#then bruce says he only took in Jason because he missed dick
frogaroundandfindout · 4 months
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Bruce you make me so ill (Batman #416)
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mikakuna · 2 months
are we ready to face the truth that is bruce did not love jason as much as jason loved bruce?
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leclucklerc · 4 months
Something Immortal CL16 - 01. Fate
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Wayne!reader
Summary: Bruce Wayne loves his kids. He really do. To the point he's going to buy his son a whole ass Formula One team.
Word Count: 5.6K
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It’s a fairytale-like story where a billionaire stumbled upon a baby – fresh out of her mother’s womb, still red and wrinkled – on his doorstep.
There’s a note, written by someone who he can faintly recognize as one of his one-night stands months ago. A messy note with an almost unreadable handwriting declaring that she doesn’t want to have any responsibility for this baby. That as the sperm donor, now it’s his responsibility to take care of the child.
He stared at the note before blue eyes turned their way toward the baby once again. And then, as if the baby recognized his stare, blearily eyes blinked.
It was at that moment that the man fell in love with the baby in front of him.
It was also the start of Bruce Wayne and y/n Wayne’s story.
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Y/n understands that her father is not a perfect man.
He had made many wrong choices, choices that he believed were the best but in reality, it’s the choice that ended up doing more hurt than comfort. 
Communication is not his forte, as well as baring his emotion to those around him. There are many instances where her father intended to say one thing but, in the end, the words that escaped his mouth are more biting. More blunt. More heartless.
She knows it’s normal for someone to have a problem conveying their emotions. But in their family? In their family where there are far too many misunderstandings and far more unstable emotions as well as the tendency to take their own conclusion without consulting with anyone?
Jason used to call her the perfect child. The only child that grew up within the walls of the Wayne manor that ended up with a stable emotion and right mind. That she’s the perfect princess that Bruce Wayne always wanted. Unlike him, goes unheard. You’re the favorite, the one he favors the most, the one that he loves the most, goes unheard. Unlike him, once again, goes unheard.
It’s a bit funny to hear the man say that, because all her life, y/n is sure that she’s the least favorite child.
When she was a child, Dick had always been the golden boy. The perfect partner for Batman when they’re wearing masks and a charming happy child off mask. It’s a bit petty, but there was a time in y/n’s life when she felt a lot of resentment for the older. After all, she’s Bruce’s biological daughter, she’s the child that fell into Bruce’s life first, and yet-
And yet why didn’t he spend more time with her? Why didn’t he always explicitly forbid her to venture through the night like he and Dick?
Why was she never enough?
Of course, that resentment was short-lived because it’s Dick. Dick with his playful laughs and sunshine smile. Dick who always held her hands, guiding her away into some new adventure that he had created a mere minutes prior. Dick is the best big brother anyone could ever asked for. He always made time for her – even to play with her dolls or play pretend – always took care of and protected her in school, and always prioritized her over anything in his life – even Robin.
It’s hard to hate Dick, even after his huge fight with Bruce and his moving out of the Wayne manor. It’s hard to hate Dick, even though he had only hugged her in the middle of the night, muttering that he couldn’t stand living in the manor anymore, that B is beyond reasoning, and disappeared the next day.
It was hard to accept, that her perfect big brother suddenly disappeared from her life. That she was back to being the only child. That the only contact that her big brother made was the occasional phone calls or the screaming match that she sometimes heard from the cave.
What if she also wants to live with her big brother?
What if she also missed Dick?
Maybe that’s why Jason had always been so special to her. An older brother that Bruce found whilst in the middle of stealing Batmobile’s tires. She knows that Jason is not perfect. He has a potty mouth and often says rude things in a fit of anger. His temper was also extraordinarily short, and a bit unpredictable.
But Jason always tries.
He had always tried to be the older brother that y/n needed in her lonely life. He had always tried to make up all of his brash personality and short fuse. He had always tried to apologize first, always tried to keep up with all of her hobbies and interests. Always tried to be there for her. An older brother who often read her to sleep and talked sense to her father. An older brother who fills in the huge gap that Dick left behind. 
An older brother who had promised her that he would always be right by her side. That he will be there during her dance recital and her university graduation. That he will be there during her first date to give her lover a shovel talk. That he will always be there to make up for the lack of her father and their oldest brother’s presence.
To be the perfect older brother for her.
An older brother who died.
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Y/n love for cars started when Jason stole one of Bruce’s Ferrari.
It’s a custom—a vintage beauty in the color of midnight and the only one that exists in the world. Her dad received it years ago as a thank-you for his massive investment in the company. Y/n knows that it’s one of her dad’s favorite cars. He rarely used it, only for special occasions, and he often came to the garage and polished it personally.
Most of your siblings shared that sentiment. Even those who don’t really care about cars appreciate their beauty.
So it’s normal for Jason – an automotive enthusiast, who has his own personalized bike and follows Formula 1 religiously – to be entranced by it. He had taken a liking to it since his Robin days when Dad once took him for a drive with that Ferrari. Many things had happened between those times and current times, but it seems his love for the car didn’t diminish.
Y/n was in the garage when Jason appeared, whistling and keys jiggling in his hand.
“I thought we’re not allowed to use that one,” pointed out the woman, grabbing his leather jacket in a sad attempt to stop him.
Jason raised an eyebrow before he raised his hand to ruffle the top of your hair. “As long as he doesn’t know I’ll be fine,” he scoffed.
“I bet Alfred knows.”
“Alfie knows everything.”
Y/n continues to stare at him as Jason reaches the Ferrari. You could practically see all the love and adoration in his eyes as he walked around the car as if he was about to inspect it.
“You know,” y/n started. “I could tell Dad.”
The older male stopped at that. “You wouldn’t,” he said, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I could,” you shrugged.
“What do you want in exchange for your silence?”
You grinned. “When you take it out for a drive, I want to go too.”
Jason seemed to contemplate that bargain for a couple of seconds before he nodded. “Deal.”
Truth to be told, it’s not like y/n was interested in automotive or cars back then. Back then, she had just seen it as an opportunity to become closer to Jason. After all, his relationship with the family is tense during the best days and downright horrible during the worst ones.
Y/n had been hesitant about approaching the man after the whole Red Hood and the… Jason being dead… thing that she had elected to stay away from him for some time. Most of the time, the man doesn’t even come to the manor if he can help it and only visits during vigilante business. Considering y/n is not a vigilante, well.
Jason had been her favorite brother. He had been the brother who understood her perfectly. The sibling that is the closest to her age.
The sibling that she had grieved for the longest.
Of course, she had been overjoyed at his return, despite all of the killings and the not-right-in-the-head part. It’s still Jason after all. It’s still the brother who likes to accompany her in the library and the brother who helps her with her English homework.
It’s still the older brother that she loves with all her heart, despite all the differences and all the things in between.
Jason still laughed with his full body, eyes still crinkling in amusement every time he found something funny. He still loves to read those cheesy romance books and believes in true love. Jason is still Jason and that’s all that matters.
That’s why she had seen it as an opportunity to once again, grow closer to Jason. To rebuild the relationship that had years ago. To become siblings once again.
She’s not even sure why Jason agreed to take her alone, not that she’s complaining. She just hopped into the car – excitement high and brimming – as she began thinking what kind of conversation they could have or if should they stop by for food afterward-
Though, in the end, both y/n and Jason crashed the car.
In both of your defenses, Jason – who was driving the car at that time – didn’t mean it. The both of you were high in euphoria and the thrill of high speed after all. And the road near the Wayne Manor is always empty considering, well, it’s also owned by the Wayne family, so no one is ever in it.
It’s not your or Jason’s fault that they didn’t predict a stray cat will pass through the road.
Y/n had screeched and Jason had cursed to hell back as he swerved. It’s only due to the man’s extensive experience as a vigilante and doing many many car chases throughout Gotham that the crash is not a horrible one.
But still, the custom Ferrari had a big dent and scratch mark on its side. Certainly not something that the both of you can hide from. 
Considering that it’s your dad’s favorite car, it’s only normal for him to be mad. But one look at your bruised forehead and Jason’s bleeding noise squashed down all of that anger and replaced it with worry and fretting. It seems his love for his children greatly overpowers any fond memories he has of that car.
However, it doesn’t mean that both of you came out of that mess scot-free. As a punishment, Bruce told both you and Jason to go fix the car.
Fixing the car is a generous term considering you and Jason only had to bring the car to something like a garage specializing in Ferrari or something. But though, it was also the moment that you started to build your relationship with Jason once again.
“Why do you like it so much though?” you had asked.
“Because it’s cool,” grunted out Jason as the both of you lounged in one of his safehouses. The TV is on, showing a Formula 1 race being broadcast. “Look, I know it just looks like cars going around in circles but you gotta watch the whole thing to understand the thrill!”
Letting out a hum, you settled once again on the sofa.
“Are you interested in it?” you asked in it. “To… you know, becoming your daytime job.”
“Dunno, being a crime lord is kind of a daytime kind of thing.”
You let out a huff of laughter at that. “You know that’s not what I mean,” you said, nudging him by the shoulder. “Dad is… you know how he’s trying to announce your revival publicly right?”
Y/n knows Jason knows that. Practically everyone in the family knows it at this point.
“And well, for your civilian persona, maybe having a daytime job that’s not borderline illegal could help.”
Jason let out a scoff at that. “Psh,” he said. “I’m like, way too old to start my carreer in racing,” waved Jason off, though Y/n can sense a hint of disappointment on his tone. “There’s no team who wants me anyway, what with my anger issue and bout of madness.”
The female frowned at that. “You know that’s not an issue,” she said.
“The hell does that mean?”
“If you want to become a Formula One driver, or anything – really – you just only need to say it,” said the woman. “Dad will practically buy you a private island if you asked him, let alone a Formula One team.”
Her brother stared at her, eyes blinking, and y/n merely kept her gaze on the screen in front of them.
“Are you- are you being serius?” Chocked out Jason.
“Jay,” started the female. “Dad id practically building a zoo on our backyard for Damian’s pure shit and giggles,” she said, reminding the older male about the construction that had been happening for some time and Damian’s dedication to it. “If Dad thinks you being a Formula One driver can help you to your… recovery, or you being closer to the family, he’s going to buy the whole paddock at this point.”
“… You’re being serious.”
“Obviously,” said y/n. “What? You don’t want to?”
“I don’t-“ Bit out Jason, “Have any time for that.”
Jason said that he doesn’t have any time for that. Not that he doesn’t wants it.
Y/n remember Jason’s childhood bedroom back in the manor. The old Formula One poster that had faded over time. The miniature Ferrari Formula One car that had been customized gift from the company, a special gift requested by Dad all those years ago. Or that day years ago, when Dad had taken a much younger y/n and Jason to Monza to watch the race.
She stared back at the race that’s showing on the screen in front of them.
Well, she thought. It won’t be too hard to convince dad to buy a formula one team.
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You see, the thing is, contrary to popular belief, Bruce Wayne doesn’t want his children to become vigilantes like him. After all, he knows best how dangerous the job can be. How with a single mistake, a single misstep, it will be your life that is in danger.
