#clark loves pie
Clarks quest to find the perfect slice of apple pie become a mission for Bruce when they start dating.
He takes Clark to fancy pastry shops and award winning chefs around the globe but he soon finds out that it's the small home town bakeries and family owned cafes in corners of main streets that have blended together in his mind are what make Clark light up and sigh when he takes a bite of that warm apple pie and ice cream.
(Bruce sipping on a black coffee and nibbling a cake donut just so Clark doesn't eat alone)
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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smiths-fan--13 · 2 months
little feed before I go to sleeppp :)
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prettiest evaaa
anyways ilysm guys goodnight! please make sure you sleep, eat and hydrate. you're amazing please fuel your body. xx
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Too Late - Sixteen
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summary: You’ve always secretly pined over Eddie Munson, your best friend, but when you find out he’s dating Chrissy Cunningham, you reach your breaking point. you seek comfort from Gareth, your second best friend. you figure out he’s got a crush, but you don’t know who, you were determined to figure it out though. but he was determined to keep his feelings for you locked away forever. but plans change, right?
too late masterlist - this is the final chap :(
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December rolled around the corner faster than expected. You and Gareth had just celebrated your nine months together, and everything was going great. You and Chrissy had begun to grow closer again, but she ended up moving to California for the summer with Jason, he went to stay with family before college, so you hardly saw her. You did call a lot though. She got back about a month ago, and you’d both just been so busy, you’d only managed to catch up once. The only times you had seen Eddie, was when you’d pass each other in the grocery store, or that one time when you had gone to the movies with Gareth and he was just leaving the cinema with Dustin. You hadn’t spoken, just sharing a glance that lasted no longer than a few seconds. Tonight was Christmas eve, and the air was cold and snow was falling. You were cozying up in Gareth's poolroom with him and the boys, just listening to the Bon Jovi record your boyfriend got you for Christmas. It was a peaceful night. You'd just stuffed your faces with a delicious dinner with Lizzie and Scott. 
There was a knock at the glass door, and you all turned your heads to see Scott himself, wrapped up in coats and scarfs, shaking in the cold. You quickly jumped up to pull him into the warm room, slamming the door shut behind him. 
“Hi, sorry to intrude on your teenage bonding time,” he smiled as he spoke, “but Liz just hopped into the shower and I thought I’d take the opportunity to talk to you… Gareth.” 
“Oh god.” Gareth mumbled, lifting himself up from the bean bag, “What have I done now? I promise you, the tap was already broken when I woke up thismo-”
“No, no.” Scott shook his head, “You're not in trouble… the opposite of that, actually.” 
“What’s the opposite of being in trouble?” 
Scott thought for a moment, “I don’t know.” 
Gareth nodded. You walked up next to him, looking at Mr Clark expectantly. He cleared his throat. 
“Right… so… Gareth, I don’t ever expect you to call me dad…”
You gasped, a smile spreading over your face as you realised what was coming. Gareth didn't. He raised an eyebrow and scrunched up his face with confusion, “Okay…”
“But.” Scott nodded, burying through his pockets. You wrapped your arms around Gareth's bicep, jumping with excitement, watching with anticipation. Scott smiled, noticing your excitement. The other two boys were smiling too, sending a few ‘ooh’s his way. Gareth was still confused. Scott held out a little blue box, “May I please have your blessing to ask your mother… to marry me?” 
Gareth looked up at him wide eyed, “You want to marry my mum?” 
You squeezed his arm again. 
Scott took a shaky breath, offering the box to Gareth, “If you’ll allow me, yes. I know your opinion is important to her, I just hope I have won you over…” He tipped his head, “it’s not much. A teacher's salary only really pays the bills, but…”
Gareth hesitantly took the box, opening it up slowly. You peered over his shoulder to see a gorgeous gold ring with a diamond in the centre, pearly stones surrounding it to look like the petals on a flower. It was perfect. Gareth stared at the ring, silence lingered in the room. Scott stared at him, wiggling his fingers as he started to worry with Gareth's lack of response. 
He looked up, finally, closing the box. Emotionless, he spoke, “Why do you want to marry her?” 
“Uh…” Scott glanced over at your confused expression before looking back at your boyfriend, “Because I love her, and she makes me happy. I’d- I’d love to make her happy, and nothing would mean more to me than your blessing.” 
Gareth stared at him. 
“I want… I want to spend my life with her.”
“What makes you think you're good enough to spend your life with her?” Gareth quirked an eyebrow, and you gave him a dissatisfied look. 
“I…” Scott looked to the ground, “I’m-”
“Nah, I’m just messin with ya.” Gareth laughed, handing the ring back to Scott and slapping him on the shoulder, “Course you can marry my mum. I’m surprised we haven’t scared you off yet.” 
Scott smiled, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Gareth smiled, “But I’m never calling you dad.” 
“No, of course not.” He shook his head and started for the door. 
“Go get her Mr Clark!” You shouted. 
“It’s Scott.” He shouted back with a smile. 
“No it’s not.” You waved him off. 
You turned to Gareth with an excited squeal and hugged him tight. 
The second knock on the door you got that night was from Chrissy. Jeff let her inside so her teeth would stop chattering in the cold, and you quickly pulled her into a hug, both to warm her up and because you missed her. She handed you a gift, perfectly wrapped with a lavish bow, and you handed her one too. 
“Thanks Chris.” You smiled, tearing open the paper. Inside was a new pair of boots, “What the fuck?”
“Wh- do you not like them?”
You lifted up the leather shoe with wide eyes, “I… how much did these cost you?”
“It’s not about the money.” 
“But now I feel bad.” You huffed. 
She tore open her present to find a mixtape, a bracelet with a cute flower charm, and a pin to stick to her leather jacket. You had been decorating yours over the year with buttons and pins, one of them matched with one on Chrissy's jacket from the last time you had hung out. Little hearts with arrows through them. This pin was a Blondie one. Chrissy liked Blondie a lot, they were the crossover between her beloved pop and your rock. She squealed, pulling you into a hug. 
“Thank you!” 
You laughed, “You’re kidding right? Thank you!” 
She rolled her eyes, “Don’t stress it, babe. I knew you had been eying them off for a while.”
You smiled and hugged her again. 
“Look, I can’t stay. Jason’s out the front, we’re heading to my parents for the night. Big Christmas celebrations and were running late. But I’ll see you new years, yes?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, “Come on, I’ll walk you out. Say hi to Carver.” 
“Okay.” She helped you pull on your boots and a thick winter coat. 
You both waddled out the front to find Jason leaning up against his car, smoking a cigarette. You found that a little strange, a guy of his ‘status’, smoking, funny. She ran right into his arms for warmth. 
“Carver.” You nodded at him, keeping a metre or so’s distance. 
“L/N.” He nodded, extending his hand out, “Truce?”
You raised your eyebrows for a moment, looking between him and his hand. 
He sighed, “Sorry for being a dick back in middle school.” He shrugged, “Sorry for being a dick always, there's no excuse. I’m just sorry.” He sighed. 
You wobbled your head, thinking for a moment, “You did bully me.” 
He scrunched up his face, “Yeah…” he sighed, “If it makes you feel any better, all that bullying really fucked me over. I didn’t get into college… at all.”
Your mouth gaped open, “Yeah, that does make me feel better, actually.” You laughed. 
