#If you think Damian should look like Bruce you are just flat out wrong
oifaaa · 2 years
I want to strangle Ian Wayne. Who tf thought that was a good idea??
Imagining making Damian Al ghul Wayne actually say the lines "I hate the name Damian I want to be called Ian" DC actually hired someone to write that in one of their preteen graphic novels
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crows-sleepy · 2 months
Chapter two of "Robins are meant to fly, how did you lose your wings?"
Bruce let out a heavy sigh, he didn't know what to do.
He knew that he should know, but he really didn't.
He brought his hands up, running over his face and through his hair, he pushed the chair he was sitting in out from by his desk.
A frustrated huff escaped his lips as he harshly shoved a few of his papers away, floating off the desk and fluttering to the ground.
What was he supposed to do about this? His son, his youngest, only ten, was isolating himself, and getting hurt far to often to be complete accidents.
How could he help that when pushing would only push Damian farther away?
He stood, walking to the door before swinging it open and stepping out, only to be met with an odd sight.
"Damian what in the world are you doing?"
Bruce had wondered to the boy, who was laying flat on his back, in the middle of the upstairs hallway, Alfred the cat curled up on his chest.
"Hello father."
Damian had greeted simply, even if this was unusual for the boy, at least this was a better unusual.
"Is there a reason you are laying on the floor?"
Bruce had asked, crouching down to be closer to Damian's level.
He thought for a bit, no, Damian supposes there wasn't much of a reason, well there was one, but not an important one, it was only important to him, so why did father want to know?
"No, I don't suppose I do have a reason."
He had answered, it wasn't exactly a lie. He just wasn't telling the whole truth, the truth to this was, he was experimenting.
What all could he get away with here? Could he lay on the floor and not be purposefully kicked? Would father berate him and tell him to get up?
Bruce huffed, sounding slightly amused, that was an odd reaction..
"Well then, would you like to come have dinner instead? It should be about ready by now."
Father had asked kindly, how strange was that.
Damian felt so utterly baffled.
How didn't Father care? What else was he allowed to do here that he couldn't before- wait. What if this was a test?
This was wrong, wrong, wrong wrong, wrong, so wrong, Damian would be in trouble again, what were Father's punishments like? Would they be worse then Grandfather's?
He could handle it, of course he could, he could handle any of punishment dished out to him, but at the hand of Father?
He would never admit it, he could never ever admit it, but if it was Father, Damian doesn't think he'd know what to do.
But he realizes he's been quiet to long and that Father is now looking vaguely concerned, what was the question again? Oh dinner, right.
He nods.
"That would be acceptable."
Bruce nods back, standing to his full height, Damian glances at Alfred the cat, but stands moving to cradle the feline in his arms instead.
He followed his father down the stairs, walking more carefully this time, he couldn't risk falling, not with the cat in his arms, not in front of Father.
Father was lenient, yes, Damian had figured that much out, but when it came to strength? He must be the same as mother and grandfather mustn't he?
After all he was Batman as well.
Damian's feet reached the large floor of the downstairs hallway, and he knew they were downstairs, even without that, he had the the manor mapped out anyway, there was no need to think, he knew this place like the back of his hand, so he followed silently as Bruce walked into the dining room.
The large room was lacking in people, the dining table set already, Brown in her seat as she talked off Cain's ear, who didn't seem to mind all that much.
They spotted Damian and Father rather quickly, to quickly if you ask him. He didn't want people to be able to tell when he enters a room.
He didn't want to be weak, to be losing his skills, he didn't- oh, Cain was staring directly at him, Brown speaking to Father, glancing at Damian every now and again.
Why was Cain staring at him? Was his weakness that obvious? Maybe she was thinking about how easy it would be to kill him right now, it would be maybe she should..
He pushed those thoughts put of his head, not leaving them for another time, that in itself would be a weakness, he is an assassin, he cannot show any insecurity even to himself.
It took him about 30 seconds to realize Father was speaking to him, he listened.
"Get your brothers for dinner?"
Was the only part of the sentence Damian got, but he nodded, assuming, Father was asking him to get the others for dinner, seeing as they had not shown up yet, he needn't get Gordon, she would show up on her own, the others however seemed to have a talent for being late, so as Bruce nodded back, Damian stepped away.
As he left through the doorway he could feel Cain's gaze bore into the back or his head, he refused to look back as he left.
His shoed feet tapped along the wood as he walked, silence enveloping him, only the creaking of the floorboards filling the empty sound.
He hated when it was this quiet, he always had, but he turned a corner back to the living room where he had seen the others before.
As h stepped in and all three pairs of eyes flashed towards him immediately, and oh, if he didn't hate that so.
"Father would like you all to make your way to the dining room now."
Damian had announced to all three in the room, but that was it, there were only three.
"Is anyone aware of where Thomas is?"
He wondered to the group, all staring at him, why wouldn't they stop?
Grayson smiles, but it's not his usual smile, it's sad, and mourning.
"Yeah, he's out right now, should be back soon."
He assured Damian, standing from the couch, Drake stood as well, almost instantly once he saw that Grayson had.
Todd rolled his eyes much like Damian wanted to do at the moment, everyone was acting so odd, he thinks maybe it would've just been better if they stayed how they were.
"Well, how about we all go to the dining room like you said? Right, Jason."
Drake spoke agreeably, casting a demanding glance over to Todd, who scoffed but stood, what was happening right now?
Damian let out an annoyed huff.
"You all are weirdos and complete idiots."
Damian reprimanded but turned on his heel walking out of the room, he didn't like this, he had just gotten used to how everyone acted why did they have to change?
Why couldn't they just stay the way you was used to, as much as he hated it.
Why couldn't Grayson greet him with a smile that would rival the sun?
Why couldn't Drake argue with him on every little thing?
Why couldn't Todd insult him and try to fight like always, what was going on?
Things were changing so fast how could he ever plan to keep up?
They followed him out silently, the air was tense and filled with worry, he couldn't think about that right now, he didn't want to.
Didn't want to think about the way that no one tried to insult him back after he did to them.
Didn't want to think about the obvious concern in all of their gazes.
Didn't want to think about how eerily quiet it was right now.
Tim's heart thudded against his ribcage, so loud he thought that everyone else could hear it, it thrummed loudly in his ears.
What if he messed up? What if he upset the kid? He didn't want to, he loved arguing with him sure, and they didn't have the best of relationships, no he knew that hadn't.
But that was still his little brother.
He was still scared, scared of what was happening with Damian, scared of hurting the now so fragile seeming boy.
He couldn't think like that though, at the very least he couldn't express those thoughts, Damian would hate him for them in a normal day, god knows he'd hate knowing Tim's right about it.
Damian was silent as he walked ahead of them, Tim wasn't dumb, he knew Damian wasn't all that happy or calm right now, the kid looked like he was seconds away from screaming or just running off.
Tim hoped Damian wouldn't do either, but at least if he was yelling at them they would have a chance of knowing something regarding what was going on with him.
Dick thinks Damian is being bullied at school, wrong.
Jason thinks that Damian is just being dramatic about something, also wrong.
Tim had decided (with a little help from Cass) that neither of those were the correct answer, this didn't feel like something as simple as a school bully, this didn't feel like random drama.
This felt big, and this felt scary.
Tim was never scared of anything for himself, but Damian?
What would he do if Damian was in serious trouble? What could he, what could any of them do if the kid wouldn't tell them anything?
Walking into the dining room, they came to a halt, Tim almost slamming into Jason's back.
"Hey, watch it replacement."
The older of the two had ordered, but Tim could tell there was no real heat to his tone.
Tim watched as Damian took his seat quietly.
So, so quietly..
Tim took his across from Damian, and next to Jason, Dick as always sat directly next to Damian, but with a more cautious air to him this time, almost calculating.
The table was set with food ready, the two oldest in the entire house sat at either end of the table.
And with that, Tim readied himself for what may be the awkwardest dinner at the manor yet.
Word count: 1687
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002yb · 9 months
I cried during your whole reply to the late ask. But please consider: Dick can't stand to look at Jaybin bc he feels too guilty and sad and he still thinks its his fault. And little jaybin is sad bc nothing has changed Dick still haces him no matter how much he loves him and Jason goes full mother on him bc a) he gets it, those are his feelings b) its a kid and Jason cant stand to look at a kid sad and c) if no one is looking out for him he might as well do. Damian is very !!!! Bc his position as jasons baby is in danger but also thats Jason as a *baby*. And Jason is just mothering two kids and Dick is taken out at the knees bc Jasons so perfect and protective and omG he wants to cry everytime he sees them. (Bruce is crying ln the corner and staring holes onto them) (Jason confronts Dick about making Jaybin sad and Dick cries)
Im so sorry this is so long but i got thoughts that i wanted to share bc your posts always make me happy<33 hope youre doing good and take it slow and one step at a time<3 love u<3
The angst potential from this angle of the double-Jay!AU, oh dear. It hurts in a different way from this post. But yes, let's explore:
Where Jaybin is so excited to see what's become of the future. He's eager to see how his small family is doing and if it's grown, what all Batman & Robin have achieved - what Jason has accomplished. More than anything, he wants to know that all their efforts have made a difference for Gotham.
Needless to say, Jaybin is left...unmoored, for lack of better words.
Because everything is wrong.
Bruce won't look at him. Dick still avoids him. Gotham is still fucked up. And just - Jaybin is welcome in the mansion, but it doesn't take a detective to realize that future Jason is estranged because everyone hates him, too
And ughhh, Jaybin trying to mend those burned bridges because he's alone and without proper support, but it's like he's a ghost
So, because Jaybin knows that it must be his fault, he singles out Jason. Without really understanding what happened, Jaybin blames himself and tells Jason to fix it.
Because Jaybin wants his dad back. He wants his family.
Jason being blindsided by 'his' upset feelings although they're nothing new. He's sat with them for years. No one understands more than him how fucking bad this grief hurts.
But Jason is Jason and while he feels a compulsion to help, the subject matter strikes him dumb temporarily
So Jaybin grieves because he can't understand what went wrong. Something something, he lashes out and says some cruel things about how they should just die
And that's what Damian overhears and like. This boy does not take kindly to the cruelty.
There's a Damian/Jaybin throwdown that finally snaps Jason back into action. He separates them and sends Damian off with a promise to tend to him later, but for now - Jaybin
With Jason patching Jaybin up. And them having a bit of a heart to heart.
Where Jason hears out everything that's bothering Jaybin and answering as patiently/kindly as he can. Things with Bruce? Can't fix that. Gotham? Work in progress. Bat methods are a joke, so he's trying his own thing.
And Dick?
What about him?
Jaybin kicking out his leg and grumbling about how Dick still hates them. He avoids Jaybin like the plague.
Jason being surprised at that. While it made sense back in Jaybin's timeline (something Jason has begrudgingly come to understand), Dick seems the sort to capitalize on a situation like this. Jaybin is, objectively, darling. And easily teased.
Jason grumbling about how Jaybin must have that crush by this point in time, huh?
Jaybin flustering because what? No. Shut up.
Jason snickering, then getting melancholic and soft. He shrugs and admits nothing comes of it. Better to give it up.
Have you?
It's the biggest call out.
It's not something Jason is dealing with, so he slaps a bandage on Jaybin's face and goes to tend to Damian
Which leads to sleepovers at Jason's flat. Where Damian bristles like a territorial cat because Jaybin is encroaching on Damian's Jason/space/etc. The only reason Damian behaves himself and begrudgingly looks after Jaybin is because Jason requests it of him. Damian definitely isn't happy about it though.
Which leads to a whole other side plot of Damian learning about who Jason was before he grew to be what he is. And Damian recognizing qualities he really loves about Jason in Jaybin, but also the differences. Like how all Jason's jagged edges aren't yet so piercing. Jaded, but not yet wrecked.
And of course Damian falls in love with Jason all over again contemplates his discoveries to Dick. Who is fondly reminiscent because he remembers well and sees it all, too. ;U;
But what's more? Dick recounting stories of the sparse times Jason and he were together. Damian noticing how Dick is so soft and melancholic and regretful.
Which, like - just hang out with him? Jaybin is here. Now's the time to make things right.
Which Dick is adamantly against because he's of the mindset that he'll make things worse. He always does with Jason. And Damian is fully just l: because really, Grayson? Pathetic. He wasn't there before; be there now. If Damian knows anything with any certainty, it's that Dick is unashamedly relentless. Is Damian wrong? )<
More than anyone, Damian knows the importance of Dick just…showing up. So.
Which leads to Dick asking Jaybin to go on patrol with him.
Needless to say, Jaybin, Jason, and Damian are dumbstruck because what
Jason and Damian? Jealous af (though Jason bites his tongue while Damian spits and sputters because he's Robin, damn it). Jaybin though? Starry eyed with the most brilliant of smiles
Commence a lot of Dick and Jaybin bonding as Dick steps up in the way he couldn't before. All while Jason and Damian get all huffy and petulant in the background.
But it's cool because Jaybin invites Dick over for dinner at Jason's one night. Which forces Dick and Jason to spend time together in a domestic capacity. But before that:
Dick being let inside the flat by Jaybin. And Jason peers around the corner to the kitchen because who the fuck?
His eyes going wide because wtf is Dick doing here?
'Whatever it is - it wasn't me.'
Which makes Dick grimace because he's not here on a case, Jaybin invited him
Jason being all wary because that's just how things are at this point. Still, he lets Jaybin have his company. It's fine. It's whatever. Jason was cooking extra anyway.
And yeah, something something Dick watching Jason be a caretaker
Dick minding his own business before Damian kicks him beneath the table and glowers at him because: 'don't get any ideas, Grayson.'
To which Dick is !! because what? No! No, no.
It's just surprising/disarming/sweet, is all. Dick's never seen Jason in this capacity. //3///
And yes. More dinners. Family patrols. Dick being brought more into the loop and Jason begrudgingly allowing Dick into their family unit space. Something something, Dick running errands after work or bringing home food. Everyone going out for some outings. Joint patrols. Just strong family vibes that heal all of them, tbh. ;U;
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thiccpersonality · 3 months
Clark Bullied In 4k AKA: This Is Why I Can't Trust You With My Children Clark...Ok, Maybe I Can
Richard and Jason feel relaxed after coming back from a mini vacation of sorts, the older had insisted that they should go take a trip and hang out as brothers, not having to worry about work or crime fighting for a couple days. Jason threw a fit at first at even having such a thing be suggested, but slowly grew soft to the idea as it has been a long while since he had one-on-one time with his older brother.
The trip was payed in full by Bruce, the stubborn mule winning the argument with Richard on who was going to pay for it when the man pulled out how he loves spending money on his kids. In that moment, both Richard and Jason understood where Damian got his puppy eyes from, they never knew their dad could look so...pitifully adorable. Anywho, the point is that the two brothers enjoyed a time of bonding-and maybe slight mischief on Jason's part-the two enjoying their relaxation so much that they were almost tempted to call Bruce up and ask him to extend their stay. And Jason would have done it, but Richard scolded him on not taking advantage of their dad's kindness.
Now the two have returned back home and immediately feel something off in the atmosphere.
It's obvious no one in the family had a fight, because Alfred isn't stress baking or cleaning the always pristine house due to his worry, but there is something off in the atmosphere, especially when they go down to the cave to see Bruce.
"Oh! Hi, Clark!"
Richard smiles brightly at the man, his eyes quickly narrowing into a suspicious gaze at the slightly strained smile the superhero gives back to him. To anyone else the smile would seem normal, but Richard is no fool, and neither is Jason as the nineteen-year-old comes to stand next to his older brother, his posture stiffening as though something might go wrong any second. 
Before the older teen can say something, he takes a moment to look at Bruce, his eyebrow raising at what he sees: the man clutching onto Damian and Tim like a lifeline, his body tense as if he is protecting them from Clark. Richard must realize the same thing as they both turn to look at each other, a silent conversation being had while trying to deduce what may have happened, who started it, what it's about and even the possibility of the Kryptonian being under the influence of Kryptonite. Because if it's the last one, then one of them needs to distract while another slips away to get the glowing green rock. "What exactly is going on here? Why are we standing around like wild deer in headlights?"
Richard turns his smile up a notch, his analytical gaze turning to one of harmless curiosity as he cocks his hip to the side and rests a hand on it. Jason immediately loosens his posture as well, his pinched eyebrows loosening up and his lips lifting into a small smirk, "What happened this time? Bet it was Bruce's fault again, huh?"
