mamawasatesttube · 2 years
tired: timkon have to sneak around to date in gotham bc the batfam hate kon and try to intimidate/bully him for dating tim
wired: timkon have to sneak around to date in gotham bc the batfam like kon too much and tim is so fucking tired of his siblings crashing date night to hang out with his boyfriend
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thelibrarian1895 · 5 months
If your sibling is a rogue then make the best of it
I would like to think that Jason is very Hondo Onakha about kidnapping, very dramatic, fairly polite/chill to the one he kidnapped, minimal trauma, very professional overall but also very theatrical. Out of anyone in Gotham to have as your kidnapper, Jason aka the Red Hood is by far the very best person.
ALL of Jason's family whether they be legal, biological, emotional, or honorary, will absolutely try to convince Jason to kidnap them to get them out of some stupid civilian event. Whether or not Jason will go along with it will depend on several factors such as:
Does this benefit Bruce and get him out of a boring civilian event too? Then so sorry, you're just going to have to suffer!
How busy is Jason at the moment? Because being a drug lord and vigilante is actually pretty time consuming and kidnapping can be a lot of work for potentially very little gain.
What does Jason get out of it? Yes money is all well and good but Jason is rich by his own merits and can just steal from Bruce whenever, there's got to be more to it!
When is the last time Jason has kidnapped this sibling? He can't do it too often or it gets less effective. He has a reputation to maintain after all!
It may also depend on which sib is asking and what they need to be "saved" from.
Dick asks to be kidnapped from a bachelor auction charity? Ha! No chance, sorry Dickie! He will be there though and take pictures and laugh. (And also join all the other siblings who are stalking Dick and the winner of the auction in the event the winner wasn't one of the Bats or an invited member of the JL or Titans using Bruce's money) Dick asking to be kidnapped from a gala or some opening night of trendy place he's at to maintain civilian status? Maybe but the bribe has to be considerable. And it cannot benefit Bruce. Dick's normal bribes consist of taking some tedious part of an investigation over for Jason or getting intel from JL databases for Jason and the Outlaws.
Cass? Anytime and always, favorite sister who can beat him up has special kidnapping privileges, though they did stop for a very long time when some weirdos put out the theory that the Red Hood was in love with Gotham's Princess. (idk if Cass is considered Gotham's Princess in any version of canon but she is to me) Cass does still repay Jason in the form of Black Bat keeping an eye on Jason's territory when he's out of Gotham for any significant length of time.
Tim? He does owe the kid for several incidents and Tim normally doesn't abusive the privilege so he'd probably do it but there does have to be some sort of bribe for appearances sake. Tim usually gets Jason to agree in exchange for pictures of Batman tripping over his cape or in some other ridiculous position. Bonus in Jason's mind if Tim requests a kidnapping when Bruce is off world or otherwise occupied, therefore giving Brucie Wayne's reputation a hit. However if Tim wants to be kidnapped from something where Bruce is also suffering as Brucie, Tim is SOL (Tim might get revenge by getting Kon to wear Red Hood gear and "kidnap" Tim from the event if Jason refused. Kon will do it because Tim asked and also I would like to think that Kon isn't too fond of the guy who beat his best friend/boyfriend nearly to death and will mess with him if given the chance) Since kidnapping normally interferes with things that Tim wants to do however, he may instead bribe Jason to not kidnap a sibling that has asked to be kidnapped. Jason usually obliges this no kidnapping request.
Barbara? Sorry, no, he doesn't want to stress the Commissioner like that. He will, however, kidnap other people for her if she asks.
Stephanie? No Stephanie, he doesn't care what you offer, he's not kidnapping you so you can avoid your finals! Stephanie has, however, worn various wigs and been various hostages who died at the hands of the Hood in order to maintain his reputation. She gets paid in baked goods for her service.
Damian? Damian considered the idea ridiculous and proclaimed he'd never stoop so low and he would carry out his duties no matter how onerous! Damian then had to go to a Gotham gala. Damian is trying very hard to figure out a suitable bribe to get the Red Hood to kidnap him often enough that Bruce will be forced to keep Damian away from galas because of the ongoing security threat. So far it hasn't worked because Damian is very bad at bribing Jason, Jason thinks Damian forced to interact with normal people is funny, and Tim is successfully bribing Jason to ignore Damian's bribery attempts. The Red Hood has "kidnapped" Damian once, as a treat, when he thought the kid was looking particularly down about something.
Duke? Duke has yet to be made to attend any society gatherings as the solo Wayne (normally that falls to Bruce, Dick, or Tim) and can usually be spotted hanging out with Cass by the snack table at any gala or trendy event. He's not at Cass's level of reading body language but he's pretty darn good and he and Cass have reached a new level of being able to avoid annoying rich people while at parties. Duke is Cass's favorite gala buddy. Duke hasn't felt the need to ask Jason to kidnap him yet but Jason will allow the first one to be free of charge, no questions asked. After that Duke hasn't figured out suitable bribes for Jason but has realized that all of his siblings are hyper competitive and that Jason would absolutely wager a kidnapping in a competition or for a bet.
Alfred? If Alfred asked then Jason would without any caveat. Alfred will not ask however but might ask on behalf of someone else and Jason will comply.
Bruce? Jason just laughs. And if someone else is planning on kidnapping Brucie Wayne from a particularly boring business meeting or gala? Jason will actively thwart the kidnapping to force Bruce to continue to deal with social activity.
Jason usually splits a portion of the ransom money into bonuses for his goons since their original job outline is drug dealer/enforcer/mobster and not kidnapper. If they're going to get major felonies on their records, better make it financially worth it. All of Jason's goons are masked during any kidnapping event. The rest of the ransom money goes towards a charity of Jason's choosing.
Jason has also kidnapped people who are not his family or family adjacent. Barbara thought her dad could use a vacation at one point but he didn't have the PTO for it so Barbara had the Red Hood kidnap him. James Gordon experienced the weirdest kidnapping of his life that included some of the best food he'd ever eaten, an extremely soft bed, his pile of books that were on his reading list, and access to the sports games he'd meant to watch. The ransom was successfully paid after he had a week to relax. Gordon was then, as per protocol, allowed time to relax after his "harrowing" event. Barbara forced him to take the time. Strangely enough, some politicians who had been giving the Commissioner a hard time were suddenly very quiet when James Gordon came back, well rested, well fed, and ready to get back to the grind. It, of course, had nothing to do with the very polite emails with pictures attached that they all received while the Commissioner was very publicly out of the way.
Oliver Queen, when he was visiting Gotham, was kidnapped by the Red Hood. He was released after the ransom was paid and specifically he was released back in Star City. Mr. Queen was unavailable for comment after the incident but some sources say that he was cursing bats for some reason.
Lois Lane found herself kidnapped by Red Hood and ransomed by the Daily Planet while Superman was off world. Lois Lane returned safely to Metropolis and published a shocking expose on Luthor's latest scheme. Her sources for the article remain a secret.
Bruce is very grumpy about the whole thing, not just because Jason won't help his poor father get out of the stupid social event, but also because Jason being technically a rogue like this makes it very hard for him to successfully argue that Jason should let himself regain legal living status.
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bloomeng · 5 days
These are some of my favorite batkids tropes in superbat fics:
Damian hating Clark fairly unprovoked (bonus if he’s friends with Jon to really rub it)
I know it’s canon that Dick really looks up to Clark but I love when Dick makes this super obvious to Bruce and either accidentally or purposely makes Bruce jealous and Clark is like “wait isn’t this a good thing tho that your son likes me???”
