#little brother shenanigans
waitingonavision · 1 year
Scheming for snacks
Julieta: gives Bruno the lightest, gentlest tap on the shoulder with her knuckles
Bruno: dramatically falls to the ground and clutches his arm W-why, Juli? Such betrayal! It hurts so much! Ow! I’m gonna need all the snacks you have.
- - -
Pepa: frowns in Bruno’s direction, doesn’t even touch him
Bruno: Juliiiii, Pepa’s being mean to me! She pinched me in the arm and now I need a snack.
@empty-cryptid 😁
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l3viat8an · 1 year
*Games night in Levi’s room*
Mammon: Damn this game is crazy!
MC: Crazy?
MC & Levi:*In perfect sync* I was crazy once, they locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with with rats, and rats make me crazy, crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with with rats, and rats make me crazy, crazy?-
Mammon: What the fuck is wrong with you two????
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cheswirls · 2 months
short asl thing based on @where-does-the-heart-lie's modern au :) i started this over a year ago but the beginning is all dialogue and felt more like a script to me i suppose??? which deflated my desire to work on it. anyway i checked it over recently and it's completely fine lmfao, self-confidence restored here we go !
"Yo. Aren't you usually in the middle of your shift by now?"
"I've been banned from the hospital."
"Like, for life?"
"No. For the next, uh.. Twenty-two hours."
"That's oddly specific."
"It was twenty-four, but I fell asleep after leaving the building."
"That wouldn't have to do with why they kicked you out, at all?"
"Hmmm. I'm too sleep-deprived, apparently."
"Ah. And, um, you called me because...?"
"I pressed a random number in my call log after waking up. Lucky you, I guess."
"Yeah. Right. Lucky me. And your car keys are...?"
"Ah, right, of course."
A beat of silence. Two. Three, then "Look, if you're busy, then–"
"No, no.  You called me, so I'll be there. Give me twenty minutes."
"Alright. Thank–"
"Thank someone else. Also, if you fall asleep in my car, I'm taking it as express permission to drive you around wherever I want."
"Ugh, go die. I don't even know why I bothered."
"LUCKY YOU, I guess," sounds off way too loudly in his ear. "No take backs. See you in ten."
"I thought you said–" Sabo breaks off as the call ends, leaving him staring blankly at his phone's too-dim screen. He squints, turns the brightness all the way up, and still squints as the sunlight proves too strong for the display.
Ace shows up in more than ten but decidedly less than twenty minutes. Sabo doesn't waste much brain power on it, only climbing into the passenger seat and yawning into his palm while his other hand fixes the seatbelt into the buckle. Not a second too soon, too, as Ace roars the engine to life and peels away from the curb at record speed.
Ace fiddles with the radio. He turns the music up, then dial it back down to inaudible. They hit the expressway and he leans over the steering wheel, frowning with his eyes fixed on the road far ahead. Sabo yawns again and this appears to be the limit to his patience. 
"Hey, so, I had a thought after you hung up on me."
Sabo grimaces. "You mean you–"
"Today's Wednesday."
He doesn't elaborate. Sabo is too tired to process. "Yes," he follows, after a second. He glances at the sky out the front window. "What time is it?"
"Oh, uh." Ace fumbles with hand placement so he can lift his watch to his face. "Nine forty."
Sabo takes a couple beats to try and process this, moves his eyes away from the skyline, and sighs as he pulls his phone out. 2:47 is what the display reads, which sounds much more believable.
"How did the minute hand get off?" he mutters to himself, chancing a look at Ace's busted wristwatch. Ace raises a brow, taking his gaze off the road to scrutinize Sabo. "No, it doesn't matter," he mutters to himself once more, sliding his phone away back on his person and out of his hands.
"My point is," Ace continues, like he hasn't just been interrupted by a whole thing. "Your timeout will be done midday Thursday. Did they switch your days off?"
"No." Sabo sighs. "They technically gave me the next thirty-six hours. Technically closer to forty. Something like that. I go back in on Friday. Sometime.” He tries to smile and it turns out very lopsided, from that he can make out in the rearview mirror. “Can you tell I’m tired?”
“I don’t think ‘tired’ is an accurate description,” Ace quips. “When did you eat a proper meal last?”
“Uh, yesterday. Maybe.”
“A ‘proper meal’ means different things to the two of us,” Sabo huffs. “On my account it was yesterday. I’ve had food since then, of course.”
“Alright, so here’s the plan,” Ace announces before absolutely whipping it around a curve. Sabo is his passenger in the passenger seat and had fully prepared to be so when he got in the vehicle, but he’d been vastly underprepared for this sudden course of action, which is how he ends up halfway out of his seat with his cheek slammed into the cold window. Ace doesn’t quite notice his brother’s terminal velocity until the car is once again on the straight and narrow, and only then it’s because of the audible thunk Sabo’s face makes when it collides with the glass.
“Aw shit. You good bro?”
“Ow,” Sabo mutters. “If I have broken bones I’m suing your ass.”
“Well, if you’re good enough to make jokes, I think you’re better than you’re letting on.” Ace keeps the wheel steady with one knee while he takes both hands away to crack his fingers. When he glances over at Sabo again, he looks even more pathetic – like he’s becoming one with the glass. “Anyway, as I was saying.
“I’m taking your ass home. You’re going straight to sleep and while you crash, I’ll make you something decent to eat and stick it in the fridge for you to heat up later. I’ll even make you two servings to eat two different times, since you clearly can’t be trusted to take care of yourself correctly.”
“I want you to conk out for as long as your body allows. We can reset your sleep schedule tomorrow, alright? Put your phone on silent; do not answer any calls. In fact, you know what, just give it to me.
Sabo glances over to see Ace’s hand held out to him, palm up. Fingers wiggling expectantly. His lips pull up into a grimace. “I’m not doing that.”
“Fine.” Ace takes his hand back. “But you will comply with everything else.”
“Wow! It’s so funny, I didn’t realize you turned into my mother overnight! Really tapped into your mom potential, huh? Anything exciting happen in your life that would cause that? I guess I wouldn’t know, since I’ve been a zombie for the past two days.”
“There’s nothing wrong with acting like your older brother, you dipshit, especially if you keep putting yourself through the wringer like this. You go home. You sleep. You wake up and eat. You go back to sleep. Then we do laundry. Does that sound agreeable?”
“That’s negotiable, at the least,” Sabo mumbles. “I will accept good food as a form of bribery.”
“Oh, nice, because I’m flat broke at the moment.”
Sabo makes a mental note of that, and then they’re pulling into the driveway. Ace lets him exit the vehicle by himself and then promptly manhandles him all the way onto the couch where it will be easier to force his body to relax than in a real bed. Ace knows this, so he calls him weird before chucking a loose blanket at his head. Sabo is almost too tired to function at this point, so he lets Ace have the last laugh in favor of finally closing his eyes.
