#Bruce's dad senses are tingling
spacedace · 9 months
Had a dc x dp brain worm, feel free to use as a prompt <3
Sidenote, I decided to get fancy with the Ancients titles because of course I did lol
Shifting Where = Space (Danny)
Eternal When = Time (Clockwork)
Ever Onward = Speedforce (Ellie)
Bruce watched the footage again.
And again.
It didn’t make sense.
A week ago every television, radio, computer, phone - even the LED billboards - had been taken over to deliver a message. Across the United States. In every territory it held. Every military base. Down in the depths of the oceans where American submarines tried to creep past Atlantian patrols. In the endless cold white of Antarctica. Even far above in the International Space Station. Any place the United States Government had control over, any place one of its citizens found themselves. There was the message.
The face of an entity, human in shape but not in form. Hair as gleaming white as starlight, eyes bright as the twisting dance of the Aurora Borealis, skin as cold and blue as the tail of a comet. The entity wore armor as black as the depths of space with a crown to match, the later glinting and shifting with the twisting birth and death of galaxies. A cloak of nebulae danced down his shoulders, eclipsing the world beyond the entity entirely.
He named himself, jaw tight, expression serious.
High King Phantom of the Infinite Realms.
The Shifting Where. Son of the Eternal When. Father of the Ever Onward. His Epitaphs many and ever growing. The True Balance. The Bridge Between. The Devourer of Dark. The Last Child of Between. The Great One.
King of the Dead. King of the Infinite Worlds. King of so much more than Bruce had ever even known was possible.
King who had declared war. Who marshaled his endless armies. Who spoke of warnings, of efforts to reach a peace, of trying again and again and again to find a way to not plunge into violence and bloodshed. All things living come to call him King in time, he had no want or need to go out and hurry that along. But there were no options left to him now. He had tried for peace. He had been denied.
He would not see his people suffer any longer. Would not see those he’d sworn to lead and protect imprisoned by fools who had sworn themselves enemies to all the afterlives. Would no longer permit the vicious cruelty to continue.
The message was a final warning.
A final offer.
Three days, Phantom said. The United States government would have three days to release their prisoners, to begin the process of dismantling the laws that made death itself an illegal act.
If they refused, he would lead his endless armies personally in the war to come.
It had not been an idle threat.
Three days after the message, after Bruce and the rest of the Justice League scrambled to try and figure out just what it was it was all about, after Justice League Dark’s members shakily took turns explaining just how powerful the being that had gave that message was and how much danger the world was in should he and his armies march upon their world, war came.
Of all places, it began in a town in Illinois.
The sky shattered like broken glass above, Lazarus Green beyond, and the Dead poured out.
It started in Illinois.
It did not end there.
Bruce watched the footage of it all, eyes burning as he watched every second of CCTV footage, every shaky phone camera video, every news broadcast.
Most of them looked human enough. Changed in death, but recognizably human once. A pair of glowing teenagers on a motorcycle, a writhing shadow twisting about at their command sweeping chaos upon the battlefield. A young woman dressed to perform with hair a literal flame, burning bright blue and snapping furiously as she played devastation upon her enemies with her guitar. A child with corpse gray skin and luminescent green hair, flickering in and out of Bruce’s ability to see as if fighting against a law of existence to be visible, screaming orders to a skeleton crew from his place on deck of a 1700s ship that sailed through the sky, disappearing into clouds before raining down attacks from above.
There was more. Glowing skeletons dressed in the fashions of war spanning every culture going back millennia. Robots with weapons far beyond the technology they had even in the League. Creatures of myth and legend. Things of nightmares.
Leading them all, as he had promised, was Phantom.
He looked younger, smaller. Just a boy, really, a gangly teenager that hadn’t quite finished growing into himself. One holding power beyond anything Bruce could ever imagine, but still just a child as far as he could see, no older than Tim who’d just graduated high school. Frantic research found Phantom appearing as far back as human history, but those sightings had to have been after his death. Bruce can’t help but wonder how young the boy had been when he died, how much of that youth still clung to him through all these eons.
It wasn’t something he’d let him self consider normally, not with something like this.
A dangerous unknown appearing without warning and attacking with unimaginable power and seemingly endless forces. It was something that would normally eclipse everything else. Something that would make Bruce put aside the ache at seeing a face so young twisted in rage.
He watched all the footage.
Civilians were put in the crossfire. Were shot at and endangered. Were left terrified and scrambling for safety in buildings that were rapidly being torn away by stray artillery.
But never by Phantom or his armies.
The dead, in fact, went very far out of their way to ensure civilians weren’t harmed. Sweeping people up out of the way of falling debris. Shielding them from attacks that would have most certainly killed a normal human. Some dead even helped evacuate, ushering a frightened and panicked populous to safety as gently as they were capable of. Some of the less human creatures - giant bear-like beings with horns and fangs and ice edging their burly frames - even rushed forward to offer medical aid.
When the sky shattered open and the armies of the dead swept in, they ignored the town below. They focused instead on what was discovered later to be the base of a secretive government agency. The dead’s fight focused on those individuals in sharp white suits, bearing weapons capable of actually injuring King Phantom’s people.
It was these agents that brought the fight to the streets to Amity Park. That fired recklessly and without thought or care to the casualties they could inflict. That didn’t seem to care if they killed a hundred civilians if it meant hurting just one of Phantom’s soldiers.
Bruce watched all the footage.
And again.
Phantom had declared war.
Phantom spoke in his message of being out of options, of attempting peace. Phantom gave three days time for the release of captives. Phantom lead armies who fought viciously but never once willingly harmed civilians.
Phantom declared war, but he didn’t want it.
“Amanda Waller has reached out.”
Bruce didn’t turn his attention from the screens before him, eyes burning as he followed Phantom as the King dove away from the middle of locked combat to shield a child from a pulse of green energy from something like a grenade another agent in white had carelessly thrown. The child was crying but unharmed. The left pauldron of Phantom’s armor cracked and shattered from a direct shot from the enemy he’d just been fighting that he’d turned his back on, a glowing green liquid uncomfortably like Lazarus Water dripped down from a smoldering wound.
Clark stepped up to stand beside him as he watched, face worn and tired. The League had missed the first battle, but they’d been quick to appear at the rest. Phantom and his army ignored them unless they put themselves purposefully in the way of the fight. They were, as Justice League Dark had warned, vastly out powered by the entities fighting. A hulking giant knight made of shadow riding a nightmarish steed had driven Clark six feet down into the dirt when he’d attempted to make his way to Phantom directly to try and talk to the king.
The depth Clark had ended up felt like a warning of what would happen if he tried to get close to the king again.
It probably was.
“She said they have intel for us.” A faint twitch of fingers, jaw clenching, voice flat in that way that told Bruce his old friend was fighting back anger with everything he had. “That she has options for how to deal with the insurgence.”
Bruce shut off the monitors.
He’d seen enough.
Now was time to get answers to just what, exactly, Amanda Waller and the US government had done to cause the Dead to rise and rage.
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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deadsetobsessions · 4 months
A click. The closing and opening of a camera shutter. The whirr of film as it slides across the inner workings of his camera.
Timothy Drake heaved himself off of the concrete roof as soon as the vigilantes left his eyesight. He swaps the film roll, placing the used one inside of the tin with a barely restrained grin. He’d gotten good shots tonight- a confrontation with Harvey Dent, batarangs swooping to cut the new Robin free- and Tim was excited to race back to his dark room in order to develop those candids.
He climbs down the side of the building, the spelunking gear he’d splurged his parents’ money on working wonderfully on Gotham’s stone and concrete buildings.
“Mom, I want to be just like you guys!” He’d said, and his mom agreed to spare no expense for his new hobby. Well, their secretary did, with his parent’s disinterested permission. After all, spelunking is sometimes needed for artifact digs… probably.
Besides, the moment he had brought up Bruce Wayne’s propensity for “spelunking,” his father had immediately sent him more cave scaling stuff in order to “network with the other successful businessmen, Timmy!”
Tim slides away from the alley with full awareness. Even in Bristol, one had to be careful to avoid the multitudes of goons out and about. The Narrows are definitely worse than Bristol and Tim wasn’t about to let his hard work be taken away just like that. As he trudged home- taking a taxi once he was in a slightly more “trustworthy area”- Tim became slightly lost in his thoughts about the identities of Gotham’s vigilantes. Technically there’s only two.
Tim knows there’s three.
Bruce Wayne.
Jason Todd.
Dick Grayson.
His sharp mind, now assuaged from the mystery of their identities, worked hard to match the fights he witnessed to the injuries the prolific Wayne family hid the next day.
Timothy Drake thinks he’ll never get bored following his vigilantes.
He’s bored. He’s so irrevocably, irredeemably bored.
Tim had been so excited to go, too! Perhaps for different reasons than everyone else because he was here to observe his heroes out of their masks, not for the Annual Wayne Gala that’s the end-all of high society life. As in, if you weren’t invited, that’s the end of your social life. Bruce Wayne held high society in his palms and Tim is only fifty percent sure he knew and/or cared. Regardless, he was prepared to be a pod-son to his parents’ fake good-parents act, and accordingly suffered thirty minutes of cheek-pinching and fake laughs just for the opportunity to see the three Bats in one place.
They’re not here. They won’t be here for another twenty minutes.
Anyways, he’s bored and irritated. Definitely annoyed enough for some bad ideas.
And Tim might not be aware of this fact about himself until much later when he’s more self-aware, but a bored and irritated Tim Drake is bad news for everyone.
He takes after Janet Drake, after all, and Janet Drake is only after Bruce Wayne in influence and cunning.
And his heroes, his beloved heroes, are the targets of his ire tonight. Tim smiles wider, pod-person smile widening to a baring of ravenous teeth incredibly off putting on a nine year old, and immediately changes course towards the delicate jello squares sitting at the buffet table.
The Waynes will be learning the importance of punctuality at their own galas by the time Tim’s done. He swears it. He even has a get out of jail free card!
Just. A small bit of petty revenge.
Tim nabs a bowl full of the jellos, snacking on one as he makes his way to the Wayne family’s most favorite balcony. Everyone knows it’s the one the family members go to when the Gala gets overwhelming. It’s an unspoken rule that no one else may enter it. Tim slips around the blind spots in the cameras.
High society might call someone a bitch in forty different ways, all hidden behind silk smiles and false eyes, but they’d respect the oddest things.
