#i was planning on this being yandere heartslabyul
Finally reunited, my darling.
It's spooky month!
Warning(s): kinda yandere behaviour from Riddle, mentions of decapitation, Riddle straight-up kills you
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As a child, you heard rumours of an old house known as Rose Manor. The most well-known of those rumours was that the young master of the house would behead his servants whenever they messed up, and when the remaining servants had enough of walking in eggshells around him, they turned the tables and beheaded him. They say that the young master was cursed to linger on in this world forever, as punishment for his cruelty. And they say the same curse befell the four servants who defended their master up until the bitter end.
Rose Manor has sat abandoned for years on end.
But today, you decided to visit it.
You entered the house, flashlight in hand.
To be honest, even though you don't think the rumours of the master lingering on after death had any truth to them, you couldn't help but feel ever so slightly scared.
Buildings that have been abandoned tend to always have a creepy feeling to them.
But you know that, realistically, nothing is amiss in this house. There may be a rat or two thanks to nobody caring for the place, but it's not like you're gonna run into the reanimated skeletal remains of someone...
You screamed out in fear after hearing a voice that wasn't your own. You spun around quickly to see who it was, and who you saw was... some redhead with a heart marking on his face, wearing what looked to be a fancy burial outfit.
"Ace! It's not nice to scare people you don't know!" Someone with a spade marking on his face, who was wearing very similar clothes, said as he entered the scene.
"It doesn't matter that much Deuce, I doubt they're gonna stay here much longer." Ace said. "Besides! This is the most entertainment I've had in years!"
"My apologies, we haven't had company in a very long time, it seems Ace here forgot how to be polite to guests." Deuce told you.
"Um... w-who... are you, exactly...?" You asked the enigmatic pair.
"Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade, at your service." Ace introduced, doing a fancy little bow. "We live here, along with three other guys."
"Wha- three? There's no way! This place is abandoned, and has been for years! If five people were living here, I think people would know about that by now."
"We only appear when we want to." Ace explained, not actually clarifying anything.
"Oh! I bet Cater would be excited to see someone new!" Deuce exclaimed. "Come on, follow me."
Deuce grabbed your hand, sending a chill down your spine. He led you around the manor, into the kitchen. There were two more people there, one with a diamond marking, and one with a clubs marking.
"Oh. Hey, Loosey-Deucey! What ya got there?"
"A guest!" Deuce excitedly proclaimed.
"Ooh, haven't had one of those in a while! Hang on, lemme get the ol' formal introduction ready, been a while since I've had to do this, ahaha...!" He cleared his throat and bowed to you. "Greetings and welcome to Rose Manor! My name is Cater Diamond, unfortunately our master is not available at the moment. Would you like me to show you around?"
"I don't see Riddle being available anytime soon..." The other one sighed. "My name's Trey Clover. I'm the chef here."
"Aw, don't be such a downer, Trey!" Cater lightly punched Trey on the arm. "I'm sure Riddle will be feeling better any day now! He'll come to us and apologize for everything! And then, we can all peacefully m-"
"Cater, you know that isn't true."
"So, um... who exactly is 'Riddle'?" You asked, trying to break the heavy silence.
"Oh, he's the master of the house." Ace explained. "I had a fight with him a while ago, and he's being pissy about it and refusing to apologize." Trey looked uncomfortable at the wording Ace used.
"My neck hurts just hearing his name..." Deuce mentioned.
"Hey, you! Uh... just realized I never got your name." Ace looked slightly embarrassed.
"It's (Y/N)."
"Say, (Y/N), why don't you stay the night here?" Ace asked. "Maybe you could get Riddle to apologize to us!"
"What? Me? I'm flattered you think I'm a problem solver, but that is absolutely not what I am."
"Actually, it might be worth a shot." Trey said. "Maybe having someone new speak to him regarding the issue could help."
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive.
"What's going on here?"
"Hi Riddle! We were just talking about you! What a coinkidink, yeah?" Cater happily waved.
Riddle was a short boy with grey eyes and red hair, wearing the same burial clothes as the rest of them.
"Are you ready to apologize for cursing all of us yet?" Ace asked.
"It wasn't my fault, understand? I was just doing what my mother would do... it's everyone else's fault we're cursed."
"Ugh, excuses excuses." Ace rolled his eyes. Riddle looked angry, and turned to leave- but before he could leave, Ace grabbed Riddle's head and literally pulled it off of his body, leaving you horrified.
"H-hey! Put my head back on my body this instant, Ace!"
"Not until you apologize, and mean it."
"Ace, you know this never works." Trey said.
"PUT MY HEAD BACK THIS INSTANT, ACE TRAPPOLA, OR I WILL-" Riddle finally noticed you, and calmed down for a moment. "Who... who is that...?" Riddle's body pointed at you, showing he still had control over his headless body, which only freaked you out more.
"That's (Y/N)! They'll be staying with us tonight!" Deuce happily introduced you. You awkwardly waved to the disembodied head Ace was holding.
"Ahem, my sincerest apologies, (Y/N). Had I known we had a guest over, I'd have acted more politely." Riddle told you. "My name is Riddle Rosehearts, I am the master of this house. I hope you enjoy your stay."
After realizing all of these boys are undead, you tried to leave the house. However, all of them kept you from leaving.
But that's fine, that's completely fine! After all, you're only staying here for a single night.
You're only staying here for a single night...
"(Y/N), wake up."
You shot awake, and found Riddle on top of you.
"AH-! Get off m-"
"(Y/N)." Riddle placed his cold, dead hand on your cheek. "Your face. Your personality. Everything about you. You're identical in every way to my fiance in life." He explained. "It's been hundreds of years, but you're exactly as I remember, my darling."
"Huh? W-what are you talking about, Riddle?!"
"While in life, my fiance was the one who encouraged my servants to revolt and behead me... I completely understand what was going through your head at the time, I understand you thought it was necesarry at the time!" Riddle told you. "But now, now... now we can have the grand wedding my mother desired! We'll always be together, in sickness and in health! In life and in death! We've finally been reunited, my darling."
"I don't know what you're talking about!" You yelled, starting to feel unsettled.
"That's ok, dear... you'll have plenty of time to understand. We have eternity, after all." He smiled, an ever so feint blush spreading across his face. "Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater... we've all accepted that we're never going to rest peacefully. Thanks to my cruelty in life, the five of us are trapped in this world for eternity... but if you were forever with me, as you were in life, then I believe this eternal punishment may not feel as bad."
Riddle pulled out a knife.
Before you could protest, beg for your life, anything... it was lodged in your throat, and you were choking on your own blood.
"Linger on in this world forever with me, my darling."
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forcebewitht · 3 months
Hey, since book 6 has been out in English for a while, could we possibly see an Overblot!Idia x reader? I really love the idea of him dramatically taking off the mask he has on to kiss the reader.
A Dance With Death (Overblot!Idia Shroud x MC!Reader)
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(Artwork by: Trashochist on Deviantart, X (Twitter), and Instagram)
(Possible TW: Slight yandere implications, stalking, manipulation, branding)
…The time had finally come. All of the trials and tribulations that you had gone through. The pain and strife that had overtaken you in just a few short days. It had all led up to this. The kidnapping of your beloved companion, Grim. The destruction of the Ramshackle dorm. The kidnapping of those who had Overblotted that you had helped through their trauma and developed bonds with overtime. The kidnapping of even the Headmaster of Night Raven College himself. The entirety of these events had thrown Night Raven College into turmoil.
And that was just what excited Idia even more. He had been watching curiously since the very first moment you had arrived at the institution. I mean- a student that didn’t have any magic? Yet arrived within a coffin here to a school of magical students? It was unheard of- and just that alone excited him. This excitement only grew once the Overblots started. His family and organization, S.T.Y.X., had been all over the research of Overblotting for years. But now, after all of this time, someone so close to him (in the school, that is-) was at the forefront of a handful of Overblots? It was far too perfect of a chance to pass up with that new Ramshackle prefect. The plan was sprung, footage and data gathered. He knew that they were going to come for their beloved friends- they were just so cool like that. Literally a superhero in disguise, an underdog that soon had risen to be one of the top dogs within the school. There was a lot of promise with them- no. Not a promise. This was the work of the Fates themselves, he believed. The Fates themselves had led someone to him. Someone powerful. Someone strong. Someone capable of protection. Someone…that could get him back what he had lost all of those years ago.
There they were. Descending down to the depths of Hell that he himself had wrought. They looked horrible- worn for wear, really. To think, these oh so powerful figures from Pomefiore, Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Octavinelle, alongside the hero of the school themselves, would be bashed and broken already from mere secondary bosses? They wouldn’t stand a chance against this final boss. Idia grinned beneath the mask that he wore, his arms folding over themselves as the Blot around his figure billowed with every breath he took. He could feel the immeasurable power coursing through his veins- and the normally pessimistic male found himself growing rather cocky the more they walked forward. His golden gaze soon landed upon his hero- his knight in shining…well, uniform. He soon was speaking, his arms outstretched as the flames protruding from his figure began to blaze brighter- hotter.
“Bum bum buuummmm~! Our heroes have finally arrived to the final boss battle! But uh ohhhhhh~ looks like they didn’t level enough, now did they~?”
You found yourself gritting your teeth at Idia above. Already, Vil, Rook, and Epel were readying themselves at your side. The rest soon followed, the weapons they had gained during their prior fights with the Overblot Beasts being raised and ready to overwhelm Idia’s Blot. Idia began to cackle, raising his hands in mock surrender.
“Uh ooohh~! Eheheheheheheeeee~! They found the special gear~! But that’s really not gonna do much, you guys! Totally on top of my game, y’know~? These HP and attack stats are through. The. ROOF!”
With his words, Idia’s Overblot Beast, Ortho, began to unleash a flurry of attacks upon you and your party, forcing all of them to scatter across the area. The Beast seemed to know precisely what to do- orders most likely given before this entire fiasco began. You began to find yourself being slowly but surely separated from everyone else thanks to the Beast’s targeted attacks. This separation was key- this was what Idia wanted. He watched as you eventually were cornered entirely, exactly where he wanted you. Once more, a grin spread out under his mask. You looked so cool and tough despite all of this neverending pressure, still shouting out commands for the others to work together to defend themselves, each other, or deflect the attacks his Beast was allowing itself to barrage them all with. He soared downwards until he was finally just before you. You had jumped back slightly upon noticing him approaching, but there truly was nothing that you could use at this time to defend yourself with. He leaned forward, his clawed hands now pressing themselves to either side of the wall beside your head.
“There you are~! The hero themselves~! The shining star of the hour- no, the entirety of Night Raven College~! This is our final stage, (Y/N)! Isn’t it thrilling~?”
“Idia, this is absolutely crazy! You are going to wind up killing us all with thi-”
A clawed finger pressed itself against your lips as he shifted, shushing you gently as he rolled his glowing amber eyes.
“Okay, listen- babe. (Y/N). Baby. Babycakes. Sweetheart. Sweetie pie. Wonder Student. I’m gonna stop you riiigghhtt there, actually- because I know. I know about the whole thing. But you’re gonna be my hero, you know~? You are going to save a life- just like you’ve been doing! So, it’s all good, ‘kay~?”
You began to attempt to protest, but you soon found yourself being swept into Idia’s arms and pulled about. The crazed Overblotted Idia now began to waltz with you despite all of the destruction around the both of you. He sighed blissfully, his eyes burning ablaze with a fiery passion- it was unnerving. He leaned forward once more, now beginning to hush into your ear through that glowing mask he wore.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment, (Y/N). The countless hours I have spent watching and studying your damn near every move…I know your exact schedule bit by bit, y’know, ehehehehee~ I mean, with you and your coolness, you never know when you’re gonna stop another Overblot, honestly. But that coolness that you have doesn’t matter down here- and y’know why~?”
Your eyes soon widened considerably as you felt Idia grab onto your arm. One of his clawed fingers now was set ablaze with a small, blue flame. His grip was tight- commanding in every sense of the word. The flame began to trace itself upon your flesh as he continued to speak- ignoring your cries and attempts to struggle away from him.
“I know everything about you. I have seen your struggles. Your pain. I mean, separated from your home, whatever friends and family you had before…and thrust into a world of magic without any magic yourself. You have been left in the cold by the Fates themselves to fend for yourself. You struggle simply to survive from day to day without any money here…you struggle to maintain your cool and calm composure and keep people like those Heartslabyul first years and the little guy in line…and you then have to deal with the rantings and ravings of spoiled brats like those that Overblotted and, despite wanting for it all to just end, have to buck yourself up instead and keep them from ending it all? It is just an endless cycle of pain, regret, and a loveless life that you have fallen into.”
The more Idia spoke and you felt that flame burning upon your arm, the more you found yourself getting lost into the swirling golden pools upon his sleek, pale, oddly handsome face that were his eyes. For the first time since you had arrived here…you actually genuinely felt seen. You felt heard. Oddly enough, from someone that you had truly rarely seen outside of his own room within the confines of the school itself. Your own gaze finally shifted down to your arm as his finger retracted. He had burned the insignia of his family’s company, S.T.Y.X., onto your flesh. He blew out the fire on his finger, now grinning once more wickedly beneath his mask as his clawed hands now seized you by the waist once more, pulling you into his deadly embrace.
“I know, I know. I know it hurts. All of that going on and absolutely nothing to ever truly be gained from it all…well, my Wonder Student…that’s gonna end for you right now. With what I just gave you…you are mine. And when you’re mine, you have a purpose. You will be protected, provided for. No longer shall you be within the confines of a cage and hidden away in the shadows- you shall be the bright and shining star in our tale- and properly get those monetary stats and all of that raised~!”
Idia’s hand whisked over his face- where that mask was nestled. The mask faded away, revealing his pearly white, razor sharp teeth. They glistened at you as it felt Death was grinning at you- which it essentially was. His royal blue lips curled upwards into a wicked grin as he tugged you even closer to himself, now leaning all of the way forward towards you.
He began to pull you with him once more, twisting and turning your body with himself. His clawed hands trailed up and down your figure within your shared dance of destruction, his thoughts split between what he would do with you now that you belonged to him…and that of his brother’s life that you soon would pull up from the depths of the Underworld for him. You all would be a family together- and that only seemed to excite him further as his motions grew swifter, yet sly. He soon had you dramatically dipped, and his lips captured yours in a warm, passionate kiss…thus beginning your true dance with death.
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blues824 · 6 months
Hello again bestie coming back with the yandere pic request but for sebek feel free to do what you want to go feral bestie❤️.
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The things I would let this man do to and for me…
Warning: This is a Yandere fic. I do not condone this behavior in real life.
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Sebek Zigvolt
There was little time until he got in.
You were panting, out of breath from running back to your dormitory, and you immediately started barricading your front door. You knew it wouldn’t be enough, however, so you used whatever energy you have left to sprint to your room, where you further barricaded yourself into it.
“Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!” A shout came from outside, scaring you out of your wits and making more tears fall from your eyes. 
Why couldn’t he just LEAVE YOU ALONE?!
He already hurt your friends, you remember seeing Ace coughing up blood because of what he had done. Deuce had a blackened eye. Epel and Jack didn’t look much better. Of course, this was not without struggle. They did manage to deal some damage, but not enough to get him to stop chasing after you.
“Darling, there you are!”
Shit, you forgot about the window!
He was standing on a broom to float, and even though you sat on the opposite side of the room, you could see the figurative delusional hearts in his eyes. Quickly, he used his fist to punch out the glass pane of the window, and he quickly got into your room.
However, what he saw only made him angrier. He saw the armchair, the table, and the nightstand pressed against the door, and he immediately knew what you were trying to do.
“Y/N, were you trying to hide from me? Trying to keep me from you?! Well, you should’ve known that it wasn’t going to work!” He got closer and closer, shouting, making you curl up further and further into yourself.
You knew this wasn’t the Sebek that you had grown to care for. He was under the influence of a potion. A few students thought it would be a funny idea to prank the knight and get him to follow you around like a puppy. However, he went total psycho and possessive.
Earlier today, you sought out your friends to ask for their help in getting you away from him until the potion wore off. However, he managed to find you in Heartslabyul, where you were hiding out, and he lashed out and beat your friends to a pulp. 
Jack fought bravely, managing to scratch him and punch Sebek in the nose, which broke something, as blood dripped from his nostrils. However, he lost in the end, but you ran while the fight was going on. You jumped into a random mirror and it just so happened to be yours.
And that’s kind of where you are now. You would have to personally murder those students later, but right now you have to deal with a yandere and angry Sebek. 
“Darling, why are you cowering before me? I would never hurt you. I’m supposed to be your knight in shining armor…” He kneeled before, taking your wrists into his hands and making you reveal your face to him.
You were praying to whatever being resided in the heavens that Lilia had a club meeting and could hear what was going on in your room. You peered into the half-fae’s eyes, and his lips were closing in on yours.
“Remember that you will always belong to me, and only me, Y/N,” You tried to push him away, but he kissed you with the force of a cannon ball, even as you wiggled and squirmed beneath him.
Once he pulled away, his eyes were glowing a bright green, and he had a smirk on his face.
“Why are you doing this?!” You screamed at him.
“Because you somehow managed to make me fall in love with you: a human who won’t live for very long. I need to be there for every moment… to savor it until I join you in the stars. Then, I’ll still be obsessed with you because you are a mystery to me.”
Usually, something like this would make your heart flutter and you flustered, but right now it just filled you with a sense of dread. You had the entire confession planned out, and it would have been simple and normal, and he probably would have shouted his feelings for you.
But now, with him whispering, it felt wrong.
Really wrong.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
IMAGINE: Yandere!Twst cast, dreaming of the MC, before they ended up Twst, and even though they searched for them, they couldn't quite find them... now that they've found them.. they can't seem to let you go.. how would they feel when they've learned that there are more competitors for your love.
