#but how can he not believe his older sibling will protect him from them. right?)
quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
oh my god the master would be the doctor’s little brother if they were siblings
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lemon-koii · 4 months
•|Sad TWST headcanons
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𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
If his mother calls him before or during eating a strawberry tart, he'd have a hard time finishing his tart after their conversation even if it has no relate to it. He would clutch his hands and just stare at his strawberry tart for a few minutes and eat it slowly. Still remembering the first day he tasted a tart, but not a good way
𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑦 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟
Doesn't like it when people yell at him when mad as it reminds him when Riddles' mom yelled at him and his family for 3 hours straight. Although, he wouldn't react much if you yelled at him, but he will definetly hold a grudge
𝐷𝑒𝑢𝑐𝑒 𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑒
After Riddles' overblot, he'd not only get nightmares about it, he'd also get nightmares of Cater getting impaled with a spear from Riddle. In some dreams, Cater died, right infront of him and his roommates would have to wake him up. He pleaded them to not tell Cater but one of them slipped(It wasn't Ace. I refuse to believe he's THAT much of a jerk and clumsy)
𝐶𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑
Whenever his sister would call him, he'd just stare at it ringing. He doesn't want to talk to them but he also don't have the heart to reject it. Sadly, he can only do this when he's alone since people will point. But when he gets close to the prefect, he'd ignore the ringing and tell you to do the same. Just don't pester him and point at it more than 3 times
Comforts Deuce in a non-obvious way whenever his roommates accidentaly told him that Deuce had nightmares about his impalement
𝑅𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑖𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑐𝑐ℎ𝑖
Tons of bite and scratch scars from his childhood due to fighting over food with another group of hyenas. As a male hyena, he's pretty tall in their book so he's the one to mostly go out to hunt and fight for food
Sometimes has to give up his food to female hyenas
𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑚 𝐴𝑙-𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑚
On the outside it looks like he trusts his siblings a lot but deep down he doesn't. He loves and trusts his baby siblings but once they reach the age of learning about the hierarchy, he'll start to doubt them but won't show it. So when they do end up trying to kill him, he'll be heartbroken but not surprised
𝐽𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙 𝑉𝑖𝑝𝑒𝑟
He was 14 years old when he first killed someone to protect Kalim. One of the most traumatic event in his life but as he got older, it bothered him less and less. When he looks back at his first kill, he'll cringe. Thinking, "God why did I cry and puke that time? I should've expected it"
𝑂𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑜 𝑆ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑑
Somehow got a hold of a file full of old pictures and videos of H!Ortho and when he has nothing to do, he'd watch it privately. Observing how past Ortho acted and will try to recreate does actions.(It gives Idia tons of flashbacks)
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑎 𝑉𝑎𝑛𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔𝑒
Back when Silver wad a kid, he'd give Lilia every egg he found during Easter. But the moment Lilias' eyes spotted a black egg with bright green designs on it, he'd go quite and just stare at it. Remembering Meleanor and egg Malleus
𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔
After overblots, they really want to vent to their parents but they can't. Crowley pressured them to not tell anyone or their grades and the schools reputation will be at risk
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phoneduk · 8 months
I love Reverse Robins Au but I feel like a lot of people interpret it as reverse roles Au rather than how I interpret it Reverse Age au.
Here's how I see it:
Is dropped off with Bruce at age 8 - violent assassin child who meets tired goth Bruce who's not quite used to being batman yet and is nowhere near equipped enough to raise a child but he's damned if he's not gonna try his hardest.
It's a bit of a mission at first trying to curb the violent tendencies and raise a whole antisocial person (and wow, he admires Alfred so much more now). He almost quits Batman for a bit until he figures out that making Damian his sidekick might be a good outlet for him.
Bruce is out on patrol with Damian when he finds a little boy who's parents are out of commission and is too stubborn to believe that the Bat would actually help him.
Damian hates that he's not an only child anymore but eventually warms up to the idea when he realises they can team up against Bruce and that they are not in competition.
When Bruce finds out that Duke is a meta he wants to flinch back and send him away, but he doesn't, partially because he loves Duke so much the idea of losing him so quickly repulsed him and partially because Damian pulled a sword on him at the idea.
Roughly 9 years after Damian is taken in Bruce, Damian and Duke are approached by a small boy saying he knows who they are and wants to join them. Bruce refuses but Damian spots the opportunity to have someone else be Batman's sidekick whilst he can become a hero in his own right.
Damian starts following Tim around and looking out for him and then he realises that Tim is being neglected and come on he can't just leave Tim there so he brings him home and Bruce can't really argue against that.
Two months later Batman has a new sidekick and Gotham has a new lone hero.
They only notice her because she wants them to and absolutely no one questions it when she's bought home. All three boys had wanted a sister at some point and none of them cared about her past or her speech.
Tim's a teenager now has almost finished highschool when Bruce goes out one night with the batmobile and comes back to where he parked it find a kid stealing the tires. Bruce can sense that Tim is going to inevitably leave him as well so what better time to take in a new kid when he also will need a sidekick soon.
The decision hurts Tim more than anything else because he's being replaced and he's not ready to be on his own even though he's never been more ready.
Jason grows quicker than either of his other two boys and he's more determined than either of them to right the wrongs of Gotham. That determination was what led him to Ethiopia where his the joker killed him.
Bruce was at the circus at Alfred's suggestion, something to distract him from the empty seat at the table where his youngest should be. It's at the circus where he sees the trapeze line fail and he can't stop himself from reaching out to the falling artists. It hurts him to take in another child so soon after losing Jason but the thought of that tiny boy who saw his parents die going into Juvie almost kills him.
Dick brings joy into the manor that hadn't been known since Bruce was a boy and everyone in the family falls in love with him.
When the Red hood emerges, angry at his older siblings for not protecting him and wanting to kill Dick they're all a worrying amount of relieved and angry. Surprisingly it's Dick that manages to get him to come back to the family.
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envy-of-the-apple · 7 months
Okay,, you have to let us know are the eggs any characters Specifically like megumi or itadori? I bet they would be clingy mommas boys.
Love you crumbs you give us and happy late birthday 🫶🏻
awww ty bestie okay okay okay holdonholdon
You'd name the hatchlings. Idk if I mentioned this or not but in the excerpt, the reader names Suguru and Satoru cuz they didn't have a concept of language yet. I think once they had a general concept of human language, they'd use their human names for each other just like you do.
When Nobara, Yuji and Megumi hatch, they'd definitely hang onto you the most. It's mostly because you are the most caring out of the throuple you were forced into. It makes sense for you to care about them, right? After all, human babies are pretty helpless and that's how far your knowledge extends. And they're adorable, with big round eyes, making cute little chitters. You get a tiny bit protective of them, especially considering the other two nagas don't carry the same sentiment. Suguru is clearly a believer of tough love and you've caught Satoru trying to put one of the eggs in his mouth (you're pretty sure he was joking...but you arent risking it when they're this tiny). They're small right now, but naga hatchlings grow up fast. They're practically your height in just a couple of years.
I feel personally, Yuji would be the (most outwardly) clingiest. He's affectionate, more dog than snake, sometimes. He's the largest of his siblings. When he was smaller, his favorite thing to do was wrap himself around your shoulders and you'd carry him around. He can't do that now, but he has other ways of spending time with you. He 'hunts' with you the most, assisting you with collecting berries and fruit. Apart from you, he'd bond with Satoru more. They share a similar personality, both are easily amused.
Megumi would be the shyest, but he loves you just as much as his siblings do. Much like his fathers, he enjoys the warmth you provide and would love cuddling with you in the languid hours of the evening. He doesn't do that much when he's older, but he's still interested in spending time with you! He likes quality time, the most. Eventually, during your time on the island, you'd have set up a tiny garden. He'd help with that. He and Suguru would have lots of similarities, so you'd often catch them together. They'd both help with your garden, helping cultivate the seeds and soil. It's not natural for them, but they understand you're different from nagafolk
But I think Nobara would be the one you're the closest to. She hatched the first. She's also different from her brothers. Again, in the naga species, the females become something akin to sirens. Slowly, you'd notice how different she is compared to her brothers, how much she enjoys the water, how dry her skin gets when she stays on land for too long. She'd evolve differently. Webbed hands, her tail would be more lithe, finned.
Because she's so different, Satoru and Suguru don't have much of an interest in her. Again, much like reptiles, nagas are fairly independent at a young age. Satoru and Suguru allow the hatchlings to stick around because you'd pitch a fit otherwise and they try to keep their mate happy. Once it becomes clear Nobara is aquatically gifted, you'd be terrified of the thought of her being out alone at sea, so you'd often go out with her, not caring how pruny your fingers get. Because of how much time you spend with her, I think she'd be the most interested in humans. She'd ask you about human culture, human customs. Every once in a while, she'd go out and collect remnants of humanity, clothes, trinkets, jewelry, anything she can find off the ocean floor. She'd sit on the rocky shore, holding out each one, demanding you to explain them to her.
You wouldn't dare mention how much you fear her fathers, but I feel Nobara would be the first to realize that you don't want to be here. She can see it in your eyes, the longing whenever you're explaining another human trinket. She wants you to be happy, but if you go back to the humans....would you still have time for her? Would you still braid her hair? Take care of her? Love her?
In the end, Nobara is the most similar to her fathers. She'd keep you on the island too.
ughhhhhh i should just write that chaptered naga fic already this is getting ridiculous.
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blues824 · 9 days
Twst as yandere brothers?
Hey… How y’all doing…?
These are headcanons for the Housewardens. Also, GN! Reader who is not Yuu. Platonic, for obvious reasons. 
Warning: I do not condone Yandere behavior in real life.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Ever the perfectionist, you get the brunt of it, unfortunately
No time is spent outside of classes or Heartslabyul or any extracurriculars you took up just to make sure that no one ‘corrupts’ you
It sometimes seems like he doesn’t love you, but he does
He’s trying to protect you from the wrath of your guys’ mother when you both inevitably return home for breaks
When he overblots, his first instinct is to protect you and shield you away from everyone
Once everything is restored, however, he gives you an apology
That doesn’t mean you can go hanging around anyone aside from his trusted list of people: Trey. Just Trey.
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Leona Kingscholar
For the longest time, his only source of joy was seeing himself as above you
Since you are the youngest, he essentially wanted you to worship him since he is your older brother
He’s not exactly strict, but he doesn’t want you messing around with the wrong crowd
This means that you have a detail of Savanaclaw members following you around
When he overblots, he realizes how horribly he has treated you… to the point that you would turn against him
After he recovers, he makes more of an effort to be a better older brother to you
The detail does not go away, though, because he needs to make sure you are safe
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Azul Ashengrotto
He definitely depended on you for validation during your entire childhood
A lot of your time was spent in the Mostro Lounge, working so that Azul can keep a very close eye on you
Jade and Floyd definitely watch you closely as well, but only because Azul threatens to deduct their pay if they don’t
It’s hard for you to make friends because you have two scary eels trailing behind you at all times
When he overblots, it definitely opens up a lot of conversation between you two, especially when you don’t defend him.
Instead, you stand up to him, fed up with his treatment of you over the years
Once he recovers, he calls off Jade and Floyd, but he still makes sure any friends you make know that he’s more than willing to ruin them
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Kalim Al-Asim
You were his favorite sibling out of the 30+ siblings that you both share, and for that, you regret being born
Sure, he acknowledged how unique you were, and often supported you in your interests, but he was very clingy all of the time
Jamil would often distract him so that you could have a moment to yourself
To say you were glad when he was accepted to NRC would be an understatement, since his affections were suffocating
After Jamil overblotted, and they decided to return home for a bit, Kalim was even more clingy… especially since he realized that everything he believed about Jamil was a lie
Now you have to constantly reassure him that you won’t betray him, especially since he’s the one set to inherit everything since he’s the eldest
Jamil is no longer a saving grace for you
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Vil Schoenheit
Assuming that you are not a celebrity in your own right, he is working hard to make sure the public and the paparazzi know very little about you
He also makes sure that you are not a fan of Neige LeBlanche, nor that you ever become a fan of him
Uses you for daily validation, essentially, and it’s hella annoying for you
To retaliate, you team up with Epel or you ask Rook about Neige’s newest film so you could further piss Vil off
When Vil overblots, he also feels betrayed when you take the other side in opinion
Unvoiced emotions and feelings on both sides are definitely made known afterward during his recovery, where you told him that you were your own person
Thus, he lets you be your own person under very strict parameters… though, you are still unable to consume Neige LeBlanche content
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Idia Shroud
After the death of your guys’ brother, Idia definitely grew more attached to you
There were new rules implemented at home in order to keep you safe, but you were forced to stay near him anyway due to the family curse
Of course, in the meantime, you were allowed to do your own thing, as long as he was able to keep a close eye on you as you did it
When Ortho is rebuilt, Idia lets off of you for a bit, but when you are accepted into NRC, it gets bad again
His overblot was bad, especially since you couldn’t do anything to help Yuu and Grim because of your need to stay near blot (family curse)
During his recovery, he gave a tearful apology, and you forgave him since he was your older brother
Unfortunately, because he’s your older brother, your still watched closely via Ortho and the school cameras
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Malleus Draconia
We all know that Malleus grew up extra lonely, so if he had a sibling, he would definitely be very attached to them
All day, every day… you were trailed by a detail of guards because Malleus needs to make sure that his younger sibling is safe
Not only that, but the kingdom needs to make sure you’re safe in the case that something happens to Malleus or he abdicates the throne
At NRC, Lilia tries to convince Malleus to let you go out and have some fun and join clubs that weren’t the Gargoyle Club, but he refuses
His overblot made his clinginess worse as it was caused by Lilia leaving… and he thinks he would die if his sibling left Briar Valley to do something else
Once he recovers, he realizes that you’re going to find a way to get the freedom that he’s been depriving you of, so his first olive branch extension was allowing you to join a club apart from the Gargoyle Club
Slowly, he is getting used to the idea of being apart from you, and while it hurts, he knows it's necessary.
