#to bad dc characters are stubborn
tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 76
Both worlds are different dimensions.
Danny has always had a mark one that was a clear (shape/animal/hero symbol/whatever) on his wrist. Since the day he was born. His parents always just told him it made him even more special.
The nasty burger explosion happens.
He can’t go to vlad so he hides in the realm. Only to fall through a natural portal.
It’s then the mark gains colors.
Danny realizes the marks are soul-marks in this dimension. I prefer parental marks so that’s what the rest of my idea is for but it could be romantic/platonic as well.
Danny who just lost his entire family and feels completely at fault just says nope. he won’t risk it being a thing. It’s not even his home dimension anyways. So like it won’t match anybody anyways. Right?
So he hides the mark and just goes about life as a homeless teen with superpowers.
He’s not out looking to be a vigilante but if something is happening infringe of him and no one else is acting he will.
One day he gets caught in a bad fight. Ends up injured probably helping someone else not get hurt.
It’s then the soul mark is revealed to be for *insert dc character name here*
For some angst. Danny was original born in the dc. When a mark blackens it means the other person is dead. Or in this case separated by different dimensions. So for a year or two the other person had there marked colored only. Then Danny “died”.
The other person thought he was dead.
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 2 months
My personal opinion
Marvel Writers: Hank McCoy/Beast is irredeemable. He is a despicable villain. The version you will see in the upcoming comics is a clone of himself with only up to his mid-1980s memories/portrayal. If original Beast does come back, it will still be as a villain and he can never come back to the original team as a hero. He has no one to blame but himself.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 8 months
Blue With Envy - Jaime Reyes X GN Reader
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Title: Blue With Envy
Jaime Reyes X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Batman (Mentioned), Khaji-Da (Mentioned), Knifemare OC (Mentioned), and The League (Mentioned)
WC: 2,493
Warnings: Bantering, teasing, use of Google Translate (translation featured at the end of fic), jealousy, Blue Beetle/DC canon fighting mentioned, nicknames, cursing (only one or two words), blood, hallucinations mentioned, knives mentioned, wounds, main character death mentioned (nothing bad), yelling, confessions, slight angst, cuddling, and fluff
You threw your hands up in the air in defeat, "You sunk my battleship." You watched as Jaime grinned cheekily, placing the red pegs on the plastic map on his side. 
"Well, I win." He replied, as you just let out a huff, crossing your arms. 
"Yeah, again. You cheater." You pouted, as Jaime began to collect the pieces on his side. Even though you were upset, you couldn't stop from admiring him. Jaime was the most beautiful man you had ever known - from his mesmerizing eyes that always sparkled when he smiled that beautiful smile of his. His dark, curly brown hair fell perfectly across his forehead, and was soft to the touch. You could stare at him for hours and hours.
He was not only beautiful in the physical sense of the term, his personality was beautiful too. He was sweet, super compassionate, and always there if you needed someone to just talk to. He was so selfless, and would do anything for the people he cared for. He was always there for you, through everything. He was there if you needed a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to hold and be held by. Being in his presence was overall calming and peaceful; he was perfect.
He paused at your words though, looking up, snapping you out of your daydreaming, "Cheater? I never cheated." He shook his head lightly, tilting his head to the side. A hint of confusion showed itself in the slight crease between his brows, making him look even more adorable than he already was. Gosh, you were whipped.
You shook your head, trying to clear the thoughts away, and you just waved your hand toward him, "Yeah, but you're so tall, you can probably see over my board." You reasoned, and Jaime knew you were just being stubborn. 
Setting the pieces he collected in the small zip-lock bag, he looked over at you, watching as you began to collect your own pieces. The corners of his lips twitched upwards slightly, his gaze softening with fondness. It was kind of cute how competitive you got, how you'd bite your bottom lip when concentrating, your eyebrows furrowing as you sometimes muttered to yourself. Jaime was never really able to hear what you were mumbling to yourself, but he found it cute nonetheless.
Jaime wished that he could spend more time with you. But, being a superhero was hard work, and it hardly gave him enough free time to see you, or his family for that matter. He hated having to cancel dates or leave early when he got a call from the League. But, he couldn't tell you who he was. He didn't want to endanger you. But, coming to your apartment when he did have that free time, seeing your smile... It was all worth it. Jaime smiled softly, shaking his head again, "We're sitting on your bed, mi amor, we are practically the same height." He pointed out, and you sighed, resting your chin in your palm, leaning forward, your elbow being propped up on your crossed legs.
He had a point. Maybe, just maybe, he was just better at the game than you were. "Yeah, sure, whatever, cheater." You grumbled, but you weren't mad at him. If anything, Jaime made your frustration go away. 
Falling back against your pillows, Jaime quickly followed suit, the mattress bouncing as he did so. On his side, he held his head up with his palm, his arm resting across his pillow; leaning over you a bit. Looking at you, he said softly, "What do you wanna do?"
Turning on your side, you let out a small sigh as you looked at him, shrugging your shoulders, "I don't know. Do you have any ideas?" You asked, your hand reaching out to fidget with the gold necklace he wore. This position allowed Jaime to get close enough to brush a strand of your hair away from your face with his fingertips; causing the strands to fall gently over his hand as he moved them back behind your ear. You leaned into his touch, shutting your eyes.
Jaime let out a deep breath, "Not really, I got nothing."
You let out a hum, your hand letting go of the necklace to take his hand. Opening your eyes, you moved your attention to his hand in yours, running your fingers along his palm, tracing a random pattern. "Hey Jaime," You spoke quietly, still gazing at his skin. Jaime's eyes shifted from what you were doing with his hand to you, waiting for you to continue, "Who's your favorite superhero?"
Your question sort of surprised Jaime, but he was happy to answer it, "Blue Beetle." He slowly intertwined his fingers with yours, his warm hand pressed against your palm, "Who's your favorite?" He then asked, dropping his arm and pressing his cheek into the pillow under his head. Jaime would be lying if he didn't want you to also say that Blue Beetle was your favorite hero too. He wanted to hear you say that.
You pursed your lips, your eyes leaving your hands to look up at him, "Batman." Not even hesitating.
Jaime's smile dropped slightly, but he quickly hid his disappointment, "Really? Why?" He inquired, really wanting to know your reason. Not that Batman wasn't awesome, no. He liked Batman but Jaime was pretty biased. Since he was Blue Beetle. He watched as your face lit up, which was a beautiful sight.
"Oh, gosh, where do I even start?" You exclaimed, and Jaime couldn't help but smile at your excitement, "Okay, okay. Well, I like how even though he doesn't have any powers, and he still goes out and saves people. Like, he's just some regular guy under that bat suit, going out and beating up villains, when he doesn't have to. He's so selfless, you know? And he's such a smart guy too! He makes all of his own gear, and I just think that that is super amazing." You grinned, letting out a deep breath, as Jaime nodded thoughtfully.
Jaime couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous, but he pushed it down. "What do you think about Blue Beetle?" He asked, hoping that you'd say at least one cool thing about his superhero persona.
You hummed, narrowing your eyes slightly as you thought, "Well, I haven't seen much about Blue Beetle, but his suit's kind of cool. The whole bug thing. Why do you like Blue Beetle?" You asked Jaime, watching as he glanced away from you briefly, making you wonder what he was thinking.
He opened and closed his mouth before speaking, feeling the jealousy that he was trying to hold down, came right back up, "I mean, I think Blue Beetle is super cool. He can create anything to protect and defend himself, and his suit is cool too. I agree with that.” You narrowed your eyes slightly as he spoke, noticing something off with his tone. You couldn't help but think that Jaime was upset that you didn't like Blue Beetle like he did.
"Jaime, honey," You began softly, slowly after he was finished, "Is everything alright?" You asked, propping yourself up on your elbow.
He took a deep breath before releasing it, "Yeah, everything is fine… Good, yeah." Shaking your head lightly, you freed your hand from his, reaching up and cupping his cheek; bringing his brown orbs back to you.
"Jaime..." You began, brushing your thumb over his cheekbone as Jaime averted his gaze from you again, "Are you upset that Blue Beetle isn't my favorite?"
"No, no, it's not that." He muttered before meeting your eyes. Jaime let out a small breath, captivated by you as his heart beat rapidly against his chest. God, you were killing him. With your caring attitude, your genuine smile, your laugh, being so effortlessly damn stunning; everything about you. "Estoy muy enamorado de ti,.." He muttered, not even fully recognizing what he was saying, as you just raised an eyebrow.
"I don't really know what you said, I really have to start learning Spanish…" You laughed a little, Jaime just continued to look at you as if you hung the stars in the sky; he couldn't believe he was lucky enough to have you.
Calming down a little, you snuggled into Jaime's chest, digging your face into the crook of his neck; Jaime's arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer until you were completely flush against him. He rested his cheek against the top of your head, listening to your steady breathing as you both lay there in silence for a few moments, enjoying the calm atmosphere between you two.
Jaime breathed heavily as he made his way up the fire escape, holding onto his side, he had to stop to take a breather; his chest heaving as he let out a pained groan. He had just finished helping some of the League with a new villain, one who could fight like Hell and make him hallucinate. The villain, who called herself Knifemare, had the power to make someone hallucinate before stabbing them with sharp knives and swords while they were distracted. Jaime couldn't stop as the plethora of sharp knives flew through the air. Khaji-Da was able to protect most of him, but a stray knife had cut into his side. His healing was taking care of the scratches that he had sustained from the fight, but larger cuts took a bit more time. 
Jaime needed to see you though, even though he knew that you would ask questions about why his shirt was covered in his blood, but he didn't care. He needed to see you. Knifemare's hallucinations got to him, even though he tried to fight the searing pain that he felt as she tried to enter and mess with his mind. For a moment, Jaime thought that he saw you, dead, on the ground a few feet away... Before he knew it, he was struck and Khaji-Da was successful at snapping him out of it.
Letting out a breath, Jaime winced as he pushed himself the rest of the way up to your floor, almost collapsing on the metal balcony before he knocked on your window. Jaime pressed the side of his face into the brick wall beside the window, closing his eyes at the cool feeling of the stone. He heard shuffling before the window opened and he heard you gasp. 
"Jaime! Are you alright!?" You called to him, his eyes opening slightly as you took his arm and helped him inside. Jaime let out another soft groan as you led him to your bed. Sitting down, Jaime let out a sigh, looking over at you, noticing your wide, worried eyes. Your eyes raked over his body, eventually landing on the blood stain on his blue shirt. "You're bleeding! Jaime! What happened!? Let me see it!" You began to reach out to lift his shirt but Jaime grabbed your hand.
It was heartwarming to see you so worried about him, but he didn't need your help; he could feel his side slowly stitching up. "Y/N, cariño, I'm fine. You don't have to worry-"
"If you're fine, then let me see it." You insisted, your hands balled into fists; knuckles white as you stared at him. Jaime stared right back at you for a moment, debating internally with himself. Finally, giving in, Jaime pulled his shirt off. You gasped at the injury, staring at his torso, "God, Jaime, what happen-" You scooted towards him, reaching your hand out, but hesitating, watching as the large cut slowly began to heal itself, blue wisps swirling like electricity before it completely closed up. Staring at his side, it looked as if there was never even a large gash there in the first place. Licking your lips, you slowly sat back, looking up at Jaime with your wide eyes. "Jaime... What's going - What's-" You couldn't even speak, you were so shocked. 