He had been a bit accepting of the idea after Dick. Bruce knows that he’s not a great father, that he has made way too many mistakes, but seeing how great of a hero Dick is, the older man had accepted the fact that he may not have been a great father, but a great mentor.
However, that kind of thought soon changed.
After Jason, after Ethiopia and its explosion, and Joker’s manic laugh, he doesn’t want any of his children to become a vigilante. He doesn’t want to lose any of his children anymore. Bruce had been scared for the day that y/n would come to him and declare her desire to become a crime-fighting vigilante to come.
And yet, that day never came. Instead, y/n had come to him holding a stack of papers that Bruce recognized as his own father’s research paper. There’s a bright grin on her face, so much like Martha Wayne’s, as you declare, “I want to become a doctor!” said the girl. “Just like Grandpa Thomas!”
Oh, Bruce loves all of his children equally. He had loved each of them with the same intensity. Yet, at this moment, all he could see was the crying baby that was left on his doorstep all those years ago—the result of a careless one-night stand when he was too young even to manage his grief properly.
Y/n had been the first child that he raised and was even under his care years before he took in Dick as his ward. Bruce was practically a child himself when y/n appeared in his life, just a crying baby that was dumped on his doorstep by a mother who didn’t want her. He had made many mistakes and actually managed a somehow decent job at the whole being a father thing due to Alfred’s helping hand. She had been his only daughter for so long and seeing her like this, wanting to become someone just like his late father-
Maybe, just maybe. Maybe Bruce did a good job in this whole fathering thing.
That happened years ago, and now fast forward to now, y/n has become the youngest professor in Thomas Wayne Hospital. Considering her achievements and who her father is, it’s a no-brainer that she will take up the director seat soon enough. She too, alongside Jason, had been the face of Wayne Industry charities where her older brother focuses on helping street children to have a more stable future, she focuses on improving Gotham’s horrid healthcare system.
And of course, her side job.
The doctor to her siblings’ recklessness.
“Ow!” Hissed out Tim as y/n began stitching his wound in the med bay. “I didn’t expect it to be that painful-“
“Of course, it’s painful,” answered the woman with a scowl. “And you’re the one that’s insisting on not using any anesthesia, so suck it up like a big boy.”
“You know I got all sleepy if I had anesthesia,” grumbled the younger male. “I need to study a case file later tonight-“
“Tim,” cut off y/n. “When did you last sleep?”
Tim blinked. “… Last night?”
“Drake is lying,” interrupted Damian as he appeared next to the girl with a glare in his eyes. “He was last asleep approximately 65 hours ago,” continues the boy, tattling his older brother without a care in the world.
“TIMOTHY JACKSON DRAKE-WAYNE!” Yelled y/n as she finished out the stitch. “What did I tell you about the importance of sleep!?”
“You’re still growing! I know that you just took over the CEO position and there are case files that you need to look up to, but how many times do I have to tell you that resting your body is also equally important!?”
The younger can’t even come up with a retort as he resigned himself on the onslaught of scolding that’s being rained upon him.
Dick is laughing easily besides them, fully enjoying the whole debacle.
It didn’t took y/n long to finish up tending on her sibling injuries before she moved towards where Bruce is sitting.
“I’m not injured,” he replied, though at the same time, letting his daughter to examined him closely.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrow at that, a gesture that his own mother likes to make when she knows that Bruce is lying, before she began examining him. It was silent around them, as Dick had decided to haul Tim up to his bedroom.
“Dad,” started y/n as she bandaged a small wound on his shoulder. “Can I talk to you about something?”
Bruce hummed.
“If I ask you to buy something, are you going to do it?”
That made him raised an eyebrow. Out of all of his children, y/n is probably the one who has the largest personal income besides Tim. It’s rare for the woman to ask Bruce something ever since she has her own money.
She’s probably going to ask him buy something expensive.
“Depends,” he replied. “What do you want?”
“A Formula One team?”
Bruce has so many questions at that. 
He knows that a few months ago that y/n and Jason had crashed his Ferrari. As a punishment, he had asked them to fixed it together. He also knows that the both of them had been bonding over it. Y/n even visited Jason often enough to know the man’s daily habit at this point.
“What’s this all of the sudden?” he asked instead. “I didn’t know that you’re that… passionate about Formula One.”
It’s not that he’s against or doesn’t have the money to buy a Formula One team. Hell, he could probably buy the entirety of Formula One and go on his merry way. Wayne Industry is trying to expand into the automotive world too these past years – something that had caused Tim a great headache lately – but his daughter who previously doesn’t have any interest in Formula One suddenly asked him to buy a team there?
“It’s not for me, obviously,” said the woman. “It’s for… Jason.”
“Jason?” Bruce blinked.
“Lately we’ve been bonding a lot,” started y/n. “It’s great to have my older brother back, and we’ve been bonding a lot over Formula One because if you remember, Jason had always liked it, even before… everything.”
Bruce does remember it. The weekend that he spent in Monza with younger Jason and y/n had always been one of his fondest memory.
“I think Jason had wanted to become a Formule One driver, once.”
That, is something that Bruce doesn’t know.
“He obviously can’t right now, but if you buy a team, he could… I don’t know, do some testing, go on a simulation, or if god’s willing, maybe even race for the team,” explained y/n. “I know that this seems like a bizzare request dad, but I think this can make Jason really happy.”
An image of Jason appeared inside of his mind.
Of Jason scowling in front of him. Of Jason who had begged him to choose him over his killer. Of his son, laying lifeless on his arm, body cooling rapidly as the time stopped around him.
Of Jason, laughing and smiling decked in Ferrari colors in Monza all those years ago.
It’s an easy choice for Bruce Wayne- no, as Jason’s dad.
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There’s a lot of hustle and bustle during the Monaco Grand Prix. This is not uncommon, considering how many celebrities or another important figures that attended that particular GP.
Though usually, Charles tuned them all out. After all, this is the Monaco GP. His home race. Monaco GP is probably the Grand Prix that matters the most to him. 
He really can’t help it. It has been his childhood dream to race in the streets of Monaco. Charles can remember vividly his childhood memories when he would watch the Monaco GP from his friends’ balcony. To watch the cars, speed up through the streets that he’s familiar with, just admiring and daydreaming about his dream as a Formula 1 driver. Years later, Charles managed to become a Formula 1 driver. Not only a Formula 1 driver but a Ferrari Formula 1 driver. It’s everything that he had ever wanted and yet-
It’s only losses after losses. Disappointments after disappointments. A string of failed races every time it’s time for him to race in his home country. People like to call it his Monaco curse. Charles personally found it ridiculous.
And yet they’re all living in a world where superheroes and supervillains roam around the land. They’re living in a world where there’s an alien and a man who dressed up as a bat posing as their heroes. Where villains who wants world domination appear every week.
So maybe, a curse is not something too far off.
Nonetheless, every time the Monaco GP turned up; it put him in a pensive mood. There are just so many things inside of his mind. The excitement of the race, all the bits of knowledge that he had to know regarding the car and the track, the fear of disappointment that kept hanging on his back over and over again.
Too many things to contemplate and brood about for him to listen to the idle chatter inside the garage. This year though, he can’t help but tune in.
“There’s an important guest in attendance,” said his manager during lunch. Charles eyed the chicken that was being served in front of his manager almost hungrily before he turned his gaze toward the sad plate of salad in front of him. “You know Bruce Wayne?”
“Ah,” said Charles in realization. Charles is not even an American and he’s very familiar with the name Bruce Wayne and the Wayne legacy. To be honest, it’s harder to not know the man considering he’s gracing every news outlet every other week. “The richest man in the world?”
“Bingo,” nodded the man. “He’ll attend the Monaco race, with some of his children,” he continued. “Apparently he’s a big fan of cars, and there’s even rumors that the Wayne Industry is going to acquire a team in Formula One soon.”
Oh, that’s news even for him. He wonders if FIA is going to expand the sport or maybe the Wayne Enterprise is going to buy one of the teams. Haas maybe?
“I see,” murmured Charles. “Is he going to stay in one of the team garages or?”
“He’ll be staying with us,” answered his manager. “His father had saved Ferrari from a financial crisis a few decades back, and Bruce Wayne is also one of the major stakeholders in Ferrari. The guy even got a custom-made Ferrari a few years ago… wonder where that went through.”
Well, if Charles also had a custom-made Ferrari, he would parade it around everywhere. But if you’re as rich as Bruce Wayne maybe a custom-made Ferrari is nothing.
Despite everything, Bruce Wayne didn’t actually show up until Sunday, the actual race day. Charles is sitting on top of tires just outside of the Ferrari garage, trying to get into the right head space when there seem to be clamors around him. He heard him before he saw him, as he could hear the increase of camera shutters and conversations.
Bruce Wayne is a large and domineering figure. He’s tall, really tall. Charles thinks there’s a couple of inches in difference in their height, but what really caught his attention is how built the guy is. Formula One drivers are expected to stay light, because the lighter they are, the faster their car will go. He has been way too used to seeing tall and lean men – the other drivers – that Bruce Wayne’s built body made him do a double-check.
Accompanying him, are a younger man and a woman – his children it seems. The man is also tall, taller than Charles but not as tall as Wayne, but he seems to compensate for it with pure muscle. He has tan skin as well as a tuft of dark hair with white streaks in front. The woman is also tall, her face showing few similarities with Wayne. Different from his father and brother who are decked in all black, the woman is wearing a red silk top. Clearly showing the whole paddock the team that she’s rooting for.
Ferrari’s chairman – John Elkann - is walking beside Wayne and is clearly pleased by the declaration from the woman.
“And of course, our driver!” said John when they were nearing the garage. Instantly all eyes were on Charles and almost automatically, a smile appeared on his lips. “Bruce, this is one of our drivers, Charles Leclerc, and Charles, you know Bruce Wayne.”
“Yes,” said Charles, increasing his charm to the max. Being on a good term with Bruce Wayne not only will benefit the racing team but Ferrari as a whole. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Wayne.”
Wayne laughed cheerily at that, shaking his hand with Charles. “It’s an honor for me too,” said the man. “I’ve been a big fan of Formula One for so long, only now do I have the time to watch a race live.”
Charles doubts that. Bruce Wayne is famous for all of his vacations and playboy lifestyle – the latter part had tamed a bit in recent years, considering all the children that he had now. No doubt, if he’s really a fan of Formula One, the man would have found time to watch a race or two.
“And my children too are big fans,” grinned Wayne as he motioned for both of his children to come closer. “This is Jason, my second eldest,” he put an arm around the man who nodded his head towards Charles. “And this is y/n, my youngest daughter.”
For the first time since their arrival, Charles got a good look on their face and-
Y/n Wayne is probably the most beautiful woman that Charles had ever seen in his life. Perfectly styled hair, red lipstick across her lips – perfectly complimenting her pearly teeth – and how her outfit today fits her like a glove. She looks really beautiful, almost unreal. It’s a really big compliment because he had seen many beautiful women – models, influencers, celebrities – but no one seems able to compare with the ethereal beauty of Y/n Wayne.
“It’s really nice to meet you,” said Y/n with a large smile. “As you can see,” at this, she motioned her top, there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I’m rooting for Ferrari, so I wish you good luck during the race.”
