#twst angst and comfort
yuus-sentient-teddy · 4 months
"You're Staying Here." Part 2
Part 1
((I started writing this in December 2023 and it's finally finished five months later ;w; Thank you to everyone who has shown interest in this story! I sincerely hope you enjoy part two!))
Tag list: @luminisciel
'Of course it can't be that easy to forgive,' he thought bitterly.
"I know you're changing. I've seen your progress and I'm happy you're becoming better, but. . ." Yuu's head lightly shook side to side, face apologetic.
"Sometimes, whenever someone looks down on me for not knowing basics in magic, I remember when you called me inadequate for not having 'proper' education and making it sound like my parents were lesser for being magicless. The way that person talks and looks at me are too similar to the way you talked and looked. It's like they're refusing to see me more than what I don't have."
"Even after we saved you from your Overblot, I kept thinking you still thought of me and my family that way until you told me that I was an honorary member of Heartslabyul and showed that you like hearing me talking about my family. I do like hanging out with you. It's just that your face and words are something I can't not remember no matter how hard I try."
It was like Riddle got punched again. He felt as though he lost his breath and footing; he couldn't form any words. He had caused so much distress to members of Heartslabyul dorm during his reign as dorm leader, and he worked hard to rectify it. The efforts extended to the Ramshackle Prefect, from offering to help them with their studies to inviting them and Grim to Unbirthday Parties. Though it was awkward in the beginning, Yuu never once was unkind to him. That was why he felt sick learning that his past self left such a terrible and strong impression.
He swallowed, having an inkling of what they were going to say.
"I came to this world with nothing," they said. "I have no one to support me if something happens. Ramshackle Dorm was my only shelter and you had the audacity to take it away. Do you know what that's like?"
Their voice rose. The apologetic feelings they had for Riddle was absent for Azul, instead being replaced by hurt and exasperation.
"The headmaster is probably the closest to parental support, but he wasn't going to hesitate to let Grim and I starve if I didn't fix something you caused and he could've easily fixed."
Someone murmured a dumbfounded 'what?' while Azul nervously adjusted his glasses. "Sure, he could be nicer and a hell lot more competent, but you at least could have been decent and used something else for collateral or--I don't know--let me still live there while I ran your stupid errand of stealing from a museum? Did that ever cross your mind or were you just thinking how great it was that someone who can't even fight back--someone who could also get into deep shit for not having an identity in this world--was doing your dirty work? You even sent Floyd and Jade to make sure I wouldn't win--and let me remind you that Ramshackle is literally one of the only things I have in this world!"
Azul felt his cheeks burn. On either side of him, the Leech twins were quiet. He didn't dare glance to see how everyone else was reacting, he had a feeling what their expressions were. He could even feel the burning stares if he let his mind linger too long.
He wasn't sure how he was going to respond. He was already caught off guard by what Yuu revealed earlier and feeling a little guilt for having a hand in their rough experience in Night Raven College. The thing was, Yuu had never expressed any discomfort being around him--although, he was starting to wonder something.
He noticed they made a certain face whenever he brought up anything related to his contracts: a half smile paired with squinting eyes; what seemed to be part amusement, part feeling of being tired but still wanting to hang around. Had he misread that as a friendly expression? Was it actually discomfort? Disgust?
But that seemed to be the only outstanding thing. They sometimes sought him out to get his opinion on something or have long, pleasant chats. He still remembers the encouraging words they gave back in the Atlantica Memorial Museum all those months ago. There was also that vulnerable moment when they asked how he managed to deal with bullies.
So what about what they just said? From how much anger was in their voice and the gathering tears in their eyes, he wondered if their anger towards him had been bubbling just underneath the entire time, making itself known whenever he was around. If that was the case, then did that mean their friendly interactions with him was just them trying to get over their anger?
Or were they forcing themself to like him despite the grudge, finding that his expertise and skill sets were worth tolerating him?
The thought made his chest ache. He really thought he and the Prefect of Ramshackle were. . . were something like friends.
Jamil felt cold when Yuu's eyes turned to him.
"Let me ask you something, Jamil. Did it ever hit you that I might have been at my limit by the time winter break came around? You of all people should know how debilitating exhaustion can be."
"I was looking forward to sitting in front of the fireplace, have some hot cocoa, and chat the night away with the Ramshackle ghosts and Grim. You know, get a break from the chaos of the school and have some time to get back my sanity."
"But then you dragged me into a coup--and if only it was as simple as that! Get put through a training camp from hell and forced to march in a scorching desert and get searing sunburns? Watch other people suffer the same things and be powerless to help? Get hypnotized and make a choice I didn't want to make and become a hostage in an unknown dorm? Sure, why not!" Yuu threw their arms into the air. "It's not like I wasn't having an awful enough time in this damn school!"
Jamil knew he would be next at some point. He didn't blame them for being angry at him, not after all they've been through, so when he saw movement in the corner of his eyes, he said, "Kalim, you don't have to say anything."
"Just drop it. This shouldn't be a surprise anyway."
"Were you going to say how Jamil has been working to make up for his actions?" Yuu asked tersely. "Kalim, I know what he's been doing, but that doesn't mean I've forgiven him for the shit he pulled!"
"No, no, it's not that!" Kalim said. "It's just that you're usually an open person. I'm wondering why you didn't bring this up with any of them sooner or even to us."
"I can't imagine how hard the school year has been for you. Getting pulled away from your home suddenly, having to get used to a new world, and being bullied. You've been angry and hurt for a long time, and I'm so sorry you've been feeling that way."
"It's great that you made many friends along the way. Despite the shaky beginning, I've seen you smiling and having a great time while hanging out with us here! And I haven't heard of any major disagreements. That includes with Jamil, Azul, and Riddle."
"All of us are your friends, Yuu, and we want you to be all right. It should be okay to share whatever has been bothering you. The last thing anyone wants is for you to be super uncomfortable or burdened by feelings of hurt and sadness."
He wasn't accusing Yuu of anything. He just wanted to understand them, and it was crystal clear from the way he spoke. Now that they thought about it, perhaps that little bit of sadness in his eyes was because the situation was kind of similar to his and Jamil's: Jamil never told Kalim about what he was dealing with and his wounds festered until they became fuel for his Overblot. For Yuu, it wouldn't culminate into anything that serious, but Kalim would want to help all the same.
They could have cried again from the blatant concern for them.
Finding their voice, they said, "Whatever happened is in the past. I don't see the point in bringing up things we want to move on from. I could either cling onto anger and have high blood pressure every time I see certain people, or I could let bygones be bygones and let you all learn and grow from your mistakes."
Then it hit them and they looked down guiltily. "Except I went against what I said just now and talked about stuff from the past."
"That's because you're still hurting. It's not good for you to continue like that and who knows what it might do to you if you don't talk about it," Kalim said.
"You also can't force yourself to be okay," Ace added. They didn't say anything.
"Yuu, if I may ask," Azul said, "have you been pretending to like being around us?"
They blinked, a little surprised. Their head shook a little, side to side. "No. Where did you. . ."
They shut their eyes and sighed deeply. Then, haltingly, they admitted, "Sometimes I just don't want to be in the same room as any of you."
Riddle felt his heart break a little and Azul inhaled sharply through his nose, like a gasp. Jamil's shoulders sagged and he looked down. And the rest wondered if Yuu had felt the same with them.
For some, it was kind of understandable: there would only be so many interactions before you want to be with someone else (but they will say it stung that Yuu felt so repulsed that they wanted to get away from them). For others, they either didn't want to entertain the thought or had entertained the thought and felt their soul get brutally crushed.
"But here's the thing." Yuu spoke louder. "All of us are dumb and stupid and young, and sometimes selfish as hell. But overall, you guys aren't that bad and I do like hanging out with you all. I really do. I just wish the terrible things that happened didn't happen." Then, to themself, "And I didn't have to bear with it."
"What about the Overblots? Did they also affect you?" Jamil asked.
"Yes, but you all weren't in the right state of mind when they happened and I don't think it's fair to fault you guys for whatever you did while in that state. That goes for the rest of you, too."
Yuu rubbed the back of their neck, looking down. "But if I'm being completely honest, I've had night terrors that sometimes woke Grim and I up from me screaming."
"Ah--" they waved their hands frantically--"you don't need to worry, though! I already talked to the counselor about them. Heh, you should've seen his face when I came in telling him about the seventh Overblot and the dreams from it. He was actually ready to give the headmaster a piece of his mind. 'You shouldn't have to go through things like that!' he said. Come to think of it, that was pretty unprofessional, so kudos to me, I guess."
"Yuu, that's. . ." Epel trailed off, a little concerned.
"I know. It's terrible. At least I got some good techniques for managing nightmares."
They slowly sighed. "I think that's all from me, although I really should apologize for airing out dirty laundry at a time like this. If no one has anything to say to me, we can go back to talking about saving Grim."
"Actually, there's something I want to say."
All eyes went to Jamil. "I've been meaning to tell you this after my Overblot, but I was waiting for the right moment to do it properly. Considering what we're about to face, this might be that moment, even if it isn't as formal as I want it to be. Yuu, I'm sorry for forcing you into a highly stressful situation when you needed to rest, and for the way I got you involved. You didn't deserve to go through the ordeal, especially when an Overblot occurred."
He bowed deeply. "I don't expect you to forgive me, but just know that I'm sorry for what I did."
"I'm sorry as well," Azul said. "For being insensitive to your housing situation and the vulnerabilities and difficulties of being someone outside of this world. It wasn't truly fair to you, someone who had to deal with power imbalances and the cruelties of those with power." He took off his hat and held it over his chest as he bowed.
"I'm also sorry, Yuu," Riddle said. "I'm deeply ashamed by my actions at the beginning of the school year and I'm sorry that it still hurts so much. I hope that one day that pain no longer torments you and no one ever looks at you like you have nothing to offer."
When he straightened himself up a moment later, Yuu looked like they were on the verge of crying.
"Are you okay?!" he asked, panicked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." A stray tear fell and Yuu wiped their eyes, then they smiled at each of them.
"Thank you, all of you," they said. There seemed to be a shift in their demeanor: somehow, they seemed brighter and their shoulders seemed less stiff, like a cumbersome burden had been lifted.
This look suits them better, the boys thought.
Finally, after a little more back and forth, Yuu was allowed to go with the group to save Grim--on the condition that they stayed far, far away. That was fine with them; they just needed to see for themself that everything would work out.
They were trailing behind the group, looking through their bag. Apparently, Leona had been trailing behind the group too. "Yeah?"
". . . I'm sorry." They blinked, surprised.
"About wha--" The botanical garden and in Savanaclaw Dorm during the investigation of the mysterious injuries. "Is it for the first time we met and when you beat up my friends? I'm going to be honest, I almost forgot about them with everything happening."
"So I didn't need to say it?" He wasn't angry.
"No, no. I actually do appreciate it. It was pretty terrifying, when you said you were going to take my tooth, when I literally woke up in another world without knowing what the heck was happening. Not to mention, being at risk of another beat down when I was already dealing with threats and assholes."
"Yeah, yeah, you needed some mercy, which not a lot of people at school can give," he said.
