#Diana Prince oneshot
intriq · 1 year
dc universe characters but your their ex, and they want you back
could be hurt/comfort, maybe fluff. angst? idk, unsure about how to label this one chief
if you want to see any other characters in here, lmk via comment or send me an ask! [they are always open for requests n stuff, so feel free to send them] and i'll make sure to get them in here!
Also, big thanks to my beta readers: Lilac, Void, My bestie, and bat brat apollo! they helped make sure these didn't fall too out of character.
...at first, didn't realize just how miserable he'd feel after you guys broke up. Well, after he broke up with you.
He thought that you being possibly tied in to his life as Batman would make things oh so dangerous, and that maybe you'd be better off without him. And that just maybe he'd be better off without you.
But boy was he wrong.
After day one, he missed your presence.
After day three, he started missing your touch. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, the works.
After one week he missed seeing you whenever he came back to Wayne manor after patrol or whenever he'd had a long day being out and about Gotham, whether as just his regular self or patrolling the streets, fighting crime as Batman.
By week two, not even focusing on patrolling could keep you off his thoughts. It didn't exactly help that he knew your schedule. Actually, not even just knew. He had it memorized.
So he'd find himself particularly drawn to patrolling the area around where you lived more often, sometimes even doubling back to the area. Sometimes even three times.
Of course, it took a full month [and seeing you going on your first date since the break-up] for him to take action. He'd started sending gifts at first. Small things that you liked, whether it be books or lots and lots of flowers.
Then the gifts just got more and more expensive, more grandeur. After all, he is a billionaire, so it wouldn't hurt his bank account. Plus, it was a gift for you. So why wouldn't he?
If you still didn't take him back then, he starts sending you texts. Just cute little things such as "i miss you" and whatnot.
And then the in-person confessions, gift giving, and what-not started after. He'd drop by [after making sure no one was around to see at least three times] your apartment while he was in his full Batman getup, bringing you some smaller, easier to hide away things like bracelets and necklaces.
And during the day, he'd be where ever he'd knew you'd be. Whether it was your apartment, your job, anywhere, he'd personally come deliver you yet another gift.
Takeout from your favorite place? He's brought it to you for lunch.
He saw you post about something [whether it be a stuffed animal, jewelry, etc] on social media because it's cool or cute? It's been hand delivered to you by him.
"I saw you talking about how much you wanted these, so I got them for you. Why..? Because I miss you."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...was devastated when you broke up with him. He didn't realize that all this work being a vigilante that made him miss out on oh so many dates had taken as big of a toll on your relationship as it did.
And by the time he'd realized, the cracks had already formed, and you'd broken up with him. You wanted a partner who could meet you half-way, even if he was a little busy at times.
But that didn't stop him from immediately trying to win you back. Gifts? You've got it. Whether they were bought or handmade, it didn't really matter. He'd get you something.
Not to mention the texts, phone calls, voicemails, everything. He's going the full nine yards to show you just how sorry he is, and just how badly he wants you back.
"I know I've said I was sorry so many times, but I really am! I promise I'll do everything in my power to be there for our date nights, so please take me back.."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...definitely wasn't expecting for you to break up with him. Sure, he's been in plenty of relationships before, but he'd never expected you to get the courage to tell him you wanted to break up.
He didn't even realize he missed you as much as he did until one night while patrolling, a month or two after your break-up, he saw you walking along the streets of Gotham.
And damn were you still as pretty as the first time he saw you. In fact, scratch that, as pretty as the last time he saw you. Which was when you broke up with him.
So from then on, when Gotham is just a little less quiet and he can afford to do a little slacking off, he walks with you. You had this weird routine of walking for an hour at night, anyway.
At first he made small-talk. Asked you how your day was, why you were taking a walk [he already knew why. he just wanted to hear that pretty voice of yours more!], how you'd been since the break-up, if you were seeing anyone [this was extremely important and he'd express why after a bit of prompting], as one does.
Then it ramps up to him telling you how much he missed you, how pretty and attractive you were still, the works. He then ramps up to just blatant flirting, maybe even making sure he was touching you in some way, like an arm around your shoulder. Or maybe even subtly holding your hand under the premise of him wanting to show you something that you didn't know the way to.
And after that, if you still didn't miss him enough to take him back? He's just obvious. Asking you on dates, showing up to your home with gifts, everything. He'll go the whole nine yards for you, just so you'll take him back.
"Aww, c'mon! Just one date, sweetheart. Please? I promise that if you don't want me back after just one date I won't bother you again."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...definitely didn't want to admit he wanted you back until it's been nearly six months since you broke up, and words going around that your starting to date again.
This pisses him off, for reasons he wasn't sure about.
So before you know it, he's popping up just about everywhere. Getting him to admit he missed you and regretted the breakup is no easy feat, and you'll likely not ever get him to admit it out loud.
I can't really see Jason making any grand or large gestures, just small little ones that maybe have some sort of sentimental value.
He'd probably drop by your home every now and then. If he's hurt in some way, you bet your ass he's right there on your fire escape, knocking on your window to let him in.
Even if it's just something so incredibly minor he could take care of himself, he's using it as an excuse to see you again.
While he's not totally experienced with being overly romantic, he's got his moments of being just a little bit sappy.
"Why go through the hard work and trouble of finding someone else if I'm right here?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...wasn't expecting to miss you after you two broke things off. She figured she'd be fine on her own, but she was quickly proven wrong.
I can see her giving gifts, but she'd be more-so trying to spend as much time as she could with you. Texts, both early morning and late night phone calls, voicemails about how much she regrets breaking up, and probably more.
Lot's of "I miss you" and "I still like/love you" texts, maybe some "Can we please get back together?" texts mixed as well.
She'll make how much she misses you known.
"Please come back, I miss our little movie date nights."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...is just like Jason in a way, when it comes to realizing she misses having you around.
But she does come to terms with the fact that she misses you. She'll be a little hesitant to admit it in words, but she'll make it known in small gestures.
The breakup was definitely amicable, so you two are kind of just awkwardly still friends. But any time you two hangout, it borderlines being a date.
Movies? Only if it's something that will remind you of stuff you two liked to watch together when you were dating.
Going for a walk? She'll make sure you two just so happen to pass by a spot you guys went to for your first date.
She'll even still pretend to "accidentally" call you by the nicknames she had for you whilst you were dating.
But if even that doesn't work, she'll just start making you two "hangout" at places you've gone to for dates before.
"Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit since the last time we were here, huh? Brings back memories."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...of course, isn't really sure what to do when she notices she's missing you. You were probably one of her first relationships, which just only adds onto her confusion of what to do.
She'd probably go seek Babs and Stephanie out for advice, asking them what they think she should do. Just what she should do.
After getting advice from the two, she thinks it over for a little bit before she starts anything. She probably also tries to feel you out to check if you feel the same way she does.
And if you do, or if she finds out your unsure, she starts giving you small gifts. And I mean small. Just mostly little trinkets and knickknacks that she finds while out and about.
Buttons? Pins? Small figurines, no bigger than the palm of your hand? She's getting them for you.
Of course, this is to help her just get a little confidence before she drops the question about getting back together.
And when she does drop the question, she tries to make it sound like she's being genuine. She probably brought another small little gift, maybe one of your favorite snacks.
"I know you said you liked these when we were together, right? I know you may think I wasn't really.. paying attention, but most of the time, but I promise I was. And I'm sorry I didn't do that great of a job of showing you that I cared about you. Please take me back?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤKate Kane..
...is both similar to Stephanie and Jason. While she'll think she's better off without you, there's almost a constant reminder of you somewhere in her world.
And it just draws her back to you.
It's very much a push and pull sort of thing with her, as some days she's fully willing to admit just how much she misses you and wants you back, while others she'd never admit to even a word of it.
She'll also bring you sentimental gifts sometimes. Mostly just leaves them somewhere she knows only you will find them with a little note attached.
Though the contents of the little notes will greatly vary from "I miss you", "I know you like these so I got them for you", to just her name sometimes.
Saw these and thought of you. -K
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‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤDinah Lance...
...is most definitely bold and maybe even a little bit flirty. When she realized that she definitely wasn't ready to move on from you quite yet, she put all her effort into wooing you back.
She'd probably try to play off the fact you two are suddenly running into each other at things you like, it's really just so she can see you again. Making you unintentionally [but kind of purposefully] think of her again whenever you thought about the things you like.
After a bit of this, though, she just downright starts asking you out to dates. If she knows certain places hold sentimental value because they were your favorite date spots with her, she'll ask you on a date to there again.
"Oh? Didn't know you were coming here today. Maybe it's a sign you should just let me take you on a date today."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤHelena Bertinelli...
...wasn't usually the type to dwell on her exes. But you? You were all that was on her mind after the breakup.
While she spends many a night deleting text after text, trying to come up with the right set of sentences to tell you just how much she misses you and wants you back, she does eventually send something.
And from there she just gets a little bolder.
Lingering touches, like her hand grazing against yours if you are handing her something. Staring at you for just a few seconds longer than needed, all that stuff.
It does take her a bit of time to get the confidence to just straight up asking you out on another date, though when she does, she's already got it all planned out.
"Do you still like that one restaurant we went to for our anniversary? .... Why? Oh, well, I wanted to make sure I didn't need to cancel the reservation I made."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...didn't have thoughts of missing you. At first.
She did start thinking of you again when you two were assigned on a mission together. And all it did was really get you stuck in her head.
The way you looked, whether it was the way you fight or just generally how you look in your vigilante costume? It just kept replaying in her head over and over again.
So now anytime your out and about doing your own thing, under your vigilante guise? She's found an excuse to be joining you.
Whether that excuse is "you looked like you needed help", or "my patrols been pretty quiet, so I thought I'd join you", she's always got some excuse you can't argue back about.
Eventually she starts dropping hints about wanting to get back together with you. But whether she's good at dropping these hints or not is entirely up to how oblivious you could be.
Eventually she just tires out of dropping hints and just makes you look at her when she just drops the question. Think of the classic "grabbing your chin and turning your head to look at them" kind of deal.
"How about we go out this Sunday, hmm? ... Yes, on a date. What, did you think I was going to ask you to patrol with me or something?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...most definitely is stubborn when it comes to your break-up. He doesn't even want to entertain the thought that the reason he might be so grouchy whenever he sees you talking to someone else, or hears about how you may be crushing on someone else, is because he misses you. And is jealous, of course.