A/N: I'm gonna call this the dreaming of you au! I have some plans for it.. I had to split this in part, because of tumblr's fucking word limit.
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He couldn’t recall when the dreams had first started, it was quite suffocating.. Looking back, he was tired of the same dream over and over again, yet it changed.. Slowly, he watched you growing up along with him, it was as if his dreams mirrored your own life.. And at one point, he believed that these vivid dreams held some meaning, there had to be a reason why he’d keep seeing the same person over and over again… At one point, he even started to believe that you were his.. Someone meant for him.. And as he grew older, he couldn’t help but search for you, wanting to validate his thoughts and imagination, which has gotten rather out of hand over the past few years. 
He didn’t even consider that others would have taken interest in you as well, ‘did they see you in their dreams as well?’.. The thought would have driven him wild, had he not been patient thus far, he might have truly lost himself then and there.. However, if he had waited this long, then it wouldn’t have been difficult to wait a bit longer.. After all.. He knew you a lot better than you know yourself.. He just needs you to realize.. That you’re his.. and he is yours…
YANDERE!MALLEUS, The first meeting he had with you, felt like another dream.. He couldn’t help but wish that it was a reality, but he quickly came upon the realization that you could see him, and that this was in fact, not an intricate dream.. Whether it was a blessing or a curse that you were here, he couldn’t help but let his enthusiasm slip through his composure and create cracks in his behaviorisms. He gazed at you in a soft endearing manor, that was sure to waver one’s heart, he knows you much better than you had expected, you couldn’t help but find it odd, that he could just tell how you felt, and conclude what certain mannerisms had meant, how you would fiddle around when you were anxious or growing impatient.. You should’ve been concerned.. But Tsunotarou was your dearest friend.. And of course a dear friend would know of your feelings.. wouldn’t he..?
YANDERE!LILIA, Lilia didn’t have something so unexpected happen to him in quite the while, he had seen someone in his dreams, upon his move to NRC, maybe it was the change in climate getting to his head, or his age finally catching up to him.. Well if that was the case, he surely would have realized sooner. His dreams consisted of someone, a human.. And overtime, as year one passed and year two slowly approached, Lilia had started harboring and developing a sort of interest in this little human.. One who was not of this world, but much far away in fact.. He couldn’t help but grow more and more intrigued by that revelation.. He didn’t plan on doing much, despite being more than capable of doing so, he was captivated by you.. Yet he knew better than acting upon desire towards you.. Until of course he saw you here at NRC.. if you were so near.. Why should he stop himself.. He had no reason too.. and he didn’t intend to either. 
YANDERE!SILVER, Silver had always been one to dream of a sweet and caring relationship, when it came to the aspect of love, even during childhood, not having much of a couple that he saw growing up, he didn’t quite have a label or definition on how someone should love, and he doubted getting his fathers advice would help, so when he had seen you in his dreams, he paid no mind.. He had given you a charming dream even, “Mrs. Fairy” it was rather odd calling you a miss, while you were most likely his age or younger at the time.. He never really interacted with you, finding it more or less peaceful watching you from afar, you were majestic.. and amazing.. He analyzed everything you did, with great fervor, he couldn’t tell as a child, but as he grew.. He knew that he had fallen for you.. The aspect of love in a foreign sense felt ever so foreign to him, yet he couldn’t help himself from falling for someone as charming as you.. So it was to no dismay that he had fallen for you.. Someone as charming as you deserved only the very best.. And when Silver first laid eyes on you in person, he felt as if he had fallen for you all over again, mumbling under his breath about how all the more amazing you were in person, he could’ve sworn he saw an angel, but once he had come to realize, others were hindering in his perfect romance, he had decided to take on a different approach, after all.. This was his fairy tale to tell and create. 
YANDERE!SEBEK, Sebek didn’t know how or why he was dreaming of you, to be quite honest it ticked him off more than causing him any sort of pleasure or comfort, yet over time.. He found himself falling for you.. It wasn’t explainable, in fact he couldn’t recall how he had fallen for such a lowlife such as yourself.. Sebek felt awful for loving you, yet he wanted to keep you his at the very same time.. But you were a fragment of his imagination no less, he’d feed himself these useless words of comfort, thinking they’d hinder his thought process and undo the threads of love that so tirelessly binds him to you, he despised you and yet wanted you, this human.. From a dream no less! Too look at him.. Only him.. And yet.. you.. you.. never did. He had hoped and prayed that by entering school, he’d busy himself enough to forget about you and your ever so disturbing existence.. If you ever did truly exist.. Yet his hopes were in vain when he saw you.. With another.. well that wouldn’t do.. no this wasn’t what he wanted.. nor would he tolerate such disrespect from an insolent human such as yourself! 
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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shiny-jr · 1 year
damnation (peek IV?)
Warning: Yes, this is a yandere thing. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim.
Summary: When you commit a crime, you receive a punishment. This is especially true in your society. No matter the crime, your punishment is the same: banishment. But to where you will be sent in exile and how miserable will it be? No one knows, because no one has ever returned.
Note: Got busy, planned to post this a while ago but what can I say? Plans change. Definitely will not have nearly as much time to write as I did a few weeks ago, but I’ll still try whenever I have a bit of time and some energy to do so. Anyways, like I mentioned in a few posts, I was not happy with how I originally wrote Scarabia, so I rewrote almost all of what I had, which was thankfully only like about ten pages. I’m a little more happier with how this is now. But again, things can always change, so the final result may look the same, a little different, or even completely different. Oh, and like mentioned in the previous notes for sneak-peeks, check the points in first post (heartslabyul, labeled “I”) for a bit of context to the situation and story if this is the first sneak-peek you’re seeing.
I . . . II . . . III . . . IV . . . V . . . VI . . . VII
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Feathers. Colorful feathers tickled your nose. A woven shawl sat on your shoulders with vibrant colors and macaw feathers along the clip that held it in place above your collarbone. As your vision readjusted to the scenery, you could make out an old desert city stretching out as far as the eye could see, until it met over the horizon with the starry night sky. It was nothing like the court you were in moments ago. Instantly everything came flashing back to you, the trial, the judges, your punishment. This was your punishment. “Holy shit.”
“Is something wrong?”
You looked to the side, surprised to see a servant placing a tray of food beside you. You were on a balcony, a beautiful grand spacious terrace where the arches were decorated with ivy and walls of flowers while pillars of flames provided light and there was a large water fountain in the center. You were laying on the edge of that fountain, when you pushed yourself up and looked around. That’s when you noticed your clothes had changed too. Somehow your simple change of clothes from before had become easy-to-move-in loose trousers and a simple tunic, but with the colorful shawl over your shoulders that resembled wings. “What? What the hell?”
“Is there something wrong with the food?”
Food? You looked down at the tray the servant had brought, surprised to see plates of kofta and falafels with a chalice of water. The delicious smell wafted in the air, making your mouth water and stomach grumble. How long has it been since you ate? Probably well before you were arrested. If you got food, you were expecting cold slop, not this scrumptious meal that was cooked to perfection. Instantly you snatched it up, assuring the servant, “No, no, forget it! This is fine, uh, thanks…!”
“Very well.” They bowed their head to you, “Please, enjoy the meal, vassal.”
Vassal? You stopped mid-bite, about to ask them about it and where you were, but they had already taken off. Well, you weren’t complaining. You had thought you were going to die, or end up in some horrible hell. This place was actually quite nice. You could feel the breeze of the cool desert air and smell the flora growing on this terrace, you heard the city below with the crackling of fire from the pillars and the running water beside you, not to mention you were eating the best food you ever tasted! If this was hell, then being banished might be the best thing that’s ever happened to you!
“You! Jamil’s vassal!”
There it was again. What the hell did they mean by vassal? Falafels stuffed in your mouth, you slowly and awkwardly turned around to face whoever called you. Who was Jamil? You had no idea. A little annoyed that your dinner was interrupted, you eyed the approaching stranger up and down before swallowing your food and muttering, “What do you want?”
Appearing offended at your response, the young man stomped up to you, closer so you could see him better in the dim lighting. He looks a little young, if you had to guess, you’d say the guy was no younger than eighteen. Sharp blue eyes and long thick black hair styled into a single braid, not to mention he wasn’t smiling. This was no servant judging by the expensive looking blue garbs he wore and the gold on his bronze ears that complimented his handsome face. It had to be someone of high standing. When he was right in front of you, he frowned down at you and placed his hands on his hips, “Where is Jamil? And where is my cousin?”
You lowered your plate of food, squinting at this stranger. Who did he think he was? Jamil? Cousin? “Your cousin…? Jamil…? How should I know?”
“You should know. As the vizier’s only vassal, you should know where Jamil is. That is your job, to serve him. Or is he slithering about in places he shouldn’t be?” As his blue eyes bore down at you, he continued his tirade, “You haven’t bowed your head or greeted me as everyone does, by saying, good day, Prince Jaseer. And you’re here slacking off while everyone else in the palace is working.”
“I’m on a lunch break.” You mumbled in reply, tempted to snap. Wait… had he said prince…? A beautiful royal in blue wearing gold, with long black hair, who is spirited and no-nonsense, like a princess in a fantasy tale. A princess that lived in a palace just like this one, where there was a vizier and sultan–– oh fuck. How was that possible? This was like a stupid kid’s story you heard all the time! Before you could ponder on the topic, you were reminded of who was in front of you by him cleaning his throat. You immediately bowed your head sloppily, begrudgingly, as you recited the words he wanted to hear. “Good day, Prince Jaseer…”
At your less-than-satisfactory response, he crossed his arms over his chest and replied still with that frown, “If you can’t answer my question, then there’s no use talking to you. I’ll find someone that can tell me where my cousin and Jamil are. Let it be known, I have my eye on you and your master. My cousin may be fond of you both, but I am not.”
When you slowly lifted your head, you watched the prince storm away, likely to go find his cousin, whoever that was, and the vizier, this Jamil guy. As soon as he turned a corner, you scrunched your nose and scoffed, “Brat.”
Wait… that meant this was a story. It was all too similar to a story that began much like: it begins on a dark night, where a dark man waits with a dark purpose. If this was that story then what were you…? Apparently working for the vizier, wearing a shawl of rainbows, and feathers… oh my god, you were the fucking parrot. As you resumed your eating you busied your mind with processing these thoughts. “At least the tax collector can’t find me here.”
All you knew was that you were in the role of his parrot, his pet. What a stupid role to end up in! In this version you hoped you were at least some sort of glorified servant! At least you weren’t dead, this was much better than that. You knew the tale of Aladdin by heart, it was a very popular story growing up. You had even envied the protagonist, a thief, for ending up with a genie and winning the love of the princess. Turns out that princess, or prince in this case, was not all that. Well, they always say to never meet your heroes. But, there was one thing that was bound to be great, no matter how much this story would change. The magic lamp that held the genie. You wanted it. Maybe if you stuck around this vizier long enough, you could take it for yourself whenever the opportunity presented itself. You had the advantage, you knew exactly what was going to happen. That genie could grant any of your wishes! It could take you home if you wanted. You could make all those judges rue the day they banished you! You could rule this world and yours! You could bathe in an endless amount of gold and cash! The possibilities were endless!
As you finished your meal, another figure came into view. The figure of a guard, like the ones you’ve been watching patrol and march around, approached you nervously. Only when he noticed you glance at him and nod your head, did he begin speaking, “G-Good evening, vassal. The candidates, they’re ready for the vizier, he’ll be here any moment. You are the only one he trusts, everyone knows this, won’t you put in a kind word for me? I fear he’s in a foul mood, his venture to the cave in the desert didn’t end well again.”
Candidates? Vizier? Cave in the desert? After a few seconds of the guard waiting in anticipation, you were able to connect the dots. This must’ve been a specific rendition of the story where the vizier found the Cave of Wonders in the desert but instead of using a magic machine he created to find the diamond in the rough that could enter the cave, he used his power behind the scenes and in the dark to search through prisoners and criminals and send those he thought might be worthy to die trying to enter the mystic cave. This vizier, Jamil, would no doubt be growing frustrated since he’s likely been keeping at this for so long without finding a single person that can successfully enter the cave. Jumping off your seat on the fountain after finishing your last bite of food, you looked over to the guard and smiled, “Alright, let’s go. We can’t leave the master waiting, can we?”
“Of course! Allow me to lead the way.” So you followed the meek little guard, and as you trailed after him you thought about what would happen and what would you do. The guard had said that it was a fact that the vizier trusted only you, or rather, the person who you’ve replaced. The prince didn’t notice you were not the vassal, and neither did this guard or any of the other servants, so it was likely that no one would notice unless you slipped up, not even the Vizier Jamil. Hopefully.
You watched as the pristine halls of the palace became dark and dim the deeper you went. As the smooth walls became rugged stone lit only by lamps of fire, and the lush green plants and overpriced furniture and decorations became absent. There were also, noticeably, less people. It felt like you and guard were the only ones as you followed them deeper into what you guessed was a dungeon where you heard chains rattling and the echoing screams of those held captive. Before you could enter the room, the guard turned to you and pleaded,
“Please, stay here. I’m sure seeing you will give the vizier a bit of peace. He should be here any moment now. I will go ahead and be sure everything is in order.”
Before you could even protest, the guard scurried ahead to the end of the hall and not too long after, you detected footfall behind you. When you turned around, you saw what you presumed had to be the Vizier Jamil. The vizier looked sort of imposing as he appeared from the dimly lit halls, and with the flames on the wall you could just make out his appearance. A thin figure clothed in red and black robes decorated with gold, holding a golden staff that ended in the shape of a cobra’s head. Long thin hair as black as night coiled down his brown shoulders like snakes in multiple small braids and loose strands decorated with gold, and instantly his sharp gray eyes painted with eyeshadow darted over to you upon noticing your staring. He looked irked, but since you supposedly had a good relationship with him, maybe you could poke and prod without worrying about suffering any consequences. From what you recalled, the vizier’s parrot in the tales was a loud-mouthed creature with a bad temper.
“Welcome back, oh great vizier. So, how did it go?”
“Not a word.” The vizier hissed, sending you a glare. Yet it wasn’t threatening, it felt more… annoyed. Like when your friend was pestering you, except without the light-heartedness. At the least he didn’t snap, he did have the power to command you to be put to death. Yet all he did was give you a look before his frown instantly morphed into a stoic expression in the blink of an eye, so fast that it sent you reeling.
Jamil wasted no time in walking forward, not bothering with greetings as he entered the first room of the dungeon that was dingy and dirty. Inside was the guard from before, nervously standing off to the side just across from a line of prisoners in shackles with their heads hanging low, and more guards behind them. These prisoners reminded you of yourself, but less. Now you’re free of any shackles, you’re wearing fine clothes and eating food made by the best chefs while living in the luxurious palace. To avoid being at the center of attention, you stood off the side, leaning against a corner.
You watched intently, curiously, as Jamil approached the line of prisoners, scanning them all with those sharp eyes as he walked by them slowly. The men and women in rags and chains tensed when he stepped near, but kept their eyes glued to the ground. Whether it was out of respect or fear, you weren’t sure, but you watched as some of them squirmed in place or nervously glanced at him. After a minute of going down the line of a dozen or so prisoners, he stopped in his tracks and turned to face the guard who guided you. On his face was obvious disappointment.
“You bring me the rough, but never a diamond.” That cold stare of his remained on the anxious guard, never looking away even as he commanded the others, “Take them away.”
You pursed your lips and shook your head, watching as the other guards forcefully dragged the prisoners down another hall, to a fate unknown. Poor suckers. You could hear them pleading, begging the vizier for mercy from whatever end they knew awaited them. In one rendition of the story, when the princess snuck out of the palace and gave apples to poor children, apples she had no money on her to pay for, she nearly lost her hand as punishment. It was likely that these prisoners were about to lose much more than a single hand.
The meek guard sent you a pleading look as they whispered frantically, “You said you would put in a kind word for me…!”
Turning your attention to them, you scoffed, “I never said that. I said I would follow you.”
“You…!” At your shrug, he directed his sights towards the vizier who was walking away, his back toward him as he seemed to be prepared to follow the guards and prisoners going elsewhere within the dungeon. “Please, my vizier.” The vizier stopped, and the words were caught in the guard’s throat until he finally forced them out with wavering uncertainty, making it sound more like a question than a statement. “... Perhaps this diamond in the rough does not exist…?”
For a moment he paused but didn’t turn around, and quietly replied, “They’re out there.” A response with unwavering certainty.
“But we’ve searched for months!” It appears that the guard was showing signs of frustration as well. Who knows how many prisoners they’ve interrogated and how many criminals they’ve captured in these months, all in an attempt to satisfy the vizier’s wish of finding a diamond in the rough. “I do not understand what could possibly be in that cave that could help a… a man as great as you. You are already second only to the sultan!”
“Second? Uh-oh.” You exclaimed, bracing yourself for what was to come and ignoring the guard’s growing irritation towards you. In the tale, yes the vizier worked for the sultan, he was the sultan’s most trusted advisor. But, behind the vizier’s facade of charm and loyalty, there was only a burning hate for the sultan who believed in him. The vizier wished to be the most powerful man in the kingdom, second to no one. So to be told he was second, straight to his face, would be like a slap. You watched as Jamil turned to the guard with a deep frown, and you could only whistle, “Who’s in trouble now~?”
Jamil turned to face him fully, staring at the guard beneath him with such a piercing gaze before questioning firmly, “Do you believe second is enough?”
Without hesitation, they nodded, the answer to them was obvious. “Yes. You were not born to be sultan, you are not of royal lineage. His Majesty, Kalim Al-Asim, was born to be sultan.”