Jaime looked down at your hand on the bed, slowly inching his hand over to cover yours. Looking back up at you, he let out a sigh as he saw tears beginning to develop in the corners of your eyes. "I-" He started before pausing as he realized that he couldn't form words. He couldn't explain this. All he could do was stare at you with those puppy dog eyes. 
You let out a shaky sigh, "So... I’m trying to be calm here. I know that stressing about whatever is happening won't help either of us." You said, biting your lip, watching him for any sign of disapproval.
Jaime swallowed thickly before nodding, sitting up straighter, "I can explain.... Everything..." He mumbled, staring at you as you continued to chew on your bottom lip, your brow furrowed. "I'm... I'm..." Letting out a sigh, he dropped his head. "Khaji-Da? Can you show them?" He muttered quietly, closing his eyes as his suit started to materialize. 
Your eyes widened as you watched his suit appear in front of you. Your jaw dropped, "You're Blue Beetle..!" You exclaimed as you watched the mask disappear, revealing his face. You shook your head, unable to comprehend that he was actually Blue Beetle. 
"Yeah, I'm Blue Beetle." Jaime stated with confidence as he looked down at you, beyond nervous, but his nerves dwindled when he saw a smile spread across your face.
"Wait, so if you're Blue Beetle... Does that mean you know Batman?" You asked softly, now cuddled close to Jaime in your bed, your arms wrapped around his waist as you both gazed at each other.
Jaime hummed a bit, "Yeah, I’ve met him, but only a couple of times when I get called to go to Gotham or Metropolis." He answered, his fingers dipped under your shirt, brushing against the soft skin of your waist; his other arm under your head as he held you close to him.
"Does that mean there is a possible slight chance that I could meet him?" You asked excitedly, making Jaime chuckle.
Wetting his bottom lip, his fingers pausing on your waist as he thought, "I mean, I could try and see, but I'm still new to everything." He placed a soft kiss on your forehead as he pulled you closer to him. 
You let out a small, content sigh, closing your eyes and snuggling the side of your face into his chest, "Either way, it doesn't matter..." You murmured, "I got my hero right here." You grinned, turning your head to place a kiss right over his pounding heart.
Jaime's said-heart fluttered in his chest at your statement as a sense of pride engulfed him. He pressed another kiss onto your head, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, the scent of your strawberry shampoo washing over him. His lips quirked up in a smile as he pulled you impossibly close to him and finally closed his eyes.
Estoy muy enamorado de ti
I am so in love with you
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cobbleztone · 2 months
I am at school with a migraine at the moment, so here is how some characters deal with them (batfam stuff first)
Bruce acts the same as when sick. It would take everyone who has ever lived or will live to stop him from going out unless he physically can't .
Dick "Drama Queen" Grayson is out for the count, if he goes out he will make it everyone else's problem.
Jason has a reputation to uphold. He will go out guns blazing still. According to him "papa ain't raise no bitch."
Tim is responsible and takes medicine, but that's the end of his responsible actions, as he still does case work
Damien is the same as Bruce, until Bruce's "dad sense" goes off, and Damien is benched for the night
Stephanie stays home and sleeps
Barbara relaxes and takes medicine
Duke uses his power to keep light out of his eyes
Cassandra is the same as Bruce but no one knows she has one
Alfred rests as the others (try and usually fail) to do work for him
Kai is one stubborn mother fucker, he wont admit he has one but its obvious he does.
Cole takes meds and takes it easy on training
Jay is so chaotic and loud that his thoughts are loud enough to cause discomfort.
Zane is a nindroid. He doesn't get migraines (the envy i feel rn)
Nya is actually responsible and rests, drinks lots of water, and takes medicine.
Lloyd sleeps in wearing Starfarer pajamas (let him be a kid at heart i will fight anyone who doesn't. That's not a threat but a promise)
Eda sees rest as for the weak. She takes a potion to help and powers through
King is still a child, so he sleeps all day in a dark room
Hooty doesn't get migraines, HE IS THE MIGRAINE
Luz reads to distract herself after taking medicine (or potion if available)
Amity was taught that showing weakness is bad and thus no one can tell (exept Luz with her "Girlfriend Sense) (is this one just made because i hate Odalia? I plea the Fifth)
Hunter is the same as amity (Luz and Vee can sense it because of "Sibling Sense" and Camila can with "Mom Sense") (yes i hc that Hunter was adopted by Camila, fight me)
Gus uses his breathing exercises taught to him by Willow to help
Willow just relaxes in a garden with plants and tea
Lilith is used to dealing with it because of her time under Belos (insert something hating on Belos im too tired to care at the moment)
(Note that all these people exept Lilith hit Hooty when he engages with them)
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questforgalas · 9 months
Thank you for coming back
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Notes: So once again, @zaana's incredible art lived rent free in my head until I put it down on paper. So here's a delightful AU where Crosshair doesn't get sent to Tantiss because guess who gets to him first? Chose to do a rescue from Barton IV because Cross is in his imperial armor in the art, and I thought "Hey, let's maybe give him a break and not make him go through torture before he's rescued?" Neat idea, right? Let's tell Jen and Brad
WC: 3K (lol this was going to be a drabble)
Characters: The Bad Batch (all of them!)
Tags: Wrecker POV (he deserves all the Crosshair reunion energy), angst at the end (Crosshair is going through it ok), hurt/comfort, giant family group hug, Crosshair and Wrecker cry, Hunter is emotional, canon typical violence, implied mistreatment by the Empire (did I mention Crosshair is going through it?), family reunion, all the family fluff I could fit into 3k words
Tay's Masterlist
Read on AO3
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The sound of blaster fire was becoming permanent in Wrecker’s ears. Hunkered down behind a duracrete barrier, he kept his DC-17 trained on the Imps attempting to advance on his position, blaster bolts streaming past his head. 
“Seriously, who trained these guys to shoot,” he thought to himself, needing to only dodge a few bolts from the barrage while his targets fell with each pull of his trigger. 
The landing platform at the depot on Barton IV was looking more like a true battlefield and less like a remote outpost with every passing minute. Two T-4 shuttles lay in smoking ruins - the first thanks to Hunter’s skill on the Marauder’s rear gun and the second thanks to an excellent detonator throw by Wrecker - and stormtrooper bodies lay scattered across the duracrete ground. So far, Wrecker and Hunter were executing their part of the plan perfectly, but when it came to creating distractions, there wasn’t much guess work as to Wrecker’s success rate. 
The Batch’s intel told them that the depot, located on a desolate, frozen planet that rivaled Hoth’s  icy temperatures, normally operated as a blip on the Empire’s priority list. In fact, blip might have been giving it too much credit. The small clone trooper squad that was assigned to protection detail put in requests for equipment, supplies, and reinforcements throughout their year of service, and every request fell on deaf imperial ears. Gathered from the information Tech found during his hacking, Commander Mayday of the squad put in a request for reinforcements 40 rotations ago, citing that only five members of his squad remained alive at the time the request went in, but Tech couldn’t find any log of a response anywhere in the records. Complete silence from the Empire. 
Until 4 rotations ago. The call went out for a platoon of stormtroopers to ready for deployment to Barton IV with orders to transport cargo of high importance to the Empire from the depot to the military base on Coruscant. Prior to the platoon’s arrival, a small squad of clone troopers was sent to scout and ready the depot for the cargo transfer. The squad consisted of two standard troopers and one specialized. One prickly, stubborn, unyielding specialized trooper who Wrecker couldn’t wait to see again. 
When Tech caught chatter that a clone trooper shot a commanding imperial officer in broad daylight in front of an imperial depot, he initially intended to send the intel directly to Captain Rex, informing him of another defecting clone who would be in need of assistance, but after he scanned the information log, he didn’t register his datapad falling from his hands, thudding on the floor, only able to to focus on activating the comm on his vambrace, urging Hunter to get to the Marauder as quickly as possible. Because there in front of him, written across the Marauder’s main computer, was CT-9904: Defector. Charged with the murder of Lieutenant Nolan. In custody on Barton IV. Scheduled for armed transfer in two rotations. 
The discussion was short - Hunter the only one remaining cautious until Tech confirmed the lack of security at the depot, even with the stormtrooper platoon coming in - and the Batch set their course to Barton IV less than two hours after the message was intercepted. The plan was easy, one the Batch could nearly execute in their sleep, even with their newer blonde addition. Create a distraction to draw the majority of security out into the open which Hunter and Wrecker would engage while Omega provided cover from the Marauder. Meanwhile, Tech and Echo skirt along the edge of the chaos, slip into the depot undetected, locate Crosshair’s location, and extract him while neutralizing any remaining threats if necessary. 
Plans 5, 4, and 21. The Batch specialty. 
“Wrecker, incoming! Northwest!” Hunter’s smokey voice called over the commotion. 
The far gate of the depot opened, ten stormtroopers running out to join the fight. “Yeah, I see ‘em, Sarge,” Wrecker confirmed. “They look excited to see us.” 
Hunter took cover behind his barrier, and turned his head in Wrecker’s direction.
“How about you give our hosts a warm greeting?” Hunter suggested, cocking his head to the side. Wrecker could feel the smug smirk under that helmet.
“Gladly,” Wrecker responded gleefully. 
Reaching into the pack on his back, he grabbed two thermal detonators, clicked them live, and chucked. They arced into the air, curving in opposite directions, landing right in the middle of the oncoming troopers, and Wrecker watched as all ten stormtroopers disappeared into a beautiful burst of orange, red, and black. 
“Direct hit,” Wrecker yelled, pumping his DC-17 in triumph. 
Across the way, Hunter gave a quick thumbs up and popped his head above his barrier. Wrecker did the same, confirming that the landing platform was clear of imps for the moment, but they knew more troopers would arrive soon. They’d only taken out about 30 of them so far. 
“Agh, where are they,” Hunter wondered, helmet trained on the door they expected to see their brothers emerge from. 
“Give ‘em a few more minutes, Sarge. I doubt the Empire just left Crosshair in a set of binders on a crate.” 
“They’re dumb enough to,” Hunter said. A soft chuckle came through his modulator, “Wonder how long he’d humor them until he took them all out with his hands still bound.” 
“Knowing Crosshair? They wouldn’t even get the binders on him,” Wrecker laughed. 
Hunter went quiet, helmet still pointed at the door. Then his shoulders fell like he was bowing to a weight Wrecker couldn’t see. “We’ll have to be patient. He’s…” Hunter paused. “He’s probably not the Crosshair we remember. There are going to be some … invisible wounds.” 
Wrecker released his own shuttered breath. He looked down at the ground for a moment, and then looked back up to find Hunter looking back at him. “Doesn’t matter how long it takes. We’ll help patch those up too.” 