There was a flash of light, and all three of you turned to see who had pulled up out the front. The lights switched off, and you realised it was Eddie’s van. Shit. Wayne hopped out, bag in hand. He waved at you, “Y/N!” He smiled, “Merry Christmas, just droppin’ off some gifts.”
“Merry Christmas, Wayne.” You smiled back, “I’ll be in in a sec. Boys are out the back.” 
He nodded and walked up to the front door. Eddie hooped out of his van, seemingly not having noticed you yet. He leant against the hood, lighting a cigarette. You looked at Chrissy, who was looking at the ground and frowning, Jason's arm getting tighter around her. Eddie took the first puff, looking out at the night sky, brushing off the snow that fell down on his face. Jason cleared his throat. Eddie snapped his head in your direction and the cigarette almost fell from his mouth. You noticed a moment of panic in his eyes before he resumed his calm manor. 
He nodded his head once, “Carver… Cunningham…” He looked at you for a moment, “L/N. Merry Christmas.”
“Yeah.” You nodded back. 
“Very merry indeed.” Jason smiled at him, “Got any plans, Munson?”
Eddie sighed, “Quiet night with Wayne… heading over to the Hendersons tomorrow.” 
You nodded. Jason smiled, rubbing hand up and down Chrissy's arm, “That’s nice. I’m heading over to Chrissy’s for the night. We’ve got a big family celebration tomorrow, don’t we, baby?” He watched Eddie tense. 
You couldn’t help but smirk behind your scarf. Jason was a mean girl, and you hated it, but god, right now you loved it. You were inspired, “Sounds lovely. I’m spending the night here, celebrating the morning with Lizzie and her man. Then Garebears comin over to mine for Christmas Dinner.” You grinned, Eddie always used to spend Christmas dinner at your house. 
Eddie frowned, “Ah.” he nodded a few times, “Good to see you girls as friends again.”
You both stared at him for a moment, sharing a little look of disbelief. Chrissy raised her eyebrows, “Yeah. Having regretful feelings for a jackass really builds a bond.” 
Eddie sniggered, looking away for a moment, “Yeah.” 
“Anyway.” Jason broke the tension, “We gotta get going. I got some Cunninghams to suck up too.” 
Chrissy giggled, “It was lovely seeing you again. Thank you for my gift.” 
“Of course.” You smiled, pulling her in for a hug and giving her a little cheek kiss, “We will have to catch up more in the new year.”
“Absolutely.” She smiled. 
“Maybe I can even rope Gareth into a double date some time.” You looked at Jason, “Though, that might take some convincing.”
“Mhm.” He nodded, putting his hand out to shake again, “Can we be civil… for Chris?”
You sighed, slapping your hand into his and giving it a firm shake, “For Chris.” 
He smiled and saluted you as he opened the door for his girlfriend. You stood watching as they climbed in and drove off, sending them a little wave as they disappeared down the street. You turned to Eddie and walked up to him, plucking the cigarette from his lips and sticking it between your own. 
“Okay then.” He huffed. 
“It’s the least you could do, jackass.” You leant back against the hood of his van beside him. 
He sighed, looking to the ground, “Sorry.”
“No you’re not.” 
He looked at you, “Fine. I’m not. Happy?”
“Mhm.” You nodded half heartedly, refusing to look at him as you took another drag. 
“You and Gareth are still together then?”
“Nine months.” You exhaled, tapping the ash off the end of the smoke, “It’s great.” 
Eddie nodded, “That’s good then.”
“Yep.” You popped your lips on the ‘P’. 
There was silence for a moment, and Eddie turned to you, “I still love you.” 
You sighed and dropped the cigarette, stubbing it out with your toe, “Good for you.” 
“Can you just-” He interrupted himself with a deep breath, “Please, hear me out?”
You looked at him, “What? What’s there to hear, Eddie?” You rolled your eyes, “You’ve already forced yourself on me, begged me for forgiveness and love… I don’t know what else there is to do.” 
He rubbed his brow, “I know I’ve fucked up. I know that now, I do… but I can get better. You can- you can help me-”
“Why would I want to do that when I have a perfectly good boyfriend in there, who loves me unconditionally, and wants nothing but my happiness?” You raised your eyebrows and shook your head, “Unlike you, Eddie, Gareth is actually loveable.” 
He closed his eyes, taking that like a stake to the heart, “Please-”
“Merry Christmas.” You scoffed, walking back to the house. 
You decided to not tell Gareth, or anyone about that interaction with Eddie tonight. It wasn’t the time. The mood was high and people were happy, and talking of Eddie would just ruin that entirely. You’d stash it away for another time. 
The third time you got a knock on the door was right around midnight. 
You and the boys were all in a pile, lazing on one another. You’d just hotboxed the shit out of Gareth's poolroom, and you were all hazy and warm with bloodshot eyes. You had heard a scream, all sitting up in fear. And about two minutes later, when you were all halfway through pulling your boots on sloppily, the knock came. It was from Lizzie, and she was dressed in pyjamas and socks and nothing else, tears streaming down her face. Gareth slid open the door and she hugged him tight. You saw Scott running out the back door with a coat and scarf and beanie slung over his arm for her. 
“What?” You asked, rubbing your eyes, your speech was slow. 
“I’m engaged!” She shrieked, jumping up and down like a child on Christmas morning. 
“Fuck.” Gareth smiled, his voice just as slow as yours, he hugged her again, “Congratulations, mum.” 
She wiped at her tears and came to hug you too, “Ah, look at it.” She pulled back and shoved her hand in yours and Gareth's faces, then in Jeff and Grants, “Isn’t it gorgeous.”
“Hell yeah.” Jeff nodded. 
“Totally rad, Missus E.” Grant smiled. 
“It’s like… so cool.” Gareth began to laugh. 
“Looks like somethin in a movie, Lizz.” You grinned. 
“Yeah… like,” Gareth thought for a moment, “like a secret spy gadget, you know?”
You laughed, “Like it shoots lasers.”
You and Gareth started pretending like you had laser shooting rings on and fought. Gareth dramatically fell to the ground. 
“Are you high?” Lizzie asked. 
“What?” You asked, acting like you had no idea what she was talking about but doing a terrible job at it, “Us… high? Lizzie… we would never.”
“Never.” Jeff added. 
Gareth tried to stand up, but stumbled. He fell over and you all started laughing. He pressed his palms to his eyes, “God, I’m so high.” 
You all started laughing more. Lizzie glared at her son, and then at you. You pulled a face of embarrassment, and it had her rolling her eyes with a smile, “Okay weirdos. Be responsible.” She grabbed Scotts hand, dragging him for the door, “Don’t come inside. My fiance and I would like the house to ourselves.” 
“Ewww.” Gareth poked his tongue out, “Mum, that’s gross. That’s my teacher!”
“Not your teacher anymore.” Scott nodded as he was dragged away. 
You giggled and fell down on top of Gareth, “Go Lizzie, I think.” 
“Nah.” Gareth shook his head, “Mums can’t have sex.” 
“What,” You grinned, “you sayin you wont fuck me once I’ve been knocked up?”
“That’s different.” He shoved your face. 
“You guys are so weird.” Jeff fell backwards into Grant’s arms and Grant kissed his neck…
Oh yeah. That was something else that had happened in the past few months. Jeff and Grant had come out to you guys, saying they had been dating for like… a year. You were just confused as to how you had gone so long without noticing. 
