“I’m okay, don’t worry.”
“You’ve just been really quiet ever since we got here.”
“I’m overwhelmed by the sheer amount of struggles you have to go through.”
Your brow wrinkles and you gaze down on Jin whose been slowly or not so slowly sipping his whiskey by the fire pit.
“Struggles?” you echoe confused and Jin gives a sage nod.
“I’m already so beautiful every single moment but out here — in our forest get together… I can’t even imagine how you cope. I must be absolutely enthralling.”
There’s a solid minute of absolute silence before you enrupt in fond laughter.
“Don’t ever change, Jin.”
He tries to mimic your grin but it falls a touch too flat so instead his eye travels towards the onlooking Hoseok. Both hold each other’s stare before quickly turning away.
“I definitely won’t,” absent-mindedly, Jin mumbles under the nose.
HOSEOK | It just had to be Namjoon.
“Well, at least it’s not Jungkook,” Namjoon breathes a demure laugh.
If Hoseok had any heart to pummel him through the ground, he would.
“Motherfucker, really?!”
“I’m sorry.”
It truly was a curse to see someone as human. Because no matter how mad Hoseok was at Namjoon, he could not rid himself of a kid's image in this man. A kid who always was beside him. A kid with all the big dreams and all the wrong approaches to those dreams. Still, Namjoon had a kind heart and there was no one more dedicated to fixing their wrongs than him. Hoseok presumes it was this same dedication that had brought his best friend to his doorstep with a bottle of whiskey in hand and a great big apology tumbling like vomit out of his mouth.
“They just called me to help arrange your birthday present. I promise it wasn’t any more than that.”
For what seems like the hundredth time, Namjoon rushes to explain, wearing not to subtle glimmer of delirium in his eye.
“We met up for a coffee,” Hoseok’s eyebrow twitches and though he could have sworn it was impossible, Namjoon grows a touch paler from fear. “And we only discussed you and I left the second I could!”
“So my partner called up my best friend whose actually in love with them to discuss the plans for my birthday. Me, their partner who knows that his best friend is in love with said partner.”
All Namjoon can really do is apologetically rub the back of his neck all while trying (and failing) to inconscpicously inch closer towards the doors.
“It’s messed up, I know.”
“It’s more than a little messed up, Joon,” Hoseok laughs dryly, already sensing the tepid touch of an oncoming migraine. “You haven’t told them, have you?”
Immediately, Namjoon shakes his head, the glasses perched on the top of his nose threatening to simply hurtle against the wall.
“We agreed to not tell them. I’m keeping my end of the bargain.”
And Hoseok does hate himself for it but he’s always wondered so why not ask while the opportunity is still fresh —
“Why did you agree?” he prods with what to him appears as a cautious hand. “You could have just told how you feel—”
But Namjoon is quick to interrupt.
“I don’t want to,” he states with no small amount of firmness. It’s the sort of resolution Hoseok has seen him wield in front of the UN, in front of difficulties he could not even comprehend. Something steel-like rests behind his gaze and Hoseok knows that whatever sort of intention Namjoon has set on you, no force of nature can lead him astray.
“I don’t want to see the pity in their eyes.”
“_____________ wouldn’t look at you with—”
“Yes, they would,” Namjoon interrupts him again, his mouth thinning into a grim line. “I wouldn’t be Namjoon the leader, Namjoon the trustworthy member, Namjoon, your,” he stammers; it’s almost imperceptible alas Hoseok just knows him too well. “Your brother but I’d be small Namjoon. I’d be Namjoon the naive fool who would require kid gloves in case any remark about the happiness of your relationship would break his heart. And I don’t want that.”
“I want ________________,” they both know it’s a poor choice of wording but none of them is brave enough to remark upon it. “In a natural way, you know. I want to be their friend, I don’t want to make things any more complicated. So, yeah, I don’t want to tell them and perhaps,” he licks at his dry lips, briefly glimpsing outside. Unbeknowst to himself Hoseok mimicks the movement, forcing the barest sliver of a smile upon Namjoon’s face. “Nah, it is selfish but it is what it is.”
For a while they stand silent and it’s painfully awkward but also…it’s good. It’s almost unbelievable but things are actually peaceful between them.
“What does ____________ has planned for my birthday?”
Namjoon cracks a wry smile.
“I ain’t telling you that.”
The ring of Hoseok’s phone cuts the lingering tension in two and like an air escaping from a pop balloon, the room grows lax.
If a bit sad.
“Hey babe,” Hoseok greets you and Namjoon simply pretends like he isn’t here to hear that. “You’re waiting outside? Yeah, I’ll get going soon. Bye. Love you too.”
He doesn’t miss the way Namjoon turns away, obstinately staring at anything just to not see what currently he does not want to see. Hoseok simply lets him be.
“I’ve got to go,” he waves around some well-meaning gesture that falls flat on comfort, already halfway there to bolt out of the door. “Will you be okay?”
He watches Namjoon scuff the shoe against the floor. It’s a tad too angry for someone who will undoubtedly insist on being utterly okay.
“Yeah, of course!” Namjoon brushes him off, feigning indifference a bit too well. “I’ll just, you know, go into my studio and write some lyrics to process my bottomless devotion to the love of your life.”
Kidding! — follows soon after.
“Sort of,” is added when Hoseok ultimately leaves the room.
JIMIN | “You should go home.”
“I don’t want to go home.”
“Don’t you dare to pity me!”
“I’m not. Actually, quite the opposite.”
Jimin glowers at Yoongi across the rim of his glass but it doesn’t quite have the effect he pictured. Yoongi keeps on wearing the same unimpressed grimace he’d sat down with. He draws a great sigh for the upteenth time and begins again, a bit gentler, a bit more lenient.
Jimin doesn’t know which is worse — either way, he’s a hair away from bursting into tears.
“I didn’t expect you, out of all people, to think with your fists instead of your brain.”
And just like that, the tears evaporate.
“He tried to take them away,” he whispers, voice shaking from the barely concealed rage. Not even at Jungkook’s feelings per se but rather at his sheer audacity. Jimin would understand if he would just fall in love with you, he would understand, he knows how easy it was to love you, to be consumed by you but to go—!
“He went behind my back!” he cries out loudly, instantly drawing the attention to their small table. “He went and asked to be given a chance!”
The frown on Yoongi’s face deepens and seeing such an opening Jimin reaches out and does what he knows best. He pours himself a drink, knocks it down into his throat and hopes he’ll pass out soon.
Yoongi bats at his arm, steadily growing redder and redder from the frustration alone.
“Stop drinking!” he chides with an irritated hiss. “I’m not excusing Jungkook’s actions. But you know how he is.”
“And thus I’m supposed to forgive him for trying to fuck my fucking partner?!”
Once again, all eyes sit on their table as Jimin’s voice rises into an angered scream.
“Yeah, and look at you now. You’ve traded fists with your best friend, gotten yourself a busted lip and _______________ has moved out and honestly good for them. I also wouldn’t want to stand you clowns.”
“You’re supposed to be comforting me,” Jimin scoffs but receives nothing but an ill-meaning glare back.
“I’m all out.”
When at long last Jimin gets home, it’s well past three in the morning. His head is spinning and not so small part of him regrets ever drinking. The alcohol is clawing back up his throat and it doesn’t care that he’s putting a palm in front of his mouth. He’s about to vomit it all back out.
“Jesus,” a blur of a voice calls above him and Jimin finds himself being hastily carded to the toilet. He wonders who it is — it couldn't be you, you wouldn’t be able to lug him around like a roll of wet paper towels but he simply doesn’t have the time to care about it. As the next thing that comes out of his mouth is not a question poised, eloquenty or not, but a steady stream of stomach acid and half-digested fragments of his piss-poor dinner. His faceless saviour brushes the hair back from his forehead, occasionally laying an empathetic pat on his back. Though his mouth of full of bile, Jimin tries to say he appreciates it.
The sun greets him vicious and unforgiving. His head pounds and for the longest part of an hour, Jimin doesn’t even recall on how he made it back into his bed. Spotting a full glass of water and painkillers, he both chugs it all down and prays to heaven that it is you. Someone’s definitely clambering around his kitchen. The noise of a pan on a stove is unmistakanable regardless of the state he’s in.
Cautiously, Jimin pads over to the kitchen, attempting to put together at least two phrases of a genuine apology but the sight he sees only further spikes the nausea gripping him whole.
Unless you suddenly grew a mullet, got an armful of tattoos, a lip piercing and a cosmetic surgery, he’s fairly sure that it isn’t you standing by a stove and cooking a pan of eggs but one Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook the traitor.
Jeon Jungkook the one Jimin thought was a friend.
Best friend in fact.
In spite of how hard Jimin tries to eviscerate Jungkook with his glare, he cannot help but cringe as the man whips around, showcasing his black eye. Instinctually, Jimin runs a tongue over his lip. It still hurts.
There is a pregnant pause during which they don’t speak, merely stay in their respective corners of the room. Jungkook shifts from one foot to another, white knuckling the handle of the pan.
“I made you some eggs,” he splutters, hopefully presenting the food. Ever so slowly, Jimin lowers his gaze towards them and quirks a brow in order to show just how unfettered he is by it.
“I’ll vomit them back in your face,” he states coldly and Jungkook all but withers into himself.
“Listen, man, I know that I overstepped some boundaries—”
“Some?!” at once, Jimin has to clutch at his head to make sure it simply does not implode.
“All of the boundaries,” he corrects. "And I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I betrayed your trust and __________’s trust, and I know that neither of you owe me your forgiveness.”
Jimin pries open one of his eyelids — it’s swollen and laced with sleep but even so he knows Jungkook and he knows Jungkook wasn’t capable of lying.
He truly is sorry.
“Why the change of heart?” Jimin barks mistrustfully. “Since when do you care for anything but yourself?”
It’s a low blow but damn if it does not delight him, to hurt Jungkook just as much as Jimin was hurt.
“________________,” Jungkook sighs, his nose scrunching up at what is certainly a recollection of some exceedingly sour memories. “Chewed me the fuck out. They said—” his breath hitches. In a still moment between one breath and the next, there is a single, utterly pathethic plea ringing in Jimin’s ears—
Please, dont take them away from me
“They said they were disgusted by me.”
He has to physically bite his tongue to not say “I’m sorry”. It’s just as instinctual for him to comfort Jungkook as it is for their younger one to seek that same comfort. For a brief moment, he sees a much younger Jungkook. A much younger Jungkook come to beg for understanding and Jimin himself, feels much younger. Much more ill-equipped to deal with Jungkook’s fragile heart.