Clark not knowing what to make of Tim and trying and failing to relate to him it’s awkward but it’s endearing (bonus if there’s drama surrounding Clark’s relationship to Kon and Clark is trying to win back Tim’s respect)
These aren’t tropes these are more my own headcanons that I think are cute:
Jason’s fav league member being Diana and Clark laughing at Bruce for being annoyed
To try and win over Jason Clark would help him work on his motorcycle using what he remembers from working on tractors and cars on the farm (it works but Jason mostly uses him for his strength and a chance to annoy Bruce by “stealing” Clark’s attention it backfires ofc bc Bruce is just thrilled that Jason is visiting more and hanging out with the family)
Clark meeting Duke for the first time and thinking like ‘wow the first well adjusted kid’ only to realize later that no he’s just his own brand of quirky
Clark used to being able to read other people’s vitals via superhearing realizing for the first time that Cass can read him without powers and being a little unnerved
Alfred playing obvious favorites between Clark and Bruce teasing Bruce by doing that thing parents do where they compare you to your peers in an attempt to motivate you:
“Clark probably respects Mrs. Kent’s wishes when she asks him to do something.”
“Alfred we’re grown men.”
“You’re right she probably doesn’t need to ask.”
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
So I was reading "Kidnapping Tim's dignity" by Sophie_Vers and "Suffer in Vogue" by InkpotSprite, which btw, mind the tags and content warnings in the endnotes before reading because holy fuck!
And while they aren't the first to depict Tim being the exception to Jason's 'Protect Kids' schtick, it got me thinking of the principle of "if one of us isn't safe, none of us are safe"
So here's some loosely connected ideas exploring that. Bending canon ahead
Also I fused that Mafia!Tim idea with this because it's fire
Feel free, but not pressured, to add on however you want
Titans Tower occurs before Stephanie becomes Robin. It, + other incidents, convince Bruce to bench Tim for the foreseeable future
Steph becomes the Fourth Robin and has the help of Tim for training, the batcomputer + more
Stephanie's dies during her run as Robin and is buried, Bruce at least has the decency to pay off the bills for the funeral eve if she wasn't legally adopted
How does she get revived? Let's say Tim is experimenting with Lazarus Water. If it can bring back Jason, it can bring back his friend
And since he succeeded at reviving Stephanie, if anybody else (like say, Kon & Bart) dies, he can just whip out the pit juice
Since Stephanie died under Batman's tutelage, she makes the decision to hide her revival from Batman, and Tim helps set her up with a new identity
At some point between Tim trying to revive Stephanie and helping her get a new ID, Duke joins the fray. Idk how but they meet & he gets in the know about Steph's revival
Then his parents being Joker Gassed happens, and Bruce—thanks to a little red robin whispering in his ear—takes him in as his ward/foster/adopted kid
Fuck it, let's add in Cassandra as well, girl speedruns hopping into Gotham like another League runaway she's heard of and comes under Batman's wing in no time
And you don't hide shit from her so Cass and Duke are in on Stephanie's resurrection and are trusted Secret Keepers
Despite all that's happened, Stephanie isn't going to let go of being a vigilante, but she doesn't want Batman looming over her either
Plus the others are up for some teenage rebellion so they copy after their Big Brother Jason and become crime lords
Introducing the gang; The Undying Carrion
(named them after Carrion Crow, which is very intelligent and a scavenger)
Works like Tim Gang in the Gang AU but with Tim, Steph, Cass and Duke as shared leaders
They need leader names, fuck
Lemme think . . .
Introducing, the Carrion Crows!
Stephanie / Carrion Violence
Tim / Carrion Thread
Duke / Carrion Light
Cassandra / Carrion Promise
Explanation Times!!
// (Violence - nce) + t = violet, which is purple!!
Hence why Stephanie calls herself violence! Okay that's a Canon Event but there's also other meanings to the name
Stephanie didn't just die, she was killed or murdered, an act of violence
Stephanie is on the field more than the rest of the Carrion, and knows how to rock your shit, she's well trained in—and expecting—violence
She's motivated partially by Jason's violence against Tim
Why call themselves Carrions? Stephanie started this all after being returned from death
// Tim became Robin because what little faith in Batman remained was a thin, fragile thread, and while he restored Gotham's into a tightknit spider web, his own faith degenerated into a thread that snapped with Stephanie's death
Likewise, his adoration for Jason, the Second Robin, is hanging by a thread, especially as the other three voice their disdain for Jason's more recent action in Titans Tower
Plus the logic Jason has for hating Tim, Batman has for abusing Tim, and he has for loving those two still, barely has a thread of logic to them
Like spider webs, he's able to take mere threads and weave them into inescapable traps, make unseen firewalls and find the thinnest threads of knowledge on the internet
He makes a secure spiderweb of safety nets and contingencies for the gang for countless possible situations
// Behind Stephanie, Duke is the most well-known of the Carrion Crows, he's like a lighthouse of directions for the gang
He is also able to lead mass swaths of people at once, while Stephanie is better with smaller groups, or doing it one-to-one
Because he leads a larger statistic of people at once, foes tend to be lured to him like moths to a flame, thinking if they take him down, the whole operation comes toppling
Even if they do put Duke out of action, they're in for a rude awakening when the rest of the Carrion Crows come to the rescue
He and Steph know how to put all eyes on themselves so that Tim and Cass's activities go unnoticed
Why think of mysteries with too little clues to wonder about, when you can look at this spectacle of a spotlight and galore of violence?
His name is also a nod to the fact that despite all the trauma he's went through, he has more childhood innocence compared to the rest of the four; more light in his eyes so to speak
// Cassandra, the renegade, the renegade . . .
She made a promise to herself even before she met The Bat; She will not kill, for it is wrong, all have the right to live, and none the right to revoke it
She does not kill for all deserve a sufficient judgement; all victims the ability to gain closure how they see fit (this sets up possible future arguments between Jason and her)
Where as the other Carrion may take the liberty to transform 'No Killing' into a fate worse than death?
She is the only one who's made this promise, and thus the only one you can trust to not make you beg for death due to it transforming into mercy
And if you make a promise to the Carrion? You better go through with it, because she'll know when you've broken it
The gang starts off as basically welfare.
Here's free lessons of essential life skills, here's free nursing and doctor training, here's free education and shelter— legality? Who cares?
Eventually, however, they meet bottlenecks of lacking legal options as illegal gangs do
So Tim starts looking into ways to circumvent this. lo and behold, the Drake Industries he is set in inherit
Tim starts catching up on everything he'll need to know to be CEO as a fricking teenager and starts discussing the possibility of even doing so under eighteen
For plot convenience, Jack and Janet are ecstatic that he appears to be so passionate about this and help him speedrun inheritance
Badabing badaboom, with Tim weaving in the Undying Carrion and Drake Industries together, business is booming on both sides as they feed into eachothers growth and profits
The Drake's, in the dark, are wiping tears above their smiles. They're so proud of their boy!
Tim unfortunately has to play Loving Son™ more than ever, but hey, worth it
Fuck it, it's helping Gotham, so Tim even enlists Kon, Cassie and Bart as honorary and substitute leaders in case of emergencies, gets them up to speed
(hey maybe even have Bart info dump about the Undying Carrion when introduced to it be it due to history lessons or it's place in the future)
Idk what their Carrion Titles would be lol
Also how will they utilize their powers without giving themselves away? 🤔🤔🤔
Oh yeah, what do they all do as the heads of their gang?