Even the sheer mention of your name around him, whether it be from his older brothers [mainly Dick because he is most certainly the teasing older brother type], he get's all grouchy and almost pouty.
He does try to help you out around school, though. He may act all mean and cold towards you, he'll act like he's "reluctantly" helping you out.
"you can't be trusted to carry this stuff," he'll try and say as he takes that stack of chairs, books, whatever it is in your hands away to do it himself. His hidden little agenda is that he's hoping you'll miss him because of him helping you out.
His "compliments" aren't always easily understood as such, though. "You didn't do terrible, for once" he might say as he hands you your graded test.
In order for him to get the courage to ask you out again, though, will definitely take some coaxing. [And maybe some teasing from Dick, too]
But when he does, it's a 50/50 chance of him saying it in a sweet way, or in his usual cold and almost brat-like demeanor.
"If I take you out on a date, will that get you to shut up for at least five minutes?"
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idkaurl · 7 months
Getting Together
Bruce noticed the change almost immediately, it was hard to get anything past him and they weren’t being very subtle about it. The hand holding and public groping was a dead giveaway, he can’t say he was surprised though, Diana had never been shy and Clark had always been easily turned into putty by her.
 Still, though not surprising, the change was very different. The once inseparable trio was now damaged. It wasn’t really their fault; they still made an effort to be around him. It was him who had done the damage. He was happy that they had finally gotten together, but something inside him was tearing him apart. He felt too many things when he saw them together now; anger, envy, sadness, it hurt, so he did the thing he was best at and started tearing himself away from the source of the pain.
 It was easier said than done to pull away from his two best friends. It’s hard to avoid someone when you work with them almost everyday. Needless to say, they took notice. He knew it was only a matter of time before they began questioning his odd behavior, and he was right.
Bruce sat at the computer in the watchtower, he was going over some files, nothing super important, he had really just been trying to look busy. He tensed up slightly as he heard a familiar set of heels heading in his direction. Of course, Diana would be the first to approach him. 
He felt her presence beside him as he kept his gaze on the computer in front of him. She was quiet for a moment before her hand made its way onto his shoulder, “Bruce,” she said calmly, “why don’t you take a break? Me and Clark were thinking we could all grab dinner together.”
He huffed, “I can’t Diana, there’s too much to do,” he lied. He knew that was a dangerous game, lying to both Diana and Clark was an almost impossible task, still he did.
He heard her sigh beside him, “Bruce, there is no work to do. You’ve been avoiding us for weeks,” she stated. It wasn’t a question, it was an observation, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“There’s always work to do Diana,” he stated simply, “and I haven’t been avoiding you, I’ve just been busy.” Against his better judgment he continued, “you two seem to be getting on just fine without me anyway.”
Silence filled the room, he internally cursed himself for putting it out there, he should have just let it be. He felt her grip tighten on his shoulder and for a second he prided himself for rendering Wonder Woman speechless.
That silence was soon filled with the sound of wind coursing through and suddenly Clark was there. A flash of anger crossed Bruce’s eyes, not that they could see it with his cowl still on, Clark could probably sense it through his heartbeat though.
He kept his gaze forward, avoiding them, hoping they’d just leave him be. No such luck. “Bruce,” Diana tried again, “please,” she turned his chair, forcing him to face them, “we miss you.”
He jolted at the sudden change of position, glaring at the two of them, but staying silent.
“Come on Bats,” Clark chimed in, “I know you have to be missing us too,” he teased. Those words stirred something within Bruce. He did miss them, he missed them so much it hurt, but it hurt worse to be with them and see what he could never have.
He huffed pulling himself up from the chair, “I’m taking my leave,” he stated, “you’re right Diana, work here is done for now. I’ll be heading home to check on Gotham then.”
“Let us come with you,” Clark chimed in, “it’s been a while since we’ve come to visit Gotham.” Bruce shot a glare in his direction, why wouldn’t they just leave him alone?
“Do what you want,” he said simply, making his way towards the zeta tube.
There was no surprise when he found both of them following him, and soon they were standing in the Batcave. Bruce immediately made his way towards the large computer to scan for surveillance, ignoring them as they followed.
He took a seat and started clicking through the cameras he had placed through Gotham. It seemed like it was pretty quiet tonight, just his luck. “Bruce, can we talk?” Diana asked after a while of silence.
“Talk about what?” he growled out.
He felt a soft hand reach out to caress his face, “I think you know,” she stated.
He heart stilled at the touch before quickly speeding up, he kept his words level though, “what is there to talk about? If you are referring to the nature of your developing relationship, I am well aware of it and it does not need to be discussed further,” he stated.
She hummed, softly stroking his face, “Clark, I think we might have given him the wrong idea,” she said sadly.
“It appears that way,” Clark agreed, inching closer to the two of them.
“You can’t think we’d want to have a relationship without you, can you?” she asked Bruce. He stilled, did he hear her right?
“What?” he asked dumbly.
He saw both their mouths start to turn slightly upward into the shape of a smile, “We love you Bruce, both of us,” she smiled. Clark nodding shyly beside her.
He felt her hands move to remove his cowl, reaching a hand out to stop her. If they removed his cowl his emotions would be on full display, he wasn’t sure if he could handle that right now.
“It’s okay Bruce,” she said calmly, “it’s just us, let us see how you’re feeling.”
He slowly dropped his hand away, allowing her to remove his cowl. He saw their faces drop when they saw his. He knew he didn’t look great right now, but their expressions only solidified that.
“We’re sorry Bruce,” Clark stated, “we didn’t mean to do this to you,” he started.
“Do what to me?” Bruce demanded, anger flaring up again.
“Hurt you,” Diana ran her hand through his hair softly massaging his scalp. He found himself leaning into the touch, he’d missed them. He felt tears threaten to prick at the corners of his eyes.
Diana slid onto his lap easily, pressing soft kiss to his temple, “shh,” she hushed, as she continued petting his hair. His eyes widened in alarm when he felt himself be lifted in the air, Clark had scooped them both up in his strong arms and was carrying them up to the manor. Bruce stilled, allowing them to do as they pleased. He was still confused, but he figured he’d enjoy the moment while it lasted.
It wasn’t long before the reached Bruce’s bedroom and Clark deposited them both onto the bed before climbing on himself. Bruce found himself stuck in the middle, between his two best friends. His two best friends that he was in love with. There, he’d said it, to himself at least. It felt good to admit, even if he knew it couldn’t be. He was sure this was all out of pity. They had seen the affect their relationship had on him and were feeling guilty, this was all this was. Even so, he was going to soak it in while he could as greedy as that might be.
He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew he woke up to the sound of the soft murmurs of conversation around him. In his comfortable, sleep-dazed, state he couldn’t quite decipher what they were talking about, but he was certain of one thing; it was about him.
He sighed, pressing his face against something warm and firm. He felt hands softly massaging his back, “go back to sleep darling,” he heard a voice whisper in his ear, “we’ll be here when you wake up, we promise,” and then he did.
When Bruce woke the second time, he was much more coherent. His eyes widened as he realized the position he was in. He had thought it was all a dream, but the proof lay right before him as he found himself still sandwiched between the two. His face had been pressed up against Clark’s chest and he felt Diana pressed close against his back.
He moved to try and pull away, but he found himself trapped under the weight of their strong arms as they each had one arm wrapped around him.
He looked up as he felt a sleepy kiss be pressed against his forehead, Clark’s sleep riddled eyes looking down at him, “good morning,” he smiled, and Bruce felt his heartbeat speed up. He felt the vibrations of Clark’s soft chuckle as he was still pressed against his chest and suddenly felt another set of lips on the back of his neck, “good morning,” Diana smiled, wrapping her arm around him more securely as if he might try and run away.
“Good morning,” Bruce grumbled out, his tone exposing his confusion.
“Did you sleep well?” Diana asked. He could practically hear her grin.
He made an affirmative sound, “Better than I have in a long time,” he found himself admitting.
He heard them both hum happily in response, “I’m glad,” she purred into his ear as she leaned over to give Clark a kiss.
Something stirred in him at the sight, want. He felt her hand start to trail up his chest, trailing over his muscles, all the way until her hand rested at his chin. She cupped it in her hand, encouraging him to turn towards her. He allowed it, looking into her eyes, “can I kiss you, Bruce?” she asked softly.
“Yes,” the words left his mouth before he could even second guess himself and she acted quickly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips as well.
She pulled away far too quickly in his opinion, but he found himself being pulled back in the direction of Clark, “me too,” he asked, “can I kiss you too?”
“Yes,” he found himself answering on instinct, once again being pulled into a chaste kiss before he could back out.
Clark pulled away and Bruce found himself blinking confusedly at what had just happened. Diana hushed him, “I can tell that brain of your is running a mile a minute,” she chuckled into his ear, “you don’t need to think about it, this is real, we promise,” she smiled, “we love you.”
“We love you,” Clark reaffirmed, kissing his forehead once again.
Bruce felt the tension leave his body at their words, a soft smile forming on his face, “I love you too,” he said. 
They held him tighter, pressing soft kisses against his skin and he let them. He didn’t know how long this happiness would last, but he decided he’d embrace it while he could.
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lapseinrecs · 8 days
By DragonflyxParodies @dragonflyxparodies
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Complete; Oneshot; 3,679 words
Summary: “Do you beat your children?” Bruce asks, voice flat and odd in a way unlike any Hal has ever heard before, and Hal’s blood runs cold, and – Other Batman’s jaw clenches. He does not answer immediately. The whole fucking League visibly draws back. In which Bat has instituted very strict measures for handling alternate versions of himself, and the Justice League finds out why.
My thoughts: Ooo this is such a way of doing Batman. This is the Battinson Batman, I think.