Coming to is a surreal experience, especially since the sun is still out. He must make a noise because Ace is suddenly within view. His limbs are tangled in the blanket and still so heavy that he doesn’t bother moving. “Thought you would be gone,” he half-groans, eyes slipping shut again for a moment.
“I did leave,” Ace confirms. “I had to go pilfer some stuff to make stew with. It’s almost done, so I’ll hang here until then.”
Pilfer. That could mean any number of things. Sabo chooses to believe in the option where Ace is an upstanding citizen, and then remembers Ace saying earlier that he had no money. He frowns and squirms on the cushions enough to where it looks like he’s checking his pockets. “Where’s my wallet, Ace?” he bluffs.
“Somewhere around here,” Ace pipes up. “Your stomach will thank you for your contributions to the Portgas Household’s pantry!”
“Ugh, I got robbed,” he complains. “This sucks. ‘m going back to sleep.” He rolls over so his back is to Ace.
“Yeah, you do you, bro. Stew will still be here later. I’ll see you when you’re back in the world of the living.”
Luffy comes in late that night and slams the front door shut as loud as humanly possible. When he appears in the main room, he doesn’t seem to be upset, so Ace writes it off as a Luffyism. Sabo hasn’t stirred at the noise, so it’s all good.
Realizing this, Luffy pads closer to Ace’s side and looks at Sabo’s unmoving body warily. “Why is Sabo passed out like a corpse? Is he sick?”
“No, he’s not sick, he just can’t take care of himself. Which is why we are going to let him sleep for as long as possible.”
Luffy just nods to this, but it’s the uncomprehending Luffy-nod that means he’s just going to end up doing whatever he wants to regardless. Ace sighs, then jerks his head towards the kitchen. “He ate a little earlier, but I want him to eat again when he wakes up. There’s stew in the fridge if you want it – just leave him a little. Got it, Monkey D. Luffy?”
Luffy throws him a salute and then runs off in his socks. “Yippee! Ace made stew!”
“Think of your brother, Luffy, and make good choices!” Ace calls after him. “He’s a pathetic man who needs food to feel better or he’ll end up sleeping through Laundry Day!”
Sabo does not sleep through laundry day, but he does sleep for sixteen whole hours, so it’s just around noon when he forces himself up off the couch and into a warm shower.
Ace is around, which is mildly unexpected. But he’s still half-asleep, so everything is at least a little unexpected. He glances up from playing video games with Luffy to see Sabo leaving the steam-filled bathroom with his hair hanging around his shoulders. “You look like a wet cat,” he calls.
“Sabo’s awake!” Luffy cheers. “Ace thought you died at one point.”
Ace elbows Luffy in the gut, making him hunch over. “I did not!”
“He totally checked to see if your heart was still beating!”
“I’m undead, actually,” Sabo says completely seriously.
“Does that mean you don’t need to eat anymore?” Luffy questions. “Because I ate all the stew last night.”
“I saw that coming and made extra.” Ace finger-guns in Sabo’s general direction. “That’s why I bought two sets of ingredients. With your money!”
“With my money,” Sabo echoes, because it’s such a wild statement to have to deal with this early in the day. Well, early for him. “Fuck you.”
“I mean, I can tell Luffy where I hid–”
“Thank you, Ace, for agreeing to share your quarters with both of your brothers so we can all do laundry today on your dime!” Sabo raises his pitch so his voice is mockingly squeaky when he says this. He starts moving down the hall before Ace can start to argue, letting his and Luffy’s voices bleed into the background.
When he comes back out, now dressed, it smells significantly better than before. “I reheated the stew,” Ace announces, gesturing for Sabo to take a seat at the kitchen counter. “Let’s all have lunch before we head out.”
“You have to drink this too,” Luffy tells Sabo, sliding a Gatorade across the counter so it sets in front of him when he finally does take a seat. “Ace’s orders.”
“Gotta get those nutrients back somehow.”
“Aren’t we so considerate, Sabo?”
“Do you even know what ‘considerate’ means?” Sabo asks, lips quirking up into a half-smile. At Luffy’s shrug, it turns into a real smile. “Well, thanks anyway. Both of you.”
“No sweat. And look!” Ace brandishes a five dollar bill for both to see. “I found this baby for us to use on coins! It’s all on me today–”
“Where’s my wallet, Ace?!”
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Cass and Jason sit on a rooftop, taking a break from crime fighting to just hang out.
Cass eyes the chicken taco Jason purchased for her.
Cass: How did they fold the chicken to be a taco shell?
Jason: I don't question it. They're delicious, that's all that matters. Try a bite. If you hate it after than we can get something you like.
Cass: I'm trusting you on this.
Cass takes a big bite from the chicken taco. As she chews on it, she let's the strange taste of the chicken settle on her tongue. After a second she smiles.
Cass: This is good!
Jason laughs.
Jason: Told you.
Jason and Cass eat while looking at the stars.
Cass: Jason?
Jason: Hm?
Cass: You want to keep patrolling after this or we can call it a night and just spend time together? I wanted because I enjoy our time together especially since we're siblings and it's a slow tonight, but I understand if you say no-
Cass stares at her feet, averting eye contact with Jason.
Cass: I love the others, but you're someone I get and like to be around... The most. Even when you thought I was weird, but we don't have to we can... Um-
Jason silences Cass by giving her a side hug.
Jason: I would love to hang out with you for the night. Barbara can tell Bruce we patrolled all night. You ever played pool?
Cass: Hm... Swimming?
Jason: Oh, no this is different. Billiards, you'll have fun and we can win a lot of money. I can take you to a fun spot. Want to go now?
Jason stands and holds out his hand. Cass smiles and takes her brother's hand.
Cass: Can we go in our suits?
Jason: I was hoping you'd suggest that. Yes, yes I want to go in like this. Let's go.
Cass: Yes!
The two race, leaving the building and heading to a bar to play pool. Bruce, listening in with Barbara smiles. Barbara wipes away fake tears loving what she saw as well.
Bruce: Eh, they can have the night off. If they ask, I was never here.
Barbara: I got ya, Bruce.
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minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #108
When you meet your soulmate you both feel it, you know down to your bones that this person was meant to be with you for life, if you’re unable to find them before you pass on, your ghosts will be unable to locate each other in the afterlife. The Fentons tried to make a way to locate your soulmate using ectoplasm, unfortunately for Danny he’s the only one in the family yet to find his. Jazz actually found hers when she started school in Gotham, some guy named Jason, if Danny remembered correctly. They try some experiments with Danny and something works just not as intended as with every piece of Fenton tech. Danny wakes up in an unfamiliar room and in an unfamiliar body. Looking around, it appears his soulmate is rich, he’s got to call his soulmate and explain the situation. He’s not looking forward to explaining his powers to them but if they’re going to be in his body best to let them know what to expect from Danny’s weird biology.