Kalim Al-Asim. So that was the sultan’s name. The mere sound of it was enough to tick off the vizier, he narrowed his eyes and began to speak in a quiet murmur, “Do you know that I’ve served him my entire life? From the day I was born, they dictated that I was a servant to him and they chained my entire existence so it depended on him.” Slowly he stepped forward, inching closer with every word he spat like venom. “You have no idea of the things I’ve been forced to do for him. The sacrifices I’ve made and blood that’s stained my hands, the bodies I’ve buried and times I’ve watched him be praised for his minimal efforts I can easily best.” The closer he got, the more frightened the guard appeared until he was right in front of them. “Everyone will one day learn that I am not worthy of a mere second place, I am supposed to be first. That’s why I need the lamp, and I no longer need you––!”
Right before your eyes, you watched as Jamil swiftly struck him with the bottom of his staff and he fell backwards into a well. A seemingly bottomless well, because you heard his scream growing distant until an unsettling silence lingered. You covered your mouth in shock, but Jamil paid you no mind. It’s as if he’s done a dozen times before, as if you had witnessed all of them before.
After a moment, he sighed and lowered his staff, regaining his composure to cover up for the anger that slipped through in that moment. Again, in a flash, he had a stoic expression as he turned to gaze at you in the corner, when he beckoned you closer with a motion of his finger. “Come here, my vassal. It’s time for a meeting with that irritating sultan.”
Now you were on your way to meet the sultan. Kalim. You hoped he wasn’t anything like Jamil. This vizier was to be feared, but at least he didn’t seem to mind you. So you probably won’t be pushed down a well anytime soon. As you followed him when he began walking, he questioned abruptly,
“What did you do while I was gone?”
This wasn’t good. You weren’t here for that long before he returned, and you got the feeling that Jamil was a particularly observant fellow judging by how he glanced at you from the corner of his eyes. “That royal brat confronted me while I was eating. They’re so annoying.”
“Ah, Prince Jaseer?” Slowly he nodded, as if agreeing with your words. Phew. You were doing alright, fitting the role just fine it seemed. “Annoying would be putting it lightly. He’s just another entitled royal born with a golden spoon in his mouth, an ignorant person who knows nothing of how the real world works.”
“You’re telling me. The guy made me bow and recite a greeting like I was nothing but a pleb beneath him! Then he had the gall to say I was lazy! I was eating! Can’t a person like me eat in peace once in a while? I was starving!”
By now you were in a better part of the palace, where you were once again surrounded by riches. Upon hearing your response, Jamil replied without hesitation, “You are lazy when I’m not around.” At his remark, you stared at him incredulously as he continued with zero reservations, “You are uncaring, murderous, deceitful, aggressive, cunning, and annoying.”
Unable to help it, you snapped back in reply, beginning to rant and list off your fingers. “ME? Look in the mirror bud, you just basically described yourself! You’re cruel, immoral, narcissistic, power-hungry, sadistic, and secretly deranged! You’re two-faced, snake!” When you looked over to him, he still had that stoic expression but he rolled his eyes. Your jaw dropped. There was no way he just fucking––
“You used that insult, two-faced snake, two weeks ago.” Before you could add anything more to the growing pile of insults, he lightly tapped your forehead with the cobra head of his golden staff, appearing unbothered. “Come up with something else or get on my level, then you can talk back. For now, be quiet. We’re nearing where Kalim wanted to meet us. I don’t need to remind you to be on your best behavior around the sultan.”
Rubbing your forehead, you glared at him and mumbled, “Oh, I’ll come up with something shocking, you sorry sack of––ACK!” You coughed, bending over in pain as he quickly jabbed the end of his staff against your stomach to shut you up just before a silk curtain separating the halls from a room opened up.
“Jamil! Oh, and your vassal too! I’m so happy to see you guys! You’re just the ones I wanted to see!”
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azulsluver · 11 months
Bully!au with a cunning mc?
Oh how the tables turned
tw. yandere, bully!characters, manipulation, mentioned violence + public humiliation.
Heartslabyul || Savanaclaw || Octavinelle ||
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From what I am getting at, reader this time can stand up against the bullies. During their time spending with Ace and Deuce, they noticed the way they've been a little distant and leaving backhanded comments. Perhaps reader has been in these types of situations, so they knew better than to entertain the duo by pouting and complaining. Instead, let them have a taste of their own medicine, being sure to catch onto their words in case it sets Deuce off. He's such a hot head. Call out on Deuce's bullshit, corner his feelings and get him to side with you. Ace would be left to fend for himself, so used to having people agree on his terms, he's gotta pick a side to be in the league.
People may not realize it, but Deuce is so easy to manipulate in this au. But he's too far deep into his delusions and selfish desires to repent, thus why it's best to catch on to the signs and take the wheel. Deuce is pathetic in your hands, separate him from Ace, make excuses to keep him company and busy while Ace stays from the side, he is the main reason why Deuce acts this way towards you after all. It's preventable, to say at least, but Ace won't back down so quick.
You have to play the game right, or else you'll fall like a stack of cards.
Ace is good at gathering troops into his plans, he gets to fling those around if they aren't much use to him. You'll catch on pretty quick however, understanding why Ace decided to have everyone turn their back on you. Because he's interested. You make Ace second guess himself, what was special about you to begin with. Could it be the fear of rejection, social image?
You want to peer inside that silly head of yours, glaring from across the room. And you noticed, the way his posture straightens as his eyes make contact with yours, teeth biting his lower lip as sweat cling to his neck. Ace loves the attention.
Riddle and Cater could be out of pure spite. You're good at something that they want.
After being told numerous times by Cater that he'd call the fashion police every time you two would hang out. He expects you to not take it by heart (100% wants you to), through gritted teeth and crumpled knuckles, giving him a confused expression to lay off. If Cater wished to create an image of himself that'll falsely inform others, then you might as well play it his way. Fooling Cater by pretending to be the air headed friend, you listen well to your elders, people slowly recognize you by the littlest of things that can make you stand out. Associating yourself with Cater meant you had been influenced on what you should or not do with him.
In fact you enjoy Cater's expression, when someone comes to say hi to you and not him, or mention your story of something you did last week. Shrugging your shoulders as you bat your lashes, Cater could barely hold himself from strangling you. He can see what you're doing, you aren't as dumb as he thought you'd be.
Clicking his tongue, Cater would want to cut you off from his social life for good, but you'll be a reminder to him that he has to do better. If you can easily take down his persona, just how willing were you to do more than just tease him for taking advantage of an innocent person such as yourself.
Riddle has been through some sort of public humiliation, and you've kept that to the back of your mind. He's high and mighty, he knows what he wants, and he gets it one way or another. You and Riddle would be rivals at most, some form of twisted love he's created for himself, for you, that you're perfect. But so, so disgusting.
He doesn’t wanna focus on or getting in a relationship, his bad habit of being a neat freak has caused a toll on him. Making it worse the longer he indulged in this unhealthy behavior and of, although majority of the characters start off light during their bullying. When turned a blind eye is where evil sets in, growing rapidly once they realize how good it feels to have someone bellow them. Riddle, per say is victim to this trope.
You have to push yourself to him, grab his attention and prove him that you are worth the respect. This goes with intelligence because he’s somewhat attracted to those who know how to use their knowledge to hood use. That’s the point, make use of yourself to show Riddle that you’re someone on his level. This can go two ways with him being your rival or friend.
Don’t be seen as vulnerable around Trey. It’s what started for him to prey on you, with no clue on how the world work to little no friends. At first Trey was your average normal friend who helped you at times need, sometimes it came with a price. But then he got greedy, expecting more than taking advantage of your naivety.
Trey is a little tricky to figure because he doesn’t open up about himself a lot. You have to find weak points that doesn’t involve hurting his loved ones. However you can easily deceive him by playing coy, keep him in line with his morals (once he gets comfortable there’s no turning back). I wouldn’t say he’s easily influenced but he hopped onto the train when it did come to bullying you, I guess he took some form of pity but that was to mask his sadistic tendencies. Trey does try to control his urges of said “temptation”, but he gets off to the feeling of someone needing his help in dire situations.
Which means you can be buddy buddy with Trey just make sure not to trigger any opportunities for him to get to how he is in this AU. At least he gives you free snacks.
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dark-side-blog3 · 5 months
Ignore that this Home Alone inspired poly adeuce fic is a month late. Or choose to read it for 2024 Christmas, up to you.
I had a lot of fun writing this! Put it into a word counter just for fun, and I'm surprised to see that my first real WIP I finished in 2024 is 3k long! It was just so fun to imagine a twist one of my favourite Christmas movies, and I got so caught up in the fun of it I didn't make my deadline ^^; It was originally meant to be a short little crackfic, but it was just too fun! There are some cracky, campy elements, but that's just in the spirit of the movie I based it off!
Anyways: MDNI, warnings for standard yandere things, and creepy crawlies.
"Shouldn't we be pouring salt on the pathway?"
"Nah," you smile, splashing another bucket of water on the front steps. "This is so we can have a nice slip-and-slide for tobogganing tomorrow, Grim! Same reason I'm filling up a little ice rink in the back-- I wanna do some skating. I can't wait for it to freeze over and teach you how!"
Grims' head shakes fervently as he beams; "Just you wait! I'll show you the grace and speed of a master figure skater! I'm gonna be teaching YOU how to skate by the time we're done!"
"Well if you wanna do that, you're gonna need to be well rested. Can you grab us some cookies for before-bed snacks?" you encourage, the monster agreeing and scampering off inside the dorm house to pilfer the cupboard.
You continue pouring water on the steps and trudge around the house's perimeter to check on the steps leading outside to make sure they're freezing over like you intended. You have several other home security measures to check over...
Most of the staff, and students for that matter, went home for the holidays. Family to see, vacations to take... A life to live outside of the school and other people in it. Should anything happen, Crowley was unfortunately unavailable (what else is new, the old bastard), nor was Vargas, Trein, or Crewl. Normally they'd be spattered throughout the holiday to watch over the students. But there are other teachers on the premises, and hardly any students who can't return home for whatever reason, and they let it slip by... One night during the whole winter break when none of your trusted faculty members nor any of your more powerful friends like Malleus or Idia could help if you got into trouble.
And maybe, maybe your brain has been rotted by movies and defending yourself from overblotted students.
But it's better safe than sorry.
With everything seemingly in order, and the sun setting quickly behind the treeline of school woods, you rush over to the front gate to hang a large sign:
Hopefully, this will deter anyone planning to intrude on you tonight.
You trudge your way back to the front door, carefully avoiding the steps. You spend the next few hours snacking with Grim while watching movies together, playing card games, and chattering about what ifs and would you rather... Before too long, it's time for bed, and Grim is out like a light, thanks to several pounds of turkey stuffing, potatoes, and cookies you still had after the holiday party days ago.
The party was fun... It did leave you with more leftovers you knew what to do with, which is always great. You got to wish Rook Joyeuses Fête, decorate cookies with Jack and Jade (the merman being much better at decorating, likely due to working in the lounge), and say goodbye to everyone dear to you before they left for their own plans... But it also had Ace and Deuce.
Which, on the one hand, they're harmless. You know they are. They're just jerks sometimes.
They should be focusing on their studies, and you had to devote your time to keeping Ramshakle clean, and Grim on task to graduate... The little monster became somewhat of a family member. Surrogate son or little brother you're not entirely sure, but you want him to succeed.
And even if the pair of heartslabyul boys were gifted students that excelled at every course with time to spare, Grim wasn't-- Grim needed your help to study, to get to class, to handle some of his projects for him when his paws would cause accidents in the potion lab. Grim needs your help to get through college, and it keeps you way too busy for a relationship with either guy.
And even though they soured the mood of the party right after you told them as such, it's the truth, and that's what it is. You're not going to jeopardize Grim's future just to date college students.
They acted like jerks for the rest of the winter break.
When everyone was opening presents, they bitched at everyone for the gifts they exchanged, teased relentlessly, knocked over decor, and told each classmate going through the magic mirror over the week to 'take their time coming back, if at all'. Poor Idia had an anxiety attack when they started teasing him; it took you half an hour to calm him down enough to stop puking and stick to just dry heaving. Grim scampered off after Idia fainted a second time... It took another hour after that to help him through the magic mirror, with his robot escorts. You would have walked through with him, but he insisted holding your hand as he left would be enough, only dragging you somewhat through the portal.
It was rubbing you the wrong way how they were picking fights with everyone, and snubbing Grim anytime they saw you and the monster around campus.
Suddenly, the front gates screech open, drawing you out of your thoughts. You peek out the sliver of the window from behind the thick curtain in the bedroom to see two figures shuffle through the snow.
It can't be them. Even if you were just thinking of them, that would be too... Convenient. Like some movie logic. Thinking of people doesn't summon them.
Whoever it is will be getting a nasty surprise in three, two, one--
A muffled thud and string of curses can be heard from the other side of the glass. You sneak your way down the stairs so you can at least see who's at the door.
"Son of a--! Grim!" Deuce shouts. So much for not summoning them.
"Open the door, little buddy! We know that you're in there and that you're all alone... Your precious prefect is spending the last night of the winter break with someone else, right?" Ace yells, quickly being joined by a snickering and rapping at the door.
A shadow presses itself against the window, trying to peer through sheer curtains. You duck behind one of the striped couches on the outside of the room, close to the walls. Through the reflection of the glass cabinet, you can see the figure stay and linger at the window, tapping against the glass with a small can.
"Come on Grim. We've got tuna for ya if you just open the door and have a chat..." Deuce says, cupping his hands around his mouth as he yells through the glass.
His shadow straightens up, before pounding back on the glass, rattling the old pane against the tight frame, the narrow strips of wood being tight enough together that neither of them could just force their way through the window; Even if they shattered all the glass.
Which Deuce just might, slamming himself into the frame as hard as he could.
"I saw you move in there! Don't ignore us!" He shatters a pane, shoving his hand through to grab at the sheer curtains and tug, ripping them.
You duck back behind the couch, scanning for tools to protect yourself. Shut up. Don't be stupid, just think. Think quick, and smart.
The banging stops for a second. Before becoming far louder-- powerful enough to feel the floor shake. Metal creaks against its hinges, and the lock crashes into the strike plate of the door.
Ignore that, focus. Cleaning supplies. Always nearby, the dorm is filthy. Dish soap and mop bucket.
You dart out from behind the couch to grab the bottle of dish soap, grabbing it and rolling up against the wall just in time as the banging stops, the door knob jiggles and a thin wire pokes itself out from the cracks between the door frame. It makes quick work of the locks on the door, before opening, and Ace proudly struts into the room. The second he does, you pop the cap and squeeze the bottle, squirting bright blue goop into his eyes and smarmy mouth! And you splurt the floor for good measure!
You sprint back to behind the couch he pulls back, sputtering, and wiping it from his eyes in thick globs. You watch through the reflection of the cabinet as Deuce shoves his way past Ace as he splatters fistfuls of goop onto the floor, next to the bottle of leaking dish soap. Ace shoves Deuce for the push, and the resulting shove has both of them slipping on the puddle of dish soap you left in your hurry.
"Ahg-- Ace?! Why are you on the floor?"
A visibly wet smack as dish soap arches off Ace's gloves, slapping damply right into Deuce's face as he grunts from under his classmate: "Get off me, you buffoon! Go find the cat-- Grim, I'm gonna skin you for this, you little creep!"
"Don't make threats until after we have the little rat, runt. If he goes tattling we're screwed--"
"There's no one to tattle to! He's all alone in this big house! Even the ghosts aren't here! If we stick his claws in an electrical socket or force-feed him motor oil, no one would think anything of it! He's just a dumb animal that killed himself without supervision!"
Something glints from under the couch. You grasp at it, finding a spare ornament, and an unused ziptie, threaded through the top. There's got to be something you can use to create a bigger distraction and get you and Grim out of here.
There has to be something in reach-- going back to the bucket in plain sight of them is too risky. Shoving your hand under the couch, your clutch the first thing that your grasp: An aerosol room freshener. Score.
Wrapping the ziptie around the spray trigger, you tighten it and roll it over to the boys, still scrambling about on the floor. You watch from the reflection in the cabinet as Deuce gets a heavy spray right in the eyes, hollering in pain!
"AUGH-- Fucker! You think you're so smart, punk?! Your little bomb just gave away your position!" Deuce shouts, whipping out his magic pen, covering his eyes.
You feel a sense of dread. Primal instinct. You leap out from behind the couch just as he summons a caldron to crash into the couch, narrowly missing you as it smashes the solid oak to splinters. Splinters stick to your socks, embedding in your feet as you scamper off to another room, streams of water and gusts of wind being shot after you.
Just as you turn the corner to climb up the stairs and rush to Grim's room, you hear Ace curse exasperatedly, stumbling his way to the end of the hall to stare at you, still wiping his eyes on his sleeves. Another string of sighed curses leaves his lips as he watches you scramble up the stairs, making accidental eye-contact.
They know their plans are botched now.
Gotta climb faster.
On all fours, you claw up the stairs, just as a tug on your ankle forces your jaw to slam into them. Casting a glance backwards, Ace has gripped your ankle with his sticky gloves, grinning madly as you struggle to tug your ankle away from him, and try to dodge the other one of his hands trying to grasp for your other leg, only to end up sloppily groping your ass before trying again. You try to shake and kick him off, getting a hits to the side of his head, but not as effective as if you had room to wind up. He's gripping so hard it feels like he's going to break something. You scramble, shifting your weight side to side to get him off, prying yourself off the stairs and scratching your nails into the old wood. Your nails cling to the baseboard, prying the edge as much as you can, the wood creaking and snapping off with each desperate tug to pull yourself up.
The baseboard snaps, and you find yourself with a small wooden shiv, thinking to whip around and stab it into Ace's hand, leading him to retract for a second long enough for you to scramble up a step again-- before being slammed back down into the wood as you're grabbed again.