“You guys are weird.” You poked your tongue out at them. 
“Nahahh. You are.” Grant added. 
“You are.” Gareth chimed in, crawling over to them to tackle. 
You all ended up in a pile, wrestling each other and calling eachother names and laughing, all high out of your goddamned minds. By the time you got really tired, you were laying splayed out like a starfish on the pullout, and Gareth was entirely on top of you, acting as your blanket because his weighted blanket wasn’t heavy enough. Jeff and Grant were cuddled up, already falling asleep on the mattress on the floor. 
Gareth nudged his nose past your ear so he could kiss your cheek, right by the corner of your lips, “I love you, darling. Merry Christmas.” 
“I love you too, Garebear.” 
“I can’t wait for tomorrow morning. I got you-”
“Guys. Can we not do this again, please?” Grant whined. 
“Fuck off.” You muttered. 
“You fuck off.” Jeff quipped back. 
“We get it, you're in love, yadda yadda. So are we, we're not being sappy.” 
“Be sappy then.” Gareth wrapped his arms around you tighter, “I wanna tell my girl I love her.” 
You giggled, “I wanna hear him say it.” 
“Jesus.” Grant rolled his eyes. 
“Please, save it for tomorrow.” Jeff huffed with a smile, “It’s too late.” 
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otakusparkle · 11 months
You can actually edited the picture description
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Delulu all the way 😁👍✨✨✨✨✨
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I fucking love a Clark Kent that's carved from sunshine and refuses to forfeit his hope and faith in humanity, but ONE OF THESE FUCKING DAYS MAN, one of these fucking days I hope to see him with that wolfish grin smile, bared wide and voice shaking, " I'm gonna laser the next person I fucking see I swear to GOD"
And for Battinson to calmly tap his shoulder. "Hello."
Then it's back to Kansas apple pie boy, " Oh my god! Bruce, hi!"
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
DC Masterlist
VDS = Valentine’s Day Series
Jason Todd
We Got Love (fluff, female!reader)
Stay Clean (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Just Friends (fluff, f!reader)
Sunlight (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
The Sovereign Beauty (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Of Soup and Snowstorms (fluff, gn!reader)
Two Scoops (fluff, gn!reader)
Two Scoops (and a Danish) (fluff, f!reader)
Kryptonians and French Tarts (fluff, gn!reader)
Only For You (fluff, AFAB!reader (mention of menstruation))
S(he) Walks in Beauty (smut 18+ ONLY, AFAB!reader)
Streaks (angst, gn!reader)
Laundry Day (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Date Nights Gone Wrong (fluff, m!reader)
Sweet Reader (fluff, gn!reader)
Sweet Surrender (fluff, gn!reader)
Broken Heaters (fluff, gn!reader)
Lucky (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Puzzle Pieces (angst/fluff, f!reader)
Powerful (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Story Time (fluff, gn!reader)
Secret Admirer (VDS, fluff)
Healthy Relationship (headcanons, VDS)
NSFW Headcanons (18+ ONLY, VDS)
Pegged and Babygirled (smut, 18+ ONLY, VDS))
Confessions (drabble, fluff, VDS)
Him Cooking Dinner for You (drabble, fluff, VDS)
Half-Eaten Bagels (hurt/comfort)
Dick Grayson
Movement (smut 18+ ONLY, female!reader)
Tell Me To Stay (fluff, gn!reader)
Is That So? (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Pretty Bird (smut 18+ ONLY, AFAB!reader)
Bored (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Fuck Up the Friendship (smut 18+ ONLY, AFAB!reader)
Fix Up the Friendship (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Waiting Room (angst, smut 18+ only, f!reader)
Just a Name (angst, gn!reader)
Decorating Wayne Manor (fluff, gn!reader)
First Christmas (fluff, gn!reader)
Assassin!Verse (continuation of First Christmas)
NSFW Headcanons (18+ ONLY)
Pickle Divide (drabble, fluff, VDS)
Spoiling Him (drabble, fluff, VDS)
Vacation (drabble, fluff, VDS)
Bruce Wayne
For All the Light I Shut Out (OC series)
guy.exe (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Actions, Not Words (fluff, f!reader)
Invisible (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Habits and Roadblocks (fluff, gn!reader)
Shovel Talk (fluff/humor, gn!reader)
Stress Relief (smut 18+ ONLY, gn!reader)
Chag Sameach (Jewish!Batmom)
Full (smut 18+ only, f!reader)
For Your Eyes Only (smut 18+ only, gn!reader)
Batmom Valentine’s Day (headcanon, VDS)
First Valentine’s as a Family (drabble, fluff, VDS)
On the Edge (smut, 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
Clark Kent
All-American Apple Pie Kinda Guy (smut 18+ ONLY, f!reader)
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evilminji · 11 months
I just had a Thought that smacked me upside the head and insulted my mother (o.o )
You know how in DC, much like in most media, all Forces have an opposing Force? Fire to Water, Yin to Yang, Order to Chaos, etc etc. Well.....
If you ADD in DP's The Zone?
That right there? Is a Realm. An Element Of Creation. Yes, the glue, the very lining, of the Multiverse. Buuuuuuuut? What is it CONNECTING? The FABRIC? The SHELL and FORM?
What, in a word, is it's Reverse Element? Just as the Speed Force has the Slow Force. As Chaos has Order. What does the Realm of Death have?
I hear you suggest "the living world?" But! Rightfully, you sound uncertain! Because! Death is INHERENT to the so called "living world". Everything is! Order, chaos. Ying, Yang. Fire and water and earth and air! All of it! It's the mid-ground. Shared and thus balanced.
So what sits on the other side of the coin?
I? Propose? Those fffffuckin IMPS! The 5th dimensional imps, known to haunt our beloved DC Heros. Immortal. Eternal. Life unending.
Driven to cruelty and boredom by it.
They are a brilliant, distorted, reflection of the Ghosts we know! Are they not? Not every Imp so powerful as the ones we've seen. But? If, say, Overgrowth or Clockwork? Wanted to just pop in to harrass their favorite Blorbo?
What's a little veil between Realms?
Only thing STOPPING them, is themselves. The Rules. You know... the ones THEY made. Because Goverment. Kinda like the Observants. Walker. Danny and his throne.
I bet they HAAAAAATE each other.
Both have Obsessions, but gods help you if you compare them. Because Ghosts Obsess with the steadiness of the Dead. The unchanging, unrelenting, persistence. While IMPS? Obsessions like firecrackers! Shifting, changing, sticking on this or that! Maybe for a nano-second! Maybe for eons! Who knows?! Not them!
They both think the other side are FREAKS.
The single most OBNOXIOUS, Irritating, Grating, Petty, PATHETIC group of LOSERS you will ever be unfortunate enough to meet.
You think Danny hates the Joker? Is On Sight with HIM? You know NOTHING of his hatred for those big headed little balls of nasally BASTARD energy. It's like weasels and snakes.
Clark loves it. Danny keeps getting free pie. Because EVERY time that Imp comes to harrass him? *unholy staticy yowl screech* *flying tackle out of the air into a cartoonish dust cloud fist fight* here comes the normally cheerful and polite Phantom, looking POSSESSED. To claw Mxyzptlk's throat out.
Of course, the Imps refuse to give up. They were stalking their targets first. PHANTOM should leave.
Phantom shouts something that makes them gasp, deeply offended, and the nearby magic users choke on their own spit.
