#listen he was there for one night and stole one of bruce's cars because he was so anxious about their blood test i can't
righteousruin · 2 years
Hang on I wanna talk about this for a second 'cause it's trUE
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SO, in multiple interactions with Bruce when Bane is not being antagonistic, both classic and post-reboot, Bane is legitimately playful with Bruce. He jokes with Bruce, in his own way. He's snarky with Bruce. And that's because Bruce Wayne is the only person on the planet that Bane knows, trust, and understands the fact that he is safe with, so he has the luxury of not being the stoic in the room. Batman will fight him, beat his ass, lock him up -- But Batman will never kill him. Batman would never let anyone else kill him. I can't express loudly enough that Bane's entire idea of life revolves around surviving. It revolves around refusing to die. Almost every motivation Bane has is a refusal to surrender, and Bruce (and by extension (most of) his family) -- not Batman -- effectively removes the need for that layer from Bane, which allows him to showcase more personality and humor, even if he still carries himself as largely invulnerable. So, being the massive pound puppy that he is, if Bane were to be given a home in which he knew he was safe, and trusted the people who offered him that home -- he would be absolutely insufferably empowered by the ability to be a person who knows he's allowed to have fun.
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slaymybreathaway · 1 year
Batwife (Bruce Wayne x Reader)
"The Batman" 2022
Warnings: mentions of nudity
Word Count: 776
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"The city's favourite couple are saying 'I do' this morning at Gotham Cathedral. Billionaire Bruce Wayne and Oscar Winning actress Y/n L/n made their first public appearance as a couple nearly 3 years ago at the premier of y/n's movie The Gravedigger," one reporter said.
Every news station in the city waited impatiently outside the cathedral for them to emerge. It was the event of the decade, the closest Gotham would ever get to a royal wedding.
Just then, the newlyweds emerged from the Church. Y/n was wearing a simple silk wedding dress with colourful flowers adorned on the lace sleeves that covered her arms. Bruce was looking sharp in a black suit. The handkerchief tucked neatly in his breast pocket was a bright yellow. Many fans speculate that the burst of colour was added by his new wife, the actress being famous for her making block colours fashionable again.
As soon as the doors of the Cathedral were opened, they were bombarded with flashing cameras and intrusive questions.
"Y/n, many speculate you are marrying for money," one particularly pushy reporter asked.
Bruce tried to get his new wife to ignore this statement but y/n turned around and spoke straight into his microphone. "I'm more than capable of making my own money, thank you," she said and followed her husband into the wedding car.
♡ 5 years later ♡
Y/n Wayne sat in living room watching, no studying the news. Every night she did the same, waiting for the headline she dreaded 'Masked Vigilante Found Dead'. Thankfully it hasn't happened yet.
Then, Alfred brought her a cup of coffee. "Here, I assume you won't go to sleep until Master Bruce comes home," he smiled slightly.
"Am I that readable?" she asked and took the cup "Anyways will you tell me when he does get home, please?"
Alfred agreed and y/n went back to watching the news.
An hour later, y/n was on the verge of falling asleep when Alfred came back in. "Master Bruce has arrived," he announced.
Y/n yawned. She got up, put on her robe and got in the elevator down to what her husband called the 'bat-cave' but she referred to it as the glorified basment.
When the elevator stopped y/n could see Bruce writing down the nights events.
"Dear Diary, it's Halloween today and I had to dress up like a bat. All the other kids made fun of me and stole my candy," she joked and walked over to him.
Bruce smiled "I told you not to wait around for me anymore honey," He closed his notebook and brought her face to kiss him.
She watched as he took out his camera contact lenses and placed them on the scanner.
Y/n knew that he wouldn't listen to her properly while watching the footage of tonight so she decided to mess with him.
"I went to a Halloween party tonight,"
"Mhm, that's nice honey. What did you wear?" he asked, not really caring about the answer.
"Barely anything," y/n whispered in his ear.
No reaction whatsoever came from Bruce's face, he replied with another automated answer "Great, hope you didn't get too cold,"
Y/n crossed her arms in frustration. "You should've came. To the party, I mean. If I attend another social event alone people will start to rumour your death,"
"Well, it seems like crime never ends in this city," he said, his head still stuck in the monitors.
"Yeah but marriages do," y/n mumbled.
Bruce broke out of his trance and turned to face his wife. "What?"
Y/n's expression broke into a smile. "The fact that I had to mention divorce for my husband to even make eye contact with me,"
He sighed "I'm sorry, my love. It's just, this thing," he gestures to the screen.
"Maybe I can help?" y/n asked, already knowing the answer. Bruce didn't want her involved in the whole 'Batman' thing because she worries enough about him without her knowing the amount of danger he really is in.
"C'mon, with most women, if their husband stayed out half the night and comes back with eye makeup on then he's cheating. My situation is... A little different. Just, please let me help you," she looked up at him pleadingly.
He sighed. "Alright come here," he wrapped his arms around his wife as he showed her the 'He lies still' card.
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iriswords · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 19 - “You deserve this”
You can also read this on ao3 and find the rest of my febuwhump fics here    
tw: victim blaming
Fandom: Batman
Words: 1716
Jason comes back to the Cave after a smooth night of patrol. But his good mood doesn’t last, shot down by his family’s unusually hurtful words. 
“I fucking hate Scarecrow wannabes,” grumbles Jason as he slams his foot in the chest of one of said wannabes. 
“That makes two of us,” Nightwing chimes in cheerfully. 
Scarecrow is annoying and dangerous enough by himself, Gotham doesn’t also need delusional men who know nothing about chemistry, and fancy themselves brilliant and misunderstood doctors when in reality all they do is risk poisoning the people they test their products on. 
The fight dies down soon enough, the goons nowhere near skilled enough to pose a real challenge to Nightwing and the Red Hood. All their toxin has been contained, too; the two vigilantes arrived before the goons had the time to release it in the city. The only close call they had was a thug who had tried to inject the product in Jason while he was fighting someone else, but Jason had sent him to the ground before the syringe could get too close to his skin.
“Batman is waiting for us with the Batmobile,” says Nightwing as they finish tying the goons’ wrists, all ready to be picked up by the police. “You’re coming back to the Cave with us?”
Jason considers the offer. He has been on better terms with the whole family these days, and though their relationship still isn’t perfect, all of them are making efforts to improve it. 
“Sure,” he says. 
 “Are you sure you got them all?” is the first thing Batman says when Nightwing and Jason enter the Batmobile. Jason cannot tell if he is imagining the underlying disappointment in his voice or not. 
“All of them,” answers Nightwing from the front seat, which he stole from Jason. At the back of the car, Jason remains quiet as his skin prickles with a strange unease. Maybe he should have just gone back to his safehouse. Maybe he is pushing his luck and this night will end badly, and his relationship with the family will be ruined. 
“And the toxin?” continues Batman. “Did you contain all of it?” 
Nightwing scoffs. “There wasn’t even a need for containing, B. Really, they didn’t stand a chance. We only got one close call with Jason, but we handled it.” Jason barely listens as Dick explains what the close call was. 
“Of course,” replies Batman when Dick finishes his explanation. His voice drips with unusual disdain. “Figures Hood would find a way to get close calls even in the easiest situations.”
Anger simmers under Jason’s skin, tinted Lazarus green, but he reigns it in and doesn’t reply to Batman’s taunt. 
The rest of the ride passes in silence. Jason doesn’t even know what he did wrong. He hasn’t killed anyone in months, hasn’t gotten into an argument with any member of the family, hasn’t ignored them just because he didn’t feel like dealing with them. Yet he cannot shake the feeling that Bruce is angry at him and that it is all his fault. It always is, after all, isn’t it? It’s Jason’s own fault if he got killed, it’s his fault if he doesn’t get along with the family, his fault if he and Bruce have screaming matches so often. His fault, his fault, his fault. 
Batman stops the car in the Cave, and Jason gets out immediately, putting on a mask of indifference. Tim and Damian are already in the Cave, bickering, as always, though it has been less heated lately and more good-hearted. Cass watches them silently, perched on the back of a chair. Jason nods at her when he catches her gaze, and heads for the showers. If Bruce is angry at him, the less time spent in his company, the better. Once he’s showered, Jason can go upstairs and see if Alfred made any cookies. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” asks Bruce. 
Jason stops in his tracks and turns around. It is indeed him Bruce is talking to, the man’s face free of the cowl and his features carved into anger. 
“Showering,” answers Jason, his voice as level as possible. The boy inside him, the one who died too young and was never avenged, shrinks in fear learned in Crime Alley. The other part of him, the one tainted by the Pit, surges up and urges him to violence and vitriol. Jason listens to neither. He stands his ground as he waits for Bruce to spit out what is bothering him. 
“Do you really think I’m going to let you go and shower without debriefing after that mess of a night?”
Jason rolls his eyes, but the Pit seeps into his veins drop by drop. “It was nowhere near a mess. Actually, it even went very smoothly. I don’t know why you’re being dramatic.” 
“I’m not being dramatic. I’m berating you because you never do anything right.” 
Jason hardens his face so his emotions cannot show. Under his armor, Bruce’s words are like a tempest, ravaging all the hard-won progress Jason had made to defeat his self-doubt and self-hatred. “Is that so?” he asks. 
“Father is right, Todd,” answers Damian in the stead of his father. His snippy, holier-than-thou voice grates on Jason’s nerves, but, again, the words aim too close to his heart. “You always find a way to ruin everything. Cases, relationships, families. Your own life. It is your fault if you died, after all.”
And the thing is, Jason knows this. He knows. But no one has ever told him, no one has ever accused him of his own torture and death, and he cannot handle it. He takes a stumbling step back, his eyes fleeting between the members of his family. They look at him distantly, their faces twisted in similar expressions of faint disgust, akin to the one people wear when they spot a nasty bug. 
“That’s not— I didn’t—”
“Yes, you did,” says Dick. “You’ve always been a hothead, always acting before thinking. Too impulsive, too abrasive, too stupid. And so entitled. You stole Robin from me and you still had the guts to think yourself better than me. You deserved your death.”
No. No, no, no, no, no. Jason falls to his knees. His family comes closer to him, crowding him, like predators watching their prey and waiting for it to keel over so they can eat it whole. This cannot be real. It can’t.
“And then you came back,” continues Tim. His voice is loaded with venom, his eyes alight with hatred. “You came back and everything good in you stayed in your grave. You came back and all the wrong parts surged up. And god knows there are many wrong parts to you. You are made only of wrongness, now, Jason. And yet, somehow, you thought you had the right to try and take Robin away from me too. You couldn’t even keep yourself alive but you think you could keep Robin? Do you know how much you hurt me? Do you know how terrified I was?” Tim leans forward, his cold and slender fingers pressing against Jason’s chin. “Do you know how much of a monster you’ve become?” 
Jason chokes on a sob, his breath rattling in his lungs. It isn’t true. It isn’t real. This is all in his mind, and he’ll wake up and everything will be back to normal. He looks up at his family, his eyes frantically searching for any form of support. They fall on Cass, standing amidst the others. Cass, who hasn’t said a word. Jason’s hopes shatter when his sister opens her mouth. “Murderer,” she says. “Traitor. Better dead than alive.” 
Jason can’t stay here. He needs to get out before he does something stupid. Before their hatred kills him. He pushes himself to his feet shakily, but his family grabs onto him, their hands like claws digging into his arms. He cries harder and struggles against their grip. 
“You should have stayed dead,” they chant, “you shouldn’t have come back.” 
“Please, stop,” he begs them. “I’m sorry, I’ll go. You won’t see me ever again. But please, stop.” They don’t listen to him, tugging harder on his arms to bring him back down to the ground.
“I never loved you, Jason,” says Bruce, and it is the last straw. Jason falls back against Dick’s chest, his limbs limp like that of a puppet. Tears stream down his face and soak the hem of his shirt. Something sharp pricks the skin on his neck. The last thing he hears is his family’s chant. 
You should have stayed dead. You shouldn’t have come back. 
 Jason wakes up on a cot in the Medbay. Hushed voices stream to him from somewhere in the room. Jason doesn’t open his eyes. Maybe if he pretends to still be asleep they’ll leave him alone. Maybe then he’ll be able to sneak out and never come back. Tears push past his closed eyelids and Jason prays no one is paying attention to him. He cannot handle their words right now, cannot know how pathetic they find him.
“Jay?” asks Bruce, shooting his hopes down. “Are you awake? Is there something wrong?”
Jason turns his face away and presses it against his pillow. “Please,” he says. “Don’t. I’ll go, I promise. I’ll leave. You won’t see me again.  Just don’t start again, please.” 
A large hand cards through his hair. More tears escape Jason’s eyes. The hand is far too gentle for the words that were thrown at him earlier. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jaylad. You were injected with a toxin, but it’s out of your system, now. We’re not quite certain about what you saw but you were… upset, to say the least.” 
Jason opens his eyes and turns to Bruce, whose face bears nothing but genuineness. 
“A toxin?”
“It turns out the goon with the syringe did get you,” says Dick softly. All of Jason’s siblings are looking at him with solemn worry. Jason looks down at his hands, his throat closing up. 
“So you don’t hate me?” he asks in a whisper. 
“Is that what you saw?” replies Bruce, and engulfs Jason in a hug. His siblings pile up on the bed and Alfred arrives at the same time with a plate full of freshly baked cookies. His family spends the rest of the day convincing him they love him. 
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flashfuture · 4 years
Okay now I feel like I’m becoming a Batfam stan account but I just remembered something hilarious.
In the comics before crisis Dick Grayson dropped out of college. Well actually from what I understood he actually flunked some classes before going home so it’s implied he flunked out. But anyways Dick goes home.
And Bruce is less than impressed by it. At this point Talia Al Ghul was hanging around which Dick was less than impressed with.
Bruce and Dick argued constantly about everything basically. But the funny part came from the Batman and Robin outings. Bruce was beating up every other crook he could find and lecturing them about not committing crime just to spite their fathers. And not waisting their opportunities in life.
So every crook was of course confused why Batman was suddenly lecturing them on respecting their fathers and not knowing what was good for them if it hit them over the head.
Dick was also in the background saying that maybe everything they do isn’t about their fathers. It was just fucking amazing.
So now I’m imagining the criminals of Gotham always know if something is up with Batman’s children. Good day? A silent beating. Batman is in a fight with one of his birds and they become the outlet for their arguments.
Red Robin won’t get enough sleep? Every criminal is suddenly pure evil for staying up past midnight. Who even does their best work this late at night and no Batman won’t take constructive criticism on this point.
Robin stole the batmobile? Every car thief is as bad as Two-Face because if you’re not worried about your own safety how can you worry about some else’s?
Spoiler keeps running off on her own? Wouldn’t it just be easier if she’d just ask for help? And again Batman will not be taking constructive criticism here.
Red Hood is being stubborn? Why won’t the criminals just listen and stop being so hard headed. If he refuses to reach out with anything other than violence how are they supposed to fix the relationship? And shut up Black Mask henchman two you’re lucky the red hood isn’t having this talk with your corpse.
Nightwing won’t call home enough? The criminals should probably take in to account that someone probably is worrying about them and if he’s going to pay for a phone they should at least pick it up.
Anyways that’s my little head canon for the Batfam.
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Tim wearing glasses would include:
tim unnecessarily pushing his glasses higher on his nose whenever kon gets him flustered
jason constantly plucking them off his face bc he likes being a little shit and holding them above his head while tim growls at him to give them back
tim’s glasses fogging up the first time him and kon made out in one of bruce’s cars
dick constantly reminding tim to clean his glasses bc they’re all smudged and there’s no way he’ll be able to see but tim never ever listens
kon running his hands through tim’s hair bc its really soft and getting kinda long and he loves to play with it but he accidentally runs his hands too close to tim’s ears and knocks the glasses off instead
the night before tim’s birthday one year damian stole them and splattered the frames and rims with paint and put them back before tim woke up and when tim found out he loved it like seriously they used to be plain practical black but now it looks so cool
kon pouting when tim removes his glasses when things start to get a little heated because tim’s all like “remember what happened last time?” and kon’s like “but you looked hot in them”
tim giving in every once and a while and keeping his glasses on while they have sex because 1) he actually likes to be able to see what’s happening and B) he really likes seeing the wild look in kon’s eyes while he wears them
steph steals his glasses and proclaims very very loudly “oh my god tim you’re blind”
kon hiding tim’s contacts on purpose so he has to wear his glasses bc he looks cute in them
whenever tim just forgets to wear his glasses and walks around the manor seeing everything as vaguely fuzzy coloured shapes and doesn’t feel like actually putting in the effort to put them on cass always finds them and slides them on his face for him
tim cursing when his glasses get broken but it’s cool because kon just uses ttk to fix them hush its totally possible the strength of ttk knows no limits and one day he convinces kon to say “oculus repairo” before mending the broken glass and it makes tim laugh so hard he cries and kon doesn’t understand until during young justice movie night they watch harry potter and kon gives tim the biggest bitch face ever
bruce has like a thousand spares for tim’s glasses when he’s not with his friends bc goddamn that boy breaks them far too much and unfortunately no one in the family has powers to fix them
after that one birthday, every time tim breaks his glasses and gets new ones he puts them in damians room. the next morning without fail they show up on his desk all paint splattered. theres a different colour combination or design every time
tim passing out doing research or casework and his glasses riding up crookedly on his face and kon removing them gently (but not before taking a pic)
every time bart whooshes around somewhere the force of it and the gust of wind from it either mess tim’s glasses up on his face or knock them clean off and tim always gets super annoyed, but bart thinks its funny and does it as often as he can
kon massaging the little impressions of tim’s glasses on the bridge of his nose after a long day
cassie sometimes tucking flowers into tim’s glasses when she can bc it looks cool and tim always complaining that he’s not a hipster, cassie but secretly he also thinks it looks cool
kon also stealing tim’s glasses sometimes and trying them on and sometimes he looks super cute and tim just wants to boop his nose and other times he looks so fucking hot tim immediately starts taking his clothes off growling “bedroom now.”
whenever tim looses his glasses, alfred will always find them
kon staying over a night after a particularly exhausting mission and when they get to one of their bedrooms they just collapse in it and go to sleep and kon carefully removes tim’s glasses to set them on the nightstand before kissing tim goodnight and wrapping him in his arms
guys i’m such a sucker for tim wearing glasses its my new favourite thing oh my gOD ITS ADORABLE AND CUTE AND AHHHHHHHHHHHH
tag list:  @comicsandhoney @birdy-bat-writes @elles-shitposts-personified @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @astroherogirl @yesboopityboop @dangerduckjpe
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no grave can hold my body down – 1/2
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: It took time to get Jason Todd away from the darkness. Sometimes it felt like he was always standing at a tipping point, at risk of completely losing himself. But not when he was with her. She made him better and she would continue to make him better. 