Fuck. Her voice sounds really nice too. Charles needs to open his mouth and answer the woman, but his voice seems to be stuck in his throat. 
Finally, after a couple of second of silence, he managed to say, “Yeah,” said the driver. “Yeah, thank you.”
A snort cut through his haze, making Charles turn his eyes towards the older Wayne’s sibling. Jason Wayne stares at him with a raised eyebrow, eyes showing as if he knows something that Charles doesn’t know. 
“I hope you enjoy your stay here,” said the driver turning his attention towards Bruce Wayne, trying to steer the conversation away from his awkwardness. Away from y/n Wayne’s perfectly styled hair and a perfect smile. “I was told you will be staying in the garage, yes?”
“Yes,” answered Mr. Wayne. “I’m really excited about it, right Jason? y/n?”
“For sure,” answered Jason, talking for the first time since their arrival here. “Heard you have a shitty luck in your home race, gonna need lots of good luck, no?”
And ouch.
Charles knows that his home race curse is a bit infamous, but being told like this directly in front of his face is hurting his ego a bit. It’s not like he can give the guy a retort back considering he’s Bruce Wayne’s son – one of their biggest sponsors – but still, he can’t help the small twitch of annoyance that appeared on his lips.
“Jason,” said y/n, nudging the elder’s side.
Jason rolled his eyes, holding his hands up in defense. 
“Sorry about that,” said y/n. “He’s a bit prickly after the long flight.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” dismissed Charles good-naturedly, not wanting to offend their guests. “My Monaco curse has its own reputation after all.”
“Don’t call it a curse,” laughed y/n. “Someone once said to me that if you acknowledge something as a curse, it will only bring bad luck.”
Charles raised an eyebrow at that. “Oh?” he said, a bit intrigued. It’s an interesting concept after all. 
“Yes,” replied the female with a smile. Her eyes crinkled, only making it far more beautiful and show-stopping. “Maybe it’s luck? Luck for me?”
“For you?”
“Well, I think if I managed to see the il Predestino first race win in Monaco I would be a really lucky girl.”
And well, Charles can’t help but bark out a laugh at that. The idea itself is a bit ridiculous, but somehow, it only warms his heart. The woman seems to be amused at his sudden bout of laughter as she too, regards him with some kind of amusement in her eyes.
“That certainly one of the ways to see it,” said the driver, amusement dripping on his tone. “Thank you though, I’ll remember your words during the race and maybe it can serve as my personal lucky charm.”
Y/n let out a laugh at that. “Please do,” replied the woman. “It’s every girl’s dream to be remembered by Charles Leclerc after all.”
“Every girl’s dream huh?” answered the driver. “Is it also yours?”
“Well, for one, I’m a woman,” said y/n grinning.
“Mhm, I can see that-”
“That’s enough of that,” Cut off Jason and it made Charles remember that it’s not only him and y/n in the room. The older of the Wayne children stared at the both of them with something akin to disapproval that made Charles flicker his eyes to where Bruce Wayne was. Thankfully, he’s deep in a conversation with John. “I really don’t want to see my sister flirting with someone,” this he made a vague gagging sound, “and Bruce is leaving, so we better get going.”
“Ah,” said y/n, turning her eyes towards where her father is. “Jason is right, it’s really nice to meet you, Charles.”
He really can’t help the twinge of disappointment that appeared inside of him. He had been enjoying their conversation after all. The driver wishes that he doesn’t have a race soon so that they can have more time just getting to know each other. “It’s also really nice to meet you, y/n.”
The woman smiled at that before she leaned closer, startling him a bit. “Let’s continue our conversation later at the after-party,” she whispered, giving him a wink before she leaned back and said again in a louder voice. “Anyway, good luck out there. We’re really looking forward to the race later.”
Soon after that, Bruce Wayne’s entourage moved on, no doubt exploring the paddock with Ferrari’s chairman, leaving Charles standing there staring.
“Stop that gawking,” muttered his managed, snapping him out of his trance. “We all know y/n Wayne is pretty.”
Charles spluttered. “I was-“ he began fumbling. “I was not gawking at her.”
“Mhm,” hummed his manager. “Anyway, get your head right on your shoulder loverboy, the race is starting soon.”
The driver grumbled as he turned around towards the garage.
He’s Charles Leclerc. He does not gawk. He’s not-
Y/n Wayne’s beautiful smile flashed across his mind.
Well, he’s a simple man after all.
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
Do the batfamily members ever get too into their undercover work? (Undercover in an office and theyre worried about spreadsheets, working in a warehouse and coming home complaining about missing parts)
Bruce: Status updates on your undercover missions. Dick, you first. What have you got down at the docks?
Dick: I haven't confirmed the Killer Croc sightings yet, but more importantly, our catch hasn't been measuring up to last year's. Tuna we're doing okay on, but the salmon population seems to be on the low end. I've contacted the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries but it'll be another 3-5 business days before they can come down and check it out.
Bruce: At least you're doing something to help. Jason?
Jason: Class was okay. I think the kids are warming up to me as their substitute while Mrs. Maloney is out on maternity leave. The average on the last vocabulary quiz was 83.53% so either I'm doing my job right or they need to be challenged. I'm worried about Tristan Lancy, though. He's normally a good student but his grades have been dropping recently and his parents don't seem like safe people to tell. I'll talk to him tomorrow and try to pair him up with a peer tutor if he needs it.
Bruce: Also see if he has any alternate contacts besides his parents. Tim, any updates at the chemical plant?
Tim: If by updates you mean OSHA violations, I could go on all week. We got a batch of new recruits today and they were just thrown into the work—no PPE, no safety training, nothing. This is what happens when you place production over employee well-being. I'm gonna file a complaint after this meeting. Also, I think the union will have something to say about the manager cutting people's lunch breaks short.
Bruce: I see. Damian? Please tell me you found something volunteering at the zoo.
Damian: Depends on how you define "found." While I have not obtained evidence of a mutant larvae black market, I did help some of the animals at the sanctuary make progress with their recovery. Bobo the monkey is healing from his broken arms and we're gradually getting him re-acclimated to climbing higher surfaces. Suzie the black bear was born a little prematurely but seems to be catching up to her peers in terms of growth. Lastly, we got a grant for additional wildcat research and enrichment. As an aside, we are having an educational seminar on European mountain goats this Friday at 3:30 and I expect all of you to be there.
Bruce: I'll put that on our calendars. Steph?
Steph: It's not really undercover work for me, just work. Anyway, yes the newest Batburger location is being used for money laundering. But I really need to vent about the customers for a sec. We don't open until 10 and at 9:30 this morning some moron was banging on our door demanding Jokerized cheese fries. Then right in the middle of the lunch rush, Janie got sick so I had to fill in as the cashier and it was hell. After that, I had to step in between a fight at the drive-thru because the customer claimed we only gave him nine pieces of his ten-piece Robin nuggets and tried to beat up the kid who took his order. And to top it all off, an entire high school hockey team came in five minutes before closing.
Bruce: Cass?
Cass, blowing balloons: Can't talk. Arranging bat mitzvah.
Bruce: Duke, you're my last hope.
Duke: Margie's bringing a peanut butter chocolate cake to the bake sale. I swiped her recipe and we can easily beat her. Her ganache is way too watery and just runs off the top of the cake, which isn't even leveled. She's also trying to do something with a raspberry filling that isn't working at all. It's like she couldn't decide on what to bring. The bake sale committee also asked if we can bring some apple pies because the original baker has to go out of town for a family emergency. I think we'll win if we bring them with some ice cream and a touch of caramel, even though this isn't a contest.
Bruce: Thank you. At least our most critical case has been taken care of.
Barbara: ...I'll save my book launch for later.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 months
can we have more disowned!Jason pls??
Bruce was thankful for the drive. It gave him time to think. Mostly of things to say.
He'd sent a new washer and dryer, only to have them politely but firmly refused. Not by Jason, which he expected, but by you. You explained that it was appreciated but not necessary. And then before hanging up the phone, suggested that he donate the money to a support group for estranged parents. Electronics for the kids were similarly received- albeit less politely by Jason. Jason outright sent them back in pieces.
It was a risk, and he knew that. But by the time he pulled into town and was driving down tree-lined streets he was resolved. He had grandchildren now. He had a son who was happy. A Daughter in law... It was- well. Not a 'normal' family but, why did that matter?
There was a new baby on the way. Surely you had to need something to make it easier? College funds? Was the house paid for? He went through the options over and over. Considering the things he knew from the court documents. How you'd come to have your niece and nephew in your custody. The long sad story that got there.
You were steadfast and compassionate- that he knew. And proud. An offer that felt like charity would be rejected. Because you were doing it- or had been doing it on your own. Caring for your grandmother and then your mother. Fighting with the courts. Running a business. And raising two kids. You didn't want charity.
He pulled up on the curb and checked his watch, frowning. Both cars were still in the drive. Which was odd. Dick had told him you usually took the kids to school and opened the store.
He walked up the front steps and rang the bell. Greeted by the cacophony of dogs barking and Jason grumbling as he lumbered to the door.
Jason rolled his eyes when he saw Bruce at the door. "Not now-"
"I come in peace," Bruce said holding up his hands.
"Now's not a good time," Jason said, picking up the Yorkie before she could bolt out the door.
"What happened?" Bruce asked, heart dropping. Jason looked tense. Stressed. Upset. "Are the kids-"
"There was a break in at the hardware. Y/N was working late doing the books. Local scumbags busted in looking for tools they could sell. And copper. They didn't know she was there, so when she walked out to see what was happening, they panicked. Busted her in the face a couple times and someone kicked her stomach." Jason exhaled slowly. "Boris got to them and scared them off when he heard her struggling. And then. Fuck. As if it wasn't bad enough, his fucking heart just gave out and her dog died."
"Now is really not a good time," Jason repeated, swallowing hard.
And all Bruce can do is hug him. Hard. Jason never did do well when women were in danger. When they were attacked like that. And now it was one of HIS women. His wife. The mother of his children. And she hadn't been able to call him for help. "Is... everything okay?" he asked, releasing him when Jason started to pull away.
"They kept her in the hospital for a couple days and they want to keep her on bed rest for a while. They were worried about her back and her ribs. And the stress of it all. But- mostly she just... she's worried about the baby. She's worried about the kids. And she misses Borris."
"A good boy-"
"Her best friend," Jason said, smiling a little. "And then he had to go and prove he really did love her more than me... grumpy old fucker."
"I know it's not a good time," Bruce said, not wanting to add more stress to his son. Or risk upsetting you and making it worse for you. "But if you need anything-"
"Just make sure those scumbags stay in jail," Jason said. "Because if I get my hands on them, I'll break their fucking necks."
"At least you aren't going to shoot-"
"Y/N makes me store my guns and my ammo in two separate places," he sighed. "And she moved it after Ty found it- now I don't know where it is."
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cristinacclearwater · 3 months
Robin Time Travel AU!!
A fic where Dick or Damian or Jason or all three time-traveled and stop Ethiopia from happening... Only they didn't anticipate the consequences.
With no Ethiopia happening, Jason never dies and neither does Bruce go off the rails... Thus never giving Tim a reason to join the Batfam...