Well, they're very remote and hands off in practice due to civilian and bat-vigilante lives, so unless they can find the time;
Tim is the tech genius, encrypting and hacking like no tomorrow. Plus his ability to gather information is like no other
He can even double as an info broker when nessecery
He does most of the bureaucracy when it comes to working Drake Industries and Undying Carcasses both at once, but others help him shoulder the burden
Cassandra specializes in getting a read on people with her knowledge in body language
She can tell who works best where, who to trust, who to play, who to investigate, etc.
Duke does most of leadership possible remotely. He also utilizes his meta powers without outing himself as Signal
Stephanie—with an undone death—is able to act as a physically present leader for the gang, and is the one on the field if nessecery
In a nutshell, Tim does tech + organization and DI & UC, Cass passes judgements, Duke does remote leadership, and Stephanie does fieldwork and physical leadership
As the four leaders, they have meetings and discuss how to proceed with their gang
So yeah, Batman + non-criminal allies and Red Hood are sniffing around the Undying Carrion because, hello? New gang? Who dis?
Especially if one of them catches a look at Stephanie's eyes as Violence and sees them flash Lazarus Green, giving the name 'Undying Carrion' a whole 'nother meaning
That also boosts their motivation to uncover what the fucking is going on here
Anyways Jason slander because I'm a Hater™
Stephanie proposed becoming a crime lord since she didn't want to work under Batman, still wanted to help people, and crime is still a big fucking problem so "if you can't beat 'em, join em"
However, she is also aware of the mess that is Batman and Jason's relationship after the latter revived, plus Jason beating Tim up to high hell, and fills in Cass and Duke about this
And having never met Jason nor caring about his Robin days nearly as much as Tim Drake, she has a very low opinion of the Second Robin
Especially with Jason's audacity to claim he protects kids whilst doing the Titans Tower
And whatever the hell he was pulling didn't stop her from biting the dust
So yeah, she's a hater and she makes it KNOWN
She's super vocal about her criticism towards Batman and Red Hood
"Batman's second Robin died due to circumstances out of his control, so I won't grill him for that, but to allow Red Hood to break into Titans Tower and beat the Third Robin to near death and later allow the Fourth to die is something else entirely!"
"Speaking of Red Hood, what happened to 'protecting the children'? look at you! You beat Robin—a teenager—into the dirt for daring to care about his community! for feeling obligated for throwing away his childhood so he could play Therapist for Batman!"
"Shouldn't you be throwing hands with Batman instead? The Third Robin threw away so much for him and the Fourth Robin gave her own life!"
"Or is the problem that they do care for their communities, and have the power to fight for them and defend ourselves?"
"Was the Third Robin not only exempted from your rules, but actively targeted by you because he could defend himself? Do only protect children when they can't fight back? When they're utterly helpless? In Gotham?"
"Forget being an exception, why did you see fit to grant the idea that children should be protected from harm an exception? Are the kids in Crime Alley safe from you at all?"
"Argue all you want for yourself, but the fact remains that you've displayed not the power, but the willingness to torture those you claim to protect, and we won't stand for it, I least of all."
"If one of us isn't safe, none of us are safe."
Maybe Stephanie's slip for the tongue "one of us" can clue Red Hold in on Carrion Violence being a teenager, whoopsie daisies
But yeah, arguments for those under Red Hood or The Undying Carrion abound
Lord help you of you're under Red Hood, and The Undying Carrion
I'm thinking about the Twitter Wars . . .
Hey maybe she even whispers the idea that Red Hood is infact a copycat of The Joker and is just playing the long con, building a reputation and trust so he can burn it all away and watch the improving community collapse and despair
It'd explain why he brutalized the Third Robin like how The Joker did the Second Robin but has yet to do the same with Batman and is obsessed like the Joker is, she's just saying . . . 👀👀👀👀
Not as Carrion Violence of course, that'd be the biggest target in her back yet!
It's small suggestions here and there only Tim would be able to trace back to her
I'm just saying, with the Carrion Crows being Waynes (not matter how unofficial) and Tim running Drake Industries they're experience with PR could be weaponized *handrub*
Jason has to throw in his own rustic abilities but it's gonna be tough, woof
Is Cluemaster still isn't jailed yet, he's done for with the Carrion Crows on his ass
The four are also gonna beat Jay's ass into the dirt when they find out he knew about Damian since he was under Talia's care and never brought him up
Or maybe not, Red Hood isn't on good terms with Batfam or Carrion, and if he did go single father he'd have assassin's on his undertrained ass
But also
That kid's in a fucking cult for fucks sake what the hell man?
Oh yeah, the Batclan side of things.
Given the disastrous trend of Robins biting the dust or being brutalized by previous ones, Robin is benched indefinitely, especially with Tim admitting that he's going to focus more on his civilian life
Particularly getting that CEO status in Drake Industries and playing the Prodigy Image for PR
Also the Carrion stuff but Batman doesn't know that
Bruce sort of has his hands full simultaneously training daylight hero Signal and recent partner Batgirl
as do they but he doesn't need to know why
Batman is sweating bullets after learning about the rapidly growing Undying Carrion and realizing they have to investigate this. Especially if he knows about Carrion Violence's Lazarus eyes
Cassandra and Duke meanwhile are sweating because they have to investigate themselves without getting caught
Just because Tim is benched doesn't mean he's wholly out of the game
He does lots of duty on the batcomputer as he did during Stephanie's Robin time
Plus, since he's gone Computer Man, he spends more time with Barbara and learning technology with her
Which is later exploited by Carrion Thread
So yeah, with the Batfamily infested with three moles, It's gonna be rough not raising suspicion but slightly easier with each other to trust
Plus they can do some espionage for the Carrion side of things
Suffice to say that the Carrion Crows and maybe even Young Justice become much closer thanks to this, so if something real bad happens like Tim's Sixteenth birthday, he'll trust them to have his back and to give a shoulder to cry on
And to think this started off as Jason Todd hate . . . And also Batman hating . . .
Oh yeah, I never established wtf Stephanie"s fake ID was, just that Tim helped her get one, should probably toss that in as well
Tim doing experiments until he can, in cases of emergency, revive his family with Pit water makes sense.
I do love that this AU focuses on Steph, Duke, and Cass because they can be overlooked by fandom and canon (I'm glad Tim is a focus as well, but he's not nearly as overlooked as the other three).
I'm always down for Bruce bashing, and I like the idea that they are slowly driving him nuts. He has no clue why this new gang is always ahead of him, and he just wants to figure it out. Fuck him, though.
The role for Steph in this is great. I think that Bruce is too limiting for her character. She should be able to make her own decisions with support, not dictations of lines. She's too used to making her own decisions for some random ass man to tell her what she can and can't do. It doesn't matter that Bruce is Batman and a billionaire. Steph deserves the respect to be a leading decision maker of her own life.
In this AU, she's able to shine as the brilliant, fierce, and strong person she is while being able to lean on Duke, Cass, and Tim.
Duke and Cass have it rough with two separate vigilante (ish) personas, but you did mention they kind if work not as frequently as Steph is able to.
As far as Jason, there's very few fics that address how his attack on Tim would affect his reputation in Crime Alley. That, more than anything, would devastate the man. The kids of Crime Alley, whose trust is hard earned, losing faith in him. I don't remember which fics address this, but even fewer actually have Crime Alley find out about Red Hood attacking Robin. That whole situation is tricky to navigate as a fan of both Tim and Jason.
Anyways, I love the amount of detail you put into this AU. What part of Gotham would they control? Would they be fighting with Red Hood for Crime Alley, or would they set up territory in another section? Or do they not have territory?
I'd be down to hear more about this AU. Stuff like what their outfits are like, what missions they tackle, how the public treats them, etc.