Word Count: 5,500 
A/N: I am very new to this fandom and extremely nervous to write something for it. To clarify, I have not read any of the comics. But I’ve watched a lot of the TV and movie adaptations, and have done a lot of research. Jason is much older in this – like 30? – and therefore the rest of the BatFam is older, as well. But this takes place after Jason Todd is resurrected, but is still on rocky territory with his family. 
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Jason dropped down to the fire escape of his apartment with a quietness that seemed impossible for how large he was. 
On the other side of the small fire escape, Y/N sat with a blanket over her lap, a book in her hand, and a mug of coffee balanced perfectly on the metal grates. 
“Thought I told you not to wait up for me,” Jason greeted, knowing she noticed his arrival, but just kept reading her book. His book, to be precise. 
It was almost 4AM and Jason had called it a night after taking out an entire drug cartel. It had been a lot of waiting, until it finally led up to 20 minutes of utter chaos. He left them on a silver platter for the police to arrest them and actually clean up the mess.
Y/N finally looked up at him and he saw how tired her eyes seemed. But she gave him a soft smile, clearly happy to see him home and...alive. 
A pang of guilt went through him. He did that to her. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” she told him with a shrug. 
Jason slowly nodded. Then he nudged his head towards the book, “Jane Eyre again?”
She smirked. “It’s a comfort read.” 
He smiled back at her – which she couldn’t even see, because he was still wearing the red helmet that covered his entire head. 
“You shouldn’t stay out here so long. It’s too cold.”
“I was waiting for you,” she countered. 
“I thought you couldn’t sleep.”
“I couldn’t…because I was worried about you,” she finally admitted. 
There it was. 
“You have a voicemail on your cellphone. Alfred called,” she quickly added to change the subject.  
Jason left his personal cellphone at home when he was on patrol, not wanting any sort of pointless distractions. Y/N had a direct line to his comms if there was an emergency, which was the only thing he cared about. His old family could figure out ways to contact him if they really wanted to. But he didn’t go out of his way to give them that info. 
“Get inside before you catch a cold,” he told her as he nodded toward the open window. 
She chuckled at his attempt to sound stern. It was hard for her to take it seriously. But she listened to him anyway, knowing that if she tried to ignore him, it would end in him dragging her inside. And that was not a physical battle she ever had a chance at winning. 
30 minutes later, Y/N was laying in bed and still reading her book as Jason tried to erase the night. 
He always took long, scolding showers after patrol. Even if there was no blood to be washed away, there was always a need to cleanse himself of…something. 
Y/N had asked him if he was hurt as she crawled through the window back inside their apartment.
“I’m fine,” he’d insisted. 
But she knew “fine” just meant he didn’t need stitches, or bones reset, or the need to call the actual doctor he had a certain under-the-table deal with. She also knew she shouldn’t be surprised when he took off his clothes and she would see new bruises and shallow cuts covering his skin. 
Jason finally crawled into bed with nothing but his black briefs. His hair still wet from the burning shower he just took. 
He let out a sigh and stared up at the ceiling. 
It was always a battle for Y/N, trying to figure out when to leave Jason to his thoughts and when to force him to talk. She knew he couldn’t drown himself in his own mind. But she also knew she couldn’t pretend to be his therapist. 
“J?” She asked him softly as she put her book down. 
“Hmm?” He asked, looking at her. 
“You OK?”
He nodded. 
She let it be. 
Jason turned his gaze back to the ceiling. “Alfred has a foundation to raise money for under-funded schools in Gotham. It’s all him, but it has Bruce’s name all over it so all the rich assholes will want to save face with the Wayne family by donating.”
“I can support that type of manipulation,” Y/N said with a smirk. 
“He holds a gala at Wayne Manor for it every year. Gets them at least a mil every time.”
She listened closely. 
Then Jason looked at her again. “He asked me to come this year.”
“Oh,” her face fell. 
Jason had told Y/N about his tumultuous relationship with his family. While he mended most of the damage with his brothers, he wasn’t quite willing to do so with Bruce. Y/N didn’t try to push Jason to reconcile with his adoptive father. She understood his heartbreak and frustrations there. She wasn’t a huge fan of Bruce herself after learning the damage he’d done to her boyfriend. 
But it was because of the past traumas that Y/N hadn’t met any of Jason’s hodgepodge, vigilante family. 
She also guessed that it was his overprotectiveness of her that stopped him from wanting to fully submerge her in that part of his life. To Jason, the less she knew about the Bat Family, the safer she was. 
“He asked me to bring you, too.” Jason suddenly added. 
Y/N blinked. “I…I didn’t realize they knew about me.”
He smirked at that. “Of course they do.”
“Even Bruce?” 
His smirk disappeared. “Well, I didn’t tell him. But he’s a nosey son of a bitch. And even if he didn’t figure it out for himself, one of my brothers probably ran their mouth.”
Y/N didn’t think Jason and Bruce had a conversation out of uniform since he became the Red Hood. Probably hadn’t even addressed each other by their actual names in years. 
Y/N fully turned on her side to face her boyfriend and scooted closer. “What do you want to do?” She asked carefully. 
Jason sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Then he too turned on his side and stole a look at her. She looked so tired, but still beautiful. He knew he put her through too much. He didn’t deserve her. And she deserved a better man than he could ever be. He had guilt on his conscience, blood on his hands. He was the poster child for the harshness that was Gotham. She was a normal woman who would’ve never gotten mixed up in this world if it weren’t for him. 
But Y/N insisted that she wanted to be here. Told him so by just staying each and every day, and never questioning her decision. Even left New York City to slum it in Gotham with him. 
Jason brushed some hair away from her face. 
“You’d come with me?”
Her face scrunched from him even feeling the need to ask. “Of course.” Then she gave him a sad look, “I’ve been wanting to meet your family for awhile.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked. 
Her eyes darkened. “You know why, J.” 
He stayed silent. 
“Listen, I know things haven’t been…good with your family. But I also know that they raised you. Whether you want to admit it or not, a lot of the man you are today is because of them. And I happen to love that man. So, yeah, I’ve wanted to meet them.” 
Jason had a look full of love that he was trying to contain. “Come here,” he demanded with a grin. 
Y/N giggled and moved into his arms. 
Jason immediately pivoted her body so she was hovering over him. Without any hesitation, he pulled her down for a kiss. 
“It’s gonna be filled with rich snobs and ass kissers. Don’t go hoping for a fun time,” he warned her as he narrowed his gaze playfully. 
“Then you’re really gonna need me there. Who else is gonna make fun of them with you?” She teased. 
Then a thought suddenly occurred to her. “Will this be a fancy affair?”
Her gaze darkened. “So, I’m gonna see you in a suit, huh?”
Jason pinched her sides. 
Y/N yelped before laughing, “Do you even own a suit? I’ve never seen it in your closet.”
Suddenly he flipped her body so he was now the one hovering over her. Y/N couldn’t ignore Jason’s massive size when she was caged below him like that.  “You’re on thin ice, kid.” 
“Oooh. I’m so scared,” she mocked. 
Jason almost looked offended.
But he sighed, getting back to the previous subject. “If I have to wear a suit, that means you have to wear a dress.”
“Or I could wear a suit, too.” She countered and raised a brow at him. 
He smirked at her challenge. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you in one either.” 
That seemed to please her. 
“I promise I’ll look real pretty. Ya know, really play the part of the arm candy for the famous Jason Todd.” 
Jason scoffed. “You’re always beautiful.” Then his gaze darkened. “And the arm candy was always Bruce and Dick’s thing. Not mine.”
“OK. So what should I be?” 
“My accomplice,” Jason confirmed. 
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Y/N fidgeted in the back seat of the car as the black car drove to the outskirts of Gotham and to the Wayne Estate. 
Jason had sent her a text from his patrol comms about something coming up. Vague, as always. He did it to keep her in the dark as much as possible. 
Apparently he’d tried to tell Alfred they couldn’t make it. But the old man wouldn’t let him off the hook that easily. He told Jason he’d send a car for Y/N and that he better show up too. 
Y/N had worn her fanciest dress, curled her hair, and done her makeup to perfection. She knew she could dress the part, but it was the acting bit that had her stressed out. 
Despite Jason’s relationship with his family, she still dreaded the thought that they wouldn’t like her and that they wouldn’t approve. Yeah, they were secretly vigilantes, but they were also the richest people in Gotham. 
Y/N swallowed as the car parked right outside the front entrance of Wayne Manor. There seemed to already be hundreds of people there. Everyone looked rich and fancier than Y/N could ever even pretend to be. 
‘You’re here for Jason. You’re here for Jason.’ She repeated in her mind as the driver opened the door for her and offered his hand.
Y/N told herself to become a character as she held her head high and made her way into the mansion. 
“Mansion” didn’t even seem to cover it. Y/N felt like she was in a Jane Austen novel or Downton Abbey. 
Guests eyed her as soon as she made her way inside. She was much younger than the general demographic of the party. It seemed that old money also meant literally old. 
She did a once over to see if she could find Jason. But he was nowhere to be found. Y/N decided she needed a drink to face a gala full of unwelcoming strangers alone. 
She ignored the curious and judgmental gazes as she made her way to one of the many bars set up through the home. 
‘Maybe red was too much,’ her imposter syndrome was telling her. Clearly it was making her stick out. But she knew Jason loved seeing her in red. 
Y/N quickly ordered a strong drink from the bartender, who was kind enough to sense that this young woman needed liquid courage and she needed it fast. 
“Are you sure you meant to use that bottle?” A male voice came up beside her, speaking to the bartender on her behalf. 
Y/N turned to see a very boyishly handsome man with blue eyes and brown hair so dark that it was almost black. 
He gave that bartender a look and Y/N watched as he nervously grabbed the much more expensive brand – the one Y/N would never in her life buy for herself. 
“Thank you,” Y/N said as politely as possible when the bartender slid the drink towards her. 
Then she turned her attention to the young man. “You didn’t have to do that.” 
He gave her a crooked smirk. “You deserve the very best.”
Y/N might not have ever met Jason’s brothers. But they were famous enough to make frequent appearances in the media. Everyone in Gotham knew what the Wayne kids looked like. Especially Dick Grayson, who seemed to thrive in the spotlight in a similar manner to his father. 
“Oh? And how do you know what I deserve? You don’t know me at all,” Y/N challenged with a tilt of her head. 
Her sass seemed to excite him. 
“Well, I was hoping, since I saved you from the cheap stuff, that you’d give me a chance to.” 
Y/N shook her head with an almost baffled smile. This faux charm and air of confidence was so unlike Jason’s. While Jason was quietly confident and sure of himself. It came almost from a place of nihilism. But Dick…Dick had an edge of haughtiness and self importance. 
“Your reputation precedes you, Dick Grayson,” Y/N cooed, with mischievous glint in her gaze, before taking a sip of her drink. He was right: this was the good stuff. 
Dick’s amusement seemed to falter now that she confessed to knowing exactly who he was. “And what reputation is that exactly?”
“Cocky, charming…flirtatious.”
Dick didn’t seem to mind these adjectives at all. In fact, he seemed rather proud of himself. He stepped a little closer to her. “It feels a little unfair that you seem to know me, but I haven’t even gotten your name.” 
Y/N tried to suppress her smile. She was really starting to enjoy this little game. “You’ll realize soon enough.” 
“Well, until then…” He stepped even closer and somehow managed to put his hand on her back without it feeling creepy. “Would you like to dance?” 
“Move that hand any lower, Dick, and I’ll fuckin’ break it,” Jason said from behind Y/N. 
Dick barely moved away from Y/N, but looked at his brother with confusion. 
Y/N turned and maneuvered her body away from Dick’s grasp. 
Then she smiled at Jason as she took in the sight of her boyfriend wearing a suit. Like, a real suit, not one made for a vigilante. He managed to tame his hair without using too much product. And his face had its signature scruff but cleaned up a bit. 
“How long has this one been annoying you?” Jason asked her. 
“Not long,” she replied before giving him a sweet kiss. 
Y/N turned to face Dick again, but remained close to Jason’s side. On instinct alone, Jason placed his hand on her back and pulled her even closer. It wasn’t possessive, but a habit he formed to comfort himself.
Dick blinked as his mind clearly figured out the change in situation. 
“You’re Y/N?” He asked her. 
She smirked. “Told you that you’d realize it soon enough.” 
“Dick, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is, Dick Grayson.”
Y/N didn’t miss how Jason didn’t refer to Dick as his brother. 
To his credit, Dick recovered rather quickly and politely offered his hand. Y/N didn’t hesitate to shake it. After all, she still wanted to make a good impression on his family. And the flirting was harmless. 
“I apologize for…” Dick’s words died out. 
“Hitting on me?” Y/N offered with a laugh. “I would say I’m flattered, but I’m sure I’m one of many women you will be making moves on tonight.” 
“Do it again, and I’ll swap out the rubber bullets in my guns, Dick.” Jason half warned and half joked. 
Dick seemed unfazed by the threat. “Why don’t you say it a little louder so more people can hear?”
Jason ignored his brother’s warning. 
He turned his gaze down to Y/N. “Let’s go introduce you to Alfred.”
Jason held her hand as he made his way through the crowd. It wasn’t hard to do. Y/N assumed it had to do with him technically being a Wayne or perhaps it was his large and imposing frame that told people to get the hell out of his way. 
Then Y/N was standing in front of an elderly man who had perfect posture and mischievous edge to his welcoming smile. 
“Master Jason, I see that you have finally brought Ms. Y/L/N for me to meet,” Alfred said with a smile. 
Out of all his siblings and father, Alfred seemed to be the only family member that Jason didn’t hold any sort of grudge against. Though Y/N wasn’t really sure what anyone would have against him. From everything she heard, he sounded absolutely lovely. 
He held out his hand, which Y/N instantly went to shake. But instead, Alfred brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on her knuckles. There was something about this family that made everything they do seem charming rather than creepy and uncomfortable.
Y/N laughed at the gesture. “It’s so nice to meet you, Alfred. I’ve heard so much about you.” 
He patted her hand before letting it go gently. “I wish I could say the same for you, dear. But it would appear Master Jason prefers to keep you entirely to himself.” 
She just gave him a polite – yet controlled – smile. Another side effect of Jason being overprotective of her. 
“Thank you for sending the car for me. You didn’t have to do that,” she told him. 
“Oh, nonsense. I would not allow this one to use any excuse for missing tonight.”
Y/N asked him about his foundation with genuine interest. Alfred answered all of her questions with enthusiasm. She wondered how often Alfred got to talk about normal things with the Wayne family. She could only imagine the manor was entirely consumed with matters of vigilantism. 
Alfred also asked Y/N far more questions about herself than she was prepared for. It made her realize that Jason really did keep her quite the secret. Y/N knew she shouldn’t be offended by it, but it made her sad that Jason’s family had clearly shown such an interest in her. Had she known, she may have put more pressure on Jason to introduce her. 
There was a lull in conversation when Alfred’s gaze turned to Jason. 
“Have you spoken with him yet?” He asked evenly. 
They all know who ‘him’ was. 
“I’m here for you, Alfred.” Jason quickly answered. “And we’ve kept you selfishly to ourselves for far too long. I’m sure everyone here wants to talk with you.”
Nice save.
Alfred dipped his head and lowered his voice, “Oh, you are two of the few people here whom I actually wish to converse with…” He finished with a wink before leaving them. 
“And here I thought you got all your charm from Bruce Wayne,” Y/N teased her boyfriend. 
But when she looked up at Jason, he had a dazed looked in his eyes. 
“Hey,” she squeezed his hand in comfort. “You don’t need to talk to him if you don’t want to. In fact, we can go now if you want.”
Jason snapped out of it then. “And leave without destroying this open bar? Absolutely not.” Then he seemed to take her in for the first time that night. “Plus, you deserve to be shown off.”
He leaned down to her ear. “I was so distracted with saving you from Dick that I didn’t get the chance to tell you how beautiful you looked tonight.” 
No matter how many times he said things like that to her or made her feel this way, she still managed to blush at such compliments. 
And for good measure, Jason sealed the praise with a kiss, lightly gripping her chin to make sure she didn’t escape too soon for his liking. 