Dick never saw nor tried to find out exactly how bad Bruce got after Jason... And was waiting for Tim to find him again... Even going to Harley's where they met... Keeping the entire schedule for the week very simple for Tiny Tim to easily follow... Only Tim never shows up...
Jason does not know the circumstances of Tim joining and is wondering when Bruce is bringing Timbo home...
While Damian convinced Talia that it is better for him to join his father in Gotham... By 'investigating' and 'arriving' at the 'conclusion' that his father is Batman... Thus he comes to Gotham early... Like months before Tim... Like he coincided with the week Jason would have died...
Again, he does not know the circumstances of Tim joining... Just knowing that this time when he has Robin, it will be on Tim's terms... He is looking forward to a good relationship with him because Dick said Tim always wanted a little brother and now Damian has the chance to be that little brother... No, he is not jealous of YJ or how close they are with Tim, or that bloody speedster... What are you saying!?!!!
Tim never comes.
Now, Tim on the other hand decided to explore Paris and gets caught in shenanigans... Meets Lady Shiva... Gets mentored by Lady Shiva... Unknowingly insults Snake... Gets challenged by Snake... Defeats Snake... Refuses Lady Shiva's offer... And comes back to Gotham... Only this trip was a year or 9-10 months long...
In Gotham, he takes up the cape... Works smaller crimes, nothing with rogues (like Spider-Man) and becomes beloved... Of course, Tim is still that little stalker at heart and keeps updating the Bat's info... he doesn't want to be burdensome to them, Thus, Tim makes sure Bats and him don't cross paths... After all, Batman might feel obligated to take him in as he did Batgirl, Spoiler, and Black Bat... They didn't have training. He does...
Meanwhile, Batfam is wondering where they went wrong and missed Tim... And slowly Dick starts remembering the context as to why Tim sought him out... Not to be Robin but to make him take Robin back up... And when Dick refused to... Then Tim took up the job of keeping Batman in line... Because Gotham needs Batman and Batman needs a Robin...
Dick tells Jason and Damian... They don't believe... Because of course, my info is not wrong... He was replacing me/was an interloper... It takes them that entire year to accept that Tim is not coming... Then scrambling to find him... Then they started hearing rumors... Of this little vigilante who helps with small crimes... And try to intercept him, maybe introduce themselves, to no avail... It was as if Gotham herself was against it, they always missed him...
Meanwhile, Tim's life continues pretty much same as in earlier comics... Batfam, out of the city, Metallo attacks Gotham... Tim calls Superboy... Thus, the first meeting of TimKon, same as comics. Only, instead of Tim, he travels as Alvin Draper, a child who was helped into his seat by his parents and will be picked up by his cousin Shanks at the airport... Actors he hires to help him... And "will you please watch him, we are so scared he will be traveling alone"... The story works for both going and then returning and Cousin Shanks helps Alvin back onto the plane when needed...
School trip for Bart and I do not believe much will change with Bart as he will know Tim's rep from the future, rather than the past, so Bart still believes Tim's awesome... And makes friends...
They still start Young Just Us... And still go on every mission they did in YJ98... Tim still develops a rapport with Batman... Only he is not his Robin or known as his prodigy... Compared to when Batman taught him everything and knew him well, lying to Batman was quite easy for Tim... Because Tim grew up in Gotham society and was his mother's son through and through...
Tim's parents are not bad in this either... Like can Janet put the fear of god in businessmen? YES... But when it came to family and especially Tim, she was soft... I see Tim's relationship with his parents same as Kudo Shinichi's from Detective Conan... Like they have wanderlust and Tim does not... But just because they are not in the same country or continent, does not mean they do not keep in contact... They know exactly what shenanigans Tim gets up to and know better than to stop him because otherwise, he will just hide them... They know all his friends, his interests, etc... Especially his mom, and hiding about Robin probably hurt their relationship a lot...
{I 100% believe the only reason Tim didn't tell Jack he was a vigilante was because he was Robin and thus was responsible for the entire Batfam identities... And that is why Jack believed Tim did not choose but rather was coerced into being Robin because otherwise they would already know...}
So, in this fic, Tim keeps his parents in the loop from the beginning and Janet makes sure a part of DI is dedicated to helping Tim, so he's never without help in Gotham... Also, they know life is dangerous so they get separate mobile/communicators for "just emergencies", like a "Need help! Will die if not given" button... So Tim knew the moment his parents were taken by Obama Man and rescued them with Young Just Us...
Because NO BATMAN RULES thus Tim was able to tell his parents and team his identity much earlier than in canon... He still makes contingencies for fellow heroes, especially Justice League, including the entire Batfam, including Alfred... Because Janet Drake's son is taught better by her mamma... And Tim does not know Wayne beyond being a fanboy and does not have an emotional connection to them...
Just a fic where Batfam lives happily and Tim is successful but they never have more than a coworker relationship... Like Tim is closer to Wally or Donna or Roy or Bisaro or Jon than Dick, Jason, and Damian because they have a familial connection to his team, while Batfam only has the connection of Gotham... Like Oracle has the most influence over Tim's actions in his vigilant life because she sometimes directs him to crime if no one else is available...
Tim is still friends with Stephanie but here Tim's self-respect and confidence are not broken again and again and again... So Stephanie does not get away with treating him like shit on or off the field and that's dangerous on the field, so they mutually decided to not team up unless with a mediator in between that could lead both...
Off-field they are good friends, friends who know their secret life so they can share any grievance, WITHOUT endangering any identities, etc... But they do not date... Tim dates Ariana, yes. And felt Stephanie might be a rebound and knew she deserved better than that. If Stephanie confesses, Tim makes it clear he is not in a position to date yet (don't know if the timeline is right, if not feel free to correct)...
{OK, one thing I make clear, No hate for the character of Stephanie Brown but I just hate how she treats Tim in Canon and everyone acts like it's OK because it's not. It's fucked up and a toxic relationship. Especially how Bruce used their relationship later and Stephanie agrees)...
Tim also seeks mental help for the school shooting and other civilian events, while Jack is looking for a trusted therapist for his son, Janet absolutely approves... When they have one, Tim gets a contract of confidentiality from John Constantine to sign for the therapist and drags his team, kicking and screaming with him...
With the team being introduced to the Drakes early, they spent a lot of time in Gotham, and adults (Janet) understand what is happening with Ross, Tana, etc. And helps Kon before telling him to stay with Tim, "because that boy absolutely cannot take care of himself, never mind he has done so for years, you stay with him, do you want to go to Gotham Academy or do you like your current one"... While Jack is ready to smack some sense into Flashes, with his golf stick... And becomes quite good friends with Max...
Just competent adults who understand they can't stop their wild child but can and will give him every tool to survive.
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things batmom did for her kid’s when they were younger and they still think about! (The robins)
(All art is mine)
-remodelled his intier room after he mentioned at dinner he missed being able to practise his acrobatics right in tents and not having to ask you to drive him two an hour away gym, so when he was at school you put up some silks, a hoop, mats on the ground just to be safe, but his favourite thing was the flying Grayson’s poster you put above his bed.
-sat down with him for 10 minutes before bed and helped him learn some words from the English dictionary and you always helped with English (as he constantly struggled and still asks for help sometimes reading some emails).
-forced asked Bruce to bye a small motorbike jacket and helmet so you could take dick out on your one from when you were a young adult that you saw him watching as you fixed the engine, Bruce complimented and dick got a bright blue jacket and navy helmet that you wrote dick Grayson on and dick put his painted hand print on the back, (you still have it!).
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-simply hugging him after he started crying and repeatedly apologising after he accidentally called you mom (which turned into ma later on) for the first time, he thought you would get mad but you told him he could call you mom or y/n you didn’t mind only if he wanted to though. -you took him to the library every Monday afternoon, after he told you he wanted to learn how to read better so he wouldn’t be behind when he started school
-You again forced polity asked for another motorbike helmet because Jason had seen your bike in the garage this is how it went:
“Don’t we have a child’s halmet?” “Not for Jace we don’t.” “Why can’t he have Richard’s old one?” “Number one Jace likes red not blue, number two i have had enough of Jason having the second hand treatment, number 3 call him by his nickname you know dick hate’s it when you call him that.” “Fine” “Yay, thanks babe” “You are a child.” “Say that again you’ll be on the couch tonight!” (From out the room)
so yea Jason got his own red version off the helmet. (You still havethis one two, right next to dick’s on a shelf)
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-this one is very simple but it means a lot to Tim. You and Bruce had been arguing a lot after Jason’s death and one night you took Tim and when out to coffee shop. You just didn’t want to be around Bruce and we’re not about to leave another one of your sons with him. Well you and Tim spent around 3 hours at the coffee place and during those 3 hours Tim asked if Jason would hate him for replacing him. So you spent the next 2 and a half hours talking about how Jason would off loved Tim or how Tim was his own person or reassuring him that he wasn’t the cause for all the arguments or that dick would come around eventually but was still hurting really badly after Jason died.
-you were the first person Tim came out to saying he had a crush on kon’al Kent or when kon asked him out he asked your opinion for everything! What to wear, how to act, what to say. Everything!
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Damian (I can’t draw Damian 🥲 so I found this)
-Damian din’t like you at all so when you learn Aribic he was shocked to hear *good morning* come from your mouth he was surprised! You did this for 2 things. 1 two help Damian feel more comfortable and 2 so you could cuss out talia for sleeping with Bruce.
-you had some fencing equipment put out so Damian wouldn’t continue to butcher your lawn. (The poor bushes)
-you yelled at talia multiple times for miss treating YOUR son badly.
-and you helped dick bye Damian bat cow
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shepherdsheart · 1 year
Dont Blame the Boy
DpxDc Prompt
Bruce was no stranger to taking in children into his home considering the many he called his own. So he was no stranger to the struggles of a new family member, each of his children had been different.
Dick had been out for blood when Bruce first took him into his home. The boy grieving for his parents was set on revenge and had promised to make there killer pay. How different he was now compared to the child he first brought home.
Then there was Jason who at first was angry and miss understood. But as time went he began to see the book loving boy who loved to learn. He was always enthusiastic to learn but he could be brash and hard headed at first. Jason still held a great love for learning but the young man was no loner as open with the family and he had developed quite a dark sense of humor.
Tim of course was a kind and smart young man with a love for knowledge. The boy was a natural genius though he did need some encouragement at first.
Bruce could go on and on about them and his other children. He was proud of how far they had all come with Damian the most recent addition before now.
Now though he was faced with a challenge, he was faced with young Daniel or Danny as the boy preferred. Danny had only lived in the manner for about 2 months now and still they had no progress of pulling the boy out of his shell.
Bruce had been reluctant at first to take in such an unstable child but when he met the boy he couldn’t say no. Seeing such pain and distrust in the boys eyes broke Bruce’s heart.
Danny had fallen victim to his parents over a year ago when they had decided he was something no longer human and as such needed to be researched. They had experimented on there own child for over a year before the boy finally broke. The boy had snapped after all the tournament they had put him through before he went on a rage filled massacre.
To put it lightly there wasn’t much left of the Fentons by the time the police arrived to investigate a call made by some concerned citizens.