Damian woke up to an unfamiliar ringtone in an unfamiliar room. Assessing the situation he noticed the number from the phone was actually his own. Might as well answer it to see if he could get some answers.
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Snippet from one of my wips #something-something
Damian woke up and went through his morning routine. 
He righted his bed, which was barely crinkled because, unlike others, he did not thrash around while sleeping. Then he went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and took a shower. Then he went to his desk and opened up the diary which he was forced encouraged to keep and wrote his morning entry. 
Dear diary, today I woke up and chose violence.
The entry had not changed from all the previous entries. 
Closing his diary, he holstered the knives in his usual hiding places that he kept with him at all times and exited the room. 
As soon as he left the room, he nearly stepped on Drake’s face. 
Startled, he blinked down at the face in front of his bedroom door. Then he stepped on it anyway. 
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raayllum · 3 months
do you think ezran and karim met during the timeskip? do you think karim sat and laughed with janai and amaya as the latter shared stories about her youngest nephew? do you think karim still had the wind knocked out of him by how small and tiny ezran was, a new silver crown upon his brow? do you think he watched amaya and janai give the young king a tour of the camp, and thanked him for sending over more katolians to help with the rebuilding? that karim watched him talk with too old eyes and solemn face and quietly put it out of his mind, because well - the sunfire elves have enough of their own problems on their hands. because ezran still has a home and a castle and a city to go back to (not knowing that ezran's sister is gone, or at the very least missing). do you think karim will see him again in s6, two years grown, and simultaneously not nearly grown at all? and they will be enemies. another viren for ezran to dodge
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guardian-of-da-gay · 9 months
Family Ties
Read it on Ao3
Tails slid the rental skates off his feet.  They were just a bit too small.  He’d have to ask Mom to get another pair.  That was probably okay, though.  She had said to let her know if the size was wrong.  It wouldn’t annoy her if it wasn’t.  Probably.
He looked up and watched as she handed Knuckles his own pair of skates.  Tails noticed right away that the skates had laces.  Knuckles looked at them and Tails could practically hear him thinking ‘what am I supposed to do with these?’  He looked between her and the skates and back, but she was sitting down and pulling on her own.
Knuckles looked out at the rest of the skaters and Tails did too. There were only a few other families (who were obviously trying not to stare at them), but as far as Tails could see, everyone else's skates had laces.  But there must’ve been non-lace shoes, right?  Mom had just accidentally gotten the wrong kind for Knuckles too.
Tails watched closely.  If Knuckles pointed out the mistake, he could probably tack on that he needed different skates as well.  He felt more comfortable with that.  Knuckles opened his mouth to say something when–
“Sonic, wait!  You have to switch your shoes first!”  Mom got up and hobbled off wearing only one skate.
“I wanna see if I can run in place on the ice!”
“I think you’re just as likely to run right into the side of the rink.” Dad steered Sonic away from the ice.
“Aw, come on.  Just one lap?  I’ll go so fast they won’t even see me–”
It looked like this was going to wind up being a debate, Tails thought.
Knuckles watched them, fiddling with one of his backpack straps.  That had been a debate too.  Mom was worried if he carried the Master Emerald out on the ice he’d fall and hurt himself landing on it.  Knuckles refused to leave it behind or even far out of sight.  In the end, she’d allowed him to carry it in a backpack in exchange for him giving in to their other debate: whether or not he should wear a coat.  (Tails didn’t mind having to wear his own jacket and scarf though, it was chilly here and he didn’t have his winter fur yet.)
Knuckles glanced his way.  He watched as Knuckles’ eyes slid down to the skates in Tails’ hand.  At least they were in this together.  Maybe they could solve the problem together too.
Tails hopped down from the chair, sliding his shoes back on.  “Um… I’m going to get some different skates,” he said before he could overthink it.  “Do you want me to ask for snap shoes for you?”
Knuckles scowled and stood.  “I can ask myself,” he grumbled.
But Knuckles let Tails lead the way from the stands back up to the rental counter.  Which was weird.  Usually it was Tails following as Knuckles loudly declared to the cashier: ‘My brother requested NO pickles!’  Instead, Knuckles kept looking around, which made Tails feel like he had to look around too.  One thing he noticed: no one was wearing snap skates.
Tails hated talking to cashiers or… any customer service kind of person.  It made him anxious.  But since Knuckles was being weirdly quiet, it was up to him to do the talking.
“E-excuse me,” he asked, standing on his tip-toes to see over the counter edge.  “Can we swap lace skates for some snap skates?  And switch sizes?”  He set his skates on the counter.  He hoped that was okay.
Humans always either acted like Tails was some weirdo freak… or that he was really cute.  The guy behind the counter smiled real wide and Tails knew that here it was the latter.
The clerk leaned over the edge of the counter so Tails could step back and didn’t have to stand on his toes.  “Hey, little guy!”  He said in a candy-sweet voice.  “You said you want ‘snap skates’?  What’re those?”
“Oh, um… you know… like snap shoes?”
The clerk looked confused.
“Um… button shoes?  They’ve got little magnets in them?”
Now he looked even more confused.  Tails hadn’t expected this.  He glanced back at Knuckles.
“I think they do not have any,” Knuckles said.  “It is alright.”
Tails wrung his hands, his tails twisting around each other.  That wasn’t right… Knuckles never gave up when Tails said he’d just wipe off the pickle juice.  Tails couldn’t give up now!  He turned back to the clerk.  “Aren’t there any skates without laces?”
“Oh, like velcro?  Sure, little guy.  What size do you need?”
Both of them perked up at that.  Tails looked excitedly back at Knuckles.  His big brother stepped forward, holding up his laced skates.  “I require an adult human male’s ‘size twelve’.”
“Oh.”  The clerk leaned back and looked at Knuckles in surprise.  He wasn’t giving him the ‘I think you’re a freak’ look, but he definitely didn’t think Knuckles was cute either.  “Uh… sorry, man, we only have velcro skates in kid sizes.”
Knuckles’ shoulders slumped along with Tails’.  “Um… you don’t have any other kinds of no-lace shoes?”  Tails asked.
Knuckles had already turned and walked away before the clerk could finish apologizing again.  Tails wavered between following and staying to mind his manners and thank the man before he remembered he needed to switch his own skates.  As soon as he had the new size he hurried back to the stands, feeling extra aware of all the strangers glancing his way.
Knuckles was sitting with the family again, his skates on the floor beside him.  He watched Mom watch Sonic tie his skates.  “Remember to get them good and tight,” she said.  “It’ll hurt your ankles if they’re loose.  And tuck the extra string into the lower straps–yeah, like that–that way you won’t accidentally trip on them!”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it Mom.”