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kitsune024 · 1 year
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Danny Phantom fics
DP X DC Fic Recs Part 2
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by @halfagone I Chapters: 91/150 I Cassandra Cain/Danny Fenton, Lex adopts Danny, Lex Redemption, OP Danny If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire I Chapters: 11/22 I Danny works at batburger, Danny & Jason, Batfamily Dynamics, case fic, tired Danny, canon divergence Ghost in the Morgue by WheatAndWheatBiProduct I Chapters: 4/? I medical examiner Danny Fenton Off With [the Demon's] Head by @halfagone I Chapters 15 / ? I Danny & Danielle, canon divergence, long lost/secret relative, Danny & Ra's al Ghul, protective Danny Wayne’s Haunted Mansion by @tathartiel I Chapters: 23/? I Kid Danny Fenton, Danny gets adopted and it's wholesome, Danny haunts the manor, hurt/comfort Phantom Children: Redux by @avaritia-apotheosis I Chapters 11/? I The Ultimate Enemy, Canon Divergence, Danny Fenton is an al Ghul, Danny is a Wayne, Big Brother Danny The Red Hood's Big Bad Guard Demon by @the-stove-is-on-fire I Chapters 1/? I Danny/Jason, Ice Sculptor Danny, Danny freaks Jason out here lol, High and unhinged Danny, Scarecrow's Fear Toxin bloodlines by @halfagone I Chapters 6/? I Danny is Diana & Bruce's son, Time Travel Shenanigans, Identity Shenanigans, past diana/bruce, past danny/valerie, witch Sam, misunderstandings, batfamily
Completed Fics
Dig Three Graves in Apartment 31c by @faeriekit I Chapter's 6/6 I Danny has the role of Willis Todd, halfa Jason what was lost, found again by @halfagone I Chapter's 5/5 I Danny finds Jason first, Empath Danny, Canon Divergence, Danny is the Wayne's Mary Poppins- but he gets to stay, Creepy Danny How Light Carries On (Endlessly, Even After Death) by BumblingBeesAndWillowTrees I Chapters 3/3 I Eldritch Danny, Danny Adopts Jason Todd, Haunted House
Eldritch Toddler by @halfagone I Chapters 1/1 I Age Regression/De-Aging, Creepy Danny, Eldritch Danny, Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Batfamily Hatred At First Sight by Sagoberattare I Chapters 1/1 I Funny fic, Feral Danny, Danny sees the Joker and his hatred for clowns is cranked to a 100 Two For One Special by @halfagone I Chapters 1/1 I Humor, Kidnapping, Mistaken Identity, Clark & Danny oh lazarus, how did your debts get paid by @hollowmashiro I Chapters 1/1 I Danny/Jason, Pre-Slash, Codependency, Soul Bond, Mind the Tags
Ghost King Danny
Prodigal of Lazarus by @sherashalala I Chapters 9/10 I Danny Fenton is Damian Wayne's older brother, Danny & Damian No Grave can Hold my Body Down by ghostly_frogly I Chapters: 6/? I ghost king Danny but more like prince, Cryptid Danny Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg I Chapters: 27/? I Bamf Danny, eldritch Danny, creepy danny- only a bit, POTENTIAL danny/tim. Arkham Phantom: The Cryptic Security Guard by @blobghostdoart I Chapters: 8/? I Security Guard Danny, Adult Danny, Eldritch Danny-only sometimes, crack fic, crack treated seriously, OP Danny Graveyard Shift by Mangopaw I Chapters: 7/? I Creepy Danny, Danny haunts Arkham-kind of, Older Danny Bus to Nowhere by @precarious-hermit I Chapters: 26/? I Homelessness, tired Danny, PTSD, no adoption The Boy King and the Dark Knights by @imjustkindaherelove | Chapters: 29/? | Age Regression/De-Aging, ghost king-more like prince, good parent Jason, Danny & Jason, funny misunderstandings, Identity reveal Lay Low and Graduate by @jaytriesstuff | Chapters: 24/? | Danny x Tim, Danny is so done
Completed Fics
To Let A Man Die by @omnicrafts I Chapter's 2/2 I Joker is Dead, Miscommunication, doesn't say in tags but it hints he's a King Your City Loves You (And Your Home Was Always Here) by bongo_balderdash | Chapters 2/2 | Clark centric, Sentient Metropolis, Clark & Danny
Ghostly Delivery by WeirdNCrazy | Chapters: 1/1 | More like Ghost Prince, Pizza Deliverer Danny, Bamf Danny, Danny likes messing with Superheroes, funny fic There Will Be Peace by @lapetitechatonne I Chapters: 1/1 I Horror, doesn't say in tags but mentions he's a King
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daisyblog · 1 year
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Requests for oneshots or series are always open. Please feel free to send me any ideas you have.
Harry Styles
Our Story YN and Harry have known each other since 2010 when YN's brother, Louis, is put in a band with Harry and three other boys when they auditioned for The X Factor. From the very beginning, YN and Harry were always close, and as time went on feelings grew deeper. This is YN and Harry's story.
The Royal Series Princess Maia is the daughter of Diana, Princess of Wales and Royal Highness Prince Charles and sister of Prince William and Prince Harry. Growing up as a Royal comes with its ups and downs, especially when the Princess meets pop star, Harry Styles.
Unexpected Love Harry and YN were set up on a date by their mutual friend Jonny. Harry is a famous singer who was in the middle of writing his second album, and YN is a single Mum who was trying to juggle motherhood and owning a florist. Neither were expecting to fall deep. This is Unexpected Love. 
My Drummer YN LN grew up in a small village, Holmes Chapel. Harry and YN were the best of friends, where one was the other wasn’t too far away. They had grown up together, they shared similar interests including their love for music. Whilst Harry loved to sing, YN loved to pick up the sticks and bang the drums.
Show Me Love Harry and Evie meet at university, bond over their shared love for music and pop-rock bands. Whilst Evie struggles with anxiety, loving herself and her difficult family dynamic, Harry lives with a calm, content and happy life surrounded by a loving family, everything she has ever dreamed of. Evie doesn’t realise she’s looking for love until Harry shows her what love really is and she doesn’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up.
Louis Tomlinson
When We Were Young YN and Louis have known each other since they auditioned for The X Factor and were put in a band together. Are they friends, or are they more? Follow YN and Louis's journey.
Too Young YN and Louis have known each other since 2010 when YN's twin brother, Harry, was put into a band with Louis and three other boys when they auditioned for The X Factor. But what will happen after one drunken night and a positive pregnancy test?
Young Love YN and Louis, two teenagers who fell for eachother fast, and their love resulted in the couple becoming parents at a young age. Follow YN and Louis’ journey through love, parenthood, fame and heartbreak.
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rokishimizu4 · 2 months
BatFam x Symbiot Reader Masterlist!
This will be the place for my BatFam story(Linked from my AO3) and little Headcannons!
Feral Warning:
Tim Drake (Red Robin): 1
Barbara Gordon (Oracle): 1 2
Dick Grayson (Nightwing): 1
Jason Todd (Red Hood): 1
Cass Wayne (Orphan/Black Bat): 1
Stephanie Brown (Batgirl/Spoiler): 1
Bruce Wayne (Batman): 1
Alfred Pennyworth (Best Grandpa): 1
Damian Wayne (Robin): 1
Duke Thomas (The Signal): 1
Selina Kyle (Catwoman): 1
small Sickfic oneshot: 1
—- Can’t have it be the Batfam without~
Clark Kent (Superman): 1
John Constantine: 1
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman): 1
Barry Allen (Flash): 1
J’onn J’onzz (Martian Manhunter): 1
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern): 1
Oliver Queen (Green Arrow): 1
Arthur Curry (Aquaman): 1
Harley fucking Quinn (Best Girl): 1
~~~~~Quizzes for the main story~~~~
Relationship between BatFam and Symbiotic!Reader, and their gang: 1 2
Who’s in a relationship with Bruce fucken Wayne? (Yes, this in fact affects who the boys & girls are in a relationships with): 1
Powers for 4 of the 7 members of Symbiotic! Reader’s gang: 1 2 3 4
Anti-hero/Anti-Villian names: 1 2 3 4 5
Pictures of Reader and gang!
Incubus/succubus x Ice Elemental 1
This has nothing to do with my BatFam & Symbiotic! Reader & Gang, at least until I start writing Bruce x Selina x John Constantine x Barry Allen. But I still want people to know. Just in case
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Fic Recs! DC:
Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited, Young Justice, The Flash (Comics) (note: this section is combined with Halbarry fics), Miscellaneous 
Character/Character = Romantic Relationship
character & Character = Platonic Relationship
MCD = major character death 
GDOV = graphic depiction of violence 
Fics under cut
Young Justice: 
“In Case of Emergency” by Deranged Black Kitten - Fanfic.net, one-shot (though its really long), Roy Harper & Dick Grayson & Wally West, teen and up audiences.
It had started as a joke, contingency plans made for various hypothetical circumstances, but then the world falls under mind-control, their mentors turning against them, and those rules made up in jest become something to survive by.
“A Flashlight to See in the Dark” by Kazyre - Ao3, 21/? chapters, unfinished, Hal Jordan / Barry Allen.
When Iris dies suddenly, leaving Barry to raise their three-year-old nephew by himself, Hal Jordan steps up to help out his best friend. Years pass, friendship grows into something much more, and somehow the three of them become a family. Story will span Wally's life from age three all the way to the formation of the Team - will be mostly humor and fluff.
Justice League & Justice League Unlimited:
“Remembering normal” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & John Stewart, Teen And Up Audiences.
“Batman’s satellite cameras had clocked the Flash at an average of four point five six seconds per cycle. Four point five six seconds. To circumnavigate the entire globe. John can see why everyone freaked.” [Oneshot, spoilers for “Divided We Fall”].
“Conspiracies” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & Don Hall, Wally West & Vic Sage, general audience.
There’s a new rule in the League that The Question and Flash aren’t allowed to be alone together on the same mission. Post "Divided We Fall". Oneshot. Flash, Question, Dove.
“Mask” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Shayera Hol, general audience.
Her real name is Shayera Hol. That much is true, at least
“Keeping Your Appointments” by incense-whiskers - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Bruce Wayne & Wally West, MCD (non-graphic and doesn’t happen within the story), general audience.
bruce wayne is known for his impeccable sense of timing. death, however, runs by his own clock/on anniversaries
“Pretzels, trust and evil twins” by incense-whiskers - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Bruce Wayne & Wally west, drabble, general audience.
flash is impulsive and lively, it's his nature. it's not something batman holds against him, rather, it is something he tries to protect./drabble, relationship study via Crisis on Two Earths.
“Homework” by onlyanorthernsong - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, general audience.
Wally has homework due tomorrow. He, Gl, and Bats are on monitoring duty. Oneshot.