With the state of the lab and Danny himself the police had called in the League for assistance where Danny was then rushed to the tower for emergency care.
Danny had been in a medically induced coma for over a month because of his violent reaction to anyone who approached him. And after he was put through intensive therapy mental and physical with several doctors.
It had been months sense then and the boy no longer acted like a caged animal but he was still very much an animal, lashing out when he felt threatened or cornered, retreating when things became to much and he didn’t blame him.
Bruce understood why the boy didn’t trust people, didn’t trust adults. After years of people failing him and the year of torment? He didn’t blame him.
Bruce didn’t blame the boy though and he was certain that with time and care Danny would come out of his shell and join the rest of the flock but till then they would work the best they could to make him feel safe and comfortable.
No he didn’t blame the boy at all
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azol-otl · 19 days
Just a silly little jaytim involving never died! Jason's big fat crush on his new friend.
Jason twirls in front of Babs again in case her Oracle eyes see something that he's missed. He worked hard on this, and he'd die of mortification if he there was a mistake he hadn't seen. He won't lie, he's kind of nervous about tonight. It's been...awhile since he's gone to do something social beyond school (and boy doesn't that make him sound like a loser) and he thinks he might have gotten a little too overenthusiastic about it. Well, Dick said it was fine but even after the coma Dick's only here every once in a blue moon and Jason isn't sure if he should take Dick's advice to heart when the man's been running around in tights since the day he was born. Plus Jason still remembers that Dick is a lying liar who lies when he thinks something would be funny or was trying to cover his ass. (Yes, he still holds that mask acne incident against him! Barbie laughed at him, Dick! Sure he now has photo evidence of Pizza Face Grayson, but still!) Everything fits him perfectly despite that last second growth spurt that finally started showing up. A tiny thing, barely an inch but it was enough to finally push him past 5ft so he's happy. His tunic fits perfectly and the stitching has an Alfred seal of approval. His armor is light, the leather looks good despite being made from old scraps of Bruce and Dick's outgrown clothes that have too much wear and tear to pass down. The cape swishes just the way he remembers, though a deep red instead of canary yellow. He decided against only tights by wearing some sturdy shorts over them, like an adventurer would, everything color matched for the time period. He looks up at Babs who's giving him a bemused look and he puffs out his chest indigently. "What?" he says tersely. "Nothing nothing," comes the amused sing song, the kind she gets when she's teasing Dick. "I just didn't expect this to be the result of introducing you to online gaming." Jason's cheeks warm but he has nothing to be ashamed of. Sure he's become...a geek after the accident. But he has friends, like actual friends close to his age that go to his school and not just co-workers six years older than him or a penpal from across the country. Plus Jason can admit he was a nerd before becoming a combo nerd/geek so it's not like his reputation took a hit. "Nothing wrong with immersion," he says. Babs gives him a wry grin. "Nothing wrong with impressing Tim you mean?"
And Jason couldn't even be mad at Barbie about that because she's absolutely right. Tabletop was Tim's thing, and Jason was excited to try it out, but it was absolutely a new thing for him. All of this was new to Jason. After being stuck with nothing but a computer for months on end any social skills Jason might have had have atrophied and what little that remains has made Jason the picture perfect geek. And he really didn't want to screw up this friendship when it was the lifeline that Jason used to actually talk to people in real life and not in front of a screen. Well, people that aren't maladjusted larpers punching criminals. "Seriously Barbie, does it look good? I don't wanna embarrass myself," Jason mumbles. This time Barbara does laugh and its just as embarrassing as the last time. "Ah, what's the world come to. Robin, the boy wonder himself, worried that he's going to embarrass his best friend in front of his Wizards and Warlocks group," she says wiping an imaginary tear from her eye. "It's Trailblazer," Jason says automatically, already having corrected Bruce, Dick, and Alfred about this for weeks. Barbara starts laughing again and Jason resists the urge to stomp out like a child. It wouldn't be dramatic anyhow, he isn't wearing shoes and he refuses to stomp in his fantasy footwear that's basically just a metal band around his arch for support. Once she stops laughing she finally takes pity on Jason. "You look fine Little Bird. I don't see anything sticking out, and the outfit looks amazing. Your little fey prince character is gonna knock it out of the park," she says and Jason feels warm enough that he doesn't even correct her that he's a halfling-changeling and not a fey anything, much less a prince.
 That warmth stays with him until he's in front of Tim's door. It's then that he thinks that maybe going all out was a terrible idea. He knows that some people dress up, but it isn't like a mandatory thing. And Tim didn't say anything about needing to dress up for Jason's first tabletop night. But Jason had been so excited. Tim didn't even finish his invitation before Jason already had a dozen designs scrambling in his head and started creating a character piece by piece. He was dragging out knowledge he hasn't touched since he was Robin. Fashion design, historical trends, and how to use them to create something tangible with the sewing lessons he had begged Alfred for back when he wanted to learn every practical skill he could. In case he got dropped like a sack of steaming shit. Crap what if they think Jason's a nerd? He had read that Traiblazer book cover to cover and made notes like it was a reading assignment! To be authentic to the setting! In case Tim's friend Ives wanted to "Um actually" Jason's meticulously created backstory and full lineage and npcs he built and sent to Tim weeks ago. Shit, maybe Jason's more of a loser than he thought if he thinks a wizards and warlocks group is too cool for him.
 He thinks about calling Alfred to pick him up and make a lie about the campaign being cancelled. Maybe he can persuade Bruce to send him back to public school instead of Gotham Academy. Then he can forget all about Tim and his goofy smile and how he puts his foot in his mouth and how cute he looked when he asked Jason to join in this game because he wanted to share something about himself with— Jason's thoughts are cut off when the door opens. He looks up, eyes wide with anxiety in his stupid changeling halfling outfit without any shoes because he wanted to be authentic. The guy across the doorway was tall, taller than Jason (but who isn't) and taller than Tim (also not an accomplishment), blonde with glasses. "Are you sure this guy's a senior, Tim," he says and Jason has to stop himself from punching out Tim's other friend.
Tim's head then pokes out of the door, funny wizard hat and all and just stares at Jason. For a full minute. It gets awkward fast but neither Jason or the other guy know what to say before Jason takes the plunge. "Hey, I'm Jason, you must be Ives?" he says forcing all his nerves as deep down as he can. Ives nods, "Sebastian Ives, don't call me by my first name." It isn't until introductions are done that Tim comes back online. "Hey! Jason! Wow! Your costume is really good! A changeling right?!" he says loudly, cheeks and ears a bright pink.
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Selina: Batsy, I'm glad you paid and are helping my new cats get spayed, neutered, chipped and let them stay at your house.
Bruce: It's what I do. You're my girlfriend after all.
Selina: Love you too, one issue, three of them are missing. I know because the chips show three at different houses. Did you let some of the kids take care of them?
Bruce: Why... Why are you asking?
Selina: Well I left you with seven of them. Damian said he'd watch them, but-
Bruce (coming up with a lie): You know what, I did let some of them watch the cats. You said three, right?
Selina: Yeah, it's fine though. I trust your kids, but next time tell me, okay babe?
Bruce: That I will, can I see the tracker for a moment?
Selina: Sure. It's connected to the chips and you can see the addresses they're at. Seems Isabelle is with Dick, Astronaut is with Jason and Batsy is with... Hmm Barbara. Huh? Didn't think she liked cats.
Bruce (laughing nervously): That is something she is into. One moment, please.
Bruce runs out of the room with his phone, to a secret room in the manor and sets up a three-way call for the culprits.
Dick: Hey Bruce.
Barbara: Is this important?
Jason: Is it, because I'm busy!
Bruce: Why? Why did you take her freaking cats without asking me!
Dick: ...
Barbara: ...
Jason: ...the only cat I have is Austen.
Two different meows are heard in the background of his call.
Bruce: Let me make this clear, I can tell when you are lying!
Dick (relenting): I'm sorry, she's so cute and precious and makes air biscuits! Damian couldn't take care of all of them so I just decided to borrow her until she has to go home.
Jason: Once he took one I thought he was ri- right and I stepped up and did my civic duty as a "hero" to take care of Astronaut, who is so fluffy and plump! Oh God, did I say that out loud.
Bruce (exhausted, but smiling): You two caved, Barbara what's your defense? You said you didn't like cats.
Barbara: Give me a break, Batsy is adorable.
Jason: You took the black hairless one? It looks like a plucked chicken.
Barbara: Sphinx cats are valid cute cats and he like snuggles. I'm snuggling him currently and he's wearing a sweater. I will take care of him until he has to go back with Selina I promise! God he's so cute!
Batsy is heard meowing softly in the background.
Bruce laughs surprising his kids and Barbara.
Barbara: You're not mad?
Bruce: No this is fucking funny to me. You could've taken some in, just ask next time.
Dick: You're not going to let us live this down, are you?
Bruce: Nope. Bring them back next Thursday.
Bruce ends the call while continuing to chuckle.
Bruce: I love this insane family.
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nelkcats · 2 years
When he felt compelled to take over as Robin in order to save Batman from himself, Tim didn't have high expectations; he didn't expect to be adopted by Bruce, he didn't expect to acknowledge the fact that his parents were abusive by leaving him alone for months, he didn't expect anyone to care if he ate or not, and in general he didn't expect to gain a family.
And for a while he thought that everything would get better: he gained brothers, he had a caring father, he had no financial problems or had gotten sick; And yes, maybe Robin's patrols were harsh at first, maybe Bruce's words when he was angry reached his heart and hurt him deeply, but he was fine.
Until he wasn't, at some point he felt more abandoned than ever even though he was surrounded by his family. When he was talking to his boyfriend, he realized that everyone took him into account but no one really appreciated what he did.
At first he didn't understand why Danny looked at him concerned and kept asking if he was okay while he told him an anecdote from his life as a vigilante; they had known each other for a while (Alfred had noticed, the others hadn't), they started talking, dating in coffee shops and even revealed the fact of being vigilantes after a few months on a relationship, that's when they started sharing anecdotes with each other.
Danny mentioned that he was being a hypocrite for caring so much about his stories when his were just as bad. Tim didn't get it until he started to see things from another perspective.
He never realized how much it hurted how Bruce had never thanked him for helping when he was lost in time, or how Dick avoided talking about his Robin time by concentrating on Damian, he thought he could understand but that didn't make it any better, Jason's nickname was beginning to make sense.
He didn't realize how broken he felt when Jason tried to kill him and blamed him; He was his childhood hero, Tim loved Robin because Jason put him in the stars, however, no matter how many times he explained to his brother that the only reason he had taken the suit was because he had no choice, and that he felt forced to blackmail Batman to be his Robin before Bruce became what he hated most. Jason still didn't care, still called him Replacement over and over again, blaming.
Or Damian who kept trying to kill him, refusing to acknowledge him, and when he defended himself he ended up getting reprimanded. Not even Bruce thanked him for all the work he did in taking over the company as CEO. His entire family went on with their lives without repercussions.
Maybe he was being naive as he refused Danny's requests to run away from home and stay with him, at least for a few days so they would miss him. He felt like a broken record repeating the phrase "it's okay, they're trying, they can change", the look on his boyfriend's face told him he wasn't doing a good job on believing his own words.