But that moment disappears and with it the breadth of his anger.
It’s churning, he knows it is, he doesn’t deny it but he reckons that step by step, day by cautious day they’ll be able to calll each other friends again and greet you back home, inhabiting their rightful roles.
You would say they're a broken pot with its cracks glued by gold.
Yoongi would say they’re fucking morons.
TAEHYUNG | Dearest ____________________,
Let me preface this by saying, I know it’s inappropriate and I know it’s unfair for me to spring this on you. I must seem like a coward to you and that’s beacause I am one. Million times I must have tried to tell you, to be able to say IT to your face but I just can’t. I don’t care what you do with this letter, burn it if you must, destroy it if it brings you peace but a part of me reasons that people deserve to know when one loves them and so I tell you.
I love you.
I love you insanely. I love you devoutly but most of all I want to love you selflessly so I won’t ask of you anything don’t worry. I won’t ask of you to meet me, I won’t ask of you to let me down, gently or otherwise, I won’t ask of you to even look at me. I burn for you, I yearn for you but I also know you love Taehyung. I see your love for him as clear as I see my own so I understand I don’t have a place in your life. I don’t even dare to ask of you such a thing.
You may wonder why even write this at all? Well, for me this is a speech. A speech one would give at a funeral. I scream and I vomit all that I feel and with it, with every stroke of this stupid pen I hammer in a nail into a coffin of all the fondness I hold for you. With any luck, I’ll be able to return to it rarer and rarer until at last it’s swallowed by moss and will lay unrecognizable. With any luck, the scar will heal and will be just that — a painless scar left by idiocy of youth.
I don’t want you to find me, I don’t want you to know me, all I want is for you and Taehyung to be happy. Oh, Taehyung, if only I could also say how sorry I am for ever letting him down.
So please be happy _______________. Be the happiest a person has ever been so I can rest easy and breathe a little easier each day, knowing that none of us has made a grave mistake.
Your secret admirer.
Quite the letter, Taehyung reckons, closing it shut once he finishes tracing the inked lines. The thick black of the room is cut only by the orange flames licking at the firewood in the old fireplace. Glancing quietly across the shoulder, he finds you sleeping soundly on the hotel bed, hair splattered messily across the pillowcase. Taehyung supresses a deep sigh of relief before turning back with a heavy frown etched upon his face.
He took you away just in time, whoever this secret admirer was, he clearly held something more than a casual crush. When did he have the time to slip this into your bag, Taehyung did not know but it scared the shit out of him. The only people who both knew of his sudden trip to France and had the opportunity to see you were his members. His friends. His brothers. Which meant that one of them betrayed him. For one of them your name on their lips was not something easy to be spoken. For one of them your name was a benediction, meant to be sighed in shameful isolation.
The poetics said Namjoon but don’t find me said Yoongi. Loving insanely was Jungkook wanting to love selflessly was Jimin. But who could possibly know — maybe it was Hoseok, maybe it was Jin — Taehyung certainly didn’t.
He gazed down onto the thin paper, lips curling in distaste. Whoever he was, he should have just kept it to himself. For the first time, Taehyung was happy in his relationship, secure even and here he comes, one of his family, tearing it down.
Perhaps he should do what this admirer said — forget about it. No one wants to hate their family, right?
Yes, he thinks to himself, I’ll forget about. I’ll try really, really hard.
It was a good letter, beautiful even, he has to admit that much.
Shame though, he doesn’t hesitate to toss it into the flames, ______________won’t ever read it.
JUNGKOOK | “Baby, please.”
Jungkook loathes the fact at how weak he grows underneath your touch. Where others would give him a wide berth, all in fear of incuring a foul mood, you merely have to wrap your arms around his back and he feels the tension unlatching its jaw from his shoulders.
“Just talk to Jin.”
“Don’t even mention his name,” he growls, trying to sound pissed but his body has a mind of its own. It reaches to tug you closer around him, almost frightened that should he let you go for just a second, he could lose you.
“He came forward with how he felt,” you reason slowly, cautiously. “He was honest and just let it all out.”
“He should have choked with it,” Jungkook refutes. You don’t buy it.
“You don’t mean that.”
Jungkook knows you know he knows he doesn’t mean it but for the time being he just wants to be angry.
He turns to look over his shoulder, finding you nuzzled into his spine, swaying slighty from left to right. His heart swells with all this…love he held for you. Whatever Jin held was nothing but a cheap copy, a fling, a failure of the brain.
“You’re mine, got it,” he tries to warn you but you all but laugh at the pout in his tone. “I don’t care how handsome you think Jin is, you promised me forever first. Finders keepers and all that.”
“You’re a bit delusional, you know that?” you rub your nose against his jumper, spectacularly failing at trying to supress the smirk fighting its way onto your face.
“So what?” he scoffs, turning to scrub the dishes with far more vigour than neccessary. “It makes me happy.”
But your voice of “just talk to Jin” doesn’t leave the side of his ear. Like an overzealous mosquito it buzzes around his head at all hours of the day, at all hours of the night, round and round until Jungkook swears it makes his nose bleed.
It’s well past midnight when he finally musters up the courage to press the dial button to Jin’s number. His knee refuses to sit still and behind his back he’s crossing his fingers hoping that his friend will be asleep.
He is not.
When Jin replies with a timid “hello” he is surprisingly coherent as though he hadn’t slept at all.
“_______________ told me to give you a call,” Jungkook grouses instead of a greeting and the other line of the phone grows uncomfortably quiet.
“They’re too kind,” Jin whispers and Jungkook certainly agrees on it.
He taps his leg, bites his lip, looks at you for guidance — you’re asleep on his bed, practically knocked out because Jungkook just had to…show his love for you — and none of it helps him to get over this sudden knot growing at the base of his throat.
However, Jin beats it to him.
“I know I said it already,” he mutters miserably, voice crackingi across the connection. “But for what it’s worth, I really am sorry for doing this to you Jungkook. I wish nothing but happiness for you and _______________.”
They cry, they curse, they share their love for you and some three hours later it’s somewhat easier to breathe. The days, the weeks that Jungkook couldn’t sleep, plagued by nightmares of his light being stolen away, are wiped away with a cool hand and he rejoices in the comfort it provides. He doesn’t say I love you to Jin, he’s not yet ready for that but he knows Jin knows and he knows that Jin knows that he knows.
For now he just wants to sleep. Putting the phone away, Jungkook drops himself back into the pillow,  heaving a drawn-out sigh up against the black ceiling. He wraps his arm around your waist, kissing your neck “good night” as he always does. It’ll be alright, he reminds himself, surprisingly, it’ll all be just fine.
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tagging: @pinkcherrybombs; @sukunabitch; @btsiguess-kpop; @belladaises; @seok-jinnies; @themochiverse; @cuteipat; @ratherbefangirling; @manchuria; @dreamamubarak; @anti-social-mochi; @back2bluesidex; @silverliningsandstorms; @ahewlett; @royallyjjk
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 © soraviie, 2023
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twst-drabbles · 4 months
Lilia 12
Summary: You're taking a bath and Lilia decided to come in.
(Just cute Sanctuary Lilia things. Being a little shit. You know the drill with him.)
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Today was simply a day filled to the brim with chores. You cleaned out the various baths, removed the fallen tree branches from your backyard after a storm hit, entertained Crowley when he popped over for a unprompted visit, and dragged Crowley back to his house when he passed out in your chair watching the latest soap opera that he somehow remembers all the details of.
And now you're here, taking a bath rather than a shower, because you wanted nothing more than some almost too-hot water to seep right into your joints and muscles. You're not as young as you used to be, but you curse your body nonetheless. Time was a cruel thing that your body was too weak to stand against.
But, this was your only body, so you had no choice but to take care of it, regardless of your feelings towards it. So, all you have to do is just sit back and relax.
However, you're having a hard time doing that, on the account Lilia was standing on the edge of the tub.
"What are you doing here?" You didn't turn around. You liked looking at the sparkly stickers placed on your ceiling.
Lilia tilted his head, not a peep out of him. Even made his eyes glittery and wide, as though his cuteness will be enough for you to give him attention.
It almost worked, unfortunately you're too bothered by the dull pain of strained muscles. You're not annoyed or irritated but a few wrong moves from Lilia could easily get you there.
"Don't do that Lilia, I'm not in the mood." Only then did you close your eyes.
Next thing you knew, you felt a gust of cooler air, the sharp smell of magic, then hot water flowing over your hands.
You opened your eyes to mischievous red ones staring right at you.
No wings, no ears, and neck fluff missing. His arms, entirely human, wrapped around your neck but he didn't get any closer than that.
You frowned. "Lilia, your clothes are getting wet."
You can feel his tights pressing against your thighs, the ruffles of his shorts flowing around in the water, and his large black coat grew heavy and damp with the steam in the air.
"My, my," Lilia leaned dramatically back, hand over his heart, "I come in in all my cutely decorated self, and all you can focus on is the state of my clothes. Are you truly so tired that even your eyes won't let you enjoy my smaller self? I even carefully combed my fluff and everything."
You blinked. "Your fluff is nice but I like to take baths alone. You know this. I know this. Why are you actually here?"
You know Lilia to cause a bit of chaos for the sake of entertaining himself, but rarely is he oblivious to your state of being. He should know, or at least figured out that you just want to have a little peace to yourself.
When you made your intentions known, Lilia dropped the dramatics and simply sighed. He removed his arm from your neck and laid his head on the tub. He popped a random bubble as it passed by.
"You've overworked yourself today," he flicked some water onto your shoulder, "I know the feeling of aging bones and muscles. And the need to deny yourself rest because you have to make up for what you've lost or wasted. I just wanted to make sure you didn't collapse while getting out of the tub. It's happened to me, once or twice."
Just to play along, you flicked water back. It landed on his nose, causing him to snort.
"I'm not about to turn to dust, Lilia," you're certainly not as old as he is, "Though, your concern is lovely. But you should still get out of my tub. You're making all the water splash over."
Lilia smiled in the way cats do, eyes thinning. "Only if you let me help you wash up. If not, then I'll just stay right here."
Haa… You know what, alright. You're tired and you just want to get this over with and go to bed.
"Fine, fine. Nothing below the waist though."
"Of course! Let me get my new soaps I found."
Found, huh?