A girthy, irrate red centipede wiggles its way out from the hole in the baseboard, defensive of the now-ruined home.
You snatch it up, close to the head and the snapping mandibles as it wriggled and writhed, as you slowly reached back around to Ace, still clinging to your legs as you tried to shake him off. The teen was so focused on keeping you still as he pulled some ducttape off the roll with his teeth, that he didn't see the massive, snakelike body of the centipede until it was too late; And you stick it right on his face.
He seemed to freeze, giving you enough time to tug your leg again, just as he screamed an ear-piecing shriek!
Ace pawed at his face squirming violently on the stairs, thumping loudly on each step back to the bottom as you sprinted your way upstairs, into Grims room, slamming and locking the door behind you!
"What the hell is wrong--"
"PSYCHO PREFECT IS WHAT! Is it in my hair? Fucking thing was thick as a finger, and they put it right on my face! Is it in my hair?!"
"The prefect is home?! Dude! We're so screwed!"
"So go up there and get them, dipshit! Why are you standing still when they're up there getting a fucking bear trap or something ready?! Are you having an aneurysm or something?! Why are you just staring at me like that?!"
"...Ace... Don't... Move."
"Deuce... What are you talking about? Go get them-"
"Don't. Move."
The telltale crash of a cast iron cauldron smashing through your rotten wood floors makes you nearly shit yourself, glancing back at a sleep-stirring Grim.
"You fucking moron!"
You snatch Grim up, using the blanket he was sleeping with like a hobo bag to hold him in, and open the window, edging your way carefully onto the roof. If you can just make safely to the other side of Ramshackle, you can try scaling down the ivy. And it will at least give you a head start-- Maybe hiding out in Sams is the best idea. A store owner must have a CCTV, right? And if Ace and Deuce try and kill either of you, then even if something happens to you, they'll get caught...
You wrap the corners of Grims blanket around your shoulders, like a makeshift baby pouch. You can definitely feel him squirming on your back, starting to wake up. You let go of the window, slipping down the rough roof tile. Laying on your stomach, you side-shuffle over, staying as low to the roof as you can to get the most traction. The edge nearly takes you by surprise when your foot doesn't connect with length that's not there. Slowly, you shuffle even closer to the edge, swaying your arm around the edge to find the vines of Ivy.
Your head whips around to see Deuce leaning as far as he can out of the window before he scrambles to get onto the roof.
Whipping your head back to focus, you grab a fistful of vines and pull the rest of your body off the roof! You snatch another fistful with your other hand as you fall.
And fall all the way down, watching in horror as the ivy peels itself from the brick walls.
You feel Grim claw his way out of the pouch and onto your face just in time, as you land on your back with a sickening crunch.
"Oh shit," Ace comments, seemingly having been waiting for you at the bottom of the wall. You see Grim flee across the yard out of the corner of your eye, unable to lift your head.
The sound of snow crunching underfoot, and Deuce panting like crazy soon joins Ace in staring at you as you lay helpless on the ground. As soon as he arrives he gets asked: "Are we gonna get Grim?"
"No point, really..." Comes the huffed response; "We were gonna get him to fuck off, and he's fucked right off. Tonight didn't really go to plan anyway."
A boot gently kicks at your side as Ace turns his attention back to you: "Are you paralyzed or something? That was quite the fall."
You open your mouth to speak, but only a cracked whine makes it out. You cringe and try again, but nothing intelligible comes out.
"Holy shit, they're brain-damaged!" Ace grins, laughing as he backs away from you.
You feel Deuce tugging at your legs in the snow, dragging you from your shallow ditch in the snow. He begins tugging you closer to the dorm, before he drops your legs, moving to grab you under your arms and haul you that way, up against a wall. Breaking a window, he shoves you in, head first. The cold floors of Ramshackle are still warmer than the ice and snow.
"Alright. Hey, real quick, can you feel this?" Deuce begins poking you with a wire from an ornament, starting with your legs, and making his way up on both sides. You nod, wincing at some particularly sharp pricks, to which Deuce responds by rubbing the area to dull the pain.
"Can you say where you are right now? Do you know who I am? Who you are?" You nod again, voice stumbling through a pained response.
"Awesome. You're not brain-damaged! You're probably just winded from the fall. Is anything broken? Can you wiggle your fingers and toes? Try twisting side to side. If you can't it means your spine might be broken, and you need a doctor."
You comply, weirded out by the sudden care, but the doctor comment means they will call someone. And that someone will keep you safe, and them away. The pain's already fading, and likely nothing serious, but you could trick them... Deuce particularly seems like a soft touch. You wince as you try to twist, feigning inability.
Deuce makes a worried expression, like he's about to piss himself from fear.
He backs off slightly, giving you a bit more breathing room: "Try crossing your arms and lifting them as far away from your ribs as you can".
You comply again, feigning difficulty,
And duct tape wraps around your wrists instantly. Deuce presses his knee down into your chest to pin you down as he wraps as tightly as he can, while Ace ties your legs from outside.
"This really, really isn't my style. But we've got to get you somewhere that is not here when the teachers come back tomorrow, and we can't have Grim knowing where to find you." Deuce rambles, soaking his glove in a bottle of something, before pressing it to your face. He continues rambling, leaning in closer to whisper: "And I know how this looks! But I promise we won't do anything to you while you sleep. Or when you wake up! I swear! It's all more normal than it seems tonight-- or it can be anyways. And... And if you give me some time, give me a chance, we can even ditch Ace and forget this night ever happened! You just need some time somewhere else..."
The room spins with dark spots as Deuce presses his soaked glove further into your face. He continues rambling at you, while you feel Ace begin dragging you back out the window again. The snow doesn't feel cold this time as you fall into it. It just feels soft.
93 notes · View notes
ashensgrotto · 9 months
Poor Unfortunate Souls (Part 1)
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Characters: Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
Word Count: 7,398
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3a (You are Here) Part 3b
Per request from @twistedcece and @mermaidfan76 , I finished the third part to my Yandere Soulmate AU - yes, I have officially given it a name now. I think I might do a piece per each of the books in Twst - but I haven’t made any solid decisions yet.
Also - due to this being the third part, hence Octavinelle’s chapter in the game, this next part is going to be divided into two parts. The main reason is because there is a bit that happens and I want to make sure that I take my time with writing everything out for it, never mind that I am covering two overblots - Leona’s and Azul’s - in this section. I am also planning on revisiting part 2 and fixing that up a bit more - and I’ll post an update when that happens.
Now, fair warning, although this is likely not going to be graphic, it does show more of the possessive/obsessive behaviors that yandere characters are known for as well as the underlying threatening behaviors they can exhibit as well. I do not agree with these behaviors that are as follows, but I’m covering my basics.
Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you
Eyes of pale blue watched from the shadows of the infirmary as their owner kept their gaze fixed on the form of (Y/N). Normally, your delectable skin was smooth and soft - without a flaw in sight; now, bruises and cuts covered every inch of your form - though the blood had been cleaned away and your body had been covered by bandages and medication. You were still healing from the attack by the three Savanaclaw students, but several more injuries had been imprinted upon you.
Another overblot, another battle… another loss.
Leona’s power-hungry drive to prove that Malleus Draconia wasn’t invincible during the spelldrive tournament had back-fired horribly. The students of Heartslabyul as well as the vice-warden of Diasomia and a freshman of Savanaclaw had snuffed out the headwarden's plot before it could take root - halting it before any serious damage could be done. With the plan foiled and the dorm now turning on him, Leona's anger and jealousy had begun to overtake him. 
Azul and several other dorm leaders and their students had looked on as the air became dry, making it difficult to breathe. A creature that took on the monstrous form of a lion had come after all of them - all done with Leona’s powerful magic. It was lucky that Deuce, Ace, Trey, and Cater had been there - as well as Riddle. The five had experienced an overblot before and were the ones that would try to hold Leona back - to snap him out of it. The fool girl that you were, the one that Azul was head over heels in love with, raced from the safe confines of the colosseum, the octomer shouting after you, telling you to stay by his side - it was too dangerous.
You ignored Azul’s cries as you raced to the front lines, your (h/c) blowing in the wind as your eyes squinted against the onslaught of sand that had taken to the skies. As you had done with Riddle, while Leona was distracted, you slapped the headwarden of Savanaclaw across the face. Leona had turned his attention to you as you shouted at him - claiming that you understood what it was like to be "second best," how no matter how hard you tried there was always going to be someone better than you. All watched as the magicless guest of Octavinelle stared hard into the overbloted student's eyes, the eyes of a corrupted prince.
"I feel your pain, I feel your sorrow," you simply said, "and you have forgotten yourself, Leona - you have to remember who your friends are and what it is you fight for. You are more than what you have become. Please - remember who you were, who you will be… who you are."
Azul's eyes widened as the sound of shattering glass echoed across the playing field, Leona slumping forward as the dark creature behind him faded into dust. You, as difficult as it was due to your previous injuries, knelt on the ground beside Leona as the members of Savanaclaw came forward to help the headwarden to his feet - all traces of his blot completely gone. 
Everything had been a haze for Azul following that. He couldn't believe you - his soulmate, keeper of his heart - had deliberately disobeyed him. He told you that the world of Twisted Wonderland was far too dangerous for someone like you, and yet you continuously put yourself in harm's way. What would happen if you got yourself killed? Injuries could heal and scars would remain, but if an overblot happened again and wouldn't reason with you like Riddle and Leona had done? Azul wouldn’t know what to do if he lost you - he would go mad without you.
Something had to be done.
Azul shifted in his chair before he felt the presence of two others. He looked to see a twin set of heterochromia eyes glowing in the dark.
"Jade. Floyd."
The twins appeared beside Azul, Jade on his right, Floyd on his left.
"I assume you've brought what I requested."
"Indeed, several poor unfortunate souls are in dire need of assistance with this year's exams coming up," the older of the two smiled.
"And you might like specifically who signed up for a meeting with you," the other snickered, his sharp teeth baring in the darkness.
Azul took the paperwork from Floyd and shifted through it, one brow arching as he read off the names in his head… only stopping on three names in particular.
"Hehe… it would seem that (Y/N)'s closest friends have their own dirty little secrets," Azul smiled, handing the paperwork back to Floyd, "Excellent work, you two. With this knowledge, I might be able to actually give her a reason to despise them - they won't tell her about our little arrangement anyways, thinking they'll be able to beat my game. How many students have signed up so far?"
"A little over two hundred - all houses and ranges of classes," Jade answered.
"Perfect, continue bringing them in," Azul answered, "I want the headmage to get the message that it's us who run the school, not him - the poor fool. And I have the perfect idea in mind on how to persuade him."
The twins grinned in agreement, Jade asking, "And what of your little mermaid princess?"
"I'll handle her - poor dear will be distraught, but it will work in my favor," Azul smiled wickedly, "Oh, and make sure to keep her in the dark if she asks about this - the other members of the dorm know not to get involved in our affairs; especially after how I took care of the last headwarden."
The tweels needed no further explanation as they nodded, bowed, and disappeared into the darkness again to fulfill Azul’s orders.
Azul stood and walked to your bedside, resting a gloved hand on top of yours, reaching down to kiss your forehead, "Please forgive me - but what I am going to do is only for your own good."
You tucked a tray under your arm as you finished gathering the last of the dishes before heading out to the lounge area.
Today seemed awfully quiet with only a few students of the dorm working today - however, there were talks about new staff members joining that had been floating around, peaking your interest. You also noticed how in the next few weeks, your schedule to work in the lounge had decreased even further - making you wonder how you were ever going to pay for the rent in the dorm, which was not cheap. You had some pay still saved up, but you still needed to eat and launder your borrowed clothing, which was also expensive. You looked up, and saw Azul standing with Jade and Floyd on the steps that lead to the entrance of the Mostro Lounge - perhaps you could discuss the issue with them.
You head over as Azul’s gaze shifts from the twins to you, his signature smile greeting you, “(Y/N). How is everything going? You look much better than a few weeks ago.”
“Thanks to your help and consistent assistance,” you smile with a nod of thanks.
“Of course, my dear,” Azul smiled as he approached, resting a hand on your shoulder, “The headmage entrusted me with your safety, after all… until I can find a way home for you of course.”
“Speaking of which,” you say, “have you found a way? It’s been about a month and a half, almost two, since I came here.”
“I’m afraid you have to give me time, angelfish,” Azul answered, “You can’t get something for nothing, you know.”
You nod in understanding, “And, I wanted to ask - my hours at the lounge have been greatly reduced and I was wondering why.”
The twins grinned wickedly, making you shiver a bit at their smiles as Azul came around you, his arm holding you close to his side as the long overcoat of his dorm uniform draped around the two of you, “Why, angelfish - it’s primarily because we’re adding a few new faces to the family, of course! A few boys owe me for using a specialty study guide I created for them that guaranteed a passing grade for the exams that took place earlier this week.”
“It’s that… cheating?” you asked.
“It’s a fine gray area,” Azul answered, “The questions on the exams have been the same for decades - a few minor changes here and there, but nothing worth losing a night of sleep over. I get the answers in a legitimate way and create the guides for students to use at their discretion. In order to get those guides, however, they have to be willing to pay the price if they fail to meet my expectations.”
“Which is what?”
Azul smiled, raising his cane with the pale lavender colored magestone within, “Well, those that fail to make it into the top fifty, of course! But, let me give you an idea of how many and who exactly would take the bait and wriggle like worms on hooks.”
The magestone began to glow and soon you heard shouting and scraping noises out in the hall before bodies of students were pulled into the entryway of the lounge before yourself, Azul, and the twins. There were roughly two hundred, if not more; over half of them were freshmen in the dorms of Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Ignihyde while several others bore the crests of Pompfiore, Heartslabyul, and Diasomia, several others you recognized as sophomores like Azul, Jade, and Floyd, and there was only a handful of juniors among the crowd. On each student’s head was a sea anemone - teal at the base and purple on the top that waved and wiggled as if being controlled, and very likely was by Azul’s magestone. Several of the students began shouting and arguing, only stopping with a snap of Azul’s fingers, which caused the sea anemones to knock everyone’s heads together.
“Well, well, what have we here? A band of misfortune souls who failed to break into the top fifty?” Azul smirked, “Welcome to Mostro Lounge. I’m sure you’re all WELL aware of who I am, but let’s go over it anyway. My name is Azul Ashengrotto - I am the housewarden of Octavinelle dorm, the manager of the Mostro Lounge cafe, and, as of today… you have to listen to everything I say.”
“You each made a bet with me and lost,” Azul continued, “As per the terms of our contract, you are to devote yourselves to my service until such a time you graduate.”
“Hold it! This is all a huge scam!” a familiar voice called out.
“Ace?!” you asked, eyes widening, “What are you doing here?!”
 “Ace Trappola,” Azul narrowed his eyes on the red head, "a freshman, if memory serves correctly, and a friend of (Y/N). Your accusations are insulting, quite frankly. I upheld my end of the bargain and provided you with a flawless study guide for your exams. If you had used them properly, you should have scored at least a ninety."
"Yeah, I did," Ace growled, "I got a ninety-two. But you never told me you'd given the same study guides to this many people!"
"Ace is right!" Deuce’s voice called out from the crowd as voices murmured amongst each other, "No study guide could help us break into the top fifty with the deck this stacked!"
"When everyone scorin' over ninety, even with my eighty-five, my spot in the rankings is no different than when I was failin'!" Grim groaned.
"Have you boys never heard of client confidentiality?" Azul asked, crossing his arms over his chest, "All of you fools - I mean, gentlemen - all had your own reasons for seeking out my help. Details who made a contract with me, what kind of contract it was, and why it was made… Well, that's privileged data. Who am I to divulge someone's personal information to a third party? I am a man of integrity, thank you very much."
"Azul, please reconsider," you whispered softly, "These are student's lives you're playing with. They had to pay you for the contract, why do they have to suffer the consequences for failing to meet your end of the deal when they had no idea how difficult it actually would be?"
"My dear sweet child," Azul looked down at you, speaking in a condescending tone that you did not recognize at all, "All of these poor unfortunate souls had their chance to make it into the top fifty for their classes. They failed and failed miserably. Some were close, I have to give credit where credit is due after all, but they missed the mark by a mile."
"Azul, please," you say again, "Please let them go."
Azul's eyes sparkled then as a smile spread across his face, his teeth becoming bare as well as his gums - looking more like a predator by the minute.
"Well, I always was a man with an eye for a bargain," Azul answered, "After all, you would do anything for your three friends here, if I am correct?"
You shift your gaze from Azul to Ace, Deuce, and Grim as the crowd looks on, each of the students holding their breath in anticipation. You looked back at your employer and nodded.
Azul shook his head, clicking his tongue before turning toward Jade and Floyd, "Get our newest recruits working - we have a full night ahead of us. In the meantime," he wrapped his arm around you, "I have some business to discuss."
You perched on the sofa in Azul’s office as the headwarden pulled one of his golden contracts out of the vault, holding it up for you to inspect. 
"(Y/N), this is the initial contract that you signed with me when you began," Azul spoke, handing the contract for you to inspect, "Per the terms your agreement, I will allow you to work and live within Octavinelle until such a time comes that I find a way for you to return home. Your payment to me, as you have nothing to give, would be any pay you earned within the lounge - I have allowed you to keep any tips left behind and some of the paychecks due to your want for independence. Now, that display you showed for those fools in the lounge has made me… want to reconsider my actions."
You look up from the contract, still begging, "I said I would do anything if you would release them."
"And I will accept that, however," Azul's face turned dark as a wicked smile spread across his face, "would you be willing to accept the price and the deal I have in mind?"
He pulled out another contract, this one blank, and as he spoke, his words spread on the page as if he were writing them himself.
