#dc meets marvel
bruciemilf · 1 month
Dick Grayson would pretend to be a mutant just to be part of the X-Men. I know it heart and soul
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thevoidstaredback · 6 months
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant
Listen. It was an accident. He didn't mean to! It just kinda happened.
So maybe he brought a drink with enough caffeine in it to kill an elephant within a few minutes, and maybe he forgot to put the sleeve on his cup so he could tell it apart from the others, but it's not his fault! He didn't think anyone else was going to have the exact same Yeti cup as him! It's not like he'd seen any of the others carry one before. Besides, he worked with superheros. They should be smart enough to check before drinking someone else's drink.
Danny had been summoned by the Justice League Dark a few years back in order to help with a world ending crisis and he just didn't leave. It's not like he could go anywhere anyway. His ghost half hadn't grown past fourteen and his human half had stopped visibly aging at eighteen. He'd had to leave town as Danny Fenton, but he'd stayed in Amity Park as Danny Phantom. When his parents died of old age, thank god, he'd closed down the portal, stuck around for a few more years, before traveling the world as Danny Fenton.
Anyway, he'd taken up residence in the House of Mysteries after the JLD had summoned him. Constantine, at first, had been wary, but he and the rest of the JLD had grown to accept him. He was an honorary member of the team.
At some point, just after Robin had become Red Robin, Danny had been introduced to the Justice League. He liked those guys, too, and worked with them sometimes. Though, he usually only went to bug them.
Red Robin had been very interested in the fact that his was fourteen and working with grown heros, like he was one to talk, but Danny hadn't explained anything other than saying that he had died and come back. The following conversation was an interesting one that lead to Danny knowing that Nightwing was the Batman he'd met and that Batman was lost somewhere. He'd confirmed that the man was not dead, but he hadn't offered to help look for him. He probably should have, in retrospect.
Back on topic! Everyone in the JLD knew not to touch Danny's drink. They'd all seen him make it before and had been horrified on varying degrees. It's not like it could kill him. He's already half dead! So long as he only drank this specific brew as Phantom, he'd be fine.
The Justice League, apparently, didn't get the memo. He blames Constantine because Zatanna and Raven can do no wrong. No, John, he's not biased.
The point is, Red Robin just had a sip of Danny's drink. The horror he now felt was akin to the fear he held when he'd told his parents he was Phantom. (An interaction that had gone very well, thank you very much.)
Danny knew the exact moment that the vigilante realized he grabbed the wrong drink. His eyes widened to an astonishing degree, and, if he'd been able to seen his eyes behind the mask, Danny knew that the man's pupils would've completely overtaken the irises. His hands started shaking, too. Oh, no. The man's already addicted to hellish amounts of coffee. This is only going to make it worse!
Quickly, and without drawing any attention, thank the Ancients, Danny rushed over. "You, um, you okay, man?" Obviously not, but he tends to talk when he's anxious and he was certainly anxious right now. He could've possibly just killed a man via poison!
"What the fuck is in this coffee?" Red Robin asked, going to take another sip.
Danny pulled the Yeti from his hand and gave him the proper one. "Enough caffeine to kill an elephant."
"Obviously not, seeing as I'm still alive."
"Yeah, I can't tell if that's a good thing or not."
"Excuse me?"
"I-I mean-! I didn't-! You know what I mean." Caffeine is poisonous in excess, and his drink was way beyond excess, but it's the only thing that works for him as a ghost! Superpowered metabolism and all that.
"Do I?" The laugh in his voice answered for him. He took a sip from his drink and frowned at it. "I don't think any coffee will ever be enough again."
"And that's my cue to get my drink very far away from you." Danny turned, fully intent on moving to the other side of the room. Besides, the meeting was going to start as soon as the Flash and Kid Flash arrived, which would be soon. Something about one of their Rouges getting out?
"What?" Red Robin asked, "Why?" If he was a little desperate to get another sip of that coffee, he'd rather not acknowledge it.