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mysterycitrus · 10 months
You’ve talked about how fandom treats jtodd & dick, so what are your thoughts on how fandom treats dick & tim?
There’s this post that’s asking about people’s batfamily hot takes, and I was scrolling through the reblogs bc I love drama. One of the “hot takes” was calling dick a bad brother bc of the bruce lost in time comic era. Specifically saying that fandom excuses dick’s shitty behavior towards Tim bc his dad (Bruce) died and because of the stress of taking care of the city by himself. While Tim was hurting because of the deaths of Kon, Bart, Jack, Steph, and Donna (idk why they included Donna as Tim’s grief and not Dick’s??) and therefore Tim’s & Dick’s hurt and stress aren’t the same. According to this person, Tim was going through it and Dick was making it worse.
Now, I’m not going to claim I know how everything went down since I haven’t read those comics yet, but this feels like a gross misunderstanding of the arc.
From what I’ve seen, fandom tends to invalidate and villainize Dick during this time in favor of Tim. Dick is not being excused, in fact he’s being blamed for things that are either not his fault or just made up in order to whump Tim. Idk that “hot take” just rubbed me the wrong way because of how one-sided it was, and I guess it made me wonder about your thoughts about Dick & Tim since I tend to agree with your opinions lmao
fundamentally the issue is this — dick grayson existing and being a good person is an obstacle for fanon angst. dick grayson being a good brother means that jtodd can’t just slot into his pre-existing relationships with tim and cass and damian. dick grayson being a good friends means that he’s close with the titans and the league because he’s competent and trusted. dick grayson being kind means that he didn’t abandon tim, he was literally trying to keep everything together after bruce’s death.
not to try and make it a grief olympics but as much as people talk about everyone tim has lost (and i think they must have been talking about dana winters in that post?) people seem to forget that dick’s city just got nuked + the fallout of nightwing 93 + donna dying + jade dying + the titans falling apart + he was just locked in arkham himself. like… his dad has just died, he’s had to fight off his brother who’d just tried to kill both tim and damian and been given custody over a kid who doesn’t trust him
red robin 2009 has done irreversible harm to tim drakes character. people using that as the starting point for reading about him is bad. it’s a comic about a grief spiral, and it isn’t an amazing depiction of him either. but even then, people just seem to love straight up fabricating what’s in it.
dick tells tim that therapy might be a good idea. tim tells dick that he’s leaving because he trusts dick to let him do what he needs to do. even at his lowest point, dick is who he trusts most. those takes that’re like “tim drake was at his lowest point and then jtodd sees him and realises that he’s cool actually and they bond #jasontoddisagoodbrother #dickgraysonisabadbrother etc” because they like to posit that dick threatened to throw tim in arkham are so silly
that’s even ignoring how people just straight up lie about damian’s actions and how weird everyone is about ra’s al ghul. no, tim isn’t the only one he refers to as detective aside from bruce. no, tim isn’t one step away from being a mass murderer. no, damian didn’t try to kill tim— he was reacting to tim being suspicious of him. tim was beefing with a ten year old. why are u being so mean to the ten year old? (We Know Why)
ur right — it is extremely one-sided. im not one to pretend that canon is flawless by any means, but acting as though fanon is better just because someone online came up with it is also stupid. there are many many racist undertones with how jtodd and tim are interpreted, both separately and with each other. a lot of it is yaoi baiting dynamics, that a lot of fans don’t seem to want to admit. i won’t comment on how white people writing jtodd as latino and tim as asian can be Bad but like…. it’s all tied up together. people want these two characters to have suffered the most, because that justifies everything fans want them to do. they want them to be wronged. they want their idea of justice in their name
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Is the reason you occasionally want to throw Dick at Kara because he's like. The only Robin you haven't seen with a Super, since you've thrown Steph at Match?
Wow, actually he really is the only Robin not to team up with a Super or super clone, huh?
Lol oh no, friend, Steph/Match is just my new favorite crackship, but according to World's Finest Dick/Kara is CANON now. Like, at least as canon as Kon/Cass, in the sense that they both very briefly tried going out in the past and it didn't work out, except I think it went a lot worse for Dick and Kara. Which is SAYING something, since iirc Kon and Cass almost drowned in a particularly fucked-up supervillain death trap together. But like, at least it wasn't socially awkward or anything.
Tumblr media
It didn't work out because they were in very different places emotionally/maturity-wise, but that was also a fucking MINUTE ago sooooo . . .
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
What are your thoughts on some of the more popular ships? Fanon and canon. For example superbat, bruce x harvey dent, tim x kon, dick x babs, dick x kory, jay x roy, steph x cass, damian x jon, pennywaynes,...
I’ll list them out
Superbat (Clark/Bruce): I find this ok, but personally, I like it when the trinity acts more like siblings, so it’s not my favorite. 5/10
BruHarvey: lovers to enemies? The angst? Amazing. 8/10
Dickbabs: idk. It feels kinda boring to me. Mainly because DC ruined both of their characters in order for them to be together. 4/10
DicKori: they’re soulmates. Idk what to tell you. And maybe you can tell how biased I am. Right now, they are the opitome of right person wrong time. 10/10
Jayroy: I don’t like this ship. It reduces Roy’s character down to a prop, the age gap feels kinda icky and I personally believe in Aro/Ace Jason Todd. 1/10
Superbat (Kon/Tim): the only version of superbat I truly ship. Reluctant friends, to besties, to flirty friendship, to a game of cat and mouse on if that taunt was real or if they were just fooling around? 10/10
DamiJon: I think their age gap never works in their favor. Either Damian’s too old or Jon’s too old, and it makes me feel wrong. And in more recent comics, they’ve been acting much more like siblings than friends who maybe possibly have chemistry with each other. But I do think if you wanted to go the romance route, it could be double unrequited love that was never expressed. Like a 10yr old Jon had a crush on a 13 yr old Damian. Jon left for almost a decade and comes back, looses feelings for Damian, but a 14yr old Damian has feelings for an 18 yr old Jon, but it never works out. 5/10. Just like their Dads
PENNYWAYNESSSS: 100000000/10. Like are you kidding me, this is the best ship ever and I love it so much.
Honorable mentions:
BruTalia: 10/10. My favorite Bruce ship.
Brulina: 8/10. I like it… but I feel like it wouldn’t work out because Selina would get overwhelmed by the amount of wealth Bruce has. Like she thinks it’s what she wants, but it’s too much for her
Birdflash (Dick/Wally): 8/10. I see the appeal, they’re best friends with so much chemistry, but I feel like they would never date bc they value their friendship more and they’re both super busy
JayKyle: it’s the only Jason ship I like, but only because I want it to be one sided, with Kyle failing to flirt with Jason and Jason is completely oblivious and actually just hates Kyle but Kyle thinks Jason’s playing hard to get. (Kyles flirting is just arguing with Jason, so that’s why Jason never gets the hint) 7/10 +300 bc of hillarity
StephTim: I don’t like this ship because Stephanie deserves so much better, and Tim seems like the type to mansplain every little thing, and it would drive Steph up a wall. I also don’t like the notion that they would be friends after they break up. 3/10 bc they had that piano scene
DamiRae: 2/10. Garchel is a better ship, and I feel like their personalities are too similar.