"Yeah, but at least there are people in this school who know when to own up to something and apologize for it. So, thank you."
He met Yuu's smile with a smirk. "Sure, just don't mention it to the others."
They scoffed, smile still present. "Let me guess, to keep up the merciless princely front, right?"
They had just started walking when Leona called for them again.
"Hey. Earlier, when you said you thought we all didn't think you were worthy enough to stand beside us and had been tolerating you the entire time--don't ever assume that again."
Yuu was taken aback by his hard, pointed glare. "You're in a different position compared to your first day here, and everyone can see it. Even if they can't, it doesn't mean that you're not deserving of your place. If you need me to spell it out for you, here: you're worth all the effort you made to get to where you are now. Don't ever let anyone--even the people you idolize--make you forget that or make you lose your progress."
Their mouth had fallen open. "I. . ."
"Come on, I can see your friends worrying about you."
"Uh--" Leona had started walking and Yuu quickly matched his steps. "Thank you," they said.
He hummed in acknowledgment.
Yuu was alone on the battlefield.
No no no! How did that happen?! Yuu was hidden behind a column, last he saw. . . before getting hit with a spell that made him lose his breath.
Damn it!
"Prefect!" he cried. "Get out of there!"
Other yells joined his, but Yuu didn't glance at any of them. Not too far was Grim, shaking off the effects of a spell. His glowing blue eyes narrowed as they locked onto Yuu and a growl rumbled out of his maw. The Ramshackle Prefect met his gaze evenly and their shoulders were relaxed, like they knew he wouldn't actually hurt them.
Grim let out a dual-toned bark. They didn't flinch.
He lowered himself to the ground. . . and leaped.
Yuu felt warm air huffing onto their face. They slowly opened their eyes and found themself face to nose with Grim's snout. They looked at his eyes and found no traces of anger, which had been present throughout the fight with the NRC mages. That was when they realized he was whining like a sad dog.
"Grim?" they softly said.
"I'm sorry." There were two voices speaking simultaneously. The louder one was low and dark; the quieter one was much higher and a little nasally, exactly like Grim's normal voice. "I didn't want you to go and I broke the Dark Mirror. Now you'll never see your family again."
Yuu felt tears welling up in their eyes. The despair upon seeing the shattered frame and glass shards pulsed in their chest.
"I knew how much you wanted to go home, but I. . . I couldn't stop myself from blowing up. I wanted you to be next to me when I become a great mage. I didn't want to be alone again. But I ruined everything, and I'm so sorry."
Yuu gently touched his snout. "I know, and I know you didn't mean to ruin anything. But at least everyone is still alive. And while another way is being searched, at least you'll be able to keep me company in Ramshackle Dorm."
Big drops of tears slipped down Grim's face and created dark trails on his fur. His sobs echoed in the space around them.
He began to shrink. The chimeric parts of him--the hands, the snake-shaped tail, the wings--morphed and disappeared. The flaming mane extinguished. Very soon, Yuu was able to wrap their arms around him and he could burying his face into their shirt and cling onto them.
Their friends and upperclassmen gathered around.
"Thank goodness it's over," Ace said, sighing.
"I'm glad everything worked out in the end," Kalim said cheerily.
"Not quite. Grim still needs to face the headmaster and S.T.Y.X. for what he's done," Jamil said.
"He's going to need someone to be by his side when they happen," Yuu said, petting Grim's head. "I'm staying here for a while, so it'll be just like usual."
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mellosdrawings · 11 days
"You'll protect her, won't you?"
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You asked for Najma? Here she is.
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miss-nandini · 24 days
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When he tried to reach out to you, you flinched away. The shaking of your fingers and the tears in your eyes didn't escape his observing gaze. You can look away as many times as you want, but it won't fool him.
Not that he could blame you. His overblot did shake everyone to the core. They can act nonchalantly as much as they want, but he sees right through their fragile facades.
You were no different...
"You fear me too, don't you?"
"Don't bother..."
"...This fear is hard to explain... I've been scared, yes. The fear of losing... I was afraid for everyone. I thought I—we all were going to die. I thought... I lost you... forever... Even the very thought of it makes a chill run down my spine. I can't afford to lose my family, people I love and care about. Not you, not anyone. I had rather die a thousand times than see my loved ones in pain...."
"Child of man—dearest..."
You don't flinch away the second time he tries to touch you. Instead, you melt in his embrace. You could feel how he was trying not to cry. His shaky breath and his tight grip on you said everything he wanted to say.
"Don't scare me like that again..."
"I won't..."
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hanafubukki · 1 month
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“Papa will you come back tomorrow?”
The innocently spoken words felt as if a thousand thorns struck Lilia.
Malleus climbed onto his bed; unaware of the turmoil his words had brought forth.
Lilia took a shuddering breath in.
Lilia clenched his fists.
Malleus couldn’t call him by such a title.
It wouldn’t be allowed.
“Malleus,” Lilia kneels in front of the little prince, “You can’t call me that.”
Malleus’ lips trembled, brows furrowed, “Why not? Papas are ones who takes care of and raises children.”
Lilia closed his eyes, he had to control his emotions; before holding the tiny hands clenching his clothes.
When had these hands grown? So small were they when he first hatched.
“My Prince, I am not your father.”
Meleanor and Levan, surely, they would laugh at his predicament.
But the Senate-
If the Senate found out, he would be barred from seeing Malleus.
He would never be able to see him again.
“But pa-”
Lilia forced his voice to steady through the bitter gravel and yearning in his throat.
Every teardrop causing a fissure in his heart.
“I am just Lilia to you. I’ll only ever be your caretaker.”
Lilia straightens up, trying to ignore the shaking form of his princeling. Resisting taking him into his arms and soothing him as he had done many times before.
“Have a good sleep, My Prince.”
Lilia tries to ignore the sobs from behind.
“Papa come back!” Malleus wailed.
Lilia closed the door behind him.
Breaths coming out shallow, body heavy with grief.
Tears gather while teeth grit.
I’m sorry, my s—Malleus.
Lilia walks down the dark hallways, trudging forth.
Fragments of his heart left behind with each step he takes in tandem with the echoing sobs heightened by stone walls.
“Papa! Please! Don’t leave me!”
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…yeah, I teared up a bit while writing this 😭💔 at least I didn’t kill off malleus this time…I’m sorry.
Do you ever think about how Malleus might have called Lilia “papa” or any other fatherly term when he was young as all children do? To the parents they love?
(Under the cut because I have a lot of thoughts and feels)
Do you ever think about how Lilia would have been so happy to have been called that by him? But he couldn’t? Not only because of the memories of Meleanor and Levan (in fact, I think they would laugh at the situation and tell Malleus to do it more if they were alive just for Lilia’s reactions lol), but because of the Senate?
Because the Senate would never approve. And if Malleus called him such a loving term, they would ban Lilia from visiting even the few times he could or snuck into the castle for Malleus.
Even if you take into consideration of Lilia hiding the circumstance of Malleus’ birth so he doesn’t feel guilty, do you ever wonder why? Or what led to it? The senate already tampered with history and how Malleus was born and they tried to control Malleus even now (they didn’t like him coming to NRC, all the guards he had, Malleus having to sneak away, etc)
I can see them isolating Malleus from Lilia if he ever uttered such a term in front of them. Then, Malleus would have no one left but his grandmother who he rarely sees as is.
Do you ever think about how Malleus tried to call Lilia a fatherly term but he couldn’t. Whether because Lilia said it, someone else did, or he stopped himself?
And how that yearning affected them both? Hurt them? In this case, how if Lilia stopped him, Malleus never tries again?
Not only because of the rejection, but because he doesn’t want to lose Lilia? He doesn’t want to be alone again? How Malleus is more polite and subdued the next time Lilia comes?
And Lilia knows? But this is how it has to be? Despite his bleeding heart? And the pain he caused them both? Because at least this way, he can still visit? Do you ever wonder if this is why Lilia tried even harder for the treaty? For Malleus to have freedom?
And…do you ever wonder Malleus’ reaction to Silver calling Lilia “toto” and then later “father”? Ever wonder, if this is the reason why “Malleus was jealous of an acorn bracelet”? Because Malleus couldn’t do, give, or say to Lilia what he always wanted?
Ever think about how this could be why he refers to Silver as “Lilia’s son” or Silver being a child but never himself? How he buries his feelings even now hearing “caretaker” versus “father”? Because of such situations in the past or what led to it?
Because I do, and damnit, I’m crying thinking about it. 😭😔
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Also little storytelling bits I like to add as an emphasis:
“Malleus -> My Prince”
To add that little bit of extra angst, that bit of boundary placed and rejection. 😔😭 OTL
How even speaking the words “my son” mentally might cause him to slip, and yet, he still calls him Malleus and not My Prince.
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it-happened-one-fic · 4 months
Gluttony - Leona
Author Notes: It was actually really difficult to choose what I was going to post this week. But I've been a little busy lately, so I finally just chose this one rather than working on polishing some of my other fics. I wrote this one to the song "Too Sweet" by Hozier and that most certainly showed in the writing. With that said though, I'm pretty pleased with how this fic turned out. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender neutral reader/ fluff/ some angst with comfort/ romance implied/ some pining/ sfw
Word count: 1528
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Leona opened his eyes groggily, a frown on his face, as soon as the sun shone down through the leaves of the tree that hung over him, briefly blinding him before he sat up.
A hum from his left had his ears twitching before he twisted to see you lying right by his side. A slight smile on your face as the shadows of the leaves swayed across your form, and he felt his eyebrows raise.
He wasn’t particularly surprised to see you, though he knew the same couldn’t be said for anyone who might have seen you here.
Leona was no fool. He knew that you and him were pretty much perfect opposites. That’s why everyone always looked so confused when you were walking along beside him. Chattering away with a happy expression or teasing him about something that had recently gone in a way he hadn’t planned for it to.
Leona was the hated second prince. It was his burden, and it was one he’d carried his entire life. It was nothing new.
He was bitter, unpleasant, and something that people preferred to avoid either out of fear or powerful levels of distaste.
And then there was you. Sweet and far more optimistic than he thought he could ever be. And perhaps more interestingly, you were no fool. You knew everything wasn’t flowers and dreams. How could you not when you lived in a place like Ramshackle dorm and didn’t even have a way to get home? 
You were seemingly trapped in a world that wasn’t your own, but you didn’t let that stop you. Instead, you just keep going with your head held high, a smile on your face, and a laugh on your lips as you shrugged it off. It was admirable.
But it also simply wasn’t him. And that was something he knew perfectly well.
That simple fact was also the exact reason your classmates would find it so odd to see you slumbering here by his side and not somewhere else with someone who was a better match for your sweet disposition.
Leona leaned forward, propping his head on his chin as he looked down at where you slept by his side. You’d come here to study in the botanical garden while he’d slumbered next to you. It was something you often did, though he couldn’t fathom why.
It was almost like you either wanted the company or didn’t want him to be lonely. Either of which was ridiculous, since he could think of plenty of people who’d want to be your study buddy, and he certainly didn't want company for his naps.
But then, Leona also didn’t mind your presence, though he had his own reasons for not running you off.
