#i also can't decide who to cosplay
bhaalsdeepbat · 7 months
it's supposed to get dreary here again and i'm like. what if i go get local coffee and do an impromptu closet cosplay of christian girl autumn!orin
i have several long, blonde wigs i could play with and. i certainly could do the creepy makeup alkjfsdkl
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
Types of obnoxious batfam stans
Written by an obnoxious batfam stan
Not really a rant but something I've noticed over the years interacting in different spaces and I've decided to make your problem now.
Please note that I'm not saying there's any "right" way to be a fan because we all suck by virtue of being comic nerds, but there are certain kinds of batfamily fans that stick out to be in particular.
Anywho, here are 12 kinds of annoying batfam stans that you've probably run into and you better get a laugh out of it *points gun to your head*.
1) The Newbies Who Never Heard of Google
There's no shame in being new to something. It's a phase that we're all guaranteed to go through, whether we're 11 or 101. However, in this day and age, so many things can be easily googled that you don't need to shout every question you have into the VVorld VVide VVoid. If you need comic recs or a reading list, google it. If you wanna know a character's origin story, google it. If you need to know the color of Batman's underpants in a particular issue in 1965... well that's probably too specific for Google but Reddit will definitely have an answer.
2) The Middle School Authors
Before the 13-year-olds get up in my notes, I'm not saying everyone that age writes like this. Middle school is a state of mind. These fanfic writers usually stand out in a few ways.
They're oftentimes first-person POV or reader-insert. Give Y/N a break, she's tired.
The grammar is stunningly atrocious. I get if you're inexperienced or if you're writing in a second language, but we are in the prime era of autocorrect. If you need help, it's right there. Also, fuck c*nsoring b*d w*rds and fuck "unalive."
The characters do things that are out-of-character because the author is projecting their own personality. Bruce Wayne is a lot of things but he does not listen to the fucking Mountain Goats.
There's a lack of experience or research when it comes to certain topics. That's not how physics works. He can't walk that injury off. And that's definitely NOT how you do the horizontal hokey pokey.
3) The Neckbeards
Unfortunately, these basement-dwelling mouth-breathers tainted the image of what a comic fan is, though that's been changing recently. Still, we've all seen them. They gatekeep via pop quizzes, 'cause obviously you're not a real fan unless you know what page 10 of Batman #138 smells like. They give unsolicited commentary on people's cosplays, nitpicking the guys and being gross toward women. And heaven forbid the comics add a little diversity.
4) The Moviegoers
Nothing inherently wrong with getting into the fandom via the movies, nor is there anything wrong with sticking to that. I just feel like we're two different species of Galapagos finches, you know?
5) The Christopher Nolans
Separate from casual fans of the Nolan movies. I'm calling them the Christopher Nolans because these people have a tendency to reach for the grimdarkest thing possible. It's like they cannot fathom Batman having any other emotions besides punching and gargoyle brooding.
6) The Canon Purists
Wanna share a fun headcanon? NO, because Stephanie Brown never used cherry lip balm in the comics so therefore that must be the absolute truth. These people are a stickler for comic accuracy to the point where it's like... why bother interacting with the fandom in the first place? The worst part is when they're adamant on following a single continuity and refuse to consider anything else. This is comics we're talking about. Everything either has been or will be canon at some point.
7) The Fanon Worshippers
On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the people who base their entire perception of the characters on something either they pulled out of their ass or that their mutual with 16 followers came up with, despite evidence directly contradicting it. I love WFA, but I feel like that's partially responsible for further perpetuating certain popular myths. Also, these fans tend to focus solely on the batfam/their ships. It's one thing to have some people in the foreground vs. background, but put some respect to Bart Allen's name you goddamn cheesecakes.
8) The Golden Age Dads
These guys aren't really obnoxious. I actually find it kind of cute how they think Jason Todd is still dead.
9) The Chronically Online
I have a rule of thumb when it comes to discourse: if it's not something I'd hear about at a bar, it's not worth my mental energy. Some people haven't gotten the memo, though.
These are either the well-intentioned but misinformed teenagers or grown-ass adults beefing with children because they don't have a life. They have takes that are oversimplified, rage-inducing, TikTok algorithm attention-grabbers that no one cares about in real life.
Don't get me wrong, we've got a bunch of issues in comics and fandom that are worth discussing. However, there comes a point where you're splitting hairs and need to go the fuck outside. I'm not gonna link the post 'cause I don't wanna call them and their 7 notes out, but the other week I saw someone saying Stephcass was a racist ship because something something colonialism parallel. You gotta be Elastigirl to have that kind of reach.
10) The Corporate Simps
I love comics. I appreciate the writers and artists. However, you will find my carcass in a ditch before you catch me licking the boots of DC/Warner Bros. Basically, these fans, fewer as they are, can't seem to fathom that their favorite franchise can (and does) put out some steaming motherfucking garbage.
11) The Hot Cosplayers
Not actually annoyed, I'm just a little jealous. Stop being hotter than me, please and thank you.
12) The One With A Punchline For Everything
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gay-jesus-probably · 9 months
I like the general fandom trend to just take the plot of Hyrule Warriors as a loose guideline at best and just use the whole concept as a good excuse to get blorbos to interact across timelines, BUT I'm very disappointed that everyone is missing the comedic potential of a very specific squad of characters:
Young Link (aka Mask), who walks out of the nightmare of Majora's Mask and immediately gets portal kidnapped into a temporal war, takes one look at the whole mess and decides that you could not fucking pay him to admit to being the resident expert on Time Shenanigans. He introduces himself with the title of Hero of Termina, and definitely doesn't have any other ones, that would be crazy. Hero of Time? Never heard of him.
Tetra, who is a kickass pirate captain with zero patience for people trying to shove her into the Designated Princess role, and realizes immediately that Oh Fuck, this Hyrule has a lot of Ideas about how the Hero and the Princess are supposed to properly play their parts, the second they realize she's technically a Zelda they're gonna shove her in a goddamn dress and damsel her again, that's not happening. So she's definitely just a really cool pirate captain, nothing else going on here at all, definitely not the heir of the Hylian royal family in her time, that'd be crazy.
Ravio, who is literally just a palette swapped Link, meaning that the second his hood comes off, things are gonna get Awkward. There's no way in hell he's dealing with all that Hero baggage, that's Link work, so that giant bunny hood/mask is practically superglued to his head, and he's not taking it off for love or money.
Spirit Tracks Zelda, who is just in the Phantom Armour the whole time, and passing herself off as just a friendly ghost posessing a suit of armour to help the Hero of Spirits. Of course she isn't Princess Zelda, that's ridiculous, if she were a Zelda then people would start getting really weird about her technically being dead, and boy does that ever sound like a whole Thing she doesn't want to deal with, so she can't possibly be Zelda, she's just a nice ghost knight. Also, her teenage grandma is here, and that's kinda weird, so it's easier to just not admit to being royalty and avoid that awkward conversation.
Finally there's Sheik, who is not the Princess Zelda of the era straight up abandoning her war torn country for months at a time so she can risk her life in extreme cosplay for no clear reason, but is instead the actual Sheik from Ocarina of Time, who just beat Ganondorf like a month ago and is still trying to process what the fuck to do now. Also, he's been pretending to be a boy since he was ten, and is realizing there's a pretty good chance that he isn't pretending anymore, so that's a whole other can of worms. But for the last seven years of his life, being Princess Zelda meant certain death, so he's not really inclined to introduce himself like when in a new and stressful situation (not to mention he might actually just not be a girl named Zelda anymore), so he automatically introduces himself as just Sheik the spooky ninja man, and fuck he's in too deep to back out now, looks like he's committing to the bit. If you think you sense the Triforce of Wisdom on him, no you don't.
Cue shenanigans as the five of them attempt to hide that they're all actually kind of A Big Deal. The group motto is "Nobody says shit", which is usually delivered as a frantic hiss whenever someone slips up. Just the reunion between Sheik and Mask alone would be absolutely buckwild given how they parted, and how they're both frantically pretending to Not be involved with each other. For added hilarity and/or drama, Sheik gives his semi-bullshit cover story of having just been a friend of the Hero of Time, then runs into said Hero of Time and they both have to desperately pretend not to know each other, because if anyone picks up on the mountain of baggage between them then Mask is busted, and he won't hesitate to drag Sheik down with him out of sheer spite. Not to mention the weird balance of Sheik being used to this Link being a teenager that's actually a small child, and now has to adjust to Link who is a small child that's actually a teenager.
Also, i really feel like we're all missing out on the comedy potential of Ganondorf recognizing Young Link on sight and the two of them immediately launching into a grudge match with some extremely personal and specific insults on both sides. Meanwhile literally everybody else is just standing there watching, trying to process the fact that out of every single person that's been pulled out of time, Ganondorf only has personal beef with a literal nine year old.
I just feel like we're all really sleeping on the potential for Shenanigans here. The whole thing is an absurd mess, why not have some fun with it?
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iloverook · 2 months
Some Obey me hcs!
its 1 AM and I'm bored so i decided to do some obey me hcs
all of your dates would be at quiet places, so you guys can have a bit of peace without his brothers.
LOVES when you bring food for him, like, his working at his office and then you suddenly appears with a plate full of food for him telling him to take a break (he loves to know that you care that much about him, he won't admit it, but you just know)
He loves when you guys cuddle, hug or kiss. His brothers aren't the only ones who needs your attention, the poor guy need some attention too!
definitely has soft spot for you and Mammon. So if you team up with him, you both can ask Lucifer anything and he might give you.
He would definitely steal lucifer's credit card to buy gifts for you, no one can take that out of my mind.
I don't think he would be a big fan of PDA, but it just depends on his mood.
He would be clingy somedays, like, REALLY clingy. You're going to the bathroom? that's okay, he's waiting for you at the door.
Would let you try makeup on him. got a new eyeshadow? he's going to be your lab rat. He would also let you play with his hair. Just don't do anything that can damage it, his hair is a important part of his modeling gigs!
Loves when you play with him or just show any interest in anything he likes.
Would buy another fish to put on his tank, so henry 2.0 can have a partner too (he would let you name it)
Would definitely buy matching cosplays for you two.