Flatline/Damian: I love them. I think they’re cute, but I don’t see it lasting long. 4/10
StephCass: 9/10. No more needs to be said. But I won’t ever officially write them as being together within a fic bc Steph’s character deserves to be her own, rather than a lover of a Batfam member, and Cass has her own things to deal with
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Iris West
Treated terribly by fandom because of racism and misogyny
Iris is one of the oldest Flash characters (well, oldest by measure of the Silver Age Flash) and despite the show's problems she was adapted pretty well. Her being pushed aside 100% has to do with her being Black in the adaptation. The most popular ship on Ao3 for that show is her white husband x a white passing supervillain clearly intended to be read as actually white who has been in LITERALLY ~SIX EPISODES. He DIED IN 2016. THEY ARE STILL DOING THIS
Gets mom friended like you wouldn't BELIEVE. People hate her because she was childhood best friends with The Flash and has chemistry with him :( like it's her fault she's sweet and smart and not the male blue coded villain to the red hero. I am so tired
Stephanie Brown
Literally my best friend ever!!! Every time she shows up in a comic I point at her and smile!!! She’s the vigilante known as spoiler & batgirl & was a robin before getting fridged because of editorial mandate and misogyny she deserves so much better @_@. The m/m that some people hate her for is timkon; like they ARE very gay but people are genuinely insane about hating her instead of also realizing that she too is gay (insane amount of subtext w her bff cass). Basically she was Tim’s girlfriend for a long time on and off. People will literally call her abusive for no reason they’ll be like oh but she didn’t apologize for starting a gang war accidentally and faced no consequences for it :/ as if she wasn’t literally KILLED OFF BRUTALLY. And although hate is rarer for her nowadays from what I’ve seen she’s also a victim of Background Lesbian Syndrome. And also a victim of Woman Not Allowed To Have Ocmplex Feelings in the source material itself (tim is canonically bi now yay but like steph wasn’t allowed to have any complicated feelings at all at her on again off again ex breaking up with her for good???). Anyways she’s the light of my life.
she’s the light of my life my baby girl my everything. she canonically dated tim drake, but people love to ship tim with his male friend kon or his male brothers (🤢🤮) and so they constantly sideline her, making her the quirky wingwoman or sometimes even villainizing her by trying to claim she was abusive to tim. i don’t know why so many people hate her my girl will literally just be standing there and people will hate on her.
Stephanie was first introduced in the 1994 Robin series as a side love interest for Robin, but when she turned out to be really popular she became the main love interest. Because of this, she was fully fleshed out as a vigilante calling herself Spoiler to try and take down her villainous father, the Cluemaster. She later grew a lot closer to other cast members, such as Batgirl and Oracle, to get herself a firmly established place among the bats. Then, she dies in a gang war after taking up the Robin mantle. Eventually, in 2009, she was brought back from the dead and took on the Batgirl mantle. Her and Robin get back together sometime around ~2010 and they are solidly together until 2021. Then, Robin breaks up with her off panel for zero reason in canon, only to date some really boring guy named Bernard. By fanon, she's often demonized and turned into an abuser to make either this ship, or a lot of other mlm ships happen. Either that or things are mysteriously set in the time she's dead despite characters who were not yet introduced until she returned appearing. strange.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
DC Palentines(Tim Drake and Summer Kent)lore dump.This is a familial/platonic selfship!
They met during Superpunk 1990/Robin 1993 and are 3 years apart
Summer beefed with Tim for 'replacing' Jason and Tim hated Summer out of still not unlearned self-righteousness
But thanks to Tim's girlfriend and Summer's little brother i.e Stephanie and Kon being Summer's best friend and Tim's best friend,they're in the same place or connected so often they have no choice but to interact often
So that leads to them actually getting to know eachother and working together in superheroics.And least to say,they couldn't believe they ever hated eachother out of their own Pride & Prejudice(I'm sorry i had to lmao)
........The Pride & Prejudice they hated eachother over is Jason actually.LMFAO
Tim sees Summer as yet another cool older sister figure he can rely on(Babs,Cass AND Helena damn okay go off king)and Summer sees Tim as an add-on to his younger siblings collection(ALL the Superkids that have appeared in the comics are canon to this verse,plus Match getting adopted by Clois and @mayameanderings ' s/i Cindy.Summer has major Eldest Daughter Syndrome and Troubled But Good Kid Trauma so that includes taking in every kid he meets that needs it)
Summer radicalized Tim and provided him shelter when Jack died and he couldn't bear to stay with Bruce at the time due to the extreme turbalance of their relathionship.Afterwards Tim was constantly insistant on paying Summer back to the point it borderlined on self-destructive but Summer had enough experience with that situation to put a stop to it before he could hurt himself irreversably
Tim got Summer into tagging and graffiti/street art and they go around to throw some tags up or do some analysis of street art they take interest in.Summer uses his kryptonian/human hybrid superheight and kryptofang(kryptonian dragon,his specific species)wings to help Tim throw up pieces in hard to reach places
He also introduces him to his favorite books/texts he normally can't nerd out with other people.The philosophical stuff like Art of War,Diogenes and Camus(Jason is also into that but Tim refuses to spend enough time with him solo to find that out)
And shows him his favorite super niche nerd stuff too-Like architecture in Gotham and how it interacts with and changes the ways the newer Bats traverse with the city,or the history of the undercity and how it affects the actual crime and even everyday life of Gothamites!They have a lot of fun discussing it and for strategy for Summer's hero work as well
Summer is afrolatina squared(black biracial with dominican birth parents and adopted by Clark and Lois,who are black mexican and black dominican and both monoracial).He's literally kryptonian Starfire and not just because he was mentored by her and Dick as a sidekick but as Sparks,he was a rowdy and loud goth tomboy with a huge mean and bitter streak as trauma coping and a defense mechanism in addition to a hodgepodge neurodivergent disorders.All the other Robins had Batgirl but Jason had Sparks
Tim is cherokee on Janet's side and Jack wasn't malicious but he was extremely white and rich so he had a strong cultural disconnect.Tim was a trans freakish kid that ran around on the street for the majority of his Gotham nightlife out of audhd.The running around alleys and on rooftops sparked a natural love and fascination for the art that covers the city's landscape
They love sitting on ledges together that Summer lifts them up to in Gotham and Metropolis equally,discussing the things they've discovered and how to traverse them and the differences yet similarities between them(the cities and themselves too)
Summer is a huge gastronomer so he taught Tim the culinary arts and focused on african and latino cuisine and their historical significance and meaning which leads to uncovering Tim's cherokee roots together with deep dive research and doing cultural fusion.This includes but is not nearly limited to them taking care of eachother's hair and being allowed to touch it whenever and wherever they want(Standard hairstyles are natural i.e Big floof and straight for Summer and Tim respectively but Summer loves braiding Tim's hair in all kinds of looks and running his hands through it and massaging his scalp as a pressure stim and Tim is fascinated and awed by Summer's kinky hair and thinks it's the best kind of hair and their favorite styles are sisterlocks,pufftails and goddess braids and he makes haircare products for him since he wants to keep improving his diy skills as long as he can)
They also both dye their hair.Summer has his baby pink bangs and Tim has red dip tips.Summer started his as part of his start as a solo hero,Ember,and Tim did his job on his own in manic panic until Summer showed up and helped him do it right and since he was in-need of a redye himself,he let him do his and they watched movies as the bleach and dye dry process happened
They're both huge energy drink enjoyers as true alts and can be found hanging out at marts and at food trucks owned by poc too obvs.They order eachother's cultural foods as a tradition for platonic soul sharing