Leona titled his head slightly, sighing at the sight of you, before pulling the book whose corner was jabbing into your side out of your hands and setting it off to the side where you’d quickly find it after waking up.
He idly scanned the area, half rolling his eyes as he confirmed that your feline companion was nowhere to be seen.
Grim had no doubt long since abandoned you in favor of avoiding anything even close to work.
As for you, Leona didn’t know if you were foolish or bold to have fallen asleep right next to him with no one around to protect you. But here you were curled up at his side, as if he weren’t someone who could easily harm you and were instead someone who would take care of you should you need it.
Which wasn’t something he could really deny to himself, but you didn’t need to know that.
After all, you’d seen him when he’d overblotted and you knew he wasn’t a good person. That should have been enough to send you scrambling to get away from him. But instead, here you were. 
And it was ridiculous.
It was true that it might have taken Jack a little while to realize that Leona wasn’t someone he needed to look up to, but Leona’s actions at the Spelldrive competition had cleared up Jack’s misunderstandings about him. 
Ruggie had always known what sort of person Leona was. It was one of the reasons he hung around. After all, there was safety in sticking close to people like Leona, so long as you remembered what they were truly like.
Both realized, for better or worse, that Leona was not a misunderstood individual who was secretly good. He was jaded, always beaten by others, and essentially worthless.
But then there was you, who was seemingly unbothered by any of this. 
And it wasn’t even like you didn’t believe Leona’s flaws existed; he could work with that. Instead, it was almost like you didn’t care. Like you didn’t really expect him to change outside of your occasional prodding for him to take better care of himself.
You saw his flaws—that much he knew from the times you had bickered with him over something—but you just seemed to accept them. The same way you just seemed to accept other people’s flaws as something that was just a part of them. Only ever really scolding others, or even Leona himself, when their actions either harmed themselves or others.
And that's how Leona knew you were simply too sweet for him. Too sweet for him to endure being near, but simultaneously too sweet for him to turn away.
It was just another show of how worthless he was at anything he tried to do and how little his own efforts mattered. He could try to push you away, but he couldn’t ever stop himself from clinging to you. 
As if you were one of the last sweet bits of his otherwise bitter life. A potent method of making everything else seem to fall away and be ignored so long as he just gets a fleeting taste of that kindness.
And Leona had tried to ignore you, but it was somehow impossible, even when he knew that being close to him could easily taint that sweetness of yours and turn it into a bitterness more like his.
But Leona also knew that you and him were all but opposites, and that was probably where the attraction of being near you lay.
Though that realization did nothing to lessen that attraction, no matter how frustrating it might be.
You shifted, letting out some sort of groggy sound and causing him to snort in amusement at your lethargic movements that had you shifting closer to him as if you craved his warmth. Coming closer to him instead of distancing yourself like you should.
It was ridiculous, watching you now, to think that you’d somehow bested him in the past. But you had. You’d beaten him as well as numerous others at their own game. Making them look like fools, as you seemed to change things simply by existing.
And maybe you did. After all, you weren’t of this world. And perhaps that was why it was so hard for him to detach himself from you.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you twisted to look up at the lion beastman, who didn’t even bother hiding his amusement as you blinked up at him before groggily sitting up, “What time is it?”
Leona glanced around, his ears twitching slightly as he listened to the distant sounds of students chattering as they left their club areas before he looked back your way, “Time to be getting back to the dorms. Club practice has already let out.”
You nodded, not looking terribly surprised and seemingly resigned to having lost the rest of your study period.
“Have you seen Grim?” You frowned lightly as you glanced around, and Leona snorted, leaning back and relaxing once more against the ground, lazily watching you as you collected your books.
“Nope,” At the single word you glanced over at him with raised eyebrows that almost made him want to take back all the previous thoughts he’d had about you being sweet.
But then that tiny bit of bite you had to you only ever seemed to emphasize your sweetness. It was what kept you interesting and at odds with the fools at RSA.
Because, unlike them, you managed to have a certain degree of cunning even with your sweetness. After all, he hadn’t been lying that day when he’d told Azul that you were far more dastardly than the scheming cephalo-punk was.
That was probably another reason why Leona had given up on pushing you away and had even come to expect your presence. He was a glutton for punishment, and with you being a villain that was sweet enough to even catch him unawares, you were certainly enough to keep him on his toes. 
His gaze held yours even as he felt yet another chip in the wall of his defenses fall away, despite the fact that he’d always maintained these walls around himself.
He may not want to let you in, but you really were too sweet for him, and it was reaching the point that Leona was becoming more and more willing to let himself give into his gluttony.
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thegoldencontracts · 6 months
I can make a request for Azul x Reader who confesses to him, but asks him to reject their feelings because they thinks he doesn't return their feelings and thinks he wouldn't date someone like them? Make it have a fluffy ending please!!!
Of course! Thank you for requestingg <3
Irrationality, Love
Summary: Azul never could help the irrational way he acted around you. An unexpected confession helps him sort himself out.
Notes: A dash of angst(?), I'm soo sorry to you anon I think I got a bit too self-indulgent with the prompt
You were an odd person. You weren't meant to be, that was the problem. You were average. No particularly remarkable talents or privileges to set you apart- at least, not when compared to the highly eccentric students of Night Raven.
And yet, you made Azul act in an infuriatingly irrational way. His heart raced, his face flushed, his head rushed. Seeing you in the hallways, he couldn't help but stare.
Your eyes, your hair, your lips- they were all tantalizing. Were they really, though? Or was that merely a part of the odd curse you'd set upon him, for him to be doomed to admire you no matter what?
It was an odd, addicting feeling. Why was it addicting? Why did he so crave the sight of your visage? He didn't even know.
He still remembered the first time he'd met you. Well, 'met' was a generous way to put it.
You'd been dining at the Lounge one day, and he'd been observing to make sure things were running smoothly.
But the moment he saw you, that turned into observing your face.
For quite a while. You seemed to sparkle, to shine. He couldn't look away.
Then, you met his gaze.
"Uh- is something the matter?" You asked, tilting your head in a confused manner that looked positively adorable. Wait, no, he wasn't supposed to think that.
"I don't understand what you're asking," Azul said, plastering his face with a condescending grin, before feigning a look of shock. "Oh, did you believe I was looking at you? Odd. I assure you, that wasn't the case. Apologies for souring your experience."
He had to save face. He was Azul Ashengrotto, the mercantile housewarden of Octavinelle. His ruthless yet elegant demeanor had garnered him fear and reverence alike throughout the school. He couldn't just throw that away over- this!
You seemed to accept that answer. Azul hastily left, only letting himself let out his long suppressed sigh of frustration after entering his room.
From next to him, Jade grinned.
"You seem out of sorts," he said, with the look of a predator analysing every weakness in their prey. Azul loathed having that look directed at him; he'd much rather Jade save it fort the clients.
"Shut it."
Jade merely laughed.
"I'm going to handle this- illness of mine, I assure you," Azul said, and Jade actually seemed confused at that. No matter. Azul wouldn't let himself be made a fool of. He couldn't.
Since then, he'd attempted to avoid you, though he'd failed quite a few times. More than quite a few times, in fact. Against his wishes and yet in compliance with them at the same time, you two'd grown closer, and the pounding of his heart around you only seemed to increase.
"Can't believe you're doing this for free, Azul," you said during one of your joint study-sessions, an impish grin on your face. "Is big bad Azul trying to make friends with someone? How shocking!"
Azul didn't know why, but the thought of you two being friends made him upset in a way that signalled that he wanted something more. What more could he possibly want? And why were you implying he was acting out of sentiment?
"P-Preposterous," he said, though his face was flushed. "I don't have friends, only business partners. A-and this is a mutually beneficial business exchange."
You just laughed.
"I never knew you could be so cute, Azul."
What was that supposed to mean? He wasn't cute, he was a businessman! A highly intimidating, refined businessman!
"F-Focus," he said. Why did he keep stuttering? This was all so odd. He only did this around you. He'd tried to get away, and yet he couldn't bring himself to? Why?
"Of course," you said, and that was it for your teasing. Well, for that study session, at least. It seemed like you'd never stop teasing him.
One day, however, you approached him in private, an uncharacteristically somber expression on your face. He wanted to wipe it off, to bring that impish grin back.
"I, uh, have something to tell you," you said, gaze downcast.
"What is it?"
"I love you," you said, as if it was nothing, as if you hadn't just brought a thousand questions to the forefront of his mind. You spoke once more after a few seconds. "...You can reject me now."
You'd been expecting rejection? Could he even reject you, when your confession had brought an answer to the question he'd had for ages?
Love. Was that the odd emotion you'd made him feel all along? It made sense.
"I assure you, you mustn't -"
"Don't try that customer service crap on me. I know you too well." A laugh and a choked sob, all at once. "I know that you're smart, hard-working, adorable and handsome at the same time, ambitious, strong, and just about a hundred other positive adjectives. And look-"
A tear fell from your right eye. It wasn't dramatic or even noticeable at a glance, but it was more heartbreaking than any cinematic breakdown.
"Look at me." Your words were naught but a cracked whisper. "I never stood a chance."
You'd expected rejection, but that wasn't what he was going to give. Azul had repressed his emotions, and that had hurt you. He couldn't let that happen. Not anymore.
Azul steeled himself.
"You're being much too hard on yourself," he chided. "And much too kind about me. If you think I don't return your feelings, then you're mistaken."
You looked at him, eyes wide with shock.
"You're joking, you've gotta be-"
In a fit of what he could only give the shameful label of primal instinct, Azul pulled you in by the tie of your uniform for a kiss.
Long, passionate, and greedy - though he was disappointed at the lack of internal fireworks that Idia's visual novels had promised him, it was lovely.
Azul pulled back after a while, leaving both of you breathless.
"Does that make my stance on the matter clear?" He said, and you nodded shakily. He was thankful for that, because he couldn't imagine having to say the words 'I love you' aloud.
"We're dating, then?" You said, a hopeful shine in your eyes.
He grinned.
"I'd love that."
"You've finally managed to overcome your emotional waterlogging, Azul? I couldn't be more proud."
"Yeah, little Azul's all~ grown up!"
"Hush, you," Azul said, before he realized.
"How long have you known?"
"Since you two first met," Jade said as if they were nothing.
They'd known for- for that long? He'd been that obvious? How had he not noticed earlier? This was insane! He was slipping, and-
"Is something the matter, Azul?"
"I think you broke him."
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lanternadosafogados · 4 months
You're thinking about your home and feeling the weight of longing. What the Dorm Leaders would do to make you feel better?
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Malleus Draconia
∆ Malleus understands you, somehow. Himself having passed for a situation where his heart felt heavy and hurt by this powerful feeling.
∆ He comes by your dorm, stopping at the usual spot and doesn't take much time for you to notice and go join him.
∆ He notices your reddened eyes, knowing you were crying. His right hand goes to your face, caressing your cheek while he looks at you with a soft expression.
∆ “Do you want to talk?” The question is made without words. And even if you say no he will stay with you until you feel better.
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Leona Kingscholar
∆ Alright…. Maybe this man isn't the best with the sentimental thing. But let him cook.
∆ He invited you to his dorm to watch something or have a nap together. Even so he notices that your mind isn't with your body right now.