Tim… doesn’t care. He’s been breaking rules since he was seven.
He sets to his task, setting the jello cubes in the places he’d calculated that Jason or Bruce or Dick might step on. Mild revenge, yes, but Tim doesn’t want to bother Alfred too much. The butler had looked a bit tired earlier. Task done, Tim squeezes back into the party and smiles like his life depended on it.
“Brucie!” His dad boomed, and Tim felt his smile widen once more.
“Jack!” Batman’s Brucie personality bounced into the ballroom as the party kicked back up with the host’s presence. “How’ve you been, old chap?”
“The digs have been very fruitful!”
“I see you’ve brought someone with you today! Well, other than your strikingly beautiful wife, of course!”
“This is my son, Timothy!”
“Hello, Timothy. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Oh. My. God. He’s shaking hands with Batman!
“Hi. I’m Timothy Drake.”
“Oh my gosh, Tim!” His mom laughs, fake nails and laugh digging into his shoulders. Oops. Too informal.
“It’s alright.”
Oh my god, it’s ROBIN. Tim’s smile twitches, barely containing his squeals.
“Jaylad? What’s wrong?”
“Someone left jello cubes all over the balcony!”
“What?” Bruce (Brucie, Tim decides is the name of the mask) turns to his parents and excuses himself.
“Mom? I’m going to go network with Bruce Wayne’s son.”
No, he’s not. He’s gonna go watch them lose their minds.
“That’s my boy!” His dad claps him on the shoulder and shoos him off. His mom narrowing her eyes at him but ultimately dismissing him.
Perfect. By the time he gets there, he hears Nightwing- Dick Grayson, oh my god!- asking “O” to figure out who left all those cubes on the floor.
“Drake?” Ah, shit.
“Weren’t we just talking to him earlier, B?”
“Yes, but I haven’t got the slightest idea why he’d leave jello cubes all over the place.”
“Assassination attempt?” Jason asks.
“Whatever it is, it ruined my running shoes!”
“Dick, please, just wash it off or give it to Alfred.”
“Ugh, we can just go ask him.”
“And make a scene?” Jason sounds eager.
“No. Alfred ordered us specifically not to.”
Silence. Tim grins and slips away, making his way through and voiding the cameras as usual.
Tim smiles politely at Brucie Wayne while inwardly cheering. His dad looks at him with stars in his eyes and leaves him to work his magic.
“Yes, Mr. Wayne?” Pod-person smile!
“This is my son, Jason. And this is Dick.”
“Hi. I’m Jason!” He holds out a hand for Tim to shake. Dick smiles at him and Tim thinks he might expire on the Wayne’s ballroom floor.
“Hello,” Tim suppresses his urge to scream excitedly. “I’m Timothy Drake. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Woah, you sound so stiff.”
“Jason!” Brucie Wayne chides. “Anyways, Timmy, you looked like you had something to tell me earlier. Something wrong, kiddo?”
No, no he didn’t. But… they don’t know that he knows their secret. And they don’t know he knows that they don’t know.
Tim acts confused, but then clears up with his expression like he just thought of something.
“Oh! I was wondering why you were late, Mr. Wayne. Did Batman stop you on the way back?”
“Oh, I know you don’t really like Batman, Mr. Wayne,” Tim cackles inwardly. “But he saves you a lot. Were you stopping crime?”
“I… I’m not Batman.”
“Well, I know that,” Tim huffs. “It’s just weird no one’s seen you and Batman in the same room.” Tim cheerfully ignores the alarm making its way onto the trio’s faces and his dad’s frantic, further away, cut it out motion. “But obviously that’s because Batman’s busy putting on his gear, right?”
“And how do you figure that…?” Dick asks, tense.
“Uh, he always knows when you’re in trouble? He always comes in minutes of you guys getting held hostage. Is his base on the manor grounds? Oh, is it a secret that you’re funding him? Don’t worry! I know how to keep a secret! Can you tell the new Robin that I think he’s the best?” Tim grins cutely up at Batman. Ah, he means Brucie Wayne.
“Sure can, kiddo! Don’t tell anyone else, okay?” Jason swoops in, grinning back Tim.
As he nods, Tim can’t help mentioning the cubes. “Oh, sorry about the cubes! I thought I’d be able to track them with their shoe print if Batman and Robin came to save you guys but I guess that wasn’t going to happen. I’m really sorry!” He uses the “cute duckling” face and Dick visibly melts.
“No problem, Timmy! You should come over to play Clue with us sometime! I think you’d be good at it.”
“Oh! Really?” His words becomes a bit more genuine. “I’ve never played it. My mom and dad aren’t around much so. Um. Would it be okay if we do?”
“This weekend.” Brucie Wayne’s voice suddenly became more firm. “I’ll talk to your parents about it.
As Tim waves the Wayne’s goodbye, he hears from Dick, “You only like him because he said you’re the best.”
And Jason’s reply, “Because he’s got good taste,” made the rest of his night. Not week, because tomorrow, he gets to poke around Wayne manor again!
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martyrbat · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
harley quinn (2000) #1
[ID: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, and Cassandra Cain ambushing a gang as they're all in their respective costumes. Tim quips to Nightwing, “Cheer up—they probably never even heard of Batgirl!” Behind Cass, a criminal suddenly points a gun at their head as he states, “Never hear of her again, either...” Out of nowhere, Batman swoops down and hits the criminal, causing the gun to go flying out of his hands! He tells him, “She never would have let you pull that trigger. Be glad I got to you first.” END ID]
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little-pondhead · 10 months
DPxDC Prompt:
[this is a long one please forgive me]
Bruce lied to the others about his trip through time. Not all of it! Just…one specific thing.
During the early parts of his timeline hijinks, before Tim realized Bruce was still alive, he had a bit of a respite in between his endless time jumps. (Maybe a certain ghost was helping him out.) With a fuzzy memory at best and a strange itch to investigate the unknown, Bruce had been taken in by an old couple who had no kids but wanted to pass on the family name. And who better than a thirty-something amnesiac stranger who could actually be related by blood?
Bruce, with nowhere to go, accepted his new name, grew out his hair, and quickly got accepted into college for engineering. There, he met two of his closest friends; a redheaded woman who could kick his ass and a wet chicken of a man who could also kick his ass. They both made him nostalgic for something he didn’t remember, and that made him sad sometimes, but the two were always there to cheer him up.
Years passed, and Bruce’s life moved on. He settled well into his new name, mourned his parents when the eventually passed, celebrated his wedding with the redhead, and grieved when the last of their trio fell out of touch. He had a daughter, and then a son! They were both so smart, even if they didn’t share the same passion he had for exploring the science behind the afterlife. (Something about the dead just itched his brain in an infuriating way, and Bruce wasn’t one to let sleeping dogs lie. He just had to find out why he was so obsessed with this stuff!)
Eventually, his and his wife’s research yielded results, and that’s when bits of Bruce’s former life started coming back to him. After the portal opened, he spent his days with his head in a fog, oblivious to the world around him as he struggled to continue his work.
Why did he remember a boy named Dick? Who would name their child that? And Jason…who was Jason? That name always made him sad. There were more names, more faces, but none of them were his. He could never remember what his name was supposed to be. All he had was the one his adoptive parents gave him.
His wife was worried. His daughter was struggling. And his son…his son sometimes hurt to look at. Bruce didn’t know why. He knew he was being a terrible father, but something in him wanted to cry whenever he gazed at those clear blue eyes, just like his own. His son was too smart for his own good, and realized his dad had started avoiding him.
The day his son purposely left the room so Bruce could relax was one that hurt him even now.
Time kept passing, and Bruce was becoming anxious. His brain fog was as bad as its ever been. He had constant headaches, and his hands kept twitching for nonexistent tools on his belt. Something was going to happen. Something had happened. A voice in his head told him it was all his fault.
So in an attempt to clear his head and spend more time with his family, Bruce insisted they all go to dinner at the local diner. His son invited his friends. Even better! More people meant more distractions from his messed-up thoughts. He wouldn’t spiral with the kids around.
And then something exploded.
The last thing Bruce remembered was his son’s (green??) eyes widening in fear and horror as something yanked him violently backwards. He fell farther than expected, through a portal and a green sky full of black stars. A hand tightened on the back of his jumpsuit, hauling his giant body through another portal with a roar of a motorcycle.
And then…and then…and then what?
All of a sudden, Bruce was sprawled in some mud in the middle of a forest, dizzy and coughing from the explosion’s fumes. He’s singed all over, and his ears still rang from the force of the…what happened again?
Bruce sits up, and all of a sudden, he’s in the era of the pilgrims. His memory has been wiped clean, his new name and family forgotten thanks to the hands of time. His adventures through the time stream continue, with him assuming many different identities throughout many different decades.
The memories of being Jack Fenton don’t return to him until he’s back in 2004, once again in his own time and living as Bruce Wayne. A glowing green sticky note informs him that “The Nasty Burger Incident” had just occurred. His “other self” just had his ass dragged to another era, so the time loop would continue.
It also informed him that he had an orphaned son crying for him at Bruce’s own grave.
Well, his forgotten son (that sounded bad, even to him) was supposed to be about fourteen now, right? Bruce hopes he doesn’t have to fight anyone for custody.
#pondhead blurbs#danny phantom#dpxdc#writing prompt#‘Alfred get the Guy’#‘you haven’t even left the house today’#‘my dad senses are tingling and I may need to fistfight another billionaire so have the Other Guy on standby as well’#Bruce becomes Jack Fenton#he went to college and literally built a life for himself at the same time ‘Bruce Wayne’ existed#‘Jack’ just never watched the news#clockwork had to make sure Danny existed so guess what! you’re the son of the bat happy birthday#the nasty burger incident happens but in the two seconds it took to kill everyone#Johnny 13 dragged his ass to another era#he was ordered to by clockwork#I have zero clue how old Bruce was during his timeline shenanigans and idk when it took place either#just work with me on this#please I am begging you#he only got his memories back when the time matches up with Jack Fenton’s ‘death’#Danny loses his dad and then gets him back in the span of 24 hours but now his dad is a billionaire??#well he gets to watch Bruce fistfight Vlad for custody and then stop him from killing clockwork#cause how DARE Clockwork just make him FORGET an entire family he had???#morally grey clockwork#Danny is trying really hard not to become Dan and Bruce is trying really hard to explain this to his other kids#‘no this one is ACTUALLY mine’#‘yes I know I was a teen in Europe when the wedding would have happened’#again don’t know the dc timeline just work with me here#please don’t ask me to continue this I will cry#if someone else does I’d be happy to read it though :))
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
Bruce: *in an important meeting*
One of his kids: *crying/in distress not anywhere near him*
Bruce: *physically malfunctioning bc he can’t function when one his babies is anything but content and happy and can literally sense it*
Bruce: Someone hurt my baby, I must go
His partners: ???
