#communal trauma
chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
The last time I saw several different friends before they passed away was during homeless encampment sweeps. When they were displaced, with no phone, no way to get in contact, I never heard from them again.
And I also know that they had no way to get access to services from outreach workers, to get their basic needs met, to have even emotional support through the trauma of homelessness. Their deaths could have been prevented.
Stopping the sweeps saves lives.
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Can you talk about how group programming/torture/trauma bonding may be used for programming or how it may affect programming/development of DID? Are group practices common? Are these things used on any particular demographic, gender, age group etc? Why would group trauma be used as opposed to singular?
Group practices are used for competitive purposes, punishment, trauma bonding, social pressure, to isolate the person from outside influence, increase the impact of trauma, and inclusiveness by compliance.
Being in a group can impact DID by watching other people tortured, the helplessness and terror this creats assists with programming. Individuals who are programmed are forced to choose between group members regarding what punishment they will receive with the understanding that if they don’t choose someone their “punishment” will be worse.
Group practices are more common in cults/high control groups to promote groupthink. (Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Cohesiveness, or the desire for cohesiveness, in a group may produce a tendency among its members to agree at all costs. This causes the group to minimise conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation.)
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ciderjacks · 4 months
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contracts written in blood
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loveelizabeths · 3 months
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love elizabeth s.
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bebs-art-gallery · 4 months
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The Vow of Silence by Light Beyond the Frame
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madfoolish · 5 months
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auroramosaic · 4 months
truly I am sick of the phrases "stop dating men" and "men suck". LIKE come on. we've moved past this terfy shit.
demonizing masculinity is such a cold take. like would you say men suck to a newly transitioning trans man? hell if you did he might even agree like "yeah I know haha", but that shit leaves imprints in you. If you start to feel like the queer community, your home, hates/doesn't trust/thinks they're better than men, why would you want to be one??
It's not that I don't understand where people who say this are coming from. I used to say shit like that when I was young. But I've read too many trans people nervous to be men or who dampen their expressions of masculinity to not be seen as a creep or just to not be avoided by people who should be welcoming to them.
PLEASE tell me I'm not insane for thinking this
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
Autistic and ‘Over-reacting’ to the Little Things
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aurangg · 4 months
Something really not talked about with trauma disorders is the paranoia.
Being scared and jumping to conclusions when people stand a little too close to you, not believing people’s compliments and thinking they have hidden motives, not believing when people tell you they like/love you, thinking that strangers you see on the street want to hurt you, etc.
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
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northopalshore · 1 month
🌬️⚔️Chiron and your traumas
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warning! mentions s*x, ab*se , trauma& violence
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Chiron in the houses
🌬️Chiron in the 1st house
You might have grown up very insecure about how you look and how you put yourself out there. People could be very judgemental of your looks. There is this constant need to feel prettier. This could lead to an unhealthy obsession with fitting into certain beauty standards. If uranus is also in the 1st house, or in hard aspects with chiron then you could have been born in a place where the beauty standard is opposite from you, for example the beauty standard in you country may be pale skin but you were born with tan or darker skin tone. If aspected with Taurus, Venus or Jupiter, might have an eating disorder.
ex: Selena Gomez has this placement. She often expresses her discomfort around how people just love to criticise her for her looks and her weight. If you've been online for the last 10 years, you'll notice how often the media brings attention to her weight gain.
🌬️Chiron in 2nd house
These individuals might have issues surrounding money or possessions. Have a need to be seen with luxurious things. Could live or work with money their whole lives. Money shaped their identity. Grew up in either extreme wealth or poverty. They might be born in a family where debt and corruption is involved. If not, this could mean they themselves may be irresponsible with money or constantly worried about their finances. They might be prone to gambling addictions or the opposite, extremely cautious of spending habits. These individuals are also prone to eating disorders and overconsumption.
ex: Donald Trump, Princess Diana, Robert Pattinson, Dolly Parton, Jeffery Epstein & Audrey Hepburn have this placement.