∆ He can be a little headstrong, but he knew you had been crying. And even more that you aren't done.
∆ A sharp sound of surprise escapes you when he evolves his arms around you to push you close to him. Your face is almost buried against his neck.
∆  “Do as you want and we don't have to talk about this.” His tone is harsh as usual, but it's clear that he's here for you.
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Azul Ashengrotto
∆ Already talking about the elephant in the room: Azul isn't exactly good with his own feelings. But he's more than willing to put it aside and help you.
∆ You take a seat at the Octavinelle dorm bar, your fingers lazily contouring table decoration. Azul watches you as he, himself, prepares a drink for you.
∆ He can feel his stomach heavy with worry as he looks at you, red eyes and a gloomy aura. He wants to make you feel better somehow. His eyes then fall over the food section of the bar… maybe he has an idea.
∆ You look up at him when you notice his approach. “Here. This is on the house.” He's smiling as he serves you the drink and what seems to be a piece of cake with a little heart drawn on the top.
∆ The heart is a little crooked and Azul knows it by the way he's blushing. He didn't say anything, not wanting to pressure you, but this little gift brings a warm sensation to your chest.
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Vil Schoenheit
∆ Vil noticed something was wrong the moment you two were chatting by messages. Your answers short and dry makes him feel a little worried and that's how you ended being invited to his room. 
∆ The way your eyes were red it was obvious you had been crying. Seeing you this way made Vil’s chest hurt in worry. “What's wrong dear? You don't look like yourself.”
∆ He listens to you venting about missing home. The things you used to do there, the people you used to share your life with. And the fear of not being able to go back to them, his hand never leaving yours.
∆ Then an idea crossed his mind and he excuses himself as he goes to his closet. You watch him with curiosity when he comes back with a well cared for shirt, only when it's in your hands you notice that the piece is old.
∆ He explains how this shirt gives him a feeling of comfort when he's feeling down. And now, he wants you to feel the same way because he is giving it to you.
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Riddle Rosehearts
∆ Riddle invited you to an afternoon tea. And even if his attention is everywhere to make sure everything is going alright he still notices that you don't seem fine.
∆ “[Name]. I noticed that you seem a little distant. Did something happen?” You play with the handle of your cup before answering him and explain your worries of not coming back home and not seeing your family and friends again. He listens in silence, letting you vent.
∆ When you finish he gets up from his chair and approaches you while extending his hand for you to hold. And with your hand in his he leads you inside of his dorm building, taking you to his Room.
∆ Will you ever be surprised by how clean and organized his room is? But you don't have time to focus on that now as you two stop in front of his bookshelf. The bookshelf is higher than both of you and has more books than you've ever seen your classmates use.
∆ He invites you to choose one at the same time he picks some of his favorites and lends them to you. He enjoys reading, it is an activity that makes him feel better and helps to pass time. And If it's the same for you, the book you liked the most is now yours.
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Idia Shroud
∆ Idia can be the personification of a gloomy aura. But he is still a person and cares deeply about you. Between his studies and responsibilities as  a dorm leader he makes sure to spend time with you, even if It's by a voice call.
∆ The way your voice is low and slurred, the way you get behind at the game you two are playing he's getting more and more worried. Biting his nails as he thinks about how to address the  situation.
∆ [N-Name]... Are you ok?” He finally asks and for a moment you don't say anything. He starts to think he upset you, but then you start talking about how you miss home and your family and friends back there. Worried that maybe you never see them again.
∆ He listens to you and, deep down, he kinda understands you. He also knows that he is not the best at giving advice or sweet words, but he wants to let you know he's here for you.
∆ He is sincere by saying that he can't make this feeling go away, nevertheless he wants to help you go through this. Then sends to you links for games and music playlists that makes him think about you to try to cheer you up.
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Kalim Al-Asim
∆ Kalim comes to your dorm so you two can do homework together. And even if he's not the most studious in the school, he finds himself ahead of you in the alchemy essay. But don't underestimate him, he notices that.
∆ He looks at you with a worried expression, watching how you scribble in the corner of your notebook. “[Name]. You don't seem fine. Something happened?”
∆ You look at him, almost wanting to cry. You try your best to explain how you're missing home, missing your friends and family. And how not knowing If you'll ever come back makes you feel a little depressed.
∆ Kalim bites his bottom lip as he hears you, his arms involving your body almost naturally as he listens to you carefully. He wants to make you feel better and that's when he has an idea, telling you to come to his dorm in two hours.
∆ You do as he said, being received with a surprise. In the common area of the Scarabia dorm you see food, a lot of food and a smiling Kalim looking at you. A little party made only for you to try cheer you up.
Here i am with more Twisted Wonderland content. Hope you all like <33
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jenchan-writingmultis · 4 months
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This was for the best, right? (Vil x Fem Reader)
Genre: Heavy angst/ No comfort
Pairing: Vil x Fem Reader & One-sided Rook x Fem Reader
A/n: Hi! So do you guys recall the idea I had with Vil x Reader angst? So this is it! If you want to know about it first, I’ll link it (here) I hope you like this one, I gave my best effort on this, hopefully, it fits Vil, I love him so much.
Credits: The design was made by me in Canva and the art that was used is all from the Official Twisted Wonderland Cards. The line breakers are from Kaomoji dividers!
Warning: This is ANGST NO COMFORT! Panic Attacks on Vil’s side, Breakups no reconciliation, misunderstanding and Insecure Vil, relapses of Trauma on Vil’s side, talking bad about Reader’s appearance, although vague it still is there.
Sypnosis: Your face got leaked throughout social media when you went to have a date with your boyfriend Vil. It made him hate his reputation; he would understand if people bashed him instead, after all, he wouldn't let those words affect him, he's more worried about you, you're not used to the media watching you, having you be seen with him by paparazzi. He kept thinking of ending things with you to protect you from the backlash. ⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙∘☽༓☾∘∙•⋅⋅⋅•⋅⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅
He is usually unbothered by the fact that he gains hate often, he plays villainous roles, having to only reach till halfway or even before the story’s conclusion. It was normal for people to threaten him just because his character did something horrible to the main character. At least he is aware of how well he performed in acting by how despised he was. However, what he wasn’t prepared for was you being the one gaining hate. 
People are hypocrites, they cuss him out and throw the worst insults they could think of towards him, and at the same time, they view him as a perfect human who deserves someone “better for him”. He didn’t expect that his selfishness would get in the way of his relationship with you just because he wants one normal date outside of school but when one of his paparazzi caught a picture of him with you out on a simple date in Pyroxene. The picture showed your face fully without any filters, those uncouth journalists milking his fame with their horrendous illegal articles; anything to gain a higher footing in their industry than anyone else.
When he found out about the article, you two were cuddling in Pomefiore in his bedroom. He had a separate, massive bedroom since he was the housewarden, watching the film that he was recently cast in. As usual, he was given the role of a villain, it was the same old same old, except this time, the villain won, and it was satisfying to see him reach the end. He didn’t tell you though, so while you lay your head on his shoulder, watching; complimenting his looks and joking about how you’d date him even if he was that crazy.
He loves your little antics, you’re the only one who had an odd mind falling for the roles he has. “You have a peculiar taste for characters sweetheart” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer while you giggled. 
“Funny how I’m dating you” You cuddled closer to him, what you said earned you a playful glare. He was about to tickle you as punishment, but his phone suddenly vibrated, showing the name of his manager, he went to kiss your forehead before he untangled himself off you; “Give me a second, I’ll take this call real quick” he informed you which you gave a nod, letting him out of the bedroom and to his bathroom. 
"What is it?"He examined himself in the mirror, fixing his hair while his manager spoke, "Vil, check what I sent you, it's a link." Vil glanced at his phone and clicked on the article, wondering what it was, he waited for a bit, and as soon as it finished loading his heart drops.
“Famous actor Vil Schoenheit caught dating!” It was a stupid title, but he didn’t give any thought about It, fearing for the worst he scrolled further, finding your face unblurred on it. “What is the meaning of this?” he frowned, gripping his phone before his manager answered. 
“I’m not sure how they found out about the café you and your lover frequent but I’m trying to track down the owner of the article and threaten them with a lawsuit, but with how the media eats up everything, I’m afraid the damage has been done” Vil could hear rustling from the other end his manager taking out which he thinks is paperwork, most likely about the process of lawsuit, he was growing restless as he looked at how many comments and likes did the article gain. He didn’t even notice that his Magicam was being blown up by “fans” questioning him for his taste, and criticizing you. 
He was starting to feel chills around his body when he continued to investigate the whole thing, Vil was close to having a panic attack, gripping the edge of the sink. He tried to calm himself down, remembering what his father taught him. 
“Deep breath in, deep breath out” he recalled, causing him to loosen his grip a bit and relax. A knock on his door snapped him out of his thoughts when he faintly hears you from outside. 
“Vil? Are you okay? You’re taking a while there” you asked which he straightened himself up, composing himself before looking at his phone, who still had his manager on call. “I’ll have you deal with this; I need to go.” He walked to the door opening it after his manager agreed and ended the call.
“Sorry, it was just a minor nuisance at work” He smiled at you, he was a good actor but when it comes to you sometimes, he can’t seem to lie. “Are you sure? You sounded pretty agitated when I went to check on you” You touched his hand, entangling your fingers with his, which made him sigh. 
“it’s…” he hesitated for a moment; does he tell you? He can’t drag you into all of this, he was planning to have it stay hidden till the article was gone, but at the same time, you’re bound to know about it once your friends find out and question you about it.
“Can we talk?” He finally caved in, gazing at you with a mixture of worry in his eyes; how could you say no to that? 
When you found out about the article, Vil was worried that you’d be upset at him, not once did your expression change when he was explaining it. He didn’t expect you to smile and kiss his cheek, telling him that “it’s okay, the media will die down on it, at least if they found out, they won’t bat an eye if we go on dates more publicly, right?” you told him.
He was amazed with how well you handled the news; what about the possibility of receiving backlash? No, actually you both were receiving backlash already. “You’ll have to stop using social media for a while and deactivate it just to be safe” he warned you, looking at you for any signs of distress, he was concerned that you were just hiding it, you’re not someone who’s made to handle the eyes of strangers, he thinks you might not even understand what it means to have your face be doxed by media. 
"Darling," he said, enveloping you in his embrace, which you gladly returned. He said, "Listen, this is the media we're talking about," stepping back to look directly into your eyes. You'll be receiving insults left and right, and I worry that if your friends choose to drop you because of our reputation, it will negatively impact you. I'm capable of managing myself and safeguarding you from the public eye, but what if this also concerns your friends?" he knew that the possibility of your close friends dropping you for something trivial like this was unlikely to happen but there’s still a possibility. 
“If they drop me for something so stupid, I guess they don’t deserve to be my friend,” you said firmly, “Vil, I don’t mind this," You replied firmly, "but it seems like you’re bothered by it” You pointed out, touching his face, it was true, he is bothered by it, he’s scared of the outcome, he’s afraid that every day when you go out in public, people will try to hurt you or coerce you into doing something you don’t like.
“Once the article is down, it’ll fizzle out” You comforted him, noticing that his breathing started getting a bit ragged. Was it really going to stop once that article was taken down? There might be people who saved that article and reposted it. 