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Your relationships with boys (slashers x reader)
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Michael Myers
♡ This guy looks like a big black cat. He does whatever he wants; he acts according to the first dictate of emotions, therefore, if he wants something, he will achieve it, no matter how unrealistic the goals may be and no matter how difficult the fulfillment of these desires may be.
♡ At first, he does not like your affection much, or rather, he simply does not understand it because of his understated empathy (if he has it at all). Later, he begins to realize that you treat him in a special way: you cook food, let him sleep with you, bathe, if necessary, treat his wounds - therefore, over time, he begins to show you some timid actions.
♡ He often does what the voices in his head chant to him, so if he wants to touch you anywhere, he will do it; it's better not to resist if you don't want new bruises on your neck and wrists.
♡ This boy is crazy about sweets, especially chocolate. You should replenish your stocks of goodies at least once every three days, otherwise Michael will start behaving like an unsatisfied teenager.
♡ Please feed him at least twice a day (breakfast and dinner will be enough), we don't want the story of eating other people's dogs to repeat, right? And, oh my God, he eats like as many as seven healthy men, which is most likely due to his huge size. If earlier you could easily cook spaghetti and eat it for two or three days in a row, now one such pan flew away in one evening.
♡ And yet, no matter how hard Myers tries to deny it, he is pleased with your presence. When he is in the same room with you, the air is noticeably discharged, it becomes lighter and somehow softer; Michael begins to breathe more calmly under his dirty white latex.
♡ The guy has a very high pain threshold, so you shouldn't be surprised when he appears on your doorstep covered in blood, and under a blue jumpsuit you will find several stab wounds or bullet marks; he doesn't take much care of himself.
♡ Did you have a pet? Forget about him. As soon as Michael sees any cat or bird in your house, he will certainly get rid of it; the guy is extremely selfish, he does not want to share your care with someone else.
♡ Michael is the owner. Did you go to the store and someone gave you a lingering "Kitty-kitty" or hit you on the ass? Expect Michael to come home three times more drenched in blood. This scoundrel got what he deserved; even in his coffin, he will remember with fear the day he was born.
♡ He likes it when you wash his hair or just mess with it when he appears in front of you without a mask; Mike fucking likes it when you massage his scalp, especially considering the migraines from constant voices.
♡ His mom (or rather, her ghost) speaks well of you and sometimes tells her son how to behave in a particular situation, so you have a better chance of avoiding awkward moments.
♡ A massage before going to bed, if he sleeps at all, would be very useful; his shoulders are too tense after years in Smiths Grove and frequent murders.
♡ Only from your mouth "Mikey", oh, this affectionate nickname, sounds acceptable to him; Myers feels a strange calmness and warmth in his heart.
♡ He likes your style of music; the last time he heard you turn it on on your phone was when you were cooking dinner late at night, thinking Michael wasn't around.
♡ Sometimes he brings you some nice things; his mom says that girls like it when they are given gifts.
♡ You are constantly, well, or almost constantly, being watched, that's a fact.
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Bo Sinclairr
♡ A walking time bomb.
♡ Because of his frequent mood swings, you don't know what to expect from a guy, so be prepared for anything.
♡ Bo loves cookies made by your hands very much, it reminds him of the time when mom was still alive and in her right mind.
♡ No matter how it sounds, he likes it when you're in his clothes; big hanging T-shirts on your innocent body attract his animal gaze.
♡ His clothes are your clothes.
♡ Bo is pleased at the thought that you like to help him at the gas station; lately you have become quite familiar with tools and have learned something about the design of cars.
♡ You often have to stop the verbal sparring bordering on fists that arise between the Sinclair twins; Vincent is very grateful to you for this, he does not like to quarrel with his brother.
♡ If he feels bad, he will just pick you up in his arms (whatever you do, he will just pick you up from that place, whether it's cleaning, drawing or cooking soup) and take you to your shared bedroom; he will sit down and put you on his lap, burying his nose in your shoulder or hair; he can sit like this from five minutes to several hours (he will let you go, for example, if you start jumping out of his arms, feeling the burnt smell from the first floor).
♡ And yet, no matter how stubborn and uncontrollable he is, he tries to be gentle towards you. You don't know, but he often watched couples coming to Ambrose and watched for a long time how this or that guy treated his girlfriend. The behavior has always been different, strange in its own way, but Bo realized that mostly guys hug their partners, kiss them and give gifts. He tries to imitate them, at least in the manifestation of physical contact; he also tries in every possible way to cheer you up during sad periods (for example, during menstruation; these days he is especially attentive to you and every changed spectrum of your mood; sweets? no question; hugs? will it be done; hold it on your hands like a little princess girl? everything for you, honey, just don't cry)
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Thomas Hewitt
♡ At first, he really didn't know how to behave. Your relationship was strange: he is a huge maniac with a chainsaw, and you are a victim who somehow magically liked this big guy. At the very beginning, it was fulfilling your basic needs: food, security, sleep. Gradually, when you got a little used to his oppressive aura, he allowed himself to touch you: shoulder, hair, neck — it doesn't matter, just ordinary physical contact!
♡ He likes your cheeks so much. Especially when you blush and start muttering something resentfully under your nose to hide your embarrassment. He finds it extremely charming.
♡ One of the difficulties was that Tommy didn't talk much, if at all. That's why you started communicating with your own sign language. Need to bring something? You are playing a kind of pantomime. A monosyllabic answer? You stretch out your hands in front of him and give each of them a simple answer (yes/no, at home/on the street, etc.) and Thomas chooses left or right, it turned out to be very convenient. Sometimes it even happened that he took your small palm with his huge one and began to write something similar to letters on it with his finger; they were uneven; he often wrote words by ear, but this did not prevent you from understanding him.
♡ His mom didn't approve of your relationship (at the beginning). In her opinion, you were too strange, slow and timid; it would be difficult for you to live in this house. But gradually she got used to your company and even fell in love with you, damn it! You became her daughter-in-law. "My Tommy is a good boy; don't hurt him like the kids at school; take care of him."
♡ With uncles, everything turned out to be scarier, they were terrible perverts. That's why Tommy tried to be there for you all the time and protect you (a knight with a chainsaw, cool).
♡ As for the mask: he blushed terribly when you asked if he could take it off, started pulling the edge of his apron or abruptly went into the basement. After a while, he finally took it off and was surprised when you kissed every inch of his skin.
♡ The guy really likes to spend time with you. I especially like to leave the house in the evenings and lie down with you on the prickly grass a little away from the house so that neither Hoyt nor Monty can hear you. You lie with your hands tightly clasped in a lock and fingers interlaced; the grass scratches the exposed parts of your body, which sometimes makes you squirm, rubbing the earth into one of the most worn T-shirts; you look at the blue sky with pale pink sunset stripes, watching the white-sided moon light up in the distance. Thomas could start to wheeze softly, which meant his laughter when you told one of the funny stories of your childhood. Just always wait for him before the next walk; we don't want your ankle to get caught in one of the massive bear traps, right?
♡ Sweetheart, he loves you so much!
♡ Thomas loves your soft palms with slightly cracked fingertips from the heat and drought! Your hands smell of soap, with which you constantly wash dishes in the kitchen, as well as grass and cinnamon after recently cooking some simple cakes. He's never eaten anything tastier in his life! (in truth, even old Hoyt appreciated them: "Not bad for such a city girl," although you saw that he continued to stare at your ass).
♡ He likes it when you lie on his chest. He starts purring with pleasure. You can hear his measured beating, leaning your ear against his chest; now he is without an apron, in only a loose shirt and loose trousers, which you instructed him to put on before going to bed if he wants to sleep with you in an embrace. Thanks to your presence, Thomas has begun to sleep better.
