#DC Writers
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Absolute Wonder Woman Fan Art artwork by
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lavena · 7 months
Captain Marvel head cannon again.
Thinking of all the, JL travel through Caps psyche for one reason or another, but instead of Billy's memories they get Marvels, so all of the past incarnations (which billy has had to witness too) at their lowest point.
Let's just say a champion is not given these powers and set free, they must learn where such power comes from.
So in this case they see Wisdom be found through betrayal
Strength found through destruction
Stamina through suffering
Power through sacrifice
Courage through loss (very very specifically a situation like Patrolucous and Achilles. Love, family, soul mate dies and courage is found through the loss of all you hold dear)
Speed through negligence
These are all just ideas of what they could be, really riding on the idea of the JL seeing captain, or someone so opposite of the captain find the one they love dead in a war, and just screaming in agony, getting up and doing what Achilles did. ( destroying damn near all of an army single handedly, then, without care for themselves, no food, no breaks, brutally enforcing a barrier and dragging a dead body behind them one person stacked behind the other, line in the sand but the line is blood and the sand is a battle field) just something so horrific and heart breaking that the JL may never be able to look at the cap as soft ever again
And for the new folks these are the powers specific to patron Solomon (wisdom), Hercules (strength), Atlas (stamina), Zeus (power), Achilles (courage) and Mercury (speed)
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trying-out-stuff · 2 months
What can I say but that I can’t wait for pkj writing Damian and Bruce ! Many of his books at the moment are focused on fatherhood so I at least have no worries on that front.
I loved how he wrote Jon and Clark’s relation but also Clark and the twins Osul and Otho in action comics . I know he also like Talia from her pre Morrison era and he did implied he will use her !!!!
Anyway I’m happy !
Also speculation time I think they might make Damian 15 since it’s said in the solicits that he will be around the age when Bruce left to go around the world. If they do age him , I hope they finally have a family birthday party with him since we still haven’t had a canon one where Bruce was there for Damian (see teen titans rebirth #1 for Bruce being absent…)
Like the only happy birthday Damian had was a non canon story in truth and justice #6 where all the bat family were there to celebrate !
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junimo-hexed · 2 months
Okay where's my Bruce Jones slander? Enough Tom Taylor and Devin Grayson hate, I need to see some for Bruce Jones.
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I mean seriously? Having Dick say that he wished Jason died? And turning Jason into a tentacle monster??? The only good thing about his run was that it lasted 5 issues.
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Oh and he essentially had Dick reveal his secret identity to Clancy by giving Jason's full name as if he wasn't in the news 6 years ago.
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yes-im-a-simpp · 2 months
I love the way DC writers always write something like :
If ___ wasn't trained by batman, they wouldn't have noticed.
Or :
It was barely visible but ___ could see it, they knew ___ better than anyone.
Like one of the funniest Canon thing is that the members of the batfam learned to be very still, and only them can see when another member flinches or stills or clench or stiffen.
Fellas, I think we're good at writing detective
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bl-beater · 7 months
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What hurts has to heal | a dragon's heart
Been more or less more active with writing instead of art sooooo- @pechaghtlecha
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astronomoney · 2 years
Pairing: Dick Grayson x nb!reader
Prompts: Neutral prompt 10- "Don't lie to me, I can tell when you do."
Summary: When you find yourself hiding out in the Batcave someone comes to check on you
Warnings: Mentions of death, sad reader, a course word I think, bad writing and not proofread
A/n: very angsty I was sick, I was tired, and I felt like writing so please enjoy this drabble. let me know if I accidentally used any pronouns I didn't mean to :)
Word count: 800 short and sad sweet
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Footsteps came padding softly down the staircase that led from Wayne manor’s sitting room to the dimly lit Batcave. Whoever was coming was light on their feet, almost silent. You had a pretty good idea who it was but you didn’t turn away from the computer screen to check. 