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I saw your Anti Hero reader and man, it was really good. Since you asked in the post if family should be Yandere, I think you should. Just think about it, maybe Bruce (Maybe he's already a Yandere, maybe not) is forcing the kids to make you an "ally" (family member), so they start investigating and discover that you have a lot in common with them
Maybe your parents died and that makes Dick think you called Bruce dad, due to the absence of your own parents (he sees you as a version of him without Bruce).
Maybe Jason will find information about how you were abandoned and betrayed by your uncles, throwing you onto the deadly streets of Gotham (he wants to protect you so you don't end up like him).
Maybe Tim figured out that you wanted to be like Batman in the past, helping people, but you lost hope in his no-kill rule, and now he wants to bring you back to the right path (He thinks you're like him, deciding to use your life to help people, even if it's the "wrong" way).
And maybe Damian will find out that all the money you earned when you got paid and what you earned in your mercenary job, was donated to animal refugees AND children's hospitals, starting to see the good things his father sees in you (the little rascal is just jealous AND wants the same affection that you give to those children in the hospital).
Anyway This is just an idea I had, your post really inspired me so I wanted to share it with you and see what you think.
I hope you have a good day AND take care of yourself.
Are you psychic? You have to be. I was thinking that while writing the mini story!!
Dick, once he digs deeper and figures out you're an orphan/your parents are shit, will immediately compare him as a child to you! So pure, untainted, energetic. You haven't seen the true ways of the world... (You have, he just wants to delude himself into thinking you haven't) He has to protect you from that. Plus, if you see Bruce as a father figure that makes Dick your big brother! Big brother's protect their little siblings, right? Have you not watched any shows with an older sibling? (No, all the ones with good sibling dynamics don't count. They're wrong.)
Jason's pity for you returns but in a different way. You were discarded onto the streets with no one to care for you due to some situation, you didn't deserve that. Jason would spiral from there; what would have happened if Joker saw you while you were on the streets and defenseless back then? Joker could have killed you like he did Jason! Whenever Jason fights someone and it has civilian casualties he'll start imagining it's you and will go absolutely feral. You won't protect yourself as well as you think you can, you're just a child! (You're in your late teens - early twenties but there's no need to mention that, he won't listen either way).
Tim's already done tons of research but the key bit of information sticks with him. He doesn't know why but it strikes a match that won't burn out. He can fix you, he can help you, he can be your support. You don't have to go down the path of killing, you can be good and save lives! Sure, you need his help and love but he's more than willing to give it to you (Delusional). If you're so much like him then that means you need him to help you! Just let him help you. Don't fight it.
Damian doesn't come around easily due to preconceived ideas. It's when he's made to follow you one night that he realizes how great you are, how you'd make a great big sibling. You would've entered an animal shelter to care for the animals in the morning then go to the children's hospital to volunteer during midday. He feels envious each day he watches you treat random kids as if they actually meant something to you. (Maybe they do, it's just best that Damian believes they don't).
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piracytheorist · 8 months
The Briar Siblings' Lies
It's very interesting that in the family of lies and secrets, the lies of the Briar siblings are included, and I'm pretty sure that will play a role whenever they find out about each other.
I expect Yor to be heartbroken and angry at Loid when she'll find out his lies, but I'd also expect her to be heartbroken and disappointed when she finds out how much Yuri lied to her.
Yor might have kept her own very dangerous secrets, but there are huge differences in their circumstances.
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Yor took up her assassin gig when she was just a teenager, orphaned and with a little brother to take care of. Amidst the cold war brewing, there would be various criminal organizations looking for people to drag in, and a poor, desperate, kind, and almost supernaturally strong teenage girl was the perfect recruit for Garden.
Whether this is Garden's initiative or not, Yor has a strong determination to kill her targets as quickly and as painlessly as possible, along with avoiding unnecessary bloodshed. She has studied human anatomy specifically for this very reason, to be able to kill her victims with mercy. She's realistic about the situations she's in, but if talking things through is even a tiny bit possible, she'll give it a try.
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Though her morals are slightly skewed for the average civilian - it's understandable to kill someone in self defense, but her main targets are situations where she plays judge, jury and executioner - she's still retained a lot of her humanity that allows her to be a kind person and a caring sister, mother and wife.
And then you have Yuri.
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Yuri fell victim to a more sinister kind of indoctrination - extremism and bigotry. Having grown up in poverty caused by the war and the deaths of his parents, and having an overwhelming wish to protect his sister, he was the perfect target for Ostania's nationalistic propaganda.
But the tragic background leading up to this choice and the want to protect his family is where his similarities with Yor's case end.
Yuri wasn't left with no other choices. Yor was already supporting him financially when he started working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and that was a job that he could stay at and be independent. He was older than Yor was when she became an assassin. I can assume that some underhanded methods were used to lead him into the duties of the SSS, but even so Yuri had more control of the situation, more choices to choose from, and more information at hand. It's directly opposite to Yor's circumstances.
Yuri tortures people. The SSS specifically want him, despite his young age and lack of experience, exactly because he won't hold anything back, even when it makes him feel conflicted.
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The SSS may be taking advantage of the ease with which he tortures people, but it's still something Yuri willingly participates in - and again, considering the fame of the SSS among civilians, it's almost certain Yuri knew what he was getting into. He's giving up his own humanity, going down a path of "us vs. them" and while Yor plays judge on who gets to live, Yuri plays judge on who gets to be treated like a human being.
While two similarly dangerous and demanding professions, and (at least according to what Franky says) following the same government's orders, it's two highly different cases. I think Yuri will be mostly horrified to learn what Yor went through for his sake, but Yor will be very understandably heartbroken. Yuri could understand that Yor had no other choice, but Yor will know that Yuri had all the best choices right in front of him, and yet he chose this.
And it's why I believe this is the revelation that will hurt Yor more. She could explain Twilight's lies by the fact that they didn't know each other before, she could explain Anya's secrets by her young age and innocence, but there will be very little for Yuri to stand on - and the thing is, Yuri knows that. He knows that what he's chosen to become isn't what Yor raised him to be.
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Currently he may be seeing himself as a martyr for his cause, that he needed to potentially break his sister's heart in order to protect her and "the country she lives in". He'd rather have her feeling heartbroken and betrayed by him than with her life and safety in danger. He'd rather her hate him than get hurt.
How will it hit him when he realizes she's already been doing the same for him, and has already been endangering her life for over a decade for not only his sake, but for the world in general too? When he realizes all the work he's been doing to protect her was in vain because she has been walking into danger herself all along?
It's a really interesting dynamic, because the revelation could either break them or make them. They both have a very heartwarming background together, they both love each other deeply, but it's a trial they'll both have to go through at some point.
(Anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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cursedkeyboard · 8 months
PAY ATTENTION ● Older brother Suguru & Younger sibling!Reader
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what happens when suguru's cute younger sibling, who'd usually talk his ear off and cling to him, suddenly starts to... do their own thing?
Pairings: Platonic Suguru Geto x Younger sibling!Reader
As we know, Suguru is a rather mature teenager
He carries this air of elegance, always putting on a polite smile and spilling pleasantries past his lips like sweetened lies
But we also know that Suguru can be childish around the right people
So it's not a surprise to anyone close to him that when his younger sibling, you, stops following around like a lost puppy, Suguru immediately starts to sulk
You're only three years younger than Suguru, fourteen to his seventeen
You two always had a close relationship, closer than most siblings tend to have
Suguru loves spending time with you, to him, you're easily the funniest kid he knows
It's hard for him to ever calm down completely since he's constantly stressed with the sorcerer world
But every day when he goes home and you're in the living room or in your room, it's like he can finally breathe
Because before Satoru, you were Suguru's only friend
His little mini-me, partner in crime, best friend
You two clicked and moved like one, so in tune with each other he always marveled at how most siblings tend to hate each other
Of course, the two of you do fight sometimes
Over who gets to take a shower first, who ate the leftovers, who gets to watch what on TV
"Did you use my shampoo?"
"The one you keep hiding from me? Yeah."
"You little– That's expensive."
"That's why I used it, Suguru."
You two are siblings after all, what kind of siblings never fight?
But he never felt the kind of animosity and distrust so many brothers and sisters feel around each other, the kind that made them roll their eyes whenever they even got close to their siblings
To Suguru, you're his little sunshine, someone he'll protect until the day he keels over and dies
Not that he'll ever tell you that
(number one rule of siblingship: Never be too touchy-feely)
So imagine his surprise when the little punk who usually follows his every step, always under his elbow, asking him to hang out or help with homework, stays glued to the phone even when he sits in the same room
Like.... what?
You barely greet him, a half hearted "Hey, you're home." falling from your lips without even looking at him, and he's offended and hurt at the same time
You're fourteen, sure
He knows you'd start pulling away from him now that you have more than a couple of friends, more subjects to study, and... uh..
But he thought it'd go away after a bit, that you'd go back to being his cute little sibling once you realized he is so much cooler than the kids your age
He'd walk past your open door multiple times a day after coming home, trying to see if you were going to invite him to hang out
He'd make tea with a mouthwatering fragrance, put on your favorite show, talk to your parents about going to a very trendy and fun place you'd surely want to go with
Damn, at some point he'd probably even talk to Satoru on the phone, loudly, because he knows you're curious about the pretty white haired teen who always teases you whenever he sees you around Suguru's home
But even then, nothing
Nothing at all
Suguru feels like he's watching the baby he helped learn how to walk turn into an adult and leave him behind
And as a big brother, he's upset, a little petty, and worst of all;
Of course, Satoru and Shoko definitely notice, because although Suguru is quiet, he's not staying in a corner looking out of the window while listening to sad music and reminiscing quiet
And of course, they both make fun of him when he explains the situation
"And here I thought Gojo was the unreasonable one."
"Hahaha! I– I can't believe! You're sulking because the little brat isn't talking to you?!"
"Shut up, Satoru, and don't call my baby sibling a brat."
"Hah! You're such a loser, Suguru!"
Needless to say, when Suguru comes home and you're still glued to your phone in the living room, he's not in the greatest of moods
You barely look up when he drops his bag on the table
"Welcome back, Susu."
And because no one ever made a law saying Suguru can't act like Satoru sometimes, the teen flops on the couch and hugs a pillow, not answering you
That, you notice
Your brother always talks to you when he comes back home, even when he is all banged up from whatever they do at school
The sight that greets you is... something
Embarrassing, endearing, definitely pathetic for your big brother
Suguru is pouting, looking down at the pillow his strangling to his chest, his knees pulled up to make himself smaller
Not that it works, he's built like a bean pole
His shoulders brush yours, because even though he's mad, he still misses his cute– annoying little sibling
"Mr. Suguruuuu....?"
"Hey, what's wrong?"
He turns his face away, his hair slapping your face, and pushes more of his body against yours
"What the– Dude, you're squashing me! Suguru, what's wrong with you?!"
Suguru still says nothing, silently letting more and more of his weight to lower on top of you until you're smushed against the couch
Once you're a baby sibling pancake, Suguru finally opens his mouth
"So now you're paying attention to me, huh?"
... Huh?
Suguru huffs, his hair all over your face, body much bigger and heavier than yours not allowing you to move an inch even though you struggle, and squeezes his pillow
"No, it's fine. Go ahead, ignore your big brother all you want. It's not like I helped mom and dad raise you."
"... Are you kiddi–"
"Yeah, keep your eyes glued to your phone, don't need to talk to me or don't hang out with me– actually, don't even look at me at all, since I'm sure you'd much rather look at your phone."
"You're being such a chil–"
"No, no, by all means! It's not like I miss you or anything."