"Because you don't need anymore lethal coffee," he muttered, "The sip you took will already keep you awake for three days at least, and it probably jump started an addiction. Best to stop it now. Besides, I need to go have my crisis on how the hell you're still alive after even a sip of this stuff."
"Again, rude." The bird themed vigilante crossed his arms as best he could while holding his cup. "If it's so dangerous, why do you drink it?"
Danny took a deliberate sip as he locked eyes with the technically younger man. "I'm dead. I don't need to worry about my heart stopping or having a seizure."
"No, it's not 'excuses'. I'm saving your life."
"You're a kid. If I can't have that coffee, then you shouldn't be having it."
"First, I'm older than you. Second, I already told you: I'm dead. This isn't going to hurt me. Third, you can't tell me what to do."
"There's no way you're older than me. You're like, ten."
"I'm thirty-eight!" He balked, "I only look fourteen because I died when I was fourteen. We've been over this."
Neither noticed the entire Justice League looking at them. The two they were waiting on had arrived a few minutes ago and everyone was ready to start the meeting, but they'd been distracted by the two's conversation. Was that true? Had Phantom really died so young? They'd all been made aware he was not living, but they didn't think he'd died so young! Though, that was probably the denial speaking.
The Justice League Dark had been fully aware of this and didn't really bat an eye. Though, someone should probably get this meeting started. A potentially world ending threat was the topic, and that was a pretty important thing to discuss.
Captain Marvel was the first to pull himself together, though that was only after Atlas and Zeus had mentally slapped him out of his stupur. "As, ah, riveting as this conversation is," he stepped between the two boys- er, boy and man? "we really need to start this meeting."
Batman did not clear his throat because he'd not lost his voice in the first place. "He's right. Everyone take your seats."
Storyboard Part 2
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Batman becomes Deified
Based on This Post about Batman being accidentally turned into a God by the people of Gotham’s belief
So, if this was the case, I feel like some of his fellow godly teammates would notice and/or comment on it. But since they assume he already knows, they never really directly state that Batman is a God.
Diana would just say something like “It is a good idea for Batman to take care of the hostages on this mission, all things considered”, and Batman thinks it’s just a dig at his so called “adoption addiction” sinc emost of the hostages are kids.
Or Captain Marvel says “It’s an honor to meet you Mr Batman sir! Never really get to meet other people like me!” and Batman thinks it’s because he’s the only Hero from Faucett City, and he’s excited to meet another Hero
Or even Constantine making jokes like, “Would you let me off the hook if I sold you my soul” and Batman thinks it’s a joke but Constantine is being entirely serious about this, since Batman is a God and he could definitely take a persons soul.
And also, the day he joins the League the amount of people who think he’s a God skyrockets. There’s no way a normal guy would be on the same team with the likes of Wonder Woman and Superman without being a God himself. That point is proven even further when Captain Marvel, another God, joins the team.
Then one day, Clockwork drops in and tells Batman that he wants him to take care of Danny, because he needs somebody who can take care of both of his sides. Since Batman used to be a Human, he would be able to relate to Danny in that regard.
And Batman is just like “What the hell do you mean ‘Used to be Human’, what happened to me!?”
And after he finds out that he is a Minor God of Protection and Children, his full powers come to light.
He rushes to the League, and tells them that he has somehow attained Godhood. And Diana  and Shazam are confused, saying “What, did you not know? You’ve been a Minor God since I met you”
And Constantine is laughing his ass off that Batman legitimately did not know he was a God.
And the chaos that would ensue from that would be hilarious.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Tired: the league getting mad at Bruce's contingencies [] Wired: the league arguing about who's contingencies are cooler
Batman, trying to maintain his Spooky Vibe: I have contingencies to take down all of you-
Flash: yeah yeah we all know. Like how if I go evil you’d probably provoke me into running myself into nothingness or something, that’s boring :( can you make a better one?