Would teach you how to program your own game (if you're interested in that ofc)
He would need you to say you love him 24/7
would buy you matching cat Keychains (he would have it with 24/7)
He loves when you guys have dates at librarys
would name a stray cat after you (unfortunately he can't take the cat home, but he makes sure to send you some pictures of it)
he would buy you any book you want (or lend it to you if you don't want one)
He would compliment you 24/7. What can he do? You're the pretties person he ever seen! (before him ofc)
would make you a skincare routine, and would make sure you follow every single step
would try new makeups on you
50% of his phone gallery are pictures of you guys together
would post a picture of you guys every time you guys go out
I can't think of many hcs for him 😞
Would ask you to work out with him
would give you princess treatment
would carry you if you're tired of walking
would try to stay awake so he can go on dates with you
i don't think he smells good, he would be too tired to take baths (you have to force him to)
would use one of your shirts as a pillowcase
he let you play with his hair, it helps him sleep
have a plushie that reminds him of you (he hugs it to sleep when you're not around)
thats what i could think for them! Please forgive me for any spelling mistake, english is not my first language! And thank you so much for reading, it helps me a lot! <3
(i know more about obey me, so any obey me related thing will be bigger than the twisted wonderland ones)
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cherry-flavoured-thot · 3 months
This is a little silly ask but can I get reactions from the demon bros and side characters to receiving a kiss on the back of their hand from their s/o?
guess who finally finished going through all 80 lessons of OG Obey Me - (sponsored by Time Chronicles)
Lucifer has kissed the back of your hand before, and done so in a showy manner just to fluster you. He didn't expect for him to be on the receiving end but you're always full of surprises. You grin as your lips touch the back of his hand, and he can't help but do the same.
Mammon calls you his servant again and it makes you roll your eyes. "Shall I bend down onto one knee and kiss Master's hand for gracing me with his presence?" He smugly says you should, but isn't so smug when you actually do so. Sputtering out how he was only messing around as you pepper a kiss to the back of his hand.
You and Leviathan are cosplaying as two characters. He is king and you're a knight. It's only right that you kiss the back of his hand for a cosplay photo. "I know we're in character and all but this is still soo embarrassing. " He's blushing, and the fact that you make sure to roll My Liege off your tongue as you kiss the back of his hand is not helping!
Satan is also a giver of kisses on the back of your hand. But sometimes he gives them out to tease you, always grinning as he makes you ask him to give you a proper kiss. But when you lean down and do it to him when he asks you to kiss him, well, he's just as flustered. "What's wrong Satan, is this not you wanted?" He scoffs, murmuring how you know that's not what he meant.
Do you want Asmodeus to start swooning? Because he most certainly will! He thinks it's such a cute gesture for you to press your lips to the back of his hand. Could he interest you in doing it again? And maybe letting him take a picture, he pinky promises he won't post it! Unless you let him...
Beelzebub is a little confused but he's got the right spirit. Because on one hand he like, oh thank you. And is really happy that you kissed the back of his hand. But on the other hand is not satiated, and would in fact like you to kiss him on the lips. Please?
Belphegor is standing next to you at a ball, of which you both were forced to attend against your will. You're watching a couple preparing to dance when one of the dancers lowers down to one knee and kisses their partner's hand. Belphie scoffs. "That looks so stupid." You then decide to get down on one knee and do the same to him to see if he still thinks it's stupid. "Well I guess it's not stupid when you do it." He mutters.
Diavolo loves to kiss the back of your hand, well he loves to kiss you in general but still! He usually uses it as a greeting when taking you out anywhere on a date. So imagine his surprise when you take him out on a ate and the first gesture of the night is you taking his hand and giving it a kiss. He's practically radiating joy the full evening.
Barbatos wonders why you're staring at his hands so much. He assumes that it must have something to do with not wearing gloves, but if you had a question you would have voice it by now. "Could I have your hand?" You ask, and while he raises a brow he does as you ask. He's surprised when you lips touch the back of his hand, but pleasantly so.
Solomon is teasing you when he holds out his hand. "Don't you think you should greet me properly?" You're not a hundred percent sure of his exact implications in doings so, but you still decide to take his hand and kiss the back of it. He laughs. "See was that so hard? I expect you to greet my like this more often!"
Simeon always looks so mesmerizing, part of you wonders if he even realises that bit of information. Surely he must at least have caught on this point that you think so? Considering how much you'll zone out mid-conversation to admire him. You're only brought back when he questions if you're feeling alright, "yeah I'm okay just thinking about how radiant you are." If he didn't know before he does now, especially when you grasp his hand to pull it to your lips for added measure.
Raphael knows you're up to something, but he's not sure what. Normally, that look on your face means you're about to do something silly to get a reaction out of him. He's even more suspicious when you ask him to present you with his hand. "Why?" You claim nothing bad, and he's sure of it but that goofy smile makes him think you'll do something. He relents and lets you take his hand. He's not sure what possessed you to kiss the back of his hand, but he does appreciate the gesture all the same.
It's a joke, you're calling Thirteen milady in an accent that makes her laugh while getting down onto one knee. "Stop being such a dork." She's saying with a roll of her eyes as you place a kiss on the back of her hand, but the gesture still makes her heart race ever so slightly. Part of her wants you to do it again, but another part of her wants to catch you off guard one time and do the same.
Mephisto has been going on about how it is only proper that the two of you should dance this evening. Despite you throwing in a playful jab about how a couple months ago his opinion on a human and demon dancing together is anything but. He had scoffed and told you to stop being difficult. You do agree to dance with him, but only after making a big show of bending the knee and kissing the back of his hand. "You're doing this on purpose!" You are. And him being flustered is only goading you on further.
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ipseitydelrey · 10 months
headcanons: dating spencer reid ♡
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(i’m so totally normal about this man)
ship spencer reid x gn!reader
warnings mentions of schizophrenia & alzheimer’s
a/n thought this would be a good first post! interaction would be appreciated, but your readership would be enough! enjoy~
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★ he regularly gives you books he has read, completed with small annotations.
★ to go with the previous headcanon, you would give him more modern books you enjoy as opposed to the classical/foreign ones he gifts.
★ expect for your first couple of dates to be more awkward (he has definitely asked derek for advice on more than one occasion).
★ he makes it a point to learn all that he can about whatever you like at the moment, even if he himself isn't into it/doesn't understand the appeal. it's mostly just so he can connect with you more and to share fun facts about your interests.
★ he's awful at cooking, but once or twice, he has definitely attempted to cook a homemade meal for you two as a romantic gesture. you both decided that what he made wasn't edible, but you appreciated the attempt and ordered takeout instead.
★ weekly bookstore visits! half of the time you would go to barnes & noble for your literary needs, but you two also enjoy supporting local bookstores (+ they tend to have rare books too).
★ when you two are cuddling, he loves it when you run your fingers through his hair and give him a head massage; it really helps with his migraines.
★ convention is in town? best believe that you two are wearing matching cosplays, especially if the characters you're dressing up as is canonically a couple.
★ spencer doesn't just ask derek; he also asks penelope and jj for advice too.
★ on the first couple of dates he generally avoided touching, but now? he can't get enough of you, how warm you are and how soft your hands are.
★ much like how he tends to go on a tangent, he loves it and listens intently whenever you infodump about a topic you're interested in.
★ antique stores! you both find the atmosphere lovely and you would get gifts for each other there.
★ his love language is praise, both giving and receiving. he wants to make sure you feel loved and wanted. even when it's something small, like getting him coffee for example, he'll go on and on about how wonderful you are, how good you are to him and how much he loves and adores you.
★ on the receiving end, he'll absolutely melt if you give him reassurance that you reciprocate his love. and if you hold him — cup his cheeks or wrap your arms around his waist — while whispering praises? as emily said, IQ of 187 slashed down to 60.
★ the first time he said "i love you" was sort of an accident. he had just come back from a case and he was so tired that he collapsed into your arms and you had to drag him to bed. you were making sure he was comfortable and in his delirious state he mumbled "love you" in the sleepiest voice imaginable.
★ movie nights! whenever it's his turn, he either picks some pretentious, foreign language, criterion collection, 3+ hour film...or he just puts on reruns of star trek or doctor who.
★ when you moved in with him, you both had to buy another bookshelf. both because of the books strewn around spencer's apartment that were unable to be shelved due to overcrowding, and to fit your books there too.
★ he's super worried about doing something wrong. this is probably his first actual serious relationship, so he's being extra cautious to not accidentally insult or hurt you. over time, he learns to relax around you but the worry is still there, just in small doses.
★ he doesn't really like PDA, but he makes up for the lack of it with tons of hugs, kisses, and close contact in private (specifically at home, but anywhere private will do).
★ whenever you two go out and you want to wear formal attire, he'll help you with putting it on! he'll zip up your dress, help tie your tie, fasten your necklace, maybe help with cuff links. he absolutely loves being able to assist you with anything, no matter how small.
★ he was definitely worried when he brought you to go meet his mom for the first time, so he made sure to pick a day where she would be in one of her good moods and also told you everything he knows about schizophrenia and alzheimer's. he was thankfully relieved when his mom liked you and vice versa.
★ a bit corny, but he loves reciting love poems to you. this can also extend to passages from books that discuss romantic love; he has an eidetic memory after all and he's going to put it to good use!
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chenya-my-love · 6 months
Fictional Yuu
I see a lot of people basing Yuu off of characters on TV and in games. They'll have characters (usually Idia) make refrence to this fact but usually in just a throw away line. But nobody really leans into the idea of Yuu actually coming from some fictional media in Twisted Wonderland.
Like imagine some character like Cater, or maybe Vil while advertising the VDC, posting a photo with Yuu in it. Only for some random account to comment "That's an amazing cosplay, it looks so much like the character". And of course they're confused, they keep looking for who in the photo is cosplaying but nobody is there. Eventually just asking the commentor who was being cosplayed. The comment is simple.
"Right next to you. That's Yuu from (insert anime/game name here)". They don't believe it until they look up the listed media and sees the character they think Yuu is cosplaying and are shocked. They look identical to Yuu (except animated). Their name, looks, and personality are all identical to Yuu. It is Yuu.
I see two (techincally three) routes this could go. A RomCom route and an angst route.
The romcom route revolves around Yuu having a canon love interest making the boys jealous (regardless on whether they entered a relationship yet or the plot was still building it up) and trying to imulate them.
Like all the wikis say that Yuu's feelings blossomed after the love interest nursed them back to health when they were sick, so the moment Yuu gets sick the boy is just rushing to Ramshackle to take care of them. Or if Yuu caught feelings first and it was some romantic moment, the boys try to emulate that scene so Yuu will fall for them too.
But than we have the angst routes.
A scenerio where all the boys decide to watch the anime/play the game that Yuu is from. Only for Yuu to catch them, quickly learning that they're fictional.
Yuu realizing that all their memories were made up, and if their a playable character all their actions were being controlled. That all their suffering was pointless, that it was done simply to make them more interesting or to entertain a bunch of other worldly beings that Yuu didn't know existed.
Yuu having an breakdown over everything. Their life isn't even their own.