“Angle Of Death” by xffan-2000 - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Shayera & The League, general audiences. 
A drabble series. It's an unspoken truth that Shayera is the resident killer in the League...
“Atomic Time” by Constance Eilonwy - Fanfic.net, one shot, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Wally West & The League, general audiences.
Bruce is only thinking of the good of the team. Really.
“A Hero’s Heart” by Everhere - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & Shayera Hol, CW: Alzheimer Disease, general audiences.
Years in the future, Wally has contracted Alzheimer's Disease, and the only person he still remembers is Shayera.
“These Small Hours (Still Remain)” by CluelessKitten - Ao3, two chapters, completed, J’onn J’onzz & Wally West, Diana Prince & Wally West, general audiences. 
"Do I want to know?" Diana asked.
And Superman, who could hear more clearly than the rest of them, shook his head. "Nope."
Behind her, J'onn said, probably to Flash, "I do not understand why we had to do this in front of a burning warehouse."
“Sharing Food is a Human Friendship Ritual” by those_painted_wings - Ao3, one-shot, J’onn J’onzz & Wally West, general audiences. 
After the events of the Justice League animated episode Warworld, Flash notices J’onn being even more reserved than usual.
“Snapshot Collection” by Belphegor - Ao3, 8/12 chapters, on-going, Linda Park / Wally West, The League, general audiences.
Snapshot: 1. A photograph, especially one taken quickly or in a sudden moment of opportunity. 2. A glimpse of something; a portrayal of something at a moment in time.
08 - When Batman hears that a member of Flash’s “Rogue Gallery” was killed, he shows up in Central to check on the kid.
“Walking on the Moon” by Belphegor - Ao3, one-shot, James Jesse & Wally West, CW: mental health issues, teen and up audiences. 
The Trickster was sitting on the top of a building, thinking of trying out his air-walker shoes for the first time. And then the Flash stopped by for a chat.
(reposting from FFnet)
“Wife” by Belphegor - Ao3, one-shot, The Rogues & Wally West, Wally West & Snart’s Wife, general audiences. 
Sure, being the wife of a supervillain was supposed to have perks, but having his colleagues show up on your doorstep with grim faces and bad news was not one of them. When the Flash - of all people - did, it was a nasty surprise. DCAU Rogues.
(reposting from FFnet)
“Territorial” by KingWatney - Ao3, one-shot, The Rogues, general audiences. 
When Flash is away, the Rogues step up to defend Central City. Because we can't have a bunch of outsiders wrecking the shopping mall, can we?
“You Ain’t Nothing But Gone” by Thistlerose - Ao3, one-shot, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, John Stewart & Wally West, general audiences.
Set during Part 2 of "Starcrossed." Wally tries to reach out to Green Lantern.
“Practice” by Tomboy13 - fanfic.net, nine chapters, completed, Wally West & Kara Danvers & Don Hall, teen and up audiences.
First JLU fic. A mistake puts Flash's life on the line. Now the others must make things right, before Cadmus gets a hold of him. NEW CHAPTER UP!
“Onions and Cakes” by Alba Aulbath - fanfic.net, five chapters, completed, Wally West & Vic Sage, Wally West & J’onn j’onzz, teen and up audiences.  
When the League grew in size after the Thanagar invasion, the Flash took a temporary leave. Which might prove to be a mistake if the Question has anything to say about it.
“Gut Feeling” by Super Chocolate Bear - Fanfic.net, ten chapters, completed, Wally West & Carter Hall, Wally West & Shayera Hol, Wally West & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, Teen and up audiences.
Dark events start unfolding in Central City, and Flash is the prime suspect. Just how far will blind faith and friendship go?
“Ouch” by Onlyanorthernsong - fanfic.net, four chapters, completed, Wally West & The League, Wally West & Lex Luthor, Wally West & Shayera Hol, Wally Wst & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, general audiences. 
He gave a sharp, uneasy sigh. "I don't know who I am, but apparently, I hang out covered in blood in tight spaces with a mask on. What kind of a freak am I, seriously!"
“Perceptions of non gods” by SmallInsect - fanfic.net, JLU cast, MCD, GDOV (?), Justice Lords Universe, general audiences. 
A year after the death of President Luthor, revolution rises against the Justice Lords. [A oneshot of many ficlets. Set in the Lords Universe. Spoilers for A Better World.]
The Flash (comics) / Halbarry: 
“Radio Free Keystone” by Liviapenn - Ao3, one-shot, Hartely Rathaway & Barry Allen, Hartley Rathaway / Earl Povich, MCD, teen and up audiences. 
When Superman died, it happened on Main Street in Metropolis, live and in color, from five different angles, on five hundred different channels. There was nothing like that for the Flash. He just... disappeared.
“Rewind, Press Play” by TheObsidianSun12 - Ao3, four chapters, completed, Barry Allen & Hal Jordan, Barry Allen & Jay Garrick, Barry Allen & The League, teen and up audiences.
The Justice League. Protectors of Earth, they have beat back invasion after invasion without fail. Even the mighty Darkseid, Lord of Apokolips, fell to them on their first attempt. How, you may ask? Well, all it takes is one speedster to turn back the clock and transform a devastating loss into a victory. But while the rest of the League isn’t aware of their world-ending defeats, the Flash remembers each and every one in vivid detail. He may be the fastest man alive, but there are some things even he can’t outrun.
“with shortness of breath (you explained the infinite)” by LostOnMyRoad - Ao3, 1/2 chapters, unfinished (on-going?), Barry Allen & The Justice League, Barry Allen & Leonard Snart, general audiences.
“Daydreaming, Flash?” someone asks. He turns to see Superman watching him intently. The man may be built like a Greek God, but he’s got an inside like marshmallows. He smiles, shaking his head. “Just thinking,” he grins. The shadow of the Speed-Force wavers in the corner of his vision. “Think we could convince Bats to get us an official Justice League minivan?”
Superman sighs. “I suppose you’re calling shotgun?”
Barry grins.
Barry struggles to come to terms with the fact that he’s going to effectively disappear while simultaneously trying not to let anyone know about said disappearance.
(It starts, like it often does, with the dreams.
Fire and heat, over and over again every night until Barry starts taking a bottle of sleeping pills before going to bed, in the hopes of staving off the visions for a few seconds, maybe a minute, when he’s sleeping.
The Speedforce has always been rather volatile, but never like this.)
“Acrophobia” by Orphan_Account - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Teen and up audiences. 
Barry becomes a blue lantern, and Hal is thrilled at the fact that they can fly together. But Barry's been avoiding doing just that, and Hal wants to know why.
“fooled around and fell in love” by finalfrontierpioneer - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Teen and up audiences. 
The first time is an accident. The other times after that? Not at all accidental.
Or: Hal starts calling Barry pet names and finds that he doesn't actually want to stop.
Or: Instead of revealing Barry's civilian identity to Batman and Superman, Hal calls him "babe." And then proceeds to call him a lot of other things.
“I died a sinner, you died a saint (a look from you and i would fall from grace)” by DynamicDuo (XylB) - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Halbarry, teen and up audiences. 
Will-they-won't-they-should-they-shouldn't-they, could-they-would-they-will-they, the five times Hal and Barry almost and the one time they did.
It goes like this: Hal can't stop looking in broken mirrors, and Barry can't stop with the what-ifs, and together they can overcome death but somehow intimacy draws them up short.
(5+1 fic!)
“Yellow Butterflies” by ChocolateTeapots - ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Hal Jordan & Thaal Sinestro, teen and up audiences.
Much as Hal doesn’t want to admit it, Sinestro’s right. Barry does represent Hal’s fears, though not in the way Sinestro means.
From his smile, Sinestro’s unconcerned with the distinction.
“I Second That Emotion” by CapedCommissioner (smittenbritain) - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, teen and up audiences. 
Hal’s report is simple. The Guardians tried to make some upgrades to the Central Power Battery, and they went awry. All Green Lanterns are, currently, at the mercy of their emotions - ones that are, in fact, amplified by that fuck-up with the Power Battery, and perfectly visible through the rings.
Barry decides to keep him company while he's under lockdown, and Hal's ring decides to force his heart onto his sleeve.
“Five Times Hal Complains and One He Shuts The Hell Up” - ChocolateTeapots - ao3, 9 chapters, completed, Hal Jordan / Barry Allen, Hal Jordan & Oliver Queen, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan & Dinah Lance, Dinah Lance / Oliver Queen, teen and up audiences. 
The world’s ridiculous, and Hal’s going to tell Barry all about it. Oh, and hopefully they'll get together at some point.
It’s not like Hal really has a plan, but that's never stopped him before. Let the whining and dining commence!
“Split” by Wolfsbanesparks - Ao3, 43/50 chapters, on-going, Billy Batson & Captain Marvel, Billy Batson & The League, Billy Batson & Damian Wayne & Jon Kent, Captain Marvel & The League, teen and up audiences. 
After a fight with Black Adam goes horribly wrong, Billy Batson and Captain Marvel are forced to navigate the world as two beings instead of one. But such a separation comes at a cost and they must race against the clock to fix what's happened to them before it's too late.
Unfortunately the Justice League is all too eager to help their trusted colleague and his 'son'.
“Small Favors” by susiecarter - Ao3, one-shot, Bruce Wayne / Clark Kent, teen and up audiences. 
Bruce doesn't exactly intend to start doing nice things for Clark. But once he has, he can't stop—and maybe Clark doesn't want him to try.
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shivroyspantsuit · 1 year
characters I’m going to write for!!!
(please keep in mind that I will only write female or nonmen readers, I will also write smut (It wont be a masterpiece though) fluff and angst, i’ll also write drabbles, oneshots, series and probably whatever else there is)
Shiv Roy
Tom Wambsgans
Gerri Kellman
Stewy Hosseini
Kendall Roy
Roman Roy
+ most other characters
Greys Anatomy
Cristina Yang
Izzie Stevens
Callie Torres
Lexie Grey
Alex Karev
Addison Montgomery
Mark Sloan
•Quinn Fabray
•Mike Chang
•Tina Cohen-Chang
•Sam Evans
•Mercedes Jones
•Rachel Berry
Its always sunny
Dee Reynolds
Dennis Reynolds
Charlie Kelly
Jason Todd
Roy Harper
Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne
Dina Lance
Diana Prince
Star fire
Wally West <3!