Hunter remained still for a breath and then nodded. 
The silence was interrupted by a chime on Hunter’s comm. “What’ve you got, Omega?” he asked as he activated the connection. 
“I’m picking up multiple heat signatures heading our way. Looks like our little break is over,” Omega’s voice chirped over the comm. 
“Copy that,” Hunter responded.
Wrecker brought his own comm up to his mouth. “What’s your count, kid?” he asked playfully. 
“I’m at 4,” Omega answered, a smug tone floating through. 
“Only 4? You’re falling behind. I’m at 18,” Wrecker said. 
“I don’t think the thermal detonators should count,” Hunter interjected. 
“What?! Did you see how perfectly those landed? Probably my best yet! Not even Tech could pull that off.” 
“It’s hardly fair when I’m all the way back here on the Marauder!” Omega argued. 
“Excuses excuses, kid,” Wrecker teased. Their debate came to a quick halt when the remaining hangar doors of the depot opened, revealing the last wave of the platoon. “Alright, break time’s over. Shoot good, kid.” 
The platform became engulfed in battle once again. Blaster bolts peppered the air. Thermal detonators flew. Line after line of stormtroopers tried to take the advantage on the two ground soldiers and their coverage, but Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega held them back with ease. Wrecker heard General Skywalker speaking to Hunter about something called meditation once - a staple Jedi practice of centering one’s mind and connecting with the force through quiet sitting - and while Wrecker wasn’t sure this would meet the Jedi standard, he imagined this was the closest to meditation he would ever come. Surrounded by the sounds of battle. Adrenaline pumping in his veins. He’d hit a point of focus that drowned everything else out, his mission the only thought in his mind. And he was dam good at it, too. 
His DC-17 sang, and he let out a jovial laugh as he took down another line of troopers. As he focused on the enemies in front of him, the squad’s comm channel chimed in his helmet, and the only thing in the galaxy that could divert his attention from the battle in front of him called through the speakers.
“Hunter. Wrecker. We’ve got him. We’re approaching the exit. What’s the status of the platform?” Echo’s voice came through. 
For a second, Wrecker and Hunter turned towards each other, both chests rising rapidly with fast breaths not caused by the battle in front of them, and Wrecker knew if he could see Hunter’s eyes, they’d reflect the same bottomless relief he was feeling. 
Wrecker forced himself back to the present and provided cover fire while Hunter responded. 
“You’re clear to exit. A few imps left but nothing we can’t handle. Wrecker and I will provide cover fire while you cross the platform. Go directly to the Marauder,” Hunter ordered. 
Wrecker’s breath caught in his throat when a low, raspy voice could be heard in the background. “No, we thought we’d take a hike in the mountains.”
A hitched breath came through, and in his peripheral, Wrecker noticed Hunter lean his helmet back against the duracrete barrier, shoulders shaking. 
“I never thought I’d miss his attitude,” Omega piped in. 
That broke the tension building in Wrecker’s head, and a laugh barreled out from his chest. Brain clear and ready to act again, he focused on the remaining stormtroopers trying to hold their ground. 
“Omega, get the engines running. We’re getting off this hunk of ice as soon as we’re all onboard,” Hunter finished relaying the orders. 
“One more thing,” Tech’s voice came through this time. “I did the scan. The inhibitor chip has indeed been removed, but only after the encounter on Bracca. Crosshair did remove it voluntarily unbeknownst to the Empire.”
“Tech kind of refused to leave the holding cells until he was able to confirm it all. Hacked records and everything here on the depot. That’s what took us so long,” Echo supplied.
“Thank the Maker for Tech, and his stubborn need for knowledge,” Hunter mumbled. He went back on the comm, “Glad to hear it. Now get out here.”
Hunter turned to Wrecker. “Let’s take out as many as we can before they get here. Once they emerge, you lay down cover fire, and I’ll take overwatch.” 
“Copy that,” Wrecker replied, and they went to work. 
Time that had been passing at light speed slowed to the flow of Mustafar lava. Only ten stormtroopers remained posted across the platform, and Wrecker was determined to clear as many as he could before his brothers emerged. 
Another minute passed. Another. Then another. Time was taunting him.  
A whoosh floated over the blasterfire. The blasted door to the depot finally opened, and there in the doorway were three bent over figures - two supporting the weight of the third in between them - hobbling onto the landing deck. Wrecker allowed himself one glance hoping it would calm his running mind. Echo took most of the middle figure’s weight, flesh arm wrapped around their waist and scomp arm securing the arm wrapped across Echo’s back dangling over his shoulder, while Tech kept one arm around the figure’s waist and kept his blaster at the ready in the other. 
As Wrecker glanced at them,  it wasn’t the figure’s distinct all black armor - the armor of the imperial special forces - that identified him to Wrecker. No, it was the tattoo around their right eye. The tattoo Wrecker sat and watched as Tech gave it to them when they were still just cadets. The tattoo that represented their pride in their skill. The tattoo that told everyone exactly which batch he belonged to, front and center for all to see. The crosshair. 
Flanking from behind, Tech easily took down three stormtroopers before they made their way down the stairs. The remaining seven stormtroopers barked out orders to fall back, trying to regroup due to the new arrivals, and Wrecker used their confusion to his advantage, taking out another three in one go. Realizing they were outnumbered and outmatched, the remaining four stormtroopers fell back to the hangar, shooting wildly at any target they could see. 
Slower than Wrecker would like, his three brothers made their way to his and Hunter’s position across the platform. As soon as they crossed the threshold of their barriers, Hunter stood from his coverage, falling in step to provide cover directly at their backs. 
“Alright, Wrecker. Let’s keep these guys pinned as we head to the ship,” Hunter said. 
Jumping into position, Wrecker kept a steady pace back to the Marauder without breaking his fire on the remaining stormtroopers. Hunter hit one more as they walked, and Wrecker had his finger on the trigger to take down another when a streak of pink flew over his head and directly into the helmet of his target. 
He glanced over his shoulder. 
“Final count: 12,” Omega beamed down at him from the top of the ramp into the Marauder. 
“Aha! Nice shot, kid! Now let’s get out of here,” Wrecker said, barreling up the ramp into the ship. 
The ramp closed up as the ship made its way into the air, and the energy within immediately went still. Tech sat in the cockpit, taking over the controls from Omega once on board, but Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, Omega, and Crosshair remained in the hold. 
Crosshair sat in the chair in front of the computer, slumped over, one hand on the armrest propping him while an elbow rested on a knee like that was all the energy he could muster. He was breathing heavy, chest rising and falling as if he’d just finished a training sprint back on Kamino. Wrecker quickly gave his body a once over. Crosshair had always been lithe, by far the smallest body mass of the Bad Batch, but there had been muscle underneath those long limbs that gave any regular clone trooper a run for his money. Now, Wrecker clocked only bones showing underneath the exposed areas his armor didn’t cover, and his cheekbones were sharp above the hollowness of his cheeks. Purple blotched under his eyes, and it was impossible not to notice the deep scar that covered the right side on the back of his head. The scar he received when he took the full heat of a Venator ion engine. 
The same engine he tried to trap his brothers in. 
“Thank you…for coming for me. I…I wouldn’t have blamed you if you didn’t,” Crosshair drawled, head bent down. Whether he was unable to lift it from lack of strength or not being able to face the current scene, Wrecker wasn’t sure. His own heart was thudding in his chest, threatening to burst out. He called on every ounce of discipline and self-restraint he learned in his years as a soldier and remained rooted in place, holding his breath. The rest of the Batch stood as still as statues, four sets of eyes on their silver-haired brother. 
“You can drop me off at the closest port. You can pick. Doesn’t matter to me,” Crosshair said to the floor. Still, no one else spoke. He raised his head, glancing at each of them. His gaze settled on Hunter. “I…I’d understand if that’s what you want to do. It’s what you should do.” 
The five of them felt the Marauder lurch into hyperspace, but still, Echo, Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker didn’t budge. Footsteps approached from the cockpit, and soon, Tech joined them, choosing to sit in the chair across from Crosshair. The silence grew, and Wrecked noticed the crease between the sniper’s eyebrows deepen while his eyes darted around the group.
“Well, aren’t any of you going to say something?” Crosshair asked, frustration creeping into his voice. He glanced around one more time, and finally stood up from the chair, a growl coming from his throat, back hunched like he was ready to pounce, and his gaze locked on Hunter, a finger pointed at the sergeant. “Listen, I didn’t ask you to come get me. I was ready to die on that platform after I shot the lieutenant, and I was ready to die in whatever maker-forsaken place they were going to send me. You hear me? I didn’t ask for this.” He gestured around the room, around the Batch. 
“So don’t make me a burden you don’t want. Drop me anywhere. Leave me. It’s what I deserve - oof!” 
Wrecker couldn’t take it anymore, and as he watched Crosshair teeter on the precipice of self-destruction, he took two strides towards his brother, and engulfed him in his arms. 
Crosshair stiffened, his arms frozen mid-gesture to the side. Wrecker stood there, arms firmly wrapped around Crosshair’s back and shoulders, head dipping to rest on top of Crosshair’s head, and he waited. Eventually, Crosshair’s arms fell to his sides, but his body remained stiff like he wasn’t actually registering what was happening. Then, after a few breaths, his arms slowly rose, one wrapping under Wrecker’s arm and the other circling over his shoulder. 
“Why did you come for me?” Wrecker heard muffled into his chestplate. 
“We don’t leave our own behind,” Wrecker answered simply. 
Wrecker felt the shaking first, then he heard the soft sobs. Tightening his arms, he held his once-lost brother as if challenging the galaxy to try and separate them again. When he felt Crosshair crumble into his chest, he released the grip he’d been holding on his own emotions, and the tears flowed freely. Tears of sorrow for what Crosshair endured. Tears of rage at the Empire. Tears of sweet relief at his family being whole again. 
Wrecker felt a pair of arms sneak between his waist and Crosshair’s chest, and when he looked up, he saw Hunter wrapped around Crosshair’s back, arms crushing the sniper into the sergeant’s chest. “We’ve got you, Cross,” Hunter murmured. 
One-by-one, Tech, Echo, and Omega joined in, the last squeezing herself into the middle, wrapping her arms around Crosshair’s leg, and even when the sobs quieted, they remained that way. There was a lot to talk about. A long road of trust to regain. They were about to navigate rough terrain. And the past will resurface, in old wounds, physical and not. But none of that mattered right now. In the middle of their home, a family reunited. Unsure what the future would bring them, but ready to face it all together.
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goth-pod · 5 months
Goth-Pod Ep 2: Dick Grayson
Welcome Back to Goth-Pod with Juda Boone!
(Despite the technical difficulties and change of format, we continue on! Gothamites are stubborn in that way.)
[goth-pod is a fictional in-universe podcast based on the DC comics universe. Juda Boone is an original fictional character, not based on any real person or known comic book character. The mentioned true crime podcast, "Gotham City's Best" is not a real podcast, that I know of.]