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I just drank my tea and thought about these sweet boys. Well they're so cute and pretty so i like to write about them. And have a nice day <3
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silverbladexyz · 6 months
This was based off a request in my inbox that I somehow couldn't find anymore ;w; but it was a cute one :)
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: Mentions of smoking. Gender neutral reader
Dazai, Iceman, and Ayatsuji with an S/O who has a pet kitty
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-Despite Dazai being quite an energetic drama queen, I have a feeling that he'd be rather chill with your cat
-We all know that he has a special connection to a rather special cat (Natsume), so in the first few times he was alone with your cat, he definitely tried to find out if it was actually an ability user in disguise. And by that, I mean poking it a few times to see if his nullification ability could make it revert back to it's human form (spoiler: it did not)
-But suspicions aside, Dazai loves your pet kitty! When he comes home after a tiring day of work at the Armed Detective Agency, simply stroking your cat's soft fur is enough to temporarily distract his mind from everything. He might even hug the cat to his chest as he lies down on the couch, and prompt you to take a photo since he 'looks more handsome at that angle' Dark Era anime reference owuashaah
-If your cat doesn't warm up to other people easily, then you're in for a treat. Dazai would be chasing after the cat with sardines and toys and everything cats supposedly like to try and win it's affection and trust, while fake crying to you that your pet 'hates him'. He will even try meowing at your cat, and his meows are so surprisingly accurate that you sometimes think he's a cat in disguise
-Over time, your cat decides to finally trust Dazai, and he is overjoyed when it happens. Your beloved will become 10x more affectionate with the feline, and it is now a common occurrence where he hugs it and proclaims how adorable or beautiful it is; often sneaking in a compliment that it was almost as beautiful as it's owner, which is you :)
-Dazai definitely would try to teach your pet kitty some tricks to impress you. Some of the tricks he tries to teach it concerns you since 'no cat would need that knowledge', but he still insists on going forward with the training, since it 'might be useful someday'. You gave up trying to convince him, and you were glad that you did, because now you have one of the smartest and trick-y cats in all of Yokohama. Yay! Though you weren't too impressed when Dazai taught the kitty to fetch things for him... but you trusted his judgement
-He certainly loves having the cat perch on his shoulders while he does his paperwork at home (for once lmao), since I headcanon he likes the silky texture of your cat's fur against his cheek as he writes. Sometimes, when he takes a mini break, or when he's just admiring the lovely Yokohama scenery outside the window, Dazai would pet the cat's head, who in turn nuzzles into his palm
-On days where you're busy, he'll be more than happy to look after your cat for you! Even though he might purposefully mess things up just for laughs, Dazai will actually be more serious when it comes pet-sitting. He wouldn't want to let you down, and ensures that all care your cat receives will be top tier- including baths. You had never seen as many expensive cat shampoos than ever before in your life, and by the end of the entire ordeal your cat will be ✨immaculate✨. Dazai might even joke about starting to use cat shampoo too please don't let him use it
-Uses your cat as an excuse to slack off from work sometimes. Kunikida almost had a meltdown when he can't find Dazai in the usual places, only for Dazai to tell him through the phone 'But I just had to look after my lovely Y/N's cat!~ Or else they'll be quite sad that I'm not bonding enough with our precious child! u.u' #saveKunikidafromDazai'santics
-He would definitely take some videos of your cat doing tricks, and show them to Atsushi, asking him if he could do those tricks but in his tiger form. The poor boy is startled and is going all 'but I can't control my full tiger form!'; it does not help how Dazai says that his nullification ability could turn Atsushi back to normal if things were to go out of control. Fortunately Kunikida stepped in and reminded Dazai to get back to work
-Fun fact: crab meat can be a good treat for cats as it is rich in protein. And we know that our bandaged detective loves to eat crab meat too. So imagine if Dazai opens a tin of canned crab, about to eat it- only to see your cat sitting down at his feet, giving him the cute pleading Puss in Boots eyes as it stares at the crab meat held between his chopsticks. Sometimes, your lover would (begrudgingly) give the kitty his precious crab that was initially meant for himself to savour, but other times he'll just finish the entire can of crab meat while holding a staring contest with your cat as if daring it to do something
-If you wanted to get another cat, Dazai isn't opposed. The more the merrier, and he knows better than anyone else the feeling of loneliness. Be prepared for him to splurge a lot more money on cat products though; and don't even ask where the money came from /j
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-Chill assassin dude doesn't show too many outward reactions with your cat, but don't worry since he thinks it's cute and would definitely take good care of it if you asked him to
-Oftentimes, you'd see them next to each other on the couch, with the cat on his shoulders or on his lap. Iceman will sometimes pet it, and despite his frighteningly cold demeanour most of the time, he's actually quite gentle when it comes to your pet
-Because your man himself is so calm and laid-back, he can make even the most energetic of cats be as tranquil as a lake. This definitely helps when you're trying to chase your cat down to give it a bath, because they run fast
-Iceman also stops smoking as often when he learns that cats dislike the smell of cigarette smoke. Keep in mind that he won't fully quit since it's difficult to do so, but he'll definitely be mindful about it and only smoke when he's certain that the lingering smell on his body wouldn't affect your cat
-He also plays music for your cat sometimes! It's scientifically proven that cats tend to like soft classical music, and luckily your partner has quite the collection of records that he'd put on for you, him, and your cat to listen to. It also calms you down after a stressful day, and it sets the perfect mood for your lover to embrace you in his arms
-When feeding your cat, Iceman sometimes leaves some tuna or sardines on top of it's food so that it would add some flavour to the kibble. He somehow always finds the freshest and best quality fish for his favourite feline, and don't worry about the cost since the Mafia pays quite a bit
-Is also the type of guy to buy plush and wicker cat trees for your cat to climb and jump on and off it. If it breaks, don't concern yourself with buying a new one because Iceman is actually quite good with his hands. In just a few minutes, he'd have fixed the cat tree up and made it look as good as new
-Sometimes, when he's had a tiring day, Iceman would cuddle you on the couch while your cat jumps onto your laps- and it's the cutest thing ever with all three of you sharing a nice big hug to wind down and relax
-If your cat is a rather mischievous one with dozens of antics, you can catch Iceman smiling a soft smile as he watches the cat being up to no good again. He'll always intervene and stop it if things were about to go south, but he does enjoy having a good chuckle at it's funny shenanigans
-Like Dazai, Iceman wouldn't mind if you wanted to get more cats, since he's quite easy-going with whatever you choose to do. And the fact that you have a soft spot for cats makes him soft for you too ❤
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-Now unlike Dazai and Iceman, Ayatsuji actually has cats too! And he's glad that you have experience in taking care of cats since it would make life much easier for him
-He definitely would introduce his cats to yours. They're actually quite well-behaved, and soon enough you'd have three gorgeous felines clambering all over Ayatsuji's office and being adorable menaces to anyone who visits the room. It brightens Tsujimura's day, but she'd never admit it
-Ayatsuji is a genius, which means that he most likely will also teach your cat some tricks. Such as sitting down, coming back when called, and many more! Even though he rarely would have time to play with your cats (yes his cats are your cats too now), he'd still try to feed them and pet them whenever he could
-Don't worry about your pet making a mess in his office, because your paramour will train it to be civil and docile, which can prevent many incidents from happening. Your cat does find some of the western furniture in there to be fun places to climb and leap onto, but it never damages anything with it's claws, which is what you're thankful for since you don't want a disappointed Ango on your heels
-Despite not being an affectionate person, Ayatsuji actually likes to pet your cat! It gives him a sense of relief and calmness, since he prefers to be alone with cats than with humans (you're the exception). If you ask him to, he'll definitely brush your cat's coat everyday; and he is so focused and detailed while doing it that it makes you think the cat was his own child (in some way it is hehe)
-He also likes the cat's company when he's looking over cases in his office. Ayatsuji doesn't bring your cat to crime scenes since he doesn't want to jeopardise it's safety, but when he is pondering over the perpetrators of the case, the feline would nuzzle itself up against his legs, which would make him become slightly soft inside
-Shopping for cat collars!! If you haven't noticed in the picture yet, Ayatsuji's cats both have cute collars that suit them very nicely, and there's no doubt he'd want the same for your cat (if you allow it of course). He has amazing taste, and knows where to get the cheapest but best looking cat collars in Yokohama. I headcanon he likes the collars with darker colours and a small bell on it; simplistic yet stylish
-As you all know, Ayatsuji likes dolls, and is talented at making them. So over the course of a few days, he might stitch together a few small dolls for your cat to play with. It keeps your cat entertained, and even Ayatsuji himself cracks a few rare smiles here and there at the adorable sight
-10/10 cat parent, and a 100/10 partner. Ayatsuji will treat you and your cat right :)
Now I want a pet cat too 🤧🐈
@circinuus @ruanais @yuugen-benni @oldworldpoolhall @kolyakisses @sariel626 @chocsra
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ladystoneboobs · 2 months
[Cat, to Brienne:]"And Arya, well . . . Ned's visitors would oft mistake her for a stableboy if they rode into the yard unannounced. [...]" -Catelyn VII, aCoK
ok, this is another thing that makes me feel like i'm taking crazy pills bc i never see it talked about with all the implications behind it. so if anyone is more versed in androgynous medievalish clothing, feel free to correct me here, but my thinking is if unannounced visitors mistook arya for a stableboy, would that not mean she was wearing boyish riding garb, trousers and all? bc if she was running around with messy hair and a dirty gown, wouldn't she more likely be seen as a female servant? if my reading is not wildly offbase that does not jibe with the idea of arya being terrorized all day by both septa mordane and her mother to be more ladylike. rather, this limited freedom to be mistaken for a servant could suggest that pragmatic catelyn was picking her battles with arya too, not forcing her to always appear prim and proper on days when they were not expecting any guests to see her. catelyn "despaired of ever making a lady of" arya, though neither she nor ned could abandon the goal, which could mean a more measured approach, not exhausting herself by going after arya for every unladylike move she made, especially when she was still a prepubescent child. the quote above starts a paragraph which ends with catelyn feeling "as though a giant hand were squeezing her chest" after saying she thought arya was dead like bran and rickon, after no word of her since ned's arrest. in that context of grief, i think all her words about arya should be read as coming with bittersweet fondness, just being honest about their problems, not sugarcoating any of it.
but let's compare catelyn's trials with arya, including her often running around looking like a stableboy, to arya's interactions with lady smallwood, somehow seen as an even better mother-figure than her own mother, whom arya found easier to comply with bc of her kinder manner. first of all, lady smallwood's efforts to make arya ladylike included two baths and two dresses in one day after arya and gendry ruined the first dress, before finally giving her boy's riding clothes to leave in. i would argue a full second bath was unneeded when they could have just washed the dirt off her face and hands, and, furthermore, that both the dresses were an impractical waste when she knew arya would be riding back out with the outlaws and could not look a highborn lady when doing so. idt pragmatic catelyn would have gone to all that trouble just to make arya look ladylike for a few hours when there were no other ladies around. as for the claim that arya found it easier to comply with her? no, that's just flat-out demonstrably false. the text says she was "forced" into a tub and "they insisted" she wear girl's clothes. what room did she have to refuse as a hostage in a stranger's castle? she certainly felt no compunction about fighting gendry in the acorn dress she'd been forced into, and only felt bad about it afterward when lady smallwood talked about her dead son.
now, let's move on to the only canon quotes we have from cat to/about arya in arya's pov.
"Sansa's work is as pretty as she is," Septa Mordane told their lady mother once. "She has such fine, delicate hands." When Lady Catelyn had asked about Arya, the septa had sniffed. "Arya has the hands of a blacksmith." -Arya I, aGoT Her father had hunted boar in the wolfswood with Robb and Jon. Once he even took Bran, but never Arya, even though she was older. Septa Mordane said boar hunting was not for ladies, and Mother only promised that when she was older she might have her own hawk. -Arya V, aCoK Her mother used to say she could be pretty if she would just wash and brush her hair and take more care with her dress, the way her sister did. -The Blind Girl(/Arya I), aDwD
in the first quote we don't know catelyn's reaction to septa mordane's rude disapproval of arya, certainly not if she agreed with it. what we do know is she was not interested in only hearing endless praise of sansa and wanted to hear if arya had made any progress. although admittedly that was a vain hope, which ignored arya's true strengths and the possibility that she could never master and enjoy needlework the way catelyn did.
the second quote better shows the difference between arya's mother and her septa. catelyn does not criticize arya for wanting to hunt boar nor dismiss her interest. instead she tries to mollify arya and accomodate her desire with the promise of a future hunting hawk. that this was a promise, not just an idle thought, suggests this would have happened in due time and could have been a bonding activity for them if the plot hadn't intervened.
the third quote is definitely a backhanded compliment and doubly unhelpful in comparison to sansa, but at least it shows catelyn did not think one of her own daughters was ugly. she thought both were pretty even tho sansa was the more admired as traditionally beautiful, and she thought arya's looks were held back by her messy hair and clothes. (useful to remember for those fans who like to keep track of how many characters called arya pretty vs. how many call her ugly.)
yes, it is a bad sign that arya genuinely wondered if her mother would want her back, dirtier than ever in her disguise as a peasant boy. their relationship definitely had faults which the adult parent must bear responsibility for. but we must remember that arya also worried if robb would pay a ransom for her, and was most ashamed about the people she'd killed, and couldn't bear the thought of ned knowing all she'd done. and we must keep in mind that even ned never openly gainsaid septa mordane on-page either, and that arya desperately wanted to renunite with her mother and felt confident gendry could stay with her if she vouched for him with her mother. that confidence would seem completely unwarranted if their mother/daughter relationship was as utterly bad as some fans make out.