In the next few days, you two would often just stay within school grounds, Night Raven College is big enough for you two to roam around and have your usual dates; Despite his frequent work schedule and dormitory maintenance, he still made time to have meals with you. During those times, everyone seemed to keep testing his patience, when he was on set, his unprofessional coworkers kept festering him about you, and when outside, he felt restricted, not being able to walk freely without eyes catching him, so he was advised by his manager to use his car to go back to school and work. He kept his social media muted as well; he couldn’t scroll around Magicam cause every article in those past few days has been nothing but hatred towards you.
“That woman looks so average, what the hell did Vil see in her?”
“Honestly, I would even accept if he’s gay for Neige, whenever those two are together they look so cute!”
“She looks like an extra://” 
Comment after comment of users trashing your looks, your whole being even without knowing you.
It angers him, so for the sake of his mental health and yours, he made sure that you also kept your social media muted, although often, he saw you scrolling on it, reading the comments, or just chatting with your friends. 
He doesn’t understand why you do it, it frustrates him a bit when you do, but he couldn’t tell you to just delete social media entirely, he’s not toxic.  
During lunchtime, he was late to meet you, rushing through the cafeteria, he found you with Deuce and Ace, chatting away. He was going to greet you till he heard what Ace said.
“Hey, aren’t you gonna stop this act?” he munched on his egg sandwich while Deuce looked at Ace like he had just grown a second head. 
“What the hell are you talking about Ace” Deuce said before Ace glared back at him. “I mean! Being unbothered by whatever nonsense Magicam’s got on. You have your face everywhere and people are talking smack about it!” He pointed out in which, Vil couldn’t even see what your expression was right now. "If I were you, I’d confront him about why his agency hasn't gotten to the bottom of this." Deuce wanted to hit Ace that time, but it was true, both your friends were confused as to why it continued to circulate. 
“You don’t have to listen to Ace” Deuce paused, not knowing where this could possibly lead to what he meant. “It’s okay, I understand the concern.” You voiced out, placing the fork down, fiddling with your fingers, “It does affect me, but It’s not Vil’s fault that It got way out of hand.” 
Vil frowned, hearing that, so it did affect you, why didn’t you tell him? Was it because of his incompetence? He thought about how many times you told him that it was okay, that you didn’t mind it. He knew that the article was stupid, but the evidence was evidence to journalists, and that caused you to be in the middle of the crossfire between him and his “fans”. 
Was it worth sacrificing your peace dating him? He smiled bitterly to himself, how stupid of him to have these kinds of thoughts. He looked at his phone, he was going to send you a message that he was in the cafeteria but decided to go against it. 
“I don’t think I can make it. You can go eat.” He sent the message before leaving the cafeteria and going back to the dormitory, he needed some time for himself. 
When he reached his living quarters, he sat down on his bed, noticing the way the curtains were covering any light coming inside. It was like the state of his mind currently, he didn’t feel like doing his daily routine today, which is funny, if he didn’t push himself to keep a perfect image, he would be nothing but average; but if he did look average, would that give both of you the pleasure of living a normal life? 
He scoffed to himself, he can’t just throw his career away, he needs it for your future; both your futures, he stood up, grabbing all the necessary cream, face powder, and other stuff for his face, but the moment he saw himself, looking tired, he stiffened up. Will there be a future where the two of you would be together?
Vil didn’t realize that he started to avoid you. His bedroom was inaccessible, you would knock on his door, but he wouldn’t confront you. Staying silent and just waiting till the knocking subsided and you were out. 
He still showed up to needed House warden meetings, or event planning, he did his duties as usual, he just didn’t do his duties being your boyfriend. 
It was as if his insecurities when he was younger were relapsing whenever he thought of talking with you, was it okay to talk to you right now? He still thinks it’s not the right timing. He isn’t his usual self right now and he doesn’t want to risk doing anything bad. 
However, it breaks his heart to see the sorrow in your eyes when you meet him and to see him neglect you. He was aware that the distance between you and his unwillingness to communicate about the situation was making your relationship unstable. 
After three days of no contact, he was on top of Pomefiore’s garden, he missed you dearly, he gazed down to see his dormmates having tea under the recently renovated garden, then he noticed someone familiar within the garden, focusing his eyes on it, it was you! You looked… happy? 
That was the smile that you usually only reserve for him, what’s going on? Vil thought to himself, confused as he ripped his eyes off you, only to notice Rook Hunt, touching you the way you would with a lover, giving you a gaze he never saw from Rook, but he knew what that was.
Rook liked you, both of them did, but he decided to step down in favor of letting Vil court you. He knew that feelings would never fade that easily but he didn't expect to see this sight. You two looked so perfect for each other, his hand touching yours as if you were having the time of your life, even without him. He clawed the railing of the balcony, not feeling his fingernails scrape the paint off of it, his eyes blurring as he walked away, fearing that he might fall if he ever passed out. His heartbeats were the only sound he could hear, aside from the static his ears were hearing. 
He fell back into his bedroom, feeling his whole body shiver as he grips on his arm, numb to the pain that his nails were digging into his flesh. Cold sweat trickled down his face, he didn’t know if he was even breathing or not, his brain foggy, like an impending doom was going to happen if he once tried to “breathe.”
Vil ended up passing out, and unfortunately, the moment he woke up, it was already 5 am, he jolted awake, standing up, hearing a continuous knock from his door, He flinched as his head throbbed, touching it gently to try to ease his headache, he moved to the door, opening it, not expecting to see the person he least wants to see.
“Roi de Poison” Rook greets him, smiling brightly at him, Irritating. “I noticed you haven’t gotten up and gone to work yet, did you take a sick leave?” Rook continued, his voice filled with worry, he was about to fix the hair covering Vil’s face when he got his hand slapped away, startling him, he noticed the way Vil’s eyes darkened a bit.
“I’m fine” Vil affirmed, groaning a bit, he pinched the bridge of his nose as another headache hit his head again. “I’ll get ready, for the meantime, please take care of the dorm in my absence” He continued, replying curtly as he slammed the door shut before Rook could even say anything, He was sure that Rook would do as he says, if he didn’t, he’ll find a new vice housewarden. 
Vil was already late for work, his disheveled look was barely noticeable but his manager noticed the slight imperfection in it. She walked up to him, fixing the sleeves of his outfit. “You’re late Mr. Schoenheit” She buttoned the sleeves, waiting for a response from Vil, who just sighed, “I apologize, something came up, can we start?”
You were getting worried, Rook went to your dorm, telling you about the state of Vil and that he was worse for wear, you decided that this time, you were going to visit and you were going to talk to him even if he didn't want to. It’s been dragging on for too long—the avoidance of your lover and the media is hurting you. You need to do something before your relationship reaches a breaking point.
When you arrived at the modeling agency where Vil works, you were graciously allowed in. You were familiar to those at the agency; some supported you, while others did not. However, the only support you needed was Vil's.
The moment you stepped inside the photoshoot, you saw Vil, working with another model, he looked gorgeous as always, although it seemed that he was tired; it was unusual for him to be in a state where it was obvious.
The manager noticed you before she ushered you further in, just to get nearer where Vil could see you, and Vil froze, stopping the shooting when he saw your face. 
“I’m going to take a break,” he said to the crew members, seeing you, his gaze remained unfazed, “Let’s talk on the lounge” he murmured, walking past you.
You didn’t know what else to do but follow him, understanding that Vil wasn’t feeling well. The moment the two of you were alone, he went to give you apple juice, the one that Epel’s family sells, you give a gentle smile to him, but he didn’t reciprocate. It made your heart ache. 
“What do you need?” he asked, sitting down on the opposite side of you. Reluctant to look at him, you fixed your gaze on the apple juice. “Are you feeling alright?” you asked, which made Vil chuckle, “That’s a funny question Y/n” 
“I just wanted to know, You’ve been avoiding me for a while and-“You were cut off by Vil who placed the half-empty apple juice on the table. “I just needed some time to think, plus we agreed to lay low” He answered, which frustrated you “Vil, I heard from Rook that you turned up late during work" you were feeling nervous, and for the first time, your lover made you uneasy. "that never happened before,” you said, wanting to touch his hand, but he pulled it away, his eyes showing a trace of betrayal.
“What?” he asked, heart breaking as he looked at you, “Rook told you?”
“Of course he did, he’s a close friend of yours!” you protested, feeling a sense of desperation when Vil kept rejecting you, for the past few weeks, or months? You don’t know, but it’s been so long since you two last saw each other and stared at each other for more than just a glance, now you’re on the receiving end of his glare?
“You…” Vil murmured, before he finally let his body relax, his expression turning soft. “I think we should break things off.”
“What?” you gasped, gripping on the apple juice a little bit too hard, “Vil- “
Why? Vil wanted to answer why, there were plenty of reasons why, you two were just way too different, and the fact that if he pursued this relationship further, it’d hurt both of you more. It was clear that Rook liked you and you liked Rook, what is there to continue this relationship? Plus, the media will continue to see you as inferior, this will continue for a lifetime, and no matter what he can’t see why and how your relationship with him will continue without it getting toxic. He finally understood that he is way too much for you, his feelings would slowly wrap you around vines that contain poison, HIS poison. He was thinking of the future, and he can’t see it going beyond the challenges you two face. 
He eventually responded, "I lost interest, I’m sorry, we both should focus on our careers first” He lied, not looking at you as well, you both were too hurt to even gaze at each other. You didn’t move or talk, so he decided to stand up, fixing his attire and looking cold. “I’ll be leaving now, hopefully, we can put this all behind us, I’ll have a taxi be ready to get you home when you’re ready.” he said, his heart aching, he wanted to hold you, but he stopped himself, “Just talk to the manager when you plan to leave” he continued, turning around before leaving the lounge.  
The moment you left, the manager went up to him excitedly, he didn’t feel like celebrating at all when he found out that they tracked down who the journalist is and are now filing a lawsuit against them; at least on a positive note, you were out of the picture, out of the prying eyes of the media. 
This was for the best, he thought to himself, feeling numb while he felt his chest tighten when he went back to work.
Word Count: 3418
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alastor-simp · 1 year
Leona Kingscholar🦁 comforting a crying reader
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“Yawnnnnnnn.” Leona let out a big yawn, as he was walking slowly, heading over to the botanical gardens to take a much needed nap and avoid class since there was no need for him to attend class despite he already knew what was being taught. He knew he would have to deal with an annoyed Ruggie later in the afternoon, but he didn’t care. Entering into the botanical gardens, Leona scanned around to make sure no teacher was there, especially Crewel, since he knew he would force him to attend class. When he saw no one around, he headed over to the large tree that was surrounded by bushes and tropical flowers. Leona stopped a bit, and sniffed the air, as he smelled a certain magicless scent that belong to the ramshackle herbivore. Once he arrived, he saw the Prefect sitting on the ground, back pressed against the tree, with their head on their legs, preventing anyone from seeing their face. “Oi Herbivore, you are in my space.”, Leona said to you with an annoyed look, as he wasn’t happy that you had taken his napping spot. You poked your head out slightly from your position, looking at Leona with an emotionless face, eyes red from crying and tears sliding down your cheeks. Leona eyes widen a bit as he didn’t realize you were crying. “Go away, Leona.” You moved your head back to your original position. “Sigh”, Leona let out a big sigh, and he came closer to where you were sitting, and sat down across from you on the other side of the tree, laying his back against it. You told Leona to go away again, but he said nothing . Sighing, you let out a “whatever” as you realized that Leona was adamant on staying where he was. Silence was all you could hear as you suspected that Leona must have fallen asleep already, but then you felt a hand grab your arm and pulled you. Letting out a gasp, you realized Leona had moved you closer, and positioned you in between his legs. Realizing what was happening, you placed both your hands on his chest, trying to push yourself away, but Leona grabbed your wrists, stopping you. “LET GO!!!” You screamed at Leona, as you struggled against his grip. “….” Leona was silent as he continued to hold your wrists, waiting for you to calm down.