The comment was supposed to be a light joke,  nothing serious as usual, but as Bruce turns to look at them through his mask, the two almost swear they can see the tears in his eyes. Jason thinks that if the man had a pair of cat ears on his head that they'd be lying flat in displeasure from what he just said, but before anyone can say anything about why Bruce looks like he saw Jason die for the second time, the man speaks up. "I did nothing wrong...it was all Kent. I am never trusting him with my babies ever again-did you hear that, alien? Never again."
The worry is slowly replaced with confusion, so Clark isn't mind controlled or possessed by Kryptonite? Then what exactly did the other do to have Bruce referring to him as alien again?
The super sighs loudly at the baffled looks he receives from Richard and Jason, "Your dad is being dramatic. We were on a mission together while you guys were away, it involved magic, and you both know how vulnerable I am to it, so I was assigned Tim and Damian to aid me in the fight-" okay...the story sounds decent so far, so what's wrong?-"But then I-
"He left himself opened like an idiot and caused my children to get hit by a spell." Bruce meets Clark's irritated look head-on, his head tilting upwards in a challenge while his lips curl into a slight snarl, huffing victoriously when the taller stands down. The alien turns his attention back to Jason and Richard, his hand gesturing to the huffy Bat, "He also got hit by it too. Turns out all of you inherited Bruce's penchant for self-sacrifice, so congratulations." The boys don't think that they've ever heard Clark sound so sarcastic before, but the man just sound tired and exhausted, though there is one thing that is bothering Jason-
"He's not biologically our dad, you know that right? We can't inherit anything from him."
Richard chuckles at Jason's comment and gently nudges his side, "That isn't the point of all this. You guys had us really worried at first...me and Jay thought that Clark was mind controlled there for a second. But, are you three okay? What was the spell?" Jason and Richard turn to look at Bruce, their eyebrows raising at the displeased, very cat-like hiss that escapes his mouth, Clark's reaction not helping either. "C'mon, B...it isn't that bad, really. It could have ended up worse and you know it. I've tried to apologize for it...you know I don't like anyone jumping in front of me, especially as I am usually invulnerable, it makes me feel worse when you guys have to protect me in such serious ways. Plus, I even brought your kids sardines as they craved, is that not good enough?" 
Sardines? Craved? What the hell is going on here?
"What the hell is going on here?" Jason question's while looking between Bruce and Clark curiously, trying to sneak a peak at Timothy and Damian snuggled into their dad's side while also being hidden slightly by the cape, their faces being the only things that are seen at the moment.
Clark turns towards Bruce, "Take off the mask. Your other children deserve to know...and I know you desire to imprint on them as you have done the younger two." He sighs at the hiss directed towards him, why must Bruce always be so difficult? "What do you know about my desires? I desire to claw your eyes out of your skull for such ignorance, alien. I entrusted the safety of my children to you and you get them fucking hit by a spell!? You are always supposed to be watching your back as well and yet when I turn to look at the three of you, the only people who seemed to notice something off was my two kids. Which I expect nothing less from-but still!"
Clark looks like a kicked puppy as he looks at the other man, "You don't have to resort to calling me an alien again. I said I was sorry, you don't have to give me a lecture on how to fight crime."
It's at this moment that Damian chooses to speak up, his small face poking out of the black cloth. "You should know of the alien's deficiencies by now, father. Not only is he lacking in the mental, but it seems his physical prowess is just as pitiable, how ever did you find this specimen?" Clark sputters and prepares to protest, but Bruce cuts him off, "Said pitiable specimen is the one that found me. He was always so insistent no matter how rude I was to him."
Richard doesn't know whether to laugh at how similar Bruce and Damian sound right now or cry on Clark's behalf of how savage the two can be when upset. "Come on you two...be a little nicer to uncle Clark, I'm sure he did his best during the fight, yeah?" The eldest Wayne child smiles kindly Clark's way before turning to look at his dad again, curiosity once again overcoming him at remembering something the Kryptonian said, "Although I do have to ask why he asked you to take off your mask. Did the spell mess with your physical appearance some? Damian and Tim's faces look fine to me from here." The question seems to make Bruce displeased all over again, the left side of his cape wiggling before Tim fully pops his head out with a large smile on his face and...cat ears on his head? "Woah..." He trails off as he stares amazingly at the two fluffy ears flickering back and forth on his littlest brother's head.
"It gave us all cat ears and tails. I personally think that dad is being a bit dramatic over the situation moreso than usual...but that might be because it gave him protective instincts over what he sees as kittens now."
Jason snorts, "So that's why you two are fighting like an old married couple? C'mon and take off the mask, dad, please? I wanna see your ears and tail, I bet they are pinned to your head in discontentment." Bruce pouts frowns at the request, but because it's one of his babies asking it, he slowly reaches up to carefully tug off his mask, his cat ears quickly flicking at being freed from the confines of the mask.
Bruce supposes showing off his ears isn't too bad at the wondrous look he receives from his second eldest son, the boy immediately rushing forward to get his hands on the older man's ears, freezing for just a moment and looking down at Bruce in silent permission. Jason smiles wider when his dad gives a resigned sigh and bows his head so Jason can softly run the tips of his fingers through the fuzzy ears. "Woah! They're so soft and shiny, dad! Your ears look as though they've been well kept by a caring owner. Come feel them, Dick!"
Richard smiles wide and quickly rushes over to stand next to Jason, his hand reaching out in preparation to pet the soft appendages, but a small, kitten-like squeak-hiss noise makes him pause. Well, that little noise as well as the small hand that quickly reaches up to claw at his hand, good thing for his fast reflexes or else he would have been scratched.
"Aww, don't feel like sharing, baby bird?" Richard pouts and looks down at Damian, his lips immediately stretching into a fond smile at the glare on the boy's face, his eyes looking more cat-like as he gives a weak hiss and tries tugging Bruce away from them. Tim just rolls his eyes at Damian's antics before looking up at his two older brothers apologetically, "Don't mind him. He has been having random moments of possessiveness towards dad...he's even attempted scratching me too." Damian smiles impishly at Tim and nudges the older boy's leg with his boot, "That was on purpose, Drake."
Tim narrows his eyes at the youngest, a much clearer sounding hiss escaping his throat, the sound being replaced by an apologetic mewl when Bruce squeezes his and Damian's napes in warning.
"Enough with the arguing you two. If there's any pent up aggression between you both, your dear uncle Clark would be happy to help you I'm sure." Bruce practically purrs out, his hand massaging his youngest childrens napes in apology for the treatment, his ears perking up and his smile pleased at Clark's protests. "Wha-why!? I'm not their scratching post, Bruce!"
Bruce hums and watches as Tim once again tries slipping out of his arms, "Why not? It's the least you could do after getting us into this mess, I mean, you can handle it...can't you?" He gives Clark a sharp look while he gathers Tim in his arms once again, meowing in displeasure when the teen tries to wiggle free. "I truly despise you and the magic user for this. Do you know how humiliating making these sounds are?" Clark sighs and shrugs his shoulders, taking his chance to push himself away from the wall and towards Bruce, his right hand reaching up to touch a fluffy ear, his smile soft at how large his hand seems compared to the ear.
"I don't know...I think the sounds are endearing and pretty cute. The way you cuddle them like a mama cat is not too far off from the regular Bruce I know."
Richard, Jason, Tim and Damian are surprised that Bruce even allowed the man to get this close, even more shocking is the fact that their dad seemed to enjoy Clark's brand of ear scratches as a deep rumble was being made in his throat. Damian almost started hissing at the alien for touching his father and almost took Bruce up on his suggestion of using Clark as a scratching post, but luckily he didn't even need to defend his father's honor as the man suddenly hisses loudly and bites at the taller one's hand. "What the hell did you just say about me!? I do not cuddle my kids like a mama cat! I am perfectly normal about my love for them, do you hear me!?"
Clark frowns worriedly for Bruce's teeth, his left hand reaching to the back of the other's head uncertainly, his fingers flexing indecisively on whether he should scruff him or not. Bruce must understand what Clark is trying to decide as he hisses louder, all while cursing Clark out. "I swear if you even think about doing that to me, I will-" his rant is cut off by a large, warm hand squeezing the back of his neck, his body responding immediately to the correction by falling limp, a small and pathetic mewl escaping his lips at the treatment. How dare Clark treat him this way! Like some disobedient child kitten.
Clark looks apologetically down at Bruce, "I'm sorry...but it was either I let you keep going at the sacrifice of your teeth because it is kind of cute seeing you huff and puff while your adorable ears are pinned to your head, or, I stop you by scruffing you so that you don't lose your teeth biting my hand."
What Clark didn't pay attention to was that during his interaction with Bruce, the man's two temporary kittens slipped out of his arms to stand next to Richard and Jason, not realizing that Damian is now free to defend his father's honor without any scruffing repercussions. And the Kryptonians little act towards Bruce is not appreciated by the baby of the family, a small hiss escaping the boy as he lunges himself at the older man's leg, claws coming out to scratch the blue spandex apart while Bruce silently cheers his youngest on.
"How dare you treat my father in such a way, you fatuous plebian! I demand you get your vile hands off of him this instant!"
Clark almost makes the second mistake of cooing loudly at the small, aggravated squeaks and meows coming from Damian, he doesn't wish to make the child any angrier at him...especially since the boy hasn't realized he could pull Kryptonite out from his utility belt.
Instead, the alien tiredly looks at the small child's three brothers for assistance, especially since scruffing Damian would only make Bruce angrier with him. "Can one of you lend a hand, Richard? Besides Bruce and Alfred, Damian listens to you the most." Richard huffs a laugh at Clark, his mind distracted with the thought of wishing Clark also got hit by the spell just to see how the other would fit into this dynamic, would he act as papa cat?
"Richard, are you even listening to me? I need you to hold Damian back so I can let Bruce go...I would rather not have two angry cats attacking me at once. And why are you recording this, Jason?" Jason snickers while zooming into Clark's exhausted look, "Because the girls will never believe me when I tell them this story. Nah, actually they would, but having video proof is all that much better. I mean, this is hilarious!" Clark deadpans at the camera as if he's in an episode of The Office, causing Jason to laugh louder for it.
Alright, so Richard and Jason prove to be useless in this situation, maybe Tim will-
"Tim...what are you doing?" Clark tilts his head as the teen is swatting at the edges of his cape while lying on the ground, the boy seeming to snap out of his trance with a couple blinks and one embarrassed cough later, his cheeks turning pink as he loudly groans and lies his head down on the floor.
"This really is embarrassing! I can't believe I've come to stoop so low..." Tim presses his palms against his eyes and sighs, sitting up groaning at having to be the one that deals with Damian in all his feral glory. The teen stealthily approaches the younger, his tongue poking out in concentration as he quickly lunges his hands out for the child's nape, shouting joyfully as he successfully scruffs the younger. "I did it!"
Tim's eyes widen in worry, "Holy cow I did it!? I can't ever let him go or he'll actually kill me this time. Why didn't you just scruff him, uncle Clark? You have the power to handle both of them at once." Clark swears the longer that this story is written goes on, the more aged he gets...he has never felt so human before, not even with green or blue Kryptonite. "The reason is that your family has a very special way of making me feel weak without the use of Kryptonite or magic, you all have a knack of making me adore you while simultaneously wanting to drink liquid Kryptonite while also eating it."
Jason snorts on the sidelines (no, not drugs!), "We make you want to commit suicide? I know our family can be tough as nails and as stubborn as an ass, but I don't think we are that bad."
Jason zooms in on a snarling Damian and a loudly hissing and meowing Bruce, humming thoughtfully before sighing. "You know what...I can see what you mean. Carry on, Uncle C." The older superhero tilts his head back with a loud sigh before gently shaking Bruce around by his nape, "It's mainly this man that pushes all my buttons. Now, I'm going to let go of you, Bruce...and when I do, I don't want to see you reach for your Kryptonite. I also don't want you punching me or biting me as your teeth and hands could get severely hurt-and I know what you are thinking: "it wouldn't hurt as much if I used my Kryptonite." But that is used only for emergencies, and this is not an emergency."
Bruce at this point has stopped hissing, but his icy blue eyes narrow dangerously at Clark while his tongue licks at his canines, the action not making the man feel any comfort. The Kryptonian clears his throat and presses onward, "Now. I'll count to three and let you go...and I really hope that you'll care about me and my life enough to not pull out any dangerous green rocks."
Clark quickly snatched his hand off of the other's surprisingly elegant neck as if he's ripping off a bandaid, though he has never had that experience before, but he imagines it must hurt quite a bit as humans make a big fuss about it.
Bruce grumbles to himself, his ears flattening to his head at Clark's "rough" treatment, he can't believe the other man. If Bruce would have known being turned into part cat would make him this much of a whiny bitch about the littlest things, he would have let Clark get hit by the magic spell instead. The man swats irately at the alien when standing up and passing by him, his newfound (or maybe not so newfound) instincts telling him to grab his kittens and sulk in one big pile with them, so, that's how he finds himself replacing Tim's hand on Damian's neck and lifting the boy quickly up and into the safety of his arms.
Tim pouts slightly at the look Bruce gives him, the teen understand the meaning of the gaze and quickly shuffles under the man's cape, latching into the man and meowing to let the other know he's secure and he can walk now.
Bruce's ears perk up slightly in contentment when standing in front of the oldest two, his expression embarrassed as his body sways back and forth indecisively as though he's suppressing an instinct and won't allow himself to act on it. Luckily for Bruce, Richard just smiles wide, and with an excited squeal, hugs onto his dad and nuzzles his cheek, smiling wider at guessing accurately to Bruce's want as the man's posture relaxes and he nuzzles his cheek into his eldest child's own in return.
A soft purr builds up in Bruce's throat as he scents and imprints onto his eldest son, his pupils dilating as he leans away to stare at Jason, the black slits widening and narrowing from staring at an object of interest to him. Jason blushes and grumbles at the adorable wide-eyed look his dad is giving him, leaning forward and feeling warm at how enthusiastic Bruce is to scent and imprint on him too, the energy for his second eldest not dwindling in the slightest but remaining just as excited and pleased to have a chance to love on another kitten of his. The second eldest shyly returns the affection back, his cheek rubbing against Bruce's own as he slowly relaxes into it, grunting as Richard bumps into him and joins in on the cheek rubs.
All Jason can think is that his older brother is enjoying this too much, he bets that if the other was here for the incident, he would have enjoyed turning into part cat...the little weirdo would probably see if he could get away with kitten licks or something.
Damian interrupts with a little meow of his own, the boy surprisingly not being as embarrassed by the sounds he makes as Bruce and Tim are about them, maybe it's because he loves animals? So it's like living a secret dream of his come true. The boy pouts frowns up at Bruce, his hands unconsciously pawing at the man's chest for attention as well, Jason and Richard quietly admitting how adorable Damian's kitten-like behaviors are as the boy makes a happy sound when Bruce bends his head and lifts the boy up so they are cheek-to-cheek. Bruce purrs loudly again at what he sees as his baby kitten happily receiving his love instead of pushing it away, the young child even going as far as to raise his hands to grab at his dad's face as well.
A whooshing sound causes Bruce to perk up, the man feeling bad for ignoring his baby kitten as he pulls his face away to stare at the newcomer, which is just Superman again...when did he even leave?
Icy blue eyes narrow suspiciously at the bag Clark is carrying, his head lifting as he scents whatever is in the bag and finds his tail swishing excitedly at the very pleasant smell of his favorite salmon. His eyebrows raise questioningly at the Kryptonian when the man takes a step forward and holds up the large bag as if it's an atonement offering, "I apologize for grabbing you like that earlier. I just didn't want you to break your teeth on me, but, I did go to get your favorite salmon from that one overpriced restaurant you and Diana take me to sometimes...so, truce?"
Bruce is doing his best to hold back his pleased smile, especially since his babies show an interest in the food, his instincts are telling him that Clark isn't so bad if he's providing food for the kittens and his mind is calling him stupid for ever being mad at the other in the first place.
With a small nod, Bruce steps forward to take the bag from Clark, his tail swaying as even his eldest two crowd against him in attempts to peak in the bag. "Did you two not eat before coming home?" Bruce chuckles at how Jason and Richard are practically salivating over the smell of freshly cooked salmon, the former shaking his head in response to the question. "We didn't get to eat, we just thought we'd head back as quickly as possible." Bruce's ears flatten in displeasure at the comment, handing over the bag to Richard with instructions to evenly divide the meal and kissing Damian's cheek as he lowers the boy to the ground and tell him and Tim that they are free to leave his watch to go eat with their brothers.
Bruce finds himself smiling at the endearing way Damian paws at Richard's leg and how Tim circles around the older as they dig through the bag. Content at seeing his the children in his home safely together, Bruce relaxes and flits his eyes between his kids and Clark thoughtfully before sucking up his pride and also nuzzling into the taller, ignoring the way he has to stand on his tiptoes and tug the other down just to reach his cheek.