Dad looked up from tying his own laces and saw Tails standing there holding his skates.  “You need help, bud?”
“Oh!  No, I’m okay.”  Tails hopped up to sit next to Knuckles and pulled off his shoes.
He thought Knuckles would ask for help.  Or… more likely Mom or Dad would offer.  But Knuckles didn’t say anything and–
“Last one on the ice is a rotten egg–and it’s even a fair fight ‘cause I cannot run in these things!”  Sonic yelled.
“Hang on, let me put my purse in our locker.”
“Should we put our shoes in there?”  Dad asked.
“Oh yeah!”  Sonic said.  “I was just hearing on the news about this ‘Stinky Shoe Bandit’!  Better be careful, Dad!”
“I doubt anyone is going to steal anybody’s shoes.  And even if they do, we can always buy new shoes!  But my wallet is definitely getting put away.”  Mom hobbled off toward the lockers and Dad hurried to follow Sonic.
Nobody remembered to check on Knuckles.
Tails stared down at his socked feet and the skates with their long, skinny laces.  He realized with mounting dread that he might need to offer Knuckles help.  Knuckles!  He was good at pretty much everything… except anything to do with technology.  But other than that, he could do anything!  Except… he couldn’t tie laces. 
But some species just weren’t built for stuff like that!  Their fingers were too short or their claws too long or they had webbed fingers or… whatever!  The point was it happened plenty on other planets and there were usually other options available.  Apparently not here though.  Here, it looked like it wasn’t something people really thought about.  Maybe that was why Knuckles was being so quiet… across the galaxy, people would look at his mitts and his snap shoes and know.
Here Knuckles had to admit he needed help.  And he never needed help.  He was the one who gave help.  That’s probably why Mom and Dad hadn’t thought to offer… and why he wasn’t asking now.  And why he’d probably just get annoyed with Tails if he tried to help.
His conflicted thoughts must have shown on his face.  “What is wrong?”  Knuckles asked.
Tails looked up in surprise.  “Uh…”  A perfect lie suddenly hit him.  “I need help!”
Knuckles perked up.  Always ready to assist.
That thought had Tails plucking up his courage.  “Tying these skates is kind of tricky…” he said.  “Could I practice with you first?”
“Oh.”  Knuckles frowned slightly.  Tails could see the gears turning in his head.  Was tying skate laces really that much different from shoelaces?  After a second, Knuckles shrugged.  He didn’t know enough about tying laces to call Tails’ bluff.  “You may practice on me,” he said.
Tails hopped down from his seat, breathing a subtle sigh of relief.  Knuckles snapped the magnetic tops off his shoes and pushed them aside with his foot.  Then pulled on his skates.  Once they were on his feet, he stopped and looked up at Tails.
“L-leave it to me!”  Tails replied, standing up straight and proud before he knelt down and got to work cinching the laces.
He pulled the strings tight around Knuckles’ ankles just like Mom had said.  “How’s that feel?” He asked.  “Too tight?  Too loose?”
Knuckles rolled his ankle a little.  “It is sufficient,” he said.
Tails got back to it.  It was a little weird tying shoelaces from this side of the shoe.  Plus Knuckles was watching him like a hawk the whole time.  Tails had to restart once, which probably helped sell his lie that he needed practice.  He managed to get the first skate tied before there was a loud thump! on the dasher boards across from their seats.
“Wait, Knuckles, is Tails tying your shoelaces for you?”  Sonic cried as his face popped over the top of the boards.  “Oh my god… can you not tie your shoes?!”
Knuckles’ quills bristled.  “Of course, I can!”  He said too quickly and too loud.  He was such a bad liar.
“Wait, what?”  Dad asked as he came up behind Sonic.
“It is nothing,” Knuckles said at the same time as Sonic announced:
“Knuckles can’t tie his shoes!”
“He can’t?”  Oh dear, Mom was back too.
Knuckles crossed his arms with a huff.
“You can speak like a billion languages but you can’t tie your shoelaces?”
Knuckles gave Sonic a dirty look, but before he could say anything, Tails piped up:  “That’s not nice, Sonic!”
He immediately wilted as his whole family looked at him in surprise.  Oh gosh… he’d scolded Sonic!  He’d just been so surprised that Sonic would tease Knuckles about something he couldn’t change… But of course now he thought about it, Sonic grew up around humans.  He probably thought it was a ‘knowing’ issue and not a mechanical one.
Ears folded against his head he dedicated his full attention to tying Knuckles’ laces as quickly as possible.  If he’d looked up he would’ve seen the very pointed look Mom was giving Sonic.
“Uh… okay, point taken.  Um.  Sorry, Knux?”
Knuckles just let out a grunt.  He was done with this conversation.  But Mom wasn’t just yet:
“I’m sorry too, honey.  I should’ve checked if you needed any help.”
“I don’t need help,” Knuckles said.  “Tails was only practicing his lace-tying skills on me.”
“So… Do you know how to tie laces?”  Sonic asked.
“Do you know how to shut up?”
“Okay, neither of you two talk to each other until Tails has his skates on,” Mom declared.
Oh gosh… Tails wasn’t sure if that put pressure on him to go fast or slow.  He tied them quickly, just in case.
“Fine!”  Sonic huffed and disappeared over the boards once more.
“Fine,” Knuckles grumbled.  He stood from the chair.  And nearly fell over.
“Oh, careful!”  Mom sounded like she was trying not to laugh as she grabbed his arm and helped him stand upright.
“These are hard to walk in!”
“Yeah, they’re not really built for walking in, but they’re perfect once you’re on the ice!”  Mom knelt and checked the lacing on Knuckles’ shoes.
“Good job, bud,” she said to Tails.  She checked Tails’ laces too.  With her back to Knuckles she met Tails’ eye and whispered.  “Thanks for looking out for your brother.”
Tails flushed under his fur.
“What was that?”  Knuckles demanded.
“I said maybe when we get home, we can all practice tying laces together?”
Knuckles frowned.  “No, thank you,” he said.  He didn’t elaborate further, just crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Tails expectantly.
Tails’ eyes flicked between Knuckles and Mom and back.
He didn’t say that Knuckles should explain a bit more to Mom, but he definitely thought it.  Knuckles must have picked up on it; his expression shifted into a scowl.  When he turned back to Mom his mouth was twisted into a grimace.  He held up a mitt.  “These are not really built for tying shoelaces… But they are perfect for punching!  Also digging!  And swimming and climbing too!”  He bumped his fist over his puffed up chest.
“Okay…”  Mom said.  She looked down at Knuckles’ gloves and then her eyes slid to his discarded shoes.
Knuckles must have felt like he’d sufficiently proven echidna capability, because he wibble-wobble-walked off to the gap in the boards with his head held high.
Tails glanced back at Mom and saw her picking up Knuckles’ snap shoes curiously.