After a few minutes, you finally calmed down and stopped resisting. Leona had removed his hands from your wrists, but he moved one hand to your cheek. “Herbivore, look at me.” You didn’t look up at Leona, and cast your eyes down, not wanting him to look at you. “Y/N.” You twitched slightly, not expecting him to call your name, but you realized that Leona was being serious and wanted you to look at him. Moving your head slowly, you looked up at him. Leona’s face was neutral, but his eyes were kind as he continued to stare at you. “Why are you crying?” Leona asked as he moved his thumb against your cheek, wiping away the tears that were still falling from your eyes. Hesitating, you glanced away from Leona, not wanting to tell him why as you figured he would laugh at you. “Idk…. just been stressed with everything. Crowley being a lazy jerk, not doing well in class, and getting yelled at because of Grim causing trouble. Usually I’m use to it, but I think I just got to the point where I couldn’t handle it anymore. I’m sorry.” You heard Leona click his tongue, and expected him to get mad at you for crying over something so stupid, but you felt his arms wrap around your back and pulled you closer towards him, placing your head against his chest. “Baka. Don’t apologize for something like that.” Leona held you tighter, squishing you closer to his chest, to the point you could hear his heartbeat. “It’s normal for life to suck sometimes. Trust me I know, but it’s not impossible to get through it. If you need help with classwork, I can help with that and I can talk to that furball and bird brain to get their act together and stop troubling you. If you are having another breakdown or need someplace to relax, look for me.” Leona said all of this in your ear, while he nuzzled his cheek against your head. Your tears came out like a waterfall as you wrapped your arms around Leona’s back, sobbing on his chest. Leona refused to let you go as he let you cry to your hearts content, not even bothered that you were getting his shirt wet.
A couple minutes had passed and you eventually stopped crying, but you continued to hug Leona as you didn’t want to let go “You can stay as long as you want.” Leona said to you, most likely knowing you didn’t want to separate. Leona then told you to get some rest, and moved one of his hands to pat your head. Giggling to yourself, you moved your head from his chest and looked at Leona with a soft smile. “Had no idea you were such a softie.” Leona gave you an annoyed look, but then he smirked and placed your head back against his chest. “Yeah yeah. Don’t get use to it, Herbivore.”
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Idea for a little angst. Leona has a nightmare about his s/o (fem or gn preferably) becoming an unfortunate victim to King’s Roar’s effect. Maybe having flashbacks to when he overblotted in a sense? Up to you!
Ohhhhhhh this is a PRIME angst prompt, thank you very much for this incredibly ouchie idea.
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GN!Reader, ANGST, comfort
In the center of Night Raven College's Spelldrive stadium, Leona stood alone. There was no grass beneath his feet crosshatched with play lines and goal marks, just cracked, dry soil. There were no cheers in the stands, no holler of food vendors or trumpet of pep bands, just a blistering, eerie silence. As the wind whistled through the empty field, little spirals of sand danced upon the breeze to land near his feet.
"Howl? Felmier?... Ruggie?"
No response.
He trod carefully across the arid dirt, moving towards the entrance of the field. Surely there he would find someone waiting, Ruggie or another Savanaclaw student or you, you had to be here somewhere. He was not afraid. he was not.
But dipping through the doorway and peering into one of the locker rooms revealed an equally eerie sight. No students, no coaches. Just heaps of dry, yellow sand. The alternate team's locker room revealed the same sight. So did the hallway out into the stadium entry, the vendor booths that lined the cobblestone path, the winding road leading back up to the school proper.
But along that road, facing away from him, finally he saw you.
Despite your distance, he could hear you perfectly. He tried to move towards you but it felt like her were wading through tar, each step a herculean effort. He tried to call for you again but found his voice dry and lifeless in his throat.
"I didn't ask to be here. I didn't know this would happen. But still... I just wanted to help. Why wouldn't you let me help?"
He was moving forward, he knew he was, so why did it seem like you were just as far away?
"This isn't even my home, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Is that so wrong? Why do you hate me so much?"
'I don't. I don't hate you. I never have, not really.' He tried to say, but the only noise he could make was a single choked rasp.
"Why would you do this to me? I just wanted to help."
He blinked. That's all he did, just a single blink. But suddenly he was upon you, crowding your space, a single clawed hand wrapped effortlessly around your neck. You didn't thrash, didn't scream, didn't make any attempt to pull away. Leona couldn't move either, frozen in time, watching in horror as the delicate skin around your neck began to flake and chip and dissolve to powdery sand. The tears in the corners of your eyes turned to dust before they could even roll down your cheeks.
Leona jolted awake to blackness, the dull tick of an alarm clock sitting on his nightstand. He was coated in sweat, panting, throat dry and hoarse. He felt along the left side of his bed, palms thumping frantically over the blanket-clad shape sharing his space. The only one he'd allow to share his space.
"Hrrmph?- Ow, ow! Shit, Leona! You scared the hell out of me!" You grumbled, wrestling blindly out of your blanket to try and protect yourself from his swatting hands. You were here. Thank the seven, you were here. You were here, beside him, and he hadn't destroyed you. He hadn't ruined the one good thing that life had given him, not yet.
He hadn't, but he almost did. He almost did, some time ago.
The air was forced out of your body in a rushed whoof! as Leona bowled into you, draping himself entirely over your still sleep-addled form. Before you could protest or even question what was happening you felt the rasp of his sandy tongue against your temple, peppered kisses in between soothing licks. Was he... Grooming you? Leona never groomed you. He rarely even let himself be groomed by his own family. And yet here he was, pressing himself into you like he was afraid you were going to vanish from beneath his grasp.
"Herbivore... kitten..." He mumbled in between kisses, reverent, relieved. you let a hand come up to rest on his cheek and he stifled a sound that you could have sworn was a tiny sob.
"Hey, hey, I'm right here big cat. I'm not going anywhere. What's all this about?" You ran your thumb blindly back and forth over the curve of his cheekbone, and he melted weakly into the touch.
"...Right, right. You're not. Never go anywhere. I won't let you, not without me." Slowly the two of you sank back into the warmth of your shared mattress, Leona pressed against you like a second skin. "You're stuck with me now, aren't ya? Don't even think of... Of goin' anywhere."
As his words began to drift into exhausted mumbles you pressed yourself as close as you could into his warm side, letting him wrap an arm over your body and pull you into his embrace. You murmured a soft placation into his chest, hoping that whatever brought on this sudden influx of emotion out of your partner, it would be enough to soothe it.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
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jamil-s-wifey · 1 year
Howdy~! Loved your writing! Can I request a fluff/angst scenario in which Jamil Viper suddenly had a nightmare of hurting his fem! s/o during his Overblot and when he wakes up, he quickly rushes over to Ramshackle to check on her, make sure she’s okay? Please and thank you!
Hi, hello hun! Thank you very much, I'm glad my writing brings a smile to people's faces! I love writing comfort fics, so this is right up my alley! Every comfort twst fic has been consumed by yours truly! I hope you enjoy!
WARNING: Dead bodies and mildly gruesome imagery. I kind of went overboard with the nightmare portion-
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Drip drip drip
The only sound which could reach his ears was the incessant dripping of ink, covering the ground beneath his feet.
Slithering snakes obscured his peripheral vision, red hot rage filled his veins. The school was in shambles, in every corner there were bodies littering the ground - weakened and malnourished students, who lost their lives under his fanatic dictatorship.
He was the master, but the master of what? Of ruins, of a rotting building, of a dying student body, controlled against their will, of darkened cold nothingness hidden behind lavish feasts and glittering gold. And then there was you - his jewel in the rough, his biggest treasure, kneeling before him, eyes filled with hatred, fear... and exhaustion. You dared not look him in the eyes, but your downward gaze spoke volumes - the love of his life who refused to succumb to her master's wishes.
"Pitiful. You keep disobeying your master. Haven't I taught you manners?"
You refused to answer him, gaze never leaving the ground.
"My treasure, have I not given you everything?" His voice lowered threateningly. "Or perhaps you'd choose to follow in your classmate's footsteps. Perhaps it was foolish of me to believe you'd be anything different than those mindless slaves."
You didn't answer.
"Or perhaps they've contaminated your brain. That must be it, why else would you refuse so adamantly the life of a goddess. Oh, my love, we must cure you."
He grabbed you by the hair, pulling you up. On instinct, you closed your eyes, refusing to catch his gaze.
"Smart little girl." He whispered in your ear. His snakes left painful bitemarks on your skin - covering older ones who'd begun to fade.
That's how it had been for a while - you'd lost track of time. He'd call upon you, lavish you in expensive jewellery, feeding you feasts made by the bloodied hands of your classmates, whisper sweet nothing in your ears. Then he'd get angry at your lack of response and throw you away, leaving you alone in your chambers.
Only this time, it was different.
"Perhaps I should turn to a more radical form of treatment?" His strong hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing.
Your breath became ragged, strained.
"You chose this. I am merely delivering."
You grasped his hand, trying to wiggle away, but it was useless. You felt the ink on his hand seep into your skin and clothes, contaminating your very being.
Your gaze slowly faltered, eyes closing, before he threw you on the ground.
As the heavy thud reached his ears he opened his eyes, frantically looking around. He was in his room, it was the middle of the night. He was sweaty, breath ragged. He'd fallen off his bed and that's what woke him up. He searched around for any indication that indeed it was all just a nightmare. With trembling hands he pushed himself up to sit on his bed. His hair was a mess, his heart was beating so loud he felt it might burst through his chest. He felt sick to the stomach, a twisted feeling of guilt, despair and disgust eating at his very core.
His gaze turned to the framed picture on his bedside table. It was you two, on your visit to the Scalding Sands, your arms are wrapped around him and a cheerful smile graced your features.
Was that smile...even real? Or were you being controlled?
Without thinking, he grabbed his shoes and sprinted out of his room, dead set on seeing you, rules be damned.
You were woken up by a hurried, frantic knocking on Ramshackle's front door. You slowly got up, cautiously making your way to the entrance. Even though you knew it couldn't be anybody threatening, besides you had the ghosts and Grim as back up, a little caution never hurt anybody.
What you didn't expect to see is your frazzled boyfriend, engulfing you in a bone-crushing hug the moment you opened the door.