Yep. Clark LOVES the newest addition to the team. Best decision they ever made, Bruce. He's DELIGHTFUL :D
@the-witchhunter @nerdpoe @ailithnight @hypewinter @hdgnj
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Farmer Clark
something just snapped at me when I saw this picture. I mean look at this picture
Pairing: Clark Kent x reader
Genre: SMUT, 18+, sir kink, breeding kink, female receiving
Notes: I saw this picture on Pinterest and yeah, I got carried away. Ah, to be on a farm with Clark.
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The sun was blazing on the hot Metropolis day. Clark's farm was standing proudly on the hills surrounded by nature. Green hills were holding the fruits of the labor of Clark's blood, sweat, and tears, making produce for him and you for the following year. Y/n walked out of the barn, watching Clark throw a ball of hay over his shoulder as if weighing 2 grams. Maybe for him, it did. His muscle shined from the sweat that glistened on his slightly tanned skin. His pecs tensed every time he pulled, hauled, and threw something, anything, around the farm.
The man was a god walking among mortals, and you felt your mind fill with lewd images of him. His hand held the wrench as he knelt down in front of his tractor, trying to fix minor damage, a damage he told you about, but you could not concentrate on that as you saw his biceps move with each swing, tug, and pull. Observing him kneel like that gave you more ideas and wants. Wishing you were the one sitting there and him kneeling in front of you, eating you out until you see the stars, and he was so good at that. 
"-pass me the...Y/n...Y/n?" Clark brought you out of your daze, noticing your head snap and your eyes trying to find him, finding him on the floor, lying on his back, looking confused, his hand reaching for yours. Giving him your hand, he chuckles.
"As much as I love to hold your hand, your hand can't unscrew a 5-inch bolt. Pass me the tool there."
With a slight blush on your cheeks, you pull away, taking your hand away from his grasp and handing him the appropriate tool, crouching down and sitting on the hay-filled ground, watching him do the work. Work you knew nothing about, you loved being around the farm, and living that quiet farm life, enjoying it with Clark. Relishing in every moment with him in this life, every early morning even though you hated to get up sometimes, every day off when you ran across the field while Clark chased you, every kiss that was stolen away from you while you were trying to make an apple pie, every time riding the tractor while he drove enjoying the bumpy ride. 
"-in your world..."
Snapping back, you see Clark in front of your face. "I said, 'You really are in your own world, darling?' That is what I said."
Laughing awkwardly, you look at him, seeing the smile on his face, his eyes fixed on you, and his big strong hands caressing your tights. Clark saw the glint in your eyes, he felt your heartbeat quicken when his hand inched a bit higher towards your waist, caressing unhurriedly as if trying to make you say it. To say what you want. What you want him to do to you.
"You know that I can feel you, sweetness. Every breath that stops in your throat, every whimper that you muffle, each gaze you throw at me. Therefore, you can tell me, darling. What do you want?"
Clark was playing the long game as much as you did. But on a much higher level. And he looked so delectable like that. Muscles on display, just wearing the overalls, he was playing every single character in your favorite romance books. And you wanted nothing more than to skip to the best part, but you needed to speak, as thinking too long might not help. He is a hero, but reading minds was not his forte.
"I want you, Kal-El. I want you to have your way with me." 
Leaning into him, you kiss him, wrapping your hands around his neck, scratching the baseline of his hair, nipping and tugging. Clark felt himself shift into more of his primal urges, and the kiss was the fuse that started it. His nose filled with your arousal as his hands began to remove bits of your clothing; unlike Clark, you had more clothes on yourself. Sitting in his lap, you felt his length harden, your hips sway back and forth, and you continued to make out. The motion takes a new direction as Clark picks you up in his arms, laying you gently on the ground, the hay starting to make your skin itch. Pulling away, Clark breath out 
"Put this behind your back." He offers his jacket, and you happily take it, placing it on your back.
Laying comfortably on it, Clark stops to take you in, your heart, your body, your whimpers, and at that moment, he wants to devour you.
"Darling, will you let me eat you out?"
You can simply whimper as your legs want any friction as they rub together. Removing your pants and underwear, Clark's face is in front of his other favorite pair of lips(as he said), and for once, you didn't mind the view. Clark was face down, ass up, and after his perfect face was his perfect ass sticking in the air. His blue eyes looked into yours, and you felt his tongue lick you, so slowly and sensually, like a feather touching your skin. 
"More, Clark! This isn't enough." You say as you cup your breasts, fondling them, trying to add more sensation. 
"I just started, pet. Believe me, I will have my way with you. I will corput you." Clark stated as he started his work. Licking up your folds, tracing each curve, fold and dip you had to offer. All of his tongue work leading to your clit, sucking with a harsh motion making you yelp and arch your back. Clark knew what he was doing to you, but you had no idea what you were doing to him. Sure, he was in pain as his cock was painfully hard and his balls heavy, needing to be emptied inside you, to breed you but for now, seeing you like this and that just being the start gave him some satisfaction. His fingers found your backside as they toyed with the rim making small circles on the entrance.
That feeling to you was different, your first time of him doing that and still being so gentle. The sensation started to bubble in you feeling a climax nearing extremely close. 
"Clark, I am close. Stop."
At the word, Clark stops and looks concerned "Are you okay? Was I too rough? I know we didn't talk about anal-" You laugh at his words as you bring him up to you, kissing him passionately, telling him in the kiss that everything is perfect. 
"What I mean by 'Stop.' was that I do not want to cum like this, but I want to cum together." 
Clark looks at you and chuckles himself.
"You had me worried there, missy. But what you ask, you shall receive since you have been such a good girl."
Clark towers over you, his muscles shining from the overhead lighting and casting an intimidating shadow on your body.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, sir." You reply.
Your body tenses as you feel his cock tapping your clit, teasing you. His hips push forwards with a slow, agonizing pace, your walls making way for his massive length as he nestles deep inside you, finding the warmth and spark he wanted. Placing your hands on his shoulder, you let yourself relax and enjoy the moment. His hips moved back slow as ever, making you whine at the loss of his fullness. Clark chuckles darkly
"I knew you wanted me to fuck you. But today, I am not doing that." he says while looking deep into your soul "I am going to breed you." he proclaimed, slamming his hips into you, the sensation dilating itself to a maximum in a second. Taking a fast pace, you saw his eyes closed, focused on what he is feeling and giving you as his ears are filled with your moans and pornographic sounds filling the empty barn. 
"I will make sure you are full of my cum. No matter how many times you will carry my child." he voiced, his hands keeping yours in a gentle touch while his hips proclaimed you. 
Hearing his statement, you felt a fire stir in you. You and Clark talked about having kids and occasionally having baby fever but nothing so sure came from his mouth as of seconds ago. 
"Yes! I want your babies, Clark!" you screamed out, giving him an inkling that you, too, wanted this life.
His hips continued to snap into yours as his fingers found your clit rubbing it, pressing just hard enough for you to be closer to your climax. 
"Then if we want a baby...we need to cum together. What do you say, missy? Are you close? I can feel you squeeze me tighter and tighter." 
At a loss for words, you shake your head up and down, shutting your eyes and feeling the inevitably snap in you as you came. Clark's pace slowed as he rutted into you, letting himself fall beside you, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you inhumanly close.