They stopped somewhere behind you and waited a moment before speaking. “You missed dinner.” Of course it was Dick. He must have volunteered to check on you. You didn’t even know it was dinner time. 
“Wasn’t hungry” You lied, typing something into the search bar and flipping through the files that popped up. You didn’t know how long you’d been at this but it’d been a good few hours since you’d spoken and your voice was hoarse. 
Dick started fiddling with some gear on one of the repair tables. “Right, of course.” Clearly, he was trying to seem nonchalant, and clearly, he was failing. “You’ve been down here a while.” 
It was more of a statement than a question but you felt the need to answer. “I’m fine. Just busy.” You took on a slightly defensive tone as you chose one of the files and began reading.
The screen was huge, he could read the page displayed for himself but still, he asked “What’re you working on?”
He was stalling. “There's talk of Scarecrow doing something on New Year's Eve. Bunch of people gathered at the square is a great place to shoot off some fear gas. I need to find him so I'm cross-referencing his last known hideouts.” Everyone was going to start suiting up soon but for now the cave was filled with an eerie quiet.
You still didn’t look up. You let your eyes pass over the screen but you weren’t reading anymore, instead, you were focused on the movement behind you. You felt him walk silently over and lean on the desk just a few inches away from you. He faced the wall behind you and crossed his arms
Dick let another moment pass and you almost looked up at him but held out. It was a game of chicken now, seeing who would look first, who would talk first and bring up the real reason he’d come down here. You both knew.
He lost. “I’m worried about you.” 
“Why?” You asked as innocently as you could. “It’s already happened there’s no point moping about it-”
“Don’t.” He cut you off, keeping his voice soft. “Don’t lie to me,” he looked down. “I can tell when you are. You lost someone in the field and now you're sitting in the dark working on cases for hours.” He crouched next to you trying to catch your eye. “You’re not ok. You need a break.”
You clenched your jaw. It had been 3 days since an innocent person died in your arms. Everyone had told you that you’d done your best and no one could have saved them. You still blamed yourself. “No, I don’t. I let someone die, but it happens. I just need to keep working.”
“Hey look at me.” He turned your chair towards him and you finally met his eyes. The determined sort of concern on his face matched his new tone. “It wasn’t your fault. No one could have stopped it but you have the right to be upset. Acting like everything’s fine and throwing yourself into work isn't going to help.”
“I am fine.”
“You’re a shit liar is what you are.” He threw the soft and sweet approach out the window and settled for the truth. “I know you, and I know you’re gonna sit here and tell me that you don’t care even though you do and that you’re perfectly okay even when you aren’t but you don’t have to.” 
Tears started to collect in your eyes and tried to fight them off. You hated crying. Especially in front of Dick but at this point you didn’t think you could stop it. Then he pulled you into a hug you definitely couldn’t. You let him pull you into his arms and you hugged him back. In the past three days, you hadn’t let yourself feel anything. You’d barely let yourself think about but now you sobbed into Dicks shoulder. 
“I hate feeling like this, if I stop for a second all I can see is her face.” You’d slipped out of the chair and onto the floor next to him. “She died and I couldn't save her.” you leaned back enough to look at him. “How do you do it?”
“It’s part of the job. We can’t save everyone, we can’t keep going forever, not alone.” He cupped your face and wiped a
way the tears on your cheeks. “But you’re not alone. You have me, and I'm pretty great.”
That made you laugh. For a second you just sat there looking at him, and then, you pulled him in and kissed him.
Tag list: @reverieco @starship-argo @littlered-fangirl @the-ink-of-roses @1lellykins @moonknighttime @kaidetrin
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catboyollie · 3 months
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batarangluv · 5 months
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+˚︵꒰ ME!
↳ You can call me Ottis! I use They/Them or He/Him work. Referring to me as anything outside of She/Her is fine too! I have no real preference.