I might also write some star wars fics (the og 6 movies) so request those if u want!!!
also please keep in mind that I may not be the best writer as I am only just starting :)!
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booksarelife-stuff · 2 years
Writer Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @annabtg
Tagging @queen-isabelle-writes
Do you write in order?
For the most part, yes! But typically, I’ll think of one scene in particular in my head and I’ll build around it, but when I actually go to write, I start in order. 
Do you start with something particular?
Typically, just an idea and how I want my characters to be. And normally what Taylor Swift song I’m assigning them and the story!
How fully formed does your writing come out the first try?
Pretty formed I think! 
How many drafts do you go through?
I don’t write something completely, check over it, and do rewrites of the entire fic or scene. Typically, I write over the span of day (weeks, months) and everytime I open the word document, I read through what’s already there and make changes before continuing. I don’t know if that 
Tell me about your process.
I’m just going to tell you guys about the process of DWOHT because that story is my baby right now and its a fic that I feel has actually had a process from me. Most of time, I just write silly little oneshots. This will be below the cut because it’s long :)
So Red, White, and Royal Blue is one my favorite books. In fact, one of my favorite troupes of contemporary romance is royality. (Maybe my love of the Princess Diaries and The Prince and Me played a factor in that.). I had also been to England in October 2021 and I fucking loved it. I found myself after that trip being obessed with British history because my tiny pea size american brain was so excited to see old things in the UK. 
So I got home and started watching The Crown on Netflix and got addicted to the British Kardashian family. I’m not for the monarchy in any way, they are just like reality tv show that has is the face of a country and it entertains me. I feel really bad for the UK citizens whose taxes pay for the clownery. 
This was all going on and then I entered the Feburary 2022 Jily challenge and was given the prompt: “You have nice lips?” “Thanks?” and I was stumped.
Then I got on tiktok and I saw the story of why Taylor Swift wrote Dancing With Our Hands Tied, which was already my favorite song by her. Basically, she had made her first public appearence in a year and the press just shouted mean and horrible things to her and made her feel like shit, especially when it came to her relationship. Dancing With Our Hands Tied is about a relationship that feels doomed to end because of outside forces but they are trying to make the most of it. 
And then with Prince Harry and Meghan all the news, talking the press. How the press treated Diana. Princess Margret’s struggles, and her relationship with Peter Townsend. A plot appeared in my brain. 
I chose Lily to be the princess with much debate because if you think about them in canon, James is the rich priveledged one. But I thought Lily’s characteristics just fit better as the royal in the story. James has the real privledge in the story (beside money and power) because he has warmth and love, something that doesn’t seem to be a big part of the royal family. Also the sibling rivalary is real! Petunia and Lily were perfect. 
And that’s it! I started plotting and writing. I’m still working on Chapter 7 but I had to make some major changes because of watching Harry and Meghan, and now I’m almost done with Harry’s book. 
Sooo yeah! 
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Voices {Diana Prince x Fem!Reader}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 2343 Summary: Jealousy is hard to tame, even in an Amazonian Princess. Warnings: Smut.
Diana had never been the jealous type. That was until had come along and joined the Justice League, the only other female in this male-dominated group. You weren’t quite as powerful as Diana, but you contributed a lot to the team, and knew how to handle yourself in a fight. Your powers of creating a force field had saved the ass of each one of these lunatics at least once. Even Superman had owed you a debt of gratitude for your powers, all of which you took with a grin. But out of all of them, the one that you seemed to be the closest with was Bruce - and that is where Diana’s jealousy came in.
Tumblr media
You, like Bruce, were also from Gotham, so there had been that instant connection there. You would often talk about restaurants, about high school, about people and if there was any overlaps in where you used to hang out. It turns out you used to frequent some of the same places, despite being from totally different backgrounds. You two could often be seen talking and laughing around the coffee machine, or going out to dinner - which made the tabloids go wild. The rest of the league knew that you two were just friends but Diana had always suspected something.
She had originally thought that she would be the one that you would bond with, given that you were a woman. And yes, you two were friendly enough but it wasn’t quite what she had pictured. You would catch eyes in the hallway and nod at one another, and you worked well out in the battlefields of the world. When she saw you with Bruce, your voice would flow through her head like music, while Bruce’s was grating, like nails on a chalkboard. It affected her relationship with Bruce, which had once been friendly but now, being around him just felt like the annoying co-worker.
You and Bruce came into the Batcave from going out to dinner, and you were talking about the couple who had been sitting next to you. “I think it’s romantic,” You were saying about them.
“I think it’s convenient,” Bruce was shrugging off his jacket. “I know a thing or two about gold-diggers, y/n, and that man was one of them.”
“Sometimes, Bruce, I think you see the world in too dark a light,” You said, finally noticing that the others were gathered around, with only Diana and Barry eavesdropping. Cyborg was hooked into a supercomputer, and Clark was in his ordinary Clark attire, looking at his phone. “Oh, was there a meeting?”
“No, I was just bored,” Barry said. There was a flash of yellow, and he was standing right beside you, offering you a bag of chips. “Hungry?”
“Just ate, but thank you. I don’t think I could take another bite,” You protested. Bruce did the same with an elegant gesture of his hand, and you went your separate ways. Bruce went to hang up his jacket while you strode over to see what Clark was doing. Diana was sitting alone at the table now, watching the way that your dress moved about your body. She admired it on you. It was white and gold, and reminded her of home, though this was much more formal than functional. The sleeves draped over your shoulder, exposing the soft flesh of your collar and arms. As you bent over to peek at his phone and see who he was texting, she caught the curve of your breast, and looked away quickly, face glowing red in shame.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to look. But rather, she wanted you to be the one to show her, of your own free will. She wanted you to ask her to unzip the dress and watch as you stepped out of it, completely bare. These thoughts clouded her mind to the point where she didn’t notice that Barry had slipped into the chair beside her and was staring at her, grinning.
“You’re so obviously in love, just go ask her out!” He said, a little loudly. Diana shushed him quickly, and darted her eyes back to see if you had noticed. But you were teasing Clark about his girlfriend, Lois at this point and didn’t seem to have overheard.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Diana said, turning back towards Barry. “Isn’t there some marathon that you should be running?”
“Ouch, you get mean when you’re jealous.”
“I am not jealous,” Diana said, though she knew that it was a lie. Jealousy was a snake that was making it’s way through her nerves, and if she didn’t do something about it soon, she was afraid she was going to burst. The toxicity was unscrewing itself.
She stood up and made her way to the bathrooms. There were two, side by side, neither of them labeled as male or female because it seemed stupid. Just pick a bathroom and use it. She went inside and ran some cold water over her hands and patted at her flawless face. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw the red coming across her cheeks. She saw that glint in her eye that she didn’t like. Though alone, with the only sound being the pipes, she thought she could hear your voice. Laughing. Then Bruce. Probably saying something witty. Oh, I’m Bruce Wayne, I’m rich. I’m Batman.
She splashed herself again, trying to get control over these negative emotions. She dried her face with some paper towel and went to step out, planning on leaving the Bat Cave since she wasn’t needed here, but when she opened the door - you were standing there. You looked startled by the door opening, but your open mouth turned into a frown. “Are you okay?”
You pushed your way into the well lit bathroom with her, and closed the door behind you. Your hand then went to her forehead, reaching up because the Amazonian woman was so tall, and tried to feel for a fever. “Do I look sick to you?” Diana asked, raising an eyebrow, but let you touch her skin, her face. It brought that heat back but it was a different kind.
“Well, your cheeks look a little flushed, and you have been more quiet than usual,” You said, stepping back with a frown. “But you don’t have a fever, so hurray for small miracles.”
“Good,” Diana said with a nod. “But I could have told you that I’m not sick. I don’t get sick.”
“Of course, your immune system is probably as crazy powerful as you are,” You chuckled. “Is there something else wrong then? I mean, you look amazing as usual but there’s something up with you. If you wanted to talk about it, you know I’m here, right?”
You were just so nice, it was hard for Diana to really comprehend it. She only wished that you were this nice to her, and not to everyone else, as cruel as that seemed. In what was at first meant to be a reassuring motion, she put her hands on your arms and rubbed up and down, and then up, past the thin off-the shoulder sleeves, to your shoulders. Once she had started, she found it hard to stop.
“You’re here, and that’s part of the problem,” She admitted. You tilted your head in confusion, exposing more of that beautiful neck that so tempted her. The way that she was looking at you - with eyes ablaze - it was a wonder you weren’t running off. “I have to ask you a question, and it may sound a little strange.”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Do you have feelings of any sort for Bruce?”
“Oh, gross, no,” You said, shaking your head. Her hands were still on your shoulders, keeping you grounded. “He’s like a brother, especially since we grew up in a lot of the same places. Why do you ask?”
“You two seem very close... very close.” Her hands went up your neck, caressing the soft and exposed skin until she reached your jaw. Your breath hitched in your throat, she could feel it. But you didn’t become meek or shy. Instead, you surprised her.
“Hmm... are you jealous, Diana?” You asked. You didn’t attempt to push her off, or get her to move. In fact, the reason why you had been going towards the bathroom in the first place was easily forgotten. Diana was caught of guard by your direct question, and responded to it with a nod rather than verbalizing. A smile went across your lips - closed lipped, tantalizing. “Then my plan has been working.”
You were the one that initiated the first kiss, wrapping your arms around her neck, bringing her in. She was in her full gear in case something had come up, and her metal breastplate rubbed roughly against the soft fabric of your dress. It was a good feeling though. It was a bit cold - and it permeated through the dress until you could feel it on your nipples, making them grow hard. In contrast, Diana was now feeling the soft, the flowing feeling against her elbows as her arms bent when she came closer. Lips smashed against lips, and that jealousy melted away.
You were the first one to pull away, take a step back and looked over that outfit of hers. The infamous Wonder Woman outfit. Turned into cheap costumes the  world round. “How do you take that thing off?” You asked. Surprising her again.
“Are you asking me to take it off, or are you curious?” Diana asked, pushing her hair out of the way, behind her neck, so that she could get back at yours with kisses.
“Both,” You said, leaning your head back so that she had more skin to get at. Diana grinned into these kisses, and showed you exactly how the form fitting top came off.