Clark allows himself to be tugged down, his smile charmed at Bruce's actions, "I thought you were mad at me? And didn't you say doing this was a sign of imprinting on family?"
Bruce huffs at how Clark always has to say something but continues to nuzzle the man enthusiastically, "Why does that matter now? Aren't I always mad at you for one thing or another? You should be used to it, or at the very least, learn from your mistakes already and listen to me." Clark gasps in mock shock, "Wow! That's rude of you. I listen to you very well, thank you very much! You just get kind of bossy sometimes...I think you'd be classified as a diva."
Bruce growls in displeasure and quickly nips at Clark's cheek in retaliation for the comment, his eyes softening at remembering what he was originally going to say to the other. "About you asking if I do this for family, the answer is yes, I did say that. I guess Damian was right about lacking mental skills if you...if you don't yet realize that you're family." His voice is stupidly shy as he says it, the Batman never thinking he could ever cringe this badly at himself, he can feel slight irritation mix with affection at this bumbling fool name Clark Joseph Kent and how it takes a moment for him to process what Bruce just said.
The Kryptonian's eyes widen and water with happy tears as he hugs Bruce tightly, lifting the shorter up to his height so he's not crouching anymore and nuzzling the man back in return. "You can be really cute when you aren't busy glaring daggers into my skull! Thank you, Bruce!"
Bruce almost chooses to struggle away but stops at the last second, his tail leaving the protection of his cape to wrap around Clark's arm while he slowly returns the hug, his smile soft as he watches his kids fill themselves up with Clark's peace offering and the warmth from the man's hug. Something inside of himself fully feeling satisfied at giving and receiving love back from all present loved ones.
Bruce allows himself to purr contentedly while patting Clark's back and nuzzling his face: "I'll ignore that first comment. And thank you, Clark...for being patient in all of my...diva glory and for providing for the kitte-children." Clark's smile somehow gets wider as he holds Bruce just a bit tighter, his tone playful when speaking. "Did you just admit to being a diva?"
Bruce groans and blushes, hiding his reddening cheeks in Clark's neck and plotting his revenge as the other continues to laugh, "Shut up, Clark. Just shut up."
(I don't even know why I thought of this specific "plot" point? (It doesn't have plot) I don't know if it was a random idea or I saw something and got inspiration, or maybe if I even had a dream? 😂 I had a weird dream recently with a whole bunch of different cartoon characters and one of the plot points to the dream was 3/4 TMNT were turned evil and trying to kill the one that was still good.
I don't know what my dreams are either, but I hope this story managed to be enjoyable? This is 4,728 words of sheer randomness. You lovelies are always much appreciated and cherished and I adore you all so much! Please remember to stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. 💛)
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wormsin · 2 years
the only way out
If they keep sneaking around like this, someone is going to find out. It's better if they hear it from Bruce and Dick—he's just not sure if anyone is going to be happy for them.
"How easily they could end this, like nothing happened. Bruce is probably using this opportunity to leave and sulk, it’s exactly what he does, and for some reason Dick still hopes to be proven wrong."
@brudick-weekk 2023 Day 2: Possessiveness | Family Finds Out | Age Difference
E. Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne. relationship reveal, established relationship, Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne's parent, angst, sex, manipulation, Post-Spyral, Self-Hatred.
Over the years, Dick has done a lot of sneaking around in the manor, but sneaking into Bruce's bedroom is new. The man himself is waiting inside and launches into a tactical ambush that has Dick pinned against the wall and panting in a minute flat.
They're both exhausted from the long night and it's been weeks since they had a moment alone, so it's desperate, clawing, and when Bruce gets his mouth around him Dick can barely hold on. It's so good he can't even be embarrassed at how quickly he comes. 
It's heady, to have all of Bruce's attention and the heat of his passion. Better, even, to be able to hold him when he's given in, when he's needy, when he's tender. Dick luxuriates for a long time after, stroking Bruce's hair and humming happily in his arms. He'll need to get up soon, sneak back into his room before he falls asleep.
"Is almost better than sex," Dick mutters into the pillow.
"What is?"
"The snuggling." Dick squeezes him for emphasis and Bruce grunts. "Ahhh… don't wanna leave."
"Then stay," Bruce says, sounding half asleep.
Dick is sorely tempted. "You live with one to four other detectives under your roof."
"They're gonna find out." Dick yawns. "I'd rather it come from us."
Bruce wakes up at that, turning his full attention on Dick. "You want to tell the family," he says, sounding entirely neutral.
"Do you want to hide it?" Dick's heart rate starts to pick up. He and Bruce are very good at having sex, and not so good at having conversations. Especially since they don't have much alone time together and are hot-blooded, adrenaline hooked vigilantes. Sex comes first.
"That's not what I said," Bruce replies, unhelpfully.
"Ok, well—people are going to notice. Alfred, Damian, Tim, Barbara. If they haven't already."
Bruce's mouth twitches down.
"I'm not saying shout it from the rooftops, but it's not practical to keep it secret. Or even possible." Dick's cheeks feel hot, and he glances away from Bruce's intent look. "I guess we never talked about it."
"I… tend to keep these things quiet."
"I know." The thought of being Bruce's secret, that he might be ashamed or just—not committed enough to tell anyone—makes his chest ache. "Should I go, then?"
"If you want to."
Ouch. "I don't," Dick insists, cupping Bruce's cheek. "I'd be here every night if the commute wasn't impractical. But I won't lie to my family—to Damian."
Bruce kisses him softly. "Then stay."
Bruce presents his concerns about telling the family the next day, and it’s all very rational and practical, but somehow the conversation devolves and Bruce is talking about Wayne Enterprises PR firm, and hurting Nightwing’s career with the JLA—whatever that is supposed to mean—and Dick is one second away from asking if Bruce thinks Dick is his dirty little secret. He has no idea how the conversation ends up in all these places, and he has the sinking feeling that for Bruce, it might be too much of a bother.
He understands that the public would be judgmental of Brucie and Dickie getting together, especially since Bruce is presumed to be a straight playboy. But the idea that Clark and Diana might disapprove, that the JLA might investigate Batman for abuse… the thought makes him sick. It’s not like he needs them to be public (yet), he just wants to tell his closest friends and family. 
They haven't talked about what their relationship is yet, except that they're exclusive, and Dick knows that he's committed. But committed to what?
[continue on AO3]
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Twin Switch AU
Source: #ghosts-and-bats
amg I got this hilarious idea OK
Fenton family at like museum in Gotham or something, when one of batman's villains attack.
Well Jack accidentally grabs the wrong kid, in the panic. (Wrong kid could be any of the bats though Tim or Damian for full batfam dynamic kek.)
Dick or Bruce being in civilian form ends up with Danny because of the mix up.
Lol combine it with twin au and it make even more funny.
Dick probably don’t know what to do cause stuck with Danny inside building so just waiting on backup.
And noticing small things about Danny.
While Damien stuck with Fenton’s because they're not letting Damian slip away lol. Jazz is the one to point out they didn’t grab Danny.
Dick : So....wanna play Uno?
Danny : ....
Dick imprints on Danny in 5 seconds flat
Damien tolerates Jazz because she's obviously the one with all the brain cells
Jazz: You do realize you just kidnapped someone else's kid?
Maddie: Don't be ridiculous, that's your brother.
Jazz: Look again
Both Damien and Danny are frustrated because the switch means they can't sneak off and play hero
Can see Danny slightly showing hints of his own heroism. while they’re in a hostage situation lol.
Yes, Jazz n Damian having to deal with parents lol. Jazz trying to converse with Damian lol
Dick, freaking out: Why does this kid show no signs of self-preservation? Does he have a death wish? Is he suicidal?
Jazz is meanwhile concerned about this kid having anger issues
Jazz: ...he keeps getting more and more upset. Is the stress getting to him? Is he having trouble processing possible trauma?
Dick is Brotherly Concerned(TM)
Jazz is going into Psychoanalysis Mode(TM)
Danny: oh no! Guess I should hide in this closet while you do your hero thing :)
Dick: don't worry kid I'm not gonna abandon you, I'll get you out of the building no problem
Danny: oh! Thanks! :)))))
Danny just wants this super friendly dude to leave him alone
Damian: I need to get out of this tank
Jazz: it's an RV
Damian: ......... (climbs toward the back window)
Jazz: I wouldn't-
Damian: (attempts to jump out at a tree only for a mechanical arm from the "RV" to catch him and put him back in.)...
Jazz: -do that...
Dick, picking up on Danny's contempt for this: (was it something I said???)
man, I want to see how Dick would react when he found out Danny is half dead
Dick: Did I fail? (self-loathing for sure)
-(Later when Danny's not in earshot)-
Tim: what did you do?
Dick: what do you mean?
Tim: I mean he obviously doesn't like you, you must've done something.
Dick: I didn't do anything!
He’s already imprinted, and Dick is so distressed about Danny not liking him
And Danny's trauma induced electrophobia only makes it worse lol
It does because it’s not liking and downright having a fear of
Everyone is having a bad time except Tim who is happy to break them out and laugh at them grabbing the wrong children
Danny does like Dick, it's not his fault Danny keeps his distance for the most part, or startles at the sound of an electric weapon turning on.
It's just a little uncomfortable, and awkward, and Danny has heroing to do that he can't escape to.
Like Danny thinks he’s super nice and kinda fun to talk too but ahh electrified and will not let him leave
Then Batman shows up and Danny's stress about the situation goes up to new heights not thought possible.
Danny snaps and starts yelling at Batman
Dick is like he’s clearly not scared of you what the hell what did I do
Danny: ...!!!! Ok! You Can Let Me Go Now!
Batman: well, you were mistaken for Bruce Wayne's son, and you look alike, too alike.
Danny: (glares at Batman for the audacity)
Danny: Fuck it! I'm leaving! Just find me later! (Walks into a closet and slams the door closed)
Batman: (opens it to reveal empty closet)
If looks could kill Danny would have murdered him
Dramatic entrances and leaves run in the family lol
Probably snatched some DNA samples later lol run tests
Danny gets to his family just to find Damien who looks like him and is somehow even more upset
Damian meets Danny and is impressed that he escaped their watch.
Damian is impressed, Danny is absolutely flipping shit and just wants to leave
Jazz would be apologizing to Damian about all the inventions/weapons lying around, and Damian wouldn't hear anything past "weapons" and trying to figure out how stuff works. Jack and Maddie are happy "Danny" is interested. I think the weapons range would be involved.
They straight up just steal Damian
Danny: let me guess, You're the "Bruce Wayne's Son" that the Bat gang confused me for
Damian: they- .... I'll kill them.
(He thought he just straight up got kidnapped by idiots and thought the Bats would get him after the fight)
Damian refuses to leave out of spite
"They can come to me and face me themselves"
Danny just gives up
The Fenton’s just accept they have 2 Dannys lol
Great you’ll get along with Dani perfectly
They do
Give Dami weapons like sure boyo happy ur interested take what u want
also, the Fenton’s (at least Jack) have canonically put their house in another dimension. It would totally be plausible to them that Damian is an alternate universe Danny
And Danny dealt with the threat quickly because it was a ghost, he just did a quick punch'n'thermos and then flew home. Even Batman can't track a ghost without the proper equipment.
 ---- he second guesses this when Batman shows up at his house later, but they were just getting Damian so he's fine.
Damian coming home with an arsenal
Dick be like: wha- how'd you get here before us?
Danny, deadpan: hitchhiked in a racecar.
Damian still full of spite: Look at all these weapons my other parents gave me.
Batman: alright, what did you steal from those people
Damian: I'll have you know they gave me these willingly (unloads all the handheld weapons from his suit)
Lol no one believes him til Jack like oh and don’t forget this one boyo! It’ll vaporize any ghost into ash.
It’s a rocket launcher
Batman is confused
What if they gave Damian a hazmat suit?
They now have to convince Damian, they didn’t mistake him they were just watching the ‘civilian’. Do not go home with the crazy people
Bruce "adopts blue eye, black hair kids" Wayne getting Uno reverse carded by Jack "Dad Shaped" Fenton adopting his biological son (both of them!)
Tim is having the time of his life over the coms
Jason gets there late and so confused what did you do and why is Damian disowning us
Why is there two Damians
Until Jason hears about free weapons then like “Ah, my new family”
Tim heads out just to join the Jason and Damian in the new fam
It’s mostly just because it’s funny how huffy batman gets. he has to bribe them to come home
Danny doesn't help
Dick is asked if he wants to join too by Jazz, she thinks it’s funny
Batman tries bribing him and Danny's just like "idk B-Man I think he needs more incentive than that..."
Cassandra just goes and starts standing next to Jazz (where did she come from?)
Batman got out adopted by a family that calls all the black hair children Danny or girl Danny
It takes Batman a minute to realize these normal people shouldn’t have an Arsenal in the back of their vehicle
An arsenal or Arsenal the outlaw?
or: both
An arsenal
He Broke in when Jason mentioned laser guns
another causality of their poor eyesight😔😔
They call him boy Jazz
and eventually Damian talks about that’s they’re like and now the bats are just super concerned for these children
After they stop making fun of Batman
he is so concerned for these rude, rude, weapon children
Lol yes gotta get over making fun of Bruce
AU where Danny's parents simply need a wake-up call but otherwise they're fine parents, and very eccentric
The bat-kids love the Fenton Family so much.
Honorary aunt and uncle
I had to put my phone on the charger and walk away for a little while, but damn I love all of this so much. Just yes
Ok but what if they get really buddy-buddy to the point of the Fenton Family being in on the Batman family secret. (Fenton-Parents think Bruce Wayne is hilarious)
Vlad gets So Mad when he finds Bruce Wayne having tea with Maddie on a Sunday morning visit.
Danny, having spent more time with Damian and Jason, just shoots Vlad point blank<333 /j
Just no hesitation
"Daniel what the FUCK is Bruce Wayne doing in your kitchen?"
Danny: omg you actually cursed, this is the best or worst day of my life. Depends on if you attack me now.
Also, he’s technically my dad so ha
[Vlad.exe has stopped working]
 [Vlad.exe has overheated from confusion and rage]
He just, fades away in front of Danny (bcz he's dramatic) so he can just kinda,,,, sit at home.
Maddie: oh, what did Vlad want to talk to you about?
Danny: he was just checking in
Maddie: is he still in your room?
Danny: no? he left, you must've just missed him :)
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soleminisanction · 2 years
Since you’re in a meta-ing mood, what do you think of the fandom trend to portray Tim Drake as a ‘genius idiot’, basically a supercomputer brain for crime and business, but can’t cross the street or talk to people without injury or insult that is always his fault. Lots of times this ties in with the idea he’s desperate to get Robin back and the other Bats will basically have to have an intervention to get him to ‘grow up’ and move to his own cape. As you can see, I’ve run into a meta bog
I can sum up my opinion on that fandom trend in two words: It's bullshit.
It's part of a modern trend that I hate, the idea that "the smart guy" archetype automatically defaults to a (badly) autistic-coded tech bro with no social skills. It gets slapped onto so many characters it never should have applied to, and Tim is a big one. He's not even that much of a tech guy! He liked technology, sure, but that was supposed to flag him as a nerd in the 90s, not as some exceptional talent in the field. Him using a computer in his investigations more than Bruce was the narrative equivalent of teaching your parents how to use social media.
No, I've said this before and I'll say it again: Tim is and has always been a detective prodigy. Which means that his skill set lies in observation, deduction, sociology and psychology.
Tim gets people, he's good with people, he can empathize with them, analyze them, and manipulate them in equal measure. Anybody who pretends otherwise just flat-out doesn't read comic books, because the evidence is everywhere. To the point I really don't feel like hunting it down right now, because I've done it before, and other people have done it before, heck I've reblogged a fair number of them myself under my meta tag because I'm always happy when somebody recognizes it.
But also, like, people could figure it out if they used some basic common sense: not only do detectives need to be good with people, but so do businessmen. Being able to persuade and/or manipulate people is like 90% of that job, especially when you're the company spokesperson.
It's just... so obviously wrong, but people are lazy, I guess. (Looking at you, Wayne Family Adventures. -_-)
As for the tie-in with Robin, that's the biggest eye-roll of all. Tim isn't "desperate" to get Robin back, he's slipped back into it because Damian, for all his whining and demands, refuses to do the actual job.
Damian doesn't want to be Robin, not really. He doesn't care about its symbolism, he chafes under his father's command, he's too antisocial to fill Robin's role in the community, and he's not even all that attached to Gotham.