The mansion made him feel small at times, ignored; it was fortunate that Alfred was actually paying attention to him and offering a cup of hot chocolate at such moments.
At some point he couldn't take it anymore, Jason and Damian's comments had gone too far, Bruce's lack of response along with Dick's laughter commenting that they weren't saying it in a bad way only made him angry, so he left the cave and called to Danny, he told him it was time to go.
He said goodbye to Alfred, Cass, Duke and Steph who had generally not contributed to his decision, and he regretted that he couldn't stay longer to get to know them better, but the damage had been building up for a long time.
He wrote a letter detailing his reasons to the rest of the family, leaving along some clues to let them know that he had left of his own free will and they wouldn't be able to find him even if they wanted to, he sighed as his anger turned to resignation.
"Are you ready?" Danny questioned, taking his hand gently as they walked out of the mansion.
"Ready as I'll ever be"
That's how Timothy Jackson Drake said goodbye to his home dimension and headed to the infinite realms, of course he was going to sneak in a couple of times to help his friends but never when his family is around. He hadn't expected the life in the palace or the marriage proposal that came years later, but although the place was gigantic, Tim felt good in it, comfortable, appreciated.
Time in the Realms passed quite quickly, unlike his original dimension, so years for him were a couple of months for his family.
He found it ironic that Danny was summoned as the Ghost King by Ra, who had the nerve to order the "creature" to give him the secrets of the Lazarus pits, offering the Batclan as sacrifices. Tim looked at the time portal connected to his home dimension (That Clockwork had given him to watch his family and friends, even if he was upset he was not going to let them die) wondering if he should interfere.
It was decided when Danny called Fright Knight to deal with the nuisance that was Ra, and he accompanied him as a royal adviser (regardless of his second title as ruler, he actually liked being a part of strategizing better and Danny was happy to give in to his wishes).
With a weary sigh he crossed the portal and began to recite Ra's crimes, indicating how he had damaged the balance between life and death since he corrupted the ectoplasm on the Lazarus pits to extend his life at the same time that Frighty stopped the man.
No one in the room bothered to pay attention to the stupefied bats who were watching the missing member of his family, but years older, that apparently was the Ghost King royal adviser. They tried to call him but Tim just gave them an annoyed look before continuing with his work.
By the time Fright Knight took Ra completely chained through the portal, they finally saw the ghost king move, he started kissing Tim's face repeatedly, which had turned his frown into laughter.
The moment they finally processed the scene they both disappeared, and well, weren't those the consequences of their own actions?
Thanks to @unadulteratedsoulsweets for the general idea, I enjoyed writing this! Even if it ended up a little bigger than I expected
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brie-annwyl · 9 months
Angst because it’d sun to feel every once in a while
Bruce has never known a day of peace since he took in Dick as his ward, not because he’s a father now and it led to him adopting multiple other little hellians. Because all of his children love to prank and spite him. Dick (surprisingly) was the most tame out of them all, only occasionally hiding things from Bruce or using nerf guns against him at the most inconvenient times (galas especially).
Jason after living on the streets for a few years picked up on how to be EXTREMELY quiet and how to hide well. Without any pattern or explanation Jason would just randomly disappear from the manor, sometimes to make it more interesting he would stage it like he ran away or that someone took him. Bruce believes Jason wanted to give him a heart attack before 50. Jason always tried to get Dick to join in on the little pranks but with Dick and Bruce not having a good relationship, he never got the chance to. (Jason staging “running away” and “kidnappings” were the reason Bruce wasn’t immediately freaked out when Jason wasn’t in the manor when he went to Ethiopia. He just thought Jason was pranking him.)
Tim is in for a rude awakening when he tries to prank Bruce. It’s been a while since he became Robin, him and Dick are incredibly close and he’s started staying at the manor more often than not. Bruce ruffles his hair and laughs at his jokes, they even had a movie night the other day! So when Dick subtly mentions how he used to prank Bruce and that Jason followed in his footsteps, he feels like it’s a right of passage for Robins to do so. Tim accidentally brings back an old memory of Jason by doing a prank like Jason would do, Bruce just freezes when he sees Tim and leaves the room. Tim doesn’t prank him after that. (Bruce immediately realizes his mistake after Tim never tries to participate in pranks again but is too socially inept to fix things.)
Damian thinks pranks are ridiculous and stupid. He never attempted one until Dick pranked Bruce one day a few months after he came back from the time bs. It’s the first time Damian watches Bruce wheeze, he pulls Dick into a tight embrace and kisses his forehead and it fills Damian with an ache he’s never felt before. So, he researches pranks he can try and asks Jon for assistance. In the end he tries something small, he puts saran wrap on the entrance to the kitchen in the evening. Bruce absolutely eats shit but laughs all the same when he sees Damian giggling from the dinner table. (Tim pretends not to notice the commotion from his tablet. There’s a lump caught in his throat throughout all of dinner.)
Steph only pranked Bruce whilst on patrol as Robin. She hasn’t done it since and rationalizes the pain she feels by saying “every Robin does it” instead of “all his kids do it.”
Duke? He will help others pull off their own pranks, he never makes one of his own. He doesn’t feel as though it’s his place (even though he lives there and Bruce loves him all the same. Sometimes he can’t believe it)
Cass blames her pranks on others, she wants to be included with her brothers but doesn’t know what Bruce’s reaction to her pranks would be if he knew they were her own (he does know, he sees her set them up but still acts as through he doesn’t see them)
Jason re-enters the family with a prank, he hides in Bruce’s study whilst he waits for him to get home. He cannot honestly say what he hopes to achieve in doing this, he just wants a sense of normalcy that he had when he was little he misses his dad and just wants a hug again (touch starved Jason is canon you will not tell me otherwise). The prank worked, Bruce got scared but upon realizing it was Jason he immediately pulls him into a hug and kisses his forehead. Jason melts completely and stays for dinner that night upon Bruce’s request.
Tim watched on from afar as they all prank Bruce. A privilege he doesn’t believe he deserves. It’s noticed by everyone but no one knows why he doesn’t except for Bruce, the one person who is physically incapable of being emotionally vulnerable. So Tim watched on as his siblings get forehead kisses and full belly laughs and he’ll give them half smiles and thumbs up as he escapes to another room (most likely the cave) so he can bury his sadness for another day.
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normal-internet-user · 10 months
Sooooooooooooo~~~ I've got more DC brainworms. I have come to share. 🤲🏼
Picture this, wildflower. *throws arm around your shoulder, gestures to the empty space in front of us, envisioning* A young (eventual) bat!sibbie reader who has a very similar essence to Jason.
and I mean....... literally. a mini Jason. lmaooo listenlistenlisten — yn is a scrappy, free-spirited orphan who comes from the slums of Gotham; they've been here a while, only giving a noncommittal shrug and wry smile when inquired about any of it. same story for a lot of us 'round here.
—and wouldn't it just be hilarious if they came into the Batfam the same way Jase did? By STEALING 👏🏼 HUBCAPS. 👏🏼
except it don't gotta be hubcaps, yn is a ✨professional✨ and a 🔥savage🔥 and just straight up carjacked the Batmobile LMALAOAOAOO (they earn Jason's utmost respect right off the bat [BAT PUN 🦇]; Steph, Dick, and Duke are the runner-ups). Bruce probably gains a new neck vein but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued!
thennnnn you muck up when you give the slightest inclination that you know his secret identity bcz it'd be significantly more terrifying (read: hilarious) than if you were to fall victim to the cliche 'i saw something i wasn't supposed to and now I'm being taken hostage by these randos in masks and oh holy smokes it's actually multi-billionaire airhead himbo Bruce Wayne!? and his KIDS!!??'
time skip because seamless transition, bing bada boom, they're Bruce's newest ward and filling the tabloids. while it may be a hot story that the entirety of the paparazzi froth at the mouths at, it's a different story behind the scenes.
reader has a sweet, dear personality at the core, but they put up a detached front; if anything, their crude humor and witty deadpan sarcasm attests to their harsh emotional walls put up.
it's nothing personal to these guys, they're just... constantly in self-perservation mode. they ain't never had nobody like this before, 'cept for their fellow street rat friends who're like family.....
I imagine those walls get worn down by Jason the most.
I also imagine Jason would be.... angry?? not at you!! never at you — if anything he'd probably steal you away from Bruce every chance he gets because he's scared you'll be readily thrusted into an unwitting role as a cowl-donner — but at Bruce's initial and seemingly impulsive decision to take you in- because of just how fast everything moved. he was a bit withdrawn at first, but he became undeniably protective over you as time went on.
you appreciate this earnestly; one day on your outings with Jason, he passes by the streets where you usually hung out with your friends. sure enough, they're all there, looking horrendously forlorn. you give out the group whistle- one you all made up and agreed on a longgggg time ago- and they all look at you like you're a ghost before you're being yanked into a group hug.
some of 'em are mad tho; they all caught wind, ever since you were printed in black and white on the newspapers lil' jimmy still brought to them fresh every morning. thought you ditched us for daddy warbucks. and some of 'em are genuinely happy, not only to see you, but had been for you. thought you managed to finally get outta this hellhole. we knew you wouldn't forget us, tho.
you're smart, yvette - your bestest friend ever since elementary - murmured as she hugged you so tight you could barely breathe. you're smart and warm and so kind... i'mma miss your candy apple self not being around me 24/7 any more, but heavens above, you made it, ynnie any foster parent would be blessed to have you as a kid, y'hear? anybody and everybody. she pulls you back and rests her forehead on yours, staring into your eyes with her tear-filled ones. don't forget 'bout us, yeah? we still got your back. stay safe and take care of yourself.
and if you silently cried on the way back to the manor, Jason didn't say much about it. just wrapped an arm around your shoulders and took you for burgers.
—i feel that incident would settle you deeper into Jason's heart. he just sees so much of himself in you. in this scrappy kid who puts up such a carefree front, but is actually made of honey and caramel at their center. who has such a strong emotional intelligence at that age that Jason's sure is the only difference between him and you. in this child, who has a pure heart full of love with so much to give and just wants to be loved in return.
reader's softest with Cass and Alfred, as in they feel no need to put up pretenses with them. it's how they both find out that you're perpetually jaded and reminiscent of a long-suffering lamb: soft, tolerant, brokenhearted, shreds of innocence swirling about their heart still, maybe a little lost......
SPEAKING OF THE GRANDLER HIMSELF 🌹🎉: you get roped into baking with Alfred one day, and because Alfred is the actual MVP, you fall into his affections too.
it's when you're kneading at dough when a crestfallen expression suddenly overtakes your expression.
"mr. alfred," you drawl, inner city accent thickening with the melting of your posture. there's a heaviness to your tone that wasn't there before. it catches the elderly man's attention immediately. "you remind me a lot of my old man. not my father, but there was this elderly gentleman who took care of us street urchins. old man peaches. cuz every time we saw him, he sold us fresh peaches from his little milk carton in trade for some colorful bottle caps. dunno where he got 'em, said he grew them out the cracks in the concrete, the geezer. he was always talkin' like that — like there was some deeper meaning to everythin'. we groaned all the time, made all in good fun of him right to his face, but we all really loved it.