Diana felt very comfortable in her skin, and was fine with showing it off - to you. There were plenty of perverts out there who wanted to see this view, but it was only for you. Her chest was heaving with excitement, the pink that had been on her cheeks blushed her tan body. The skirt had come off as well, it being a one piece, and now she was standing there in only her underwear. For you.
You brought her back in for another kiss, this time with no hard breast plate in the middle. Diana’s hands deftly made their way to the back of your dress, and found the zipper. You moaned in encouragement, and gently - so as not to ruin the dress - she pulled it down until it reached your lower back. You shrugged your way out of it, pulling your arms out of the sleeves and let it fall onto the bathroom floor. At least Alfred kept this place spic and span himself. These floors had only been mopped that very morning.
Diana kept the kisses raining down upon you, your neck, your shoulders, your breasts once they were exposed. It was just the two of you in your underwear now, pressed against one another but it never felt close enough. Lifting you with ease, Diana swept you off of your feet and put you up onto the sink. You leaned back against the mirror, surprised at how quick all of this was going on. Both of you were. But neither of you were putting a stop to it. This was what she had been thinking about doing. Taking you from Bruce’s side and showing you how she really felt. This, this was a dream come true.
She kissed her way up one of your thighs, right along the inner skin, got to your underwear and started to pull it off slowly, leading it with kisses among the other thigh, to the calf, the to your pretty feet, bound in heels. Those, she would leave on. Just like she would her own thigh-high boots. “You’re very beautiful, y/n,” Diana said, getting a real good look at you.
“So are you, Princess,” You said with a smile, watching with eyes full of adoration. She existed for your compliments, and made her way hungrily between your legs. She was soft, just like those plump lips of hers, and she was gentle. She was also quite slow, which made you want her all the more. Her tongue was wet and warm and seemed to know exactly where to go to bring out the little whimpers in you. Your hands went to your own breasts, squeezing them. You pulled at your own nipples, making a display of it as Diana watched. Her dark eyes stayed focus up on you as her mouth worked.
As you began to reach your climax, miscellaneous things in the bathroom started to rumble. The garbage can for one, began to shake. The paper towel roll became entirely undone. The soap started to squirt out on its own. The lights flickered on and off as that force-field of yours affected the electricity around you. When you did finally reach it, your legs tightened around Diana, trapping her there as you thrust your hips up and down against her face, mewling with satisfaction.
The afterglow must have been amazing, for you grew a lot more loose and limber afterwards. Once you let Diana out of your grip, she joined you, hopping up onto the counter and put her arms around you, bringing you in for more kisses. These ones were more so lazy, just little pecks, as you started to recover from that rush of emotions. “What about you?” You asked, looking her over with a grin on her face.
“In time,” Diana smirked. “We have all of that in the world.”
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Prompt: A Plus Size Female Reader, who feels a bit insecure in their relationship because of their appearance
Fandom: Wonder Woman, DC
Relationships: Diana Prince x Gender Neutral!Reader
Characters: Diana Prince, Reader
Word Count: 2300
Warnings: Talk of negative body image, mentions of past bullying
It was drizzling outside. You could hear the patter of raindrops against the window from where you sat on the couch, flicking idly through TV channels. Usually, you didn’t find it that difficult to find something to occupy your time, but tonight you were restless, mind flicking from thing to thing, unable to stop thinking for longer than a couple of minutes.
Landing on a channel playing dumb infomercials, you glanced over to where your phone sat on the kitchen counter. You'd placed it there to avoid the pull to check it, but still, it called to you, saying that a brief scroll of the internet wouldn't hurt. 
No. It was late enough that photos would've started to appear by now, and looking at them would just hurt you more. 
You turned your attention back to the TV where a forcefully enthusiastic lady was trying to sell some fancy house ornament for way too much. Surprisingly, it was kind of tempting. 
The clock in the corner of the screen turned to 8 pm. Fuck it was still early. 
You wished you were with Diana. 
You could've been with her. The fact that you weren't was only your fault. She'd invited you to the fancy do, an event designed to get some more high-class benefactors to invest in the Louvre. You’d declined the offer, stating you had work deadlines that needed to be met. It wasn’t a lie, there were deadlines, but they weren’t the reason you decided to skip. The whole affair was going to be big, with enough famous guests to warrant paparazzi showing up outside to catch a snap of them arriving. And the very thought of getting caught in all those flashes made you almost throw up. 
By the time you realized what you were doing, your phone was in your hand and you were pulling up the photos that had come in so far. It wasn’t hard to find a site that had a whole slideshow of them. Several of the faces you knew through Diana, but most you had no knowledge of as you flicked through, taking in the expensive suits and glamorous dresses. And then there she was. Diana. She looked beautiful in the burgundy gown, hair pinned up with just a few strands free. One part of you wished you really were there, holding her hand as you smiled at the cameras. The other part of you was so very glad you were nowhere near the event.
An alert popped up at the top of the page, informing you of new updates from the party. A quick refresh and new photos popped up of what was going on inside. There were a bunch of publicity shots of different individuals smiling together and pretending to be the best of friends. You knew some well enough to know better. Most were boring, but then Diana appeared again. Standing next to Bruce Wayne himself. She’d told you he was coming, his appearance and support more than enough to easily secure investments from several others. You liked him well enough on the couple of occasions you’d met. A little broody when the public persona slipped, but you knew he valued Diana’s friendship and thoughts, and if Diana was happy he was there, you were happy too.
But that didn’t mean you could shake the thought of just how damned good they looked together. They both exuded a natural elegance and charisma that could win over anyone and looking at them standing next to each other, it was impossible not to think just how gorgeous they were. They’d be the ultimate power couple if they were to get together. Unstoppable, really.
You shook your head, all but tossing your phone away as you stalked over to the window. They were stupid thoughts. Diana didn’t want Bruce or anyone else. She wanted you. She loved you. She told you so every day. But you just couldn't shake the feeling that she could do so much better. She deserved someone of her caliber. Someone just as attractive and...and thin, your mind supplied. 
All the things you weren't. 
You stayed by the window, watching the droplets of rain hit the pane of glass and slide down into nothing. The perfect setting for your continued dwelling. You knew you shouldn't have looked at your phone. Knew full well the pictures would just play into every insecurity you had. You could text Diana, ask to meet after the party, tell her how you were feeling. She had some natural ability of always making you feel better no matter what was wrong. But this wasn't her issue to deal with either. She hadn't done anything to make you feel like this, it was all on you, and it seemed unfair to drag her into it. 
It was probably for the best to keep it yourself. 
Arms slipped around your waist from behind, startling you out of your dwelling with a fright. The fear didn’t last though when you felt soft lips kiss just below your ear, and you caught the familiar scent of the perfume Diana always wore. 
“I’m sorry I frightened you,” she whispered, thumbs rubbing small circles on you over the jumper you wore. “It wasn’t my intention.”
“My fault. Was too busy daydreaming again.” You leaned back into the embrace slightly, knowing that Diana could support all of your weight and so just a little now wouldn’t be an issue. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”
“I tried calling you but there was no answer so I came to see if you were okay.”
An internal cringe shot its way through your body at that. You must’ve missed it ringing from wherever it had landed earlier, too busy feeling sorry for yourself, and now you’d made Diana worry about you. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to spoil your night.”
Diana’s lips dropped down to your neck, leaving a trail of gentle kisses along the sensitive skin. You could feel her smile against you. “Don’t be, my love. It was a good excuse to leave.”
“That bad, huh?”
Diana hummed in response, coaxing you to turn around in her arms, “I missed you,” she said, before kissing your lips.
It was easy, getting lost Diana’s kisses. She’d learned early on what you liked, what drove you wild, what melted you into her embrace and took full advantage of that knowledge often. Like now, she was set on turning your legs to jelly, forcing you to wrap your arms around her in return just to stay steady. Not that she’d ever let you fall. You could feel the skin of her bare back under your fingertips, a little chilly from being exposed in the backless dress all night, but not too bad. You traced random patterns over it as you kissed, the way she liked it, and you were rewarded with a quiet little moan that sent sparks down your spine.
She was the first to break the kiss, smiling at you as she took your hands in hers. It was the first time you’d seen her in the flesh all night, and God, she looked even more breathtaking than in the pictures. “Shower with me,” she said, the subtle shift in tone making it perfectly clear what she was thinking. You followed her, helpless to do anything else. She was captivating when she had that teasing smile on her face, and it was near impossible to resist her.
But then you caught a glimpse of you both in the mirror, and all the thoughts that had been temporarily forgotten came crashing back. The thought of being naked with Diana right then…
You faltered in your step, and Diana must’ve seen the change in you because she stopped, smile slipping into a frown instead. "What's wrong?" 
"I…" You didn't really know what to say. How to word what you were feeling or even if you should word it all. "I showered earlier. You should go ahead and I'll pour us some wine, yeah?" 
Diana looked far from convinced, keeping her hold on you when you tried to tug free. "Y/N, has something happened?" 
She looked so concerned. You hated making her feel like that, making her worry when the only thing wrong was you. "No, everything's fine, really. Don't worry about me," you said with a smile. 
"I can see that's not true," Diana stepped closer, a hand coming up to rest at the back of your neck, fingers playing with the fine hairs there. "You can talk to me." She was so earnest, and you knew she wouldn't judge you, it was just so hard to open up. 
"Di," you sighed, "it's dumb."
"If it's bothering you then it could never be dumb. Tell me." Before you knew it Diana was guiding you to the bedroom and sitting you both down on the bed. 
How were you even going to start? It wasn't something you'd ever talked about, even before meeting Diana. "I…I don't know where it came from. I mean I do, but…it's been worse recently and I don't know why. It's not like anything has changed." Wow, was it even possible to be even vaguer in your rambling? 
"What do you mean?" 
You took a breath, trying to organize your thoughts. "Us. Or me more specifically. It's...recently I've been thinking about why the hell you're with me. You could be with anyone…and you chose me of all people."
You weren't looking at her, but you could hear the frown, the confusion in her voice. "Why would I not choose you?" 
"Because you're you. You're beautiful."
"As are you."
"No. I'm not." You looked up at her at that. "I'm fat and flabby and have rolls and stretch marks. People like me don't get to be with people like you." There was no judgment in Diana's eyes when you met them for a brief moment, but she was still trying to understand. "All my life, I've been the person to get asked out as a joke or a bet or to embarrass a friend because that's the only thing the fat ones are for."