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adalricus · 6 months
(AMAB)Yandere!cat hybrid x gn!reader hcs:
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- You were just coming back home from your job and it was raining
- Unbeknownst to you someone was following you home during that rainy night
- As you were opening the door you felt a cat rubbing against your leg and meowing at you loudly
- You couldn't just leave this little cutie outside
-You fed it only the best cat food and obviously pampered it, despite the fact it kept nipping at you with somehow the most loving face a creature gave
- You came home early from work one day just to find who you thought was cat, since you only saw it's ears being a GROWN (pretty short tho) MAN ON YOUR COUCH WITH CAT EARS AND A CAT TAIL
- You were horrified to say the least "I can explain!" The black heard man said
-After explaining you were just kinda mad tbh
- Dw you eventually got used to him
- He scents you all the time and acts so betrayed when you dare come back home smelling like another cat, much worse a DOG
- He is such a spoiled little shit
- Yes you'll buy high grade salmon and yes you will cook like a high grade chef
- Yes you'll season his chicken to perfection or his not eating
- WDYM YOU'RE TO TIRED TO COOK, well chase the fatigue away or some shit
- If you annoy him to much he may break a few glasses and plates to put you in your place.
- but don't you dare give him silent treatment he will use as a scratching post
- It took you a fuck-ton of time to convince him to tell you his birth name.
- It's Lynx btw
- This motherfucker thinks he's the boss of you, when in actuality 5'1 but he could still somehow beat your ass so..
- Please don't adopt a normal cat he will be devastated, is he not enough for you?
- Please don't think he doesn't care about you, he just only wants you to take care
- Like as in until the heat death of the universe and will probably stab someone with idk a pen? (He did actually do that at some point smh) to make sure that is assured
- If you keep coming home he will start marking you
- Don't give him affection at the wrong time will scratch you the fuck up
- How will you know when it's the right time tho? Just fuck around and find out ig
- Congrats now you have a catboy who you don't what he's feeling and probably doesn't know himself, attached to you.
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mingigoo · 1 year
...ramen before you go? choi Jongho (m)
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🍜 pairing ⇢ neighbor!Jongho x (fem) reader
this story is based on true events I have actually experienced. (Cat stuck in sauce can, cat stuck behind appliances) but sadly, no Jongho to the rescue. #saucecat
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🍜 synopsis ⇢ you thought things couldn’t get worse after finding a cat in the dumpster behind the liquor store, but now here you were, alone in your new apartment, staring at that damn cat that somehow got stuck behind the washing machine. You needed some strong hands….but the minute you met him, you didn’t want him to leave. Do you want some ramen before you go?
🍜 genre/au ⇢ next-door neighbors au, comedy, smut, fluff
🍜 warnings/tags ⇢ 18+ minors DNI, shower sex, completely unhinged and does not make any sense. this is all over the place and just for fun, so please have a good laugh, comedy to smut, oral sex (female receiving), hair pulling, cream-pie, profanity, jongho is the cat savior, and also a little sleepy and drunk off beer
🍜 word count ⇢ 2.8k words
🍜 taglist ⇢ @jjhmk @yesv01 @roe-sinning @meowmeowminnie @yeritheloml @yukine-smx @y00nzin0 @8tinytings @halesandy @shegotboreddsoo @kangyeosangelic @sanshineeeeee @kodzukein @hwaightme @likexaxdaydream @ssaboala @gtr-skyline-lover
ateez masterlist
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Your life flashed before your eyes.
Well, your cat’s seventh life, that is.
“I swear to god, I’m gonna go fucking insane.” you hissed. “I literally just found you and you already lost seven out of nine lives.”
You stared at your little troublemaker, the cat you found in the alleyway behind your favorite liquor store in the dumpster. Surely enough, he still caused the same amount of trouble since the very first day you found him. 
The situation was even worse, especially because you were four glasses in on your red wine. You barely had enough brain power to comprehend this all.
He stared at you, bug-eyed, through the glass that surrounded his little head—an empty spaghetti sauce glass he had found in the trash can. You were in the middle of moving  into this apartment. Boxes were all around you, your furniture not even set up yet, but here your cat was, stuck in a sauce can and sitting there like he did nothing.
For fucks sake carrot I don't have time for this.” you groaned, looking around quickly for paper towels. When you realized you didn't even have utensils out, yet alone paper towels, you let out an aggravated noise and waltzed over to your cat. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
You grabbed onto the glass container, gritting your teeth while pulling it gently.
“Dude, I'm trying to help you, dammit,” you growled, playing tug of war with Carrot. “Now sit still.”
Carrot, in fact, did not sit still. You let go after the first battle, letting out an irritated sigh before trying again.
After an ungodly amount of time, you were finally able to free the dumpster cat, only for him to look like he’s had war flashbacks. 
Covered in spaghetti sauce, Carrot looked like he was bathing in blood. You ran a hand through your hair as the little bitch stared at you like he was gonna screech. After a moment of uncertainty, Carrot licked his sauce-covered lips and waltzed away, still drenched in sauce.
“Come back here!” you yelled, but the more you followed him, the faster he went. You ran through your living room, covered with boxes, and down the hall to where your laundry room was. “I will literally break down right now if you get in that washer. Tears and everything. You better feel bad for me.”
Carrot turned around at those words, but then blissfully stared at the open washer. He had a habit of sleeping in it, and it did cross your invasive mind about how it would clean him up without the use of paper towels.
y/n, that would drown him. Shut the fuck up, brain.
“Carrot.” you swallowed your anger, knowing it was just your stress—and maybe the fact that in the last twenty-four hours, he ate your sandwich out of your hand, sat in the sink while the water was running, started hissing at his own reflection, drank out of your glass of alcohol, and got high of catnip and broke a picture frame. He was cute…too cute. You wished you could get away with his antics. “Don't. Touch. The. washer.” 
If a cat could smirk, you were certain that’s just what he did. With one swift movement, Carrot leaped into the washer, rolling around in it in sheer happiness. 
Oh, to be a cat.
“You know what? Fine! Roll around, do whatever.” you huffed, tossing your hands up in the air while turning around. As you tried to walk away from the devil himself, you heard a boom, a hiss, and a squeal. 
When you looked back at the washer, Carrot was no longer in it. He was nowhere in sight, actually.
“Carrot??” you said anxiously, only hearing a terrified meow, causing you to run over to the machine as quickly as you could.
You looked over the washing machine to see bright yellow orbs staring back at you as he moved frantically behind the block of metal. You desperately tried to pull the machine back, only to feel like a goddamn weak ass shrimp.
“I’m trying, I’m trying,” you breathed, groaning as you tried to move it. “Now's the time I am regretting quitting the gym.”
Several minutes pass—you were on the ground sweating like a lunatic. Carrot had gone quiet—he wasn't dead, just probably disappointed in your weak attempt to save his eighth life. He was most definitely shaming the hell out of you by now with his little judgy eyes.
As you thought about asking for help, you knew 911 couldn't save you now. Or ever. 
So you did what any sane single woman would do after finding out a man lived across the hall.
You zoomed out the door to knock on his door.
He opened it after a moment, his hair a mess and his eyes all sleepy.
Awe fuck, did you wake him up?
Whatever, it's too late now.
“Um, hello?” he yawned, and as he did, you looked down at your watch to check the time. It was eleven at night, how could you totally lose track of time? 
“Hey, listen, um,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair as you noticed how good looking he was. “I need help. Are you strong? You look strong.”
He blinked at you, brown eyes picking apart your expression. His lips were pretty, his eyes were pretty, his arms looked….strong. Mmhhhmm. Yummy.
“I guess so.” he nodded, tilting his head at you. “What do you need?”
“You.” you spewed out, and then laughed at yourself. “Dammit, I mean, yes I do need you, but not like in any other way than your strong arms. I mean that would be nice bit uh..fuck, You seem like a very nice man….”
As you trailed off, it was pure silence, other than the war cries of Carrot in the distance.
“I need you to free my cat from his imprisonment.”
“You need me to do what?”
“You couldn't move a washer?”
You and the strong gorgeous man stood in the middle of your laundry room, staring at the machine that held carrot captive. Strong man looked so sexy in his tight little t-shirt and sweats—god, you were so touch-deprived. Here you were creating scenarios in your head with a stranger that involved a washing machine…
“Oh, uh.” you gulped. “We can't all be hercules, man.”
He yawed, causing you to look over in his direction. He looked young, maybe younger than you, with blackish brown hair and glossy eyes. His body looked delish, if you could say so yourself. You would pounce on him right then and there if you could.
“All right, let me move it for you.” the minute he pushed up his sleeves, you swallowed your pride. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck—
Within a second, he pulled the heavy machine with ease, letting out a sexy grunt that nearly made you moan. The wine was indeed hitting your slut system, for sure. The minute there was enough space for him to reach down to grab the garbage cat, he pulled him out, holding him far away from him after realizing how dirty he was.
“Carrot!! You’re alive!!”
“Yo, why is he covered in…sauce?” he made a face, turning to you with that gorgeous body of his. “And it’s name is carrot?”
“He was born in a dumpster. Old habits die hard.” You said as a matter of fact my. “And he’s orange. Self-explanatory.”
Muscle man laughed, setting the cat down. “I guess that explains it.”
A few moments of silence. You didn’t like the emptiness.
“….Do you think that’s why he loves the washer?” you wondered out loud. “Like, it looks like a mini dumpster. Probably feels like one too when he rolls around like an idiot.”
The cat savior laughed shyly, but his eyes said otherwise.
“You know,” you pondered as he looked at you as if he were going to tear you apart. “I don't know your name.”
“Jongho,” he mumbled, a smile finally reaching his eyes. He still looked so tired, but you were too selfish to let this opportunity go. “And you?”
“y/n.” you smiled, looking him up and down like a crazy person. “I just moved in.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“Mhm. Watched you fall down the stairs and play it off earlier. I was gonna help, but you seemed like you would have been embarrassed so…” he started to laugh. “Sorry. I should've helped you.”
You smirked. “Well, you made up for it now.”
You stood close, unaware how close you actually were. He smiled down at you while you looked at his lips.
“I should go…” he hummed, eyes narrowed on you.
“Yeah,” you breathed.