You sighed with some effort, because Suguru is still on top of you and he's not a lightweight, and thump your head against the soft couch
Sure, you know you've been a little distant from your big brother
But, hey, you're fourteen now!
You have your friends and stuff you wanna do without your brother around
And, really, Suguru is a hypocrite
Ever since he started high school he wouldn't stop talking about the white haired cutie
Which you understood, if only visually because Satoru would often call you pint-sized Suguru
But he also spends time with other people!
"You do know I have other friends."
"So I don't matter to you anymore, is that it?"
"No, I'm just not gonna hang out with you all the time!"
"Well, you haven't been hanging out with me at all."
"Yeah, urgh."
God, you really wish more people knew about how pouty and clingy your big bro can get
Maybe they'd stop thinking he was this mature and chill guy
You groan against the couch and your brother presses his back down, pushing the air out of your lungs
"You're so annoying!"
"You used to say you wanted to be just like me when you grew up."
This guy...
You sigh, relaxing and surrendering
You're supposed to meet up your friends this weekend to watch a movie, but two of them can't make it so everyone gave up on it
Might as well use the opportunity
"Fine– I'm sorry, okay? Do– Do you wanna watch a movie this weekend? The one that just came out?"
Suguru stops for a second, letting some of his weight off of you and allowing you to breathe properly
He mutters the name of the movie and you confirm it
You can hear the smile on his face and you scoff, the exact same smile pulling at your lips too
"If you promise you'll pay more attention to your neglected older brother, then yeah."
Oh, you so want to take it back
But then again, now that he brought it up, you also miss him
If only a little
Like, a smidge
"Fine, I won't ignore you anymore. Happy?"
Suguru took a moment to answer before turning around to press a loud and gross older brother kiss on the back of your head
Now you have to take a shower
"Very happy."
He sounds smug and satisfied, finally a little more relaxed
He really did miss you so much
You're his baby, okay? Growing up too fast will only give him heartaches
And now Suguru can tell Satoru that you don't hate him
Everyone wins
"Hey, can you get off now?"
"Hmmm, no, I'm comfortable."
"Well, I'm not! Get off, Suguru!"
"Don't feel like it."
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adventuringblind · 11 months
I didn't know if you take requests but I have been thinking about this for a while. You are Scotty James younger sister and you meet Daniel while they are hanging out and you both like eachother and him and Chloe set you up. At first Scotty didn't agree but Chloe showed him that both of them are actually in love. I'm kinda seeing this with something with age gap, about 8 years (sorry if the grammar is not right, English is not my first language and I'm very tired because of school and stuff)
Genre: Fluff, Spice
Summary: Daniel is pining after his best friends younger sister. Drunken confessions lead to a black eye.
Warnings: drinking, sexual innuendo, and references, alluded to smut, Scotty throws hands
Notes: Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! I've been working on my master list, and I've had work and school to attend to. I can't believe I posted first daily since mid-July, and now I've finally slowed down. I'm so sorry for requests taking longer!!
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Scotty James. Professional Snowboarder and protective older brother. Well, protective isn't the word he would use. Maybe loving? A wall between his sister and men who have poor intentions?
Chloe loves his sister. She is great friends with Lance. She gets along great with Daniel, his best friend, maybe better then he would like at times, but it's whatever.
She's the one who drags Scotty to more then half of the F1 races. Given he has time. She's obsessed.
Yet, Scotty can't help but think it's because of somebody specific on the grid. He's yet to figure out who. Max? Charles? She gets along with them well enough.
She spends to much time clinging to Daniel that it is probably scaring away the boys she actually likes! Not that Daniel is intimidating or anything. The guys smile is infectious. But it probably doesn't help her at all with getting the attention of the drivers her age.
Y/N James. Professional F1 enthusiasts. Sister to Scotty James. Annoying younger siblings to him but shy to everybody else.
She would like to add girlfriend of Daniel Ricciardo in there somewhere, but the backlash from her brother keeps her from saying anything. Plus, she's probably to young for him. A nine year age gap maybe isn't his thing. But he could help her out a but and stop flirting with her.
She knows it's teasing. It's sarcastic like with all of his friends. It's not like she's special or anything.
Her reason for wallowing in her thoughts? Chloe had just made her a third drink. The two are sitting on the couch in her and Scotty’s hotel room post qualifying. Daniel had a good session, so him and Scotty are out having mocktails.
"I see the way you look at him." Chloe wiggles her eyebrows suggestivley. Her legs are crossed on the sofa and she continues to take small sips of whatever she's drinking.
"And how would that be?"
"Like you love him."
The younger James eyes her suspiciously. How could have possibly outed her by just watching? Is she really that obvious?
"So what if I do? Not like anything is gonna happen." She shrugs.
"But he likes you too? I see it. His flirting is different with you."
"What? That fact he can and will describe in detail what he would do to me?"
"Don't lie!" Chloe shouts and playfully hits the younger on the shoulder. "You totally like it."
She can feel her face heating up but the alcohol has made her filter disappear.
"He really could do whatever to me. I'd let him."
"What if he wants you to call him daddy?" Chloe starts cracking up laughing.
"... I would."
Daniel Ricciardo. Formula 1 driver. Lover of Texas. The honey badger himself. Cannot for the life of him fix this stupid crush on Scotty’s younger sister.
He personally doesn't care about what the media has to say. But he does care about her and the backlash she would get. He'd hate to see her hurt just because he couldn't keep his feelings to himself.
And it really doesn't help that Chloe has been trying to get them together for weeks now. Months even. It's driving him insane. How is he supposed to keep up his playful flirting at this rate?
She's been shoving them onto awkward scenarios and leaving them alone together (much to Scotty’s dismay). Scotty picked up on something after the fifth encounter like that.
"Do you even like her like that?" He'd said while that ate dinner. It was just the two of them and Chloe.
"He definitely does!"
"I really don't want to talk about it anymore."
"Chloe, my sister would be into guys her age."
"And if her and Daniel did get together?"
"Then I owe you a date for being right and I'd punch Daniel."
The conversation left Daniel feeling both relieved and terrified. Scotty had made a valuable point, though. She's around the same age as Max and Charles. Two good-looking and kind men who he trusts. It wouldn't shock him if she went after one of them instead.
But if that's the case, why has she spent the entire night dancing with him? The music is blaring, and their cheeks are pink from the alcohol. Yet the feeling of her hips up against hasn't left since they got here.
His impulse control is lacking, and he doesn't know he's doing it until after. Doesn't know what he's implied or how she'll respond.
"Do you wanna get out of here?"
He mentally slaps himself for asking such a thing, but it's too late now. He can't take it back.
"That sounds nice."
And oh, how he melts. Her smile is his everything. Though with her reply, his is definitely bigger.
Daniel drags her back to his hotel room. Is a flurry of pent of emotions. Hands and lips explore to the point where their driver is probably annoyed.
In the hotel room isn't any better and they are both definitely under the influence.
"Maybe we shouldn't-"
"When was your last drink?"
Daniel thinks back. Already straddled over the top "two hours ago I think?"
"Same, i stopped when you did. So please don't think to hard about this. If I only get to do this once then I want to enjoy every damn second of it."
Something between love, adoration, and confusion passes through him. "What do you mean by that?"
"This is a one night stand, no?"
"It doesn't have to be."
"Not sure my brother would like me having a friends with benefits type of deal with his best friend." Her eyebrow quirks up in the lamplight.
"Fuck that's - that's not what I mean." Curse his lack of filter for heat he's about to say. "I love you. I have for so long but I didn't want to say anything."
She freezes, likely due to the shock of the statement. "I love you too, also for awhile now."
Yeah - every ounce of restraint he had before is gone. Clothes are shed in record time. He doesn't hold not one damj thing back.
"Let me show you how much I adore you."
To say Scotty is staring at Chloe is an understatement. He's glaring at her. "I've been played."
"Do you wanna go punch him now?"
It's eight in the morning and Scotty is throwing off the covers and marching to the door of their room. Sharing a wall with Daniel definitely wasn't the best idea.
He knocks aggressively. "Daniel! Open up!"
There's a bit of shuffling then the door swings open to reveal a sleepy eyed Australian. His eyes get wide when he realizes who it is.
"Look Daniel, I know you'll take good care of her. You're a good friend and a better boyfriend. But I swear to you if you ever hurt her I will not hesitate to knock your teeth out."
Daniel's shoulders sag in relief. His body relaxs. His sister standing in the entry way also does.
Then scotty swings.
But hey! If one black eye is all it takes to convince Scotty not to stalk Daniel's every step to protect his sister, then he'll take it.
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
─── 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐕
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Summary: Being Belly & Steven’s older sibling has it’s pros and cons. protecting them and taking care of them is a must, but do you really have to put their feelings first instead of your own?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: fighting, angst, yelling, accusations, swearing, crying, panic attack. JUST MOSTLY ANGST (lmk if i missed anything!)
It was the morning after the movie night. I woke up and realized that I wasn’t in my own bedroom, I was in Conrads. He might’ve carried me up here instead of my room. I tried to wake myself up so that I can get out of this room immediately.
I got out of the covers looking at the clock — it was already 11 in the morning so I went on and immediately walked to the door but as I open it I saw Belly — she was outside of Conrad’s room waiting — probably didn’t know that he was gone. She was surprised — shocked, betrayed seeing me there.
She looked at me, her brows furrowed. She chuckled sarcastically and scoffed, “Wow Y/N. Goodmorning to you, too.” she said, turning her back on me — running towards the stairs.
I panicked, she must’ve thought wrong “It’s not what it looks like Bells!” I yelled at her, trying to catch up to her. I messed up. I shouldn’t have let myself sleep on Conrad.
“Yeah?! that’s what they always say! You came out of Conrad’s room, Y/N!” Belly turned to me, she was at the end of the stairs — I saw Steven come in the view “Why were you in Conrad’s room? and where the fuck is Conrad?” Steven asked, looking at me — confused too.
I understand that she’s hurt, she probably felt betrayed. “I was in Conrad’s room but nothing happened! It’s not like that, will you just let me explain?!” I told Belly — walking down the stairs — we were in the living room now. She probably thought that I was a traitor. “You guys, why are you yelling? what is happening?” Mom asked, Susannah right behind her — her face filled with worry.
“I saw Y/N come out of Conrad’s room” Belly said looking down at her feet, crossing her arms. Jeremiah came into the view — walking towards me, standing by my side. “What do you mean you came out of his room? why were you there Y/N?” Mom looked at me, her brows furrowed.
“I woke up then I was just there, he might’ve carried me last night or something. I swear nothing else happened, Mom.” I told them, my face was still filled with worry. “Bullshit!” Belly yelled at me — she walked towards me and looked at me in the eyes.
“Belly, don’t scream at your sister like that!” Mom said, walking towards Belly — pulling her away from me before anything bad happens. I felt Susannah come up behind me — she held my hand guiding me away from Belly. “You know you could’ve just told me that you like Conrad. I can’t believe you Y/N, after me and Conrad kissed this is what you’re going to do? You know how much I like him!” Belly yelled again — still caught up on her emotions.
Steven was surprised, even Jeremiah “You and Conrad kissed? Since when?” Steven asked Belly, Belly looked at him — probably shocked about what she said, she didn’t mean to just blurt it all out. Her emotions took over her.
“On our date, we went to the beach after and that’s when we kissed” Belly looked at all of us, “So are you guys together?” Mom asked, smiling. It’s crazy how the mood just changed like that — like she wasn’t about to kill me earlier.
Belly smiled — trying to contain her giggle. “I guess so? Yeah?” Mom hugged her and said that it was great, Steven also smiled at her. “That’s good news, Bells. Just to clear everything, I don’t like Conrad. He’s all yours.” I told Belly, smiling at her gently. Not wanting to ruin this precious moment that they are having — I turned my back to them and walked towards the kitchen.
I acted like nothing happened — I sat down to eat my breakfast, I heard Susannah ask me “Hey, are you okay?” She said, she went beside me and rubbed my back. “Yeah, I’m happy for Belly. I’m glad that her and Conrad are together. I’m okay, Susannah.” I looked at her with a smile. She looked at me, her eyes filled with worry. “Are you happy because you’re happy or are you happy because your siblings are happy?”
I ask myself the same thing — am I truly happy because I am happy or am I just putting up a front for my siblings, for my mom. I really don’t know.
I looked at Susannah, I started to tear up. “I don’t know, Susannah. I don’t know If I am happy at all, whatever i’m doing is hurting me.” Susannah looked me, she put her hand on my cheek — caressing it. “Oh my special girl. Come here” she pulled me closer and hugged me.
“Thank you for always being here for me Susannah”
“Ofcourse, you’re my special girl” She smiled, her eyes gleamed.
“Promise me you won’t ever leave me” I looked up to her, smiling.