🌬️Chiron in 3rd house
Might not have had a good relationship with their siblings growing up. They could have been ostracized by their siblings. They could also have grown up without siblings either as an only child or they moved away from them. Could result in feeling lonely in this area of life. They could be hated for things that they say. Hated for singing, talking or writing differently. They could also have trauma surrounding their voice or communication. They might find it very difficult to express themselves verbally or feeling like other people do not listen to them at all. Might inherit a hereditary illness. (However I find that people with these placement tend to have healing voices or writing as well depending on their birth chart)
ex: Björk, Sigmund Freud, Fyodor Dostoevsky George W. bush, Azealia Banks & Morgan Freeman have this placement
🌬️Chiron in the 4th house
These natives may have been born in a broken home. Their parents might have been divorced or they suffer from addiction resulting in a sort of fallout. They may think they are the ones that caused their home life to be so distressed. Could also mean they have certain trauma or fears with people breaking into their homes. Not feeling safe at home. Issues with the mother. Lack of a maternal figure in their lives.
ex: Eminem and Nicki Minaj have this placement. If you are familiar with them you'll know both grew up in abusive households. Rob Kardashian, Miley Cyrus & Winona Ryder also have this placement.
🌬️Chiron in the 5th house
Individuals with this placement most likely have issues surrounding their creativity, love life or children. They might find it difficult to enjoy life like other people around them. Their childhood might have felt bleak. Feeling left out from all the fun the world has to offer. Sexual trauma/abuse. Drugged. Overindulgence in hedonism. Used for entertainment . Prostitution. They might also be the tortured artists archetype in which they express their darkness, mortality or trauma through art. Their love life might also suffer. In a woman's chart, this might mean she has issues with pregnancy or conceiving. Might have gone through many miscarriages in her life.
ex: Anne Hathaway, Megan Thee Stallion, Paris Hilton, John Lennon, Meghan Fox & Kim Kardashian have this placement.
🌬️Chiron in the 6th house
They might have found it different to obtain a stable career or routine for themselves. Might be overworked to the point of exhaustion. These individuals could have had to take on multiple jobs to sustain themselves or for the benefit of other people. They might not have been appreciated for their hard work and expected to keep working. Being enslaved. Forced labour. Working without pay. Other people treating them as a commodity. Might have started working drom an early age. They might get into accidents at work often.
ex: JFK, Elvis Presley, Brigitte Bardot, Vincent Van Gogh, Mila Kunis, Jackie Kennedy, Frida Kahlo & Madonna have this placement
🌬️Chiron in 7th house
Relationships issues, fears surrounding relationships or contracts and commitments. Might have been turned down by multiple companies or partners. Might have been cheated on by a long-term relationship. Contracts being violated. Manipulated through contracts. They might find opening up difficult in romantic relationships. Lovers might have betrayed them at some point of their life. Might get divorced multiple times.
ex: Mia Khalifa has this placement. She's had 2 marriages that both resulted in divorce and one engagement that ended in separation as of August 2023.
🌬️Chiron in 8th house
These people might have been abused at some point. Suffered from sexual trauma/rape , or obsession. Overly sexualised by others. People might been very envious of these natives, to the point that they have received death threats. Other people might not respect their privacy especially in regards to their love/sex life. They could also have been used by romantic relationships to get something they want. Death could have surrounded this individual i.e family members, friends, pets.
ex: Taylor Swift has this placement. She's been slut shamed a lot throughout her career. People are overly obsessed with her love life.
🌬️Chiron 9th house
Natives with this placement could have trouble with long distance travels, studies, religion or beliefs. May be traumatized by certain cultures. Might have grown up with religious parents that forced their beliefs onto their children. Might have been indoctrinated by a cult or was raised in one. They might have been fored to dedicate a large portion of their life learning something they hated or weren't passionate about. Subjected to a lot of racism in their life. Being culturally different from peers. May receive hate from people all over the world/ other cultures.
ex: Marilyn Monroe, Adolf Hitler, Justin Bieber, Elon Musk, Billie Eilish, RuPaul & Joe Jonas have this placement.