While learning about Yuu's world and story, they learn Yuu dies. And not just a shock value death that could be removed from the plot without care, their death is important. Their death leads to the ending whether that be Yuu sacrificing themself for the greater good or Yuu's death motivating the protag to take down the villain.
All that matters is that Yuu dies and Yuu needs to die. The story can't progress without Yuu there.
The boys realizing that if they send Yuu back to their world, their pretty much signing Yuu's Death Certificate. And Yuu doesn't know. The boys now know that Yuu is doomed by the narrative and is destined to die in the end, but Yuu doesn't. They can't even tell Yuu cause Seven only knows how Yuu will take the news that not only are they fictional but they're also destined to die.
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amourtoken · 2 months
im gonna fuel the fire and just note that matt follows some women that do cosplay on insta so hes gotta be into it. i also saw a tweet from him saying he likes fishnets and thigh high socks. again just stopping by to plant some seeds…. *wink wink*🫢
He's literally a fucking degenerate (100% gooner status I'm right don't even fight me) like-
If you're one of those cosplayer twt/onlyfans models? He's subscribed on EVERYTHING. you caught his eye when you did a renne faire elf themed set of videos (he's a lotr dude ofc he's into elves) but you only got hotter to him the more of your content he watched.
He spends SO FUCKING MUCH on you, like actually. You have a tier of subscribers sat up to where they can request videos from you for a certain amount and he's always sending well over $100 each time to get some niche ass content. You love seeing his requests come through cause for one you know the pay is good but two, he makes sure to remind you how pretty you are and how much he appreciates you doing this for him. It's your job but you do feel a Lil different about him than the average subscriber yk? He's basically your virtual sugar daddy.
His last request sent your way was him basically BEGGING for you to have some fishnets and thigh highs on with whatever skimpy ass lingerie you wanted and your elf ears. He gave you some creative liberty but made sure to mention he'd really really really like for you to say his name a few times while you're bouncing on a toy for him. Who are you to deny him? You already whine and cry when you're fucking yourself to the thought of him on your own so why not indulge him on camera?
once you sent the finished product to him he was completely unreachable to anyone for fucking hourssss. The vid was on loop and he found new things to salivate over every time he watched it, first it was how your thighs looked in those tights then how your ass looked while you were riding your oversized bad dragon toy but he kept losing focus on all of that hearing you begging for him to fuck you harder and to let you cum, whining abt how good he feels and how much you love his cock. He could skip watching the video and just get off to hearing you moan his name and trust, he's done that a few times too.
He doesn't even stop stroking after he cums at this point his head is thrown back against the pillows in his bed and he's using the mess spilling over his knuckles as lube to keep fucking his fist. He can't get over you, he'd do fucking anything to have you for a night and fuck you how you deserve. He gets so needy he ends up just messaging you directly and thanking you again, telling you how many times he's gotten off to it and how good you are for him. You indulge and start thanking him for being so sweet all the time and you're rlly laying it on thick. He's texting you with his phone in one hand and dick in the other cause even your vanilla responses are going straight between his legs.
You're totally aware and decide to make it so much worse for him by sending a couple short videos playing w your pussy in a skirt and he's fuckin done for. He's cum so many times by now it just hurts to keep going but he feels like he literally can't stop. He needs more, and feels like it's risky to ask but fuck he can't help it.
"I know you're probably gonna say no but I just cannot fucking get enough of you and I'd love to take you out sometime. Show you a good time then fuck you right. Please?"
Normally you'd say absolutely no this is strictly business and that's creepy but it's matt yk? How could you say no?
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shadeops21 · 4 months
Ghost Cosplay Concept
I've become real invested into the CoD cosplay realm now, and looking at the reboot's different skins and loadouts, I'm surprised we haven't seen a few more "classic"/"throwback" kits than what we've been given.
I know that the "iconic" Ghost look is the grey fleece jacket with the camo pants and chest rig, as seen during Loose Ends, but I would like to propose that the Rio missions are where we saw what I consider "peak Ghost" and peak SF vibe, of which we see a lot more of in the reboot series (civil attire with tac gear over the top).
Here is Ghost's OG Rio kit from the game for those who can't remember:
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Now I want to cosplay this look, but I also recognise that not a lot of what's seen above is too identifyable by today's standards, and may include discontinued equipment.
Then I wondered what it'd look like using the reboot's level of detail and assets. So I kitbashed a similar kit using a mix of assets from different characters and operators, and this will be the basis of my next cosplay:
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I'll be able to recycle elements from my previous Ghost cosplay as well as other pieces of equipment that I've got for gelsofting and other cosplays.
The actual cosplay may vary in some aspects such as the kind of pants I wear (model uses UF Pro Striker pants, might swap for just regular cargo pants or G3 Field pants, haven't decided) and may use a different dangler pouch. Will probably use my green AMPs as well, rather than tan comms.
Will also def source a temporary tattoo using Ghost's arm tats, just for max level of detail. I think that'd look dope.
The next thing would then to just figure out what primary to carry: do I go classic MW2 M4A1 as he carried in Rio, or do I use his Chimera/Honey Badger from the reboot?
Lemme know your thoughts or if you have any ideas!
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kenthoescore · 9 months
Naughty or Nice? - gojo satoru.
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tags. santa!gojo, fingering, extreme teasing, edging, fem!reader
note. this was supposed to be posted on christmas but it got busy, i also gave up at the end whoops
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It was Christmas.
it really wasn't the time to be horny, especially with your family around but lo and behold, Gojo fucking Satoru was the epitome of annoying and is (un)fortunately your boyfriend.
Fingers sliding and feeling across the inside of your thigh barely avoiding the lace of your panties hiding underneath the red fabric of your dress as you ate whatever food your family had cooked.
You were grateful that there were linen drapings on the table or else everyone would see how Satoru's touch made you so fucking horny that you could explode.
"You made these just a whole ago, mom?" Satoru asks, eating away at the gelato your mother had made.
Satoru claimed the name 'mom' for your mother when they first met, stating that he'd be calling her that once he pops the magical question of lifetime commitment to him.
"Yes, d'you like it? I remembered you had a sweet tooth and made it at the last minute." Your mother laughed, eyes twinkling in happiness as she stared at him.
You screamed in your head as his fingers ever so slightly grazed against your clothed clit. He chuckled in response to your mother, replying in a overly-sweet tone.
"Thanks, Mom." He giggled.
You shot him a glare but it immediately faltered as his fingers hastily pushed your panties to the side, tickling your entrance with his middle.
You inhlaed sharply at the time one of your family members talked to you, Satoru decided to push a long finger in. Immediately pushing against the soft spot deep inside you.
It went like that throughout dinner.
His fingers slipping in and pressing down on your sweet spot as you tried to talk, or circle harshly on your clit as you tried to eat.
All while his face remained unchanged, except for the teasing winks or the shit-eating grin on his face whenever he looked in your direction.
"Satoru, why don't you play Santa?"
You burst in laughter, at the same time his fingers froze on your pussy. One of your younger cousins had asked him that.
"Oh, you would play a great santa, toru."
You teased finally getting back at him. He shot you an overdramatic look of disagreement.
"No, no. I can't!" He replied, his voice taking a notch up higher, although his grin was still there, falrering a little bit, "do I look like Santa to you? I don't have a big stomach and I'm not old."
He pouts, refusing to play Santa. Slightly offended that he was offered to play santa.
"Oh, c'mon. Aren't you good at deciding who's naughty or nice?"
You don't know how.
But you know for sure that you're fucked.
You found yourself standing in front of Satoru, watching him in his red attire, a white beard on his face now as he cosplayed Santa.
You would laugh, but you feared a moan would slip out of you instead as you felt the consistent buzzing of the vibrator in your cunt.
Satoru had pulled you in your childhood bedroom, making up a solid excuse of helping him get into his costume.
"C'mere princess, need to slut you out while your family's watching." He grinned, pushing the dress up your thighs.
"Already so wet f'me... too bad you'd have to wait 'till they're all asleep." He chuckled again, kissing your neck as he walked behind you.
Deliberately making you feel his hardened cock through his pants, pressing them up your ass. He pushed your panties to the side again, almost maddeningly slow before gently sliding in the vibrator and snapping your panties back in place.
You jolt at the sudden impact, the fabring colliding sharply against your cunt.
"Be a good lil girl for me, yeah? I get to decide who's naughty or nice anyways." He whispered, grabbing a hold of your hips, pulling your ass against his bulge.
He moans so softly in your ear, teasingly.
Making you feel sparks of pleasure shoot through your cunt. His moans were always the perfect mixture of whiny and rough.
The evening continued like that. He would randomly spike the vibrations to the max, making you whimper pathetically under your breath. Your juices gushing out more and more, soiling your panties.
He would turn it back to the lowest fucking setting just to spite you, just to deny you your pleasure, just to edge you and keep you frustrated.
It was driving you mad.
All you could think about was the way his cock would deliciously melt your frustrations away, the way his cock would rub and fuck all the right spots so easily.
And so mercilessly.
All while moaning without inhibitions, Satoru wasn't afraid to let you hear how good he was feeling. And you fucking liked it to the core.
The way you knew your white-haired boyfriend would absolutely wreck your pussy, leaving you shaking until your hole would gape once he's finished, and a thick ooze of his pearly white cum would–
"Baby... it's your turn." Satoru called out, snapping you out of your erotic daydream.
Your cheeks flush a crimson red as you realized your family was looking back at you, you felt like they read every single thing that had crossed your mind a second ago.
"Uh, yeah. Right." You cleared your throat, trying to act composed as if the vibe didn't go to the maximum pulse again.
You shot Satoru a glare as you walked towards the Christmas tree, where Satoru was also standing next to. Which he replied with his signature smirk.
You picked up the gifts that was labelled your name, one from your dad, your mom, your siblings, and from Satoru himself.
You gave them all a grateful smile, your frustration slightly melting away as you let your eye's meet your boyfriend's striking blue ones.
He smiled, genuinely smiled at you. His teeth showing, there was always a hint of tease and cockiness despite how he smiled but you were used to it. It didn't make his emotions and feelings any less truer.
The vibrator against your clit was excruciatingly pleasurable but Satoru won't let you cum. You had to wait, wait until the night is over.
"Don't cum yet, you don't want to be naughty for me, yeah?"
Satoru whispered, seating himself beside you as your family unwrapped their gifts. His hand sneakily dances along your ass, hinting at the punishment you would recieve if you didn't comply.
You were in for a long night.