“Um… Are you coming, too?”
“Oh, yes. You go on ahead.  I’ll be right there.”
There was a bit of a clog at the rink entrance.  Sonic was taking a little bit of extra time figuring out skating.  He clung to the railing while Dad ran through the basics. Knuckles stood at the threshold, listening in.  Tails came beside him and realized that he couldn’t reach the railing.  Uh-oh.  Well, that was alright.  He could learn without the figurative training wheels.
Knuckles let out an annoyed hum and Tails instinctively cringed.  Was Knuckles annoyed that they’d been caught by Sonic?  That he had to explain himself to Mom?
“You are too short,” Knuckles said.  He grabbed the edge of the baseboard with one mitt and held out the other.  “Hold on to me.”
“Oh… thanks Knuckles.”  Tails took the offered mitt.  Knuckles’ mitt was practically as big as Tail’s whole torso so his hand looked extra teeny tiny in his older brother’s giant fist.  With Knuckles leading the way, they took their first unsteady steps out onto the ice.  It was nice that Knuckles had offered to help.  Made him feel… the opposite of how being scared of annoying him felt.
“Oh, Tails!”  Tom called from where he was trying to get Sonic to stand right.  “Do you want a bucket?”
“What?”  Tails looked up to see another little kid scooting around the middle of the rink, using a stack of upside-down buckets to keep his balance.  The kid was staring at them of course, but a sharp look from Knuckles made him stop.
Tails appreciated the ingenuity of the bucket but… he looked up at Knuckles who looked equally unimpressed with the technique.  “Um… I’m okay,” he said.
“You sure?”  Tom asked.  “The bucket won’t fall down and take you with it.”
“I will not fall!”  Knuckles said, outraged.
He fell immediately.  Then Sonic laughed so hard that he fell too.  Tails avoided the pile-up only because Knuckles let go of him.
“Alright, we will try this again!”  Knuckles said, determined.  “Hold my tail and I can use my arms for balance.”  He turned and pointed his funny crooked tail in Tail’s direction.
“Uh… won’t that hurt if I fall and pull on it?”
“Of course not!” Knuckles boasted.  “The bend is for little ones learning to walk to hold onto!”
“Really?”  Tom and Sonic asked as one.  Sonic’s skepticism was undercut by the way he was slowly and unintentionally doing the splits against the boards.  Tom rushed to rescue him.
“That is what my father said…” Knuckles trailed off like it’d only just occurred to him that might’ve been just a little kid story.  “Regardless, my tail is very sturdy.  Much stronger than yours.  You can pull all you need.”
The little tip wiggled like it was waving to Tails to go on ahead and grab it.  Tails hesitantly took hold.  It felt like a rock covered in bristles… just like all the rest of his brother’s ‘one million percent muscle’ body.
“Okay, I think I’m ready to try again!”  Sonic said.  He pushed forward, moving along with half his usual grace.  Tom kept close to his side, glancing back at Knuckles and Tails and looking around for Mom.
Knuckles took a few experimental steps forward, dragging Tails after him.  
Tails wobbled and bobbed, his tails whipping this way and that as he tried to keep his balance.  Knuckles glanced back at him over his shoulder and he feared for a moment that he was tugging too much.  “You know, you do fly with your tails.  They must be quite strong!  Have you ever tried lifting weights with them?”
“Oh, um…”  Tails' knees shook as he tried to keep his balance.  “I’ve lifted you while flying, does that count?”
And then Knuckles actually smiled!  Tails was so surprised–he could count on one hand the number of times he’d made Knuckles smile.  Distracted, he stumbled and wobbled, trying to keep his balance while his feet kept moving without him.  Even when he thought for sure he would fall, Knuckles’ tail was completely firm and still.
“Lean forward more,” Knuckles said.  “And bend your knees a bit.”
“What he said,” Dad added.  “It helps if you lower your center of gravity.”
Tails thought his center of gravity was easily the lowest in the whole rink, but he did what they said.  It did help.
Knuckles focused his attention on the ice below them, taking smooth, short steps.  Tails watched his feet and tried to move the same way.  Knuckles’ movements became more confident, but Tails was still unsteady.  He looked up at his big brother’s broad back and watched how his dreads swayed from side to side over the back of his backpack,  purposefully shifting his weight with each step.  Tails mimicked his movements, stepping in time with Knuckles.  Immediately his movements felt smoother.  He was getting the hang of it!
Mom skated up beside them.  Like Dad, she didn’t need to hold the wall at all.
Dad looked over expectantly.
“I put Knuckles’ shoes in our locker.”
“Because of the Stinky Shoe Bandit?”  Sonic asked as he did a funny T-pose shuffle across the ice.
“Because I realized his shoes would be harder to replace if someone decided they wanted to steal shoes–”
“Because they’re so stink–”
“Because they’re special shoes from outer space.”
Knuckles puffed up at that.  “My shoes have received a place of high honor!”
Sonic rolled his eyes so hard he lost his balance and had to cling to the wall.  “That’s literally nothing to brag about,” he said.
Knuckles huffed.  “Well then, how about this?”  He let go of the wall and pushed away, skating around Dad and Sonic and pulling Tails after him.
“Woah!”  Tails cried out in surprise and delight.  He hung on tight, keeping his posture like Dad and Knuckles suggested.  Knuckles was going fast enough to blow his bangs back and Tails tummy flipped whenever his balance shifted too quickly.  But it was fun!  Like flying, but even easier!
When he realized Knuckles wasn’t going to return to grabbing the wall, Tails focused on copying his movements.  It was just like dancing with Sonic–all he had to do was follow his brother's lead!  Halfway around the rink, he had it down.
“What the heck, you hadn’t even heard of ice skating this morning!” Sonic said as the two of them passed him a second time.
“I am a fast learner,”  Knuckles gloated without stopping.
“Tell that to our last two microwaves!”
“I cannot hear you because of how much faster than you I am going!”
The third time they passed Sonic, Tails felt confident enough to slowly let go of Knuckles’ tail.  His older brother looked over his shoulder, slowing as Tails came up beside him.  He wobbled a little, but stayed upright.
“You are a quick learner too!”  Knuckles praised.
Tails flushed under his fur.  “Heh, I um… I had a good teacher.”
There was a loud thumping and scuffing sound and they both looked over and watched as Sonic hurried across the center of the rink, pushing an overturned bucket in front of him.  Halfway through he jumped up and sat on top, letting his momentum carry him.
Knuckles and Tails stopped as Sonic drifted to a halt in front of them.  “I have decided,” he said magnanimously.  “Since you two are both so slow off the ice: I will be a gentleman and let you take the W here.”
Knuckles shot Tails a cocky grin.  “Perhaps I should teach Sonic now too.”
Sonic leaned back on his bucket with a frown.  “How come I can’t tease you about the shoelaces, but you can tease me about ice skating?”