There was silence, it wasn’t an easy question to answer but still she said, “I’ll be by your side, forever. I promise” Susannah hugged me tighter.
I know that the future might do otherwise, thats what the fate is. Right now, I just want to enjoy and cherish my moments with Susannah. Cherish the moment of me being her special girl.
I was in the living room with Steven, we were playing a game that he pushed me to play because Conrad and Jeremiah wasn’t here so he made me play it with him.
“NOT THERE! there there there, NOOOO GO RIGHT, okay now go left” Steven yelled at me, determined to win. “OH MY FUCKING GOD, SHUT UP STEVEN! you’re stressing me out” I yelled back at him.
After awhile, we had a few rounds and there and then we tied. While Steven was in the kitchen getting some snacks for the both of us — I saw Laurel walking towards me, sitting beside me.
“So, what was that earlier?” Laurel asked — not looking at me, just looking at the screen. “What was what?” I asked, confused.
Laurel looked at me then turned to me. “That thing with Conrad, why were you in his room?”, I looked at her with my brow furrowed, “Mom I was just sleeping there. Remember last night? we were watching a movie? He probably went and carried me up to his room. That’s all, nothing else.” I explained to her.
“You know that him and Belly got something on right? they’re together now.”
“I know that, Mom”
“Then why did you sleep in his room? did something happen to you guys? you know you can tell me everythi-.”
“Mom! I just told you, nothing happened. I thought this conversation was over!” I groaned — she didn’t believe me, it’s like she wasn’t even listening to what I just said. Why was she acussing me of something I didn’t do? she knows that I can’t do this to Belly, I would never.
Mom turned herself away from me, leaning on the couch, “I don’t know why you’re acting so selfish right now. You know how much Belly likes Conrad. So please, don’t take this away from her” she said, crossing her arms.
My brows furrowed, shocked from what she just said, “Selfish? what do you mean selfish? how am I selfish when all I did was sleep in Conrad’s room? that wasn’t even my choice Mom! and I am not taking anything from her! She can have Conrad as much as she wants, I don’t fucking care!”
I yelled at her, frustrated. I didn’t even notice that I was already crying — I would never take anything away from my siblings, I care for them too much to do that.
“Don’t yell at me like that, Y/N. I am still your mother! I’m only saying this because I am worried about you and your sister. I don’t want you guys to fight about this! ” My mom yelled — hurt about how I answered her.
I scoffed, sure she was worried “Well I am sorry mom but… y-you’re hurting me right now. I can’t believe that you just called me selfish, after everything I’ve done? I-I’m sorry, this is too much for me.” I told her, I stood up from the couch then walked towards the door, as I was walking I saw Steven standing there in the kitchen looking at me, I looked back.
As he was about to walk towards me, I shook my head no then continued to walk out of the door. “God mom, you didn’t have to be so harsh to her. She’s going throught a lot of things too you know. She didn’t do anything wrong, you know yourself that she can’t do that to Belly.” Steven said.
“Steven stay out of this.”
“Well I’m sorry but they’re my sisters too, I care about them so I wont stay out of this.” Steven told my mom — mom just looked at him then stood up from the couch and then went back upstairs.
As I reached the beach, I felt my heart tighten. I felt my heart beat so fast — I couldn’t breathe, I just couldn’t. It was so hard for me, I was so hurt. I just saw myself sobbing, crying my emotions out.
How am I the selfish one when all I ever did was let Conrad have the choice, I decided to let him go for Belly. So why am I the selfish one? I was the one who got hurt — I was the one to let go of my feelings and prioritize other’s feelings first.
I tried to walk but it was hard, my knees were buckling. It was so hard to breathe, I need a second. I need to breathe.
“Y/N?” someone yelled. “P-please, just… just go.” I said, still struggling to breathe, tripping a little. I felt the person walk towards me
They grabbed my shoulder gently then they turned me — we were face to face now. I could see their eyes, it was a bit blurry but I immediately knew who it was.“You’re okay, you’re safe with me. Follow me yeah?” he instructed. He guided me to sit with him, we were kneeling in front of each other — face to face.
“Breathe in, breathe out. That’s good, there you go” he said as I followed his breathing. We did that for a minute until I calmed down. My heart was beating at a normal pace, I’m okay now.
He rubbed my back and pulled me closer. He sat down so that I can lean on him. I was now sitting between his legs — my back against his chest. “There you go, you’re okay. I’m here, you’re fine. No one’s gonna hurt you” he said, rubbing my shoulders. I felt myself fall asleep from exhaustion.
I felt safe, I felt secure. Today was exhausting, never expected that my day would end like this. I am just thankful that he’s there for me, because I wouldn’t know what to do if it wasn’t for him.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm
hi! i hope that you are enjoying this fic so far! sorry if it was just angst for this one, i just had to :> thank you for everyone that’s reading and loving my work !! i appreciate all of you :))
sorry if there wasnt any conrad or jeremiah here (or is there?? 👀) LOL
lmk if you guys want me to tag you on th next part !! also feel free to request anything :))
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loveandleases · 1 month
Sorry if this has been asked. I tried to search but couldn't find it.
How do the RO's deal with jealousy. I notice that Cam, G and Ardent all are quite high (I mean Cam and Ardent are in a different legion). How do they deal when they see MC being hit on or someone just doing a flirty joking thing.
Can't wait for the release ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
I can't recall if it has or not. (I'm going to have to pick a designated day to sort out a masterlist) Answer below! (Me too, so excited okay more nervous than excited. I'm editing a wee bit of code that was broken from first round of beta. Not too much of a hassle!) ❤️ Cam - He should be used to being jealous of people making eyes at MC or when MC was dating, etc. But to Cam it was just ya know him being protective of his friend. That's all it was, so simple, so innocent. Until he came to terms with his feelings, which in turn kind of flipped a switch in his head and made it all make sense. His face reacts before his thoughts can sometimes, so he would be scowling, angry. Stumping around and pouting, Cam would try to diffuse the situation as quick as possible, if someone is flirting with MC, looks like Cam just remembered they've totally seen this person before. He will then put himself between MC and this person, "Hey weren't you here last time with your partner?" (he will think of so many ways for this person to leave mc alone. maybe even make a list for what works the fastest)
💙 G - I'm absolutely not jealous. Out of all the emotions I feel that is so far from any of them. (such a liar)
G denies, because they shouldn't be jealous, why do they care? Caring about MC about who they're interested in or whose interested in them shouldn't matter. Is the person a friend of MC's? That shouldn't matter, it shouldn't but damn it if it doesn't. G has more bite, they snap a bit, or they turn complete ice cold. As if MC doesn't exist, but they're paying far too much attention for that to be the case. Because realizing they're jealous hurts them, disgusts them.
💚 Kara - There are moments when Kara can and has gotten jealous when in regards to MC. Some of those moments was when MC and Chris were together. Was she jealous because MC was spending time with her older sibling who she considers a close friend? Or was it more? Whose to say (I can't!). When not in a relationship she doesn't believe she has a right to be jealous when it comes to MC, so she does get conflicted when it happens, however seldom. She likes attention, if she's getting it from MC good if not...well maybe she just needs to do something to change that. She tries to brush it off, lets it settle. Because clearly that jealousy is fleeting right?
💛 M - So M is a tricky one, they are close to very few people so if and when MC becomes one of those and they see that someone is trying to take that time with MC away from them, they get kinda jealous. They'll blush, brush it off. Then their tongue will slip and they will say something catty. Apologize profusely. M doesn't know how to handle those emotions, they haven't had experience with it so it's a learning time for them.
💜 Isaac - It would take a lot for Isaac to get jealous. Would have to be in deep crush/early relationship stage for it to really start. It would scare them, but they would hide that from MC. Isaac knows pain, so if they get jealous then they worry that can lead to other feelings other fears. They'll try to ignore it, because if MC and Isaac are together, they have to trust its for a reason. It's not just a thrill of a moment. So they deal with jealousy with patience, or try to.
🖤 Ardent - Ooooh goodness. Ardent doesn't deal with it. Nope, even crushing stage. He's not dealing with that. He would be brash, to the point. Tell the person to back the fuck off, and if he sees them again well, that's going to be a problem. When Ardent cares for someone, he does it with every fiber of his being. So seeing someone trying to overstep their bounds especially if that person is making MC uncomfortable. That would get his temper quicker than anything. Ardent would be clingy, so clingy so annoying. Like hold his hand, better yet let him wrap you in his arms because this guy is sulking.
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cheezeybread · 3 months
I feel no matter the character development, Kalim is still gonna struggle with doing what needs to be done to protect his family from everybody who wants him dead. I headcanon that his obliviousness is his coping mechanism for all of this and that he is in fact just as observant as Jamil, but that won't really be enough for this sunshine to face the evils of the Scalding Sands. So could I request Kalim with a lover who is just an absolute badass. As in before coming to twst they were the child of a diplomat/politician, so they're already very aware of how messy things can get and have no qualms about hurting the people who hurt them first. With Kalim and other loved ones they'll be cheerful and playful, but with enemies they go full maverick.
Specifically I'd like a oneshot of Kalim taking his lover to visit his family and papa Asim is asking them what they could provide for the family (since unfortunately they can't just let anyone marry into the Asims cause they're so rich and so powerful). All the s/o asks for is one month. They spend their vacation chilling with Kalim, bonding with his siblings, and chatting up fellow nobles.
Cut to one month later and the reader dumps this mile long report of every single person that wants them dead, all the evidence compiled against them, and plans for how they could be "handled" lethally or non-lethally. What was that they did in that one month? Create the Asim equivalent of the FBI and get dirt on just about everybody. They grew up in a modern day equivalent of the Imperial Chinese Court (meaning plots, scandals, endless assassinations, and just sooooo much drama), the Scalding Sands is like child's play for them.
I'm all for Kalim being more self-aware than people give him credit for! I mean, come on, he may be a silly little guy, but I believe 100% that he's choosing to be that way on purpose as a coping mechanism! I do the same thing, honestly.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
The head of the Asim household could be very imposing whenever he wished to be.
It threw you off guard, at first.
Kalim had been telling you about how great his father and mother was ever since he first proposed the idea of you coming with him over the break, saying how fun it would be, and how much his parents were looking forward to meeting you. He had hyped up the trip so much, emphasizing how nice and kind his family was. As soon as you walked through the door, you saw firsthand how right he was.
His mother embraced you with open arms, quite literally, wrapping you in a bone-crushing hug that would make Floyd jealous. His father slapped you on the back with the same bright, sunny smile that Kalim had- the same smile that first made you fall in love with his son. And the kids, by the Seven, the kids! The older ones were friendly and kind, but stepped away after initial greetings. But the younger ones were hyper and jumpy, all hopping in your arms and fighting for your attention. Even the youngest of them all, a small toddler who could just barely walk, managed to waddle up to you and tug on your pants until you picked him up.
Kalim was very pleased by all this, to say the least.
But then Kalim's father asked to speak to you in private, assuring your boyfriend that it was only to get more acquainted with you. So you had no unease about following the large man into a well-decorated room. As soon as the door was closed, the bright smile adorning his face vanished, replaced instead by the hardened, weathered look of a man who has seen horrors beyond comprehension. Or, at least, that's the vibe he gave off.
"I'm going to give it to you straight, Y/N," He said softly, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you with a calculating stare "In this family, there are...a great many dangers. I can't count the times my life has been in danger, and anybody who enters our family needs to be able to not only protect themselves and their spouse, but any potential children. I've had to kill men with my bare hands in these very halls...men who wanted to hurt my wife, my children."
He put a calloused hand on your shoulder, and you felt your stomach drop with a sudden well of nerves "I need my son to be protected, and I know that he can protect you, but I need to know that you have a...special skill set, let's say, to keep him alive and well."
At the end of the month, he said after a long spiel of the family's history, he expected to be shown what you could provide to the family and their wellbeing. If you did so, he promised, he would accept yours and Kalim's relationship with not only his blessing, but with the pride and acceptance of the entire family. Although, of course, you shouldn't speak of this conversation with Kalim, lest he attempt to help you in this endeavor.
After speaking with you, the bright and cheery look returned, and the two of you walked out of the room.
After the two weeks of break were over, you and Kalim (unfortunately) had to go back to the NRC campus, but you continued on in your personal endeavor. Two weeks after that, you nagged Crowley to give you permission to go back to the Land of Scalding Sands.
You stepped through the mirror with a sense of purpose, a thick folder stuffed with paper held protectively under your arm. To the house of Asim you went, requesting an audience with the head of the house to the guards standing outside. It took a while for one of the guards to go inside and fetch Mister Asim, all while the remaining guard kept his gaze fixated on you. Like you were here to hurt the family or something.
"Ah, so you've returned!" Greeted Kalim's father, ushering you to join him on the other side of the gates. At his approval, the guard opened the entrance, and you stepped inside gratefully.