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hanaruri-tunes · 1 year
Humiliating Leviathan (Levi x reader)
My first try at some smut, so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. And here are the warnings I could think of: Degradation, crying, masturbation, usage of underwear, usage of sex toys, going down on MC, two dicks (I gotta follow the common agreement that Levi has two dicks haha), snake tongue (again, common agreement), petting, praising
OKAY. I think that's it. Don't hesitate to tell me if I forgot something. I know all those warnings might make it seem hardcore but I promise it's actually quite a cute fic. Subby and pathetic Leviathan is the cutest. PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO LEAVE COMMENTS please please this is my first try at smut in the obey me fandom (if ever, actually) I would really appreciate the support.
You knocked on his door three times. No answer. Knowing Leviathan he was either passed out in his bathtub after binge-watching an anime or playing games non-stop... Or he miraculously decided to go out somewhere. Probably to buy some merch from a limited-in-time store that has no official website from which Leviathan can order. Although he could definitely find some second-hand merch online he refused to do that. He would go on and on about how buying second-hand isn't supporting the franchise thus he MUST buy it directly from the source.
Seeing how there was still no answer you decided to go in. Usually his door had a spell on it that would send intruders into another random place in the devildom but he lifted that spell for you specifically. You were the only one who could enter at any time without any disturbance.
As you did so, there was no Leviathan in sight. Not in front of his gaming set-up, not in his bathtub, not passed out on the floor. So he's out, huh? You wonder why he didn't invite you or at least warn you that he'll be out today. Usually, especially if it's for a limited time anime café, you're always the first one invited. Well, you probably shouldn't pry but as you're about to step a foot outside his room... You stop. This is a pretty rare chance to look around his room without him pestering you.
It's not like you'll pry *too* much though. Just a bit, for curiosity's sake. (That was a lie you told yourself.) You inspect his figurines more closely. He's mostly into magical girl shows and moe blob shows. How cute of him. But you've always expected that he might have some secret sexy figurines as well. Or else why would he be so protective of some of the packages he orders from Akuzon? He's usually so unenthusiastic and slow when getting out of his room for breakfast or dinner and yet he rushes to the door when it's for a delivery.
After checking some of his drawers you find the fabrics and materials he uses for his cosplays. It's all mostly different hues of pink since he prefers cosplaying female characters- how cute. At one point you also accidentally come across his underwear in one of his drawers, it's all mostly black with some funky colors mixed in from time to time. He even has one of a limited edition HanaRuri-tan underwear collection.
And just as you think that you've struck gold... it's just some old stuff. Probably from some of his past obsessions. That includes precure dvds, aikatsu cards, manga magazines, et cetera. Again all cute shows mostly targeted to young audiences. Really, you can't see Leviathan as anything else than a completely adorable dork. People often don't get him for his specific tastes and hobby but all you see is a pure little guy who's still in touch with his inner child and who loves mostly light hearted shows. Surely anything he might hide won't probably be even THAT bad. Or even if it is... that's still cute in another way.
After looking in all of his drawers, no sign of any sexy figurine, of any sex toy or even erotic manga... This is way too suspicious. But then again Levi is smart, he probably wouldn't dare hide any of this stuff in his drawers knowing that Lucifer frequently comes to his room begging him to clean it, only to start off doing it by himself before Levi hurriedly joins him and kicks him out. If he had to hide something dirty where would he... ... You look under the bathtub. Nope. Too easy? Then...Reaching for his blanket and sheets inside the bathtub, you raise them, uncovering some sort of trapdoor?You slide it open and there's a huge box inside of it. If you had to guess, he used the same spell as the entrance of his room. Except this one always leads to the same space: the place where his hidden box is, wherever that is.
You pull it out, open it and there it is. Almost all of the stuff you had imagined him hiding was in here. Sexy figurines, erotic doujins, even some sex toys. Two in particular were bigger than the others. Fleshlights... But why two? Looking at it closer one's a smaller size and the other one is bigger. Did he get the size wrong the first time he ordered so now he has two of them? But more than that, there was something you really didn't expect to find here. A pair of panties. *Your* panties. You thought that maybe you had just forgotten it while moving back and forth between the devildom and human world but here they were, in Leviathan's precious box.
In some way this awakened something in you, a strange feeling of amusement while you realized that the cutest and purest guy you knew turned out to be a filthy underwear thief who most likely used it to jerk himself off.As you started to think that, a loud noise came from behind you. It sounded like some object had fallen to the floor- ah. Probably Levi who just came back and dropped his phone after realizing what you were looking at. Quickly, you wiped off the amused smile you had on your face before turning back to face him. You faked a look that was a mix of disappointment and worry.
The poor guy looked frightened, as if the sky had fallen on his head, as if his life was over. Even that pathetic part of him, you found it just so cute.
"Ah... ah... That- uh. I-"
Not even taking the time to close the door behind him, he dropped on his knees in front of you, lowering his head.
"I can explain! S-So please don't- please don't freak out o-or agh, I mean-"
His heart dropped when you walked past him. "It's over." He thought. The friendship you guys had built was done for. There's no way you would ever love him now or even want to look his way. There's no way a kind, beautiful, strong person like you would ever even spare him a glance. No way an amazing girl as pretty and genuine as you would give a second chance to a gross creepy piece of shit like him.
As the worst possible scenarios started to play in his head, he came back to his senses slightly as he understood that you had just closed the door in order to have more privacy in here. You slid his seat in front of him as he was still on his knees, sat down and crossed your legs, taking on a haughty tone. Almost commanding.
"So? You said you could explain but I don't really see what is possibly left to explain here. It all speaks for itself. All this filthy shit and even two fleshlights weren't enough to satisfy your dick so you just *had* to have a go on my underwear, huh? You slutty thief."
As you said that last bit you flicked his forehead that he was trying so very hard to keep fixated on the ground, but it was almost impossible anyway since you had your bare legs crossed right in front of his eyes. You know Levi loves it when you wear short skirts, it's hard for him to not look, even in a serious situation like this one.
"Agh. Well, uh. Ahh..."
After about twenty seconds during which he couldn't come up with anything plausible or even any attempt at an excuse he started to tear up. Completely lost, he lowered his forehead to the ground, bowing and apologizing profusely.
"I'm- I'm so *hngh* s-sorry *hic* please don't hate me. Y-You're right, I'm a pervert but please, I beg you for forgiveness *hic* at the very least please don't ignore mee- *hnghg*"
You felt chills down your spine. Was it horrible of you? While this little baby thought that his entire life was over just because you might hate him, you were just thinking how fucking cute he sounds when he's crying while genuinely in distress. You were feeling conflicted. One part of you wanted to pat his head and raise it, kiss his cheeks full of tears and caress his back while assuring him that you don't really find him that gross or creepy. In fact finding this dirty side of him made you giddy.
And yet, the other side of you wanted to play around with him a bit more before giving him ultimate bliss.
"Levi... Are you serious my darling?"
You gently pressed your heels on the back of his head as his forehead was still stuck to the ground.
"You really think such a lousy excuse will cut it? You know just how outright creepy this is, right? You went out of your way to steal underwear from me so you could rub it all over your dick and cum in it and yet all you have to say for yourself is just "I'm sorry, please don't hate me"? You'll have to do better than that."
Still sniffling, you could feel Levi taking a deep breath to calm himself down.
"Y-you're right. Crying about it won't solve anything. I know just how much of a disgusting lame little fuck I am, it's already a miracle how someone as beautiful and amazing as you even considered me your friend. I've been blessed a-and so honored to be called that. So please, please give me a second chance Y/N. I'll do anything, really."
You took your heel away from him. Full of expectations on what the two of you were about to do if you played your cards right.
"Anything? No way. That's just empty words."
"It's not! I'll really do anything. I'll even be your b- um. B-Bitch if I have to."
You command him to raise his head up, he does. His eyes and cheeks are still wet from the tears he just shed and his face is all red from embarrassment.
"A bitch, really? So you'll even accept corporal punishment? If I tell you to lay down on your stomach on my lap, you'll do it? You'll let me spank you?"
For a split second you see it his eyes, this little fucker really feels like he'll get a kick out of this. "It's not a punishment at all!" He must be thinking. He would love to be treated so poorly by you. In fact, one of his occasional turn-ons was to imagine you degrading him, insulting how much of a perverted little shit he is.
"I- I'll do it. Anything you want to do to me, I'm fine with it so..."
You lightly tap on your thighs two times, telling him to get on. Obediently, he does... and immediately receives a slap on the ass.
"You're supposed to at least lower your pants idiot. Or else it won't even hurt that much."
"A-Ah, yes."
You saw it again. That glint in his eyes. He's excited and is just so barely managing to not display a shit eating grin on his face.
As soon as he does as you told him to, you spank him again. Harder this time. He lets out a little yelp. And as he does you grab his hair with your other hand to pull him up a bit and whisper into his ear.
"You think I didn't notice that? The corners of your mouth keep rising upwards you fucking pig."
Finally he completely gives up on the façade he is trying so hard to keep and lets out a huge unrestrained grin, the kind he has when you hug or kiss him on the cheek suddenly. Looking dumb and genuine, though this time it looks cuter as he's obviously enjoying the pain you're inflicting on him.
"Aaahh. I-I couldn't hide it after all, you're right Y/N. I'm a dirty fucking pig who even enjoys it when you're being mean to me. Bully me, hit me, spit on me. I don't care, if anything I love it. I'm so sorry for not even being able to be properly punished ahh I'm so so sorry~"
He says while not looking sorry at all. Pretending to ignore his stupid monologue you spank him again.
He shudders and keeps grinning widely.
Only does he get a bit nervous when you decide to pull down his underwear.
"Ah- wait! ACk-"
You spanked him again, this time your hand made direct contact with his skin.
"Shut up you filthy bitch. Isn't that what you promised? You even said that you'll be my bitch so that's just what you are right now."
Rapidly the nervousness he had displayed a second ago dissipated.
"Ahhh~ y-yes, I'm your bitch. You can use me whoever you want, I'll even drink your spit if you ask me to ehehe- OW-"
"Quiet. Or- No. Actually, keep moaning. It's cute."
"Ehehe I'm sooo happy you said I'm cute Y/N."
"Master~ ehehe..."
He was really digging this roleplay type of set-up you had invented. But while he thought you weren't performing and really wanted to punish him, you on the other hand were truly aware that this is all a sham from your part just to turn him on.
As you continued to spank him a couple more times, you noticed something odd. It wasn't that you felt poking against the side of your thighs since you had fully expected him to get a hard-on. It was that the poking sensation was double.
"... Levi, get up for a second."
"Um, w-wouldn't it be better to continue to punish me?"
Another slap made him yelp.
"Don't be difficult."