"Whoah, Jamil. Are....are you okay?" You gently hugged him back, fingers gliding through his hair, untangling any knots he might have.
He didn't respond, instead pulling back to look you in the eyes. You looked at him dead in the eyes, no fear or disgust in your gaze whatsoever. All he saw was worry and perhaps curiosity. His eyes were glassy with untold emotions, gaze heavy with guilt.
"M-may I come in?" He inwardly cursed himself for stuttering.
"Of course, you can. Come in, come in." You grabbed his hand, leading him to your couch. "What happened? Here. I'll get you some water, did you sprint here?"
Before you could get up, he pulled you to him, hands gently cradling your face.
"Jamil, my love." You breathed out, reaching out to cup his face, "Did you perhaps have a nightmare?"
His guilt-ridden gaze moved to the floor. Somehow, only from you, he couldn't hide a single thing.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He wasn't sure what to answer. Now that he was with you and his head had cleared up, he realised how bizarre the situation was. Of course it was a nightmare.
But that didn't get rid of the weight on his heart.
"I... dreamed of my overblot. I saw... destruction everywhere. And I was hurting you. Constantly. And the fear in your eyes, it looked so real. I -" he sighed deeply. "You died... By my hands." He felt a lump forming in his throat.
"Oh, Jamil."
"And I know it's just a dream, I know but-" he couldn't keep talking. It all overwhelmed him so much.
"S/O, I-"
He snapped out, turning to you.
"Jamil, I have never, ever, for a single moment, felt afraid or disgusted around you. Your overblot happened, we can't change that, but you didn't hurt me. You didn't then. And you haven't since. And I know very well, that you'd never intentionally hurt me in any way. I trust you and I feel safe around you."
He let out a shaky breath. "How do you know you're not being controlled even right now?" It was stupid of him to ask, but his mind wasn't letting him rest.
"Jamil, both you and I know you can't keep using your unique magic indefinitely. So far, every single thing I've done, I've done on my own accord."
"And you don't fear me..?"
You looked at him dead in the eyes, with the most unwavering, serious gaze you could muster.
"How could I fear the man I love?"
He pulled you in for a gentle kiss, which he poured all of his emotions into.
"I promise you, I won't let any harm come your way, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and content, and free." He mumbled, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Love, you sound like you're about to propose." You teased, trying to lighten the mood.
A small smile graced his features. "Perhaps in the future.", He thought to himself.
"How about we go back to bed, you are most certainly staying the night here, mister. I'll be right next to you when you wake up."
"I'm sorry for barging in at such an ungodly hour."
"Oh, shut up~. You know you're always welcome here, and besides, I'd always prefer to have you next to me when I sleep."
He didn't really understand what he did to deserve you, but you were his beacon of light and he swore to treasure you and keep you safe for as long as you let him.
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mellosdrawings · 16 days
Bittersweet Memory
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Hey look, for once there's no content warning! (That doesn't make it lighter, does it?)
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loveydovey-leviathan · 8 months
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leona x gn!reader
summary: leona pushes you away because he wants you to be happy | 2k words
cw: very loosely based on the song "promise" by laufey, reader is yuu, farena uses yuu's happiness against his brother, kinda ooc, leona doesn't know how to handle his emotions or problems, he's a dick but when is he not, leona pushes you away and he doesn't communicate properly, reader chooses leona over their world, happy ending because im not one of those writers who likes to see everyone suffer /j
The day Leona had was too nice and the night too beautiful for him to be putting up with his perfect, always-the-first-choice, thinking-he-knew-what-was-best-for-everyone, and quite frankly just plain annoying older brother.
"What do you want?" he grumbles as soon as he answers the call, lying down on his bed.
"What, I can't call my younger brother just because?" Farena chuckles, a sound familiar to Leona but he knows him well enough to realise that he has an ulterior motive besides just checking up on him.
"You don't call unless it's to tell me something."
"Now, I know that's not true! I've called you plenty of times but-"
"Spit it out."
The voice on the huffs, but it's followed by a few seconds of silence. Leona is about to hang up before Farena finally breaks it.
"I know about your relationship with the Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, Leona. Did you really think you could hide it from me.?
"I never hid it from you."
"Then how come you didn't tell me? It's been months!"
"I don't tell you anything."
"I know that but I thought you'd tell me this at the very least," another sigh from the King. Leona waits for him to continue because there's clearly more to this pointless conversation.
"Leona, you may not be King but you still have responsibilities to uphold."
"I knew what I was getting into when I chose ___."
"Yes, but do they know?"
"Of course, they do, they aren't stupid."
"Are you sure? And I mean absolutely sure, no doubts whatsoever and everything was made crystal clear since the beginning. I'm not talking about the stupid part, in case you were wondering."
"What are you getting at," it was more of a demand than a question.
"You're a prince, Leona! That's what I'm getting at, you can't be selfish like this!"
"Yes, I can," Leona knew he was selfish, but so many things had been taken from him purely by chance, but you chose to love him. He was your first choice and he'd love you for the rest of his life, consequences and stupid responsibilities be damned.
"I meant concerning ___. They're from another world, correct? Would you make them choose between you and the family they have back in their home?"
Leona doesn't like to think about it. The thought is shoved into the far corners of his mind, where worries as heavy as this are left to fester, waiting to attack on lonely nights. He grips his bed sheets tight.
"You should consider their happiness as well, Leona," he knows that, everything he's done was in an effort to do so– to prove to you that you weren't going to regret loving him.
"And if they do choose you, and if this relationship lasts until both of you graduate, do you think they'll be happy here with you? It's one thing to date during school, but when you leave its confines and truly become a Prince, will they still be happy with you? Royalty has always upheld a tremendous amount of responsibility, and the spouse of said royalty is expected to share that burden alongside them."
Once again, Leona doesn't answer, and Farena sighs. It's one of finality and exhaustion.
"I hope you think about what I've said tonight, Leona. Good night, and I'm always here when you need me," the call ends and the second son puts down the phone. He doesn't know how long he stays awake staring at the ceiling, but by the end of it, he clenches his fist even harder and grits his jaw. He loves you too much to be selfish.
You find Leona under his usual spot in the botanic garden. He’s as pretty as always but it’s immediately evident to you that something is wrong. His body is too tense, there are dark circles under his eyes and his tail is lashing side to side in a rapid manner. 
“Leona?” you call to him, but he doesn’t answer, though you know he’s awake. You step towards him and sit down near his head, expecting him to drag your body nearer so he can lay on your lap. He doesn’t move.
You know him much more than he thinks you do, so there isn’t a doubt in your mind when you ask “...Did your brother call?”. At that, he finally raises an eyelid and his mouth moves to form the question you’ve become used to, ‘How’d you know?’ but only a sigh leaves his lips.
Suddenly he sits up, and you notice that there’s at least a foot of distance in between you. He stares at your face for a while and the silence as you wait for him to say something stretches more than it should– something is wrong and even though he isn’t acting that weird, there’s a heavy feeling in your gut that spreads to your chest and onto your fingers, begging to hold him.
So you do. You scoot closer and entwine your hands with his. He hesitates for 1, 2, 3 seconds before squeezing back and tucking his head into the crook of your neck like all he wants to do is hide away. Gently, ever so gently, you place his head onto his usual spot on your thighs and he buries his face in your stomach. The action is tight and desperate, his body curls as though he wants to mould his very being to you. It cracks open your ribs and makes your heart bleed because when he hurts, you hurt with him.
The rest of the lunch break is quiet but he doesn’t fall asleep. And when you leave you don’t see him for days.
He senses you before he even hears your footsteps, before the warm and familiar sound of your voice fills the hallways of this school. It’s always been like that with you, he realises. He doesn’t even have to search for you– it’s like he already knows his place in the world and that’s by your side, so he just gravitates towards the one he’s given his heart to. But he makes a conscious effort to ignore the tug of his legs that instinctively wants to be near and moves away. 
He knows he should just tell you, end it all before he hurts you and the poison in his veins that tells him he’s never going to be good enough taints you as well– which you aren’t, you deserve so much more than a second no-good prince– but he’s also selfish, and he figures out that he is also a giant coward.
The voice that tells him so screams at him when he breaks his promise and goes back to you, tail between his legs and shame on his shoulders weighing him down. It always happens when he’s delirious on sleep deprivation because he can’t close his eyes without seeing you and the hurt expression you try to hide when you think no one’s looking. He tries to push you away, or rather to pull himself away– but he can’t stand the thought of you going back to life without him even though his conscious mind wants you to. 
When he first showed up at your doorstep, the betrayal and shock pummelled his soul to the earth and made his heart drop to his gut. But you didn’t say anything when he barged into your personal space and wrapped himself around you like he never left. He half-expected you to demand why he’d been so distant but all you did was hug him back so tight his heart lodged in his throat and tears welled up from the choking feeling. You took him by the hand and you both slept on the couch that night. By the next morning, he was gone without a word and the guilt felt even heavier, knowing he got your hopes up. He promised himself he wouldn’t do this again.
That night repeats days after and the cycle repeats. His visits don’t have a pattern. Sometimes, he comes after 3 days, others a week or more. By the third visit, you look tired- of him. He hates it but somehow it feels right, not in the way he likes but in the way you’re supposed to. The way you deserve to. Maybe if you hated him you wouldn’t hurt.
He’s lost count of how many times he’s visited but tonight when he sees you, you look angry, rightfully so. You’re undeservingly patient towards him. When Leona sees your face, you’re angry– furious at him. You look like you want to throw him across all your furniture in hopes that he feels the same way you feel.
“Leona–” he hates the way you say his name. It’s angry and cruel and deserved. “-- what the hell is going on? You won’t tell me what happened to make you act like this and then you ignore me for days right after–”
“Nothing’s going on,” he stubbornly grumbles. Like he’s said every time you’ve asked. Every time he says this you look increasingly frustrated because it’s obvious that he’s lying– and your eyebrows scrunch in exasperation once more.
But this time your face falls and his heart stops.
“We can’t keep doing this anymore, if you don’t tell me– then I can’t be with you.”
He doesn’t know why he’s so frazzled– this is what he’s been waiting for because he was too much of a weakling to tell you himself, why he started all of this in the first place.
But he misses you, and he’s selfish. He always has been and he doubts he’s ever going to change.
“Would you choose me?” The question makes you pause.
“Leona, I did choose you–”
“If you could go back to your world, would you still choose me?” Would you pick me first?
You’re silent then. His palms almost bleed with how hard he clenches his hands as he waits for you.
“...Yes. Yes, I would. If you tell me why you’re acting like this.” He doesn’t know if you’re telling the truth, if you’ll still tell him that if there really was a time you had to choose between him and your world. But he’s so tired, and he loves you more than the amount of stars there are in the sky.
“I got a call from Farena,” this makes you hesitantly reach for his hand. He meets you halfway and you rub your thumb over his knuckles. The action makes him want to tear up– you’re still so gentle with him after everything.
“Do you think you’ll be happy with me? When we both graduate and I have to help my brother rule, will you be happy?”
He feels your hand on his cheeks, lifting his head to look at you properly. The look in your eyes isn't angry or hurt, it’s soft and understanding. He almost forgot how it felt to be on the other side of your affections.