"You really make me crazy. You know that, darling?" Clark said, kissing your neck, leaving a few hickeys in its wake. You watched him carefully pull out as he grabbed his overalls to clean you up. You pull away from him, saying "Those overalls are the reason we are in this position. Don't you dare ruin them." 
Clark looks at them, confused "They are just overalls." 
Standing up slowly, still feeling full, you say, "Those are the sexiest overalls I have ever seen." 
With a naughty gleam, Clark throws the overalls over his shoulder " Then I will have to find another way to clean you up."
I have a audio file on farmer Clark in the making if you want to hear a snippet of it CLICK HERE.
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zoeyuniverse · 4 months
American pie [1/2]
Category : Caitlin C × !momreader
Summary : You and Caitlin have known each other since childhood, you love each other more than friends but the situation pushes you to live in hiding. While Caitlin suffers from this situation and lets you know it, an event changes everything.
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4 months ago
It's a busy weekend for you and Caitlin, as local basketball teams compete in a three-day tournament.
The tournament itself has no stakes, and winning it won't affect the official championship standings. So it can be described as "friendly". But unofficially, it allows players and teams to get noticed. To stand out from the crowd and make a name for themselves.
So every team and every player has a little bit of anxiety before every game and tries to keep up as best they can.
You and Caitlin have known each other forever. Kindergarten was where you first met, where you first talked, and where your friendship began.
You've been through a lot with her, you've always been there for each other, and at the age of 21, you never doubted the trust and love you had for each other.
You've never played basketball, but you've always enjoyed encouraging her, supporting her, watching her grow in the sport, and becoming her number one fan. She couldn't get enough of you, and at every game, her eyes sought yours for comfort and courage.
In the eyes of everyone, especially those closest to you, you're the best of friends, like in typical American movies.
But you've both known for some time that this bond and these feelings are more than friendship. That's why you've been secretly dating for over a year now. You look forward to every moment you can get away from the world to kiss and cuddle.
If you've decided to keep this relationship a secret, it's because your parents couldn't bear to find out that you like women.
In fact, you come from a very conservative aristocratic family. And you're officially in a relationship with a boy your own age and, more importantly, from the same social class as you. Your parents introduced you to him about 10 months ago, and you quickly accepted, hoping that this relationship would make it easier to hide your relationship with Caitlin.
Of course, your girlfriend doesn't like the situation, but she accepts it out of respect for you, and you can never thank her enough.
Today is the penultimate day of the tournament, and Team Iowa is well on its way to winning its last game of the day. There's only one quarter left, but it won't be enough for the other team to come back from behind.
So this is the perfect opportunity for you to admire Caitlin on the field without the stress.
The tall brunette is as relaxed as she is smiling as she watches the clock tick away. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail, which you did yourself before the game started. Her muscular shoulders gleam in the spotlight.
The crowd chants and screams Caitlin's name as she continues to put on a show, scoring more and more impressive baskets. She couldn't care less about the disappointment her opponents will feel when the final buzzer sounds.
Your heart races and a smile spreads across your face as you watch your friend blossom on the court. She's talented, beautiful, and popular. Many would give anything to be friends with her, if not more. And yet she reserves that privilege for you, and you alone.
And with only a few seconds left, you approach the edge of the field. With your "22 Clark" jersey on your back, you wait for another autograph.
This is your little ritual: Ever since her arrived in Iowa, you've proudly worn Caitlin's jersey to all of her games, and every time she wins, she adds a signature to it. That makes you the most autographed fan in the world.
- Hi ! she says, signing her name on a loose part of youre jersey.
- Hi! you say.
She hands you back your marker and you look into each other's eyes for a long time, her exploding with the joy of victory and you contemplating the stars shining in her eyes.
- I love it when you look at me like that Caitlin smile.
- I love looking at you, you're sublime, Caity.
Her eyes went to your lips as your boyfriend grabbed your hips and pulled you close.
- Don't look at my girlfriend like you're going to devour her, Clark, I'll end up thinking you're trying to steal her away from me. he joked falsely.
The player's smile vanished and her eyes filled with hatred at the sight of his hands on your hips.
- No risk, I'll leave you alone, my team is waiting for me, see you later Y/N.
You tried to smile at her before turning to your boyfriend.
- The game went well, didn't it? He smiled.
- Yeah, it was cool, but my stomach hurts. ....
- Shall we go home?
Of course, you didn't want to go home. That's why you bargained with him to let you spend the night with Caitlin.
He understood your little trick, but you made a deal that he wouldn't tell your parents your secret. So you agreed to having sex with him from time to time at first and the, after he met a girl, let him see her. Caitlin knows absolutely nothing about this, and you knew better than to tell her. You're doing this for you and her.
When he finally agreed, he left, saying goodbye to you and making you promise to spend the next evening with him, as you both had to go to dinner with his family.
So you waited in silence for Caitlin to come out of the dressing room, and when she finally did, after many minutes, her wet hair fell back on her shoulders. You were so impatient that you wanted to jump into her arms.
Strangely, she didn't respond to your embrace, gently pushing you away.
- You should have gone home with him.
You took the time to look at her and saw that her eyebrows were furrowed and her jaw clenched.
You grimaced as you felt the pain in your stomach suddenly intensify, then resumed the conversation:
- It's you I want to be with, it's you I love. I thought we were celebrating your victory!
- Because I don't love you?
- I didn't say that, Caity!
You grabbed her arm and forced her to stop. The pain became too much and you couldn't do it while walking.
- He knows Y/N. He deliberately puts his dirty hands on you, kisses you in front of me, holds you close. It destroys me, it hurts. Don't you know how many years I've spent waiting for you to realize how much I love you, and now that we're starting to create our story, for real, I have to share you with a guy out of nowhere and say nothing?
- I'm doing this for us...I...it's not easy for either of us...
- For us? But we're not going to live like this all our lives. I want to see us grow together, travel, why not get married or buy a coffee maker and have cats all over the house. Fucking Y/N, we're 21 and we're hiding like teenagers!
- I want to do all that with you and you know it. You're not being fair, Caitlin, I'm scared.
- Scared of what? Losing parents who never loved you for who you really are? Fine, if that's what you want, then be their sweet little girl, but I don't want to go through this anymore, I've sacrificed too much in this story, I'm going crazy!
You knew the situation wasn't easy for anyone, especially her. But to see her look at you with such contempt and anger, to hear those words, it's like a slap in the face. You were convinced you were doing what was best for you, but you were wrong, and it meant losing the one you love most in the world.
Your ears are ringing, your vision is clouded with tears, your heart is racing. You hate yourself, but the noise in your head prevents you from finding the words to answer her. The pain in your stomach seems to be worsened, becoming less and less manageable.
- I'm sorry, Y/N, you should go home... shall I call you a cab?
When she asked this question, her tone had softened and you could hear a hint of concern.
But not being able to think clearly, you let her drag you to her car and she took you home, in your room.
- I didn't want you to get into this state, but I'm suffering too.
That night she drove off, leaving you in bed after planting a kiss on your forehead. You writhed in pain for part of the night, and as she closed the door to your big house, she never imagined it would be the last time she'd see you for a long time, before everything between you and her changed forever.
Thanks for reading, remember that English is not my first language!