Tails suppressed a wince.  Knuckles probably wouldn’t like the reminder.  But Knuckles must have been having too good a time, because he actually answered: “Because my fingers cannot bend that way, but your feet work just fine.”
“Also I was not teasing that time.  I thought it might be more helpful to receive training from someone more similarly proportioned to you than Tom.”
“‘Similarly proportioned’,” Sonic repeated.  He looked Knuckles up and down then looked at Tails.  “Okay, maybe between the two of you.”
“Tails can help too!”
“I can?”  Tails didn’t think he was that good yet.
“Yes, you are very good at being a helpful brother!”  Knuckles smiled at him and there was a knowing gleam in his eye.  Maybe Tails’ lie earlier hadn’t been that good after all.  But Knuckles didn’t seem mad at all, he actually seemed appreciative!
“Alright, I’ll allow the both of you to help me.  But first!” Sonic tipped his head to the side and Tails followed his gaze to see Mom and Dad skating along the wall, holding hands while Mom showed something to Dad on her phone.
Sonic shifted on the bucket so he was seated squarely and held out both hands.  “You two can pull me!”
“And that will help you learn?”  Knuckles asked.
“Nope, but if you pull me super fast and let go I’ll go flying and it’ll be awesome!  But we aren’t supposed to do it so that means we can only do it once.”
“One more picture!  Sonic demanded as they stepped off the ice.
Tails fumbled after him.  It felt weird walking after skating so long!
“One sec!”  Dad said, pulling his skates off.
Mom had already taken lots of pictures (some very sneakily while the three of them had been goofing off on the ice), but she and Dad seemed to be game for any photo opportunity where Sonic would voluntarily stay still.
Sonic was busying himself taking a bunch of silly selfies with the bucket when Tails noticed Knuckles sitting on the bench behind Dad.  The corners of his mouth slipped down as he looked down at his skates.  He probably couldn’t untie his shoes either.
Mom appeared, kneeling by Knuckles’ feet with a smile.
“Let me help you get those off,” she said.
Knuckles’ expression crumpled into a pout and for a second it looked like he was going to insist on doing it himself.  Mom handed him his snap shoes.  “Also here’s these back from the honored locker.”
“Ah!  My shoes return, victorious!”
“What did they win?”  Mom grabbed one of his skates.
“Most important shoes!”
She laughed, undoing the knot and uncinching the strings in quick, smooth motions.  “Dad and I were thinking about getting some hot cocoa, what do you think?”
“I think that I like cocoa.  And it will help to warm you up.”
“Warm me up?”
“Both of you!  You fuss over us to wear these–” he pulled at his jacket “--over our fur when you have no fur of your own!  I worry, you know.”
Mom beamed.  “Thank you,” she said.  “That’s sweet of you to worry.”  She patted his ankles.  “And you’re right, I could use some warming up!  Get your shoes changed and we’ll go get in line!”
Knuckles looked down to see Mom already had his skates undone.  He looked like he’d hardly realized when she’d done it.  Honestly Tails was impressed, but Mom liked to tell stories about vets needing fast hands so he shouldn’t be surprised.
“Hey Tails!”  Sonic appeared in front of him, pushing the bucket into his hands.  In a second he was behind him, hands under Tails’ arms, and zooming the both of them over to Knuckles.
“One last picture!” Sonic ordered.  “Us and Bucket Buddy!”
“I agree, we should commemorate Sonic’s noble steed.” Knuckles patted the top of the bucket.  “Thank you for throwing Sonic into the wall.”
“I’m pretty sure that was you.  Using your strength when I said not to–”
“I did not!  It must have been Tails.”
“Alright, I’m ready,” Dad said as he pulled out his phone.
Sonic leaned in on one side as Knuckles leaned into the other.  The air was quite cool but Tails felt very cozy with his brothers on either side.
“Smile!”  Dad said.
And Tails did.
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Fox, deadpan: You stay positive. You always believe that everything is going to work out. How do you do it?
Rex, on his last nerve: Well I’ll tell you my secret vod. I lie to myself. Every morning, when I wake up, I say everything is gonna be okay. But I’m lying. And I don’t how much longer I can do it  
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emimii · 6 months
bug trick
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sn0wbat · 1 year
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might as well share this one too?
miniature andalite originally made in heroforge, then edited a little in blender, 3d-printed and painted.
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Cass: Jason?
Jason (facing away from Cass): I'm good, I am good.
Cass walks in front of Jason then hugs him, surprising him.
Jason: ...
Cass: Your jaw was tighter than usual. You're stressed and worried about the Joker. We will protect you, but I thought you needed a hug. If that's okay with you, some people don't like hugs-
Jason sniffles.
Jason: It's okay... I just don't remember the last time I got a hug and enjoyed it.
Jason hugs the girl back, smiling.
Cass: You're a good man, Jason.
Jason: Thanks... I needed this. Not the reminder I'm good, I know I'm awesome, but you know.
Cass (playing along): Mm-hm.
Jason (hesitantly): Um, you're not hugging me as a distraction before you knock me unconscious, right?
Cass: No... Who's done that?
Jason: It's a long story, one more minute for the hug?
Cass pats her brother's back with a smile.
Cass: I got ya.
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OKAY... Okay... I finally finished reading through the Castle Ravenloft chapter... and honestly I don't think I need to change too many things to make it PG-13 for my players!
I have to reskin the rats and spiders, adjust the tub ghost, make Pidlwick II a robotic stand-up comedian instead of a scary doll clown, but otherwise Strahd's house is pretty funny already! it's got haunted house traps! it's got the cake room! honestly I don't know why everyone was so worried, this isn't that bad!
hey what about the basement
The what?
the basement. with the uh, the torture... and all the crypts... and Cyrus—
WOW HUH weird my book says all the entrances to the basement are closed! Every single door. See? It says right here. "Every single door to the basement is closed and players probably won't want to go down there anyway". WELL GEE, GUESS WE'LL JUST SKIP THAT PART, OH WELL!!
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cryptid-called-ash · 8 months
I love the angst of asura just hating kid on principle but…
Au where upon meeting kid for the first time, asura just goes full big brother mode. Like he can’t explain it but nothing bad can happen to this child and if anyone tries to hurt him asura will personally end their entire existence.
And kid is equally as effected. He knows he should be scared of asura, but he’s just… not. He wants more than anything to help this person who is so clearly hurting.
They eventually work things out on their own, and upon realizing why they feel the way they do, actively try to connect as brothers.
Medusa and Arachne are still stirring up shit and everything is in total chaos. But there’s an actual slow burn redemption arc and familial bonding bc fuck you let them be happy.
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cobiapiet · 1 month
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Why do the boys look like they’re about to start a fight on my desk?