"So," he began, placing a hand on your back as he began a slow walk around the estate, you assumed for privacy reasons "Tell me what you've brought."
"Let me first begin, sir, by telling you something that Kalim apparently forgot to mention that my family understands the plights that your faces. My father was a politician in his prime, and although he is retired at this point, his opinion still holds a great influence on those in higher positions of authority," You flicked a finger over the folder under your arm "As such, those who'd like to be rid of his influence, or simply disagree with the values he upheld while in office and the policies he enacted have had a great effect on the lives of me and my family. Homicide attempts were not uncommon growing up, although we didn't have the pleasure of being able to afford such high security," you chuckled, sticking a thumb back towards where the guards at the entrance were. You glanced over at Kalim's father, hoping to gauge some level of his emotions. But his face was unreadable.
"As such, I've gained some valuable skills to keep myself alive, and ones that may come in handy for yourself, as well, sir," You held up the folder, allowing him to take it.
As he flicked through the pages in the folder, his eyes narrowed, and his mouth opened slightly "What..is this?" he asked, although he feared that he already knew.
"I was in this land for two weeks, sir," You said, your voice gaining more confidence by the minute "During that time, I went out to eavesdrop and peruse through the marketplace. You know how much gossip is spread there-? Anyway, I learned of some names of those tossed around, claiming threats that didn't sound like they should be taken idly. Those who had plans set and in effect to take the lives of the Asim family."
"But these aren't just their names-" He started.
"I had two more weeks, if you recall," you interrupted, giving him a satisfied smile "Two weeks to find suitable...eh, let's say... punishments, for those listed. Ways to easily dispose of them without causing panic to the public nor cause any undue distress on their own families. As well as methods of getting them to talk and divulge information on any more conspiracies against you."
The head of the Asim household took a few more minutes to look through the papers before he began laughing, a deep, hearty sound. He looked up at you with a genuine smile, nodding his head gratefully.
"Welcome to the family, Y/N."
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nothomegal · 1 year
“The little owl family” (Part 5)
(RZ!Michael Myers x GNReader)
Summary: your and your little sister’s life had an 180° turn when your parents got into a severe car crash, dying on the spot. You, being already past 18 had to figure out how to keep things afloat and give yourself, specially your sister, a good future. And you did! It was hard but you did it and became the absolute hero in the little girl’s eyes. People would often involuntary smile at the dynamic of your two, so wholesome and supportive, the perfect family bond. Bond that a certain Boogeyman noticed as well…
Warnings: mentions of non-con touches towards (Y/N), (Y/N) being very hateful and angry with Mikey.
Word Count: 3.9k
Additional info: Gender Neutral reader. (S/N) = sister’s name.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 6)
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The next two days were rough, it felt like walking on eggshells. No matter where the siblings went or what they did, Michael always was nearby, just watching them, observing each of their activities and interactions.
Monday was fun (not at all), (Y/N) had to call and invent some excuse about their sister being sick for a week since Michael made it clear that they're not going anywhere for now, how you may ask? Easy, taking away the car keys right under their nose and seeing if they got the balls to get them back. (Y/N) was beyond pissed, but had to keep their frustration to themselves since there is little they can do about it, not without losing or breaking another limb in the process.
(S/N) wasn't even excited about not going at school, it's obvious that the little girl was uncomfortable with the precense of some big scary man, a big scary man who often holds a knife.
Oh, the knife. That stupid knife that (Y/N) often felt poking their sides or slide along their back and other parts that should not be touched by strangers. These unwelcomed 'knife touches' would usually happen when the man holding the weapon wanted more food, or simply because... Because he could, because he knows they won't do anything to stop him, because he wants to explore their body, see how it reacts to the cool blade gently sliding along their warm skin... At least Myers kept his part of the agreement and would do this only when (S/N) is not present, detail that lead the older sibling to believe that he has some very shady intentions towards them...
That disgusting son of a bitch.
Sleeping also became a problem, for the last night Michael would show up after midnight and just… Watch. It made (Y/N) super uncomfortable, they attempted to come to some agreement but all they got as an answer is a head tilt. The last straw was when (S/N) broke down in tears at the morning, confessing how much she hated when he is there and how scary it was. So (Y/N), like the older protective sibling they are, came up with a solution…
. . .
Staring, it became their unofficial language. (Y/N) was currently sitting on the ground with a kitchen knife tightly clutched in their hand. They're sitting right next to their sister’s room door, who by this time was sleeping soundly in her bed, completely unaware that her sibling is at the other side of the door, guarding it like a police dog and making sure that the monster doesn't disturb her innocent mind any further. Michael, of course, was there as well, staring back at (Y/N) from the darkest part of the corridor.
(Y/N) was no longer afraid, no longer fearful for their life, now they were just annoyed, angry, furious at the masked man. The audacity, the audacity of this bastard to just appear out of nowhere and ruin their simple and peaceful life with his presence, being this giant shadow that has no respect for (Y/N)'s boundaries and patience, testing them constantly, seeing how long they can handle before snapping and inevitably dying by his hand. They hated him, hated with a burning passion, they wanted to hurt him, stab him with everything in the house, lock him up back in the asylum, make him crawl back into the place in hell he came from…
The more their mind filled with such violent thoughts, the more their face changed into a sulk; brows deeply furrowed, jaw clutched tightly, eyes glued to his large form, pupils shrunken… Every single hint of disgust and unlikeness were reflected in their expression, in their gaze… But it didn’t affect Michael, not at all.
Or at least… They didn’t know it did.
The man stared back at (Y/N) nearly as intensely as they did, but unlike them, he wasn't feeling hate or anger, but a desire, desire for something. He still has to figure out what's that feeling is, which is constantly burning him from the inside, luring him closer and closer to them, demanding him to touch them, feel their body against his calloused hands and not the knife's blade, feel the way their chest raises and falls with each breath, feel their pulse move with each heartbeat... Look into their eyes... He wanted to stare into those eyes for an eternity, feel the heat of their anger burn his skin, scratch it with cold glances and then softly caress it with their warmth...
Even though Michael adored the thrill that (Y/N)'s furious gaze causes in him, sometimes... He wished he could experience their soft and loving gaze, the one they always gift their sister with. The way their face lights as they look at the little one, a soft warm smile appearing on their lips as a light gentle blush spreads on their cheeks. When (Y/N) has these eyes... They look so peaceful, so... He can't even describe it, but it somehow puts his mind on ease as well, making him feel like everything in the world is alright, like everything will be alright.
Sigh... But these are only wishes, something he had plenty of over the years. He wished for his mother to be home more often, a normal happy family, a good childhood, see his little sister and attempt to make their reunion right... He wished for so many things, yet none of them became true, so this one won't neither...
He will never experience these warm and loving eyes...
Never... Neither from (Y/N)... Or (S/N), who's still avoiding him and shying away in his presence, as if running away from a monster...
. . .
—"{Fuck...}"— you cuss under your breath as you look at the nearly empty fridge.
—"It's okay (Y/N), we can just go to the store and buy more!"— (S/N) says with an excited and innocent tone.
But in a second, her expression changed into a fearful one as she steps back. That's when (Y/N) feels a large hand grasp them by their arm, a bit roughly, which meant that Michael wanted their attention inmediatly.
They swallow thickly but mantain their composure. With their hand (Y/N) motions to their sister to go into her room, order that the little girl listens without a fuss and nearly trips as she runs away from the kitchen. Ones left alone, (Y/N) turns towards the large man while sighing shakily.
—"Okay, so-"—
They have no time to finish when their car keys were handed (thrown) to them. (Y/N) blinks a couple of times as they process what happened, huh... Well it was easy.
—"Oh..."— you slowly lift your gaze at his emotionless mask, your gaze distrustful, expecting some sort of trick. —"So... Am I really allowed to go?"—
No answer or movement, only an intensive stare. They sigh shakily again as they hide the keys in their pocket.
—"Can I take (S/N) as well?... She hasn't left the house for a whil- "—
Their form is suddenly pushed back against the fridge, their back pressed against the cold surface while a single large hand is holding them by the throat in place, firmly but not chocking.
He then slowly brings his knife up and simply points at them with the blade, it wasn't a threatning gesture, in Michael's terms, just a simple act to get a message across...
That they are going alone.
(Y/N)'s mouth gapes as their expression morph into a shocked and disgusted one, is he really planning to stay all alone with their little sister?!
—"You sick fuck, the hell you want to do to my si-"—
He suddenly shakes his head, not a little subtle jerk but an actual shake, probably realizing how bad and shady his intentions have looked from (Y/N)'s perspective.
(Y/N) let's out another sigh, trying to calm their temper and anxiety down, they really don't want to leave (S/N) all by herself with this maniac, but at the same time they really need food and other supplies. Reslizing that there is really no other way, at least not without ending up hurt, they groan both annoyed and frustrated at how helpless and useless they are.
—"Fine! I'll go alone... But... But let me warn my sister first, please."— you look into his mask's eye sockets as you plead, your own gaze less harsh, almost vulnerable.
They can feel his fingers twitch against their neck when they lock eyes, action that caught their breath and made body stiff. They can hear Michael's breathing get heavier again as they keep gazing at each other, yet their calm and pleading expression still not changing, hoping that this could somehow calm whatever is going on inside of his mind, hope he shows mercy... However, they do end up flinching when the man began to lean closer to their face, so close that they could nearly see his eyes, his real eyes, through the empty eye holes of the mask.
At the sight of his icy blue eyes stare back at them, (Y/N) freezes as an odd spine chill jolts through them, an electrifying feeling that made them both hot and cold at the same time. Oddly enough, they weren't afraid of his gaze... His emotionless yet intense gaze, like that of a wild hungry animal...
They remain like this for a while, their faces only inches away from each other. But when Michael attempted to move even closer and press his body agains (Y/N)'s, they finally snap of this strange trance and stop him by putting their hands against his solid chest.
—"S-Stop, this... This is too close."— you say, your tone a tag defensive.
Michael remains still, they could swear his eyes darkened by the regection, yet he doesn't push further and eventually let's go of their neck and steps back. It takes a second for them to regain their previous composure and focus, but thankfully they manage to.
—"I... I'll go tell (S/N)."— you grumble as you hurriedly make your way out of there.
. . .
—"Y-You're leaving me alone?... With the monster?"— (S/N) says shakily as she clings to your clothes and being on a verge of tears.
—"I'm sorry, songbird. I'm really sorry. But I promise I'll be back soon, you'll be okay, I know you will."— you hug her back tightly, also being quite emotional due to your own fear and worry.
—"But... B-But what if he-"—
—"He won't. He won't hurt you, he promi-"—
—"But he hurts you, (Y/N)!"— she exclaims, both angry and pained.
—"What?... No, no he doesn't, look, I'm fine."—
—"No you're not! I know he does something to you when you're alone and I can see that, you always look so hurt and angry and... Sad... You always so sad whenever he's around."— she looks at you as she grips your clothes tighter. —"I... I don't want him to make me sad too... I- I don't want to see you like this anymore, I want the old us back, when we were happy!"—
These words broke (Y/N)'s heart completely. Despite their efforts to keep everything cool and away from (S/N), the little girl proved that they didn't do a great job and how truly affected she is. However, they don't give up against their emotions and with a huff they hug their sister tightly again.
—"We will return to normal. As I said, I'll figure this out."— you look at her and your gaze softens a bit. —"When mom and dad were gone, I had to figure out many things at ones too, and as you can see, I did it. So why whouldn't I be able now?"—
The girl falls silent, thinking and unsure of what to say.
—"I know it's hard, I know you hate to see me cry, but I'll get us through this and soon I'll be the good old smily (Y/N) you know. Just be patient and remain strong, okay? Do that for me."— you smile at her as you take her hand into yours.
Both siblings lock eyes and another wave of silence came, but this time it was (S/N) who broke it by suddenly wrapping their arms around her sibling.
—"You're right! I must remain as strong as you!"— she confidentaly huffs. —"And- And I'll help you figure out things! Like our escape plan!"—
(Y/N) merely chuckled, already knowing that the 'plan' will be some sort of impossible and childish idea, but they'll give (S/N) an A for the attempt and effort. Ones made sure their sister was okay, they prepare to leave, but not before reminding the little girl to not come out her room until they return, order that she promised to follow.
When they exit into the hall, and to no one's surprise, Michael was standing right there, staring at their form. (Y/N) returns the stare for a moment, but instead of glaring daggers at the man, they simply scoff as they brush past him with a pitty gleam on their eyes.
Tsk, they are sad? Just look at him! Always trying to insert himself and be part of their every single interaction... That is sad...
Actually sad...
(Y/N) glances back before going through the front door, well aware that Michael followed them, he always does... The two lock eyes, though (Y/N)'s expression was hard to decipher.