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delicatedarknight · 9 months
Secret Santa at Wayne Manor ft.Superfam
Jason:[fuming] Who thought giving a toy gun in an Xbox pack was a good idea. whoever it is you better start praying. Kon:[ugly sweater but with bad kon pics] HA!? which one of you did this? Jason:[snorting] lmao..you totally deserve it 10/10 to whoever did it. Dick: WOAH!! NO WAY! Thanks to which one of you who gifted me these beautiful customized escrima sticks. I love you. Tim: Aww thanks for this beautiful bracelet and chocolates Jon:[amazed] It's the superhero-themed blanket that I wanted. thank you so much. Damian:[touched] Whoever thought of giving me this precious matte black finish grappling hook bad boy. thank you from the bottom o my heart
Alfred:[wiping away his tears] I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for this 20-inch pie mould with these complimentary unicorn cookie cutter Martha: thanks to my Secret Santa for these beautiful spice-scented candles. Bruce:[wrapped in new handwoven superman themed scarf] Thank you Martha: what about you Clark? what did you get? Clark:[hiding away the sexy batman body pillow] just some socks, ma.
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
I love your blog it always makes me laugh <3 could you do the batfam+superfam at thanksgiving or something??
Clark: Bruce, Selina, Kate, glad you guys could make it! Alfred's helping Ma and Pa in the kitchen. Come on in.
Jon, poking his head out: Where's Damian? I wanna show him my new issue of One Piece.
Kon: Never mind that, where's Tim? He said we'd go Black Friday shopping together.
Bruce: The kids are coming separately. They're just picking up some last-minute groceries from your mom's list.
Kate: Smells great in here. Very cinnamony.
Lois: I've been on a scented candle kick recently.
Kate: Ooh, show me.
Selina: I'm going to freshen up from that long drive.
Clark: Kara, Natasha, Chris, and Kenan will be flying in after they take care of a minor alien invasion in Beijing. Biz is out by the barn serving the animals their Thanksgiving feast. Cider?
Bruce: Don't mind if I do. Hey, I think I see Dick's car.
Dick: Heyo everyone! Babs and I brought the pecan pie Mrs. Kent asked for.
Barbara: This was the last one left at the store. Can you believe that? Oh, Jason's right behind us.
Jason: Waddup Thanksgiving fuckers, guess who brought pecan pie?
Dick: Language! And I thought we agreed Babs and I would bring it. I texted the group.
Jason: Then it might not have sent because I didn't get anything.
Tim, pulling up: Hey everyone! I brought Bernard and pecan pie. All I'm missing is my other boyfriend.
Jason: Seriously?
Damian, climbing in through the window: Greetings, family unit. I have acquired the pecan pie.
Tim: You too?!
Duke: Hey, sorry Cass I are late. We were stuck in some pretty nasty traffic. On the bright side, we got the pecan pie.
Barbara: You have GOT to be kidding me.
Steph: *walks in with a pecan pie*
Steph: *sees the others*
Steph, turning around: I'm going back to the store.
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thesharktanksdriver · 2 years
a Magical Girl and the justice league 1 (platonic)
Part 1 part 2 part 3
Tagged: @harpy-space @mxtokko @viviyene
I shall make a part 2 sometime for the other members is just cause this already took me long enough lol
Also I’ll probably make one but for the light
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It’s about a month after your initial adoption by Bruce that he knocks at your door one day
After you welcome him in your now adoptive father pokes his head in, a once empty storage room now full of personality and life
It makes him smile, especially as you you breathed a new sense of life not only here but also across the manor
As it turns out Superman, has practically been begging Bruce to bring you to the next Justice league meeting
And while Bruce wasn’t demanding you to go, he asked if you’d join (only if you were comfortable with it though) in the next few days
Safe to say you didn’t hesitate to say yes
Like fuck yeah your going, your not missing the opportunity to meet Wonder Woman…oh and the other ones
(Across the world several hero’s felt a chill go down their spine yet didn’t know why)
Each day you get more excited, your practically buzzing with excitement throughout the day and into the night
It gets to the pint that everyone kinda notices especially since your usually kinda stoic in the sense you control your emotions
It truly makes you seem like your age for once, bustling with energy and having a bright smile that makes your cheeks hurt after awhile
When he does take you (the others tried to convince him to let them come along he denied them) your extremely ecstatic
Your hand is slipped into Bruce’s, magical girl outfit practically sparkling in contrast to his grim and dark uniform
Safe to say it’s a culture shock to the rest of the league when the doors open to reveal you and Bruce
Y’all have the complete opposite aesthetic of the entire Batfam
You sit down, scooting your chair to a more comfortable distance near Bruce who hides a smile at the sight
Though the entire league is talking about serious stuff it’s obvious what their actually paying attention to
Your lightly kicking your feet under the table, Rigel curled around your neck and furiously taking note about what everyone says (lol)
You even colour code the entire transcript of the meeting
When the entire meeting is over and things have been discussed, Bruce is like “oh yeah this is my new kid. Say hi y/n” “hi” “let’s get this over with”
And then you have several adults crowding you looking at you with awe
Clark aka superman is the first to introduce himself, he reminds you of a golden retriever with how bright his smile seems to shine
He’s friendly and gentle, a certain enthusiasm in his voice as he lightly hovers above you till you use your powers to do the same
Bruce is brewing in misery as you, him, Hal and Martian man Hunter form a hovering squad
As he talks to you he kinda sends some slightly passive aggressive jabs at Bruce
Kinda salty his best friend didn’t fucking tell him how he adopted again, and that he didn’t respond for the 15th time to bring the family to his farm
He’s really happy the Wayne household has someone who’s as calm and level minded as you
God knows the amount of times he’s lost sleep wondering how Alfred keeps that house afloat
Thinks your outfits really fun and adorable, especially finds it cool that you can magically change it at will
He has a soft spot for small animals (he secretly befriended a few possums when he was a kid) so he loves Rigel
You haven’t told him that Rigel is an inter-dimensional god yet and your not sure he’d believe you
Definitely tries to convince you to meet his son and visit much to the chagrin of Bruce
Listen, Bruce likes Clark but he can be a bit overbearing for his and most of his families nature
100% will offer you a slice of his apple pie that Lois packed for him
Half the league doubles takes cause he’s never done that before and the last time flash ate it he was brooding in the corner
No matter the situation if he sees you he’ll give a polite little wave and smile even if it’s during a battle
Like once he and Luther were going at it but then you casually strolled by, both stopped gave you a hello and then right back into their fight
His wallet has pictures of Jon, Connor and Kara, and he’ll spend an hour talking about them
For April fools you buy him green rock candy as a joke and he eats it in front of lex
That leads to Luthor having a fucking panic attack now thinking the ONE thing that could seemingly kill him was now basically nothing to him
He finds it really funny if you change your outfit to look like a mini him cause it makes everyone (but especially Bruce) poute
When you find out that the only thing that separates his identities is a pair of glasses you end up not believing it
Until green arrow chimes in and is like “yeah that’s it”
Your silently wondering if people in metropolis just know he’s superman but don’t acknowledge it
Your betting on it with Flash and Aquaman
As a joke you begin calling him overpowered and a “Gary stu”. He’s so confused but doesn’t say anything
You sometimes go to him for writing tips for essays since he’s a reporter
And he absolutely helps you get an A without any effort
Lois and the rest of the family really want to meet you and he makes his fact very apparent
When your class trip went to metropolis he definitely does a fly by for fun
It makes you smile at how he makes the class erupt with cheers
Is definitely concerned for your safety but also your mental health because of the amount of stress you have over being the only one able to kill the “shadowmites”
He’s definitely glad Bruce has taken you under his wing and your basically safe wherever you go since you have some inate ability to befriend literally everyone by accident