He looked at you lustfully for a moment longer, and then broke away from the trance to walk away. You followed him to the door, but right before he could leave, you blurted out the only thing on your mind.
“Would you…like ramen, you know, before you go?”
He was facing away from you, and as you said those words, he stopped in the middle of the doorframe. 
“Depends…” he murmured, turning around to face you. His eyes were no longer sleepy, rather they looked murderous. “Are you…the ramen?”
You nodded. 
He smirked. 
“I guess I can eat.”
You crossed the distance, tugging on his arm to pull him to you as you slammed the door behind him. You shoved yourself onto him, pressing his body up against the door, lips colliding at the same time. 
His hands ravaged your body, moving from your hair, to your face, to your waist, to your ass. He moaned into your mouth causing you to arch your body into him like a cat.
“Wanna move this into the shower? I need a shower.” you breathed against his lips as he kissed you. 
“Mhm.” he moaned against your lips, picking you up with that superhuman strength of his. “Where is it?”
“Last door in the hall.” you slurred, his arms holding onto your back and your legs. He held you like you were a feather, hot damn.
He walked blindly towards the bathroom, bumping into the walls and door knobs aggressively. You gripped the back of his head, kissing him like you knew him forever.
You didn't even know him for ten minutes. 
This is a new low, y/n. A new low.
Oh well, hot guy trumps embarrassment.
The minute he found the bathroom, you nearly tumbled into the room as he opened the door. He pressed you up against the wall, tugging at your lip with his teeth like an animal.
You slid off of him to turn on the water, sparing no time to undress him like a mannequin. He stood there, a boyish smile on his face as you pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his toned body. He was stunning, my god.
“It must be the beer I drank,” he spoke lustfully. “But damn, you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Ditto, hercules.” you hummed against his lips as you unbuttoned his jeans, smiling into a kiss. “Now shut the fuck up.”
He undressed. You followed, although he seemed inclined to pull your clothes off himself. He had a goofy smile on his face as he tugged your bra off, making you smile with him.
“So pretty,” he whispered, tugging you back into him with a giggle. You stumbled into the shower, freezing cold water hitting your back and dripping down your head, drenching you from head to toe. You would have cared about the temperature any other time, but you were too focused on sucking this stranger's face. He didn't seem to mind, either. 
You tasted the coldness of the water on his lips, your hands running up his bare skin to reach his hair. He moaned into your mouth as he bucked his hips into you, breathing heavily.
“I want you to eat me out.” you moaned as his hands danced at your hips. “That was our deal.”
He smirked, burying his head into your shoulder as the water pounded against you. “You want what?” he pestered, tongue dancing in your mouth as you lost your train of thought. “I didn't hear you.”
You groaned, tossing your head back. “I said I want you to eat me out.”
“Eat what?”
“Me. Out.”
“Me out what?”
You shoved him against the cold tiles of the shower wall, glancing down at that sinister smile of his. “I want you to fuck me with your mouth.”
His hands smoothed your curves, his eyes everywhere on your body. “Alrighty then, no need to get harsh.” he laughed, gaining pleasure from having you repeat those words over and over again. “I heard you the first time.”
He knelt down in the shower, his lips meeting yours immediately. His hands were gripping your thighs, and you couldn't help but admit you liked seeing him, or any man, on their knees for you. His tongue slid through your core, igniting an eternal flame that only he could extinguish. He looked up at you through those long eyelashes of his, and you gripped his head, pulling his hair like your life depended on it.
“Fuck.” you hissed, slamming your head back against the wall. “Don't stop.”
He hummed against you, his hands moving to grab your ass tightly. Every time he moaned it felt like a wave of electricity was flowing through your body—an intoxicating feeling on top of the wine.
He pulled back, even after hearing your command. As he looked up at you from his lowly position, it made you feel like you could rule the world.
“I would like to fuck you, you know, with more than just my mouth.”
You shivered under the coldness of the water—and his touch. “Yes, please. Go right ahead.”
He smirked at your response, standing up and gripping your hips without a word. He then shoved you up against the tiles, positioning himself just right, only to shove himself in like he owned the place. You gasped at his sudden entrance, your walls tightening around his dick.
He pumped into you, holding onto your waist from behind and pressing his other hand against the wall. You moaned as he quickened the pace, and either you were too lost in his trance or the wine added to the feeling, but you were so far gone that you didn't even notice when he picked you up mid stroke, holding you to his body as your back pressed against the wall. He fucked you silly, like he did it a million times before. You couldn't get enough of him, even if you just met him today. He was all you needed. 
“Come inside me,” you groaned, your tone serious. His movements slowed at your words,  unsure of what to do.
“H-huh?” he continued to pound into you, but he was reaching his high way sooner than he wanted to. “Into you? Are you on the pill?”
“Pfft. yeah. Fuck children,” you shut your mouth, hating yourself for saying that while he was literally inside you. “That sounded bad, jeez. What I’m saying is you can come inside me. Please.”
He laughed at you, but was too focused on finishing that he ignored your craziness. His breaths began to quicken, his hips bucked in shallower movements as he reached his climax. You let out a cry as you felt the warmth of his come coat you from the inside, dripping down your thigh as his head fell onto your shoulder.
Your shaky breaths tangled together, the water slowly feeling colder and colder as you looked at each other.
And then you both laughed.
“I…wow.” Jongho laughed, setting you down slowly so he didn't hurt you. 
You quickly reached to turn off the water, not holding back the string of curse words attached to your tongue.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “That was fun.”
He smiled at you, leaning in to kiss your lips, once again like he’s done it before. “It’s nice to um…meet you, y/n. I don't think I ever said that yet. It’s not like I met you twenty minutes ago or anything.”
“I’m hoping you’ll keep coming over to rescue my cat…” he mumbled, a knowing smirk on your face. “And to eat some ramen once in a while. A lot in a while, actually.”
“Mhm. Just knock on the door, I’ll be at your service.”
Still in each other’s arms, you were unsure about your future with the cat savior, but yet, this was just enough. It was strange, but enough.
For now, at least.
“So, is now the right time to tell you I’m ready for round two?”
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AITA for wanting my mother to stop making so much noise in her own house when I’m staying here?
So me (22M) and my mother (62F) have a complicated relationship. She is very very toxic and always has been - she used to induce illness in me and make my pre-existing disorders worse so that she could keep me with her when she separated from my father, she never let me leave the house because she would tell me I would be harmed or something would happen to me if I was away from her, she would control everything I did and what I ate or drank, where I went, etc. The house she and I lived in was an incredibly bad environment for me. It’s not taken care of, it’s dirty and unhygienic, I was constantly ill and having allergies set off, she would try to feed me dirt-covered food I watched her pick up off the floor, the shower didn’t work and she wouldn’t let me go elsewhere to bathe. I kept talking about moving out, especially once I got into a serious relationship with my girlfriend (26F), but it would always devolve into an argument with her telling me I wasn’t going anywhere, that my girlfriend would leave me, that she’s the only person who’ll stick by me, and so on.
All of that is basically background context to counterbalance the (fair) preconceptions of “you’re guests you’re imposing on her you can just leave” etc you’re about to have.
So I finally moved out this year and in with my girlfriend and it was wonderful. However, my mother was blowing up BOTH of our phones 24/7 telling me to come back, and it reached the point she was contacting Other people (family, our friends) to get Them to tell me to move back in with her and asking where I was at all hours of the day, who I was with and what I was doing. I was ignoring her as best I could. Then a couple of weeks ago mine and my girlfriend’s house flooded after our upstairs neighbour burst a pipe in the building and water began fountaining through all our electrical sockets and lights and pouring from the ceiling. We had nowhere else to go except to stay with my mother until the house was repaired and made safe again, especially because so many of our belongings were ruined.
So we’ve been back here since. We’re forced to sleep on the couch together in the living room because in the time I was gone she somehow let bugs infest my old room and her cat pee all over the mattress of the bed.
Now, my girlfriend and I are both very non-confrontational and I’m usually super hard to annoy, but I’m also autistic and highly sensitive to noise. And my mother is. Very noisy. She blasts the TV at full volume all day even when she leaves the room and gets angry if you turn it off even if she’s not watching it, she’s a chainsmoker who’s constantly hack-coughing, she’ll have the radio playing OVER the TV, she shouts out the windows to her neighbours, she keeps all the windows and doors open, she’ll play music at full volume without headphones on, etc. I have noise-cancelling headphones from when I still lived here but she’s often so loud it doesn’t muffle it at all.
Recently it’s reached the point where she’ll wake up during the night, say 2-4am, come through to the room we’re sleeping in where the TV is, and just turn the TV on, turn the radio on, start singing along to music, slam doors, VACUUM. For the past 2 weeks she’s been waking me and my fiancée up every single night, often several times, and we’re at the end of our rope with it.
We can’t afford a hotel and have nowhere else to go, when we try to ask her to keep it down at LEAST during the night she says she can do whatever she wants because it’s her house and says we’re being ungrateful, and when we’ve offered to try to clean up my old room so we can sleep in there she snaps at us not to touch anything of ‘hers’ and gets mad because we’re implying her house isn’t clean, that we don’t want to be near her, that we must be telling everyone her house is shitty, etc.
Yesterday I got into an argument with her because I was having an extremely bad sensory day, my girlfriend said she had a migraine, and my mother responded by turning up the TV. When she saw I was holding onto my headphones and my girlfriend was near tears, she turned it up even louder and smirked at me. The argument basically ended in her screaming at me that if she was so bad we could leave, I impulsively said okay we would, and then she got physically aggressive and barred the doorway and told us I wasn’t going anywhere because she’d make sure of it.
It’s just. Exhausting! GF and I are constantly sleep-deprived, drained, grumpy, tired, and dealing with headaches on top of the stress of trying to financially recoup from the house flood and deal with getting everything fixed, and half of me is mad at my mother for not having even basic respect for us sleeping or our issues when half the time she is not even watching the damn TV or in the same room as it, while the other half of me feels conflicted because it’s her living room and we’re sleeping in the TV room and she’s putting us up when we have nowhere else.
AITA (/are we the assholes) for wanting her to accommodate us despite being guests?
What are these acronyms?