—"I'll be back in a little while, you... Well, you already know your part of the deal."— you give a little shrug and finally exit the house.
When their car left, Michael remained in place next to the window, just staring and watching. Though (Y/N) said more than ones that he's allowed to do whatever, he doesn't really feel like doing anything. Sure, he can take a book, watch TV, eat one of (S/N)'s sweets... But... It doesn't feel as special as when (Y/N) is around, and their sister definetely won't appreciate the last one.
The sound of little and hurried footsteps got his attention, yet he made no movements, already knowing who it is. He could hear some little grunts and huffs come from the kitchen, as if the girl is struggling with something. He allows it to continue for a little while but eventually makes his way to the kitchen, both curious to see what (S/N) is up to and to make sure she doesn't do anything silly, after all, kids aren't the most brilliant most of the time.
When Michael entered the kitchen, he was met with (S/N) attempring to get something from the upper shelf. She was holding her dino-grabber toy, using it to get whatever item she so desperately wanted, which would slip away and further into the shelf with each grab.
—"Come ooon, you 'dingus' thing."— she groans under her breath, probably not even knowing what 'disgus' means.
Michael silently observes the girl, she was so concentrated in her little mission that she didn't even notice him get progressively closer until standing right behind her.
When the item slipped so far that she couldn't even grab it with the toy, she lets out a frustrated groan and was about to climb the counter, but instead lets out a squeak when suddenly a large arm appeared above her. (S/N) instinctively backs away and presses herself into the kitchen counter as she shields herself with the toy.
—"S-Sorry! I'm so sorry for disturbing you! I- I got hungry and- a-and wanted to grab a poptart!"— she hurriedly says as she squeezes her eyes shut, as if expecting some severe punishment.
However, all she hears is faint rattle of something inside of a container and then a low grunt. She opens one eye and is met with Michael holding the whole box of poptarts in his hand and extending it towards her. A sense of dejavu invaded (S/N), flashbacks of their first meeting flashed before her eyes and the same sense of dread and danger formed inside of her, but this time she won't run away. She promised (Y/N) to stay strong, she will simply grab the stupid dessert and angrily look at him, just like (Y/N) always does!
But when she reached out and looked up at his masked face, her bravery dissolved like sugar in water. Michael just looks so big and intimidating all of the sudden-... His figure resembling so much the monster a child would imagine hidding in their closet. But still, the girl manages to tame her fears and take the box with her shaky hands.
—"I..."— she shrinks a bit. —"Thank you!"— she hurriedly exclaims before making a run out of the kitchen.
Michael merely looks at her direction, though he felt a small disappointment that the little girl was still so afraid of him, he can't really blame her or do anything about it, anything but to be grateful for this little interaction.
He only tilts his head at the little noise and (S/N)'s figure peeking out from the doorway.
—"Humm..."— she hesitates to speak at first. —"Do... Do you promise not to tell (Y/N) I left my room? They'll give me the scold of my life if they find out!"—
The man remains still for a little while, but eventually breaks his stillness with a little nod.
—"So is that a promise?"—
Another nod, which caused (S/N) to smile.
—"Thank you. Hey, we're almost like partners in crime! Doing forbiden stuff and then covering each other's back!"— she giggles at the thought and runs away into her room right after.
And ones again, Michael was left alone, but his time he was left with a warm feeling that made his chest feel both light and on ease. He's not sure what this emotion is, but he remembers feeling it in his childhood sometimes, mainly when he managed to make Angel smile with his own childish shenanigans, he always felt like a hero back then.
Now... It's hard to call him a hero, a monster or devil are more suitable names, but right now, for ones and after a long long time...
He didn't feel like one...
. . .
The rest of the day went like many previous ones (Y/N) returned, they nearly cried of relief that (S/N) was okay and wasn't hurt. And just like promised, no one told them about the little interaction the girl and the man had.
After the 'story-time session' ended and the little girl was asleep, (Y/N) returned to their usual spot next to their sister's room, though to their surprise, Michael wasn't in the hall waiting for them like he usually does... Nevertheless, that didn't stop them from taking their spot and wait, they knew he would come, he always does...
At this point they have no clue what his motives are, this doesn't seem like a simple paranoia of them contacting the authorities anymore, or a simple desire to be a jerk. Whatever enmity is going between them is something deeper, something more personal and sick, it's like this man is obsessed with them, but what kind of obsession? They don't know... And maybe don't want to know...
Eventually, the masked man does return to his spot but was met with a completely different scene. Yes, (Y/N) was there, but so was (S/N), who's gently putting a warm fluffly dinosaur blanket ot her sibling's sleeping form, doing her best to make it as cozy as possible. The little girl had a concerned expression, she knew that (Y/N) had barely slept due to the fear and worry of Michael doing something to her, the dark circles and the pale tone on their face only proving the unhealthy and tired state of her sibling.
It's a miracle that the girl didn't scream at the sight of Michael's giant figure and white mask staring at her from the dark, most likely the head tilt gave his identity away.
—"{S-Sorry.}"— she whispers, shifting from foot to foot with a guilty expression. —"{I know it's past my bed time, but I swear I can't fall asleep no matter how hard I try! I wanted to ask (Y/N) if we could watch something on their computer but...}"— she glances at your sleeping form.
Michael makes no movements, he's not quite sure why the girl is explaining herself to him, it's not like he will scold her, quite the opposite, it's really loable of her to take care of her sibling no matter what.
(S/N) then glances at the man, again hesitating to speak.
—"{Huummm... Do you just stay and stand there every night?}"—
Michael doesn't move at first, but then gives a little nod.
—"{All night?}"—
Another nod.
—"{Do you even sleep?}"— she furrows her brows a bit.
This time there is no answer.
The girl frowns a bit, sure Michael looks and acts freaky, but at the same time she feels sorry for him, something about his behavior is so sad and... Miserable. Is this why he's always tailing behind (Y/N)? Because they manage to make him feel happy and safe like they do with her? Or maybe because he wants to remember and feel how it's like to have an awesome and loving sibling? Or... Maybe he is just a big evil jerk that want's to do something bad to them... There's only one way to find out which one is the case...
He tilts his head.
—"{Do... Do you... Do you want to hurt (Y/N)?}"—
A heavy silence falls upon them, even Michael's breathing was inaudible. (S/N) couldn't tell what's going on inside of his mind. Is he thinking? Is he annoyed? Waiting for her to drop the question or ask something else? Due to the lack of reaction, the girl starts to hesitate about her question and if she even wants to know the answer, what if he says 'yes' and kills both of them? (Y/N) said how cruel Michael can be, so sure he won't hesitate to hurt them.
Eventually, she recieves her answer; a shake of his head.
Relief flushes through (S/N), though that answer sparked another question...
—"{Then... Then why do you always follow them?... Do you feel... Lonely?}"—
Another wave of silence, but this one is less heavy since Michael wasn't staring directly at her form, but at the floor instead. The subtle tilt of his head was enough to hint the deep thinking going in his mind. And is right, Michael is thinking quite a lot. He stopped bothering to understand his obsession with (Y/N) and wouldn't think too much about following them, he just did it. But now... Now that he's forced to think about it for the first time, he realized it no longer feels like part of his unholy fixation on them, it feels more... He's not sure, but when he's with them he feels...
He nods slowly, his shoulders slump a bit after that.
(S/N) frowns sadly, her childish innocent mind quickly forgetting the things this man commited, maybe he isn't that bad, after all, (Y/N) told her how hard and unfair life was towards Michael, so... Maybe, if (Y/N) and her are kinder to him, maybe, just maybe, he'll be kinder to them too?...
—"{Michael...}"— she quietly says as she begin to walk towards him.
The girl stops right in front of his tall frame, the man tilts his head when she motions him to crouch down, but eventually he does. That's when, and without any warning, (S/N) wraps her arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug. The sudden contact made the man freeze completely, but he makes no effort to push the girl away. After a couple of solid minutes, his body starts to relax as he gives in into the little yet affectionate embrace.
The girl then leans closer to his ear, well, his mask's ear, but he sure heard her whisper...
—"{It's okay... I can be your friend.}"—
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asegunda · 7 months
Luke with a 'Older sibling' figure depending of where he met them
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In Camp Half-Blood...
• He was the new kid and you were the one to make the tour to him
• After all the things that happened he just wanted Annabeth to be safe, and the memory of Thalia to be forever in their hearts
• While you were doing the tour he just zoned out, the things his mom suffered, the things he suffered, all because of that greddy Gods
• After the tour you got to him and you two talked across the strawberry field
• You were one of the oldest at the camp at the time, and also the sword fighting teacher at camp
• After he got there you had chosen him and Annabeth for your team in Capture the Flag, wich he was gratefull, the kids from the other team kinda freaked him out
• And you protected him and Annie all the game and with that he got the flag
• You did a little party afterwards with your team, including them
• After that Luke became more relaxed with you,
• And some weeks later you started teaching him and doing spars, you also helped Annie a bit with her fighting skills
• When Luke was feeling sad you would come with some plate of cookies and watch one of Chiron old dvd's
• It wasn't perfect but Luke loved it
• You three would climb the lava wall and see who got first, Annabeth always writing the results, wich you always won
• After some years, you had to go to college, but of course you would still visit
• Luke, Annabeth and you would have a sleepover and talk about random things
• In the past few months Luke suprassed you, and you couldn't be happier, he was like your little brother and across the years he and Annabeth became comfortable to call you they're sibling
• You did go to college and visited one time every month
• And you couldn't hide your suprise when an forbidden kid (a Poseidon one) got to camp and Luke was teaching him and making him comfortable
• You got a lot of flashbacks and Luke presented you to Percy, Annabeth didn't seem to like him very much and talked to you how stupid he was, you just nodded in agreement to bot make her mad
• In your next visit the surroundings weren't happy like the last one
• Luke betrayed the camp
• You couldn't believe it
• 'I should had talked to him more...' You always thought
• After the news you were like Annie, always trying to believe that there was still good on him and at the same time helping Percy, who reminded you so much of Luke...
• In the big battle you had put an sabatic year in college to fight against Kronos
• The boy you protected, your little brother was right in front of you...
• "So this is your 'older sibling'." Luke said, but it didn't sound like Luke, it was Kronos.
• After Luke's death you were on Annabeth and Thalia side always
• "He wasn't the Son of Hermes, not the hero of Olympus just our brother Luke." You always said to them.
In Kronos army...
• Luke was new with that whole traitor and being with Kronos thing
• You were one of the people who explained it to him
• Your despise for the Gods made Luke like you
• And you were kind to him
• You planned battle strategies together when the two of you could (sometimes Ethan came along)
• And you talked about your life
• You learned about his family situation and your anger for the Gods suprassed limits
• You also learned about Thalia, the daughter of Zeus and her noble sacrifice and the daughter of Athena, Annabeth
• You would also train the new recruits together
• Luke didn't admit it but without the camp you were the closest thing of a family he ever had
• When Luke learned that Thalia survived you hugged hugged him as he cried
• You were also a judge to when Luke and Ethan had spars
• In your minds Kronos plan was perfect: a new world where everyone can be happy without that damn Gods and just in general happiness
• Of course every plan had flaws
• And you learned it the hard way and it caused your everything
• You didn't know Kronos plan of using Luke's body as a hostage
• When you knew you tried everything to make Kronos change his mind
• 'You had some vote on the subject', was what you thought
• Well you thought wrong, not even being one of Kronos reliable followers and great warrior granted you an opinion in the matter
• You told Luke about the matter
• He became suprised but said: 'I'll do anything, if it means the Gods will know how much we demigods suffered.'
• 'What?' You thought at the time
• You tried to make him run away with you
• He was suprised again
• "The reason we are doing this isn't important if we are not alive to see the new world Luke." You said
• Luke thought about it and accepted to run away
• But they caught the two of you.
• "Traitors!"
• They made a fatal blow on you and chained Luke
• They took him to Kronos (problaly to start the possession)
• "No!" You cried to them.
• But it didn't matter, they made another blow and you closed your eyes almost a minute after
• "I'm sorry..." You whispered before closing your eyes, you hoped you atleast could meet Luke in the Underworld, likely not but a person could just hope...
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
Thoughts on Orias' event
I try to pretend that I have already cooled down and stopped howling with delight at the sight of the boys from Hades. Okay, I'm not very good at lying. They. are. gorgeous. So, ekhm. Some loose thoughts about what we know. No serious analysis this time, just my happy rambling.
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Spoilers under cut!
Devils can lie
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Earlier it was hinted between the lines, now we have official confirmation. Orias and Leviathan sure know how to lie.
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Here is a suggestion that Foras can do it too.
On the one hand, my and my biased heart are happy that he is special, on the other hand, I think I would rather not know what he went through to learn how to lie. On an unbiased note, it would be interesting if all the nobles of Hades could lie.