"The deal I have for you is simple: in exchange for the freedom of all of those who signed my contracts for the study guides this term - including the names of Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, and Grim - you, (Y/N) (L/N), will belong solely to me. Your body, your mind… your everything. You will remain by my side until the end of your natural born life."
You look up at him, your eyes widening in realization, "Azul - this is a marriage contract."
"I would prefer 'engagement', but marriage also works," Azul answered.
"Azul! That's not fair!"
"You're right, it isn't," Azul set the contract down on the table and knelt before you, grasping your hands in his, holding them tightly, "It's not fair for me to give up two hundred souls who signed away knowing what the repercussions would be if they failed my bet. However, I'm willing to do it for you, (Y/N). I would do anything for you. And do you know why?"
When you shake your head in a negative, Azul smiles at you fondly, "It's because I love you, (Y/N). I have searched my whole life for you - looking in every corner of Twisted Wonderland to find you. And when you appeared in the mirror chamber, lost and distressed, I wanted nothing more than to hold you close and I vowed then and there I would do everything in my power to keep you safe. You are… my soulmate. My match."
"Azul, we're… that's crazy!"
"You might think so now, but in time you'll understand, I promise," Azul kept his grip tight on your hands as he stroked your hair away from your face, "Now, about that contract -"
"Forget it. I won't do it."
"But your friends, (Y/N)? You said you would do anything for them. Was that a lie?"
"N-No, but…"
"Well, then, since we seem to be in agreement…" Azul placed the contract before you, spinning his cane around before it transformed into his fishbone pen and offered it to you, "Take a gulp, take a breath, go ahead and sign the scroll."
You hesitantly took the pen and closed your eyes as your name was spread across the dotted line.
As soon as your name was completed, Azul snatched the contract up and smiled, "It's a Deal!"
A glow came from the contract before the light enveloped you yourself, a bubble appearing around you and sealing you off from the world. You slammed your fists against it, shouting at Azul to release you.
"Payment for the deal is needed, angelfish," Azul smiled, "Like I said before - you can't get something for nothing. So, I'm going to take something so trivial you will never even miss it… your legs."
You stop for a moment, fear running through you like a cold shower as you whisper, "My legs?"
"You got it, sweet cheeks," Azul smiled, turning his attention toward you, "I need to keep you nearby at all times - and the thing that separates us is, well, human features. I am by no means human - some have called me a monster because of what I truly am. I was born in the sea, live in the sea… and you will too."
Three days had passed by since you had signed on the dotted line… three days since Azul made the announcement that the new recruits were free to leave - all thanks to a selfless individual who would not be named… three days since he took your freedom from you. You hadn’t shown your face to the school nor in the lounge during that time - not that you could - but everyone seemed to get a sense there was something else that now lurked in the large aquariums of the Octavinelle dorm. 
Not that you could blame the guests for being suspicious.
As soon as Azul had told you you would live under the sea, your legs had been swapped out for an ornate fishtail - pale sea green in color with scales of emerald speckled here and there. He kept you confined in the large aquarium that had spread throughout the dorm like a maze, the most open area in the Mostro Lounge. Azul requested that you stay out of sight from the other students, only coming when he called for you - which was often in the evening after everyone had left. When Azul wasn’t around, you were free to do as you wish - which often was raging at him or curled into yourself to try and comfort your poor broken soul. 
You had placed your trust into someone that should never have been trusted in the first place - and you had no one to blame but yourself.
“Well, I guess your herbivores weren’t kidding when they said they suspected something happened to our guest.”
You whipped your head around to see Leona and Riddle looking at you from behind the glass of the large aquarium.
“T-this… THIS IS INHUMANE!!” Riddle looked like he was about to blow a gasket again.
“Riddle? Leona?” you asked, coming forward and resting your hands against the glass, “What are you doing here?”
“I’ll ask the questions,” Riddle shouted, “What in the sevens’ names are you doing in there?!”
“Keep your voice lowered!” you hush, “If he finds out you saw me…”
 “Who?” Leona asked.
You look down, biting your lip.
Leona crossed his arms over his chest and nodded, “I see.”
“What? What is it? Who did this to her?” Riddle asked, “I’ll have their head!”
“Riddle, you’re too quick to jump to conclusions,” Leona turned his attention back to you, “I am assuming this has something to do when several of my dorm members were pulled into Octavinelle a few days ago - as well as some of members from the other dorms, mainly those three idiots you hang around with.”
“What? Deuce and Ace were pulled in here? What for?” Riddle asked.
Leona looked between Riddle and you before explaining, “Deuce, Ace, and the little demon came to me, asking for my help - said that they made an issue and that our magicless guest was in trouble. At the time, I didn’t think much of it, but now that I’m seeing it…”
“It’s true,” you answered.
Riddle was still a bit lost, “Who did this to her, Leona?”
“What? Why?” Riddle asked.
“You humans wouldn’t understand what most of us beastmen, fae, and merfolk often experience as children,” Leona answered, “However, I believe I know the reason why. Azul believes that our magicless guest here is his soulmate.”
You and Riddle blinked a bit, “Soulmate?”
Leona nodded, “There are often rumors that spread around about the concept of soulmates - how there is one special soul that is unique to one individual. Everyone has a soulmate - whether they are family, friend, or romantic - but they are far and few in between, a rarity. Those of us who are lucky to even encounter our soulmate will often hold onto that person as if our life depends on it - and in this case, Azul is rather possessive of it.”
Your hands slide down the glass, “That’s why… that’s why he…”
Leona nodded, “And I also had a part in it, too, (Y/N). However, we don’t have time to discuss it. We need to figure out a way to fix this.”
“How?” Riddle asked, “It’s not like we can just… confront Azul about it - he’ll deny it, knowing the sneaky student that he is. Rule breaker…”
“I’m assuming he used his unique spell on this one.”
“Yes, ‘It’s a Deal,’” you answered.
Leona thought for a minute before nodding, “I have an idea - usually I’d ask for some sort of payment, but it seems I owe you twice for everything that has happened to you. Consider this a free of charge gift of mine.”
You blink, “What are you going to do?”
Leona smiled, his teeth bared, “I’m going to teach that cephalo-punk a lesson he’ll never forget.”
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, imprisonment, stalking, unhealthy relationship
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Entering their world
So Ramshackle is once more a place people (or rather an individual) live in, right?
Kalim in typical Kalim Al-Asim fashion of course wanted to celebrate this joyous event, especially since the world had been so glum since the Overseer hadn’t graced them with their all-knowing gaze for two entire days
Two entire days, I tell you! Two entire days in which no riches of the world could buy him something to make this time less bleak
So fifty five flamingos and exactly seven elephants later there he is, knocking on the door of Ramshackle to invite you to the festivities
Only for you, his beloved Overseer to open
Mhm, he isnt inviting you
For the first time in the history of “character is always sunshiny”-plot armor Kalim is lost for words, gawking at your figure in the doorframe who is worriedly asking him if he is alright
So, sunny boy over here is at the brink of passing out, probably because his adrenaline levels have breached the realms of possibility, making his heart miss a few heartbeats too much but this is a world with magic so let's not question too many things
Jamil actually had to get the not-so-made-out-of-stone petrified Kalim, nearly getting a heart attack himself by seeing that it was you
Yeah... that planned celebration also didn't happen
This led to fifty four flamingos and exactly seven elephants being sent back home, one of the flamingos seeing that one of their cousins was used to play cricket, deciding to stay after reuniting after five years of separation
But before we get sidetracked by Heartslabyul students tearing up after witnessing the reunion of two pink birds we have to talk about our most favorite future sultan, then we can talk about tearing up Heartslabyul students
So Kalim was a cause of concern for Jamil, and not in the usual way
No, whilst Jamil wanted to bow to you as well Kalim was too silent. So silent in fact that Jamil got so worried that he put his plans of betrayal on the back burner for a while and looked after his childhood... friend? Employer? Friemployer!
Also, whilst it was usually a bit hard to get Kalim into his calm enough self to sleep, Kalm (ok this one is bad, I know), it was creepily easy to get the young man to relax now, almost as if he wanted to be in his room all alone without anyone at his back and call
“Why?” the confused reader said. “Why should this be important to the story?” They continued
Well because soon there also turns up a photo album filled with pictures of you sleeping, eating and much, much more
I think you finally know what our equivalent to a sunflower in the human version has done during the time he wasn't supervised
Give him a week as well and he returns to normal... more or less
I just hope you don't mind company that won't leave you 24/7 because you will spend a lot of time with your new stalker friend
No matter where you go, no matter where you hide, there is no escape
Soon items disappear as well, replaced with a much more expensive version of it
And whilst I have never seen a rubber costing more than a few bucks I am sure that Kalim over there can find and give you one that costs so much that it could cover the renovation of Ramshackle
Jewelry. The Al-Asim heir might not be a Fae but that doesn't mean seeing you wearing something he gifted you won't make him feel good, no, downright euphoric
It's almost like you favor him
And thank goodness for the plot armor of a “sunny side” character because you are only wearing them because that dead look in his eyes scares you whenever he sees you without something of his, him not even noticing that
Kalim has imagined a future with you, of course, he did, we are talking about a yandere setting after all and what would be a yandere setting without the classical trope of the Yandere having imagined their future with the unfortunate soul who is adored by them
He can see you two having a family, adopted or not does not matter, you living in his palace, you being always by his side, smiling...
Oh the outside world? Ha! No
There is no outside world. Only you two and if he has to shackle you to him then so be it!
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pinkskytwst · 1 year
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A Queen's Rose
Riddle/Reader (Not Yuu)
Childhood Friends!AU
I was totally inspired by @miss-hyoko with this post about childhood friends and the Housewardens. I have others already in mind for at least Azul and Malleus but I want to try and write the Yandere!First Years Part III first.
This one is all fluff though so I hope you like it! Let me know what you think. (It's unbeta'd though so please be kind lol)
Riddle had known you since you were both children.
You were, in fact, the only friend he had consistently been able to be near with the permission of his mother since he was seven years old.
Your parents were nobles as well, after all, and your aptitude for magic was already showing signs of being very advanced for your age. It was the perfect set up for her to prepare a betrothal or simple family alliance. If it had been up to her, of course, it would have been a betrothal from the start, but your parents were more attentive to your wishes and refused to push the subject more than allowing you two to get to know each other and see how your friendship would grow.
The first time you had met Riddle you were both dressed in the same sort of frilly, miniature adult, nobility dress that most of your station paraded their children around in, and Riddle’s mother had set up a ‘tea party’ for you to enjoy.
With her there, of course.
It was awkward and tense and not very enjoyable but you never made fun of him even when his mother explained there were no sweets because they were unhealthy for you. You even gave him a small smile and wave before you left so he felt like, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Maybe he could actually make a friend.
He fell in love with you the next time you visited, when you slipped him a strawberry tart hidden in the basket of books you had brought to share with a bright but mischievous smile.
“Tea parties should always have strawberry tartes.” You had whispered with a giggle.
It was the best thing he had ever tasted and your laugh was the most beautiful sound in the world to his ears.
That day he knew he was going to marry you, if you would have him.
He didn’t know what married people did besides live together and spend all their time together but he didn’t care if it meant being able to hear you laugh every day.
If his mother knew of his intent and determination she might have actually been proud for once, but he kept it held secret in his heart. Protected that little dream even as you both grew and his responsibilities and expectations mounted on his shoulders.
You were like a warm summer day to his life, a brilliant rose blooming in an otherwise barren garden.
Smiling at him as if seeing him made your day, speaking to him so openly when you were alone and going on about the exciting and fantastical books that you read or what interesting trip you had gone on with your parents.
You were a window into the world he never got to experience and you shared it freely as best you could. Bringing him pictures and books with their swashbuckling covers hidden behind those of scientific journals. You even covered for him when you could so that he could slip out and meet with Trey and Che’nya.
And every chance you had, you brought him strawberry tartes.
When Riddle was accepted into Night Raven College – the most illustrious and sought after school in all of Twisted Wonderland – he was disappointed to be separated from you. He knew you would, no doubt, be accepted the next year when you came of age, though, so he promised to write you every day and tried not to blush when you threw your arms around him in a tight embrace.
Being accepted into Heartslabyul was in no way a surprise, having planned on being sorted into their Queen’s dorm from the start, and he quickly set about placing himself as the top student and defeating the current Dorm Housewarden to gain his position.
He wanted to be able to greet you properly, after all, and make you proud. Create a dorm that you could excel in and dorm members that would – if not reach your level – at least not disgrace you in any way.
He wanted to prove to you that he could take care of Heartslabyul better than anyone – and in return hopefully prove he could take care of you the same way.
Unfortunately, despite your affect on Riddle, much of his mother still stubbornly clung on and it wasn’t long before he was being whispered about as a ‘tyrant’ despite Trey and Cater’s – the previous Housewarden that he had defeated – attempts to smooth things over. It was perhaps, not as bad as it could be, he didn’t always jump to his Unique Magic to handle trouble makers, but he also didn’t go easy on any of them.
It was fine, though, they would see why it would all be worth it eventually.
He didn’t realize that more whispers were shared among Heartslabyul that centered around the daily letters that Riddle would send and receive.
He always sent one first thing in the morning and he always received one around teatime in the afternoon. No one really understood why he was using physical letters like a grandma  – though Trey knew it was because Riddle’s mother had access to his phone and laptop – but whatever was in them must have been important because those were the best times to ask the Housewarden for anything.
He would always be a bit distracted after sending the letter for about an hour, almost wistful, but then the rest of the afternoon when he received the reply he would be a bit more lenient. A bit more soft spoken with the edges of his tone smoothed over so he sounded less like a dictator and more like a strict older brother.
Everyone wanted to know just who Riddle was writing to and of course the guess was a girlfriend or boyfriend, but no one put much weight to that when they doubted anyone could put up with him.
Who would want to date the tyrant queen?
The next year when they arrived on the morning of the welcome ceremony, Riddle was the worst they had ever seen him.
He stormed around, ordering everyone into a whirlwind of cleaning and preparations for the new students. Painting the roses, bathing and brushing the hedgehogs, doing the same for the flamingos and ensuring every corner of the dorm was polished to a shine until the marble floors gleamed like mirrors.
It was clear that someone important was going to be showing up, especially when Riddle gave them a speech about what he expected from them regarding conduct during the ceremony and personally checked each of them to ensure their uniforms were perfect and their appearance well groomed.
Trey just followed close behind with a bemused, fond smile while Cater was near vibrating with excitement and whispering to his taller friend about Magicam videos and candid reactions.
The ceremony went as it had the years before and it was rather easy to see just who Riddle was focusing on when he recognized them instantly despite the robe hood hiding most of their features, and how the person smiled in his direction and gave a little wave. Riddle even smiled back at them, though it was careful and poised, and he gave a small nod in return as they waited for the person to be sorted.
To say that Riddle was disappointed that you were placed in Diasomnia rather than Heartslabyul was an understatement.
He didn’t throw a fit or behead anyone but his expression fell before he quickly plastered on a smile as the figure turned to beam at him. They couldn’t speak while more students were being sorted, Riddle did glance to his side where Lilia Vanrouge was taking stock of the new students being sent to his dorm.
“I hope,” he said softly, expression serious as he met gazes with the other’s wine-red eyes that instantly focused on him. “That Diasomnia treats their human members just as they treat their fae? I would hate to hear that your dorm doesn’t recognize when a worthy soul has joined their house.”
Amusement sparkled in the third year’s eyes and he flashed a too sharp grin.
“Why, Housewarden Rosehearts, surely you don’t think we would not care for all of our students no matter their heritage. There has never been a soul sorted into our noble house that hasn't been worthy. Perhaps you would care to visit sometime to see the truth of my words?”
There was definitely a teasing note in the other’s voice and Riddle had the feeling that the fae was able to see right through him, but he pushed the embarrassment aside, gaze traveling over the heads of the new students seated with their houses.
His rose was whispering excitedly to another Diasomnia student and quickly gave an eager wave to Riddle again when they noticed his gaze, barely hidden by the crowd so as not to draw attention.
It was impossible for Lilia to miss the softening of his expression and the teasing smirk on the fae's face made Riddle clear his throat quickly and look away.
“That sounds agreeable. And of course, Heartslabyul is open to visiting students from all houses as well.” He said before tacking on a quick “So long as they follow our rules.”
“Of course, Housewarden Rosehearts. I’ll be sure to pass the invitation along to our students.” He said bemused, clearly laughing at the situation and it took everything Riddle had not to huff and throw a fit.
But ensuring that you were at least allowed to visit as often as possible was more important.
Besides, he decided eventually, if you weren’t to be in Heartslabyul then he supposed Diasomnia was the best alternative. It was the house of Nobility, after all, and a queen needed a king to stand at their side.
He would just have to ensure that he proved he was the best suited as Queen in all of Night Raven College and that some interloper didn’t steal your attentions away before he could show you just how much he loved you and the life he hoped to provide for you.
The uproar that came from the odd, magicless student and the rampaging weasel monster nearly led Riddle to murder.
How dare they ruin his rose’s first night at NRC! This was not what he wanted their impression of his school to be!
He took care of the monster quickly – with the help of Ashengrotto, unfortunately, - to ensure that no one – especially his rose – came to harm.
It was a relief when he turned, though, and suddenly found his arms full of the one he loved.
He instantly returned the embrace, worried for an instant that they were hurt or frightened, but when they pulled back, hood fallen away to show their beautiful face, they were beaming excitedly, brilliant eyes flashing and the smile he missed so much warming his chest.
“That was wonderful, Riddle! You were so amazing!” you praised, not at all embarrassed or uncertain about saying such things in public.
You never were uncertain.
You always spoke what was in your heart and he both loved and envied you for that courage.
He cleared his throat a little, pulling back just a bit as he knew the other Housewardens could see them and he didn’t want you to grab any of their interests. He didn’t trust them and he certainly didn’t want to risk having to fight them for you.