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bbbbbbbbatman · 5 months
Batman doesn't know Shazam is a kid but his dad senses always tingle around him and it confuses him so much
The JL is all at a party and Shazam ends up with some alcohol and Bruce just straight up swats it out of his hand and everybody's looking at him like 'wtf dude?' and Bruce is staring at his hand like 'wtf was that?' (and Shazam is so upset even as an adult he still can't get away with stuff around the Batman)
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Not sure if you’ve heard of the ‘dad reflex’ where dads just save their small children from imminent harm (usually because the child is still learning how gravity works or just completely unaware of the world around them). I know Bruce technically doesn’t get the bat kids young but either way his batdad reflex has to be off the charts. What are his best dad reflexes? (They can be smol kids or cannon ages whatever sparks your creative juices most!)
Thank you💙💙
They're at someone else's gala and 27-year-old grown-ass Dick is swinging from a giant chandelier in an atrium 3 stories high when it gives out and Bruce "Wine drunk and raving about his kids" Wayne, who hears the tiny snap across the room, stops mid-conversation, grabs a steak knife, slashes a curtain, and swings from the balcony in like fuckin' Tarzan to grab him in the span of 5 seconds before 300 pounds of metal and glass come crashing down
Tim gets mosh pit tickets for his favorite band and Bruce goes with him because Bernard got caught up in something last minute, and after hours of waiting outside, they make it all the way to the front where, on the last song, Bruce's dad senses tingle in time to shield Tim from a malfunctioning confetti cannon all while glaring at the crew in a way that guarantees someone's about to lose their job
In a recon mission gone sideways, Bruce and Steph are taking on some goons at the harbor when one of them knocks her into the water, and without hesitation he throws aside the person he's fighting, dives into the freezing waves, and gives her his rebreather, holding his breath for what seems like forever until they resurface, and despite the ache in his lungs the next morning, it's worth it when he watches her turn waffles into a breakfast burrito
Duke's driving the Batmobile while Bruce is in the passenger's seat walking him through all the controls, and they're listening to the scanner and joking about their last mission when, just before an intersection, Bruce suddenly grabs the wheel and swerves, and before Duke can say anything a semi truck plows through the exact spot where they would've been
Cass tries to cook one day while Bruce is sitting at the bar doing some work, and he forgot what she was making, but all he knows is one minute he's answering an email and the next he's sprinting across the kitchen and sweeping her out of the way right before the pressure cooker explodes—and afterwards he doesn't let her clean up because everything is still scalding hot
The middle school holds a fundraiser at the petting zoo, and everything's going great until someone forgets to turn off their flash and the whole enclosure descends into chaos, and all Bruce cares about is scooping Damian up before a bull rams into the fence he was sitting on—then he makes eye contact with Clark, who just did the exact same with Jon
Against orders, Jason pursues a lead that brings him right to the Joker's doorstep. Dazed and disarmed, he doesn't realize what's happening until a long metallic scrape renders him frozen as those moments replay in his mind, and he thinks this is how the universe wants him to go out. Then he hears a swoosh and a click. Jason opens his eyes to Batman pointing a gun at the Joker, his silence sending a clear message: no more chances.
BONUS: Teenage Bruce tried to sneak out the window and Alfred was at the bottom ready to catch him
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amaramizuki666 · 1 year
Shared sensation part.2
Danny had felt so numb, ever since his soulmate rejected him, without even telling danny his name, he just hasn't felt anything. Their was always this tingling under his skin but he just couldn't feel anymore. He couldn't feel pain, he couldn't feel the cold, he could feel the heat, it was just nothing.
But danny pushed forward if his soulmate didn't want him, if his soulmate didn't even want to give him a chance. Then that was on him not Danny.
After a few years and danny was 14 he got used to the no feeling thing, he moved on with his life trying to ignore the aches in his chest calling out for a bond that was no longer there. He made freinds with sam and tucker two very unlikely soulmates, they had a platonic type bond very rare but it makes sense considering that both where aromantic . They butted heads a lot but they cared for eachother nun the less.
So when sam and tucker came over and Sam wanted to see the broken portal his parents tried to create in his basement, he was somewhat reluctant to show them but caved after a bit of convincing. then sam wantented a picture of him in the portal. danny was once again reluctant but sam convinced him saying that if he wore a safety suit he would be fine. so he put one on, sam removed the insignia of his dads face then walked into the portal.
sam took her photos and danny shook his head at his friend. danny goes to walk out of the portal when he tripped over some cabling. he caught himself on the inner wall of the machine. danny sighed in relief when he heard a low hum, the low hum of the portal powering up, danny didn't even have a moment to process that his hand was placed on a big red button that said 'on'.
the only thing danny could focus on was the sudden feeling of pain coursing through his body, the first thing he's felt in 4 years. so much pain. danny cant help but scream as he felt himself being ripped apart for the second time.
Tim fell to ground screaming in pain, his mug shattered on the kitchen floor. Tim's muscles contracting painfully causing tim to curl in on himself. "TIM!!" He heard dick yell as he and who he assumes to be Bruce running over to him.
They say something to him but tim isnt paying attention, he is in so much pain. This is the first thing he has felt since destroying his bond with his soulmate. The contractions stop but tim dosnt in curl himself, his legs are to his chest and his hands are clutching his shirt right over where his heart should be.
Tim was gagging he felt the coffee he was drinking in the back of his throat. Tears streaming down his cheeks. He felt himself being pulled into someone's arms.
Tim didnt understand what was happening, it didnt register what just occurred. Not until the pain finally stopped and his chest was filled with an overwhelming emptiness. A cold chill wrapping about his soul and body.
"No-" tim mumbles in a strained voice, horror seeping into his tone. He pushed away from the person who was holding onto him, shooting up off the ground. "Tim?" Bruce's voice registered in his mind.
Tim looked at his family more tears flowed down his cheeks. "Babybird what's wrong?" Dick asks taking a small step forward. Tim looked at him speechless, in shock. He felt dick place a hand on his shoulder, tim looked him in the eyes, dick saw how blood shot Tim's pupils where.
"He's dead" tim mumbles barely audible. "What-" bruce was cut off "MY SOULMATE, DANNY. I CANT FEEL HIM, EVEN AFTER OUR BOND WAS SEVERED I COULD STILL FEEL HIM, BUT NOW HE'S GONE, I FELT IT HES DEAD!" Tim cried collapsing back to the floor not bothered with how the shards of ceramic glass cut his legs.
Tim couldnt feel Danny, tim knows what that means, what all that pain ment, danny was dead, Tim's soulmate was dead. Tim's soulmate died in so much pain. This was his fault, he should have been there. This was all Tim's fault.
part. 3
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
I'll Carry Your Heart with Me (Until I Find You Again): Part 3
And this is the third and final part of my hundred follower celebratory writing. The fic will continue past this, but it will be a while before I can return to it. I want to get back to Ghost!Robin and Bring Me Home first. This was a blast to write, though.
The angst starts here. Parts 1 and 2 were fun and fluffy. But things take a turn here. And it'll be quite a while before our boys can get back to happier times.
Mostly Jason POV with a short section from Danny's.
3.8k words. There wasn't a great place to break it up.
First, Previous
Jason sighed as Danny flew out of his range of awareness, leaving him alone in his lair again. Though… he touched his lips which still tingled with cold and smiled to himself. At least this time he was left with some pleasant memories.
Turning his back to the swirling void, he entered the brick building that housed the most important parts of his home from before. Ignoring the kitchen, he walked through a door and into his bedroom. It was the only place he had yet to show Danny.
Though maybe he should change that?
He flopped down on his bed and touched his lips again before rolling over and burying his face in his pillow. God, he felt like a teenage girl. Was this why Dick liked to meet up with girls? Jason had kissed girls a few times before, but with Danny… It just felt so much better.
Maybe it was because his mouth was cool? Kissing him felt like a drink of fresh spring water on a hot day. Or perhaps it was the way they could project their feelings while kissing. And not needing to breathe was definitely nice.
He sighed and moved until he was staring up at the ceiling. How in all the realms was Danny interested in him? A dumb kid who got in over his head and died because of it.
Danny was still alive, too. With a sigh, he pushed himself up. He didn’t want his thoughts to go this way—he wanted to bask in their first kisses some more.
Would Danny get too old for him?
Alfred would have been able to set him right. Let him know if this was doomed from the start or if he might actually have something. And Dick… Well, first he’d tease. But after. They’d go to the gym and when he was tired out and sweaty, they’d go and get milkshakes or something and Dick would give surprisingly helpful advice. The type he couldn’t quite bring himself to ask Alfred or Bruce.
Bruce would be insufferable, of course. He’d insist on researching everything he could about Danny. Would probably stalk him, too. But after he was convinced Danny wasn’t trying to take advantage, he’d tell Jason to invite him for dinner. He thought they’d probably get along, too. While their personalities were quite different, their morals were a perfect match.
But no. He’d never get any of that. Because he had to be an idiot and die.
Though… did death have to be permanent? Danny had come back after all. And hadn’t several members of the Justice League died at one point before returning to life?
Could he do that?
Restless now, he got out of bed and made his way to the gym. These were the types of thoughts that only made sense when he was doing something physical. One routine in particular was his “thinking routine.” His dad would always call Alfred in if he saw Jason doing this one. How would he be able to come back?
Most of the stories he heard required something happen to the body on Earth. But he didn’t have that option. He was limited to the Infinite Realms. But… these lands were infinite. There had to be someone or something here that could help him. Maybe there’d be some information in Ghost Writer’s lair? What other ghosts had Danny told him about?
And then he remembered: Desiree. He froze, leg in the air as he was halfway through a kick. If he’d still been human, he would’ve fallen on his face.
Desiree had been able to rewrite reality so that Danny and Sam had never met. In doing so, she’d erased his death from ever happening. If she could do that, bringing Jason back from the dead would have to be a piece of cake. So long as he phrased his wish correctly.
Now that he had a new mission, he fell out of his fighting stance and made his way to the library. He had a wish with a genie to craft.