And so he did, and you finally realized why he owned two fleshlights. It wasn't that he had the size wrong and had to order a second one, it was that he has two dicks. One on top of another on his crotch, with a pair of balls for each. You can't help but wonder just how much more sperm he can produce than an average "person."
As you closely observe his two rods, Levi can't help but squirm under your gaze. Elated at the amount of attention and your focus on his private parts as his pants and underwear are now out of the way.
"It's weird isn't it? I'm so fucking gross that even my genitalia isn't normal. I'm impressed you can even look at it directly haha."
Silently, you keep staring. Utterly turned on by the many ways you could use this part of him when you'll inevitably fuck eachother. Seeing how you're keeping quiet, Levi keeps degrading himself, obviously wanting the same treatment from you.
"I mean what kind of weird monstruous fuck would have two dicks, right? S-So you can tell me, tell me just how fucking gross and creepy it is..."
He keeps smiling, his face flushed by the titillating humiliation he's feeling by having his cocks out in front of you, the girl he loves the most in the world. So you decide to humor him a bit.
"Hmm... So you constantly hide these? Is it why you always try to wear baggy pants? So people won't notice how much of a creepy fuck you are."
"Y-yeah haha. T-Tell me more..."
He's so docile and pathetic, you can't help but strive for more.
"No. That's enough. Even after a couple of seconds looking at it, it makes me sick of it. I'm bored. Won't you show me how you play with them when I'm not around?"
Leviathan's eyes light up at your suggestion. He can't believe a day would come when you or anyone for that matter would ask him to masturbate in front of them.
"R-Really? You wanna see that?"
"Well, you don't want me to be bored right? And you really reaaaally want my forgiveness for being a gross fuck."
Excited yet mortified, Leviathan takes two of the fleshlights and rummaging through the box, he finds some lube. You watch him start off by filling the two holes with lube, all while both of his dicks are still erect from earlier. You're honestly still amazed at how they look.
Just before Levi sticks his first cock into one of the fleshlights you get an idea.
"Wait a sec. Hand it over."
Obediently, he hands the sextoy over. You spit into it, your saliva mixing with the lube and you give it back.
"Here. Hopefully it'll enhance the experience?"
"Ah- S-shit! Had I known I wouldn't have used the lube at all..."
He looks down, disappointed but still ecstatic. He carefully places the tip of his shaft on the entrance of the toy and slowly starts pushing it in, his dick opening up the walls of the toy as he shudders from the sensation and your piercing gaze. He jerks himself off like that for a little while before you ask him if he's not going to play with his second shaft.
"Well... I can either use the other toy or... I can show you how I do it with your panties..." Seeing how silent you are he retracts his statement. "-JUUST kidding ahaha it's already gross enough to see me jerk myself off so disgustingly with a sex toy, n-no one would like to see their own clothing used like that..."
You smile, uncrossing your legs and leaning in.
"No, that's a good point. Show me how you've been using my underwear all this time you dirty fuck."
"A-ah! Yes... ahaha~"
Taking your panties carefully, he wraps it on his other dick and starts pumping it with his free hand. As he does, he starts explaining.
"A-at first, I would only sniff them but I couldn't resist the urge to use them like this. And now that I've used them too much your sweet smell has completely been overwritten by my disgusting stench so there's no use sniffing it anymore ehehe. That's so fucking creepy isn't? I-I'm such a creepy bastard."
There he goes again, degrading himself while expecting a follow up from you. But you give him none of that this time. Instead, you look at him with anticipation and give him a challenge.
"If you do a good job of putting on a show for me I'll let you go down on me."
The air surrounding him turned to a deep purple as he took on his demon form, his scaly tail wagging around like the one of a dog's. Then he started to pant like a pup as well, elated by your suggestion.
"Ah. Ahh. N-no way? Seriously?! I'll do it, I'll seriously do it. So please watch closely!"
All this time he was on his knees, but now he stood up, making sure you have a close look at his dicks. They were right there in front of your face and you had to hold yourself back from taking one of them into your mouth. He kept mumbling and stammering some intelligible stuff, but you're pretty sure it was something along the lines of "I'll do it" and "look at me."
As he was getting close to release, you could feel him lose himself in the pleasure as his knees looked like they were about to fold from the lack of strength he was putting into them. Probably not used to jerking off standing up, he most likely does it either sitting or lying down like most people. In an effort to keep him standing in front of you, you placed your hand on one of his knees then slowly brought it up, caressing his thighs.
"Do your best to stay standing~ I'll be disappointed if you fall."
"Ah! Yes, of course!"
A literal couple of seconds later, the fleshlight was leaking of his cum and your stolen panties were dripping with his seed. Not only was the quantity overkill but the texture and thickness of the liquid looked quite rich. It was like warm condensed milk. As if on instinct, you placed one of your hands under the dripping liquid, allowing a couple of droplets to land on the palm of your hand.
You lick a droplet off, tasting it. Seeing you do that, Levi's knees finally give in and he falls to the ground again, looking at your lips and mouth closely while wagging his tail, overly fixated on how your mouth moves while your tongue is probably pressing those drops of *his* cum on the walls and ceiling of your mouth. Savoring it.
Despite it looking like condensed milk it tastes more like a nectar, sweet and unnaturally good. Is it a special characteristic for a demon's cum to taste sweet and good? Maybe it's to push each other to fall into lust... makes sense. Delicious cum would easily push demons or humans alike to fall deeper into the sin of lust.
"W-wah... I can't believe I just saw you do that. Am I in heaven? N-no that sort of erotic scene would never happen in heaven. Aha I'm so glad I'm a demon and that we're in the devildom..."
Satisfied, you open your legs and raise your skirt.
"It tasted pretty good, surprisingly. But I'm sorry to say mine probably won't taste as good as yours."
Levi crawls towards you like an obedient puppy. He closely looks at the small stain that had formed on your underwear due to his performance. He feels like one grateful and lucky bastard that you're allowing him to do that to you. Frozen for a bit by the sight, he drools slightly before snapping out of it and placing his hands on the side of your underwear. Sliding it down as the stain leaves a bead of your warm liquid behind. Levi looks at it stretch and break as he pulls the panties further down, up to your ankles. You get your feet out of them and kick them to the other side of the room, allowing yourself to open your legs better than if they had stayed around your ankles.
Placing your hand on his head, you gently push him towards you and pet his head.
"Will you start or are you too busy drooling?"
Not making himself be begged any further. He starts by so very gently kissing your clit, it's so soft that you can barely feel it. He wraps his hands around your thighs, preparing himself to eat you out. He's so adorable. As he sticks his tongue out you notice how he has the tongue of a snake. Not that you hadn't noticed before, he would try to hide it from you at first but when you told him that it was so unique and cool he wouldn't try to keep it away from you anymore, boldly opening his mouth when he would yawn or when he was complaining about something. Now there he was using his devious tongue on your sweet spot.
He was greedily tasting you, it made you wonder if you actually tasted as good as he was making it seem. Though you're pretty sure you don't have enchanted cum like demons do. He would sink his fingers into the soft skin of your thighs, feeling you up, probably wishing that you'll let him hump your thighs next if he does a good job at making you feel good. You start to mewl and as you do, you can feel his tongue double down on his efforts, desperate to make you feel better just so he can hear you whimper and cry out his name.
You look down, a bit overwhelmed at how good his tongue is at exploring your insides. You see him looking up at you expectantly, a happy glint in his eyes, full of love for you. It's funny how one moment he begs you to degrade him and the next he asks for praise with his shiny eyes. Appreciative of his efforts, you place one of your hands on his cheek, caressing it with your thumb.
"Good boy Levi."
He wags his tail and his eyes light up some more as he hardens his tongue, pushing it further than you thought he could. You let out another whimper, this time mixing in his name. And as you do, you realize how close you are to climax. You grab his horns and cross your legs around his head, trapping him in front of your pretty pussy. Not that he minds, in fact he wouldn't like it any other way. Feeling you come while you call out his name some more, he suckles on your juices, gladly letting it spread all over his tongue before swallowing it all.
As you let him go, he rests his head on your right thigh, his cheek against your bare skin. He keeps looking up at you in awe at how pretty your face looks just after you've come. He rubs his cheek against your thigh hoping to get your attention back at him.
"Did I do a good job? I can um, I can do other things as well~ Oh if the idea of taking me back as a friend immediately is too gross for you I can keep being your fucktoy for the time being ehehe..."
You smile at him kindly and scratch him under the chin. He wags his tail again and displays his signature wide grin. His laugh is so cute. As he did a good job you figure it's time to stop the charade and let him have a real go at you.
"I wasn't really mad at you by the way."
He lifts his head up from your thigh, eyes wide open.
"I was just fucking with you, I'm not grossed out or anything. You're still my cute little Levia-chan."
You pat him on the head. His eyes well up in tears from relief.
"R-Really? You won't abandon me?"
"No baby, I just thought this was the perfect excuse to push you to do dirty stuff for me. You're not mad right?"
Leviathan jumps into your arms, crying.
"I'm so grateful that a perfect girl like you would choose *me* to make you feel good. H-Had you not forgiven me, I would even be okay with being your sex slave if you'd like to."
"Don't be stupid, I'll let you be my one and only boyfriend. What about that?"
Levi lets you go, then while still grabbing your shoulders he looks at you, his eyes full of hope.
"Really? You'd allow me? You would take a lame fuck like me as your boyfriend?"
You pull him back in, kissing him on the cheek, near the corner of his lips.
"Don't say that. You're my cute little baby boy. Everyone has an ugly and filthy side to them, but beyond that you're a sweet cutiepie who watches magical girl shows, sews cosplays and easily cries at any sad scene in an anime. I mean, look at me, I just tricked you into thinking that I find you gross and pushed you to jerk off then suck me off. Isn't that objectively pretty terrible of me?"
Levi stays silent for a while before you can feel his two dicks poking at your stomach and pussy.
"N-Now that I know you weren't mad, that was probably one of the best moments of my life."
You kiss him again.
Was initially planning on making them fuck at the end but it got too long. Though I'm not against making a part two if people like it ahah. AGAIN please don't hesitate to comment, I would love to read your thoughts!
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willowmaidsworld · 7 months
Bit late to share my Nanny Astoreth cosplay, but here we go! More info under the cut.
To all the folks who attended the Talent show and/or submitted: loved seing your creations! Can't wait for a next year!❤
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The main part of the cosplay- the coat, was made by me. From black wool, satin and burgundy nylon lining. I sewed by machine and by hand. The pattern is roughly 1890s. I wanted to make a coat that is also wearable for a normal day, not only a cosplay. (It will have it's premiere in about a week when I go to see very good production of Hamlet in the theatre.)