"You know what we have is no joke to me."
"I know. I do. And I've always known. I'm happier with you than I ever thought I could be. But after so many years of bullshit…"
"It's difficult to believe you're enough." 
You nodded, grateful that she understood now. "Yeah. And when the person you're dating is brave and strong and beautiful and quite literally a goddess it's even tougher sometimes."
Diana reached out towards you, cupping your cheek. "How long have you felt like this?" 
"It didn't really bother me at first. Crossed my mind, yeah, but I was having so much fun with you I decided to just go with it. And…I guess I wasn't expecting things to get serious or last all that long. But then you said you loved me and I fell hopelessly in love with you, and that's when they started creeping in...these insecurities."
She nodded, tucking her legs up on the bed so she could scoot in close to you, brushing away the tears you that you hadn't noticed start to fall. "Is this why you didn't want to come with me tonight?"
"Yeah. I saw some of the photos and I was right not too. You...you looked exquisite, and when you were standing next to Bruce, you looked so good together. And I just couldn't help but think how you should always have someone that good next to you at every event, or date, or walk down the street."
"I already do. You say these things about me but don't realize they're the same things I see when I look at you. You are beautiful, Y/N. The first time I saw you I thought you'd been created by the Gods themselves because they could not make anyone fairer. Every day you amaze me with your kindness and wit and goodness. I've been told that I inspire people to be their best selves, but they don't realize that you inspire me to be better. You are everything I could ever want, and I love you." If the words weren't enough to make you cry even harder, the look in her eyes would've been. The open honesty that said she meant every word, the adoration, and love that made your heart swell. 
"Thank you," you whispered. With someone else you may have questioned it, but not with Diana, and while not all of your thoughts vanished, knowing how Diana saw you helped. "I love you too, Di. I never knew I could be so happy until I met you."
"Nor I before you." Diana moved you both so you were lying on the bed, no doubt rumpling and creasing the expensive dress, not that she seemed to mind, and pulled you to her until you were wrapped in each other's arms. "When you feel this way, tell me. I want to help you."
You nodded, leaning in for a kiss. "I will. I promise."
Diana smiled and the two of you fell quiet as you just enjoyed holding the other. It was nice, one of your favorite things about Diana was how tactile she was. She loved to touch and hold and show affection just as much as you did, and it was always relaxing. 
After a few minutes, Diana pulled back slightly. "Bruce invited me to Gotham tonight. He's hosting an event for the museum. A small, private thing for him. Will you come with me?" 
"You want me to?" 
"Of course."
You bit your lip, thinking a moment. Just the thought made you nervous but with Diana next to you…You nodded and smiled, "I'd like that."
She returned the smile and kissed you, "Thank you."
You kissed her back, getting lost in the sensations of it to the point you almost missed Diana's hands, slipping under your jumper and running over your back. You broke the kiss and chuckled softly. "How about we take that shower now?" 
"I could think of nothing better, my love."
Like what you read? Consider buying me a coffee! (I’ll love you forever)
Tagging: @lifeaccordingtojenna​ @amachnowski @highwayunicornroadtoluv​ 
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inagetawaycarxo · 6 years
Can you write a Diana Prince imagine using the adopt a pet prompt?
Adopt a pet from the Valentines Prompts
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Pairings: Diana Prince x Reader
Characters: Diana Prince, Reader/You
Summary: you and Diana adopt a dog.
WARNINGS: Fluff, kissing
Word Count: 425
A/N: Malador is a Alaskan Malamute/Labrador dog. And Labradoddle is a Labrador/ Poodle. Also they prob let you play with them but I remember when I adopted my dog (which was from a pond) they didn’t let us play with him, had to pat him through the fence..
Diana pulled you into the animal shelter, both of you’s beaming with happiness as she swang yours and hers connected hands back and forth as she made her way to the reception desk pulling you along with her.
The woman looked up smiling at you and Diana,before she could speak Diana interrupted her.
“We would like to adopt two dogs.” Diana beamed, you nodded your head in agreement, the woman smiled at you’s.
“Of course, you’s can come this way.” She spoke, exiting the reception desk area and making her way over to a door to the side that lead to where they kept the dogs. Beckoning you and Diana with her finger to follow her, which you and Diana did.
Diana squeezed your hand a bit tighter when you’s entered the room. Diana let out a tiny squeal, while you let out an awe.
She quickly let go of your hand and made her way over to a cage near the far corner. While you walked centre in the room, looking at the cages until you found he dog that melted your heart.
“So, what type of dogs are you two looking for?” the woman asked.
“Any.” You answered, as Diana was too busy adoring a Labradoodle.
“He seems to like you.” she spoke, as the one year old Malador licked your hand then nuzzling into you’re the palm of your hand, letting out a small whine.
“I like him, I want to adopt him.” you beamed, looking at the dog with so much love and admiration.
“And I want this one.” Diana exclaimed, looking at the woman then at you staring at awe at the dog you wanted to adopt, you doing the same and looking at the dog she picked.
“Okay, I’ll get you’s two an application form each then I’ll ask you some questions.” She spoke, exiting the room to organise the application forms.
Diana walked over to you, making the dog she was patting whine. She quickly kneeled down beside you making you look over at her and smile.
“I can’t wait to take them home, let’s hope we pass her questions.” She spoke, staring at you in admiration.
“Me too, don’t worry babe we will defiantly pass and get to be able to adopt these two cuties.” You replied, making Diana smile, she leaned forward her eyes fluttering shut as yours did as well, she gently pressed her lips against yours, her hand resting on your thigh while her other one rested on the side of your face…
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lapseinrecs · 8 months
Plagiarism is Not a Joke, Batman
By good_ho_mens @popsun
On Archive of Our Own 
Status: Oneshot; 2372 words
Summary: “How old are you?” Bruce very much would like to have the last two minutes back please, turns out, he does not want to trust them with his identity. “Twenty-three,” He growls. 
My thoughts: This one’s really really funny. Just, the idea of 17 year old Batman. And the League finding out he’s 23. And theater kid Bruce. And Robin. And Oliver and Bruce being friends. It’s all so.
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imagine-nation20 · 7 years
En Pointe
Summary: Trying to keep your job as the lead role in swan lake is hard enough, but when Wonder Woman comes crashing through the wall of your apartment, you wonder if your biggest worry is falling during a show.
Requested by: Anon
Request: (if you write for her) maybe wonder woman x nerdy ballerina?
Warnings: None. Unless you have a problem with the LGBTQ+ community, in which case I would suggest you leave and unfollow this blog.
     Rehearsal was the worst, the director insisting your leaps weren’t good enough when you knew that no one else could do better. The whole way back to your apartment, you grumbled about how he should try standing on the tips of his toes for a whole ballet. You hopped off the bus, stepping onto the dirty Gotham streets. They had been a bit cleaner and safer since Batman surfaced, but not enough for you to dare walk around without a bottle of pepper spray and a taser. 
     The day was becoming colder, the sunset painting the sky a glimmering mix of orange, red, pink, and purple. The practice had run longer than you had wished it to, and now you were stuck walking back home as the sky grew darker. With your luck, you would end up as one of the victims of the Joker, or worse, Harley Quinn. You involuntarily shivered, wrapping your thick wool coat tighter around yourself. 
     Luckily, you made it to your apartment without a single problem, but that was where your luck run out. As you moved to take off your coat, you heard a extremely loud argument from the the building next door. Next thing you knew, something smashed through your outside wall straight into your couch. You back up a few steps as he dust floated around. the clinking of metal and movement from the couch made you squeak and run around the corner to peak out from your bedroom.
     The dust settled and a feminine figure appeared out of the cloud. She was tall, and held a shield and sword. Her face was lit up with a smile and you had to admit she was the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. Though, it was the outfit and headpiece that clued you in on who exactly had crashed into your apartment.
     “Oh my god your Wonder Woman...” She smiled before being distracted by something climbing into your living room through the hole she made. With a serious look and a sword pointed at whatever had crawled through she finally spoke.
     “Hide in the bedroom! Stay out of the way and I promise you will be safe.” She jumped back into fighting with whatever it was and you hid behind the wall as a vase came crashing into the place you had just been standing.
     You realized now, after seeing her crash through the wall, you would probably not be any safer in your own room that you were here and now. With a few deep breaths, you peaked around the corner, only to see it wasn’t going to well for the gorgeous superhero. She was pushed up against your dining table, her shield left laying towards you. With yet another deep breath, you ran out, picking the shield from the ground.
     “If ever there was a time for those three years of discus to pay off, now would be then.” You mumbled to yourself as you aimed and hurtled the shield at the thing pining her down. It slammed into its head, clanging before dropping to the ground. It didn’t seem to do anything though, as the monster holding Wonder Woman down, turned and started towards you. With wide eyes, you slowly backed away until your back hit a wall. The creature crept closer, giving Wonder Woman enough time to ready her sword and swing.
     The blade swept through the creature’s neck, its head toppling off and rolling across the floor. It was silent for a moment, only the sound of heavy breaths from both of you. She picked up her discarded shield, looking to you with a smile.
     “Thank you. I am sorry about the damages, I can-” You interrupted her, squealing in excitement.
     “OH MY GOD THAT WAS AWESOME! I just threw it, and then you came and just,” You mimicked her lobbing off the things head. “And you Wonder Woman, and-Oh my goodness, Wonder Woman just crashed into my apartment and saved my life-” She was the one to cut you off this time, sheathing her sword and shield before placing her hands on my shoulders.
     “It is very nice to meet you, but I do have something to do. If you would like, I could leave you a number to call to help pay for damages?” With wide eyes, you nodded, and she looked around before spotting a pen and paper on your desk. She moved to it, scribbling something down before handing the paper to you and walking out through the large hole in the wall.
     It had been about three weeks since Wonder Woman had come crashing into your apartment, and apologized. It turned out the number she had given you was Bruce Wayne’s home phone, and he hadn’t really seemed surprised when you told him, though he agreed to have someone come down and fix your wall. 
     It was about a week after that, that Wonder Woman, or Diana as she insisted you called her had returned, wishing to check up on you and make sure you were alright. This time though, she left the armor and weapons at home and came dressed as a civilian. Her long hair pinned up, and a red shirt and black pencil skirt replacing her hero gear.