With how time never seemed to work right in the Realms, Jason wasn’t sure how long it took him to craft his wish. But he finally had it. And this one shouldn’t backfire on him.
I wish I was alive again with a healthy body and intact mind.
Though he did continue trying to think it through. Would it be possible to twist this one? If it was, Desiree would find away. At least if Danny’s stories could be believed. And Ember and Kitty insisted that Danny downplayed his stories more than anything.
Which was hard to believe, even as a former Robin.
Now he had to find Desiree. And as much as he wracked his brain, he didn’t think Danny had given him any sort of clue as to where her lair might be located. And he didn’t want to just ask someone straight out. They’d try and dissuade him from going. Even worse since the only ghosts he really knew were ones Danny introduced him to. Apparently it was normal for a ghost to not leave their lair much for the first few years after death, so he hadn’t yet done much exploring of the Realms.
Though Danny had once tried to sketch him a vague map. Apparently things in the Realms had a tendency to move around a lot, but clusters did form among people of similar background. Medieval European ghosts clustered together in one area, Kryptonians could be found somewhere else, and so on.
Now, where did the ghosts from the Middle East gather? He looked over the map Danny had given him and chewed his lip as he tried to figure out where things were in relation to him. No sun or cardinal directions made it so much harder to orient anything. Which was probably the point.
But he did have some anchors to recognize. After being to Ghost Writer’s domain, he could find that again. And he’d once gone to visit Kitty and Johnny with Danny. So that was another point of reference.
Finally, he thought he had at least enough of an idea to get close. It would have to do, though Bruce would have insisted on more research.
But Bruce wasn’t here which was the entire point.
Well, that and he didn’t want Danny to get older and not want to date or kiss him anymore. It’d be fine for a few years, but what about when Danny was twenty or forty or whatever and Jason was still the same fifteen year old kid?
He shook his head. That didn’t matter because he’d be able to grow up, too. Dick would be there to tease him about his boyfriend. And Alfred would give him a hug and his favorite meal. And Bruce would help him finish school and get into a good college and would celebrate every passing grade with him.
With those pleasant thoughts, he exited his lair. He gave it one last look before setting off in the direction he believed would lead him to Desiree.
He hadn’t been traveling very long when he approached a lair who’s ghost was sending off such strong stay-away vibes that Jason was forced to go around. Putting him quite far off course. The ghost must have been strong to control such a large area of the Zone.
Gritting his teeth, he tried to reorient himself to get back on track.
Which is when he heard a menacing chuckle from behind him. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the whelp’s friend. You’d make such good bait. With you at the center of my trap, I may actually catch the boy and finally get his pelt for my wall.”
Jason spun, Robin costume appearing as he did. Behind him, his cape flared. “And you must be Skulker. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I’m sure you have.” Although his face was just a mecha suit, it grinned viciously. “But you will not find me so easy to escape.” Compartments on Skulker’s shoulders opened and a flurry of small missiles flew out at him.
A wave of Jason’s hand brought up a shield that easily deflected the projectiles. He turned invisible and quickly changed position, sending his own ectoblasts back at Skulker. After months of sparing with Danny, he knew how to handle himself in a ghost fight. He could even hold his own against Johnny when he came to visit.
Of course, fighting with Skulker was not on the agenda for today. He just wanted to get to Desiree.
“Can’t you see that I have better things to do today? Go bug Ember or something!” shouted Jason.
The only response he got was another missile sent his way. Only this one tracked him. Reaching into his core, Jason sent out a burst of flame, exploding it before it could get too close. There had to be something he could do to end this battle sooner rather than later.
At the very least, he could get some distance between himself and Skulker. He retreated a bit, wishing that the Realms had more cover instead of being mostly open void.
And then he felt it. The stay-away feeling from the lair he’d avoided earlier. Skulker shouted something else, though Jason didn’t bother to pay attention to the words. Instead, he made his way closer to the lair. To his satisfaction, Skulker followed.
It wouldn’t do to project his own presence, so Jason pulled in on his power, keeping it coiled tightly around his core. He focused hard on not projecting any emotions. Danny taught him how to hide his presence from other ghosts in order to prank Dani who had tagged along to visit.
Now, to make Skulker really mad. Jason turned to face his attacker and stuck out his tongue and waved his hands next to his head. “Na, na, na, na, na, na!” he called.
“Whelp!” roared the other ghost as he pulled out a huge bazooka and shot several blasts.
Jason immediately turned invisible and pulled his aura in even tighter, flying away from his position as fast as possible.
Not even a moment later, a loud booming voice called out, “Who disturbs my peace?”
Jason didn’t wait to see what sort of ghost it was, he just focused on escaping. After who-knows-how-long flying, he slowed down and looked around. He couldn’t see Skulker anywhere. More cautiously, he let his aura expand again. There were some ghosts around, but none of them felt aggressive or seemed to pay him any mind.
Now he had to figure out where he was and how far off course he’d gotten. Looking around, the doors and buildings he could see all looked old. Stone walls and thatched roofs. Weathered wooden doors. So he was in the territory of older ghosts. Excellent. Though the architecture definitely looked more European than Middle Eastern.
He pushed on. No way was he going to turn back now.
After passing who knows how many lairs, he stopped for a moment to try and get his bearings. Obviously just continuing on was not going to work.
“Thine garb is unlike any I have seen,” commented a voice from behind him.
Jason spun and came face-to-face with an elderly woman who he couldn’t help but describe as matronly. Her dress was extremely old and she had a head wrap, though wisps of shadow instead of hair were just visible under the fabric.
“No, ma’am. I’m just passing through.”
“A pilgrimage? Where dost thou go?”
“I… yeah. I’m on a pilgrimage. I’m trying to find the Middle Eastern ghosts. Er… Constantinople? The Ottoman Empire?” He had no ideas what the countries would have been called back when this woman had been alive and hoped he got wasn’t completely off. “In life, I had some teachers from that area and I wanted to see if I could learn more in death.”
She nodded in understanding. “Much can be learned in death that life left no time for. But thou hast been turned around. Thine destination is not in this direction.”
“Can you direct me?”
She smiled. “Certainly.”
Though once she started explaining the path, Jason sent out a few curses to the ancients. Why couldn’t things stay still in the Realms? From their current position, he was supposed to go down until he came to a lair which was a stone tower that flew red flags. Then he had to spin in a circle clockwise five times. When he stopped, he might be facing Queen Dora’s city. In that case, he had to fly in the opposite direction.
But he might also end up facing a fortress made of black stones and guarded by skeletons. If that happened, he should go left. If he found himself facing a forest with a waterfall, he should continue straight past it.
And for each option, another half dozen instructions followed. Thank the ancients Bruce had tested him on memorizing complicated directions constantly as Robin. He wasn’t sure how else he would have found the way.
“Thank you,” he said once she had finished.
“May thine journey bring thee peace.” And she was gone.
Jason repeated her instructions, going straight down until he saw the tower with the red flags. He spun. And found himself facing a medieval European city with a black and purple dragon flying in circles over it. On her head was a golden crown: Queen Dora. He turned his back to the city and flew in the opposite direction.
It took so long to come across the next landmark he was told to look out for that he was afraid he had done something wrong. But he had no other guide, so he kept going.
And eventually he found it. And the next one. And the one after that.
And finally, he noticed a change in the architecture. The towers became more graceful. The materials they were made of changed.
“Desiree!” he called.
No one answered. He kept going.
Every so often he would call her name. He let his aura spread to see if he could sense any powerful ghosts. The few ghosts that were around disappeared as soon as they heard her name leave his mouth.
For the first time, he started to wonder if this was a bad idea.
Just when he was about to give it up and turn around, a presence made itself known.
Amusement, curiosity, entertainment surrounded him.
The mix of emotions sent a jolt of fear up his spine. It felt so similar to how The Joker would laugh when he got them in a trap. How he laughed when he laid that last trap; the glee he projected as he smashed Jason’s bones with a crowbar.
“Who calls me?” echoed a woman’s voice in the void around him.
Jason forced his back to remain straight as he faced the direction he could sense the presence in. “My name is Jason! Jason Todd and I have a wish.”
Smoke gathered before him forming into a giant woman with long black hair and bright green skin. She smiled at him; it sent shivers down Jason’s spine. “Lucky for you, wishes are my domain. What do you wish for, Jason Todd?”
If he still had a heart, it would be beating fast in his chest. As it was, he was glad he didn’t have to breathe. Far easier to hide how much he was starting to regret this journey.
But no. He needed to do this. All his reasons for being here still existed. It was far too late to turn back now. “I wish I was alive again with a healthy body and mind intact.”
“So you have wished it, so shall it be!” Desiree waved her hands and Jason was surrounded in a wave of power. It twined around him. He was spinning and wind tore at his clothes. He slammed his eyes shut as laughter echoed in the tornado. He curled up, trying to protect himself from the unrelenting power.
And then everything was silent. It was dark and he was lying on his back. He pushed up and yelped when his head hit something hard right above his head. Where was he? What was going on? He banged on the top of the box he was in.
He needed out. He pushed and screamed. Something shifted and he pushed harder. It was cold, why was it so cold? Something broke above his head and he coughed as dust fell into his mouth. He closed his eyes and mouth tight and kept pushing. The surface gave. It poured down on him, but he pushed his way up.
Nothing could keep him trapped. Never again. When had he been trapped before? Where was he? He pushed through and his hand reached the other side of whatever he’d been trapped in. He pushed more. His other hand was free. He grasped and pulled himself free.
And finally he could breathe. And see. Someone was supposed to be here. Where were they? Why hadn’t they come for him? He needed to find them. They were here. They had to be. They wouldn’t have abandoned him. Not again.
Where were they? Where Were They?!
He pulled himself up. He stumbled. He kept going. He had to find them. The person, people?, who were supposed to be here. Why weren’t they here?
He took one step after another. They were nearby. A person! Right ahead! Was that them? No. It wasn’t. They were wrong! Why were they here? He pushed them away. They weren’t supposed to be here. They weren’t the right person. He kept going.
But everyone he found was not right. Why weren’t they right? Where were they?
The world got brighter. More people came out. They still weren’t right. It got dark. Where was he? Why was everything wrong?
Another wrong person. He tried to punch them. Only this time, his fist didn’t connect. They said something. The voice was wrong. He tried to kick, but that was stopped to. More people surrounded him.