🌬️Chiron in 10th house
Probably are not satisfied with their career path. Might have found it very difficult to obtain a steady career. Their career might be hated by other people. People might have used these natives as a means to gain control or power. They might receive a lot of criticism in their career. Strangers feel like they have authority over their lives.
ex: Drake. BBL drizzy, need I say more? Jungkook, Angelina Jolie, Kanye West, Kylie Jenner & Ben Affleck have this placement
🌬️Chiron in 11th house
They might have been ostracized by many friends group or communities. They are usually judged by others in their social circle. The black sheep of the community. If active online, they could suffer from a lot of online bullying or criticism from the public. Online harassment, badmouthed and shamed. Might fall subject to racism as well.
ex: My friend and I both have this placement. Our 4th house is gemini w mercury in the 10th & 9th house respectively. We both moved away from our birth towns in an early age. She had to move because of her father, I moved and travelled a lot due to studies. She was ostracized by her dad's community (family). I was ostracized by teachers, other students and people from the places I travelled to.
🌬️Chiron in 12th house
These natives might have fears surrounding foreign lands. They could suffer from a lot of addictions or are prone to addictions. They also suffer from a lot of psychic attacks and nightmares. Could suffer from rumours being spread about them. They could feel isolated from the rest of the world. They might have been raised in an adoption centre. Orphaned. Could suffer from depression or anxiety. Might have witness many deaths of their loved ones. Could have separation anxiety or abandonment issues. Be careful of alcohol & drugs or any kind.
ex: Michael Jackson had this placement. He was addicted to numerous drugs and overdosed on propofol 'milk' . Amy Winehouse, The Weeknd, Demi Lovato & Lindsay Lohan also have this placement.
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Thanks for reading!
***entertainment only, reader discretion is advised ****
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agate-rambles · 3 months
"we support trauma survivors!" until the trauma survivor is an endo
"we support trauma survivors!" until the trauma survivor is traumaendo
"we support trauma survivors!" until the trauma survivor is an paratraumagen
"we support trauma survivors!" until the trauma survivor supports endos
"we support people with CDDs!" until the people who have CDDs support endos
"this is a safe space for those with CDDs!" until those with CDDs support endos
"we are anti-harassment!" until its an endo or pro endo
"endos are ableist towards CDD systems! protect CDDs!" until CDD systems support endos
"we're not ableist, endo are! we support systems!" until the system is proendo
"we are against fakeclaiming!" until an endo system breathes
"we provide resources for CDD systems!" until said CDD system supports endos
"we provide resources for traumagen systems!" until said traumagen system supports endos
"we would believe endos if they actually were backed by science!" until endos and pro endos provide sources
"we actually listen to science!" until the science doesn't support you side
"we provide sources!" except it's all just cherry picked sources that don't even prove them right
"we're good debaters!" until you actually have to do the debate
"we fight against stigmatization of disorders!" until someone with a stigmatized disorder supports endos
"we listen to CDD voices!" until that voice is pro endo
y'all like to claim to support CDDs, y'all claim to support trauma survivors, y'all claim to be proscience but you guys contradict yourself everyday.
when will you realize gatekeeping resources from pro endos gatekeeps resources from those with CDDs.
-sincerely, a tulpa trauma survivor
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Im really tired of medical professionals not realising that their behaviour and their colleagues behaviour literally traumatises people.
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loveelizabeths · 3 months
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love elizabeth s.
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luxlitemidnight · 3 months
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When your OC accidentally introjects
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angelicmothwings · 4 months
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Pokémon Trainer : Bug Catcher !! 🐌🌱🫙
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