What Damian wants is the respect that comes with Robin as a title, the perceived legitimacy it grants as a member of the Bat-family and within the caped community, and the symbolic gesture of making him the squire to his father's knight. All of which speak to an emotional need that a) is not and should not be "the point" of Robin, a role that by this point is bigger than one person, and b) is clearly not being fulfilled by his attempts to be Robin. The role is far more stifling for Damian than it ever was for Tim.
Meanwhile, Tim is right there, still believing with all his heart in Batman's mission and in the importance of Batman and Robin as symbols of hope and justice, just like he always has, and still perfectly content to fulfill that role if no one else is going to step up and do it. So of course he's going to take the mantle back, it's the exact same thing he did the first time Dick said he wouldn't stop being Nightwing. Tim didn't have a good reason to stop being Robin in the first place.
Heck, technically speaking, he never actually stopped being Robin, not really. People forget this, but the Red Robin persona? Is specifically supposed to be a Robin who stayed Robin and NEVER "outgrew" the role. It was originally created for the Kingdom Come take on the Golden Age/Earth-Two Dick Grayson, who never became Nightwing, he just grew up into a Robin who was more like Batman. Red Robin was just a more serious, less cartoony take on the idea.
I've always thought that's part of why it didn't work for Jason; he's somebody who actually did need to outgrow Robin, partially because he was kind of rough fit to begin with and partially because by that point it was already wrapped up in so much trauma for him that it wouldn't have been healthy to cling. But it worked for Tim because, when you get right down to it, he really didn't have a reason to give up Robin at all -- least of all to coddle the ego of a spoiled brat -- and probably would've just told Damian to go fuck himself if his quest to bring Bruce back didn't involve shady shit like breaking into museums and illegally entering protected heritage sites.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble, been a long day at work and I'm tired but TL;DR -- "genius idiot"/coffee gremlin Tim sucks, the real Tim is sweet and empathetic and only as awkward as any other teenage boy, and he should get to be Robin for as long as he damn well pleases.
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Neglected - Part 2
Batfam x Neglected!Batsis!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 (Current) Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Thank you all for your support! I’m glad you enjoy my writing! Btw I noticed some parts of Part 1 made no sense bc I was sleep deprived when I wrote it so sorry!
Ages: Alfred (Immortal), Bruce (48-ish), Dick (26-27), Jason (24-25), Tim (17-18), Damian (13-14), Y/N (13-14)
It was summer break. School had finished around a week ago and you were glad. This meant you no longer had to fake being alright in front of your friend(s) and pretend to eat. They had started to notice that you had lost an unhealthy amount of weight. When they had asked, you shrugged it off or said you were working out a lot. They believed it and carried on since you were that great of a liar but still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
It was another normal day for you, isolating yourself in your room, slipping into the dining room for meals, grabbing a water bottle instead, and slipping back out, heading to your room once again. (sO mAnY cOmMaS) You had begun to feel lightheaded but quickly dismissed it. ‘They go through so much more than you do, they’ve probably sustained worse injuries. They probably even have more scars than you do from the League! No wonder they didn’t let you join them on their nightly adventures. You’re a weak and pathetic girl.’ You thought.
You heard a knock on your door after three hours. You made your way to the door and opened it to see your twin brother standing there in a suit. “Y/N, what have you been doing?! The gala is in an hour, get ready you insufferable harlot!” He yelled, then trudged his way down the stairs. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me, GALA? Since when the frick was there a gala happening? I was never informed and he somehow expects me to know?’ You thought.
Rushing towards your closet, you searched it until you found your F/C dress/suit (cause I love women in suits it screams power as it should) and matching flats/heels and quickly put them on. You rushed over to your vanity and did your hair and/or makeup. Satisfied with your look, you attempted to stand up only to fall back down onto the chair you were seated at. You became dizzy all of a sudden and the room seemed as if it was spinning.
It became harder for you to remain awake and you felt your eyelids become heavy. They soon fluttered shut, your body falling limp. Your body fell off the chair you had been sitting on to the floor with a thud. Back downstairs, your family was impatiently waiting for your arrival. They had thirty minutes until the gala began. “Where’s Y/N?” Bruce questioned. “She was unaware of the gala, Father. I suggest we carry on without her. She’s nothing but a nuisance and dishonor to the Wayne name.”
“Don’t call her that demon spawn, she’s more of a Wayne than you’ll ever be.” Jason retorted, defending you. He didn’t like how Damian referred to you. He never called you by your name, only insults. Damian hated Tim, but he still called him by his name. Jason could never comprehend how or why Damian resented you. You were such an amazing person. You were sarcastic, witty, funny, and had a big heart.
“That’s enough Jason. Dick, go check on your sister.” Jason was shocked when Bruce hadn’t reprimanded Damian on how he disrespected his sister yet did so to Jason who was trying to defend her. It was clear to everyone that Damian had always been the favorite blood child. Jason hated this a lot. He knew how much of an amazing person you were and that you didn’t deserve such mistreatment. Heck, even Alfred sometimes forgot you existed. Not that he meant to, he just didn’t know you well and you didn’t speak often.
As Dick disappeared up the stairs, Jason turned to Bruce. “Why aren’t you defending your daughter? Is it because you agree with him? That she’s just another mishap of yours? That Damian’s the better one?” Jason said, raising his voice slightly. He couldn’t help it, his anger was rising. He was done with Bruce pretending like you never existed. Before Bruce could respond, they heard Dick call out to them.
“Guys! Y/N fainted! Her pulse is present but weak. She has no physical injuries, but she’s extremely thin, pale, and light.”
They rushed over to her and examined her. Dick was right, you were extremely thin and pale. “Call an ambulance!” Bruce commanded Tim. Tim spoke over the phone and soon, an ambulance arrived and carried you away. Everyone loaded into the limo and followed the ambulance to the hospital.
Hi everyone! So this has turned out way longer than I expected it to be so I think it will be either 3-5 parts in total. Thank you so much for your support and I’m glad you like my writing!
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marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal: Ch. 13
Unsurprisingly, Jason was the last one to get back to the cave. What he wasn’t expecting was everyone to still be sitting around in a circle like there was a damn intervention. He’d ignored the call back for debrief over twenty minutes ago and he’d been hoping that would be enough to avoid the group. Apparently he wasn’t that lucky.
“Nice of you to finally join us.” Demon Spawn snaps, his arms crossed. Jason rolls his eyes.
“I was busy.” He says, not offering any other explanation. They didn’t need it.
“What was the situation with the masked person? You said they were friendly and then you disappeared. Who was it?” Bruce asks.
“Just some kid trying to get air. They take free running classes and thought the roofs were a good idea. We had a nice long talk about safety and they promised to never ever do it again.” Jason snarks. It was close enough to the story Pixie had wanted him to give. She’d insisted that he shouldn’t say anything about seeing Ladybug, terrified that the Bats would be able to deduce her identity. Which, she probably wasn’t wrong. But it did mean he got to annoy the hell out of B and Demon Spawn, which was a plus in his eyes.
“Seriously, B, it was just some kid. I did tell her that not even the roofs were completely safe at night, and that it was better to go to her gym or run during the day.” Jason says, hoping they’d drop the subject. B stares at him for a minute, silently, before sighing.
“Very well. Now, on to the matter of Miss Dupain Cheng and her class.” He says, making Jason flinch.
“Wait, what? Why the hell are they on the agenda?” He asks, starting to feel defensive. The poor kid needed normalcy, not to be dragged in by serial adopter Bruce Wayne. Sure he’d joked about it, but that’s all it was. A joke.
“Scarecrow’s attack? Miss Dupain Cheng took him down, and videos of the attack are all over social media. We need to add surveillance to the class when they’re out to try and counter any possible Rogue attacks. She made herself an interesting target.” Bruce explains and Jason’s fists clench as his stomach rolls. Couldn’t the poor kid catch a goddamn break? Why did she have such bad luck?
“I already planned on going with their class tomorrow. I’ll just make sure to stay on extra alert.” Jason says and Bruce frowns.
“Are you sure, Jason? I was thinking Damian could-”
“And why the hell would you send him when I’m the one who actually knows two of them?” Jason snaps.
“Because he’s their age, Jason. And I’m sticking with that. If you want to go and help make sure nothing happens, feel free. But I’m also sending Damian.” Bruce says, an air of finality in his voice. Jason shoots a glare at Demon Spawn, who- surprisingly- wasn’t complaining about his impending interaction with kids his age. Jason narrows his eyes, suspicious of the brat. Tomorrow should be interesting.
Marinette resisted the urge to slam her head into the bus seat. Repeatedly. She was certain that she could hit hard enough to get a concussion and have a reason to go back to the hotel, but on the other hand, she knew that she would probably end up spilling her coffee. And she was very against that after being out so late last night.
“You good, Bug? You kinda look murderous.” Adrien says softly. Marinette sighs and takes a long swig of her coffee before turning to her best friend.
“I was weighing the pros and cons of giving myself a concussion to get back to the hotel instead of dealing with this mess all day.” She admits, her expression flat. Adrien chokes back a laugh, quickly coughing into his elbow instead.
“What’s stopping you?” He asks and she grins.
“Jay texted and said we needed to ‘hurry the hell up’ because he was tired of sitting outside the aquarium.” She says and Adrien instantly brightens.
“Jay’s coming?” He asks and she nods.
“Yeah, I don’t see him staying too far away now that we’ve been through a Rogue attack. He’s kind of a mother hen.” Marinette reminds him, and Adrien nods.
“That’s true.” He says, his expression distant. Marinette frowns, reaching over and gently intertwining their fingers. She knew the attack had stirred up awful memories for both of them- Adrien especially.
“You think Jay’s gonna expose Lila today or wait?” She asks, quirking an eyebrow. She didn’t honestly think he’d say anything about it today, but she figured Lila would get what was coming at some point during the trip. Especially since the Wayne family seemed to be woven into every aspect of Gotham- no. Her eyes widen as she starts to put the pieces together. She was Ladybug, after all. And nearly every one of her villain fights had some kind of puzzle for her to put together. Jason had three brothers-and a sister and unofficial siblings according to Dick-, and he was Red Hood. Bruce Wayne was putting on a constant act and was overly concerned with villain attacks in Paris. The Wayne family was the Batclan. Or were they? Was she just overthinking this? She frowns, taking another sip of her coffee. She wasn’t overthinking, right?
“M!” Adrien shakes her and she yelps as she nearly spills her coffee. Turning to her best friend, she glares at him.
“What?” She asks, he just shakes his head.
“I’ve been calling your name for like, five minutes. Is something wrong?” He asks, a worried expression immediately creeping its way onto his face. She hesitates, but shakes her head. She knew Jason would tell Adrien about the whole vigilante thing himself, and she didn’t really wanna have the whole ‘I think Bruce Wayne is Batman’ talk. She’d seen the online forums while researching Gotham and she had no desire to be looked at like she was crazy.
“I’m fine. Just-,” She pauses, searching for a word that fits. “Tired.” She finally settles on. It was true, after all. She’d been constantly tired since she was thirteen, something she knew Adrien could relate to.
“Damiboo actually isn’t in town right now! He’s on vacation with his mom.” Lila’s voice rings through the bus. Marinette raises an eyebrow lazily as she glances at Adrien.
“You think ‘Damiboo’ would appreciate that nickname?” She asks with a grin. Adrien smirks.
“I think he’d much prefer ‘Pretty Boy’.” He teases, making Marinette’s cheeks burn as she groans and hides her face in her hands.
“God, I’m never going to be able to look at him again. Never, ever, ever.” She practically whines, her entire face warm as the bus stops.
“Uh, I think you should work on getting more okay with seeing him. Like, quickly.” Adrien says, moving to stand up. She whips around, wide eyed as she follows Adrien’s gaze out of the bus window.
“Well shit.” She mumbles, immediately spotting the boy in question, standing next to Jason. She was going to kill her brother. “Is Jay seriously trying to kill me?” She asks, standing and following Adrien off the bus.
“Doubtful. He probably forgot.” Adrien guesses, and her shoulders relax slightly. Maybe it would be okay. Maybe she wouldn’t have to worry about Jason teasing her about the ‘Pretty Boy’ thing. She manages to catch Jason’s eye and nods at him before standing with the cluster of her classmates around their teacher.
“Okay everyone, do you all have the tickets we passed out on the bus?” Mme. Bustier asks, smiling as everyone nods. “Brilliant! Make sure you have at least one person with you at all times. We’ll meet out here at 11:45 to leave for lunch.” She instructs before turning and walking into the building. Marinette resists the urge to roll her eyes. Sure, leave this class alone in the crime capital of the world, cause that’s not asking for trouble or anything.
“Ready, Minou?” She asks, turning to Adrien with a grin. He nods and they link their arms together before walking towards Jason and Damian.
“I have no idea where you heard that! My Dami absolutely adores his mother, and she adores me. She’s one of the kindest people I know- we’ve worked on several charities together you know.” Lila tells Alya loudly as the group walks past them. Marinette grins at the way Jason nearly doubles over with laughter.
“Something funny, Jay?” Marinette asks.
“I know you said that girl is a snake and a liar, but I’ve never met someone more wrong in my entire life.” He says with a snort.
“What are you talking about?” Damian asks, frowning. Marinette’s smile drops and she winces slightly. She didn’t really know him, but could guess that he wouldn’t be too happy hearing about Lila’s lies.
“Well-” Adrien starts, but Jason cuts him off.
“That girl says she’s dating you and that your mother works with charities and is a ‘lovely person’, not a description anyone would actually use for your mom.” Jason says with a snort. Damian’s face darkens and for a minute, Marinette thinks he’s gonna go after Lila. Not that she’d stop him. But instead, he takes a deep breath, jaw still clenched.
“I will be speaking with Father later.” He tells Jason, who just nods in agreement. “In the meantime, would you like to go look around the aquarium?” He asks, turning to her with a raised eyebrow. Marinette grins and nods. Apparently Jason wasn’t the only one to forget about the whole ‘Pretty Boy’ thing. There was still hope.
Story tag list: @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @queenz-z @daminette-56 @how-to-fuction-properly @kking13
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Dad...I’m Bilingual
Read here on AO3!
Dick hums—a quiet, sleepy sound. He’s drifting, but only slightly. The painkillers are doing their job. “It’s dumb,” he says. “I can beat up bad guys an’ stop an apocalypse, but I can’t even tell my own dad I’m bilingual.”
Bruce just stares at him. Realization kicks in a moment later. “Do you mean bisexual?”
“Yeah, bionical.” He said that, didn’t he? Bruce must be getting slow in his old age.
When he wakes up, the first thing that Dick’s sluggish mind can latch onto is how tingly his tongue feels. His taste buds buzz like someone poured a can of Pepsi into his mouth while he was sleeping, bubbles tickling the path down. Or maybe pop rocks. Or tiny little bumblebees, their legs scritching and scratching the surface they tread. The tingling spreads outward, Dick notices as he careens toward the wakeful part of wakefulness. Mouth to neck to torso to fingers to the cement block that he is pretty sure used to be his right leg. Soda and pop rocks and bees, the whole way. A quiet, questioning groan slips through Dick’s heavy lips. He cracks his eyes open and squints, blinking against the unforgiving brightness of the room he’s in. “Mm. Bruce?” A nearby chair squeaks. “Dick? Are you awake?” Bruce’s voice is uncomfortably close, booming in the short space between them. Dick grimaces. “C’n you...back up? Your breath smells like meatloaf.” He opens his eyes fully and is greeted by Bruce’s lined face, bags sagging under his eyes. They’re in a hospital room, white walls and white sheets.
Bruce’s meatloaf breath huffs once in amusement, then retreats. “I’ll take that to mean you’re back up, then.” In his lap is a magazine laid open to a page that’s all squiggles and bumbled lines. It matches the rest of the room. Dick’s head swims.