His arms were pinned back. Then his legs. He couldn’t move. Why couldn’t he move? He tried to scream. Something was shoved in his mouth. He couldn’t scream. He struggled. He needed to get free. He needed to find the right person. Where were they? Where were they?
The world went black. When it lightened again, he saw a pool of green.
Green was safe. Green meant home and peace and an end to the fighting and the fear and the pain. He struggled, needing to get to it. But he couldn’t move his arms and his legs. And people were touching him. Surrounding him. Still the wrong people.
He thrashed and tried to scream. He wanted the right people. And suddenly he could move again. The people ran away from him. But that was fine. He didn’t want them near him. His legs hurt. And walking felt strange. But he stumbled forward. He needed to get to the green.
He sunk down deep and let the green take over. He breathed it in and everything made sense. This was right. This was home. The woman who brought him here was the right person. She was green and green was peace.
But when the green faded, all he saw was red. Red all over his hands and his arms and his clothes.
And he was so, so cold.
Less than a week after their date (yes Jazz, he could admit it was a date now) at Ghost Writer’s lair, Danny returned to spend more time with his boyfriend. His boyfriend.
Only… when he got there, Jason’s lair was empty and abandoned. The island was entirely gone, leaving just the door. When he opened it, a layer of dust covered everything. The kitchen was filled with moldy food. Water overflowed the blocked sink. He floated above the floor, not wanting to step in the mess. What had happened? Where was Jason? The library. He had to be there. His hand shook as he turned the doorknob.
The mess in the library was almost worse. All the books had been knocked off their shelves and lay haphazardly all over the floor—spines broken and pages torn and bent. Jason hated damaging a book.
“No. No,” he whispered. This wasn’t real. A ghost’s lair reflected their state of being. Jason was okay. He had to be.
He backed out of the library. The gym. Jason always went there when he was upset. Only the gym was empty, too. It was in just as awful of shape. The punching bag had been split and it’s sand spilled over the floor. The weights were tossed about, the floor cracked under where they’d fallen.
There was only one more room. The only room Danny had never been in before.
With shaking hands, he opened the door to Jason’s bedroom. Clothes were strewn around the floor, torn and dirty. The bed was messy, but something was glowing under the covers.
He let himself land on the floor. He needed the connection to the world. Nothing felt real. The clothes piled on the floor meant his footsteps were silent, though his breaths echoed loud in his ears. It seemed to take forever to reach the bed.
His hand shook as he reached for the blankets and pulled them back one by one. Under the last one he saw what looked like a smoldering, black coal.
Jason’s core.
Danny instinctively took a step back. That couldn’t be Jason. It couldn’t. He didn’t know how long he stared at the burning coal. He had to move. He stepped forward again and sunk to his knees by the bed. He reached forward and gently touched the core. It was barely warm to his touch.
It should have been an inferno. Jason burned so brightly. His breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t breathe. He fell the rest of the way down, face pressed into the dirty, dusty sheets. He flared his aura.
The core felt like Jason. It was him.
Danny pushed himself up enough to cradle it gently in his hands. How could Jason be so small? He held him to his chest and curled around him. Whatever happened, he’d make it better. He’d find out who had hurt Jason and he’d make them pay.
His eyes burned and the world grew blurry as he cried, curled around Jason’s comatose form.
So, don't @ me about the "intact mind" thing. I will address that later in the fic. I promise it's not a plot hole!
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@britcision, @echoednonny, @adorablechaos, @letoasai, @saphjack, @emergentpanda-blog
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empressgeekt · 3 months
Trolls - Amnesia-Rock-Prince!Branch in an Arranged marriage AU Idea - Part 3 Aftermath
Okay so if anyone has not read the other posts on this AU, I highly suggest you do. Believe me this will be much more fun with context. The previous posts are by the same title, minus the "Part 3". I will also be tagging all of them with the title after posting this.
Char = Branch
Lets get into it...
When we last left of the Family Harmony was complete and the V-Twins were being carted off to jail. Char and Poppy kissed and wondered if they could finally get married now.
Then Floyd collapsed. The troll literally had the life drained out of him for two months, he is not walking away from that with just a new hair style. This sends the happy moment into one of panic. Floyd does not wake up when prompted, and not even when the other moved him on to Rhonda. It's clear he needs a doctor, but none on Mount Rageonus know troll physiology, so they need to leave as soon as possible.
But where will they go? Anywhere is still few days drive, and there is barely any supplies on Rhonda. No food. There was water but not enough for everyone. And most importantly no medicine beyond a very old, very basic first-aid kit John had for gotten about. Barb and Bruce stay behind to make sure Floyd doesn't die (and make sure Tiny takes a nap). Floyd has a seizure and Barb steps in taking control of the situation with Bruce freezes. Bruce asks her how she knew to tend to someone who's sick, and Barb explains that Char used to have them as a kid and she was usually the one who nursed Char through his head aches, and when he got sick from the volcanic fumes. This leads to bonding between the two of them, and Bruce starts to think of Barb as his little sister too.
When the others get back, John and Clay kind of freak out about the seizure when told. Trips home can wait they need a doctor. Rock territory is closeted and the doctor that treated Char originally is still around and on call. Still few days drive, but it's the best guess they got.
When Floyd finally wakes up he's a mess. Exhausted, nauseous, with a killer head ache. It's also in the middle of the night, and everyone is still asleep. Well, everyone except Poppy and Char. They were still up due to some shared insomia, and discussing their re-do wedding plans. Floyd's perception of things are still hazy, so he's calling Char by Branch and not noticing the latter's discomfort over the name. Still Char helps alleviates Floyd migraine so he can go back to sleep. Floyd asks how Char would know that it would work, Char says it works for me. Floyd would continue to ponder that, until he passes back out.
When they get back into Rock Kingdom territory, Floyd is taken into the hospital rather quickly, and is put on supportive devices, to combat server malnutrition, dehydration, and oxygen just incase. Brain scans, reveal scaring on his brain from several concussions that went untreated. The source of his seizures, and possibly other symptoms that have yet to show themselves. Once he's conscious he reports of, numbness, pain and tingling in his legs and is looking at possible nerve damage.
During this time, with the help of Barb, Bruce manages to get a letter out to his family explaining what was going on and it would be little longer until he was home. Char and Barb re-unite with their Dad and Riff. And the rest are just trying to make sense of everything.
Floyd has, at least one of his brothers with him at all times. When he's awake they talk and bond, and when he's asleep they comfort his nightmares. He notices that Char isn't there most of the time (he's out making princely announcements explaining the situation and dealing with some back-lash about "returning to his own kind" from some of the less accepting citizens), and is worried that his Brother is mad at him for not coming back. He practically breaks down upon hearing about Char amnesia, and asks to see him.
Char comes, but is very awkward when he first arrives. Floyd takes in all the difference, and mentions the green vest. Char says he can't remember being without it, Floyd says he gave it to him, before beginning to apologize for leaving him. Char shuts it down, telling Floyd his injury isn't his fault, maybe a few days ago he'd have been mad, but he doesn't regret how his life turned out. He hugs Floyd and wipes his tears. Floyd tells Char that comforting was his job, Char says no matter who's older siblings comfort each other. Floyd wants to know how Char's life turned out. Char, eagerly tells him about Barb and Thrash, how he grew up as a prince, and his betrothal to Poppy. Floyd is shocked his brother grew up as a prince, but is happy his brother grew up in a good home, and wanted to meet Poppy, Thrash and Barb as soon as possible.
Eventually, Floyd is released. He's on crutches, with braces on his legs and has physical therapy routine he needs to follow to walk again. They stay at Char and Barb cavern (their royalty they have the room, and Thrash is loving the company, he's convinced their all his kids and no one corrects him) during this time and for a few days after the release, but tension with the public is spiking and they can't stay for long. Barb stays behind to control the crowds and the others go to Pop village. Viva would re-unite with Peppy, and begin preparations to move the Put Put trolls to the village, with an escort of Rock guards off course.
The saga would end, with Poppy and Char finally getting married and Char coronated as king of pop...with an epilogue of years alter when they had twins trollings, named Rosie and Ash (named after Grandma and Thrash).
And those are my currently plans. I'm going to outline this, but Not sure if I should fully write this thing out now or later. What ya'll think?