He doesn’t really like you being friends with certain villains but as long as their not hurting you then he’s not complaining
Wonder Woman aka Diana Aka your favourite definitely catches on that she’s the favourite
And not to brag, she’s totally lowkey happy about it lol
She’s been your favourite hero since you were a kid since she was one of the only female ones
She reminded you of the magical girl cartoons you’d watch for your only bit of joy in the day
Thus you have a lot of respect for her
She finds it really cute that you look up to her so much
Especially since your such an amazing young mind with a kind heart
She doesn’t need her lasso to get that your telling the truth when you talk about basically abandoning your life to save others
100% tells you about themyscira and the Amazon’s whom she calls sisters
Definitely like everyone else finds your outfits really cute especially when she’s surprised by something new each time
Like the others she’s silently worried for your mental health but is at least happy you now have Bruce and his kids to help you as best they can
Maybe started a bet about what other villains you’ll end up befriending
Her bets are on Klarion since she has a feeling you’ll work whatever magic you did on Damien who’s similar in the fact that he’s a chaotic ball of anger
While meeting her you kinda inched your chair closer to her, she noticed and thought it was sweet
Bruce definitely pulls her aside as your talking to the others and explains that yeah “your the favourite” which makes her laugh at his kinda sour expression
At some point she places her tiara on you and takes a photo cause your super happy
She might be testing the idea of maybe taking you back home for a weekend cause she knows everyone would be really happy to meet you
Since she’s kinda immortal you go to her sometimes for history projects
She’s always happy to help especially since she really enjoys talking of all the change she’s seen over the years
It kinda makes her feel fuzzy that someone is interested since she kinda assumes most people find history boring
Definitely lightly teases you about using her as a source for your project lol
One day you show up with your magical girl outfit somewhat resembling hers and she’s gonna treat you like your her mini me for the day
And all Bruce can do is watch with the expression of “this is my life now. My kid is getting adopted by others now as well”
He is content though with how happy you are and how you don’t seem to ever not be able to bring a smile to others as well
She’s kinda iffy on you being friends with villains but after seeing them full on pause as you pass by she’s a little better with dealing with it
But she does worry that you might be influenced by their behaviour
Also she 100% can tell Rigel isn’t a normal Ferret and is the only one of the league to actually believe you
She’s not sure where he’s from but she trusts the white fur ball enough we’re she knows they’ll protect you
Flash/Barry Allen is sliding near you at the justice league table and leaving little post it notes with doodles and making funny face when no one’s looking
What can he say?, he’s good with kids and your not an exception to that either
He’s kinda like a fun uncle
The one who’ll pick you up and place you on his shoulders before running around base
Out the then all he’s kinda the most laid back of the bunch
Sure he can still get serious when the time calls for it but on the other hand he’s a chill guy
He’s also the most in touch with stuff than the others so when you reference something he’s like “I get it!”
While the others stare at him in confusion as you high-five him
Sometimes you like asking hims questions about his powers and y’all try to test it out
Bruce has had to stop him many times and put him in the figurative time out corner
He finds it fucking hilarious when he once walked In on your practicing and you had a giant battle axe as your magical girl weapon
Gives you several nicknames like “sailor moon” or “madoka”
Y’all definitely watch anime on your phone when no one’s watching
He likes messing up your hair only to see it go back into being perfect about a second later
Kinda is now tempted to go to the future and see what you do later on in your life
So he can then tease you about while your looking at him confused
You like to joke that he does shit too fast and he jokes back that your just two slow
By god Bruce is gonna kill him if he begs one more time for permission to gift you knockoff merch of your persona for the 50th time this week-
Pranks…just gonna say be careful cause he’s already on thin ice after the last time he pulled one
He likes telling you stories about his nephew and how proud of him he is
He finds your outfit pretty neat especially since you can change it by will whenever you want
Please be warned though that having anything yellow and red themed may be a bit iffy for him
Bruce probably warns about that beforehand along with not bringing up Barry’s mom
Probably finds it funny that your hanging out with villains n shit
Like especially since your kinda bow just like a neutral ground/entity
Finds it hilarious the juxtaposition of your aesthetic and personality vs big bad Bruce
Rigel is his lil buddy and likes curling up on his shoulder
Kinda gets cosmic vibes from the ferret though
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angelyuji · 7 months
yandere superman headcanons
tw kidnapping, "nice" guys/incel behavior (kinda), isolation as punishment, manipulation, yandere stuff... the usual
yandere clark kent x gn!reader
diana prince is next guys I LOVE WOMEN!!! lemme know abt any tags i miss or just any other superman thoughts (yandere or not) cuz i love superman a lot
hes so big and buff and strong
ive been obsessed with superman and lois recently and i thought to myself “i need him so bad id do unspeakable things”
ALSOOOOOO have u guys seen the new superman??? ohmygodddd HELLOOO SAILOR
anyway here we go :)
sweetest kindest angel alive… at first glance
actual clark is genuinely the best sweetest guy in the world and i don’t think that would technically change but if anything he’d start buying into the incel/nice guy pills and that’s what would warp him
he’s literally sooo sweet to you (i cant get over how much a of cutie pie clark kent is)
ok pause lemme start from the beginning
when he first met you, he was e n a m o u r e d like he thinks youre the most beautiful person in the world type stuff
at first, the relationship is normal, you guys are friends, study buddies, coworkers, yk normal shit
he’s still super in love but hes kinda aware that its one-sided and he can’t make you like him
you guys are super close friends tho
but as his crush progresses, he starts to consult more than his friends and normal relationship advice, he starts to consult incel chatrooms and subreddits
he wants to go further than friendship with you, but all the guys in these chatrooms are telling him awful things abt u. for example:
‘hi! requesting help for getting out of the friendzone with my friend’ i’ve been friends with them for a long time, but i see them as more than a friend. ive had to watch as they date all these awful people and i just want them to see me more than a friend. any advice is appreciated!
– dude these ungrateful bitches are never gonna see u
– people like them never see the good guy until its too late
– u just gotta make them like u, nobody understands the nice guy until u make them
– all of these responses are so weird, just be normal and flirt a little!
ur stupid fuckign idiot nice guys don’t get a chance till u make them give u chance
women are so fucking stupid
reading all these “helpful” comments really warped his mindset
he went from innocent farm boy to incel misogynist becuz
they have to be right! like why else have u not given him the time of day as more than a friend
so soon, ur gonna notice these changes
he went from being supportive bestie to making snide comments, putting you down, making moves on you that you clearly don’t want
ur hurt, heartbroken, your friend became something unrecognizable
u’ll ask for some distance, just to think abt if u want to continue the friendship and clark will realize that he can’t make you like him from just this
so you’re gonna go home, take a nap, and next thing you know you’re getting snatched from bed by freaking superman
he genuinely believes he’s done the right thing
he’ll bring u to the fortress first. he has everything set up already, so u wont freeze or starve to death
i wont bore with the details but he would NEVER lay a hand on u
that’s NOT my superman
its more like
“i need you to eat something.” clark begs you, his eyes filled with worry. he had crouched down next to where you sat. clark had given you free-reign around his fortress, but you chose to sit in the corner near the entrance.