Green Lantern: Ha, loser
Flash: HEY. Well YOUR contingency is getting covered in yellow powder, that’s even stupider!
Green Lantern: at least it’s not as bad as Superman’s! His contingency is just getting a small rock thrown at him!
Superman: hey :((
Martian Manhunter: My weakness to fire is well enough known that I have no doubt my contingency plan involves a flamethrower or perhaps firebomb
Batman: Hn.
Wonder Woman: I do believe my contingency is the best. All of you would be involved in taking me down with a variety of magical artifacts until I’m eventually worn out and can be captured
Flash: okay, that one is pretty good
Captain Marvel: oh, yeah. Wonder Woman wins
Green Lantern: Hey, what’s Captain Marvel’s plan?
Batman, Done With Them: Because he’s a magic powered hero, my theory is that if I can get enough magic users and components together, an elaborate spell could be cast to rip away just enough of his magic to incapacitate him
Green Lantern: shit, that one’s really good too
Superman: Would that even work?
Billy, Champion of Magic (this plan would not work), has a very easy way to get depowered (get him to say the magic word): haha, yep! That would just about do it. Lol.
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rosieburrito · 6 months
I’m actually making fanart for the fanfics I like that’s crazy
Fic this is based off of is “Between Enemies and Friends” by Cashmire, which is a Peter gets stuck in Gotham fic (my fave kind)
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 193
Once again I put forth cryptid batfam. But with a Marvel crossover. Because why not. 
See Gotham isn’t really talked about by the others in the US. The other cities ignore, ignore, ignore as best they can manage, pretending that if they don’t see it, it doesn’t exist. 
That being said, they aren’t completely oblivious to it either. Oh they don’t believe the tales and whispers that come out of the place, because if they were true surely someone would have done something. But they are aware of things like Wayne Industries or Drake Enterprises, right up there with Stark’s. 
Both of which are based within Gotham, though have plenty of things outside the dreadful city as well. Now the Drake couple were constantly seen at galas outside of New Jersey before their tragic demise, but the Waynes? Never once have they been seen outside their city for a single Gala. 
Which makes this invite that one Tony Stark get to one of the Gotham Galas incredibly surprising. Suspiciously so actually, but he has the option for a couple plus ones. His team might be interested- Shield definitely would, seeing as Gotham is a complete blackout on their files. And from his hacking he’s discovered that any information gathering attempts of theirs have failed. 
But really, how bad can it be, it’d only be a couple days after all.
Okay what is that fucking thing on top of the building-
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smilechiales · 3 months
I just of a Night at the Museum AU where lightning strikes a comic store and despite all logic all the statues of heroes, villains, etc. just come alive and it's absolute chaos.
The Justice League is trying to crack the case why they are suddenly in a store where all their secret identities are on full display, the Avengers are running around and smashing things, somewhere Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier are playing chess and arguing.
And the person on shift is a fan but is totally not getting paid enough for this sh*t.
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I need Billy to get Clark Kent-ed in a fic and sent to cover a Wayne gala
Billy and Bruce meet, names are exchanged, and Bruce worries if this kid is doing okay and if there’s a father position open. Billy is there for some Wayne-Sivana partnership with Magnificus, asking a lot of well informed questions and acting like a little cherub.
Them bad guys break in, one has a gun to Billy’s head and Billy, in true street kid fashion and with the experience from his last 57 kidnapping attempts; bites the hand over his mouth, throws the guy whose twice his size over himself and twists his arm, and dismantles the gun before Batman swoops in and saves the rest of the day.
Batman checks on him, asking if he’s okay, and Billy drops the good kid act and straight up tells him to piss off because he’s not getting adopted by a furry man-child who lives a state away from his hometown
Any Robin or sidekick that was there just cheers the kid on from the roof top screaming “DODGED THAT BULLET!” after having spent the whole gala trying to keep them apart before Bruce could bust out the adoption papers
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marionluth · 2 months
Jessica Jones: Red hood? Red hood? Where's your damn wicker basket? Don't tell me you forgot the pie… Granny's gonna flip!