I always wanted to have a coat like this, so I added a little Nanny Astoreth magic to the mix and made one of my dreams come true.
Edit: I was asked about some sewing info, so there you go! Warning: I'm not a seamstress, I start and complete my sewing projects only by the inaffable audacity I posses, usually by the method of trial and error. So if you're a seamstress, please don't execute me or burn me at the stake for this, please.
The pattern is from Black Snail Patterns, it's their Victorain 1890s coat. I made few alterations: I combined the two patterns you get (with the skirt or peplum). I picked sleeves from the peplum variation but kept the skirt. (More about the skirt later.)
I made no mock up. That's it, you can crucify me. I just went for it and hoped for the best. Probably don't do that.
This was my "first" in many ways: first time using pattern with included seam allowance, first time working with interfacing, first time doing an overcoat. There were some easy part and some hard ones. I won't go over the whole process, just share a few tips I found helpfull.
Here's the whole coat with the inside. (Colours are a bit brighter then in real life, I had quite a different lighting. It also isn't so shiny.)
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Before I even started sewing, I ironed in interfacing. This makes the coat stiff and strong. (I sadly have no pictures.) The pattern will tell, where to do that. I used baking sheet, so it wouldn't stick to the iron.
To ensure I have the bodice pieces all lined up, I marked the waist-line by thread. Chalupa wouldn't hold and thread made it so easy to work with the pieces. Over all, sewing the bodice together wasn't a problem, but here comes the hard part...
The satin lapels. I had a breakdown over these. I'm not kidding. First, I just sewed them in, and to make them all nice and smooth I ironed them to the ineterfacing on the wool outer layer. That turned out to be a disaster. The seams were showing on the corners because there was more fabric. I had to carefully rip it apart and think of another solution.
I decided to iron in new Layer of interfacing, sticking just to the satin. This was achieved but putting baking sheet between the two fabrics, so it doesn't stick together. There are some photos of the interfacing pinned and not ironed and then when I ironed it. (It was honestly going back and forth, trying not to overheat and melt the fabric whilst making it stick. It took forewer.)
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(As you can see, the collar is stitched on with red thread. That was just to hold it in place, I later handstitched it with black one. I used the same "two interfacings" method for the collar as on the lapels. You can also see a tiny bit of the interfacing in the upper left corner of the second photo.)
Sewing and sewing in the lining wasn't much of a trouble. The sleeves took a while to figure out, but it was mainly my thread ripping while I gathered them.
The skirt was the easy part. I pinned it on and tried it, saw the waist was too low and made my proportions weird. I just moved it up and trimmed the rest of the fabric. Here you can see how the inner seam is done. It was pretty easy.
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About the additional stuff - buttons, buttonholes and the buckle and belt. Buttons were made by me. I wanted them to match, so I bought a little box for making custom fabric buttons. Easy and fun! Buttonholes were supposed to be easy. First two were. The third was a disaster. What can I say? Check your foot and settings. You don't want to be undoing that. I bought the buckle in the shop, sewed the belt. The wholes for the buckle were done by sewing tiny buttonholes. I did the same for the prog of the buckle. Worked surpridingly well.
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That's probably all the tios I have.
Last but not least, I have a tiny fun detail. I embroidered a little star for the starmaker! And I love it dearly!
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20dollarlolita · 7 months
Heyy, I know this isn't really your thing, but do you think it would be bad for someone to get a wheelchair to cosplay at a convention, when they're not disabled? I know you go to cons in a chair.
That's a kind of complicated question.
So for starters, obviously there's not one person who can speak for every wheelchair user, so don't take my word as law or anything.
But the short answer is maybe? Probably?
First of all, if you want to learn how noodle arm your abled noodle arms are (and yes, you have abled noodle arms. Manual wheelchair users have arm muscles you've never heard about), try to propel yourself through a con for an entire day.
But to answer the question, first of all, it's not okay for someone who's using a wheelchair for a cosplay to take up limited resources that are intended for disabled people. If there's limited wheelchair seating at a panel, you better not be taking it up. You can get out of your wheelchair and sit, and you can't tell if another wheelchair user is able to safely and comfortably do it. If you're worried about people judging you for using a wheelchair and then standing up and walking, welcome to the reality that a lot of ambulatory wheelchair users, who can stand or walk, live all the time. Remember what that judgement feels like and make a note to never, ever pass it onto another person. Don't be using the wheelchair for cutting in lines or things like that. If there's a line for the elevator or the big bathroom stall, let other people go ahead of you.
But, I don't think it's inherently bad for someone to want to use a wheelchair at a convention, even if they wouldn't be using one outside a con, provided that they do not use resources intended for disabled people. I think that management of a convention seeing that there are more wheelchair users will be more likely to take into consideration wheelchair accommodations. I think that people who are using a wheelchair in public for the first time will learn very fast about how accessible their convention center actually is. There's a lot of things that I didn't realize were accessibility problems until they were problems that directly challenged my personal access. A lot of those things would cost zero dollars to change, but the people in charge either don't have the experience needed to know that they need to be changed, or they don't think it's a priority because wheelchair users are in the minority. Having more people aware of those kinds of situations is going to make a bigger pressure to stop those things from happening. For example, when was the last time that you noticed an a bathroom stall labeled accessible that had a door that opened inward? Most people I know wouldn't consider that a problem, but everyone who's been unable to pee because the stall isn't big enough for the door and their wheelchair is going to notice. The places I've been where moving the line over 5" to the left would make an inaccessible line able to accommodate my wheelchair (looking at you, Halloween Horror Nights). There's been "oh we have a ramp" and it's two 2x4's. There's all kinds of little things that cost no money that can be better, but no one cares until it's about them. You can get that perspective. You can learn how garbage it can feel.
I also don't want to ignore the fact that we frequently use cosplay to test out things that we want to do in our real lives. A lot of my friends who wear alternative fashion daily started out just wearing alternative fashion to conventions. Everyone my age or younger either a) has a friend that started out cosplaying characters of a different gender and then they later came out as that gender, or b) is that friend, or c) says weird transphobic BS all the time and so trans people don't want to be their friends. Deciding that you need to use a mobility aid is a really weirdly hard decision. I actually had a long period of time between "I need a mobility aid," and "it's okay if I use a mobility aid." I'm going to assume that there's people out there who are trying to decide if it's helpful and okay to use a wheelchair, who test it out by cosplaying a character in a wheelchair and seeing how they feel about it when it's part of a costume. I don't want to deny someone a chance to learn that it's okay to get a wheelchair and will help them.
But yeah, the short version is if your enjoyment of a convention using a wheelchair for a costume comes at the expense of the accessibility and experience of people who are disabled and don't have a choice about if they're going to be using mobility aids, you're a piece of garbage.
But I haven't actually been wearing cosplay to cons for a while (though I did cosplay Barbara Gordon at the last SacAnime) so if anyone in the disabled cosplay community has something to say about this, I'd appreciate the input. Like I said, no one can speak for everyone in this subject.
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bigskydreaming · 3 months
The Vampire Daniel Molloy, when Louis asks what he's looking forward to most about the next stage of his newly immortal life:
Hmm. With how much my maker already complains about me ruining his life and how every day I give him a new reason to regret ever siring me, if I had to pick just one thing, I'd say the thing I'm most looking forward to is when I hit vampire puberty.
Louis: ....
Daniel: Vampire puberty's when the really wild superpowers kick in, right?
Louis: I suppose technically that's not....inaccurate.
Daniel: Hey, what are the chances of me getting the 'set shit on fire with my brain' thing you've got? Can you even imagine how much that would piss him off? His disappointment of a fledgling having the same gifts as the ex who dumped his ass....oh, man. C'mon now. I bet I could do some real damage with that.
Louis: Actually, while we're near the subject: would you please stop introducing yourself as 'the reason your vampire parents got divorced?'
Daniel: No, Louis, Louis! You're not getting it, see....the thing that makes it funny is its true.
Louis: You've really decided to lean into the whole 'second childhood' angle, huh.
Daniel: Mmmm. And just think. If you'd turned me fifty years ago when I first asked, I'd be well past this stage by now. And also still twenty. And hot.
Louis: Ahh. Its like that, then, is it.
Daniel: Oh, only a little bit. Really though, its like, every day I discover a new way to make Armand rue my very existence all over again, and maybe I'm just a simple man with simple needs, because that's just....very fun for me. I mean, there's just something extra validating in knowing the guy you're all "fuck that guy, I hate him, he sucks" about hates you waaaay more than you can be bothered to hate him. Because then its like you win the feud, right? You still get to hate that guy, which is great, because fuck that guy, he sucks, but you also get to know your very existence drives him way crazier than his ever makes you, and I mean, let's be real. Who doesn't like winning things?
Louis: Well I'm so glad you've found something that gives you a sense of purpose at least. Its very -
Daniel: Yeah, yeah, immortal blood drinkers need hobbies other than mass murder, it keeps the body count low and is good for the environment. Relax. I know. I literally wrote the book on it. You were there.
Louis: That's what you got out of it?
Daniel: Why, did you want me to fixate on your sex scenes instead? That seems weird. A little narcissistic even. And at the risk of self-awareness, when I'm the one -
Louis: Right. Well. I just wanted to make sure you had something to focus your energies on. It can all be a bit overwhelming at first and with your level of public attention at the moment, its very crit -
Daniel: Nope, all good here. Got myself a steady supply of Deadbeat Dad jokes that make my maker's eye twitch - apparently base word play is "gauche" or some shit - ugh, my god, its like nothing I do is ever good enough for him, and I only ate one of the editors on my shitlist to test drive my shiny new murder skills. He had this thing about Oxford commas, used to bug the crap out of me. Its like we get it, you hate them. They're literally dots on a page, they can't hurt you, can we please move on....
Louis: ....
Daniel: Louis, I'm kidding. Look, you don't have to worry about me. I already decided I find emotional evisceration way more satisfying than the physical version. Less clean up and it lasts longer anyway. I'm not going to get myself into trouble by cosplaying as Jack the Ripper where paparazzi can catch me red-fanged, and even if I do, I hereby absolve you of all responsibility. You can stop mother-henning me, you didn't turn me, you literally said no when I begged you to, its the whole reason I have eternal wrinkles instead of youthful tautness.
Louis: Not gonna let that one go, are you.
Daniel: Gimme a few centuries and ask me again. I'll let you know then.
Louis: Mmhmm. So this was....memorable and we definitely won't be doing it again. But you do seem to have things figured out so I'll leave you to it, then.
Daniel: Wait, Louis, don't go! Don't you want to hear my five-century life plan for annoying Armand into an early retirement mausoleum? I made visual aids!