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sadiewayne · 3 months
disclaimer, i cannot write movies, this is just how i want the batman 2 to go
we get a batman fight, dark and gritty but not as much as the batman 1, which then bleeds into some bruce wayne philanthropist stuff, not massively brucie wayne but it's creeping in there and we see that bruce is trying to help rebuild gotham but better ( we see this throughout the movie btw, just little snippets)
and then we see it from a distance, no people, but whisperings about something
anyway, in this endeavour to make gotham better haly's circus comes to gotham and we get shots of bruce in the audience and then the graysons die and we get more shots of the audience including one lingering on a little toddler with black floppy hair and blue eyes
batman appears and comforts dick and that's the last of that
then we cut to bruce trying to do some stuff at WE and he goes out onto a balcony or a rooftop to take a phone call or something (maybe as batman from jim gordon) and then he gets attacked by the assassin, and we don't really see the assassin in full, just a black mass with some gold flashes, and idk how but the assassin gets interrupted and jumps off the roof and bruce is still alive
so he's trying to figure out who or what that was and is looking at it on the bat computer (maybe he got some of it's clothing or something he can track) and gets a ping so goes to investigate and on the way he bumps into this little 9 year old who's on the rooftop of some building (hmmmm i wonder who it is)
it's dick, he's trying to track down the man who killed his parents (you knew this) and bruce is like "nO don't do that it's dangerous" and dick is like "but someone needs to"
anyway bruce takes dick back to the orphanage or wherever he is and has lost the trail for the assassin
this happens multiple times (montage time bois) and we see bruce finding dick on patrol, on rooftops and in dangerous situations and basically his dad senses are tingling and he decides to foster dick, so goes and picks him up and takes him to the manor
note: dick does not know that bruce is batman
anyway, bruce catches dick. trying to sneak out one night and the conversation goes like:
bruce: whatchadoin? dick: finding the man who killed my parents, people like that shouldn't be in the world" bruce: you want to kill him dick: justice bruce: murder isn't justice, it's revenge
he takes dick back to bed and goes out to finally track down the assassin BUT during this he get's a call from alfred going "bruce, dick is missing" so bruce is freaking out bc he's had this child for less than a day and he's lost him until a ransom comes up telling bruce wayne to go to x location
so he does and he himself gets kidnapped but he escapes once he's wher he should be, he suits up (bc he managed to get the suit there, either under his stupid coat or something i'm not good at this)
he finds his way to this arena where dick is being held but he's not tied up or anything, he's just kind of stood there, and there's the assassin, stood there, looking at him through golden goggles (how else would you describe it)
and surrounding them on a higher level are loads of people in black dresses and suits and white masks that resemble barn owls
it's the motherfuckin' court of owls
and bruce is like "i saved bruce wayne, i'm here to take the boy back home" and the person near dick is like "how about we let the boy choose, back to bruce wayne, where you will be paraded around as his community service project, or with us, where we can train you to get justice for your parents deaths, to take his life like he took you parents lives, and also that dude in the weird owl costume is your undead great-great-grandfather" and dick is stood there trying to choose and bruce says "murder isn't justice, it's revenge" and dick has his little lightbulb "omg bruce wayne is batman" moment, flashback to batman being the only person to comfort him at the circus, and he chooses bruce (obviously)
bruce fights the court and wins (badly injured tho) and they go home
we get a short shot of the court still existing like the gray son of gotham will be ours" and then we go to wayne manor, a few weeks later
dick is swinging from a chandelier and bruce calls for him to get down, he does and runs over to bruce and alfred in the sitting room and he's like "can i see it yet?" and bruce takes him to the batcave, dick bounces around before coming back to bruce
and bruce is like "we will find the man who killed your parents and make sure he is put away for life" and dick is like "we?" and bruce is like "yes"
dick takes the oath, which ends with the bruce calling him robin,
credits roll
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e-elizabeth-l · 2 years
Damian and Jon: *arguing and at each other's throat 10 min after their first meeting*
Clark: why can’t they just be a bit closer to each other 
Bruce: *batman mode™️* hn
{*Spongebob narrator voice* 5 years later}
Damian and Jon: *still argue a bit but is more of that of old friends and with one  of the best collab*
Clark: see I knew they just needed to get a little closer
Bruce: *looking at them with suspicion and dad sense’s™️ tingling * ...hn
{*Spongebob narrator voice*another 5 years later}
Damian and Jon: *dating and bickering like an old married couple*
Bruce: *angry shouting* that’s way too close 
Clark:*holding him back for both his and his son's safety* 
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cleromancy · 7 months
an underexplored aspect of red robin 26 (the one where he sets up a weeks-long rubes goldberg scheme to kill captain boomerang only to choke at the last minute) to me is the impact tim thought this would have on his place among the bats. like what he thought would happen *next.* because he absolutely did consider it and wasn't at all surprised by dick and bruce showing up afterwards to talk to him about the choices he made that day.
to start with. why now? there was no particular event that made him decide to do it. tim does say he heard harkness was trying to regain lost power, but in context its not reasoning behind his decision, it was an opportunity to kick his plan off.
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and i think its fair to say tim was never gonna be able to go through with it. that was never gonna happen. but he *thought* he could, and he decided he was going to, despite repeatedly questioning what the hell he was doing. he explicitly makes the points that he thinks its wrong, he knows his dad wouldn't want him to, and he doesn't believe itll even be more emotionally satisfying than bringing harkness to justice. and yet thats still the plan! for weeks!
and he does set up an emotional failsafe for himself which he calls plausible deniability, where all he did was manipulate events so that he expects harkness to be killed by victor fries by the end of it.
except ofc when it comes down to it tim cant let fries kill a guy, which he takes to mean he wants to do it himself. any interesting moral questions here about who would potentially be at fault are very tidily sidestepped as irrelevant. bc i mean to tim they kind of are. his veneer of plausible deniability was always an excuse. the interesting thing here for the character is that this means he's willing to do away with that plausible deniability, and intends to follow through regardless. (i went back to delete some images bc i ran out, but he does explicitly say theres a change of plan and he's gonna kill harkness himself.)
this is the point he dispatches dr fries, which he calls in to 911, and follows harkness. bla bla confrontation bla, and harkness fuckin trips off the edge of the roof.
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the implication here to me, with the way tims flashback is framed as an interruption and the way harkness goes from saying he has no idea who the hell tim is to saying tim doesn't have the stones, is that harkness was babbling this whole time, and that's just what actually makes it through to tims ears. and i also think the implication here is tim being like ".......heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great point." hes like shit! hes fucking right! i *dont* have the stones to do this!
anyway. the next page we have dickie and damian show up. hi boys!!
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so to recap. tim decided he was going to murder harkness himself rather than using a proxy, *called 911 knowing the other bats would hear it,* and went off to do the deed.
(side note its always dickie loving hours in this house and. you just know dicks thinking of blockbuster here. oughe.) .....i also get the impression that dicks "timmy down the questionable-choices-well" senses were tingling somehow from the 911 call (which, i cannot stress this enough, only even mentioned fries), and i think him and damian most likely fucking hauled ass to get there, which is also fun to think about hehe
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i have a lot of thoughts about whats going through dicks and tims heads here lol. but i want to get back to the point. this is the segue into the reveal that bruce was also there the whole time, he knows what tim had been planning to do, and now hes yelling at him for thinking about killing harkness at all.
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(ok actually i am going to derail here for a minute i gotta spell it out. tim kept it on when he was talking to dick bc he was lying to dick by omission. he wanted dick to think well of him, and he doesn't believe he earned the praise--most likely thinks dick would think less of him if he knew the extent to which tim had planned the whole thing. the end result--not killing harkness--does not, in tims mind, count. what dick was saying was "I understand how hard it was to not let him die, and i love you," and what tim heard was "i know you were always going to make the right choice, because you care about doing the right thing." and when you interpret it the way i do--that the deciding factor for tim was actually that he *couldn't* do it, not because he changed his mind? yeah, tims not gonna be looking dick in the eye anytime soon.)
but anyway. buce:
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and the thing is that if you don't look at it from the *batshit* bruce-and-tim-mutual-god-complex perspective... tims actual non-thoughtcrime actions began and ended with a series of misdemeanors, no matter how successfully he arbitrated the end results. again any actual moral questions around hand crafting a bespoke scenario tailored to end in a mans murder by inciting another to kill him are completely sidestepped, bc to both tim and bruce its cut and dry; its just murder using another person as the weapon. tim never once actually believed the plausible deniability thing and there was no tangible difference to him btwn manipulating an intermediary, doing it himself, or even *just letting harkness go splat.* it was all fucking talking points for the sake of argument, he was preparing to play devils advocate against bruce to defend his own choice bc. this was always the endgame.
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which like. i cant help but think of batman 424 bc, well, im the jason todd think-abouter:
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and im officially out of images for this post but what happens next for tim is bruce flying away vs in jasons he tells bruce "i guess i spooked him. he slipped." and flies off in the back of a big silent panel of Angst Buce. i love how completely fucking opposite these scenarios were for the both of them but ykw actually thats its own fucking post.
all this just to say tim planned to murder a man in cold blood *fully knowing* dick and bruce would find out. tim can't even face dick when dick tells him he did good, and the confrontation with bruce feels almost like tim did the whole damn thing just to prove a point to bruce which is. hilarious bc it WORKED to that end even though tim did not actually kill anybody at all. like that was a pretty significant thing that happened. tim very much did not kill digger harkness.
(i also think its significant that this issue is like immediately after tim tries to give cass her batgirl outfit back and shes like "...No." and hes like "please i miss you so much 😭 just come back to gothammmm i dont care what name you go by you could even be black robin if you want that would be fun right cass we could be red robin and black robin together? no? what if we put your name first? ....no? .....okay just promise youll think about it... bye............" [paraphrased])
anyway. *holds tim drake up under the arms like simba* Perceive him
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AU where Bruce isn’t a billionaire but just you’re regular everyday history teacher. He still has all his martial arts training and stuff because he meets Selina and Talia in college and is like ‘hot women... must be able to keep up with her in a fight...’ and no parents (well Alfred exists but yk), but is otherwise normal. No Batman.
Then he meets small Dick Grayson, recently orphaned in a whole new country, and his adoption senses are like ‘hnggg’.
And small Jason Todd before his mom dies and he winds up on the streets so when Jason goes missing from class he gets worried and finds him and is like ‘hey Dick do you want a new brother’.
Given Tim went to boarding schools I can’t see him meeting him first, so maybe he meets Steph first?? And he notices how no one seems to care where she is etc and is like ‘can I adopt you??’
And THEN Tim’s parents die ig and then Steph’s like ‘yo can you adopt by bestie’.
And then he meets Cass I guess?? Not as a teacher. Maybe she saves him from being mugged or something and his child sense immediately tingles and he’s like ‘child?? With?? No home?? Would you like me to-’
Reiterating he’s a history teacher, so he probably has like a three bedroom apartment and already has five kids.
Then Talia is like ‘hehe soo remember when I said I miscarried well ACTUALLY-’ and Bruce is like ‘wtf this is a. child. Why does child have. Sword.’ And Talia’s like ‘oh I thought you’d use all your martial arts training to go out dressed up as a Bat and beat up bad guys so I could use the terrifying image you cast as a way to train our son more.’ And Bruce like ‘wtf no I have better coping mechanisms than that’ ‘oh - wait why are there so many rats here?’ ‘THOSE ARE MY CHILDREN TALIA-’
Dick still hates Talia because I find that hilarious. Damian is like five, already carting around a sword, and Bruce DOES NOT have exactly one (1) coping mechanism of cage fights in a fursuit so he’s like ‘Okay. Let’s try to work out your aggression is a less violent way’ ‘FATHER I WILL BE YOUR ONE TRUE HEIR’ ‘To what? My teaching job? Okay.’
Then Duke’s parents are Jokerized (bc the Rogues still exist) and he stops showing up to class and Bruce gets worried again and finds this child trying to take on the Joker by himself and is like ‘okay yeah no’.
And then one day he gets Cullen Row in class, and he’s a sweet kid, kind of jumpy, but then he sees some assholes picking on him for being gay and goes all teacher mode and is like ‘do you want me to talk to your parents??’ and Cullen’s like ‘lol my dad would probably give them a medal’ ‘Hmmm okay so can I adopt-’ Naturally Harper is a package deal.
Basically Bruce adopts all his kids but IS NOT a violent furry so he’s a good dad and doesn’t enlist them into his weird ass ‘war on crime’ or whatever he calls it.
Also the kids get to share rooms now and fight over bathrooms-
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falling for the captain | part 2.