Summer is solarpunk so Tim had to be too.He dragged himself along and was equally dragged along into it.Summer teaches Tim all about decolonization and activism and Tim obviously feels a connection to it as a cherokee person as a Summer does a black person.They have beach days that double as fun times like ice cream and swimming and sandplaying and eco-cleansing kryptonianly and humanly by hand as a team and Tim uses his voice as the son of Bruce Wayne to speak out and Summer is Metropolis' anarchy poster child and the face of black/latina Metropolitan women.Tim adopts the fashion and includes diy taught to him by Summ and they look like a walking goth x pastel meme but with brown and black slay instead of white gentrification of the punk aesthetic.Gorgeous long pure black straight hair and homemade hunting boots and edgy ahh tops with either meme refs or pro native messages for Tim and unreastrained huge natural blackity black hair with handmade fancy beads and showy pastel tops and long ass self-designed skirts and they're both covered in piercings
Summer is a huge nerd himself so he got Tim into animanga and nintendo games and girlypop media and black/latino cult classics and Tim returned the favor by getting him to participate in the appropriate for non-natives cherokee traditions and norms.Tim taught Summer normie teen speak before he freaked it and Summer taught Tim kryptonian techniques.They even have matching Tamagotchis-Summer has Angel Uni and Tim has Monster Uni,Summer offered to share with Jason but he said no to look cool so Summer shrugged it off and asked Tim so Jason tried to take it back and Summer told him to he should've manned up and not played on his nonexistent coolness.Tim burst out laughing at that but was touched anway and accepted.Jason and Tim are the only non-Supers(Lois is an honorary one)who know how to do Summer's makeup perfectly for him with no critisism
Summer convinced Tim to physically transition because his internalized trans.phobia was stopping him out of fear of 'ruining' his body but Summer told him it's not his body if he dosen't love as much as Summer loves him and as much as Tim loves Tim.He shared his own experiences with harrasment to transition and degendering against his will to reassure him and got him his surgeries done by Taliacorp doctors so he could have hawk wing shaped top surgeries scars and took him to Dairy Super afterwards in a sports bra and his baggiest cargo pants to show solidarity as a no t or op genderfluid and bigender transmasc
They play Animal Crossing and Time Management games together religiously,Tim turned Summer into a Skater Girl and Summer saved Tim from poser punk.Sunflower4Rose.Summer is a tank at 7' and a beefcake(fat AND muscle but itty bitty tiddies)and Tim is an average height twink.They are best friends,siblings,mom friend and problem child and a secret fourth thing(platonic soulmates against faith)
Summer became half Kryptofang because Lex injected him with the dna of the last surviving one and the ghost of it he shares a headspace with is named Fantasma.This gives Summer DID symptoms the way Speedforce gives Flashes audhd symptoms and Tim has narcolepsy and chronic pain so disabled solidarity
Summer is summer,sunshine and optimism and the sea and sugary sweetness and bubblicity and open boisterous femininity.Tim is autumn,mellow and melancholic and the earth and sour flavoring and a hardcore but welcoming kind of darkness
SORRY THEY MAKE ME SO SAPPY Tim makes it known how much he hates Jason but dosen't hold it against Summer and blames him entierly for corrupting him into joining The Outlaws and never liked him beforehand.They're on good terms now but it's more for Summer's sake than any progression and it makes Summer sad sometimes but he's accepted it,especially since at least they like eachother now.Jason loves using it against Tim he's dating Summer to piss him off but Summer never let him get away with actual cruelty to him back when he wanted to do it.He encourages Tim to be mean to Jason though
"Summ is LITERALLY the cooler Jason.On every level including the bonus'.I'd say i can't wait until he dumps his ass but they're mated for life or some dragon shit so that's never happening" "NIGGA I'M RIGHT HERE" "I know.I was talking to your wife.And you needed to hear it." "I actually already tell him stuff like this daily but he needs to hear it more." "See?" "This is elder abuse," "I'm older than you by 5 months and technically an ancient kryptonian being because of Fantasma.No,it's not."
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r1z3n · 3 months
No One But A Robin Gets to Decide Robin: Pt. 2 - The Misstep
Establishing In World Canon: Pt. 1
Read Part Two Below:
Dick thought this meeting was going to be more a formality seeing as far as he was aware that most of the Outlaw team fell under the alumni section anyway.
Yet, the meeting was hitting its second hour. He weighed stepping in sooner but neither Roy or Jason would appreciate it and he honestly trusted that they could handle themselves.
It is only when Superman decided to shut down Jason's correct citation of the Titan Alumni section, with a 'well you aren't considered Robin any longer'. Like it was a fact or truth that it had become his to deal with.
Dick had been semi-curled in his chair as the meeting had been going long. He uncurled so fast, standing to his feet, with a force that echoed in the room. Eyes all snapped to him, and he slapped his hands to the table leaning forward.
As the room's tension rose staring at him, he took in the room back.
He could see his friends, the one that had known has Robin first, move. Wally pulled some of the younger ones like Bart and Cassandra to near the door. While Kori had stood as well but gracefully redirected to stand behind Roy and Donna resting a hand on their shoulders'. Roy had relaxed but had reached out to grab Artemis' arm.
It was likely only Cass and Kon's hand on Tim's shoulder that stopped him from leaping across the table at Superman. Dick could see the coiled violence in his younger brother's body.
Jason wasn't wearing his mask, and he kept a rather good poker face but Dick could see the way the remark hit the soft spot.
Of the Justice League, Cyborg had taken Captain Marvel by the shoulder to join Wally by the exit, taking a wide berth around Superman. Billy didn't protest just gave Superman a disappointed look.
Wonder Woman and Aquaman were looking at Superman aghast but the other Leaguers like Green Lantern and Green Arrow looked more shocked at him.
Dick caught Bruce's eye, and Bruce very clearly leaned back in his chair, picking up some papers in front of him, which Dick took as B is following his lead on this.
Keeping his voice bored and flat, "I thought this was a meeting about the Outlaws becoming another auxiliary team so they can receiving access to some Justice League and Titan resources, not about inaccurate rumors and idiocy."
Asks are welcome! Tell me your thoughts
Tag to follow #no one but a Robin gets to decide Robin
If you are inspired by anything, please send me a link I want to read it.
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Some Tim Drake headcanon
I did some headcanon based in canon stuff and also random things, this is more around the batkids and Tim. Please respect
Tim likes to think of himself as a street smarth, but he's not. He is academically smarth, but not a street smart kid (he grew up in a mansion with several servants, even though he is hella neglected, he wouldn't know how to survive on the streets of Gotham in the same way that Jason, Duke, Dick)
(ok I noticed some confusion with my worlds here, then Tim Drake is a child from Gotham, his way of surviving there is a little different from his brother but he still would figure it out. That's what I was saying, thanks for the comprehension)
whenever Tim needs someone to talk to he looks for Dick, he knows that Dick will listening to him and his older brother will also give him useful advice/ help him solve the problem
He's afraid of having redhead fever from his older brothers (Dick being friend with Babs, Wally, Kor'i and Roy and Jason being friend with Artemis, Roy and Kor'i), not in a romantic way or anything, he just doesn't know how to explain how Dick and Jason attract so many redheaded friends
He fears info dumping someone when he talks; Duke once commented that he liked the smell of rain when it rained on very hot days, and Tim began to explain that this was due to a fungus. Duke just listened silently and then shy smiled. And only later did Tim think he had ruined the peaceful moment, as he noticed how Duke and Cass lay quietly enjoying the rain...
His relationship with Steph isn't that complicated, they dated in the past, but nowadays they both try their best to remain good friends
He tries to plan several cute dates with Bernard, but he always ends up overthinking so he chooses the simplest route, cinema and burgers (Kon and Bart helped him choose this as perfect date)
When Tim is having problems with Bruce, he always turns to Dick, knowing that his older brother will help him with whatever he needs
Tim regrets the beginning between him and Damian, not just the assassination attempts, but Tim didn't try to trust Damian and always accused Damian's people of being bad and had an offense towards Damian's origins (both were wrong, Damian in his trauma stuff and I dislike how "his people are evil" that DC wrote at that time)
He is secretly afraid of someone discovering the bomb in Nanda Parbat, yes there were murderers there, but it was a city that also had civilians there and as a hero he shouldn't put the lives of innocent people at risk (why does DC keep writing him like that???)