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cloakedsparrow · 21 days
The Batpups as Cat-Types
Upon coming to live with Bruce, Dick was like a fairly standard cat. He could alternate between cuddly darling and vindictive gremlin in the blink of an eye. One minute he’s snuggled next to Bruce while he reads the paper, the next, he’s holding eye contact while he pushes an expensive vase off a nearby table. He’ll be happily playing with one of the hundreds of cat-appropriate toys Bruce got him, then Bruce turns his back for five seconds and he’s somehow gotten himself perched atop the molding above the door. On top of this, Bruce had never owned a cat before so he did stupid new cat-owner shit like letting Dick wander around the neighborhood, where he caused tens of thousands of dollars in property damage and nearly got himself killed at least four times a day.
Jason was a loyal and completely domesticated house-cat who got tossed into the streets after his owner died. He adapted well for survival, but once he was brought indoors again, he was more than happy to curl up in a sunny spot and just vibe. He’d endured some trauma, so sudden loud noises or unknown individuals trying to pet him resulted in him hissing and darting under the nearest table or hiding behind the books on the shelves. Around those he trusted, however, he was a sweet, chill cat. Unfortunately, Bruce assumed all cats were gremlins like Dick, and that Jason would have the potential to be even worse due to being on the streets, and so responded as though Jason were a gremlin-cat whenever he did something unexpected. This led to a lot of misunderstandings and resentment.
Everyone assumed Tim was well domesticated due to living in a nice house before coming to them. In reality, he’d been taken away from his mother too soon and left alone in a huge house that he eventually discovered how to come and go from on his own. This meant that he was, in fact, a feral kitten who had just learned not to do certain things in front of people, lest they get angry at him. He did manage to meow and swat at Bruce until the man slept, ate, and bathed like a normal person, so Alfred and Dick didn’t feel too bad about their mistake in insisting Bruce bring the tiny feral beast into the house. He also made friends with a bunch of other feral kittens, so most of his feral shenanigans occurred with them, away from anything resembling responsible supervision.
Cassandra was a stray cat that followed Bruce home one day and then claimed the whole family as hers. She was good with them, but anyone else who tried to touch her (or the boys when it looked like they didn’t want it) pulled away a bleeding limb. Also, the family quickly learned that letting her food bowl go empty would result in her stealing any food left out, even a whole chicken or hamburger. She still caused less damage than Dick, so Bruce didn’t even bat an eye at half the shit she did. He did have to instill some long-forgotten survival instincts in her, though.
Damian was like that kitten in the Aristocats who paints but also hisses and spits and thinks himself a tough alley cat when he’s actually a pampered kitten. No one ever bothers to correct him and just generally ignores his more violent ways…or worse, thinks they’re cute. Tim gets sick of the little shit drawing his blood eventually and starts hissing back and swatting him whenever he tries it. Eventually, he calms down enough to do more painting and hissing than clawing, at least with the family. They call it a win and they all learn to live together.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
MC's Bad Day Part 1
I had a really bad day last week, including several minutes where I put my head down on my desk and ugly cried lol. I'm just lucky I work from home so the only one who was there to bear witness was my cat. Anyway, I wanted to write some headcanons of the brothers reacting to an MC who breaks down crying after having a bad day. I'm sure this has been done many times before, but writing it actually did make me feel better, so mission accomplished! And I thought I might as well share it here. I'll do the side characters upon request, so feel free to drop me an ask if you're interested in that. (Or any other requests, really.)
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Warnings: Crying and generally upset MC.
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Senses your distress even if he doesn't hear you at first. As he reaches your room, your sobs make his heart ache. He knocks, but doesn't wait before letting himself into your room.
Gently holds your chin to tilt your face up. Who did this to you, MC? He asks it quietly, but there's a heavy threat running through the words.
You insist that there isn't anyone to blame. You're just stressed. Lucifer understands, but he still very much wants to kill something. Keeps that thought to himself, though, as he can tell you're suffering enough already.
Sits down beside you on your bed and puts his arms around you, if you want him to. Will let you cry on him for however long you need.
Another one who just somehow knows that something is wrong. Doesn't even have time to listen to you cry before he's bursting through the door.
Falls to his knees in front of you and puts his hands on your tear stained cheeks. What's wrong, MC? What can he do to fix this?
You explain that you had a bad day. If you choose to tell him about it, he'll start crying in sympathy while pretending he's not. But if you don't want to talk about it, he's okay with that, too.
Will try to distract you and cheer you up. Takes you to his room to watch movies or will take you for a drive in his car. Mammon will do anything to see you smile again.
You have plans to play video games with Levi and you know you'll feel better if you go hang out with him. The second you're in his room, though, you break down into tears.
He panics at first. What's wrong, MC?! What can he do?! Hovers around you in uncertainty and confusion.
You tell him you had a bad day. Something about the way you say it makes him go into protective mode. Doesn't even realize what he's doing until he's in demon form with his arms and tail wrapped around you.
You return his embrace and while he'd normally be embarrassed, he can tell you just need to be held right now. Keeps you close until you're feeling better then distracts you with video games.
Notices all day that something is off about you. Comes to your room after dinner to check on you and hears you crying.
Now normally we know Satan is likely to lose it, but you sound like you really need someone by your side right now. You're pretty much the only person for whom he can even think about controlling his wrath. So he pushes that anger aside and goes into your room.
Sits by your side and puts a hand on your back. You look up at him, see his serious expression, and collapse into his arms. He doesn't even need to say anything.
Hush now, MC. It's going to be okay. Whatever is happening, you'll work it out. He's right beside you now. He won't leave you to deal with this alone.
You're in Asmo's room, letting him paint your nails. He's chatting away about this and that. Everything's fine until he smiles at you and then you lose it.
At first Asmo thinks you're crying because it just hit you how beautiful he truly is, but he quickly realizes that you're actually having a bit of a breakdown. He pulls you into his arms, running his fingertips down your back soothingly. Cry it out, MC. Sometimes you just need to let go like this!
When you're feeling a little better, he goes into pamper mode. Bubble bath, face mask, massage, whatever you want, he's on it. He's going to make sure that you let out all that stress!
Won't let you leave until you're feeling almost like yourself again. Listens to you talk about how you're feeling while taking care of you. By the time you're done, you feel much better.
Beel notices when you don't really eat much at dinner. You seem to be feeling a little down. Goes to your room to check on you and hears you crying. Knocks and patiently waits until you tell him he can come inside.
Gives you a bear hug. Lifts you slightly off your feet on accident. You can't help but laugh a little through the tears. He sets you down gently, but doesn't let go.
Beel is our gentle giant, so he just stays still while you let everything out. His quiet presence is more than enough to bring you comfort. He will hold your face and wipe away your tears.
When you're finally feeling better, he will tell you that you should have something to eat. You barely touched your dinner, MC. Food will make you feel better. Trust him on this.
Despite being a little punk most of the time, Belphie is actually pretty good at noticing when you're not doing well. He can tell that you're having a rough day, so he insists you come up to the attic with him for a nap.
You get all comfortable, but before you can even think about actually sleeping, you start to cry. Belphie gives you his pillow, letting you cry into it for a while.
It's okay, MC. He could tell something was going on with you. Let it all out. Curls himself around you while you cry.
You do eventually stop and as he expected, you're exhausted. He's here to comfort you until you both fall asleep.
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masterlist | part 2 with the side characters | Thank you for reading!
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tigergirltail · 16 days
First - Prev - Next
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Everything hurts.
I started noticing it about two weeks after my first dose. It felt like a dull headache at first, but over the next month it spread to pretty much my entire body.
I had to start working from home, and eventually it got bad enough that I could only put in a few hours of work each day. My boss is a reasonable enough guy, but he wasn't going to pay a full time salary for part time hours, so I had to take a salary cut.
Luckily, my partner is around to take care of daily errands, not to mention being there to reassure and comfort me when the pain gets bad. They've been thinking about seeing if Lindwurm HRT is a thing, but they don't want to get the process started until I'm in the clear and can take care of myself again.
Gods I love them.
The reason the pain is happening, as best I can tell, is that my skeletal structure is already changing. I've gotten at least an inch taller, and my face has been reshaping into a feline muzzle. My teeth are getting sharper, and I'm developing proper fangs. I also noticed a little while ago that my fingernails and toenails had receded into their respective digits, which sucks for two reasons - I can't paint fingernails I don't have, and they are sore as HELL when I put any amount of pressure on them. I have to be REALLY careful with how I type to not inflict agony on myself. I'm also feeling my tail growing in, and even if it hurts, it's euphoric as HELL. A tail was always the part I wanted most out of this.
It's weird, the skeletal changes weren't supposed to happen this early. I've been trying to reach Dr. Erian about it, but he's constantly busy, probably because of the sudden surge of people looking for Humanity Removal Therapy.
Other than that, I've been getting areas of white and black fur coming in - mostly on my arms and legs, but a little bit on my face and ears - ears that are gradually reshaping and migrating. Nothing to report on hearing sensitivity, but I think my night vision is getting better.
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I did a little bit of looking around for anyone with similar pain experiences. I got my hopes up when I found a girl, Antonina, who had a painful experience with Cat HRT, but it turns out it's because she took the rumoured Fifteen Minute version. She described the pain as "like bathing in an active volcano".
It leaves me wondering whether I would have preferred a 15-minute lava bath over a months-long full-body headache.
I ended up reaching out to her anyway, just because I wanted to know what I was in for in the endgame and feline HRT is rarer than I thought it would be. Sounds like the prey drive is the real deal - she keeps feeling the urge to bite this one girl who's on mouse HRT.
We've been spending some time comparing notes and getting to know each other. It's nice to know someone else who's going through this thing, even if our experiences aren't exactly one-to-one.
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I also talked to my mother for the first time in nearly a year. I went No Contact with her a while back because she was only getting more obnoxious and combative about me being trans, but I figured changing my species is a big enough deal that I should keep her in the loop.
Besides, my savings had nearly dried up and I needed to ask her for money.
It… did not go well. She hadn't heard of therian HRT before, and once I explained it, she started panicking about how I'm "mutilating my body" with "untested treatments". I think I also heard her cry something about how her "son" is "killing himself", which is just multiple layers of insensitive.
At least she sent me some money. Hopefully it'll be enough to last until my transformation stops being agonizing and I can go back to work, and then I can go right back to pretending my family doesn't exist.
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At roughly the three-month mark, I have a check-in video call with Dr. Erian. From the moment his face appears on screen, though, I can tell something is wrong. He seems… older, somehow.
"Hello, Miss Alexis.", he offers. He sounds tired. Sorrowful, even.
"Hey, doc." I have to ask about it. "Everything okay? You seem a bit tired."
"Nothing to worry about Miss Alexis, just the ordinary stresses of daily life."