Red Hood: You think you’re funny?
Jessica: No, I think you're funny. Thought I made that clear
Red Hood: I’m Gotham’s most feared crime-lord…
Jessica: And you went with a code-name straight out of a kid's bedtime story.
Red Hood: I am known for carrying duffel bags filled with severed heads, not fucking bedtime stories.
Jessica: So... You’re going by Red Hood and lugging around a duffel bag full of heads... You missed a real chance there, big guy.
Red Hood:
Jessica: Named after a little girl with a wicker basket, rocking a silly red helmet... Just fully commit to the lore and carry a damn basket. Imagine hopping around with it, complete with a red checkered cotton tea towel on top? Pulling severed heads out from there ? Now that's something I could potentially get behind.
Red Hood:
Jessica Jones: Now please fuck off to another rooftop. You've interrupted my smoke break.
Snippet from In Her Defense His Name Sucked, first work of In Their Defense Series.
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phoenixcatch7 · 8 months
You know what I'm feeling dramatic
Feel free to check the wikis or write propaganda for the contestants!
This is not a blorbo contest! These three young teenage powerhouses (especially in fanon, in case of Danny lol) each have wildly different sources for overlapping and massively varied power sets! Each of their wiki pages on their powers just keeps scrolling!
Captain marvel/Shazam (Billy Batson) - the power of the living lighting - the source of all magic. He's the only kid with guidance for his powers, no matter how slight. And a secret base!! His powers are many and intense, and he can share them with friends! Definitely the sweetest of the three, but also the only orphan, unfortunately. Well, it's not like the other two have ideal parents.
I don't know enough about his history, but it's DC. He's absolutely done something stunningly tyrannical and ooc. Injustice, maybe?
Saiki - the world's most powerful psychic. As the head of a crack comedy anime, his powers and strength truly is ludicrous. He wears limiters to allow him to live a human life, as he's the only one of the three without a magic transformation (he's canonically a shapeshifter who was born a girl, though. Trans saiki canon!!). He's also a super genius, if that helps.
Also wiped a whole entire country off the map and brain washed the world into forgetting them when he was kidnapped by their government as a kid. It might be implied to be Atlantis if he ever brought it up again ever.
Between the other two, Danny really looks like an underdog, but I believe in him XD. A half ghost boy, he's got a million powers if only he'd remember them! He also has trans allegations, but nothing that was ever confirmed (we all know who to blame).
Has an evil future counterpart that went insane, fused with his arch enemy, and destroyed a significant chunk of the world - or at least America - when his family and friends died in an accident.
Honestly I think they'd all be really good friends under the right circumstances. You know those crossover fandoms? Love them. It'd be like rock paper scissors - esper, magic, ectoplasm! Psychic, champion, ghost!
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howlslibraryy · 2 months
hello! welcome to my peter centric blog <3
I just wanted to promote myself here. If you are interested in my works, I have an ao3 with a few stories based on marvel/dc/culmination of both. howls_library: Ao3 link
My works:
Birds of a Feather (In progress: Chp 13/21)- Peter Parker meets the Bat Family...and it goes well? I guess we will see He's Mr. Perfectly Fine (In progress: Chp 5/24) - Peter Parker forced proximity with the Young Avengers. Apparently he's the Tony to their Spider-Man.
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nirokoshka · 2 years
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I make the rules and I say they're best friends
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mediacircuspod · 3 months
Desperate to fund new Fandom Projects(pins and not pins too!), so check out my fandom shop to give me the chance! There’s free US shipping for orders over $50 (I know it’s a lot, BUT I have a TON of stuff!!!)
Also you can use ETSY15 for 15% off!!!
Link!!! https://frogprincearts.etsy.com
Some of my items!!!