Not that he would lose! But still, he knew how charming Vil was and Leona’s whole dorm just caused problems. He certainly didn’t want the likes of them hanging around you when they certainly weren’t good enough for your attention.
“It’s good to see you, my rose.” He said, holding your hands instead of continuing the embrace.
He would make up for it later in private where he wouldn’t have to worry about so many eyes on you.
You gave another of your beautiful laughs and squeezed his hands.
“It’s good to see you too.” They said playfully. “Even if it was just yesterday it felt like I’d never get here!”
Riddle hoped that the warmth he felt wasn’t traveling to his face.
“I’m sorry that your first night here has been ruined.” He said, expression falling into a frown as he glared towards where the Headmage was leading off the magicless student and the contained monster.
“Ruined? It was exciting!” you beamed, causing him to blink before a fond smile pulled on his lips as you began praising him again for his skills and bravery and ability to take charge until Vanrouge’s voice cut in from the large double doors, calling for all of the Diasomnia students.
“Oh, I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you soon, promise!” you said before giving him another quick embrace and then spinning on your heals to hurry off after your new, fellow dorm members.
Riddle watched you go and did his best to not make it so obvious that he wanted nothing more than to follow you.
Instead he turned to his own students that were milling around Trey and Cater and started them on the way back to Heartslabyul.
He pointedly ignored the calculating looks from Azul or the amused one that Lilia was shooting him while apparently chatting with you until they were out of sight.
Well, things didn’t turn out exactly like he wanted but it could have been worse, he supposed. You could have been placed somewhere like Octavinelle where he’d constantly fret about you being around Floyd or if Azul would trick you into some strange contract. Savanaclaw even more, not even imagining your bright and open personality being able to stand against the chaos of that house.
He sighed to himself when he was finally able to retire to his room, the rooms he had wanted to show you and offer as a study location along with the evening tea he had set aside to prepare. He had even made sure that your room would be right beside his, ignoring Trey’s knowing look, and hoped maybe he would be able to spend more time with you in private.
Hold your hand longer. Hug you without having to pull back because of what others might think.
Maybe even…kiss you on the cheek if you gave him permission.
The thought caused his cheeks to flare and he quickly shook it away as he changed into his pajamas.
He was just folding the dirty robes to set aside for cleaning later when he heard a strange scratch at the balcony doors.
Frowning confused and wondering if that red headed first year was already causing problems – he could spot a troublemaker a mile away – he went to open them.
He stared.
A bat was flapping and hovering before him…with a letter gripped in its tiny claws.
A letter on thick cream parchment with a vividly crimson wax seal with the imprint of a rose.
“Thank you.” He managed, unsure if the bat would understand him but not willing to risk being rude after it was obviously coming to deliver something for him.
He reached out and accepted the letter, watching as the small creature squeaked before fluttering off again into the night.
Well…he supposed he had seen stranger things happen at NRC, so with a shrug he stepped back into his room and closed the doors.
A smile bloomed on his face, however, when he saw his name written on the front in a familiar hand and he wasted no time in carefully breaking the seal off and opening it. Already you had written him a decently long letter telling him all about your new dorm and how you had settled in and how nice your dorm mates were. He could almost hear your voice as he read your words and the last of his disappointment eased away.
You might not have been placed in Heartslabyul but you were still there with him at NRC now and he could see you every day.
Could walk you to class and carry your books for you. Could eat lunch with you and teach you how to play croquette with the flamingos and cuddle the hedgehogs together when no one else was around. He could see you smile and hear your laugh any time he wanted without the expectant gaze of his mother weighing him down.
He could just be with you, and suddenly school seemed all the more bright with the thought, despite the moon hanging over head.
You were here, finally, and he couldn’t wait to spend every moment he could at your side.
It only took a week for the entirety of Heartslabyul to brand you as their ‘king’ – though they didn’t call you that to your face – and you were eagerly welcomed with open arms anytime you could join them.
You were warm and friendly, kind to everyone and didn’t hesitate to help someone if they needed it. You had become much like Kalim, an anomaly at NRC – even if you weren’t quite so energetic. Even more so because of your obvious closeness to their Housewarden.
That was the real reason they loved having you around.
Whenever you were in the vicinity, Riddle’s near entire focus would be on you instead of them. He still upheld the rules, still insisted on only the best from his students, but there were few times now that he truly lost his temper.
On the rare occasion you weren’t there already to lay a hand on his arm and give him a gentle smile that broke him out of his building rage, Cater only had to send you a quick text and soon you were bursting into Heartslabyul with a basket of pastries and books.
You would have part of your uniform out of place and completely interrupt whatever screaming lecture your friend had started into with pleas to help you with homework that you were stuck on that you insisted that only Riddle could assist you with.
The ranting would be cut off instantly, his angry flush still remaining but all real heat and sharpness melting away as he would fuss and right your uniform. He would chide you in a manner that was so gentle and removed from mere moments before that someone might suspect he was a different person all together, before sweeping you off to his rooms with a promise to help you with whatever you were struggling with.
The ‘beheadings’ were cut down to a mere fifth of what they had once been per week and the overall atmosphere of the dorm eased until even the more trouble-magnet students couldn’t complain too much over the elaborate rules.
Rules that Riddle would obviously bend as much as possible for your sake.
He would use every chance to help adjust your uniform because he wanted you to look nice and he liked being able to take care of you, but he never punished you for it. He allowed you to play with the hedgehogs and flamingos without requiring you to help keep their habitats clean – though you tended to help with that anyway – and if you happened to fall asleep during a study session and ended up staying until after curfew…well you weren’t part of their dorm so it wasn’t his place to set a punishment for you.
It would be unsafe and ungentlemanly to make you walk all the way back to Diasomnia in the dark, after all, so clearly the more responsible thing would be to let you spend the night while he slept on the sofa.
Completely ignoring the fact that he had handed out punishments to students from other dorms before without hesitation.
The most obvious rule bending, however, that the other students were able to witness first hand was during unbirthday parties and dorm tea.
There was always a special seat beside Riddle’s at the head of the table – claiming it was only following the proper etiquette and hospitality that they were required to show to guests - despite no others ever being offered the same – and while the first piece of cake was always meant for the Housewarden, Riddle would unfailingly accept it and then hold it out towards you.
After all, it was his slice of cake and it was his right to do with it what he wanted, so if he decided to give the first bite to you – his king – then it was breaking no rules.
Your mere presence would keep the parties festive and Riddle so distracted that even if he caught a minor infraction happening the most he did was send a warning glare for the person to stop.
Ace was your biggest fan, actually, when you had interrupted Riddle’s outrage at his apology marron pie with the sudden declaration that you loved marron pie – and wouldn’t Riddle accept it so they could share it later? If they didn’t eat it at the unbirthday party, then it wasn’t really breaking the rules, right?  Besides, wasn’t it the thought behind the action that mattered more? Intentions should always be taken into account when handling such situations. Ace had probably chosen marron because you had mentioned you really liked it. That was nice of him, wasn’t it? To think of you?
Ace had his collar removed and Riddle had a relieved Trey hurry off with the pastry for them to enjoy later in private.
Needless to say, despite your Diasomnia uniform, you had been accepted by Heartslabyul as one of their own.
Not only were your own dorm members – who Riddle was disgruntled to realize were more fond of you than he liked – protective over you, but if someone tried to mess with you or be rude to you in any way, any and all Heartslabyul boys in range would be there in an instant to protect or back you up.
You were their Housewarden’s King after all.
Even if Riddle hadn't made the order to keep an eye on you, they would have done it. If only to ensure you were able to be around as much as possible.
While rumors of strange incidents and fights started showing up around campus, you were safe in Riddle’s room. Sitting close as he helped you study or falling asleep on his shoulder as you both read the adventure books you had brought to share with him.
And then, when Riddle finally worked up the courage to ask, you shared your first kiss with him.
Gentle and full of the love he had felt for you since you were both children, and soft as the petals of a rose.
Riddle’s Rose.
Hope you guys liked it! I'm a sucker for fluffy cuteness lol and this was particularly tooth rotting. <3
@miss-hyoko hope this is what you imagined and that you like it!
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Yuu (Al-) Asim and Jamil
Look, I needed to get this off my mind, alright? Here’s some low-key, high-key Jamil discreetly having a crush on Yuu who is Kalim’s older sibling and it might also be a teeny, tiny bit yandere but not much (maybe). Might or might not be canon to the Sibling!Yuu AU lore. I just needed to get this off my brain, okay? I might make a part 2 but with overblot Jamil though I’m not sure. Anyway, enjoy! 
Yuu didn’t plan on staying at NRC for long. It was fun catching up with their younger brother and letting loose for a while but at the end of the day they were still a traveling merchant at heart and wherever there’s money to be made, they will be there. In fact, the only thing that made them want to stay for so long was because of the amount of students overblotting in the school. Yuu was very sure this shouldn’t even be a normal occurrence but it’s weird that it’s happened three times already within the span of a few months.
Riddle Rosehearts of the Heartslabyul Dorm was the first one to overblot. Yuu hadn’t really planned on getting tangled with whatever was happening in the Heartslabyul Dorm at first, but then Ace Trappola had come knocking on Ramshackle’s doors and Yuu really didn’t have the heart to turn the poor boy away, especially when he had nowhere else to go. Ace had been under the impression that Ramshackle was an abandoned building so he was thinking of spending the night there. 
Ramshackle was abandoned until Yuu rented it from the Headmaster. Yuu had more than enough money to pay for it anyway. They turned Ramshackle into a small shop that sold simple, fun things that they’ve amassed from their travels. Sure, they could’ve sold the same things as what Sam had in his store and they had the resources to definitely do it but they didn’t want to compete with the local business. The older Asim child didn’t even mind if they didn’t make a lot of profit. Additionally, they weren’t an idiot to mess with Sam and, by extension, his friends on the other side. Their sense of self-preservation was working properly, thank you very much, they didn’t need to test it.
The next one to overblot was Leona Kingscholar of the Savanaclaw Dorm. Again, Yuu hadn’t planned on interfering with whatever was happening but then the students just kept getting injured left and right. Yuu didn’t have it in their conscience to just let everything be so they asked permission from the Headmaster to investigate. That one was a wild run from start to end but thankfully everything ended well.
Finally, the latest to overblot was someone from the Octavinelle Dorm by the name Azul Ashengrotto. He had tried to take Ramshackle away from Yuu after Ace and Deuce made a contract with the Octavinelle Dorm Leader and failed to uphold their end of the deal. The stern lecture those two got from Grim was really something Yuu could never forget. Grim didn’t stop until two hours later. In fact, the cat-like creature would’ve most likely continued on for a few more hours but Yuu had taken pity on the Heartslabyul boys whose legs have become numb from sitting for too long and intervened.
Though after the overblot events, Yuu began to have a sneaking suspicion of its emergence pattern. They weren’t saying they were being paranoid but they weren’t taking any chances, you see? So, they discreetly placed Kalim under heavy watch for a few days and only eased up when they could finally be assured that their younger brother wasn’t acting any different and was not in danger of overblotting. 
Currently, they and Grim were in Scarabia Dorm. With Yuu’s living arrangement in NRC, they tended to alternate between staying in Scarabia and Ramshackle since they didn’t want to impose on their brother too much, much to Kalim’s disappointment.
Having said goodbye to the others as they went back to their homes for winter vacation, Yuu also began to pack their luggage and started planning on where they and Grim would go next. Coral Sea was out of the potential candidates since the ocean was bound to be frozen at this time of the year. Yuu didn’t want to pickaxe their way through the frozen ocean. Hmm… The Briar Valley was a good place, perhaps? Or maybe the Rose Kingdom–
“Yuu?” A familiar voice spoke up and Yuu paused in the middle of what they were doing to turn their head towards the source of the voice. Standing at the doorway was Jamil. “What’s all this?”
“Oh, good morning Jamil!” Yuu greeted cheerfully with a small wave. Jamil was Yuu’s younger brother’s attendant. Yuu remembered having had an attendant once at a point in their life, too… Not anymore, though…
Well! It was best not to dwell too much in the past! Yuu had Grim by their side anyway!
“What’s wrong? Did you need anything?” Yuu asked, watching as Jamil’s questioning gaze moved to the luggage in Yuu’s bed and the older Asim realized that they hadn’t actually told anyone they were traveling soon, did they? Silly them! They forgot that it wasn’t just them and Grim here now. If they disappeared so suddenly, their brother would surely try to look for them!
“Oh, right! I forgot to tell you and Kalim, didn’t I? Grim and I are planning on traveling again.” They said and continued packing their clothes. “So sorry for such short notice! We don’t really tend to stay in one place for too long and we often travel without a heads up,  you see.”
Jamil hummed in acknowledgment and Yuu could hear the Scarabian boy approach them from behind. “Is that so? Well, would you like some help?” He kindly offered. Yuu chuckled lightly and shook their head. They didn’t have a lot to pack, they could finish this quickly. “It’s alright, it’s alright, you don’t have to! I’m about to finish up, anyway.”
However, it seemed like Jamil wasn’t taking ‘no’ as an answer as he reached out and firmly gripped Yuu’s arm, stopping them from putting their folded shirt in the baggage.
“Oh no, no, I insist.” Feeling the other grip their arm a bit too hard, Yuu instinctively whipped their head up to look at Jamil but as they did, they met his gaze and…and…
…and what were they doing again…?
Yuu stumbled backward, the feeling of vertigo consuming them momentarily but Jamil quickly reached out, a hand firmly planted on Yuu’s back as they helped the older person steady themselves.
“Are you alright, Yuu?” Jamil asked, worry etched in his features. Yuu blinked owlishly, dazed, and then frowned. They brought a hand up to their forehead and massaged their temples.
“Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine, I just…” Yuu said unsurely, a look of confusion on their face. “What was I saying again…?”
Jamil calmly said without skipping a beat, “You were planning on staying for a few more weeks. The weather’s awfully cold so you were going to live here in Scarabia instead of Ramshackle.”
Huh, that… that didn’t sound right. Did they really say that? Yuu tilted their head. “Is that so?” They couldn’t help but doubt it. Something here wasn’t adding up but Yuu couldn’t quite put a finger as to what.
“Hm…” Jamil hummed, scrutinizing them. “Maybe you’re feeling a bit under the weather? Well, why don’t I help you unpack your luggage since you said you weren’t going to be traveling as of yet. After that, I’ll make you food to help you feel better.” He gave Yuu a warm smile.
Seeing the other smile at them made Yuu smile too. What a kind and caring boy Jamil was! Kalim was really lucky to have such a compassionate and thoughtful attendant like Jamil. They were almost jealous!
Taking a quick glance at their almost-full luggage, Yuu hesitated for a bit, something in the back of their mind warning them of a danger they don’t remember, before helping Jamil unpack their things.
It was probably nothing… right? 
N̷̠͖̹̜͖̂͆̔͐͘ǫ̶̞͚͕̀,̸̳̑̓̐͒ ̸͈̭̟̫̭̃̈́n̸͔͋̕õ̶̘̳̩̪͂͝,̵̩̪̉͝ ̶̯̫̭͌̽̏̄͠ň̵̥̻̙͙̃͋ờ̵͉̇͑̔,̴͉̩͍̥͋̚̚ ̶͔͛n̵̲̎̂́́̍o̶̢̡̨̠̒,̶̫͇̕ ̸̞̞͔͈̏̎͛̌n̶̤̔ȯ̵̡̍͐͗,̵͓͐̀́̂͑ ̷̲̖̲̐̋͑̉ș̷̼̗͊̿̓n̸̨̜̭͗͛͝ä̴̡́̂̽p̶͚̤͖͘ͅ ̴͍̍̈͐͠ȏ̷̮̟̱̻͘͠u̴̧̩̤͒t̶̡̲̼̠̒̾ ̷͚͚͉̋o̸͚̹̊͒f̶̻͙͛̑̓̿̉ ̸̖̆͆i̶͔͔̗̩͆̎͆̈͐t̸̡̏̋̕͝,̸͈̬̈́́ ̴̢̳̗̎̓s̸̗̄̒͂o̶̖̤̳͐̀̇m̵̛͎̝̂͘̚e̷̦͈͐̔̄̈́́ͅt̴̳̽̕h̸̳̩̱̗̒̀͘ȉ̸̢̩̘̠̼̎͛̔͂n̷̳͋g̴͖̼̪͙̗̊̊’̸̘̮͓̻̺̈́̕s̴̳͍̟͖͗̂̚ ̴̪͗͝w̶̘͈̞͇̿̓̔͛r̴͓͍͉̈̑͌̚͠ǫ̷̞̎n̷̤̒͂̋̑͝ģ̶̜̘͕̙̀̀̃̽̈́,̸̥͉̎ ̵̲̲̥̍̆̈́̚ś̶͉n̵̺̞͎̞̄̽̐̉͝ȃ̷̧͉̩̉̀̄͝p̷̧̢̛̛̜͇̟̃ ̴̛̘̾ó̷̭̭͍̜̕͝ͅu̷̪͍͓͂t̷̖͈̔̇̄̎̓ ̸̙̺̳̍o̷̧̯̻̮͑̌̌̾f̶̮̲̈̌́͜ ̸̱̘͈̈ḭ̷̾̿̕t̵͎͇̗̯̀̔̽̄̕,̴̩͗̐̄̚ ̸̧̝͙̄̍͑͛s̷̜̘̓̊͛͠n̷͍̜͇̮͆́̆̈́̆â̴̼̕ṕ̶̧͙͈̿ ̸̯̋̽͛̈͒ờ̶̢̻͍̹̤̔̕ú̷͕̭̠̽̋t̷͍͊̚͠ ̵̹̎̇̒̕ͅo̴̙̦͎͔͌̂̉͘f̴̛̣͛̐̏͠ ̶̰̖̹̏̅̕i̵̼̩͙͛–̸̯̌́͆̈
“Fngyaaa…” Grim collapsed down into the bedsheets, exhausted. “Yuu, you notice it too, don’t you? Kalim’s acting really, really weird! It’s as if he’s possessed or something! We managed to talk him out of having to force his dorm members to staying here but then he suddenly just shifted as if he was another person!”