“fuck you.” you turn away from him, anger dripping from your voice. you haven’t eaten since he brought you to his ice castle, but you can’t remember how long ago that was. you missed home, your friends, your family. you missed freedom. you hear clark sigh.
“you’re gonna get sick if you keep going like this, (y/n).” his hand touches your face and you slap his hand away. you know there was no way you could hurt superman, but he holds his hand looking hurt, and you feel a twinge of guilt. he holds out a bag from Big Belly Burgers and places it next to you.
you scooch back, your back hitting the wall, not willing to back down. “i’ll eat if you let me go.” you feel like a child throwing a tantrum, but you would do anything to go home.
you see him rub his forehead in frustration, “this isn’t working.” he mutters to himself. you don’t say anything, wanting to see what he would do. instead of trying to fight you again, clark picks up the bag. “i’ll come back when you’re ready.” he says.
“come back? what are you talking ab-” in one blast of air, clark was gone and you were alone.
days had gone by, you felt like you were going crazy from the solitude and the hunger. thankfully, clark had left mountains of water bottles for you, so you tried to fill up with those. it wasn’t enough, you had started to miss your kidnapper’s company after many conversations with yourself. all you could do was sleep or stare at the wall, blankly. after a week, you couldn’t take the isolation. “clark?” you call out, weakly. not a moment passes before he appeared before you.
his eyes were filled with pity and worry, “are you ready, sweetheart?” his hands cup your face and you lean into the warmth, nodding.
he could never hurt you. that entire week away was killing him, but the commenters were right. you just needed to know that he was all you needed.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
HAVe YOU thought about chubby baby Jason?? Like he's this sweet round cutie pie with curls? and slight freckles on his little button nose??
You CANNOT convince me Bruce wouldn't dot on him 24/7. Pursuing him to actually leave his baby's side in order to do, you know... Anything else is a losing battle.
Additionally, Bruce's reputation as recluse is practically gone.
Baby Jason loves wobbling around the dog park, convenience stores, Gotham Academy halls when Bruce brings Dick his forgotten lunch.
It's not out of the ordinary for the billionaire to lightly jog after that screeching little cherub baby; It's the cutest sight.
Like a cat tracking down it's wild kitten. Or at least, that's how Clark Kent eloquently describes it in the newspaper.
Baby Jason is just as clingy to Bruce, thought.
He wouldn't hide in Batman’s duffel bag, in the Watchtower, otherwise.
It's the first time the league sees Batman actually, truly terrified.
"Turn this around."
"Batman, our mission cannot he annulled. I-- oh. Yes, Jason, I would love to see the bug. Yes. Pretty bug."
Jason coos, setting the little thing free, and makes grabby hands for his dad, who picks him up so fast Clark nearly misses it.
They just can't fathom how this sentient ray of sunshine is related to their Bat. But Bruce is a natural at it.
The only problem with Jason being here is that A) Jason is here.
B) Bruce cannot and will not stop kissing his chubby cheeks, which postpones a lot of their work. Not that they mind. Clark certainly doesn't.
Oliver, something furious and familiar smoking behind his mask, pulls Diana and Clark over.
" Okay. Which one of you did it?"
"Uh, what?"
" I'm not a toilet, so don't bullshit me, boyscout. Which one of you is responsible for THAT,"
He gestures to Hal projecting butterflies in the lunch room, so Jason can chase them. For once, Bruce doesn't look like he wants to burn him to dust. Clark tries not to let that bother him.
"Amazonian, kryptonian, -- I'm not leaving options out. But my bet is on Diana."
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toulousewayne · 2 months
Trinity Head canon
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Clark is the tallest at 6’3, Bruce is not far behind at 6’2 and Diana is 6’1.5.
Clark has a southern drawl. He’s been in the city for years, but sometimes it comes out when he’s angry or certain words will bring it out. Diana and Lois find it adorable.
Speaking of which Bruce has a thick Jersey accent but does have some British vocabulary that he uses like lift or tap instead of elevator or faucet.
Diana can speak the most languages, with Bruce behind her. She secretly taught him many forgotten languages, he enjoyed this time they spent. It was mostly when the first met.
When the two come to the manor they each have a favorite tea that Alfred or really Bruce will make. Clark likes Chamomile tea and Diana likes Oolong. Bruce himself prefers green tea.
The amount of last minute saves Clark and Diana have had to do to get Bruce out of harms way is crazy. They have a tally system that Barbara keeps track of. Clark is ahead by five points.
Bruce has planned out his affairs in case he dies. Again. Damian would go into Clark and Lois’ care he figures Jon would help him a lot during this time. When he was younger if something happened to him or Alfred Dick was also supposed to go to Clark. And had Jason lived during his younger years he was originally going to Clark but he changed it to Diana a few weeks before he passed away.
Diana drops by every Sunday to feed and play with the animals. Damian has grown fond of his aunt Diana’s visits.
Aside from Bruce, Alfred and Barbara Clark is the only other person who knows how feral and intense Dick’s run as Robin was.
Diana is usually the one to lead the league or a mission. Bruce has always felt she was better at leading the charge, though she thinks the opposite and just feels she’s doing what’s needed in the moment.
We have established that Bruce is a terrible cook. Diana is far worse as when she first invited the two over to her apartment she was making a casserole she kept hearing about. Clark had to put out the fire and Bruce payed off the fire marshal. Clark can cook four dishes; Beef stew, a traditional country breakfast, apple pie and Chili. He’s trying to expend his recipes but the other two enjoy the options.
The trio get together twice a month for a night on the town. They’ve only had three successful nights out where they didn’t need to save the city.
Once a year Diana and Clark force Bruce to take a week long vacation. The Batkids watch over Gotham, and Kara watches Metropolis.
They usually go to an island off the coast of Greece that Diana discovered. She has to mother Bruce about sunscreen because he burns like paper.
Clark enjoys surfing and snorkeling. Bruce will broad for the first two days then he’ll loosen up.
Diana and Clark each have a favorite thing about the Batcave. Clark loves the giant penny and Diana is always found staring at the T-Rex.
Speaking of which, Diana is banned from driving the Batmobile nether Bruce or Diana will explain why, but Clark is chuckling about the situation.
Clark had filled in for Bruce five times. Three times as Batman and twice as Bruce Wayne using his voice.
Tim and Damian are the only Robins to work with Clark as Batman and they both enjoyed having rogues confused as to why their usual tricks didn’t affect Batman.
Clark sometimes had doubts about being a beacon of Hope when they first formed the League. It was Batman they gave him a word of advice, though Bruce still denies it till this day.
Diana once caught Bruce with her lasso, she questioned him about why he was so interested in it, he never told her why but she thinks it’s because it’s the only thing that has forced the truth out of him.
Clark can drive a stick shift, Diana can’t parallel park.
Diana is actually a good mechanic, she’s worked on a few of the aircraft at the Watchtower.
Each of the Trinity has a favorite duo to team up with. Clark likes to work with Martian Manhunter and Atom, Diana likes to work with Vixen and Black Canary, and Bruce once again won’t attempt it but he likes to work with Green Lantern (Hal) and the Flash (Barry).
Bruce doesn’t have perfect vision as he leads people to believe. He had glass since he was ten, and has had LASIK three times.
Diana will sometimes braid the Batkids hair. She loves Duke and Tim’s hair the most. She sometimes will scold Dick about his longer hair because she knows he’ll never tend to it properly.
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