The numbness has receded mostly now that Dick is back online, but his stubborn cement leg takes longer to reboot. “Feels like I died. Then came back to life. Then died again.” His mind churns slush and soup. “You did just get out of surgery,” Bruce tells him. “Leslie said you’ll be woozy for a few hours.” Dick frowns. “I can’t feel my leg.” He has to parse his words carefully, his mouth working slowly like his muscles have melted into molasses. “I should hope not. You just had your knee put back together.” That part sounds...somewhat familiar? Dick has mismatched memories of surfing a stop sign across Clayface’s back, then sirens so loud and so close they split his head in half. He remembers Leslie yelling into one ear while the other listened to Bruce and Steph arguing about a video she uploaded to the Batman Incorporated Twitter account. That was completely irresponsible, Bruce said, out of his Batman suit and in one of the backup outfits he has stored in Leslie’s office for nights like that one. You’re lucky he only broke his knee. That stunt earned the Bat brand fifty Twitter followers, Steph snarked back. I need a goddamn vacation, Leslie said. “Tim left to crash a jet ski in the harbor,” Bruce continues, though Dick doesn’t remember asking, “so your alibi is taken care of. Jason and Cass went to track down the pudding cart, and Alfred took Damian home to sleep.” The half-drawn curtains make it hard to decide if that’s a sunrise or a sunset he’s seeing. Either way, it speaks to long hours of sitting and waiting and hoping. “I think…” Dick licks his dry lips. “I think they cut my leg off?” It feels like it. Did Leslie take his leg away as punishment for being dumb? Is the hospital hiding it from him? Bruce snorts. “Then what is that?” He gestures to Dick’s leg, the entire thing encased in weighty layers of gauze and plaster. “An imposter,” Dick says. Duh. “They gave me fake metal parts like Vic.” Dick slumps against the pitifully flat pillow behind his head. “My brain feels fuzzy. Did they take stuff out of my head?” That would explain the foggy memories and the way all of his words swim away from him like he’s been plunged underwater. Underwater hospital. Now there’s an idea. “You’re on painkillers,” Bruce says plainly, licking his thumb and turning the page of his magazine. “Heavy ones, it looks like.” Dick can’t remember if painkillers are supposed to feel like bumblebees buzzing around inside his thoughts. Maybe they’re made of honey. “Y’know, last time I woke up all confused in a hospital room, a bullet stole secrets from my head.” Bruce looks pained. “I assure you that all of your secrets are intact this time around.” Dick hums. “You should...take the painkillers out.” “Why is that?” “‘Cause I don’t wanna spill stuff.” Bruce frowns. He doesn’t say anything for so long that Dick wonders if he spoke in Portuguese by mistake. Bruce places his magazine on the plastic chair beside him. “Well, I can’t take out the IV because you’ll be in pain, but I promise you that the room is safe. Tim checked for bugs.” Why a bug would be in the human hospital, Dick doesn’t know. He shakes his head. The front pieces of his hair fall into his eyes, but his arms are too tired to fix it. “That doesn’t work, ‘cause then...then you’ll know. And that’s bad.” “This isn’t about your secret identity, is it?” Another head shake. “I might acci-mentally tell you ‘bout how I spilled tapioca on the Batmobile’s seats.” Bruce’s eyes widen. “That was you?” “Yeah, but don’t tell Bruce, ‘kay? You gotta promise.” Bruce rubs his temples like he’s sleepy. “I spent ten minutes yelling at Jason for that. I made him clean the seats.” “Yeah, ‘cause you’re an asshole.” Dick huffs, blowing at his pesky bangs until Bruce rolls his eyes and pushes them back for him. “Thank you.” “I appreciate you telling me about the tapioca. We’ll talk more about that when you’re sober.” Dick makes a face. “The whole point’s that I can’t tell you about the tapioca. It’s a secret. I’ve got too many of those—a whole big fuckin’ army of secrets. And it’s too many. No fun when you can’t share ‘em.” “What about Nightwing?” Bruce asks. “‘S different. You already know that one. I can share it.” “But you can’t share the other ones,” Bruce finishes. Dick snaps his fingers. “Zactly.” Bruce studies Dick—his bundled-up leg and the clear bag hanging on the hook beside his bed, pumping drugs into his bloodstream. “I should let you rest.” He starts to get up, the action somehow guilty despite there being no inherent guilt in vacating a chair. Bruce can pour guilt into anything if he tries hard enough. “You wanna know the worst part?” Dick continues on like Bruce hadn’t spoken, words spilling freely over compromised lips. “I could tell you. I could. But I’m a scaredy cat, so I can’t.” Reluctantly, Bruce sits back down. “I don’t know about that. I think you’re very brave.” “I’m not. If I was, I’d be able to tell you, because I know you’ll still love me no matter what I am, and I’m still scared. And that’s what scaredy cats do. They run away.” When Bruce’s face wears that expression, that gentle turn of his mouth and that pang in his eyes, Dick is stricken by memories of being nine years old. He’d go out every night in the Robin suit, wearing it like a suit of armor and trusting that nothing could hurt him. Bruce would be there by his side, protecting his Robin from harm at all costs. His soul wrapped around Dick’s like a second layer of armor, and it was then that Dick started to wonder if it was possible to have two fathers. “There’s nothing wrong with being scared sometimes,” Bruce tells him now. “There is if you’re a superhero.” “Even then. Sharing a secret can be a scary thing, even when you know it’s safe. That’s why they stay secret for so long.” If Dick didn’t know any better, he’d think that Bruce already knew what Dick desperately wanted and didn’t want to say. But not even Batman can read minds. Dick hums—a quiet, sleepy sound. He’s drifting, but only slightly. The painkillers are doing their job. “It’s dumb,” he says. “I can beat up bad guys an’ stop an apocalypse, but I can’t even tell my own dad I’m bilingual.” Bruce just stares at him. Realization kicks in a moment later. “Do you mean bisexual?” “Yeah, bionical.” He said that, didn’t he? Bruce must be getting slow in his old age. Bruce leans back in his chair with an odd, bemused expression. It’s not an angry one—more like when he’s cracked a case and lets the truth soak in. What case he’s cracked, Dick doesn’t know. Puzzlement morphs into something soft. “Okay. You’re bisexual. That’s not so bad.” “Yeah. But it would change stuff if you knew.” “Not exactly,” Bruce says. “You’re still you, Dick. Nothing’s changed—not really.” “Mm.” Dick’s chest warms. That must be a delayed effect of the painkillers, surely. “Maybe I’ll tell you sometime, then. Later,” he amends. “When my head’s not full of mothballs.” “Sure, son.” Bruce reaches out to ruffle Dick’s hair. “Whenever you’re ready to tell me, I’ll listen.”
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Bunny Ears
Pairing :: older/adult!Damian Wayne x fem!Reader
Warnings :: none, except embarassment
Word Count :: 956
Summary :: You got Damian to wear bunny ears. 
A/N :: I got a Damain Fluff request from @yourcatcoffeeaddictfan​. I hope you enjoy!
Image created by me on ArtBreeder
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“Pretty please?” You begged Damian.
He stared at you with a blank face, still unable to believe what you were asking for.
You held one of his hands with both of yours, giving him a large puppy-eyed look. You were hoping if you tried hard enough, he’d cave and give in.
“It won’t be for very long, I promise! We’ll be done before dinner.”
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose, a long sigh leaving him. “Fine.”
You squealed with joy, jumping onto him and engulfing him in a large hug.
Though you had promised him it wouldn’t take long, you two found yourself seated at the dinner table with everyone, painfully quiet, except for you, and their gaze fixed on Damian. No one paid attention to your story about how you and your brother managed to get stuck in a hidden room at your grandparent’s house. Each one had their attention set on Damian, who was wearing a black and red striped shirt with white bunny ears. Quite the contrast to your pastel pink hoodie and pink bunny ears.
“And then, they finally realized the key to the room was in my grandma’s old jewelry box,” You finished, taking another spoon full of pasta.
Jason nodded, pretending to care before he spoke. “So wild, can’t believe they didn’t think of that first,” He said as if he was listening. “Hey, Damian, why are you dressed like that?”
Damian glared at Jason, jaw clenching because he knew the second you left he’d be bombarded by his older adopted brothers.
“(Y/N) asked me to take pictures with her and film some short videos.”
“Pictures?” Jason raised a brow.
A small frown appeared on Tim’s face. “You threw my camera at me when I asked you to take a picture of me and Steph…”
“Because I was busy then.”
“Hold on, what type of videos?” Dick butted in.
“Just some cute little couples videos to random audios I like,” You explained.
You looked over at Bruce, the only one who wasn’t blatantly staring at Damian and instead actually eating his food.
“Sorry if this seems a bit distracting for the dinner table Mr. W,” You gestured to the bunny ears and your cute makeup. “I would’ve done this at my place, but my roommate is having a small gathering of friends and they can be just a bit… noisy at times.”
Bruce shook his head. “It’s perfectly fine (Y/N). Plus, if you didn’t we would’ve never gotten to see Damian wear another color besides black,” He said with a small smirk.
You giggled, nodding in agreement. “Honestly, I was shocked to find out Dames really only had black in his closet. There was only one white shirt, but that’s for formal events only!” You teased. You hugged his arm, a small smile on your face as you looked at him. “But I didn’t mind buying him this new shirt. Especially since I got him a few other things too.”
“You did?” The three other men asked in sync, perking up in their seats.
“Yup! I left them all my house though since I only brought the stuff I needed for tonight.”
Each of them visibly shrunk back in disappointment.
Damian let out a small cough, clearing his throat and grabbing everyone’s attention. “Thank you for the dinner, but, I think we’ll be excusing ourselves from the table now. (Y/N) had a rather long list of photo poses and videos she wanted to do before she had to head back home.”
He stood up, grabbing your hand and dragging you away before you could say a word. He rushed you to his room, slamming and locking the door behind you.
“Damian, we don’t have a lot, we nearly finished everything right before dinner,” You started, but stopped when you saw how upset he looked.
Knowing he was upset, your lips curved downward as you approached him. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“They’re going to tear me apart after seeing me in these ridiculous bunny ears.”
“Who cares?” You wrapped your arms around his chest, burying your face in his chest. “I think you look cute.”
With your face in his chest, you couldn’t see the faint blush on his face. “They’ll mock me for weeks.”
“If any one of them tries,” You turned your head up to look at him, “I’ll ‘accidentally’ slip and hit them. That’s what I did when my siblings made fun of me.”
Damian let out a soft chuckle. “You really don’t care what others think, do you?”
You shook your head, a large grin on your face. “Nope! Why should I when all that matters is that I’m having fun and look cute?”
You tugged him down for a quick peck on the lips before pulling away. You walked over to your bag, pulling out a small polaroid camera.
“Let’s just take one more picture and then we’ll call it a night. ‘Kay?”
“I thought you had more you wanted-”
Damian was silenced by your lips once again, this time a kiss lasting far longer than the one before. One of his hands rested on your cheek and the other fell to your waist, while you only had one hand flat on his chest.
You each pulled apart, Damian’s brows furrowing while he watched you take the photo the polaroid had just printed. 
“For you.” You held the picture out for him.
He stared, still confused, until you started pulling your hand away after a minute.
“If you don’t want it-”
“No, it’s mine,” He said quickly before grabbing the photo.
You couldn’t help but laugh, reaching up and taking the bunny ears off of him. “That’s what I thought.”
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batfamspews · 3 years
Red Robin and Jason have been battling each other in an abandoned building for the past fifteen minutes and the fight ended with Jason victorious and Tim flat on his back on the ground. Both of them are bleeding and have several internal wounds.
Jason: *going to jump out of a nearby window* It’s been fun, replacement! Though I have to admit, I think you’re getting a little rusty. You used to be so strategic, but now you’re just pure chaos. I like the change but it makes you pretty easy to beat. Probably should start thinking things through again.
Tim: *deadpan, unflinching, staring at the ceiling*
Jason: *Confused because just a couple of seconds ago Tim was bustling with squirrel-like energy* Hey man, you good?
Tim: Yeah man just rethinking my life.
Jason: Ah. *goes to jump out the window but then hesitates and looks back at Tim. Not a single muscle in his body has flinched. Jason figures he had better stick around and keep an eye on him since he’s pretty sure he heard bones breaking during their fight and he wants to make sure he didn’t paralyze or give Tim brain damage.* You wanna talk about it? *goes and sits down next to Tim*
Tim: Eh, life sucks, you know? Fight all night, work all day, study. I’m supposed to be the smart one, right? What if I can’t keep up? What if I crack and lose it? What if someone smarter comes along? Besides, I can’t help but feel like I’m just ticking every one off.
Jason: *surprised but slightly amused that his straight-rod, genius brother would have such a poor opinion of himself* Heeeey, come on, little Red! You don’t suck that much! I mean, I do get sick and tired of your virtuous crap every once and a while, hence me beating you to a bloody pulp right now, but you’ve got a good head and heart! What’s making you feel so down?
Tim: …
Tim: Tried to make supper the other night. Alfred got food poisoning. He’s still in the hospital.
Jason: So you’re guilty?
Tim: *smiles* Yes but that’s just a part of it. I’m in charge of making my own food now, but since I’m scared that I’ll poison myself I’ve only been drinking a concoction I made up a while ago that I know won’t kill me.
Jason: Yeah? What?
Tim: Iced coffee made with Red Bull instead of water.
Jason: …
Jason: ……. .. . …
Jason: That sounds disgusting
Tim: It absolutely is.
Jason: How long has this been going on?
Tim: About a week?
Jason: ??? And that’s all you’ve had?
Tim: I mean, I ate some Nachos last night and I have an emergency stash of pop tarts in my room that I finished off the first two days.
Jason: ???????
Tim: *shrugs* The Red Bull iced coffee gives me energy. Kinda sucks though because I crash when it wares off and have another identity crisis. I should really get some more before the tremors.
Tim: You know, there’s a line between intelligence and wisdom- oh crap here they come. Totally jinxed myself.
*Jason stares in disbelief as Tim’s whole body starts shaking. He start to say something but Tim- doubled over in pain- holds up a hand to make him wait. The tremors stop after a few seconds.*
Tim: I should probably grab some more coffee or something before that happens again. You wouldn��t happen to have an energy drink on you, wouldja? I’d get some myself, but I’m pretty sure you broke something in my leg and it hurts to move it.
Jason: For the love of God, Tim, you need professional help. Call Bruce to come pick you up???
Tim: I don’t really feel like talking to Bruce right now. I don’t want to get lectured again.
Jason: …
Jason: Fair enough, but I’m not leaving you here like this. I may not be an exceptional brother or anything but I’m pretty sure it would be considered child abuse if I let you torture yourself this way.
Tim: *laughs* you just broke my bones and beat me into submission.
Jason: you were being annoying.
Tim: And besides, Bruce doesn’t stop me.
Tim: ??? Where are we going?
Tim: Bruce is gonna be ticked. I’ve still got another hour on patrol.
Tim: I don’t wanna tell him that-
Tim: I mean? Dick’s been out of town so I’m gonna assume he’s doing fine. The Kents have invited Damian’s vegan butt into their household until Alfred recovers. Pretty sure Babs, Steph and Cass are surviving on hot pockets and chicken nuggets.
Jason: NOT MY GOOD GOOD GIRLS! That’s it, you’re coming home with me and are not leaving until you are fully recovered. I’m gonna call the girls too. Tonight you four are going to have a round, home cooked meal. *carries him down the stairs* Geez, kid, you’re skin and bones. On no accounts should you be this light. And you look like a zombie! Is this just the malnutrition, or are you not sleeping either?
Tim: I mean, I’ve passed out a couple of times…
Tim: The caffeine made sleeping virtually impossible, though now that it’s wearing off I do feel a bit drowsy…
Jason: Normally I would not give an idiot like you the permission to rest while I’m helping them out but for the love of everything that is holy, Timothy, go to sleep!
Tim: Dope. *immediately passes out*
Jason brings Tim to his apartment and puts him on the couch. Jason already has a nutritious vegetable and beef stir fry ready for the girls when they arrive. He’s also made broth that Cass spoon-feeds Tim when he wakes up shaking. They’ve all turned off their coms, so when Batman desperately calls Red-Hood’s home phone for help, Jason tells him what a horrible father he’s been lately and that even a problem child like himself would make a better parent. Cass, Steph and Babs leave after supper, but have agreed with Jason to eat lunch and supper at his place until Alfred got back. Jason called Nightwing up, told him the situation and asked him to come back to Gotham to deal with Bruce. The next morning Jason brought Tim to the hospital to get an X-ray done on his leg. When they found out it was fractured, Jason arranged for a very exhausted but thankful Tim to stay at his apartment until it healed, even when Alfred recovered. During that period he was able to break Tim’s eating habits and introduce him to healthier options. According to Jason, “I might be a ‘danger to society’ and a ‘homicidal maniac,’ but at least I can make a half decent home cooked meal for my poor starving siblings!”
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Tom is already rehashing some things, like too many homages to the nineties run, Zucco's daughter plot point, Beatrice had ideas for societal reform he's taking that and giving it to Dick. It'll probably be half hearted, but it stings that Beatrice left just a few issues ago and she's already completely forgotten for the sake of DickBabs or a love triangle.
Like the thing about the nineties runs is I mean, as much flack as we give various elements of them, there’s so much from that time period that was good? Great, even! Just....myself and the writers seem to have very different opinions on what the most interesting elements of the nineties comics were, oh well.