Yuu groaned from beside him, lying face down on their bed. “Mou… I didn’t expect he’d actually force us to train with them… To think we’d be marching the desert for hours… Was he really that upset about losing the Magift Tournament? But he didn’t seem like he was affected, even with the stress of the exams.” Yuu would know. They did put Kalim under heavy surveillance, after all. So, why now? What was so different now? “In the first place, why did we have to exercise and study with them? We aren’t even going school here.” They sighed tiredly.
The two stayed silent and still for a brief moment before Grim’s ears perked up. The feline creature sat up from the bed and tapped Yuu’s shoulder repeatedly. “Hey, Yuu… Yuu, why don’t we just go and leave? It’s about high time we start travelling anyway.”
Yuu looked at Grim with a confused expression. “What? What do you mean?”
“Fgnya! It’s not like we have to stay here! You’re Kalim’s older sibling, would he really force you stay here if you were firm about in leaving? You have to put your foot down and really mean it, Yuu! Don’t spoil him!”
Yuu sighed but didn’t deny his words. Grim had a point. They knew they should be acting their part as Kalim’s older sibling and scold him for being too hard on his dorm members. To use their vacation time for training and studying without even being able to see their family was just unnecessarily cruel. Although they felt like they were being a bit unfair to Kalim too, they just couldn’t stand by and see him ruin himself.
Yuu sighed once again but rolled out of bed. “Alright, alright. You stay here, I’ll go talk to Kalim that we’ll be heading off at the soonest convenient time.”
After making sure they looked presentable in the mirror, they left the room.
Walking down the hallways of Scarabia, Yuu didn’t expect to bump into Jamil.
“Oh, good evening, Jamil…” Yuu tried to greet the other with the same cheery expression that they usually had but judging by the look on Jamil’s face, they weren’t successful. Yuu was just too exhausted to care right now, anyway.
“Are you alright, Yuu?” Jamil asked, putting a hand on Yuu’s back as they led them to a nearby balcony to get some fresh air. Yuu felt touched by their thoughtfulness and the cold night air really helped. “Was there something you needed? You could’ve just called one of the dorm members. I’m sure they won’t mind getting you what you need.”
“No, it’s…” Yuu scratched the back of their head. “It’s fine. I was just heading over to go and have a small talk with Kalim.”
“Hm? Why is that? Why do you need to go have a talk with him?“ Jamil inquired in curiosity. Though, had Yuu been paying attention closely, it was more like he was interrogating them.
“Well,” Yuu started. There was a lot of things they wanted to say, honestly. But they don’t know where to start. “I was going to tell him to cut your dorm members some slack, you know? I know there are times to get serious and times to have fun but Kalim’s just… taking it too far right now.”
“Ah, I see… I can’t say I’m not surprised.” Jamil nodded, agreeing with Yuu’s words. “Kalim has always been… willful. Though, he wasn’t always like this. Perhaps being the Dorm Leader of Scarabia is taking a toll on him. It is hard to manage all this all on his own but the way he’s going about it is…” Jamil trailed off but Yuu understood what he was trying to say.
Some people were just good at being leaders and some people just needed… maybe more than a few lessons here and there to be good at leading. And right now? Kalim wasn’t… fit to lead, as harsh as it sounds. He was acting more of a tyrant than anything and if Yuu knew anything about tyrants, it was that people were bound to overthrow them sooner or later. Yuu didn’t want to see their brother get hurt once that happened.
Yuu sighed once again. They’ve been sighing a lot ever since they decided to stay here. Maybe staying at one place for too long was getting to them. They weren’t used to it. Ever since Yuu was young, they’d always had the habit of travelling all around different places. Yuu looked up at the night sky and watched as the stars twinkled up above.
“Objectively speaking…” Yuu gave a quick glance at Jamil through their peripheral vision. He, too, was looking up at the stars and quietly waiting for what Yuu had to say. “I think… you’d suit to be the Dorm Leader right now, Jamil.”
“...!” Jamil, not expecting that Yuu would  say this out of the blue whipped his head to the side to look at the older Asim with wide eyes. “...What?”
“I know I’m foolish at times, but I’m not blind.” Yuu laughed lightly, finding the face Jamil was making at the very moment funny. 
“I’m a merchant, Jamil. I have an eye for these things. Although you’ve tried to hide it, it’s clear that you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. You’re more than capable enough to run this place. I know Kalim’s currently the Dorm Leader but he’s still… young. He still has a lot to learn.” Yuu’s smiled turned melancholic. “Though, I do understand if you’re against it. There are a lot of households serving… attending the Asim Family and to go against them… us would be a bad idea.”
Jamil stayed silent. Yuu looked over to him with a small smile. “But, if you wanted to be the Dorm Leader, would you, Jamil?”
“I… that…” Jamil looked conflicted but he didn’t answer. That was fair. Jamil had been serving the Asim Family for so long that he was probably hesitant to even do something that would be perceived as going against them (not really but it’s not like Yuu knew what was happening). Yuu patted his shoulders gently and gave him a cheeky smile. “It’s alright if you don’t have an answer now. But if you ever do want to, just call me, alright? I may have not visited home for years now but I know my words still have weight around in the Asim Family. I am the oldest Asim child, after all.”
The two became silent, only the sound of the howling wind and the chirping of crickets preventing it from becoming becoming fully awkward.
Yuu lightly coughed. Right, they almost got off track for their real reason they left their room. “Anyway, have you seen Kalim anywhere? I also need to tell him that Grim and I are going to depart as soon as we can.”
“What?” Just like that, the peaceful– almost gentle– lull of silence between the two was broken. Jamil looked at Yuu with furrowed brows, not understanding why Yuu would just say that out of nowhere.
“Grim and I are planning on going to travel as soon as we can. ” Yuu confessed. It wasn’t like they had any reason to keep it from Jamil. Jamil was so nice and considerate and caring and– these aren’t your thoughts, why are you thinking these things, you have to wake up–they know they could trust him!
“I don’t know what happened last time but we really are planning on continuing our travel this time. I was about to head over to Kalim to tell him about this. I wouldn’t want him to wake up next morning and wonder where we suddenly went, hahaha!” Yuu chuckled lightly but their amusement died down as Jamil made no noise or movement beside them.
Feeling something in the current situation was weird, Yuu looked towards Jamil with a frown. “Jamil…?”
Although Jamil was smiling, their face held no joy. In fact, his smile appeared strained and the aura around him seemed… dangerous. Yuu tensed up, feeling a chill run down their spine. Their intuition that they honed through years and years of travel screaming at them to turn away immediately and start run. And who were they to deny their intuition when this had saved them multiple times from getting terribly injured?
Just as they were about to turn away, Jamil opened his eyes and met their eyes, the smile on his face gone. Yuu found their limbs locked in place. No matter how much Yuu tried, they couldn’t find it in themselves to look away from Jamil’s piercing stare.
“And here we were having such a sweet moment, but you’re still actually thinking of such things?” He said in a low voice, scowling in displeasure. “Looks like I need to completely wipe that thought out of your mind again. Really, why do you keep trying to leave when you can just stay? Now, look into my eyes. Snake Whisper...”
The next day, Yuu woke up in bed with no memory of what had transpired the night before. They never got to speak to Kalim about leaving, either. How odd… When Grim asked them about this, Yuu just gave him a weird look and firmly stated that they were staying in Scarabia, much to Grim’s chagrin.
Though, Yuu felt as if they’ve forgotten something very important… They wondered what it was but they couldn’t seem to get their mind to focus as Jamil smiled at waved at them from the front as the entirety of the Scarabia Dorm was preparing to go to the East Oasis. 
Yuu smiled and waved back, the nagging feeling they had getting pushed back to the back of their mind. Well, if whatever they had forgotten was important then they’ll most likely remember it later. Right now, they should get ready to march.
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cvlutos · 1 year
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Hung upon ivory wire, stands a calender of grey and white, written the day of the month above. It's old. Wrinkle from water and smells faintly of mold. Still the letters are plan to see.
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~ How the Housewardens Realize they Love you | Fluff
~ J.L x AMAB!Reader | Yandere | Smut
~ Poly! Housewardens w/ Dine and Dashing | Fluff
~ The Gods Falling inlove | Fluff
~ The Twins and You | Angst
══════ •✦• ════════════ •✦• ══════
Heartslabyul Cow-Hybrids | Sexual Themes | Headcannons
~ L.V x GN!Reader [Poem: The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe] | Angst
“Sweetest Taste” Ch.1 | Vampire AU | Yandere
— [AFAB, AMAB, N’ GN Versions]
“Get yourself a Boyfriend!” | Rent a Girlfriend AU | Humor | Fluff
“I accidentally set myself up for a Speed date with 21 Guys” Ep.One
— [AFAB, AMAB, N’ GN Versions]
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“The Divine” | Yandere | Self-Aware
Being roommates with Kaeya in Diluc | Modern AU | Headcannons | Fluff | Suggestive
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merakiui · 1 year
helloo! not a rush or anything, was wondering if you have any yan octo trio planned? anyhow, thank you for all the food
Hello! I do have some things planned for the trio, both together and individual! I’ll list the wips that you can expect to see in the future.
✧ part two to sea glass. titled moonbroch. (yandere!trio)
✧ part two to azul thought 2. (yandere!azul but it also features a protective leona and a mischievous ruggie.)
✧ azul thought 5. (yandere!azul with a hint of yandere!jade)
✧ omegaverse tweels. (yandere!tweels)
✧ mermafia x hitman au with yandere!trio. the basic premise is that leona pays a large sum of madol for you to assassinate azul ashengrotto (head of a very dangerous criminal organization), but two very slimy eels get in the way.
I also have other yandere twst wips, so I will share those as well!
✧ yandere!rollo. titled dreading night. demon hunter rollo is pursuing a lead for an important case involving a dangerous shapeshifting demon, but he finds himself tied up in the distractions you provide. 
✧ yandere!rook. no title yet, but the basic premise is that you’ve found yourself trapped in a time loop and rook is hunting you in each loop, determined to become your bodyguard. what he intends to protect you from remains a mystery, one you hope to never solve as you evade capture. 
✧ yandere!idia. titled poison frog parfait. it’s a story in which idia falls obsessively in love with one of the maids who cleans the shroud estate. 
✧ riddle thought 1. an alternate story where, rather than signing azul’s contract and spending the winter holiday with him, you take shelter in heartslabyul in hopes of shaking the twins, who are hellbent on dragging you to azul for the reasons outlined in azul thought 4. you and riddle do not get along at all, but by some miracle he takes pity on you and your situation (aka being harassed by the tweels) and allows you to stay.
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Lovesick Obsession
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//Yan!Riddle x Obsessed GN!Reader//
//Headcanons x Fic//
Summary: Riddle is aware of you stalking and being obsessed with him, but what happens if it stopped all of a sudden?
Tags: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Mentions of Stalking.
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
1. You being obsessed with him
he disliked you, the way you're obsessed with him is really nerve wracking
he would find you out on your secret hiding places everytime he sense a hint of your presence near him
sometimes he doesn't find you since experience of him founding you out had made you smarter about your hiding place
but sometimes he doesn't mind it, after all with you following him around, you would sometimes give back or remind him of things and schedules what he forgots
he well knows that you keep a protrait of him in your room at ramshackle dorm and sometimes collects his trash not that you would steal from the Heartslabyul Housewarden no?
he also knows how hardcore your obsession for him to the point you almost knew every information and things he liked and he didn't
of course he also hated how you would always stalk him around the campus and made sure everyone knows about it
but he also can't help but be amused on how dedicated and passionate you are for him, even trying to hide yourself so you won't make him freaked by tailing him all day
it kind of makes him feel special for some reason
2. But what if you just stopped someday?
Riddle is paranoid
anxious and deprived from the lack your watching eyes (mah boi got depressed)
he got too used of you being there watching him breathe... watching him move... watching him be the powerful queen he is who cuts the heads of the miscreants whk breaks the rules.
all the questions he ask himself every night he tries to sleep
what stopped you?
what exactly are you planning to do?
is this part of a big game you are planning?
did someone threaten you?
what happened to that adoration you had for him?
are you not obsessed with him anymore?
is he not good enough?
is there somebody else?
why would there be somebody else?
didn't you love him?
you're supposedly to be obsessed with him, and only him.
that's why you shouldn't have stopped being devoted to him.
after all, even a fascination from one is enough to make the other addicted to the core, infecting them with the same shameful way of love you had before.
the bushes shuffle for the third time as you try to scratch the itch on your neck because of the bush twigs poking on you at every corner
Riddle's heels stopped walking and turned into one of the rose bushes of the maze.
he sighed in frustration and massaged his temple, he didn't liked the pair of e/c eyes watching his every move from the sketchy bush
"Hey, i know you're there, get out this instant before i cut your head off"
you jumped at his order, twigs and leaves are sticking out of your h/c hair as you try to free yourself from the big bush.
the first time you stalked Riddle he found you out too quickly and tried collaring your head off but got stopped by Trey himself
the two idiots also tried warning you off from Riddle but it didn't stopped you from at least following him and hiding on secret places, he almost found you out everytime and he always gets red out of madness when he does.
but he was used to it now, still it makes his spine shiver whenever he feels your eerie eyes observing him.
"Ugh, seriously when are you going to stop ruining my rose maze by stalking me?" he swung his baton at your face almost going to hit you
"hmm nope, I'm just here to return something so it won't be considered as stalking" you giggled nervously as you try to reach your pockets to find something
Riddle fixates his eyes at your scurrying figure, searching for the something to justify your obsessional actions towards him
"here!" you handed him his red inked pen while sweating profusely looking in his dark black eyes
"you dropped it at the hallway of second floor nearby classroom 2-B at 12:30 noon while i was following you" Riddle could've sworn he saw heart in your eyes while trying not to shake by giving it to him
"that's very considerate and alarming of you prefect. but please do stop this kind of thing where you follow me and stole my things just to lie about giving it back" Riddle gripped his pen with dismay as you fidget with anxiety.
"ah you found out..." you avert your eyes and held your breath
"you know, you should worry for your own sake because at this moment you are ruining you're own reputation as a dorm leader--"
"you are just too cool and amazing Riddle, I can't help but truly admire you." you interrupt him without hesitation
your eyes felt like a camera but capturing his every breath with pure love and adoration
Riddle shuddered at the way you look at him
"and aside from that, me and grim are the only residents of the dorm i guess the ghosts too but the dead doesn't count" you corrected him as you tilted your head beaming a smile at him
Riddle gave you a glare and massaged his temples
"haah... why do i even bother?" Riddle turned his back from you and indrawn the warm air of the maze to soothe his nasal
"thank you for returning my pen Prefect but if i found you again creeping out on me again it'll be off with your head do you got that?" he hissed while still glaring at you
you twitch with excitement at his threatening eyes
"yes Riddle!! i would do my best watching you from now on!!" Riddle's caoe flowed as his heels began to stomp down on the fallen leaves and grass to walk away from you
he does not notice the corners of his mouth rising and the small blush adorning his face.
it was already afterschool when Ace begged Riddle to study with him on his room for their upcoming tests but all of this time Ace was just on his phone while Riddle is the one actually studying
Ace said he was "taking a break" but it was just only 20 minutes when he started and gave up on one question he could not answer to look it up on his phone
now, he's just scrolling down on his gallery of pictures he took yesterday.
Riddle sighed with drained breath as his red pen continued to check Ace's answer on the quick written quizlet he made
"hey Riddle what do you really think of them?"
Riddle's pen halted at the question the ginger asked.
"whatever are you talking about Ace?"
"Them." he pointed out the picture on his phone of you glancing behind a tree to look at Riddle having a peaceful walk on the courtyard
Riddle's red pen is making a puddle of ink on the paper by pressing it with a doubt on his mind
"do you not like them?" Ace's query was simple yet it was really putting out the unsureness on Riddle's heart
he doesn't know if he liked how you are so fond and compassionate towards him but one thing is certain
"they make me feel uncomfortable, sometimes i dont know what to do but just accept it" Riddle clarified the half-true statement
yes it wasn't pleasant at first and it made him always red with anger but he is used to it now.
time by time he doesn't really mind your presence
although he did not explain that part aloud
Ace gasped in playful shock and scoffed to himself
"Ohoho i see, then i guess you are the one who should stay away from them now" he giggled while poking a pen at Riddle's arm a smile painted his lips, he annoyingly brushed it off as he pulled Ace's ear to lecture him
but from a closet behind them, there was you who weren't laughing at Ace's joke
no you aren't
your heart sank on the guilt swallowing yoy for never knowing you made him feel uncomfortable like that
he never told you he doesn't like it but most of the time he just worries for your well being.
of course you were obsessing out on him but it was pure admiration of how cool and impressive he is as a housewarden
you thought he didn't mind since he wasn't the one warding you off that much
but, he still discouraged your antics whenever he finds you on your secret places.
that was the first signs he gave you tht you maybe didn't notice but then now that you thought he was used to you.
you guess you messed up real bad huh?
it was not surprising when he was going to detest you for making him uncomfortable, he probably despised you more than ever now.
well Riddle was worth it, he was an outstanding student and a person to admire
he was truly deserving of respect for his high standing, you had the honor of relishing the moments you worship him.
you probably have stop what you're doing from now on still, you definitely should leave a secret note to say sorry for pestering him and intruding at his dorm room
It was weird.
unusual perhaps
it has been few days and he couldn't feel it
he couldn't feel your daunting loving eyes, he couldn't feel any stare from behind doors or ceilings you always hid on
Riddle was worried
did something happen to you?
that's what he wondered but seeing you pit patter across the hallway happily to hang out with the other heartslabyul first years, you seemed fine.
although when your eye caught him looking you just turned your head back at him and go back to talking to your other friends
that was odd
why did you look away as if he's nothing?
he tried going to your classroom to talk to you but your classmates have told him to go off for now since you're kind of busy
did something happen?
on lunch time he again tried talking to you but you just brushed off his hand on your shoulder and continued eating with everybody else
did you just ignore him?
you and floyd were talking down a nearby hallway of the library, your laughs and giggles rang through his ears while Floyd is making the same jokes at you over and over again still, you are being delighted by every word he spoke.