"one day, me 'n yvette were scouting 73rd and maryanne avenue; it's the curve that has all those connectin' alleyways that hide the abandoned warehouses, y'know? it's also where we hid out with peaches. had a small space heater and brought anything we needed from the foster care buildin'. sometimes we'd get dragged back but you keep doing something enough times, them folks who don't get paid enough for it just stop givin' a hoot... so long s'we made it back for inspections and didn't pilfer the good stuff, y'know?
"anyway. we went in there hollerin' for mr. peaches... he was usually napping by the space heater or stringing bottle cap jewelry for us, but he wasn't there. searched the whole warehouse, whole perimeter, nothing.
"then, vettie found him... " you pause, a smile that didn't reach your eyes spreading your cheeks. "right by the compost bin outside the back door of that same warehouse, chest not movin' and lips stained with blueberries."
alfred feels his stomach drop, beside himself. you looked up from the dough in your hands and simply regarded the old man, an uncharacteristic nonchalance marring your features.
"he was the only one that really understood and looked out for us the way he did. i ain't been able to eat peaches or anything of the like since then, but vettie is the one who couldn't sleep for the weeks after."
Alfie had long stopped chopping the onions for the dish at this point and all he could think was what has this poor child gone through?
anywaaaaayzzzuh, I'm exhausted BUT yeah I just want to infect you lovingly with the brainworms of Jason bonding with a bat sibling reader who's a lot like him, and how he'd prevent a lot of pain that they ain't gotta go through because he went through the same.
And the things that he CAN'T prevent, because everyone deals with trauma differently, he's always gonna be there for you. And he wants you to know that.
reader is a bit wary of Dick because of his pure bubbliness and aura of flowers 🌸🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼💐and shooting stars — in Gotham?? — but Dick has an affinity to troubled kids and also . he's Dick Grayson, everybody loves him .
so he works together with Jason and soon enough, you're practically his respective child akshdjdhd
you and dami take a bit to come along BUTTTTT I hc that you come into their lives when Dami's a little older and therefore more matured.
I love Damian, I feel he'd be a pretty solid older brother figure.
the more time you spend there, the more you begin to trust your newfound family. (well, your pseudo siblings at least); the more you let your walls down, the more they get a peek into your true self- not just the distant exterior you put up.
you're thoughtful and generous; you like books and animals and know how to make ice cream from scratch with ice and plastic bags; you're resourceful and crafty - you learned how to hot wire cars and pick locks from the older kids down at the foster care home - but you don't try to give anyone headaches for it out of respect for Alfred, you claim solemnly.
you're a good kid.
it just takes a bit more for people to say that, and even more for you to let others see it.
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I just- Can I just-
If Brucie EVER tried to but reader in a cape Jason would lose his MIND.
How DARE you even THINK about putting the baby at risk? How dare you?
Totally just takes reader and brings them to his apartment until Bruce apologizes for even suggesting such a proposterous thing.
He's eventually forgiven but he's on thin ice okay?
Sleepovers at Jason's are also a very common thing.
Since he lives in the Narrows, it gives you the chance to roam your old stomping grounds and see your friends.
Poor reader has to go to all kinds of fancy dinner parties now.
Public appearences.
Such a drag.
Uncomfy clothes, and uncomfy people.
So, being the feral little street raised shit they are, reader says the most out of pocket freaky crap ever.
"Yeah, living in the Narrows as a kid was hard. Especially after the accident."
"Oh, yeah. I love my new home. The velociraptor in the backyard is a sweetheart."
"What do you mean Jason's supposed to be dead? He obviously got better. I've done it more than once. Yes I've died before. They said I can't tell you what comes after. Who's they? Don't worry about it."
And literally no one can say anything because their new dad is one of the richest men on Earth.
Also their first fancy gala something definitly went wrong.
Like lets says it gets targeted for some kind of robbery 'cus, ya know Gotham. And it's full of rich people.
Reader is literally like, "Fuck no. Get the hell out."
Grabs a bottle of champagne and breaks it over the ring leaders head with a loud shout of "ANARCHY!"
Also, the little punk stealing the CAR is hilarious. So much potential there.
Dick *interrupting Bruce for the upteenth time*: "Hey, B?"
Bruce *Severly annoyed*: "Yes, Nightwing? What is it?"
Dick: "Who's driving the car?"
*Que Jason wheezing over the comms*.
Dickie gives all kinds of nicknames.
Little wing, hoodlum, baby bird-
Him and Jason compete for your time.
Like there is an underground betting pool for who can get you to spend more time with whom.
Jason shows you all hid hidey places around the manor if you ever need a place to just- be
Tim helps with homework when Jason's not around (which isn't very often, Jason makes a point of visitiing often just to see you)
It makes for wonderful bonding with your busiest brother.
Damian, (though he will never admit it out loud), enjoys it when you join him in taking care of his animals.
Batcow and Jerry love you, and Alfred the cat has taken to sleeping in your room.
The two of you take Titus and Ace for walks, and Damian very smugly rubs it in Jason's face when a tabloid photo pops up of the two of you in matching sweaters and sunglasses.
"Clearly I am the superior brother, Todd. Even the media agrees."
"Well then I know it's bullshit because the media says it's true."
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dairy-farmer · 10 days
The lobotomised Tim AU.
Okay. But.
This one is hurt/no comfort. Like no happy ending. None at all. I'm almost crying while writing this down.
If it wasn't Bruce's fault and everything's completely innocent with the Bats.
Alfred is washing up Tim and cooks him food for children. Something easy to chew and swallow.
Damian sometimes draws with him. Teaches him to pet Alfred the cat and Titus. It's like having little brother. He feels very protective of him. And when he is not having a good day, he comes to Tim to spend some time with him. For Damian it's easy to be with Tim. He won't say things he doesn't mean. Won't lie or manipulate.
It's almost unbearable for Dick and Bruce.
Dick lives in Blud but he spends weekends with Tim. Cuddling him, watching cartoons, playing. But for Dick spending time with Tim means mourning everything his little brother has lost. He tries to keep it all in and cry only when Tim doesn't see him.
It's the same with Bruce. He let his son down. Tim will never recover and it's Bruce's fault. He asks Tim about his day, listens and nods in all the right places, but he thinks about what a brilliant future his genius and kindhearted son was supposed to have. After everything he has lost... Tim seems happy enough though. So Bruce is working on being present, giving his children attention they need, spending time with them. He misses working cases with Tim, his sassy remarks, but Tim is smiling and that's enough.
Jason was really quiet. He stayed away from the manor for a long time. No one heard him mentioning Tim in all that time. Dick tried to shame him, tell him that Tim needs them, but Jason left immediately.
For some reason things changed. Jason came back to the Cave, started showing up for family movie nights. Sometimes he looked at Tim silently. Though when Tim would run to him to show him a drawing he made or a cool rock he found in the garden, Jason would smile softly and say "that's great, Timmy. Sounds like you had a good day" or something else. So everyone could finally relax. Things seemed to get better.
Jason remembered that day vividly. Tim was on his back, staring at the ceiling with his eyes unseeing. It's like all life left him. But he still had a pulse, so there was hope. While others were busy taking care of him, Jason took care of that piece of shit. And he regrets it. He should have been there for Tim, should have made the right decision, when he had a chance. The obvious decision. The one everyone else is ignoring for some reason.
It's like Damian likes Tim better this way, Dick accepted a new brother and Bruce thinks that things haven't changed much and they can just keep living on. Tim won't grow as a person, he doesn't really remember his life before and doesn't register much of his life now, he will always depend on the family to take care of him. Tim would have hated it.
Bruce rejected the plan with Lazarus Pit, because they would have to disregard Tim's feelings for it. It's exactly the same with Tim's life as it is now, but it's like the choose not to see it. And they make Jason feel sick.
At first he avoids them, because he knows he'll blow up. He avoids Tim, because it hurts too much. But time goes by, and Jason has a sudden realization: nothing will change, unless he takes it in his own hands. Tim needs him.
What he has to do will probably permanently break him, but it's the right thing to do.
He doesn't even try suggesting euthanasia, they're just gonna think he's a monster, will never let him anywhere near Tim ever again.
So he starts spending time with his family, dropping by for movie nights, working cases, staying for dinner. He has small talks with kid (not Tim, Tim died months ago), he smiles at him, all the while feeling his heart break.
Finally, everyone is busy, no one can stay with kid, so Jason volunteered to look after him. He ignored Dick and Bruce's proud looks, because it really doesn't matter.
Kid is always happy to see him. It's like there're no other emotions left in him. His smile is... Different. It feels lifeless for Jason. He feels like his heart is bleeding out. He wants to postpone everything, but this isn't about him. This is what Tim wanted, and Jason couldn't save him, so he'll give him peace at least.
Jason suggests reading to kid. They are in Tim's bedroom, and kid's on the bed. Jason is laying beside him.
/And he took me by the hand. But he was still worrying.
"It was wrong of you to come. You will suffer. I shall look as if I were dead;
and that will not be true..."/
He is reading until kid starts to fall asleep from the pills Jason put in his lunch. And then Jason takes him in his hands, holding him close. He gets syringe out of his jacket pocket and carefully injects medication in kid's elbow and keeps on holding him. Even when Tim stops breathing, leaving painlessly in his sleep, Jason doesn't leave him. He knows that soon someone will be home. He doesn't know, what they'll do to him and he doesn't care. All he can do is cry and hold unmoving body.
"I'm sorry, Timmy. I'm so sorry. You can rest now. I love you".
/feel free to add or change anything. You and your subscribers keep inspiring me.