Transcript under the cut
Hello everyone and welcome back to Goth-Pod, your Gotham Based podcast! I am your favorite queer-as-in-strange host Juda Boone.
Today we are discussing a hot topic in our city. And I’d like for it to be known that a lesser host would make a “Emphasis on HOT” joke here. 
I come bearing bad news, everyone. We have lost one of our beloved Gotham citizens to the big city in the sky. 
Wait-no, sorry that was a total typo of my script. We lost a beloved citizen to the small city up the river. Don't know how those got mixed up. For those of you in the know, you probably have guessed that I am talking about Dick Grayson-Wayne’s recent move to our other sister city, Bludhaven. 
Dick Grayson is one of those names that any Gothamite paying attention will recognize. But for our non-native listeners, here's a quick run down.
Dick Grayson-Wayne is the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne. And if you don’t know who Bruce Wayne is, I’m sorry I can't help you. I don't- I don’t even know how you found this podcast if that’s the case. 
Now, I hear the word “nepotism” thrown around a lot when talking about Wayne’s Ward. But let us not forget that Grayson is a trained aerialist performer. He’s been doing insane stunts since he was a kid. Grayson was a talented, hard working kid who grew up into a talented adult. Though he does seem to be following Wayne footsteps in being something of a pretty playboy. And you know what? Good for him. 
If you’re curious about how Grayson came to the care of Bruce Wayne, feel free to check out my colleagues and close friends at Gotham City’s Best: A True Crime Podcast.
No matter where Grayson came from, or where he is going now, he is a beloved son of Gotham and we will definitely miss him. 
Grayson is not a Gotham-native, but Gotham has claimed him all the same. Tragedy, perseverance and finding your own family follow nobody the way it follows a true child of Gotham. 
All I have to say is: Good luck Bludhaven. You got a Wayne coming your way.
Thanks for joining! I’m Juda, you’re listening to Goth-Pod. Until next time, stay safe, Gotham.
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distort-opia · 27 days
Hey what's up. Huge fan of your blog and like your thoughts. I gotta lot of respect for your analysis, your writing, and how you work with the material for batman in general. You've mentioned a couple times or atleast hinted at possible diagnosis for Bruce and Joker, and while I do subscribe to the idea that due to the nature of comics, thier respective mental health issues are more symbolic than literal, I do, however, find it interesting and fun to try to identify them, especially since writers seem keen to slap stuff onto them on a whim. Also, I'm a psych graduate, but unlike you I'm getting my PhD in Communication research but I still work in neuro and psych spaces. Anyway this is my long winded way of asking if you have a general set of conditions that the two have. I personally think that they both have CPTSD and both display traits from both ASPD and BPD but to differing extents. Additionally, for Joker dissociative amnesia is a given, however like most things it's doesn't fit most descriptions for it.
Thank you for the kinds words, I'm glad you like my blog! And hey, another Psych graduate... somehow I know of at least 5 of us in this fandom, it's quite funny.
Indeed, it's tough to ascribe any kind of diagnosis to comic book characters, both because of how inconsistent characterization can be and because of how bad DC's approach to mental health has been. For Joker it's especially difficult, because "insanity" has been written as almost his superpower. Oooh he's so random and crazy! No one can understand his twisted mind! But well, I agree it's still interesting to try and parse the sheer knot of trauma these two characters are tangled in.
For Bruce, CPTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is almost a given, since it's not just that he suffers from PTSD as a consequence of his parents' death, but that he also re-traumatizes himself pretty much every day, by being Batman. And even leaving that aside, there's such a long list of traumatic events Bruce has experienced since then, including almost committing murder or the death of his Robins on multiple occasions. Though I don't know if he matches the ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) criteria that well. Sure, by being Batman he fails to conform to social norms, uses violence and lies to people and does things worthy of arrest-- but it's by no means impulsive, or a consequence of an incapacity to control his actions. Bruce is much too capable of planning in advance, that's his whole schtick. And he's not doing these things with a selfish purpose, to benefit himself; he does them to help others. As to BPD (borderline personality disorder), I do see it more, though not to a large degree as I do for Joker. Bruce is terrified of abandonment, he's got unstable relationships, but that speaks to me more towards him having a disorganized type of attachment and not full blown BPD. When it comes to personality disorders, Bruce is much more on axis A-- closest to schizoid, I'd say (prefers to be alone, appears cold/disinterested in human interaction, limited expression of emotion, seems not to enjoy many activities, trouble with social cues, disinterest in the pursuit of sexual relations). With a dash of C when it comes to obsessive-compulsive traits (overly focused on details, order and rules, needs to be in control at all times, ignores personal relationships for work/the Mission/the Vow, cannot throw things away, rigid and stubborn, inflexible over values or morality).
However, I think a lot of this could also be due to him being on the autistic spectrum. His troubles with social cues, his inflexibility and need for order and categorization... and how successful he is at "masking", which is pretty much what the Bruce Wayne persona is. Besides, the thing is, Bruce is empathetic (though it's complicated). Individuals on the autistic spectrum tend to display intact or even excessive emotional empathy and lower cognitive empathy, with research showing that this can be overwhelming; they might have trouble regulating how much they empathize (potentially due to less self-other distinction) and thus end up avoiding it (like avoiding eye contact, for example). Look at Bruce's Family alone: so many of the people he took in were people he strongly related to, one way or another... this isn't something someone with ASPD would do, for instance.
Meanwhile, Joker's definitely much more on axis B. CPTSD for sure, as well as BPD, ASPD... I'd agree there's a lot of ground for both of the latter, including potentally NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). Joker is suffering through the consequences of trauma too, and he is impulsive, grandiose, reckless, uses violence, deceives and cons people, has an unstable sense of self, etc. Hell, I'd say he has traits that fit histrionic personality disorder too. His need for attention, overly dramatic behavior... I mean, the man nearly got himself killed in Devil's Advocate because he was enjoying the attention he was getting from Gotham so much. And if Bruce is potentially more on the autistic spectrum, Joker's on the psychopathy one, which -- again -- could account for many of the traits described above. I mean, just the first result Google puts out is incredibly fitting (glibness/superficial charm, grandiose sense of self-worth, need for stimulation/proneness to boredom, pathological lying, conning/manipulative, lack of remorse or guilt, shallow affect/reduced emotional responses, callous/lack of empathy). Coupled with ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) traits out the wazoo, which was an official diagnosis we got in comics for him. Although personally, I think Joker isn't a primary psychopath, but a secondary one. As in, while there's surely a genetic component, childhood trauma is what tipped the scales and led to him displaying these traits. I also definitely agree with the dissociative amnesia, though I'd group it together with the CPTSD, and also tie it to the unstable sense of self characteristic of BPD.
Got a bit too long, but yeah! To differing degrees, one could argue for a multitude of disorders... we haven't even touched depression (though I think Bruce and Joker are more likely to be diagnosed with recurrent major depressive disorder; they have episodes of depression, but don't always display the symptoms). Sorry for how long this took, but hope you found this interesting, Anon. And God, best of luck with that PhD, I hope it's going well!
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phoenixgrl1412 · 10 months
DpxDC - Danny Phantom Comics Idea
I've seen a few posts where Danny and the others are huge fans of the Justice League and of certain members. Like, having posters and getting autographs and having merch. Or knowing a hero's entire public history.
But what if some of the Justice League members were the fans, and the Danny Phantom universe was a comic series in the DC universe? And many of the JL heroes grew up on the Danny Phantom comics, which inspired them to become heroes.
I'm imagining Clark Kent, Barry Allen, and even Bruce Wayne grew up in the height of "Phantom mania", when the comics were at their most popular and the phandom was reaching peak numbers. There was also talk of a television show and movies on the big screen. The comic run during their childhood is widely regarded as one of the best runs/timelines, and is the same as DP Universe we know.
The "Phantom mania" as it was called, happened before superheroes/vigilantes, villains, and metas were a thing. And once all of that did became common place, civilians stopped reading that genre. People didn't want to read about real life, they wanted an escape, and the Phantom comics were not that. There were still phans, of course, but not enough to keep the series profitable.
The Phantom comics were not the only hero comic happening at that time, but they did outlast the rest as the writers/whoever else refused to quit working on it until they had no choice. Unlike most hero comics of the time, the writers were able to give the Phantom comics a somewhat rushed and imperfect ending, giving some closure for the series. The comic issues covering the Phantom Planet incident are widely debated by the phandom, with some treating them as canon while others regard it as bad fanfic (for the purpose of this AU, I'm leaning towards Phantom Planet not being canon to the DP universe, but an attempt by the writers of the DC universe to give the series closure when so many other hero comics ended in the middle of a story arc that would never be finished).
There were a few attempted reboots of the Phantom comics, but were poorly done and so different from the "best" run and of such poor quality that they were all flops. The serialization that happened when Clark, Barry, and Bruce were kids is considered to be the last/best/official version of the comics.
For those three, and for other heroes too, the character of Danny Fenton/Phantom and his journey in becoming a hero is such an integral part of how they develop as heroes.
Does Bruce get the idea to become a vigilante/hero thanks to his childhood comic book hero, Phantom? If so, you can't prove it. And so what if he based some of Brucie Wayne's antics on things that Danny or his friends did, you can't prove that either.
(You also can't prove that he dressed up as Phantom for Halloween two years in a row. Alfred can though, and he threatens to pull out the pictures to show the batkids when Bruce is being particularly stubborn.)
For Barry, it's the lab accident. He goes through something similar to what Danny does in his lab accident in the comics (lots of electricity and either chemicals or ectoplasm). Barry struggles with coming to terms with his accident and accepting his new abilities. He isn't sure what to do at first, but he gets reminded of the Phantom comics from when he was a kid. And yeah, Danny isn't real, but his story is still an inspiration and a source of comfort.
Barry rereads through the comics shortly after his accident, and the beginning issues hit home in a way they hadn't before. Danny Fenton had a traumatic lab accident, just like Barry did. And while Barry wasn't half dead, he did come out of his accident with incredible new powers, just like Danny. Those first issues, where Danny is struggling in figuring out his new normal and learning about his abilities through trial and error, resonate with Barry. There are his fears, laid out in print for all to see. Every argument Barry has with himself about what to do with his powers is also there, and it's comforting to know that someone else, even a fictional character, gets it.
Barry decides to become a hero and calls himself The Flash. If his very first (and short-lived) costume design was black and white, and not his now-icon red and yellow, you can't prove anything.
The scenes where Danny is bullied by Dash, after Danny has his powers, might resonate with Clark more than the other bits. Maybe Clark takes the interpretation, as some of the phandom does, that Danny doesn't fight back physically because, with his powers, he could seriously hurt Dash if he did. Maybe he could even kill him if he wasn't careful. And Clark, who at the time is struggling with his own emerging abilities and identity as an alien, rereads his childhood comfort series and sees those scenes. And Clark understands in a way he didn't before, the fear that he could hurt someone accidentally with his strength. And seeing Danny struggle with being accepted by his parents and the town, but knowing he had the unconditional support of his friends and his sister, helps Clark accept himself.