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polarisbibliotheque · 5 months
Are you into MBTI? If yes, may I ask for your idea on DMC characters types? If no then feel free to skip this ask, sorry for bothering you.
First things first, my beloved: DON’T APOLOGIZE. None of you are EVER bothering me by sending an ask – unless, of course, you’re completely crass, deranged, borderline criminal (or full criminal) with your words or just gratuitously rude. Those types are bothersome and will get blocked and ignored.
Unless I’m on an Axl Rose like rampage and want to burn and fistfight people along my way, then I’ll use the stupid being in question to pour all my anger and have a good reason to spend hours in therapy :)
But you are NOT one of those, my dear. That’s a very fun question and do feel free to ask me random things like that, I enjoy answering!
Now, I’m not really big on MBTI – I know enough about mine and my family’s so I can make things work between me and them. I also like to know my friends MBTI’s because the memes are usually freakishly accurate with all our personalities xD
I am an INTP! Quite proud, if I might say so hahahaha I like the weird vibes and I have adopted in my heart Sherlock Holmes as an INTP ‘cause he was my role model when I was a teen (I know, HORRIBLE role model, but it is what it is) – and that’s how I got into MBTI.
(more under the cut, this answer is LONG)
I’ll start with him and then Dante. I won’t share my 2 cents on the rest of the crew because either they aren’t that much developed as the twins or I’m not really trusting my MBTI judging abilities here.
Without further ado…
I debated quite a WHILE on Vergil, to be honest, because we all know INTJ is the typical villain archetype used everywhere on media because heaven forbid a villain is not calculating and devoided of emotions.
And there’s where I got a little stuck: emotions.
Vergil does have emotions, and I dare to say his run even deeper than Dante’s, so I got a little sidetracked. But then I took my own personality, INTP, and thought about it for a while. I have the same problem as Vergil: my emotions do run deep and I’m always guarding them in a dark, secret place inside of me so I won’t get hurt, opting for a more thinking, analytical and practical approach rather than the feeling approach. And oh boy does my life get difficult with feeling types like my aunt, my mom and even my sister.
I got to the conclusion, then, it’s not how you feel, but rather how you present yourself. I took the test as if I was Dante (I needed that to figure him out, not sorry) and a lot of questions are more leaning on that. It’s not that you don’t feel or don’t understand feelings, it’s more like you have a different approach when doing things and processing all of that – because it can be quite overwhelming.
So, there we go, Vergil is BLATANTLY Introverted and Thinking. The Introverted I got from what I heard some people saying that it’s not that “oh I like talking to people/I don’t like talking to people”, it’s energy: at the end of the day, do you prefer being alone to recharge or around people to recharge?
Me and my sister are opposites on that. My sister was always quieter and shy when she was a kid, and I was expansive and always came back with a new friend. Lo and behold, I’m an Introvert and she is an Extrovert. How? I HAVE and I NEED time alone, completely for myself, with NO ONE around at certain times of the day and I do get AWFULLY tired when I’m being social for too long, needing some me time with tea and a good book. My sister NEEDS to be around her friends after a long, tiring week at work, famously going to 3 parties in a row, in 3 different days, different groups, outfits and all, exiting one party to go to the other, and then BAM going to work on a Monday completely replenished. I’m an Introvert. She is an Extrovert.
Dante and Vergil seal of approval here hahahahaha
His Intuitive part, though, comes from the art – poetry, philosophy, reading, education. Vergil is obviously BIG on that, loving poetry since he was a child and always being found in libraries, we can all picture him going to art galleries, concerts, operas and such. But, particularly, I extend that to his thirst for knowledge: everyone who enjoys reading the dense stuff he does, tends to fall for philosophy, sociology, the metaphysical part of physics, mathematics, all that. There was a reason why great mathematicians of the past were also philosophers: knowledge walks together.
Loving that deeply, Vergil has to be quite Intuitive. Yes, he will do things with discipline and how they should be done to achieve the result – but he will rebel and do things his own way if the knowledge he acquired so far points him to another direction; he will follow his intuition. He’s not one to dismiss the big questions in life: quite the contrary, I think one of his favorite past-times would be drinking wine along his s/o while talking about philosophy into the wee hours of the night as if they are the only people in the world.
Vergil is an open minded, curious and always searching for the meaning of things kind of person, and I will die on this hill. There is no way a guy who likes learning so much would be against challenging his own point of views: to learn, you have to first be a novice; and to improve, you have to admit there’s much you still don’t know and keep an open mind to fail and do it again, and again, and again, until you master what you are learning. Just the way he fights tells me he is very much like that and I’m still dying on this hill.
And lastly, Judging. No, not because he’s the judgy bitch of the series who’s always side-eying someone and sighing while saying “pathetic” just because they got scared by their own shadow. I have to say I wasn’t too sure on this one when I realized Vergil could end up as an INTP and that bitch can’t be an INTP like me, I claimed it.
Jokes aside, Vergil can be quite Perceiving at times, because, wanting or not, he has had his moments of needing to improvise and spot opportunities that weren’t quite on his schedule… But, I do have to admit, INTPs are a mess and Vergil is FAR from being a mess – and when I say a mess, we are everywhere: reading 5 books at the same time, leaving them scattered all around the house, laying upside down in bed to think and come up with a great idea for something… INTPs aren’t pragmatic or schedule oriented. And Vergil would DIE in an environment like this, I think.
So, my conclusion was: his ability to survive does come from his Perceiving characteristics, but his pragmaticism comes from his Judging – and the second is a lot stronger in him. He would like the schedule, he would do things as he has programmed and, if you interrupt him, he’s counting the minutes to go back to his schedule or else everything he has carefully programmed for the week will be delayed and his plans are all but GONE (read: Verge at the Temen-ni-gru screaming “WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING?!” when ALL the plans he carefully executed for WEEKS so he could get to THAT moment and open the gates of Hell just went down the drain ‘cause he missed something in his calculations. Man is in excruciating pain he missed something and ALL was for NOTHING and he’d have to TRY again).
Verdict: Vergil is an INTJ. Expected, annoyingly villainous personality, but it does fit him wonderfully.
Plus, we are the 'we don't have feelings' types :D
Oh, Dante. My beloved. My red devil. The man who haunts my dreams.
Seriously, I had a REALLY hard time pinpointing his MBTI.
Remember I said I took the test as him? Yes. I did. To check some things and argue against others hahahahaa
I don’t think Dante is as black and white as Vergil. The blue devil is almost textbook INTJ, but Dante…? I have my doubts on SO many parts of his personality, because, unlike Vergil, Dante does a LOT just for show.
Starting with the Extroverted/Introverted. Most people won’t even think before saying Dante is an Extrovert, but I had my doubts when taking things in consideration. What we usually see is that, yes, he does love being around people – but Dante spends most of his time alone, without electricity, reading his old magazines at his shop, sleeping or eating pizza by himself.