Summary: Captain Y/N L/N. Leader of the Avengers on Earth-563, not really a family or team strictly just coworkers. A lot of responsibility for someone only nineteen. What happens when the Captain finds herself on “Earth Earth” in the compound of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Stuck on Earth for the time being, Y/N sees what these Avengers are about. And Captain America finds himself falling for this leader, even though her age is throwing him… that and the fact no one knows if she’ll head back to Earth-563 the minute she can.
Warnings: AGE GAP (clear from the summary, it’s a young reader but legal), none
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Word Count: 4.0k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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True to Steve’s word, F.R.I.D.A.Y. woke you up in the morning. You held a hand up to your mouth and blew on it, the morning breath wasn’t too bad but it was there. You walked into the bathroom and rinsed out your mouth with water. Your hair was an absolute mess, not like you expected anyone in the house to have a bonnet. The only two you could have possibly gone to were of no help, Rhodey was bald and Sam had very short hair. You wet it and fixed it in whatever way you could to make it presentable. After the meeting, the first thing you were requesting was to go shopping for supplies. Goose hissed a little when you picked her up.
“Please baby. I don’t want to face the scary strangers alone,” you whined.
Goose reluctantly hopped into your arms. You spun around in shock hearing a chuckle from the door. It was Bucky standing in the doorway.
“So we’re scary?”
“One of you pulled a hammer on me.”
Bucky shrugged. “They sent me to get you. Thought it would make you more comfortable.”
“Smart, send the brother to make sure I don’t run… sorry, I didn’t mean bro—”
“It’s fine. Let’s go. Sam made pancakes for your interrogation.”
“Is there bacon or any meat? You know, for Goose?”
“I’m sure there’s bacon,” Bucky said as you got into the elevator.
You felt a weird tingle up your spine when Bucky placed his metal arm on your back to guide you into the elevator. Goose dropped from your arms once you entered the kitchen. She sat under Bruce’s leg, patiently looking at the scientist until he dropped a piece of his breakfast sausage.
You thanked Sam for the pancakes and sat at the chair that was clearly left empty for you. The Avengers let you have approximately two bites before continuing the interrogation from last night.
“Wait, wait. Can a girl eat breakfast?”
You inhaled the pancakes in three minutes tops.
“She cleared that short stack faster than Thor,” Tony said. “Ready to answer now?”
You nodded and continued to answer as best as you could to any questions the Avengers had asked you.
“Parents? Both dead now. HYDRA took out my dad when we were younger. Mom passed when they said they were officially marking James as killed in action after a year of her saying no. It’s just me and Goose. And I guess the Avengers.”
“You guess?” Sam asked.
“We work together, yes, but it’s not like I party with them. I’m a part of the team but not exactly their teammate, if that makes sense.” You took a drink of your water. You noticed the visible relaxation the more you talked. They were slowly trusting you.
“Mr. Stark, this was at the door.” A boy walked in. He seemed close to your age.
“Hey, kid. Peter, meet the newest Avenger, (Y/N). Kid meet kid. Spiderling. Short-stack.”
You shook Peter’s hand. Tony shoved the box into your arms while filling Peter in on how you unceremoniously joined them. You opened the box to find supplies: toiletries, clothes, shoes.
“Pepper put in an order. The rest should be coming in later today.”
“Thank you. Um, what’s this?”
“The little bell? That’s for the cat. It’s either the bell or the feline stays in your room.”
You called out to the cat to put the bell on her collar. It didn’t seem like a bad deal, it made sense that they would want to know where Goose is in the compound. You finished breakfast and took the box back to your room, Goose staying in the living room area. The first part of your interrogation was officially over but the second part and you hoped the last part was about to happen.
You were told to change into gym clothes and meet them in the training room. They still wanted to see your powers which you still couldn’t get to work. You tugged on the workout jacket and shorts and made your way to the gym. Everyone was there and in their own training gear. You tried to do anything with your powers, even firing a simple magic ball but nothing happened. Tony frowned, unimpressed, and suggested moving on.
“Alright, (Y/N). Pick a person to start,” Sam said.
“Do I have to fight all of you? I’m going to die.”
“Well Bruce and Tony are just here to observe, make some notes. Tell you what, pick three.”
“Okay. Peter, Natasha, and Steve,” you said after looking at everyone. They ranged in body type so you felt you’d have a chance to show your skills.
“Not Buckaroo?” Tony asked. They all kind of expected you to pick the only person you seemed to stick to.  
“Oh I know I can beat Buck,” you said as you shrugged off your jacket and stepped into the ring with Peter.
Bucky raised his eyebrows. “Really?”
“You trained me yourself, Sergeant. Trust me. I can pin you.”
“Alright, take down these three and I might acknowledge you could,” Bucky said.
You gave a short laugh and put up your fists as you faced Peter. It wasn’t hard to beat him. You and him were pretty evenly matched, only Peter was a little heavy on his feet. You let him punch your upper arms so you could swipe at his leg. You hooked your leg around his and propelled yourself forward, forcing both you and him to the ground. Like a good sport, you stuck out a hand to help him up.
There wasn’t much of a break as Natasha stepped into the ring as soon as Peter stepped out. The Russian had crazy techniques. Kate, one of your team members, would be jealous at the talent. You were blocking her hits but she was also blocking all of yours, even landing a hit to your jaw when you accidentally let a fist drop too low. Natasha did her signature thigh hold. However you were never one to give up. You pinched her thigh and reached for her arm to pull her off you. It took you more strength than usual but you managed to do it and Natasha was pinned.
“You’re good.” She gave you a soft smile as she exited the ring. “Alright, Rogers. You’re up.”
As soon as he stepped into the ring you had regretted your decision. You hadn’t noticed last night that Steve was much larger than you. Even when he was sitting down when you picked your opponents he somehow managed to make his frame appear smaller. Steve laughed at your face, keeping emotions neutral— especially emotions of surprise— wasn’t your strong suit unless absolutely necessary (and usually you would still crack before assuming a neutral expression).
“Super soldier,” he said simply.
“Captain,” Vision called.
“Yes?” Both you and Steve turned your heads to look, backs immediately straightening up from your fighting stances. Everyone looked at you and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.
“Force of habit.”
The Avengers realized how much of your story was very true. The way you answered to Vision on hearing just the word ‘captain’ despite barely knowing them held the exact same air of authority as when Steve did it. You were clearly a leader. Steve was also taken aback. He had been reluctant to step into the leadership role of the team and within less than a day you responded automatically to it.
“Perhaps, we should cut Miss (L/N) some slack. May I suggest you play on just defense.”
“I agree. The little Midgardian has been fighting tough,” Thor chimed in. Parallel Earth or not, as far as Thor was concerned you were from an Earth and were still a puny human.
Steve shrugged. “Sure thing Vis, let me grab my shield.”
Steve returned to the training room with his shield. It was agreed that all you had to do was hit him and Steve would stay on defense with the shield, blocking you. At first you were trying to move around the shield. Despite his size, Steve was quicker than you initially gave him credit for. You realized the only way to get him would be to go through the shield… or over it.
You ran at the shield and Steve did exactly what you expected and hoped. You stepped on the shield and punched down, a burst of your magic springing from your hand and barely missing him. You stopped looking at the small fire in the ring by Steve’s foot. He put it out and everyone looked at you. You looked at your own hands in shock. You tried again but nothing happened.
“I don’t get it. It literally happened by accident a minute ago. All I did was step on the shield and punch.”
You went through the motions, placing your foot on the shield that was now on the ground and punching. A magic ball shot out and fizzled into the air.
“What the…”
You looked down at the shield under your feet. You stepped off and tried throwing a power ball. Nothing. You stepped on the shield again. It worked. The team watched as you did it quite a few times. You felt the same tingle run up your spine when you stepped on the shield as you did from when Bucky’s arm touched your back earlier. A tingle that always ran through you on Earth-563 to the point where you forgot it was even a thing.
“What’s this made of?” you asked.
“Vibranium, why?”
“Yeah, rare meteorite here on Earth. Found solely in Wakanda. Only known outside pieces are Captain’s shield and Buckaroo’s arm. Precious metal, yada yada,” Tony answered from the sidelines.
“Yes, I just said that. How hard did you hit her Natasha? Or are you always like this?”
You couldn’t help the short dry laugh that came from your throat. Tony reminded you of one of your teammates, Ryan. Only you actually kind of liked Tony, he had a fatherly aura in his own weird way. You stepped on the shield once more. The same burst of magic came out of your hand when you conjured it.
“So, if vibranium is rare here then what’s your core?”
“Our core?”
“Earth, the center of Earth. What’s the core made out of?”
“Inner is iron. Outer is mainly iron and nickel. Mantle is magma.”
“That’s why,” you muttered.
“Care to fill us in short-stack?” Tony asked.
“I didn’t realize we’d have different cores. Earth-563 the core is vibranium. The mantle, also vibranium… well, liquid vibranium mixed with whatever else is in magma.”
Bruce looked at where you were, still standing on Steve’s shield. “Are you saying your powers are derived from vibranium?”
You and Steve stepped out of the ring and you sat down to join the others. You explained how you had your powers. You weren’t a natural born mutant, but you also weren’t someone’s science experiment. You were seven or eight when you and your friends were playing around the docks during a thunderstorm. You were headed back to the house when you slipped on the docks and fell in. You landed on the vibranium rocks of an underwater cavern at the same time lightning struck your body, knocking you out cold.
“Almost died. Buck pulled me out and the next day I woke up pulsing electric beams. It’s like I’m magnetically charged.”
“So does this mean you can go home?”
“The shield isn’t enough vibranium for a portal back home, Dr. Banner. It’s maybe enough to levitate, the vibranium amount isn’t exactly a sound measurement I have on hand.”
“Levitate?” Tony perked up.
“Yeah. Flying, mind powers, shooting magic balls, portals. Kind of my speciality.”
“So how much vibranium would we need for that?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I’ve always just had the core… I’d imagine a lot?”
Tony stood up excited. You were about to become his newest project. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. get King T’Challa on the phone. We need to tell him everything.”
You watched confused as Tony left you all. Everyone else took that as their cue that interrogation was over. You seemed like a good guy on their side and you were clearly a skilled fighter, they trusted you. Well, they were starting to trust you.
“So what do you normally do when not superheroing?” you asked looking at the people still there.
“Usually doing our own thing,” Wanda responded. “Until someone calls everyone in for something.”
“Is there a beauty supply store in… what city are we in?”