He barely pulled away from her lips when he smiled and muttered, “Come on. Let’s go steal ourselves a bottle of Dom Pérignon.” 
“Jason,” she scolded in a whisper, “Those cost like $2,000!”
The next hour or so was filled with Jason and Y/N drinking champagne while standing in a corner that protected them from being interrupted. And Y/N did exactly as she promised: joking with Jason about all the stuck up rich people that just came to kiss ass and social climb. 
They were laughing about an old man that was desperately trying to hit on a young woman half his age when someone politely cleared their throat beside them.
But Jason smiled at the interruption. 
A young man, who couldn’t be older than his early 20s, was giving Y/N a delighted smile. However, the first thing she noticed were the shadows under his eyes and how tired he looked. But that didn’t stop his excitement from showing. 
“Y/N, this is my younger brother, Tim Drake. Tim, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
With a dorky enthusiasm, he shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. We’ve all been annoying Jason about bringing you around for quite some time.”
She smiled, “So I’ve heard…” Then she gave Jason a subtle accusatory look.
Tim’s face turned serious, as if he just remembered why he came over in the first place. “I’m sorry to interrupt. Jason would you mind…umm…looking at something for me real quick?”
Jason’s back straightened. 
Tim was trying to be polite to the two’s relationship by keeping out any and all details pertaining to their night life. 
But it was clear to Y/N that was what Tim was referring to. 
Jason looked down at her. 
“You don’t have to babysit me,” she teased him. “Go. I can entertain myself.”
He kissed her cheek and whispered, “If I’m not back in 30 minutes, please come rescue me.” 
She chuckled. “I would, but I’m not sure I’m going to be able to find you...” 
“I’ll bring him back in no time, Y/N. Promise.” Tim told her with a beaming smile. 
Y/N watched them go and Jason gave her one last reluctant look over his shoulder before he disappeared around a corner. 
Y/N sighed and poured another glass of champagne and told herself it was time to mingle. But when she looked up, there wasn’t a single person that looked like they had any interest in making new friends. 
‘Some party this is,’ she thought to herself before abandoning her post and deciding to take herself on a tour of Wayne Manor. 
Y/N decided she wanted to escape the curious and judgmental gazes of the party, and found herself in a darker hallway. Candles were lit everywhere, giving it a gothic semblance. 
Y/N’s heartbeat quickened when she realized she’d discovered a hallway filled with artwork. Millions upon millions of dollars worth of artwork, to be precise. 
She was glad no one else seemed to have wandered this far, for she could take her time to look at all of it. 
“I think you might be the only guest of the manor who has ever taken the time to look at the artwork.”
Y/N jumped at the voice and turned to see the infamous Bruce Wayne watching her with what seemed to be amusement. 
He was nearly as tall as Jason – nowhere near as stout, though. But that didn’t seem to matter because he had an intimidating presence that had Y/N realizing it made perfect sense that this man was also Batman.  
She had no idea how long she’d been staring at the paintings. It was easy for her to get lost in art. It tended to consume her.
“Well, not everyone has a Caravaggio casually hanging in their home.”
Bruce chuckled at that. 
“Sorry,” she quickly told him. “I didn’t mean to snoop. I feel like I’m at the Louvre.”
“Please,” he declined such an apology. “No one in that party could tell the difference between an oil and acrylic painting. It’s refreshing to meet someone who can appreciate art.” He paused. “Have you been?”
“Have I been where?”
“To the Louvre.”
“Oh,” she laughed. “Umm...no, sadly. It’s been my dream to go to Paris in general. I don’t speak French, though. So I don’t know how that would work out.”
Bruce Wayne seemed to be listening closely and had genuine interest in what she was saying. Which felt strange to her for some reason. 
Suddenly, Y/N felt like she shouldn’t be talking to him. Jason made it clear he had no intention of making peace tonight. So Y/N figured she was meant to keep her distance as well. 
“I’m…” she began. 
“Y/F/N Y/L/N,” Bruce finished for her. 
She raised a brow, unimpressed. 
Of course Batman would know every single person coming into his home. He probably caught her lingering in this hallway from multiple hidden security cameras. 
He reached out his hand. “Bruce Wayne.”
She hesitated, her eyes flickering between his fixed stare and his offered hand. 
But it ended with her shaking it, nonetheless. 
“Thank you for bringing Jason tonight. I have a feeling he would’ve never shown had it not been for you.”
Y/N’s jaw clenched in an attempt to stop herself from lashing out at Bruce. 
Yes, Jason was protective of her. But Y/N was also protective of Jason. 
It wasn’t the Wayne family that talked Jason out of the darkness. They weren’t the one who comforted him after his nightmares. They weren’t the one who kissed and touched the autopsy scars that he was ashamed of. They weren’t the one who made him realize he wasn’t a failure or a monster, that he was worth something.  
That was Y/N. 
And she wasn’t going to let any of them cause him to relapse.
“Did he tell you not to talk to me?” Bruce questioned.
He wasn’t one to beat around the bush. 
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Jason doesn’t tell me what to do.” 
Bruce smirked at how she didn’t back down and met his confrontation with confidence. “You’re not too fond of me, are you?”
Y/N shifted her weight a bit, but kept quiet, not wanting to confirm or deny his suspicions. 
“I’m not sure what Jason told–”
“He told me everything,” Y/N cut him off sharply. 
Bruce tilted his head. “Surely not everything.” Proving that he knew Jason completely kept Y/N away from his vigilante and crime life. 
Then Y/N lost her composure and took a step toward Bruce. “You call him your greatest failure,” she accused him. 
“Because I let him down.” 
“But it doesn’t matter how you meant it. How do you think that makes him feel?”
Bruce’s body tensed and his jaw tightened. 
Suddenly a dog came running out of nowhere and nearly tackled Y/N. She managed to stay on her feet, but her glass of champagne was knocked from her grasp and shattered on the floor. 
“Titus!” Bruce growled at the dog. 
A second later, a boy came running. 
“Damian, what did I tell you about keeping pets away from parties,” Bruce scolded.
“I apologize,” Damian told Y/N in a voice that should’ve belonged to an adult, rather than a pre-teen boy. But he seemed rather annoyed that he had to apologize to a stranger. 
Y/N chuckled at the black Great Dane. She barely had to bend down to pet the giant dog. “It’s fine. Dogs are always my favorite people I meet at parties.”
Damian looked between his father and Y/N, immediately getting the sense that she was not the average party guest. 
“Who’s she?” He asked bluntly. 
“Damian, this is Y/F/N Y/L/N.” Bruce gestured with an upturned palm. 
“Todd’s companion?” Damian stated, clearly sounding unimpressed. 
Jesus. They really did all know about her.
“Damian…” was all Bruce said to warn his son. 
“I don’t know what you see in him.”
“That’s enough, Damian.” Bruce snapped. 
That finally got the boy to shut his mouth. 
Y/N was about to tell both of them that it was fine. She had expected such greetings from Jason’s youngest brother. 
But her attention was diverted when she noticed Jason standing at the edge of the hallway. 
Bruce followed her gaze. 
There was a stare down between the two men that felt like an hour to Y/N. 
“Jason,” Bruce greeted steadily. 
Jason looked at his family coldly. “Bruce,” he replied with even less emotion. Then he looked down at his youngest brother, “Demon Spawn.”
“Todd,” Damian spat back. 
Jason’s gaze softened when it landed on Y/N. Ignoring the tension, he reached out a hand in her direction. “We should say our goodbyes to Alfred.” 
Y/N nodded and walked to her boyfriend, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. 
He quickly guided them back to the party without a second glance to Bruce and Damian. 
As soon as they were in a mass of people again, Y/N turned to Jason to ask him if he was OK. A part of her felt guilty, like she’d been caught doing something bad by being alone with Bruce Wayne. 
But Jason seemed to sense her concern and spoke before she could. “I’m stealing another bottle of champagne before we go,” and quickly went to the bar. 
“He lasted longer than I expected,” Dick’s voice came up beside her. 
Y/N barely glanced at him. “I’m proud of him,” was all she replied, as they both watched him. 
“I apologize for my behavior earlier. I’m afraid I didn’t give you the best first impression.”
Y/N fully turned to face him and laughed lightly. “I promise I won’t hold it against you.”
“I’m sure you think we’re all just being polite…but all of us really were looking forward to meeting you, Y/N.” 
“Even Damian?” She teased. 
Dick laughed. “Well, rumor is that Titus took an immediate liking to you. And Damian trusts his pets’ judgement of character more than any of ours.”
News really did travel fast in this family. 
Y/N smiled at that. “I’ve wanted to meet all of you for so long. I’m glad we finally made it happen.” She went back to their original topic. 
Dick winced. “I’d rather not think about what Jason’s said about us…”
“I think you might be pleasantly surprised,” she countered. 
“Ready to go?” Jason interrupted, ignoring Dick. 
For good measure, he dipped down to kiss Y/N’s bare shoulder. 
“Yeah, let’s go say bye to Alfred.” 
But she turned back to Dick. And to everyone’s surprise, she wrapped him into a hug. Dick was surprised, but welcomed the gesture. 
“Please keep an eye on him out there,” she whispered to him quietly enough so Jason didn’t have a chance of overhearing.
“Of course,” he told her. 
Bruce pretended to be listening to a conversation with old family friends as he watched Y/N and Jason hug Alfred goodbye. 
He noticed Y/N say something to Alfred that made the butler’s face go serious. Then she handed him a business card. 
Bruce wanted to talk with Jason. He’d been both dreading and looking forward to tonight, hoping a miracle would occur and he could finally mend things with his son. 
But the way Jason had looked at him, Bruce knew everything he was feeling and it was clear Jason wasn’t going to let things go between them any time soon. 
Bruce politely excused himself and went to Alfred’s side. 
“What was that last bit about?” Bruce asked, indirectly telling Alfred that he’d been observing their conversation. 
Now the two men both watched Jason and Y/N from a window that gave a view of the front drive. 
Y/N threw her head back and laughed loudly at something Jason had whispered in her ear. 
“She asked if I could teach her first aid.”
They both know it went much deeper than first aid. Y/N was asking Alfred to show her how to stitch wounds, how to extract bullets, when to know Jason was too hurt to be fixed up by his inexperienced girlfriend. 
“She’s good for him,” Bruce thought aloud. 
“That she is, Master Bruce.” 
“I forgot what his laugh sounded like.” Bruce paused for a moment before adding, “I’ve never seen him smile like this. Not even before…” His words died. They both knew what ‘before’ was referring to. 
Suddenly Y/N pointed to Jason as she walked backwards, clearly giving him a warning of some sort. 
But Jason ignored her as he grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder. One of his hands was wrapped tightly around her thighs, securing her body to his chest, while the other hand held a bottle of champagne. 
They could hear Y/N’s laughter, even from inside the mansion. 
Alfred observed how Bruce watched his second son. “You must give him more time, Master Bruce.” 
However, Bruce said nothing in return. 
Part 2
Please, please, please let me know what you think. I will take constructive criticism on my characterization of Jason Todd, as long as it’s done nicely😅 
[Also, I finally stopped being lazy and made my own header. 😂]
917 notes · View notes
redjaybathood · 3 years
Can we stop for a sec to appreciate how wild Jason is. Like that time he got turned into an octopus, or that time where he immediately tried to square up with a version of him who was Batman. Lets also appreciate the variety of his alternate selves (ex. Preacher, Tire Salesman, Mercanary, Batman) Shame what happened to Earth 15 where he was Batman
Sure we can.
And I know you're thinking about Catholic Priest!Jason and the asshole businessman whose tires security invention literally killed kids who just like him back in the day stole tires!Jason (no idea about the mercenary!Jason tho) but what I am now imagining, is:
A) Jason went undercover in a church in a little desert town, where he suspects Church of Blood has its claws in. He is struck by a beam of lighting and the next day turns out he has god-like superpowers. It also turns out that Church of Blood is really involved here. It end with him, Rose Wilson and Eddie Bloomberg next town over, in a diner, when they hear the first town to be raised to the ground.
I don't remember Preacher (comics)TV series) enough to say what happened in between, or after. But if I wrote a team-up between them, it would have been like that.
B) Really a tire salesman! Jason, with his own dealership and auto shops, where ex-cons and drug addicts can find a job, especially if their experise is with stealing cars or car parts. It's all above the ground, this Jason has zero connection with vigilantism or organized crime. There were people who tried to pressure him into paying up for protection? A lot of them: Black Mask (especially since it would be useful for Black Mask to have a shop that could install secret compartments into his gang's cars to traffic drugs or people), Penguin (actually, the man mainly wanted to pressure him into allowing Penguin to use his business to launder money), Two-Face (especially since some car parts are have to be shipped and so have to go through the docks which he controls, and wouldn't it be a shame if his shipment was lost or damaged? Think about the insurance premiums you are going to be racking, Todd).
There are a few ways this could go:
- Jason and his people take care of it themselves.
They maybe got their act together, cleaned up, but they ain't pushovers and know their way with a tire iron. It's the closest Jason gets to actually have his own gang and he is not all that comfortable about the implications, especially when kids of a high school or even middle school age start to show up and ask to be accepted. If they are sixteen or older, he says that he can allow them to work part-time. He has no fucking idea about what to do with the youngest ones, but he can't make them go away either. Literally - they don't listen. So he installs in every garage something like a bigger employee lounge, with a canteen, and bookshelves.
CPS raids his business several times but can't actually find anything suspicious. Then Bruce fucking Wayne shows up and Jason is like, on one hand, I need to get the kids out of here because this is not free child care facilities, damn it, we're still being bothered by assholes from time to time, and the idea of kids getting caught up in that keeps me awake at night! On another, this is the dude who sponsored Ma Gunn's school for young criminals, where she actually made them all into the worse criminals. So Jason naturally doesn't trust him or expects much. But Bruce instead just offers his money and connection for him to use, in whatever way he thinks best, because Jason actually is the one who knows these kids and what is the best for them - he was one of these kids, at a time when there were no Jasons around. So Jason is like, fuck it, okay, let's build a learning center where kids could study mechanics. And radio tech. And robotics. And there's eventually also a youth racing team.
One of Bruce Wayne's kids actually competes - the second youngest, Duke. Though he started to race even before he was adopted. The youngest Wayne child comes to every competition and a good third of training meets, but roots for his friend Colin instead.
Waynes come there pretty often, in fact. The oldest was okay to talk to, even if he did confess to being a cop back in the day (youthful folly, he called it). He shared how he has experience with volunteering, too - he runs a gym that offers free self-defense classes for those who need it, and gymnastics for kids from families that are struggling. He was the one who had the idea of Redline's youth center to have some too - self-defense, not gymnastics. Said there was someone who would be interested in teaching. It's two girls that couldn't be more different in terms of temperament but who get along like a house on fire. Jason prefers Cass, actually, because she's nice to talk to, as in, she won't talk your ears off - Jason can't believe she is actually related to Dick and the rest, she is too awesome to be a Wayne, and she could break him in half and not sweat, as proved during one and only sparring (Cass is too bored to do it more than once, which, fair). And Steph just makes him - drop things sometimes, or run into a wall, or blush. She also can break him in half and will also cackle gleefully all the way. He never spares with her.
Eventually, he meets the middle child. Tim looks around the new computer lab with wistfulness in his eyes. Would it be, he says, if something like this was around when I was younger. Jason does the double-take. From all of them, he is pretty sure Tim's first parents were wealthy enough that actually hiring tutors to help him learn programming wouldn't have been a problem. Tim shrugs and says that his parents were never around and he was left to himself a lot, which made some things harder for him, and having a place to be around other kids and trusty adults while also learning new and useful skills might have made a difference. Jason is curious now: so what did he do instead? Tim talks about skateboarding and photography class. Jason doesn't draw a budget on a new skate park, instead suggesting it to Tim himself. There's a new skate park the next summer. Jason doesn't visit because he doesn't have time, not because skating always seemed very cool and very unapproachable to him, and now he has money for equipment, but, come on. He is pushing thirty. It would be ridiculous if he tried to start now.
Somehow, Steph wiggles to truth out of him, and she, Tim, and Cass (betrayer! Jason trusted at least Cass, but that just shows that you cannot trust a Wayne) kidnap Jason in the middle of the night and take him into the skate park. Jason was right, he is ridiculous on the board, and they laugh at him and film him and he is getting pissed until Steph also tries to skate and falls - she always preferred roller blades, she says. Cass fires back that it's not an excuse for getting clumsy and proves it by riding on the board with a perfectly good balance. It's ruined when she tries to do a kickflip and fails. So Jason now kinda gets that they were laughing with him and not him.
If only Numbers, Max, Chris, and the others could see him now, he thinks; they would have made so much fun of him for 'making friends with rich kids'. But they would have been happy for him, would make friends of their own.
Unfortunately, they are not around anymore.
"Yeah," he says, where he lied back on the ground and stares at the ceiling. "Shame a place like this wasn't around when we were growing up."
But it is around now, and it matters.
(surprisingly, after Wayne started to give him money, there were fewer assholes sniffing around Redline, instead of more; Jason chalks it up to the fact that crime rates are going down overall)
- Jason dons the Red Hood because there's little in this city people fear like Joker, and so he uses that fear to intimidate the lot of them, and when it fails (because fear never works), kill the problem at its root.