Louis: Goodbye, Daniel.
Daniel: Fine, leave then! I don't care! You're not my real dad anyway! Et cetera, et cetera!
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Hi hi! Can you pls do with a teen mc who looks like one of the brothers + Diavolo?
Omg, yes of course! That actually was so cute and relaxing to write especially Diavolo part since my friends call me "Diavolo secret child" lol so I hope you enjoy <3
Teen!MC looks like Brothers/Diavolo
A teenager got summoned to Devildom but they look similar to... someone the demons already know
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⊱ it was Lucifer's duty to greet new student even if it was a teenager, he was all ready to scold you all the time, he wasn't aware of your look thought since he had much more important things to take care of
⊱ when he saw a teenager who has black hair with white streak and the same hairstyle as him, he was pleasantly surprised
⊱ he was more sure that you're going to behave, if you really do behave then he may just give you a special treatment in good way, don't worry but others may not like you that much *ehem* Satan and Belphie *ehem* because of how similar you are to Lucifer
⊱ if you won't behave tho, you may be called a "better Lucifer" sometimes, but you also will get punished, although your punishes may be a little more strict than he planned to give a human...
⊱ later on, he finds himself going a little easier on you than on others and he also realizes that it may be because of your appearance, but it's also easy to fail his high expectations towards you because of that
"That's definitely... unexpected... we will see how they'll behave."
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⊱ Mammon didn't wanted to take care of little human in the first place but when he saw you... he thought that it can't be that bad, can it?
⊱ he saw how Lucifer was strict to you and he honestly couldn't understand why since he didn't even met you, but he somehow liked you a little...
⊱ he'll take you to some casinos, sure he knows consequences to that but if his older brother won't find out about it, he doesn't have to worry about anything
⊱ if you're the goodie-two-shoes type of child tho, he's really thinking how is it even possible that you look similar-
⊱ if you two are actually a lot more similar than just by look, he teaches you all sort of tricks for stealing money and teaches you how to avoid punishments or make them less... deadly for humans
⊱ he may not even notice it but he opens more to you than his brothers, he doesn't vent to you of course but he tells you more about his life if you would be interested in it
"This is our human? Well ya definitely know what's called good style, little one!"
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⊱ Levi really didn't wanted to come to this "human greeting" but if wouldn't then he would have some real problems so he didn't had much idea
⊱ when he saw you tho, he started thinking if he left some of his games on that change the reality or maybe he's in some anime where his child form haunts him?! But luckily he quickly realizes it's not it
⊱ he immediately wants to introduce you to all his favorite games and animes to see how much you actually have in common
⊱ if you hate anime/games, he'll immediately decide to avoid you and talk with you as less as possible because what do normies even talk about?!!
⊱ if you are similar to him tho, be ready to be invited on many anime or game nights, and he'll also make sure you get into cosplay if you already aren't interested in it
⊱ if you're gonna turn out to be a Ruri hater then just know you won't be for long, he'll make you at very least like her
"T-This can't be true! It's just lik in that one anime! Is... Is this even reality?!!"
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⊱ Satan had way better things to do but his curiosity won nonetheless and honestly he's glad it did because he saw teen human that looked exactly like him
⊱ he won't even ask if you like cats, he'll just assume it thanks to your similiarity in appearence, if you don't like cats tho then he immediately tries to know why and maybe will help you see them in different light
⊱ but something that can make him completely give up on you is if you actually like Lucifer... like you have all those similiarities and you choose to be different in this...
⊱ if you have completely opposite personality to him then he's actually a little relieved that you're not so easily angry as him couse it definitely helps with getting to know each other, but if you're just dumb like Mammon then he may just get A LOT more pissed
⊱ if you are similar to him with personality tho then be ready for MANY long arguments with him because there's no way he will just admit his defeat, not so easily at least
"Hmm... I'm starting to be glad that I came here. I just know that they're going to be interesting one."
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⊱ Asmo was actually super excited for greeting new human, after all it's hell and he'll live with them in the same house
⊱ he kinda expected to see someone older but he's not complaining since he saw a teenager that looks basically as pretty as he does, he doesn't mean in a creepy way tho, more like proud father way! no pedophilia here 😾
⊱ be ready for him to invite you on many sleepovers where the two of you will just gossip and take care of your beautiful skin, he'll also be glad to teach you or exchange tips about make-up
⊱ if your personalities are completely different, he doesn't understand how someone with this look can not care about themselves and sees themselves in such a depressing way... but hey, he's there to help you feel better about yourself because confidence is key
⊱ if you're similar tho, be ready for him to dress you up sometimes because he's just so fascinated that someone can match his look, and he wants the prettiest human in the world to stand right next to the prettiest demon
"Oh? I'm surprised that first person that is basically just as cute as me will be a human!
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⊱ Beel was probably the most excited to meet human in Devildom, and when he saw that they look just like him, he already took a like of them
⊱ he knows that you're human teen so you may not have many muscles but if you do, he feels attached to you even more
⊱ he'll be happy to share any sport with you, especially if both of you really like it, he'll also often invite you to his workouts in hopes you can spend some time together
⊱ if the two of you have completely different personalities, he's a little surprised but still wants to befriend you, after all it's not often you can see your clone in child version
⊱ if you do have similar personalities then House of Lamentations just have another Cinnamon Roll, but freezer is probably always empty now-
⊱ well at least everyone in Devildom know not to mess with you, some of them know that Beel simply likes you but others think you're like his secret child, but it works either way
"Is it just me or do they really look like me? Just in teenager and human version..."
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⊱ Belphie wasn't able to see you when you first came to Devildom, but he heard about you and saw you later on, and he still was shocked
⊱ but even more shocked were his brothers when you appeared, after all they thought he was gone but there is his teenager clone
⊱ when you do finally meet, he doesn't really kill you, he simply can't bring himself to kill someone who looks so similar... so he decides he might as well befriend you and maybe manipulate you a little on his way. Don't worry tho, he warms up to you later on
⊱ once he does warm up to you tho, he invites you on many nap sessions, if you do agree then be ready to fall asleep quickly and not wanting to wake up
⊱ if you have complete different personalities, he's shocked how someone who looks so similar to him can be so energetic and innocent, it makes him actually want to protect you...
⊱ if you do have similiar personality tho, he's a little mad that his brothers didn't let him meet you earlier, but don't worry, he'll get his revenge with you on his side
"They really invited human that looks like me to Devildom... I bet Lucifer's face was so satisfying when he saw them, hehe."
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⊱ honestly, Diavolo trusted his intuition by inviting you to Devildom, in fact if he has to be honest, he only knew your name and didn't even knew how you look or how old you are, he only got to know your age when Lucifer started questioning his decision
⊱ so when human who looked the same as him appeared, he was nicely surprised, he won't ruin his speech just to point it out tho, if he did Barbatos may scold him for that...
⊱ he invites you to his castle on many occasions, in fact he invites you every weekend if he can, he even considered giving you option to move into his castle but he saw how close you got with brothers and he didn't wanted to take it away from all of you
⊱ if you have completely different personalities, he's interested how both of you can be so similar but so different at the same time
⊱ if you have similar personalities tho, be ready to be unofficial called "little ruler of hell" because Diavolo calls you like that most of the time
"Welcome to Devildom! I hope you'll make some great memories along your journey in here!"
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Shopping trip (What is cosplay?)
Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Doppo Kunikida
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Description: Set after BSD gang got into your world.
Your new friends/roommates love exploring your world. You keep them company. One day, you and Kunikida decide to go to the mall. Gogol wants to accompany you two. The problem is... He doesn't want to disguise himself. He wants to go in his normal attire.
Maybe, everything will be alright, right?
Fluff (for the most part). Everyone thinks that Gogol is a cosplayer. He is ready to throw hands. But he is holding for your sake. People can't mind their own business, they have to discuss, how terrible anime fans are. Karen. Kunikida, as a former teacher, has something to say about looking after the kids.
Prequel to Surprise
Warning: OOC. Rude people. Annoying people. Karen. Rowdy unsupervised kids. One person try to touch Gogol's thighs. But not on your watch. Unintentional lockdown joke. English is my second language.
BSD cast love exploring your world. They love going for a walks. They love visiting cafés. They love going to the festivals. They love to be in places, where they can see other people.
You understand, why they doing it. If one day you woke up and find out, that streets are empty, and then lived in this environment for a few month (even, if you life with few other people), when streets became bisy again, you also would spend all your free time outside. With other people.
You accompany your new friends as much as you can. So many new good memories.
The mall became one of the most visited places. All this shops, cafés, people... For BSD cast, this place seems perfect.
Each time you and someone from BSD cast visit the mall, it became an interesting experience.
You visit the mall not only to have fun, but also to buy necessary things.
Today was 'necessary shopping trip day'.
Doppo was sitting on the sofa and rechecking the shopping list for a third time. He wanted to make sure, that everything is going to be according to plan. You lazily stretched out and sit near Doppo.
"Hey, Kunikida," greeted you. Man smiles at you and nodded.
"Good morning, [Y/N], Hope, you are ready. We will go to the mall in thirty minutes. The shopping list is complete and has been re-checked a few times."
You hum, showing, that you have heard him. You take a quick glance at the list.
"I see, Thank you, K..." You saw Kunikida's expression. He was waiting for something. You take a breath and spoke again. "Thank you, Doppo"
It was a little bit hard, calling BSD gang by their first names. It feels strange, to call Dazai 'Osamu', Goncharov 'Ivan', Poe 'Edgar' and so on. But, cast want you to call them by their first names. Slowly but surely you were getting used to it.
Doppo nodded, he seems pleased.
"Don't mention it. Be ready in half an hour. We three are going to..."
"Wait!" Interrupted you. "Three? Who is going with us?"
Kunikida's gaze became irritated.
"Nikolai Gogol."
Kolya, of course. He was one of the weirdest of your friends.
And by weird, you mean, your friendship with him start weird.
It's been a week, since BSD gang got into your world. That day all of you held the meeting. You wanted to discuss, what they are going to do now, when they got into your world.
Meeting was normal, for the most part. But, Gogol decided to start talking about his freedom and that he will do anything to reach it.
"What I mean, Little Bird, if I want to break the law, I will break the law," Gogol leaned towards you. He looked smug. Like he was challenging you to say something.
You didn't look amused. You noticed Fyodor's expression during Gogol's speech. Dostoevsky looked annoyed by Gogol... Actually, everyone looked annoyed at Gogol. Well, you won't let him win.
Your idea was... weird. But, to be fair, the whole situation with characters from your favorite anime/manga been self-aware and in your home already was bizarre.