Nobles stick together
It's a little thing I noticed. In Avisos we are often mentioned that seeing more than one noble at a time is an unusual thing. Meanwhile in Hades…
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A large part of the event is from Foras' perspective, and how was I supposed to be calm?
We see that the boys often spend time together on patrols. Their relationship is also delightful. Foras doesn't like Glasyalabolas, and it's not mutual. Look.
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Glasyal you bully, I love you lmao
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Barbatos is gorgeous (even more so without clothes, but please, not on patrol).
Either way, it looks like they spend a lot of time together. They give so much siblings' energy.
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I died. I didn't know I needed Barbatos saying fuck, but now I need him for my life. So hot of him.
Orias age
We have information that Orias is older than Leviathan…
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…but this is information from biased, unconfirmed sources. Nobles only know rumors. I believe that Lucifer is the oldest. He's an angel, he makes sense. But when it comes to Orias, I would trust Leviathan more here.
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I want to draw attention to this one quote in particular:
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We know that devils get old. The stronger, the slower. But this suggests that Orias has been artificially aged.
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Especially since the angels also refer to him as a kid.
+ it is interesting that they were taken for the same experiment.
Don't know what to call it, just some sexy guys ahead
Enough with serious topics, time to get back to silly things!
We've seen Satan's anger spreads to his subordinates, we've also seen it with Mammon's greed, so it's no wonder Leviathan's jealousy has the same strength. However, Levi's second main thing, his punishment, doesn't seem to be going as well as he dreamed.
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They are terrible, I love them. No wonder the cavalry from Tartaros comes for us in Ch5, the guys from Gehenna would still shake hands with Hades. By the way, Hades and Genenna really seem to have the most similarities.
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Also, their devotion is insanely sweet. Leviathan isn't even truly in danger and they've already summoned their coffins to protect him.
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But let's get to the cherry on the cake. You know what else is hot? We are in hell, it should be warm in here, but oh lord- I expected boiling lava, not a walking embodiment of perfection.
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I totally agree with Glasyalabolas and his fourth wall breaking. JUST LOOK.
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The smirk of this proud asshole. The fact that he is little known in heaven simply because he leaves no survivors to tell about him. And how much he smiles during this event. And how gently he treats Orias.
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This event shows his soft heart and that's why I'm here. I'm glad that we don't see this side of him right away, in the chapter, and he only shows true himself with someone he really knows and cares about. Even if he does it his own way. This event, his attacker comic and his selfie comic, how he behaves towards heaven farm survivor and his childhood friends.
Final thoughts
Let's end this here before I start fawning over him even more. Of course, there was much more here. Even out of chronicler's duty, I would like to mention:
While escaping, Leviathan made a pact with his monster
There are beads in the hearts of angels that, when eaten, keep Orias young
Orias himself, if he didn't eat angel hearts, would age into a mummy in a week
Barbatos is secretly Sailor Moon or Winx or other magical girlie
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This is how he dressed himself with his vines, prove me wrong.
Leviathan calls Glasyalabolas cute. Agree.
Orias calls Foras a child. It just sounds like a much older person addressing a younger colleague. And you know how much I agree
Astaroth mentioned (another point to the relationship between Hades and Gehenna)
Cherubs with their New Heaven are mentioned
That's all I remember for now. If you're curious about more things, @/thrones-of-buer collected here a lot of points from the event. I agree with a lot of them, and they're definitely interesting to check out. And here a whole report from the event from @/jazeswhbhaven so if you're hungry for more, head over there!
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din-miller · 1 year
We’re Stronger Together
Pairing: Reader + The Bad Batch (Platonic)
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: It was an unspoken rule; you don’t go on solo missions. But when Rex asked you to aid him in taking down a slave ring, you agreed. The Batch takes an issue with that. Especially when you came back smelling strongly of foul men leaving Hunter to struggle with his heightened senses. The only way to fix that is a giant bantha pile.
Warnings: set after S2, tech is alive, harm to children mentioned, slavery mentioned, non-consensual touching mentioned, (none of which are graphic), protective batch, no romance between reader and the batch, platonic cuddling, so much sibling-relationship content, bantha pile > puppy pile, keldable kisses, female reader
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You can’t remember the last time you’ve gone on a solo mission or at least a mission where the Batch hadn’t been involved. You had joined them after Order 66 and wherever they went, you went and vice versa.
Inseparable, the lot of you.
Which is why you’re here, chewing your bottom lip nervously as you watch the argument unfold in front of you. Rex said something rational and Hunter glared, then Echo huffed at Hunter’s behaviour but made no move to step in to defend Rex who's three seconds away from throwing his hands up in frustration, “Look boys, I only need her for a couple days, a week max.”
“That’s not happening.”
Honestly, Rex should’ve seen this argument coming and prepared a better speech.
“Yeah, I kinda agree with Sarge. I don’t like it.” Wrecker rubbed the back of his head, looking a tad lost. He’s never been good at picking sides during arguments and you feel bad for him.
“It’s a simple mission, boys. She’ll be in my line of sight at all times.”
“Armed,” All eyes turned to Crosshair, whose head was turned away from them, seemingly unperturbed by the whole situation. When Rex went to speak, Crosshair sneered, “That wasn’t a question.”
“We might consider it once you tell us why you need her.” Echo said, addressing the eldest clone.
“The mission requires more of a…,” Rex trailed off, trying to find the right words that won’t get him shot, “Feminine touch.”
“Absolutely not,” Hunter pushed himself to stand between you and Rex, blocking the older clone’s view of you, “Find someone else.”
“I can do it!” Omega bravely offered, “I can be feminine.”
“No!” Came a chorus of shouts causing Omega to shrink in on herself before Wrecker pulled her into his side with an apology. Hunter ran a tired hand down his face, giving his own apology to the young girl.
“As much as I appreciate your concerns, it’s my decision.” You looked over at Tech for help. Out of all of them, he’ll be the one to back you up.
Tech nodded in your direction, stepping in to join the conversation, “While I don’t particularly agree with one of us being separated, I can see logic in Rex’s thinking-,”
Wreck sent him a look of disbelief, “How?!”
“-If the goal is to distract the target with a certain female attractiveness, I do believe she’s the best candidate for the role.”
“There was never any doubt about that,” Echo stated, “The issue is that we don’t split up. Any of us. Not after Mount Tantiss.”
Omega nodded in agreement, her mouth twisting down at the mention of Mount Tantiss, “Echo’s right. We stick together.”
Tech adjusted his goggles, avoiding eye contact, “As I said, I do not agree with her going with Rex by herself, but we can not stop her from choosing to aid in this mission. The best we can do is offer our support.”
“Thank you Tech. Look, I’ll take my viroblade with me,” You promised them, moving to Rex’s side, “I’ll be fine guys. I was on my own for years before I met you, I know how to handle a few scumbags.”
“You’re not on your own anymore,” Hunter reminded you, before letting out a defeated sigh, “You will be contacting us every chance you get, you’ll report any injuries to Tech or Echo; I don’t care if Rex’s crew has an all-star medic on board, you comm us.”
“Yes, Sarge. Anything else?”
“You’ll take my blade with you, it’s sharper than yours. You will be getting a crash course in disarming bombs with Wrecker before you leave and most importantly; you will be coming home.”
You look down at the kid who’s nodding along to Hunter’s words, a serious look plastered on her face. You feel a twinge of guilt settled in your chest, but from what Rex has told you about the mission you’re not backing down no matter how crestfallen Wrecker looks.
You attempt a reassuring smile, most likely failing as that guilt shows clear as day despite your best shot at playing it cool. You promised nonetheless, “I’ll be back before Wrecker’s able to pronounce ‘worcestershire’.”
“Hey!” Wrecker cried, but a bright smile took over his previous expression and that twinge inside your chest starts to fade away.
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Truth be told, a part of you yearns for this mission. To stretch your feet, to use your muscles and brains outside of your normal mundane life on Pabu. To feel useful in a more powerful way. You also understand why your boys’ are so reluctant to let you leave. To do this mission when they’ve all turned Rex down time and time again.
Hunter’s thirst for battle quickly died out when he watched how Omega thrived in her new life. At the peace she is now able to have, away from bloodshed.
Wrecker’s able to use his strength to help the town folk. Lifting crates, furniture, bags of soil and sand. He’s also taken up construction. He’s able to burn energy without bloodshed.
Tech was never one for battle and after Mount Tantiss, he was more than willing to settle on Pabu. To accept Phee’s dinner invitation. Then the key to her place. One day you hope he’ll accept the ring Phee has tucked away. A loving marriage away from bloodshed.
Echo was the one who adjusted the hardest. Whenever Rex required his help on a mission Echo was always on the front line. But one day you watched him emerge from his room, eyes red and swollen. Another sleepless night and you know he’s done with all the bloodshed.
You don’t ask, you don’t have too. You were there, you remember all of it. You remember Echo’s disbelief over your comm as he said he found Tech. You remember running into the room, seeing Tech floating inside a tube, dead bodies scattered across the floor. You remember Echo’s hand laying flat over the glass that separated him from Tech. You remember the bloody handprint left behind when Echo turned to you.
Most of all you remember the scream that rattled the walls around you. You remember how Echo’s mouth parted, Crosshair’s name falling from his lips before he’s racing down the hallway, metal legs creaking at the strain he’s putting on them.
You remember the crying, the begging, that left Crosshair’s mouth, so broken and scared, as Dr. Hemlock held a blade in his hand and Omega’s still body on the medical table beneath him. You remember the smell of blood, how the red of it dripped onto the floor.
You remember the sound of a blaster fire, a body hitting the floor. You remember Echo desperately trying to hold Omega’s stomach together as he cauterised her skin knowing there’s no time for stitches or bacta patches.
You remember it all so kriffing vividly that the crate you had been moving falls from your grip, dropping loudly to the ships metal floor beneath you, the noise drowning out your gasp as the air around you thins and your lungs ache for steady breaths.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Your head snapped up in Rex’s direction, eyes widening when you spotted the clone trying to bypass Rex and enter the ship, “Crosshair?”
The sniper doesn’t acknowledge you. Instead his attention is solely on the older clone, “You’re sending her into a cantina full of powerful, greedy, vile men who would do anything to have her.”
Rex sighed, “Crosshair-,”
“I understand not wanting the others to be involved, they’re too protective. The second anyone touches her the mission would be ruined and dead bodies make things complicated.”
Rex gave another, deeper sigh, “Your skill sets would prove to be a huge asset to the mission, I’m aware and if I thought you were any different from the rest of them, I would have asked you. I know you Crosshair, you’d be the first to pull the trigger.”
Finally Crosshair’s eyes land in your direction, the subtle pinch of his brow letting you know that the panic that's choking you from the inside is written all over your face. He stared at you, knowingly, “Don’t do this. For your own sake, don’t.”
“The man we’re after is a slave trader. Young kids and helpless women,” You said, although you figured he’s aware of that already, “If you were in my shoes you’d do the same thing. For me, for Omega. Crosshair I need to do this.”
You moved to stand in front of him and you pulled his head down until your foreheads met, an action you’ve only done once before with him. Only this time he’s leaning in instead of pushing you away with a threat of you meeting the barrel of his rifle.
“Take care of the boys and Omega while I’m gone, yeah?”
“I’m not their kriffing babysitter.”
You chuckled and pulled back to meet his gaze, “Take care of yourself too.”
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Although the mission only took three days, your body – your soul – is screaming for your family. For their arms around you, their voices reassuring you that you’re okay, that you’re home. That you’re safe.
So when the front door is the only thing that stands between you and them, a weight is lifted from your shoulders. A breath you hadn’t realised you’ve been holding leaves your lungs and you draw in a new one full of relief.
You punched in the house’s code and the green light blinked, lock unlocking. You smiled, opening the door and before you’re fully able to close it behind you, you’re being pushed back against it, Hunter’s face buried in the crook of your neck.
Not exactly the welcome home you’d imagined would be awaiting you.
You looked over at the other boys, hoping to get an explanation. You start with Echo but the clone just leaned back against the couch, a smile on his face. Beside him is Tech; the clone brought a finger up to tap the side of his nose.
Right. You probably reek of–
“Testosterone.” Hunter snarled, and you can feel the way his nose scrunched up at the smell of male hormones on your person.
“Not the welcoming home I expected,” You joked, trying to push Hunter away but the clone didn’t budge, “Come on I can’t smell that badly, I had a shower on Rex’s ship. Seriously Hunter, at least let me enter the house.”
Hunter finally pulled back, eyes still locked in on the flesh on your neck. You try not to squirm under the intensity of his gaze, or the smug looks from the others. Hunter tilted your head and you're quick to give him access to the other side of your neck despite your earlier protest. He spared no time diving in, head jerking back instantly, nostrils flailing and he growled, “They touched you.”