He never involves his guys but the word goes around that Jason paid off the new player in town, Red Hood, for protection, or maybe he is fucking him (because he was very adamant that he is not going to pay anyone for protection, so it has to be personal, and Red Hood isn't his family, seeing as Jason has none, and all his friends are either his co-workers or something like grandpas and grandmas of the neighborhood; that's the ridiculous assumption that was made of him, Jason thinks. He is not friends with old people - he eats their cookies and plays mahjong and listens to them rant about how baseball is not as good as it was back in the day anymore. He likes to know what they're doing because old people, unassumingly frail, put his teeth on edge - he likes to know what they're doing, to make sure they're not up to no good).
Or maybe Red Hood just likes what they have created for themselves here at Redline. Anyhow, they like Red Hood back and start wearing his colors. Up until they are starting to get arrested and questioned about what Red Hood had done, so Jason bans red clothes entirely. He is very upset by it himself, after green, it's his favorite color.
All goes well until there are literally hitmen after Red Hood. And killing his way through a Gotham gang is one thing, you need just to pay attention and pick a moment, preferably when Bats are distracted by Joker escaping Arkham or something.
He is still okay until there is literally an alien robot after him that packs a punch of Superman, and the rest of his superpowers too. Batman and Nightwing show up to the rescue, surprisingly. And then another time, just Batman, when it's Count Vertigo and Captain Nazi and someone else Jason didn't catch the name of. They work so well together, Jason thinks in another life they could have been soulmates.
It ends with assailants incapacitated (in Nazi's case, dead).
"What," asks Jason. "He is a Nazi! I am pretty sure it's not a crime."
"I know you think you're helping the city," Batman says. "I know people like you. But you're not. It's not the right way. I can help."
"Baby," Jason wants to call him 'old man' at first, but he is going for most infuriating instead. Batman doesn't look insulted, actually, and that's food for thought. "There's no one like me."
"Huntress. Azrael..." Batman literally starts counting on his fingers.
"Come on," Jason scoffs. "I don't have mile-wide daddy issues, and I wouldn't be caught dead in a cult."
Jason heard about that one - crazy old man driven mad by grief over losing his wife in a random robbery.
"I am not doing vengeance - or justice," he says slowly, in case he really can make Batman understand. "It's self-defense."
"You're attacking, unprovoked. You decimating them."
"Attack is the secret of the defense. Read a book, jeez."
It goes even worse when Joker catches up on what is he doing. At first, Jason thought the clown knew and it fit with his brand of chaos and destruction - which didn't sit well with Jason, but he really didn't allow himself to go after people that weren't after him first. So he let him live and tried not to let it bother him, a potential of being someone Joker approved of. But no, the clown just didn't notice.
But then one time, Joker kidnapped him - and not only him. Holy shit, it's a lot of other vigilantes, there's Batgirl - the first one, and two Robins, and Nightwing, and Batman. Jason feels better about walking into a trap already. Still.
"I have a feeling that this is a theme party," he says to Joker. "But I don't exactly fit in."
"Oh no, you're just fine," Joker says. "After all, you do what the Bats do, only you actually succeed."
"Well, no," Jason says. He is drawing the notice of the psychopath by design because he notices that the others started steering too. He hopes a few of them are also trying to get out of their zip ties. Jason can't do it unless he is allowed to bang his hands against the corner of the wall or something - he hopes that the kids have better training than YouTube videos and some unfortunate youth experience. "They are saving people, I kill people. I would say we're the opposite."
Batman gives him a sharp look. Who knows if he believed Jason before, or he thinks Red Hood is showing his true colors now. Jason ignores it. He never looked for validation in random older buff men since he tried to jack Bruce Wayne's tires, got caught, returned the tires and even screwed them back in, and got thrown into Ma Gunn's school for his trouble (he would add 'god rest her soul' but he was the one who killed her and he's not a hypocrite).
"If anything," Jason continues looking up at Joker who is now perched on the table next to him. "I am more like you. I mean, there's the helmet - an obvious tell. I also murder people, just like you. And, I was told I am pretty hilarious. When I invited a cheerleader to a prom, no less. Isn't that enough likeness for you?"
Joker pretends to contemplate.
"I don't know, it seems like you're leaving yourself open for a "your mama" joke but that would be crass even for me. Still, I had a flame back in the day - don't worry, Batsy, it was before your time - so let's take this helmet off and check, shall we?"
If Joker thinks that Jason will panic that his secret identity will be revealed in a room full of people who want to throw him in jail or kill him - well, he already knows Joker knows who he is, seeing as he tailored a trap for him. Besides, Joker taking his helmet off won't give him the results he expects.
"Huh," Joker says, looking down at the domino mask Jason wears. "Are you sure you're not one of them?"
"Take it off and find out," Jason goads. "Might want to put the helmet down first, though, I don't want you to get even more smudges on its surface."
Joker, unsurprisingly, doesn't put the helmet down.
"It's rather pretty," he says. "And you did steal the name and the costume design from me."
"Improved, you mean," Jason shoots back and that's all he needs for Joker to get the helmet on.
"I don't know," Joker says in a goading tone. "They all say that remakes are never as good as the original. Now, let's see the man behind the mask!"
He pulls the mask off - someone from the other side of the table gasps.
"I give up," Joker says after a short beat of silence. "I was expecting a familiar face. But who are you supposed to be?"
He tilts his head to look at Jason's make-up - which is a lot of black eye shadow. He looks like a raccoon, and that's intentional, not because YouTube tutorials are harder than they look (though Jason still has mad respect for all the girls with beauty channels he is now subscribed to; he will never be able to pull it off but watching them do it is more satisfying than watching sports, for him).
"Don't you remember me?" Jason grins, and braces himself. "Jason Todd."
The helmet blows up, taking Joker's head off his shoulder. See, Jason knew voice-activated explosives were a perfectly reasonable failsafe. It's too easy to lose a detonator.
Debris of the helmet, and of Joker (Jason tries very hard not to think about it but he still hurls) hit him harder than the rest.
Bats do take him into custody. They help with the cuts. Then, when they are alone, Batman asks.
"You knew that we would get free eventually. We would have fought the Joker, and we would have freed you too. You didn't have to blow him up - didn't have to disclose your name either. Why didn't you wait?"
Jason hums in agreement. He didn't have to. He pretty much fucked himself over by doing that.
"If you did that before he asked my name, I would have. But there's only so much I have in my repertoire to keep him interested. I am not a man of the world, and nobody actually said I was hilarious, ever. I lied: I never went to a prom."
"I find you laughable!" A kid's voice, full of derision. It's muffled the next second. Probably, baby Robin and whoever is babysitting him were not supposed to listen in to the interrogation.
"Aw, your kids already approve of me," Jason smirks. "Do you want to go steady?"
There's a murmur, "I swear, B, why all the crazies go after you?". There's a sound of something hitting flesh and a sharp intake of breath. "No, D, I didn't mean your mom!"
Jason raises an eyebrow at Batman. Batman, by the aborted movement, probably wanted to cover his face with a hand or something like that. Instead, he asks Jason:
"You took out Two-Face, Penguin, Black Mask, now, Joker. When does it end, for you?"
"I am not hearing a no!" Jason sing-songs.
A girl's voice this time: "Well, he is right, it wasn't a no."
Batman's face twitches. Jason sighs and takes pity on him.
"Better question, Bruce, is when it ends for them. I told you already, I have only gone after people who were after my people. They were through a lot already, okay? And nobody was offering them chances. Not like you were, for your Rogue Gallery, handing out chances upon chances for the big names, with real blood on their hands, worse reasons, and no signs of stopping. Redline was their chance. I am not letting anyone take it away from them."
Jason sees how it kills Batman inside a little, not to ask about how Jason knows his name (which, easy; he met Bruce Wayne, he's not stupid). Still, acknowledging it would be as good as a confession. Batman presses forward instead.
"You mean, you won't let anyone take it away from you?"
Jason chuckles.
"Oh no, baby, you're a little behind the news. Do you think I have enough time in the day to be a CEO and Red Hood? Suzie Su is running things now there. Joker could have killed me, you could arrest me, and Redline will keep standing. People need that place, but they don't necessarily need me, anymore. I figure I combed through the city pretty well, nobody will actually believe Red Hood worked alone. Nobody will be crazy enough to check."
"And if they do, Suzie Su will replace you as the Red Hood as well?"
"Nah, she's retired. Red Hood died tonight."
It's true, even if Jason sees that Batman doesn't believe him. It's fine. The helmet blew up, and there won't be another like it. After all, when people realize that Joker, too, was just as mortal as the rest, his old moniker won't pack the same punch.
Besides, Miguel never appreciated Jason's fashion choices or talent at naming things. But what does he know? He spent who knows how long sleeping in some really disturbing aquarium, swimming in a greenish liquid, and he's likely from another reality altogether. They don't even have the right memes there.
"I can't let you go," Batman says.
"But throwing me in jail is really just asking for someone to die, you realize that, don't you? I didn't exactly make friends among criminals. Your best bet is if they shank me the first day in custody, while I am still injured. That's the only way to keep the body count down."
"Did Red Hood really die tonight?" Batman asks unexpectedly.
"Bruce, no," a groan is heard. Then, "Ow! What? He said he already knew - and that's not so hard to figure out! Cass figured it out - I did when I was nine, for fuck's sake!"
"Swearing, Red Robin."
"Sorry, Agent A."
"Not all of my kids approve of you," Batman adds, even more unexpectedly. "So let's give it a trial run. I will report that Joker killed Red Hood and threw his body off the waterfall - that ought to be an as plausible an explanation of the lack of the body as any. But if the Red Hood shows up again..."
"Scout honor," Jason raises his hand.
"You weren't a scout."
"Okay," Jason spits on his hand and offers it to Batman for a shake. "That's what we did on the streets. Gross but supposed to show you have both the trust in the other party, and that you're not a wuss."
"Not surprised you didn't go to prom," Batman deadpans. "With wooing technics like this."
He does repeat the gesture, so Jason doesn't know what he is complaining about: it obviously worked on him.
Before they let go, Batman tightens to grip.
"If someone new shows up to make trouble at Redline, nor you, neither anyone in your employ, is to take care of it yourselves. You will come to find me."
Someone to take care of Jason's issues for him? In this economy? Too good to be true, but then again, Bruce Wayne could afford it.
The question was, will he? His solution, the last time they met, was to throw Jason in some Death Class-knock off boarding school, where kids got brainwashed, tortured, exploited, and killed. Where do you think Jason learned that shit?
But Batman seems to give Jason exactly the chance he just said he always lacked. He will give it a try. And if it works?
Jason will never say anything bad about how Batman does things ever again.
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piratewithvigor · 4 years
My first thought in regard to every band that gets played on my radio station
ACDC: Every dad’s favourite band
Adams, Bryan: Every mom’s favourite singer until Michael Buble came along
Aerosmith: haha they thought Vince Neil was a lady
Alice Cooper: he’s a Game Of Thrones fanboy and I have proof
Alice In Chains: my sister doesn’t like them because she decided AC were Alice Cooper’s initials ONLY
Allman Brothers Band: good music for dropping acid to
Allman, Gregg: That’s too many Gs for one name
Animals: House Of The Rising Sun, or who even cares
Argent: Sometimes Hold Your Head Up is really catchy
Asia: Tuesdays
Autograph: one of the members went on to be a pharmacist
Bachman-Turner Overdrive: There are just so many pop culture jokes about Taking Care Of Business that whatever I say won’t be as funny
Bad Company: with their song; Bad Company, off their album; Bad Company
Benatar, Pat: Always getting her confused with Patti Smith
Black Crowes: I like them for Lickin, but it doesn’t seem to exist outside of one shoddy video on youtube and my old CD
Blackfoot: this band name feels kind of racy
Black Sabbath: Dio was not better or worse than Ozzy; just different
Blondie: I like Call Me, but Blondie confuses me stylistically
Blue Oyster Cult: MORE COWBELL
Bon Jovi: Hello, childhood trauma, I missed you
Bowie, David: Don’t let your children watch The Man Who Fell To Earth, or David Bowie’s will end up being the third penis they see in life
Browne, Jackson: Another musician ruined by Supernatural
Buffalo Springfield: Jack Nicholson was at the riot they sing about
Burdon, Eric: no ideas, brain empty
Bush: ditto
Candlebox: ditto once more. Who are these people?
Cars: This band feels so gay and so straight at the same time, I can only assume they’re the poster children of bisexual panic
Cheap Trick: I played Dream Police on Guitar Hero so fucking much because it was the only song anyone who played with me could keep up with
Chicago: Chicago 30 exists, but they do not have 30 albums. Fucking riddle me that
Clapton, Eric: 6 discs in one Greatest Hits is too many. That’s called “re releasing your discography”
Cochrane, Tom: For some reason, everyone thinks Rascal Flats did it better
Cocker, Joe: Belushi did it right
Collective Soul: who?
Collins, Phil: If his biggest hits were done by MCR, they would be emo anthems, but because he’s 5′6″ and from the 80s, they’re not
Cream: *Vietnam flashbacks on the hippie side*
CCR: *Vietnam flashbacks on the war side*
CSNY: David Crosby; meh
Def Leppard: the only music for when you’re a heartbroken bitch but also a sexy one
Derek And The Dominos: Clapton and ‘Layla’ broke up
Derringer, Rick: Tom Petty if he was from the midwest
Dio: You thought it was an anime reference, but it was me, Dio
Dire Straits: You can tell how bigoted a radio station is based on how much of Money For Nothing they censor
Doobie Brothers: I have yet to smoke weed, but I listen to the Doobies, and I think that’s pretty close
Dylan, Bob: I take back everything I said about him in my youth
Eagles: Hotel California isn’t their best song, but the memes that come from it are second to none
Edgar Winter Group: @the--blackdahlia
Electric Light Orchestra: Actually an orchestra and sound a fuckton like George Harrison
ELO: I really hesitate to ask what happens with the 7 virgins and a mule
Essex, David: no prominent memories of him
Fabulous Thunderbirds: cannot spell
Faces: Who on earth thought that was a good album name?
Faith No More: I got nothing
Fixx: One Thing Leads To Another is a damn bop
Fleetwood Mac: I ain’t straight, but I’m simply not enough of a witch to enjoy them to full potential
Fogerty, John: He got sued cause he sounded like himself
Foghat: Slow Ride slowly becoming less coherent feels like a drug trip
Foo Fighters: He was just excited to buy a grill
Ford, Lita: deserved better
Foreigner: dramatically overplayed
Frampton, Peter: a masterful user of the talk box
Free: dramatically underplayed
Gabriel, Peter: leaving Genesis changed him a lot
Genesis: if someone likes Genesis, clarify the era, because yes, it does matter
Georgia Satellites: sing like you have a cactus in your ass
Golden Earring: Twilight Zone slaps, but it doesn’t slap as hard as this station thinks it does
Grand Funk Railroad: Funk
Grateful Dead: I like their aesthetic more than their music
Great White: there are so many fucking shark jokes
Greenbaum, Norman: makes me think of Subway for some reason
Green Day: the first of the emo revolution
Greg Kihn Band: RocKihnRoll is literally the most clever album name I’ve ever seen
Guns N Roses: They have more than three good songs, but radio stations never recognize that
Hagar, Sammy: I’m still trying to figure out where he lived to take 16 hours to get to LA driving 55 and how fucking fast was he driving beforehand?
Harrison, George: He went from religious to rock, and if he had continued rocking, he would have gotten too cool 
Head East: I respect people who use breakfast foods as album names
Heart: Magic Man and Barracuda are played at least once every goddamn day. They’re not even the best songs!
Hendrix, Jimi: I have both a cousin and a sibling named after Hendrix references
Henley, Don: Dirty Laundry gives me too much inspiration
Hollies: Somehow sound like they’re both from the 60s and the 80s at the same time
Idol, Billy: he’s doing well for himself
INXS: Terminator vibes
Iris, Donnie: knockoff Roy Orbison
James Gang: too many funks
Jane’s Addiction: if TMNT had a grunge band representative
Jefferson Airplane: *assorted cheers*
Jefferson Starship: *assorted boos*
Jethro Tull: The only band to make you feel not cool enough to play the flute
Jett, Joan: icon
J. Geils Band: I requested them on the radio once and it got played
Joel, Billy: he really did just air everybody’s business like that
John Cafferty And The Beaver Brown Band: literally wtf is that name
John, Elton: yarn Elton sits in my basement, unstaring. Please someone take him from me
Joplin, Janis: Queen
Journey: Stop overplaying Don’t Stop Believing. It takes away from the rest of the repetoire
Judas Priest: literally started the gay leather aesthetic
Kansas: another fucking band Supernatural stole
Kenny Wayne Shepherd: the man confuses me to the point where he isn’t in the right place alphabetically
Kiss: Mick Mars and I will simply have to disagree on the subject
Kravitz, Lenny: runaway vibes
Led Zeppelin: Fucking fight me if you don’t think they’re the most talented band (maybe not the most talented individually, but collectively, no one comes close)
Lennon, John: My least favourite Beatle for reasons
Live: I got nothin
Living Colour: slap a decent amount
Loverboy: do you not get TURNT the fuck up to the big Loverboy hits? Who hurt you??
Lynyrd Skynyrd: Sweet Home Alabama is a Neil Young diss track
Marshall Tucker Band: no opinion
McCartney, Paul/Wings: Power couple
Meatloaf: I have nothing but respect for a man who willingly named himself Meatloaf
Mellencamp, John: voted cutest lesbian of 1987
Metallica: I liked their appearance on Jimmy Fallon
Midnight Oil: I get them confused for Talking Heads a lot
Modern English: who?