Riddle tried waving at you but you don't seem to notice him being focused on Floyd too much as you two walk away
did he do something wrong?
he kept thinking about you that night, he wasn't sure on reason on how weird you are acting today.
after that day the next few more wasn't even better, you have completely cut him off as a normal person you interact everyday
your radiant smile wasn't the same cherished grin you give him everytime you greet him at the morning
your gleeful presence wasn't found trailing him everywhere.
you two even crossed a path twice yet you didn't pay him no mind and go on to your day.
you don't talk to him anymore unless he is the one who gives the first word, you don't seem that interested on who he talks to or what he does or doesn't do today.
why is that?
aren't you going to take pictures of him moving every second?
are you not worried that someone might try to talk to him? or take him away?
are you not supposed to be compulsively passionate to hi--
this is making him restless
making him depressed
he was down and desolated from reality after asking his head thousands of questions every night from your lack of idolization and care for him
he slept deprived himself of thinking about a way he did wrong for you to just abandon him.
did you threw your affection away for long you found no interest at him anymore?
he got too attached from your sick way of loving he didn't notice it was affecting him too
he was clearly weary everyday to the point he isn't doing well with his housewarden duties and school works
this is affecting him too much
he needs to make amends with you, so this would stop bothering him.
so, to resolve the jssue he instructed Ace and Deuce to invite you for an unbirthday party so he could have a word with you.
when you arrived just to face him directly you already looked like you want to go already for the sake of not wanting to be a hassle to Riddle any further
but you avoiding him is making it more troubling for him to endure.
he asked you to follow him to his room while you insist that you two stay in the lounge he is irresistible and persuasive to make you accept his invitation.
perhaps he even made up some rules just to get you inside the room
he locked the door as you plop yourself behind down to his matress bed.
you stare at him confusingly as he turned back to you putting his arms together to make a stance of clearly annoyed person.
"so tell me, what is up with you?" he approached you, his arms still crossed while he is at it
"hm? what do you mean Riddle?" you tilt your head in wonder
"you know what I'm talking about"
"h-huh? what are you talking about? i don't understand" you nervously averted from his eye contact to look at the left side of the room
he shakes off his head and stepped closer to you
"Fine I'll be straightforward, why made you stop? what made you stop from being such a creepage towards me?" he raised his raised his eyebrow while looking down at you
"don't even think about lying, rule 230 demands that any fraud that presented to the Queen's land will be lead go the prosecutor's beheading" he was short but yet his figure was dominating to look at this kind of position where you look smaller than you are
"ah, you said that it makes you uncomfortable right? so i figured out that i should stop" Riddle stepped back in sudden shock still your eyes facing the same direction as before
"you were listening that time?" Riddle's pupils seemed to be shaken with the new information
he is probably way too focused on tutoring Ace he didn't notice your presence
if he noticed that you were in his room that time he could've had been careful of his words.
"oh yes, after all that was the last time i stalked you, i even left you a lett--"
"BULLSHIT, I asked you the first time to stop, yet it didn't prevent you from stalking and being obsessed with me, SO WHY NOW!?" he felt his throat soar with annoyance and a bitter taste on his tounge for yelling someone like you
"and what do you mean a letter!? I've never received any--"
you stood up and walked towards his desk, seemingly trying to look for something once you halted you held a note close to your chest and trudged your way over to him
"here, i am not sure how you didn't notice it since it's your diary you write on everyday." you grinned akwardly still sweating from nervousness of making Riddle more angrier
"oh" Riddle realized he was too worn out on thinking of reasons on your recent actions towards him he forgots to write on his daily diary
do you see how much it's plaguing his mind and schedule?
he opened the note to read the content you wrote inside
"I'm sorry Riddle, forgive me if all this time what i did was just to bother you that is why i am not going to let myself distract you anymore."
he noticed a something poking out on your chest pocket, he grabbed it almost immediately you even caught to it but his strength was to hold onto the picture any longer and giving it up to him
he recognize this guy, he is one of the people hanging out around you and much to his surprise very familiar with him
"tell me why..." his head lower staring at the photo with full wrath he felt his gloved finger digging into the picture
"Why him? why is his photo inside of your pocket!?" his eyes looked back at you as his voice is growing more on the anger he felt on his nerves seeing the new cause and for him, the real reason of your found obsession.
you quiver at his sudden aggression but you stopd your place and looked at him in his eyes
"it's none of your business Riddle, and isn't this for the better for you!? you won't have any creepy stalker to make you feel unsettled anymore!"
you are being cruel
"NO! it isn't better at any way... i am paranoid because of your stupid disturbing antics, I can't get it out of my head, your obsession is making me insane..." he covered his ears trying to block out his panic and distress from your words
it felt controlling
"Riddle..." you stepped closer about to comfort him
"What happened to me? what happened to us?" you halted, a sudden realization struck you at that very moment with those sentences.
"Riddle there is no us, there never was"
Riddle's eyes widened at the said words
"i admit it, i admire and look up to you more than anyone else to the point it became an obsession." you put your hands back to yourself
"and i guess my fanaticism for you is hardcore but i never saw you that way." you shake your head trying to differ to the way of how he saw your fondness towards him
"there are other people i want to love and adore, including him..." you bashfully pointed at the picture he's tightly holding
and then finally the last string of hissanity snapped
you tried to move your hand towards his to take your picture back but instead his hand held yours very tight it hurt that moment he grabbed it
by then you hear a giggle from him, it sounded so strange and unnatural that then it turned into a cackle of a lunatic maniac
"you're supposed to be obsessed with me..." he muttered a mumble as his gripped began to be tighter
the way he's acting so sinister is enough to make you look at him in fear
"your eyes, your love, your devotion, it's all mine, all mine, all mine, IT'S ALL MINE!!! how dare you just throw that away for some other petty guy!?" his face turned red in anger as screamed and yelled his frustration out
"Riddle-- stop this!!" you try to break free from his grasp only for it to forcefully be held to lean you down close to his face
"this is not fair... you are supposed to be forever looking at me, i am your queen of hearts, your deity, your god." his voice were filled with empty sarcastic tone
he whispered a chant as a metal collar caged your neck almost immediately. you stumble with shock and you felt the cold heart shaped metal collar wrapping your neck
it was tight, almost suffocating.
you didn't knew Riddle liked the fact of you adoring and being so hung up on him it also taken over him to make him the sicko he is now
Riddle's gloves fingers trailed over the lock of the collar as soulless eyes stared right back at you
"Rule 327, the Queen's subjects are ought to be loyal and to only think about their Queen's well being and condition as well love the Queen with her pure nobility."
his hand strucked at your cheek, your skin throbbed in pain and heat as the hit was quite the power due to his bottling anger he put on his gloved palms.
"you have broken that rule and i ought to punish you, you and i would stay in this room till you have learned your lesson"
a/n: this is actually my friend's idea and this took me a while to finish so haha i did not proofread this for cuz im lazy bUTT i might try editing or proofreading this once i had the energy to
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
IMAGINE: Yandere!Twst cast, dreaming of the MC, before they ended up Twst, and even though they searched for them, they couldn't quite find them... now that they've found them.. they can't seem to let you go.. how would they feel when they've learned that there are more competitors for your love.
A/N: I'm gonna call this the dreaming of you au! I have some plans for it.. I had to split this in part, because of tumblr's fucking word limit.
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He couldn’t recall when the dreams had first started, it was quite suffocating.. Looking back, he was tired of the same dream over and over again, yet it changed.. Slowly, he watched you growing up along with him, it was as if his dreams mirrored your own life.. And at one point, he believed that these vivid dreams held some meaning, there had to be a reason why he’d keep seeing the same person over and over again… At one point, he even started to believe that you were his.. Someone meant for him.. And as he grew older, he couldn’t help but search for you, wanting to validate his thoughts and imagination, which has gotten rather out of hand over the past few years. 
He didn’t even consider that others would have taken interest in you as well, ‘did they see you in their dreams as well?’.. The thought would have driven him wild, had he not been patient thus far, he might have truly lost himself then and there.. However, if he had waited this long, then it wouldn’t have been difficult to wait a bit longer.. After all.. He knew you a lot better than you know yourself.. He just needs you to realize.. That you’re his.. and he is yours…
YANDERE!VIL, Vil had a habit of striving for perfection, and had unfiltered anger and jealousy towards anyone who posed a threat towards his goals, yet he tried his best to control any rash ideas he’d have against anyone. Yet when you first appeared in his dreams, his nights and days became rather peaceful.. At least he’d have found a newfound patience then he had beforehand, he couldn’t help but enjoy and rave in the daydreams he’d have, that held your image. He never knew he could fall for someone in such a excessive manor, let alone for someone he didn’t even know was real, he tried his best searching for you, with all the resources he had in reach at the time, had he known beforehand you would have appeared and taken up the role of the Ramshackle’s perfect, in the same school he would attend in the future, he would have prepared accordingly.. However that didn’t mean he was disappointed in not being able to predict such a situation beforehand, on the contrary, he was quite pleased with the revelation that you were in fact a real person, and not a fabric of his imagination. However, with that he had come to face the harsh reality, that not only is he after you, but many others as well desired you.. Now, Vil would have to plan accordingly, on how these insolent beings should be dealt with, lest they come in between the plans he had for just the two of you..
YANDERE!ROOK, Rook had many dreams of you, you had consumed his mind, from when he first saw you appear in his dreams—He’d never approach you, admiring your beauty in all its glory, afar.. You were perfect, from the first day he heard your perfect voice.. To the day he saw you crying in his dreams.. The beautiful gaze you sent him, whenever you both would make eye contact in his dreams.. How your eyes would grow wide, pupils dilating as if to imitate some form of fear… it sent shivers of sheer anticipation through his veins… The way you’d squirm away.. At one point, he realized… Rook realized that he wasn’t dreaming about ‘you’, but was a part of your dreams… a part of you… You could tell.. He was watching from afar.. The fear was real…. But he could never meet you in person!.. All of this had to mean something, of course?... Years passed, and he continued observing you in these dreams, as if you were a wild animal on display for him.. Until he had finally met you in person.. At Night Raven College… ‘I wonder… how should I greet the little trickster..’
YANDERE!EPEL, There were days where Epel would grow tired working in the farm, laying down underneath his favorite apple tree.. He’d drift off to sleep, a quick nap—Just to catch a break… And then he’d see you.. He’d write you off as a random person in his dreams, approaching you gently.. But these dreams felt too real to be fake, he had full control of his body.. He could feel everything.. And you’d always appear while he was taking these small naps… Overtime he began falling for you.. In his dreams.. But you were oh so different in his dreams, then you were in reality.. Over time, Epel had started growing a more distraught version of you.. In his head.. And he started talking to you, in his head.. That little image of you he had created.. He wasn’t one to believe in fairytales… But you were his soulmate… Oh and when he saw you at Night Raven College.. Everything just confirmed it… 
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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shiny-jr · 1 year
hi! i was looking at your twst mythical creatures au(?) and i'm really thinking abt nøkken/ningyo octavinelle atm
– Warning: Slightly yandere? Not really though. Gender-neutral reader. Mention of a lot of death though.
– Character: Azul Ashengrotto.
– Note: I actually preferred the Nixie/Näcken for Azul, since I plan for each dorm to be loosely based off mythical creatures and stories from the region where they might be located. Again though, did not think I would actually write anything for this au, but I just got an idea when I saw this so I had to. Also, not everyone in the dorm will be the same. There may be some similarities, like in the larger dorms like Heartslabyul with Ace + Cater being the same and Trey + Deuce being the same creature, or in the case of brothers like Jade + Floyd or Idia + Ortho. Anyways, continuing.
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All the locals knew that these creeks and rivers and lakes all led back to one source, the ocean. It wasn't too far away, if you just followed the direction in which the river flowed, you would get there. However, no one ventured out into the wilderness as often as they used to. Rumors spoke of an increase in beasts in the area, especially in the waters, inhuman creatures that would prey upon any helpless victim that neared.
Sometimes, especially those close to the deep unknowns of the ocean, bodies were discovered, torn and ripped apart like a half-eaten meal from whatever fearsome beasts lay out there. Most of the time, only severed appendages were discovered when washed up on shore, like a leg or an arm. Perhaps that's why many fisherman moved from the sea to the rivers, but it wasn't as if that stopped the casualties from rising. Yet to those poor men and women that depended on fishing for their way of living, the rivers were preferable. At least if they died there, it might be peaceful. When a corpse was discovered in the rivers of the woods, they were usually fully intact and they had a smile on their face and closed eyes as their bodies floated down the river, as if they experienced a peaceful sleeping death. It brought a strange sort of comfort to the fishermen, because if they died in these woods, at least it wouldn't be torture. The only odd thing about the bodies discovered in the rivers, were that valuables such as jewelry, coins, and other sparkling treasures were usually taken.
Personally, you weren't too keen on even going near the beaches due to the reports and stories. However, the woods was another thing. In the woods, there was plenty of land, it wasn't entirely water, so you felt a bit safer there. But you weren't foolish enough to willingly go towards the river, especially by yourself. So you merely kept away from any water source bigger than a puddle whenever you would go forage for berries and wild garlic.
The grass was wet with fresh dew, patches of trees and barren dirt ground were coated with a soft layer of moss. It smelt of pine and rain, the gray clouds a good distance away over the hills and mountains signaled that a light rain might be arriving later. The sun shining through the branches provided a pleasant warmth over your skin. In your basket you carried berries and mushrooms you forged already, making sure to leave just enough for next time. As you walked, avoiding the increasing number of puddles and trying not to step on the pretty white flowers growing among the clovers, you admired the flowing creek just down the sloping hill you were on. Everything was going so well, you felt as if you could admire the butterflies floating about and birds twittering for hours. It was perfect, until it wasn't––
You detected notes from an instrument, that played a curious tune and instantly caused you to stop in your tracks and raise your head. It sounded like... a piano? What was a piano doing in the middle of the woods? Almost instantly, as soon as you processed the first notes, the noise made your head pound, its enchanting melody throbbing in your skull. Your vision became distorted and you were moving–– not by your own free will. You felt your legs moving, and so were your arms, you were inching forward on your toes, as if being dragged forward in a trance and awkward dance. The notes of the piano became so loud that it was drowning out your thoughts of panic and confusion, even as you attempted to cover your ears, your feet still marched forward on their own and the notes echoed within the confines of your mind no matter how hard you tried to block it out. You couldn't even think straight.
You had no choice when you were sent toppling down the grassy slope, the berries and mushrooms you worked so hard to forge falling out of the basket you carried as you fell into the river with a loud splash! Thankfully, the music stopped, you could finally hear your own thoughts again, and you were able to regain control of your limbs to swim back to the surface of the water. You clung to the closest stone, eyes wide and now soaked to the bone. Your eyes landed on a pair of legs, feet bare and dipped into the water. Slowly your eyes travelled upwards, surprised to see a man seated on the very rock in the middle of the river you were now clinging to dear life for.
The young man smiled down at you softly, although you didn't like the strange glint in his eyes. His hair–– his hair was an odd white, wavy yet soft looking, not to mention dry looking too. Which was strange considering he was literally in the middle of a river, but to be fair he was seated on a dry rock. However, what caused you to freeze, was what was at his fingertips. Light, a soft purple light that formed the shape of the keys of a piano, like odd magic. Upon removing his hand from it, the lights disappeared, leaving you stunned. What was that...?
"Ah, that didn't take very long. Certainly much longer than last time to find a patron!" He spoke extravagantly, reminding you a lot of the smooth fast-talking merchants back in town. Was he some sort of magic user...?
Your eyes landed on his clothing, finding it somewhat familiar. A black tunic with long sleeves and a matching pair of pants, the second layer was a purple vest sewn with little patterns of golden seashells, a thick gray coat that reached to his thighs with golden patterns on the edges and white fur on its hood. Not to mention, lots of shining accessories. A ring, bracelets, earrings, necklaces of gold and silver, he even wore silver glasses and had a pouch fat with coins tied to his hip. Then it came to you. Those were all stolen.
When a body was found by the river, people assumed it was a simple murder when the person's black clothing was missing. When a victim was found without their beloved gray coat, everyone guessed that the victim had lost it. Then there was the fact that bodies found floating down the river were all missing valuables, shiny valuables, and this man had so many... Without even thinking, you blurted out, "If you're looking for shiny stuff, you're wasting your time."
"I realize that." The young man said while doing a once over of you, looking particularly unimpressed since you looked like a cat that fell in a tub of water. Slowly he shrugged, averting his gaze away, "Well, since you have no use to me––"
"Wait!" He stopped, listening to your words as you proceeded carefully. "I might have more to offer than gold and silver if you let me live."
At that, he raised an eyebrow, a sly smile appearing on his face as he glanced back at you. "Oh? Are you proposing a deal? That's brave of you, it's amusing! Alright, I'm listening. First, the formalities. Every proper business deal must have the formalities first. My name is Azul, and as your astute observations have picked up by now, I am not like you. So, what is your name and what will you bargain to me?"
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