And years later, when he meets his clone, Conner, Clark is infinitely more prepared for the situation and actually handles it well.
And if Clark refers to Lex Luthor as a fruitloop after that, well, only the phandom will understand.
(Lex is furious when it gets brought to his attention. He isn't a phan, but he grew up during that era and couldn't avoid the comics or people talking about them. He resents the implication that he is anything like Vlad Masters, because Lex is clearly more successful. Obviously. But he can't exactly sue Superman for comparing him to a children's comic book villain. Or can he?)
At some point, maybe after a debrief or something, a few of the Justice League members are chit chatting. They somehow start talking about nostalgic things from their childhood. Flash brings up the Phantom comics, and is surprised to learn that Superman and Green Lantern are also fans.
Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are unfamiliar with the series, prompting a long conversation about the series and its importance. Superman agrees to lend the pair the first issues to see if they like it.
Meanwhile Batman is just standing in the shadows, wanting to participate in the phandom conversation going on but he can't because it isn't something Batman would do. He eavesdrops instead, making a mental note to acquire another set of the comics for himself.
Bruce's set of comics from when he was a kid, was discovered by a young Dick Grayson. Dick was Robin at this point in time, but the mythos surrounding Robin hadn't been fully developed yet. Dick fell in love with the series, which was one of the only comics to feature a teen hero, like himself. I'm not saying that Dick's love of puns and banter came from Danny, but I'm not saying it didn't.
And does Dick use these old comics he stole from Bruce to bond with his new siblings? Absolutely! He introduces them to Jason first, and they spend hours reading and rereading them together. Jason is the one to discover Danny Phantom fanfiction, and shares it with Dick, who is thrilled to have new Phantom content and something else to bond over with Jason. Dick eventually convinces Jason to write his own, and Jason bounces ideas off of Dick.
(Neither is aware that Bruce overhears one of these conversations and seeks out Jason's fanfic. He reads it and subscribes, and leaves a review that Jason gushes about for weeks).
(And After, when Jason is back but is so, so angry, Jason finds that Danny Fenton is even more relatable then he was before. Where else would there be a character who is half dead and makes death jokes? Reading those comics with Dick are some of the memories that he can look back on without seeing green.)
Tim knows about the comics, when Dick drags them out, but he isn't really a phan. He does like the tech though, so some of his leisure projects are trying to recreate the weapons or making a PDA he can hack the pentagon with. He says he doesn't have a favorite character because he isn't as obsessed with it as Dick and Jason, but he totally does. I want to say it would be Tucker, but that feels like a cheap take, so maybe it is one of the ghosts. Or maybe Dani?
Now, Damian isn't too interested in the story of Danny Phantom, the Halfa Hero. It is his first introduction to comics and that storytelling format though, and Damian is a fan of that. He goes on to learn about other comics and manga, but the Phantom comics will always hold a sense of nostalgia for him as they were his first. And Dick forced Damian to read them with him, and Damian does look back on that forced-bonding fondly, even if he would rather stab himself than admit it. He absolutely makes fanart or a fancomic for Dick for his birthday one year, but makes Dick swear to never show it to anyone else or reveal that Damian drew it.
Dick has put a picture of it in the family chat before Damian is even done talking.
All this being said, please imagine all the chaos and fangirling that would arise if post-canon Danny, from the DP universe, somehow ended up in the DC universe and in front of the Justice League.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Catch and Release
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: AU where Jason doesn't die in the explosion and he and Tim end up attending the same high school months later.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Sebastian Ives, Jack Drake, Janet Drake
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tags: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd-centric, POV Jason Todd, POV First Person, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Jason Todd is Not Robin (Anymore), Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Stalker Tim Drake, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unlikely Friends, Injury Recovery, Emotional Baggage, Rage, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating
Chapter One: Counting Backward
"Good," Bruce replied.
Despite Alfred begging me to use the stairlift, I came down the stairs on foot. It was a dumb idea, but I was tired of feeling broken. My leg still hadn't healed. Mostly everything else had. I wondered if Bruce would urge me to stay home longer and focus on my recovery. I know he meant well, but I was tired of wasting away in the manor. I felt like I was a living memorial of the Jason he lost in the explosion. I haunted the place every moment I was there. Even my laugh was a painful reminder of what was.
A wave of pain shot up my spine and into my lungs, and I missed a step. I wasn't as quick on my feet as I used to be, but Alfred managed to catch me before I could falter. That bothered me. I didn't want anyone helping me, but my body was so broken it couldn't be avoided. I wanted to return to how I was, but honestly, I wasn't even halfway there. I mumbled a word of gratitude to Alfred, and he escorted me down the few remaining steps against my will.
My crutches leaned against the baluster. I remember when it felt like a victory. It meant I could walk. After a few months on them, it felt more like a loss. I couldn't rush recovery, so I was stuck. I bitterly pushed forward and went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. Bruce sat at the counter, sipping his coffee. Despite his silence, I knew what his presence meant. "I'm going to school today," I announced. Bruce nodded. "I don't want you checking in on me today."
"Jason, I'm not trying to baby you... I'm just worried that your return to public school is premature," Bruce replied. He set his coffee aside and looked at me, studying me with his eyes. "Healing takes time."
"I can only heal at home for so long," I muttered as I opened the fridge. Bruce didn't help me, as a rule. I didn't want him to. I poured myself a glass of milk, and Alfred started making breakfast. I knew it was the only way Alfred would let me go, so I ate. I was stubborn but not half as stubborn as Alfred. "Thanks for breakfast, Alfred."
He nodded and set my backpack and lunch on an empty chair. Bruce seemed displeased with all of it. Ever since I came home from the hospital, he'd examined my every move, documenting my every nightmare, every misstep. It felt like he was judging me, but I knew better. Bruce was frightened for me. "At least let me take you to school... It'll help me breathe easier if I can see you off," Bruce requested. I nodded.
I didn't feel like arguing with him about small things like drop off and pick up. I stood up and put on my backpack before grabbing my crutches. Bruce looked up, and before he could ask me, I nodded. "I was in an accident. I don't wanna talk about it... The fewer details I use, the better," I whispered.
I followed him to the garage and sat in the front seat. The drive was unbearably long and silent. Neither of us had anything to say that the other wanted to hear. I watched as kids poured into the gates, and I hesitated. "Second thoughts?" Bruce asked.
"No," I stubbornly answered as I got out of the car. I took a breath and braced for an imaginary threat. I hopped up the steps and went through the double doors. I walked towards the metal detector, and the security guard shook his head. I thought it was irresponsible for him to let me through, but that wasn't my business anymore. I went to the front office and knocked on the attendance door. The office attendant smiled and told me she'd help me in a moment. I sat down and waited for her to ask for me.
"You can come up now," she welcomed me. I told her my name, and she gave me my class schedule. "If you'd like-." I smiled and shook my head.
"I was enrolled here last year... I'll manage, but thank you," I interrupted as politely as possible.
My first class was halfway across the building, so I went there right after I left the office. The door was locked, so I stood there, waiting for the teacher to show up. That's when I noticed him. A wild-eyed kid with no backpack. He only had a notepad and pen. If I didn't know better, I would've mistaken him for an undercover cop. I caught him staring at me and immediately took offense, but I wasn't dumb enough to pick a fight on my first day. Besides, he looked out the window as soon as he noticed I was staring back. I could tell he was sheltered by the way he looked at people. Most people who grew up in the rougher parts of Gotham would've known better. Had he met me last year, he might've gotten a friendlier reaction from me. I might've even overlooked him, but something about him didn't feel right.
The bell rang, and the teacher came to unlock the classroom. "Nice to see you again, Jason," she greeted. I tried to grasp for a name, but I couldn't remember her. I couldn't remember a lot of things after the accident.
"It's nice to see you too," I smiled. It was better to fake it and glance at my class schedule later than to explain why I suddenly couldn't remember the name of a teacher who obviously noticed my absence. I was bitter, but I wouldn't be rude to innocent people.
She logged into the computer and pulled up the seating chart. I sat by the door where I was placed and watched as the creepy kid strolled in. He sat by the window, and I looked for his name on the roster. Tim Drake. I wrote it down in my notebook and caught him staring at me again. A few other kids came in. One of which knocked my crutches over without picking them up. I picked them up and sighed. I'd have to deal with that for another month, at least.
Then there'd be more physical therapy and exams... And more of Bruce's pained glances when I missed a step or took a sharp breath. I knew he felt guilty for not being there. I did my fair share of blaming him in the earlier days of my recovery. I wasn't proud of what I said but never apologized, especially after he took Robin from me. It was the only way I could cope. Bitterness protected me from the harsh realities of the accident. I felt like I was experiencing the five stages of grief backward like I was mourning the death I should've had.
The second bell rang, and the rest of the class rushed in, some narrowly avoiding the third and final late bell. Eventually, wandering eyes started to recognize my face beneath the scarring. That wasn't the thing that bothered me, though. It was the whispering that followed the stares. I could make out some of it, but my hearing wasn't as good as before.
"I thought he died."
"I heard he got shot in the face."
"No, Professor Pyg turned him into one of those Frankenstein things, and he spent the summer in Arkham."
I swallowed it because I had to, but I could hardly conceal my growing rage. "Jason," our teacher whispered. I looked up at her. "Are you alright?"
I smiled and nodded even though every lethal and violent scenario imaginable flashed through my mind. I only had a few more hours of self-inflicted mental and emotional torture, and then I could drive home in agonizing silence. It would've gone great had he not pushed me.
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
I don't wanna complain about what other people love to them but I ended up reading New Order yesterday after seeing your recommendations and... Honestly, I didn't vibe with it and I wanted to see what you think? The entire premise seems flawed to use Dick of all people for (and his attitude through it is just... way beyond regular asshole Grayson), I'm tired of DC giving Kory children but taking her away from them, yet another "let's ruin Dick and Kory" adventure is going on and it's just... Rushed. Especially the ending where it pulls a teen movie that's like "DAVE ENDED UP MAJORING IN LAW AFTER HIGH SCHOOL AND BECAME A JUDGE" and seems to just skip over so, so much interesting stuff that way.
HOWEVER. I also want to say I can't entirely hate the comic because the dialogue is pretty solid at most points and Jake really is an amazing character with such a great heart. I honestly like him more than Jon Kent.
Honestly I really loved the comic but a couple points you brought up are hitting me hard. The first being Kori. It's getting on my nerves how DC for some reason keeps breaking up Dick and Kori after they've been married and for what? I get why here but in Mar'i's comic? There's literally no reason!!
Secondly I don't believe Kori would just abandon her kid. She gave birth to him, she loves him. Why on earth would she just leave him? Maybe it's because it's DC and they really need to break up Dick and Kori because "dick and barbara are the dream team." Puh-lease.
However I did think it made sense for Dick to be at the center of it all. Dick has always been accepting of superpowers and he even said "I like a woman who break a battleship with her bare hands" when talking about Kori. Which says a lot about what he thinks. But I also believe he would he would eradicate them for one reason - superpowers killed Bruce. And he loves his father.