Molly Hatchet: Hollies vibes, but also Georgia Satellites vibes
Motley Crue: Stan Mick Mars and John Corabi. They’re the only ones who deserve it
Mott The Hoople: no one loves them except for David Bowie
Mountain: props for naming an album ‘Climbing’
Nazareth: I want to make a John Mulaney joke here, but I can never come up with one
Nicks, Stevie: witch queen
Night Ranger: I get them confused with Urge Overkill
Nirvana: Kurt Cobain was the ally grunge needed
Nova, Aldo: he’s Canadian, at least
Nugent, Ted: *serves a ghost as jerky*
Offspring: nothing here
Osbourne, Ozzy: this bitch crazy
Outfield: Your Love is kind of a sketchy song, but it slaps hard
Palmer, Robert: low quality Eddie Money
Pearl Jam: *grunts in Eddie Vedder*
Petty, Tom: I have so many feelings about Tom Petty and they are all good
Pink Floyd: which one is Pink?
Plant, Robert: solo career is a crapshoot, but his voice is unparalleled
Poison: I want them to write a song called ‘Alice Cooper’
Pretenders: I want to say good things, but I have nothing to say
Queen: A doctor of astrophysics, a screaming girl, a disco queen and a diva walk into a bar. It’s Queen; they’re there to play a gig
Queensryche: neutral opinion
Quiet Riot: they got big because of a song they hated. I love that
Rafferty, Gerry: the second-sexiest sax opening in all of music
Rainbow: Ritchie Blackmore created something very magnificent
Ram Jam: one good song and they didn’t even write it
Ratt: I’m sure they have more than Round And Round, but I don’t know it
RHCP: funky, but if you have paid money to hear them, you’re going to The Bad Place (I don’t make the rules)
Red Rider: basically Golden Earring
Reed, Lou: Walk On The Wild Side would be such a cool song if it wasn’t so dull
REM: American Tragically Hip
REO Speedwagon: Props for having a dad joke as an album title
Rolling Stones: Never in my life could I imagine the drummer being named anything but Charlie
Rush: How to make being uncool the coolest fucking shit
Santana: The world needs more Santana
Scandal: There’s something really funny about The Warrior being my brother’s “song” with his girlfriend
Scorpions: Was Wind Of Change written by the CIA? Only the spotify podcast I got an ad for once could say
Seger, Bob: A different variety of Eric Clapton (frankly a better variety, but that’s just me)
Simple Minds: we ALL forgot about you
Skid Row: Sebastian Bach is prettier than all of us
Soundgarden: music that makes you feel like you dunked your head underwater
Springsteen, Bruce: my arch-nemesis. Maybe someday, he’ll find out about it
Squeeze: according to my friends, the stupidest band name ever, but they’re theatre kids, so you know
Squier, Billy: If he can make it through 1984 alive, you can make it through whatever bad day you’re having
Stealers Wheel: Yet another band who I always mistake for George Harrison
Steely Dan: my house’s nickname for the Robber in Settlers Of Catan
Steppenwolf: Either makes me think of Jay & Silent Bob, Jack Nicholson, or that time I had to cut 6lbs of onions
Steve Miller Band: when you’re in the right mood, they slap hard
Stewart, Rod: my soundtrack to summer 2015
Stills, Stephen: Love The One You’re With Is Catchy, but the lyrics are questionable
Stone Temple Pilots: the only band to write a song about goo you smear on yourself
Stray Cats: an obscene amount of merch is available for them
Styx: Supernatural would have ruined them for me too if I hadn’t been into them previously. 
Supertramp: I hunted for Breakfast In America for two years and it was worth every hunt
Sweet: I will never understand my two-month obsession with Ballroom Blitz when I was 15, but it was legit all I listened to
Talking Heads: you may find yourself in a pizza hut. And you may find yourself in a taco bell. And you may find yourself at the combination pizza hut and taco bell. And you may ask yourself; ‘how did I get here?’
Temple Of The Dog: I keep confusing them for Nazareth
Ten Years After: somehow still relevant
Tesla: not the car or the dude
The Beatles: Evokes a lot of opinions from people. Mine is that I love them
The Clash: I showed my sister the ‘Lock The Taskbar’ vine ONCE and it still kills her
The Doors: evokes teenage terror from deep within my soul
The Guess Who: Canada’s answer to confusing question-themed band names
The Kinks: kinky
The Police: wrote the theme of 2020 and everyone somehow forgot it was about a teacher resisting becoming a pedophile
The Ramones: playing all of their songs in a row wouldn’t take more than 2 hours
The Romantics: you don’t think you know them, but if you’ve seen Shrek 2, you have
The Who: If someone can explain Tommy to me, I’d be glad to hear it
The Zombies: I think they happened because of the 60s
Thin Lizzy: Could the boys maybe leave town?
Thorogood, George: blues, but make it modern
Toto: the most memed song behind All Star
Townshend, Pete: just makes me think of the end of Mr. Deeds
T-Rex: Mark Bolan is an icon
Triumph: The no-name brand of Rush
Tubes: like the yogurt
Twisted Sister: they did a christmas album and my mom does NOT hate it
U2: U2 Movers; we move in mysterious ways
Van Halen: RIP Eddie
Van Morrison: honestly, who’s named Van?
Vaughn, Stevie Ray: Steamy Ray Vaughn
Walsh, Joe: The Smoker You Drink The Player You Get
War: Foghat, but even groovier
Whitesnake: the most successful band to be named after a penis
Wright, Gary: the 90s thanks him for writing the song every movie used for the “guy sees cute girl and it’s love at first sight” scene
Yes: To Be Continued
Young, Neil: The best part of CSNY
Zevon, Warren: the album cover of Excitable Boy makes me deeply uncomfortable for reasons I don’t understand
ZZ Top: has been the same three guys since 1969. Lineup unchanged. 
3 Doors Down: They feel a little modern to be on a classic rock station, but whatever
38 Special: Why 38?
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kbsd · 3 years
please expand on the 6 hour date from hell with the guy who bought you a *checks notes* kansas album for valentine's day
oh jesus ok
it was back when i was at community college for a while and this guy in my class eric (evil name) was friendly and liked music but knew nothing about classic rock so i’d give him my favorite bands to listen to (deancoded) and he randomly bought me that kansas album on vinyl for valentine’s day even tho were were not dating or even CLOSE to it and also i had never mentioned kansas before ever so of course it activated my supernatural flight or fight response
and he also wrote poetry? but it was really really bad and also straight up stole lines from famous songs like one of his poems literally was “is this real life or is this just fantasy” that kind of thing. like......you are not jack allen, king <3 and he came over to my house to read me a poem he wrote about my eyes it was very weird
but BEFORE all that we had gotten tickets to see bruce springsteen on the river tour 2016 bc i love springsteen and he’d never really listened to him. and by the time the concert came around it was CLEAR he was into me and it was NOT mutual but he was like it’ll be fine i can be cool we’re friends! we gotta use the tickets it’ll be fun!!! so we went and he picked me up in his junker of a car and i should have insisted we take mine but i was lazy and didn’t want to drive the 90 minutes to the venue
we get to the venue and the show itself is GREAT i was front row me and mr springsteen held hands not to be weird but it was amazing. i say “i” not “we” because he wouldn’t go with me when i wanted to go to the front and spent the entire concert 4 rows behind me. we truly didn’t speak for the full like 3 hours or whatever except when he TEXTED me during “crush on you”. insane behavior
so the concert was great for me personally but after the show we get to his car and his battery is dead! and we ask the guys next to us for a jump but his car was SO dead that it didn’t work. (this is extremely bitchy of me but the guys just happened to live on my street back home and i did ask if i could hitch a ride home with them flajsdfkl but they said no) so we had to go back to the venue and have their tow-truck with the super jump cables come and fix it
and THEN we were maybe halfway home and he blows a tire??? and he has a spare tire but not a jack IDIOT BEHAVIOR!!!! so he has to call another tow-truck and it’s barely spring and freezing cold bc it’s the middle of the night and i’m just in cute concert clothes no good jacket and he refuses to run the car/heat while we wait so i’m physically shaking literally teeth rattling and he’s getting really mad about the whole situation and you know when men like start to swear and slam their fists on stuff and you get super uncomfortable? that but it’s pitch black and you’re on the side of a highway in the middle of nowhere
so finally we get back on the road after the tow-truck changes his tire and then. ICING ON THE CAKE literally half a mile from my house he runs out of gas. HE RUNS OUT OF GAS!!!! and he’s says “oh there’s a gas station half a mile away we can go there and bring some gas back” and i’m like. oh there is NO "we” here i am going HOME bc he was getting angry again so i left and walked the half mile back to my house a full FOUR hours after the concert ended
and then after that disaster of a night he still bought me that kansas album and showed up on my doorstep with a poem about my eyes. the poem incident was when i told him to please stop talking to me forever (in kinder words, but just barely). and then a week later he dyed his hair pink and moved to new jersey and i never heard from him ever again
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hiddennerdworld · 4 years
Living at the Avengers Compound Would Include (pt 1?)
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*not my GIF*
This is my first writing. I hope you enjoy it :)
Tony constantly reminding you that he’s giving you a place to live (but he wouldn’t have it any other way)
Helping Steve and Bucky catch up on pop culture and they teach you about “the good ol’ days”
Constantly begging to do Bucky’s hair. He reluctantly lets you at first because why not? And then he grows to like it and it becomes your guys’ routine
Planning weekly movie nights to get everyone together. Starts off with everyone bickering about who gets to sit where, but then ends being a great cozy night with friends
You and Sam are always hyping each other up and you do the same for everyone else. But you also gang up to roast everyone too
Trying to convince Steve multiple times to let you guys keep an animal
“But Steeeeve we need a mascot”
“Yeah, we already have Spidey Boy over there”
Witnessing Wanda trying to teach Vision how to cook and being their official taste tester
Thor having little contests with everyone. One time Steve beat him at arm wrestling and he pouted for a week.
There’s been at least one pillow fight in the common area. It usually starts with Bucky and Sam fighting, and then one get hit with a pillow and all hell breaks lose. Everyone joins in without knowing what’s going on.
Bruce starts to loosen up more and more as you guys have more time off. He’s still the calm, grounded one of the group but now he’s able to keep up with all your guys’ banter.
Nat and you made up codenames for everyone and talk about them during breakfast.
“Rumor has it Tin Man doesn’t know how to do laundry”
“We’re right here!” Meanwhile Bucky and Tony look at each other not knowing which one you guys are talking about
Vision giving you a heart attack when he decides to phase into a room instead of using the door
Loki involving you in his schemes, even if you don’t want to. Soon Peter joined in too. One time you guys stole Scott’s gear and sat on Thor’s shoulder all day to make him believe he was hearing things.
Most mornings you don’t have the luxury of sleeping in. You usually have to be up, but even on your days off someone will barge in looking for you. Or you’ll hear Thor waking up down the hall.
You love living there and your friends love having you there. It’s all one big family
When you’re sad everyone, I mean EVERYONE, will be there for you.
Once one of them find out, they all do. Word travels fast.
Steve will give you a pep talk.
Bucky will find you and give you a hug. Sam not far behind, messing with Bucky in attempt to make you laugh.
Bruce is super supportive and is willing to listen to you for however long you want. He’s been there and understands how you feel.
Peter is quick. He runs in your room as soon as he hears about you being down and asks if you need anything, listing off a bunch of possible items super fast causing you to giggle. He smiles knowing he’s made your day at least a little better.
Wanda and Vision offer to spend some time with you if you want company. They’re up to watch any movie you’d like or get whatever food you want. They also give great advice.
Thor will want to give you a piggyback ride and a giant bear hug
Nat offers you a drink and says she’ll beat the shit out of whoever did this to you
Tony tries to lift your spirits by saying he’ll give you a ride in his sports car. He’ll let you drive and go as fast as you want (which Steve will yell at him for later)
If you’re still not feeling better by the end of the day, they’ll get your favorite takeout and eat dinner with you.
They know you’d do it for them. You all just want to see each other happy.
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a-la-la-llama · 4 years
The one where Marinette Steals the Batmobile #1
I’m trying to get a schedule going for my writing and planning on writing one-shots and posting them every Monday. We’ll see How this goes, Enjoy!
Part 2     Part 3
  Fifteen year old Marinette didn’t know what her future would hold but her younger self did not expect this. Five months before her thirteenth birthday she was given the Ladybug Miraculous. After that she was named the guardian of more than a dozen pocket sized gods while still trying to defeat Paris’ villian. By the time she turned fourteen, she had defeated her partner's father, took a hold of all the miraculous’, and became an orphan. The kwami’s supported her in her time of need and understood she was adjusting to not having all her previous weight on her shoulders and the grief of losing her parents in the final battle. With no real person to turn to, she decided to lose herself. What better place for a teenage superhero to retire in than a dark city filled with highly unstable people such as herself. With the Kwami’s and her parents, Master Fu’s, and her own savings she teleported to Gotham City.
  Just because the miraculous were made to stop evil did not mean the Kwami didn’t like getting into mischief. Especially a certain cat, fox, and mouse with no one but the god of creation to stop them. The same thing could be said about Marinette, however, she too was curious about making trouble. The city was practically in rubble but it already had heroes and she no longer wanted the weight of being a hero. Marinette also couldn’t stand the long faces of the tiny gods who wanted nothing more to explore the world. Within the first months of her stay in Gotham she became a well known thief that could rival the infamous Catwoman. She never stole anything for her own gain of course, most of the time it was miraculous’ in museums or bad people’s stuff. At the moment she has three notorious gangs wanting her head for stealing their guns and feeding them to Plagg. The only thing ever left behind was a red symbol much like the design of Master Fu's box.
  “Kitten! I’m so bored, why can’t we go out?”, Plagg whined atop of Marinette’s head.
“You heard what Tikki said, we have to lay low for now since we stole that emerald and ancient headware piece from the museum”, she said.
“But those new kwami’s are so mean!”, Trixx added.
“That’s why they are in the box and you guys are allowed to roam around.”, countered Marinette.
“Mari, you really shouldn't be wearing this many miraculous.”, chided Tikki from her tray of cookies.
“I’m fine, I am only wearing five anyway!”, she responded.
“I for one think three days is enough time. Plus, we don’t have to steal anything, just go out for a joy run!”, Mullo said.
“I agree, please Mari!”, Trixx begged.
“It’s not up to me Miri’s, you have to beg Tikki.”, she responded. Marinette smiled as the three swarmed the red god with pleas and threats to destroy all the cookies in the house. It was all worth the glare Tikki sent her way before she gave in.
“Fine. No stealing, I swear if I find out you did I’ll make you return it!”, the goddess threatened. Just like that a multi mouse, fox, and cat made their way across the rooftops for their latest adventure.
  “What should we do, now?”, asked MultiMouse.
MultiMinou narrowed her eyes at a dark parking lot with only one car parked in it. “Since we finished our joy run, how about we take a joy ride?”, she said with a cat-like grin.
MultiFox wagged her tail in excitement, “It looks nice too! I bet Kalkii would help us transport it to the Kwami dimension to take it for a spin.”, she squealed.
MultiMouse divided herself once more, “Mullo. Kalkii. Merge!”
  The four jumped off the roof they were perched on and made their way towards the car before transforming into their smallest selves. Entering the car through the front all the way to the air ducts was a simple task for the mice. Once inside, Multi Mouse, Minou, and Fox worked on the gas pedals and steering wheel while MultiHorse worked on the portal in the passenger seat.
“How do we even start this thing!”, Minou whined.
“It has a screen right here. Maybe we push it?”, suggested Mouse.
Tapping the screen, the car let out a soft hum before various blue lights turned on. The mice all had one thing on their mind, “Merde!”
  Marinette had had a couple of run-ins with the dubbed ‘BatFam’ in her time in Gotham already. She had expected it to because of her being a well-known thief and all, of course they would try to stop her. Marinette also had a huge upper-hand against them with her powers. One minute her bright orange tail is being chased by three and the next she is standing right in front of them watching them curse, wondering where she went. Illusions were the best thing to ever have! Marinette especially liked messing with the youngest one because of how angry he would get. Once, she saw him wait until no one was there and proceed to cut a trash bin in half with his katana. When he is with the one with the red helmet the two curse like sailors. The boy who has a cowl that looks like an egg, similar to Aspik, gets frustrated when his heat sensor malfunction when he is looking right at her. When the youngest isn’t around she’ll tail the one in blue and whisper things while he is patrolling. Most of the time it’s ‘Boo!’ or ‘Rawr!’ and what she has heard the people in his ear call him before as Minou, ‘Dick’. The man screams like a little girl and gets paranoid easily. When he tries to tell his partners they brush him off!
  That wasn’t the point right now. The point was, Marinette found herself trying to steal the Batmobile. As if matters couldn’t get any worse, MultiFox turned to her left to see the youngest and Batman making their way towards her, trying to steal the Batmobile! So, MultiMinou did the only logical thing to do. As soon as the portal opened she slammed on the gas leaving the two in her dust. Darn Plagg and his chaotic-ness! Hopefully the drive would be worth the wrath of Tikki.
  It was not worth Tikki’s anger at all. Of course Marinette, Mullo, Trixx, and Kalkii threw Plagg under the bus for it but they didn’t get out of it unscathed. True to her word unlike the five, Tikki forced them to return the vehicle to Batman the next night. They also had to write a note apologizing to Batman for all the trouble they caused. MultiBug went with the four as they teleported straight into the secret Batcave and pushed the car out of the portal. Luckily no one seemed to be there and they left quickly after placing the note on the windshield.