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g1rlr0b1n · 1 year
What if my mind lived in a special place in the multiverse where Jon still got lost in space but came back only a year younger than Damian and they got to finish High School together, got to go to college together, got to celebrate every age milestone together, and never had to go through that awkward "this age gap feels huge" phase? Like, what then?
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
In your story universe, how would you write Captain Marvel joining the Justice League or meeting another superhero for the first time?
I think it depends on the specific story, but most often I imagine that the first hero Captain Marvel ever meets is Superman.
For me that meeting would take place a few months after Billy became Cap, when stories of his powers and his heroics finally managed to trickle out of Fawcett City and into the wider world. Obviously the JL would take notice of a new hero, especially someone rumored to be as powerful as him. So while Batman is researching him and everyone else is speculating about him, Superman takes it upon himself to visit Fawcett and meet him in person.
He was originally just going to observe as Clark Kent, get the public's impression of the new hero, but then a villain (probably Dr Sivana) attacked and he decided to jump into the fray and give Cap a helping hand.
Cap is a bit starstruck at first because it's Superman, but then the two of them get to talking, getting on amazingly well (like in First Thunder). His earnestness and kindness leave an impression on Superman.
When Clark leaves he tells the JL about Cap and a few months and a few team ups with various heroes later, Superman nominates him for League membership. By then enough heroes had worked with him on various crises that he is voted in with little debate.
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cerealboxlore · 2 years
hey so ya know the prompts or whatever where cap changes to his billy form and the league think he’s deaged and he just goes with it?
what if that happened but instead of billy pretending he reverted in mind completely as well that he still has his memories as captain marvel?
so like he can’t use any cap abilities but he can use some magic since is still the champion
what if he pretended that while he does have his memories his feelings and behaviours are more like when he was this age?
just imagine the league thinking that the cheerful, childish captain would be even more like that as a child but just seeing him extremely bitter and never smiling
what if they finally make him smile like once around them and notice how different that smile is to caps?
I totally and completely love and worship the prompt/idea of the Justice League believing that Captain Marvel got de-aged when they see his Billy form. It makes me go feral!!
I've really been wanting to see a scenario like the one you described, where Billy doesn't pretend to have amnesia and finally gets a chance to be just Billy around the League and just breathe. That kid needs a break every now and then. He gets to have a little excuse to just sit in the watchtower to eat his fruit snacks and apple juice, and not feel bad about neglecting his duties. I mean, all the League sees is that one of their teammates and heaviest hitters just got turned into a child! Ah well, at least he still has his memories and some magic abilities left, he should rest after pulling so many night shifts and fighting so much lately.
However, despite expecting the Captain to remain cheerful and happy, what they see instead is this tired, malnourished, and bitter, young child. Was...was this what the Captain was like as a child? What kind of childhood did he have growing up??
The Justice League would be very concerned and try to talk to the little Captain Marvel, but every chance they get to get close to him, he flinches. He turns away. He runs away. Little kid marvel isn't as happy and bright as the "adult" version of him.
From the episode of Justice League Unlimited, "Kid Stuff", the League members retained their memories but acted more like their child selves in a way. They conclude this is something similar and begin to try and cheer the little marvel up. None of them know anything about him after all, they don't know what kind of trauma he's been through. Billy on the other hand, just wants to use the zeta beam and get out of there ASAP! He messed up when transforming and got into this sticky situation. When he finally gives in a little and let's them talk to him, no one can even see a glimpse of their Co-worker's smile on Billy's face. None of that glowing shine and warmth that it usually brought, just a small, tragic one that felt given out of pity to them.
Billy doesn't know it, but from that moment, he isn't allowed to leave the watch tower at all unless supervised until they find a way to turn him back.
Wrote my own little thing there for a moment, sorry, but I just adore this idea. So much can happen with the League interacting with who they think is a de aged Captain Marvel! It could also lead to Batman and others trying to corner little captain marvel into getting his secret identity from him, thinking that a kid version of him could slip his real name on accident. Billy doesn't play around though. Billy bites.
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