And omgggggg I’m still so mad about Bea, and its literally Shawn Tsang all over again. The writers keep introducing new, interesting characters, investing just enough time and focus into them to have us interested in them and wanting to see more.....and then they toss them aside to go back to drawing from the same well as always.
And the thing is, this isn’t even about me not really being a Dick/Babs shipper, because honestly, I’m not enjoying the Dick/Kory stuff in what I’ve seen of Titans Academy either, and for the exact same reason:
When they create new characters like Shawn and Bea, they KNOW they’re starting from scratch and need to build interest in those characters from the ground up. So they’re forced to put their best foot forward. There’s no short cut there, if you want people to care about a brand new character you have to give them REASONS to care. You have to make those characters likable, you have to make people WANT to root for them, you have to hook them with intriguing backstories that don’t feel formulaic and new angles that don’t feel just derivative of older characters, and that’s how we got stuff like Shawn’s history as a former sidekick to a villain and now running a support group for rogues trying to turn their lives around, and Bea’s work in societal reform.
But then the second they stop having the patience to build the new characters up enough that the interest in them can actually start to reach the levels that lets older characters last and grants longevity....they just toss them aside and move on....except they never really move on, just backwards. Because the problem with so MANY superhero couples, far from just Dick and Babs or Dick and Kory, is just....how lazy it seems to make so many canon writers. They just fall back on rehashing the same old tropes and just updating popular moments that resonated with fans in the past, now just recreated with a slightly more modern twist but without ever really being anything new. 
Even with ships that I’ve never really been sold on in the past like Dick/Babs, I’ve always said, there’s usually nothing stopping me from GAINING interest in them.....its just....the writers have to GIVE ME A REASON TO. And so many of DC’s writers just aren’t even trying. They’re just moving parts around and pushing characters together in various arrangements like everyone’s just a puzzle piece that you can mix and match however you want......and then just basically expecting readers to be interested purely because of who the characters are, or because it hinges on a nice moment that they then milk the hell out of without ever expanding that into building actual STORY around these moments but rather just squeezing each one til they get everything they possibly can out of it and moving on to the next as though its all just about chasing the next soundbite...because it is! LOL.
And honestly, this problem extends far beyond just the Nightwing title or the Batfam or Taylor’s run or writing in particular.....its a company wide issue right now. In fact I would bet just about anything that its a matter of editorial edict, that even before Taylor started his run DC said okay here’s the approach we want everyone taking with their stories right now:
And that’s like.....its all about banking on nostalgia and the comfort of the familiar right now. I think Taylor is drawing all these elements straight from the 90s Nightwing comics, like Blockbuster and Dick having been a cop, etc, because these are the elements of past Nightwing stories that are so well known. Its the same reasoning behind why they put Tim back as Robin and so many of their new characters are just new spins on old faves like Punchline and Harley Quinn, and why they’re pushing all these older ships that haven’t been together in ages and why specific team lineups are reappearing....its because nostalgia is the name of the game for DC right now, and all their writers are just pulling together threads of classic stories that have stood the test of time, figuring anything that landed particularly well with fans in the past will sell with people here and now, and weaving these threads together and brushing over them with a modern social issues veneer. 
As an approach, its basically all just about repackaging previously successful story moments and elements with just enough changes or in just new enough a configuration that readers aren’t likely to complain en masse that like “hey we literally already read all this. We’ve already BOUGHT these issues. When we were kids.” Its minimizing creative risk while maximizing monetary profit. Spend as little creative capital as possible outside of anything that’s already been successful in the past and as such is a relatively proven quantity, instead of testing new material that’s an unknown and runs the risk of falling flat and thus not being profitable.
And see, I’d almost guarantee that all THAT, that whole line-wide approach to DC’s storytelling, is because the powers that be looked at the last several years of stories and how many of THEM fell flat with readers, and decided that the problem was they’d BEEN trying too much new stuff and readers just didn’t like it. Because they WERE concentrating on presenting totally new stories and building up new ideas throughout their books.....but readers have been pretty vocal for years now about being disenchanted with most of DC’s major stories. And so DC I think looked at that and came to the conclusion that okay, people just don’t want new right now, they want the familiar.
But like.....DC’s problem IMO was never that they were trying new stuff? The reason so much of their new and original storylines weren’t gaining traction or bringing in readers and kept shedding old readers had absolutely NOTHING to do with them being new and previously unseen storylines, which makes falling back on nostalgia very much a non-solution to entirely the wrong problem.
No, DC’s problem for years has been that they’ve been all about spectacle instead of story. There’s ZERO emotional pay-off to any of their biggest plot twists or character beats, and emotion is LITERALLY what people read stories for. Its all about racing to the climactic action packed finish of every storyline and then immediately resetting everyone back to square one and jumping straight into the next big story, without ever giving the events of any of their stories time or reason to MATTER to the characters.....and if they don’t matter to the characters, our proxies that we’re viewing these stories through, then why should any of it matter to us? Why should any of it linger, dig in roots, resonate with us as moments that left an impact and that we accordingly want more of?
And again, like because I���m a Dick Grayson focused blog I’ve obviously largely been focused on how much I dislike the SPECIFIC reactions or non-reactions to so many of the major beats in his stories.....but it was spread throughout their entire line.
Bruce and Selina almost got married....but why should anyone care outside of Tom King’s title when nobody else seems to, no other characters feel anything about this, and Bruce in none of his other appearances seems the same as ever without any reminder that he just almost got married but then didn’t.....and if the characters don’t ever seem to be affected by or feeling a need to revisit or reflect on recent stories, why should we bother remembering them either? 
Jason was dramatically and fucked-upily (yes its a word, I totally looked it up and everything) exiled from Gotham....and then all of that is undone in a single issue with one low-stakes awkward conversation between him and Bruce. Damian quits as Robin and goes off the map and everyone in his family is like “hey don’t we have a littler brother, I feel like we did maybe” for one panel per story arc, and that’s it. Roy’s back from the dead and everybody’s like oh hey cool instead of the kind of return we used to get like when Donna came back and everyone was like oh shit, this MATTERS, because we MISSED you....just like Dick’s death never mattered to anyone but fans of his character because much like I was just saying earlier with them not really giving me a reason TO emotionally invest in Dick and Babs’ relationship if I wasn’t already, same thing with the aftermath of Forever Evil. They didn’t give anyone else reason to emotionally invest in that as something that HAPPENED to Dick and that he was AFFECTED by....because the writers didn’t bother writing him as all that affected by it and it was just like oh he’s a spy now, all that was last year’s content, we’ve moved on, keep up.
And on and on it goes. Ric Grayson was the same problem all over again. Rinse and repeat down the line with everyone from Wally to Donna and etc etc etc.
THAT’S why DC’s stories have been falling flat. It has nothing to do with people not being interested in new ideas, characters or directions, its that’s ALL they were giving us, but it was like just reading wiki summaries of events just alongside pretty art, but no real emotional weight or substance to anything we were reading....and thus, literally nothing that we couldn’t get much the same outcome from if we just...stuck to reading wiki summaries after the stories were over, with no real need to follow along with them. For years most fans have basically just been about keeping up to date with changes in the characters’ lives, but without feeling any real need to watch those changes unfold and play out.
And so honestly I worry we’re just gonna be subjected to a company wide rehashing of old and familiar storylines, directions and character beats, but repackaged and delivered in the exact same way DC was delivering us their new stories and ideas these past years....and its basically going to have the same results, because its the same problem. They didn’t actually fix anything by switching gears, they just shuffled around the actual issue.
And DC’s just gonna be like well now wtf are we doing wrong, we were so sure this would work, everyone LOVES nostalgia right? Did we pick the wrong stories and character beats to bring back?
When really its like......it honestly doesn’t matter WHICH stories and beats they rehash, because its not about them picking the ‘right ones,’ the real keepers, the stories that everyone really WAS eager to see brought back or made new again.....
Its about like, the only reason any of those stories or beats or dynamics stood the test of time and are still familiar and well-known....is because the stories AROUND those moments and ideas gave us reason to emotionally invest in them and retain them as crucial to our view of the characters and things that would resonate and stay with us for a long time.
It was never that any of those ideas or stories were just so innately brilliant that they couldn’t help BUT linger in the overall reader consciousness...it was the fact that we CARED about what happened in those moments and stories.
*Shrugs* But I mean hey, what do I know? I’m just a dude on the internet lolol. 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 14
It occurs to me now that heat can mean temperature… I went straight for arguments not sure what that says about me, oh well.
First < Previous > Next
“And you were meant to leave the city!” Bruce yells at them, quite frankly ruining the novelty of being in the Batcave, “Instead you weasel your way under my roof!”
“We didn’t know it was your roof!” Marinette yells back, all semblance of politeness out the window at this point.
“It wouldn't have been a problem if you just left to begin with!” The others look on, all having learned not to interject in this particular argument.
“We can’t leave! There are miraculous at stake, I need to retrieve them as Guardian! And it’s not like you do so hot against them anyway,”
“I have been preparing countermeasures!”
“Against the Akuma or against us!?”
“You know what-”
“No! You know what? If you had put your ego aside for one minute and helped us we could be finding Hawkmoth right now,” Marinette steps closer, Batman doesn't back up, “If the justice league had taken us seriously maybe Paris wouldn't have been plagued by a terrorist for years! And then we wouldn't have come to Gotham at all,”
“If you wanted the Justice leagues respect, you should have followed our rules,” Batman growls trying to piece together some semblance of composure, “One of which being respect other heroes jurisdiction,”
“Hey buddy you forced us to stay in your house and I don't see you wearing polka dots so quit complaining,” Marinette crosses her arms, meeting his glare toe to toe, “Plus the order of the miraculous were the first heroes, formed long before the Justice League was,”
“And yet they’ve been gone for centuries, the guardians have no place here now,” The absolute disrespect- “Step down and hand over your miraculous,”
“NO!” She yells along with Adrien who protects his ring for good measure.
“Father you can’t expect-”
“You too Damian,” The boy stops, Batman’s glare cold until everything catches up.
“What?!” Damian demands, Marinette steps back as he rounds on Bruce.
“You revealed your identity as Robin, you compromised everyone else in the process you aren’t fit to be Robin,” The tone is emotionless and flat, rubbing Marinette all the wrong ways.
“Bruce you can’t-” Dick tries to interject as Damian is frozen in place.
“Marinette, Adrien you will leave my house and return to Paris,” Anger rises up in Marinette, he had no right to treat them this way and no right to treat his son like that.
“Oh trust me we’re leaving your house,” Marinette grabs Adrien leaving the cave before she does something stupid like punching him. Gratifying, easy, but stupid. “But we will not be going back to Paris,”
“Bruce you can’t just revoke Damian's…”
They leave Dick to argue for Damian it being clear Bruce wasn't going to change his mind. Damian stood stock still, expression void. It made Marinette's heart ache.
“So back on the streets then?” Adrien asks, bag slung over one shoulder. It wasn't like they could find a hotel without Gabriel knowing where they are and it’s clear he was going to drastic measures to get his son back now.
“Guess so,” Marinette shrugs ready to mount her bike, at least they had that now, “Better find a place to pack in for the night,”
“I have an idea,” They both whip around, Jason or rather Red Hood leaning against the wall, “Take one of my safe houses,”
“Why? Won't it make Batman mad?” Adrien asks, Marinette thinks that's a good enough reason in itself.
“Yeah, that's the main reason I’m doing this,” Goodman, “Also you do good work, even if Bruce is too stubborn to see that,”
“Thank you,” Marinette says sincerely, Jason nods.
“I have a place across town the rest of the family don’t know about,”
“I do,” They all turn around this time, Damian walking over, “I’ll be coming with you,”
“Finally time for some of that rebellion huh?” Marinette grins, not even bothering to argue.
“It’s finally time for some freedom,” They smile at each other.
“Ah yes escaping dear old dad's place to live at your big brothers,” Jason ruffles Damian's hair, “Baby steps,”
“Well what would you suggest?” Damian huffs, pushing Jason off.
“How about some actual freedom?” Marinette steps in, eyes sparkling, “What's something you want to do that he’s wouldn't let you?”
“... There's a mission he wouldn't let me do,”
“Let’s go,” Marinette shrugs on her bag.
“Wait what?” Damian's system reboots, as Marinette makes sure everything is in order.
“I’m going to help you,” Marinette beams at him, “Believe it or not I’ve gotten pretty good at avoiding Batman,”
“You were living under his roof,” Jason points out, a lopsided grin.
“And still he never talked to me,”
“That’s alright he never talks to me either,”  Jason shrugs, they shake it off as a joke ignoring the truth behind it.
“Chat take my earrings,” Marinette starts to remove them, and did they always have the same earrings? How had Damian not noticed?
“I would milady but I don’t think they’ll be as flattering,” Adrien jokes carefully taking the jewels handed to him.
“Hm,” Marinette gives him that sarcastic smile you do when someone tells a bad joke, “Can you hold down the fort for me for a few days?”
“Of course,”
“Then let's go,” Marinette turns back to Damian smiling widely.
“Really?” He asks, Marinette just nods, picking up Damian's bag.
“First Adrien Agreste now Damian Wayne, I’m becoming the world's leading expert on helping rich boys run away,”
“Ha, I’ll introduce you to Roy next,” Jason teases, talking with Adrien about where he’ll stay.
“Who’s Roy?” Adrien asks.
“... No one,”
“Another superhero?”
“Yeah,” One day Marinette would sit down and figure out everyone's identity but today was solely dedicated to Damian.
It was time to break free from Batman.
And Robin.
No taglist cant keep track of them~
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cdelphiki · 4 years
She couldn’t do this.
Damian. Her precious little Damian. The baby with a beautiful smile. Infectious laugh. Adorable babble. Who so sweetly, so gently, pet any stray cat that sat still long enough for him to ‘catch.’ Who hugged anyone that cared for him, and even the random servants who lingered long enough.
That baby. Her baby.
Watching him, at 18-months-old, be taught how to wield a sword. Watching as the trainer smacked his hands, his side, his face, every time he wobbled, or lost interest, or got confused.
Hearing his cry, and seeing his pleading eyes, whenever it happened.
Seeing him look at her, and call for her, then get distraught because she did nothing.
She just stood there.
Next to her father.
And watched.
There was nothing more she could do. Going against her father would only bring more harm on her son. It would only risk Father taking Damian from her entirely.
But she couldn’t do this.
It felt like her heart was being ripped out of her body.
Someone was inside her, with red hot claws, scratching away. Destroying everything. Killing her.
Her stomach was filling with vile acid, and just one move, one word, and it might come up.
Weakness, her father would say.
Perhaps that is why he ordered her presence, for this training session.
She’d hardly been allowed time with her son. Not in nearly a year had she been granted daily visits with him.
Her father had been disappointed in how attached she’d been becoming.
‘He is to be a warrior,’ Father had said, ‘worthy of his station. He cannot become the Demon’s head if he is soft.’
Perhaps it was then she should have done something.
Said something.
But instead, she just bowed her head and followed orders.
Like a good daughter would do.
What use was that now?
Damian whimpered again, as his trainer smacked him on the back with the flat of his blade. He’d started slouching. They were working on form.
Talia resisted closing her eyes. She knew, she knew if she did, she would not be able to stop the tears that followed.
She had to remain strong. Stable. Unaffected….
Unaffected in her father’s eyes, at least.
When she’d lied to Bruce, when she’d told him she’d miscarried…. What was she thinking?
She- she hadn’t wanted to betray her father. Hadn’t wanted to betray the League. This was her life. She’d been raised in this, she owed everything she had. Her training. Her wealth. Her skills. Everything to her father.
But what did that matter?
Was it worth it? Was her son worth it?
“All done,” Damian pleaded, when he fell over and scraped his hands on the hard cement, “all done all done all done.”
The trainer just stood him back up and handed him the sword again, ignoring his cries.
When Damian looked at her and cried, “Mama,” again, Talia could taste the bile.
How could she have just handed her son over to Ra’s like this? What kind of monster was she?
Her son was crying for her, and she was standing by, watching him be hurt.
All because her father told her to.
The fact that he knew to call her ‘Mama’ was all because she snuck in to see him. Ordered his nursemaids to leave the room. Swore them to secrecy.
Had killed, a few of them…
She’s more than sure Ra’s had noticed, now.
As Talia stood there, watching her son struggle to stop crying and listen to his trainer, Talia made a decision.
Because nearly two years ago, when she’d told Bruce about her ‘miscarriage,’ she’d made a huge mistake.
Her father’s influence was toxic.
This training?
It was hell.
Talia loved what it’d turned her into, she loved her skills and abilities.
But if this was the cost?
Her child?
There was only one place on earth where she’d be safe, where he’d be safe. One person able to offer that protection.
And once Talia told him, she knew he’d move heaven and earth to get them away.