  Red Robin was there. Red Robin blinked once. Twice. Red Robin rubbed his eyes.
The Batmobile was still there but the five identical girls were gone.
He calmly turned around back towards the computer. He must be hallucinating right? When was the last time he slept? That didn’t matter. He had to check the cameras to see if they got that and once the rest got back from patrol they could tell him if it was real. He turned back one more time towards the car and noticed the note. Better to not touch it in case it disappeared again. Coffee. He needs coffee to explain this.
  Marinette ended up passed out on the couch as soon as they got home just like Tikki predicted. Seriously, that girl should listen to her more. Miraculous’ can take a huge toll on humans. All the active Kwami were nested on top of her unconscious body when Tikki decided to ask what exactly was on the note.
“The note? Oh that note! Well…”,Plagg dragged out with a yawn.
  Dear Mr.Batman and Traffic Light boy.
We are very sorry for taking your Batmobile for the day and I swear we didn’t mean to. We thought it was an abandoned car and wanted to learn how to drive. When we got in we realized this was a mistake but you were very close to us and we didn’t want to get in trouble so we took it! Don’t worry, we didn’t do anything with it but drive. Since we are making confessions do you think we should add the rest? Might as well Kitten so she doesn’t get mad at us. No, Trix don’t write that, stop it!
-We were the ones that scared the Blue Boy.
-Tell him that ‘Dick’ isn’t a very good vigilante name.
-Traffic-Light boy we saw you cut that trash bin in half.
-Traffic-Light boy and Red Helmet need to watch their language.
-Egg head, your cowl looks like an egg.
-Those guns we stole all got destroyed, don’t worry! Have you ever melted them? It’s really cool to watch.
-We ate that granola bar that Red Helmet had in his pocket.
-It made us feel really funny.
-We caught Egg head when he passed out while grapple hooking.
-Oh, write that we are really evil. I wanna make them scared!
-We are really evil!
-Blue Boy has really good jokes that make us laugh.
  “Then it’s signed with their usual red symbol, a green cat print, mouse ears, fox tail, and a horse spur.”, Alfred concluded.
“Shiitake mushrooms! They knew my identity and didn’t even realize it.” Nightwing screeched, grabbing his hair.
“That granola bar was a ‘special’ brownie.”, Red Hood stated.
“I do NOT look like an egg! ...Ok maybe I do.”, sighed Red Robin.
“I told you I kept hearing things and I was RIGHT!”, shouted Nightwing.
“They can’t be real if they liked your jokes, Grayson.”, Robin said.
“Ouch, Traffic-Light boy! That felt like you cut me in half like that trash can.”, teased Nightwing.
 Batman took the note from Alfred and rewatched the footage from the caves cameras. They five looked younger than Robin and obviously held some type of magical abilities to create a portal. From what he could tell they weren’t actually doing bad things and when they did they felt guilty about it. He pulled up the note left at the museum that was also an apology.
  “They are just kids, Alfred.”, Batman mumbled.
Alfred hummed. “Kids who need some guidance I suppose, Master Bruce?”, he suggested.
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pjsblogs-dc · 4 years
I hate this
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Damian Wayne X Reader
Damian hates art show, but love you.
Death by embarrassment or fluff
Hard to say
~~~ Damian always hated art shows and charity parties that when with them. He would do everything in his power to skip or leave the party early. He hated the people, the clothes, and the popups attuite that came with the art shows but then he met you.
You were a young and naïve artist that just moved to Gotham, and just started working at an art center. He bumped into you as he was trying to sneak out, but quickly forget about it when he met your eyes and you quickly stumped out an apology. 
You had the most beautiful eyes and an amazing smile.
The two of you just kept talking for the rest of the night about anything and everything. But the event was soon ending and for once Damian was disappointed that he had to leave.
“When will I see you again?” He asked as the two of you walked towards the parking lot. He didn’t want to stop talking to you, so he lied saying his car was in the parking lot just like you.
“Well,” you said pausing to think “the next art show is in a few weeks. I can text you the details.”
“Sounds great!” he said with a smile.
As you drove away he couldn’t believe that for once in his life he was excited to go the some stupid charity party. He couldn’t stop smiling even after he got into the limo that Alfred was driving.
“Your a little late, sir“ the butler said with a cocked eyebrow.
The younger Wayne was about to say something when he saw the time. He told Alfred he was going to sneak out at 11 pm, but it was 2 am. Not only was he three hours late but he also missed his patrol shift.
“I got a little tied up.“ Damian said defensibly.
“That is want Master Dick said all the time when hung out with members of the opposite sex at charity events.“ Alfred said as he drove away from the art show.
Damian wanted to say something back but thought better of it. He knew he was going to get an earful from the team when he got back home and didn’t want it to start now. Pulling out his phone to see if you had texted him information of the next show, he also looked at the roster of events the boys had to go to.
Long ago to save a head ache, Bruce came up with an assignment system for who has to go to what events, it was to keep the peace in the house and work around patrols schedules, but truth be told it was a tool that the boys where threatened with if they didn’t get along. 
No one in the Wayne house like going to Charity events for the same reasons Damian didn’t like going but that was going to change.
No one at the Wayne house really noticed at first, that Damian was trying to get more charity events. Or that the shows were most with or hosted by Peterson Art Charity. None of them wanted to go so they were happy to listen to his poor excuse and give him the event. It wasn’t until Bruce called them all in did they see what was going on.
“What the hell you guys?“ Bruce said to the three Wayne boys, “Why is Damian going to all the events? I thought we had a deal.”
“We did,“ Dick said.
“Yea but Damian said something about need that day blah,blah, lame excuse.” Jason said dismissably, “All I know is that is instead of dealing with stuck up brats, I got to patrol and I beat up some bad guys.”
“Lol same,“ Tim said with a smile, ”I tried to give him all my days but he only want somedays. Hell he even offer to double up and do the later patrol shift so that I didn’t say anything.“
“He did the same thing for me to,“ Dick said.
“Is the little Demon ditching them and blaming it on us?“ Jason said “Because if that the case-“
“No, he isn’t.“ Bruce said, signing, “I just wanted to know why all I see in the social column is Damian and his alleged girlfriend, and not any of you and your alleged girlfriends.“
“You check the social column?“ Tim said with confusion, “Why would you do that to yourself?”
“To see what the hell you guys did this week to piss off the press.“
“I know what we can do!“ Dick said.
“I alright don’t like this,“ Bruce said putting is head in his hands.
Damian hated ever minute of the social part he had to do before he saw you. Smile and nodded to the racist old lady opinion on the world. Pretend to listen to some old guy talk about the stock market. Dance with the girls that only wanted his money. But when he saw you the world stopped, and it didn’t matter that he had a stupid suit or painful shoes, what matter was the time you to spent together.
He didn’t what you dragged into the fire storm that is the social gossip world because the two of you where seen outside of the charity events. And if someone snapped a picture of them together he always placed and anonymous phone call the next day saying he saw Damian kissing some high society girl which broke the news for the next week or two.
You didn’t seem to mind. You were so focused on your art that you couldn’t really met expect for at events. Plus you really didn’t watch or read the news so you didn’t know that the guy you where hanging out with was a Wayne. You were just happy to see him at all your shows or events, and always like the fact you had someone to talk to that wasn’t someone from work or a snooty art person saying that your art was bad.
The two of you had just saw each other when the door to the event swung out, showing something Damian hated more than a stupid art show.
A stupid art show with his family.
All of his brothers and sisters was here dress to the nines in gowns and suit, but his father stole the show with Selina Kyle on his arm and in a kickass suit. Everyone is the room was taken aback by their sudden appears and marveled at how good they look, but Damian almost shit himself.
He didn’t need to be super close to his father to see the look in his eyes.
It was his Batman eyes, meaning he was on a mission, and Damian didn’t need to think super hard why he or his family was here.
“I can’t believe the Waynes are here,“ a small voice said causing Damian to almost lose it.
That voice was you.
You looked amazing and he almost got lost in you smile, but he mental smacked himself. He need a plan and quick otherwise he was going to get embarrassed in front of you and he didn’t want that.
“Did you do all you socially thingys for work?“ you asked.
“Yep,“ Damian said turning his back to his family. Hoping the wouldn’t see him.
“Come on then!“ you said with a smile, and grabbed his hand causing him to blush. “I have something to show you.“
Damian forgot about his family and let you drag him away from the main hallway and into a small side room. He knew where he was going before you even took him there.
All the famous artist where in the main hall and all the lesser know was in side rooms. He was getting taken to a side room with your art. You were talking ecstatically about your art.
Apparently some anonymous person had bought all your art before the show even started. Damian smiled to himself, proud that he had caused you such glee.
“But that doesn’t matter“ you kept rambling on as the two of you stop in front of a piece of art. “What do you think?“
It was a beautiful piece of a man and a woman under a lamp light in the middle of a city. The two of them where holding hands and kissing, and Damian was at a lost for words.
“I don’t know what to say,“ he whispered.
“How about thank you?“ you said shyly.
Damian turned to you in confusion. You were blushing and not looking at him.
“What do you mean?“
“Well . . .I. . .umm.. ..aaa made it for you.“ you quickly whispered still not looking at him.
Damian reach out and lightly turned you face towards him.
“Say that again, my love.“
Now you were a bright shade of red and still not meeting his eyes but you said it again, but this time a little louder.
“I made it for you.“
“You didn’t have to.“ Damian said matching your voice level.
“Well you always say you want a piece but whenever I have a show all the art is sold before you ever get one, so I told the studio that all of them but this one is for sale because it saw going to go to you.“ You spoke so fast and all at once. Damian that it was cute when you got all fluster but he knew that if he didn’t stop you would have keep rambling until you ran out of breath. Damian politely cut you cut by putting one finger on your lips.
“It beautiful and I love it Y/N, but I have a confession to make.“
“You do?“ you said looking up at his with your mesmerizing (eye color) eyes. Damian got lost for a second but tried to quickly recovered.
“I. . .umm.. .aa. . .“
“What is it?“ you looked worried but before Damian could say something, someone else chimed in.
“Yea, Damian,“ a voice said “What is it?“
Never had Damian been filled with more rage then at that second.
The two of you looked up to see Dick, Jason, and Tim lending in on the door way. They had a smug ass look at Damian wanted to punch right off their face.
“Get the hell out of here“ Damian said through gritted teeth, shooting dagger at his brothers.
“Well that would be rude!“ Dick said as he and his brother walked over toward you. “We haven’t even introduced our selves.“
Dick forced himself between the two of you to “shake your hand” but Damian knew it was to piss him off.
“I’m Dick, Damian’s older brother, other there is his other brother Jason,“
Jason waved.
“and his other other brother Tim.“
“Pleasure.“ Tim said taking you hand and kissing it.
You give Damian a weird look.
“You’re related to the Wayne Men.“
“Oh he didn’t tell you that.“ Jason said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around Damian’s neck. “That doesn’t sound like our little Damian.”
“Not at all!“ Tim said with crooked smile.
Damian wanted to kill them all but Dick opened his mouth.
“Well I know something that our little Damian would do!“ Dick said with a smile “He would have told you that he keeps buying all of your art and hanging it in his apartment.“
“When did you go to my apartment!“ Damian snapped.
“On the way over!“ Tim said in a manner of fact voice, and he turned back to you, “And may I say what beautiful pieces they are. I wish Damian would let the world see them.“
“I am going to kill the three of you.“ Damian growled.
“Now, now, Damian!“ Jason said “Didn’t I teach you better than to plan a murder out loud.“
Damian was so beyond done with his brothers bullshit and was about to cruse them out when he saw you straighten up and someone clear their voice.
“Evening, sons“ Bruce said, causing the older boys to jump apart. 
Bruce was by himself with a glass of champagne. On the outside he looked like to cool, laid back playboy the media saw but Damian could tell by way he was standing that he was in a mood.
“Hi, Bruce,“ they all said, expect Damian.
“Father.” he said curtly.
“Damian,” Bruce said looking at his son with a cocked eyebrow. “You know we were all going to this party tonight, right? You didn’t need to drive yourself down here tonight, we were waiting for you at your apartment for an hour.”
No, he didn’t know that, but he knew that Bruce was lying about that last part. They had search his apartment not doubt and figured out where he was and decided to make a scene.
“I’m so sorry, Father,“ Damian said matching his fathers gaze. “I didn’t know.“
Bruce signed and looked at his older sons. They were trying their hardest not to do anything draw attention, but they were doing a bad job. They were shooting knowing looks and giggling.
“Got out of here and stop annoying you brother.“ Bruce said putting his face in his hand. The three of them ran out laughing like school boys, leaving Bruce with and annoyed looked.
He turned towards you and took your hand.
“I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Bruce Wayne, I’m Damian’s father.“ Bruce said and kissed you hand.
You just stood and started at him, speechless. It took a minute before you spoke, and when you did Damian wanted to die.
“I see,“ you said in a high breathless voice, causing Bruce to raise an eyebrow.
There was another awkward pause before you realized you were supposed to say your name, but instead you rambled.
“Oh, yes... umm... I’m so sorry, I was thinking. It just kind of happened all at once. I am still trying to understand what exactly is-”
Damian moved quietly next to you and grabbed your hand, and spoke for you.
“Y/N,” Damian said in a confident voice meant to tell his father to back down and to help calm you down. “They are a pretty amazing artist, and the person I love.“
Bruce looked at you and then to his son and gave a soft smile.
“Well, it is nice to have finally have met you, Y/N,“ Bruce said “I hope to see you at the manor sometime soon.“
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likethecatiam · 4 years
I Just Watched The Crow and Here Are the Thoughts I Had
Is this supposed to be like New York?
Devil’s Night huh
I can’t seeeee
I paid $4.28 for HD do I need glasses
Oh okay it’s better
Alright alright I see her where is He
No he’s not lying, she lives doesn’t she?
Oh nice style
Are they the guys?
Oh, these sound effects…
Damn just. Alright
Awww he took care of her
Rise! Arise!!
Is that Nickelback???
Chaotic flashback scene
Sir, no, excuse me you cannot put on makeup/face paint and THEN a shirt that tight no what sorcery is this
Alright gettin into that real shit, I see you crow
Oh we huntiiing
Oh just fucking SWAN DIVE YES
Beat his azzzz
Baby slap
No get tf up and kill this man
Knife dodge
Knife Slap
Warehouse party
Who is this vampire lookin fuck?
Her makeup is…Bold
Girl get out of this bar
Oh that’s your mom? Damn
Ooo stole that coat, lookin spiffyyyy
God you’re so hot
Watch me heal
Shit on you is correct sir
God you’re so HOT
That’s a lot of knives
Punch him in HIS mouth fuck you “detective”
Are we burning?
Oooo one hand shotgun
Are We Burning?
Kill him, dafuq
Oh okay, leave one alive yes a messenger
Yes it isssss
Kinda awkward cut to that but whatever
Nah, I like you both don’t be enemies
Oh I didn’t even notice the guitar
I like your riddles, handsome man
A hot mime from hell you mean
Fuckin Armand lookin fucker
Oh burning eyeball, fun
How do you know what order they went in??
How’d I know that was going to happen?
Oh you’re so young
I don’t even know I feel about that but it’s melancholy
I think? It’s a bittersweet emotion for sure
Piecing it together, my man?
Crow friend! I love this. I really fucking do
She’s gonna die from overdose isn’t she?
God you’re so fucking HOT
Oh you’re gonna diiieeee
Mr. Window Maaaaan
Fuck, do that thing with the light bulb again
Owie a booboo hahahaHAHAHAHAHA
Keep shooting, the same thing is gonna keep happening
Listen to his riddles!
You died from That? Bitch
Girl what’re you gonna do?
He’s telling you to be a better mother, pay attention
Oh, hey, Fucker
That’s your favourite saying, huh
Oh you’re not dead, okay
Hurry up Eric, he’s on his way and he got that gun
Oh damn, that’s a lot of needles
You can “Shh” out of my window any night
You’re very calm for-Oh. Oh so you know
Bruh this could’ve been something great, secret partnership
My preferred Batman and Commissioner Gordon
Heart to heart time~
Smoking is bad, I’m already dead so it’s fine if I do it but you don’t do it
Will they believe you?
Who are you? Like, actor wise. You look so fucking familiar
Yeah I don’t know who you are
Oh gross, !nc3st wtf
They are twisted, yes
Spin kill? Spin stab?
Yeah, spin stab. Oh and then shooty bang
Oh you’re playing the guitar I thought that was the soundtrack
I see that open window
I see that crow!
Eric buddy where you at?!
Was that green screen/edited in???
Psycho fuckers
You are very unhinged, sir
Oh hell yes
Your death
Oh passenger, okay that works too
“You hit my car”? Lmaoo
How’d I know that coffee was gonna get spilled
These streets are too tight for a car chase
Okay that line made me laugh
High speed collision!
That’s a lot of explosives
Yeah you do. Yeah you do. Yeah you did. Yeah you did! It is. It is!! He came back yes he did!
Later Fucko!
Nah, he doesn’t deserve this music
Okay but this fire crow does, crank it up!
Nobody noticed this giant un-dug grave until him??
Oh, so that’s why it’s Devil’s Night
Well, at least she’s trying, I can give her that
I was having a good day and you ruined it, Detective
Punch him in the mouth!