He also did it to save the world and it's unarguable that he did and the people loved him for it. He has the capability to both destroy the league and rebuild the world and this comic is just proving that which is why I don't think there's anything wrong with Dick.
As for his stubbornness, maybe! Honestly at this point I'll accept anything about any character unless it's wildly inaccurate. I don't know if Dick is a jerk or not because my impression of his jerk levels have been obliterated by the Cassandra Batgirl comics. After reading that literally everything else seems normal. I am struggling so hard to understand what's going on with Dick in those comics. Is it bad writing? Is it the writer? What was he facing during that time that made his act like that? What am I missing? I'm still reeling from that so I'm completely out of it lol. Still too flabbergasted to comprehend so you may be right but my mind has just accepted almost every version of Dick now as long as he stays true to his motivations and acts reasonably.
I really did like the ending but totally understand what you mean. I guess it's because the author didn't want to drag it out and turn it into a whole 500 issue comic so he skipped to the end.
I love, love, LOVE the comic for Jake! Jake and Dick's relationship?? I-I'm ENTHUSED!!! They have the best father and son relationship ever and I'm never getting over the two of them. I like him better than Jon too and Jon's amazing! Jake's just absolutely fantastic!! The best, best, BEST kid ever.
So generally I love the comic but my biggest point of contention is separating Dick and Kori for no reason. Also whatever's going on with Kate was far more distracting than Dick for me lol. But I liked the art and dialogue too and overall I really enjoyed it. Liking comics is just a matter of preference after all ;)
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ladyblueberrymuffin · 5 months
Okay, I think enough time has passed that I can share my opinions on these two.
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It could've been great. As it is, not really into it. And not because "Catra is abusive" or "It's toxic", or any stupid stuff like that. It's enemies to lovers, she's bound to do shitty things until her redemption arc, that's perfectly fine, I love messy characters.
My problem is that the show seems only interested in showing Catra's side of the story. She gets flashbacks, she talks about Adora all the time, we get to see all the ways in which Adora makes her life better. Adora... is kinda ignored.
I think that's why people don't like it. There is an unfair meta power dynamic. Catra is the more important one to the writers.
So we don't really get to see what Adora gets out of this relationship. We get to see all the ways Adora is accommodating to Catra, helps her feel comfortable after they reunited, lets her be her gremlin self, but where are the scenes where Catra does the same for Adora?
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And people will talk about Catradora like this wonderful "I let you be yourself" comfort goes both ways, but it doesn't. That's my problem, it feels like it's always up to Adora to accommodate Catra, not the other way around.
I needed to see Catra really go out of her way to be a good girlfriend after her redemption arc. Like disgustingly sweet and trying her best every episode.
The most nice thing Catra does for Adora is talk her out of bad ideas. It happens in episode one, where Shadow Weaver is trying to convince her to leave her friends behind, and in the finale, where Adora is willing to die to save Etheria.
And like, offering counsel is certainly important in a relationship, but it doesn't really show this relationship in a good light when Catra's ultimate act of love is telling Adora "You're wrong".
Doesn't this feel kinda counterintuitive to her redemption arc? All the bad things she's done is because she was stubborn and unwilling to listen to Adora's ideas, but then her redemption is shown through her disagreeing with Adora's ideas anyway.
If Catra is allowed to be firm with Adora when Adora is being stupid, then so should Adora be able to be firm with Catra when she's being stupid, or antagonizing her friends.
This is a fictional relationship, so you're allowed to make them tease each other, or being mean to each other, but it can't be one-sided, because then it stops being cute, and just becomes frustrating.
The reboot introduced me to the franchise, and I delved deep, and really fell in love with the original 80's Adora, like I adore her (haha), my favorite superhero. And you know what? Reboot Adora is neat as well. So it bothers me double the show kinda seems disinterested in her and doesn't give her more agency.
I like that the 80s show focused on Adora more. I get Catra is interesting, but so is Adora, and I don't think the reboot really capitalized on it. I hope next time she pops up, maybe in the CG He-man show, or maybe in Masters of The Universe: Revolution (I am convinced this whole new season will be about her, and Adam grappling with the fact he has a sister, they're just hiding her from all the trailers, like they did with season 1's twist), she really gets the focus she deserves. You have a chance to really sink your teeth into her being a redeemed villain herself. In the DC comics, Adora was evil before she started questioning her loyalties to the Horde. Like, she killed people and she enjoyed it, her redemption arc wasn't much different from reboot Catra, so you really have a chance to make your main character as interesting as the villain.
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clay-cuttlefish · 8 months
All of Vic's cartoon appearances.
DC Showcase: Blue Beetle
A 60s-styled short using the Charlton incarnations of Vic and Ted, plus Captain Atom and Nightshade.
I'm on board with Vic being an objectivist for the sake of a janky throwback. There is no Rorschach energy here, this is entirely a parody of Ditko.
The comedy's not super inspired but hey, it's 15 minutes, it doesn't overstay its welcome. Look at these losers go.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Mystery in Space!
Vic is so shaped. Just a little guy.
Most of these teasers are meant to show off who the guest hero is and what they do, but not Vic. He's just chilling. Zero explanation of what his deal is other than "guy who is Around."
BatB - The Knights of Tomorrow!
Of all the heroes who have been on BatB, Vic is probably the least qualified to go to Apokolips. Why did he agree to this.
Unsurprisingly he falls in lava. Sad. Well there are other heroes.
BatB - Darkseid Descending!
And then he singlehandedly saves the world from Darkseid while most of the Justice League International blows up. King.
I love BatB's commitment to weird little dudes. It plays fast and loose with characterization (it's a kids show that's mostly about Batman and does it with everyone, I'm not gonna nitpick it) but it's got a lot of interesting randos.
I think this is the only time Jaime and Vic appear together? Actually appear, not just as nonspeaking cameos in a big event.
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold
I watched this while babysitting and I had a great time. It's a kids movie, but hey, I have Scooby-Doo nostalgia and a soft spot for campy Batman, this does both very well.
Vic shows up, is annoying on purpose, and gets his shit rocked and his identity stolen. Extremely Vic behaviour.
Justice League Unlimited - Fearful Symmetry
I know this is a beloved portrayal. Jeffery Combs' performance is well regarded for a reason. It's the biggest adaptation Vic's ever had. It acknowledges his comic connections to other characters. I get it. I just do not enjoy him as the baseless conspiracy theorist and it drives me up the wall that it's the best he's got.
Like I'm sorry but he would not fucking say any of this. He's annoying and bad at superheroics for many other reasons but he is extremely aware of the real roots of corruption, he's not going to be repeating antisemitic conspiracy shit. Even when he genuinely sucks he sucks in very specific ways.
JLU - Double Date
Points for being partly based on Cry for Blood.
It makes me so sad that I don't like this take on Vic and Helena's relationship. I wish I did.
JLU - Question Authority
I do actually like Vic getting deeply upset by the thought that the bad future is predestined and trying to throw himself under the bus for it. That feels fitting to me even if the details aren't.
There's a version of this story that lives in my brain where Vic is more of his stubborn, no-nuance early reporter self, and he breaks into the secret government facility to try and leak everything to the world only to get his ass kicked instantly by Captain Atom.
JLU - Grudge Match
This is the world's dumbest nitpick but Vic fucks. It's the one part of being in a relationship he doesn't suck at. I have no real problems with this sequence, it's funny and does the conspiracy bit better than his main appearances, but I discovered while rewatching that this is a thing I have opinions about and where else am I going to put these extremely stupid thoughts.
JLU - Destroyer
It's just rude that Vic is in the suitup montage but has his mask on the whole time. Let him transform.
I liked his JLU episodes a hell of a lot less this time through than when I first watched them. It's generally a good show, but knowing that this version of Vic is the most accessible one is incredibly frustrating, and the overall strength means that I'm annoyed about missed potential. BatB was never going to be the serious showcase of his nuance or whatever, but JLU could have been an incredible adaptation, and it just isn't for him. Sorry JLU fans.
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tammysart · 2 years
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Petition for Cass to be Bruce's official successor in the line of Batman! I feel like some title like "The Bat" would suit her perfectly.
Out of all the other members of the family -who almost all had at least some little run with the Cape- she'd be the most interesting one to see as Gothams big bad bat. After all, that she grew up as one of history's most skilled and deadly assassins while swearing never to kill again and having a moral code almost as great as the Dark Knight himself says something. Her ability to read people's feelings and intentions from facial expressions and gestures alone is a great advantage as a detective and when fighting opponents.
She has proven herself to Bruce over and over again. She isn't without reason one of her mentor and adoptive fathers most trusted clan members.
I also loved Dicks time as Batman... But let's face it. It's just not him at all. He himself even hated wearing the cape.
Jay... is Jay. We all know what kinda turn that would take. Doesn't change the fact that I freaking love him.
Timmy too would be a good and logical choice for the mantle. Him beeing the smartest member of the family (besides Barbara Gordon of course) and almost even an greater detective than the bat himself (Batman approved). But I don't really see him in that kinda leader role. He's much more of a teamplayer than some kinda broody loner, who never ever let's anyone see his true emotions (let's forget the Red Robin run for a moment here).
Ma babies Duke and Steph are absolute CINNAMON ROLLS. Don't even touch them DC!
As for "The blood son" Damian Wayne... Yes, the kid IS a fucking pain in the ass most of the time... which is kinda explanatory with him being raised way back in the 'League of Assasins'. But the brat DID change since then (I refuse to accept any fuck ups of his character development DC tries to force feed us). But he's always been trained to one day take his fathers place as batman. He never got to have a 'real' childhood. I know he seems to be most peoples 'obvious' choice in the Batman matter... But to me Dami shouldn't have to concern himself to living up to his fathers big footsteps anymore. Just to be his own damn self. Besides that, he's just too damn stubborn. And I kinda love him for that.
So yeah, just my itty bitty opinion.