- - -
To say Bruce was suspicious would be an understatement.
Talia had broken ties with him two years prior.
On not-so-friendly terms, at that.
She’d betrayed him. Joined her father, and all but stabbed him in the back in doing so.
He’d loved her.
He really had.
She had been- he thought she was-
They were going to spend their lives together. Raise a child. He thought she was-
But that was over. In the past.
And yet, there she was, staring back at him through a webcam, asking for his help.
Asking for help, after hacking into his computer, in the cave, where his son could enter at any moment.
How on earth was he supposed to explain his past fling with Talia al Ghul to Jason?
“Why should I trust you?” he asked, not really expecting an answer.
Because how would he be able to deny her request?
Once upon a time, he would have died for this opportunity. Would have cried, from utter relief, to get her away from the League. To bring her home. Keep her safe.
Yes. She could keep herself safe. Defend herself. Hold her own, against even him, but he could offer his protection of the entire Justice League. If it came down to it.
He’d loved her.
But she’d chosen her father. Chosen a life as an assassin. Rejected him. And it was hard for him to forget that.
“I lied to you,” she said, pulling his attention back to the present, “I lied.”
She said it with such finality, Bruce narrowed his eyes. And just stared.
He was sure she’d lied about many things. Why was this the ‘reason?’ And why would lying be a reason to trust her now?
To give her a chance, now?
“About?” he pressed, ignoring the thought in the back of his head asking whether this was all a distraction so the League could move in on Gotham.
Alarms would be going off, if that were the case. Literal alarms, in the cave.
Besides, the League hadn’t been doing anything in the United States for many months.
They were too busy building up their forces in the Alps. Bruce still had no idea why, but they’d been beefing up their presence there for over a year and a half.
“You know about what,” Talia said, gently. Almost apologetically.
His heart fluttered, a little.
There was one thing. One thing, that had she been lying about, he’s not sure he’d be angry about.
Not right now, at least.
“Bruce,” she pled, “I- I’ve made a mistake.” Her voice cracked, and she rested a hand against the side of her face as she looked off to the side, away from her camera. “Father is so cruel to him, Bruce. I need your help.”
Anger was definitely not the emotion he was feeling. It- it was down there. It was deep, deep down there, and later that night. Or, perhaps, in a few days, he knew he would hit a punching bag until his knuckles were bloody.
But on top? Right now?
On top was hope.
Hope, excitement, and… and utter devastation.
“Him?” Bruce whispered, resisting the urge to rip his mask off and rub at his face. He was on camera, he had to remind himself. He had no idea how many people were watching.
And this could all be one magnificent lie. A trick to get him off balance. So they could strike, while he had his guard down.
While he was yearning for something he’d thought he’d lost, two years prior.
“He’s beautiful, Bruce,” she whispered, her voice catching on the next sentence, “He looks just like you, and I can tell he gets his empathy from you. But,” she paused, a ferocious determination taking over her face. A trait of her’s that had caused Bruce to fall in the first place.
“Father will destroy him if we don’t get him away.”
There would be no ‘ifs.’
If Bruce had ever had a mission that had no option for failure, it was this one.
He didn’t care if Talia changed her mind, ten minutes later. This mission was happening, and he was bringing home what he thought he’d lost.
Bruce has no idea how he got through the following ten minutes, planning out with Talia exactly how and when the pickup would go. Nightwing, Robin and himself would all approach the compound in the batwing, in stealth mode. He’d pulled Clark in on the call, and Superman agreed he would be on standby, watching from afar for anything to go wrong.
If they were spotted, or if the League tried anything, the entire Justice League would respond, if necessary.
Clark promised he’d keep the mission itself classified. No one but the core team would know the details of what they were picking up. The core team being himself, the Flash, and the Bats.
His ears were ringing the entire time, and he felt like an outsider, looking in.
‘He looks just like you,’ Talia had said.
That’s all he could think about.
Bruce had a son.
Was there anything more to say?
He had a son.
“Talia,” he rasped, just before she cut the call with him. After a deep breath, he looked deep into the camera, doing his best to convey his seriousness. His promise, should it be necessary. “If this is a trick.”
With sadness in her eyes, Talia smiled and said, “We will see you tomorrow, Beloved,” and with that, ended the call.
It came as no surprise when, not even a quarter of a second later, the papers on his desk flew up into the air. Each one wafting back down, before Bruce even had the chance to close his eyes and take a breath.
Bringing Clark in on this was necessary.
As much as he hated bringing personal missions to those outside the family, there was no way he could risk this one.
If Talia was telling the truth, and he wasn’t successful on his own. Wasn’t able to take on the entire League while protecting a helpless infant.
He’d never forgive himself.
But none of that meant he had to be happy his best friend was there to witness this.
“Bruce, this is,” Clark started, setting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing, but Bruce cut him off.
“Clark, just,” he said, pulling his mask off so he could finally wipe his eyes. He wasn’t even mortified at the crack in his voice, because there was far too many other things swirling through his head. “Give me a minute.”
He had… so much to do. He hadn’t time for this.
And yet…
It was the only thing he could do.
Closing his eyes, Bruce took a second to recenter himself. Find his strength and embrace his duties. Right now, he needed to be Batman.
But before he was able to complete a single deep breath, he heard from the top of the stairs, “B?”
And everything just became much more complicated.
“Bruce?” Jason asked again, a little hesitantly, as he made his way down the stairs, “Superman? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Bruce said, reeling it all in and trying his best to blink back the wetness in his eyes. So maybe he wouldn’t have to wipe his face in front of his son.
His… middle son.
Because, Bruce actually had three…
“Is Dick okay?” Jason asked a little more frantically, because despite his best efforts, Bruce sniffed.
“He’s fine,” Clark soothed, squeezing Bruce’s shoulder a little tighter as Jason hurried his way down the stairs, “Nothing is wrong, Jase.”
“Then why is…” Jason said, trailing off when he finally made it to where Bruce was sitting.
They had so much to do. Bruce hadn’t the time for this.
It was time for Batman.
“Suit up,” he told his son, shrugging Clark’s hand off and squaring his shoulders. They had just under three hours before take off, and there was so much to do. “We have a mission.”
- - -
By ‘a mission,’ Bruce meant they were infiltrating the freaking League of Assassins.
In the middle of the day. Completely randomly.
Well, they were set to leave in three hours, with a 5 hour flight time. And considering the time difference, it would actually be about 4am when they arrived at Nanda Parbat.
Middle of the night, kind of.
Jason was both super excited, and kind of freaked out.
Especially when Bruce called in Dick.
Those two worked together, sure. Sometimes. But it was always so fucking tense, and Jason kind of hated it.
Bruce also always refused to call in Dick for anything. Dick always just kind of, forced himself in on the mission.
But for this?
Whatever the fuck this was?
It had Bruce calling in not only Dick Grayson, but Superman, too.
Because that’s why Superman had been there. He’d already called the guy in.
Whatever was going on, it was huge.
And whatever it was, Jason actually started feeling very nervous. Because Bruce said he had news to share. And he called Alfred down first, before he shared it.
Bruce paced. Back and forth, back and forth. In front of the conference table for two full minutes while the four of them sat there, waiting for him to fucking say something.
“Do you want me?” Clark asked, and was immediately shot down by a glare from Bruce.
Was Bruce dying?
Were they going to the League to steal some pit water??
Because he said he was okay.
Clark said he was okay, and Clark wouldn’t lie about something like that. Right? Jason wouldn’t put it past Bruce at all to be a freaking hypocrite and lie to him so not to make him worry, but not Clark.
He was way too much a boy scout.
Yet, there Bruce was. Pacing back and forth. Freaking out about something.
“B, you’re freaking the kid out,” Dick said, leaning back in his chair, like he was fucking relaxed during this.
Their freaking dad could be dying and he was chill about it.
No wonder his name was Dick.
“I am not,” he protested, but Bruce quit his pacing and sighed, anyway.
“Honestly, Master Bruce,” Alfred said, from where he sat next to Jason, “Whatever it is, I am confident we can handle it.”
“A couple years ago,” Bruce started, pausing to sigh again before he turned his back to them, but continued, “I got… involved… with Talia al Ghul.”
“Gross. I knew it,” Dick said, pulling a face for Jason to see.
“From the League of Assassins,” Jason said, just to clarify.
So… were they staging this mission so Bruce could go…
Jason hated his mind for putting that picture in his head.
“Yes,” Bruce confirmed, apparently uncaring that he’d just put horrible awful pictures in Jason’s head.
He was thirteen. This was probably child abuse.
“It was serious,” he continued, “We had been… discussing marriage.”
“Oh my,” Alfred said, in as close to a gasp as Jason had ever heard from Alfred.
Jason didn’t blame him. Bruce had never really struck Jason as a ‘serious’ kinda guy.
Not with the ladies, at least.
Mostly because he had a different chick hanging off of him at every party.
“She had been with child,” Bruce finally said, nearly stumbling over his words as he spit the sentence out.
The air in the room seemed to still, and they all stared at Bruce.
Well, all of them, except Clark. Since apparently Clark already knew.
“Why… why,” Dick stammered, then stopped.
Jason didn’t really know what to ask first, either.
But apparently Bruce knew what to answer first.
“She told me she miscarried. She, she told me. I thought-“ with another sigh, Bruce turned back around, finally allowing them to see the exhaustion on his face, as he rubbed at it and sat down at the head of the table.
“I thought she’d miscarried. She dumped me, after that. Refused to leave her father and the League, and sent me home. I- I should have checked up on it. Verified her story, but… I was just so-”
Bruce put his face in his hands, and just sat there, for a very long minute.
Dick, to Jason’s surprise, was the one to break the silence, because neither he nor Alfred seemed to be able to find any words. Jason had never heard Bruce so close to tears, before.
He was kind of scared of getting Bruce to talk more.
And if Bruce was saying what he was saying, well…
Jason really had no words for it.
Batman apparently had a baby.
And they were going to rescue it from the League of Assassins.
That was just…
“So,” Dick said, a small smile tugging on his lips as he did, “is it a boy or a girl?”
- - -
Everything was going smoothly.
They had agreed on a meet-up time eight hours from the end of their call, which meant Talia had most the night to figure out her plan for getting Damian out of his nursery.
In the end, she’d decided on using simple tranquilizer darts.
It was dirty, a completely dishonorable way to fight, but Talia couldn’t find it in herself to care.
The very last thing she needed was for one of the nursemaids to notice her break-in and alert the guards.
She’d packed her bag before heading to Damian’s room, so all she had left to do was grab him before Bruce arrived.
Sneaking into his room was painfully easy, and she only had to sedate one nursemaid, who had already been asleep, anyway.
Honestly. It couldn’t have been easier, and it was putting Talia on edge.
Damian stirred, when she lifted him from the crib, so Talia shoved the pacifier into his mouth she knew he’d been deprived of for eight months at that point.
He’d taken to sucking his thumb, in its stead, and Talia had always hated that about her father’s rules.
Why was it so difficult to indulge her son in one simple comfort.
The pacifier worked like a charm, and Damian latched onto it with one hand as he sucked away, curling into Talia’s hold as she wrapped the cloth around them both, creating a make-shift carrier.
Out of everything, the hardest part was getting him tied to her securely. Because with the pacifier, he was as quiet as a lamb, not making a single peep of protest. She wasn’t even sure if he’d woken enough to see who had been holding him.
After the day he’d had, Talia was grateful he could still find peace in his sleep.
Climbing up to the roofs was a little more difficult. Damian did whine, a little, when she had to press herself up against the wall of the third floor, to hide from a patrolling guard below.
She closed her eyes and held her breath, begging every deity she could think of to keep Damian silent as the guard paused and looked around. After adjusting her grip, so she could hold them both with one hand, she placed her newly free hand on his head and tried to soothe him.
Damian shifted against her, even though he was pinned rather tightly between her and the wall, then stilled. His little pacifier bobbing in and out as he grasped tightly to her blouse.
The guard looked around, up and down the narrow courtyard below where she was climbing, but after a long minute, turned around and continued on with his patrol.
Talia didn’t allow herself a sigh of relief.
With three more moves, Talia reached the edge of the roof and pulled herself up, without scraping Damian against the edge. He didn’t notice in his sleep.
Soon, he’d be able to pass all his nights in such peace.
His days, too.
She had no doubt in her mind that Bruce would offer them the sanctuary they needed, to allow Damian to grow up without fears.
But, if he didn’t, she’d find it anyway.
This child. Her child, would never know the pain he’d experienced that day again.
As silently as she’d been trained, Talia raced across the rooftops to the pickup location. Bruce was promised to be there in two minutes, and she needed to be three buildings over.
“Shh,” she whispered, hugging Damian tightly as she ran. The movement was, apparently, disrupting his sleep, and he’d started to stir, “sleep, my prince.”
“Mama,” he mumbled, snuggling against her.
“Yes,” she choked, preparing to make the last jump to the roof where Bruce was to meet them, “Mama is here, baby.”
She’d given Bruce the coordinates of the highest roof in the complex, in hopes that he could simply swoop in and grab them, not needing to stop or interact with anyone.
He was bringing his team, though. He was bringing Superman.
Talia had never had any sort of admiration for the alien. His technique was abysmal, tending to toss around his unearthly strength, rather than exhibit any skill during his fights.
But knowing that, if it came down to it, she could likely just shout ‘Superman,’ and in an instant he’d be there, ready and able to take Damian to safety… It helped keep her calm.
Father would not be expecting the help of a Kryptonian. Bruce had never been one to ask for help, so it was unlikely Father would have his kryptonite within reach.
The final jump was a little longer than comfortable, and Talia had to land in a roll to avoid injuring herself or falling off completely. She rolled on her back, using her arms to keep Damian from making contact with the roof at all.
Her heart was hammering when she finished the roll on her feet. She had thirty more yards to go, and she’d been at the exact coordinates she’d given Bruce.
Thirty more yards, and one more minute.
Talia shook, as she stood in the exact spot. Damian was fully awake now, and wriggling against the cloth wrapped around him.
“Be still, my dear,” she whispered, hugging him a little tighter as she searched the night sky for any sign of their rescue, “Just a few more moments.”
“Out,” Damian cried, not quite at a normal level, but much louder than Talia felt comfortable with, as he started struggling against her arms, “Down.”
“In a moment,” she whispered desperately. Her arms felt like rubber, as the adrenaline that had kept her running started to ebb.
It was a minute past pickup, and Batman was no where in sight.
If he didn’t show…
Damian whined out again, this time loudly.
“Be patient, my love,” she whispered, now fighting back tears, “Your father is coming for us.”
He had to be.
“Mama,” Damian cried, pulling his pacifier out of his mouth completely to whine at her more efficiently.
She looked around frantically, making sure no guards were near enough to have heard him.
When she didn’t see anyone coming at them, she bounced Damian some and tried to force the pacifier back into his mouth. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” she repeated, over and over, really unsure, at this point, if it was for Damian or herself.
Because if Bruce weren’t coming, was any of his team?
Was she just standing on a roof, risking the life of her son for nothing?
Father would not take lightly an attempted defection.
What would he do to Damian?
Probably take him away from her forever. She’d never see him again. Never know the pain he was in. Never be able to hold him, after a hard day, and comfort him. Remind him of her love.
She’d lose him forever, and-
Talia’s knees nearly buckled when, without warning, a jet materialized out of nowhere not ten feet above her.
His technology was amazing. She hadn’t even felt it coming, much less heard it.
And before she even realized it, tears were streaming down her face.
A hatch opened, right on the underside of the jet, and Batman himself leaned out, reaching a hand down to her.
“Talia,” he breathed, shaking his hand, as if desperately begging her to grab it.
She’d never accepted an offered hand so fast in her life.
As he pulled her up into the jet, swiftly and effortlessly, as if it were nothing, Talia felt herself relax. All the adrenaline leave her body entirely as she collapsed right onto the ground of Bruce’s jet.
She didn’t even care who all was there to see.
Because for the first time in her life, Talia felt like she could breathe.
- - -
She hadn’t been lying.
That was the only thing circling through Bruce’s head as he pulled Talia up into the jet, them stopping barely long enough for him to do that before Dick was turning around and racing away.
As far as they could tell, they hadn’t been spotted until they turned off the craft’s cloaking system.
If all went to plan, the League would not be able to respond quickly enough to catch them. Nightwing was supposed to take them on an indirect route back to Gotham, completely in stealth mode.
Ra’s al Ghul could search the skies all night and never find them.
He hoped.
But all that was for Nightwing to worry about. That had been the plan. If Talia was telling the truth, he’d agreed, Bruce could focus on that, while Dick handled keeping them hidden and taking them to safety. Jason could give him backup, if necessary.