Where you goin, girly
If you keep this up sir I’m gonna have to start calling you Louis, you handsome handsome pyro
Kitty!! Wish my cat were that nice
Have you always had an undercut?
Is he gonna show? Is he?
I gasped. I did. I’m serious. Yes, hugs are good
Oh geez just kill him already
You look like James Franco? Maybe? Is that why I find you familiar?
Officer friend
Oh no don’t break your guitar, sweetheart noo
Oh wait who was that chick I saw for half a second on stage she was kinda hot
She looks so uncomfortable in that top and those pants
Is this your entire gang, then?
I don’t care about what you’re saying but I’m sure it’s stupid and psychotic
Hiii Eriiiccc~
Crow friend!!!
Ain’t not gentlemen here but continue
Oh shit, nice jump and sit
His face is way hotter than yours Armand-James-Franco
Kill em all
Nice slice!
Good thing he left that blade vault open
In case you have forgotten, this is Brandon Lee son of Bruce fuckin Lee he knows how to fucking fight
Have a nice fall~
Holy shit is right
Ooo that fall looked bad, you good, sweet boy?
Officer friend!!!!!
Don’t just run!
Yo, who the fuck is she????? What’s her deal? Seriously
No, sweet boy, don’t look so small, nooo I wanna give you a hug
Awww innocent children. I feel it is very unsafe for them to be out like this in Devil’s Night
Sarah don’t sleep next to graves
They’ll always be right in your heart Sarah, it’s okay
Sir, stop being this fucking cute okay
Oh shit no. No, not Sarah
Eric get the fuck up. Go save Sarah. Eric!
Oh damn that’s hot—Sorry serious time Gotta save Sarah
Not the crow!
Yeah, Aw Fuck is fucking right!
Not the fucking crow!
Nice dive Eric
Bitch put the bird down
Yo, ACAB for sure, but this man. I don’t want this man to die
It’s okay, Eric sweetheart, we gon get your invincibility back, don’t worry
No do NOT fucking die I stfg
Lady, I don’t think that’s how that works
Yeah just watch as it gouges out her eyes, I’m genuinely okay with that
God, where is your waist
Sarah hold on sweetheart
Behind you!
Fuck you!
Hell yeah! That’s gruesome as fuck but I’m for it!
If both of you die and I’m gonna be so upset
If you live, fuck you, you Will live
Yeah he does that, it’s normal
Noooo I don’t want it to be overrrrr
Shelly! Oh you’re very pretty!
Damn, I kinda wanna cry now
My final review: Started off kinda rough, but by the time I was thirty minutes in I was all for it. I’m actually so upset I didn’t watch this movie sooner. Also, definitely feeling the loss of Brandon Lee. Great actor, awesome dude, truly upsetting. We could’ve had something great and it was all cut too short. I’m thinking about reading the comic, will definitely look into that. I fucking loved this movie, it was such a great time.
Once again, I will not be watching the sequels because No :D
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wiener-soldiers · 5 years
unsolved - peter parker
summary: “it’s a gen-z thing” or weird shit happens if you’re an avenger
words: 2.4k
warnings: my weird stark!reader post-blip, everything if fine and dandy au (welcome to the latest installment of eliza tries to erase the events of endgame)
a/n: this is a shit post but make it content (i saw the screenshot of the post on insta and immediately thought of this)
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“This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved…”
You and Peter don’t listen to the rest of Ryan’s introduction as you are cuddled on the large sectional in the Avengers’ Tower common room. A bowl of popcorn and bags of candy from the bodega down the street surround the two of you, limbs intertwined underneath one of the plush cashmere Pepper insisted on keeping nearby (because someone always ends up too tired to make it back to their rooms on movie nights). Peter absentmindedly pulled apart gummy worms before eating them while he watched you attempt to throw popcorn up in the air and catching it in your mouth while laying your head in his lap. Admittedly, every time you miss, which was more often than not, he stole the piece himself before popping it in his mouth. Every time he did so, you scrunched your nose in disgust.
“That’s gross,” you tell him flatly.
“What’s gross?”
“You eating gummy worms and popcorn at the same time.”
You throw another piece of popcorn up in the air, this time landing in your mouth, “It’s sweet gummy worms, and buttery crunchy popcorn. Does that not…confuse your Peter-tingle?”
He groans, “Stop finding excuses to say ‘Peter-tingle!’”
“Happy says it!”
“That’s not a valid excuse and you know it,” he says, annoyed but amusement still evident in his eyes. He leans down to press a soft kiss on your forehead.
You smile against his lips before you say, “Do you find it a little weird that I consider Happy my Uncle and he’s dating May while we are dating?”
He pulls away and frowns immediately, “You had to make it weird, didn’t you?”
“You never answered my question.”
Peter stares at your face for a second, letting the thought sit with him. After a few moments, he shudders. “Let’s not think about it too much, it’s slightly too Game of Thrones for my liking,” he says before grabbing the remote to turn the TV volume up, the sound of Shane and Ryan bickering getting louder in return.
The two of you turn your attention back to the Unsolved: Supernatural playlist. With the both of you getting Blipped, you’ve missed five years worth of Unsolved episodes, obviously skipping any about the Blip because it’s still a little fresh for both of you.
“Don’t you think it’s a little weird that this boy ran away the day his mother died? If anything, I’d stay with my family,” Shane says, obviously skeptically of Ryan’s theory of a little boy got abducted by aliens.
“But now you’re assuming that he ran away! Look, his dad says he ran out of the hospital room. Then, he followed him outside after a few minutes, but he was gone!” Ryan exclaims in return.
“What if he just… ran into the forest? Looking for Goatman or whatever they have out in Ohio.”
“Who’s this episode about again?” you say with your mouth full of popcorn.
“Uh,” Peter mutters before checking the video description, “a kid named Peter Quill. Disappeared in 1988, apparently abducted by aliens.”
“Hmm,” you say before swallowing the popcorn, “who knows, maybe it’s true? I mean you’ve been to space, we all know aliens are real. Seems possible.”
“But, is it plausible? I mean what do aliens want with some scrawny kid? If they wanted food, why didn’t they go to a big city?”
“What are you guys watching?” Tony Stark says from behind you, leaning against the back of the couch. He reaches down to grab a handful of popcorn and you scowl.
“Dad!” you say, “Get your own!”
“It’s a big damn bowl, you can share,” he snickers before patting Peter on the shoulder.
“There have literally been alien invasions on this Earth! How can you not say this one doesn’t make sense!” Ryan exclaims, turning towards Shane.
Your Dad lets out a delighted sound. “I love the panicked one,” Tony says, “he seems like a funny guy.”
“So, you’re a Boogara!” you say excitedly while Peter groans.
“Not another one! All you Starks are Boogaras, the world needs more Shaniacs.”
“How can you possibly say that you’ve met aliens.”
As if on cue, another picture of the missing boy shows on the screen. This time, Peter and Tony study his face while you throw pieces of popcorn at your Dad.
Peter furrows his eyebrow and lets out a confused sound. You frown, analyzing his face as the episode continues to play. His lips are pursed, and you look back up at your Dad and find that he is wearing a matching expression.
“What?” you ask, confused.
Your Dad crosses his arms, “He looks…familiar.”
Peter nods in agreement, “Yeah, I swear I’ve seen him somewhere. Normally I’m good with faces, but this…”
Tony stares for a little longer before shrugging and walking away while mumbling, “Must be my subconscious or something.”
You look back at Peter before he says, “No, but I have definitely seen him before…”
All you can give your boyfriend is a supportive smile before saying, “Maybe you saw a screencap on Instagram or something.”
He nods, unconvinced. He ignores it though, continuing the Buzzfeed Unsolved marathon.
Weeks later, you and Peter get in the car with Happy to drive to the Avengers’ Upstate facility. The both of you live in New York fulltime (you in the Avengers Tower with Pepper, your step-sister Morgan, and your Dad and Peter with May) but make weekly trips to the Upstate compound so Peter can train and you can spend time with your Avengers’ Aunts and Uncles. As your Dad often made quick trips from Upstate to New York throughout the week, the smaller Quinjet was already parked on the large lawn when Happy pulled into the facility.
As you and Peter exit the car and step inside, you notice a lot of employees frantically running around while a timer was being projected on a large wall across from you.
An engineer runs by, trying to type something on a tablet while glancing at the timer every few seconds.
“Excuse me?” Peter calls out to the woman, who stops abruptly, pushing the glasses up her nose.
“Oh, hello Mr. Parker and Miss. Stark. Your father is in the control room and was wondering what time you’d get here,” she says quickly.
You smile at her, “Thanks but…what’s going on?”
“You haven’t heard?” she asks, taken aback. She points at the timer being projected, “We received an astronomically broadcasted encrypted message from an alien vessel a few days ago. Based on the timestamp of the message and how long the message took to be picked up by our satellites, we predict the vessel to arrive like…now.”
“Who sent the message?” you ask.
Peter whips his head around to face you, and you do the same. You stare at each other in shock. It had been years since you had last had contact with Thor. Since coming back from the Blip, you and Thor spoke for a brief second before he left. It had been more than a year since you saw him.
“Are… you sure?” you ask.
She nods, “He used a method specific to our communication systems, one that I doubt imposters would know to use effectively. And the message was encrypted with the language your father made for all encrypted Avengers messages. No one else has the key—”
“Except for Avengers,” Peter finishes.
“And like…Pepper,” you add.
You say thanks to the woman before running hand-in-hand to the control room. As soon as the door opens, you and Peter stumble inside. The large room on the highest floor of the building had floor-to-ceiling windows that made up two walls. Rows of people seated at monitors all monitored the vessel, which was already entering the Earth’s atmosphere. A wall-sized screen covered one of the walls, which showed a map of the vessel’s projected path beside the same timer projected downstairs.
Your Dad stood beside Steve who was standing beside Bruce who exchanged encrypted messages with the ship as it landed. Clint and Bucky stood in front of the window, looking up at the sky. Nat was seated at a computer beside them with Wanda, who were analyzing the specs of the ship. Sam, Vision, and Rhodey were all suited up outside, flying around the perimeter of the compound.
“Dad!” you say as you and Peter and approach.
Steve and Tony both turn around with stern looks before both of their faces soften at the sight of the two teenagers who weaseled their way into everyone’s hearts.
“Hey, kids. I’m assuming you heard,” your Dad says.
You nod frantically, “Are you sure it’s him?”
Bruce calls from behind them, still typing, “Like 98% sure, sweetheart. He was able to tell me about our…adventures in an alien gladiator ring, for the lack of a better explanation.”
“And the other 2%?”
“He keeps making Footloose references? And other 80s references in general.”
“They’re here,” Bucky calls out, staring wide-eyed with Clint at the window.
Everyone turns to face the window, watching an orange alien ship descend onto the lawn.
As everyone is distracted, you turn around and attempt to sneak out of the room to meet Thor when he exits the ship. Two steps later, someone significantly stronger than you picks you up. Your turn your head slightly and see Steve dragging you back beside Peter.
“Uncle Steve!”
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself, kid. Unless we know that it’s Thor and whoever he’s with isn’t a threat, the both of you are staying here,” he says sternly, looking to both you and Peter.
“He’s right,” your Dad says before putting his EDITH glasses on. “If either of you gets hurt, Pepper and May will have my necks.”
You frown and sit down, and Peter follows suit, visibly upset he can’t see an alien spaceship up close. Bucky throws Steve his shield and the rest of the Avengers file out of the control room, leaving the rest of those cleared to work in the control room and two sulking teenagers in the room.
You and Peter roll towards the computer that Bruce was sitting it, which is now unoccupied.
“You think there are any games on here?” Peter asks suggestively as he logs back onto the computer.
“You’re kidding right?” you say, annoyed, “Of course there are games on here. This is Michael’s desk, there’s probably Galaga, or Minecraft if we’re lucky.”
Fortunately, there was indeed Minecraft and you and Peter spent half an hour exploring a world called ‘If Mike Was an Avenger.’ Peter even switched the game-mode to Creative and spent a solid five minutes spawning villagers and random animals in Michael’s house. After playing for a while, the two of you decided to continue your Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural playlist. You were on your third episode before your Dad came back, signaling that you could come to see Thor.
You followed him into the medical wing where you could see Thor seated on a medical bed with a group of people: some Avengers, another man you’ve never seen before, and a group of…beings that were definitely aliens.
As soon as you caught sight of him, you took off. You barreled into the room and launched yourself into Thor’s arms. Though caught off-guard, he lets out a hearty chuckle, standing up and spinning you in a circle. You laugh in delight as Peter and your Dad walk back into the room.
As soon as he sets you down you punch him in the torso. It was obviously not enough to even phase him, but he looks at you in shock.
“What was that for?” he asks, his heavy Asgardian accent coming through. You take a moment to glance at Thor. His hair was tied in a half-up bun while he wore dark pants and an athletic shirt (which probably belonged to Steve). He wasn’t as fit as he was when you first met him, but his beer-bod had gone away significantly.
You point a finger accusingly at him, “You left! Again! You can’t just keep disappearing and not tell us.”
“I’m truly sorry, Lady (Y/N),” Thor says, putting a hand on your shoulder. “I was assisting my new friends, who you may have recognized.” He gestures to the band of misfits scattered around the room; a giant green and veiny muscular man, a girl with antennas, a…racoon?, a tall tree who kept poking random things in the room, and a regular-looking man with styled side-burns that you didn’t know people in the 21st century still did.
“These are the Guardians of the Galaxy,” Thor says while nudging you, “and I’ve sort of become their leader.”
“You’re not our leader,” the human one says.
“Well, more like honorary—”
“No, not even. I’m the leader,”
“Yeah, sure you are,” the raccoon says and your eyes bulge out of your head slightly.
The man rolls his eyes and steps towards you, sticking out your hand to shake, “I’m Peter Quill, by the way.”
You immediately pull your hand from his and stare at his face. Peter pushes past Bruce and Bucky to stand beside you, analyzing his face. Instantaneously, all the puzzle pieces click.
“You’re—” you start, shocked.
“OH MY GOD. RYAN BERGARA WAS RIGHT,” Peter yells, whipping his face frantically around the room.
“What—” Quill starts before getting cut-off by you and Peter jumping up excitedly and yelling at him.
“You were abducted by aliens in 1988—”
“Outside of a hospital in Missouri—”
“Your Dad wanted to give you space so he waited a few minutes before he came out to find you—”
“But by the time you were already gone—”
“And everyone thought your case would remain—”
Both you and Peter take a breath, looking at Peter for acknowledgment. He gives you a curt, bewildered nod in confirmation, sending you and Peter off into an excited frenzy. You immediately pull out your phone while Peter sits in front of the room’s desktop to pull up the Unsolved episode about Peter. The adults in your room look very confused, except for Tony. He smugly saunters to the center of the room and puts an arm around Peter’s shoulder as he types.
“It’s a Gen-Z thing,” he says, desperately trying to act like the Cool Dad.
Peter Quill takes a deep breath before sitting onto the nearest chair and rubbing a hand over his face. Apparently, he had missed a lot.
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dumbkiri · 5 years
Buried Secrets Two
Parts: [ 1, Here, 3 ]
Summary: [Name], knowing she and John are in danger, runs to the babysitter’s house to get John back to safety. She also gives the nice babysitter money to go out of the country. Then [Name] is in a stolen car wondering where and who to go for help. She reluctantly goes to the Titans. Although plans don’t go as planned. Dick tells the truth to the Titans and they figure out a plan to stop Deathstroke once and for all. Deathstroke has unfortunate news for [Name]. 
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Female! Reader
Genre: Slight Angst
Word Count: 3k
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“Wait, Ms. [L.Name], why are you suddenly leaving? Also you’re bleeding,” Samantha, John’s babysitter, had ran behind [Name]. The young teen was not understanding why she was given two grand for only taking care of John for a night. 
[Name] held John closer to her body and noticed that he was going to cry soon. She set John down in a carrier then grabbed Samantha by her shoulders, “Look, sweetie, use the money to finally go to South Korea. Didn’t you say you always wanted to go there?”
“Y-yeah, but I can’t leave without notifying my parents. I’m just a sophomore in high school,” Samantha gave [Name] a weird look. 
[Name] cursed under her breath and grabbed four grand from a duffel bag, “Here use this to bring your parents with you. Just get out of town, no, the country.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Samantha didn’t know when to stop asking questions and it was annoying the older female to no end. [Name] zipped up the duffel bag and grabbed the handle of John’s carrier. She walked over to the front door and zoomed over to her car that she stole. She opened the backseat car door and strapped John into a car seat. 
John began crying now and [Name] closed the door after she stuffed her bags next to John. “Listen carefully, Samantha. Bad people are after me and they might use you to find me which is why you need to leave. Because they’ll only bring harm to you and your family for no reason.”
Samantha’s blue eyes widened, “Bad people like murderers?”
“Worst. Now call your parents and I’ll tell them what to do.”
[Name] looked at her phone and typed the address to the Titan’s Tower. Her fingers froze and she let her thumb hover over the start button. Deathstroke said that Dick brought the Titans back together. But she couldn’t bring herself to believe him. Deathstroke isn’t known to be a liar, manipulative, yes. If Dick really did bring the Titans back even their old friends, why didn’t he contact her?
“Ma...ma,” John whined in the back seat, his little feet kicking the air, 
[Name] should feel grateful that Dick didn’t call her. It would be awkward to see him. It would be awkward to see them all and John, what would they think? Did Dick tell them about John? Her [e.color] eyes looked at the rearview mirror. She watched as John babbled in his spot. Drool dripping down his chin. 