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gffa · 10 months
10, 13, 14 for DC? My answers are pit madness, Tim Drake or Jason Todd, and Cass using ASL. I’m curious to hear your hot takes lol
10. worst part of fanon Ohhhhh, how do I choose. I oscillate a lot with various ones, but my current least favorite fanon thing is the hyersexualizing/objectification of Dick Grayson. A lot of fandom is really, really good about not doing this! But the focus on his ass as a selling point of the character is not suddenly great and wonderful just because we're doing it to a man now instead of a woman. The character himself is not overtly sexualizing--he's flirty (but how much of that is just that he's friendly and charming?) and he clearly likes sex, but he does so in the context of genuine relationships, and neither he nor the other characters really focus on his body parts, and I'm not super comfortable when fandom does it. (To be fair, I think we need to unpack the way women are treated in comics waaaaaay more than we need to focus on Dick's character's treatment, but also I just don't think I'll ever be onboard with it, either.) 13. worst blorboficiation YOU ARE GOING TO GET ME IN TROUBLE but it absolutely is Tim. And I'm not entirely opposed, in the sense that my Blorboifcation is my jam when I'm doing it, you know? So why shouldn't the exact same thing apply to other characters? Let them Blorboize their Blorbos to their hearts content! But I do find myself sliding right off a lot of Tim fic that doesn't let him be a horrible little gremlin man who is just as obnoxious and stubborn as the rest of his family, who is capable of making mistakes or doing some really fucked up things because he knows they're necessary. Tim is allowed to go through rough patches and not come out having handled them perfectly, he is allowed to push people away, to be unfair to people, to have his entire world upended and be less than perfect, while still being sympathetic because baby boy was Going Through It and needs more love. There's a lot of fic that I've read that has great Blorboification of Tim, I am so down for exploring his issues with self-worth, I've just also seen it go overboard a lot in a way that's not for me. (And they would probably say the exact same thing about my Blorboification and they'd probably be equally right! 😂) 14. that one thing you see in fics all the time Sooooo many fanon nicknames! And that's not necessarily a bad thing, many of them are ones that I enjoy (I will fight anyone who tries to take away "baby bat", SHUT UP, I LOVE THAT ONE), I just kind of want to side-eye people sometimes and check, "We all know we're making this up and it's not really how the comics characters usually talk to each other, right?" before we get right back to using them anyway because they're fun.
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
The unfaithful bat: Reckoning
Character: Bruce Wayne x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in DC
Warnings: None
Authors note: Okay, this one is a big longer. Not prove read, as most of my work here. But I want to thank you guys for your interest in my writings and especially for the first part of this one. I had not planned to make a second one, but here we are. Because this is a request, it does not count to my hundred imagines in one hundred days. I wish you all a good day and hopefully have fun with this one.
Damien and you came to by you and your husbands owned five stars hotel. The receptionist without question gave you the keys to the presidential suite. You thanked him, before grabbing Damien by his stubborn head and took him with you to the elevators.
„Why do we need to stay in a Hotel dad?“, he asked confused. While you on the other hand, still with tears streaming down your cheeks, checked up with the company. You got back because of a reason and it does not wait, until Bruce and you figured everything between you two out. „I would’ve liked to stay in the seaside mansion near metropolis. We even could’ve met up with uncle Clark.“
You had no idea, why he called Clark that, but caring about it didn’t you either. Despite he knew his secret, so there was no problem.
„We are here-here, because Bruce would not find us. No one except the receptionist knows-knows that we checked in,“ you tried to told the small boy, you reasons. Not without hiccups from your constant flow of tears.
It was hard, but thankfully the boy was already unemotional. So your tears had not that bad of an effect on you. But he is also a very smart kid. Which meant, that he most likely already had figured everything out. Even you trying to stay strong.
Not long after you got to the room. He got the message that you needed to work and vanished into another part of the suite. You could only guess what he did. But he did not interrupted you, until early in the morning hours, where he sleepily, brought you food, closed your laptop and laid himself over your lap.
If was all so fast and sudden, that you just let him do his thing. Not even two minutes later and he was completely asleep on your lap. And you were so exhausted that you ate above him. Once or twice even needed to get some crumbs out of his hair. But he liked the little moments of affection so much, that he nuzzled himself further into you.
With every restriction you could muster, you hold back an aww struck sound. It was with miles the most cute thing he had ever done. Sometimes, you even thought that this small boy did not even liked you. Now these thoughts would never cross your mind ever again.
After you were finished, you took Damien into your arms and carried him to the master bed. You laid yourself on, with a little less clothes. Just for him to immediately come back to you and lay his head on your chest. Nearly directly above your heart.
A content smile, was on your face, as your right hand got onto his head and caressing it. Letting your fingers wonders trough his black velvet hair. It did not take long, until you followed your son into dreamworld.
Both of you got woken up by a series of knocks. You still were able to feel the sleep in your bones. Together with the rising sun, you deduced that you two actually slept for a whole day. It was hard for you to get up from the comfortable bed. Carefully I got Damien from my chest, to lay him half asleep back onto the bed. Half naked you made your way to the door, opening it with a slight yawn. Which hang in your throat as three pairs of arms surrounded you. Nothing was said. Only the warmth of three bodies around you. Their smell alone was enough to know who they were. Again you flood damns broke open. Tears were streaming down your face, directly into your slightly taller oldest son.
Dick hold your head against his chest. Tensed up. Maybe from anger, maybe disappointment. From where did they knew where you were and what happened?
Just then, you heard someone drag themselves over the floor. Small naked feet until another body crashed into our big hug ball.
Sleepy Damien hugged Jason and Tim, while his head laid against my side. It was cute just as he was since this happened. „What are you guys doing here?“, you asked Dick quietly to not disturb the moment. A sad smile came across his face.
„The little devil told us what happened and where you two would be. So I got one of the private jets standing around and a Pilot and came back the moment we heard about it. There were some complication, that’s why we here now and not twelve hours before.“
You wanted to asked him what he meant by „Complications“, but that wasn’t important at this moment. Just that they let everything fall down for it, to come and help you.
„What did Damien told you?“, fear was evident in your voice. Because Dick did not seemed as distraught as you and it was his girlfriend, that slept with his father.
Dick shrugged with his shoulders, „That a naked lady ran out of Bruces room, after you came back and you two screaming at each other.“
Your heart sank the moment you heard it. For a short moment, you thought that you did not needed to tell him this yourself. Even with you knowing, that you should’ve been the person to tell him.
„Dick you should sit down, I have to tell you something.“ He immediately was confused. Why only he? Which let all alarm bells going of in his head at the same time.
„Dad? Why only me?“, he asked shortly after. Which made the entire thing even worse for you. How in hell, should you tell your son this devastating news?
He was stubborn, just like the rest of your kids and husband. He refused vehemently to sit down. But you could get your other sons to let go of you and take a step back, to give Dick and you some space.
They slowly retreaded knowing, that when you asked for something like this, what comes will not be pretty. As they left your sight, you turned back to Dick. Who looked hopeless into your eyes. „The naked woman Damien had seen?“, you tried to be careful, but you already could see understanding coming onto his face, so you decided to just say it. „It was your girlfriend.“
You would’ve never thought, that you would see one of your children, break. To see them fall apart right in front of you. Knowing that you could not do or say a single thing to help him with his pain. Only standing there, waiting for him to say something. Or to fall into your arms.
Just a week ago, you two were shopping for an engagement ring for her. He was so smitten with her, despite you not able to tolerate her at all. Only Dick knew this, because you confided in him, the moment that you got to know her, that you thought something was off with her. But he did not saw it and so you never spoke about it ever again. Even she thought you liked her.
„Well, at least she did not know about the ring yet.“ The happy tone in which he told you that, made you question his sanity for a long moment.
Until you understood. He will make her suffer psychologically. Which you could not stop, because she deserved it. You just almost jumped into his arms, with a iron grip around him, holding him and yourself over water.
One of his hands, caressed your head, just as you did all the time before. Since he was a child. Now that he was a man, he could give a little big back, „What will you do dad? What is with Bruce?“, he asked carefully. 
You had no idea. Even after all of this, your love is strong for this disgusting man. Dick could see the fight in your eyes, „I wouldn’t go back to him. He hurt you enough. And we don’t know if this was the first time or the hundredth.“ His words let you realize exactly that. The man you loved, could’ve cheated on you, your entire shared life.
Thankfully your tears were all cried out. If it wasn’t the case, you would’ve began to cry again, in front of your oldest.
„You are right. But I love him and I can’t leave Damien just hanging. I will cool down and then go back to him. Of course I will reprimand him, telling him that this can’t happen again.“ You could see, that Dick wasn’t happy with your decision but it was yours.
A couple of days gone by, before you took your kids and got back to the mansion. Alfred looked happy, but also distraught as he saw you guys. Fir the first time in his life, he broke protocol and took you in his arms. Apologizing for Bruces behavior. It shocked all of you, Dick the most and you the least.
Alfred and you had many conversations, that could be classified as „Broken protocol“, but this was an entirely new level.
After asking where you could find Bruce, he told you, that he was in his office, barricaded in there since you were gone. As you got there, alone, the door was closed, even locked. A small glance to both sides later, you knelled in front of the lock, picking it. Just seconds later, you stood in your husbands office. Alcohol all over the place, it was disgusting. He hasn’t shaved or washed himself in days. The smell was even worse, than he looked like. You collected everything, even bottles that weren’t empty yet and put a blanket over him.
You didn’t closed the door, letting it open just a bit. As you came down with all the bottles, your kids, especially the two older ones were angrier than before. Jason excused himself, telling you, that he needed to punch someone. While Tim vanished back into his room, to do god knows what at his pc.
Dick also left the house, to „Bring things to an end“, his words, not yours. Only Damien was left. As he always was in the last couple of days. He hadn’t left you alone for longer than five minutes or when you needed to work.
You two sat in the living room, listening to music and actually playing a video game. In which you actually beat him and Damien was not happy about it. Since he acted and more or less became a normal teenager life with him was wonderful. And now knowing that he loved you, was even better.
Hours later, Dick came back. Devastated but smiling, „I told her,“ he whispered lowly, as he let himself fell down on the couch, directly besides you. You immediately took him into your arms, „My baby. Everything will become good again. Who knows, maybe it was for the best.“ But he knew, that you couldn’t stand her and now both of you knew why. Because she was untrustworthy. He was only thankful for you not sticking it to him at the moment. You would do this later, when it was less hurtful.
He got into the game too, and was just as surprised as Damien, as you won every round. They just weren’t competition. You played with Tim and got your ass handed to you for months. Until you two became equally good at it.
Jason was the next and instead of sitting like a normal person, he jumped on all our laps, letting out a long sigh. His head actually in between yours and Damiens, looked up at you, „Feeling better, little bird?“, you asked him with a slight laugh. Which made him smile even wider.
„Those boxers really need to train more.“ He only said, and then looking to the tv. You could see that he wasn’t in the mood to play, so you just let him watch.
Two hours later, you three were still playing. Jason now laying in front go the couch, to his back between your legs, as well as his head. Where Tim finally came out of his room. Hadn’t said a word, just got with us into the game. So we could make teams. Hours and hours of fun ensued. Slightly screaming, much laughter and a lot of bonding, between all of you. It was so much fun, that you event fell asleep, all over each other.
In the morning, Alfred woke you up, telling you that there was another emergency in the headquarters. You jumped up, without disturbing your bundle of sons too much and ran. Showering, changing clothes and then to the office.
Near noon, you came back, exhausted and drained of all your will to life. How this company managed before you came, you will never know.
Your sons helping Alfred cooking, which was not a good idea. You should’ve warned the old man, but watching them scramble was way more amusing.
„Step aside boys, let Alfred and me handle this, before you ruining the rest,“ you told them, after not realizing you were already there and smoke coming out of the kitchen. Surprised Tim even squealed. It was cute and they did what you had told them. Gave them a lesson, while cooking. Alfred always was a great man, a wizard almost. But handling four boys, everyone needed help with that.