There are actually several theories in Gotham about why he doesn't age, some say he's a vampire and others say he bathes in the blood of innocents, no one knows who start these theories (Dick blames Jason, Jason blames Damian, Damian blames Steph, Steph blames Bernard and Kon and Bart blames each others)
his worst nightmare is being the only survivor of his entire family (again)
Loneliness can hurt him in ways no villain could, being alone can drive him crazy. Therefore, unlike his brothers (who can work alone), Tim tries his best to work in teams
Because Bruce and Tim were born into a rich house, they are out of touch with normal stuff sometimes
he really enjoys listening to Bernard's theories and sometimes encourages him with something stupid
Tim likes to think that If his mother were alive she would like Bernard
Tim is the only one in the family who shows concern about Damian's addiction to adopting animals, afraid that it will turn into something similar to Bruce
Tim learned a lot about motorcycles because he thought it would be a good topic to talk about with Jason
Tim has and listens to his emo playlist
Even when he hates loneliness, he can disappear for a while, either because he wants someone to look for him or because of something Bruce said. When this happend, he usually comes back when he is tired of being alone or someone go look for him (man this is pretty sad...let me write something...)
There was a time when he disappeared for a while, he hid in a safehouse outside the country and when he started to wonder if anyone would miss him the door was shut down, Damian, Jon and a girl in a white mask that he didn't recognize entered
"tt if I knew you weren't in danger I would have feared more" "what?" "come on, get on the Goliath, we have to go home" "did something happen?" "Batcow. Cows have a circle of friends and they can get depressed if a friend disappears
Ok Tim knew about cows due to Kon living on a farm, but he was extremely confused about being kidnapped rescued by Damian, Jon and Nobody just because the kids were worried about the Batcow mental health
Coming back was strange, since Bruce didn't even notice he was gone, but soon he felt Alfred the cat rubbing against him, Titus licking his hand and the cow mooing at him, Tim was a little happier to come back (I'm not good to write fluffly you guys are struck with this)
Nowadays Tim is very smug because he was the first of the brothers to fly in Goliath
Some batkid headcanon: Damian || Duke || Cassandra || Stephanie || Tim || Jason || Dick
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
bruce characterization is so hard because he really has been written all over the place. generally i try to think of him as a man who really does mean well, but whose drive for justice and unprocessed traumas can blind him to his shortcomings and lead to him inadvertently hurting his children. i also think that comics are a medium that doesn't usually lend itself well to character growth, because they to maintain a certain status quo to keep telling stories from, and so the bruce in my mind would honestly develop and learn from his mistakes a lot better than canon bruce actually does, because for someone who espouses the values he does, it makes no sense for him to completely stagnate, right. he's a puzzle you can put together in a lot of different ways and it's fascinating but also can be such a pain because of all the different books writing him in so many different ways, but characterizing him solely as an asshole is just boring and reductive imo...
...but all of that said i still think if martha kent ever found out how he talked to kon in sb94 #85 or in those issues of batgirl '00, she should be allowed to beat his ass with a pitchfork. yknow?
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fastestmanalive333 · 5 months
Rundown on my AU Earth-1987
Heavily based around New Earth.. a continuation in a sense accept for a few changes
-Bart Allen is the big resurrection instead of Barry, Conners resurrection in Legion of 3 Worlds stays intact Bart continues as the flash and gets the title but keeps his impulse and old personality unlike fastest man alive, Wally gives him a made up oath and goes goes to retire to be a dad and raise the twins, Bart is unsure of his New position.. he reconnects with Carol Bucklen..
-Roy Harper continues as Red Arrow Cry of Justice simply does not happen and Lian is still alive, he will even go on to join the Justice League
-The Justice League will be very much led by Dick Grayson the line up will consist of
-Nightwing, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Troia, Red Arrow, Jade, Obsidian, The Atom (Ryan Choi), The Flash (Bart Allen), and a New Green Lantern (Terry Berg) more on him later, Firestorm (Ronnie/Jason), Kendra Saunders(Hawkgirl) and Cyborg(Victor Stone)
-Titans will mostly consist of the YJ characters except Bart the line up will consist of Red Robin, Sentinel (Kon-El) he will now move on from the superboy moniker and become his own hero, Fury(Cassie Sandsmark) will be trained by Lyta Trevor the Fury of the newly reformed Earth Two and the daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve trevor her and Conner will be dating once again, Ravager (Rose Wilson), Red Devil(Eddie Bloomberg), Blue Beetle(Jaime Reyes), Static (Virgil Hawkins), Aquawoman(Lorena Marquez)
-Gar and Raven will join JL Dark along with Zatanna and others
-Batman: Batman will run batman incorporated Duke Thomas will be in this canon and will have met batman during no man's land as opposed to Zero Year, he will be Cass' best friend and will become The Signal, Gothams day protector unlike main continuity he will not be in the Batfamily, he will be his own unique hero, Jason Todd will have his pre crisis origin and hair color.. controversial ik.. but for the sake of preference that will be so, he will be an anti-villain crime boss controlling the drug trade, him and Bruce won't be at odds with each other, he simply does not approve of the path Jay has taken and it saddens him, Jay cares about Bruce too.. but he has chosen this life he will still be with Scarlet, Stephanie Brown will still be Batgirl, Barbara will still act as Oracle, Joker will have the doll maker remove his face and the court of owls will be introduced as Justice League villains instead of batman villains, they will very much be a worldwide illuminati type organization Damian will still act as Robin the bat fam will just be smaller and have Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Steph
-Green Lantern: Hal Jordan will marry Carol and Kyle Rayner will lead the corps, the mythos will be explored more, Terry Berg will be given kyles ring after kyle becomes a white lantern, Terry is Kyle Rayners assistant in Winicks run he will become The fifth earth lantern, kyle and Terry will get more bonding moments.. Kyle and Jade will get back together and marry for real this time, Terry's character will be explored more
-Superman: Kal will lead the Supermen of America a new team, Chris will be living with Clark and Lois again, he will be attending college classes with Thara and will be best friends with Duke Thomas, their dynamic will be like a swapped version of batman and superman.. Chris being the more serious super and Duke being the lighthearted bat, Chris will be able to control shadows and darkness, Duke controls light, him and Thara will be members of the JL Dark, Thara will assume the civillian identity, Claire Connor Lang acting as Karas sister, Kara Zor El/Linda Lang will still be living with lana and be on her last year of high school she will meet and team up with Linda Danvers her predecessor and they will quickly become friends, Conner will still be in Smallville now going to school at Kansas State.. the same college Chris goes too Kon will see him as a brother/Cousin, and they will be a duo in themselves they will all deal with the repercussions of zods war on earth
-The JSA: It will very much feature mostly the children and grandchildren of the jsa.. the remaining founding members will pass on.. except Jay and Carter Jay will act as mayor of NYC quitting the team giving guidance when needed, the JSA Hawkman will continue on with the JSA
Flash: Bart Allen will now be the main flash.. he will not be so sure he can do it again.. he failed.. he died.. and failed.. he will reconnect with his old friends in Manchester now all adults, him and Carol's relationship will spark, now working for Star Labs, Bart will get a job as a reporter at Picture News with Iris and we will see their relationship more Rival will return still possessing Max's body he will be the first big bad and it will give Bart and Max the closure they deserve, him and Bart will speak in the speed force where he will call him son before passing on, we will establish his rogues, the old rogues will still be on, barts old villains will hoin in too including White Lightning, Irey will become Barts Kid Flash
Wonder Woman: Diana will be working for the government and working to rebuild themysciras connection to earth, the amazons tactics have changed no visitors are welcome, Cassie will unleash her Olympian abilities more, she will cross over to earth two and meet Hippolyta Trevor the Daughter of Earth Two Wonder Woman, she will take on the name Fury, while Donna has uncovered a prophecy.. depicting the rise of an old God long defeated known as Typhon the Enemy of the Gods
Green Arrow: Ollie will still be married to Dinah, Robert Queen II will join the arrow family, Roy will gain a bigger role, Olivia Queen will be born
Aquaman: Arthur will retire with Mera, Garth will now be the king of atlantis, but he will not be the Aquaman.. Koryak will be the new Aquaman, a more brutal aquaman, although meaning well, it will feel like a tale of two brothers, Garth and Koryak will constantly butt heads.. Dolphin and Cerdian will be revealed to have not died but survived the destruction of atlantis in infinite crisis having been taken by atlan, Cerdian will have aged to 10 having been in the pocket dimension with atlan so long... the family will be reunited at last.. Cerdian will become Aqualad
Captain Marvel: Billy and Mary go on a quest to get their powers back which they do successfully, Freddy and Kit Freeman reunite the long lost freeman Brothers together at last they go on a journey through hell together
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cosmicpoutine · 4 months
Sorry that you’re going through tough times. Let me attempt to lift your mood by some TimBerKon and StephCass thought of mine!