     You had offered to let her stay, making tea and chatting about your life since she came crashing in. It was weird, the whole exchange, and you doubted she had done this for every victim of her hero shenanigans. Not that you weren’t happy though, you had asked so many questions about her, you assumed she would have become annoyed were she anyone else. She then returned every day that week, to your utter bafflement.
     It was now two weeks later that you stood backstage of the first showing of Swan Lake, in full costume. She had only showed up seven days in a row, which had then abruptly stopped. To say you were disappointed was an understatement, but you understood. You were a charity case. A guilt visit.
     The directer urged you on stage and they ballet began. You tried not to think about Diana through the performance, and just about succeeded. That was, until the very end, when the whole production came out and bowed for the audience, you noticed. She sat in the third row back, a smile on her face as she stood and clapped. You were astounded. You knew you had told her of you job, but you had doubted she would remember, let alone show up.
     As the dancers and crew walked off the stage, you sprinted ahead, rushing to your dressing room. You were determined to get out of costume as quickly as possible and be able to catch Diana before she left.
     “In a rush to go somewhere?” You jumped in fright, whirling to hit the person behind you who had spoken. Your wrist was caught, sparkling eyes meeting yours. She stood there, in all her glory, and a cocky smile on her face. It suited her well, but you were to busy trying not to freak out.
     “You came to see the show, why?” She shrugged, backing up and crossing her arms.
     “I wished to see exactly how good you were. I must say, I was not disappointed.” The compliment made you blush, choosing to look down. It was then you realized that you had gotten your costume off, and you were currently just in your underwear. You cheeks somehow got hotter as you tried to cover yourself.
     “I-I’m sorry, could you look away fro a moment while I put on something?” She smirked, but gave in and turned. You scrambled for your silk robe, pulling it from its hanger and slipping it on. She turned around, not waiting to see of your were done. The smile never left her face as she approached you.
     “Why are you so interested in what I’m doing? One minute your crashing through my apartment wall, and the next you are actively spending time with me, why?” You asked, and she stayed silent, walking towards you more. She was only inches away when she answered.
     “At first I simply wanted to be sure you were alright, but after the first visit I-” She cut herself off, thinking for a moment. “I came back because I wanted to. I came back because...” She leaned in, placing her hand on your cheek, and connecting her lips with yours. It was over before you could comprehend, and that smile was back on her face.
     “I came back to ask you on a date.” Unable to speak, you just nodded. “Do you have a dress nice enough for a Wayne Gala?” It was now impossible to breathe, but you managed anyways.
     “I think I can scrounge something up.” She nodded, releasing your face and backing out of the room slowly.
     “Saturday, eight o’clock. I will be at your place to escort you.” You nodded, still in a slight daze, as she closed the door behind you. There was a beat of silence in the room before you flipped and started jumping around. Squeals escaped you, and Diana smiled from behind the door, hearing your cheers of excitement, and hiding her own.
I am dearly sorry if she is out of character, but I tried my best. Thank you for requesting this, and I hope your will request more!
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On Your Side - Diana Prince
Fic # 31 of the Hamilton Prompts Song: Washington on Your Side
“I can’t believe she would vote for something like that,” Diana said as she stalked down the stairs of the Senate building in her pantsuit. Just moments before, a senator that Diana had befriended, and had hoped to use as an ally, had voted for a mission that could me death for hundreds of innocent people.
“She didn’t have a choice, Di,” you said, following close behind her. She looked back at you and rolled her eyes. You laughed and ran up a bit, which was a bit difficult in your dress and heels, and grabbed her hand.
“You always have a choice to do the right thing,” she said. “Everyone does.”
“Not everyone. Not everyone has your sparkling moral. It’s hard to go for the right thing, especially when your choice wouldn’t have mattered,” you said. “Everyone in that room voted for the mission. Even if she didn’t, it wouldn’t have mattered. It would have just alienated her.”
“Look in his eyes! See how he lies,” she said. You nodded, remembering the man who pitched this mission to the senate. He had a mysterious look to him, and didn’t have any of his facts covered on the dangers of this mission. You and Diana had been tracking him for a long time, and were now so close that you could practically see him behind bars already.
“Diana, we both know that. Your senator friend knows that. But we can’t prove it yet, which is why this is a good thing.”
“People could die, Y/N!” she said, looking at you in shock.
“Try not to crack under the stress,” you said, smirking at her. “I think I know a way we can fix this.”
“How?” You smiled at her and she reluctantly did, too. “Your charm won’t be enough to stop this mission.”
“We’ll see. But if it doesn’t, I have another plan.”
“And what’s that?” she asked as she pushed open the door, and stepped out into the damp, cool air.
“Sneak onto the mission.” Diana raised an eyebrow at you and didn’t say anything for the next twenty minutes as you made your way to her office, a few blocks down. As you walked inside, you sat down on one of the chairs in front of her desk and smiled across at her.
“How? How are you going to sneak onto this mission? He didn’t give the impression that he wanted any help, especially from you.” 
“Come on, you’re Wonder Woman. You can’t think of a single way we could sneak onto this mission?”
“No,” she said with a small smirk as you rolled your eyes. “Are you planning on turning invisible?”
“We won’t be invisible,” you said shaking your head with a laugh.
“We?” she asked with a cock of her eyebrow.
“Yes. I have the perfect idea of how we can sneak our way onto the plane, and stop innocents from getting murdered.”
“I’m all ears,” she said with her beautiful smile.
“It will involve some charm, though. We’ll have to convince the American senators that we’re not together, even though that’s both their fantasy and their nightmare.” Diana laughed and looked at you, leaning back in her chair.
“How will that help us?”
“Aren’t you suppose to be as smart as Athena?” She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. “We'll flirt our way into their hearts, and get onto the ship and stop it before it can even begin its destruction.”
“And before you say anything, I won’t get hurt,” you said, already know where her mind was going. She had already lost one person to a plane crash when they were trying to be heroic, and you weren’t going to let that happen to her, again. “You don’t have to worry about anything happening,” you said. She nodded sadly and didn’t look up at you. “If we don’t stop it, we aid and abet this travesty.”
“I know,” she said with a sigh. “I know you’re right.”
“So you’ll go with me?” you asked. 
“Of course.” You smiled and walked to the other side of the desk and leaned down to kiss her. “I’m always by your side.”
“I love you, and I believe in us,” you said, kissing her once more. “And I’ll always be on your side, too.”
“So do I. But we’ll have to get you a suit, too,” she said. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” she said, biting her lip playfully. “I was thinking something in the red, white, and blue color scheme?”
“Sounds perfect.”
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Washing Up (Diana Prince X Male!Reader) *PLATONIC
Characters: Diana Prince X Male!Reader
Universe: DC, Wonder Woman
Warnings: Fighting, mild mention of torture
Request: Wonder Woman x Male Reader Reader ends up on the island and is similar to The Winter Soldier (Not Bucky the Group) and they try to attack him and he holds the off, before Diana finds him and blindsides him maybe she helps him escape and maybe he helps with the Aries issue.
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You woke up freezing and wet through. You were laid on your front, and as you tried to push yourself up, you felt the ground move underneath you, and as you gripped it, you realized it was sand. You were on a beach. You opened your eyes, looking into the sand as the waves rushed into you. You turned, seeing no sign of the plane you had jumped out of. It had probably sunk already. 
You forced yourself to stand, and look at where you were, and you were immediately confused, having no idea of how you got here, or where you even were. The sun was out, warm on your skin, when you distinctly remember flying through a storm, a storm that ultimately made you have to leave your plane mid flight. It wasn then you remembered why you were on that plane, and why you were so willing to abandon it. You were on the run.
You became hyper aware then as you examined the cliff in front of you, looking for any sign of other life. You soon found it when you saw women approaching you on horses and on foot, all armed with weapons that seemed almost medival- mere bows and swords. Normally that wouldn’t intimidate you- you’d dealt with much more powerful weapons. But that was the thing. You were unarmed and outnumbered. You were still freezing, and you tensed your body to try and stop the shaking at they approached. One woman led on a horse, stopping in front of you, the others pointing their weapons at you. “Who are you, and how did you get here?” She demanded.
You didn’t answer, mostly because you didn’t know the answers. Memories were a blur, and your only answer to getting here was crashing a plane trying to escape the people who made your memories so blurry and painful and washing up. You also couldn’t remember the last time you last spoke. No one really ever spoke to you back then. You were just a weapon. You tightened your jaw, thinking about your scarce memories, so focused you didn’t see the hand coming to land on your arm. 
As soon as it made contact, any thoughts of a negotiation went out the window as you went into survival mode, and started to fight back. The second you threw a punch, hell broke loose, and you were bombarded. You had been trained to fight with several people in hand to hand combat, so at first you were doing well despite your freezing body and heavy wet clothes. That was until you felt something wrap around you, pulling you back and someone kicked your legs from under you, making you land on the ground. Looking down at your torso, you saw glowing gold lasso, and looking up at the sky again, you were greeted by a woman with black hair looking down at you. With you down, she raised her hand to tell everyone to stop, and they listened. She knelt down, looking over you. “Act calm. How did you get here, and why? Tell me everything.” She instructed. 
“...I… I was flying a plane… I had to crash it, and I washed up ashore… I was running from the people who turned me into a weapon.” You didn’t understand why you were admitting this to her, but as you explained yourself to her, you saw her expression soften. 
“A weapon? Tell me more.” 
“... I don’t know much about myself. They’ve damaged my memories, but they’ve had be for a while, forcing me to fight, and I’m not the only one…” 
She looked up at whoever- probably the woman who had been in charge and had asked you questions first, and nodded. “Are you sure, Diana?” 
“Yes.” Diana said, standing up, and you were pulled to your feet. “What is your name?” 
“...Y/N… I think.” 
“Well Y/N… You’ve been granted refuge here, and the only thing we ask for in return is to protect our island if those who hurt you come here, and to assist me when I need to leave the island.” She offered, releasing you from the lasso. You looked around at the others, most of their faces were lacking expression, some were looking unimpressed, but when you looked back at Diana, you saw compassion and assurance. She was willing to take you in and help you. Help. You’d never had that before. 
“I feel that is a more than fair offer… thank you.” 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @theplacewhererobindied@rebellionofthecattle  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lena-stan-xavier​ @lady-of-lies​ @sebstanismylife​ @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​
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