At some point, you saw someone in the corner of your eye. Bruce stood there, just watching and listening to you. Your smile immediately faltered. Which your sons saw too. As they looked into the direction of their father, none of them were happy anymore.
„Can we talk?“, he asked quietly, only twenty centimeters tall with a hat. Clearly ashamed of what he did. You gave him permission to talk, but only in front of everyone.
So he did. Told you how sorry he was and all the other bullshit. „Did you cheat on me before?“, you asked him at some point. And his answer was exactly the same, that nothing happened before this so on and on.
He told you, that it was a „Sprung of the moment“, which moment that was, you did not even want to know. Because this young woman, shouldn’t even be in the house at this point in time.
„You will cook for the next month, clean the house from top to bottom. I already told Alfred that he will be on vacation for this time and we go to therapy. If you say no to any of these, Im out.“ You did not let him any choice, so he agreed. But before any of you could be happy you added one more thing, „And you will not have any contact with her at all. You see her, you go away, you hear her voice you go away, she calls you give me the one, understood?“ He nodded, after which you let him embrace you.
Everything was good after that. His relationships, with your sons never recovered. He never was a good father. Jason often fought with him, it even got physical twice. Dick does not even stand in a room with him longer than five minutes, where his anger begins to get too much. Tim deactivated all his social media and restricted all his internet usage. Only Damien talked to him, but not once, since all of this broke down, he had said a nice word to him.
Seeing, how much your husband was suffering under these consequences you talked to your sons multiple times. But not once, could you get to an understanding with each other. They did not wanted to forgive him. Alone because of the illusion he had destroyed of true love.
It wasn’t the first time you got cheated on, so you learned a way to handle it. But you also knew, that with staying, you would give up a part of your self worth. Still you had a family and a young son, you weren’t so sure if you would get custody of him, because Bruce was his biological father.
Everything came to an head, seven months, after you decided to reconcile with your husband. The first three nothing happened between you. No kiss or hugs or anything. Then something changed and he felt like the man you fell in love with. Nights of endless passion came over you two. But even that could not end your sons hatred against their father and you gave up to try to get them to see the light. Because frankly it was Bruces place to do it.
As always, he did nothing, just let everything boil up, until one day it will explode around him. Even with Dick and Jason hating him, they stayed, to „protect you“. 
And protection you needed that faithful day. The world was on its best way to halloween and as always, you, your sons and company had a special event for all children int he city planned. So you had all your hands full, just like your sons, who decided to help you this year even more. Even Bruce chimed in, what he had never done before. 
In the midst of all this chaos, your doorbell rang. Alfred opened it and out of the sudden, the entire atmosphere changed. His pleasant voice was laced with anger and disgust. You had never heard him talking like this. So naturally you came to look what was up.
The sight almost made you faint. There stood Dicks ex-girlfriend. Heavily pregnant. Pregnant! 
„Bruce!“, you screamed trough the entire house, which got everyone doing something let their tasks fall down and run to you. Fearing the worst. But nothing could’ve prepared them for what they found in front of the door.
This whore had the audacity to smile at Bruce, even trying to get to him. But Dick stopped her form even entering this house. „Please tell me, you did not fuck her without a condom Bruce.“ His silent said everything. And it got you mad. Worse than any other time in your life, even the moment, you had seen Bruce, mounting this whore.
Dick was already in position to punch his father square in his face. But before he could even get near him, your foot already did the job. Like a sack of rice, the man you loved laid on the ground. „Piece of shit,“ you muttered under your breath.
Out of nowhere, the whore had gotten passed dick and wanted to get to Bruce. As soon as she came into your view, you took a swing and slapped her with the back of your hand, like a slut like her deserved it.
Everyone was silent. Utter shock all over the place. Never had any of them saw you like this. Angry. Disappointed, yes. Slightly mad, also yes. But angry? Always calm, sometimes emotional, but always cool headed. Seeing you easily roundhouse kick Bruce. A longtime vigilante and master of many fighting styles, was impressive to them. None of them ever gotten to this.
„Forget about taking half of everything Bruce. Im sick of being the better person. I will go for everything, except this mansion, because I honor your parents. And trust me, no one will ever forget this,“ you threatened the man, still laying on the floor, shocked, confused and guilty.
As you turned to the girl, still standing with an obviously bruising cheek, „And I will make you into a social outcast a piranha. Wherever you go, everybody will know, that you are a home wrecker, a cheating slut, that goes after married men.“
She thinking, that she had one everything, looked at you smugly, „There never was a marriage, deviant scum like you, shouldn’t have rights like this. It is against gods will and-“ Before she could end her homophobic, disgusting rant, you hit her a second time, on the same cheek, just to make the pain worse.
„Good riddance Dick. A homophobic bitch? Where did you find this piece of trash? Either way, pack your things boys, we will move out, now!“
Your word was your command and your boys followed every word. Jason and Dick, happily smiling and gushing over you, finally showing Bruce who always was the boss.
Up until, the woman began to talk again, „If you don’t agree, to take nothing out of your fake marriage with Bruce, I will tell everyone that you hid a pregnant woman and sue you for everything you will then have!“
„Who the fuck, do you think, the people will believe? A man who did everything for this city and country? Building funds, helping people out of poverty, trying to make this world a better place. Or a woman who slept with a married man to get to his money?“
She seemed flabbergasted and for a moment defeated. But soon after another victorious grin came across her useless face. So you stopped again, to look at her, „What else is there?“, you asked annoyed at this point.
„Maybe they won’t believe me, but they will believe the camera footage.“ Where she pointed to a camera, that was obviously filming everything.
„Tim?“, you asked over your shoulder. But your boy already smirked at you.
„The data center caught fire. All the footage are completely destroyed,“ he told you and the pregnant woman, with as much sarcasm as he could muster with less coffin that it was good for him.
Without another word, you left them to pack. And as soon as you and your boys had all your things, you left. Leaving poor Alfred with the mess alone. Hugging him a last time, before leaving. But telling him, that if he needed a new job, that he just should come to you, because he was family after all.
Leaving this haunting mansion, was never better in your life. For once in your life, with Bruce, you really felt utterly loved. Until this point, you always thought, that the way Bruce loved you, was normal. But now with your boys you knew that wasn’t right. That he seemingly never loved you as deeply as you loved him. 
It hurt but on the other hand, only through him, you got your boys, your kids. The only family, you had left. So even after all this hardship, his betrayal and now divorce. You couldn’t be more thankful for him.
Someday, you will tell your boys how you really feel about them. But for now, you needed to pursue this divorce and your „fair share“, out of it.
For a better life, for you and your kids. Besides all of this, you need to get Dick into therapy. You do not want him thinking, that every woman is like his ex-girlfriend. And the rest of course too. Nothing of this was easy on either of you guys.
Six months later, everything was finalized. You took Bruce out like a turkey on thanksgiving. You couldn’t take his share of the company, but got him voted out, so he was only a silent part owner of it. Except for the mansion his family build, you took most of anything else. But if he is intelligent he will still never need to work again.
The whore he got pregnant got a baby girl, but thankfully died in birth. If not, you would’ve been arrested at some point, punching her face in. In a twist of events, you got her custody too. Because Bruce got marked as an „unfit parent“, thanks to all his other children, wanting to be with you.
„Dick? Why did I got an call from the hospital, that Bruce is there, with four broken rips, a broken arm, a sever concussion and a broken leg?“ Your voice accusing and your lips smiling. 
„I don’t know what you mean dad. I was here the entire time. But I heard nightwing did his rounds, beating up some of the scum of the city.
You took him in your arms, whispering a quiet, „Thank you,“ before slapping the back of his head. „But never do this again. He is still your father and not a single person wants him to became a villain, okay?“
With widened eyes, Dick nodded hectic after your words. He had never seen it like this. „Good. Now come on Alfred is waiting on us. The Gala does not wait for us either.“
“Do you not want to know any specifics?”, he asked shortly after. 
You just smiled, “Tell me the story of your epic showdown another time, we already are late, little one.” He scoffed at your nickname, with him being taller than you, but after what you did with Bruce, he did not dare say something.
Life without Bruce, was even better than with him. You never realized how toxic this man really was and the love you and your boys had was the thing that hold you there. This gala tough was special. It was the first one you would go to, as a single man. And you already had your eyes on a young new reporter you just learned that he worked for an important paper. He was really interested in your story, especially the part, how you became the CEO and primary shareholder of Wayne Industries. Clark never liked Bruce, so this was an treasure for him. Maybe his title as “uncle”, could get more weight with time.
But you hoped, he would be interested in more, even with you being a couple of years older than him. You could only hope, that life wasn’t over for you yet, especially not your love life.
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spigobath · 5 months
Ill ask another because why not, fav prime defender AND fav pd npc and why?
All of them are written and played so well its hard to choose, but im gonna go with el wiwi, and as much as I love mark le frog takes the top spot.
my favorite pd npc.... thats such a tough one,, Dakota is EASILY my favorite pc, and he's maybe also my favorite jrwi pc ever, tied with Jay.
erghh my fav npc has to be Mark. I love Le Frog and i love Tide- but Mark. I maybe love him because of his relationship with Dakota. Wavelength isn't a bad guy, is the thing. He's a father, and although he isn't amazing, he tries, and that's the best he can do. And he keeps trying, because that's all he knows to do. All that he has done has been for Ashe, to protect him, to save him.
Mark also is just so honest. I don't think we see that a lot in PD, all the characters have lied and done bad things despite being GOOD guys. Yet Mark makes it clear; He doesn't want to hurt kids because he can sympathize with other parents, but he will not let anyone stop him. He has set motives and a set goal. When you really look at him, and how he was also clearly experimented on, you kinda can see Dakota.
Dakota also has a really strong belief system. Dakota will also let no one stop him. He is honest to a fault, and is a good guy through and through. And he is also a result of experimentation. Mark became Wavelength to protect his son, and Dakota became DC while protecting Kat and protecting the rest of the world.
Maybe that's why their conflicts are so good?? I remember Dakota had a solo face off against Mark, while William and Vynce were at belltech. I remember feeling the huge difference between the two situations. One one hand, you had good people fighting each other- Because Mark is not a bad person, but he doesn't do good things. But then you had William and Vynce being bad people to fight against bad people. They did bad things because they believer it was the best option, not because they thought it was good. It was easy though.
I remember reading a fic about Dakota and Mark's relationship. How they hated each other, but begrudgingly tolerate each other when needed. How as soon as the field is level, and they are both on their two feet, they will fight again. They are both stubborn and maybe Dakota was afraid of being too much like Mark, and maybe Mark is scared for Dakota as well. After all, he seems to know entirely too much about the hero system.
Mark isn't generally a sympathetic character, but he still cares. Dakota doesn't really think, he just acts, and he may hurt people but he still loves.
Sorry thats a ramble. You get me going on about my favorite campaign and also my favorite character and it's a mess. I really went on about Dakota and Mark in comparison to each other. I love Dakota so much for more reasons than this that I will not go into at the moment,,
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