"So, you really value freedom, right?"
Asked you, looking Gogol right in the eyes. He grinned and nodded.
"Well, in that case," you booped his nose. "I also value my freedom. And right now, for me, freedom means booping your nose."
Gogol blinked. He opens his mouth. You booped him again. Gogol tried to say something again. You booped him again. This time, you left your finger pressed against Gogol's nose. He squinted his eyes. "[Y/N], what are you doing?"
You tried your best to mimic Gogol's voice.
"What I mean, Big Bird, if I want to boop you, I will boop you"
The room was silent. Everyone was looking at you and Gogol. Suddenly, you saw a golden glow near your stomach. Before you can react, Gogol used "The Overcoat" and trapped you in his embrace. Gogol was laughing. Gogol jumped towards Fyodor, still holding you in his arms.
"Fedya, Fedya, their reaction was priceless!"
Fyodor took a breath.
"I still don't understand, why did you decide to test them. You never planned to cause trouble here."
Gogol only grins. He looked at you. He looked much friendlier, than before.
"You are my new friend now, we will eat something tasty later"
For the rest of the meeting, you were in Gogol's embrace. It took combine efforts of Fyodor, Sigma and Fukichi to pry him off you.
You smile at the memory.
"Well, with his help we could buy more things. Don't you agree?"
Kunikida grumbles something, but nodded at agreement.
"I guess so. Anyway, we should start preparations."
In thirty minutes, both of you were ready to go to the mall and were standing near the front door, waiting for Nikolai.
You changed into suitable clothes for today's hot weather.
Instead of his normal clothes, Kunikida was wearing a green t-shirt, dark-brown shorts and flip-flops. He decides to keep his hair as it normally was.
Kunikida started to become impatient. Gogol was late.
"This clown... He himself wanted to go, and now he is late" grumble Kunikida. You put your hand on his shoulder and squeeze it.
"Easy, Doppo, it's not that bad. Maybe, he is trying to disguise himself better. His looks are quite recognizable.
It was one of the first things you taught to BSD gang. They were recognizable. That's why they should wear different clothes, when they are going somewhere. If they don't want to deal with people staring at them.
Kunikida grimaced. He doesn't like unplanned events. And Gogol was an embodiment of chaos. Kunikida turn towards you.
"I know, but still, he should be ready"
You pet Kunikida's shoulder.
You heard the sound of steps coming towards two of you. Gogol, with a few empty shopping bags in his hands, walked towards you two.
You were glad, that Kunikida didn't see Gogol right now.
Nikolai Gogol was standing there, in his normal attire and hairstyle.
You are a patient person. But, right now, you wanted to attack Kolya.
To lose some steam, you decide to indirectly quote O. Henry.
"Doppo, there isn't any heart disease in your family, is there?"(1)
Doppo looked at you, puzzled.
"I don't think so... Why?"
You looked at him. Your gaze was a mix of pity and anger.
"Then you might turn around, and have a look behind you."(1)
Kunikida looked around and saw Gogol.
Kunikida closes and opens his mouth. He looked like he was ready to combust.
To help him, you asked Gogol.
"Gogol, why aren't you ready? It's time to go."
Gogol smirked.
"Birdy, I am already ready. You know why? Right, I want the rest of the free world to accept free me! My clothes also part of my freedom."
Kunikida hissed.
"Do you forget, what Our Guiding Light told us? We are recognizable in our normal clothes! Everyone will stare at you!"
You nodded
"Doppo is right, we would attract unwanted attention."
Gogol waves his hand.
"Oh, don't worry, it can't be that bad. Everything will be fine."
You signed and try again.
"Gogol, please, you need to listen to me. Please, wear a disguise."
Gogol grimaced.
"[Y/N], please, stop it. I tell you I want to go in my normal clothes."
You facepalmed. Before Kunikida can start shouting at Gogol, you raised your hand.
"Fine. You can go in that. But don't blame me, for what's going to happen."
Kunikida wanted to protect, but, after noticing your gaze, changed his mind. Gogol looked triumphant.
You open the door.
"Be ready to be called cosplayer, Gogol."
You heard Gogol's quiet "What is 'cosplay'?", but you ignored him.
Hopefully, people at the streets won't be that annoying.
You jinxed it.
You haven't reached the mall yet, but twenty people has already annoyed Gogol into taking pictures with him.
The five-minute walk from home to the mall became a fifteen-minute walk.
You had a feeling, that everyone wants to have a photo with"cool cosplayer".
At first, Gogol was fine with having his photos taken.
But then you run into a group of rowdy fans.
They crowded around Gogol, pushing you and Doppo from their way.
"You looked like a real one!"
"Cool costume, dude!"
"The scar looks so real!"
"How much have you paid for the costume?"
"Do you want to read my smut fanfic about Fyolai?"
"Can I grab your things?"
Doppo's eyebrow twitched.
"[Y/N]... Is this normal behavior of 'BSD fans'?" Spited Doppo. You shake your head.
"No, of course not. This people are just jerks."
Gogol looked annoyed. He agreed to take some pictures, so the group will leave him alone.
Unfortunately, the group wasn't satisfied with simple pictures.
They started to demand him to make poses. Dubious poses... They clearly made Gogol uncomfortable. You noticed, that Gogol was holding himself back from attacking the annoying people. You decide, that it's time to intervene.
"Okay, everyone, move away from our friend, stop making him uncomfortable! No poses, no pictures."
You and Doppo squeezed through the crowd and stood near Gogol, like two bodyguards. The crowd try to protect, but one heavy look from Kunikida make them shut up.
You and Kunikida tried to take Gogol from the crowd. With the conner of your eye, you noticed, that the same person, who asked if they can grab Gogol's thighs, were trying to touch Gogol's thighs. Immideatly, you turn towards the jerk and hit him in the face with all of your might.
"Hands off, parasite!" Growl you.
The Creep fell down, sobbing. His friends tried to attack you in return. But, before any of them they can take a step towards you, Doppo dealed with them.
Never underestimate Fukuzawa's trainee.
All group members were lying on the ground, groaning in pain.
You three left the Creep and their friends behind.
When you finally reached the mall, you signed.
"Okay... It was something. Is everyone alright?"
Kunikida adjusted his glasses.
"I am fine"
Nikolai stay quiet. The look in his eyes was dangerous. You feel chills running down your spine. He was angry. Then he spoke.
"I am not. I want to hurt them. But," Gogol looked at you. His gaze soften. "But, for your sake, I won't do it. I don't want you to get into trouble."
You squeeze his shoulder.
"We can find a quiet place for you to stay, while Doppo and I are going shopping."
Gogol shake his head.
"No, don't worry, I will be fine."
Kunikida huffs and take the shopping list from his pocket.
"We have lost quite some time. We need to split up, so we can buy everything faster. I will go find cleaning supplies. [Y/N], can you and Gogol buy meat, fish and fruits?"
You nodded.
Good news, you haven't run into anime fans anymore.
Bad news, you run into people who hate anime.
You and Gogol were choosing fresh fish, when you heard their conversation.
"Look at this weirdo. Does the Freak thinks he can wear this clown costume in public like this?"
"Yea. He must be a screw loose."
"All the anime fans are perverts. I have heard, all of them likes little girls. Really likes"
"Bro, you will make me puke!"
Gogol's eye twitched. You quickly grabbed his hand. You whisper.
"Nikolai, please, stay calm."
Gogol squeezed your hand.
You have noticed a golden glow in one of the fish tanks. In this tank there were alive crabs. Five of them.
You blinked. All crabs disappeared.
The sound of something falling. Shocked cries of "Where did crabs come from?" The pained whines of the company that was talking about Gogol.
Crabs didn't like their new company.
After you finally buy everything you need, all of you decide to have some coffee, before you go home. The day was hard, all of you need some rest.
All of you were sitting at the same table, drinking coffee.
But, it seems, that today trouble didn't want to let you go.
At first, you heard a loud scream.
Then something ran near your table.
Two six-year-old kids. Boy and girl.
They were running around the café, screaming and grabbing everything they can see.
Their mother wasn't paying attention to them. She was talking to someone on her phone.
You three tried to ignore all this noise. Kunikida finished his coffee and put the empty cup back on the saucer with a loud clatter.
"This kids... Why parents didn't do their job? At first, parents forget about parenting, then this 'parents' have the audacity to blame teachers for their kid's terrible behavior."
You looked at Doppo with a soft look.
"Have you remembered your teaching days?"
Doppo nodded.
Gogol let out a loud yelp. Then the kids noticed Nikolai's braid and start pulling it. He turned around and growl at kids.
"Back off, you brats!"
And mother finally decided to do the parenting. By starting yelling at Gogol.
"You creep, don't you dare yell at my children!"
To be fair, Gogol tried to stay civil.
"Mam, your kids were pulling my hair! I shouted at them to make them stop."
Women glares at Gogol.
"You could let them do it! They are just kids! They are allowed to do anything they want! Wait... You... What are you wearing... Is that... one of this anime characters?"
Without letting Gogol answer, she hit him with her shopping bad.
"SATANIST! You are a satanist who is watching Chinese porn cartoons. Useless member of society!"
You had enough for today.
"Miss, watch your..." You didn't finish your phrase, when mom hit you with a shopping bag.
"Shut up! Don't interfere!"
Kunikida snapped.
"If you watched your kids..."
And Kunikida was also hit with a shopping bag.
And security finally escorted the woman and her kids from the café.
You feel, that the day was ruined.
You finally were home. After putting your bags in the kitchen, three of you sit on the couch in the living room. You're in the middle, Doppo on the right and Kolya on the left.
All three of you were silent. Gogol was the first who spoke.
"It's all my fault. You warned me. I didn't listen. I am sorry."
You stay silent. Then you whisper.
"I am also sorry. I should have tried harder to make you change your mind."
Gogol chuckled.
"[Y/N], don't blame yourself. I am also an adult, I should understand the consequences of my actions."
You take a look around the room. There must be something that can make them feel better.
You had a plan.... Maybe, it will work.
You called.
"Hey, Kolya, Doppo"
Gogol's eyes light up. It was the first time you called him by the short version of his name. He looked at you.
Doppo turn his head towards you.
"Want to have a movie night? Choose anything you want to watch, I will make snacks. How does is sounds?"
Both guys agree.
Three of you were covered in blankets. Doppo was carefully petting your head, while Nikolai was tracing lines along your hand. The movie was on. The snacks were on the table. You were snuggled between Doppo Kunikida and Nikolai Gogol.
At least this time, everything was right. Everything was better.
A/N: (1) Changed quote from "The Ransom of Red Chief" by O. Henry.
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