↳ I've been writing fanfic for over eight years, I started pretty early with unsupervised internet access, but I've been through a hella lot of fandoms. I'd say I can write pretty lengthy, I'm going to try more full fics this year instead of sticking to just headcanons but I love doing either :)!
↳ I fuck around with bots too, js out of trying to improve my writing style and I've become more confident lately.
↳ I am a high school student, so I don't have all the time in the world, and I do competitive horse riding - hunter jumpers and cross country. My schedule is wack sometimes, but I try to be active!
↳ I'd consider myself chill? If you'd like to interact with me, go for it, I love talking to people with shared interests!
↳ Due to me being autistic I might interpret words incorrectly. Just correct me, and we'll be okay! I don't try to be rude. I just have a lack of empathy and alexthymia due to being autistic but the last thing I want to be is an ass.
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₊˚︵꒰ BLOG!
↳ I specialize in writing headcanons and scenarios, but I'm pretty good at full fics considering everything. I do personalized writing commissions for world building and biographies.
↳ I am not native to English. My first language is a mix of German and Italian, but I've forgotten most Italian. I do write and post in English since I never use German anymore, and I'm rough around the edges in it. I can read it and speak it fine but spelling chokes me up.
↳ I'm comfortable with NSFW, I also do not care what age range follows me. Controversial — but I was 14 on tumblr once, too. There's nothing I can do if you lie about age or have an ageless blog. Quite frankly, if you're mature enough for me not to suspect you're 10 or something — I don't care.
↳ This blog will mainly be towards non cis women, no hate intended. I've just been on the receiving end of the party with no fanfiction out there and most tagged gender neutral were feminine. Transfems, mascs, and everything else are welcome to enjoy my work. Cis women are obviously allowed to interact and I have no issue since I'll make gender neutral by default, just know I do not make cis women y/n's.
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lesbianwhowrites · 1 year
Jealousy, Jealousy
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Fem!Reader x Courtney Whitmore 
“I can’t do this anymore, Your all I can think about I want Y/N back, my Y/N”
Requested By: @writing2sirvive​
“Courtney getting jealous that (fem) reader and Jennie are getting close”
*I added a little twist to it for fun! also sorry just saw the 2 requests like right now!!
Courtney was more then jealous if she had to be completely honest, not only did she find out that Starman isn’t actually her father, and a completely random girl who’s father is actually a JSA member, and everyone liking her. But now her crush, her bestfriend, her other half is suddenly buddy buddy with Jennie.
Now don’t get her wrong, she thought Jennie was great, but that was exactly the problem she was too great. So great that she was getting replaced. As much as she wanted to talk to you or maybe even Pat she couldn’t they liked Jennie and she didn’t she would come off as the bad guy, and after what just happened in the fall she didn’t feel like being the bad guy.
Y/N had become distant from her, meaning no longer going on hero patrol and Y/N staying with her the whole time, while everybody else left her because they were cranky and bored. But Y/N she would stay, make sure court got home safely and would even stay at her house for a extra bit to help force her to study.
But now with its always “Jennie this and Jennie that” never “Courtney.”
So Courtney did the same thing, she drew back for Y/N and started talking more with Cameron, who was a good friend, but not like you.
Now you, you were distraught, you didn’t know what you did wrong, you didn’t realize you were so distant with her. A lot had happened since Jennie came to Blue Valley. Learning about Jennie and her brother, and figuring out yourself that you were adopted from the same place Jennie was put into. That’s right your birth given name ‘Y/N Hayden’ younger sister of Jennie and Todd.
You talked so much about Courtney to Jennie that you would lose track of time and forget about patrolling with Courtney, and then when you realized you had a big fat lesbian crush on Courtney you couldn’t gather the courage to talk to her anymore. So was it partially your fault? Yes, yes it was. But it was also the lesbian talking. 