The smug look on Echo’s face disappeared instantly and he stepped forward, eyes narrowed in on the back of Hunter’s head like he can see the skin where you had been touched through the clone’s skull.
Hunter pressed you back farther against the door, voice demanding as he asked, “Where else?”
“I won’t ask again.”
The sound of tiny feet racing down the hallway saved you from having to answer, from having to admit that they were right. That you weren’t strong enough for the mission. Not without them. Admitting that would make the phantom feeling of hands on your body too real.
You pushed Hunter away and caught the girl just in time, your name falling from her lips as giggles filled the air when you tickled her side. Behind her Wrecker smiled at you, welcoming you home.
“You’re back! I want to hear all about the mission!” Omega said, jumping out of your arms when you tap on her back. She’s grown so much in the last few years and you’re too exhausted to hold her weight, “Sorry, I’m just excited you’re back home. Are you hurt?”
You’re able to give her a quick shake of your head before that phantom touch across your skin is back and you can’t hide the rise of goosebumps on your arms. Not from Hunter at least. The man studies your body language, breathing in the scent of foul men that lingers on your skin, even after using Rex’s refresher to shower.
“Omega, I want every blanket and pillow in this house brought out here,” Hunter turned to address the biggest clone, “Wrecker, clear all the furniture out of the living room.”
“Oh, you betcha!” Wrecker cheered with a grin, “We haven’t had a good ol’ bantha pile in ages!”
“Bantha pile?” You questioned as you watched the two follow Hunter’s orders.
“Yes, it is when a group of people all sleep and/or cuddle together. It was a way for Hunter to memorise our scents growing up. To help calm him,” Tech informed you, “It’s been awhile since we’ve had one, but given that Hunter is indeed struggling with you not smelling like us, the bantha pile is warranted. I’d even say necessary.”
You nodded. It makes a certain amount of sense but you’re not entirely sure it is warranted. To your knowledge they didn’t do this when Crosshair came back, when Tech was found or when Omega healed from her injuries at the hands of Dr. Hemlock. Or maybe they did and you weren’t there, that they didn’t find it necessary to include you.
No, it’s best not to go down that path. You’re here, your boys are crowded around you as you all await for Omega to return and that’s all that matters.
But Tech has always been able to read you and he awkwardly bumped his shoulder against yours, voice hushed, “You’re part of our alitt. You and Echo were dealing with Sid when Hunter and Wrecker welcomed Crosshair, Omega and myself home. We tried waiting for you but Hunter was struggling. It wasn’t an easy call but it was necessary to proceed without you and Echo.”
You brushed a hand over Tech’s and sent him a smile, “I understand, truly. I shouldn’t have questioned my place with you guys.”
“We won’t allow that to happen ever again, ner vod.” He promised and you believe him.
“I got everything!” Omega announced, bouncing back into the room, her voice muffled behind the mountain of fabric balanced in her arms, which Hunter quickly relieved her of. The young clone looked over at Echo, “I got your heated blanket too. I wasn’t sure if our body heat will be enough to keep you warm through the night. Better safe than sorry, right?”
“I…” Echo blinked, accepting his blanket as he fumbled for words. No matter how long you all have known Omega, the smaller clone always finds ways of surprising her family with her never-ending kindness. Echo cleared his throat, “Thank you, Omega.”
She beamed up at him, brushing off his thanks as she grabbed a handful of pillows to scatter around the living room. Wrecker and Hunter followed behind her with blankets. Eventually the room was approved for a bantha pile by Wrecker’s standards and six bodies started to settle in for the night.
With Hunter against your left side, head buried in your neck, his lips gazing the skin over your pulse point and Wrecker snuggled behind him, Echo moved to claim his spot on your other side as Tech sat cross legged by your lower right leg and Omega’s balanced on your chest leaving just Crosshair left to pick his spot.
“There’s still room.” You pointed out to him, silently hoping he’ll join.
Crosshair looked down at the pile, disgust written all over his face, “Not happening.”
“C’mon brother,” Wrecker patted the empty spot behind him, “You know you want to.”
The sniper may be rough around the edges but he’s not immune to his brothers’ pleas. He’ll cave, you know so.
“Not in the slightest. I’d rather eat glass than be sandwiched between you all.”
“Fine, but you’ll regret it.” Wrecker shrugged, snuggling closer into Hunter’s side, his large arm thrown over the smaller body to rest on your arm.
Crosshair rolled his eyes, “Doubt it.”
Tech glanced up from his datapad, “I have informed Phee that I will be staying another night here,” He looked at you, “She is pleased that you have returned unharmed and has invited you for dinner tomorrow if that is to your liking.”
“Tell her there’s no other place I’d rather be.”
He nodded, “I will inform her immediately, she will be happy to hear so.”
Omega frowned, rifling through the blankets, “Where’s Lula?”
Wrecker’s head shot up, alarmed and you glanced around until you spotted her by the hallway entrance. You pointed Omega to the toy, “You must have dropped her.”
Omega looked over at her brother, eyes wide and childlike, “Crosshair? Can you get her?”
The clone looked at her, then the pile of blankets and pillows that were basically drowning her small frame, before blowing out an annoyed sigh, but he went and got the toy anyway. He carelessly threw it in her direction, which earned a cry of protest from Wrecker. Crosshair rolled his eyes in response before crouching down beside Echo, moving his blanket aside.
The former ARC Trooper’s body stiffened when a pair of hands met his pelvic. Then he flinched away from Crosshair’s touch when the clones fingers found the clasps of his prosthetic legs. You watched slightly puzzled at what was happening.
Crosshair’s fingers froze for a fleeting second before he scowled down at Echo, “Relax Reg, if I have to suffer sleeping here tonight I’m at least going to make sure my nuts stay intact.”
A puff of air met your skin as Hunter grunted, “Language Crosshair, the kids here.”
Omega giggled as she settled comfortably on your chest, “I’m not a kid, Hunter.”
Beside you, Echo flicked his youngest brother’s arm, “I don’t move in my sleep.”
Wrecker let out an loud laugh, “Ha, good one Echo!”
“You could sleep on the other side of the bantha pile,” Echo cocked his head over to where Wrecker is, “Snuggle up behind Wrecker. He doesn’t sweat that much.”
“I’d rather not. Now are you going to let me continue?” Crosshair gestured to the prosthetics.
Echo nodded, moving to make it easier for his brother to reach the clasps, “You better not steal my blanket throughout the night.”
“What are you going to do? Chase me?” Crosshair jeered, but his tone held no malice behind it and Echo for his part just playfully shoved the sniper back until his ass met the floor. Beside you Hunter mumbled something incomprehensible into the crook of your neck while Wrecker and Omega laughed as Crosshair scowled up at them.
Once the prosthetics were removed, Crosshair huddled underneath Echo’s heated blanket with him, keeping enough distance from the clone for it not to be weird. Crosshair’s words, not Echo’s. The latter couldn’t care less, especially when the added warmth helped him sleep soundly.
With them both settled in for the night Tech was able to finally curl himself against your thigh, directly underneath Echo, giving the fact that without the clone’s prosthetics there’s now room for Tech to lie down and be close to you.
“This is… nice.” You said, pulling Echo in closer to your body when he struggled to do so himself without use of his prosthetic legs. His prosthetic arm had been taken off too. Most likely so you don’t get hit by it.
“Aw, yeah it is!” Wrecker’s usual loudness is muffled by Hunter’s shirt and the older clone chuckled at the rough vibration that spread across his back.
Omega propped herself up to rest her head in her hands, her elbows pressing against your chest and you hid the wince when her pointed appendages dug into your sternum.
Her eyes twinkled as they met yours, “We’ve missed you,” She exclaimed, the twinkle in her eyes grew brighter, “Tech barely left the house, Phee brought over food for us but we ended up giving it to the shelter ‘cause Echo went bananas and made enough food for the entire village! And Wrecker built a giant shed in a day! The Unstoppable Machine they called him. Oh and Crosshair slept at the gun range every night. Echo had to bring him food and a pillow and blanket-,”
You blew out a disappointed sigh. Leave it to Crosshair to do the exact opposite of what you said. Taking care of yourself does not equal three nights at the gun range. Crosshair hid his head in Echo’s shoulder shielding himself away from your scowl.
“Hunter wouldn’t leave my side,” Omega continued, “I wasn’t even allowed to sleep over at the Hazards. It’s okay though. Truthfully, I didn’t feel like sleeping away from home anyways.”
You swallowed around the lump in your throat. You knew they didn’t want you to go but you never really knew how much pain you’re absent brought the six of them.
“I’m so sorry,” You whispered into the silence of the room, “I’m here now and I’m not leaving ever again, I promise.”
Omega held out her hand, little finger up, “Pinky promise?”
You locked your smallest finger around hers and brought them both up to your lips, pressing a delicate kiss to her skin, “To the brightest stars and back.”
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Omega was the first to fall asleep, followed quickly by Echo; the warmth of his blanket and your body heat lulled him into a peaceful slumber. Wrecker was next, his snores unnaturally quiet for a man his size. Small blessings, truly.
Tech’s head is pillowed on your thigh, his datapad loosely held in his hand, conversation with Phee most likely cut short by his sleep. Out of all your boys your heart is warmed by him the most. He’s the only one who doesn’t live here, he’s the only one who has spent four nights away from their partner. He’s never once complained about it and you know neither has Phee; she’d let Tech spend a thousand more nights here if that’s what he needs.
Crosshair and Hunter were the last to drift off, their bodies on high alert, tracking any movement that could possibly take you away from them. Crosshair once said that nothing is ever too good to be true, but like most things the sniper’s believed, he’s wrong. Because you’re here for good, and that’s true.
You felt a nudge against your right side and you rolled your eyes fully expecting to get an ear full of Tech’s latest discoveries during your absence but instead you're met with an unreadable expression as Crosshair stared at you.
He doesn’t say anything and he looks more pissed off than before. It’s late and you're tired, physically and emotionally and the last thing you want is an angry clone glaring at you through the night.
“This wasn’t my idea,” You reminded him, tone a little rougher than it probably should be, “But I’m not going to have you ruin it because I need this. I might have only been gone for three days but I was alone for each one and you were here, with the boys’ and Omega.”
He’s silent, eyes sharp almost like he’s studying you. When he does speak it sounds like it’s through gritted teeth, “Where else?”
And, oh
You had been expecting that question from Hunter, maybe even Echo, but not him.
You sighed and let your head fall back against your pillow. Whenever the gentleman got too bold, you were able to direct their attention somewhere other than your body… but sometimes you just weren’t fast enough.
“You were right, the others wouldn’t have been able to sit and watch,” You shifted your eyes back to the sniper, “The man grabbed me, pulled me into his lap and sometimes when I close my eyes, I can feel his breath against my skin and I hate it.”
The arms locked around you tighten, Hunter's head unburing itself from your neck, his breathing falling to the softest puffs against your skin. You honestly should have known that he wouldn’t fully be asleep.
You sighed, pulling Omega closer to your chest, needing to feel her heartbeat, letting it ground you, “Rex was immediately lifting me off of him and using his body as a shield, keeping me out of the man’s sight. What was supposed to be a stealth mission turned into a full blown blaster fight. What was it you said Crosshair? ‘Dead bodies make things complicated’?”
“Sometimes complicated is necessary for survival,” Crosshair said, “It may have not gone down the way you wanted it to, but tonight there are people finding their freedom from slavery and that’s because there are good people out there willing to fight for them. People like you.”
Your throat constricted at his words and you felt the beginning of tears build up, you do your best to blink them away before they get a chance to escape.
“You’re not leaving us again, right?” Hunter’s voice was rough, and it was clear from the way he asked the question that there was only one acceptable answer.
“No, never again,” You replied, before asking your own question, “Do I smell better now?”
Hunter made a show of taking in a deep breath, pausing for a second before giving a slow nod, “You smell like my aftershave, Echo’s mechanical oil for his prosthetics, Omega’s shampoo, Phee’s perfume that lingers on Tech’s clothes and the chemical ingredients in Tech’s eye drops.”
“Wrecker and Crosshair?”
“By the morning you’ll smell like them too. I promise.”
“Good, but in case I don’t; I’m not doing anything tomorrow night.”
Crosshair pressed his front flushed against Echo’s back and threw his arm over his brother's body to rest on top of Omega’s back, “If we must, I'm making Wrecker bring the mattresses down here. I’m getting too old for this shit.”
You laced your fingers with his across Omega’s body, “Deal.”
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A/N: I’ve had one rule when it comes to tbb. I don’t write for Crosshair – He’s a hard character to write – So how the heck did I manage to include him in 80% of this fic?! I’m not sure I was able to capture his personality completely but I hope I did him justice. (runs and hides)
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