So you know how Tim and Steph dated, right? But did you know that, apparently, there was a moment when Kon and Cass dated? It’s canon, I swear!
I don’t know how the timeline works (because it never actually works when it comes to DC comics), but from what I heard Cass started dating Kon after “friendship break up” with Cass. I like to think it was Cass’ way of dealing with the heartache she couldn’t understand since no one properly explained romantic relationships to her. And Kon wasn’t that much of an expert in it either (no matter how much of a flirt he’s portrayed to be). So Kon and Cass getting together was their way to figure out this “romance” thing. They liked each other enough… but it wasn’t quite it.
At the time (if I’m not mistaken), Tim was dating Steph. And I can just imagine Kon and Cass looking at them adoringly, thinking it’s just “friendship feels”.
But then Steph died. And then Kon died. And Tim and Cass sought each other for comfort, both thinking that the other was mourning their partner. But the truth is that Tim was mourning Kon more than he should Steph and Cass was mourning Steph than he should Kon. And maybe that’s when it almost clicked for them.
When Steph and Kon were back, Cass was so happy to see her “bestie” that she finally understood what it is she’s feeling. What she’s been feeling for the longest time. She broke up with Kon and he let her go without fight, but they remained good friends, often reminiscing on the time they used to date with humor.
I believe Cass was very supportive of Kon when he learned that Tim was dating Bernard and thought he lost his shot. And then very excited for him when he entered a polycule with them (who knows, maybe she helped her dum-dum brother realize his true feelings for his clone boy). And Kon was hyping up Cass until she finally got together with Steph.
I dunno I just love the idea of Kon and Cass being healthy exes and bonding over their journeys for self-discovery.
Hope this brought you some good vibes! 💜💜💜
i knew that kon was cass' first kiss, but i wasn't aware that they actually dated? i dont wanna sound mean, but that just feels so wrong... that's a lesbian and a pansexual boy
however i do LOVE the idea of kon and cass being good friends after that, and also all the ways these 5 idiots would make fun of each other.
steph and kon have the "i fucked your sister" club
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misspickman · 1 year
hi moss feel free to ignore this but i would love to hear about some kon moments in canon that you really love and appreciate !
oh you absolutely will hear about them. in no particular order but starting with my two fav nerd moments from superboy #66 and young justice #8
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hes great in all of return of superman but this bit is stuck in my brain.. geoffs 'kon was selfish and had to be taught how to care about others' my ass
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first meeting with match from superboy #36!! its so important to me how despite everything kon refuses to see match as anything less than a person and family
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this bit in superboy #69 where kon visits hawaii again and runs into hillary made me so sad there are many issues with this solo but it hits
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ok ive read some very stupid takes on this moment but kon catching cissies arrow in yj #15 was a wonderful moment for their friendship, especially because he offers it back if she wants to actually take the shot + theyre also great in the next issue hes so worried about her,, theyre besties,, listen,,
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not going deeper into why this bit from eradicator #3 is so good bc theres already a great post about it but yeah,, you know
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NOW its time for my 'cass and kon got along well and we should acknowledge that more' agenda ok no not in a romantic sense but in a very 'two lonely teens who are too focused on the mission that has been their entire life to have a healthy private life' way. they should hang out again i think. also these issues are just very sweet and fun
first from superboy #85 bc this whole thing ruled
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and from batgirl #41 where they experience some baby comphet4comphet and decide to just stay friends
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some bits from superboy #88 where hes taking care of baby guardian bc its cute and funny
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also not a specific moment but kon and ma's relationship is very dear to me, there are many things i didnt enjoy re what dc did with kon in 2000s but having him live with the kents and get comfortable in smallville enough to call it home was a good one 10/10
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I need your hc on how the batfam reacts to finding out that jondami are dating.
I love supportive and sweet but I am absolutely down for overprotective siblings that just CAN'T believe their little baby is all grown up.
(canon? Idk her)
Duke and Barbara? Chill as hell. Happy for you, man.
Cass? Also happy for Damian. SO happy for him. But will also murder Jon if she has to, and makes sure Damian and Jon both understand that. (Jon is lowkey petrified of her)
Steph is happy that Damian is happy. But she does sit him down and talks to him about some things to look out for and things he does NOT have to accept if he is uncomfortable, etc. Also mentions she will kill Jon if he asks.
Tim is...beside himself. How dare Damian date HIS best friend's little brother? Is this another dig at him? Is this some weird evil plot long game to kill him? Why is Jon going along with it? Does Jon also hate him? Is he going to die? Tim stop not everything is about you. Eventually Tim gives KON a long lecture and says if Jon ever hurts Damian, even a little, Tim will destroy every last Kryptonian left in the universe, even him.
Jason keeps showing up on Jon's patrol routes to give him the shovel talk (aka threaten Jon) but with a bigger and more deadly gun/weapon every time. At one point he just shows up in some alien laser sniper ship and Jon's just like 'JESUS JASON, I KNOW, I GET IT.'
Dick and Alfred are similar in that they're both very emotional about it, because they knew Damian at his worst. They watched him grow, and they are just SO happy that someone out there finally sees Damian for the beauty that he is and loves their boy as much as they do, if not more. Also Dick threatens Clark about it.
Bruce just short circuits for like three days and disappears. Damian thinks he's going to be disowned, to which the whole family say they'll disown Bruce first and strength in numbers. But then he comes back and just smiles at Damian a lot, and talks about how proud he is of him, that Jon is a good person, that Damian deserves this happiness, and to remember the code to their stash of Kryptonite. He ALSO rants to Clark about it, who finds it somewhat endearing how worried for Damian they all are, but they end up as just two old men sitting on a front porch reminiscing on how much they adore their boys, and how happy they are that they found each other.
(bonus: Kon texts Damian 'u hurt him, ill end you.' to which Damian texts back a thumbs up emoji.)
(bonus bonus: all the siblings and kon have stalked Jon and Damian's dates. They aren't even conspicuous about it. Damian and Jon just whole-heartedly ignore them.)
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