After a little bit of the cycle going on Courtney couldn’t do it any longer, she wanted you, she wanted the long nights with you again, the laughs, the hugs, and most importantly just you and your smile. Courtney walked right up to you and pulled you to the side, while you were in mid conversation with Jennie. “Stop ignoring me Y/N... I want my bestfriend back.” You look back at Courtney crazily blushing, “I- well I'm right here..” Courtney looks at you annoyed and impatient, “No, it’s not enough.” You look at her confused not sure what she meant, “I can’t do this anymore, Your all I can think about I want Y/N back, my Y/N” You blush and try to get something out but Courtney keeps talking, “I like you Y/N, no I love you, and I can’t stand here any longer watching Jennie take you away from me.” Courtney finally finishes and you let out a sigh of relief and laugh a little, “I’m glad you finally said something.. i couldn’t keep the crush I had on you for much longer.” Courtney puts her hand on your cheek and lightly kisses your lips. You slowly pull back and smirk a little, “Also no need to worry about Jennie, she’s my sister.” 
Courtney looks over at you confused as hell, “What?!?” You just laugh a little, “I have A LOT to tell you don’t I Court?
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lavena · 7 months
I've dropped once more off the deep end into the Billy Batson fandom and once more I was gifted with a like 3 whole new obsessions.
Number one!
The ancient Greek clothing deaged cap debacle. Just positively glorious. I absolutely adore it when billy has to sit there and be like "wait a name?! That works for ancient Greece. That wonder woman won't immediately figure out? Crap"
But also imagine billy detransforming at the end of a fight and his gods are like.
Nah it ain't time yet for this arc
So they pull some magic shenanigans and badda bing badda boom billy boy speaking fluent ancient Greek and in a proper chiffon tunic or whatnot. Amazing
Number two!
The gods interacting with Billy with animals that represent them. I've been playing assassins creed odyssey a pot recently and I would just love for billy boy to have Ikaros following him around. Could work great with the above story line. Billy gets de transformed into Greek time and runs away, once corned a bunch of animals reminiscent of the gods and tawky tawny come to help him , just beautiful.
Number three!!!
The swap body au with the touch of its billy who was blessed not his body.
But like, the Wizard obtained the blessings of the gods, but Billy recieved their favor. So whoever ends up in caps body can still use his powers but not nearly to the magnitude Billy can and the gods in billys head stayed with the body at first, the after judging whatever poor sould was stuck in the captains body moved back to Billy. But certainly not after being incredibly ruthless and dropping a NAT 20 on vicous mockery and then preceding to be happy go lucky (or as much as the gods can be) when back to Billy
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birdybat · 2 years
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remarcely · 3 months
Bruce Wayne wakes up in the past, five months after Jason Todd died, and spends most days sat beside the grave because he never found out exactly when Jason had come back and he wanted to be there to save him when he did.
From an outside perspective, everyone is extremely concerned.
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bloodybellycomb · 10 months
One massive, legitimate way to improve as a writer or artist or in any creative endeavor really, is to become absolutely obsessed with something and to allow yourself to be weird about it. Genuinely mean this btw.
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secretidentie · 3 months
When Jason starts building his crime lord career, people start inexplicably comparing him to Matches Malone. They have the same mannerisms, the same fighting styles and a similar build. Some rogues even have theories that they're the same guy.
So when ever Matches is mentioned, red hood mutters "fuck that guy" under his breath and since Bruce puts his whole batussy into his personas, he's starts reciprocating that energy. All the rogues are scrambling to find out what happened to cause this beef. The entire Gotham underground now has to pick a side between one of their own who they've worked with and gotten to know over the years versus the new up and coming crime lord that's offering jobs and improving their lives. While Jason is wondering what he can do to stop being compared to Bruce, Bruce is trying to be a supportive parent (which means making sure the rogues don't turn on J) while protecting his persona he's been curating for years.
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astronomoney · 2 years
last night i was sick so i listened to sad music and wrote 700 hundred word drabble for no reason... set to release at 8 :)
(p.s. reply here if you wanna be tagging. it’s short, it’s sad, i’d say it’s pretty good)
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