She worried for her son. [Name] promised herself she wouldn’t go back to being a hero. That was in the past and it was going to stay there because she didn’t want her son getting hurt or worse. He was too young to die. He’s just a baby. 
“Starting route to Titan’s Tower,” 
This was her only chance to keep him safe. They were her family once and John could be a part of it. 
“Dick, come on, man, wake up” 
“What happened to the three of them?”
“Do you think they all just passed out here like idiots cause I do.”
“Hank, no.”
Dick groaned and opened his eyes to see Rachel and Gar waking up as well. His brown eyes observing the two teens that laid on each other. 
“Ugh, what happened?” Gar asked rubbing his head with his eyes adjusting to the bright light from Jason’s phone. 
“They seem fine. Maybe they had a sleepover without us” Jason said and Hank chuckled at his remark. Jason turned his phone light off and backed away to give the trio space.
 Rachel removed herself off of Gar’s body with a slight blush apparent. She sat on her knees and rubbed her hands on her thighs. [Name] was on her way. “Did you guys see what I saw?” Rachel asked the two males who were affected by her power. 
Gar nodded his head, “Yeah it was strange. It was like I was next to her when she was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light. It was so weird, I couldn’t do anything for her.” 
“Shit,” Dick cursed under his breath and jumped to his feet. He needed to go to the computer. He needed to see how far she was away from the tower. Dick ran out of the kitchen with everyone following him with questioning gazes. 
Donna was the first to reach him, “Whoa, Dick, slow down. Wanna tell us what’s going on?” The Wonder Girl looking at her friends for some help to get Dick to spill. They stayed quiet and watched him type on the keyboard. His fingers going at a crazy rate. 
“Searching for [Name] [L.Name]...” 
Hank stepped up to Dick with his hand placed on his head, “Hold up, why are you looking for [Name]? Is everything okay with her?”
“No,” Rachel spoke up, “My power, it allowed me to see that she was in danger. She was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light all by herself.”
“She blew her own home up, it was crazy and she has telekinesis!” Gar exclaimed pulling at his hair. He never saw such a powerful person with a cool ability. Dick tapped his foot impatiently waiting for the computer to give him results and it was painfully slow. His family was in danger. Can he call them his family? He hasn’t seen them in three years. Every time he wanted to contact [Name], he got cold feet. 
“Dick, you got to tell us what is going on,” Dawn set her hand onto his shoulder. He looked behind him and they were all staring at him. Their eyes boring into him to tell them the truth. He took a deep breath in and pushed away from the computer. 
“I haven’t been honest with you guys,” Dick crossed his arms over his chest, “the only ones that know this secret is Bruce and Alfred. Even if I told you a long time ago what had happened between [Name] and I, I don’t think it’s your business in the first place.”
Hank glared at him, “Now it is.”
“Yes,” Dick nodded his head, “Because they’re in danger.”
Dawn tilted her head in confusion and Donna spoke up, “They’re? Someone else is with [Name]?” The two women had no idea what was going on and neither did the rest. Dick was being hesitant and he took a long time to explain what was going on. He bit his lip and chewed on it. Rachel and Gar looked at each other wondering if they should help Dick with telling the truth. 
“It’s not easy to say this,” Dick admitted with his head low in defeat. He had to tell them anyways because [Name] was going to show up to Titan’s Tower eventually. “[Name] and I...we have a son. He’s two years old and-”
“No fucking way,” An unexpected voice cut through and it was Rose Wilson, Deathstroke’s daughter. “You had a secret child and you didn’t bother to tell your teammates. What other secrets are you keeping?”
“None,” Dick said with a sharp tone. 
Dawn removed her hand off of Dick’s shoulder, “Why didn’t you tell us? We’re your friends.”
“It’s because it was none of our business,” Hank bellowed, “obviously we weren't good enough friends for him to confide in us.” Dawn looked over her shoulder at Hank. Their eyes connected. 
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. 
It was the front entrance. Someone was there and it was definitely [Name]. It had to be. Although when the camera footage popped up on the computer screen, no one was visible. Suddenly, they all heard the elevator dinging. Dick was the first one to investigate. They all waited in the main room to see the elevator doors opening. 
What they saw made their hearts churn especially Dick’s. His eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. In the middle of the elevator was a bassinet with a crying baby in it and a woman bloodied and beaten holding tightly onto the bassinet. Dick reacted quicker than the others and immediately ran inside the elevator. His hands flying to the woman’s face. 
Her nose was bleeding and her eyes were barely open. It was like she was trying to stay awake, but her body was forcing herself to sleep. Her breaths were shallow and her hands gripped tightly around the bassinet. She opened her mouth, blood coating her teeth, “Take care of him, okay?” Her head felt lighter in his hands and he understood. 
“[Name],” Dick called softly tears brimming, “you’re not here, are you?” 
She gave him a smile and her body disappeared right in front of him in red waves. The old titans rushed into the elevator and looked down at Dick kneeling in a fetal position. Then he looked up from the spot where [Name] had once laid in. Letting his anger out, Dick punched the elevator wall in front of him, “Goddammit!” 
“W-wait, I don’t understand,“ Gar spoke up trying to see in the elevator, “[Name] was just here. What happened to her body?” The green haired thought of the worst. He thought she had died. Donna looked at the teens and pushed them away from the elevator telling them that the adults would handle this. 
Dawn knelt down beside Dick, “Come on, Dick. We’re going to find her, but right now your son needs you.” Dick wiped his tears away and picked up the bassinet with shaky hands. Hank stopped Dick from exiting the elevator, “I can hold him...if you want.” 
Dick shook his head, “Thank you, but I got him.” For the first time in a long time, Dick was with his son again. Yet he wished the circumstances were better.
“Alright an hour later, John is finally sleeping,” Dawn and Donna walked back into the main room where everybody sat in or around the kitchen. Dick gave them a grateful nod and focused his attention back on the wall. 
“So is anyone going to explain what happened to [Name],” Gar asked very curious why the woman disappeared in the elevator. 
Jason tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth, “It’s because of her ability.” 
The old titans gave him questioning glares. 
“What? Bruce had me study potential allies and [Name] was one of them. According to what she knows, she has the ability to warp reality and teleport. Well that’s not all she can do, but it’s what she used in this situation. My guess is she used teleportation and put little John in the elevator before Deathstroke could get to him.”
“So her body was just her warping reality?” Rachel asked. 
Rose shrugged her shoulders, “If she could teleport, why didn’t she do the same for herself?”
“Because she hasn’t used her powers in a long time ever since John was born. She didn’t want to risk him getting injured.” Dick answered. His brown eyes were directed to the floor in thought. [Name] was in danger and in the hands of Deathstroke. His second worst enemy. 
Rachel slid off the kitchen counter, "Well, aren't we going to save her? Isn't that what the Titans do?" 
Dick looked at Rachel and shook his head. He wasn't going to allow his new recruits, his friends, get involved with Deathstroke. He won't allow another young soul die at his hands. "No, you guys will stay here and keep watch on John." 
"Great," Jason groaned, "you're putting us on babysitting duty while you guys fight a known villain. He's your son, how about you spend time with him for once?"
Dick growled, "Don't go there." 
"Or what?" Jason challenged stepping up to Dick. The teen with black hair was beginning to push Dick's buttons. And they weren't supposed to be bothered with. "I say you sit this one out, Dick. Let us handle the bad guys for once." 
"No," Dick said firmly. He was standing his ground. The presence of the new Robin didn't scare him nor did he tremble. "Deathstroke is mine. Now stand down or I'll put you on probationary timeout." 
Jason scoffed and turned his back on Dick muttering a few curses. The old Titans walked up to Dick and they formed a tiny circle ready to discuss their plans on how to get [Name] back to safety. 
“A caring mother, you are,” Deathstroke talked to [Name], sitting directly across from her. Their knees almost touching each other. “I could have promised not to lay a finger on your son, but you made things more difficult for you.” 
[Name] swallowed down the blood from her mouth. The taste of iron bothering her taste buds. “I won’t allow my son to get hurt because you have a personal vendetta for his father.”
“You speak as if Grayson holds no meaning to your heart, is it true you two had a falling out?” Deathstroke asked with a tilt of his head. 
“You can say that,” [Name] responded looking away from him. She wasn’t going to speak about her relationship problems with a psycho like Deathstroke. Her business was her business. This wasn’t a therapy session among a hero and villain. 
“Huh, always thought you two were good for each other.”
“Ah, good one. An attempt of sarcasm by the one and only Deathstroke.” [Name] replied to his remark. Her right eye closed upon feeling the warm liquid that was blood drip down it. She forgot that she was hurting while chained to the chair in special handcuffs. Deathstroke’s presence didn’t allow her to relax. He forced her to be on the edge. 
“Why don’t you use your powers, [Name]?” Deathstroke looked at her crossing his arms over his chest. She got him thinking. She needed him to think of the consequences he’ll reap. 
The blood dripped onto her clothing in a slow rhythm. “I don’t know maybe because you got a hold of Cadmus’ tech. Did you steal them or actually request for them, I’m really curious.” She wiped her chin with her shoulder and sighed. [Name] didn’t like waiting and she hoped the Titans could find her. But it was nearly impossible especially if Deathstroke is good at covering steps and going off grid. It was his specialty. 
“I made a bargain with them,” Deathstroke began ominously, “I give them you in exchange for the Titans.”
[Name] was puzzled. “Cadmus doesn’t have the Titans, you only put yourself in a situation which can’t happen because-”
“I hand you over to them now and they could experiment on you. Then they’ll send out their people and get the Titans for me. It’s an easy trade off.”
“I thought you wanted Dick for yourself. Why not get revenge by you doing what you do best. You’re a killer, Deathstroke. Blinded by your rage toward Dick and vice versa, you two killed an innocent boy. A boy I was beginning to love in my own way. A boy Dick took advantage of. A boy who was your dearest son. Why continue this vengeance and for what reason?”
“You are to blame for my son’s death. You allowed Grayson to let Jericho into the Titan life knowing who his father was. Who I was.” [Name] could feel the anger radiating off of his body with each sentence. “Yet you and the Titans didn’t stop Dick from coercing Jericho. You killed him.”
[Name] shook her head, “No, I left the Titans before Jericho died. I only heard about his passing from Dawn, Dick didn’t tell me the truth until I came back and threatened to search his memories.” She paused and softened her glare, “Slade, I’m really sorry about Jericho. He was a wonderful boy and he could have made a great man.”
Deathstroke uncrossed his arms and leaned closely to [Name]. He placed his right knee in between her legs and let his right hand hold the chair. His left hand wiped the blood away from her eye so she could look up at him with both of her [e.color] eyes. “You will be when I make you feel the pain my wife and I went through.”
[Name] knew exactly what he meant. His words struck her heart and her blood ran cold. "No, please, he's just a baby," Her voice was soft and fragile. Her eyes pooling with unshed tears of sadness. 
Deathstroke gripped her chin tightly with his fingers. 
"I'm begging you, Slade," [Name] was crying now. Her eyes closed as she cried for what Deathstroke was planning. She opened them up and begged again, "Please, don't go after my boy. He's innocent and he would never hurt anyone. Slade, please." 
He removed himself from her and began walking away from her in silence. 
[Name] struggled in her bonds. Her feet pushing against the floor and her chair tilted sideways. The weight of her body made herself and the chair fall on their left side. Her body ached, but that didn't stop her from calling out to him, "Leave him alone! Please!"
Dr. Light popped into the room and watched as the mother cried out to Deathstroke. Feeling a little remorse for her, he questioned the man who wiped his sword with a white rag. "You aren't really going after the baby, are you?" 
"Does it matter to you?" Deathstroke placed his sword back into its sheath. He turned his body to Dr. Light waiting patiently for an answer. 
Dr. Light nodded his head, "You said that she and the baby would only be bait for the Titans. All I want is the Titans, not for us to kill some kid." 
"And all I want is revenge." Deathstroke finished and walked out of the room. 
"Don't do this!" Dr. Light cringed at the hoarse yells coming out of [Name]'s mouth and he turned his attention back on the woman. She was lying helplessly on the floor with tears sliding down her face. 
He wasn't supposed to do this.
“Alright, calm down, will ya?” Dr. Light ran over to [Name] and lifted her chair upright. She sniffled and brought her red eyes onto the villain. “Don’t look at me like that. I cross lines, sure. But killing a kid, that’s not for me...yet.” 
That didn’t make [Name] feel any better. 
“I mean a kid that hasn’t done any wrong to me. Fuck the Titans though, am I right?” Dr. Light chuckled and looked at the special handcuffs on her hands. He didn’t know how to take these off. “This is gonna sound awkward, lady. But I can’t take these handcuffs off you, only that bastard can.” 
“That’s fine,” [Name] finally spoke up and her eyes were a bright red along with her hands, “all I need is you.” 
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wildwarcat · 4 years
Arrest Record (Carol Danvers x ExCon!F!Reader)
100 Word Prompt Challenge Day 14: Crime
Day 13: Coin
Summary: After a late night of drinking, you get arrested and your girlfriend has to bail you out.
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“This message is for uh... Carol Danvers. Yeah, this is Officer Thomas Brady with NYPD. I have a detained individual here who’s postin’ bail at one thousand dollars for vandalism and breaking and entering. The name’s Y/N Y/L/N. If you could just swing by the 44th precinct in the morning, I can release her into your custody. You have a good night now.”
Carol couldn’t believe it. Y/N? Arrested? She had to listen to the message five times until it actually sunk in. She didn’t even notice that the rest of the team had walked into the room. 
“So, Y/L/N’s back in the slammer, huh?” Scott asked as the message cut out. 
“What do you mean?” Carol asked, her voice concerned and confused. 
“You don’t know?” Clint asked, his brow arched. 
“Obviously not. Will someone just tell me what’s going on?” She demanded. 
Everyone gave a collective sigh, before Bruce nudged Scott, silently telling him to explain.
Scott cleared his throat and began playing with his hands, “Uh... well, Y/N and I served time in San Quentin together. She was halfway through a ten year sentence for violating the National Firearms Act.”
“Her arrest record was expunged when she joined S.H.I.E.L.D.” Clint explained, “Fury wanted someone with connections to the international illegal firearms trade, so he got her out on good behavior after seven years, made her a field agent and she’s been clean ever since.” 
“If she’s been clean, then why is she back in jail?” Carol began to panic. How could Y/N have never told her about this?
“Wasn’t she out drinking with Tony and Rhodey?” Steve piped up finally. Everyone turned to face the best friends, who were both drunk off their asses on the nearest couch. 
“Mm? Oh yeah!” Tony slurred happily, “Yeah, it was awesome! She broke into this paint store and stole some spray paint and started drawing cartoon Steves on the store window.” 
Rhodey began to laugh, “A-and then, when the cops came she said, ‘You can’t arrest me, my girlfriend is Captain Marvel.’ And the cops were like, ‘Oh yeah? Watch this.’ And then they arrested her!”
He and Tony continued to laugh for a minute or two until they passed out, drooling and snoring on the couch. 
Steve sighed and set a hand on Carol’s shoulder, “I’ll have the money ready for the morning. I’m sure Y/N will want to talk to you about this tomorrow.”
Talking was the last thing on your mind when you woke up in a jail cell. Adding an intense hangover to the mix, made things even worse. 
“Y/L/N! Your bail’s been posted!” An NYPD officer walked up to your jail cell and unlocked the door. 
You stepped out and looked at him questioningly, “What the hell happened last night?” 
“I’m sure your friend will be able to explain that to you.” He grunted, leading you to the precinct lobby. 
When you saw who was waiting for you in the lobby, your face turned beet red. Carol stood there, arms crossed, a scowl on her face. You rubbed your neck sheepishly.
“Heeeeyyy, babe. Long time no see, huh?” You mumbled. Carol’s scowl didn’t falter as the cop removed your handcuffs and passed you off to your girlfriend. She said nothing as you stepped outside, a car waiting to bring you back to the Compound sitting at the curb. You climbed into the passenger seat, as Carol took the driver’s seat. 
“Why didn’t you tell me your an ex-con?” She asked, trying not to let anger overtake her. 
“Let me expla-”
“Is there anything else I need to know about?” 
“Carol!” You snapped, making her close her mouth, “Let me explain. When I was an arms dealer, I spent my entire life looking over my shoulder. I never knew who I could trust, never knew if there was anyone really on my side. When I put any inkling of faith into someone, it landed me in a federal prison. When Fury recruited me for S.H.I.E.L.D., I made a deal with him. The deal was that if I would never fall back into crime for any reason, I could keep my freedom. If I violated the deal, I would return to San Quentin with an additional ten years added to my original sentence. For years, all I did was focus on trying to avoid going back to prison.” 
You sighed, grabbing her hand and interlocking your fingers, “But then Thanos happened and you showed up. And suddenly, I was starting to live for something other than myself. I fell in love with you, Carol, and that is what’s keeping me on the straight and narrow. I made a mistake last night, babe. I had too much to drink and I messed up. I should have told you about my record a long time ago, and I promise, from now on, no more secrets between us.”
Carol didn’t say anything at first, but she gave your hand a squeeze and put the car in drive. After you left the city limits, she finally spoke up. 
“I’m sorry.” She apologized softly, “I never should have assumed that you were some common criminal. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me since everyone disappeared and I don’t want that to go away just because we both made a mistake.” 
“So... forgive and forget?” You asked her with a soft smile. 
She smiled back and nodded, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
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