Liar. I know I'm not entitled to details of your personal life, much less your professional secrets, but I know when something is eating at someone.
"…Does the word 'crossroads' mean anything to you, Miss Alexis?"
Huh? That came a bit out of left field. "I've… heard some other therian HRT patients use the term, but I don't know much of the details. Something about a point of no return?"
"Something of the sort." He lowers his head and seems to go from sorrowful to downright grim. "There will come a time, Miss Alexis, when you will have to make a very important decision in your care, and I ask that you do so with great consideration for the consequences."
I recoil a little in my seat. "Yeah… Of course I will. Any decision I make, even reaching out to you in the first place, I don't take it lightly."
"Good… That's good." His demeanor shifts back to his stoic, clinical self. I don't know what just happened, but he went somewhere for a moment there.
"Now then, I did receive your messages, I apologize for not getting back to you. You mentioned you were experiencing persistent and debilitating whole-body soreness?"
"Yeah. I can't even leave the apartment most days, it hurts so much."
"Odd… You are taking the treatment as directed, yes?"
"Of course. One tablespoon a week, just like it says on the bottle."
I see his eyes twitch behind his glasses. Did I say something wrong?
I cock my head to the side. "Say again?"
"You mean one TEASPOON a week, yes?"
I feel my heart sink. The dark smear on the dosage information… I could have sworn it said '1 tbsp/week'.
"…Could you hold on a second please?" I mute the mic and call out to my partner to bring the bottle of tiger HRT over. When they do, I unmute and hold it up to the webcam. I hear Dr. Erian take a sharp intake of breath as he notices the obscured instructions.
I set the bottle aside and the two of us share an awkward silence.
"So…", I begin. "…How bad is it?"
"The good news", he offers slowly, "is that you have only been taking three times the prescribed dose. An increased dose imbalances the growth rate of the different parts of your body, hence your pain and persistent weakness, but it could have been much worse."
I think back to the so-called Fifteen Minute version, and Antonina's description of it - like bathing in an active volcano.
Dr. Erian continues. "Assuming you return to a CORRECT dose, your growth rates will gradually level out over the course of the next month or so. It is my medical opinion that you should maintain a low-activity lifestyle until then, but you will eventually be able to return to your typical activity level, and you will also find that the physical effects become more… consistent."
"That's… reassuring. Thank you, doctor." I pause. Something I noticed a little while ago has been weighing on my mind. "There's one thing, though - do the treatments have… I guess you'd call them restorative or regenerative effects? I've noticed some old wounds aren't there anymore."
The doctor clicks his pen and brings up his notepad. "Interesting. Do go on, Miss Alexis."
"Well… I used to get lower back pain from a car crash injury I got a little over a year ago, but I haven't noticed it at all lately. Pretty much the only part that DOESN'T hurt… There also used to be some marks on my arm from a cat biting me when I was little." I give a slight smile. "The cat's name was Tiger, go figure."
Dr. Erian is writing the whole time I'm talking. "Yes, that is to be expected. Minor persistent injuries will fade over time as your body re-forms itself to a new baseline, even severe chronic symptoms may fade. If there are no other concerns…"
"Just one… Most of the other therian HRT patients I've talked to have gotten their meds as pills, so what's with the potion bottle?"
Dr. Erian pauses, and adjusts his glasses nervously, as if he's been caught out on something he doesn't want to admit to. "Well… advances in the field are occurring rapidly, and you are one of the more recent patients, so a more… streamlined option was available to you. I took the liberty of choosing the most compatible option based on your medical records, and that bottle is it."
"Okay… But what's IN it?"
"The active ingredients are antihominidone, which is your humanity-blocker, and a specialized formula of felistrogen, infused with white tiger genetic material. The rest of the fluid is a suspension used to dilute the effects, without which you would be looking at a short, but excruciating and potentially lethal process."
The Fifteen Minute version, I think to myself. I'm taking diluted Fifteen Minute meds. There's no WAY this isn't experimental, and I'M the experiment. I despise saying it, but maybe my mother was right to worry.
"But I'm afraid I really do have to go, Miss Alexis, my next appointment is waiting."
"G-gotcha. See ya, doctor."
Special thanks to @paintedbytosia for letting me write her in, and shoutout to @megamoonerjenny for coming up with 'antihominidone'
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jelicoxoxo · 9 months
Summary: Your favorite had embarrassingly made a mistake in potionology class, which ultimately resulted in them turning into a cat! They hunt you down to care for them, escaping their usual routine for the day.
Warnings: N/A. Can be seen platonic or romantic, OC friendly. No proofread cause i’ll wanna delete it
A/N: Im cutting this into separate parts by dorms and in order
and good lord i barely had any idea what to do with trey but I PULLED THROUGH Y’ALL🙏
(Heartslabyul) (Savanaclaw) (Octavinelle) (Scarabia) (Pomefiore) (Ignihyde) (Diasomnia)
- the prettiest Siberian cat with the SOFTEST fur.
- He wasn’t even the one making the potion, some heartslabyul students messed theirs up and SPILLED it on him. You can imagine how pissed he was. He wanted to yell “off with your heads!” at the two that did it and everyone that laughed, but his magic was utterly useless as long as he was a cat. He hated it.
- The second class was over he was running out the classroom and down the hall, stressing poor trey over for a while until he gave up looking, but he didn’t know that Riddle had made his way straight to you.
- You assumed it was someone’s pet that somehow got on campus, noticing that he was to… clean… to be a stray. You gave him a name yourself, and best believe he gave you the most judgmental look every time you tried calling him by it.
- Matter of fact, he was extremely judgmental over everything. He refused to eat any of the cat food you offered him, but stared at you as you ate your own human food. This staring eventually turned into him pawing the air at your food, and he continued this until you made him his own bowl of whatever you had.
- Will be offended if you swat at him and say no.
- Doesn’t really like being picked up or carried, and wont sit in your lap unless you put him there. Usually he’ll jump out your arms after tolerating it for 5 seconds max, and leave your lap after 20.
-But when it was time for bed, you noticed how he curled up right beside you on your nightstand, which he felt it would be disrespectful to take advantage of his cat form and sleep beside you in your bed.
- It was funny seeing him fall off of it when he turned back, and even more when he tried explaining himself through stutters and a red face.
- “Pleaasseee [Name]! He’ll behave, i swear!” Cater was literally begging you to watch trey after explaining the situation to you, to busy with assignments he “accidentally” let pile up.
- Trey was a shorthair calico, laying any and everywhere he could. He is taking advantage of this opportunity to sleep in as much as possible and escape having to do anything.
- you know the type of cat that sniffs your mouth and makes that horrified face afterwards? yeah, thats him. except he’s actually horrified and lost his ability to control his facial expressions (no he didn’t)
- Such a sweetheart outside of that, let you put a tie on him but thats it, wont sit still for you to do anything else.
- Not a talkative cat, but has a deep ass meow for whatever reason.
-Will join you on the counter if he sees you baking something, just watching you bake and being your taste tester.
- Trey will pur and do biscuits on your pillows and blankets, doesn’t mind being cuddled and carried but eventually will move.
- When he turned back, he was sitting on your coffee table and BROKE it. Had to buy you a new one.
- He’s just the prettiest Norwegian forest cat, SUPER photogenic.
- He also immediately made his way to you, wanting to show off his pretty fluffy tail and adorable green eyes. He walked with the sassiest cat walk, and posed every chance he got.
- Will let you dress him up, and lets you put the colorful caps on his nails like they’re painted. Loves getting his fur brushed and sun bathing, its so bad he probably should’ve just been in Pomefiore
- Doesn’t knock anything over purposely, but definitely does accidentally when he’s trying to fit his fluffy ass on your tables, counters, and nightstands.
- fur. EVERYWHERE. You had used up 3 whole lint rollers that day. It didn’t make it any better that he’d purposefully go and rub himself all over you right after you finish lint-rolling yourself too. And when he’s done attacking your clothes, he’ll prance away with pride. He’s enjoying his time as a cat TO much.
- But its okay, because eventually he gets tired of it, just wanting to do things by himself and in his human body again— like telling you what he wants, taking a shower, doing his own hair, and scrolling through his own phone.
-He sits on your chest watching your magicam feed, purring as he slowly drifted off to sleep. You didn’t want to wake him, so you let him sleep, gently running your fingertips down his head.
-you SCREAMED when he turned back human right on top of you.
-Posts any pictures you took of him on magicam <3
- now you and I both know he’s gonna be orange.
- He was at your place IMMEDIATELY. I love Ace to death, but he’s a little shit. knocking stuff off shelves and tables, hiding under things to attack your ankles when you walk by, and don’t be the person that enjoys knitting or crochet because he WILL fuck up your yarn.
- and NOTHING works on this mf, not orange peels, not tin foil, nothing. and he DARES you to spray him with water, because he can and will fight back with no shame.
- steals your food, judges you, swats and bites, gives you hell. But theres one thing that saved you, and thats finally getting on the floor and playing with him.
-You went and bought some toys, which he didn’t mess anything up while you where gone. He enjoyed playing with you for a good hour or two, and even sat and watched whatever drama you where watching with you. The drama was the only thing that got Ace to stop being a menace to society, he watched it till he fell asleep, sprawled out on the couch cushion that he was fat enough to completely take up (after stealing YOUR food).
- You went to bed without waking him up, and came back to his human self still asleep on your couch, not even surprised that it was him all along as you placed a blanket over him.
- A blue scottish fold. I don’t make the rules.
- Ace brought him to you scared that Riddle would find out, saying he’d look for someone that could turn him back while you watched him and dipped.
- Deuce actually was really decent as a cat, all he did was nap and play with whatever toys you got him. He sucked it up and ate whatever you offered him, and even let you stuff him in a bag and carry him everywhere as long as he got to stick his head out and see.
- Although, eventually he’ll get curious and take the opportunity to actually see what it felt like to do typical cat things.
- He knocked exactly one item over, and that was your pencil while you where doing homework. He climbed a tree and got stuck, to scared to jump down, he yowled and cried till you found him. He made biscuits for the first time, purred and nudged at your hand, squeezed himself through the tiniest spaces, just did typical cat things.
- absolutely refused to use a litter box though. that was the one thing he was not going to do for you. But after falling in the toilet (twice), he settled for doing his business behind a bush and burying it with dirt.
- When he finally turned back to normal, you woke up to him fixing something you had complained about being broken, muttering to himself as he put pieces back together. He apologized to you so much, feeling guilty that you had to take care of him.
- oh yeah Riddle still found out.
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