“New York.”
“New York.” The name of the city felt foreign to you, there was no New York on Earth-563.
“I like the sound of that. Is there a beauty supply store here… this hair is not going to manage itself.”
Sam and Rhodey laughed understanding your pain.
“Unfortunately,” Rhodey started. “You’re not allowed to leave the compound until Nick has a full file report drawn up for you as well as papers and some sort of citizenship. But tell you what, text a list and I’ll pick it up.”
“List with what phone? My cell doesn’t exactly get service on this Earth.”
“Check one of the boxes when you get back to your room. Tony’s pretty much hooked you up.”
Peter stopped you as you walked out. “Since you can’t leave the compound. Do you want to watch a movie in my room? Or- or we don’t have to. I’m not trying to make you think—”
“Yeah, a movie sounds cool Peter,” you cut off his rambling. “Let me just shower and change first.”
Boxes were piled outside your door when you reached it. Rhodey wasn’t lying. Tony really hooked you up or the mysterious Ms. Pepper lady who actually did the shopping. There was a note attached to the top box: It’s just the basics for now. Once you’re cleared, you can personalize your stuff and do your room. You opened the door, thankful it swung inwards instead of out and pushed all the boxes inside. You opened the boxes, only looking for things you needed. You figured that you would just put up everything later. Right now you wanted a toothbrush, towel, and change of clothes.
You found the electronics box and pulled out the phone. It was already set up for you. You might have only known them for less than a day but based on the observation of Tony’s relentless nicknames, the contacts list was definitely made by him. You found Rhodey’s contact, odd enough named just Rhodey leading you to believe the man introduced himself to you with his nickname. You texted a small list of your hair supplies and set the phone down to go take a shower and change.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” You asked as you stepped out the shower, the steam filling the room.
“Yes, Captain (L/N)?”
Even though the A.I. had no face you looked at the ceiling anyway. You knew the system was smart and constantly adapting/had a personality of her own but you didn’t expect her to upgrade your name. It seems like after the sparring, F.R.I.D.A.Y. chose on her own to give you your old status.
“Um, where is Peter’s room?”
“One floor above, end of the hall. Should I let him know you’re headed up?”
“Yes, please. Tell him I’ll be up in five minutes.”
“Certainly, Captain.”
You pulled on the pair of plain mom jeans and the black fuzzy sweater with matching socks— Pepper was right, everything was basic. Following the A.I.’s instruction, you made your way into the elevator and hit the button for the floor above you. You noticed the buttons lower than the training room didn’t light up when you stepped into the elevator. They had you on lockdown. You supposed in a real emergency you could take the stairs, but F.R.I.D.A.Y. would probably alert someone.
You could tell the people on this floor were Peter, Thor, Sam, and Natasha. Natasha’s door was painted black. Sam’s door literally had his name on it. Thor’s door had some sort of runes carved into it, admittedly that could’ve been anyone’s door but it seemed to fit the Asgardian god the most. And at the end of the hall was Peter’s door: an atom was painted in the center and a bunch of formulas were painted around it, all over the door. You knocked on the door and Peter opened it, also in casual clothing.
You followed him into his room, it was a standard what you’d expect from a boy his age. Peter gladly ushered you in. It was nice to have someone on the team so close to his age and was very eager to make you a friend. You sat at the edge of the bed while Peter sat comfortably looking through Netflix on his laptop. You heard the sound of a little bell outside of Peter’s door. You moved from the edge to open it for Goose.
“How’d she even know where you were?” Peter asked.
“Goose? She always seems to know where I am.”
“Oh. Mr. Stark said you were fighting a HYDRA agent when you came through the portal. Does Goose fight too, it’s just not really expecting a crime fighting cat— not that there’s anything wrong with…”
You laughed, Peter rambled a lot. You thought it was cute.
“The agent was by circumstance. Goose and I were on a walk, just happened to run into someone I had been trailing for weeks.”
“You can sit comfortably. How can you watch a movie from the end of the bed?”
You moved up to the pillows where Peter was sitting. You laid back comfortably while Peter sat up a little, balancing the laptop on his outstretched legs. Goose cuddled into your arms like normally when you were at home.
“I’m not sure which of these your Earth has… have you seen Back to the Future?”
“Yeah we have that. We also have The Lion King,” you said pointing to the next movie you saw the cursor scroll over.
“Hmm, alright. What about this one?”
You leaned in to read the title. “The Matrix… nope. Never heard of it. Don’t think we have that one.”
Peter got really excited. “Oh this is one of the best trilogies. We’ve got to start with this one!”
You watched with actual interest as the movie went on. Because he had already seen it before, Peter left the movie running when he had to go use the bathroom. When he returned, Peter grabbed a pillow and mimicked the way you were holding Goose. You both had gotten very comfortable on your respective sides of his bed.
“I like this,” you said as the second movie loaded up. “You think I could do that bullet dodge move?”
“How flexible are you?” Peter asked.
“Hmmm… I’ll work on that.”
You both laughed and then got silent as the second movie started. You were about halfway through when a knock was on Peter’s door. He yelled for them to come in and standing in the doorway was Steve. He was dressed in civilian clothes, jeans and button down, plus his shield. Peter paused the movie.
“Sorry to interrupt your fun. Fury’s requesting your presence at headquarters, (Y/N). Congrats on becoming a citizen.”
“So quickly?” you asked as you sat up.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. pulled a few strings… and not just American. We couldn’t hide you from the UN for long, you’ve got about five different passports waiting for your picture and signature.”
“Am I allowed to be a citizen of that many places?”
“I don’t think they care,” Steve phrased it more as a question.
You stood up. Goose jumped from your arms and back onto Peter’s bed. Peter scratched the back of her ear. It was clear that Goose was very comfortable with Peter and Bruce.
“Let me just put on some shoes.”
Steve waited outside your room while you put on shoes. You followed the captain to the elevators watching all the buttons light up for him. You eyed the shield. Steve looked down at you from the corner of his eye. He didn’t say anything as you very gently touched it with just your pinky finger. You smiled as the familiar tingle ran down your spine.
“Is headquarters here in New York too?” you asked as you absentmindedly stroked the shield.
“Can you picture it?”
“Yes, why?”
“I know a faster way.” Your fingers tapped against the shield.
“I thought you said you couldn’t portal back to Earth-563.”
“I can’t. That takes too much power to transport a whole body to another universe but same city, Captain Rogers…” you tapped the shield. “I think this is enough for the two of us. I just need you to picture it, I don’t exactly know the layout of New York.”
Steve eyed you skeptically before doing as you said. Keeping one hand on the shield, you reached the other one to Steve’s head to pull the image from his mind. Comfortable that you had a clear image of what he envisioned, you removed your hand. You stuck it out in front of him and clumsily drew the symbol you needed in the air while envisioning the location in Steve’s mind.
It was awkward with one hand. You were used to very quickly and haphazardly using both hands to conjure whatever symbol you needed. But now with limited resources and only one free hand, you were trying to just get it right. The portal opened.
“Okay, just walk through.”
Steve followed closely to you as you entered the portal so your hand could stay on the shield. He was amazed. You were actually in a conference room at S.H.I.E.L.D. He wasn’t the only one in shock. The holograms of some UN members and the very physical face of Nick Fury stood there with their mouths agape. As soon as you let go of the shield, the portal disappeared behind you and Steve.
“Yep, figured that would happen,” you said before turning back to the room.
“Miss (L/N), would you care to demonstrate your powers for the room while you’re here?” a diplomat asked.
You looked to Steve who set the shield on the ground. You stepped on it and showed off. Steve explained the current limitations of your powers while you attempted to extinguish the small flames that accidentally got caught on the hem of your fuzzy sweater when you shot out a puff of magic.
“And the magic balls?” Fury asked.
“Not really sure, I think just electricity. Kind of just does what I want. Well, slightly. It’s really just an extension of fighting, not the most magical thing unfortunately. I’m no witch.”
“And the um, levitating?”
You stood back on the shield and pushed off it gently to float in the air. You were stuck to the small radius of the shield but it impressed everyone.
“And she’s for sure one of us?” another hologram asked.
“I fought HYDRA on my Earth. I’m for the good guys. I don’t like bullies,” you said as you hand Steve back his shield.
“Well, as head of the new S.H.I.E.L.D. division in the UN, we would like to welcome you to Earth-Earth and thank you for being an Avenger as long as you plan on staying here with us.”
The other holograms nodded and Nick directed you to the desk with a stack of papers. You smiled for a picture that was getting printed out on the second level of the building. While waiting for the photos to be put in the passport, you signed your social security card and filled out a bunch of citizenship certificates with information like your birthday and adoptive parents name. You blinked when the done passports were shoved into your hands and the UN members’ holograms disappeared.
You went from being a no one on Earth-Earth to a citizen of America, Wakanda, Japan, Russia, Mexico, and Germany. Coincidentally, all countries with languages that Bucky could speak (with the exception of Wakanda’s Xhosa) and languages you happened to know (although German was called Moothin and Mexico and Japan were known as Plax and Nata on Earth-563).
(Part 3)...
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happyfirstpri · 2 years
Tim and Cass are weird sleepers (stupid headcanons)
I feel like Tim and Cass sleep in the most back-aching, neck-hurting, stupidly absurd positions – except they don't ache at all.
Tim can definitely probably fall asleep anywhere and on anything. He sleeps twisted like a pretzel (like that one peter griffin meme) bc he usually just walks over to his bed and collapses, shifts too much in his sleep he ends up tangled in the blanket, or straight up passes out at his computer.
Also I think Tim would’ve been a sleep walker. He used to sleep without locking his door, but after scaring the shit out of Bruce in the batcave, he made it a habit to lock the thing before sleeping. He still sleep walks in his room though, so sometimes B’s dad my-kid-is-in-danger senses tingle and occasionally guides Tim back to bed from wherever the hell he is in the room.
Cass would sleep in less achy positions, but they’re ABSURD. I’m talking no blanket and no second pillow for hugging, just one pillow that’s losing its fluff. She sleeps either splayed out on her bed (kind of star-fished but not completely??) or on her stomach with her arms at her sides.
I also think she would periodically sit back-straight on her bed while still being asleep and look almost like she’s staring at something in front of her. She did this once while sleeping over with Steph and it was, to say the least, really fucking creepy.
Anyways Tim and Cass are siblings and have scared their other siblings with their mildly terrifying sleeping habits <33
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