All the love/
🥺🥺🥺 the tragedy of jason in this.
it wasn't a decision jason made lightly- no matter how he turned it around and justified it to himself it was a hard choice to make. at first jason wasn't going to do anything. he was going to try.
he was going to do his best to be there for his little brother with the way he was now.
but then. he'd gone to the manor, gone to see tim as he recovered and...he couldn't.
he walked in when alfred was giving tim his lunch. warm chicken noodle soup with mushy rice. and he watched as alfred blew on a spoon and gently led it to tim's messy mouth. tim sometimes still struggled to swallow and would occasionally make a slight gag and spit out the soup and rice. alfred would make a concerned noise and dab at his mouth with the cloth bib tied around his neck.
and the sight. the way tim was tucked into bed and propped up by pillows, the way he had an adult bib wrapped around him as alfred hand fed him because tim couldn't do it himself.
god. jason knew it was going to be bad but nothing had prepared him for that sight. and watching it...hurt something inside jason.
so he'd left.
and that had hurt something deep in the other family. bruce hadn't fought him on it but jason knew he was disappointed. alfred as well.
dick had been furious. he'd call jason late at night and spit words at him over the phone over him not being there, over him abandoning tim and them.
and jason tried to let it rool off his back. but some nights the words would get to him.
and so, without the rest of the family knowing, jason would sneak into the manor, into tim's room.
and maybe it was some of tim's latent training, but a few times tim would wake up. he'd be powdered and dressed in pajamas, turning his head to look at jason and when their eyes met-
there'd been no recognition in them.
jason could just as well have been a stranger or the person who took care of him everyday- either way tim didn't recognize him.
jason's decision was a hard one. he agonized over it and he would not let anyone tell him otherwise.
jason loved tim. he cared for that kid so fucking much and maybe he didn't always make that clear but in jason's soul he loved that boy. and it broke something in him to see him that way.
helpless and squirming, unable to do anything for himself, stripped completely of his dignity and identity.
bruce and dick called what tim went through "lobotomy" but it wasn't true. it was something worse.
lobotomy victims could still live fulfilling lives, some even becoming fully independent with minor accommodation.
the monster that had hurt tim had shot some kind of...electromagnetic pulse into his brain. the damage was irreversible.
jason didn't care what anyone said, he hadn't made the fucker that did this suffer enough. jason should've kept him strung up in a warehouse for weeks but had let his rage get ahold of him and killed him too quickly.
jason's thoughts of tim don't go away. whether he's awake or asleep tim is all he thinks about. and part of jason knows why because...because everything about it reminded him of his own case.
jason had read the hospital medical chart of 'john doe'. the one picked up months after jason was buried, found wandering the streets half starved and with brain damage.
jason had read those medical files and just...wanted to puke. the nurses notes about him, the way they talked about him. discussing things like moving him to a state care home, of changing his diapers. along with the file had been report had been made against one of the nurses caring for jason by cleaning staff who'd found her...doing inappropriate things with him.
it never went into detail and part of jason never wanted to know.
but jason thought of that report, thought of how helpless and vulnerable and...NOT himself he'd been in that hospital bed. jason thought and thought and thought and he knew it was no way for a person to live.
no way for tim to live. tim didn't deserve that. god forgive jason tim didn't deserve to live like that.
because one day jason would die violently out in the streets of gotham. they all would. and tim would be left alone in that manor with no one to protect him and jason...jason couldn't breathe when he thought of what might happen to him.
so jason does not make his decision lightly.
it kills him. it kills him to think of what he has to do.
but tim was his baby brother and jason was not going to let the word tear him to bits like they did him.
so jason goes back to the manor.
part of him had hoped that maybe spending more time around tim would change his mind.
it doesn't.
jason watches the way tim is a husk of his former self. watches how the rest of the family ignores it. watches how they always talk around tim and about him but never TO him and remembers how tim had hated that with a passion because it reminded him about how his parents made decisions about him without letting him know.
jason watches and...and tries to remember the geeky annoying pest of a brother he used to have. how he'd talk smack to jason every chance he got, how he'd whine, how he'd giggle like a schoolgirl whenever he or damian got into trouble. jason would remember and blink away the tears of grief that wanted to leave hot trails down his cheeks.
it takes a while before jason gets his shot. alfred has errands, damian has school, dick and bruce have work.
and jason volunteers to care for tim.
its just a few hours they assure him but jason insists its okay. he tries to ignore the pit of guilt and watching them leave knowing they're going to be coming home to a dead son.
bruce presses a soft kiss to tim's forehead before leaving and it takes everything in jason to not drawn in a sharp breath.
jason is a killer. a murderer. an assassin. a gun for hire. a hitman. he is a lot of things but he's never once thought of himself as an executioner.
the word always seemed too...heavy. too institutional.
it's going to be tim's last day alive and jason knows what to do. this will be a day that haunts him for the rest of his life.
so jason makes mac and cheese. he finds a box of it in the back of the pantry. it's the cheap 99 cent stuff jason used to live off as a kid.
he doesn't even need to read the instructions anymore, its practically muscle memory. bringing the water to boil, draining the noodles, stirring in the milk, the butter, the packet of cheese powder.
jason serves tim a bowl and slowly presses little spoonfuls to his mouth. jason tries to eat some but it turns to mush and ash in his mouth and the wad struggles to go down because his throat feels small and tight from him holding back his emotions.
it feels more final somehow. more real.
he's giving tim his last meal.
the walk up the stairs is slow and heavy. tim's breath smells like the ice cream jason let him have for dessert even though tim was lactose intolerant.
a final parting gift. jason ignores the slight pain in his fingers from crushing up a pill between them to sprinkle over tim's ice cream.
jason makes sure tim's sheets are clean. he strips the bed and puts in the freshly laundered ones that alfred had left in a basket.
he makes sure tim is comfortable and then he climbs in with him.
tim is lax and pliant as jason hold him close. his baby soft hair is tucked under jason's chin and jason can feel warm breath on his neck as he makes sure tim is settled.
then he starts to read to him.
tim smells like rosemary soap from his morning bath. and for some reason the scent makes jason's eyes sting as he reads.
his voice trembles occasionally, it gets thick and he has to cough to clear his throat. but he keeps reading, turning page after page as tim's eyes grow droopier and his breathing gets softer.
when jason's little brother is asleep in his arms jason doesn't immediately do it.
for a moment. he just holds tim.
he just hugs him, closes his eyes and tries to memorize the rise and fall of his baby bird's chest.
jason thinks of backing out. of not doing it.
but he knows if he does...then he'll never work up the nerve to do it again. he just won't...have the strength in him to take his little brother's life.
so jason holds him. he bites down on his lip, buries his nose in the crown of tim's soft head, and he uncaps the syringe in his pocket.
jason didn't want tim to feel anything, not even the sting of a needle plunging into his skin. that's why he'd given him the pill.
jason pushes the plunger all the way down and then leaves the emptied needle on the bedside table.
jason lies there for hours.
even after tim's chest has stopped rising.
his tears have long dried when he hears the front door of the manor open. damian is loudy complaining about something and dick is pacifying him.
jason can hear the movement around the manor. bruce and alfred both come in through the garage.
he can hear someone on the stairs, the clap of dress shoes on the hall carpet as they approach tim's room. he can hear the call of his name behind the door followed by a knock.
still jason does not move.
jason never planned for what he would do when they found him.
maybe part of him didn't care.
maybe part of him hoped they send him to be with tim.
the door creaks open and jason closes his eyes and presses a soft kiss to tim's forehead.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
I think its time i reach down into the depths of hell and bring superbat kid back to the surface
She is a little confused rn because papa Clark told her that Santa is gonna bring her gifts when she's asleep, but just a day ago, daddy Bruce had told her that Santa does not exist.
Right now, she's back at the Wayne Manor because Clark wanted to yell at Bruce for saying Santa isn't real. With her brothers around, she asks them if Santa is real or not.
Jason and Damian said "No" while Tim and Dick said "Yes" simultaneously. You looked back and forth between them as they began arguing.
Dick: Santa is real-
Damian: no, he's not-
Tim: it's called letting Y/n have a normal, healthy childhood.
Jason: what's healthy about a stranger breaking in to your house and watching you sleep and leaving materialistic things before eating your baked goods?
Damain,nodding: yeah, that's not a good figure to look up to. Santa is a bad guy-
And baby reader only hears "Santa is a bad guy who breaks into your house at night when everyone's sleep" part and is now afraid.
Later that night, after Bruce had tucked reader in, he heard something move. He went out to check the boys, thinking that maybe one of them got out of bed, but ti his surprise, they were all asleep with their doors wide open. He then went towards your room, only to stop when he heard a loud crash from downstairs. Everyone was awake now, and they all rushed downstairs to the living room, where you stayed afloat in the air with a baseball bat in your hand, as you swung and hit the stomach of-
What the hell?
"Y/n!" Bruce called, startling you as you instantly floated towards him, hugging him as you said "I beat Santa! I beat Santa!"
The Santa, who was now being picked up by Dick and Jason, turned out to be actually Clark in disguise.
"What are you doing here Clar-"
"HO! HO! HO! SANTA JUST CAME TO DROP PRESENTS FOR YOUNG Y/N!" Clark exclaimed, cutting Bruce off.
You glared at the man in red suit, still not recognising your dear papa. "I don't want any presents from the bad man! You- you broke into our house without- ringing the bell!" You tried to float towards Santa to beat him again, but Bruce caught you and held you firmly against his chest. "I won't let you hurt daddy or my brothers or Alfie!"
It's like a lightswitch went off in the boys head and they all finally understood what you meant.
Bruce titled your chin towards him. "Y/n, sweetie, as nice it is for you to beat up Santa to protect me and your brothers and Alfred, and I'm very proud that you took my "stranger danger" lessons well, you must understand that you will never fight someone without getting my permission first. Its too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt, princess." Your brothers agreed. "Do you understand, Y/n?"
You nodded, playing with your hands.
"Good. Now, let's go back to bed-" Bruce was interrupted by Clark clearing his throat loudly.
Ugh. Bruce rolled his eyes. "And Y/n, Santa is not a bad guy. He just wanted to leave us some presents. Small, cheap ones, unlike mine but hey, what can you do?" Clark glared at him whole your brothers snickered. "So, please don't beat up Santa next time, okay?"
"Okay. Sorry, Mr Santa."
"Its okay, Y/n! Ho! Ho-"
"Stop with the theatrics. You interrupted her bedtime. It's time for her to sleep. Try to be more quiet next time, Santa." Bruce growled, clearly unhappy at Clark for making you miss your beauty sleep.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
In honor of Batman vs. Robin being...frustrating...here is some dialogue for if the Robins could actually call Bruce on his shit. (This is not me going “Bruce is terrible” because it’s more complicated than that when a character is 80 years old, this is my going “this comic is lazy because it refuses to engage with Bruce’s genuine failings.”)
Jason: I guess everyone expects me to start. Okay, yeah, I died.
Steph: Same.
Damian: Same.
Jason: And he replaced me.
Steph: Same. Sort of.
Damian: ...Shockingly, he did not attempt to replace me.
Jason: Yeah, I fucking know, because he was so sad about you that he took me back to the site of my death to see if it could trigger any memories of my violent murder that he could use to resurrect you.
Damian: Noted, but when my mother put a price on my head, he attempted to convince me to return to her so that her assassins wouldn’t cause any further damage to Gotham.
Steph: He only made me Robin to manipulate Tim into defying his father and becoming Robin again, and fired me for saving his life.
Tim: Also when Steph was dying he deliberately didn’t tell me so that I could say goodbye because he didn’t want me distracted.
Steph: You never told me that! Oh, FUCK him.
Tim: Also he told Steph my secret identity without my consent. Um, before that.
Dick: He didn’t tell me Jason had died.
Jason: He didn’t tell me my father had died.
Dick: He gave the Robin identity to a new kid even though it was my dead mother’s childhood nickname for me and very personal.
Damian: He missed my thirteenth birthday.
Jason: When I ran away from home, he went after the Joker and not me. And, not to belabor the point, but that was when I died.
Damian: He implied it was my fault Alfred died. Multiple times.
Tim: I’m pretty sure I was homeless from 2014 to 2022.
Damian: I haven’t been to school since Super Sons was canceled. Unless you count a single issue of Monkey Prince, of all things.
Dick: He slapped me and it’s a meme. :(
Tim: Hit me too.
Damian: And me.
Jason: Threw a Batarang into my neck.
Steph: No worries, boys, I slapped him back for ya.
Jason: Same, actually. *high fives her*
Damian: “Damian, you’re my son and I love you, but sometimes I don’t like you very much.”
Dick: He made me eat rats!
Feel free to add your own! I know I missed plenty.
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