“I knew what I was getting into when I chose you. You’re rough around the edges but you make me happy in ways no one ever did, like no one ever could.”
He moves his arms to hug you but he stops, still not sure if he’s allowed to. You meet him halfway and he buries his face into your neck. You feel tears stain your shirt and he lets out a sigh so deep and tired it makes you smile.
“Haven’t been able to sleep without you, herbivore.”
You chuckle, “Guess you aren’t getting rid of me then.”
“I know. I love you.”
“I love you too, more than anything.”
You hold him with enough love to break his heart all over again, and he holds you like a beast who doesn’t deserve it but will gladly take anything you give him.
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hanafubukki · 2 months
Excerpt: “While you played house in your cottage in the forest, do you know how much I suffered?!”
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“Malleus! Why are you doing this?!”
“Because all I’ve ever wanted was to be loved!”
Malleus watched as Lilia staggered back in shock.
“I should have never been born.”
A statement that brought an anger in Lilia’s veins, a feeling he hadn’t felt in centuries.
“How dare-”
“Did it ever occur to you that I never wanted to feel this pain?”
Nothing could have surprised Lilia more than the tired look in Malleus’ eyes. He hasn’t seen this expression before. Since when has he masked this emotion from him? How could he not notice?
“You always asked me if I was envious. What if I am?”
Malleus glared, eyes acid green.
“What would you say then Lilia? I lived in isolation. With only you and grandmother to accompany me for many a decades. Your visits rare and grandmother’s more so.”
But that was enough.
It was enough.
That’s what Malleus always thought.
That’s what he kept telling himself.
That bit of love was enough.
But it wasn’t.
“Hahahah-,” Malleus smothered his laugh.
“Did you really think that would be enough? While you played house in your cottage in the forest, do you know how much I suffered?!”
Tears streamed down his face, dark as the night sky.
“Did it ever occur to you that I wanted what you had?What you gave so freely? That I wanted you? Did you ever notice?”
Malleus smiled consolingly as the tears streamed down Lilia’s eyes.
“I don’t blame you. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.”
Despite it all.
He wanted Lilia to be happy.
He wanted Silver and Sebek to be happy.
It was enough, until it wasn’t.
When had anyone ever thought of his?
Malleus huffed. Mocking.
“Ah~ Ah~ I shouldn’t act this way, should I? It’s not how a king should act.”
He threw his staff at the motley crew before him.
“I tried to be a kind king, but look where that got me.”
The moon is bright.
As blinding as the night he was born.
“I’m tired. I would have gladly played the role you wanted me to. I would have been content as long as you were there. I wanted to make you proud of me. I’d have done it gladly for you.”
Blot gathered and formed. Stretching.
“I never wanted to know what loneliness felt like!”
Malleus stepped back. Shadows circling his form.
“You should have let me die.”
He had one last role to play, didn’t he?
Well, might as well see it to the end.
A roar shook the land.
Come, slay the dragon.
Time to end this fairytale.
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…in my defense, this could have been worse. The story and imagery in my head is angstier than this. I just couldn’t convey it on paper the way I wanted to. 😆
But I think this got some of the idea of what I wanted 💞🫶
*runs away*
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it-happened-one-fic · 7 months
Sweet Dreams - Malleus
Author Notes: You should know that I really thought about not posting this simply due to the stuff going on in the Diasomnia chapter. BUT! I actually wrote this before the Diasomnia chapter even started coming out in Japan and this chapter has nothing to do with that chapter. If anything, it's set pre-Diasomnia chapter. As per usual, reader is gender neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ pre-Diasomnia chapter/ romance implied/ angst with comfort
Word Count: 1150
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It was strange, Malleus thought. He was used to exploring the grounds surrounding Ramshackle dorm while awaiting you in the hopes that you’d join him in his moonlit stroll.
So to see you outside, sitting on your porch, and looking up at the sky all on your lonesome when he arrived was... strange.
Strange, and worrying.
It had been a fair bit of time since it had fallen dark, and you had no way of knowing whether or not Malleus was coming. After all, he had no schedule for his evening visits. Rather, he came whenever he was able.
“Child of man?” At his questioning tone, you looked over.
He frowned slightly at the blank expression on your face that steadily cleared like a sun breaking through the clouds as you registered who it was that was looking down at you.
“Hornton… Good evening,” A smile flickered across your face, but it was a weak one that barely met your tired eyes. When he held out his hand, you silently took it and let him pull you to your feet and off the porch’s steps without any questions.
“What are you doing out here?” His tone wasn’t judgmental. Instead, it was curious and tinged with concern.
But Malleus was confused.
It was strange to him that you were so obviously tired but hadn't gone to sleep and were instead outside, staring up at the night sky as if you could see something far beyond those stars that twinkled overhead.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Your muttered reply was faint, but when you looked up at him, you were wearing that same smile on your face. Like you were genuinely happy to see him but didn’t possess the energy to fully smile.
“How was your day?” The fact that you questioned him so calmly when you were in such shape, with such deep, dark circles under your usually bright eyes…. It was oddly upsetting.
Malleus frowned but answered your question nonetheless, “It was as ever, but I encountered a question that I require your assistance with.”
At his words, you tilted your head, a flicker of interest entering your weary gaze.
“Don’t humans, such as yourself, require sleep to maintain their health?” Malleus was innocent in how he phrased his question.
And rather than catching on to his meaning as you usually would, you simply blinked at him before slowly nodding, “Yes.”
Malleus hummed slightly, no longer bothering to hide his concern, “Then shouldn’t you rest? You look exhausted, Child of man.”
At his soft words, you frowned and looked away as you simultaneously pulled your hand out of his. Malleus’s frown deepened at your actions, so unlike your usually bright self.
“What ails you, Child of man?” He carefully rested his hand on your shoulder, a silent request for you to face him as he continued, “Tell me, I will make it right.”
You twisted, a half-smile appearing on your face as you reached up and covered his hand with yours, patting it affectionately as you shook your head with a quiet chuckle, “Oh, Hornton. It isn’t something you can fix.”
Malleus frowned at your words, but stayed silent as you trailed away from him and sat back down on Ramshackle’s steps in a manner suggesting that you had nothing else to give and could no longer bear to stand.
“I’ve been having nightmares.” You quietly explained, spurring Malleus into following your actions and sitting down next to you. Folding his hands together as he waited for you to continue.
“They’re about the overblots…. About if everything hadn’t worked out,” You paused, a grim expression appearing on your face, before you continued. “About if we’d lost the guys.”
You shook your head as if to clear it as your hands laced tightly together in front of you, “I know it’s ridiculous, but...”
A shudder went through your body, and you fell silent, your actions making Malleus frown once more as he registered exactly how small and fragile you looked in this moment.
“It is not ridiculous. What upsets you will never be ridiculous. But…” He paused as you looked towards him, your eyes filled with fatigue.
“Tell me, Child of man. Do you get hurt in these dreams?” You didn’t answer, but the way your entire body tensed was answer enough.
Malleus felt his hands tighten on each other, turning his already pale knuckles a bone white as he continued to watch you, “I see.”
A sigh slipped from his lips, but he straightened and stood once more, looking down at you as he did so, “Come, you must get rest.”
Your eyes were wide as your head jerked up so that you could stare up at him with something akin to fear in your eyes, “But-”
“Fear not,” A smile curved across his face as he smoothly interrupted you and offered you his hand once more. “I won’t abandon you.”
Mystified, you accepted his hand and let him slowly pull you to your feet and guide you inside, ready to support you should your weary frame collapse.
He then let you take the lead, following you up to your room, where you stopped and stared at your bed, upon which Grim was peacefully slumbering. Unaware of your current plight.
“Go on, Child of man,” Malleus smiled as you turned towards him, your gaze full of uncertainty.
 He reached out with his free hand, gently resting the back of his fingers against your cheek as he continued, “I cannot destroy the fears that plague your mind, but I can stay with you. You need not fear any harm befalling you while I am present.”
Despite his warm words, you still hesitated, squeezing his hand that was still carefully holding yours before you seemingly reached a decision, “Just until I fall asleep… You should probably head back after that.”
So unwilling to put others in any trouble. It was so like you that Malleus couldn’t fight the smile that spread still further across his face until he was grinning fully at you. Even if you could stand to be a little more selfish.
But he nodded nonetheless, acquiescing to your request just as he would agree to any other wish you had, “Very well.”
Your hand slipped from his, leaving an odd emptiness in his palm as you crept into bed, looking his way once more as you snuggled into your sheets, “Hornton?”
Malleus responded with a hum as he took his seat next to you, glancing your way expectantly as he awaited whatever you would say next.
“Thank you.” 
Two simple words. That was all it took to make the draconic fae to go still, his eyes widening before a smile that was filled with fondness spread across his pale face.
“Of course,” He paused before his gaze softened still more and warm affection crept its way into his tone, “Sweet dreams… Y/n.”
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twstjam · 1 year
Book 7 Spoilers ahead!!!
hmmmmm Lilia x Reader where you're a member of the Silver Owls but you have no loyalty to them so you betray them by secretly playing spy for the fae in exchange for peace, quiet, and safety if you help them win. The fae don't really trust you, especially Lilia, but he knows opportunity when he sees one. They just have to be careful about how much they trust you.
Because of the nature of your agreement you end up meeting up and exchanging letters with the Phantom General of the Briar fae a lot to relay information. At first it's just that and your meetings are all really just pure business, but then Lilia complains about Princess Malenoa and everyone pushing jobs onto him. This spurs you on to complain about Henrik and how all he does is order people around and lounge around all day. The two of you end up bonding over your demanding and tiring jobs and gradually grow closer each letter.
Aside from exchanging information, the two of you begin to exchange stories and tales and knowledge. You begin to know each other on different facets that no one else knows and confide in each other your deepest thoughts, fears, and insecurities. The two of you have a lot in common and understand each other so well that it just makes it so easy and natural and comfortable to be open like this. No one else have ever made either of you feel safe enough to share your most deepest secrets (not even Malenoa and Revan in Lilia's case. They're his best friends but they're also his superiors. There's just some things he can't talk about with them.) so it's so nice to finally find someone that does.
The two of you fall slowly, but you fall hard.
Neither of you admit this to each other of course. A war is no time for something as silly and trivial as love and romance and you both know that neither of you have time for a relationship. So you both pine and yearn in silence, either from your fortresses miles away from each other, or several feet apart on the rare occasions you meet up in person—so close yet still so far.
In one of your letters you relay to Lilia your worry that someone might be catching on. Lilia's heart twists in fear and his mind races with paranoid thoughts and possibilities. He doesn't show any concern in his response aside from acknowledging your worry, but he does tell you to be careful. He reasons that it would be unfortunate for the fae if their most valuable informant were to be discovered. (he activated tsundere mode to cope)
He sends the letter and goes about his duties. Days pass. Weeks. He realises during some off-time that he hasn't heard from you in a while. More time passes. No sign of a response from you.
Lilia says to himself that it's fine. It's nothing. It's no big deal. You're probably just occupied, or finally realised how dangerous it was to keep associating with the enemy. It's fine. The fae forces have managed before without your assistance. It's fine it's fine it's fine
he's not fine
(Part 2)
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