Depression? Yes. YES. This man is more depressed than the San Andreas Fault. This can make people behave differently from their personalities, so I had to think a little more about it. Dante doesn’t really go out of his way to be around people, to party with his friends or just have a nice time with them around. Dante wants to be alone, because he thinks he doesn’t deserve to be with people – and that they are better off without him, safer. He puts them in danger, at least that’s what’s on his mind. So, he isolates himself and prefers to spend time on his own, away from everything and everyone.
That’s where the energy thing comes into play! What gives Dante energy? Honestly, my man looks drained and just the dust of his being whenever they get to his shop and he’s been living in that condition for months. During the games AND after the games, though? He looks a lot better – even if he has been beaten up by a bunch of demons. And that’s because, I think, Dante gets energized by being around people – friends, family, loved ones. Just like my sister, he can conquer the world after going to 5 parties in a row. Vergil, in the other hand, would be drained and dying by the second one, just like Dante is when he hasn’t been around people too much, always isolating himself.
So, despite his depression that makes him behave differently, Dante is an Extrovert in my book.
One that I don’t even think too much about him is the Perceiving trait. Dante is like that, 10/10. He can’t thrive on a schedule, things in his life are Everything Everywhere All At Once, and my man is in his lane with that. Try to fit Dante in a box with a set routine and too many rules, he’s dying. Aside from that, he has a knack for improvising and finding the best opportunities in unexpected situations.
Hence why he has so many freaking weapons and is just using all of them and all of his fighting styles at the same time, taunting demons and dancing Macarena right after – and making it all look like it makes the most absolute fucking sense. No one can pull that off like Dante, king of winging it.
Now, I do believe he is Intuitive. Dante might not be the art and poetry type like Vergil, but he is well educated. He has to be, to do what he does. And I do believe his thing for philosophy shows when Dante is lecturing demons: that WHOLE answer he gives Agnus about what demons lack compared to humans, that is VERY much philosophy. Dante doesn’t just go and takes everything at face value, because, if he did, he would very much say the obvious: demons are, objectively, stronger than humans. But all the heart, all the internal things that make humans stronger than demons… That’s philosophy.
I can see Dante enjoying movies – blockbusters, yes, packed with action and special effects, but let’s remember… Titanic is a blockbuster. And there’s so much heart in that movie, so much philosophy, so much about choosing your own fate and not being tied to the one that was handed to you… Titanic can pack one hell of an existential punch and make you think about so much in your life – you just have to be open to it.
Differently from Vergil, Dante wasn’t the library and heavy books sort of guy. But he was the guy to go to the movies, to watch all of that. To go back home (wherever his home was at the moment, even if just a place for him to crash for a while) and think about everything he watched in the silent darkness of his room. To think about the things Eva taught him – and see the value of all that.
He’s not the type to go to an art gallery, or read philosophy, or go to the opera. But he will go if he is invited, he will discuss things the way he learned them, and he will enjoy it. He’d be more than willing to talk about what makes humans so precious and spend hours doing so, as he would be open to listen to his s/o explaining what makes him so human despite his demonic heritage. And he would spend days thinking about it, always willing to discuss those topics if his s/o wanted to.
He's not textbook Intuitive like Vergil, I think, but he still is, in his very own way. I’d say Vergil is academically Intuitive, while Dante learned his Intuitive trait on the streets – we all say Dante is a safespace for everything, and a man like has to be open minded and curious. If he wasn’t, he would have never welcomed Trish and given her a chance to be human: he would’ve killed her right away for being a demon. And that isn’t our red devil.
Last but not least, Dante is a Feeling. I’m always dying on this hill, even if that one ALSO made me have some doubts.
Because you see, Dante just pretends to be a goof, but he isn’t. He is very intelligent and cunning, very perceiving and observing, but wrapped in a reckless rockstar package. It’s his own way of coping, but that is what makes him SUCH a great devil hunter (sorry, Nero). Even if we might disagree on this, I do believe Dante has his emotions very much controlled.
Which is a little evidenced by the lyrics on his theme song in DMC V, Subhuman (I know we ALL love Bury The Light and Devil Trigger but OH MY GOD, I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT HOW SUBHUMAN IS AWESOME AND FITTING FOR DANTE). The song is VERY explicit how Dante is always controlling his rage and keeping his demon on a very tight leash so he has control over it all the fucking time. That isn’t very Feeling in my book – it’s quite Thinking, like Vergil.
That’s what made me think a little about Vergil’s as well. I have what might be an unpopular opinion about the twins after thinking so much about them and seeing how they react and act in all of the games: Vergil has a tendency to loose control and overkill, while Dante has a tendency to let his rage burn at the exact moment he needs it and use his power just as much as he needs to get the job done. Dante is more controlled with his emotions than Vergil – and in my opinion, it’s because Vergil bottles up and ignores his emotions until they become a storm that can’t be stopped (cough cough personal experience cough cough) while Dante controls things so he can use his emotions and let them be expressed/gets them off his system in “safe” environments for him, which would be killing demons.
So, why the heck is Dante a Feeling in my book? Precisely why Vergil is a Thinking. It has to do with how they present themselves – and that is the point that makes them so different and butt heads almost every game.
The devil on Dante’s leash is his rage, the feeling he allows and wants to run amok and uncontrolled is his love. Dante controls his bursts of anger and the demonic blood who craves for mayhem – but he doesn’t control his human heart that does everything out of empathy and love. He will run to the rescue when his loved ones are in danger, he will protect weak people against the powerful ones, he will lecture corrupted humans who see nothing but power in front of them, he will cry and he will do everything in his power to keep love alive and thriving. He will react immediately, he will understand, he will feel the pain of those who are injured and begging for help – he will let his heart melt and do everything for them.
Therefore, Dante is a Feeling. And I think that’s what makes him and Vergil opposites and always fighting: Vergil wants power and puts logic over feelings, avoiding them like the plague, while Dante wants love and puts feelings over logic, embracing them and acting out of what his human heart tells him is the right thing to do. The whole series is based on this – at least in my opinion.
Verdict: Dante is an ENFP. Didn’t really expect it, but after analyzing with care, it makes a lot of sense to me.
Also, all the memes with ENFP x INTJ relationship dynamics I just checked are basically Dante and Vergil in a nutshell - I’ll leave some of them below and you guys will HAVE to forgive me not really crediting the people who created these memes, I honestly just found on google and wanted to share so you can have an idea of what I’m talking about.
But I honestly have been wheezing for the past hour and I thank you SO MUCH anon for this ask – I hope you enjoyed this little TED Talk about the Sparda Twins’ personalities please Capcom hire me to write official canon about them
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If this isn't Dante and Vergil, I dunno what is
And last but not least:
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That's all the games in a nutshell, really.
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