Bruce trusted Dick with his life.
And he was so thankful for that, because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to do much beyond what he was currently doing.
Which was watching as Talia collapsed onto the floor, clumsily freeing a baby from a carrier as she cried into his hair.
“Tal-“ he started, reaching an hand out to her, really unsure about what he was going to do. But he froze, when the baby squirmed and twisted out of the cloth holding him.
Because Talia was right.
He was beautiful.
His bright green eyes were mesmerizing, and Bruce felt his heart seize as the baby looked at him, ever so briefly.
It wasn’t until that very instant did Bruce realize his life had been incomplete.
There had been a piece of him missing, and he hadn’t even realized it.
The baby turned back to his mother and said, “Mama,” reaching up for her face.
“Yes,” Talia sobbed, grabbing his hand and holding it to her cheek, before she wrapped him up into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry,” she said, squeezing him tight, “I’m so sorry.”
Bruce watched helplessly as Talia devolved further and further into incoherence, as she whispered her apologies and proclaimed her love for the very confused looking baby in her arms.
The baby didn’t protest, though. He leaned into her hug and stayed there, like he understood his mother needed a hug back.
How old was he?
If he’d been born on time, by Bruce’s estimations, he’d be about…
Seventeen months old?
He didn’t know much about baby development, but he did know that it was during the first year they turned from basically babies to tiny, outspoken little people.
How developed was his son? How much had Bruce missed?
Bruce knelt down in front of Talia and sat there, waiting for her to recover.
What she had been through, he had no idea.
It had to have been a lot, for her to reach out and actually ask for help.
She was stubborn, like that. Never asking for help. Never even expecting it.
And her reaction to being pulled into safety, well.
He was afraid to learn what she’d been through.
Jason caught his eye, lingering just on the outskirts of his vision. He looked up and tried to offer a reassuring face, but probably fell flat, because Jason frowned at him. But Jason held a thumbs up at him, both letting him know they’d flown into the clear and Superman had been informed of the successful mission, and asking if Bruce was good.
With a single nod, Bruce thanked him, and turned his attention back to Talia.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, looking at him, now, but still hugging the baby tightly to her.
“What happened?” he asked, resisting the urge to reach out and touch the baby.
Touch his son.
Bruce had never been one to want to hold babies, usually perfectly content to just observe them, but his arms yearned for the weight of this baby in his arms.
He didn’t even know his name.
“Father,” she said, her voice almost squeaking with the effort.
Bruce hadn’t seen her in two years, and he still wanted to pull her to his side.
Never had he seen her like this.
But he kept his distance. Let her recover on her own. He wasn’t sure how he felt about her, in that moment.
At all.
“Father,” she said again, this time much more confidently, one hand absently combing through the baby’s hair.
The beautiful baby who had twisted in her hold, just enough, to stare at him.
“Started his training.” There was so much pain in her voice, Bruce could only imagine what kind of horrors that meant.
Who trained a baby?
“Bruce,” she choked out, squeezing the baby again, “it was so bad. I- I just stood there and watched. I couldn’t- I couldn’t do anything else. He would have harmed him more. Or taken him from me.”
“What happened,” he repeated, trying to keep his voice as gentle as possible.
Any anger he had about whatever ‘training’ implied was being pushed down. Buried deep into the recesses of his brain.
No one needed his anger right now.
When the baby continued to stare at him, Bruce realized he still had his cowl on.
What kind of introduction was this? Being presented to his son as Batman, first.
Hopefully he hadn’t scared the kid too much to want to be held.
Talia started crying again, and shifted so she was sitting criss-cross, the baby still cradled in her arms as she blubbered out, “They hit him so many times, Bruce. I’m so sorry,” and before Bruce could even respond. Could even think of how to respond, she turned her face down to the baby and repeated, “I’m so sorry, Damian. I’m so sorry, my love. I’ll never let- I’ll never-”
But she didn’t complete the sentence, because she’d lost it again, and the baby… Damian?
That was the most beautiful name he’d ever heard.
Damian looked very confused and concerned for his mother’s mood.
“He’s safe now,” Bruce tried, scooting over to her side to set a hand on her back, “He’s safe.”
“I’m so sorry,” she repeated, curling further onto Damian.
“Mama,” Damian said again, this time pointing at Bruce when Talia opened her eyes and gave him her attention.
“Yes,” she said, smiling for the first time as she wiped her tears away, “Yes, dear. This is-“ she paused, looking up at Bruce, then said again, “This is Daddy.”
Bruce could cry.
He was not going to cry.
“Do you want to hold him?” Talia asked, apparently seeing the intense desire plastered all over his face.
All Bruce wanted to do was hold him. There was nothing on earth he wanted more.
“May I?” he asked, almost afraid to even try.
What if Damian didn’t like him?
What if he started crying, when Bruce took him?
“He’s your son, Bruce,” Talia said, lifting Damian from her lap and offering him over.
After hesitating for only a second, Bruce reached out and held his hands out to Damian, who looked at him appraisingly, like he were judging Bruce and determining if he was worth his attention.
But then, before Bruce could even hold his breath, Damian leaned toward him, and Bruce could definitely cry.
Because then Damian was in his arms, looking straight into his eyes as he let Bruce hold him close.
Bruce had no thoughts.
“Hi, Damian,” he choked out, trying his hardest not to cry, “I’m- I’m your-“ but he couldn’t get the word out.
Couldn’t get anything else out.
Damian didn’t seem to care, because he smiled at Bruce and said, “Hi,” back.
And Bruce was definitely crying, now.
Just a little.
But he didn’t care.
He didn’t care, because he had the son he thought he’d lost two years ago cradled in his arms, and nothing could ruin the moment.
- - -
Jason was thankful that the jet was large enough he didn’t have to hear Bruce talking to his new baby son.
He honestly had no idea how to feel about all of this.
Bruce had apparently done it with the daughter of one of their most dangerous villains, and he was now probably definitely crying tears of joy while he held the son of said villainous daughter.
But Jason wasn’t jealous.
How could he be?
The baby was just a baby. It’s not like the posed any sort of threat to Jason.
By… stealing away Bruce’s attention.
Jason was not being jealous of a baby. The baby deserved his dad’s attention. Especially since he had a dad as great as Bruce. Jason would know. He’d been playing the role of dad for him for a year.
Now, though… now he had a real son.
He was not jealous.
“Stop worrying,” Dick said, from where he was flying the jet, sitting in the seat next to Jason.
Jason had taken the spot of co-pilot just because it was the farthest away from Bruce he could be. He wasn’t really helping Nightwing fly.
Mostly because Nightwing didn’t need help flying. He actually had the auto-pilot engaged.
“I’m not worrying.”
“You’re right,” Dick said, laughing a little as he leaned back in his chair, “You’re freaking out.”
Crossing his arms, Jason tried his best to look completely and totally unaffected by everything ever as he said, “Am not.”
Apparently he was unconvincing, because Dick gave him a shit eating grin and ruffled his hair.
Like the asshole he was.
“You’re right. You’re the epitome of calm and collected.”
“Fuck you,” Jason snapped. Dick should mind his own fucking business.
They still weren’t, like, friends or anything, either. Dick had been clear about how happy he was Jason existed. Sure, they’d kind of made up some in recent months. And Dick even offered his blessing for Jason to be Robin, but that didn’t mean they were friends.
Apparently Dick didn’t agree, because he kept being an asshole and talking to him by saying, “Look, this isn’t going to change anything between you and Bruce, okay?”
Through a pout, Jason mumbled, “How would you know?” Bruce getting a son was going to change everything.
“Because this happened to me, remember?”
Jason rolled his eyes. Just because Bruce adopted him didn’t mean Dick knew what it was like to have his adopted dad get a biological child and not need him anymore. If anything, Dick should be freaking out, too, because they were both the adopted kids and the baby was the real son.
Except Dick didn’t live with them, so he wasn’t at risk of being homeless again if Bruce kicked him out. Since, well, Bruce couldn’t kick him out.
Maybe Dick should fuck off and leave him alone.
“Did Bruce adopting you change how he felt about me?” Dick asked, nudging Jason’s arm as he did.
“Fuck you, it’s different,” he snapped. In fact, they all knew Dick was the favorite child between the two of them, so it was completely and totally different.
Maybe Dick should be worrying more. He wasn’t going to be the favorite anymore.
Bruce was so happy about having a biological son he was crying about it.
Bruce had never been that happy about Jason.
“Not really,” Dick said, sighing some, “I thought he was writing me off completely when he adopted you.”
“Bruce never shuts up about you, it’s always ‘Dick this’ and ‘Dick that’ whenever I do anything, so shut up. But we’re both adopted, and that baby over there ain’t.”
Dick cocked a head at him and then let out a huff of a laugh. “Bruce never even told you. Wow.”
“Told me what?” Jason demanded, crossing his arms harder, because he didn’t want to storm off. Mostly because that would mean facing Bruce with his stupid new baby.
“I knew he was terrible with communication, but geez.”
“What, Dickface, just tell me.”
“Jase,” Dick said, offering a softer smile than before, “I’m not adopted. Bruce never adopted me. He was simply my ‘guardian’ until I aged out of the system. He has no legal obligation to me at all, now.”
“He-“ Jason started, because there was no way that was true.
No. Fucking. Way.
Bruce cared about Dick way too much for that to be true.
And why would Bruce adopt him, but not Dick? That also made no sense.
Dick was the favorite.
“You’re lying. He calls you his son all the time.”
“I know,” Dick said softly, still smiling like an asshole, “Because even if he’s never said it, and probably never will say it, he loves me. Just like he loves you.”
“Shut up,” he said, because he couldn’t figure out anything else to say. Obviously he knew Bruce, like, loved him and shit. But they didn’t have to talk about it.
But… Dick was kind of right about one point. He was adopted.
It’s not like Bruce could go back on that.
So kicked out probably wasn’t on the table.
“I promise, Jason, this isn’t going to change anything between you two. So don’t worry too much.”
Jason was stuck trying to come up with something to respond with that was more witty than 'fuck you' when he was startled by Bruce’s footsteps approaching the cockpit.
If Bruce saw him pouting, there was no doubt he’d be able to read Jason as easily as Dick Fucking Grayson had read him, and that would not be good.
He wasn’t ready for that.
“Jason,” Bruce said, sounding like he was smiling wider than Jason had ever seen him smile.
On his adoption day. When Bruce hugged him and said ,“Welcome to the family, Jaylad,” with his stupid dopey smile…
And… and…
“Dick,” Bruce continued, now inside the cockpit, with the little baby in his arms, “I want you boys to meet your little brother, Damian.”
And maybe…
Maybe Dick was right.
Jason had nothing to worry about.
He’d always wanted a little brother, too.
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dessarious · 4 years
What Makes a Family? Pt8
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
“How exactly is a billionaire businessman connected to the al Ghuls, and what does that have to do with my birth mother?” Marinette decided to take advantage of Alfred’s shock. She knew better than to think he’d just answer her question but she’d be able to get a lot of information from his reaction while he was off balance.
“How does a teenager from Paris even know who they are?” Deflection. Fairly standard move.
“I asked first.” She had to hide a smile at the eyeroll that produced. Finding his buttons was proving to be quite amusing.
“Master Bruce has business interests all over the world.” She just gave him a flat look. More deflection.
“No, that’s not it.” Alfred blinked at her for a moment. She’d admit he was very good at half truths, but not enough to fool her.
“I assure you Miss, Wayne Enterprises has ventures all over the world.”
“That may be true but it’s not how he’s connected to the League. Wait… Taila can’t be my mother. There’s no way she could have written that note given that the woman has no empathy.” After what happened that would be a literal nightmare. But there was also no reason for Talia to want to protect her from the League so it couldn’t be her… right?
“No, Talia isn’t your mother.” There was a slight emphasis on the word ‘your’ that most people would have missed. He wasn’t kidding when he said things were complicated.As far as she knew Talia only had one child. A child she claimed was fathered by some American superhero. What was his name? Dixon? No, Daren? No that wasn’t it. She’d gone on and on about her precious…
“Damian.” She didn’t mean to say it out loud but seeing Alfred’s expression she was glad she did. But if Bruce was Damian’s father as well, and Talia wasn’t just being grandiose, that meant he was a hero? “Where exactly does my father live?” She’d done her homework on other heroes in case she needed help or one of them ended up in Paris. Maybe she could narrow down the possibilities by location.
“Gotham, Miss.” Marinette heard a sound leave her throat that she couldn’t identify. Judging by Alfred’s expression he hadn’t heard anything like it before either.
“My father is Batman?” Alfred wasn’t able to hide his shock, but she wasn’t certain it was because she was right. At the same time all the pieces fit. Not to mention Tikki had told her that as a true chosen, fate and chance were always working overtime around her.
“Marinette, that is an interesting fancy. Just because a man lives in the same city as a notable vigilante doesn’t mean they’re the same person.” Alfred’s tone was a bit huffy and Marinette laughed out loud, earning her a glare.
“You have tells Grandpa Alfie. Using my name without prompting is definitely one of them. Don’t worry, the secret is safe with me.” She suddenly found herself on the receiving end of an extremely intense stare. It was a lot like the look her Maman gave her that made it feel like she could see everything Marinette had ever done wrong. When she was younger that stare made her start confessing to everything, even things she hadn’t done. By the time she became Ladybug she was able to hold it in though she couldn’t control her expressions. She honestly didn't know how she’d kept it secret for so long. Now though, she could simply sit there calmly and wait as Alfred seemed to weigh and measure every aspect of her life. She felt sorry for all her siblings who must be on the receiving end of this inspection on a regular basis.
“I would like to know how you came to that conclusion, why you think you can be trusted with such information if it were in fact true, and how you know about the League of Assassins.” The poor man sounded so tired. She could only imagine what he went through on a daily basis if she was right about her father. The only solid thought that went through her head was ‘give to get’ and as she examined her instincts she knew he could be trusted. Not to mention that at this point she’d had too many slip ups to avoid at least a partial explanation. Fate and chance once again conspiring to set her on a certain path. As much as she hated her hand being forced like this it wasn’t fair to take it out on her new found family.
“It’s complicated.” She giggled at the flat look he shot her as she echoed his own words back at him. “I have a lot more pieces of the puzzle than you’re aware of for starters so nothing you said or did would have outed him by itself. My conclusion is actually tied to how I know about the League of Assassins and that is a story that I need you to promise not to share, with anyone, unless you ask me first. No one knows the whole of it besides me because I don’t want to risk any Akuma’s or worse. But I trust you to keep it to yourself, given that you’re obviously experienced at keeping secrets.”
“I have a feeling you are as well.” She could only offer him a tired smile at that observation. If only he knew. His look softened considerably. “You have my word that nothing you say will be shared without your permission. Unless it’s a matter of life and death.” She let out a thoughtful hum before replying.
“That’s fair I suppose. Granted the whole life or death thing can be a bit subjective. I suppose I should start at the beginning, though I’m not sure I know where that is anymore. Remember how I said our heroes and villains are using Magical Artifacts to get their powers?”
“I do Miss.” She rolled her eyes, more in annoyance at herself than anything.
“You’re just going to refuse to use my name at all now that I called you on your tell aren’t you?” There was that almost smile again.
“I don’t know what you mean Miss.”
“Of course you don’t. Anyway, those Artifacts are highly coveted by certain groups. One of those groups is the League of Assassins. Given how little information gets out of Paris intact I’m still not sure how they found out the Miraculous were in circulation, but Ra’s and Talia came to Paris, about two years ago I believe, to try and take them.” That had started the worst week of her life, even if some of the lasting effects were some of the best things in her life currently. That week she’d found out that Adrien was Chat. That was the week Paris had been destroyed over a dozen times as she fought and Akumatized Ra’s al Ghul almost by herself. That was the week she’d given Chloe, Luka, and Kagami their Miraculous permanently. That was the week she’d seen everyone and everything she’d ever loved ripped apart. She still had nightmares that featured the lifeless stares of everyone she cared about. Yes she’d fixed it in the end, just like always, but unlike everyone else she didn’t have the luxury of forgetting. Suddenly she felt gentle hands on her own.
“You remind me so much of your father. You both carry burdens and refuse to share them. You both seem to think that the world is on your shoulders, and yours alone. You both have people all around you who would help, if only you’d let them.” His tone was an odd mixture of concern and censure.
“You’d be a good match for Wayzz. A calm and steadying presence full of wisdom yet willing to do whatever is necessary to protect those you care about.” She was just as surprised by the words as he was but she knew she was right. “But that is another complicated matter and I still owe you a proper explanation for the first round of confusion I sprang on you.”
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